B.inggris Uas

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The following text is for number 1-5

Yanti : “Have you got the articles about


Ratna : “No,I haven’t. There is no newspaper at

home. My father doesn’t read the newspaper in
the morning.”

Yanti : “So how you complete your task


Ratna : “I Don’t know,I have gone to the market

bbut in the road it was raining hard so turn back
at home. Do you have an idea to solve this

Yanti : “How aabout if we go to My uncle’s home,

hes is a newspaper sender.”

Ratna : “ It is a good idea, isn’t it?”

Yanti : “ We have to get there at 4 p.m.He will get

home after 3 p.m everyday in the afternoon.”

Ratna : “ You have remember me, I am afraid I

forget it.”

Yanti : “ Yes I will.”

1. What kind of task must be done by yanti and Ratna?
A. Collecting newspaper
B. Making an article
C. Buying a magazine
D. Giving a charity
E. Making a poem
2. When must Yanti submit the task?
A. Tomorrow
B. Next week
C. Nexy month
D. Next year
E. Yesterday
3. What is Yanti’s uncle’s job?
A. Writer
B. Newspaper sender
C. Artist
D. Actor
E. Painter
4. Do you have an idea to solve this problem
The underlined word above has the same meaning with ….
A. Resolve
B. Complicated
C. Hard
D. Easy
E. Simple
5. How abouf if we go to my uncle’s home, he is a newspaper sender.
The expression above is included in the … expression
A. Asking suggestion
B. Giving suggestion
C. Introduction
D. Greeting
E. Congrulating
6. You … not be late or you’ll lose your job.
A. Should
B. Had better
C. Shouldn’t
D. Ought to
E. Had to
7. I watched a great movie last night, I think you … see it, too.
A. Shouldn’t
B. Ought
C. Should
D. Ought not to
E. Had better
8. The film going to start soon, we ……. Go or we’ll miss it.
A. Shouldn’t
B. Should
C. Had to
D. Ought to
E. Had better
9. ‘Doctor, I need help! My baby cries all the time! What ……… ?’
A. I should do
B. Had I better do
C. Ought to I do
D. Should I do
E. I had better do
10. ‘It’s raining and I don’t want to get wet. I …. To bring and umbrella.’
A. Had better
B. Had better not
C. Should to
D. Shouldn’t
E. Ought
11. Receptionist : Indah Travel, … ?
Caller : Is Ardi Hermawan in, please?
Receptionist : Yes, he is. I’ll put you through.
Caller : thank you.
A. May I help you?
B. Who is itu?
C. May I call you later?
D. Can you help me?
E. Would you like to help me?
12. Caller : Good morning. Can I speak to Diah?
Rumi : I’m afraid she is still meeting until I l o’clock. Whould you like to leave a message?
Caller : No thanks. ….
Rumi : Certainly. You may call again later.
A. I’ll come
B. Can I meet her?
C. Can you call me back?
D. May call later?
E. Goodbye.
13. Caller : Hello,can I speak to Budi Susanto? Office worker : Yes, hold on, please
Sorry, Budi Susanto is out of the office right now.

What does the underline sentence mean?

A. Asking for an infoemation
B. Asking the caller to wait
C. Making contact
D. Taking message fpe someone
E. Introducing herself
14. What do we say for the caller to leave a message? A. Thank you for holding.
B. Whould you like to leave a message?
C. I’m afraid I can’t hear you.
D. Who’s calling, please?
E. Hold the line, please.
15. These are part of the strategy in giving good advice, except …
A. Listen carefully to the person asking for advice. Every situation is unique.
B. Empathize. The person might feel emotional with their problem.
C. Fprce the person to tell you everything.
D. Set a good example. If you don’t follow your own advice, nobody will listen you.
E. Understand that the person may or may not take your advice. It’s their choice.
16. A good way to give advice is …
A. “You devinitely have to tell your biggest secret.”
B. “Shall we go for a walk?”
C. “It my be a good idea to tell your parents.”
D. “I really think you should do what I’ve told you.”
E. “We can’t tell anyone about this. What do your think?”
17. Advice is a noun, but advise is …
A. An adverb
B. An adjective
C. A noun
D. A verb
E. A complement
18. The one theat expresses a suggestion is … A. Could we meet on Thursday?
B. Should we meet on Thursday?
C. We could me on Thursday?
D. We have to meet on Thursday?
E. Would you like meet on Thursday?
19. I think Arman … talk to his parents about his decision. (suggestion) A. Ougt to
B. Must
C. Might
D. Could
E. Will
20. The one that expresses advice is …
A. You may speak to a lawyer.
B. You have to speak to a lawyer.
C. You would speak to a lawyer.
D. You should speak to a lawyer.
E. You might speak to a lawyer.
21. If you want to ask someone’s opinion, you will say the following expression, except ….
A. What do you think of my appearance?
B. What’s your opinion of my appearance?
C. What do you feel about my appearance?
D. What do you see from my appearance?
E. What do you do?
22. Chee : “How do feel about the disaster in Aceh on December 26, 2004?”
Nita : “I feel it a human race tragedy
The underlined sentence express …”
A. A denial
B. A request
C. An inquiry of opinion
D. An offer
E. Greeting
23. Damar : “What can you say about our new teacher?”
Ranran : “…. She is okay”
A. She says
B. I think
C. Isee
D. Don’t say
E. I know
24. Would you mind telling me ehat you think of the test score? The following answers are
acceptable, except …
A. As far as a ceoncern it is disappointing
B. What I have in my mind is it is disappointing
C. In my opinion it is disappointing
D. Say that it is disappointing
E. I don’t care
25. Tia : …
Iza : “ I guess Indonesia will be the champion”
A. What can nyou say about the Sudirman Badminton World Cup?
B. Do you know the Sudirman Badminton World Cup?
C. Have you heard about the Sudirman Badminton World Cup?
D. Do watch the Sudirman Badminton World Cup?
E. Do you see the Sudirman Badminton World Cup?
26. Student : Is it okay to leave a bicycle in a hallway? Teacher : “No, it isn’t. Leave it over
there near the gate.”

The underlined utterance is used for ….

A. Offering help
B. Expressing dislikes
C. Introducing others
D. Giving suggestion
E. Making an offer
27. Ryan : … to the connect of Nidji band this weekend?
Hani : That’s good idea.
A. How about going
B. How about to go
C. How about to see
D. How about seeing
E. How about goes
28. Dirk : “ Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?” Jake : Sure thing! I Think you
dhould hsve hsd fixed the hsnd.” Dirk : “Thanks, Jake.” Jake : “No problem!

From the dialogue above, Drik is …

A. Asking for help
B. Giving help
C. Giving opinion
D. Asking for an opinion
E. Ofering help

29. Bagas : Shall we have a picnic to Watu Ulo the weekend?

Rini : … I’m sure we’ll have some fun there
A. Oh, I disagree
B. I’m sorry, I can’t
C. That’s good idea
D. What a itring journey
E. Okay
30. Linda : “So what do you think of my dance?”
Anna : “It’s really good, but I seggest to try dance slower.”
Linda : “Thanks, Anna.”
Anna : No problem, Linda!”

From the dialogue above, Linda is …

A. Asking for help
B. Giving an opinion
C. Asking for an opinion
D. Giving help
E. Giving attention
31. A : “Why don’t you write about the metter?”
B : “To be honest. I don’t think they will read my letter.”

The underlined words express ….

A. Opinion
B. Uncertainty
C. Agreement
D. Pride E. Apology
32. Porter : …..
Nadia : “No , thanks, I can bring it myself”
A. Can you help me to carry it?
B. May I help you with your baggage, miss?
C. Whould you mind helping me, miss?
D. Here, help me and l’ll carry it
E. I can’t bring it myself, please help
33. Leo : “What do you think of this T-shirt?”
Mac : “I think it’s great!”

From the dialogue we know that Leo is …

A. Expressing opinion
B. Agreeing to Mac’s opinion
C. Asking for opinion
D. Asking the price
E. Giving opinion

34. Gina : “What’s yout opinion about the novel?”

Mila : “I like it. It is gascinating”

From the dialogue we conclude that …

A. Gina is giving her opinion
B. Mila doesn’t like the novel
C. Gina is asking Mila’s opinion
D. They don’t read the novel
E. Mila disagrees with the Gina’s opinion
35. Rocco : “……..?”
Rizza : “I think it is a big and attractive match.”
A. What about the food
B. What do you think of this match
C. How do you feel about the election
D. How about watching movie
E. Don’t you think I look good

Andi : Are you next


Bayu : I believe so.

Andi : We were wondering if

you’d like to go to basketball
game with us. We have an

Bayu : I’d love to!

36. Where will they go?
A. To the gym
B. To the game center
C. To a sports match
D. To a basketball practice
E. To an axhibition

37. When are they going to go?

A. Today
B. Tonight
C. Last Saturday
D. Next weekend
E. Next Saturday

Jl.Perjuangan No. 123 Lampung

Number: 1240/ST/KPB/VI/2018
In connection with the commencement of
contruction of Hotel “Lampung” located on
Soekarno Hatta Street District in Lampung
Province, it is hereby assign to:
Name : Andi Pratama
Position : Manajer
To supervise the development wotk Hotel ‘
Lampung”, starting on April 7th,2018 until June
All costs aristing from the emplementation of
these duties will be charged to the cost of
development projects concerned in accordance
with the applicable rules.
Such a letter is given the task to be carried out
with full responsibility.
Lampung,April 7th, 2018
PT. Maju Utama,

38. What is the position held by Andi Pratama?

A. Supervisor
B. Security
C. Purchasing manager
D. Auditor
E. Accountant
39. How long will Andi Pratama’s new position be held?
A. A month
B. Two month
C. There month
D. Four month
E. Five month
40. Where is the location of PT Maju Utama?
A. Jakarta
B. Medan
C. Lampung
D. Padang
E. Jambi
41. “Such the letter is given the task to be carried out with full responsibility”

The underlined word has the same meaning as ….

A. Brought
B. Given
C. Taken
D. Given
E. Released
42. “All coats arising from the implementation of these duties” The underlined words refer to
A. The contruction of Lampung Hotel
B. The demolition of Lampung Hotel
C. The implementation of auditing
D. The negotiation
E. The ending project
43. The structure of an invitation letter is …
A. Heading, greeting, body, cleaning, signature
B. Greeting, body, RSVP
C. Name of the host, kind og the event, RSVP, signature
D. Orientation, body, closing, signature
E. Name of the invitee, time and date of the event, contact number of the host
44. Tehesse are the differences between an invitation card an an invitation letter, except …
A. Invitation card is meant for lots of people.
B. Invitation letter is meant to invite an individual.
C. Invitation card is more formal.
D. Invitation letter has a similar structure a personal letter.
E. Invitation card has no complimentary close.

This text is for questions number 45 to 47

I think a vegetable garden is a great idea. We already do hours of sports, including some
athletics. However not everyone likes sprots.

Gardening is a great way to get exercise without worrying about whether you’are good at it, or
whether you’re going to win. However, you really do get exercise when you garden. There’s
digging,weeding,and watering. Even picking things can be ard work-pumpkins aren’t light, you

There are a lot of kids around here who don’t have gardens, so they grow things even if they
want to. If you really want to do more sports, you can join a club.

Think about this: what helps to be good at sport? You need to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
If we learn to cook all of the things we grow, the garden will keep us all fit and healthy anf then
we’ll be better at sports.

45. Sa shares his opinion relating to …

A. The best way to do gardening
B. The benefit of gardening
C. The best way to exercise at school
D. How to grow healthy food
E. The best club at school
46. Sam belives these, except …
A. Gardening equals exercising
B. Everyone loves gardening
C. Eating vegetables will keep us fit and healthy
D. 53w2Gardening is hard work
E. Gardening is not competitive
47. ‘Weading’ means …
A. Watering the plants
B. Trimming the grass
C. Removing the weeds
D. Plowing the soil
E. Digging a hole

48. …. The basement flooded, we spent

all day cleaning up.
A. After
B. Although
C. Before
D. As if
E. Even if
49. I don’t want to go to the movie … I
hate the smell of popcorn.
A. Although
B. Beouse
C. Whenever
D. So that
E. Whether
50. I paid Larr, .. garden design work is
A. Whenever
B. Whose
C. Which
D. After
E. If

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