Definitive Airway Management After Prehospital Supraglottic Rescue Airway in Pediatric Trauma PDF

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Journal of Pediatric Surgery 53 (2018) 352–356

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Definitive airway management after prehospital supraglottic rescue

airway in pediatric trauma☆
Matthew C. Hernandez b, Ryan M. Antiel a, Karthik Balakrishnan c, Martin D. Zielinski b, Denise B. Klinkner a,⁎
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Department of Trauma, Critical Care and General Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Department of Otolaryngology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Introduction: Supraglottic airway (SGA) use and outcomes in pediatric trauma are poorly understood. We com-
Received 3 October 2017 pared outcomes between patients receiving prehospital SGA versus bag mask ventilation (BVM).
Accepted 4 October 2017 Methods: We reviewed pediatric multisystem trauma patients (2005–2016), comparing SGA and BVM. Primary
outcome was adequacy of oxygenation and ventilation. Additional measures included tracheostomy, mortality
Key words: and abbreviated injury scores (AIS).
Supraglottic airway
Results: Ninety patients were included (SGA, n = 17 and BVM, n = 73). SGA patients displayed increased median
head AIS (5 [4–5] vs 2 [0–4], p = 0.001) and facial AIS (1 [0–2] vs 0 [0–0], p = 0.03). SGA indications were mul-
Prehospital tiple failed intubation attempts (n = 12) and multiple failed attempts with poor visualization (n = 5). Median
ATLS intubation attempts were 2 [1–3] whereas BVM patients had none. Compared to BVM, SGA patients demonstrat-
ed inadequate oxygenation/ventilation (75% vs 41%), increased tracheostomy rates (31% vs 8.1%), and increased
24-h (38% vs 10.8%) and overall mortality (75% vs 14%) (all p b 0.05).
Conclusions: Escalating intubation attempts and severe facial AIS were associated with tracheostomy. Inadequacy
of oxygenation/ventilation was more frequent in SGA compared to BVM patients. SGA patients demonstrate poor
clinical outcomes; however, SGAs may be necessary in increased craniofacial injury patterns. These factors may
be incorporated into a management algorithm to improve definitive airway management after SGA.
© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Inadequate airway management may lead to cardiovascular arrest advanced airway interventions may not be necessary to achieve ade-
and complicate subsequent life-saving interventions in the injured pa- quate ventilation/oxygenation while also recognizing that a proportion
tient [1]. Several airway control devices and techniques are available of patients may require advanced airway control maneuvers, including
to assist prehospital providers in order to maintain ventilation and oxy- supraglottic rescue airway insertion. Supraglottic rescue airway devices
genation. These include bag valve mask (BVM) ventilation, direct laryn- may provide an alternative method to achieve airway control. Currently,
goscopy with endotracheal intubation (ETI) and adjunct supraglottic no studies (1) describe supraglottic rescue airway utilization in pediat-
airway devices such as the laryngeal mask airway, Combitube, and ric trauma patients or (2) compare this adjunct to the standard of care
King Airway Device (King LT-D; King Systems, Noblesville, IN) [2]. De- (BVM). This makes it difficult to estimate how these devices might affect
spite the variety of options available to secure the airway, there is a pau- airway and trauma outcomes [12].
city of data evaluating the outcomes of supraglottic rescue airway Supraglottic rescue airways provide more facile airway control for
devices, especially in pediatric trauma. difficult airway patients. However, they are not without risk and may
In the pediatric population, prehospital airway interventions may have size limitations in smaller pediatric patients [2,13–15]. Complica-
not be superior to BVM ventilation. Previous work has demonstrated tions from insertion range from malposition to dislodgement [16–18].
moderate prehospital ETI failure rates with subsequent tube malposi- Furthermore, the optimal method for safe transition to a definitive air-
tion [7–11]. These studies concluded that prehospital pediatric way and the most appropriate definitive airway type have yet to be de-
termined [19,20]. Therefore, the objective of this study is to compare
☆ The authors have no financial conflicts for the generation of this work. This research outcomes, specifically adequacy of oxygenation and/or ventilation at
did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or time of admission among pediatric patients who received prehospital
not-for-profit sectors. supraglottic airways versus BVM ventilation. We hypothesize that pa-
⁎ Corresponding author at: Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.C. Hernandez),
tients with increased craniofacial injury patterns and difficult airways
[email protected] (R.M. Antiel), [email protected] (K. Balakrishnan), in the prehospital setting would be more likely to require advanced air-
[email protected] (M.D. Zielinski), [email protected] (D.B. Klinkner). way techniques, including surgical tracheostomy, as a definitive airway.
0022-3468/© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
M.C. Hernandez et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 53 (2018) 352–356 353

1. Methods inclusion criteria were included in the analysis; a priori power analysis
was not performed owing to lack of data to suggest an appropriate effect
1.1. Patient identification size for the primary outcome of tracheostomy. Data were analyzed with
JMP (SAS Institute, Inc. Cary NC). We utilized GraphPad Prism
This study was approved by the Mayo Clinic Institutional Review (GraphPad Software, Inc. La Jolla CA) for all visual graphics.
Board. We performed a single center retrospective study that examined
patients who were ≤18 years old and incurred multisystem trauma dur- 2. Results
ing 2005–2016. Multisystem trauma was defined as an Injury Severity
Score of ≥9. Patients were identified from the Mayo Clinic Trauma Cen- 2.1. Patient characteristics
ter database for (1) insertion of a supraglottic rescue airway (King
Airway Device, King LT-D, Noblesville, IN) or (2) prehospital bag valve The study population consisted of 90 patients with multisystem
mask ventilation (BVM) with subsequent endotracheal intubation trauma. Of these, 17 patients received prehospital supraglottic rescue
(ETI) in the resuscitation bay after airway evaluation. Patients who re- airway insertion and 73 BVM with subsequent inpatient ETI. Inadequate
ceived endotracheal intubation in the prehospital setting, received a oxygenation and ventilation were demonstrated more frequently in pa-
supraglottic rescue airway device other than a King LT-D, refused con- tients that required supraglottic rescue airway (75%) compared to BVM
sent to research, and who did not display multisystem trauma (ISS (41%), p = 0.01. Table 1 presents patient demographics, admission vital
b9) were excluded. signs, and measures of trauma severity between the supraglottic rescue
airway and BVM groups. Sixty percent of patients were male. Between
1.2. Institutional prehospital airway care prehospital airway groups, patients that received a supraglottic rescue
airway demonstrated increased head AIS scores compared to those re-
Patients were transported by rotor wing or via ground transporta- ceiving BVM (median [IQR]: 5 [4-5] versus 2 [0–4]. p = 0.001). Similar-
tion. Patients that were transported by rotor wing received care from ly, facial AIS scores were increased in patients receiving supraglottic
critical care trained flight nurses. Patients that were transported via rescue airways (median [IQR]: 1 [0–2]) compared to those with BVM
ground transportation received care from paramedics. At our institu- (0 [0–0]), p = 0.03). Finally, patients that received BVM demonstrated
tion, injured patients that require advanced prehospital airway man- increased rates of tachycardia compared to those managed with
agement meet criteria for our highest level trauma team activation. prehospital supraglottic rescue airways (p = 0.01). There were no sig-
Emergency Medicine, Surgery, and Anesthesia physicians are present nificant differences between prehospital airway groups for patient sex,
in the trauma resuscitation bay at patient arrival. For patients age, blunt traumatic mechanism, transport duration, cervical AIS, oxy-
≤ 14 years of age, the pediatric surgeon responds within 15 min, and gen saturation at admission, respiratory rate, systolic or diastolic blood
the pediatric critical care physician also responds. Each prehospital air- pressure.
way intervention is reviewed in detail by the directors of Medical Trans-
a. Prehospital airway outcomes
portation, Emergency Medicine, Trauma Surgery, and Anesthesia. A
prehospital advanced airway control algorithm has been defined and Among the 17 patients, the indications for supraglottic rescue air-
implemented by this group for standardized practice and safe patient way were multiple failed intubation attempts (n = 12) and multiple
care. See Fig. 1. failed attempts with poor visualization (n = 5). Two cases of craniofa-
cial trauma and three cases oropharyngeal trauma specifically affected
1.3. Primary outcome and secondary predictors airway visualization and thus prevented the successful placement of
an endotracheal tube, leading to the insertion of a supraglottic airway
Primary outcome was adequacy of oxygenation and ventilation at device. In patients that received a prehospital supraglottic rescue air-
the time of hospital arrival. Inadequate oxygenation saturation was de- way, the overall median number of prehospital attempts at endotrache-
fined as (b 92%) using pulse oximetry or a partial pressure of carbon di- al intubation was 2 [1-3]. There was a significant increase in the median
oxide (PCO2) of (N 45 mmHg) using arterial blood gas. Secondary number of prehospital attempts at endotracheal intubation in patients
outcomes included need for tracheostomy, mortality and abbreviated who received surgical tracheostomy compared to endotracheal tube in-
injury scores (AIS). Patient demographics, transportation method and tubation (3 versus 2, p = 0.01). Conversely, no patient receiving BVM
duration, traumatic mechanism, trauma severity (ISS and abbreviated (n = 73) had an attempt at ETI; none of these patients experienced a
injury scores (AIS)), admission vital signs (heart rate, respiratory rate, prehospital airway related complication. At admission to the trauma
systolic and diastolic blood pressure and oxygen saturation), Glasgow resuscitation bay, the indications for ETI were copious vomiting in 3
Coma Score (GCS), 24 h and overall mortality, frequency and type of patients and decreased Glasgow coma score (b 8) in the remaining 70
prehospital airway complications, and number of prehospital airway at- patients.
tempts, durations of intensive care, mechanical ventilation and overall
hospital stay were abstracted from the electronic record. 2.2. Definitive airway and overall outcomes

1.4. Statistical analyses After prehospital transport, all patients were evaluated by a multi-
disciplinary trauma team in the resuscitation bay per our institutional
Summary statistical and univariate analyses were performed. Con- protocol (Fig. 1). The rate of tracheostomy was increased in patients
tinuous variables were described using means with standard deviations with prehospital supraglottic rescue airway compared to those with
(SD) if normally distributed and medians with interquartile ranges BVM and inpatient ETI (31% versus 8%, p = 0.02). The patients that re-
[IQR] for non-normally distributed data. Two-tailed t-tests were per- quired tracheostomy after BVM and inpatient ETI (n = 3) were because
formed between prehospital airway groups (supraglottic rescue airway of prolonged ventilator requirements. The twenty-four hour mortality
versus BVM with subsequent inpatient ETI). In order to assess which was increased in patients with supraglottic rescue airways compared
factors were associated with an increased need for surgical definitive to BVM (38% versus 10.8%, p = 0.01). The overall mortality rate was dra-
airway (open tracheostomy), logistic nominal regression was applied matically increased in patients receiving prehospital supraglottic rescue
to statistically significant and clinically important variables. Categorical airway (75%) compared to BVM (14%) p = 0.0001, Table 2. The causes of
variables were summarized as proportions, and differences were evalu- mortality between prehospital airway groups are outlined in Table 3.
ated using chi-square analysis. Statistical inferences were based on 2- There were three cases of subglottic narrowing diagnosed via laryngos-
tailed tests with significance set at P b 0.05. All patients meeting copy in patients that received BVM and subsequent inpatient ETI. There
354 M.C. Hernandez et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 53 (2018) 352–356

Fig. 1. Institutional prehospital transport airway management algorithm (after first failed attempt).

were no significant differences in intensive care duration of stay or ven- prehospital setting, and an elevated (≥ 3) facial AIS were all indepen-
tilator days between prehospital airway groups, Table 2. There was, dently associated with the use of surgical tracheostomy as a definitive
however, an increased duration of total stay in patients that received airway (p b 0.05). When combined, this group of predictors produced
BVM with subsequent inpatient ETI compared to prehospital an R2 of 0.73, explaining 73% of the variation in tracheostomy risk.
supraglottic rescue airway insertion (median [IQR]: 6 [3–14] versus 4
[1–6], p = 0.01), which is expected given the lower mortality rate for 3. Discussion
this group. Table 4 reports independent risk factors for requiring surgi-
cal tracheostomy after prehospital airway interventions. Placement of a This study represents the first comparison of prehospital supraglottic
supraglottic rescue airway, increased number of attempts at ETI in the rescue airways and bag valve mask ventilation among pediatric trauma
M.C. Hernandez et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 53 (2018) 352–356 355

Table 1
Patient characteristics in those receiving prehospital airway interventions; values are reported as medians with [interquartile range] unless specified.

Variable All (n = 90) Supraglottic (n = 17) BVM P value

(n = 73)

Sex, female, n (%) 36 (40) 3 (18) 32 (43) 0.06

Age 14 [4–17] 16 [10–17] 13 [4–17] 0.4
Blunt n (%) 79 (88) 12 (75) 67 (91) 0.2
Transport duration (minutes) 26 [15–41] 24 [12–33] 27 [17–42] 0.4
ISS 26 [19–34] 28 [25–44] 26 [17–34] 0.1
Head AIS 3 [0–5] 5 [4–5] 2 [0–4] 0.001
Face AIS 0 [0–1] 1 [0–2] 0 [0–0] 0.03
Cervical AIS 0 [0–0] 0 [0–0] 0 [0–0] 0.5
Glasgow Coma Score 4 [3–7] 3 [3–3] 3 [3–5] 0.1
Oxygen Saturation 99 [90–100] 93 [71–93] 99 [94–100] 0.1
Partial Pressure Carbon Dioxide 42 [36–49] 46 [42–50] 41 [36–48] 0.3
RR 22 [18–26] 19 [16–26] 23 [19–26] 0.1
HR 111 [88–129] 90 [48–114] 112 [91–130] 0.01
SBP 113 [93–132] 98 [72–121] 115 [97–134] 0.1
DBP 69 [58–83] 68 [25–73] 71 [58–84] 0.2

patients. We highlight the specific challenges, potential prehospital air- difficult airway patients [3–6,25,26]. Previous work demonstrates infe-
way complications, and important clinical outcomes among patients re- rior outcomes of endotracheal intubation compared to bag valve mask
ceiving supraglottic airway insertion. While both groups in this study oxygenation in pediatric patients [27–30]. These findings were further
displayed similar overall injury patterns, the need for tracheostomy was confirmed demonstrating that patients with intubation did not display
increased in patients with increased craniofacial injury patterns. Specifi- superior outcomes compared to BVM patients [7]. Despite this litera-
cally, increased craniofacial injury scores reflected by AIS N 3 in the ture, some patients will require advanced airway care in the prehospital
head, face, and neck; the number of attempts at endotracheal intubation setting [1]. Our study confirms that for some multisystem pediatric
prior to supraglottic airway deployment; and utilization of a supraglottic trauma patients, the standard of care (BVM) may not safely provide air-
rescue airway all predicted definitive airway management using surgical way control, necessitating placement of a supraglottic device.
tracheostomy. The combination of these factors explained nearly three While the prehospital setting provides airway control and triaged in-
fourths of the variation in subsequent tracheostomy placement. More- terventions, definitive care and focused management according the Ad-
over, both prehospital BVM ventilation and supraglottic rescue airway vanced Trauma Life Support protocols are the critical next step. An
demonstrate inadequate oxygenation or ventilation at time of admission actionable definitive airway plan must be defined and executed amidst
(40%–75%). This was increased in patients that received supraglottic res- multiple organ system priorities. Since definitive airway management is
cue airways compared to BVM ventilation. Beyond these results, this anal- poorly understood, especially in pediatric trauma patients, this current
ysis provides an initial exploratory query into the role of adjunct airways, investigation provides useful preliminary data to suggest further analy-
the complication profile, and subsequent definitive airway management ses. This comparison of similarly injured patients with airway control
in the pediatric trauma population. provided by prehospital BVM versus supraglottic airway insertion
Airway assessment and control are a primary objective during trau- found that increased craniofacial injury, prehospital ETI attempts, and
ma resuscitation [21]. In the setting of a supraglottic airway and trauma, need for supraglottic rescue airway were all independently associated
minimal evidence exists to guide definitive airway management for with later surgical tracheostomy as a definitive airway. This analysis
children and adolescents [12,22]. One recent analysis evaluating adults provides evidence to suggest that a prospective analysis of appropriate
with supraglottic airways found that an overwhelming majority of pa- pediatric definitive airway management after supraglottic device inser-
tients had their supraglottic airway exchanged for an endotracheal tion is needed. Recognition of patients who require advanced airway
tube [23]. However, the majority of these patients underwent medical management and definitive airway control with a surgical airway may
resuscitations, not necessarily trauma. The mixture of trauma and med- prevent unnecessary placement of tracheostomy and permit more indi-
ical resuscitation patients complicates the identification of optimal vidualized decision-making for patients requiring supraglottic rescue
methods for definitive airways after supraglottic airway utilization. A airways [31].
strength of this analysis is that our cohort is restricted to multisystem There are several limitations to this study. This is a retrospective sin-
pediatric trauma patients. gle institutional study focusing on small but specific subset of pediatric
Our findings will play an important role guiding prehospital trans- patients. Only one device, the King LT, was used and may not be equiv-
port, the goal of which is preventing further injury and expediting trans- alent to a laryngeal mask airway. Anecdotally, the EMS practice has
port to definitive care [24]. Airway adjuncts, such as the King LT™, shifted to use of the i-Gel (Intersurgical, East Syracuse, New York)
provide temporary restoration of oxygenation and ventilation for with no attempts at ETI, which may decrease the additional trauma to
the airway (verbal communication). Review of these other devices
and comparison of different supraglottic devices in this clinical context
Table 2
would add to our understanding of best practices for pediatric airway
Comparison of outcomes by prehospital airway type; values are reported as medians with
[interquartile range] unless specified.
management in the trauma patient and may change institutional
prehospital algorithms. Future research is necessary to confirm these
Variable Supraglottic airway BVM ventilation P value findings through a more controlled analysis. Despite these limitations,
(n = 17) (n = 73)

Overall Duration of Stay (d) 4 [1–6] 6 [3–14] 0.01

Mechanical Ventilation (d) 2 [1–4] 2 [1–2] 0.4 Table 3
ICU duration of stay (d) 3 [1–5] 2 [1–7] 0.4 Causes of mortality between prehospital airway intervention groups.
24 h mortality n (%) 6 (38) 8 (10.8) 0.01
Variable Supraglottic airway BVM ventilation
Overall mortality n (%) 12 (75) 10 (14) 0.0001
Tracheostomy n (%) 5 (31) 6 (8.1) 0.01 Traumatic Brain Injury 7 7
Subglottic/tracheal 1 (5.9) 3 (4.1) 0.08 Hemorrhagic Shock/Exsanguination 4 3
stenosis n (%) Respiratory Failure owing to Pneumonia 1 0
356 M.C. Hernandez et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 53 (2018) 352–356

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