2052 PLMEurope 24.10.17-17-30 BALASUNDARAM-KANTHI INTELIZIGN ENGINEERING SERV Active Workspace For External Data Aggregation and Search

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Active workspace for external data

aggregation and Search

Bala Kanthi

www.intelizign.com 1
Active workspace can search and visualize PLM data better !
• Time consuming – individual searches,
unrelated results Information silos

• Differences in search requirements

• No system to unify all the data together
• Slow migration issue
File Shares & Document PLM Business Collaboration
Libraries Management Critical System
& Work Flow Applications
Systems ( CRM, ERP,

AW Aggregated Search
Just PLM data or can Active workspace handle external data ?
• Time consuming – individual searches,
unrelated results Information silos

• Differences in search requirements

• No system to unify all the data together
• Slow migration issue
File Shares & Document PLM Business Collaboration
Libraries Management Critical System
& Work Flow Applications
Systems ( CRM, ERP,

The Active workspace aggregated

search Solution:
• Hides the complexities of multiple sources
by using generic data aggregation and
visualization client AW Aggregated Search
• Ability to navigate through all data
Use cases

Aggregate MDM DM

Don’t Migrate, Aggregate One stop shop Effective document management

Leverage external data Ability to search, explore, Index documents that are not part PLM.
indexing in AW and navigate and correlate Docs and Image documents…
migrate later. data from multiple
External data Indexing and data visualization
External data Indexing

Rich Client workspace

TcFTSIndexer is a Java application

TC Server ✓ Is a SOA client that connects to Teamcenter to extract data and index the data
into Solr.
✓ Can be extended to extract external system data and index into Solr.

TcFTSIndexer framework

Type objectdata

Flow clear Index Sync recover

TIE transfo
query load
steps export rm
Demo example for today

Teamcenter IOT
Device Sensors

Use cases

▪ Search for Device, sensors & sensor

data on a single client
▪ To see the meta data of Sensors and
visualize sensor data
▪ To see the IOT data in context of the
Solution outline

Extend Extend
Datamodel extract for
Indexer GUI
Proxy data objects definition for Indexing non Teamcenter data

1 3 4

Define new BO for external object

by inheriting the OOTB
Add the required properties as Runtime properties.
Set the Awp0SearchIsStored property
Supported types: Boolean, Date, Double, Integer, and String.
constant to true for the object property
content to be displayed in Active Workspace.

Set the Awp0SearchIsIndexed property

constant to true to indicate that the field is
Set on the ext BO the searchable.
Awp0SearchIsIndexedExt business
object constant to true to indicate
that external business
objects are indexed for searching.
REST api for data extraction

Return all sensors for specific thing (device).


Return all data for specific sensor Id on specific thing (device).


output:- in JSON [ {“value”:23,timestamp:xyz} , {“value”:43,timestamp:abc} ]

Extend TcFTSIndexer

Type objectdata externalobjectdata

Flow clear Index Sync recover clear Index Sync

Query Transform
external (JSON to
TIE transfo
query load data TcSOLR Load
steps export rm
(REST / XML , Text
SQL … ) extract)
Extend GUI for external objects

XRT files used to format and display the non-Teamcenter data in Active

to link these XRT files to the external system objects

• external-system-object-name.CellProperties
• external-system-object-name.INFORENDERING
• external-system-object-name.SUMMARYRENDERING
• info-XRT-dataset-name.INFO_REGISTEREDTO
• info-XRT-dataset-name.SUMMARY_REGISTEREDTO
Extend further
- custom directives to render external data

HTML IZ Directive
(Layout) (UI Element)

i18N View Model

&css (JSON)
Base URI
Teamcenter Context
Dimensions and facts
External data on Active workspace

Search & view

Queries & Clarifications

Please visit us at booth #14 ! 18

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