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Strategy development from triangulated viewpoints for a fast-growing

destination toward sustainable tourism development – a case of Phu Quoc

islands, Vietnam

Hieu Minh Vu
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Van Lang University, Vietnam
Vu Minh Ngo
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Van Lang University, Vietnam

Received: 28 February 2019. Revision received: 13 May 2019. Accepted: 31 May 2019.

The tourism industry is widely acknowledged as the crucial influencer to the rapid and
significant development of the current world and becomes one of the largest and fastest
growing economic sectors in the world. Vietnam - a developing country and Phu Quoc island
of Kien Giang Province in Vietnam own the great potentials and invaluable resources for
tourism development. Nonetheless, Phu Quoc tourism has been also encountering difficulties
and facing with several hidden drawbacks by its rapidly fast growth. The general objective
of this study is to develop the strategies for tourism development towards sustainable tourism
development. The triangulation research method is employed which consists of the secondary
and primary data. Secondary data relies on vast sources. Primary data is the results of the
surveys by questionnaires with 230 local residents, 150 businesses, and 530 tourists.
Furthermore, primary data gains from the semi-structured and in-depth interviews conducted
in Phu Quoc with local residents, businesses, tourists, local authorities’ officers, and
especially with 12 experts. All of the surveyed data was processed with SWOT and IPA
analyses. The results of the study will be useful sources for the Phu Quoc tourism
development practice and also for teaching as a case study.

Key Words: Strategy development, Phu Quoc, Sustainable tourism development, Tourism
development, Vietnam.

JEL Classification: M10, Z30, Z32

1. Introduction

As one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors and the third-placed
economic contribution in the worldwide (Batta, 2009; UNWTO, 2012; WTTC, 2016),
tourism has been chosen as a priority and/or a lifebuoy for their prosperity and economic
development (UNWTO, 2012) in many countries and regions. To date, sustainable
development becomes popular and has been applied to all industries and sectors in the world
and become an avoidable trend in the evolution of human society. Regarding the tourism
industry, sustainable tourism or alternative tourism has become part of sustainable
development, especially for the destination with high value of natural setting (Higgins-
Desbiolles, 2009; Zielińska, 2010).
Vietnam - a developing country does not stay outside the global trend for tourism
development especially for its development towards sustainability. Sustainable tourism
development has become a special concern in Vietnam. In term of sustainable tourism
development, Vietnam government provides great support by launching out many decisions
as major institutional frameworks and orientations and the legal foundations like the decision
No. 201/QD-TTg dated 22 January 2013 titled “Strategy on Viet Nam’s tourism development
until 2020, vision to 2030”.
Phu Quoc – the largest island in Vietnam located in Kien Giang province owns the
great potentials and invaluable resources for economic and tourism development such as
tropical forests, marine resource, land resource, beautiful beaches, etc. of which many
beaches have been voted by well-known international media and tourism organizations and
websites as the most beautiful beaches on the earth. Furthermore, tourism products are bound
to find out the various types of historical-cultural relics, cultural heritages, craft villages,
gastronomy, etc. Therefore, Phu Quoc has another name of Phu Quoc as “Pearl Island” by
its mysterious beauty. The current tourism in Phu Quoc seems to run well and gains
successfully and that is the reason for the extension of this economic sector with its benefits
as the tourist attraction, employment generation and income increase for the host community.
On the other hand, several weaknesses, hidden drawbacks, and risks are revealed in the
current situation and for the future development as challenges of transportation,
infrastructure, safety and security, accommodation facilities, qualified human resources, un-
adequate local residents benefit from the tourism, damaging and threatening environment,
etc. These issues are currently underestimated and un-corresponded with high exploitation.
Furthermore, as a service industry, with the higher demands of the stakeholders, the service
quality must be improved. To overcome weaknesses and to strengthen the positive impacts
of tourism aiming to be an ideal destination in competition with other destinations in ASEAN
region and in the world, tourism development in a more sustainable manner is necessary and
essential. The scientific and systematic studies for finding solutions and recommendations to
promote the development of tourism in Vietnam are required as an urgent task. Additionally,
to date, a holistic study of sustainable tourism development for Phu Quoc does not exist.
Therefore, this paper aims to review concepts of sustainable tourism development, the
destination management, and strategic management with a focus on SWOT and IPA analyses
to recommend strategies for development of tourism abilities towards a sustainable

2. Literature review

2.1 . The concept of sustainable tourism development

Sustainable tourism can be regarded as a sustainable development application in the
tourism sector (Robinson et al., 2011). With Butler (1993) and Wheeller (1993), the
sustainable tourism term has been interpreted in many ways in which all are appropriate or
accepted and refers to sustainable tourism development guidelines and management practices
that is not a special form of tourism - all types of tourism from the mass to the niche should
strive to be more sustainable (UNWTO, 2013). The United Nations World Tourism
Organization – UNWTO (2015) points the principle and defines sustainable tourism as

“tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental
imp…acts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment, and host
communities”. Caribbean Sustainable Tourism Policy Framework (2008) states sustainable
tourism development as the optimal use of social, natural, cultural and financial resources for
national development on an equitable and self-sustaining basis to provide a unique visitor
experience and an improved quality of life through partnerships among government, the
private sector, and communities. UNWTO (2001) confirms sustainable tourism development
is to meet the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing the
opportunity for the future. It is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in such
a way that economic, social, and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural
integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity, and life support system. In other
words, sustainable tourism development is ecologically sustainable, economically viable as
well as ethically and socially equitable. It respects the fragile environmental balance that
characterizes many tourism destinations, particularly in environmentally sensitive areas on a
long-term perspective and this is also considered as the standard model for the studies on
sustainable tourism development. As the above mentioned, most of the sustainable tourism
and sustainable tourism development literature reflects the triple bottom line of economic,
social, cultural and ecological dimensions (Choi & Sirakaya, 2006; Figge & Hahn, 2006) and
also uses as the standard STD model.

Graph 1. The model of sustainable tourism development

Social – cultural

Environmental Economical

Source: Own (2018) adapted from UNWTO (2005)

With Bauman (2005), tourism is confirmed as a powerful mix of cultural, economic

and political phenomena and Hall (1996) and McIntosh et al. (1995) confirm sustainable
development is a political concept because to achieve sustainable tourism goals, it depends
heavily on the society’s political system and power distribution. Choi & Sirakaya (2006)
agree there are two additional dimensions as the political and the technological in sustainable
tourism development in their study. Furthermore, Veal (2002) shows the tourism planning
and development is a political process whereby decisions are made in order to implement
policies and achieve goals. Regarding the political factor in sustainable tourism development,
it has been concerned and agreed by many scholars as Pridham (1996), Pforr (2004) and
Scheyvens (2011). Farmaki et al. (2015) confirm and agree the three distinct categories of
politics and tourism as the public policy and planning analyses, the political economy and
development studies, and the study on political stability and tourism. To achieve sustainable
tourism development, the informed participation of all relevant stakeholders and the strong
political leadership are required to ensure wide participation and consensus building because
it is a continuous process, requires constant monitoring of impact and introduces the

necessary preventive and/or corrective measures whenever necessary (Hens 1998; UNWTO,
2001). In term of the stakeholders, those are the various levels of government (international,
national, regional and local tourism organizations), tourism developers and entrepreneurs,
tourism industry operators; non-tourism business practitioners and the broader community,
including local community groups, indigenous people groups and local residents (Freeman,
1984; Simpson & Roberts, 2000; Plachciak, 2009). Bramwell & Lane (2000 cited in Liu,
2010) state sustainable tourism development is a process where the needs of the tourists, the
tourist businesses, the host community, and environmental protection are aligned.
Additionally, high level of tourist satisfaction should be maintained to ensure a meaningful
experience to the tourists and tourists’ awareness about sustainability issues should be raised
and sustainable tourism practices amongst them should be promoted (UNWTO, 2001).

2.2 . Destination management in sustainable tourism development context

Destination management is defined by Mezei (2009) as science of the organization

and implementation to tourist destinations through efficient practice of human, financial and
material resources and “it is made up of the sum of strategic, organizational, and operational
decisions taken to define, promote, and sale the tourist destination product, and by the
decisions to influence and drive the flow of tourists to/from a region, respecting the
economical requests of the tourist activity participants in that area”. According to Franch et
al. (2002), destination management is as “the strategic, organizational and operative
decisions taken to manage the process of definition, promotion and commercialization of the
tourism product and to generate manageable flows of incoming tourists that are balanced,
sustainable and sufficient to meet the economic needs of the local actors involved in the
destination”. Furthermore, UNWTO (2007) states destination management is to serve
different needs of tourists and tourism-related businesses as well as the local communities,
local businesses, and industries for the maximization of customer value. From all the above
definitions, the first thing to be done in the destination management is to create the
competitiveness and sustainability for the long-term insurance of the competitiveness
because the operation of the tourism owns the interests’ competition of many economic,
social and political forces which influence policy and management direction beyond
traditional organizational boundaries and interdependence among stakeholders (Selin &
Chavez, 1995). In addition, Charters & Saxon (2007) and Rio & Nunes (2012) point out a
well-managed tourism destination can provide important benefits and a serious impact on
ecosystems and the loss of cultural integrity and identity of the destination will exist in case
of poor management. Destination management has significant importance in controlling
many impacts of tourism, thus insuring its sustainability (Conaghan et. al, 2015). In addition,
Jamieson (2006) reveals an evident shift taking place in the standard management of tourism
and management concentrates on a more integrated and global philosophy. Also, the
management level must be improved to be consistence with sustainable tourism for a
destination (Welford & Ytterhus, 2004). Management of a destination consistent with
sustainable tourism has been referred for years such as sustainable tourism destination
management (Jamieson & Noble, 2000), moving destinations towards sustainable tourism
(Welford & Ytterhus, 2004), and sustainable tourism management (Griffin et al., 2012). The
most recent terms are sustainable management at destination level (EC, 2013) and sustainable
destination management (Dredge & Jamal, 2013). Notwithstanding, sustainable management
of destinations requires the cooperation of all performances of businesses, local authority and
other organizations and also a holistic and integrated contribution toward the greater goal of
the destination (Conaghan et al, 2015), specifically, in destination management, the
integration of different planning tools, approaches and concepts are required to shape the
management and daily tourism operation in connection with tourism activities (Conaghan et.
al, 2015). Furthermore, the destination management is often embodied by a destination
management organization – DMO (UNWTO, 2007). DMO refers to a coalition of many
organizations and interests working together for mutual goals (Sheehan et al., 2007;
UNWTO, 2007; Elbe et al., 2009) and DMO plays significant roles in the sustainable
management of tourism destinations. Establishing it correctly is often crucial to success
(Jamieson, 2006). On the other hands, the key functions of all destination management in
most cases are done by local authorities (UNEP, 2003) because local authorities defined as
privileged partners in sustainable tourism development are connectors of the negotiation and
mediation among businesses, NGOs, and local communities in tourism destinations (UNEP,
2003) and governments should provide an environment enabling and encouraging all
stakeholders to respond to sustainability issues by establishing and implementing tourism
development and management policies drawn up in concert with others aiming to local
determination and implementation of policies and actions (UNEP & UNWTO, 2005).

2.3 . Strategic management in the tourism industry

All the destinations which are influenced by many factors should formulated the
development strategies to adapt the changes of the global economy and increase the
competitiveness, etc. Regarding the tourism, Yasenok & Stenyushkina (2016) express
strategic management is one of the most effective organizational and economic mechanisms
to increase revenues in the region's economy and become one of the main tools to ensure
their sustainable development and it is required to apply to all tourist destinations. Tourism
development strategies require investments in the tourism infrastructure itself as good road
and transportation conditions, safe water accessibility, law and order control, provision of the
trained and motivated workforce, other efficient facilities etc. A holistic tourism development
strategy must cover all these physical and social infrastructure factors as well as sustainability
approaches to businesses (Saner et al., 2015). In the tourism destination, strategic
management is an extension of traditional planning methods and the process of strategy
formation with the target of sustainable development with the long-term success of tourism
organization (Goranczewski & Puciato, 2010; Jurigová & Lencsésová, 2015; Mashokhida, et
al., 2018). Its main focus is to ensure their economic and social lifespan from the
establishment of tourism products which are competitive and contribute to the possibility of
income generation from tourism in the long run (Goranczewski & Puciato, 2010). Strategic
management may be carried out at three levels represented by the following strategies
(Bednarska et al., 2007 cited in Goranczewski & Puciato, 2010) as basic, development,
leading strategies and formed at the level of a destination as a whole and depends on the
specific situation at the time, place and characteristics of the organizations. Therefore, it
requires the application of the situational approach. Goranczewski & Puciato (2010) strategic
management goes through with 5 steps as the identification of directions for development;
the strategic analysis; the analysis of strategic options; the strategic selection and the strategy
implementation and follow-up.
As known, SWOT analysis is one of the most frequently used methods to build an
overall development strategy as well as functional strategies. Gierszewska & Romanowska
(2002 – cited in Goranczewski & Puciato, 2010) claim “SWOT is not a method of strategic
analysis but is a unique algorithm of a strategic analysis process, a systemic proposal and a
wide-ranging evaluation of external and internal factors which specify a company’s current
status and its development potential”. In SWOT analysis, the specification of all the factors
is not required and prime importance and the future-determined factors should be in focus.
The essence of SWOT analysis is to take advantage of strengths and weaknesses,
opportunities and threats, and to ensure compatibility between the destination’s resources and
conditions in its environment. Thereupon, strengths should be used, weaknesses should be
eliminated, opportunities should be seized and threats should be neutralized (Gołębiowski,
2001; Strużycki, 2004 cited in Goranczewski & Puciato, 2010). In addition, to provide useful
guidelines in exploration of different attributes of the marketing mix for management action
and resources reallocation to achieve competitive advantages, in provision of substantial
information for effective marketing and management plans, in promotion of the development
of effective marketing programs and strategic decisions, Importance-Performance Analysis
(IPA) has been used (Martilla & James, 1977; Chu & Choi, 2000; Weber, 2000; Oh, 2001;
Matzler et al., 2004; Sever, 2015). IPA is proved as a useful tool in examining customer
satisfaction and management strategies in many settings (Matzler et al., 2004; Kitcharoen,
2004; Abalo et al., 2007; Silva & Fernandes, 2010; Sever, 2015). Especially, in tourism
studies, IPA is as a popular management tool (Oh, 2001; Fuchs & Weiermair, 2003; Janes &
Wisnom, 2003; Wade & Eagles, 2003; Zhang & Chow, 2004; Aksu et al., 2010; Ziegler et
al., 2012; Chen, 2013; Medina-Muñoz & Medina-Muñoz, 2014; Lai & Hitchcock, 2015)
because it helps stakeholders investigate the underlying deficiencies, establish priorities in
tourism development and improve tourist satisfaction and destination competitiveness
(Sever, 2015). However, separately- observed satisfaction and importance values are
ineffective to evaluate the success of a tourism destination in meeting tourists’ needs. Luck
(2011) has done an empirical study to evaluate satisfaction upon on the function of two
components of the importance of products or services and their performance because
satisfaction involves meeting the expectation of customers, the perception of the quality and
therefore, the performance of service attributes can affect the level of satisfaction (Otto &
Ritchie, 1995). Nonetheless, satisfaction scores may gain a higher rating in comparison with
the corresponding importance scores, meaning that, tourists are in fact satisfied with the
features (Ziegler et al., 2012). IPA is the appropriate approach in examining this comparison
and measuring “importance” and “satisfaction”. IPA employs a simple graphical approach to
compare the mean score for ‘perceived importance’ of various attributes with the
corresponding ‘satisfaction rating’ using a two-dimensional grid which is classified into four
categories of “concentrate here”, “keep up the good work”, “low priority’ and “possible
overkill” as in the below figure

Graph 2. Matrix of Important - Performance Analysis (IPA)

Source: Matzler et al. (2004)

Quadrant 1: "Concentrate Here". This quadrant includes the factors that are
considered important by tourists. But the reality of these factors does not meet tourists’
expectations (obtained level of satisfaction is low). The factors should be improved.
Quadrant 2: "Keep up the Good Work". This quadrant includes the factors who are
considered important by tourists and considered to be accordance with that is felt so that
relatively higher level of satisfaction.
Quadrant 3: "Low Priority". The factors included is considered less importance.
Increased the variables included can reconsidered because of its influence on the benefits
perceived by customers very smaller.
Quadrant 4: "Possible Overkill". The factors are considered less important by tourists.
The variables included in this quadrant can be reduced to save costs.

3. Methodology

To reach the aim of the study, methodological triangulation is applied with the
secondary and primary data through methods of document review, interviews, expert
consultation, direct observation, and questionnaire surveys are used in a triangulated manner.
Regarding the data analysis, the statistical technique is used. Data were analysed by using
descriptive statistics and the procedures are conducted in SPSS 22.0 software.

3.1 . Research setting

Phu Quoc island has been regarded as one of the best tourism destinations in Vietnam
and has received the attention from foreign tourists in recent years. Most of the beaches in
Phu Quoc island are of high quality, typically Bai Khem beach, Bai Sao beach, Bai Thom
beach, Rach Tram beach, Vung Bau beach, etc. Some of them have been ranked as one of
the best secret beaches on earth ranked by the travel and leisure website and top 100 beaches
of the world by CNN or by polls of ABC news of Australia Australia's ABC News in 2008
as the world's top five "hidden beaches” or most beautiful and cleanest beaches. Therefore,
with those potentials, Phu Quoc can develop tourism types as marine tourism, a high-quality
ecotourism area to attract high-class tourists from key international tourist markets.
In 2018, Vietnamese government has defined Phu Quoc as one of the future special
economic zones (SEZ) which will receive many advantages and favourable policies for
economic development, especially for the tourism industry (Decrees No. 663/QĐ-TT issued
by the Prime Minister in 2017). International hotel cooperation has been considering Phu
Quoc island as one of the huge potential tourism destination and large-scale tourism projects
has been invested in Phu Quoc. In 2018, Phu Quoc for the first time are chosen to be one of
the destinations from two international cruise ships from Italy and Germany.
In 2017, Phu Quoc island was visited by 2.963.395 tourists in which there were
318.543 foreign tourists growing 19,1% comparing with previous year. The economic returns
were measured at about 4000 billion VDN (approximately 17 billion USD) growing at 26.7%
rate (Kien Giang statistical office, 2018). In 2018, Phu Quoc island welcomed 4.041.001
tourists in which there were 536.458 foreigners with the growth rate of 36% comparing with
2017 (Kien Giang statistical office, 2019). The rapid growing in tourism industry in Phu
Quoc island is expected to continue in the near future. However, for long-term development,
sustainable issue is crucial.

3.2 . Measurements

The secondary data was collected from several different sources including
Department of Tourism, statistical departments, annual reports of all-level government
authorities, state-run corporates, information of officially- registered newspapers and media
corporations in Vietnam and in the world, etc. The primary data was gained from the
questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews conducting with three groups: local
residents, tourism businesses, and tourists in Phu Quoc island.
As for the questionnaires, it is encompassed 3 different sets of questionnaires for three
different groups of local residents, tourism businesses and tourists. The first questionnaire
which is designed for surveying local residents consists of 21 items. The second
questionnaire includes 20 items and is designed for tourism businesses which supply tourism-
related products in Phu Quoc island such as hotel-accommodations, Gastronomy,
Entertainments and Travel services. Lastly, the third one consists of 23 questions aiming for
surveying the tourists who are both domestic and foreign one. Three set of questionnaires
are dominantly 5-points Likert questions and number of demographic-related questions on
each group of respondents. The main topics in there questionnaires focus on the
understanding of local residents, business and tourists on sustainable tourism issues, the
effects of current tourism policies and activities on local residents’ aspects of life, business
and tourists ‘satisfaction with tourism services, and finally the assessment of local residents
on sustainable tourism incentives in Phu Quoc island. The items in three questionnaires are
adapted from previous literatures on the related topics (Mau, 2011; Ha, 2013; Tuy, 2014;

Huong, 2017). In order to validate the data collection techniques, and check
comprehensibility and deliver feedbacks to improve the clarity of the questionnaire, pilot
tests have been taken place with the related objects before conducting in the broad scale. In
total, the questionnaires were tested as the pilot with 4 officers in local authorities, 10 tourists
including 5 domestic and 5 foreign tourists, 10 with residents and 6 with
entrepreneurs/managers from 2 of hotel businesses, 2 of food catering services, and 2 of craft
After the survey using questionnaires, the data collected are analysis using statistical
methods for answering research questions. Then emerging themes which surfaced from the
questionnaire are then addressed using indept interviews method and field observation

3.3 . Data collection and sampling

For achieving research goals, data collection is conducted using stratified random
sampling techniques. The stratified sampling technique is used for preserving the
demographic characteristics of Phu Quoc island’s key stakeholders as a unique case. This
reduces partially the bias which can happen within the data collection processes which can
affect to the data analysis results. For surveying using questionnaires, paper-and-pencil
method is used first with the support of administrators who can explain unclear questions and
ideas in the questionnaires directly to tourists, local residents and managers in tourism
business. Then, for improving the sample size, phone call and email media are used to reach
more potential respondents based on the data bases drawing from the Phu Quoc tourism-
related government agencies. The data collection process was conducted from January 2018
to May 2018. In general, the sample consists of 150 questionnaires for enterprises, 230 for
the local residents, and 530 for the tourists and achieves the respond rate of 34.5%.
Regarding the local resident survey, as to achieve the long-term success of a
destination, it is required to gain the local resident acceptance (Ritchie, 1988; Dola &Mijan,
2006). Local residents are seen as one of the key stakeholders (UNWTO, 2005). Besides,
understanding perceptions, attitudes, satisfaction, awareness, and comments toward social,
economic and environmental impacts of tourism and their participation in the decision-
making process of tourism development (Dola &Mijan, 2006). As a fast-growing destination,
the immigration wave exists in Phu Quoc, therefore, local residents are defined as those
persons living in the community for at least 4 years, are suitable for the study because they
understand enough the tourism in Phu Quoc. As the result, there are 230 residents responding
to the questionnaire in which 56.4 % of respondents have lived in Phu Quoc for 10 years or
more, 23.91 % of respondents have lived in Phu Quoc for 9-10 years, 13.91% of respondents
have live for 6-8 years and 5.65% have been in Phu Quoc for 4-5 years. The sample of
residents are intentionally made up proportional to the populations of each regions in Phu
Quoc island. In general, more than 60% of residents in the sample are male and 40% are
female which is similar to the demographic characteristics of Phu Quoc island. Most of the
residents is not highly educated (only 30% of respondents were graduated from high school
or university) and mainly participate in fishing and agricultural activities (54%) and tourism-
related activities (35%) for occupations.
As for the tourists survey, this is to determine their perception and awareness on
sustainable tourism, their trip experiences, main activity pattern, opinions and their
assessment with Phu Quoc as well as their willingness to pay for environmental fee and their
desire for further expansion, etc. and to seek the feedback of tourists about the destination.
Also, tourists are also encouraged to state out their opinions, their experience of the
destination, their satisfaction about their trips which can reflect well the reality of the current
situation in the region, their willingness of environmental payment. The total of the survey
responses is 530 responses to be analysed in which 320 were domestic tourists and 210 were
international tourists mainly from Europe and North America accounted for 64.28% and
Korea (18.09%), and ASEAN countries. For the domestic tourists, the majority are from the
southern and northern provinces. With northern tourists, they are from Hanoi, Thai Nguyen,
Nam Dinh, Yen Bai, Hai Duong and Vinh Phuc, etc. (20.94%) and with the southern part,
they are from Ho Chi Minh City, the Mekong Delta, some provinces in central highlands
In the business survey, 150 businesses including fishery stakeholders, craft
stakeholders, car rentals, restaurants/bars, and tourist shops are represented as the samples.
This is conducted to understand their respective commercial and administration concerns,
problems faced and perception of the role of the tourist caterers and operators, perception
and awareness on sustainable tourism, opinions and their assessment with Phu Quoc tourism
resources, satisfaction of respondents with the actions of the public sector for tourism
development, their desire for further development and the future strategies and measures for
promotion and development to be undertaken by the public sector. The proportions of
business respondents taking part in the survey include: Hotel - accommodation at 27.33%,
18.67% for travel services, 43.33% for gastronomy/foodstuff; 4.67% for entertainment
providers and 6% for others. As for the capital size, 22% of them have capital of less than
VND 500 million; The capital ranges from VND 500 million to VND 1 billion, from VND 1
billion to VND 5 billion, from VND 5 to VND 10 billion accounts for 30%, 28%, and 13.33%
respectively. 6.67% is for the businesses owning its capital of over VND 10 billion (around
USD 450,000).
For the later stage of the research, number of in-depth interviews were conducted. In
total, there are 12 experts who are stakeholders of the tourism development of Phu Quoc are
interviewed to gain the deep exploration of the generality of the tourism industry, the hidden
issues of sustainable tourism development in Phu Quoc which are not stated or asked in the
questionnaires, the current practice of local community involvement and tourism
management. Each interview is based on the semi-structured open questions about the issued
emerged from the analysis of the survey. The authors directly interview experts within 90 to
120 minutes. There are 4 experts who are working in Phu Quoc government agencies related
to tourism activities, 4 experts who are from university in Kien Giang province and has been
working on tourism related research project, 4 experts who are mangers of tourist company
which operating mainly in Phu Quoc island. Furthermore, the field observation has been
done by several long trips to Phu Quoc, nearly 4 months stay has been done in different areas
in Phu Quoc to have a full observation to gain as much as possible from the information
(formal or informal) about of local community involvement, tourism development, and
management, to study more about issues and problems that may complement the shortages
of information afterwards, to identify their previous experience, to learn how the locals
behave when they serve in tourism, guest’s behaviours and their activities, the tourism
support and management of local authorities and the real service quality and activities of the
tourism businesses.

4. Results and discussion

4.1 . The descriptive results of perceptions on sustainable tourism issues

4.1.1 The current situation of tourism in Phu Quoc

Phu Quoc island district of Kien Giang Province is the biggest island in Vietnam in
the Gulf of Thailand. The total area is of 589.23 km². Phu Quoc has a very strategic position
in national security and defence in Vietnam. 70 percent of the island is covered with forests.
Due to its location in the full tropical climate zone with much of sunny days in the year, the
average temperature is from 200C to 250C with less natural calamity and floods and Phu Quoc
gains relatively stable geological foundations, rich vegetation and high forest coverage of
64.15%. By the distance, this island is located on the important sea route in Vietnam
connecting with many connects with international major tourist centres such as Ho Chi Minh
City, Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Jakarta (Indonesia), Bangkok
(Thailand), etc. Also, as a pristine island, Phu Quoc is still not affected by the negative effects
of urbanization. This is a very important advantage for the development toward sustainable
tourism. In Phu Quoc, there is a national park with an area of nearly 32,000 hectares,
accounting for nearly 50 percent of the total area of the island with a very rich ecosystem like
a primitive forest (7,000 hectares); mangrove forest (17.9 hectares), etc. (WAR, 2006; Hoan,
2015). Additionally, Phu Quoc owns a long coastline with many beautiful beaches creating
excellent tourism beaches which have been ranked as one of the best secret beaches on earth
ranked by the travel and leisure website and top 100 beaches of the world. With its existing
natural resources and conditions, Phu Quoc also owns traditional craft villages and as a place
for many religions. In addition, Phu Quoc possesses many special events, traditional festivals,
and historical relics.
In 2017, the tourists reached to 1,959,905 tourists, an increase of 817.44% compared
to the year 2010. Tourism revenue reached VND 8,036 billion, up 46.8% over the same
period. As of February 2018, it increased to 464 accommodations with 12,500 rooms (Phu
Quoc department of statistic, 2017). As statistical in 2017, the tourism labor force of Phu
Quoc has a relatively low level of education (68.82 percent of the employees who are without
any training courses. The tourist management reaches high achievement by the number of
tourists to Phu Quoc continuous increase at the average growth rate of 87.77%. However, the
number of international tourists increase at a very limited proportion of 15% of the total
tourists. Furthermore, the average length of stay of tourists is 2.62 days per trip. With a
significant increase in tourists, in term of the tourism-related businesses, there is an increased
rate in 2010 - 2017 at 616%. Also, the number of accommodations gain a remarkable increase
of 170% with the average occupancy level of around 46.3%. In contrast with the rapid
increase of tourism businesses, Phu Quoc is facing with the incompetent human resources,
the shortage of the management team of tourism businesses to meet the high demands of the
Regarding the total revenue of Phu Quoc’s tourism, in the period 2010-2017, the
average annual increase rate is 48.65%. On the other hand, 18, 69.43% of tourists comment
about the local safety and security of Phu Quoc from the good to excellent rate. As for the
environment, Phu Quoc is facing with the destroying natural resources, harmful living

environment, increasing waste and contamination. In the dry season, the shortage of water
used for residents and saltwater intrusion also occur to the island. Currently, Phu Quoc has
about 300 ton of waste/garbage per day, however, only about 150 tons (50%) of those waste
can be collected and proceeded. To assist the tourism marketing and promotion, many
governmental policies and decisions have been promulgated to encourage and promote all
economic sectors to participate in tourism development in different forms, however, these
activities are impermanent and contemporary. To date, Phu Quoc tourism does not have an
official logo and slogan, especially with a specific strategy. Phu Quoc tourism Marketing is
vague and unimpressed with tourists.

4.1.2 The result of the business survey

84% of businesses employ the local residents in their businesses which means tourism
contribute greatly to the socio-culture of Phu Quoc by significant employment generation to
the host community. Also, 71.33% of surveyed businesses also participate in other local
activities such as charity programs, beach cleaning program, etc. Almost all businesses have
policies on environmental protection such as water usage and saving, waste management,
power saving, etc. However, in the sessions like travel services and foodstuffs, these policies
are implemented at a certain/limited level and considered as the notices to employees.
however, in four or five-star hotels, the environmental protection policies are strictly
implemented. In the other hands, 93.33% of the businesses are willing to participate or join
the programs to make Phu Quoc sustainable. In term of the support from related
governmental authorities to adapt and/or access to the resource for tourism development, the
local residents and businesses have sometimes missed business opportunities and traditional
festivals, craft villages and social safety and security are not evaluated highly.

4.1.3 The result of local resident survey

With the rapid tourism increase, 38.26% of the respondents do not agree and 61.74%
agree that their main incomes are from the tourism but they agree the tourism makes
economic issues of the island change most. Regarding the awareness and understanding of
sustainable development and sustainable tourism development, the result shows 78.7% of
respondents are not at all familiar or slightly familiar or somewhat familiar with the term
“sustainable development; 74.35% of respondents are not at all familiar or slightly familiar
or somewhat familiar with the term “sustainable tourism”, 74.35% of respondents are not at
all familiar or slightly familiar or somewhat familiar with the term “sustainable tourism
development”. Therefore, 73.48% disagreed and 26.52% agreed that the term “sustainability”
is realistic/practical in a real world situation. In the meantime, the survey result shows
95.65% of respondents of which includes 44.35% for never, 32.61% for rarely, 18.7% for
sometimes have not been asked on local tourism development plans or projects by any related
authorities and only 4.35% have been asked for that.
Additionally, in term of the support to the local residents from related government
authorities to tourism development activities, 84.35% of the respondents reflect that they
have not got any supports. As a consequence, 53.48% dissatisfied and 46.52% agreed on the
implementation of the policies or tourism projects (such as land acquisition policy,
compensation, site-clearance, and support to employment change, etc.). However, they also
state that they agree tourism make Phu Quoc be better, 34.78% of respondents have
completely dissatisfied or dissatisfied and 65.22% of them express they have levels from
satisfy to completely satisfy. In general, regarding tourism activities in Phu Quoc meeting the
local residents’ expectation or making them satisfy, the result shows 14.78% of respondents
are completely dissatisfy and dissatisfy of which comprise of 9.13% for completely dissatisfy
and 5.65% for dissatisfy. On the other hand, there are 40% of them for satisfy, 22.17% for
rather satisfy and 23.04% for completely satisfy.

4.1.4 The result of tourist survey

Relating to the source of information about destination Phu Quoc, the survey result
point out many tourists know Phu Quoc from their friends/colleagues/relatives accounted for
35.57%. The next source is from the Internet (27.37%) and travel agency (16.42%). However,
the survey result shows that 46.2% of the tourists as the first time tourists, 36.4% for the
second times, 10.6% for the 3 to 4 times and 4.3% for from 6 and more. In addition, the Phu
Quoc returnable tourists are mostly international tourists, especially for those who are
working or have a business trip in/to Vietnam. As for the tourists’ purposes, most tourists
traveling to Phu Quoc often combine many purposes together. However, for the beach
bathe/enjoyment and relaxing are selected at the highest and the most because the beaches of
Phu Quoc are selected as one of the ten (10) most beautiful beaches of the world. 84.52
percent of domestic respondents present they travel to Phu Quoc just for visit as well as for
food/specialty enjoyment, entertainment, and shopping activities with the ratio of 54.52%;
46.77% and 42.58% respectively.
Regarding the stay length of tourists, survey result show tourists stay from 1 to 3 days
accounted for a high rate of 38.11%; 34.34% for the 4 to 5 days, 20.94% for 6 to 7 days and
from 8 days or more accounted for very low (about 6.6%). 79.06 percent of domestic tourists
state their stays in Phu Quoc from 1 to 3 days and the international tourists stay longer of 4
to 7 days. In term of the spending of the whole trip, 34.91 percent of them spend USD 300 -
below USD 400, 26.98% are for spending from USD 100 – below USD 200 (26.98%) and
26.04% for the spending from USD 200 – below USD 300. The tourists who spend from
VND 10 million (USD 400) or more account for 9.25% and the tourists with the spending of
below USD 100 account for 2.83%. In the aspect of the tourist satisfaction, 60.94 percent of
tourists do not feel satisfied with Phu Quoc. Therefore, 60.32% of tourists do not want or
have not determined whether they will return to Phu Quoc and 39.68 % of tourists will return
to Phu Quoc. This suggests that the correlation between the tourist satisfaction and their
loyalties is relatively low.

4.2 . The SWOT analysis

Table 2. The results of SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
1. Favorable and strategic location for 1. Limited tourists activities in the low
national defense and security season

2. Rich and diverse tourism resources 2. Poor introduction to local history and
with the potentials for local tourism culture
development 3. Poor infrastructure and transportation;
3. Favourable and supportive climate unadaptable with development needs
4. Special craft villages with unique and 4. Weak labour force quality in total and
famous products limited human resources in the tourism
5. Abundant local labour force sector
6. Active-supported related government 5. Poor tourist information system
authorities with stable politics and 6. Blur local Marketing
special incentive policy on investment 7. Most local businesses as SMEs or very
7. Businesses with knowledge of the small enterprises
locality characteristics 8. Craft villages facing the falling risks
8. Existing master plan for tourism from limited investments.
development 9. Poor linkage and collaboration among
9. Right awareness of related stakeholders
stakeholders in sustainable tourism 10. Un-available general information
development channel for tourism promotion and its
11. Damaged environment and ecology by
local tourism and business production
12. Harmful and degraded tourism
resources ́
13. Slow and limited awareness of local
resident on environmental protection
and on sustainable tourism
14. Inhomogeneous tourism development
in Phu Quoc areas
15. Institutional deficiencies and limited
state management on sustainable
tourism development
16. Complicated and risky local safety and
17. Limited international tourists
Opportunities Threats
1. Increasing tendency towards 1. The low recovered economy in the
ecotourism, cultural tourism, leisure world leadings the limited tourism
travel and others by tourists needs.
2. Increasing many investors in Phu Quoc 2. Well-established and developed
3. Favorable cooperation opportunities in tourism activities of other surrounding
tourism development by strong and islands
deep globalization and international 3. Strongly increased FDI to Phu Quoc
integration 4. Fierce competition in tourism in the
4. Ability to apply new technology in region and in the world which requires
tourism management and development high quality requests from tourists
5. The higher practical requirement in
tourism in the region and the world.
5. Gaining foundations for development 6. Adverse climate by seasons or by the
and related investors’ believes from climate change which limits the tourists
achievements for past years in tourism and its increase
Source: Own (2018)

4.3 . Result of Importance – Performance analysis

Table 2. Attributes and Coding for Importance – Performance Analysis

Satisfaction Importance Mean
Indexes Attributes
(Mean) (Mean) difference
Quadrant 1: High importance – Low satisfaction
I2 Reasonable price 2,328 3,68 1,352
I7 Quality of accommodation 2,719 3,39 0,671
Quadrant 2: High importance – High satisfaction
I11 Air and environment conditions 2,947 3,84 0,893
I13 Natural sightseeing/ landscapes 3,009 3,86 0,851
I16 Social safety and security 3,066 3,62 0,554
I18 Friendliness & honesty of local residents 3,191 3,61 0,419
I19 Beaches 3,260 4,01 0,750
Quadrant 3: Low importance – Low satisfaction
I1 Traditional festivals 2,251 3,07 0,819
Quality of extra-services as banking systems,
I3 2,345 3,29 0,945
FOREX, internet connections, health care, etc.
Diversification and differentiation of the local and
I4 2,462 3,09 0,628
tourism products
Professionalism and behaviour of the staff of tourism
I5 2,628 3,3 0,672
service providers
I6 Historical and cultural sites 2,677 2,95 0,273
I8 Craft villages 2,719 3,12 0,401
Quadrant 4: Low important – High satisfaction
I9 Quality of gastronomy (foodstuff) 2,815 3,2 0,385
The involvement and participation of local people to
I10 2,862 3,17 0,308
tourism services
I12 Preservation - conservation of tourism sites 3,006 3,19 0,184
I14 Quality of transportation 3,053 3,22 0,167
I15 Local speciality 3,057 3,19 0,133
I17 Accessibilities to the Phu Quoc 3,085 3,33 0,245
Source: Own (2018)

Grap 3. Result of Importance - Performance Analysis chart

Source: Own (2018)

According to the above IPA result:

Quadrant 1 (High importance and low satisfaction): There are 2 attributes of
reasonable price and quality of accommodation falling in the group of high importance but
low satisfaction.
Quadrant 2 (High importance and high satisfaction): Attributes of Air and
environment conditions; Natural sightseeing/landscapes; Social safety and security;
Friendliness & honesty of local residents; and Beaches have gained the high importance and
high satisfaction. Thus, these variables should be retained and promoted.
Quadrant 3 (Low importance and low satisfaction): The traditional festivals; Quality
of extra-services as banking systems, FOREX, internet connections, health care, etc.;
Diversification and differentiation of the local and tourism products; Professionalism and
behavior of the staff of tourism service providers; Historical and cultural sites; and Craft
villages are included. These attributes can be safely untouched at the moment to use the
scared resources for other ones.
Quadrant 4 (Low importance and high satisfaction): Quality of gastronomy
(foodstuff); The involvement and participation of local people to tourism services;
Preservation - conservation of tourism sites; Quality of transportation; Local speciality; and
Accessibilities to the Phu Quoc should be received less attention and resources and efforts to
enhance this element needs to be considered carefully.

4.4 . Strategies proposed for sustainable tourism development in Phu Quoc

As a result of SWOT analysis, IPA analysis, some of the strategies are suggested to
fit those objectives for tourism sustainable development of Phu Quoc as following.
Especially, these strategies are consulted with 12 experts by using indept interviews for thier
resonabilities and validities.
Strategy 1: Ecologically and environmentally sustainable development
Phu Quoc's environmental quality is severely degraded by many different causes.
Therefore, strategies of tourism development on the ecologically and environmentally
sustainable development should be established with programs as Planning, establishing and
developing collections of ecosystems; developing environmental- friendly tours; etc.
Furthermore, in order to best protect the ecology and environment, in Phu Quoc, specific
regulations such as rewards and punishments for environmental protection, heritage
protection, etc. should also be issued and applied strictly to all island objects such as tourists,
businesses, people, etc. In addition, the application of international standards and scientific
research in the field should be concerned.
Concerning about this issue, Expert A, B and C who are serving in the tourism-related
goverment agencies stated that:
Expert A: “Although the environmental issue is not the focus recently in Phu Quoc
tourism development, it is considerable environmental issues arised when there are too many
projects and too fast grwoing tourism sectors. We are afraid that we might loose control of
the problem in hand soon.”
Expert B: “ We will fail at this problems (the environmentall issue) if missing the
local residents’ enthusisam and participations. The tourism companies’ efforts to protect the
environmental issue are not enough if local residents are not aware of the serious of the
Expert C: “ Although tourism companies in Phu Quoc island are willing to participate
in ecolocial and environmental preservation, they lacks of the instructions from meta
strategies supporting by local authorities. We are working on this issue and hope that it will
be solved soon.”
Strategy 2: The strategy of product development and diversification
The current tourists’ satisfaction and the return rate are low because of the
undifferentiated products, as a result, the strategies of product diversification should be paid
attention. Many other kinds of tourism products are not exploited fully. For example, with
the very beautiful beaches and favourable climate and weather, many other kinds of tourism
products such as windsurfing, scuba diving, snorkelling, yachting, water skiing, etc. can be
discovered and developments. In addition, man-made tourism products as craft village
tourism, historical and cultural tourism, and festivals tourism, etc. are not evaluated highly
and importantly by tourists.
Concerning about this issue, Expert D, E, F who are academic professors working on
some tourism-related research projects in Phu Quoc argued that:
Expert D: “Tourists are satisfied with the natures and sight seeing in Phu Quoc island
but they usually complains about the lack of tourism services during their stays at Phu Quoc.
That’s why they prefer to spend short holiday not the extended one in Phu Quoc.”
Expert E: “ We currently are currently collecting and analysing data on foreign
tourists satisfaction about many tourism services attributes. We genrally found that foreigners
are looking for more entertianmemts activities to fulfill their stays in Phu Quoc islands. It
seems that only the beaches and local food can not keep them happy for a long-term.”

Expert F: “We are more interested in domestic tourists and found that they feel the
value they received is not worth the money they are paying for. The difficulties in geography
location make costs for basic needs in Phu Quoc is rather high comparing with other tourism
Strategy 3: The strategy of local marketing and promotion
The current marketing and promotion of Phu Quoc tourism sector may not work well.
Therefore, the strategy of local marketing and promotion is proposed through strategic or
long-term marketing and promotional projects. To have fully completed strategy toward the
sustainable tourism development, the related government authorities should get comments
from the local community on tourism development plans or projects to understand their
thoughts, comments and seek their agreement and high cooperation. The government
authorities should be in leading to connect and coordinate all the sectors.
Concerning about this issue, Expert A and 2 managers G and H in tourism companies
claimed that:
Expert A: “Although investments in tourism projects are pouring in Phu Quoc, each
project has its own marketing strategy and they are not working together for developing an
meta strategy for marketing and promoting Phu Quoc as a tourism destination as a whole.
We need to get them cooperate with each other on this issues.”
Expert G: “ We are seeking supports from goverment to invest more on tourism
activities, but we are usually prohibited by some other problems such as the objections from
local residents.”
Expert H: “The competitive picture is more intense. We sometime must cut prices in
the short-term to compete with key competitors. We know that it is not the wise move because
it affects hugely on the service quality and the images of Phu Quoc as a high-quality tourism
destination in the long-term.”
Strategy 4: The strategy of investment attraction to enhance the infrastructure
Phu Quoc tourism is currently in the development stage, as known, in the
development process, it is required many resources and also attract huge investment. This
growth if not properly control can create social and environmental risks in the long-term. The
too-fast growth rate can make the painful and unnecessary sacrifices of the social and
environmental aspects for serving the uncontrolled expanding of new tourism projects and
investments. Therefore, the investment attraction to enhance and develop infrastructure is
needed as the foundations first but it needed to be controlled to be aligned with sustainable
development strategy for the tourism sector in Phu Quoc island.
Concerning about this issue, Expert C posited that:
Expert C: “As a government agency on tourism activities, we always seek for the
balance between fast growths and sustainable development. It is not easy, especially when
there are tradeoffs between short-term economic rewards and long-term developments. We
need to stick to that principle.”
Strategy 5: The strategy of human resources enhancement and development
As known, human resources play important roles in all organizations especially in the
tourism management, and it is one of the most important determinants of tourism
development. Completely, training or education programs should be provided and supported
to the authorities’ office, local residents, or businesses, especially for local tourism SMEs to
enhance the tourism management skills, professional skills and develop their human
resource. The training or education programs should concentrate on the improvement of the

management skills, professional skill and competency, sustainable tourism awareness, and
environment protection, etc.
Concerning about this issue, Expert D stated that:
Expert D: “It’s a complex issue as it will take time and relates to many other aspects
such as: standard living, social and cultural issues. For instances, in our research, we found
that only 20% of high-quality employees of tourism business in Phu Quoc islands are the
local one. This issue might create serious problems when most of the high-quality resides
anytime soon.”

5. Conclusions

As one of the fastest growing economic sectors, tourism has a great contribution to
the development not only in the world but in Vietnam and Phu Quoc as well. As for Vietnam
and Phu Quoc case, sustainable tourism development is the right direction to be pursued.
Phu Quoc is with potential and advantages for tourism development. In recent years,
with the high efforts to exploit and promote these advantages, Phu Quoc tourism has gained
some achievements, however, the development of tourism is not sustainable. The principles
and calendar of sustainable tourism development have not fully complied, and social and
environmental facets are not considered properly. As planned by the Vietnam and Kien Giang
provincial governments, in the upcoming period, with the development orientation of the
tourism to be the key driver not only in Phu Quoc but also in Kien Giang Province and
Vietnam, it is required to be in a sustainable development direction for Phu Quoc tourism. In
fact, the study of sustainable tourism development in Phu Quoc is of great importance for the
development of Phu Quoc tourism in the coming years and the future.
As in its development, Phu Quoc tourism shows its unsustainability. Practically, the
study is timely and accurate in the current conditions, as a result, the outcomes are certainly
for Phu Quoc tourism. Furthermore, all the results are used as the scientific proofs and a firm
basis to give concrete recommendations for the destination. And many findings of this study
can be transferred to other destinations with a similar context. Above all, apart from concrete
aforementioned recommendations, a general roadmap was delineated as a guide to
implementing strategies to sustainable tourism development. This approach is not only for
Phu Quoc but rather can be used for many other destinations on their way towards more
sustainability. With respect to theoretical contribution, the contribution is useful for the future
theoretical developments in the sustainable tourism development discipline and the research
sheds lights on a number of theoretical issues as the reconfirmation of the stakeholders’
involvement in the process of tourism development and sustainable tourism development,
the tourism impacts on negative and positive sides to the socio-cultural, environmental, and
economical. Specifically, the value of mixed method adaption is also reinforced to better
understand all the perspectives of sustainable tourism development, meaning that a similar
approach could be used in the future in other similar regions. More of that, the study can be
used for teaching as a case study.
Additionally, the study limitation is on the sample because tourist questionnaire has
been distributed in English only, sample members who do not speak English were not able
to complete the survey in a manner that best reflections of their views. Online completion of
the study was encouraged and therefore those without access to the Internet may have been
hindered in completing the survey. To have the more accurate evaluation, more and more
data is required. In general, the above-mentioned shortcomings and weakness can be settled
by further studies. On the other hand, from the limitations of the study, many other studies
should be drawn out. In term of the limitation of the sampling techniques, future studies can
incorporate methodological changes that might provide responses to have more
representative of the population to gain more accurate and deep findings for the study.
Additionally, surveys could also be distributed in multiple languages to understand the
thoughts and total satisfaction which is very useful for studies of sustainable tourism
development. This study can also be expanded to include a greater focus on determining what
factors for each specific stakeholder group are related to different levels of support for
sustainable actions in tourism development. Furthermore, more work can be implemented to
determine the level of support for tourism development within each cluster or exploited the
level of impacting factors. By expanding the exploration to sustainable actions, which
encompass environmental issues as well as socio-cultural and economic issues, different
attitudes towards tourism might be identified.


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Brief description of Author/Authors:

Vu Minh Hieu, Ph.D.

After completing Ph.D program at the Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic, Vu Minh
Hieu is currently employing as a full-time lecturer in Faculty of Commerce and Business
Administration at Van Lang University in Vietnam. His research focus is in the field of
management, strategic management and human resources management. His contact is
[email protected]

Ngo Minh Vu, Ph.D.

Ngo Minh Vu has successfully completed the Ph.D program at Tomas Bata University in Zlin,
Czech Republic. Currently, he works as a full-time lecturer in Faculty of Commerce and
Business Administration at Van Lang University in Vietnam. He has participated in numerous
research in the field of management and financial management. His research interests are
management and financial management. His contact is [email protected]


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