RCBC Bankard Case

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[G.R. No. 223274. June 19, 2019.]





Before the Court is the petition for review on certiorari 1(2) (Petition) under
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court (Rules) filed by petitioner RCBC Bankard Services
Corporation (petitioner) assailing the Decision 2(3) dated August 13, 2013 (RTC
Decision) and the Order 3(4) dated March 1, 2016 (RTC Order) of the Regional Trial
Court, Branch 71, Pasig City (RTC) in Civil Case No. 73756. The RTC Decision
affirmed in toto the Decision 4(5) dated September 28, 2012 of the Metropolitan Trial
Court, Branch 72, Pasig City (MeTC) in Civil Case No. 18629, which dismissed the
complaint of petitioner for lack of preponderance of evidence. 5(6) The RTC Order
denied petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration. 6(7)

The Facts and Antecedent Proceedings

The antecedent facts as gleaned from the MeTC Decision and narrated in the
RTC Decision are straightforward.

Respondents Moises Oracion, Jr. (Moises) and Emily L. Oracion (Emily)

(collectively, respondents) applied for and were granted by petitioner credit card
accommodations with the issuance of a Bankard PESO Mastercard Platinum 7(8) with
Account No. 5243-0205-8171-4007 (credit card) on December 2, 2010. 8(9)
Respondents on various dates used the credit card in purchasing different products but
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failed to pay petitioner the total amount of P117,157.98, inclusive of charges and
penalties or at least the minimum amount due under the credit card. 9(10) Petitioner
attached to its complaint against respondents "duplicate original" copies of the
Statements of Account from April 17, 2011 to December 15, 2011 10(11) (SOAs,
Annexes "A", "A-1" to "A-8") and the Credit History Inquiry (Annex "B"). 11(12)
The SOAs bear the name of Moises as the addressee and the Credit History Inquiry
bears the name: "MR ORACION JR M A" on the top portion. 12(13) Despite the
receipt of the SOAs, respondents failed and refused to comply with their obligation to
petitioner under the credit card. 13(14) Consequently, petitioner sent a written demand
letter (dated January 26, 2012, Annex "C" to the complaint) 14(15) to respondents but
despite receipt thereof, respondents refused to comply with their obligation to
petitioner. 15(16) Hence, petitioner filed a Complaint for Sum of Money 16(17) dated
February 7, 2012 before the MeTC. 17(18)

Acting on the complaint, the MeTC issued summons on March 13, 2012.
18(19) Based on the return of the summons dated April 12, 2012 of Sheriff III
Inocentes P. Villasquez, the summons was duly effected to respondents through
substituted service on April 11, 2012. 19(20) For failure of respondents to file their
answer within the required period, the MeTC motu proprio, pursuant to Section 6 of
the Rule on Summary Procedure, considered the case submitted for resolution. 20(21)

Ruling of the MeTC

The MeTC, without delving into the merits of the case, dismissed it on the
ground that petitioner, as the plaintiff, failed to discharge the required burden of proof
in a civil case, which is to establish its case by preponderance of evidence. 21(22) The
MeTC justified the dismissal in this wise:

Perusal of the records shows that the signature in the attachments in

support of the [complaint] are mere photocopies, stamp mark 22(23) in the
instant case. The Best Evidence Rule provides that the court shall not receive
any evidence that is merely substitutionary in its nature, such as stamp mark, as
long as the original evidence can be had. Absent a clear showing that the
original writing has been lost, destroyed or cannot be produced in court; the
photocopies must be disregarded being unworthy of any probative value and
being an inadmissible piece of evidence. (PHILIPPINE BANKING
MARCOS, respondents, G.R. No. 127469, 2004 Jan. 15, 1st Division). 23(24)

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The decretal portion of the MeTC Decision dated September 28, 2012 reads:

WHEREFORE, for lack of [p]reponderance of evidence, herein

[complaint] is hereby DISMISSED.

SO ORDERED. 24(25)

Petitioner filed a Notice of Appeal 25(26) dated December 17, 2012 on the
ground that the MeTC Decision was contrary to the facts and law. 26(27)

In its Memorandum for Appellant 27(28) dated February 19, 2012, petitioner
argued that what it attached to the complaint were the "duplicate original copies" and
not mere photocopies. 28(29) Petitioner also argued that:

x x x [if for] unknown reasons or events the said Duplicate Original

Copies were no longer found in the record of the court or that the copy of the
Complaint intended for the court, where these Originals were attached, was not
forwarded to the x x x MTC, [petitioner] respectfully submits that justice and
equity dictates that the x x x MTC should have required [petitioner] to produce
or reproduce the same instead of immediately dismissing the case on that
ground alone. In which case, a clarificatory hearing for that purpose is proper.
This is especially true in the present case considering that there were allegations
in the complaint that the Duplicate Original Copies were attached as annexes
therein; and that the x x x MTC motu proprio submitted the case for decision.
Not to mention the fact that these documents are computer generated reports, in
which case, [petitioner] could simply present another set of printed Duplicate
Original Copies for the x x x MTC['s] perusal. 29(30)

Ruling of the RTC

The RTC found petitioner's appeal to be without merit. 30(31) It reasoned out

In the instant case, it is up to [petitioner] to prove that the attachments in

support of the complaint are originals and not merely substitutionary in nature.
Only after submission of such original documents can the court delve into the
merit of the case.

[Petitioner's] insistence that it attached Duplicate Original Copies of the

[SOAs] and the Credit History Inquiry as Annexes x x x in its complaint is
entirely for naught, as such documents could not be considered as original.

A perusal of the said annexes would show that there is a stamp mark at
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the bottom right portion of each page of the said annexes, with the words
"DUPLICATE ORIGINAL (signature) CHARITO O. HAM, Senior Manager,
Collection Support Division Head, Collection Group, Bankard, Inc."

Further inspection of the said stamp marks would reveal that the
signatures appearing at the top of the name CHARITO O. HAM in the
respective annexes are not original signatures but are part of the subject stamp
marks. DETACa

Indeed, Annexes "A", "A-1" to "A-8" and "B", attached to the

complaint, cannot be considered as original documents contemplated under
Section 3, Rule 130 of the x x x Rules of Court. In fact, even [petitioner] found
the need to stamp mark them as "DUPLICATE ORIGINAL" to differentiate
them from the original documents.

The Court also noted the fact that [petitioner] filed a

MANIFESTATION dated August 9, 2012, attaching therewith as Annexes "A",
"A-1" to "A-8" the Duplicate Original Itemized [SOAs], and as Annex "B" the
Credit History Inquiry. Upon examination of these latter annexes, the Court
observed that they are merely photocopies of the annexes attached to the
complaint, but with a mere addition of stamp marks bearing the same
inscription as the first stamp marks. These only demonstrate that whenever
[petitioner] describes a document as "DUPLICATE ORIGINAL," it only refers
to a copy of the document and not necessarily the original thereof. Such
substitutionary documents could not be given probative value and are
inadmissible pieces of evidence. 31(32)

The dispositive portion of the RTC Decision dated August 13, 2013 reads:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, and finding no cogent reason to

disturb the Decision of the [MeTC] dated September 28, 2012, said DECISION

SO ORDERED. 32(33)

Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration 33(34) dated August 29, 2013,
which was denied by the RTC in its Order 34(35) dated March 1, 2016.

Hence, the instant Rule 45 Petition. The Court in its Resolution 35(36) dated
June 27, 2016 required respondents to comment on the Petition and directed the
Branch Clerk of Court of the RTC to elevate the complete records of Civil Case No.
73756, which were subsequently received by the Court. In view of the returned and
unserved copy of the Resolution dated June 27, 2016, the Court in its Resolution
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36(37) dated June 6, 2018 dispensed with respondents' comment.

The Issues

Petitioner raises the following issues:

1. on pure question of law, whether the RTC erred in affirming the MeTC's
dismissal of petitioner's complaint in that pursuant to Section 1, Rule 4 of the Rules
on Electronic Evidence (A.M. No. 01-7-01-SC), an electronic document is to be
regarded as an original thereof under the Best Evidence Rule and thus, with the
presented evidence in "original duplicate copies," petitioner has preponderantly
proven respondents' unpaid obligation; and

2. in any event, invoking the rule that technicalities must yield to substantial
justice, whether petitioner must be afforded the opportunity to rectify its mistake,
offer additional evidence and/or present to the court another set of direct print-outs of
the electronic documents.

The Court's Ruling

On the first issue, petitioner invokes for the first time on appeal the Rules on
Electronic Evidence to justify its position that it has preponderantly proven its claim
for unpaid obligation against respondents because it had attached to its complaint
electronic documents. Petitioner argues that since electronic documents, which are
computer-generated, accurately representing information, data, figures and/or other
modes of written expression, creating or extinguishing a right or obligation, when
directly printed out are considered original reproductions of the same, they are
admissible under the Best Evidence Rule. 37(38) Petitioner explains that since the
attachments to its complaint are wholly computer-generated print-outs which it
caused to be reproduced directly from the computer, they qualify as electronic
documents which should be regarded as the equivalent of the original documents
pursuant to Section 1, Rule 4 of the Rules on Electronic Evidence. 38(39)

Procedurally, petitioner cannot adopt a new theory in its appeal before the
Court and abandon its theory in its appeal before the RTC. Pursuant to Section 15,
Rule 44 of the Rules, petitioner may include in his assignment of errors any question
of law or fact that has been raised in the court below and is within the issues framed
by the parties. aDSIHc

In the Memorandum for Appellant which it filed before the RTC, petitioner did
not raise the Rules on Electronic Evidence to justify that the so-called "duplicate
original copies" of the SOAs and Credit History Inquiry are electronic documents.
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Rather, it insisted that they were duplicate original copies, being computer-generated
reports, and not mere photocopies or substitutionary evidence, as found by the MeTC.
As observed by the RTC, petitioner even tried to rectify the attachments (annexes) to
its complaint, by filing a Manifestation dated August 9, 2012 wherein it attached
copies of the said annexes. Unfortunately, as observed by the RTC, the attachments to
the said Manifestation "are merely photocopies of the annexes attached to the
complaint, but with a mere addition of stamp marks bearing the same inscription as
the first stamp marks" 39(40) that were placed in the annexes to the complaint.
Because petitioner has not raised the electronic document argument before the RTC,
it may no longer be raised nor ruled upon on appeal.

Even in the complaint, petitioner never intimated that it intended the annexes
to be considered as electronic documents as defined in the Rules on Electronic
Evidence. If such were petitioner's intention, then it would have laid down in the
complaint the basis for their introduction and admission as electronic documents.

Also, estoppel bars a party from raising issues, which have not been raised in
the proceedings before the lower courts, for the first time on appeal. 40(41) Clearly,
petitioner, by its acts and representations, is now estopped to claim that the annexes to
its complaint are not duplicate original copies but electronic documents. It is too late
in the day for petitioner to switch theories.

Thus, procedurally, the Court is precluded from resolving the first issue.

Even assuming that the Court brushes aside the above-noted procedural
obstacles, the Court cannot just concede that the pieces of documentary evidence in
question are indeed electronic documents, which according to the Rules on Electronic
Evidence are considered functional equivalent of paper-based documents 41(42) and
regarded as the equivalent of original documents under the Best Evidence Rule if they
are print-outs or outputs readable by sight or other means, shown to reflect the data
accurately. 42(43)

For the Court to consider an electronic document as evidence, it must pass the
test of admissibility. According to Section 2, Rule 3 of the Rules on Electronic
Evidence, "[a]n electronic document is admissible in evidence if it complies with the
rules on admissibility prescribed by the Rules of Court and related laws and is
authenticated in the manner prescribed by these Rules."

Rule 5 of the Rules on Electronic Evidence lays down the authentication

process of electronic documents. Section 1 of Rule 5 imposes upon the party seeking
to introduce an electronic document in any legal proceeding the burden of proving its
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authenticity in the manner provided therein. Section 2 of Rule 5 sets forth the required
proof of authentication:

SEC. 2. Manner of authentication. — Before any private electronic

document offered as authentic is received in evidence, its authenticity must be
proved by any of the following means:

(a) by evidence that it had been digitally signed by the person

purported to have signed the same;

(b) by evidence that other appropriate security procedures or devices

as may be authorized by the Supreme Court or by law for authentication of
electronic documents were applied to the document; or

(c) by other evidence showing its integrity and reliability to the

satisfaction of the judge.

As to method of proof, Section 1, Rule 9 of the Rules on Electronic Evidence


SECTION 1.Affidavit of evidence. — All matters relating to the

admissibility and evidentiary weight of an electronic document may be
established by an affidavit stating facts of direct personal knowledge of the
affiant or based on authentic records. The affidavit must affirmatively show the
competence of the affiant to testify on the matters contained therein.

Evidently, petitioner could not have complied with the Rules on Electronic
Evidence because it failed to authenticate the supposed electronic documents through
the required affidavit of evidence. As earlier pointed out, what petitioner had in mind
at the inception (when it filed the complaint) was to have the annexes admitted as
duplicate originals as the term is understood in relation to paper-based documents.
Thus, the annexes or attachments to the complaint of petitioner are inadmissible as
electronic documents, and they cannot be given any probative value.

Even the section on "Business Records as Exception to the Hearsay Rule" of

Rule 8 of the Rules on Electronic Evidence requires authentication by the custodian
or other qualified witness: ETHIDa

SECTION 1. Inapplicability of the hearsay rule. — A memorandum,

report, record or data compilation of acts, events, conditions, opinions, or
diagnoses, made by electronic, optical or other similar means at or near the time
of or from transmission or supply of information by a person with knowledge
thereof, and kept in the regular course or conduct of a business activity, and
such was the regular practice to make the memorandum, report, record, or data
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compilation by electronic, optical or similar means, all of which are shown by
the testimony of the custodian or other qualified witnesses, is excepted from the
rule on hearsay evidence.

In the absence of such authentication through the affidavit of the custodian or

other qualified person, the said annexes or attachments cannot be admitted and
appreciated as business records and excepted from the rule on hearsay evidence.
Consequently, the annexes to the complaint fall within the Rule on Hearsay Evidence
and are to be excluded pursuant to Section 36, Rule 130 of the Rules.

In fine, both the MeTC and the RTC correctly applied the Best Evidence Rule.
They correctly regarded the annexes to the complaint as mere photocopies of the
SOAs and the Credit History Inquiry, and not necessarily the original thereof. Being
substitutionary documents, they could not be given probative value and are
inadmissible based on the Best Evidence Rule.

The Best Evidence Rule, which requires the presentation of the original
document, is unmistakable:

SEC. 3. Original document must be produced; exceptions. — When

the subject of inquiry is the contents of a document, no evidence shall be
admissible other than the original document itself, except in the following

(a) When the original has been lost or destroyed, or cannot be

produced in court, without bad faith on the part of the offeror;

(b) When the original is in the custody or under the control of the
party against whom the evidence is offered, and the latter fails to produce it
after reasonable notice;

(c) When the original consists of numerous accounts or other

documents which cannot be examined in court without great loss of time and
the fact sought to be established from them is only the general result of the
whole; and

(d) When the original is a public record in the custody of a public

officer or is recorded in a public office. (2a) 43(44)

With respect to paper-based documents, the original of a document, i.e., the

original writing, instrument, deed, paper, inscription, or memorandum, is one the
contents of which are the subject of the inquiry. 44(45) Under the Rules on Electronic
Evidence, an electronic document is regarded as the functional equivalent of an
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original document under the Best Evidence Rule if it is a printout or output readable
by sight or other means, shown to reflect the data accurately. 45(46) As defined,
"electronic document" refers to information or the representation of information, data,
figures, symbols or other modes of written expression, described or however
represented, by which a right is established or an obligation extinguished, or by which
a fact may be proved and affirmed, which is received, recorded, transmitted, stored,
processed, retrieved or produced electronically; and it includes digitally signed
documents and any print-out or output, readable by sight or other means, which
accurately reflects the electronic data message or electronic document. 46(47) The
term "electronic document" may be used interchangeably with "electronic data
message" 47(48) and the latter refers to information generated, sent, received or stored
by electronic, optical or similar means. 48(49)

Section 4, Rule 130 of the Rules and Section 2, Rule 4 of the Rules on
Electronic Evidence identify the following instances when copies of a document are
equally regarded as originals:

[1] When a document is in two or more copies executed at or about the

same time, with identical contents, all such copies are equally regarded as
originals. cSEDTC

[2] When an entry is repeated in the regular course of business, one

being copied from another at or near the time of the transaction, all the entries
are likewise equally regarded as originals. 49(50)

[3] When a document is in two or more copies executed at or about the

same time with identical contents, or is a counterpart produced by the same
impression as the original, or from the same matrix, or by mechanical or
electronic re-recording, or by chemical reproduction, or by other equivalent
techniques which accurately reproduces the original, such copies or duplicates
shall be regarded as the equivalent of the original. 50(51)

Apparently, "duplicate original copies" or "multiple original copies" wherein

two or more copies are executed at or about the same time with identical contents are
contemplated in 1 and 3 above. If the copy is generated after the original is executed,
it may be called a "print-out or output" based on the definition of an electronic
document, or a "counterpart" based on Section 2, Rule 4 of the Rules on Electronic

It is only when the original document is unavailable that secondary evidence

may be allowed pursuant to Section 5, Rule 130 of the Rules, which provides:

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SEC. 5. When original document is unavailable. — When the
original document has been lost or destroyed, or cannot be produced in court,
the offeror, upon proof of its execution or existence and the cause of its
unavailability without bad faith on his part, may prove its contents by a copy, or
by a recital of its contents in some authentic document, or by the testimony of
witnesses in the order stated. (4a)

Going back to the documents in question, the fact that a stamp with the


Senior Manager
Collection Support Division Head

Collection group
Bankard, Inc. 51(52)

was placed at the right bottom of each page of the SOAs and the Credit History
Inquiry did not make them "duplicate original copies" as described above. The
necessary allegations to qualify them as "duplicate original copies" must be stated in
the complaint and duly supported by the pertinent affidavit of the qualified

The Court observes that based on the records of the case, only the signature in
the stamp at the bottom of the Credit History Inquiry appears to be original. The
signatures of the "certifying" person in the SOAs are not original but part of the
stamp. Thus, even if all the signatures of Charito O. Ham, Senior Manager, Collection
Support Division Head of petitioner's Collection Group are original, the required
authentication so that the annexes to the complaint can be considered as "duplicate
original copies" will still be lacking.

If petitioner intended the annexes to the complaint as electronic documents,

then the proper allegations should have been made in the complaint and the required
proof of authentication as "print-outs," "outputs" or "counterparts" should have been
complied with.

The Court is aware that the instant case was considered to be governed by the
Rule on Summary Procedure, which does not expressly require that the affidavits of
the witness must accompany the complaint or the answer and it is only after the
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receipt of the order in connection with the preliminary conference and within 10 days
therefrom, wherein the parties are required to submit the affidavits of the parties'
witnesses and other evidence on the factual issues defined in the order, together with
their position papers setting forth the law and the facts relied upon by them. 52(53)

Given the nature of the documents that petitioner needed to adduce in order to
prove its cause of action, it would have been prudent on the part of its lawyer, to
make the necessary allegations in the complaint and attach thereto the required
accompanying affidavits to lay the foundation for their admission as evidence in
conformity with the Best Evidence Rule.

This prudent or cautionary action may avert a dismissal of the complaint for
insufficiency of evidence, as what happened in this case, when the court acts pursuant
to Section 6 of the Rule on Summary Procedure, which provides:

SEC. 6. Effect of failure to answer. — Should the defendant fail to

answer the complaint within the period above provided, the court, motu proprio,
or on motion of the plaintiff, shall render judgment as may be warranted by the
facts alleged in the complaint and limited to what is prayed for therein:
Provided, however, That the court may in its discretion reduce the amount of
damages and attorney's fees claimed for being excessive or otherwise
unconscionable. This is without prejudice to the applicability of Section 4, Rule
18 of the Rules of Court, if there are two or more defendants.

As provided in the said Section, the judgment that is to be rendered is that

which is "warranted by the facts alleged in the complaint" and such facts must be duly
established in accordance with the Rules on Evidence. SDAaTC

Upon a perusal of the items in the SOAs, the claim of petitioner against
respondents is less than P100,000.00, 53(54) if the late charges and interest charges
are deducted from the total claim of P117,157.98. Given that the action filed by
petitioner is for payment of money where the value of the claim does not exceed
P100,000.00 (the jurisdictional amount when the complaint was filed in January
2013), exclusive of interest and costs, petitioner could have opted to prosecute its
cause under the Revised Rules of Procedure for Small Claims Cases (Revised Rules
for Small Claims).

Section 6 of the Revised Rules for Small Claims provides: "A small claims
action is commenced by filing with the court an accomplished and verified Statement
of Claim (Form 1-SCC) in duplicate, accompanied by a Certification against Forum
Shopping, Splitting a Single Cause of Action, and Multiplicity of Suits (Form
1-A-SCC), and two (2) duly certified photocopies of the actionable document/s
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subject of the claim, as well as the affidavits of witnesses and other evidence to
support the claim. No evidence shall be allowed during the hearing which was not
attached to or submitted together with the Statement of Claim, unless good cause is
shown for the admission of additional evidence."

If petitioner took this option, then it would have been incumbent upon it to
attach to its Statement of Claim even the affidavits of its witnesses. If that was the
option that petitioner took, then maybe its complaint might not have been dismissed
for lack of preponderance of evidence. Unfortunately, petitioner included the late and
interest charges in its claim and prosecuted its cause under the Rule on Summary

Proceeding to the second issue, petitioner begs for the relaxation of the
application of the Rules on Evidence and seeks the Court's equity jurisdiction.

Firstly, petitioner cannot, on one hand, seek the review of its case by the Court
on a pure question of law and afterward, plead that the Court, on equitable grounds,
grant its Petition, nonetheless. For the Court to exercise its equity jurisdiction, certain
facts must be presented to justify the same. A review on a pure question of law
necessarily negates the review of facts.

Petitioner has not presented any compelling equitable arguments to persuade

the Court to relax the application of elementary evidentiary rules in its cause.

Secondly, petitioner has not been candid in admitting its error as pointed out
by both the MeTC and the RTC. After being apprised that the annexes to its
complaint do not conform to the Best Evidence Rule, petitioner did not make any
effort to comply so that the lower courts could have considered its claim. Rather, it
persisted in insisting that the annexes are compliant. Even before the Court,
petitioner did not even attach such documents which would convince the Court
that petitioner could adduce the original documents as required by the Best
Evidence Rule to prove its claim against respondents.

A Final Note

The present Petition is clearly a frivolous appeal. An appeal is frivolous if it

presents no justiciable question and is so readily recognizable as devoid of any merit
on the face of the record that there is little, if any, prospect that it can ever succeed.
54(55) The Petition indubitably shows the counsel's frantic search for any ground to
resuscitate petitioner's lost cause, which due to the counsel's fault was doomed with
the filing of a deficient complaint. 55(56) Thus, pursuant to Section 3, Rule 142 of the
Rules the imposition of treble costs on petitioner, to be paid by its counsel, is
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WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby DENIED. The Decision dated August

13, 2013 and the Order dated March 1, 2016 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 71,
Pasig City in Civil Case No. 73756 are AFFIRMED. Treble costs are hereby charged
against the counsel for petitioner RCBC Bankard Services Corporation. Let a copy of
this Decision be attached to the personal records of Atty. Xerxes E. Cortel in the
Office of the Bar Confidant. acEHCD


Carpio, Perlas-Bernabe, J.C. Reyes, Jr. and Lazaro-Javier, JJ., concur.

* Also stated as "Emy" in some parts of the records.
1. Rollo, pp. 8-21, excluding Annexes.
2. Id. at 22-25. Penned by Judge Elisa R. Sarmiento-Flores.
3. Id. at 26.
4. Id. at 45-47. Penned by Presiding Judge Joy N. Casihan-Dumlao.
5. Id. at 46.
6. Id. at 26.
7. Id. at 27.
8. Id. at 22.
9. Id.
10. Stated as "December 15, 2012" in the Complaint and in the Petition, id. at 9 and 29.
11. Rollo, pp. 22, 29 and 32-41.
12. Id. at 32-41.
13. Id. at 22-23.
14. Id. at 42.
15. Id. at 23.
16. Id. at 27-44.
17. Id. at 23.
18. Id.
19. Id.
20. Id.
21. Id. at 46.
22. The stamp appears to the bottom of each page of the SOAs with the following entry:
Duplicate Original
Senior Manager
Collection Support Division Head
Collection group
Copyright 1994-2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2019 Third Release 13
Bankard, Inc. (Records, pp. 5-14.)
23. Rollo, p. 46.
24. Id.
25. Id. at 48-49.
26. Id. at 48.
27. Id. at 56-61.
28. Id. at 58.
29. Id.
30. Id. at 24.
31. Id. at 24-25.
32. Id. at 25.
33. Id. at 52-55.
34. Id. at 26.
35. Id. at 71-72.
36. Id. at 104-105.
37. Id. at 15.
38. Id. at 14-15.
39. Id. at 25.
40. See Imani v. Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company, 649 Phil. 647, 661-662 (2010).
42. Id., Rule 4, Sec. 1.
43. RULES OF COURT, Rule 130.
44. Id. Rule 130, Sec. 4 (a).
45. RULES ON ELECTRONIC EVIDENCE, Rule 4, Sec. 1 in relation to Rule 3, Sec. 1.
46. Id., Rule 2, Sec. 1 (h).
47. Id.
48. Id., Rule 2, Sec. 1 (g).
49. RULES OF COURT, Rule 130, Sec. 4 (b) and (c).
50. RULES ON ELECTRONIC EVIDENCE, Rule 4, Sec. 2, first paragraph.
51. Records, pp. 5-14.
53. Total amount of claim inclusive of charges and penalties (based on the complaint) of
P117,157.98 less total late charges and interest charges of P25,747.20 equals
54. See De la Cruz v. Blanco, 73 Phil. 596, 597 (1942).
55. See Maglana Rice and Corn Mill, Inc. v. Spouses Tan, 673 Phil. 532, 544 (2011).

Copyright 1994-2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2019 Third Release 14

1 (Popup - Popup)
* Also stated as "Emy" in some parts of the records.

2 (Popup - Popup)
1. Rollo, pp. 8-21, excluding Annexes.

3 (Popup - Popup)
2. Id. at 22-25. Penned by Judge Elisa R. Sarmiento-Flores.

4 (Popup - Popup)
3. Id. at 26.

5 (Popup - Popup)
4. Id. at 45-47. Penned by Presiding Judge Joy N. Casihan-Dumlao.

6 (Popup - Popup)
5. Id. at 46.

7 (Popup - Popup)
6. Id. at 26.

8 (Popup - Popup)
7. Id. at 27.

9 (Popup - Popup)
8. Id. at 22.

Copyright 1994-2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2019 Third Release 15
10 (Popup - Popup)
9. Id.

11 (Popup - Popup)
10. Stated as "December 15, 2012" in the Complaint and in the Petition, id. at 9 and 29.

12 (Popup - Popup)
11. Rollo, pp. 22, 29 and 32-41.

13 (Popup - Popup)
12. Id. at 32-41.

14 (Popup - Popup)
13. Id. at 22-23.

15 (Popup - Popup)
14. Id. at 42.

16 (Popup - Popup)
15. Id. at 23.

17 (Popup - Popup)
16. Id. at 27-44.

18 (Popup - Popup)
17. Id. at 23.

Copyright 1994-2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2019 Third Release 16
19 (Popup - Popup)
18. Id.

20 (Popup - Popup)
19. Id.

21 (Popup - Popup)
20. Id.

22 (Popup - Popup)
21. Id. at 46.

23 (Popup - Popup)
22. The stamp appears to the bottom of each page of the SOAs with the following entry:
Duplicate Original
Senior Manager
Collection Support Division Head
Collection group
Bankard, Inc. (Records, pp. 5-14.)

24 (Popup - Popup)
23. Rollo, p. 46.

25 (Popup - Popup)
24. Id.

26 (Popup - Popup)
Copyright 1994-2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2019 Third Release 17
25. Id. at 48-49.

27 (Popup - Popup)
26. Id. at 48.

28 (Popup - Popup)
27. Id. at 56-61.

29 (Popup - Popup)
28. Id. at 58.

30 (Popup - Popup)
29. Id.

31 (Popup - Popup)
30. Id. at 24.

32 (Popup - Popup)
31. Id. at 24-25.

33 (Popup - Popup)
32. Id. at 25.

34 (Popup - Popup)
33. Id. at 52-55.

35 (Popup - Popup)
34. Id. at 26.
Copyright 1994-2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2019 Third Release 18
36 (Popup - Popup)
35. Id. at 71-72.

37 (Popup - Popup)
36. Id. at 104-105.

38 (Popup - Popup)
37. Id. at 15.

39 (Popup - Popup)
38. Id. at 14-15.

40 (Popup - Popup)
39. Id. at 25.

41 (Popup - Popup)
40. See Imani v. Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company, 649 Phil. 647, 661-662 (2010).

42 (Popup - Popup)

43 (Popup - Popup)
42. Id., Rule 4, Sec. 1.

44 (Popup - Popup)
43. RULES OF COURT, Rule 130.

Copyright 1994-2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2019 Third Release 19
45 (Popup - Popup)
44. Id. Rule 130, Sec. 4 (a).

46 (Popup - Popup)
45. RULES ON ELECTRONIC EVIDENCE, Rule 4, Sec. 1 in relation to Rule 3, Sec. 1.

47 (Popup - Popup)
46. Id., Rule 2, Sec. 1 (h).

48 (Popup - Popup)
47. Id.

49 (Popup - Popup)
48. Id., Rule 2, Sec. 1 (g).

50 (Popup - Popup)
49. RULES OF COURT, Rule 130, Sec. 4 (b) and (c).

51 (Popup - Popup)
50. RULES ON ELECTRONIC EVIDENCE, Rule 4, Sec. 2, first paragraph.

52 (Popup - Popup)
51. Records, pp. 5-14.

53 (Popup - Popup)

Copyright 1994-2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2019 Third Release 20
54 (Popup - Popup)
53. Total amount of claim inclusive of charges and penalties (based on the complaint) of
P117,157.98 less total late charges and interest charges of P25,747.20 equals

55 (Popup - Popup)
54. See De la Cruz v. Blanco, 73 Phil. 596, 597 (1942).

56 (Popup - Popup)
55. See Maglana Rice and Corn Mill, Inc. v. Spouses Tan, 673 Phil. 532, 544 (2011).

Copyright 1994-2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2019 Third Release 21

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