Your Magical Evolutionary Code Unleashed - Maureen Edwardson
Your Magical Evolutionary Code Unleashed - Maureen Edwardson
Your Magical Evolutionary Code Unleashed - Maureen Edwardson
Maureen Edwardson
First Published in Canada 2011 by
Influence Publishing
© Copyright Maureen Edwardson
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Author’s Photo: Cher Bloom
Cover Design: Joe Gregory
DISCLAIMER: This book has
been created to inform individuals
with an interest in their own
personal and spiritual
development. It is not intended in
any way to replace professional
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and no guarantee, representation,
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Readers of this publication agree
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About the Author
Maureen developed Inner
Resonance Technologies over
the last twenty years traveling
internationally, sharing with
the Russian doctors of the
Medical Research Institutes
in Siberia, the traditional
shamans of the Republic of
Altai, and healing centres in
Norway and Sweden. She
also provided training over a
three-year period to Tribal
Schools for the Office of
Indian Education Programs,
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
United States Government.
Maureen worked privately
with and also provided
training for all stake holders
in the educational process
including children, parents,
teachers, TA’s, Special
Education, counsellors,
administrators, bus drivers
and cafeteria staff. Most
children involved became
self-managed eliminating
their need for Ritalin.
Maureen has also worked
extensively in helping people
clear the underlying painful
causes to addictive substance
abuse and patterns, freeing
and empowering people to
make new, healthier choices.
Maureen delivers her
sessions by phone or in
person, individually or in
groups, and teaches her
concepts in workshops for
personal transformation and
for other health practitioners
wanting to have a catalyst for
even more effective results.
Her Resonance Bodywork
integrates her advanced
techniques to empower
clients to reprogram for
optimal health with tools for
ongoing self-care.
Maureen’s favourite thing
is to give live presentations
and to pass on the concepts of
our potential through freeing
up our magical selves.
She has proudly helped
produce two amazing
daughters, both engaged in
their passion for life, one
working with horses, the
other a musician.
Maureen lives on
beautiful Bowen Island off
the coast of Vancouver,
Canada where she enjoys the
forest and the ocean when she
finds herself at home.
Chapter 9: Conclusion
My Personal and Professional
Vision and Mission
I am delighted to
welcome you to this
adventure of consciousness!
Together we can explore
beyond the frontiers of
mind/body to the limitless
Human Spirit, creating new
possibilities and realities,
beyond our current limited
“Someone asked
us recently, ’Is there
any limitation to the
body’s ability to
heal?’ And we said,
‘None other than
the belief that you
hold.’ And he said,
‘Then why aren’t
people growing new
limbs?’ And we
said, ‘Because no
one believes that
they can’,”
Abraham Hicks.
Why amazing?
IRT allows you to
create immediate,
permanent change
in 1-4 sessions in
ALL areas of our
IRT does not
require you to
relive or re-
experience or
anything to put this
inner technology
to work for
IRT works as a
catalyst to boost
every system,
process and
technique into the
instant results of
IRT gives you the
opportunity to
program a one-
touch ‘speed dial’
for ongoing
maintenance and
Truly, we are walking
miracles, born ‘fully loaded’
with all the programs our
‘bio-supercomputers’ need to
instantly heal our bodies,
clear our minds and reconnect
our spirits, allowing us to feel
whole once again.
Pauline O’Malley of “The
Revenue Builder” has
referred to IRT as ‘the
Windows of the bio-
computer system’ as what I
have created is a unique
An extremely user-
friendly interface between the
operator (conscious 5%) and
the operating system
(unconscious 95%) resulting
in everyday miracles: the
automatic outcome of
clearing old limiting patterns
and beliefs.
The Body as Super-
The Body is an incredible
piece of technology, a
Magical Machine.
The body is often thought
of as our human limitation.
The truth is that it is capable
of ‘miracles’. If we were to
take the entire DNA in our
bodies and stretch it out, it
would encircle the globe
5,000 times! Each molecule
of DNA is such a powerful
processor that it has been
used to run a nano-computer
the size of a drop of water, no
external power source
needed. This was shared in
Scientific American in 2003.
We have 50 to 100 trillion
cells in our bodies. According
to Jon Kabat Zinn, a Western
Zen monk, the liver handles
100,000 enzymatic processes
every second. The brain
processes 40 neural bits per
second at the conscious level,
40 million bits per second at
the unconscious, and the non-
local mind of super-
consciousness is instant.
This is indeed the power
needed for miracles. What is
a miracle except something
that occurs beyond our
capacity to explain or
understand it?
“Any sufficiently
technology is
from magic.”
Arthur C. Clark, the
author of “2001 A
Space Odyssey
Resonance: A relationship of
mutual understanding or trust
and agreement between
people. Internet.
Electrical Resonance: Zero
Resistance in an electrical
circuit allows maximum flow
of energy. Webster.
Chemical Resonance:
Mirrored Balance. Webster
Effortless Grace
“Grace exists inside of all
of us and around us. It is our
inner beauty that radiates
outward, touching everyone
we meet. It is that unseen
hand that comes from the
divine, raising us up when we
most need it. To be able to
live in a state of grace is not
based on worthiness, nor is it
earned through good deeds,
ritual, or sacrifice. Rather it
is an unearned favour, freely
bestowed and available to all,
that is inherent to our
birthright. All we must do is
open our eyes to its presence
and we will find and
experience grace everywhere. May 23, 2011
Opening to Willingness
ourselves to
willingness may feel
like we are
surrendering or
abandoning all that
we believed. But at
the same time it is
an act of power and
courage because it
is a conscious
choice we make
about how to apply
our personal will.
Being willing is to
be in a state of
willing something
into creation. It is at
once allowing
ourselves to be,
while also choosing
to direct our energy
in a focused way. It
is being and doing
from a place of
openness, where we
can work with the
universe rather than
resist it. It is an
open hand rather
than one that is
clenched into a fist.
When we make a
step toward
willingness, we
open ourselves to
truth, possibility,
and the movement
of the wise universe
in and through our
Jan 21, 2008
The Resonance of
“Until one is
committed there is
hesitancy, the
chance to draw
back, always
Concerning all
acts of initiative and
creation, there is
one elementary
truth, the ignorance
of which kills
countless ideas and
splendid plans: that
the moment one
definitely commits
oneself then
providence moves
All sorts of
things occur to help
one that would
never otherwise
have occurred. A
whole stream of
events issues from
the decision, raising
in one’s favour all
manner of
incidents, meetings
and material
assistance which no
man could have
dreamt would come
his way.Whatever
you can do or
dream you can…
Begin it. Boldness
has genius, power
and magic in it.”
Johann Wolfgang
Von Goethe
Chapter 3: My
Journey: I Just
Happened to Be
“Until recently,
it was thought that
genes were self-
genes could ‘turn
themselves on and
off.’ Such behavior
is required in order
for genes to control
biology. Though the
power of genes is
still emphasized in
current biology
courses and
textbooks, a
radically new
understanding has
emerged at the
leading edge of cell
science. It is now
recognized that the
environment, and
more specifically,
our perception
(interpretation) of
the environment,
directly controls the
activity of our
genes. Environment
controls gene
activity through a
process known as
epigenetic control.
This new
perspective of
human biology does
not view the body as
just a mechanical
device, but rather
incorporates the
role of a mind and
breakthrough in
biology is
fundamental in all
healing for it
recognizes that
when we change
our perception or
beliefs we send
totally different
messages to our
cells and reprogram
their expression.
The new-biology
reveals why people
can have
remissions or
recover from
injuries deemed to
be permanent
Dr. Bruce Lipton
article “Mind Over
“A remarkable
discovery linking
the biblical
alphabets of
Hebrew and Arabic
to modern chemistry
reveals that a lost
code – a
alphabet – and a
clue to the mystery
of our origins has
lived within us all
along. Applying this
discovery to the
language of life, the
familiar elements of
hydrogen, nitrogen,
oxygen, and carbon
that form our DNA
may now be
replaced with key
letters of the ancient
languages. In doing
so, the code of all
life is transformed
in the words of a
timeless message.
Translated, the
message reveals
that the precise
letters of God’s
ancient name are
encoded as the
genetic information
in every cell, of
every life. The
message reads:
‘God/Eternal within
the body’. The
Humankind is one
family, united
through a common
heritage, and the
result of an
intentional act of
This is one of many
fantastic discoveries that are
revealing our Oneness.
Of Water and Blood,
the discoveries of Dr.
David Schweitzer
It was 1996 and I just
happened to be there once
again when Dr. David
Schweitzer came to do his
first Vancouver presentation.
It is my understanding that he
had met a Vancouver based
Live Blood Cell Analyst at a
medical conference in San
Diego who invited him to
Canada. David was
introduced to us as an MD
who had practiced in Britain
for 20 years as a blood
specialist. Also special is that
he is the grandson of Dr.
Albert Schweitzer. He
showed us several slides of
the results of a negative and a
positive thought form in a
cell. We saw that a negative
impact in the cell had all the
molecules huddling together
densely in an irregular, dark
mass that did not allow the
light to penetrate. This made
sense both as a metaphor for
fear and also as a real life
understanding: Medical scans
look for dense tissue to
indicate disease in the body.
When we contract, function
decreases. To the contrary, a
positive thought was shown
to have a balanced, even
distribution of molecules with
a lot of light throughout. Dr.
Schweitzer explained that as
blood is mostly water, and
our bodies have 70% water,
then we are influenced
directly by thoughts and
emotions. He continued to
develop his research on
different meditational and
emotional states to evolve
ways to interact and influence
the body for good health.
Crystals of Water:
The Magic within Us
by Dr. Emoto
On the other side of the
globe, Dr.Masuro Emoto had
also been doing similar
research in Japan, but from a
different perspective. I also
just happened to be a member
of Noetic Sciences when our
Vancouver group sponsored
Dr. Emoto to do his first
presentation in our city. I will
never forget either the slides
or the humour of the delivery.
What an amazing and
entertaining evening! Dr.
Emoto explained his process
of freezing water to about
-30C and then when it
warmed up to about -2, it
briefly formed crystals which
he then photographed with
special equipment. His
process was to imprint
distilled water with images,
sound, thoughts and words.
The same water was shown
before and after being
influenced, and the results
were stunning. The pictures
of polluted water from a
single sample were
transformed by simply
changing the label with the
words Love and Gratitude,
which subsequently formed a
most magnificent crystal! As
the man in the subway station
in the movie “What the
Bleep” commented at a
display of Emoto`s water
crystal pictures of words,
“Imagine what your thoughts
are doing to your body!” I
love the next scene where the
lead character draws hearts all
over her body then gets into a
bathtub of water to positively
influence and shift the
frequency of her cells.
Doesn’t this
understanding make you
think about all those slogans
on the T-shirts that we wear
and the tattoos people
embody? I once was “tickled”
by a T-shirt with the slogan:
“Unless you are living on the
edge, you are taking up too
much room”. I wore it
everywhere. Guess what
happened to my life? You are
right! I went into survival
mode, having barely enough.
Following the terrible
earthquake and tsunami in
South East Asia in 2006, I
remember when the next
stage of catastrophe was set
to happen with water borne
diseases, including cholera,
being expected. Dr. Emoto
sent an email to his global
network asking for prayers of
love and gratitude for those
trauma riddled waters. A
couple of nights after that
email I happened to be
watching the news when they
announced that the secondary
wave of destruction bringing
cholera was not happening as
feared. Astounding! Dr.
Emoto’s work is completely
fascinating with many more
examples of the power of our
consciousness, especially
collectively, to transform
ourselves and our
Back to Dr. Emoto’s
presentation: When we got to
the section of slides entitled
“Showing Pictures to Water”
one particular slide was the
most impactful of the evening
for me. A bottle of distilled
water was placed on a picture
of an elephant. The resulting
crystal was very blunt and
hexagonal in shape which
was interesting in itself,
however from the top into the
centre was the shape of a
trunk; the defining feature of
an elephant! How magical!
This phenomenon was
similar to the image of a crab
that appeared in sand
resonating with the Crab
Nebulae’s “music of the
spheres”. I once read about
someone who had been able
to record the sound of the
Crab Nebulae star system.
When he played the “music”
through a metal plate with
sand on top, the sand
organized itself into a picture
of a crab - remarkable echoes
of Dr. Emoto’s work.
From that I was inspired
to envision that if some
people like Paul Armitage, a
Vancouver based musician,
could channel someone’s soul
sound, then perhaps that same
musical information could be
played through speakers
installed in a sound bed with
ear phones on the person, for
binary left-right brain
integration. That experience
could potentially realign their
energy field by resonating the
body into harmony with the
expression of their higher
self. All that was dissonant
within the person and their
field could potentially be
released. I felt that this would
result in good health not just
physically, but emotionally,
mentally and spiritually.
I then heard of a tribe in
Africa where the women take
an expectant mother into the
desert away from the village
and channel the baby’s soul
song. When the child is
birthed, there is a ‘welcoming
committee’ that sings the
baby its own song as it
emerges. In later years if the
child misbehaves or commits
a crime, the whole
community gathers in a circle
with the person in the centre
and they all sing his soul song
to resonate and harmonize the
person back to a healthy
expression of balance. This
certainly puts our current
crime and punishment
paradigm into some question.
Back to the Future
with Deepak
Chopra’s Timeless
Mind-Bridge to
Ageless Body
Just the title of Deepak
Chopra`s early book,
“Ageless Body, Timeless
Mind” indicates our potential.
It is our imagination, the
bridging power of the mind
and spirit that runs the body.
This concept when taken to
its logical conclusion leads to
an idea of immortality. Truly,
if the mind and consciousness
have command over the body,
there is no need to age. What
if aging and death were
programs of belief rising
from the unresolved built up
experience of stress and
negative thoughts and
feelings impacting and
contracting the body`s ability
to keep regenerating with full
healthy capacity?
Deepak Chopra
conducted an experiment that
put volunteers into a movie
set immersion environment
where one week was relived
from the 1950`s. The people
wore the styles, ate the food,
read the newspapers, watched
the TV shows, and listened to
the music sitting on furniture
from that period. He tested
the participants` bio markers
before and after with
significant differences in anti-
Indeed, some Inner
Resonance clients have
dropped ten years from their
appearance and one was even
seven pounds lighter in a one
hour release session. Talk
about a weight loss program!
Negativity and depression
physically weighs us down
and ages us. For a dramatic
impact of stress we need only
look at U.S. presidents even
early in their term, but
especially after four years.
I believe that aging is the
default program of the
physical without the freedom
of the spirit to be fully
engaged in creating and
recreating its joyful
expression of life in healthy
Receiving those Chopra
tapes right at the beginning of
my search for understanding
of what I had stumbled upon
and put together continues to
be an inspiration for the
possibilities of Inner
Resonance to contribute to
that long sought after
“Fountain of Youth”.
I am convinced it is
within; somewhere in that
still dark place at the centre of
our universe in each cell,
driven and informed by our
consciousness. Shift our
consciousness: Extend our
Mind Power
Body Power
“I won a session
with Maureen in a
benefit auction and,
after much
enjoyed a most
inspiring session
with her. I was
dealing with
personal issues
relating to friends
and family, and
came away with an
perspective which
resulted in easy
resolution of those
issues and more. I
have experience
with hypnosis,
Kinesiology, Touch
for Health, the
Forum and other
modalities. All of
these have been of
use and have helped
with my personal
growth, but none
are as easy or
applicable as Inner
Resonance. In
sessions, I have
accelerated the
healing of skiing
improved my golf
game, and best of
all, silenced the
little negative voice
in my head that
everything I said or
did to make sure it
was inoffensive. I
now, mostly, live
comfortably in the
present and speak
directly from the
heart, and when
create tension that
might pull me away,
I use the touch-
breath technique
and feel myself
settle down. What a
blessing. I have
encouraged many
sceptical friends to
try this work and
have enjoyed their
successes. The work
is so subtle, that
sometimes people
forget their issues
so completely that
they don’t think
anything happened.
What wonderful
bodies we have that
can respond so
completely at an
energy level, and
how fortunate we
are to have Inner
Resonance to help
us tap into our
personal magical
powers! For me
there are no limits
to the possibilities,
and I enjoy the
potential for greater
growth every day!”
Alice Jennings,
[email protected]
What is an interference
An interference pattern is
information stored by the
system to protect you from
being hurt. When the dangers
are over, these protections
become blocks to your
system being fully functional,
using up considerable energy
on storing these out-dated
memories. They become
patterns of automatic, reactive
behaviours, inappropriately
From simple injuries to
serious, chronic and terminal
illnesses, IRT empowers you
to activate the self-healing
regenerative programs of the
body through the power of
the mind and spirit, which
have command over the
physical, human world.
E.g. Arthritis, asthma,
cancer, surgeries, accidents,
addictions, Irritable Bowel
Syndrome etc…
Because every thought or
emotion has a chemical
signature in the system, IRT
helps to create a chemistry of
wholeness, allowing
pathways to get switched
back on. By clearing the pain
or “charge” from old
memories in the body-mind
systems, clarity, insights and
information are available with
more objectivity, allowing
healthier, more productive
choices. This results in
achieving more of your
E.g. Post Traumatic
Syndrome Disorder, trauma,
sexual abuse, stress overload,
addictions etc.
When confusion and old pain
are released, new found
clarity leads to freedom to
know and express more of
whom you truly are, feeling
connected and whole,
sometimes for the first time.
This brings meaning and
inner peace to all parts of
your life.
E.g. Feeling confused,
lost directionless, unknown
purpose, lonely,
Other professionals:
Coaches, addiction
specialists, counsellors,
hypnotherapists, etc. who
want both self-care tools and
a catalyst for moving their
most challenged clients
through those resistant, stuck
spots rapidly, with ease, grace
and self-direction.
Massage therapists, Jin
Shin Do practitioners,
chiropractors, naturopaths,
yoga and fitness instructors,
etc. to help their clients
release chronic patterns in the
body-mind, allowing faster
response and more successful
Individuals wanting to
transform their lives and
possibly help their family and
Individuals looking to
develop a career in the self-
help/healing arts.
This is who
you truly are, a
spiritual being,
your reality
What is Universal
There has been talk about the
smallest indivisible piece of
matter, called the adamantine
particle, sometimes even
referred to as the God
Particle, which is found
everywhere: in and through
all things including the air;
even in deep space once
thought to hold nothingness.
The bigger truth is that the
tiniest possible particle is still
infinitely divisible. It will be
interesting to see how many
larger Large Hadron
Accelerators will be built
before this truth is known and
This cosmic building
material is intelligent and
responds to thought:
Information travels
INSTANTLY in this cosmic
field. This action is
sometimes referred to as
“non-locality” as it operates
outside of time and space as
we normally experience the
linear physical world.
Einstein called this “spooky
action at a distance”.
For example, at a talk by
Gregg Braden, author of
“Walking Between the
Worlds”, “Fractal Time”,
“The Isaiah Code” and “The
God Code”, I learned of an
experiment that was
There were volunteers
who were trained to
emotionally respond to both
horrific and ‘warm fuzzy’
pictures. Scientists had
equipment present that could
observe the action of a DNA
molecule when a negative or
a positive emotion was
experienced. A negative
response was observed to
create a tightening of the
double helix spiral, much like
a spring, whereas there was a
relaxing, elongating of the
‘spring’ of DNA when
positive emotions were
experienced. Ever heard the
expressions ‘up tight’ or
‘hang loose’? Interesting how
our language reflects what is
literally happening in our
I understand that one of
these ‘subjects’ volunteered a
piece of skin (DNA) from his
hand that was then put into a
Faraday Cage, which is
designed to insulate anything
inside from any electro-
magnetic energy waves
outside this box.
The box was then moved
progressively down the road,
away from the volunteer’s
body, who at each stop,
emotionally responded
negatively and positively.
Each time, both ‘host’
DNA and the disembodied
DNA responded
simultaneously in the exact
same manner, no matter how
far away they moved the
DNA. They finally stopped
after 50 miles, as there
continued to be zero time
response difference. This
same experiment has been
repeated over many
thousands of miles.
Remember what we said,
information travels
INSTANTLY in this ‘non-
local’ field!
It is the same thing when
you ‘know’ who is on the
other end of your ringing
There are ‘masters of
consciousness’ like Sai Baba,
reported to ‘create’ real,
material things, instantly, out
of thin air: e.g., think ‘apple’
and make one appear in his
hand right away!
What one man can do, all
people can be trained for.
All of us are evolving our
consciousness to be able to do
the same things:
Take for example, fire-
eaters or fire walkers. At one
time very few could do this
‘magic’ of walking on hot
coals. Now, it is becoming an
everyday miracle, with
people showing up in droves
for an afternoon or evening
all over the world, having a
few short hours of training
and doing the same thing
without getting burned!
How is this possible?
There is a physical law
regarding fire and flesh is
there not?
There is another universal
law that says: Consciousness
rules over the physical body.
The body does not know
the difference between real
and imagined.
Ask anyone who has just
woken up from a terrifying
nightmare, heart beating,
panic stricken in a sweat,
hyperventilating. Was the
dream real or was it ‘mind
over matter’?
This leads to the
conclusion that different and
sometimes contradictory
things can be true at the same
time: We are moving from an
‘either/or’ universe to one of
‘and, and, and…’ as our
understandings expand to
include multiple layers of
‘truth’. In other words, many
apparently opposite things
can be true at the same time.
“The Matrix” and “Total
Recall” movies demonstrate
that what we ‘plug into’
mentally and emotionally
rules our body’s responses.
Our mind rules our bodies,
real or perceived.
So coming back to
Universal Consciousness,
what are some of the qualities
of this quantum field of ‘God
Particles’ that some people
might name ‘Spirit’?
An ocean of
infinite potential,
an informational
field of possibility:
the Universal
Wide Web; the
origin of creativity
and inspiration.
No limitations of
time or space: all
time, past, present
and future are here
in this moment,
right HERE, right
No limitations of
the physical world.
rules over the
physical. The body
does not know the
difference between
real and imagined.
It responds ‘as if’,
a pure responder to
Mind over matter;
Spirit over mind.
Spirit trumps all.
In conclusion I would
offer the hypothesis that as
breathing units of
consciousness, we are
spiritual beings having a
physical experience, not the
other way around as we have
been taught.
This being true, we then
have access to this
limitlessness of which we are
a part.
This then becomes our
birthright: This is who we
TRULY are.
The body is a
communications device and
has access to:
The memory of
everything from all
times and places
The programs and
connected to the
(The Field)
The unlimited
capacity to
So how do we activate
this amazing communication
device, otherwise known as
the human body? Have you
heard of voice-activated
Turn on your bio-
computer in this
simple way:
Remember you
mostly run on the
default level of
programs. This
command is to
wake up and
activate all the
programs and
capacity than
normally lie
dormant or have
been switched off.
Step Four:
Intention: Give a
Command to the
If anything were
possible, what would you
Remember askand you shall
Intention is vital in
putting this power to work
for you.
All possible root
core causes;
All of everything
that may be
associated or
connected with
this issue (e.g.
shoulder pain) on
all aspects of my
being: physical,
emotional, mental
and spiritual;
All levels of
memory: this life,
ancestral DNA,
soul and planetary
All aspects of
yourself on all
levels of reality in
the greater cosmic
3. Allow effortless
This addresses the
beliefs of “You have to
work hard for anything
worth having and you
need to earn your way
and deserve it”.
Effortless grace to be
and express our full
selves is our birthright.
5. Respect and
honour the parts
that need time to
process, while at
the same time
everything to
speed up faster
than the normal,
3D physical
Moves you into a deeper
level of trust and
acceptance of what IS,
decreasing resistance.
What are
the details
you SEE?
sounds do
Do you
Are you
going on a nature
Sometimes the person needs
to move in certain ways, so it
may be that they go to a yoga
class or for a real walk in
nature, a run, or even dance.
One client of mine had been
going to the same yoga class
for a long time. When a
challenge came up in the
body, they had an Inner
Resonance session which did
not appear to have any direct
results. However, a week
later in yoga class the body
completely released.
Inner Resonance is
a catalyst that
boosts ALL
modalities into the
quantum instant!
“Esoteric and
spiritual teachers
have known for
ages that our body
is programmable by
language, words
and thought. This
has now been
scientifically proven
and explained. Of
course the
frequency has to be
correct. And this is
why not everybody
is equally successful
or can do it with
always the same
strength. The
individual person
must work on the
inner processes and
maturity in order to
establish a
communication with
the DNA.”
Excerpt from an
article “Russian
Discoveries of DNA”
from the book
“Vernetzte Intelligenz”
von Grazyna Fosar und
Franz Bludorf, ISBN
summarized and
commented by Baerbel.
While still feeling great,
choose a spot to touch on
your body and at the same
time be aware of all your
good feelings. THIS IS THE
WHOLENESS that you are
asking all levels of
consciousness to associate
with that spot. Breathe in and
out with awareness of both
the touch and the feeling in
your body.
Remember, chemical
memory in the brain is
released through associative
Try it!
“The work is
Adrienne, North
IRT Templates: A
few suggested ways to
language these
A Conversation to
facilitate IRT
1. Breathe easy.
Know that breath
is your connection
to Spirit/Higher
Self/Life Force/
Universal Guiding
Principle/ Source
of All
Knowingness and
Love. Remember
what you know
about Spirit – it is
connection to all
possibilities and
potentials beyond
time and space,
with command
over all aspects of
reality; freedom
from time (past,
present, and future
are all available
4. Intention – If
anything were
possible– what
would you want,
specifically or
generally? Take
time to reflect and
let me know when
you have
something in mind.
You may say your
intention out loud
or silently to
yourself. Would it
be OK:
a. To open the
wide to clear
any and all
issues that no
longer serve
your highest
b. To clear all
static and
hindrances or
obstacles, to
expressing all
that you can
c. To include all
everything that
associated or
connected to
this issue -
mentally and
d. To include
alllevels of
reality, all
all dimensions,
all frequencies
of the greater
5. Agreements – Will
you allow this
process to be:
a. Done with
gentle ease and
b. Safe and
appropriate at
all times?
c. Instant and
permanent for
what is ready
at this time?
d. And for what
is not ready,
allow yourself
to surrender to
accepting that
everything has
its own time
and let that be
perfect in the
big picture that
you don’t
e. Ask the part of
you that is
willing to be
ready and open
to a new
possibility to
be in charge?
6. Process - I invite
you now to take
your conscious self
to a place that is
safe, relaxing and
pleasurable where
you can be in total
comfort and ease.
You may imagine
yourself in a
beautiful scene in
nature or in a
happy, pleasurable
experience in a
peaceful colour,
light or
soundscape. What
do you see hear
smell taste feel?
integrating here
any secondary
modality at this
point – bodywork,
nutritional support,
essential oils, etc.,
While you are in
your safe, peaceful place
know that your
subconscious is
automatically processing
and acting on your
intentions, within your
agreements, together
with limitless Spirit,
beyond time and space.
Take whatever time
you need.
When you are ready
to check in, open your
How are you
feeling? If not complete,
then the secondary
processes can be used.
You can ask, do you
want to go back to that
safe place to allow more
to process or would you
like something
different…don’t like
imagining? How about
Pattern Interrupt? How
does your body feel?
Where are you feeling
it? What does it look or
feel like? What do you
want to do with that?
What kind of pain?
(E.g. Hot or sharp or dull
or throbbing) work with
the metaphor….ask what
they want to do to shift
that. Remember the
imagination is the bridge
the brain uses to change
the chemistry in the
How are you
feeling? Keep on asking
after every process until
7. Speed Dial:
What do you feel and
sense in your body?
Are you complete for
your process, for your
Notice again how
your body is feeling:
This is the chemistry of
To anchor this
feeling, choose a spot on
your body to touch and
notice this touch, along
with the feeling in your
body and your breath.
When you have all three
streaming in your
awareness, take a breath
with your touch and
breathe out through your
mouth, letting go of your
touch as you exhale. Do
this 3 more times for a
total of 4 to program this
You are creating a
switch in your brain to
recall and reactivate this
chemical signature of
wholeness for anything
else you need to release
or want to create at any
future moment.
Practice this touch-
breath twice daily – last
thing at night, on
awakening in the
morning are good times
– and any other time you
need a boost or get
Computer Analogy
4. Licensing
Will you allow:
a. your own
system to
select only
what is safest
and most
appropriate for
you at this time
b. the whole
process to be
done with
greater ease
and gentleness
than thought
c. whatever is
ready, to be
instantly and
d. whatever needs
a different time
or another
process to be
allowed to
unfold in its
own way
e. the part of you
that is open to
this process to
be in charge
and work
together with
5. 3D screensaver:
Allow your imagination
to take you on vacation.
Your only job is to show
up completely present in
the moment of this place
with as much sensory
input as desired. Your
processor is at work at
an unconscious program
level together with
limitless spiritual help
beyond time and space
and will bring you back
when completed by
opening your eyes.
6. Save program to
icon on desktop:
Touch/ Breath
Touch a spot somewhere
on your body, noticing
how the “Chemistry of
Wholeness” feels, asking
all levels of
consciousness to
associate this spot with
reactivating this program
when requested and
clicked on. This will
automatically take care
of whatever needs
rebalancing and
harmonizing in THAT
moment. Breathe in and
let go…do this 4 or 5
Inner Resonance
Technologies 12 STEP
1. Breathe easy,
remembering this
is the breath of
life, the breath of
consciousness that
connects you to a
Higher Power,
greater than
yourself: a Higher
Power of timeless
possibilities with
command over the
human, physical
world. From this
place of
remembering your
higher self,
connected to a
greater wholeness.
5. Ask to surrender
only what is safe
and appropriate for
the highest good
for all concerned at
this time.
6. Ask for greater
ease, gentleness
and openness to
the gift of grace as
appropriate for this
time and always.
7. Agree to allow
what has no further
positive, higher
purpose to be
released right
Inner Resonance
Technologies Conceptual
Skeleton for you to play
with your own words.
Chapter 6: How
Inner Resonance
Helps – From
Addiction to
Workplace Stress
In my opinion and
experience, when people are
given an opportunity to clear
the unconscious, underlying
pain that causes addictions,
then the need to self-medicate
dissolves. When this happens
and they are reconnected to
themselves, their gifts
automatically activate and
meaningful purpose fills them
up, allowing the person to
become more whole and at
Maggie’s story
“My name is
Melanie Graham and I
would like to talk about
how the work that I
have done with
Maureen Edwardson
has helped my asthma.
As a child I never had
any problems with
asthma, although each
winter I would get a
very nasty bronchial
cough. Then, in the
winter of 1984, I
caught a cold that
basically was with me
until very recently. I
was working in a Head
Start pre-school and
had sick children on
my lap much of the
day, so couldn’t get rid
of the cold. I was also
very emotionally
stressed out, and
running quite a bit, so I
got overtired, I guess.
It was an exceptionally
cold winter, so I would
breathe in cold air and
this must have really
damaged my lungs
because I developed
bronchitis, pneumonia
and then the asthma
from there. It took the
Doctors quite a while
to diagnose, because it
was so sudden and no-
one in my family had
ever had it before, but
it was definitely
asthma. At one point I
coughed so long and so
hard that I cracked a
rib, which was
I have always been
a very physical person
and having asthma
really put a damper on
my physical activities,
at first. Once I got
connected with my Dr.
Paul Creelman, about
10 years ago, he put me
on a medication plan
that kept my breathing
clear. For several years
I took Prednisone
regularly, from 5-
40mg, depending on
how I was feeling. I
even got pregnant with
my first child while on
Prednisone, and was
very uncomfortable
with this. Even though
everything turned out
alright, I vowed to
myself that my next
child would not be
exposed to any steroid
medications through
me. So I slowly
weaned myself from
the Prednisone (from
1990 – 1991) and was
free of it by the time I
became pregnant with
my next child in the
winter of 1991. I was
still using my
“breathers” regularly…
a Vanceril inhaler and
a Vancanase AQ nose
squirt. For all of these
years (from probably
1987 – 1997) I took 3-
4 puffs of each of these
medications 4x every
single day. If, for some
reason, I did not use a
breather for a couple of
days then I was fine for
2 days. On the third
day my breathing
would begin to tighten
up and I would be in
trouble by the end of
the third day. I also
have a Proventil
inhaler that I would use
whenever needed.
After working with
Maureen on Saturday,
8 November, my
medication plan has
changed dramatically. I
keep waiting for my
Doctor to call me and
ask why I am no longer
filling my
prescriptions! I was a
regular at the local
pharmacy for many
years. Directly after
being with Maureen, I
had 3 days of very
severe asthma, tough to
breathe at all, and I
needed to use the
Prednisone to sleep at
night. Slowly,
however, this tightness
began to relax and my
breathing was easier,
clear in about 5 days.
On Friday, 16
November I spoke to
Maureen on the
telephone and she
supported me in my
choice in stopping my
breathers all together,
which I had not done
for 10 years, ever since
the asthma in my body
was diagnosed!
Amazingly enough, my
lungs were fine. One
and two days passed,
and then the telling
third day. Well, that
day passed by also and
I was fine. My
breathing was really
fine without any
medication at all!
About a week after
that, I had a glass of
red wine at a party and
really felt my chest
tightening up, which
scared me. I went back
on the breathers for a
couple of days and then
off again for almost a
month and a half. So
the entire month of
December I was not on
any asthma medication
at all. I teach school
full time, and in the
winter months I work
for the US Forest
Service outside
(teaching people about
Bald Eagles) so at this
time I was on my 7 day
a week work schedule,
along with working out
at the gym 3x a week,
and raising two
children alone. Even
with this busy schedule
and physical activity,
exposure to the
elements, I was really
fine. At Christmas time
I was exposed to an
awful flu bug and
caught it really bad. I
was very sick with a
horrid cough and the
asthma returned. I had
to get back on my
medication very
diligently and it took
almost the whole
month of January to get
myself back under
On 29 January I
went back off the
asthma medication.
The flu bug was finally
gone, and I had killed
the bacterial infection
with antibiotics. This, I
made it the whole
month of February
without any medication
and now it is well into
March. I worked again
with Maureen recently,
on 6 March,
concentrating on my
allergies and trying to
heal those problems. It
has been one week
since then, and I am
still able to walk
outside without too
much discomfort.
Occasionally I will use
a puff of the Proventil
inhaler at night, but I
am feeling pretty
comfortable during a
time of year that
usually knocks me
Broken Bones
Updated story……10
years later.
Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome/ Chronic Pain
Helge was a master
chef forced to retire
early. His heart was
functioning on a mere
9.8% capacity and so
he was put on the list
for a heart transplant,
not a common thing at
that time. After one
pattern interrupt
session with sound, his
heart improved 44%
and he was taken off
the heart transplant list.
What happened that
day is that he had an
insight around an
emotional broken heart
because of a huge fight
he had had with his
father 35 years before.
The very moment he
was in the process of
releasing that heart
break his father started
calling him,
spontaneously after all
that time, and they
were re-united. A year
later a second session
brought another 10%
improvement. He is
written up in the
Norwegian medical
journals as a miracle. I
certainly enjoyed the
seven course seafood
dinner he served up as
a thank you!
Another woman in
her 40’s was tested for
a possible heart
transplant at St. Paul’s
hospital in Vancouver,
Canada. She was tested
all day Tuesday, after
which I was called in
by a friend to do a
session with her that
same evening.
Wednesday they did
another battery of tests
and discharged her at 3
pm as her heart was
44% improved over the
previous day. She then
took a 6 hour bus trip
home at 5:30 pm that
same day and called
me from work
Thursday morning. I
was astounded.
“In the summer of
2009 I was diagnosed
with Hyperthyroidism.
I was not interested in
conventional treatment
and decided to pursue a
healing course of
action. I was scheduled
to test for my Tae
Kwon Do Black Belt in
December of 2009, and
so had extra motivation
to get myself well for
that event. In addition
to changing my diet
and pursuing a course
of healing with my
doctor of Traditional
Chinese Medicine, I
also worked with
Maureen, as I believe
her Inner Resonance
Therapy technique is
incredibly supportive
and helpful no matter
what other modalities
one may be using. I
also feel that my IRT
treatments deepened
the effectiveness of the
other work that I was
doing. IRT feels like
the glue that kept
everything else
working together from
a deep foundational
place. From my work
with her, I gained
deeper peace and
confidence in addition
to clearing the
underlying factors of
my dis-ease.
After the first
session I could
complete my Marshall
Arts routine for the
first time in a couple of
months easily and
normally, whereas
before I was not able to
draw a full breath and
my heart rate was
through the ceiling so I
had to pace myself.
Amazingly, after that
first session I could,
literally overnight,
fully engage in my
training which was
essential to my goal.
This was huge!
We did a total of 4
sessions, with one
more booster just
before the test, more
for extra confidence
and focus as my
strength and health was
In December of
2009 I successfully
tested for my Tae
Kwon Do Black Belt! I
was also symptom-free
of the Hyperthyroidism
and continue to be so.
This has been amazing
and I am very grateful
to be healthy, strong
and happily in pursuit
of my art and life.”
Titania E.A.
“As a publisher I
believe in really
understanding my
author’s work and so I
have spent many hours
with Maureen in
private session around
many old beliefs that I
didn’t think were
movable. One of my
major health challenges
that I have had since
childhood has been
scoliosis of the spine. I
had spent many hours
understanding the
meaning of ‘being out
of alignment’ and the
subsequent decision of
my parents at the time
to opt for my back to
be broken in an
operation that would
‘re-align’ my spine. I
was ‘stuck’ in the cycle
of believing that
because a steel rod had
been inserted to
support my straighter
back, that I could not
do traditional
physiotherapy or
exercises to strengthen
my spine. I always
considered the rod as
preventing me from
strengthening my own
spine, and as a result I
have suffered chronic
pain since the age of
18. Maureen took me
through an Inner
Resonance session with
a beautiful
visualization exercise
where I saw a different
result from the
operation resulting in a
stronger, straighter and
pain free back. Since
this first session I have
been using the touch
breath technique every
time I get back spasm
and I now enjoy doing
Yoga without fear of
the rod preventing me
from doing the
movements and no
longer let fear of other
therapists ‘touching’
my back prevent me
from receiving other
treatments to release
old tight muscles.
Maureen has changed
my life with inner
resonance and I now
accept my steel rod as
just another energetic
element I can embrace
instead of rejecting and
“Several months
later I was with
Maureen at the
Edmonton Body Soul
Spirit expo which was
a very stressful
situation for my back;
concrete floors that I
had to stand on for ten
hour days with very
little time to rest. I
woke in the morning
bent over with the
pressure and stress and
as I hobbled through
the exhibition halls,
Maureen was doing a
quick process for me.
She had pointed out
that ‘lack of support’
could be more
responsible for my
back pain than my
scoliosis or steel rod
and that I was possibly
triggered by previous
expo’s: with very
unpleasant results 10
years previously when
I lived in England. As I
am muttering under my
breath ‘yeah right…’
we approached the
booth and one of the
other authors smiled
and greeted us warmly.
I apologized for being
late and leaving him
alone at the booth to
which he replied ‘no
problem, why don’t
you ladies go and have
a good breakfast and
I'll hold the fort’. My
back physically
straightened on hearing
these words! It was a
complete breakthrough
for me! Yes, Maureen
was right! It was not
old beliefs around my
operation - it was old
beliefs around lack of
support from other
people! I was amazed
to see the physical
manifestation of the
new support with my
back straightening
immediately - which
really does prove, mind
over body!”
Julie Salisbury,
Influence Publishing
Workplace conflict
Inner Resonance as a
Way of Life
Past History,
Current Pain…
Providing a quick
history on the reasons I
was dealing with such
severe and unresolved
back & neck pain, over
three decades ago, a
drunk driver ran a red
light at 100 mph and
forever changed the
state of my 19-yr. old
body upon impact.
Fortunately, I survived,
and began a very long
journey toward optimal
healing. Along the
way, I refused the offer
of permanent disability
benefits as I didn’t
want to apply such a
label to my healing
efforts, as I had every
intention of healing the
‘permanent’ disc
damage and resolve &
release my ever-present
companion, pain. My
dear old dad, a
scientist, professor, and
thriving life-enthusiast,
had forever impressed
upon my mind & heart
the phenomenal
capabilities of the most
magnificent technology
on earth, the amazing
human body! Feeling
fully equipped for the
task, I set about healing
my body.
At the time the
accident occurred, my
parents were in the
middle of a very sad
divorce and struggling
with their own issues,
so my young adult self
did her very best to put
things back together
and heal left-over
injuries upon release
from the hospital post-
Treasured Life-
Since that life-altering
day in 1975, I have
personally studied and
applied myriad viable
healing modalities,
both individually
applied and in the
company of healing-
oriented individuals of
a scientifically-proven
holistic variety, and
always with the intent
to heal at the core and
empower the body-
mind to fulfill the
measure of its creation
as a self-healing
Each step in this
beautiful journey
offered ongoing relief
and a semblance of
progress toward greater
well-being. However,
even with full belief
backed-up by
awareness and action,
nothing seemed to
reverse or heal the
post-accident spinal-
instability with its
companion, debilitating
and well-meaning
medical doctors could
only offer risky,
unproven-surgeries and
Having been raised
by a scientist-father
who understood and
exemplified the
optimization of human
potential, I chose not to
believe medical doctors
when they said things
like “Plan on feeling
miserable for the rest
of your life.” and “Due
to the pelvic injuries, I
wouldn’t plan on
having children as you
probably cannot
conceive and safely
carry at this point".
I went on to bear a
lovely family of sweet
children, and any
spinal pain was well
worth the joy! Having
safely carried and
delivered each child, I
was further convinced I
could heal my back as
Present Day
The Sighhhh
New Insights:
Much to my surprise,
after years of
entrusting my body’s
healing to holistic
doctors (as the prospect
of surgery and organ-
destroying pain
medicines held little
appeal to me) I was
being ‘nudged’ to see
surgeons and this
initially made me a
little nervous!
I had watched my
own mother’s decline
and demise following
back-surgeries and
addiction to pain
medicine, and after
checking in now &
then with ortho-docs
through the years to
peruse the latest and
greatest, I had pretty
much written off
anything “Allopathic
America” had to offer.
It was now
necessary to move
through any ‘fears’ or
apprehensions and
follow attuned and
heightened inner-
guidance and play
“Meet the Medical
Docs!” and with a
beautiful outcome!
Yielding to guided-
action led me to
amazingly ‘open’, in-
tune, and love-centered
neuro/ortho surgeons
who surprised me.
One shared, “We
now know that it is
next to impossible to
improve upon the
healing mechanisms
nature provided us
with. As
doctors/researchers, we
are currently placing
more of our research
emphasis on ways to
employ those
mechanisms instead of
disrupting them with
the scalpel."
These same
neuro/ortho docs
applauded my
utilization of holistic
principles and said
such things had kept
me happy, relatively
healthy, mobile, and
encouraged me to keep
it all up
My newfound
strength and more
finely-tuned clarity led
me to doctors of a
more quantum genre to
continue to support me
on the path kindled by
achieving greater
enough, quite through
‘happenstance’ I
crossed paths with an
MD who practiced
medicine in Asia for
over 25 years, and
came to America
offering a magnificent
skill-set which
included the rich
heritage of generational
healing in the tradition
of Chinese High Priests
and Master Healers,
including acupuncture,
chi gung, advanced
herbology, therapeutic
massage, and all other
ancient Chinese
healing methods which
facilitate and support
(rather than usurp!) our
body’s healing
mechanisms. It is my
belief that the Chinese
have been innately
imbued with the
knowledge of
‘quantum healing’ for
centuries, and she
confirmed this to me
when I asked her the
qualifying question,
“Sooooo, doctor, can
this spine be healed?”
To which she replied,
without missing a beat,
“The spine will heal
when the mind relaxes
and allows the healing
to occur."
As well, I ‘found’
an osteopath who,
among many gifts,
specializes in
supporting activity of
our innate and oft-
times overlooked
healing mechanisms.
As a result, I have
reached an all new
level of well-being I
never thought possible,
as for the first time in
my life, I am allowing
my body the healing
time and unfettered
energy that probably
‘should have’ been
engaged in 35 years
ago! In this new &
improved horizontal
position, there is but a
mere shadow of the
pain I use to endure.
During my ‘down-
time’, I am also more
fully allowing any old
feelings that may have
been repressed during
that or any other time
period to more fully
surface and release, an
ongoing process
initiated decades ago.
awarenesses and
‘letting go’ of old
leaves me lighter, more
free, and with energies
to spare, more fully
aligned and enlivened
than ever before! Hope
and progress abound…
Very personal
Although I have
always tried to
schedule in relaxation
and live a conscious,
peace-filled existence,
in reality, as the
eventual single mother
of five children post-
divorce, my life was
too busy for me to
TRULY relax for years
on end.
And wow … an
increased sense of
surrender was when all
new insights came
rushing in! Now, it
seems, I am being
pleasantly ‘forced’ to
relax my body full-
time, and finally giving
‘permission’ for “me to
take care of ME!” fully
and unequivocally,
without a fight! After
enjoying caring for
others first as a wife &
mother for a decade,
followed by 25-yrs. of
single-parenting, then
as a therapist for 13
years, it’s now time to
fully address ME,
As a motivational
add-on, a rehab doctor
told me, “If you don’t
address this NOW, you
will find yourself very
old … very fast … as
in immobilized or
dead.” Great impetus
which further
encouraged me to
allow my healing to be
my one & only ‘job’
for a while and a joyful
priority as I relax, pay
attention, and take
action! This very
fulfilling ‘job’ comes
with the excellent
benefits of:
Feeling perpetually,
with greater clarity and
energy for healing and
loving life, and
wondering what type
of progress new MRIs
will yield down the
Current MRIs I felt
nudged to get not only
revealed a high extent
of purportedly
‘unhealable’ spinal
issues, but shed light
on accident-related
discrepancies with
further action required
and desired. With plans
to follow inner-
guidance as shared, I
am engaging in
‘quantum healing’ for
greater brain health as
well. I’m so glad I paid
attention to the nudges
encouraging me to see
these neuro-docs!
I feel as if
erroneous beliefs &
feelings which created
internal static &
blockages that
circumvented my
body’s innate intuition
& healing mechanisms
were loosened,
revealed, and released,
allowing for all new
healing progress.
With the pain-
puzzle unraveling, life
began to feel less like it
was spinning out of
control and more like
the centered, joyful
affair it was planned
and intended to be!
I feel a stronger
sense of Self and more
fully understand my
needs on every level,
from the physical to the
nuanced spiritual. I
know on a core level
that perpetual self-
sacrifice, while a noble
gesture to some, rarely
does much to build
health and long-term
well-being! I have
slowed my life and
expectations to
currently include only
that which is of love,
regeneration, and
healing, and the ‘right’
people keep showing
up to assist in this
beautiful undertaking
as I continue to create
my future by knowing
my present ‘needs’ and
allowing resolution.
I more fully trust
my inner-guidance or
intuition as this past
half year blossomed
exponentially in all
regards as I listened
and applied these
heightened, clear
Perhaps the greatest
thing of all? I am at
pure peace with my
current state-of-being,
knowing that no matter
the outcome (which of
course I feel will yield
a more fully healed
spine!), I know I will
be able to manage my
life and earn my keep.
Among other
things, as if by magic,
‘the right people’ keep
showing up on my
door-step to help my
second business get up-
and-running after
closing the doors of my
first business due to
body-decline three
years ago.
As I follow what I
feel, each day brings
new gifts of all kinds to
joy’s threshold. More
fully resonating with
both my inner-self and
all of life, I look
forward to delivering
my next life-affirming
update thanks to the
intuition and inertia set
into motion with the
application of this
simple, powerful
process known as Inner
Resonance.” Angela,
Most of the time,
categorizing results with IRT
is difficult as the benefits are
many and global from each
session. Even if there is one
presenting symptom, many
issues get addressed and
resolved simultaneously.
Here is another example of
Inner Resonance as a way of
life in this regard.
“Maureen first
worked with me in
July, 2011 helping me
with a throat condition
that had bothered me
for nearly a year off
and on and every day
since February.
Between February and
July I had anywhere
from five to ten or
more episodes a day. It
would start with a
scratch, then a cough.
Sometimes I would
have dry heaving, then
my nose would start to
run, my eyes would
water, all the while
coughing. Each
episode would last
about fifteen minutes,
then it would settle
down and I felt fine
again. There was no
medical reason for this.
It appeared to be
allergies though no
testing was ever done.
After the first
session with Maureen
the number of episodes
I experience reduced to
one a day and
sometimes for a few
days with none. I
followed Maureen’s
instructions and did the
breath/touch each
morning and evening
and sometimes in
between for the next
few weeks. After a
while my throat
problems were gone.
During that first
session with Maureen I
also worked on my
high blood pressure.
There were three more
sessions with Maureen
through the summer
and when I visited my
G.P. my blood pressure
was normal and has
remained so.
In September, 2011
I was in a car accident.
The car was a write off
and I suffered internal
bruising and a broken
sternum. After another
session with Maureen
my internal bruising
eased off, and after two
weeks I was hardly in
any pain. I was told it
would take weeks for
this bruising to surface
and heal. I was also
told that my sternum
would take at least six
weeks to heal and
maybe longer.
However I have had no
more pain or
discomfort since the
first week after the
I was put on blood
pressure medications
two years ago this
November and even
then my blood pressure
was never at the right
level. Although
sometimes it was lower
than others, it is only
since Maureen worked
with me that it is really
down. Even right after
the accident when you
would expect it to be
over the top it was not
too bad and returned to
normal within a couple
of hours. Paramedics
were amazed,
considering the
adrenaline pumping
through my body.
I continue to use
breath/touch on a daily
basis and find it helps
me with not only the
physical but also my
mental outlook.
I am very grateful
to Maureen for all the
time spent with me and
the lessons taught and
will continue to work
with her.”
We must be mindful of
how we treat each
Mother Earth, as well
as being responsible
accountable in all our
Mindfulness which
means staying in the
and acting in non-
judgemental ways
creates an
entrance to our souls,
where our life’s
journey starts
on a path of seeking
the truth of our
Shannon Thunderbird, Tsimshian First Nation
Emotions Spirit
What have you noticed
differently today?
My Personal Vision:
To continue to evolve,
express and create more and
more from the essence of
Love that I AM in all
To have command and
mastery of my being in
greater service for all creation
My Personal
My Professional Vision:
My Professional
To create an international,
collaborative organization
devoted to practicing,
teaching and furthering the
Inner Resonance
Technologies concepts I have
To positively impact all
modalities across the
spectrum of human
endeavour with new
possibilities for mankind.
To create the dream
This means teaching and
learning from each other and
supporting each other’s
weaknesses with our
strengths, driven by positive,
focused intention.
This means contributing
to and celebrating each
other’s successes as our own.
“With a
community of like
minds, in a spirit of
collaboration, we
are able to weave
the strands of our
uniqueness into a
golden web that
supports a
harmonious dance
of co-creation!”
Maureen Mason
Fractal Time:
Gregg Braden
Introductory Workshop
Level 3: Advanced
Facilitator Certification
(AFC): including
integration of other
This is also an
introduction to full
integration of other
modalities. Required
reading list includes:
Biology of Belief by Dr.
Bruce Lipton; The Field
by Lynn McTaggart; The
Living Energy Universe
by Gary Schwartz and
Linda Russek. Also
recommended is The
Genie in My Genes by
Dawson Church.
Pre-Requisite Basic
Facilitator Training and
Advanced Facilitator
Certification. A minimum
total of 44 documented
private sessions is
required to demonstrate
experience and level of
professional intent before
the final step of arranging
2 co-teaching workshops:
assistant/observer :
No Charge
As full facilitator
with myself as
assistant : Co-
ordinate the event:
split proceeds after
Facilitators will be
certified and
registered to
deliver the
Personal Clearing
and the Basic
Training Levels
only and be
required to
purchase this book
as a manual and
pay 25% royalties
after workshop
expenses to the
originator Maureen
For more information on
Inner Resonance
Technologies, workshops,
private sessions, speaking
engagements and events
please go to or
contact Maureen at
[email protected]
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Maureen Edwardson is a
graduate of the InspireABook
program and a member of the
Inspired Authors Circle. If
you want to get on the path to
be a published author by
Influence Publishing please
go to
Influence Publishing