EXERRCISE - 2 Phylostrat Guideliens PDF

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PhyloStrat Tutorial

Do the traits of
organisms provide
evidence for evolution?
Consider two hypotheses about where Earth’s organisms came from.
The first hypothesis is from John Ray, an influential British naturalist
of the 17th century. Ray believed that all species were independently
“A species is never born from the seed of another species.”
The second hypothesis is from Charles Darwin, who published On
The Origin of Species in 1859. Darwin believed that all species were
derived, by descent with modification, from a single common ancestor:
“...all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have
descended from some one primordial form...”

Software for Evolutionary Analysis © 2002 Jon C. Herron 1

2 Do the traits of organisms provide evidence for evolution?

This tutorial will let you explore some potential consequences of

these two hypotheses. First, you will independently design several liz-
ard species. Then, you will guide the evolution, by descent with modifi-
cation, of several more. In each case, you will examine the pattern of
similarities and differences among the lizards you have created.

Designer lizards
Launch the application PhyloStrat. The first thing you will see is an
advertisement for my book. You can click on it to make it go away, or
you can wait a few seconds for it to go away on its own. After the ad
disappears, you should see a window titled Designer Lizards. Lined up
near the top are seven lizards, each of which looks like the one at left.
Note the small black triangle just below each lizard’s tail. Click on
this triangle. It will change orientation to point downward, and reveal a
menu of traits you can bestow on the lizard.If you click the Back Crest
box, for example, a check mark appears in the box and a crest appears
along the lizard’s back. If you change your mind about giving this lizard
a back crest, you can click on the box again. Both the check mark and
the crest itself will disappear.
Your task now is to design seven lizards, by adding traits to each of
the lizards in the window. You can give any lizard any combination of
traits you like, but do give each lizard at least two or three traits. That
will make your next task more interesting and instructive.
Designer lizards 3

After you have designed your seven lizards, look near the bottom of
the window and notice the array of tools you can use:

Current marker
Tool palette color Marker color palette Marker clear button

Normal Hand tool Marker


Try the hand tool first. When you click on the hand tool, the mouse
cursor becomes a hand. You can use the hand to move your lizards
around in the window. Just place the hand over the lizard you want to
move, hold the mouse button down, and drag the lizard to its new loca-
Now try the marker tool. When you click on the marker tool, the cur-
sor becomes a marker. Pick a color from the marker color palette (by
clicking on it), then use the marker to draw in the window. Place the
marker anywhere in the window, hold the mouse button town, and drag.
The marker will draw a line (or squiggle) in the color you have chosen.
Play with the marker a bit to get the feel of it, then erase your scribbles
by clicking on the marker clear button.
Now that you know how to use the tools, here is your task. Move the
seven lizards you have designed around in the window to organize
them. Try to arrange them so that the lizards with dewlaps are near each
other. And so that the lizards with head crests are near each other. And
so that the lizards with back crests are near each other, and so on. It
4 Do the traits of organisms provide evidence for evolution?

may take some experimentation to arrive at a reasonable arrangement.

Do not worry about making the arrangement perfect.
Now use the marker to draw a red circle that surrounds all the liz-
ards with dewlaps. Next draw an orange circle that surrounds all the liz-
ards with head crests. Then draw a tan circle around all the lizards with
back crests. Continue with different colored circles for tail crests, col-
lars, side blotches, side stripes, and tail spots. An example with just
three lizards is shown at left.
Consider how your different groups of lizards are related to each
other. Are the groups organized in some way? Are the lizards with col-
lars, for example, a subset of the lizards with side stripes? Or do the
groups intersect willy-nilly? Do the lizards with back crests, for exam-
ple, overlap–but only partially–the lizards with side blotches?

Evolving lizards
Leave the Designer Lizards window open, so you that later you can go
back and look at your work again. Under the Window menu select
Evolving Lizards. This will open a new window, with just one lizard sit-
ting near the bottom. Click the Run button at the bottom right. When
you do so, the lizard will slowly move up the window, dragging a black
line behind it. Note that you can pause at any time by clicking the same
button, now labelled Pause, again. Click the pause button now.
While the simulation is paused, give the lizard a trait, just like you
did in the Designer Lizards window. Now run the simulation again. Note
that a label has appeared on the line below the lizard, marking the time
at which the first trait, a dewlap perhaps, appeared.
Evolving lizards 5

Now, while the simulation is running, click directly on the lizard itself.
It will become two lizards, each representing a different species. And
the line it was dragging will split as well. Note that both lizard species
have inherited dewlaps (or whatever trait you chose) from their common
ancestor, and that you can trace their evolutionary history by following
the branching lines up from the bottom of the window.
Pause the simulation and give one of the lizard species a new trait.
Note that, as before, the time at which the trait appeared is automati-
cally marked on the evolutionary tree. Now run the simulation, let a bit
of time go by, and click on one of your lizards to cause another specia-
tion event. Let some more time pass, then pause the simulation and
give one of your lizards another new trait. At this point, your evolution-
ary tree might look something like this:

This tree shows that the common ancestor of all three lizard species
had a dewlap. The common ancestor split into two daughter species,
and the daughter on the right evolved a tail crest. The tail crested spe-
cies then split, and one of its daughters evolved a collar.
Continue letting your own lizards evolve, occasionally adding new
traits and occasionally causing species to split, until you have seven
species and have used up all of the traits. (You will notice that this sim-
ulation will let each trait evolve only once, and will not let traits disap-
6 Do the traits of organisms provide evidence for evolution?

pear. A question worth pondering is what complications would arise

later in our analysis if, as in the real world, traits sometimes did evolve in
more than one lineage, and sometimes did disappear.)
After you have guided the evolution of seven lizard species, use the
marker tool to circle groups of lizards sharing traits–just like you did
with the lizards you designed before. Draw a red circle that surrounds
all the lizards with dewlaps, an orange circle that surrounds all the liz-
ards with head crests, and so on.
Again consider how your different groups of lizards are related to
each other. Are the groups organized in some way? Or do the groups
intersect willy-nilly?

Designer lizards versus evolved lizards

Switch back and forth between your designer lizards and your evolved
lizards. You can do this by clicking on the windows themselves, or by
selecting them under the Windows menu.
Is there a difference in the way the groups of lizards with different
traits are related to each other when the lizards were independently
designed versus when they evolved by descent with modification from
a common ancestor? It is possible, if you are a designer with a highly
organized mind, that your designer lizard groups are as fully organized
as your evolved lizard groups. I am betting, however, that you will notice
a way in which your evolved lizard groups are more organized than your
designer lizard groups. Try to describe the nature of this organization in
your own words. We will discuss it in class.
A challenge 7

If you want to try again with either the designer lizards or the evolv-
ing lizards, you can reset either window by choosing the Reset com-
mand under the File menu.

A challenge
To explore the consequences of Darwin’s hypothesis in more detail, and
to test your own understanding of descent with modification, go to the
Windows menu in PhyloStrat and select Challenge. The Challenge win-
dow presents these seven lizards:

These lizards evolved by descent with modification from a common

ancestor. In other words, I made them in the Evolving Lizards window.
They are the seven species that were present at the branch tips at the
end of the simulation. Except that I have rearranged them on the screen
to present them in random order.
Your challenge is to reconstruct their evolutionary history. You can
use the hand tool rearrange the lizards. You can use the marker tool to
draw the evolutionary tree. And you can use the hand tool to drag the
trait labels up from the bottom of the window to mark the appearance of
the traits on the tree you have drawn. When you are done, you should
have a tree that looks like it was created in the Evolving Lizards window.
In fact, another way to solve the challenge would be to use the Evolving
Lizards window to recreate the evolutionary history of these lizards.
The solution appears on the next page, but don’t look at it until
you’ve tried to figure it out on your own.
8 Do the traits of organisms provide evidence for evolution?

The solution to the challenge is shown above. When comparing my

solution to yours, note that there are different ways to draw this tree that
still show the same evolutionary history. For example, in my solution tail
crests evolved on the left branch, and back crests on the right branch.
But the same history would be captured by a tree in which back crests
evolved on the left and tail crests on the right.

A test of Darwin’s hypothesis

If you successfully completed the challenge, you have learned how to
reconstruct evolutionary history from the traits shared among extant
organisms. Reconstructing history from traits, in turn, provides a way to
test Darwin’s hypothesis that today’s organisms arose through descent
with modification from common ancestors. That is because the recon-
structed evolutionary tree allows us to predict the order in which traits
should appear in the fossil record. The solution to the challenge, for
A test of Darwin’s hypothesis 9

example, predicts that dewlaps should appear in the fossil record first,
then back crests, then head crests, then side blotches (if we can see Higher primates

them in fossils), then tail spots, and finally side stripes. This test, which
involves checking the correspondence between evolutionary trees, or

Predicted order of appearance based on reconstruced

phylogenies, and the fossil record, or stratigraphic data, is what gives
the application PhyloStrat its name.
Mark Norell and Michael Novacek (1992) performed this kind of test
using data from real organisms. For a variety of animal groups, they pre- Dinosaurs

evolulationary trees
pared scatter plots showing the predicted order of trait appearance
based on reconstructed evolutionary trees versus the actual order of
trait appearance in the fossil record. If the predictions match the fossil
record perfectly, then the points in the scatter plots will fall on a diago-
nal line rising from lower left to upper right. In some cases, such as the
higher primates shown at right, top, the predictions based on recon-
structed trees are not especially good. In most cases, however, like the Horses
dinosaurs and horses shown at center and bottom right, the predictions
match the fossil record well. Norell and Nocacek concluded that predic-
tions based on reconstructed evolutionary trees are generally consis-
tent with the fossil record. This is evidence in favor of Darwin’s theory.
For other examples see Benton and Hitchin (1997) and Benton (1998).
Actual order of
appearance in the
fossil record
10 Do the traits of organisms provide evidence for evolution?

Literature cited
Benton, Michael J. 1998. Molecular and Morphological Phylogenies of
Mammals: Congruence with Stratigraphic Data. Molecular Phyloge-
netics and Evolution 9: 398–407.
Benton, Michael J. and Rebecca Hitchin. 1997. Congruence between
phylogenetic and stratigraphic data on the history of life. Proceed-
ings of the Royal Society of London, B 264: 885-890.
Norell, Mark A., and Michael J. Novacek. 1992. The fossil record and
evolution: Comparing cladistic and paleontologic evidence for ver-
tebrate history. Science 255: 1690-1693.

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