CH 5 Cross Drinage

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Gerawork F.
Cross Drainage Work
 A cross drainage work is a structure which is constructed at the crossing of a canal
and a natural drain, so as to dispose of drainage water without interrupting the
continuous canal supplies

 In order to reduce the cross drainage works, the artificial canals are aligned along
the ridge line called water-shed

 When the canal reaches the watershed line, cross drainage works are not required,

 However, before the watershed is reached, the canal which takes off from the river
has to cross a number of drains, which move from the watershed towards the river
Cross Drainage Work
At all such crossings c1, c2, c3, c4, etc. cross drainage works are
Cross Drainage Work
Types of Cross-drainage Works
The drainage water intercepting the canal can be disposed of in either of the
following ways:
1) By passing the canal over the drainage. This may be accomplished either
through (i) an aqueduct; or through (ii) a siphon-aqueduct
2) By passing the canal below the drainage. This may be accomplished either
through (i) a super-passage; or through (ii) a canal siphon
3) By passing the drain through the canal, so that the canal water and
drainage water are allowed to intermingle with each other. This may be
accomplished through (i) a level crossing; or through (ii) inlets and outlets
Cross Drainage Work

Aqueduct and siphon aqueduct. In these works the canal is taken over the
natural drainage, and water runs below the canal either freely or under
siphoning pressure.

When the HFL of the drain is sufficiently below the bottom of the canal so
that drainage water flows freely under gravity the structure is known as an

However, if the HFL of the drain is higher than the canal bed and the
water passes through barrels under siphonic action the structure is known
as siphon aqueduct .
Cross Drainage Work
Cross Drainage Work
Cross Drainage Work
Super-passage and siphon. In these works, the drain is taken over the canal
such that the canal water runs below the drain either freely or under
siphoning pressure.
When the FSL of the canal is sufficiently below the bottom of the drain
trough, so that the canal water flows freely under gravity, the structure is
known as a super-passage.
However, if the FSL of the canal is sufficiently above the bed level of the
drainage trough, so that the canal flows under syphonic action under the
trough, the structure is known as a canal siphon or a Syphon.
Cross Drainage Work
Cross Drainage Work
Super passage is the reverse of an aqueduct similarly the syphon is a reverse
of an aqueduct syphon
Cross Drainage Work
Level Crossing.

 In this type of cross-drainage work, the canal water and drain

water are allowed to intermingle with each other.

A level crossing is generally provided when a large canal and a

huge drainage (such as a stream or a river) approach each other
practically at the same level

A regulator is provided across the drainage and at the outgoing

canal so as to control the discharge
Cross Drainage Work
Inlets and outlets

 An inlet is a structure constructed in order to allow the drainage water to

enter the canal and get mixed with the canal water and thus to help in
augmenting canal supplies.

 Such a structure is generally adopted when the drainage discharge is small

and the drain crosses the canal at the same bed level

 An inlet essentially consists of an open canal cut in a canal bank, suitably

protected by pitching to admit the upland drainage water into the canal

 Similarly the outlet is another open cut in the canal bank with bed and side
of the cut properly pitched
Cross Drainage Work
Cross Drainage Work

Selection of a Suitable Type of Cross-Drainage Work

The choice of suitable type of cross-drainage work depends upon other factors
such as:
i. Suitable canal alignment.

ii. Nature of available foundation.

iii. Position of water table and availability of dewatering equipment.

iv. Suitability of soil for embankment.

v. Permissible head loss in canal.

vi. Availability of funds.

Cross Drainage Work
Various type of aqueducts and syphon aqueducts
 They may be classified into three types depending on the sides of the aqueduct

Type I in this type the side of the aqueduct are earthen bank with complete
earthen slopes
Cross Drainage Work
 Type II in this type the canal continues in its earthen section over the drainage but
the outer slopes of canal banks are replaced by retaining walls thereby reducing the
length of the drainage culvert by that much extent
Cross Drainage Work
Type III in this type earthen section of the canal is discontinued and the canal
water is carried in a masonry or a concrete trough

The culvert length or width of aqueduct is maximum in type I and minimum in

type III an intermediate value exists in type II
Selection of suitable types of cross drainage
 The selection of particular types of out of three aqueduct or syphon
aqueduct lies on the consideration of economy.
 The cheapest of the three type at particular shall be obvious choice
Cross Drainage Work
Design consideration for cross drainage work
 The following step may involve in the design of an aqueduct or syphon aqueduct

Determination of maximum flood discharge

 the high flood discharge for small drains may be worked out by using empirical
formula and for large drains other reliable methods such as hydrograph analysis

Fixing the waterway requirement for aqueducts and syphon aqueducts

 An approximate value required water way for drain may obtained by using Lacey’s
Cross Drainage Work
Afflux and head loss through syphon barrels
Cross Drainage Work

 Fluming of the canal

 The contraction of the water way of the canal (fluming of the canal) will reduce
the length of the barrel or the width the aqueduct
 The fluming of the canal is generally not done in when the bank of the canal is
earthen.( type I and type II).
 Fluming is generally done in type III
Cross Drainage Work
Cross Drainage Work
Cross Drainage Work
Drop structure or canal Fall
 What is drop structure/canal fall?
 What is the importance of canal fall
 When we construct drop structure
 It is a structure constructed to adjust the slope difference of the canal and natural
ground level
The available natural ground slope is steeper than the bed of canal slope the difference
of the slope is adjusted by constructing canal fall or drop structure
Locations of drop structure
 It depends on the topography of the land which the canal passes.
The site of the fall determined from economical consideration
( cost of excavation and filling and cost fall)
Drop structures, typically constructed out of concrete, can accommodate a
sudden change in elevation of the channel bottom while maintaining control of
the flow.

The drop structure allows the main channel to be laid on sub critical slope while
the excess potential energy of the flow due to the steep topography is absorbed in
the drop structure.
Theoretically, the hydraulic sitting of grade control structures is straight forward and can be
determined by:

H = (So - Sf )X (1)

Where, H is the amount of drop to be removed from the reach,

So is the original bed slope,
Sf is the canal , or equilibrium slope, and
X is the length of the reach

The number of structures (N) required for a given reach can then be determined by:
N = H/h (2)
Where, h is the selected drop height of the structure.
Types of canal fall or drop structure
1. ogee type fall
2.Rapid fall
3. steeped fall
4. glacis fall
5.Trapezoidal or notch
6. sarda drop fall
7. straight drop fall


 The design feature of the drop structures are :
 u/s pile depth
 u/s floor length
 d/s pile depth
 Top width of fall
 Bottom width of fall
 Height of fall
 Depth of cistern
 Length of cistern
 Thickness of the floor length
Design of vertical drop
 1. Common (straight) drop y2 = depth during jump
y1 yc
• Design of Vertical straight Drop Structure: y3 = depth after jump
using ccritical flow hydraulics:
 Design discharge, Q
 Height of drop, h = ElA – ElB h y3
 Width of drop, bc = (0.734Q)/(y1)3/2
 Unit discharge, q = Q/bc y2 a B
 Critical depth, yc = (q2/g)1/3
 Lip height, a=yc/2 L
 y y 

 Length of stilling basin, L  2.5  1.1 c  0.7 c   yc
 y1  h 

 Width of stilling basin, 18.46 Q

Q  9.91
Example :
Design a straight drop structure with design discharge, Q = 2.265m3/s and depth of flow on the u/s channel,
y1 = 0.50m.


 Width of drop, bc = (0.734Q)/(y1)3/2 = (0.734*2.265)/0.53/2= 4.7m

 Unit discharge, q = Q/bc = 2.265/4.7=0.48 m3/s/m

 Critical depth, yc = (q2/g)1/3 = (0.482/9.81)1/3= 0.29m

 Lip height, a=yc/2 = 0.29/2 = 0.15m

  dc  
  0.29  
 Length of stilling basin= dc
L  2.5  1.1  0.7   d c  2.5  1.1
 0.7   0.29 =
 d1  h    0.50  0.5L  

18.46 Q 18.46 2.265

 Width of stilling basin = B   2.28m
Q  9.91 2.265  9.91
2.Sarda-type fall
 Length of the crest = bed width of the canal
= width+ depth (for future expansion)
Shape of the crest : the discharge is less than 14 m3/s a rectangular crest both
face vertical
• Top width = 0.55d^0.5
• Bottom width=(h+d)/G) where G=2 for masonry h=head over the crest and
d=height of fall
 For discharge greater than 14m3/s =>Trapezoidal crest
Top width=0.55(h+d)^0.5 with up stream side slope 1:3 and d/s slope 1:8
Upstream wing wall=5 to6H
Down stream wings =(5-8)*(h*Hl)^0.5
 Upstream curtain wall=1/3water depth
 Down stream curtain=1/2*water depth
 The total length of the impervious can be determined by bligh’s theory
for small works and khosla’s for large works.
 The minimum length of floor on the d/s the toe of the floor=(2*water
 The balance should be provided on the U/s floor length.
 The length and the depth of cistern can be determined by
 Down stream pitching
depends on the head over the crest.
 Design a 1.5 m Sarda type fall for a canal having a discharge of 12 cumecs with
the following data
 Bed level of u/s = 103.0 m
 Side slopes of channel=1 : 1
 Bed level of d/s = 101.5 m
 Full supply level u/s = 104.5 m
 Bed width u/s and d/s = 10.0 m
 Assume Bligh's coefficient = 6 Use Bligh's creep theory.
 Soil = Good loam
As the discharge Q = 12 cumecs < 14 cumecs, a rectangular crest wall is provided. 1.
Length of crest = d/s bed width L = 10 m
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