Ihrm QB
Ihrm QB
Ihrm QB
1 Storey A Practices on MNC’s
2 IHRM focuses B Hard hrm
3 Global economy C Cultural difference
4 Expatriate assignment fail D Social identities
1 Hofstede 5 variables A Overseas assignment
2 Cultural shock B National difference
3 Origin of personnel management C Training
4 Personal management 1960 D Quakers employee
1 Soft HRM A Process and decisions
2 SHRM b Mutual commitment of employees
3 HR outsource c Not attached to single employer
4 Portfolio working d Training
1 Hawthorne experiment A Emotional plain
2 Toxicity B Social group
3 Philosophy of management C Ethnocentric
4 Lack of HCN d Single ingredient
Fill In The Blanks.
16) -------- should not be involved in job analysis.
17) jobs are the means of accomplishing --------- objectives
18)------- are not static
19) The Time needed to complete every task in the job is called a --------------.
20) Grouping a limited member of taskes into a job is known as ---------------.
Section- B (5x5=25)
21 a) What are the similarities and difference between domestic and international
b) propose your ideas for change and bring out the managerial responses?
22 a) Assume that you have a project that will suit a cross boarder team work
b) How will you form team? what issues will have to be addressed?
23 a) Define international HRM?
b) Outline the main characteristics of the four approaches to international staffing?
24 a) What are the reason for using international assignments?
b) How effective are expatriates in transferring knowledge and competences?
25 a) What are the positives and negatives associated with being an international
b) What factors would you consider in order to make this virtual assignment
Section-C (5x7=35)
1. What are the similarities and difference between domestic and international HRM?
2. propose your ideas for change and bring out the managerial responses?
3. Assume that you have a project that will suit a cross boarder team work approach,
How will you form team? what issues will have to be addressed?
4. Define international HRM?
5. Outline the main characteristics of the four approaches to international staffing?
6. What are the reason for using international assignments?
7. How effective are expatriates in transferring knowledge and competences?
8 What are the positives and negatives associated with being an international traveler?
9. What factors would you consider in order to make this virtual assignment effective?
10. What do we mean by expatriate failure?
11. what is the difference between a global manager and global mindset?
12. Should multinational be concerned with the expatriate failure? if so, why?
13.What are the most important factors involved in the selection process?
14 Discuss the proposition that most expatriate selection are made informally?
15 What aspect of expatriate selection will you highlight in presentation in regional
meeting of subsidiary managers who don’t have a clue about it/
16.what is the connection between the employment relationship, international
assignment experience and expatriate failure.
1) A good source of hiring technical staff would be
a) Private search firms b) vocational school
c) Employment exchange d)rival firms
2) A negative aspect of promotion from within is
a) Lower morale b) employee turnover
c) Career prospects d)idea dissatisfaction
3) Ultimate, selection decisions are based on
A) personal whims and fancies b)performance issues
c) Turnover resource plans d)human resource plans
4) Input to the selection process include all but
a) Job analysis b)human resource planning
c) Supervision d)job applicant
5) the most reliable and valid tests are generally
a) polygraph tests b)attitude tests
c) intelligence tests d)performance tests
6) Interviews mistake include all but
a) Halo affects b) personal bias c) leniency
d) Realizing tat foreign nationals may have different customs
7) the most reliable type of interview is
a) behavioral b)stress c)structured d)panel
8) Employee orientation programmers should be the concern of
a)both the HR department and the supervisor
b)a special orientation unit c) top management d)the supervisor
1) Seniority based promotion are advantage because
a)they are objective
b) they single out the best employee for praise and recognition
c) they are based on performance d) they make unions powerful
2) Advantage of transfers include all but
a) Enhancing the individuals b) help in managing dual careers
c) Flexibility d) boarding the employees
3) Normally, termination occurs because of
a) Business fluctuations b) discipline c) retirement d) death
4) Reasons for layoff include all but
a) Seasonal fluctuations in demand b) piling up of inventory
c) Union activities of an employee d) downsizing
5) Learning principal include all but
a) Participation b) repetition c) repatriation d) relevance
6) Needs assessment should consider all but
a) The person b)supervisor input
c) Changes in the external environment
d) Training objective
7) Training objectives should be expressed in
a) Employee behaviors b) management desires
c) needs assessment d)subjective judgment
8) Training evolution criteria includes all but
a)reactions b)learning c)behaviors d)relevance
19. In your opinion what are some of the important reasons for the deep changes we
are seeing in the way jobs are done?
20. Are job description necessary ?what happen if a company decided not to use any
job description at all?
21. How can you plan for human resource in an effective way?
22. what are the various sources of recruitment ? How can an organization evaluate
the worth of these sources?
23. How would you help a firm that wants to improve campus hiring efforts?
24. You are starting a new manufacturing company. What phases would you go
through to select your employees?
25. “Training programmes are helpful to avoid personnel obsolescence” Discuss?
26. What are the principles while designing employee training programme?
27. Distinguish between the training and development? Why is executive
development necessary?
28. “You don’t develop managers .people either have the ability to manage or they
don’t”. Do you agree or disagree , Discuss?
29. Explain the principal executive training methods and suggest suitable training
Package for middle level executive in an international organization?
30. What type of information would you seek from the HR department to help you
develop your individual carrier plan if you were starting with a large multinational
31. How do you prepare the ground for evaluating job?
32. Good raters are born, not made .Do you agree or disagree? Discuss
33. Construct a plan for a post appraisal interview with an employee who has
performed poorly?
34. Some of the modern industries follow traditional techniques of performance
appraisal. Do you agree if yes defend your answer with reasoning?
35. which method would you prefer for your employee as a manager? Why?
36. define the quality of work life. What are the factors that influence it?
37. Elaborate the steps involved in repatriation?
1 Storey A Practices on MNC’s
2 IHRM focuses B Hard hrm
3 Global economy C Cultural difference
4 Expatriate assignment fail D Social identities
1 Hofstede 5 variables A Overseas assignment
2 Cultural shock B National difference
3 Origin of personnel management C Training
4 Personal management 1960 D Quakers employee
1 Soft HRM A Process and decisions
2 SHRM b Mutual commitment of employees
3 HR outsource c Not attached to single employer
4 Portfolio working d Training
1 Hawthorne experiment A Emotional plain
2 Toxicity B Social group
3 Philosophy of management C Ethnocentric
4 Lack of HCN d Single ingredient
14) Group incentives would work best among assembly line workers
15) Merit raises are seldom tied to pay standards
16) Induction training throws trainees into the thick of action too soon.
17) Development is a long-term educational process.
18) Career planning helps the management of a diverse workforce.
19. What are the role of an expatriate?
20. Explain the expatriate as a boundary spanner?
21 How the methods of imparting training differ for a PCN, HCN, and TCN?
22 What are the linkages created to other HR subsystems from the performance
management system? Discuss the challenges MNC’s encounter in establishing
these linkages?
23 Write short notes on a) Bicultural audit b) global sourcing c) language node d)
virtual organization e) power distance
24. Does it make sense in training employees at company’s expense only to lose them
25. Explain any five methods of performance appraisal?
26. Define the terms PCN,HCN and HCN. What are the main similarities between
domestic and international human resource management?
27. Outline the important characteristic of ethnocentric polycentric and geocentric
approaches to international staffing?
28 As a newly appointed project manager of a research team what factors would you
consider in order to make this virtual assignment effective?
29) Explain the role of an expatriate?
30) What are the factors influencing the virtual assignment?
31) Describe the determinants of IHRM approaches and activities
32) Explain the role of the corporate HR function?
33) You are HR director of large oil industry ,and concerned for safety of 15
Expatriate staff working in the field .Given the political volatility devise a set of
procedures that will enable to evacuate all 15 persons the need arise?