People VS Marquez

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53 Phil. 260


The defendant admits, that he killed his wife, Oliva Sumampong; but he alleges that he caught
her in the act of adultery, and so took her life. This allegation of the defendant does not agree
with his statements before the justice of the peace during the preliminary investigation.
According to both Exhibit B and the testimony of the justice of the peace who conducted said
investigation, the defendant had been fishing on the night of the crime and when he came back at
midnight, the house was closed; he knocked at the door but his wife did not awake, so he
knocked again, but still she slept on; then he went to the part of the house where his wife usually
slept, and knocked on the wall; she awoke then and opened the door; and when he went up, there
was a man who jumped out of the window, and when he asked his wife why there was a man
inside the house, she answered that there was no man, but as he insisted that there had been one,
and that he had jumped out of the window, and as his wife would not tell the truth, for that
reason alone he killed her.


WON the defendant Marquez can be benefited from Article 453 of the Penal Code (Article 247
of RPC) for killing his wife


In order that the defendant might be entitled to the benefits of article 423 of the Penal Code, it
was necessary for him to prove that he surprised his wife in the act of committing adultery.

No other inference can be made from the wording of said article.

"Any husband who, having surprised his wife in the act of adultery, shall kill her or her paramour
in the act," etc. (Art. 423. Penal Code.)

Once the appellant had admitted that it was he who killed his wife, it was incumbent upon him to
completely prove his defense, which is, that he found her in the act of adultery. The testimony he
gave during the hearing of this case in the trial court, noticeably weakened by his statements
before the justice of the peace, cannot be considered sufficient proof of the justification he
alleges, and so the fact remains that he took his wife's life without having proven sufficient

Nevertheless, it was established at the trial that on the occasion of the crime, the defendant saw
an unknown person jump out of the window of his house, and that the appellant's wife begged
for his pardon on her knees. The first of these facts, under the circumstances, warrants the
conclusion that the defendant believed his wife to be unfaithful, and was overcome by passion
and obfuscation. The second fact leads to believe that the wife could not have been wholly
unaware of the unknown person's presence in her house on that night, inasmuch as she
considered herself guilty and begged her husband's pardon, which is an undisputed fact in the
proceedings. To Court’s mind, such conduct on the part of his wife, thus inferred from the
proceedings, constitutes a sufficient provocation, which must be considered as a mitigating
circumstance in favor of the defendant.

The Court finds no merit in the assignments of error made by the defense, and concludes that the
crime of parricide committed by the herein appellant is not justified in the proceedings.

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