Passive Voice

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1) Fill in the blanks with the passive voice of the verb in parentheses. Use the tense or
modal given.
Example: (simple present: give)
The best actor is given an Oscar.

1. (simple present: see) The awards ceremony ____ _____ by millions of people.
2. (future: choose) Which actor ___ _________ ________ next year?
3. (modal: can / see) The movie ________ ______ _______at many theaters.
4. (present perfect: make) Many movies _______ ______ _____about World War II.
5. (simple past: give) Kate Winslet _________ _____ the best actress award in 2009.
6. (present continuous: show) A good movie __ ____ ___at a theater near my house.
7. (simple past: make) Star Wars ________ ___________ in 1977.
8. (present perfect: show) The movie ______ _________ ______on TV many times.
9. (present perfect: give) Over 2,000 Academy Awards _____ __ ___out since 1929.
10. (simple past: give) In 1929, only one award _________to a woman.
11. (simple past: add) When -------- sound ------------ to movies? It in 1927.
12. (simple present: often / make) Movies___________ in Hollywood.
13. (present perfect: film) How many movies ___________ in black and white?

2) Read the following sentences. Decide if the underlined verb is active (A) or passive
Eample: The actress received an Oscar. A
The actress was given an Oscar. P
1. The actress wore a beautiful gown.
2. Halle Berry presented an Oscar.
3. Halle Berry has been seen in many movies.
4. The director has been nominated many times.
5. Old movies were filmed in black and white.
6. Many actors live in California.
7. Many movies are made in Hollywood.
8. The names of the winners will be printed in tomorrow’s newspaper.
9. The actress thanked all the people who helped her win.
10. The actress was driven to the ceremony in a white limousine.
11. Hollywood was built at the beginning of the twentieth century.
12. Hollywood has become the movie capital of the U.S.

3) Read the sentence and decide whether it is grammatically correct or wrong.

1. The new regulations have announced.
A. Correct B. Wrong
2. Many accidents have been caused by careless driving.
A. Correct B. Wrong
3. Three buildings has been damaged in the explosion.
A. Correct B. Wrong
4. A lot of money was been stolen in the robbery.
A. Correct B. Wrong
5. A man has been seriously injured in a traffic accident.
A. Correct B. Wrong
6. Millions of mobile phones have being sold in Asia this year.
A. Correct B. Wrong
7. Has this room been painted recently?
A. Correct B. Wrong
8. Why have the president's trip been postponed?
A. Correct B. Wrong
9. Has the suspect been arresting yet?
A. Correct B. Wrong

4) a) Rewrite the following passage in the Passive.

My uncle painted this picture. Someone has offered him a lot of money for it. He will deliver
the painting tomorrow. When they give him the money, he will tell them the truth. He painted
it one night while he was sleepwalking!
b) Rewrite the passive voice sentences as active voice sentences.
Passive: The dog was hit by the car.
Passive: The house will be built by the construction crew in five months.
Passive: "Murder on the Nile" was written by Agatha Christie.
Passive: A new law will be introduced by the government.
Passive: A message has been left for you.
Passive: By whom has it been rewritten?
Passive: He must not be seen by anybody.
Passive: Who was my purse stolen by?

5) Watch the video song and identify the verbs in the passive voice. Make sentences with
those verbs.

6) Find someone who ... Go around the class and ask the questions 1-7. Write the name of the
person who answers „Yes”. Don t write the name of the person who answers „No”. Report to
the class by mentioning things about your classmates’ experiences.

7) Choose two words from the list. Make a logical sentence using these two words and
the passive voice. You have more words than you need to make 10 sentences.

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