Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Node MCU PDF
Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Node MCU PDF
Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Node MCU PDF
Index Terms— Keywords- IoT, NodeMCU, Sensors, Smart city, Garbage, Thinkspeak.
The internetworking of physical world and sensors are described as Internet of Things (IoT). These physical
devices are connected to wireless or wired internet connections i.e., IoT is connection of embedded systems
to internet. The basic Embedded system consists of sensors examples Temperature, Humidity, Light,
Ultrasound, IR, RF, Metal sensor, Accelerometer, Gyroscope and other inputs like switches, Keypads,
Timers to the microcontroller e.g., 8051, ATMEG 168, 68HC11 and output from these to Actuators, Relays,
switches, PWM, notification as Buzzers, LEDs. Memory mapped IO devices like RFID, GSM. Display units
like seven segment display, LCD, graphic display units etc.
The ideas of inter-connected devices or smart devices are designed to bridge the gap between the physical
and digital world to improve the quality and productivity of life, society and industries. The most important
application is the smart city next is the smart home and wearable on the internet, and these devices will use
this data to interact with you on daily basis and complete tasks. Because of growing population of the world
smart city application takes very important role. The smart city applications are smart surveillance, water
distribution, smart security, environmental monitoring and smart waste management system. IoT will solve
major problems faced by the people living in cities like pollution, traffic congestion and shortage of energy
supplies, waste management system etc. We are interested in development of products like Smart Bin that
will send alerts through cellular communication to municipal services when a bin needs to be emptied.
In recent times, garbage disposal has become a huge cause for concern in the world. A voluminous amount of
waste that is generated is disposed by means which have an adverse effect on the environment. The common
method of disposal of the waste is by unplanned and uncontrolled open dumping at the landfill sites. This
method is injurious to human health, plant and animal life. The purpose of this project is the realization of a
A. Ultrasonic Sensor
The device called ultra sonic sensor is used to detect the distance from which the object is separated from it.
The principle behind this is it sends out the sound waves and it waits for reflection of sound wave from the
object under consideration. By noting down the time lag between the sent and received wave, it is actually
possible to measure the distance of object from the sonar sensor.
As we know that sound wave travels through air at a speed of 344m/s, to find the round trip distance of sound
wave, the return time is multiplied by 344. Round trip distance refers to the twice the distance of the object
from the sensor. The actual distance is calculated by diving round trip distance by 2.
Distance= (speed of sound x time taken)/2
It should be noted that not all objects are detected by sensor due its shape wherein some waves get reflected
back, size might be very small and the positioning angle also plays a role in detection of object. Some objects
such as cloths, carpeting absorb the waves, where there is no way for detection of such objects. These are the
factors to be noted.
B. Pir Sensor :
PIR sensor is an electronic sensor used to detect the motion of human being within a certain range of the
sensor. Pyroelectric sensors that detect the levels of infrared radiation are used to make PIR sensors.
Working: Whenever, human being moves in the field of view of PIR sensor, it detects the infrared radiation
emitted by a hot body motion as shown in figure.3. Thus, the infrared radiation detected by the sensor
generates an electrical signal that is used to activate an alert system or alarm sound.
The PIR sensor internally is divided into two halves, one half is positive and the other is negative. Thus, one
half generates one signal by detecting the motion of a hot body and other half generates another signal. The
difference between these two signals is generated as output signal. Primarily, this sensor consists of Fresnel
lens which is bifurcated to detect the infrared radiation produced by the motion of hot body over a wide range
or specific area as shown in fig.4. Once the motion is detected, the output goes high for a couple of seconds
and then returns to a normal state or low. This sensor requires settling time, which is in the range of 10 to 60
C. Moisture Sensor:
The volumetric water content of soil is measured by using moisture sensor, making it ideal for performing
experiments in courses such as soil science, Agricultural science, environmental science, horticulture, botany,
and biology. The Soil Moisture Sensor uses capacitance to measure dielectric permittivity of the surrounding
medium. The sensor creates a voltage which is proportional to the dielectric permittivity of the water content
of the soil. The sensor averages the water content over its entire length. There is a 2 cm zone of influence
with respect to the flat surface of the sensor. The figure above shows the electromagnetic field lines along a
cross section of the sensor, illustrating the 2 cm zone of influence.
Figure.7.Block Diagram of working module in bin
Sensors values are loaded depending on height, moisture and motion of a person. The PIR sensor and
Moisture sensor checks whether it is greater than or equal to its maximum value if so there is buzzer. All the
3 sensors values are sent to thingspeak via wifi module and the values can be visualized through graph. The
values in thingspeak are sent Android app where if the ultrasonic value is greater than maximum value then
there is alarm. If the sensors don’t exceed their maximum value then it will check for sensor values again.
A. NodeMCU:
NodeMCU is an open source IoT platform. It uses the Lua(it is a lightweight multi-paradigm
programming language designed primarily for embedded systems and clients.) scripting language.NodeMCU
is built on the ESP8266 SDK 1.4 and based on eLua(Extraterritorial Land Use Authority) project. The
firmware on which NodeMCU works is ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC(System On Chip)and the hardware is based on
the ESP-12 module NODEMCU can be programmed using Arduino IDE
Memory 128kBytes
Storage 4MBytes
Power USB
NodeMCU is developed by ESP8266 open source community. It is a single board microcontroller with
operating system XTOS, CPU version ESP8266.It consists of 128Kbytes of memory with storage of
4Mbytes.It is powered by USB.
B. Arduino Uno:
The open source called Arduino providing interface between computer hardware and software companies and
project oriented for community of users working with microcontroller kits , IoT related works wherein
involving interaction and information collection from objects in the physical world. The products of the
project are distributed as open-source hardware and software, which are licensed under the GNU(is an
operating system and an extensive collection of computer software), Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
or the GNU General Public License (GPL), manufacturing of which is permitted by Arduino boards and
software distribution to any licensed person.
considering the range of the sensor (ultrasonic-value depends upon the height of the bin, pir-1 for motion
detected, 0 for motion not detected, moisture – 1024 for dry waste, the value decreases for wet waste).
The multispecialty smart bin designed above can lead to an Eco-friendly, clean and healthy surrounding. This
implementation can efficiently deal the problem of waste disposal which has been proved to be great threat to
any developing country. The top 4 developed countries spent most of their economy on effective waste
management, recycling and disposal. Proper integrated work force can work collectively with distributed
networks located all over the city for timely and fast decision making based on analytical data collected from
sensors alarm alerts from virtuino, bins shall also be provided with GPS connectivity for tracking the exact
location . Further we continue the work to provide message interfacing to know the condition of the bin. In
addition to this we are trying a method to detect sanitary and medical related wastes in order to segregate it
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Mamatha Dhananjaya has completed B.E from Bangalore University, Karnataka. She also received
M.Tech in Digital communication and networking from VTU , Belagavi, Karnataka and pursuing PhD
in area of IoT from VTU, Belagavi, Karnataka. Her area of interest is Internet of Things, Could
computing and Signal Processing. She is currently working as Asst. Prof. at Global Academy of
Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka,
Priyanka K E is currently pursuing third year B.E in Electronics and Communication Engineering at
Global Academy of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka. Her areas of interest are IoT and Signal
Nidhi.R is currently pursuing third year B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering at Global
Academy of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka. Her areas of interest are IoT and Communication.
Pooja.K is currently pursuing third year B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering at Global
Academy of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka. Her areas of interest are IoT and application