Law Student Practice Rule

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the Law Student Practice Rule which aims to enhance legal education and access to justice through allowing law students to engage in limited practice under supervision. It details the qualifications, scope of practice, and responsibilities of law students, supervising lawyers, and law schools in the clinical legal education program.

The main differences are that under Rule 138-A, third year law students could practice but certification was not required, whereas under AM. No. 19-03-24, second and third year law students in their second semester can practice but certification is now required.

The requirements for a Level 1 certification are that the student must have completed their first year, submit an application with fees, and the law school dean must endorse the application certifying the student's enrollment and moral character.

A.M. No.

RULE 138-A

I. Rationale

A. For the Society

 To ensure access to justice of the marginalized sectors.

B. For the Legal Education System

 To enhance learning opportunities of law students.
 To instill among law students the value of legal professional social
 To prepare law students for the practice of law;
 To institutionalize clinical legal education program in all law schools in
order to enhance, improve, and streamline law student practice, and
regulate their limited practice of law.
 To produce practice-ready lawyers, the completion of clinical legal
education courses must be a prerequisite to take the bar examinations as
provided in Section 5 of Rule 138.

I. Comparison between Rule 138-A and AM. No. 19-03-24

Rule 138- A AM. No. 19-03-24

1. Second year law
As to who may practice: Third year law students 2. Third year law
students who are in
their second
As to certification No certification required With certification

II. Definition of Terms. –

A. Clinical Legal Education Program is an experiential, interactive and

reflective credit-earning teaching course with the objectives of providing
law students with practical know ledge, skills and values necessary for
the application of the law, delivery of legal services and promotion of
social justice and public interest, especially to the marginalized, while
inculcating in the students the values of ethical lawyering and public
service. It consists of learning activities covered by this Rule undertaken
in either a l) law clinic or an 2) externship, which shall incorporate the
teaching of legal theory and doctrines, practical skills, as well as legal

B. Externship is part of the clinical legal educationalprogram if:

A.M. No. 19-03-24-SC
RULE 138-A
1. it allows students to engage in legal work for the marginalized
sectors or for the promotion of social justice and public interest, and
2. it is undertaken with any of the following:
the courts, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP),
government offices; (ii) law school-recognized non-
governmental organizations (NGOs).
C. Law Clinic refers to an office or center which is a component of the law
school's clinical legal education program that renders legal assistance
and services as herein provided to eligible persons, groups, and/or

D. Law Student Practitioner is a law student certified under Section 3 of the


E. Supervising Lmtyer refers to a member of the Philippine Bar in good

standing who is authorized by the law school to supervise the law student
practitioner under the Rule.

III. Classification of Certifications

No law student shall be permitted to engage in any of the activities under the
Clinical Legal Education Program of a law school unless the law student has
applied for and secured the certification requirement of the Law Student Practice

1. Level 1 certification

 Who may apply?

- Law students who have successfully completed their first-year law

 Practice Areas (Subject to the approval of the supervising lawyer)

a) Interview prospective clients;

b) Give legal advice to the client;
c) Negotiate for and on behalf of the client;
d) Draft legal documents such as affidavits, compromise
agreements, contracts, demand letter, position papers, and the
e) Represent eligible parties before quasi-judicial or
administrative bodies;
f) Provide public legal orientation; and
g) Assist in public interest advocacies for policy formulation and

 Requirement for the Certification

A.M. No. 19-03-24-SC
RULE 138-A
a. The law student must submit a duly accomplished application
form under oath in three (3) copies, accompanied by proof of
payment of the necessary legal and filing fees.

b. The law school, through the dean or the authorized

representative, shall submit to the Office of the Executive Judge
of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) having jurisdiction over the
territory where the law school is located, the duly accomplished
application form together with an endorsement under oath.

c. The Executive Judge of the RTC shall evaluate, approve, and

issue the certification within ten (10) days from receipt of the

 Scope of Practice
- The Level 1 certification issued under this provision shall be valid
before all courts, quasi-judicial and administrative bodies within the
judicial region where the law school is located.

2. Level 2 certification
 Who may apply?
- Law students currently enrolled for the second semester of their
third-year law courses: Provided however, where a student fails to
complete all their third-year law courses, the Level 2 certification
shall be deemed automatically revoked.

 Practice Areas (Subject to the approval of the supervising lawyer)

a) Perform all activities under Level 1 Certification;

b) Assist in the taking of depositions and/or preparing judicial
affidavits of witnesses;
c) Appear on behalf of the client at any stage of the proceedings or
trial, before any court, quasi-judicial or administrative body;
d) In criminal cases, subject to the provisions of Section 5, Rule
110 of the Rules of Court, to appear on behalf of a government
agency in the prosecution of criminal actions; and
e) In appealed cases, to prepare the pleadings required in the

 Requirement for the certification

a) The law student must submit a duly accomplished application form
under oath in three (3) copies, accompanied by proof of payment of
the necessary legal and filing fees.

b) The law school, through the dean or the authorized representative,

shall submit to the Office of the Executive Judge of the Regional Trial
A.M. No. 19-03-24-SC
RULE 138-A
Court (RTC) having jurisdiction over the territory where the law school
is located, the duly accomplished application form together with an
endorsement under oath.
c) Within ten (10) days from receipt of the application, the Executive
Judge of the RTC shall (a) evaluate the application together with its
attachments, and (b) recommend to the Office of the Court
Administrator (OCA) the approval and issuance of the certification.
d) If the Executive Judge finds the application to be incomplete, the law
school shall be notified and required to comply with the requirements
within five (5) days from receipt of notice.

 Scope of Practice
- The Level 2 certification issued under this provision shall be valid
before all courts, quasi-judicial and administrative bodies.

IV. Validity of the Certification

The certification issued shall be valid until the student has completed the
required number of courses in the clinical legal education program to complete
the law degree, unless sooner revoked for grounds stated herein.

V. Duties of Law Student Practitioners

Acting under a certification, the law student practitioner shall:

(a) Observe the provisions of Section 24(b), Rule 130 of the Rules of Court;

“Section 24. Disqualification by reason of privileged communication.

— The following persons cannot testify as to matters learned in
confidence in the following cases:

… (b) An attorney cannot, without the consent of his client, be

examined as to any communication made by the client to him, or his
advice given thereon in the course of, or with a view to, professional
employment, nor can an attorney's secretary, stenographer, or clerk be
examined, without the consent of the client and his employer, concerning
any fact the knowledge of which has been acquired in such capacity; …”

(b) Be prohibited from using information acquired in one's capacity as a law

student practitioner for personal or commercial gain;
(c) Perform the duties and responsibilities to the best of one's abilities as a
law student practitioner; and
(d) Strictly observe the Canons of the Code of Professional Responsibility.

VI. Use of Law Student Practitioner's Name

A.M. No. 19-03-24-SC
RULE 138-A

A law student practitioner may sign briefs, pleadings, letters, and other
similar documents which the student has produced under the direction of the
supervising lawyer, indicating the law student practitioner's certificate number as
required under this Rule.

VII. Law Student Practitioner's Oath/Affirmation

A law student who has been issued a certificate under this Rule must, before
performing the activities allowed herein, take an oath in the following form:

"I, ( name ), having been granted a certificate of law student

practice by the Supreme Court under Rule 138-A of the Rules of Court, do
solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will maintain allegiance to the Republic of
the Philippines, I will support the Constitution and obey the laws as well as
the legal orders of the duly constituted authorities therein; I will do no
falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in court; I will not wittingly or
willingly promote or sue any groundless, false or unlawful suit, or give aid
nor consent to the same; I will delay no man for money or malice, and will
conduct myself as a certified law student practitioner according to the best
of my knowledge and discretion, with all good fidelity as well to the courts
as to the parties I represent;2 and I impose upon myself these voluntary
obligations without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help
me God."

VIII. XI. Duties of Law School

The law school, through its dean or authorized representative, must:

(a) Develop and adopt a Clinical Legal Education Program;

(b) Develop and establish at least one law clinic in its school;
(c) Endorse qualified students for certification as law student practitioner
under this Rule. Such endorsement shall constitute as a certification that
the dean or authorized representative knows that the applicant is a
student enrolled in the Clinical Legal Education course, possesses good
moral character, and has met the requirements of Section 3 of this Rule;
(d) Ensure compliance by law student practitioners and supervising lawyers
with the Code of Professional Responsibility.

IX. Supervising Lawyers

A supervising lawyer under this Rule shall be a member of the bar in good
standing. They have the following are the duties:
(a) Supervise such number of certified law student practitioners as far as
A.M. No. 19-03-24-SC
RULE 138-A
(b) Personally appear with the law student practitioner in all cases pending
before the second-level courts and in all other cases the supervising
lawyer determines that his or her presence is required;
(c) Assume personal professional responsibility for any work performed by
the certified law student practitioner while under his or her supervision;
(d) Assist and advise the certified law student practitioner in the activities
authorized by these rules and review such activities with the certified law
student practitioner, all to the extent required for the proper practical
training of the certified law student practitioner and the protection of the
(e) Read, approve, and personally sign any pleadings, briefs or other similar
documents prepared by the certified law student practitioner prior to the
filing thereof, and read and approve any documents which shall be
prepared by the certified law student practitioner for execution by the
eligible party; and
(f) Provide the level of supervision to the certified law student practitioner
required by these rules.

Law schools shall have such number of faculty members to teach clinical
legal education courses as may be necessary to comply with the Rule.

X. Sanctions

Without prejudice to existing laws, rules, regulations, and circulars, the

following shall be considered as unauthorized practice of law by a certified law
student practitioner -
1. Engaging in any of the acts provided in Section 4 of this Rule without the
necessary certification or without the consent and supervision of the
supervising lawyer;
2. Making false representations in the application for certification;
3. Using an expired certification to engage in the limited practice of law under
this Rule;
4. Rendering legal services outside the scope of the practice areas allowed
under Section 4 of this Rule;
5. Asking for or receiving payment or compensation for services rendered
under the Clinical Legal Education
6. Such other analogous circumstances.

Unauthorized practice of law shall be a ground for revocation of the law

student practitioner's certification and/or disqualification for a law student from
taking the bar examination for a period to be determined by the Supreme Court.

The above provisions notwithstanding, any act constituting a violation of the

Code of Professional Responsibility shall subject the supervising lawyer, Clinical
Legal Education Program Head, and/or law school dean to disciplinary action, as
the circumstances may warrant.
A.M. No. 19-03-24-SC
RULE 138-A

XI. Effectivity of the Revised Rules

This rule shall take effect at the start of Academic Year 2020-2021
following its publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation. The
requirements under second paragraph of Section 5, Rule 138 as amended by
A.M. No. 19-03-24-SC dated June 25, 2019 shall apply to bar examination
applicants commencing the 2023 bar examinations.

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