Detailed Lesson Plan in Health

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Health

Third Quarter- Grade 7

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Describe their mental and emotional health using pictures and or words and
2. Identify how the body responds to the things they think and feel.
3. Demonstrate awareness of the different situations that may affect their mental and
emotional well-being.

II. Subject Matter: Mental and Emotional Health

Reference: Physical Education and Health textbook pp. 345-348
Materials: Laptop, speaker, bond paper and coloring materials, paper, video clip

Value Focus: For them to become aware of the mental and emotional health that may
cause stress if not handled properly.
Integration: Math, Values Education, Aral Pan. English

III. Procedure:
Preliminary Activities:
Checking of Attendance

A. Learning Activities
Teachers Activity Student’s Activities
Preparation “Good morning Ma’am”
“ Good morning class”
“Okay, so let us pray first, _______ kindly _______ will lead the prayer
lead the prayer.”
( Checking of Attendance) Group leaders will call out names of students
Students call out names of students who are who are present in their group
So, how was your day? It was absolutely great Ma’am
Good to hear that. Yes Ma’am
Recall/Review “ Ma’am our lesson last meeting was all about
“ Class, what was our lesson last meeting? the different dimensions of health
Very Good, Now can you enumerate the The different dimensions of health are
different dimensions of health? Physical, mental, emotional, environmental,
moral, and social.

Good job. Among the dimensions of health, Physical-

which do you think is the most important? Mental
Let’s have a class survey. Moral

Learning Activities:
Class I am going to show a short video clip.
What you are going to do is to observe and Yes Ma’am
afterwards I’m going to ask your reactions
based from the video presented. Am I ( children will watch the video clip)
understood class?

We All Have Mental Health

By: Anna Freud NCCF
How is Sasha feeling and what did she do to Sasha is so worried about her performance in
respond to it? school.
Sasha opened up to her mom and listened to
her advice. She also helped her friend Andrei
who is also having a difficulty in coping up
with the situations surrounding him.
Presentation: _______ will read
According to the video we have just watched ,
we all have mental health. Today we are
going to discuss all about mental and
emotional health.
What is mental health? Emotional Health?
( Power Point) ________ will read
_______ kindly read
According to the World Health Organization,
Mental health is a “ state of well-being in
which every individual realizes his or her own
potential, can cope with the normal stresses of
life, can work productively and fruitfully, and
is able to make a contribution to her or his
Emotional health is an important part of
overall health. People who are emotionally
healthy are in control of their thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors. ... It means you are
aware of your emotions. You can deal with
them, whether they are positive or
negative. Emotionally healthy people still
feel stress, anger, and sadness.
Class, I have here some pictures and I want The class will put the pictures in their proper
you to put them in their proper column. column
Mentally Healthy Not Healthy Mentally Healthy Not Healthy
Why did you put these pictures under the
column Mentally Healthy? What made you
say so?
Why did you put these pictures under the
column Not healthy? What made you say so?

( power point) For every 1000 adults there are 200 US adults
experiencing mental illness each year.
1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness
each year
1 in 25 U.S. adults experience serious mental
illness each year For every 1000 adults there are 40 US adults
1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a experiencing serious mental illness each year.
mental health disorder each year
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death
among people aged 10-34
For every 1000 adults in the US, how many
are experiencing mental illness each year?
How about those with serious illness?
When can you say that a person is mentally __________will read
and emotionally healthy?
( power point)
________kindly read
A person with good mental and emotional
health often possesses the following qualities:
a. Sense of well- being and satisfaction
b. Ability to enjoy life, to laugh and to
have fun
c. Ability to deal with life’s stresses and
to bounce back from adversity.
d. Participation in life to the fullest
extent possible, through meaningful
activities and positive relationships
e. Capacity to change, grow and
experience a range of feelings as life’s
circumstances change
f. Ability to care for others
g. Self-confidence and good self esteem

In this activity, students will describe their mental and emotional health. They will form three
groups and they will pick the task they are going to perform.
Group 1- express their feelings using emoticons
Group 2- express their feelings in spoken poetry
Group 3- express their feelings through rap
Evaluation: Read the following situations. Put a check ( ) if your consider the situation as
______1. Choosing a gift for a friend _____6. Losing your money
______2. Arguing with a classmate _____7. Getting a birthday surprise
______3. Going to a new place _____8. Attending a party
______4. Having a newborn sibling _____9. Witnessing a tribal dance
______5. Getting a failing mark _____10. Watching a traditional play

Prepared by: May Suzette B. Illorin

Teacher 1
Mapeh Department

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