Tschannen Moran & Woolfolk (2001) Teacher-Efficacy-Capturing-an-Elusive-Construct

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The paper discusses teacher efficacy as a teacher's belief in their ability to influence student outcomes. It also reviews different measures of teacher efficacy and proposes a new measure.

Teacher efficacy is influenced by factors like persistence, commitment, willingness to experiment with new teaching methods, and resilience when facing challenges.

Teachers with higher efficacy relate to better student achievement and motivation. They also exhibit greater enthusiasm, commitment, and are more likely to remain in the teaching profession.

Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805

Teacher efficacy: capturing an elusive construct

Megan Tschannen-Morana,*, Anita Woolfolk Hoyb
School of Education, College of William and Mary, P.O. Box 8795, Williamsburg, VA 23187 8795, USA
College of Education, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA

Received 20 June 2000; received in revised form 18 December 2000; accepted 13 February 2001


Teacher efficacy has proved to be powerfully related to many meaningful educational outcomes such as teachers’
persistence, enthusiasm, commitment and instructional behavior, as well as student outcomes such as achievement,
motivation, and self-efficacy beliefs. However, persistent measurement problems have plagued those who have sought
to study teacher efficacy. We review many of the major measures that have been used to capture the construct, noting
problems that have arisen with each. We then propose a promising new measure of teacher efficacy along with validity
and reliability data from three separate studies. Finally, new directions for research made possible by this instrument
are explored. r 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Teacher efficacy; Teacher beliefs; Self-efficacy; Measurement

Teacher efficacy is a simple idea with significant Greene, & Loewen, 1988). In addition, teachers’
implications. A teacher’s efficacy belief is a efficacy beliefs also relate to their behavior in
judgment of his or her capabilities to bring about the classroom. Efficacy affects the effort they
desired outcomes of student engagement and invest in teaching, the goals they set, and their
learning, even among those students who may be level of aspiration. Teachers with a strong sense
difficult or unmotivated (Armor et al., 1976; of efficacy tend to exhibit greater levels of
Bandura, 1977). This judgment has powerful planning and organization (Allinder, 1994).
effects. They also are more open to new ideas and
Teachers’ sense of efficacy has been related are more willing to experiment with new
to student outcomes such as achievement (Armor methods to better meet the needs of their
et al., 1976; Ashton & Webb, 1986; Moore students (Berman, McLaughlin, Bass, Pauly,
& Esselman, 1992; Ross, 1992), motivation & Zellman, 1977; Guskey, 1988; Stein &
(Midgley, Feldlaufer, & Eccles, 1989), and Wang, 1988). Efficacy beliefs influence teachers’
students’ own sense of efficacy (Anderson, persistence when things do not go smoothly
and their resilience in the face of setbacks.
Greater efficacy enables teachers to be less
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-757-221-2187; fax: +1-
757-221-2988. critical of students when they make errors (Ashton
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Tschannen-Moran). & Webb, 1986), to work longer with a student

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784 M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805

who is struggling (Gibson & Dembo, 1984), and 1. A first attempt at measurement: Rotter’s locus
to be less inclined to refer a difficult student of control
to special education (Meijer & Foster, 1988;
Podell & Soodak, 1993; Soodak & Podell, 1993). The search for ways to measure teacher efficacy
Teachers with a higher sense of efficacy has not suffered from a lack of effort. In the
exhibit greater enthusiasm for teaching (Allinder, attempt to capture the meaning of this apparently
1994; Guskey, 1984; Hall, Burley, Villeme, powerful construct, researchers have tried both
& Brockmeier, 1992), have greater commit- long, detailed measures and short, general ones.
ment to teaching (Coladarci, 1992; Evans The first measures were grounded in Rotter’s
& Tribble, 1986; Trentham, Silvern, & Brogdon, social learning theory.
1985) and are more likely to stay in teaching
(Burley, Hall, Villeme, & Brockmeier, 1991; 1.1. The Rand measure
Glickman & Tamashiro, 1982). Clearly the study
of this construct has borne much fruit in the The simple idea that teachers’ perceptions of
field of education. And yet researchers have their own capabilities are important, began with a
had difficulty developing a measurement tool simple measureFjust two items. These two items
to capture it. were buried in an otherwise extensive question-
There are a variety of problems with existing naire, and yet they turned out to be among the
measures of teacher efficacy. Researchers most powerful factors examined by Rand re-
have questioned the validity and reliability of searchers in their study of teacher characteristics
existing measures. In addition, many measures and student learning (Armor et al., 1976). With the
reveal a two-factor structure when subjected to work of Rotter (1966) as a theoretical base, the
factor analysis, and there is confusion and debate Rand researchers conceived teacher efficacy as the
about the meaning of these two factors. These and extent to which teachers believed that they could
other unresolved issues continue to perplex scho- control the reinforcement of their actions, that is,
lars working to improve the measurement of whether control of reinforcement lay within them
teacher efficacy. For example, there has been or in the environment. Teachers who concur that
disagreement over the conceptualization of teacher the influence of the environment overwhelms a
efficacy that has contributed to a lack of clarity teacher’s ability to have an impact on a student’s
in measuring the construct. There are questions learning exhibit a belief that reinforcement of their
about the extent to which teacher efficacy teaching efforts lies outside their control or is
is specific to given contexts and to what extent external to them. Teachers who express confidence
efficacy beliefs are transferable across contexts. in their ability to teach difficult or unmotivated
In addition, the appropriate level of specificity in students evidence a belief that reinforcement of
the measure of teacher efficacy has been difficult to teaching activities lies within the teacher’s control
discern. or is internal.
The purpose of this paper is to explore issues To measure efficacy, teachers were asked to
related to the measurement of teacher efficacy and indicate their level of agreement with the two
to propose a new measure. First, we examine statements below. The sum of the two items was
various instruments that have been used to assess called teacher efficacy (TE), a construct that
teacher efficacy as well as the problems that have purported to reveal the extent to which a teacher
arisen with each. Next, we introduce a new believed that the consequences of teachingFstu-
measure of teacher efficacy based on a model of dent motivation and learningFwere in the hands
teacher efficacy suggested by Tschannen-Moran, of the teacher, that is, internally controlled.
Woolfolk Hoy, and Hoy (1998), along with Rand item 1. ‘‘When it comes right down to it, a
reliability and validity data from three studies. teacher really can’t do much because most of a
Finally, we propose new directions for research in student’s motivation and performance depends on
light of the new measure. his or her home environment.’’ A teacher who
M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805 785

expresses strong agreement with this statement notion of teacher efficacy, developing measures
indicates that environmental factors overwhelm they hoped would capture more of this powerful
any power that teachers can exert in schools. This construct. Researchers were concerned about the
assessment extends beyond the individual capabil- reliability of the two-item scale and attempted to
ities of the particular teacher to teachers in develop longer, more comprehensive measures.
general. Factors such as the value placed on Three such instruments are reviewed below. Each
education at home; the conflict, violence, or of these builds on the foundation laid by Rotter,
substance abuse in the home or community; the conceptualizing teacher efficacy as teachers’ beliefs
social and economic realities concerning class, that factors under their control ultimately have
race, and gender; and the physiological, emotional greater impact on the results of teaching than
and cognitive needs of a particular child all have a factors in the environment or in the studentF
very real impact on a student’s motivation and factors beyond the influence of teachers.
performance in school. Teachers’ beliefs about the
power of these external factors compared to the 1.2. Responsibility for student achievement
influence of teachers and schools have since been
labeled general teaching efficacy (GTE) (Ashton, Shortly after the first Rand study was published,
Olejnik, Crocker, & McAuliffe, 1982). Guskey developed a 30-item instrument measuring
Rand item 2. ‘‘If I really try hard, I can get responsibility for student achievement (Guskey,
through to even the most difficult or unmotivated 1981). For each item, participants were asked to
students.’’ Teachers who agree with this statement distribute 100 percentage points between two
indicate confidence in their abilities as teachers to alternatives, one stating that the event was caused
overcome factors that could make learning difficult by the teacher and the other stating that the event
for a student. The teachers are making a statement occurred because of factors outside the teacher’s
about the efficacy of their own teaching, reflecting immediate control. Consistent with explanations
confidence that they have adequate training or from attribution theory (Weiner, 1979, 1992), four
experience to develop strategies for overcoming types of causes were offered for success or failure:
obstacles to student learning. These teachers may specific teaching abilities, the effort put into
well have experienced past success in boosting teaching, the task difficulty, and luck. (See Fig. 1
students’ achievement. This aspect of efficacy has for sample items.) Scores on the responsibility for
been labeled personal teaching efficacy (PTE); it is student achievement (RSA) yielded a measure of
more specific and individual than a belief about how much the teacher assumed responsibility for
what teachers in general can accomplish. student outcomes in general, as well as two
This appealing notion, that teachers’ beliefs in subscale scores indicating responsibility for stu-
their own capabilities somehow matter, proved to dent success (Rþ) and for student failure (R").
be significantly related to teachers’ success in The 100-point scale proved cumbersome and in
teaching reading to minority students in an urban subsequent uses the scale was reduced to 10 points
context (Armor et al., 1976). In a second study, for the teacher to divide between the alternative
Rand researchers found teacher efficacy to be a explanations.
strong predictor of the continuation of federally When Guskey (1982, 1988) compared scores
funded innovations after the end of funding from the RSA with teacher efficacy (TE) as
(Berman et al., 1977). Teachers’ sense of efficacy measured by the sum of the two Rand items, he
had a strong positive link not only to student found significant positive correlations between
performance but to the percent of project goals teacher efficacy and responsibility for both student
achieved, to the amount of teacher change, and to success (Rþ) and student failure (R"). He
the continued use of project methods and materi- reported strong intercorrelations ranging from
als after the project ended. 0.72 to 0.81 between overall responsibility and
Spurred on by the success of the Rand studies, responsibility for student success and student
several researchers sought to expand and refine the failure, while the subscales for student success
786 M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805

Format: Sample Items:

Participants are asked to give If a student does well in your class, would it probably be
a weight or percent to each a. because that student had the natural ability to do well, or
of the two choices. b. because of the encouragement you offered?
A global measure of When your students seem to have difficulty learning
responsibility, with two something, is it usually
subscales: Responsibility for a. because you are not willing to really work at it, or
student success (R+) & b. because you weren’t able to make it interesting for them?
Responsibility for student
failure (R-)

Fig. 1. Responsibility for student achievement (Guskey, 1981).

Format: Sample Items:

28 items with a forced- Suppose you are teaching a student a particular concept in
choice format. arithmetic or math and the student has trouble learning it.
Scoring: Would this happen
Half of the items describe a. because the student wasn’t able to understand it, or
situations of student success b. because you couldn’t explain it very well?
(I+) and half describe If the students in your class perform better than they usually
student failure (I-). do on a test, would this happen
a. because the students studied a lot for the test, or
b. because you did a good job of teaching the subject area?

Fig. 2. Teacher locus of control (Rose & Medway, 1981).

and student failure were only weakly related (0.20) (TLC) in which teachers were asked to assign
or not at all (Guskey, 1981, 1988). Guskey asserted responsibility for student successes or failures by
that positive and negative performance outcomes choosing between two competing explanations for
represent separate dimensions, not opposite ends the situations described. Half the items on the
of a single continuum, and that these dimensions TLC described situations of student success and
operate independently in their influence on percep- the other half described student failure. For each
tions of efficacy (Guskey, 1987). In general, success situation, one explanation attributed the
teachers assumed greater responsibility for positive positive outcome internally to the teacher (Iþ) and
results than for negative results, that is, they were the other assigned responsibility outside the
more confident in their ability to influence positive teacher, usually to the students. Similarly, for each
outcomes than to prevent negative ones. Greater failure situation, one explanation gave an internal
efficacy was related to a high level of confidence in teacher attribution (I") and the other blamed
teaching abilities on a measure of teaching self- external factors. (See Fig. 2 for sample items.)
concept (Guskey, 1984). In our extensive review of Scores on the TLC have been weakly but
the research on teacher efficacy, no published significantly related to the individual Rand items
studies were found in which other researchers had (GTE and PTE) as well as to the sum of the two
adopted this measure. Rand items (TE) with correlations generally
ranging from 0.11 to 0.41 (Coladarci, 1992;
1.3. Teacher locus of control Parkay, Greenwood, Olejnik, & Proller, 1988).
Rose and Medway (1981) found that the TLC was
At the same time that Guskey developed the a better predictor of teacher behaviors than
RSA, Rose and Medway (1981) proposed a 28- Rotter’s internal–external (I–E) scale, probably
item measure called the teacher locus of control because it was more specific to a teaching context.
M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805 787

For example, the TLC predicted teachers’ will- 2. A second conceptual strand: Bandura’s social
ingness to implement new instructional techniques, cognitive theory
whereas Rotter’s I–E scale did not. To further
examine the TLC and the two Rand items, While one strand of research grounded in
Greenwood, Olejnik, and Parkay (1990) dichot- Rotter’s social learning theory developed, a second
omized teachers’ scores on the two Rand questions strand emerged, growing out of Bandura’s social
and cross-partitioned them into four efficacy cognitive theory and his construct of self-efficacy,
patterns. They found that teachers with high as initially described in his 1977 article, ‘‘Self-
efficacy on both measures (I can, teachers can) efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral
had more internally oriented scores on the TLC change’’. Bandura (1997) defined perceived self-
for both student success and student failure than efficacy as ‘‘beliefs in one’s capabilities to organize
teachers who scored low on both (I can’t, teachers and execute the courses of action required to
can’t). This measure never received wide accep- produce given attainments’’ (p. 3). Self-efficacy is a
tance and has all but disappeared from the future-oriented belief about the level of compe-
literature in the past two decades. tence a person expects he or she will display in a
given situation. Self-efficacy beliefs influence
thought patterns and emotions that enable actions
1.4. The Webb scale in which people expend substantial effort in
pursuit of goals, persist in the face of adversity,
At about the same time as the RSA and the TLC rebound from temporary setbacks, and exercise
were being developed, a third group of researchers some control over events that affect their lives
sought to expand the Rand efficacy questions to (Bandura, 1986, 1993, 1997).
increase their reliability. The Webb scale (Ashton Social cognitive theory proposes a second kind
et al., 1982) was an attempt to extend the measure of expectation, outcome expectancy, which is
of teacher efficacy while maintaining a narrow distinct from efficacy expectations. An efficacy
conceptualization of the construct. To reduce the expectation is the individual’s conviction that he
problem of social desirability bias, a forced-choice or she can orchestrate the necessary actions to
format with items matched for social desirability perform a given task, while outcome expectancy is
was used. (See Fig. 3 for sample items.) Webb and the individual’s estimate of the likely consequences
his colleagues found that teachers who scored of performing that task at the expected level of
higher on the Webb efficacy scale evidenced fewer competence (Bandura, 1986). Bandura asserted
angry or impatient interactions (less negative that because they stem from the projected level of
affect) in their teaching (Ashton et al., 1982). This competence a person expects to bring to a given
measure, however, never met with wide acceptance situation, outcome expectancies add little to the
and we found no published work beyond the predictive power of efficacy measures. However,
original study in which the scale was used. outcome expectancies, in the form of physical or

Format: Sample Items:

7 items, forced choice. A. A teacher should not be expected to reach every child;
Participants must determine if some students are not going to make academic progress.
they agree most strongly with B. Every child is reachable. It is a teacher’s obligation to
the first or the second statement. see to it that every child makes academic progress.

A. My skills are best suited for dealing with students who

have low motivation and who have a history of
misbehavior in school.
B. My skills are best suited for dealing with students who
are academically motivated and generally well behaved.

Fig. 3. Webb efficacy scale (Ashton et al., 1982).

788 M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805

social rewards, recognitions, punishments, "0.05 to "0.82 with an average of "0.39, it was
criticisms, or self-evaluations can provide incen- concluded that stress could not be used as a proxy
tives and disincentives for a given behavior for efficacy. This measure has not received wide
(Bandura, 1986, 1997). Several researchers at- acceptance. We located only one study that used
tempted to draw on both Rotter and Bandura, this scale since it was developed for the original
reconciling the two conceptualizations or simply study.
ignoring the distinctions.
2.2. Gibson and Dembo’s teacher efficacy scale
2.1. The Ashton vignettes (TES)

In order to address the assumption that teacher The early 1980s was a fertile time for attempts to
efficacy is context specific, Ashton and her measure teacher efficacy. It was in those years that
colleagues (Ashton, Buhr, & Crocker, 1984) Gibson and Dembo developed the TES, building
developed a series of vignettes describing situa- on the formulations of the Rand studies, but
tions a teacher might encounter and asking bringing to bear the conceptual underpinnings of
teachers to make judgments as to their effective- Bandura as well. Beginning with teacher interviews
ness in handling the situation. The researchers and analyses of previous studies of teachers
tested two frames of reference for judgments. The reported to have a strong sense of efficacy, Gibson
first asked teachers to judge how they would and Dembo (1984) developed a 30-item measure of
perform in the described situation on a scale from teacher efficacy. (See Fig. 5 for sample items.)
‘‘extremely ineffective’’ to ‘‘extremely effective’’. Perplexed when factor analysis of the items yielded
The second version asked teachers to make a a two-factor structure, Gibson and Dembo
comparison to other teachers, from ‘‘much less assumed that the two factors reflected the two
effective than most teachers’’ to ‘‘much more expectancies of Bandura’s social cognitive theory:
effective than most teachers’’. The norm-refer- self-efficacy and outcome expectancy. Conse-
enced vignettes in which teachers compared quently, Gibson and Dembo called the first factor
themselves to other teachers were significantly personal teaching efficacy (PTE, a ¼ 0:75) assum-
correlated with the Rand items but the self- ing that it reflected self-efficacy, and the second
referenced vignettes, rating effectiveness or ineffec- they called teaching efficacy (GTE, a ¼ 0:79)
tiveness, were not (Ashton et al., 1984; Ashton & assuming that it captured outcome expectancy.
Webb, 1986). (See Fig. 4 for sample items.) They wrote
Teachers also were asked to indicate the level of
stress in each of the situations but, with correla- If we apply Bandura’s theory to the construct of
tions between efficacy and stress ranging from teacher efficacy, outcome expectancy would

Format: Sample Items:

50 items describing problem Your school district has adopted a self-paced instructional
situations concerning various program for remedial students in your area. How effective
dimensions of teaching, would you be in keeping a group of remedial students on
including motivation, discipline, task and engaged in meaningful learning while using these
academic instruction, planning, materials?
evaluation, and work with
parents. A small group of students is constantly whispering,
Self-referenced: “extremely passing notes and ignoring class activities. Their academic
ineffective” to “extremely performance on tests and homework is adequate and
effective.” Norm-referenced: sometimes even good. Their classroom performance,
“much less effective than most however, is irritating and disruptive. How effective would
teachers” to “much more you be in eliminating their disruptive behavior?
effective than other teachers.”

Fig. 4. Ashton vignettes (Ashton et al., 1984).

M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805 789

Format: Sample Items:

30 items on a 6-point Likert When a student gets a better grade than he usually gets, it
scale from strongly disagree to is usually because I found better ways of teaching.
strongly agree. The hours in my class have little influence on students
Scoring: A global measure of compared to the influence of their home environment.
teacher efficacy derived from the If a student masters a new math concept quickly, this
sum of all items. Two subscales might be because I knew the necessary steps in teaching
emerge from factor analysis: that concept.
personal teaching efficacy and
general teaching efficacy.

Fig. 5. Teacher efficacy scale (Gibson & Dembo, 1984).

essentially reflect the degree to which teachers Continued research with the Gibson and
believed that environment could be controlled, Dembo items began to identify inconsistencies.
that is, the extent to which students can be Factor analysis of the 30-item instrument indi-
taught given such factors as family background, cated that several items loaded on both factors,
IQ, and school conditions. Self-efficacy beliefs consequently some researchers have used a shor-
would be teachers’ evaluation of their abilities tened version, selecting only the 16 items that
to bring about positive student change (Gibson loaded uniquely on one factor or the other
& Dembo, 1984, p. 570). (Soodak & Podell, 1993; Woolfolk & Hoy, 1990).
Even so, problems have arisen around particular
As will be discussed later in this paper, questions items. Using the 16-item version of the Gibson and
have been raised regarding this interpretation of Dembo instrument Soodak and Podell (1993)
outcome expectancy (Tschannen-Moran et al., found that, contrary to expectations, one GTE
1998; Woolfolk & Hoy, 1990). item loaded on the PTE factor and that another
Using the Gibson and Dembo items, item did not have a strong enough loading on
other researchers have confirmed the existence either factor to be included. In light of these
of two factors (Anderson et al., 1988; Burley et al., findings, Hoy and Woolfolk (1993) used an even
1991; Hoy & Woolfolk, 1993; Moore & more abbreviated form with just 10 items: five
Esselman, 1992; Saklofske, Michaluk, & Randha- personal and five general teaching efficacy items.
wa, 1988; Soodak & Podell, 1993) with a They found reliabilities for both subtests within
ranging from 0.75 to 0.81 for PTE and 0.64 the range found for the longer versions (a is 0.77
to 0.77 for GTE. When the Rand items were for PTE and 0.72 for GTE). They urged research-
included in the factor analysis with the Gibson ers to conduct factor analysis on their own data,
and Dembo measure, Rand 1 (when it comes because of frequent inconsistencies across studies.
right down to it, a teacher really can’t do Although the Gibson and Dembo measure has
much because most of a student’s motivation and been the most popular of the teacher efficacy
performance depends on his or her home environ- instruments to date, problems remain both con-
ment) usually loaded on the GTE factor and ceptually and statistically. The lack of clarity
Rand 2 (if I really try hard, I can get through about the meaning of the two factors and the
to even the most difficult or unmotivated students) instability of the factor structure make this
usually loaded on the PTE factor (Coladarci, 1992; instrument problematic for researchers. A new,
Woolfolk & Hoy, 1990). Studies of both preservice clearer measure is needed.
and inservice teachers have found that from 18%
to 30% of the variance between teachers 2.3. Subject-matter specific modifications of Gibson
is explained by these two factors. In general, and Dembo’s instrument
researchers have found the two factors to be only
moderately related, with correlations ranging from One of the unresolved issues in the measurement
0.15 to 0.20. of teacher efficacy is determining the optimal level
790 M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805

of specificity. Teacher efficacy has been defined as uncorrelated. Exploring an even greater level of
both context and subject-matter specific. A teacher specificity, Rubeck and Enochs (1991) distin-
may feel very competent in one area of study or guished chemistry teaching efficacy from science
when working with one kind of student and feel teaching efficacy. They found that among middle-
less able in other subjects or with different school science teachers, personal science teaching
students. Although researchers and theorists agree efficacy (PTE for teaching science) was correlated
that teacher efficacy is situation specific, it is less with preference to teach science, and that chem-
clear what is the appropriate level of specificity for istry teaching self-efficacy (PTE for teaching
its measure. For example, is efficacy specific to chemistry) was related to preference to teach
teaching mathematics, or more specific to teaching chemistry. Chemistry teaching self-efficacy was
algebra, or even more specific to teaching quad- related to science teaching self-efficacy, and science
ratic equations? This situation is not unlike issues teaching self-efficacy was significantly higher than
faced by researchers studying self-efficacy for chemistry teaching self-efficacy. Science teaching
school achievement. Pintrich and Schunk (1996) self-efficacy was related to the teacher’s experi-
have noted that the level of specificity is one of the ences taking science courses with laboratory
most difficult issues to be resolved for cognitive or experiences and to experience teaching science,
motivational theories that propose domain speci- while chemistry self-efficacy was related to chem-
ficity (p. 79). In general, attempts to limit the scope istry course work involving lab experiences and
of the efficacy beliefs have been fruitful in terms of chemistry teaching experience. This instrument has
finding significant results. But whether these enjoyed popularity across several studies (see
measures have greater predictive value and gen- Enochs, Posnanski, & Hagedorn, 1999).
eralizability than more global measures has yet to Classroom management. In an attempt to extend
be determined. Recognizing that many standard the TES to better reflect the domain of classroom
efficacy instruments overlook the specific teaching management, Emmer (1990) adapted the Gibson
context, some researchers have modified the and Dembo instrument, yielding a 36-item mea-
Gibson and Dembo instrument to explore sure with three efficacy subscales: efficacy for
teachers’ sense of efficacy within particular curri- classroom management and discipline, external
culum areas. influences, and personal teaching efficacy. Among
Science teaching. Science educators have con- a sample of preservice teachers, the efficacy
ducted extensive research on the effects of efficacy subscales were correlated with preferences for
on science teaching and learning. Riggs and using positive strategies for classroom manage-
Enochs (1990) developed an instrument, based ment, that is, strategies aimed at increasing or
on the Gibson and Dembo approach, to measure encouraging desirable student responses through
efficacy of teaching scienceFthe Science Teaching praise, encouragement, attention, and rewards
Efficacy Belief Instrument (STEBI). (See Fig. 6 for (Emmer, 1990; Emmer & Hickman, 1990).
sample items.) Consistent with Gibson and Dembo Special education. To explore efficacy in the
they have found two separate factors, one they context of special education, Coladarci and Breton
called personal science teaching efficacy (PSTE) (1997) used a 30-item instrument modified from
and a second factor they labeled science teaching Gibson and Dembo (1984) and reworded to apply
outcome expectancy (STOE). The two factors were specifically to special education. In order to study

Format: Sample Items:

25 items, 5-point Likert scale I understand science concepts well enough to be effective
from strongly agree to strongly in teaching elementary science.
disagree. Effectiveness in science teaching has little influence on the
achievement of students with low motivation.

Fig. 6. Science teaching efficacy belief instrument (Riggs & Enochs, 1990).
M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805 791

the likelihood of referral to special education in Raudenbush, Rowen, and Cheong (1992) decided
the Netherlands, Meijer and Foster (1988) devel- to use a very brief measure of efficacy. They asked
oped the Dutch teacher self-efficacy scales, an teachers to respond to the single question, ‘‘To
11-item instrument probing personal teaching what extent do you feel successful in providing the
efficacy beliefs. Teachers were asked to respond kind of education you would like to provide for
along a 4-point Likert scale to questions such as ‘‘I this class?’’ with responses along a 4-point Likert
become truly discouraged when I see a pupil scale.
returning to problem behavior’’ or ‘‘I can handle
virtually any learning problem well’’. The re- 2.5. Bandura’s teacher self-efficacy scale
searchers found that high efficacy teachers were
more likely to feel that a problem student was In the midst of the confusion about how to best
appropriately placed in the regular classroom. measure teacher efficacy, an unpublished measure
used by Bandura (undated) in his work on teacher
2.4. Brief eclectic measures efficacy has begun quietly circulating among
researchers. Bandura (1997) pointed out that
Some researchers, dissatisfied with any of the teachers’ sense of efficacy is not necessarily uni-
existing measures, have used a combination of form across the many different types of tasks
items from several instruments. Midgley et al. teachers are asked to perform, nor across different
(1989) created a 5-item personal teaching efficacy subject matter. In response, he constructed a
measure consisting of the Rand personal efficacy 30-item instrument with seven subscales: efficacy
item, two items of academic futility (Brookover to influence decision making, efficacy to influence
et al., 1978), one item from the Webb Scale, and school resources, instructional efficacy, disciplin-
one original item, and then summed across the five ary efficacy, efficacy to enlist parental involvement,
items (a ¼ 0:65). Several researchers who made use efficacy to enlist community involvement, and
of the High School and Beyond database used a efficacy to create a positive school climate. Each
2-item measure of self-efficacy and two items item is measured on a 9-point scale anchored with
indicating satisfaction; however, because these the notations: ‘‘nothing, very little, some influence,
measures were so highly correlated they combined quite a bit, a great deal’’. (See Fig. 7 for sample
them into a single measure (Lee, Dedick, & Smith, items.) This measure attempted to provide a multi-
1991; Newmann, Rutter, & Smith, 1989). This faceted picture of teachers’ efficacy beliefs without
seems an unfortunate approach because even becoming too narrow or specific. Unfortunately,
though efficacy and satisfaction were correlated, reliability and validity information about the
they remain conceptually distinct constructs. measure have not been available.

Format: Sample Items:

30 items on a 9-point scale How much can you influence the decisions that are made
anchored at nothing, very little, in your school?
some influence, quite a bit, a How much can you do to overcome the influence of
great deal. adverse community conditions on student learning?
7 subscales: How much can you do to get children to follow classroom
Influence on decision making, rules?
influence on school resources, How much can you assist parents in helping their children
instructional efficacy, do well in school?
disciplinary efficacy, enlisting How much can you do to get local colleges and
parental involvement, enlisting universities involved in working with your school?
community involvement, and How much can you do to make students enjoy coming to
creating a positive school school?
climate. How much can you do to get students to believe they can
do well in schoolwork?

Fig. 7. Bandura’s teacher efficacy scale.

792 M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805

The conceptual confusion around the concept of ment of his or her own capabilities and expected
teacher efficacy has made developing appropriate level of performance, not from what it would be
measures of efficacy difficult. Researchers have possible for others to accomplish under similar
tried very simple, general measures as well as long circumstances. Therefore the items used to mea-
complex vignettes. None of the measures currently sure the second factor of teacher efficacy about the
in use seems to have found the proper balance potential impact of teachers in general in the face
between specificity and generality. In addition, of external impediments (GTE) cannot be con-
there are conceptual problems in the interpretation sidered an outcome expectancy (Tschannen-
of the factor structure and the poor correlation Moran et al., 1998; Woolfolk & Hoy, 1990). To
between the factors where two or more have been capture the contingency relationship between
found. means and ends (Skinner, 1996), items would have
to refer to outcomes the individual teacher could
expect, given certain actions or means he or she
3. Challenges in the measure of teacher efficacy felt capable of delivering. Emmer and Hickman’s
label ‘‘external influences’’ strikes closer to the
Studies of teacher efficacy have frequently found mark of what the current GTE items capture.
two separate dimensions or factors, although
considerable confusion and debate have arisen 3.1. Relationships among existing measures
over their meaning. While there is general agree-
ment that the first factor, commonly called Coladarci and Fink (1995) undertook an exam-
personal teaching efficacy, has to do with one’s ination of the major measures of teacher efficacy
own feelings of competence as a teacher, the and their relationships to one another. In a sample
meaning of the second factor has been in question. of elementary and secondary public school tea-
Although it is often called general teaching chers, they found a correlation between the Rand
efficacy, some have argued for other labels. Emmer measure and the TES (Gibson & Dembo, 1984) of
and Hickman (1990) called the second factor 0.64. The TES correlated with the teacher locus of
‘‘external influences’’ which is reminiscent of control scale (Rose & Medway, 1981) at 0.47 and
Rotter’s construct of external control. Riggs and with responsibility for student achievement ques-
Enochs in the development of the Science Teach- tionnaire (Guskey, 1981) at 0.57 (see Table 1).
ing Efficacy Belief Instrument (Riggs and Enochs, These moderate correlations suggest that these
1990) have labeled Factor 2 as an outcome measures are describing related constructs, but the
expectancy, the second component of Bandura’s overlap is not perfect. How much of what each
social cognitive theory in which a person assesses scale measures accurately captures teacher efficacy
the likely consequences of the performance level he and how much is something else?
or she expects to achieve. Riggs and Enochs, A closer examination of the relationships
(along with Ashton et al. (1982), Gibson and between the subscales adds more intriguing
Dembo (1984) and Soodak and Podell (1996)), information (see Table 2). Intercorrelations
reasoned that what teachers in general could be between the general teaching efficacy of the TES
expected to accomplish was the outcome an and Rand 1 (general) measure of 0.53,
individual teacher could expect from his or her and between the personal teaching efficacy and
own teaching. Rand 2 (personal) of 0.41 are not as strong
Bandura (1986) argued that an outcome ex- as might have been expected. Previous studies
pectancy is a judgment of the likely consequences have generally found that when the Rand items
of a specific action, given an individual’s antici- were included in the TES, the factor structure
pated level of performance. Bandura pointed out remained intact (Coladarci, 1992; Woolfolk &
that outcome expectancy adds little to the ex- Hoy, 1990). Both the teacher locus of
planation of motivation because the outcome a control subscale for student success (Iþ) and the
person expects stems from that person’s assess- responsibility for student success (Rþ) correlated
M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805 793

Table 1
Intercorrelations among efficacy/non-efficacy measures (N ¼ 333)a


Rand items 0.47 0.50 0.64 0.27 0.39 0.45 0.48

Teacher locus of control scale 0.68 0.47 0.18 0.28 0.34 0.33
Responsibility for student achievement questionnaire 0.57 0.22 0.41 0.39 0.46
Teacher efficacy scale 0.39 0.42 0.50 0.54
Efficacy vignettes 0.34 0.36 0.38
Webb efficacy scale 0.32 0.40
Affect for teaching 0.72
Teaching self-concept
Source: Coladarci and Fink (1995); used with permission.

Table 2
Subscale intercorrelations among efficacy/non-efficacy measures (N ¼ 333)a

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

General teaching efficacy

1. Rand 1 0.53 0.45 0.35 0.41 0.39 0.37 0.35 0.35 0.37
2. Teacher efficacy scale 0.42 0.25 0.28 0.40 0.35 0.39 0.39 0.39

Personal teaching efficacy

3. Rand 2 0.41 0.34 0.36 0.27 0.34 0.42 0.46
4. Teacher efficacy scale 0.47 0.47 0.21 0.28 0.39 0.47

Efficacy for classroom success/positive student outcomes

5. Teacher locus of control: I+ 0.53 0.54 0.49 0.33 0.35
6. Responsibility for student Ach: R+ 0.30 0.41 0.43 0.49

Efficacy for classroom failure/negative student achievement

7. Teacher locus of control: I- 0.65 0.26 0.22
8. Responsibility for student Ach: R- 0.26 0.31

Non-efficacy measures
9. Affect for teaching 0.72
10. Teaching self-concept
Source: Coladarci and Fink (1995); used with permission.

most strongly with personal teaching efficacy respectively) and between the two subscales of the
(0.47), but their relationship to Rand 1 RSA (0.41) (see Table 1). When the various
(general or external) was almost as high (0.41 measures of efficacy (Rand, Gibson & Dembo,
and 0.39, respectively). The external measures, TLC, and RSA) were compared to two measures
the TLC for student failure (I") and RSA subscale thought to be distinct from teacher efficacy (Affect
for student failure (R"), were related to general for teaching (Guskey, 1987) and Teaching self-
teaching efficacy (0.35 and 0.39, respectively); concept (Guskey, 1987)), the relationships found
however, a stronger relationship was found were in the same range as those between various
between these two external measures and the instruments attempting to measure teacher efficacy
internal scale of the TLC (Iþ: 0.54 and 0.49, (0.22–0.54).
794 M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805

3.2. Guskey and Passaro’s challenge learning situationsy . The external factor, on
the other hand, relates to perceptions of the
Guskey and Passaro (1994) attempted to add influence, power, and impact of elements that
clarity to the meaning of these two factors of lie outside the classroom and, hence, may be
Gibson and Dembo’s TES by modifying the beyond the direct control of individual teachers
wording of the items. They noted that all of the (p. 639).
11 items on the Gibson and Dembo TES that
loaded on the personal teaching efficacy factor This challenge provokes further reflection on the
were worded positively and thus geared to an meaning of the two factors that have often been
internal orientation (‘‘I can’’), whereas the items found in measures of teacher efficacy. These
that loaded on the second factor, labeled general findings invite us to question once again the
teaching efficacy, were negatively worded, consis- nature of teacher efficacy and how it can best be
tently reflecting an external orientation, (‘‘teachers measured.
can’t’’). When Guskey and Passaro reworded
the personal efficacy items so that half reflected
an internal and half an external orientation,
and did the same with the general teaching 4. The development of a new measure of teacher
efficacy items, the results conformed to an inter- efficacy
nal/external dichotomy rather than the personal/
general dimensions. (See Table 3 for an example Deciding how to measure teacher efficacy
of the rewording.) The finding that the internal presents thorny issues. Bandura (1997, 2001)
and external factors were only moderately recommended including various levels of task
correlated (r ¼ "0:24) suggests that the internal demands, allowing respondents to indicate the
and external dimensions are separate dimensions, strength of their efficacy beliefs in light of a variety
not opposite ends of the same continuum. Thus, of impediments or obstacles and providing a broad
as Guskey and Passaro noted, these factors are range of response options. But perhaps the great-
not identical to the internal/external distin- est challenge has to do with finding the optimal
ction made in locus-of-control or attribution level of specificity for measurement. Although
theories of motivation. Guskey and Passaro Bandura would applaud efforts to expand mea-
concluded that sures of teacher efficacy beyond single-item mea-
sures, which often are unreliable and cannot
The internal and external distinction identified capture multifaceted dimensions of the construct,
in this study more accurately represents he nonetheless finds most currently available
teachers’ perceptions of the strength of different measures of teachers’ sense of efficacy to be too
and independent factors. The internal factor general. Pajares (1996) complained that, in rela-
appears to represent perceptions of personal tion to student self-efficacy, global measures
influence, power, and impact in teaching and obscure what is being measured,

Table 3
Guskey and Passaro’s rewording of teacher efficacy itemsa

Example of alternative forms of an item

Item: Gibson and Dembo (1984) Number 15, and Woolfolk and Hoy (1990) Number 8

Personal-internal (P-I) (original Item) When I really try, I can get through to most difficult students
Personal-external (P-E) Even when I really try, it is hard to get through to the difficult students
Teaching-internal (T-I) When teachers really try, they can get through to most difficult students
Teaching-external (T-E) Even when they really try, it is hard for teachers to get through to the difficult students
Source: Guskey and Passaro (1994); used with permission.
M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805 795

Omnibus tests that aim to assess general self- personal challenges. Studies need to test the
efficacy provide global scores that decontextua- relative predictive power of assessments of perso-
lize the self-efficacy-behavior correspondence nal competence and of the analysis of the task.
and transform self-efficacy beliefs into a gen- Certainly some context is inferred in assessments
eralized personality trait rather than the con- of personal competence (presumably those the
text-specific judgment Bandura suggests they person has had experience with) but a more careful
arey . The problem with such assessments is and fine-grained assessment of those factors that
that students must generate judgments about both facilitate and impede teaching in a particular
their academic capabilities without a clear teaching context is likely to produce more power-
activity or task in mind. As a result, they ful instruments.
generate the judgments by in some fashion After nearly a quarter of a century of work
mentally aggregating to related perceptions that on teacher efficacy, it seems apparent that a
they hope will be related to imagined tasks new measure of teacher efficacy that is both
(p. 547). reliable and valid is needed (Henson, Bennett,
Sienty, & Chambers, 2000; Tschannen-Moran
On the other hand, Pajares noted that, et al., 1998). Although Bandura’s instrument
‘‘specificity and precision are often purchased at addresses many of the issues of measurement he
the expense of external validity and practical has raised, problems remain. For example, both
relevance’’ (p. 561). There is a danger of develop- teachers and teacher educators who examined
ing measures that are so specific they lose their Bandura’s instrument (in a seminar described
predictive power for anything beyond the specific below) were concerned that the distribution of
skills and contexts being measured (e.g., I am items within the seven subscales did not accurately
confident I can teach simple subtraction to middle- reflect the kinds of tasks that typically make up
income second graders in a rural setting who do a teacher’s work life.
not have specific learning disabilities, as long as
my class is smaller than 22 students and good
manipulatives are available). Discerning what is 4.1. Instrument development
the most useful level of specificity depends on the
purposes of the research, but either extreme of Work on a new measure of efficacy was under-
highly general or highly specific may pose pro- taken by participants in a seminar on self-efficacy
blems for researchers. in teaching and learning in the College of Educa-
In order to be useful and generalizable, mea- tion at The Ohio State University. The seminar
sures of teacher efficacy need to tap teachers’ included two researchers and eight graduate
assessments of their competence across the wide students.1 The graduate students included two
range of activities and tasks they are asked to teacher educators, two full time doctoral students,
perform. The Tschannen-Moran et al. (1998) and four practicing teachers. All eight had teach-
model of teacher efficacy suggests that a valid ing experience, ranging from 5 to 28 years, with a
measure of teacher efficacy must assess both mean of 11.9.
personal competence and an analysis of the task Several possible formats for a new efficacy
in terms of the resources and constraints in measure were explored, including a Likert-type
particular teaching contexts. Most existing mea- scale similar to the Gibson and Dembo instrument
sures of teacher efficacy do not include both and the expanded scale advocated by Bandura. In
dimensions of efficacy. For example, the first the end, the group decided on a measure based on
Rand item and other measures of general teaching Bandura’s scale, but with an expanded list of
efficacy tend to assess just the external constraints 1
The authors are grateful to the seminar participants,
faced by teachers and not the resources, while the Candace Fox, Pam Gaskill, Angela Lee, Matthew Maurer,
second Rand item and other measures of personal Leena Patel, Hilary Raymond, Georgene Risko, and Hsiu-Han
teaching efficacy assess teaching strengths but not Yu for their work in generating items for the proposed measure.
796 M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805

teacher capabilities. Each seminar member inde- Sample items include

pendently selected items from the Bandura scale
that she or he believed represented important tasks
* How much can you do to motivate students
or elements of teaching. In addition, each member who show low interest in schoolwork?
generated 8–10 new items to reflect areas of
* How much can you assist parents in helping
teaching not represented on the Bandura Scale, their children do well in school?
such as assessment. This process produced over
* How much can you gauge student comprehen-
100 items, though there were many overlaps and sion of what you have taught?
similarities among items.
* To what extent are you able to tailor your
All of the items were pooled and the group then lessons to the academic level of your students?
discussed each item as a possible candidate for the
final scale, attempting to reach consensus on each
item or revise items to capture important and 5. Testing the instrument
frequently nominated areas of teaching. Using this
nomination, discussion, and revision approach, 52 The new measure, named the Ohio State teacher
items were generated to assess the full range of efficacy scale (OSTES), was examined in three
teaching tasks and capabilities. From Bandura’s separate studies. In the first study, the original 52
30-item scale, 23 items were retained and 7 were items were reduced to 32 and in the second, the
discarded as not being representative of frequent scale was further reduced to 18 items made up of
activities within a teachers’ work life. Items not three subscales. In the third study, 18 additional
included were items were developed and tested. The resulting
instrument had two forms, a long form with 24
* How much can you influence the class sizes in items and a short form with 12 items. Finally, the
your school? factor structure, reliability, and validity of the new
* How much can you do to get community measure was examined, as well as the appropriate-
groups involved in working with the school? ness of the new scale for both preservice and
* How much can you do to get churches involved inservice teacher populations.
in working with the school?
* How much can you do to get businesses
5.1. Study 1
involved in working with the school?
* How much can you do to get local colleges and
In the first study, the 52-item scale was refined
universities involved in working with the
and reduced to 32 items. The sample, importance
ratings for each item, and results of a factor
* How much can you help other teachers with
analysis are described below.
their teaching skills?
The sample. The instrument was tested on a
* How much can you do to enhance collabora-
sample of 224 participants, including 146 preser-
tion between teachers and the administration to
vice teachers (124 females and 22 males) and 78
make the school run effectively?
inservice teachers (43 females and 35 males). All
The remaining 19 items generated by the group were taking classes at The Ohio State University.
described significant tasks of teaching not repre- The preservice teachers ranged in age from 18 to
sented on the Bandura scale, such as assessment, 47 years (mean=23.9, SD=5.5). The inservice
adjusting the lesson to individual student needs, teachers ranged in age from 20 to 56 years
dealing with learning difficulties, repairing student (mean=31.6, SD=7.2). The sample included 184
misconceptions, and motivating student engage- European Americans, 23 African Americans, 4
ment and interest. A 9-point scale was used for Latinos/Latinas, 3 Asian Americans, and 10 who
each item, with anchors at 1Fnothing, 3Fvery self-identified as other.
little, 5Fsome influence, 7Fquite a bit, and 9Fa Importance ratings and factor analysis. In addi-
great deal. tion to responding to each of the 52 items using the
M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805 797

9-point scale described above, respondents were cluded 172 European Americans, 22 African
asked to rate the importance of each item for Americans, 6 Latinos/Latinas, 6 Asian Americans,
effective teaching on a 4-point scale (not at all, and 8 who self-identified as other.
somewhat, important, or critical). There was very Factor analysis and reliabilities. Principal-axis
little variability in the importance ratings of the 52 factoring with varimax rotation of the 32-item
items. All tasks were considered ‘‘important’’ to scale yielded eight factors with eigenvalues greater
‘‘critical’’ for effective teaching. Thus no items than one, accounting for 63% of the variance in
were eliminated based on importance ratings. the respondents’ scores. A scree test suggested two
The 52 items were submitted to principal-axis or three factors could be extracted, thus we
factoring with varimax rotation. Ten factors examined each of these solutions. In the two-
emerged with eigenvalues greater than one, ac- factor solution, items related to classroom
counting for 57.2% of the variance in the management loaded across both factors almost
respondents’ scores. Rotation failed to converge equally, but the loadings were low. In the
after 25 iterations, so the unrotated factor matrix three-factor solution, management emerged as a
was examined. The first factor had an eigenvalue separate factor and the other two factors
of 20.7 and accounted for 39.9% of the variance in were more clearly specified. Because classroom
respondents’ scores. Examining the first factor, we management is an important element in effective
set as a criterion loadings higher than 0.60 to select teaching (Brophy & Good, 1986) and of
items for further analysis. This yielded 31 items concern to beginning teachers (Veenman, 1984)
with loading ranging from 0.62 to 0.78. One item we believed that the three-factor solution better
with a loading of 0.595 was included as well represented the tasks of teaching. This three-factor
because it pertained to the important area of solution appeared both parsimonious and inter-
motivation, a topic that the seminar group of pretable, thus we examined this solution to
teachers believed was a critical task of teaching identify possible items to eliminate and further
and not well represented in the 31 items chosen. reduce the scale.
Thus we selected 32 of the original 52 items for The scale was further reduced to 18 items by
further testing. removing items that had the lowest loadings within
each of the three factors, items that loaded clearly
5.2. Study 2 on more than one factor, and items that seemed
redundant. For example, ‘‘How much can you do
Another group of inservice and preservice to adjust your lessons to the proper level for
teachers participated in the second study. Based individual students?’’ and ‘‘To what extent are you
on the procedures described below, the 32-item able to tailor your lessons to the academic level of
scale was further reduced to 18 items with three your students?’’ both loaded on the same factor
subscales. and were moderately correlated (r ¼ 0:54). There-
The sample. The sample of 217 participants in fore we eliminated the second item because it had a
the second study included 70 preservice teachers lower loading on the factor.
(49 female, 20 male, 1 no indication) and 147 The three factors, accounting for 51% of the
inservice teachers (94 female, 53 male) and 3 variance, emerged from the varimax rotation of
respondents who failed to indicate their teaching the 18 items in the respondents’ scores. We labeled
status. The participants were students at three these factors, efficacy for student engagement (8
universities (Ohio State, William and Mary, and items), efficacy for instructional strategies (7 items),
Southern Mississippi). The inservice teachers had and efficacy for classroom management (3 items).
from 1 to 26 years of experience with a mean of 8.5 An efficacy subscale score was computed for each
(SD=6.3). The preservice teachers ranged in age factor by calculating the mean of the responses to
from 20 to 46 years (mean=27.5, SD=6.9), while the items retained within each factor. a reliabilities
the inservice teachers ranged in age from 22 to 62 for the subscales were 0.82 for engagement, 0.81
years (mean=33.5, SD=8.5). The sample in- for instruction, and 0.72 for management.
798 M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805

Second-order factor analysis of combined data. related to teachers’ sense of efficacy as measured
Using the responses from both Study 1 and Study by the Gibson and Dembo instrument (Woolfolk
2, a principal-axis factoring of the three teacher & Hoy, 1990; Woolfolk, Rosoff, & Hoy, 1990). As
efficacy subscales (engagement, instruction, and expected, teacher efficacy, as measured by the
management) revealed one strong factor with OSTES, was found to be negatively related to
factor loadings ranging from 0.74 to 0.84. The pupil control ideology, that is, teachers with a
emergence of this second-order factor and the greater sense of their own efficacy tended to be less
moderate positive correlations of the three sub- custodial in their attitudes towards students
scales suggested that the 18 items could be (r ¼ "0:25; po0:01). To insure that these correla-
considered to measure the underlying construct tions were not skewed by the inclusion of
of efficacy and that a total score as well as three preservice teachers, the correlations were run again
subscale scores could be calculated based on the 18 using only the responses of inservice teachers with
items. To further examine the appropriateness of very similar results.
calculating a total score for the 18 items, we The findings of Study 2 were encouraging. The
conducted a principal-axis factor analysis specify- 18-item instrument had good validity and the
ing one factor. All 18 items loaded on this factor, factors were conceptually sound representations of
with loadings ranging from 0.48 to.70. The the various tasks of teaching. The weakness of the
reliability for this 18-item scale was 0.95. management factor as well as the strength of the
Construct validity. In order to further test the instructional strategies and student engagement
validity of the OSTES, we examined construct factors, however, led us to design a third study
validity by assessing the correlation of this new that would bolster the weaknesses and enhance the
measure with other existing measures (Kerlinger, strengths of the nascent instrument.
1986). Participants in Study 2 were asked to
respond not only to the OSTES, but also to the 5.3. Study 3
Rand Items, the Hoy and Woolfolk (1993) 10-item
adaptation of the Gibson and Dembo TES, the The purpose of the third study was to further
pupil control ideology form (Willower, Eidell, & refine the OSTES. Roberts and Henson (2001)
Hoy, 1967), and the work alienation scale (Forsyth echoed our concerns about the 18-item instrument.
& Hoy, 1978). As expected, total scores on the In a confirmatory factor analysis with a sample of
OSTES were positively related to both the Rand 183 inservice teachers, they also found that the
items (r ¼ 0:35 and 0:28; po0:01) as well as to classroom management factor of the 18-item scale
both the personal teaching efficacy (PTE) factor of was weak and recommended its elimination. But
the Gibson and Dembo measure (r ¼ 0:48; our experience with both preservice and inservice
po0:01) and the general teacher efficacy (GTE) teachers convinced us that classroom management
factor (r ¼ 0:30; po0:01). is an important element of teaching. In addition,
Discriminant validity for teacher efficacy was we suspected that the weakness of the management
measured using a survey of work alienation factor might be the consequence of the brevity of
because alienation was presumed to be concep- the 3-item scale. So, rather than eliminate this
tually distinct and negatively related to teacher scale, we decided to write more items to capture
efficacy. ‘‘Work alienation is defined in terms of this potentially important dimension of teacher
the extent to which individuals fail to experience efficacy. To develop new management items, we
intrinsic pride or meaning in their work’’ (Forsyth consulted Emmer’s (1990) teacher efficacy for
& Hoy, 1978, p. 85). Results indicated that teacher classroom management scale. We also took the
efficacy was significantly negatively related to opportunity to include items that assessed addi-
work alienation (r ¼ "0:31; po0:01). Pupil Con- tional aspects of teaching that have been neglected
trol Ideology is the extent to which a teacher takes in the measurement of teacher efficacy. Because the
a custodial rather than a humanistic stance toward original Rand items focused on difficult and
students (Willower et al., 1967) and has been unmotivated students, most measures since that
M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805 799

time have continued in this vein. Thus, these yielded the same three factors with loadings
instruments have overlooked the instructional ranging from 0.50 to 0.78. See Table 4 for factor
challenges of responding to the needs of capable loadings and eigenvalues for the 24-item scale. An
students as well as using a variety of instructional efficacy subscale score was computed for each
strategies to promote student thinking. factor by calculating the mean of the eight
The resulting measure was field-tested in a class responses to the items loading highest on that
at the Ohio State University, psychological per- factor. Reliabilities for the teacher efficacy sub-
spectives on teachers, teaching, and teacher educa- scales were 0.91 for instruction, 0.90 for manage-
tion. Of the 19 people in the class, 17 were teachers ment, and 0.87 for engagement. Intercorrelations
and 2 were teacher educators. Based on their between the subscales of instruction, management,
feedback, several questions were added and the and engagement were 0.60, 0.70, and 0.58, respec-
wording of other items was modified. The final tively (po0:001). Means for the three subscales,
instrument included 36 items. ranging from 6.71 to 7.27 in the Study 3 sample,
The sample. A sample of 410 participants in the are displayed in Table 5.
third study included 103 preservice teachers (84 Based on the high reliabilities of the three scales
female, 15 male) and 255 inservice teachers (170 we explored the possibility that an even more
female, 84 male, 1 no indication), and 38 parsimonious scale would be viable. When we
respondents who failed to indicate their teaching selected the four items with the highest loadings on
experience. The participants were students at three each scale, the factor structure remained intact (see
universities (Ohio State, William and Mary and Table 4) and the reliabilities continued to be high:
Cincinnati) as well as teacher volunteers from two 0.86 for instruction, 0.86 for management, and 0.81
elementary, one middle, and one high school. The for engagement. Furthermore, the intercorrelations
inservice teachers had from 1 to 29 years of between the short and long forms for the total
experience with a mean of 8.2 (SD=6.8). The scale and the three subscales were high, ranging
preservice teachers ranged in age from 18 to 52 from 0.95 to 0.98. Consequently, we tested both
years (mean=24.5, SD=5.7); the inservice tea- the long (24 items) and short form (12 items) in
chers ranged in age from 21 to 57 years further analyses.
(mean=34.8, SD=9.8). The sample included 332
European Americans, 38 African Americans, 3 5.4. Factor structures for preservice and inservice
Latinos/Latinas, 7 Asian Americans/Pacific Islan- teachers
ders, and 10 who self-identified as other. Of those
who indicated the grade level at which they taught, Next, both the 24-item and the 12-item forms
29% taught high school, 29% taught middle were subjected to two separate factor analyses, one
school, 37% taught elementary grades and 5% using the responses of preservice teachers
taught preschool. (N ¼ 111), and the other using the responses of
Factor analysis and reliabilities. Principal-axis inservice teachers (N ¼ 255). Principal-axis factor-
factoring with varimax rotation of the 36-items ing with varimax rotation revealed three strong
yielded four factors with eigenvalues greater than factors for the inservice teachers, the same three-
one, accounting for 58% of the variance in the factor structure as was found in Study 2. These
respondents’ scores. A scree test suggested three three actors accounted for 54% (long form) and
factors could be extracted. This solution replicated 65% (short form) of the variance in the inservice
the three factors identified in Study 2Fefficacy for teachers’ responses. The factor structure for
instructional strategies (15 items), efficacy for preservice teachers was less distinct, therefore it
classroom management (9 items), and efficacy for appeared that the best solution for preservice
student engagement (12 items). We reduced the teachers was a single factor. When the principal-
scale by selecting the eight items with the highest axis factoring was conducted calling for only one
loadings on each factor. Using these 24 items, factor to be extracted from the preservice teachers’
principal-axis factoring with varimax rotation responses, on both the 24- and 12-item scales all
800 M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805

Table 4
Factor loadings for the OSTES (study 3)

Ohio State teacher efficacy scale (OSTES) 24 items 12 items

Factor 1: Efficacy for instructional strategies

1. To what extent can you use a variety of assessment strategies? 0.72 0.73
2. To what extent can you provide an alternative explanation or example 0.70 0.75
when students are confused?
3. To what extent can you craft good questions for your students? 0.68 0.63
4. How well can you implement alternative strategies in your classroom? 0.66 0.73
5. How well can you respond to difficult questions from your students? 0.66
6. How much can you do to adjust your lessons to the proper level for individual 0.59
7. To what extent can you gauge student comprehension of what you have taught? 0.57
8. How well can you provide appropriate challenges for very capable students? 0.55

Factor 2: Efficacy for classroom management

9. How much can you do to control disruptive behavior in the classroom? 0.78 0.83
10. How much can you do to get children to follow classroom rules? 0.69 0.66
11. How much can you do to calm a student who is disruptive or noisy? 0.66 0.63
12. How well can you establish a classroom management system with each group 0.66 0.61
of students?
13. How well can you keep a few problem students from ruining an entire lesson? 0.62
14. How well can you respond to defiant students? 0.61
15. To what extent can you make your expectation clear about student behavior? 0.53
16. How well can you establish routines to keep activities running smoothly? 0.50

Factor 3: Efficacy for student engagement

17. How much can you do to get students to believe they can do well in schoolwork? 0.75 0.75
18. How much can you do to help your students value learning? 0.70 0.69
19. How much can you do to motivate students who show low interest in schoolwork? 0.66 0.64
20. How much can you assist families in helping their children do well in school? 0.63 0.62
21. How much can you do to improve the understanding of a student who is failing? 0.57
22. How much can you do to help your students think critically? 0.56
23. How much can you do to foster student creativity? 0.50
24. How much can you do to get through to the most difficult students? 0.47

Long form Short form

Eigenvalue Cum % Eigenvalue Cum %

Factor1 10.38 43.25 5.68 47.30

Factor 2 2.03 51.72 1.51 59.89
Factor 3 1.62 58.47 1.11 69.10

Table 5
Means for OSTES subscales and total score for long and short forms

Long form Short form

Mean SD a Mean SD a

OSTES 7.1 0.94 0.94 7.1 0.98 0.90

Instruction 7.3 1.1 0.91 7.3 1.2 0.86
Management 6.7 1.1 0.90 6.7 1.2 0.86
Engagement 7.3 1.1 0.87 7.2 1.2 0.81
M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805 801

items loaded on this factor with factor loadings similar and are reported in the bottom half of
ranging from 0.60 to 0.85 and accounted for 57% Table 6. Clearly, the strongest correlations be-
and 61% of the variance, respectively. tween the OSTES and other measures are with
Second-order factor analysis. Using data from scales that assess personal teaching efficacy. Once
the entire sample in Study 3, principal-axis again, the lower correlations between GTE and
factoring of the three teacher efficacy subscales other measures of efficacy suggest that this scale is
(instruction, management and engagement) from the least successful in capturing the essence of
the 24-item instrument revealed one strong factor efficacy.
accounting for 75% of the variance; and with the The results of these analyses indicate that the
12-item instrument again one factor emerged, OSTES could be considered reasonably valid and
accounting for 68% of the variance. The emer- reliable. With either 24 or 12 items, it is of
gence of this second-order factor and the moderate reasonable length and should prove to be a useful
positive correlations of the three subscales (see tool for researchers interested in exploring the
Table 6) suggested that both the 24 and 12-item construct of teacher efficacy.2 Positive correlations
scales could be considered to measure the under- with other measures of personal teaching efficacy
lying construct of efficacy and that a total score as provide evidence for construct validity. But the
well as three subscale scores could be calculated. OSTES moves beyond previous measures to
To further examine the appropriateness of calcu- capture a wider range of teaching tasks. Both the
lating a total score for the 24 and 12 items, we Rand and Gibson and Dembo instruments
conducted a principal-axis factor analysis specify- focused on coping with student difficulties and
ing one factor. All items loaded on this factor, with disruptions as well overcoming the impediments
loadings ranging from 0.49 to 0.76 for the long posed by an unsupportive environment. Lacking
scale and from 0.49 to 0.75 for the short form. The were assessments of teaching in support of student
reliability for the 24-item scale was 0.94 and for the thinking, effectiveness with capable students,
12-item scale was 0.90. (See Table 5.) Thus both creativity in teaching, and the flexible application
the subscale scores and the total score for both of alternative assessment and teaching strategies.
forms can be used to assess efficacy. However, as The OSTES addresses some of these limitations by
noted above, for preservice teachers, the total including items that assess a broader range of
score seems to be the most appropriate gauge of teaching tasks. The three dimensions of efficacy for
efficacy. Subscale scores may have little meaning instructional strategies, student engagement, and
for prospective teachers who have yet to assume classroom management represent the richness
real teaching responsibilities. of teachers’ work lives and the requirements
Construct validity. We examined the construct of good teaching. The OSTES as well as
validity of the short and long forms of the OSTES other scales mentioned in this article are available
by assessing the correlation of this new measure at: http://www.coe.ohio-state.edu/ahoy/research-
and other existing measures of teacher efficacy instruments.htm
(Kerlinger, 1986). Participants in Study 3 re-
sponded not only to the OSTES, but also to the
6. Implications and directions for future research
Rand Items and the Hoy and Woolfolk (1993) 10-
item adaptation of the Gibson and Dembo TES
The development of the OSTES is a step
(See Table 6.) As expected, total scores on the
forward in capturing what has been an elusive
OSTES (24-item long form) were positively related
construct. It is superior to previous measures of
to both the Rand items (r ¼ 0:18 and 0.53,
teacher efficacy in that it has a unified and stable
po0:01) as well as to both the personal teaching
factor structure and assesses a broad range of
efficacy (PTE) factor of the Gibson and Dembo
measure (r ¼ 0:64; po0:01) and the general 2
The instrument is copyrighted by the authors, however,
teacher efficacy (GTE) factor (r ¼ 0:16; po0:01). there are no copyright restrictions on the instrument for use in
For the short form, the results proved to be scholarly research and for non-profit educational purposes.
802 M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805

Table 6
Validity correlationsa

OSTES Instruct Manage Engage Rand 1 Rand 2 GTE PTE

OSTES 0.89** 0.84** 0.87** 0.18** 0.53** 0.16** 0.64**

Instructional strategies 0.84** 0.60** 0.70** 0.07 0.45** 0.06 0.62**
Classroom management 0.79** 0.46** 0.58** 0.29** 0.46** 0.30** 0.45**
Student engagement 0.85** 0.61** 0.50** 0.11* 0.47** 0.06 0.58**
Rand 1 0.18** 0.08 0.26** 0.11* 0.23** 0.65** 0.12*
Rand 2 0.52** 0.45** 0.39** 0.45** 0.23** 0.13* 0.65**
General teaching efficacy 0.16** 0.08 0.26** 0.06 0.65** 0.13* 0.07
Personal teacher efficacy 0.61** 0.60** 0.37** 0.56** 0.12* 0.65** 0.07
Above diagonal, long form (24 items); below diagonal, short form (12 items); ** po0:01 (2-tailed); * po0:05 (2-tailed).

capabilities that teachers consider important to There is also work to be done to understand
good teaching, without being so specific as to efficacy beliefs among inservice teachers. For
render it useless for comparisons of teachers across example, what kinds of challenges or changes are
contexts, levels, and subjects. Clearly this new strong enough to provoke a reexamination of
scale needs further testing and validation. Clar- established efficacy beliefs? Theoretically, a tea-
ification of the meaning of teacher efficacy and the cher’s efficacy beliefs will transfer to the extent that
relative weight of teachers’ assessments of their he or she perceives similarity in the task resources
skills and liabilities in light of the resources and and constraints from one teaching situation to
constraints they face in particular teaching con- another (Bandura, 1997; Tschannen-Moran et al.,
texts promises to aid both those who would study 1998). To what extent would a change in grade
and those who train teachers. level or curriculum generate such a reexamination?
Even in its nascent form, however, this instru- How much does a change in context, such as a
ment opens new possibilities for research. Because move from an urban to a suburban or rural
efficacy beliefs are presumed to be relatively stable context, arouse a reassessment? Could the efficacy
once set, more information is needed as to the beliefs of teachers change in response to differing
factors that contribute to efficacy judgments and principal efficacy beliefs when there is a change
how efficacy beliefs are established (Hoy & Wool- of leadership at the school? Finally, how could a
folk, 1990). Longitudinal studies following pre- greater understanding of teachers’ efficacy
service teachers through their training and first beliefs contribute to fostering greater equity in
years in the field would be instructive. How do the schools? Evidence suggests that the collective
efficacy beliefs of the supervising teacher in efficacy of a faculty can be a stronger predictor
the practicum and subsequent mentors impact of student achievement than the socioeconomic
the sense of efficacy of the novice? Many schools level of the students (Bandura, 1993; Goddard,
have initiated mentoring programs for teachers in Hoy, & Woolfolk Hoy, 2000). What supports
their induction year. What features of mentoring could build strong efficacy beliefs among teachers
have the greatest impact on efficacy beliefs? What working with students of low socioeconomic
are the effects of the teaching environment and status, students in racially diverse settings or
context? What structural features and supports urban contexts?
make a difference in the formation of efficacy Exciting possibilities lay ahead as we learn more
beliefs? For example, do teachers who start in about this simple yet powerful idea. If the
middle schools with a team structure have higher significant effects of teachers’ beliefs in their
efficacy than teachers who begin their careers in a capabilities were taken seriously, it could provoke
traditional departmental structure? What leader- significant changes in the way teachers were
ship behaviors on the part of the principal make a prepared and supported in their early years in
difference? the profession. Teacher preparation programs
M. Tschannen-Moran, A.W. Hoy / Teaching and Teacher Education 17 (2001) 783–805 803

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