Thesis Chapter 123

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Level of Acceptability of Cucumis Sativus Milk Tea among the Grade

12 STEM students in STI College Lucena

Submitted to the faculty of

STI Academic Center Lucena

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Senior High School General Academic Strand

Castro, Charmaigne
Marbella, Brigitte M.
Peñalosa, Chesca Mae R.

October 2019


Background of the Study

Tea is one of the oldest herbal remedies in existence, dating back more

than 4,700 years when infusions of the plant Camellia sinensis were first brewed in

China. Although modern medicine has overshadowed many of the ancient cure-alls of

our ancestors, the benefits of tea still remain relevant today. Tea refers to black tea,

green tea, white tea, oolang tea, or pu-erh tea. The common link between these five

categories is that they are each made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant.

Herbal teas aren’t actually scientifically considered teas at all because they do not come

from the Camellia sinensis plant, though they may be commonly referred to as such.

These kinds of teas or infusions include chamomile or peppermint, which are made using

a variety of different plants with varying nutritional values.

It’s claimed that tea most likely originated as a medicinal drink in Yunnan, China,

during the Shang Dynasty of 1500 BC-1046 BC. But one popular tea legend suggests that

Shennong, Emperor of China and supposed inventor of Chinese medicine, discovered tea

as a beverage around 2737 BC when fresh tea leaves from a nearby tea tree fell into his

cup of just boiled water. He thought the beverage to be restorative and encouraged its

cultivation as a new, medicinal beverage for his people. Drinking tea is a Taiwanese

pastime that verges on obsession. The Milk tea from China, Hong Kong, as well as

Taiwan was introduced in our country 2 years ago. Although we don’t have an extremely

rich history with tea like in China, Filipinos have always had a taste for tea. Nestea Iced
Tea and Lipton Iced Tea are house hold and restaurants beverages, C2 went extremely

popular in the day and most of us prepare our own salabat or ginger tea.

Nowadays, it’s not surprising to see someone you know drinking milk tea at least

once a weak, lining up for hours or having it delivered to their doorstep. Milk tea has

always been there even before the craze. The sheer number of milk tea fans keeps

growing as milk tea shops keep popping up with their extensive menus that ensure that

anyone can find their exact cup.

Epidemiological and nutritional studies indicate that cucumbers, a fruit in the

cucumis sativus family. As a food, cucumbers offer superior hydration, as they are about

95% water. They have been used for decades for their anti-inflammatory benefits on skin,

soothing properties for digestion, and other therapeutic uses. The following contribution

offers an overview of cucumbers, specifically, their use to augment cellular water and

address common conditions. The researchers will be focusing on the cucumber as the

new flavor of Milk tea, it have numerous benefits internally, externally and even

emotionally. The product that would be made will be beneficial to the target market as

they love drinking Milk Tea.

Conceptual Framework

The demographic profile of Grade 12
STEM students in terms of; age and gender,
the acceptability of the product in terms of:
taste, aroma, appearance, texture and
presentation and the price they will purchased
it or not.

Data Gathering, Creation of Product,
Administration of rating scale Questionnaires,
Computation of Answers

Acceptability of Veggie Milk Tea in
STI College Lucena

Figure 1. The input-process-output model of the acceptability of Cucumis Sativus Milk

Tea in STI College Lucena

The following are illustrate the input process and output of the study. It involves the

problems that need the attention in the research or why the research is conducted, the

actions the researchers will do and the product of the research. In inputs, it included the

statement of the problem, the demographic profile of the Grade 12 STEM students,

acceptability of the products in taste, appearance, aroma, presentation and texture, the
prices preferred by the respondents. Those are the problems the researchers will work

into to be able to know the level of acceptability of the cucumis sativus milk tea. In

process includes the data gathering needed in the research, the product that is created and

the administration of rating scale questionnaires to the respondents and the computation

using statistical treatment to evaluate the answers given by the respondents. It will be

analyzed based on descriptive ratings resulted from the computations. In output includes

the result of the research. It is the level of acceptability of cucumis sativus milk tea in STI

Academic center, Quezon Avenue corner Perez street, Lucena City.

Research Hypothesis

This study aims to know whether the Level of Acceptability of cucumis sativus

Milk Tea among the Grade 12 STEM students in STI College Lucena.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is a high level of acceptability of cucumis sativus Milk

Tea among the Grade 12 STEM students in STI College

Null Hypothesis: The cucumis sativus Milk Tea is not accepted among the Grade 12

STEM students in STI College Lucena.

Statement of the Problem

This study is created to know the acceptability of the product, Cucumis Sativus
Milk Tea in STI College Lucena by using the following:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
a. Age
b. Gender
2. How acceptable the product by the following::
a. Taste
b. Aroma
c. Appearance
d. Texture
e. Presentation
3. What will be the price that the respondents be able to buy the product:
a. 50 Pesos
b. 60 Pesos
c. 70 Pesos
d. Will not purchased
4. What are the implications of the result of the study?
Importance of the Study

The results of the study benefit the following:

Students. This study will provide information regarding to the milk tea product

since some of them like milk tea.

Entrepreneurs. This study provides idea or concept and addition for their

possible product that they will serve to their customer.

Administrations. This study will also give an idea for the administration to add

in their product as they decided to build a canteen.

Future researchers. This study will serve as their basis and guidance towards

their proposal so that they would have ideas on what more they can do with their

proposed study

Definition of Terms

To better understand the study, the following are conceptually defined:

Cucumis Sativus. A melon vine of the genus Cucumis; cultivated from earliest

times for its cylindrical green fruit. (Free Dictuonary)

Acceptability. It is a capable or worthy of being accepted. (Merriam Webster)

Level. It is a measurement of the difference of altitude of two points by means

of a level. (Merriam Webster)

Milk Tea. It is a widely cultivated shrub (Camellia sinensis of the family

Theaceae, the tea family) native to China, northern India, and southeastern Asia and

having glossy green leaves and fragrant white flowers. (Merriam Webster)

Veggie/ Vegetable. a usually herbaceous plant (such as the cabbage, bean, or

potato) grown for an edible part that is usually eaten as part of a meal. (Merriam


Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the level of acceptability of Veggie Milk Tea on the

students that can be found in STI Academic center, Quezon Avenue corner Perez street,

Lucena City; Students of Grade 12- STEM will be target participants of this research.

The research will use cluster sampling method that includes only the first fifty (50)

participants. Those persons will taste to evaluate the product based on their personal

choice and preference. The results will give an idea to the researchers about the level of

acceptability of Veggie Milk Tea, the flavor and the amount the respondents will be able

to buy the product.



This chapter present a review of some local and foreign literature which the

researchers deemed necessary, related and which served as basic and guide in the conduct

of the study.

Related Literature

Metro Manila has an abundant number of milk-tea shops giving Filipinos lots of

choices to satisfy their newfound love for milk teas. While the base milk-tea drink may

all taste similar, there are more ways than one to add flavors to this drink – that’s how

milk-tea shops are defining themselves in this competitive but yummy market. (Marc

Adrian 2019)

According to GrabFood (2019) data that states bubble tea orders in Southeast Asia

saw a 3,000 percent growth rate in 2018. In the Philippines alone, orders increased by

3,500 percent from June to December 2018. As of December 2018, GrabFood’s bubble

tea network encompasses over 1,500 brands with 4,000 outlets throughout Southeast

Asia. Some of these brands include regional favorites Chatime, Coco Fresh Tea & Juice,

Macao Imperial Tea, Ochaya, Koi Tea, Cafe Amazon, The Alley, iTea, Gong Cha, and


The milk tea craze has been one of the most talked about food trends in the

Philippines for the past years. Originating from Taiwan, milk tea also known as Pearl tea,

Boba tea, or Bubble tea is a tea-based drink with milk served with toppings, such as white

or black tapioca balls, grass jelly, agar jelly, and puddings. It is so famous that it became

the go-to drink for millennial, and a lot of milk tea places have emerged all over the
country. It looks like this milk tea trend is not going to die soon, and for what it’s worth.

(Philippine Primer, 2019)

Although tea is considered a healthy drink, Filipinos are not really fond of

drinking it as they still prefer coffee, mainly due to the influence of Spanish and

Americans. This, however, does not bother Chinese businessman, Dr. Si Chang in

promoting tea to Filipinos. He is particularly interested in popularizing milk tea as a

nutritious drink to the Filipinos. This led him to introduce Fiftea, the leading milk-tea

brand from Taiwan. The idea to open a milk tea brand started four years ago when he was

engaged in another business in the country. Chang noticed there were a lot of Chinese

milk-tea companies establishing operations in the Philippines and was amazed how their

business operations were getting positive results. (Reyes, 2014)

According to (Reddy2014) the flavor of tea can be change by pouring it by

different height may result in varying degree of aeration. This technique was usually use

in Northern Africa and the flavor of the tea can positively alter this technique likely to

cool beverage. And other the different name of tea is depends on the height which is


Researchers at the Fifth International Scientific Symposium on Tea and Human

Health (2015), say that drain proteins tie with the flavonols in tea, making it more

troublesome for the body to assimilate them and harvest the medical advantages. Green

tea alone, for instance, has been demonstrated to marginally build the digestion system,

making it good for weight reduction. However, a different study demonstrates that

digestion is restrained when milk is included.

According to the website health status (2015), tea has many active ingredients that

affect our health. It is particularly rich in antioxidants and vitamins. It is found to

improve our immune system, to control blood sugar levels, reduce damage to cells and

prevent cardiovascular diseases. But, if you add milk to your tea, its beneficial effects on

your vascular system go away.

All non-herbal teas are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The

amount of time the leaves are processed determines whether you end up with a green,

black or oolong tea. The green teas are the least processed and tend to have the highest

amounts of polyphenols, and the only type that contain the polyphenol, catechin, which is

why many studies have been done using only green teas. Certain herbal teas are known

for their medicinal values, including soothing the digestive system. (Carol and Wolf,


According to (Mintel's 2018) there are new types of milktea offer novel toppings

and unique flavours. They are design to appeal to a new generation of young consumer

who actively share new, cool food and drink experience on social media

According to (Racoma 2014) some people all of sudden was became addicted into

drinking milk tea. In people from some countries in Southeast Asia usually drinking

coffee, soda, juice ice tea and hot tea. But a years past different milk tea brand and flavor

has been introduced and it became popular.

Related studies

Milk tea being a new entrant in the Philippine Market had captured the taste buds

of the consumers particularly the young generations and the yuppies. From the traditional

coffee shops where you are served a hot tea that is perfect for meetings, studying, and
other stuff to a more refreshing and cozy way of drinking a tea. With its cold tea added

with milk that comes with black yummy pearls with different flavors, the world of tea

had definitely had a big change that affected its consumers directly. Due to its increasing

demand several had already entered the milk tea business. One of which is the Sunflower

Milk Tea, it is a tea shop that offers a variety of tea with its added milk. Today it had

established three branches located in the central business districts: Ortigas, Makati, and

the Fort in Taguig. (Course Hero, 2015)

According to Course Hero (2015) Milk tea is very popular today because of the

health benefits and its unique taste that every consumerlikes. There are numerous number

of milk tea shops in the milk tea industry and every single one of them have successfully

captivated the attention of consumers in different age brackets. Sunflower Milk Tea Shop

is a tea shop in the Philippines which offers a wide variety of choices. Aside from their

milk tea which is only available in one size, they also offer large selection of pastries that

starts at a very affordable price.

According to (Waheed2014) Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) belongs to

curcurbaticeae family possess antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifunal characteristics and

showed activities like antioxidant, phytochemical and hypoglycaemic activity. It also

used as traditional remedies Different genotype of plant showed different yield.

According to ( Garrick and De Bruin2013) The one of the most frequently

consumed beverages in the world is tea, there is a growing interest in its beneficial

effects, including improved cognitive performance and mood. Most of the research has

focused on the effects of some dietary components of tea, most likely caffeine, both at

higher doses, but also at lower doses and also more recently, the amino acid theanine, but
only at doses above those afforded by typical tea consumption. Tea is also a rich source

of flavonoids, but it has been mainly the physical.

According to (Lee and Vega2014) Most of the people consider milk tea as a

refreshment to quench their thirst. More importantly, the consumers want to have a wider

and more selection of menu items that will be both healthy and affordable. Based on their

results, they reccommend that the management of milk tea outlets need to focus on

providing healthy alternative ingredients and include nutritional facts so they can inform

the consumers of the contents of their drink. To achieve full customer satisfaction and

loyalty the management should innovate exceptional tea products that are affordable and

reasonable yet high quality.



This chapter discusses the methods and process which are used by the researchers

in the process of completing the study. It includes the research design, population,

sampling method, data collection methods and statistical treatment used in gathering

important data.

Research Design

The researchers will utilize the descriptive comparative method in completing this

research study with the use of questionnaire as primary tool in gathering data. The

method will make use of in order to answer specific questions raised, and it will conduct

to describe systematically a situation or area of interest factually and accurately.


The sample size will used by the researchers is the survey participants from STI

College Lucena, with the following characteristics:

 Science and Technology, Engineering Mathematics or STEM students that

is currently studying at the STI College Lucena.

 Age is approximately seventeen to nineteen years.

 A male or a female at birth.

The researchers will used convenience sampling method which samples are

selected from the population.

Sampling Method

The researchers used the convenience sampling method to choice or selected

respondents from the given population size. Convenience sampling is a non-probability

sampling technique where samples are selected from the population only because they are

conveniently available to researchers. These samples are selected only because they are

easy to recruit and researcher did not consider selecting sample that represents that entire


Data Collection Procedure

The researchers will utilize the descriptive evaluation method in completing this

research study with the use of questionnaire as primary tool in gathering data. The

researchers will used quantitative research design that uses statistical computation. The

study is conducted to the students from STI College Lucena, Quezon Avenue Lucena

City; it can be a senior high or college students. The researchers will also non-probability

sampling, specifically the voluntary sampling method that contain only the volunteer

students. The researchers will use surveys and questionnaires for the study by presenting

it in the students of STI College Lucena; Quezon Avenue, Lucena City. A few carefully

made questions that is possible to obtain self-reported answers about the taste,

appearance, smell and possible prices and flavor of the product will be using in the

research. Those are needed to do finish or do the goal of the research, which is to know

the acceptability of the product. The participants will rate the product based on their

preference. The questionnaire can be easily understood and answer by the respondents.

The weighted average mean or WAM method will be used in order to compute and

evaluate the results. It will be tallied and interpreted based on its corresponding

descriptive ratings. For the researchers to know and determined the respondents opinion

and make a comprehensive research with regard to this.

Statistical Treatment

The collected data will be analyzed and computed using the following formulas:

a. Percentage Formula

𝑃= × 100

Where: 𝑃 - Persons that represent each bank

𝑓 - Frequency

𝑛 – Total Number of Respondents

The above formula will be used for the computation of the distribution of the

demographic profile.

b. Weighted Mean Formula

𝑓 4 + 𝑓 3 + 𝑓 2 + 𝑓1

Where: 𝒲ℳ – Unit weight corresponding to the assign response

𝑓 – Frequency

𝓃 – Total Number of Respondents

The weighted mean will be used to determine the level of acceptability of smoke fish

nuggets in senior high school students of STI College Lucena with a scale of:

Point Score Weighted Average Descriptive Ratings (DR)

4 3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA)

3 2.50-3.49 Agree (A)

2 1.50-2.49 Disagree (D)

1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree (SD)

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