Salvation History NT Syllabus

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Joseph College of Rodriguez

Rodriguez, Rizal
A.Y. 2019-2020 2nd Semester
Course Syllabus
TITLE : Salvation History: New Testament
Credit Units : 3
Contact Hours : 3 hours/ week (18) = 54 Hours
Pre-requisite/s : CFP 1

A. Course Description
This course is a 3-unit non-academic subject that centers on Jesus Christ, the goal and object, the fullness of God’s self-revelation, and the heart of Christian
faith through the study of the New Testament. This also deals with general introduction to the New Testament Books. It tackles the nature and origin of the New
Testament writings, treats the New Testament books in a general manner (main divisions and major themes) and emphasizes the impact of the Jesus-event in the
tradition of the New Testament as expressed in the principal literary genres. Pertinent and important methods of interpretation will be introduced and examples of their
application will also be demonstrated. Finally, this course summarizes the story of redemption of Jesus as it is recorded from the Gospels, Pauline Epistles and other
New Testament Writings.

B. Course Objectives
At the end of this course, the students will:
 Cognitive:
Learn at least simple reading/ hermeneutics of the Bible like the Historical-Critical (diachronic), Literary (synchronic), and the theological implications of the
elements found in the text of the New Testament as they are the written sources of our salvation.
 Affective:
Appreciate the life of Jesus Christ who brought salvation to humanity and the study of the Scriptures in general and the New Testament Books in particular,
focusing on general information, structure and themes and the history of salvation itself.
 Psychomotor:
Apply pertinent literary techniques in the reading, study and interpretation of the Scriptures in general, relate the learnings into Christian faith and in the study
of the New Testament Books in particular.
C. Course Outline and Timeframe

Timetable Specific Objectives Subject Matter/Topic

Week 1 Orient the students on the course syllabus PRELIMINARY
Nov. 18 and 21 1. General Introduction
Define the New Testament and How it came to be 1.1 What is the New Testament?
1.2 Formation: “The New Testament of the Church’s Book”
Orient students on the various methods of interpretation 2. Methods and Techniques
3. What is the Story of the New Testament?
Week 2 Identify the context from which Jesus’ experiences were LESSON ONE: JESUS’ TIME – THE FULFILLMENT OF
25 and 28 based SALVATION
7.1 The society in Jesus
Relate the influence of the Roman Empire to Jewish time
culture 7.1.1 The situation in first
century Palestine
Compare the different religious groups and critique their 7.1.2 Causes of unrest
impact on Jewish praxis 7.2 The Hellenistic Cities of the Roman Empire

Describe the location and situation of Palestine during 7.3 Jewish religion and
Jesus’ time political groups

Trace the map of Palestine in the first century 7.4 The map of Palestine in
the first century

Dec. 2 and 5 8.1 What is a Gospel
Dec. 9 and 12 Create an idea as to how the context affected the Gospel 8.2 Historical setting and
writer formation of the Gospel
8.3 The Evangelists
Identify the 4 Evangelists, their message, audience and 8.4 The Christologies of the
sources of writing their narratives Gospel
8.3.1 The Q Document:
Compare the different Christological views about the the Son of Man
person of Christ 8.3.2 Mark: the Suffering
8.3.3 Matthew: Servant
Messiah and
8.3.4 Luke: Salvation from God in Jesus

Week 5 and 6 Explain the meaning of the Kingdom of God in relation LESSON THREE: JESUS’ TEACHINGS
Dec. 16 and 19 to Soteriology 9.1 The Kingdom of God –
Jan 6 and 9 Central theme of Jesus’
Point out the meaning of the beatitude. Message.
9.1.1 The Kingdom of God
Analyze what practical effect does “loving” entails. in the Old Testament
9.1.2 The Kingdom of God
Infer Jesus’ concept of love as a present and future
9.2 The Beatitudes
9.3 Jesus’ Concept of love

Week 7 and 8 Define Parable

Jan. 20 and 23 Identify the Characteristics of a parable JESUS
10.1 Definition of a Parable
Infer why Jesus made use of parables in preaching the 10.2 Characteristics of
Kingdom of God Parables
10.3 Classifications of
Classify the parables of Jesus Parables of Jesus
10.3 Parables of Jesus
Outline the Parables of Jesus

Week 9 Midterms
Jan 27 and 30
Feb. 3 and 6 Define Miracle WORKS OF JESUS
Feb. 10 and 13 11.1 Definition of Miracle
Compare the concept of miracle with the present day 11.2 Jewish concept of
idea miracle
11.3 The miracles performed
Interpret the real meaning of the miracles of Christ. by Jesus.
11.3 Kinds of Miracles Jesus performed
State the different miracles Jesus performed

Week 12 and 13 Determine the context of Jesus’ Passion narratives. LESSON SIX: JESUS’ SUFFERING
Feb. 17 and 20 AND DEATH
Feb. 24 and 27 Criticize the notion of Jesus’ “self-understanding”. 12.1 The Historical context
12.2 Did Jesus know He
Explain the passion narratives will die ?
12.3 Jesus’
12.4 Passion Narratives
Mar. 2 and 5 Describe the resurrection account 13.1 Resurrection account
Mar. 9 and 12 13.2 Views about Jesus’
Criticize the views about Jesus’ Resurrection
Resurrection. 13.3 Did Jesus resurrect
Construct a logical explanation of Jesus’ resurrection 13.3.1 The apparitions
after resurrection
Appraise the traditional view of resurrection vis-à-vis 13.3.2 The empty tomb
conversion 13.4 Jesus is Risen
13.4.1 Resurrection as

Week 16 and 17 Analyze the Filipino concept of God and relate it with LESSON EIGHT: JESUS IN THE
Mar. 16 and 19 his idea of who Jesus is. FILIPINO CONTEXT
Mar. 23 and 16 14.1 The concept of God –
Explain how Filipinos see Jesus in relation to the Who is God for a
practice of popular devotions Filipino?
14.2 Understanding
Analyze what views about Jesus changed after having devotions to Jesus
undergone Theology 1. 14.1.1 Nazareno
14.1.2 Sto. Nino
14.1.3 Crucified Christ
14.1.4 Sacred Heart
14.1.5 Divine Mercy
14.3 Jesus: His meaning
and the challenge He

Week 18 Finals
Mar. 30
D. References
Abesamis, Carlos. Exploring the Core of Biblical Faith: A biblico-Catechetical Primer. Quezon City: Claretian Publication, 1988.

Brown, R. E., An Introduction to the New Testament. New York: 1997.

Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. Catechism for Filipino Catholics. Makati: Word and Life Publications, 1997.

De Mesa, J.M. & Wostyn, L.L. Doing Christology. The re-appropriation of a tradition. Quezon City: Claretian Publications, 1993

Fitzmyer, J. A., The Biblical Commission’s Document “The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church. Text and Commentary (SubBi 18; Roma 1995).

Flanagan, N.M. Salvation History. Kansas City: Sheed Andrews and Mcneal, Inc., 1964.

Nolan, Albert. Jesus before Christianity. Quezon City: Claretian Publications, 1991.

Sacred Scriptures: The New American bible, The Revise Standard Version, The New Jerusalem Bible, The Christian Community Bible.


Dei Verbum (1965).

E. Course requirement and other classroom policies

Course Requirement
1. The class must create an online group. The class is promoting paperless in care for creation so through this, the students may access the syllabus, other
materials provided by the teacher and papers must be sent through this.
2. Class participation and attendance
 Students are expected to come to class regularly and on time. Attendance will be checked by the class beadle at the beginning of each class. If a
student arrives after attendance is checked but within the first 15 minutes of class, s/he has the responsibility to inform the beadle at the end of the
period to change the absent mark to a late mark. Otherwise, the student’s absent mark remains.
 Student who accumulate 3 absences will be marked FA (Failed due to absences)
3. Summative, Formative Tests and Group Work
 These tests and group work are meant to evaluate students’ learning on a particular topic being discussed. Quizzes may be announced or
unannounced. Group work may be done during class hours or outside research depending upon the instruction.
4. Midterm Exam
This is a written test covering the first half of the course material. Only in cases of documented and serious personal/medical emergency shall the
instructor consider rescheduling exams.
5. Final Exam
This is a comprehensive test to be taken during the last week of the semester. Only in cases of documented and serious personal/medical emergency shall
the instructor consider rescheduling exams.

Other Classroom Policies

1. Students may not use laptops, tablets, electronic reading devices, smartphones, and the like to take notes in class. Cellphones must be switched off or
kept on silent mode and stashed away in the student’s bag or pocket so as not to cause distraction.
2. Students are expected to read beforehand of the given materials in class or through online group.

F. Grading System

1. Midterms and Finals

Parish Involvement: 30%

Performance Task( Quizzes/Recitation/Assignment/ Attendance): 20%
Project/ Paper: 20%
Midterm Exam: 30%
TOTAL 100%


INC - Incomplete DRP – Dropped FA - Failure due to absences

G. Consultation Hours
For questions and concerns, you may reach me through e-mail at [email protected] or in person by appointment. Please inform me ahead of time if you
plan to talk to me.

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