Branches of Microbiology

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1.Phycology: Deals with the study of autotrophic eukaryotic organisms.

I Members are generally

called algae. Algae includes both microscopic as well as macroscopic members. Only the
microscopic algae are studied as a part of microbiology.

2.Mycology: The study of eukaryotic, achlorophyllous organisms generally referred to

as Fungi is included in this branch. Some of the common fungi are yeasts, moulds, mushrooms,
puff balls etc. Fungi are not only harmful but beneficial also.

3.Virology: Viruses are neither eukaryotic not prokaryotic. In fact they are on the border line
between living and non living. Viruses cause disease to plants and animals including human
beings. The dreaded AIDS is also caused by a virus.

4.Protozoology: Study of Protozoans in all their aspects comes under the perview of
protozoology. Protozoans are known to cause many diseases like malaria, amoebic dysentery,
sleeping sickness etc.

5.Bacteriology: This is the largest group among microbes not only in number but also in
importance. Bacteria of both kinds Eubacteria and cyanobacteria (also known as blue green
algae) are studied here. Bacteria have a profound influence on various human endeavours
including health, industry, agriculture etc.

6.Medical microbiology: This branch deals with the pathogenic microbes, their life cycle,
physiology, genetics, reproduction etc., many of the microbes also provide remedies for
microbial diseases. All these aspects are studied in this branch. Some of the diseases like
tuberculosis, leprosy, typhoid etc are caused by microbes and cure for them is provided by other
microbes in the form of antibiotics.

7.Agricultural microbiology: In this branch the role of microbes in agriculture is studied from
the point of view of both harm and usefulness. Many microbes - fungi, bacteria and viruses cause
a number of plant diseases. From the point of view of benefit - N2 fixing activity, use of
microbes as biofertilizers and several other aspects are studied.

8.Industrial microbiology: The role of microbes in Industrial Production is studied. Many

microbes produce industrial alcohols, and acids as apart of their metabolism. The study of
fermentation by microbes has contributed a great lot to alcohol manufacturing. Breweries have
greatly benefited by understanding the role of specific microbes in fermentation.

9.Food and Dairy microbiology: Various aspects such as food processing, food preservation,
canning, Pasteurization of milk, study of food borne microbial diseases and their control is

10.Aquatic microbiology: Microbiological examination of water, water purification, biological

degradation of waste are studied in this branch.

11.Aero microbiology: Dispersal of disease causing microbes through air microbial population
in air, their quality and quantity in air comes under the perview of this branch.
12.Environmental microbiology: This is one of the most important branches of micro biology.
The role of microbes in maintaining the quality of the environment is studied here. Microbial
influence in degradation and decay of natural waste, their role in biogeochemical cycles are all
studied. Some of the recent researches have shown that certain bacteria can help in cleaning the
oil spill and this gives added significance to the study of environmental microbiology.

13.Geochemical microbiology: Role of microbes in coal, gas and mineral formation,

prospecting for coal, oil and gas and recovery of minerals from low grade ores using microbes is
included here.

14.Biotechnology: This is the most significant branch which may even change the course of life
as we know today. Microbes are used as gene carriers to deliver specific genes to function in a
different environment. New, genetically engineered microbes can produce drugs (human insulin)
or in agriculture N2 fixing ability may be transferred to all the plants. The Potentialities of bio-
technology are immense.

15.Immunology: Studied in this branch are the immune responses in organisms. How toxins are
produced? How the antigens influence the formation of antibodies? How protective vaccination
helps in combating the diseases? How immune system collapses (as in AIDS) are some of the
questions for which immunology as a branch of microbiology is trying to find out answers.

Exo microbiology: This is a branch still in its infancy. Study of life in outer space comes under
its perview.

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