vt11118 1x

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RE 30 218/11.

Replaces: 02.99

Analogue amplifier module

Type VT 11118

Series 1X

H/D 20489/98
Type VT 11118-1X

Table of contents

Contents Page Technical data 3

Features 1 Output characteristic curve 3
Ordering code 1 Terminal assignment 4
Functional description 2 Unit dimensions 4
Block circuit diagram / pin assignment 2 Engineering / maintenance notes / supplementary information 4
– Suitable for controlling direct operated proportional directional – Polarity effect of command value voltage can be controlled via
valves (type 4WRA, series 1X only), pilot operated proportional enable inputs
directional valves (type .WRZ, from series 5X) and proportional – Adjustable ramp generator
pressure reducing valves (type 3DREP 6) without electrical
– 2 command value attenuators
position feedback
– 2 output stages with fixed-frequency clocking
– Selection of the valve type by means of change-over switch at
the front – DC/DC converter (L0 = M0)
– Differential input for command value voltage ± 10 V – Reverse polarity protection for operating voltage
– Enable inputs – Short-circuit-proof outputs
– LEDs: “power“ – internal supply voltage (green)
“H1“ – enable 1 (yellow)
Ordering code “H2“ – enable 2 (yellow)

VT 11118 – 1X / *

Amplifier module for direct operated proportional direc- Further details in clear text
tional valves (type 4WRA, series 1X only), pilot operated
proportional directional valves (type .WRZ, from series 5X) and
proportional pressure reducing valves (type 3DREP 6)

Series 10 to 19 = 1X
(10 to 19: unchanged technical data and pin assignment)

© 2003
by Bosch Rexroth AG, Industrial Hydraulics, D-97813 Lohr am Main
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or stored, processed, duplicated or circulated using
electronic systems, in any form or by means, without the prior written authorisation of Bosch Rexroth AG. In the event
of contravention of the above provisions, the contravening party is obliged to pay compensation.

VT 11 118 1/4 RE 30 218/11.02

Functional description
The amplifier module is to be snapped onto carrier rails according to the externally provided command value; any differences caused e.g.
DIN 50 022. The electrical connection is by means of screw termi- by changes in temperature of the solenoid or changes in the supply
nals. The module is operated using 24 V DC. A power supply unit [1] voltage are corrected. Potentiometers “GW1“ and “GW2“ are used
provides internally required positive and negative supply voltages. to set the maximum current of the solenoids and thus the maximum
As soon as the power supply unit is in operation, the green LED valve opening. Which of the potentiometers is activated by the en-
(“power”) lights up. able inputs is indicated by the yellow LED. Potentiometer “S“ (jump
One of the two solenoids (“a” or “b”) of the valve is controlled by height) can be used to compensate for tolerances of valve overlap.
applying a command value voltage to the differential input and a However, care must be taken that the nominal voltage of the sole-
positive enable voltage to one of the enable inputs. The solenoid noids is not exceeded.
current depends on the amount of the command value (see output The amplifier module comprises a ramp generator [3]; the associated
characteristic curves) and on the position of the selector switch [13] potentiometer “t“ can be used to adjust the rise and fall time of the
for the valve type. Which of the two solenoids is controlled depends solenoid current.
on the polarity of the command value and the activation of the en- The presettings for the valve type to be controlled can be selected at
able inputs (see function table). the front of the module.
The solenoid current (actual value) is measured and compared with

Function table of enable inputs and solenoid control

Enable voltage
UF1 > 10 V UF2 > 10 V Command value voltage Ucomm Active solenoid Active LED
Yes No > 0V b H1
< 0V a H1
No Yes > 0V a H2
< 0V b H2
Yes Yes > 0V a H2
< 0V b H2
No No > 0V – –
< 0V – –

Block circuit diagram / pin assignment

3,5 A 4 7 9 10
power Solenoid
1 + 7,5 V U 7 “a“
1 >I
+ UB I
Operating + DC 8
– 7,5 V S
1000 µF
voltage DC M0
0V –1
9 10 Solenoid
∑ U 9 “b“
3 I
5 10
Differential input: 2
4 I
Comm. value ± 10 V u 8 U
5 –1 11
Reference potential u 6
GW2 11
12 12
3 H1
Enable 1 13
6 H2
Enable 2

1 Power supply unit 7 Short-circuit detector GW1 Setting of command value call-up 1
2 Differential amplifier 8 Clock-pulse generator GW2 Setting of command value call-up 2
3 Ramp generator 9 Current regulator
t Ramp time setting
4 Step function generator 10 Output stage
5 Summator 11 Solenoid current measurement S Jump height at Ucomm = ± 10 V
6 Command value change- 12 Overcurrent detector H1 Indicator of command value call-up 1
over and output stage enable 13 Valve type selector switch H2 Indicator of command value call-up 2

RE 30 218/11.02 2/4 VT 11 118

Technical data (for applications outside these parameters, please consult us!)

Operating voltage UO 24 VDC + 40% (– 10%)

Operating range:
– Upper limit value uO(t)max 35 V
– Lower limit value
• for 4WRA (series 1X), .WRZ (series 7X), 3DREP 6 (series 2X) uO(t)min 21 V
• for .WRZ (series 5X and 6X) and 3DREP 6 (series 1X) uO(t)min 24 V
Power consumption PS approx. 30 VA
Current consumption I < 1.3 A
Fuse IS 3.5 A F (soldered in)
– Command value (differential input) Ucomm 0 to ± 10 V; Re > 50 kΩ
– Enable
• active UF1; UF2 10 V < UF < 35 V; Ri > 3 kΩ
• not active UF1; UF2 <8V
Adjustment ranges:
– Jump height 0 to approx. 50 % of Imax
– Ramp time t approx. 50 ms to approx. 5 s
– Solenoid current/resistance
• for 4WRA 6 (series 1X) Imax 1.75 A; R(20) = 5.4 Ω
• for 4WRA 10 (series 1X) Imax 1.75 A; R(20) = 10 Ω
• for .WRZ (series 5X and 6X) and 3DREP 6 (series 1X) Imax 1 A; R(20) = 19.5 Ω
• for .WRZ (series 7X) and 3DREP 6 (series 2X) Imax 1.75 A; R(20) = 4.8 Ω
– Clock-pulse frequency of the output stage
• for 4WRA 6 (series 1X), .WRZ (series 5X to 7X), 3DREP 6 (series 2X) f 175 Hz ± 10 %
• for 4WRA 10 (series 1X) and 3DREP 6 (series 1X) f 100 Hz ± 10 %
Type of connection 12 screw terminals
Type of mounting Carrier rails NS 35/7.5 to DIN 50 022
Type of protection IP 20 to DIN 40 050
Dimensions (W x H x D) 40 x 79 x 85.5 mm
Permissible operating temperature range ϑ 0 to + 50 °C
Storage temperature range ϑ – 25 to + 85 °C
Weight m 0.14 kg

Output characteristic curves (valid at enable voltage UF1 > 10 V)

Switch positions 1 and 2 for valve types 4WRA (series 1X), Switch position 3 for valve types .WRZ (series 5X and 6X)
.WRZ (series 7X) and 3DREP 6 (series 2X) and 3DREP 6 (series 1X)

Solenoid a Solenoid b Solenoid a Solenoid b

1500 800
Output current in mA →

Output current in mA →




– 10 –5 0 +5 + 10 – 10 –5 0 +5 + 10
← Command value voltage in V → ← Command value voltage in V →

VT 11 118 3/4 RE 30 218/11.02

Terminal assignment

+ UB 1 7
voltage Solenoid a
0V 2 8

Enable 1 + UF1 3 9
Solenoid b
± Ucomm 4 10
al input Reference 5 11 n.c. 1)
potential 1) These terminals must not
Enable 2 + UF2 6 12 n.c. 1) be used!

Unit dimensions (Dimensions in mm)

Carrier rail NS 35/7.5

to DIN 50 022

7 8 9 10 11 12 Potentiometers:
“Gw1“ → Imax at enable voltage UF1 > 10 V
REXROTH “Gw2“ → Imax at enable voltage UF2 > 10 V
VT 11118
“S“ → jump height
“t“ → ramp time

H2 LED lamps:
Gw2 “power“ → operating voltage ON
3 S “H1“ → enable voltage UF1 > 10 V
“H2“ → enable voltage UF2 > 10 V

1 2 3 4 5 6 Switch positions:
“1“ → for valves 4WRA6 (series 1X),
85,5 40 .WRZ (series 7X) and 3DREP 6 (series 2X)
“2“ → for valves 4WRA10 (series 1X)
“3“ → for valves .WRZ (series 5X and 6X) and
3DREP 6 (series 1X)

Engineering / maintenance notes / supplementary information

– The amplifier module may only be wired when disconnected from the power supply!
– Ensure a sufficient distance to radio sources (>> 1 m)!
– Shield solenoid cables, never lay solenoid cables near power cables;
shield solenoid cables in pairs!
– Do not use free-wheeling diodes in solenoid cables!
– In the case of heavy fluctuations in the operating voltage, it may be required to use an external smoothing capacitor having a
capacitance of at least 2200 µF.
Recommended: Capacitor module VT 11 073 (see RE 29 750); sufficient for up to 3 amplifier modules

Bosch Rexroth AG Bosch Rexroth Limited The data specified above only serves to describe
Industrial Hydraulics the product. No statements concerning a certain
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