Nuevo English Book

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Words which end with the following letters “il, el, al, le”. The final sound is (ol).
Pencil, Table, Medal, Travel, Level, Electrical, Mechanical, Local, Internacional,
Electronical, Technical and so on.
Words which end with the following letters “cally”. The final sound is (kli).
Electrically, Technically, Practically, Dramatically, Basically, Electronically.
In American English the letter “T” and the letter “D” sound like “R” at the moment
of speaking.
Ready, Already, Party, Medal, Body and so on.
The “TH” sound is pronounced like “D or Z” only.
Thin, Thanks, Mother, Father, Think, Throw, Thing and so on.
The words which end with a vowel, this vowel is mute.
Fine, Dance, Horse, Machine, House, Home and so on.
The sound of “GH or PH” is F in Spanish.
Elephant, Cough, Enough, Phone and so on.
When There ia a consonant and a vowel, There is always a link or a join at the
moment of the pronunciation.
This is, About it, Get out of here, Take care of and so on.
Words which end ch, sh, o, s, x, y and z, we have to add”es” if we want to make
plural and the consonant “Y” changes to “ies”.

Watch Watches
Glass Glasses
Wish Wishes
Hero Heroes
Fox Foxes
Country Countries

Words which end with consonants “LF” and some of them with “F or Fe. They
can make plural with “VES”
Wolf Wolves
Half Halves
Wife Wives

There are some words that if we want to make plural, we must add “S”
Teacher Teachers
Car Cars
House Houses
Book Books
Computer Computers
The article “a” and “an” is used with consonant and vowel, when we have a
vowel, we have to use “an” and when we have consonant, we have to use “a”.
A teacher, A map, A pencil, A tour, An elephant, An apples An hour and so on.
These are irregular plural because its plural is different than its singular.
Man Men
Woman Women.
Child Children.
Foot Feet.
Person People.
Tooth Teeth.
Mouse Mice.
These are some plural words that we only have to use them in plural.
Pants – Stairs – Shorts – Scissors – Thanks – Greens – Optics – Politics.
Demostrative Articles
Singular Plural
This is (near) These are (near)
That is (far) Those are (far)
It is They are
This is my Watch These are my books
That is her market Those are his notebooks
It is a pencil They are pencils

1. A:
What are these? 2. A: What…………….? 3. A: What…………………?
B: They are keys. B: …………………... B: ……………………….

4. A: What ……….? 4. A: What ……………? 4. A: What ……….?
B: ………………… B: ……………… B: ……………...

Personal Pronouns
I: Yo Verb to be: Ser y Estar.
You: Tu, Usted (Singular) Am: Soy, Estoy.
He: El Is: Es, Esta.
She: Ella Are: Eres (S), Son, Están.
It: Eso, Esa, Esta, Este (Neutro)
We: Nosotros
You: Ustedes (Plural)
They: Ellos, Ellas.

Possessive Adjectives
My: Mi Its: (su, de eso o esa)
Your: Tu (Singular) Our: (nuestro, nuestra)
His: (su, de el) Your: (suyo, de ustedes) (Plural)
Her: (su, de ella) Their: (su, de ellos, de ellas)

Write the correct Possessive Adjective

1. I love my mother. name is Marina.

2. I am Charles. last name is Smith.

3. I love my mother and my father. names are Charles and Laura.

4. I have a brother. name is Allan.

5. I have a cat. name is Punchy.

6. You are Mark Smith. What is favorite movie, Mark?

7. My sister and I have a dog. dog is beautiful.

W-h Words
When : Cuando Which : Cual What : Que, cual Who : Quien Why?: Por que
Because : Porque Where : Donde How : Como Whom : Quienes To Whom : A
quienes o A quien Whose : De quien (Possessive) How long : Cuan largo, Cuanto
tiempo How often : Cuan a menudo What time / At What Time : A que hora How
many : Cuantos (Countable) How much : Cuanto (Uncountable) How high : Cuan alto
How Far : Cuan lejos How big : Cuan grande How deep : Cuan Profundo How hot :
Cuan Caliente How cold : Cuan frio.

Possessive Pronouns („s)

First Case Second Case
Tom‟s car is new The boys‟ bedroom
Dog‟s tail is long The birds‟ nest

Saying Hello

Saying Good Bye

Some expressions which can describe how you feel in a day.

Excellent, Great, Awesome, Super, Fantastic, Super fantastic, As a never before, So far
so good, So – so, Wonderful, Better than yesterday, Blue, Awful, Terrific, Terrible.

When you use a preposition after a verb comes, they have to add (Gerung = ing)
to the verb and the meaning is the same, they are not going to traslate like a
Thank you for inviting me to your TV show.
Thank you for coming to my TV show.
I am thinking about going to U.K.
I am not good at dancing.
Until now, most efforts to combat climate change have centered on reducing emissions
from cars and power plants.
They are really interested in learning how to speak English correctly.
What/How about getting together sometime?
Note: Prepositions are: On, In, Over, Under, At, By, For, About, Against, Without,
Within, Before, After, With, Around, Below.

Present Continuous or Progressive Tense
Affirmative Sentences
Subject+Verb to be+Verb+ing+Complement.
I am waiting for my sister Lucia now
You are playing baseball right now
He is studying at Specialized English Center now
She is writing a letter now
It is raining outside now
We are painting Kathy‟s house right now
You are buying apples now
They are cleaning Maria‟s bedroom now

Note: The contracted form is usually used in spoken English and in the informal
I am = I‟m I‟m an electrical engineer.
You are = You‟re
He is = He‟s
She is = She‟s She‟s a doctor.
It is = It‟s
We are = We‟re We‟re baseball players.
You are = You‟re
They are = They‟re They‟re taxi drivers
Negative Sentences
Subject+Verb to be+Not+Verb+ing+Complement.
I am not having breakfast now
You are not calling to your mother now
He is not reading a newspaper now
She is not working in her office now
It is not eating now
We are not having a great time here
You are not opening a door now
They are not speaking French now

Note: The negative contracted form is usually used in spoken English and in the
informal writing.

Is not = Isn‟t She isn‟t a pilot.

Are not = Aren‟t We aren‟t students

I am not = I‟ m not I‟m not a fireman

What is = What‟s What‟s her name?

Where‟s = Where‟s Where‟s Lucy?

Interrogative Form
Am I? Yes, you are
No, you are not
Are you? Yes, I am
No, I am not
Is he? Yes, he is
No, he is not
Is she? Yes, she is
No, she is not.
Is it? Yes, it is
No, it is not
Are we? Yes, we are
No, we are not
Are you? Yes, we are
No, we are not
Are They? Yes, they are
No, they are not

Am I a teacher? Are they eating pizza right now?

Yes, you are. Yes, they are.
Yes, you are a teacher. Yes, they are eating pizza.
No, you are not. No, they are not.
No, you are not a teacher. No, they are not eating pizza.
Are we studying French this semester? Is Carolina doing her homework?
Yes,we are. Yes, she is
Yes,we are studying French this semester. Yes, she is doing her homework
No,we are not. No, she is not.
No,we aren‟t studying French this semester. No, she is not doing her homework
W-h Questions
W-h+Verb to be+Subject+Verb+ing+Complement?
Subject+Verb to be+Verb+ing+Complement.
When is she coming back from Chicago?
She is coming back from Chicago in December.
What is Luis doing in Canada?
He is studying English and French there.
Grammar Explanations
Use the present continuous or progressive to describe something that is
happening right now or and accion which happens almost every time.
They are making pizza right now.
Be used to (be accustomed to) I‟m used to wearing tight jeans
Use the present progressive to describe something that is happening these days,
even if it is not happening right now.
I am studying guitar this semester.
Use the present progressive to describe something that is going to happen in the
She is going to the university tomorrow.

Complete the following sentences and question using Present Progressive.

1. It ………. rain …………………. in New York.

2. Mary………. cook……………... in her house.
3. Peter and Susan ………. play ……………….. in the beach.
4. My father ………. work ………………… the garden.
5. I………. learn………………. French.
6. You………study……………… math.
7. My sister ………. eat …………….. at the restaurant.
8. We………. enjoy……………. the party.
9. They……….………. see ………. the pictures.
10. ………. my mother talk …………….. to Jane?
Conversation He‟s Jennifer Miller
Listen and practice

Michael: Hi. My name is Michael Ota.

Jennifer: I‟m Jennifer Miller.
Michael: It‟s nice to meet you, Jennifer.
Jennifer: Nice to meet you, too.
Michael: I‟m sorry. What‟s your last name
Jennifer: It`s Miller
Pair work Introduce yourself to your partner.
Group work Greet a classmate. Then introduce him or her to another classmate.

The Alphabet
Listen and practice

a b c d e f g h i j k l n m o p q r s t u v w x y z
Class activity. How do you spell your name and your friends in the classroom?
Days of the Week Seasons of the Year

Sunday Spring

Monday Summer

Tuesday Autumn or Fall

Wednesday Winter




Weather and Season

Conversation It‟s very cold

Listen and practice
Pat: Oh no!
Julie: What‟s the matter?
Pat: It‟s snowing, and it‟s very cold!
Julie: Are you wearing your gloves?
Pat: No, they‟re at home.
Julie: Well, you‟re wearing your coat.
Pat: But my coat isn‟t warm.
And I‟m not wearing boots.
Julie: O.k Let‟s take a taxi.
Pat: Thanks, Julie.
Group work Create a conversation about the weather

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen nineteen
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
twenty thirty fourty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety
100 1000 1000000.
One / a hunderd one / a thousand one / a million.

Practice in class. Numbers

13 30 55 1245 8657 16.042.658 2549 2514

14 75 89 1579 9685 35.326.859 4786 8752

Note: When you want to express feeling, age, cold, hot you must use verb to be

I am hungry I am on my way
You are 15 years old You are on your way
He is thirsty He is on his way
She is hot She is on her way
It is cold It is on its way
We are sleepy We are on our way
You are right You are on your way
They are wrong They are on their way

Remember if you are talking about: Anyone, Someone, No one, Anybody,

Somebody, Nobody, Anything, Something, Nothing, They are all considered as a
singular in English.

Someone is calling you outside

Something is inside of my house
Nobody is eating in the dining room
Is anyone working outside the house?

Conversation I‟m really hungry

Listen and practice

Steve: Hi, Mom.

Mon: What are you doing, Steve?
Steve: I‟m cooking.
Mom: Why are you cooking now?
It‟s two o‟clock in the morning
Steve: Well, I‟m really hungry.
Mom: What are you making?
Steve: Pizza.
Mon: Mmm, Pizza. Now I‟m getting
hungry. Let‟s eat.
Group work Create a conversation about hunger

Word Power Preposition; article the
Listen and practice


On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. On November
3rd, On the Street, On Foot, On Oak Street, On the Corner, On a Baseball Team, On the
Floor, On the Table, On Vacation, On my Birthday, On Radio, On the Stage, On the
Right, On the Left, On the Beach, And So On.
In the Morning, Afternoon, Evening, In the Box, In the Classroom, In the School, In the
Park, In the Kitchen, Living room, Dining room (House), In January (Months of the
Year), in the Air, In my House, And So On.

At my House, At the Gym, At the Stadium, At the Supermarket, At the Corner, at Home,
At the Cineplex, At the Library, At Noon, At Night, at Midnight, At the Beach, At 4:00, At
the Airport, At the Gas Station, And So On.

Time Expressions in English

Grammar focus
What time is it?

Conversation What time is it there?
Listen and practice
Debbie: Hello?
John: Hi, Debbie. This is John.
I‟m calling from Australia.
Debbie: Australia?
John: I‟m at a conference in Sydney.
Debbie: Oh, right. What time is it there?
John: It‟s 10:00 P.M. And it‟s four o‟clock
there in Los Angeles. Right?
Debbie: Yes – four o‟clock in the morning!
John: 4:00 A.M.? Oh. I‟m really sorry.
Debbie: That‟s OK. I‟m awake…now.
Pair work Now create a conversation about time zone

Conversation Are you from Seoul?

Listen and practice

Tim: Are you from California, Jessica?

Jessica: Well, My family is in California now, but
we‟re from Korea originally.
Tim: Oh, My mother is Korean – from
Seoul! Are you from Seoul?
Jessica: No, We‟re not from Seoul. We‟re
from Daejeon.
Tim: So is your first language Korean?
Jessica: Yes, it is.


Conversacion It‟s a disaster
Listen and practice

Pat: Great! Our clothes are dry.

Where is my new blouse?
Julie: What color is it?
Pat: It‟s white.
Julie: Here‟s a light blue blouse.
Is it yours?
Pat: No, it‟s not mine….Wait.
It is mine. It‟s a disaster!
Julie: Oh, no! All our clothes are
light blue.
Pat: Here‟s the problem.
It‟s these new blue jeans.
Whose jeans are they?
Julie: Uh, they‟re mine. Sorry.

Grammar Focus
There is and There are

There‟s a bed in the bedroom There are some chairs in the kitchen
There‟s no a sofa in the bedroom There are no chairs in the in the living room
There isn‟t a table in the kitchen There aren‟t any chairs in the living room.
There‟s = There is There aren‟t = There are not
Word Poder descriptions

Activity in class Now describe yourself, What are you like?, What‟s she like?

Talking about Jennifer.
Hi! I‟m Jennifer! I am 9 years old. I live in Houston, Texas with my mother, father, and
two brothers. I like going to school but I hate doing homework and taking exams. At
school I study English, Spanish, Science, Social Studies and Mathematics. I love going
to school and seeing my friends and teachers every day. I also like to play baseball after
school. I don‟t have any sisters but my best friend, Olga, is just like my sister. We tell
each other everything. We also study and watch TV together. When I grow up I‟m going
to be a nurse and take care of sick people.
Write a composition about yourself.


Name, Meet, Again, Think, Over There, Over Here, Just, Greet, Around, Classmate, Math,

Phone number, Cell phone, Hair brush, Wallet, Sunglasses, a cd player, Keys, Door, Map,

Table, Wall, Waste Basket, Window, Desk, Clock, Chair, Cassette player, Book bag, Address,

Stamp, Purse, Pocket, Umbrella, Box, Newspaper, Notebook, Language, City, Country, Cute,

Warm, Sunny, Rain, Hot, Humid, Cold, Snow, Cool, Claudy, Windy, Matter, Home, Gloves,

Boots, Weather, T-shirt, Jacket, Interesting, Knife, Fork, Spoon, hold, however,program

,problema, word, increase, early,change, face,stand.

Past Continuous or Progressive
Affirmative Sentences
Subject+Verb to be in past+Verb+ing+Complement.
I was drinking a soda yesterday
You were sleeping last night
He was playing guitar last night
She was sharing with her friends two days ago
It was raining yesterday
We were listening to English music yesterday afternoon
You were dancing salsa all night long yesterday
They were driving their cars yesterday
Negative Sentences
Subject+Verb to be in past+Not+Verb+ing+Complement
I was not singing English yesterday
You were not swimming in the pool yesterday
He was not cooking cookies at Luisa‟s house last night
She was not watching TV last night
It was not eating at night
We were not going to Alice‟s house last week
You were not teaching English last month
They were not running in the party yesterday

Note: The negative contracted form is usually used in spoken English and in the
informal writing.
Was not = wasn‟t I wasn‟t having lunch there yesterday
Were not = weren‟t They weren‟t celebrating their birthdays last night

Interrogative Form
Was I? Yes, you were
No, you were not
Were you? Yes, I was
No, I was not
Was he? Yes, he was
No, he was not
Was she? Yes, she was
No, she was not
Was it? Yes, it was
No, it was not
Were we? Yes, we were
No, we were not
Were you? Yes, we were
No, we were not
Were They? Yes, they were
No, they were not

Were you learning French at SLC? Was she training you last year?
Yes, I was. Yes, she was.
Yes, I was learning French at SLC. Yes, she was training you last year.
No, I was not. No, she was not.
No, I was not learning french at SLC. No, she was not training you last year.
W-h Questions
W-h+Verb to be+Subject+Verb+ing+Complement?
Subject+Verb to be+Verb+ing+Complement.
Where were you born in? What were they studying at the university?
I was born in Ojeda. They were studying art.
When was he practing baseball? How old were you last year?
He was practing baseball last year. I was 25 years.
Complete the following sentences using Past Progressive
1. The children (play) ………………………. football during the week.
2. It (rain) ……………………………….. hard during the soccer game.
3. I (study) ……………………………………English for five years in London.
4. Mary…………………… always (borrow) ………………….. my books.
5. Peter (practice) …………………..the guitar before the competition.
6. Susan (drive) …………………………when the accident happened.
7. My friends (fight) ………………………..during the whole night at the club.
8. Daniela (teach) …………………….. Language for ten hours.
9. I (try) …………………………to get a new job.
10. Jane (plan) …………………….. to go to the cinema with her parents.
Grammar Explanations
Use the past progressive with While to talk about two actions in progress at the
same time in the past. Use the past progressive in both clauses.
While he was skiing, I was reading
I was reading while he was skiing.
Conversation I was born in Korea
Listen and practice
Chuck: Where were you born, Melissa?
Melissa: I was born in Korea.
Chuck: Oh! So you weren‟t born in the U.S.
Melissa: No, I came here in 1999.
Chuck: Hmm. You were pretty young.
Melissa: Yes, I was seventeen.
Chuck: Did you go to college right away?
Melissa: No, my English wasn‟t very good,
So I took English classes for two
years first.
Chuck: Well, your English is really good now.
Melissa: Thanks. Your English is pretty good too.
Chuck: Yeah, but I was born here.

Note: When you want to express feeling, age, cold, hot you must use verb to be
I was hungry I was on my way
You were 15 years old You were on your way
He was thirsty He was on his way
She was hot She was on her way
It was cold It was on its way
We were sleepy We were on our way
You were right You were on your way
They were wrong They were on their way
Grammar Focus (There was and There were)
There was a big house There were two big houses
There was no a table in the bedroom There weren‟t computers in the house
There wasn‟t a table in the kitcken There weren‟t chairs in my room

Pair work. Now what there was in the house.

Possessive Pronouns and Object Pronouns

Complete the following statements using Object Pronouns
1. I saw my brother. I saw ________. (her, him)
2. I understood the tourists. I understood ________. (them, it)
3. My parents brought my hat. My parents brought ________. (her, it)
4. My parents took me and my sister to a restaurant. They took ________ to a
restaurant. (them, us)
5. I met the new teacher, Robert Wilson. I met ________. (him, her)
6. I saw her at the airport, and she saw ________ too. (you, me)
7. You saw her at the airport, and she saw ________ too.(you, her)
8. I don't understand this lesson. I don't understand ________. (it,him)
9. He told me and my friends the truth. He told ________ the truth. (him, us)
10. She brought the money. She brought ________. (them, it)
Complete the following statements using Possessive Pronouns

1. This car is ________ car. This car is his. (he, her ,his ,hers)
2. This house is our house. This house is _______. (our, ours, we,its)
3. This hat is my hat. This hat is _______. (I, me, mine,its)
4. This is your bike. This bike is _______. (you, your, yours)
5. This is _______ dog. This dog is hers. (her, his, hers, she)
6. These are ____children. These children are theirs. (theirs, them, they, their)
I don‟t feel well
Andrés is not feeling well. He was at a party last night and got home at 3 am. He has a
headache and feels nauseous. He had too much to drink and ate too much shrimp. He
gets out of bed and realizes that he is not wearing any pants. He looks around but
cannot find them. He goes into the bathroom and looks around for his pills. He cannot
find them. He hears voices. He walks out of the bedroom, goes down the stairs and into
the kitchen. There are people talking and laughing in the kitchen. He wonders who else
came back home with him last night. Then he realizes something. He doesn‟t have
stairs in his apartment. He is in someone else's home!
Write a composition using what you have learned from this unit.

Lamp, Keyboard, Mouse, Power, Floor, Ceiling, Fence, Gate, Trip, Ride, Case, Box,
Hole, Big, Huge, Bunch, Picture, Swimming pool, Fan, Keyboard, People, Sin, Mistake,
Paint, Whole, Rich, Poor, Frank, Clean, Studious, Folder, Sharp,Time, Honeymoon,
Light, Tree, Wrong, Right, Finger, Warm, Weather, Mess, Shoes, Season, Tie, Fashion,
Interview, Hometown, talkative, Friendly, Selfish, Shy, Funny, Awake, Bike, Homework,
Exchange student, Play.

Simple Present Tense
Affirmative Sentences (I, You, We, You, They)
I like to walk every afternoon.
You love to take the bus every morning.
We use public transportation every day.
You love to eat pizza every Saturday night.
They ride their bikes to school on weekdays.

Affirmative Sentences (He, She, It)

Subject+Verb+ s,es,ies+Verb+Complement
She likes to take a taxi to the University on Mondays.
He dances salsa in every party.
It rains every day.
Negative Sentences (I, You, We, You, They, do)
I do not like to travel on holy week.
You do not drive to your work everyday.
We do not live in Venezuela now.
You do not ride a bike to school every day.
They do not work downtown.
Negative Sentences (He, she, It, does)
He does not use public transportation every day
She does not need a car
It does not rain every day
Note: The negative contracted form is usually used in spoken English and in the
informal writing.
Do not = don‟t They don‟t like to go to the school every day.
I don‟t like to work on weekends
Does not = doesn‟t She doesn‟t know how to fix this car.

Interrogative Form (Do, I, You,We, You, They)

Yes, Subject+Aux.
Yes, Subject+Verb+Complement.
No, Subject+Aux+not.
No, Subject+Aux+Not+Verb+Complement.
Do you like to go out with your friends on Friday night?
Yes, I do.
Yes, I like to go out with my friends on Friday night.
No, I do not.
No, I do not like to go out with my friends on Friday night.
No, I don‟t. (Spoken English)
No, I don‟t like to go out with my friends on Friday night. (Spoken English).

Do we love to study English every day?
Yes, we do.
Yes, we love to study English every day.
No, I do not.
No, I do not love to study English every day.
Interrogative Form (Does, He, She, It)
Yes, Subject+Aux.
Yes, Subject+Verb,s,es,ies+Complement.
No, Subject+Aux+not.
No, Subject+Aux+Not+Verb+Complement.
Does he want to learn how to make pizza?
Yes, he does.
Yes, he wants to learn how to make pizza.
No, he does not.
No, he does not want to learn how to make pizza.
Does it rain here every day?
Yes, It does.
Yes, it rains here every day
No, it does not.
No, it does not rain here every day.

W-h Questions (Do, I, You,We, You, They)

What do you like to do on weekends?
I like to go swimming in a pool.

W-h Questions (Does, He, She, It)

Subject+Verb, s, es, ies+Complement

What does your sister like to go on weekdays?

She loves to go walking in the park

Grammar Explanations
Use the simple present tense to talk about what regularly happens.

People feel tense.

They take vacation every year.
She likes to dance every Saturday night.

Use the simple present tense to talk about scientific facts.

Stress causes high blood pressure.
Water frezes at 32 F.

You can make question without using (Auxiliaries Do, Does) in simple present,
only if we don‟t know who does the activity or the action in present.

Who studies electrical engineering at L.U.Z?

Who always gets late?
Who designs this beautiful dress?
Who loves Baseball?

Use the simple present tense to talk about things in the furute.

I have a exam tomorrow.

They have to go to the University tomorrow night.
We fly to mars next week.
We land at midnight


Some verbs are followed by gerunds

Some verbs are followed by an infinitive

Some verbs are followed either infinitive or gerunds

Common verbs followed by gerund (base form of verb + ing)

Acknowledge Justify Report

Consider Practice Tolerance
Endure Recommend Help
Give up Suggest Discuss
Stop Appreciate Finish
Quit Detest Mind
Resist Propose Admit
Resent Explain Delay
Keep Understand Enjoy
Prevent Continue Celebrate
Dislike Imagine Regret
Forgive Postpone Support
Recall Avoid Risk
Discontinue Advise Feel like
Look like Deny Mention
Escape Prohibit

Common verbs followed by infinitive (to base form of verb)

Afford Appear Decide Expect

Choose Hesitate Hurry Grow
Hope Neglect Pay Prepare
Promise Ask Struggle Volunteer
Want Would like Agree Arrange
Attempt Consent Deserve Wait
Help Need Fail Manage
Pretend Intend Plan Swear
Offer Seem Wish Yearn

Common verbs are followed either infinitive and gerunds

Begin Continue Like

Hate Remember Love
Stop Like
Start Try
Can't stand Forget
Use frequency adverbs in simple present

Often, Always, Sometimes, Never, Almost, Almost never, Almost always, Usually, And
Seldom and others adverbs like: Rarely, Hardly, Really, Barely, Just And So On.
I almost always go to the beach on Sunday morning.
They almost never take vacation in December.
She never eats Hallacas in December.
I just want to visit you soon.
I hardly know her.
She really wants to get graduated from the University soon.
I am already here.
They seldom visit me.
He usually takes life easier.

When you want to make sure that you really like something you can use (do,

I like to eat fish She loves to eat hamburgers
Well, I do love it. She really does like it.
When you use Anyone, Someone, Noone, Anybody, Somebody, Nobody,
Anything, Something, Nothing, Everybody, Everyone. They are considered
singular in english.

Everybody likes to eat pizza.

Noone likes to work on weekends.

When we have 3 verbs in the same sentence, we have to add (Gerung = ing) to the
last verb.

He always wants to go dancing.

Women really love to go shopping

Note: In spoken English, you can hear informal questions using the word Right
with a positive sentence.

She loves to eat pizza. Right?

You speak English. Right?
They really love what they are studying. Right?
He likes to work as a teacher. Right?
You love to swim. Right?
Your mother speaks French and English. Right?
We love to take vacation every December. Right?
Nobody likes to work on weekend. Right?
You have enough cash. Right?
They practice baseball in US. Right?
Adverbs of Frecuency

always Do you ever have fish for breakfast? always 100%

usually Yes, I always do. usually
often Sometimos I do. often
I sometimes eat brakfast sometimes
hardly ever hardly ever
never never 0 %
Sometimos I eat breakfast.
Put the Adverb in the correct places. Then practice with a partner.
A: What do you have for breakfast? (usually)
B: Well, I have coffee, cereal, and juice. (often)
A: Do you eat breakfast at work? (ever)
B: I have breakfast at my desk. (sometimes)
A: Do you eat rice for breakfast? (usually)
B: No, I never have rice. (hardly ever)
Class activity
Paul Carter is talking about his family. Complete the sentences with the verb given.
1) My family and I live (live / lives) in the suburbs. My wife and I________ (work /
works) near here, so we ________ (walk / walks) to work. Our daughter Emily
________ (work / works) downtown, so she ________ (drive / drives) to work. Our
son ________ (don‟t / doesn‟t) drive. He____(ride / rides) his bike to school.

2) My parents _______ (live / lives) in the suburbs. My mother ________ (take / takes)
a train to work. My father is retired, so he ________ (don‟t / doesn‟t) work now. He
also ________ (use / uses) public transportation, so they ______ (don‟t / doesn‟t)
need a car.

Grammar Focus
Simple present statement with irregular verbs

I / You / We / They He / She / It

I have a bike. My father has a car.
We do our homework every day. My mother does a lot of work at home.
My parents go to work by bus. The bus goes downtown.
Pronunciation third person – s endings

Ashley is talking about her family and her friend Jason. Complete.
1) My parents _________ (have / has) a house in the suburbs. My mom and dad
________ (go / goes) downtown to work. My parents are very busy, so I ________ (do /
does) a lot of work at home.
2) My brother doesn‟t live with us. He _________ (have / has) an apartament in the city.
He _________ (go / goes) to school all day and he ________ (do / does) office work at

Anwser the following examples using Simple Present Tense

1. I usually (go) to school.

2. They (visit) us often.
3. You (play) basketball once a week.
4. Tom (work) every day.
5. He always (tell) us funny stories.
6. She never (help) me with that!
7. Martha and Kevin (swim) twice a week.
8. In this club people usually (dance) a lot.
9. Linda (take care) of her sister.
10. John rarely (leave) the country.
11. We (live) in the city most of the year.
12. Lorie (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
13. I (bake) cookies twice a month.
14. You always (teach) me new things.
15. She (help) the kids of the neighborhood.
16. She (cry) every night.
17. It never (rain) in Southern California.

Conversation nice car!
Listen and practice

Ashley: Nice car, Jason! Is it yours?

Jason: No,it‟s my sister‟s. she has a new
Job, and she drives to work.
Ashley: Is her job here in the suburbs?
Jason: No, it‟s downtown.
Ashley: My parents work downtown, but
they don‟t drive to work. They use
public transportation.
Jason: The bus or the train?
Ashley: The train doesn‟t stop near our
house, so they take the bus. It‟s a
really show.
Jason: That‟s too bad.
Pair work Now create a conversation takes it before as a model.
Conversation I get up at noon
Listen and practice

Jack: Let‟s go to the park on Sunday.

Amy: OK. but let‟s go in the afternoon.
I sleep late on weekends.
Jack: What time do you get up on Sundays?
Amy: At ten o‟clock.
Jack: Oh, That‟s early.On Sundays I get up at noon.
Amy: Do you eat breakfast then?
Jack: Sure. I have breakfast every day.
Amy: then. Let‟s meet at this restaurant at one
o‟clock.They serve breakfast all day!
Pair work Create a conversation.

Conversation What do you have for breakfast?

Listen and practice.

Sarah: Let‟s have breakfast together on Sunday.

Kumiko: OK. Come to my house. My family always has
a Japanese-style breakfast on Sundays.
Sarah: Really? What do you have?
Kumiko: Sometimes we have fish, rice, and soup.
Sarah: Fish for breakfast? That´s interesting.
Kumiko: Sometimes we have a salad, too.
And we always have green tea.
Sarah: Well, I never eat fish for breakfast,
But, I like to try new things.
Pair work now create a conversation what you have for breakfast.

Pair work Now ask to your partner the following questions

What do you like to do on weekend?

What do you like to do on weekdays?
How often do you walk in the park?
What time do you get up on Sundays?
What is your favorite sport?
Where do you work?
Where do you study?
What do you really love to do in your free time?
What do you prefer the mountain or the beach?
How often do you take vacacion in a year?
Word Power Food

Pair Work. What foods do you like, What foods don‟t you like?

Conversation How about some sandwiches?

Listen and practice

Adam: what do you want for the picnic?

Amanda: Hmm. How about some
Adam: Ok. we have some chicken in the
refrigerator, but we don´t have any bread.
Amanda:and we don´t have any cheese.
Adam: Do we have any drinks?
Amanda: No, we need some.
Adam: All right. Let´s get some lemonade.
Amanda: And let´s buy some potato salad.
Adam: Sure. Everyone likes potato salad.
Pair work Create a conversation at what time do you get up on weekends?

Word Power Part of the body

Group work Mention your patner‟s body.

Grammar Focus
Have + noun; feel + adjective
What‟s the matter? How are you? Negative Positive
What‟s wrong? How do you feel? sick fine
I have a headache I feel homesick awful great
I have a backache I feel better terrible terrific
I have the flu I don‟t feel well miserable fantastic
Common illness

Grammar Focus
Infinitive Complements
What should you do for a cold? It‟s important to get a lot of rest.
It‟s sometimes helpful to eat garlic soup.
It‟s a good idea to take some vitamin C.

Conversation I feel homesick

Listen and practice

Brian: Hey, Kenichi. How are you?

Kenichi: Oh, I‟m not so good, actually.
Brian: Why? What‟s the matter?
Kenichi: Well, I have a headache. And
a backache.
Brian: Maybe you have the flu.
Kenichi: No, I think I just feel a litlle
homesick for Japan.
Brian: That‟s too bad….But maybe
I can help. Let‟s have lunch
at that new Japonese restaurant.
Kenichi: That‟s a great idea. Thanks, Brian.
I feel better already!

Pair work Conversation about How do you feel today?

Talking about Bob
Bob lives in a small flat in London. In the mornings, he wakes up and has a shower.
Then he makes breakfast. He usually has a typical English breakfast with eggs and
bacon. After that, he goes to work.

He works in an office in the center of London. He sits in front of the computer all day
and writes emails. He doesn‟t like his job very much, but he likes earning money. At 12
o‟clock he goes to lunch and has a sandwich. After lunch, he comes back to work and
writes more emails. At 5 o‟clock he leaves work.

He sometimes sees his girlfriend in the evenings. She lives on the opposite side of
London, so he takes the Underground.

On weekends, he doesn‟t have to work. He usually goes out for a few beers with his
friends on Friday night. On Saturday he goes shopping. On Sunday he goes to his
grandmother‟s house for tea.

On Monday he gets up early and goes back to work.

Phrasal Verbs
Wake up = levantarse, Go out = salir, Come back = volver (aquí).
Go back = volver (a otro sitio).
Write a composition about your daily routine

Grammar Focus
Take a pill every two hours. Don‟t work too hard.
Rest in bed. Don‟t stay up late.
Drink lots of juice. Don‟t drink soda.

Complete these sentences. Use the correct forms of the words given.

Call see not go do not drink listen take not worry not eat.

1. Call a dentist. 5._________ to relaxing music.

2. Don‟t worry too much. 6._________ a doctor.
3. ___________ two aspirin. 7._________ coffee.
4. ___________ to school. 8._________ any candy.

Grammar Focus
Adjectives Comparatives and Superlatives
1. Use the comparatives form of adjectives to focus on a difference between
people, place, and things.

The new menu is bigger than the old menu.

The new waiters are more experienced than the old waiters.
2. There is more than one way to form the comparative of adjectives.
a. For one syllable adjective and two-syllable adjectives ending in –y, use
adjectives + er.

bright brighter friendly friendlier

b. There are often spelling changes when you add –er.

nice nicer
big bigger
pretty prettier
c. Some adjectives have irregular comparative forms.

good better
bad worse
far farther
d. For most other adjectives of two or more syllable, use more/less + adjective.

confortable more comfortable

less confortable
3. Use the comparatives with than when you mention the things you are
The apple pie is better than the cake.

4. Use the comparative without than when it is clear which thing you are
The new desserts are better
5. Repeat the same comparative to talk about change an increase or decrease.
comparative + and + comparative
adjective + and + adjective.
It‟s getting harder and harder to find an inexpensive restaurant.
more/less + and +more/less + adjective
It‟s getting more and more difficult

6. Use the superlative form of adjectives to single out people, places, and things
form other people, places, and things.

You are the best parents in the World.

You are the most wonderful friend I have ever had.

7. Use comparatives in this way.
The new restauran is better than the old one
more comfortable
less comfortable
8. Use the repeated comparitives.

better and better

The food is getting worse and worse
more and more delicious
less and less interesting
9. Use double comparatives

The more crowded restaurant, the slower service.

Activiy in class Superlatives

1. Which country is ___________ , Monaco or Vatican city? (small)

2. Which waterfall is __________ , Niagara Fall or Angel Fall? (high)
3. Which city is ______________ , Hong Kong or Cairo? (crowded)
4. Which lake is ______________ ,the Caspian Sea or Lake Superior (large)
5. Which is ________Mount Aconcagua, Mount Everest, or Mount Fuji? (high)
6. What is ______________ , river in the World, the Nile or the Amazon? (long)
7. Which city is ______________ , Tokio, Moscow, or Hong Kong? (expensive)
8. What is ____________ Ocean in the World, the pacifico r the Atlantic? (deep)
Grammar Focus
Questions with how
How far is New Zealand from Australia? It‟s about 2,000 kilometers.
How big is Singapore? It‟s 648 square kilometers.
How high is Mount Cook? It‟s 3,740 meters high.
How deep is the Grand Canyon? It‟s about 1,900 meters deep.
How long is the Mississipi River? It‟s 5,970 kilometers long.
How hot is Auckland in the summer? It gets up to about 23 Celsius.
How cold is it in the winter? It goes down to about 10 Celsius.
Talk about Places, weather about your country.

Talent Contest, Yard, Athlete, Free Time, Year, Sometimes, Rice, Egg, Bread, Store,
Boeing, Job, Mirror, Lamp, Chairs, Terrific, Dangerous, Cashier, Chef, Fight Attendant,
Judge, Musician, Nurse, Salesperson, Segurity Guard, Singer, Stressful, Receptionist.

Simple Past Tense
Affirmative Sentences

Subject+Verb in past+Complement
I was born in Korea
You grew up in Texas
He studied in the U.S last year
She came to Los Angeles in 1999
It was great
We exercised last Saturday morning
You shopped groceries yesterday
They stayed home last week
Negative Sentences
Subject+Aux+Not+Verb in present+Complement
I did not take vacation this summer
You did not visit me last year
He did not cook today
She did not listen to radio yesterday morning
It did not rain yesterday
We did not have lunch yesterday
You did not wear a suit last week
They did not do laundry yesterday

Note: The negative contracted form is usually used in spoken English and in the
informal writing.

Did not = didn‟t I didn‟t go to the Cesar‟s Party last night.

Interrogative Form
Aux+Subject+Verb in present+Complement?
Yes, Subject+Aux.
Yes, Subject+Verb in past+Complement.
No, Subject+Aux+not.
No, Subject+Aux+Not +Verb in present+Verb+Complement

Did Erika and her sister go to Colorado?

Yes, they did.
Yes, they went to Colorado
No, they did not.
No, they did not go to Colorado

Did they have a great summer last year?

Yes, they did.
Yes, they had a great summer last year
No, they did not.
No, they did not have a great summer last year.

W-h Questions
W-h+Aux+Subject+Verb in present+Complement?
Subject+Verb in past+Complement
In what city were you born? Where did you go last summer?
I was born in Ojeda city. We went to Korea.
Grammar Explanations
You can make questions without using the auxiliary (Did) in simple past tense.
Who did that?
What happened?
Who came yesterday?
Who said that?
Remember to use the most common adverbs in English as: just, already in simple
Just: Acabar de, Already: Ya
I just got to my house.
She just left from here.
I already took a taxi.
They already told me the story.
My Plane just landed.
He already did it.
Past Progressive and Simple Past Tense
Grammar Explanation
Use the past progressive to focus on the duration of an action, not its completion.
Sheila was reading a book last night.

Use the past progressive with simple past tense to talk about an action that was
interrupted by another action. Use the simple past tense for the interrupting

The guy in the sport car was talking on his phone while he hit the other car.
I was making pizza when my mother called me.
Activity class. Complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner.
1. A: Did you have (have) a good summer?
B: Yes,I ________ I _________ (have) a great summer. I just ________ (relax).
2. A: ________you ________ (go) anywhere last summer?
B: No,I______ . I ________ (stay) here. But my friends __________ (visit) me, and
on the week we __________ (go out) a lot.
3. A: _________ you _________ (take) any classes last summer?
B: Yes, I _________. I _________ tennis lessons, and I __________ (play) tennis
every day!

Complete the sentences. Use your own information. Then compare with a partner.
1. Yesterday, I watched / didn‟t watch (watch) television.
2. Last night, I ___________________ (stay) home.
3. Last night, I ___________________ (exercise) every day.
4. Last month, I __________________ (shop) for clothes.
5. Last year, I ___________________ (visit) a different country.
Adding “en” to some adjectives in order to create verbs:
Dark Darken
White Whiten
Wide Widen
Heart Hearten
Red Redden

For Example:
It's going to darken soon
I have to whiten my clothes.
She needs to widen her swimming pool.
He is going to hearten his brother.

Conversation Did you like it?

Listen and practice

Laura: So, did you go anywhere last summer?

Erica: Yes, I did. My sister and I went to Arizona.
We saw the Grand Canyon.
Laura: Really? Did you like it?
Erica: Oh, yes. We loved it!
Laura: Did you go hiking there?
Erica: No, we didn‟t. Actually, we rode horses.
And we also went white-water rafting on the
Colorado River!
Laura: Wow! Did you have fun?
Erica: Yes, we did. We had a great time.
Pair work. Create a conversation where did you do last summer?
The Use of Any, Some, No

Any is used to make questions and negative sentences.

Some is sometimes used to make positive and replies in positive sentences.
No is used to make negative sentences and replies negative.

Any Some No
Anybody Somebody Nobody
Anyone Someone Noone
Anything Something Nothing

Did you see anybody on the hill last night?

Yes, I saw somebody on the hill last night.
No, I didn‟t see anybody on the hill last night.
No, I saw nobody on the hill last night.
No, I didn‟t see anybody on the hill last night.

Note: Some is usually used to make question and invitation too.

Do you have some money?

No, I don‟t have any money on me.
Let‟s have some drinks.
Used to
Affirmative Sentences
Subject+Used to+Verb in present+Complement
I used to
You used to wear baggy pants jeans
He used to fly kites
She used to
It used to rain a lot here.
We used to
You used to play hide and seek
They used to

Negative Sentences
Subject+Aux+Not+Verb (use to) + Verb in present+ Complement
I did not use to
You did not use to use computer in the past
He did not use to
She did not use to
It did not use to eat late
We did not use to
You did not use to wear tight jeans
They did not use to

Interrogative Form

Aux+Subject+Verb in present (use to) +Complement?

Yes, Subject+Used to+Verb in presente+Complement.
No, Subject+Aux+Not +Use to+Verb in present+Verb+Complement.

Did you play hide and seek when you were a kid?
Yes, I used to play hide and seek when I was a kid
No, I did not use to play hide and seek when I was a kid

W-h Questions
W-h+Aux+Subject+Verb in present (Use) to+ Verb in present+ Complement?
Subject+Used to+Verb in present+Complement
Where did you use to go when you were kids?
We used to go to the circus

Grammar Explanation

Use Used to form of the verb to talk about the past habits or past situation that no
longer exits in the present.

Leo used to be thin in his youth

They used to live in Canada, but they no longer live there.

Used to

Used to shows that:

a particular thing always happened or was true in the past.

But it no longer happens or is no longer true now:

David used to live in Madrid.

She used to exercise every morning, but since she had that terrible accident she doesn't
exercise anymore.
Why don't you come and see me like you used to?
Forms of used to

Here are the interrogative, affirmative and negative forms of used to

Did you use to exercise regularly?

Yes, I used to go jogging nearly everyday.
No, I didn't use to exercise on a regular basis.

Used to, be used to, get used to

1. Used to shows that a particular thing always happened or was true in the
past (see examples above)

2. Be used to is used to say that something is normal, not unusual.


I'm used to living alone.

Don't worry; John is used to driving for long hours. He has worked as a professional
driver for 20 years.

3. Get used shows that something is in the process of becoming normal.


He doesn't like that small town, but he'll get used to it.
She found the heels too high, but she got used to them.
Since the divorce, she has become very sad. But I think she'll get used to her new life.
I got used to living in Canada in spite of the cold weather.

4. Get used to and be used to are followed by either a noun or a gerund.

Get used to + noun Get used to + gerund (verb+ing)
I got used to the noise I got used to waking up early
I'm used to the cold weather I'm used to working late at night

Talking about Molly Hornby

She was a young girl in the 1960s. Read what she says about it.

“I was a young girl in the 1960s. My friends and I used to do a lot of things which
shocked our parents. We used to do things our mothers never did. We cut our hair, we
wore short skirts, and we smoked, and went dancing. We danced to the music of Elvis
Presley and the Beatles. We also got the chance to see the Beatles live at a concert
once. It was amazing. My father went fishing once a week. He always wished that I
would accompany him, but fishing was not my cup of tea. Instead my friends and I went
for picnics in the surrounding area quite often. My boyfriend had a car, a 1960 Ford
Falcon, so he always picked us up and we often drove to Brighton. We went to the
pictures twice a week and I loved to watch films with Marlon Brando and Elizabeth
Taylor, especially the „Reflections in a Golden Eye‟ starring both of them. I still love to
watch this film. It‟s my favorite. I can remember it all so clearly.”

Write a composition about what you used to do in the past

Answer the following statements using Use to or Used to

1) I didn't to do much skiing.

2) We to walk to school when we were children.
3) They not to let women join this club.
4) There to be a lake here years ago.
5) John didn't to like Mary when they were teenagers.
6) When they use to live here?
7) Why did you to use this old photocopier?
8) We never to have electricity in our house.
9) I smoke when I drank beers in the past.
10) Did they to let you smoke in cinemas?

Es por eso, debido a: That‟s why
Porque: Because
Debido a que, si porque: Just because
Pero: But
Mientas: While
Y: And
Entoces: Then
Encoces, Asi que, Sin embargo, Bueno, De hecho, Por cierto: So
Si es asi: If so

Que: That
Despues: After
Antes: Before
Asi que, Aunque: So that
Cuando sea: Whenever
Donde sea: Wherever
Cual sea: Whichever
Lo que sea: Whatever
Quien sea: Whoever

Talking about Sally
Sally left home when she was 18. She didn‟t want to go to university, so she went to
work in a book shop in London. One day, a customer came to the store. His
name was Bill. He liked Sally, and asked her out.
They went out to dinner and had a nice time. Bill told Sally that he worked in a bank in
the financial district.
Sally liked Bill, too. She smiled and said that she hoped she would see him again.
Nobody is sure how it happened, but Sally and Bill fell hopelessly in love, and ended
up getting married. They moved into a small flat together, and paid incredibly high rent
for a few years, until Sally announced that she was pregnant.
Bill asked for a loan from the bank so they could buy a nicer flat in a friendlier
neighborhood outside London, and a few months later Sally had her baby.
They named the baby Andrea.
Like most Europeans in the year 2005, they were very happy…

Write a resume about Sally‟s life

Future with going to
Affirmative Sentences
Subject+Verb to be+Going to+Verb+Complement.
I am going to forget this bad day today
You are going to be rich soon
He is going to hold on a conversation with the president
She is going to forgive me about it
It is going to rain tomorrow morning
We are going to get a deal with the teacher tomorrow
You are going to cut this beautiful cake tonight
They are going to bring a pizza tomorrow
Note: The contracted form is usually used in spoken English and in the informal
writing. Do not write gonna.

They‟re gonna bring a pizza tonight

Negative Sentences
Subject+Verb to be+Not+Going to+Verb+Complement
I am notgoing to take a summer course next year
You are notgoing to find a book here
He is notgoing to celebrate his birthday tonight
She is notgoing to help me tomorrow
It is notgoing to cost much money this month
We are notgoing to draw this picture tonight
You are notgoing to stay home tonight
They are notgoing to give you a cake tomorrow night
Interrogative Form
Verb to be+Subject+Going to+Verb+Complement?
Yes, Subject+Verb to be.
Yes, Subject+Verb to be+Going to+Verb+Complement
No, Subject+Verb to be+not.
No, Subject+Verb to be+not +Going to+Verb+Complement

Are they going to take a trip to the mountain tomorrow morning?

Yes, they are.
Yes, they are going to take a trip to the mountain tomorrow morning.
No, they are not.
No, they are not going to take a trip to the mountain tomorrow morning.

W-h Questions
W-h+Verb to be+Subject+ Going to+Verb+Complement?
Subject+Verb to be+ Going to+Verb+Complement

What are you going to do on Valentine‟s Day?

I‟m going to go dancing in a new dance club downtown.

Note: Be going to is used to express that you are pretty sure that something is
going to happen.

I‟m going to go to Alice‟s house tonight (You‟re really sure that you go there)

Activity in class

Complete this conversation with the correct form of be going to. Then practice with a
A: What are you going to do (do) for Halloween?
B: I don‟t know. I _________________________ (not do) anything special.
A: Well, Pat and I ____________________ (have) a party. Can you come?
B: Sure! Where _________ you ____________________ (have) the party?
A: It ________________________ (be) at Pat‟s house.
B: What time ______________ the party __________________ (start)?
A: At 6:00. And it _______________________ (end) around midnight.
B: We ______________________________ (ask) all our good friends.
Conversation Happy Birthday
Listen and practice

Angie: Are you going to do anything exciting

this weekend?
Philip: Well, I‟m going to celebrate my birthday.
Angie: Fabulous! When is your birthday, exactly?
Philip: It‟s August ninth – Sunday.
Angie: So what are your plans?
Philip: Well, my friend Kayla is going to take me
out for dinner.
Angie: Nice! Is she going to order a cake?
Philip: yeah, and the waiters are probably going
to sing “Happy Birthday” to me. It‟s so embarrassing.

Months and Dates

Activity in class Now Talk about (Birthday, Get married, Finished the School)

Holydays in the U.S

Do you celebrate any of these holydays? How do you celebrate them?

Conversation Have a good Valentine‟s Day
Listen and practice

Mona: So, Tyler, are you going to do anything

special for Valentine‟s Day?
Tyler: Yeah, I‟m going to take my girlfriend
out for dinner.
Mona: Oh, really? Where are you going to go?
Tyler: Laguna‟s. It‟s her favorite restaurant.
Mona: Oh, she‟s going to like that!
Tyler: How about you? What are you going to do?
Mona: Well, I‟m not going to go to a restaurant,
but I am going to go to a dance.
Tyler: Sounds like fun. Well, have a good
Valentine‟s Day.
Mona: Thanks. You too.

Pair Work Now create a conversation what do you usually do on Valentine‟s Day

WORD POWER Special Occasions

Group work. Now what do you do in this occasions?

Remember when you want to express feeling, age, and reason and so on.

I am going to be on my way I am going to be hungry

You are going to be on your way You are going to be thirsty
He is going to be on his way He is going to be sleepy
She is going to be on her way She is going to be hot
It is going to be on its way It is going to be cold
We are going to be on our way We are going to be 20 years old today
You are going to be on your way You are going to be right
They are going to be on their way They are going to be wrong


Write a composition about what you usually do on your birthday.

Talking about Susie
Susie‟s going to get married next summer. She‟s going to have the ceremony in the
church in her mother‟s town. After the wedding, she and her husband are going to have
dinner with all their friends and family, and the next day they‟re going to leave on their
honeymoon. They‟re going to Brazil.
They‟re going to spend 5 days in Rio de Janeiro, and 4 days in Sao Paolo. They‟ve
never been to Brazil before, so they‟re looking forward to the trip.After they get home,
they‟re going to start looking for a house to buy.
Susie has a lot of plans for married life, too. She wants kids: they‟re going to have two
kids. And she‟s going to send them to the best private schools.
They‟re going to be very happy together.

Opposite, Pull on, Envelop, Parade, Thanksgivings, Fun, Downtown, Waiters,

Embarrasing, Birthday, Plan, Survey, Vice, Cookies, Printer, Case, Fan, Speaker,
Mouse, Paper work, Lighter, Water, Roof, Ceiling, Ball, Gloves, Task, Fact, plan, eye,
order, set, system, lead, consider, around, posible, head, govern.

Past with going to

Affirmative Sentences
Subject+Verb to be in past+Going to Verb+Complement
I was going to fight with him.
You were
He was going to eat pizza.
She was
It was going to study French.
We were
You were going to call you.
They were

Negative Sentences
Subject+Verb to be in past+Not+Going to+Verb+Complement
I was not going to fight with him
You were not going to cut the tree
He was not going to eat pizza
She was not going to eat pizza
It was not going to eat pizza
We were not going to call you
You were not going to call you
They were not going to call you
Interrogative Form

Verb to be in past+Subject+Going to+Verb+Complement?
Yes, Subject+Verb to be in past.
Yes, Subject+Verb to be in past+Going to+Verb+Complement
No, Subject+Verb to be+not in past.
No, Subject+Verb to be+not in past+Going to+Verb+Complement
Were they going to come last Saturday?
Yes, they were.
Yes, they were going to come last Saturday.
No, they were not.
No, they were not going to come last Saturday.

W-h Questions
W-h+Verb to be in past+Subject+ Going to+Verb+Complement?
Subject+Verb to be in past+ Going to+Verb+Complement.
Where were they going to go last Saturday night?
They were going to go to the mall.

Conversation. Be going to in past

Read and listen to the conversation
A: Uh – oh.
B: What‟s wrong?
A: I was going to call my mother as soon as I got here, but I forgot all about it.
B: Call her now.
A: At 11:00 P.M?
B: Better late than never. She won‟t mind.
Create a conversation


Barbecue, Basketball game, Beach party, Birthday party, Comedy, Act, Dance
perfomance, Golf tournament, Play, Rock concert, Tennis match, Spector, Theather,
Rude, Close, Like, Change, Better, Sounds, Smoke, Young, Touch, Money, Abroad,
Early, Late, Untill, Late, Untill, Befote, After, Bed.

Simple Future Tense

Affirmative Sentences
Subject+Aux+Verb in present+Complement
I will work in this store next year
You will study modern language in two months
He will play piano at the concert next month
She will attend a conference next week
It will be interesting
We will leave this city in 5 years
You will arrive there in 5 hours
They will understand English in a year

Note: The contracted form is usually used in spoken English.

I will = I‟ll
You will = You‟ll You‟ll fly to Boston in a week.
He will = He‟ll
She will = She‟ll
It will = It‟ll
We will = We‟ll We‟ll teach English in Italy next month.
You will = You‟ll
They will = They‟ll

Negative Sentences
Subject+Aux+Not+Verb in present+Complement
I will not win the lotto next year
You will not sell a lift home next month
He will not lend me some money next week
She will not lose weight in a day
It will not rain tomorrow night
We will not pay the taxes this month
You will not spend a lot of money next month
They will not teach Spanish in the U.S next year

Note: The contracted form is usually used in spoken English and in the informal

Will not = won‟t They won‟t explain French in the university

Interrogative Form
Aux+Subject+Verb in present+Complement?
Yes, Subject+Aux.
Yes, Subject+Aux+Verb in present+Complement.
No, Subject+Aux+not.
No, Subject+Aux+Not+Verb in present+Complement.

Will they feed their animals tomorrow morning?

Yes, they will.
Yes, they will feed their animals tomorrow morning.
No, they will not.
No, they will not feed their animals tomorrow morning.

W-h Questions
W-h+Aux+Subject+Verb in present+Complement?
Subject+Aux+Verb in present+Complement
When will she come back from Mexico?
She will be back next Monday.

Remember when you want to express feeling, age, and reason and so on.

I will be on my way I will be hungry

You will be on your way You will be thirsty
He will be on his way He will be sleepy
She will be on her way She will be hot
It will be on its way It will be cold
We will be on our way We will be 20 years old today
You will be on your way You will be right
They will be on their way They will be wrong

Grammar Explanations
Use will to talk about things in the future.

I will fly to Mars next week.

You can use Will to talk about future plan or prediction.

I will undertake a new career in my life.

Be able to with Simple Future

Be able to: Ser capaz de.

Affirmative Sentences

I will be able to climb this mountain in a hour

She will be able to get to the top of this mountain

Negative Sentences

She will not be able to dig this hole

You will not be able to build a house in a week

Interrogative Form

Will we be able to get graduated from the University this year?

Yes, we will.
Yes, we will be able to get graduated from the University this year.
No, I will not.
No, I will not be able to get graduated from the University this year.

Wh Questions

What will you be able to do in this country?

I will be able to get a new Master here.

Grammar Focus
Modal verbs would and will for request
What would you like? I´d like the lamb kebabs. I´ll= I will
I´ll have a small salad. I´d= I would

What kind of dressing I´d like blue cheese, please

Would you like? I´ll have vinaigrette.

What would you like to drink? I´d like an iced tea.

I´ll have coffee.

Would you like anything else? Yes, please. I´d like some water.
No, thank you. That´ll be all.

Complete the conversation and practice with your patner

Waitress: What…….. you like to order?
Customer: I……… have the fried chicken.
Waitress:……….. you like rice or potatoes?
Customer: potatoes, please.
Waitress: what kind of potatoes would you………?
Mashed, baked, or French fries?
Customer: I…….. like mashed potatoes.
Waitress: OK. And……… you like anything to drink?
Customer: No, that……. be all for now, thanks.
Waitress: Would you………. Dessert?
Customer: Yes, I ……. Like ice cream.
Waitress: what flavor…… you like?
Customer: Hmm. I………. have chocolate, please.
Waitress: OK. I´ll bring it right away.

Note: we also use Would you mind + gerung (without please) to make polite
requests, or Would for invitation.

Would you mind waiting for a few minutes?

Not at all.

Would you like to go to a soccer game?

Yes, I‟d love to.

Note: In spoken English I would= I‟d

I would really love to know to Cancun = I‟d really love to know to Cancun.
I would like to study electrical engineering = I‟d like to study electrical engineering.
I would love to ask lucy out tonight = I‟d love to ask lucy out tonight.

Would Rather and Would Prefer

Grammar Explanation
Use Would rather and Would prefer to talk about things that you like better than
other things.
I would prefer to have Chinese food tonight.
She would cook at home.

Grammar Focus
Would; verb + to+ verb
Would you like to go out on Friday? Would you like to go to soccer match?
Yes, I would. I´d like to, but I have to work late.
Yes, I´d love to. Thanks. I´d like to, but I need to save money.
Yes, I´d really like to go. I´d like to, but I want to visit my parents.

Respond to three invitations. Then write three invitations for the given responses.

1. A: I have tickets to the baseball game 4. A:……………………………

On Saturday. Would you like to go? …………………………….
B:…………………………………. B: Yes, I´d love to thank you

2. A: Would you like to come over for 5. A:…………………………..

dinner tomorrow night? …………………………….
B:…………………………………. B: Well, I´d like to, but have to study

3. A: Would you like to go to a pop concert 6. A:……………………………

with me this weekend?
B:…………………………………. B:Yes, thank you. I´d really
like to see it.

Grammar Explanation
A comparison with To may follow prefer / would or prefer + noun.

Lani prefers comedies to action movies.

A comparison with To may follow prefer / would prefer + gerung.

I would prefer visiting Lani to going to the party.

A comparison with Than may follow Would rather + base form of the verb.

I‟d rather watch football on TV than play it.

Prefer and would prefer may be followed by a noun, a gerung or an infinitive.

I usually prefer the newspaper

Bill prefers reading magazines.
He‟d prefer to watch Tv.

Would Rather can be followed by only the base form of the verb.
I‟d rather stay home tonight.
I‟d rather not have dessert.
Modal Verbs
Ability Can, Could, Be able to
Grammar Explanation
Use can or be able to to talk about ability in present.

She can do computer graphics.

She is able to do computer graphics.

Use either Could or Was/Were Be able to to talk about ability in the past.
Sami could read when he was four.
He was able to use the computer too.
I couldn‟t win the Math Prize last year.
He wasn‟t be able to do one problem.

For forms and tenses other than thе prеsеnt or past, use be oble to.

Jen wants to bе ablе to write pгograms. (Infinitive)

By June she will be ablе to сomplete hеr сomputеr сlass. (Future)

Permission May, Could, Can, Must

Grammar Explamation
Use maу, сould, and сan to ask for peгmission.
Мay I сall you nеxt Friday?
CouId Wе usе ouг diсtionaгiеs?
Can hе сome to сlass with mе?
Note: May is a little more formal
May l lеavе the гoom, Profеssor Lее?
Wе often saу please whеn wе ask for Рermission. Note the possible words orden.
CouId l ask a quеstion, please?
Could I plеase ask a question?
We often use polite exprеssions instеad of modals to answer requеsts for
Could I сlose thе window?
Ga ahеad.
No, please don‟t. It is not hot in here.

Use may, might, and сould to talk about future possibility.
It may bе windy lateг
It might gеt сold.
lt сould rain tomorrow.
Must is used in writing (forms, signs, notices)

You must stop сompletеlу at a stop sign

You really must talk to your boss for a raise
You must not stop hеre.
Must not еxpгеsses prohibition.
It means that something is not allowed or is against the law. There is not choce.

You must not drivе without a liсеnsе. It's against the law.
You mustn‟t take off youг seat bеlt while the car is moving.

Should and Ought to

Grammar Explanation
Usе should and ought to to say that somеthing is advisable.
Maгio should find a nеw job.
Hе ought to rеad thе hеlp wantеd.


When will we have robots? We already have many kinds of robots! Industries use a
variety of robots and now robots are becoming more common in the home.

The Husqvarna Company makes a lawn mowing robot called the Auto Mower. The
robot has sensors that detect where objects are in the yard and it maneuvers around
them. The robot can cut the grass while you relax on the patio with a glass of
lemonade! Also, Eureka now makes a robotic vacuum cleaner. Like the robot lawn
mower, the vacuum cleaner automatically detects where the furniture is and vacuums
around it.

Cars are becoming robots now that many cars have GPS
(Global Positioning Systems) on them. A car with a GPS
system can give you directions on how to go somewhere, tell
you where the closest gas station is, and, some day in the
future, will drive itself. You will take a nap or read while the car
drives itself to your destination.

We even have robotic pets now. The Sony Company makes a

robotic dog named Aibo that can sit, stand, and walk like a

regular dog but can also communicate and take pictures! Aibo understands certain
commands, like a dog does, such as "Sit down", "Stand up", "Turn right", etc. If you ask
Aibo a question such as "How old are you?” its eyes will flash the number of years old it
is. Aibo is also a great guard dog. He can patrol the yard and take pictures with a built
in camera of anything suspicious.
Select "True" or "False" to answer each question.
1. We have many kinds of robots now.

2. The Auto Mower is a robot that vacuums.

3. The Auto Mower has sensors that detect where objects are.

4. Cars with GPS systems can give you directions.

5. In the future cars will drive themselves automatically.

6. Aibo is a robotic cat.

Grammar Focus
Modifiers with participles and prepositions.

Who´s Raoul? He´s the man wearing a green short
Which one is Raoul? He´s the one talking to liz.
Who´s liz? She´s the woman with short black hair.
Which one is julia? She´s the tall one in jeans.
Who are the smiths? They´re the people next to the window.
Which ones are the They´re the ones on the couch?

Grammar Focus
So, too, neither, either

Note: In spoken English, people usually use.

Me too: a mi tambien.
Me neither: A mi tampoco.

Had Better

Grammar Explanation
Use Had better for urgent advise – when you believe that something bad will
happen if the person does not follow tha advice.

You had better leave now, or you will be late to work

Usage note: We usually use contraction for had better.

You‟d had better apply for more than one job.

The negative of had better not.

You‟d better not be late

Be careful! Had better always refers to the present or the future, never to the past
(even thought it uses the word had).
We‟d better take the bus now.
You‟d better call them back tomorrow.

Conversation. Had better

Read and listen to the conversation

A: Uh – oh! You‟d better show down.

B: Why?
A: There‟s a police car up ahead.
B: Where?
A: About 200 yards up, on the right. Don‟t you see it?
B: Oh. Yeah.
Create a conversation.

Tag Questions
Grammar Explanation
Tag questions can also be used to get information. As with yes/no questions,
your voice rises at the end and youy expect to get an answer (yes or no)

A: You´re not moving, are you?

B: Yes, we´re returning to L.A or No. We´re staying here.

AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE TAG Negative statement Affirmative tag

You´re from L.A Aren´t you? You´re not from L.A Are you?

With all auxiliary verbs except do
Affirmative Negative tag Negative Affirmative tag
statement statement
You´re moving Aren´t you? You´re not moving, Are you?
He´s been here, Hasn.´t he? He hasn´t been Has he?
They can move, Can´t they? They can´t move, Can they?

With do as an auxiliary verb

Negative Affirmative tag Negative Affirmative tag
statement statement
You live here, Don´t you? You don´t live here, Do you?
They moved, Didn´t they? They didn´t move Did they?

Real Conditionals
Grammar Explanations
Use future factual conditional sentences to talk about what will happen under
certain conditions. The if clause states the condition. The result clause states the
Present Future
Future Present
If Soto wins, she will improve housing. If you vote for Soto, you won‟t regret it.
She will improve housing If Soto wins. You won‟t regret it If you vote for Soto.
Unreal Conditionals
Grammar Explanations
Use present unreal conditionals sentences to talk about unreal, untrue, imagined,
or impossible conditions and their result.

Past Aconditional

Aconditional Past

If I loved him, I would marry him. If they had money, they wouldn‟t live there
I would marry him if I loved him. They wouldn‟t live there if they had money

You can also use a modal in the result clause.

 If I had time, I could read more.

You can begin conditional sentences with the if clause or result clause. The
meaning is the same.

 If I had more money, I would move

 I would move if I had more money.

Use a comma between the two clauses only when the if clause come first.
Statements beginning with if I were you are often used to give advice.

 If I were you, I´d read “Peanuts” it´s really funny

Conversation. Real aconditional

Read and listen to the conversation

A: Look at this ad: “Computers 70 percent off”. I‟m going to order one.
B: Sounds too good to be trae. If I were you, i‟d get more information befote I gave them
any Money.
A: But the ad says, “Satisfaction Guaranteed”
B: Do you belive that?
Create a conversation.

Adjective Clause with Subject Relative Pronouns

Grammar Explanation
1. Use adjective clauses to identify or give additional information about nouns or
indefinite pronouns such as someone, somebody, something, another, and other

 I know the woman who lives there. (the adjective clause identifies the
woman we are talking about)
 Rome is a city which attracts tourists. (The adjective clause gives additional
information about the city.)

2. Sentences with adjective clauses can be seen as a combination of two sentences.

I have a friend. + he loves to shop=

 I have a friend who loves to shop.

My friend lives in Rome. + she paints=

 My friend who lives in Rome paints.

3. Adjective clauses are introduced by relative pronouns.

Subject relative pronouns are:

a. Who or Whom for people

Usage note: that is less formal than who.

 I have a friend who lives in Mexico.

 I have a friend that lives in Mexico.

b. Which or that for places or things.
Usage note: that is less formal than which.

 New York is a city which never sleeps.

 New York is a city that never sleeps.
c. whose+ noun for people´s possessions
 He´s the man whose dog barks all day.

4. Subject relative pronouns have the same form whether they refer to singular or
plural nouns or to masculine or feminine nouns.
 That´s the man who lives next door.
 That´s the woman who lives next door.
 Those are the people who live next door.

Embedded Questions
Grammar Explanation
Use indirect question to report another person‟s word

Direct Question Indirect Question

Should I tip? He asked if he should tip
Embedded Questions

Do you know whether I should tip?

We often use embedded question to express something we do not know.

I wonder why he did not tip the mechanic.

Ask politely for information

Can you tell me if our bill includes a tip?

Introduce embedded yes/no question with if, weather, or whether or not.
Usage note: Whether is more formal than If.

Do you know if he tips?

Do you know whether (or not) he tips?

Be careful! Use statement word order in all embedded questions.

Could you tell me where they are?
Could you tell me if it is 6:00 yet?
Can you tell me how I can get to a drugstore?

Reflexive Pronouns

Grammar Explanation
Use reflexive pronouns when the subject and object of a sentence refer to the
same people or things.

Reflexive Pronouns
Myself, Yourself, Himself, Herself, Itself, Ourselves, Yourselves, Themselves
Sara looked at herself in the mirror.
We painted the house by ourselves.
Alice lives by herself.
Just be yourself at your interview.
He wasn‟t himself after he lost his job.
She cut her finger by herself.

Be Supposed to (Expectations)
Grammar Explanation
Use be supposed to only in the simple present tense or in the simple past tense.

He‟d better hurry up with these pictures, it is supposed to rain today.

The bride is supposed to wear white.
The ceremony was supposed to begin at 7:00.
The beach is supposed to be beautiful in august, everybody says so.
Carl was supposed to bring flowers, but he forgot them.
You can also make interrogative form and W-h Questions

Were you supposed to travel to U.S? What are they supposed to do here?
Yes, I was. They are going to work as a teacher.
No, I was not.
Present Perfect
Affirmative Sentences (I, You, We, You, They, have)

Subject+Aux+ Past participle+Complement

I have appeared on TV recently.
You have been on radio lately.
We have moved to a new city recently.
You have won several awards.
They have gotten back from Los Angeles.

Affirmative Sentences (He, She, It, has)

Subject+Aux+ Past participle+Complement
He has had much time to get there.
She has studied art in the University.
It has rained recently.

Note: The contracted form is usually used in spoken English.

I have = I‟ve I‟ve been a teacher.
You have = You‟ve
He has = He‟s
She has = She‟s She‟s taken a taxi to work.
It has = It‟s

We have = We‟ve
You have = You‟ve
They have = They‟ve They‟ve gotten together several times

Negative Sentences (I, You, We, You, They, have)

Subject+Aux+Not+ Past participle +Complement
I have not ridden a horse in my life.
You have not had time lately.
We have not sung in a karaoke bar.
You have not been in Merida.
They have not seen a live concert lately.
Negative Sentences (He, she, It, has)
Subject+Aux+Not+ Past participle +Complement
It has not been recently
She has not tried mountain
He has not done his activity

Note: The contracted form is usually used in spoken English and in the informal
Have not= haven´t
I haven´t met someone like you before.
Has not= hasn´t
She hasn´t been on tv show.
Interrogative Form (I, You,We, You, They,Have)
Aux+Subject+ Past participle +Complement?
Yes, Subject+Aux.
Yes, Subject+ Aux+Past participle +Complement.
No, Subject+Aux+not.
No, Subject+Aux+Not+ Past participle +Complement.

Have they acted on a show before?

Yes, they have.
Yes, they have acted on a show before.
No, they have not.
No, they have not acted on a show before.
Interrogative Form (He, She, It, Has)
Aux+Subject+Past participle +Complement?
Yes, Subject+Aux.
Yes, Subject+ Aux+Past participle +Complement.
No, Subject+Aux+not.
No, Subject+Aux+Not+Past participle +Complement.
Has he moved to a new city recently?
Yes, he has.
Yes, he has moved to a new city recently.
No, he has not.
No, he has not moved to a new recently

W-h Questions (I, You,We, You, They, Have)
W-h+Aux+Subject+ Past participle +Complement?
Subject+ Aux+Past participle +Complement
How often have they acted on this show?
They have always acted on this show.

W-h Questions (He, She, It,Has)

W-h+Aux+Subject+Past participle +Complement?
Subject+ Aux+Past participle +Complement
Why has she won an award?
Because, she has been a great singer whole her life.
Grammar Explanations.
Use the present perfect with just, recently or lately to talk about events in the very
recent past.

We´ve just gotten back from Brazil.

I´ve recently signed a contract to write a book.
They´ve done exercise lately.

You can use ever with the present perfect to ask questions it means at any time
up untill now.

Have you ever won a baseball game?

No, I have never won one.

Note: In spoken American English people often use just, already and recently
with simple past tense to talk about indefinite time.

We just got back from Los Angeles.

They already took a taxi.
I went there recently.
Present perfect
(Since and For)

Grammar Explanations
Use the present perfect with since or for to talk about something that began in the
past and continues into the present (and may continue into the future).

Martina hing has been a professional tennis player since 1994.

She has been a professional tennis for years.
Use the present perfect with since +point in time since 5:00, since Monday, since
1994) to show when something started.

She has earned millions of dollar since 2004

He has lived here since May.
Since can also introduce a time clause
Martina has loved sports since she was a child.
When the action in the time clause ended in the past, use the simple past tense.

She has won many tennis tournaments since she moved from Slovakia.
When the action in the time clause began in the past but continue into the
present, use the present perfect.

She has become extremely successful since she has been in Switzerland.
Use the present perfect with for+length of time (for ten minutes, for two weeks,
for years, for a long time, for a few months) to show how long a present condition
has lasted.
Carolina´s mother has been her coach for many years.
I have played baseball for a long time.

Present Perfect (Already and Yet)

Grammar Explanations.
We often use the present perfect with already to talk about things that have
happened before now.

It has already saved many lifes.

They have developed a new flu vaccine already.
Be Carefull: do not use present perfect with already when you mention a specific
time in the past.

Already: usually comes between have and the past participle.

Researchers have already discovered cures for many diseases.

Already can also come at the end of the clause.
They´ve made a lot of progress already.
Use the present perfect with not yet to talk about things that have not happened
before now.
They haven´t discovered a cure for the common cold yet, but they hope to discover one
in the future.
Notice that yet usually comes at the end of the clause.
The flu season hasn´t arrived yet.
Yet can also come between have not and the past participle.
They haven´t yet discovered a cure for the common cold.

We usually use yet in questions to find out if something has happened before
Has your son gotten his flu shot yet?
Sometimes we use already in a question to express surprise that something
happened sooner than expected.
Have they already gotten his flu shot?
The flu season hasn´t begun yet.
Complete thes conversation using present perfect. Then practice with a partner
1. A:…………….. you……….. much exercise this week? (do)
B: Yes, I………….. already………….to aerobics class tour times. (be)
2. A:………….you………… any sports this month? (play)
B: No, I………………………….the time. (have)
3. A: How many movies…………….. you…………… to this month? (be).
B: Actually, I………………………………any yet. (see)
4. A: You…………………………. To any interesting parties recently? (be)
B: No, I…………………………… any parties for quite a while (go)
5. A:…………………. you…………………. any friends today? (call)
B: Yes, I……………….. already……………..three calls . (make)
6. A: How many times……………… you……………. out to eat this week? (go)
B: I……………………………. at fast-food restaurants a couple of times. (eat).

Present Perfect Continuous.

Affirmative Sentences:
Subject +aux+been+verb+ing+complement.
You have been collecting coins since 1992
She has been studying english since 2010.
It has been raining since this morning.
You have been teaching english for a long time.
Negative sentences.
Subject + aux+ not+ been +verb + ing+ complement
You have not been working since 1992
She has not been playing here.
It has not been raining all day long
You have not been reading Doña Barbara.
Affirmative Form.
Aux+Subject+been+verb + ing+Complement?
Yes, Subject+Aux.

Yes, Subject+ Aux+been+verb+ing +Complement.
No, Subject+Aux+not.
No, Subject+Aux+Not+ Aux+not+ been+verb+ing +Complement.
Have you been working at L.U.Z since 1999?
Yes, I have.
Yes, I have been working at L.U.Z since 1999.
No, I have not.
No, I have not been working at L.U.Z since 1999.

W-h Questions
W-h+ aux+suj+been+verb+ing+complement?
How long have you been living in this country?
Well, I have been living here since I was born in …
What has she been doing lately?
She has been singing in a rock band.
Present Perfect and Present Perfect Progressive.

Present perfect
Elephants have roamed the earth for thousand of years
I´ve read two books about elephants.
Dr. Owen has written many articles.
She´s lived in many countries.
Present Perfect Progressive.

Elephants have been roaming the earth for thousand of years.

I´ve been reading this book since Monday.
She´s been writing articles since 1990.
She´s been living in France for a year.

The present perfect often shows that something is finished. It focusses on the
result of the action.
I´ve read a book about elephants.
She´s written an article.

The present perfect progressive often shows that an activity is unfinished. It

focuses on the continuation o fan action.
I´ve been reading a book about elephants.
She´s been writting an article.

We often use the present perfect to talk about.

How much someone has done.
I´ve read a lot of about it.
How many times someone has done something.
I´ve been to Africa twice.

How many things someone has done.
She´s written three articles.
We often use the present perfect progressive to talk about how long something
has been happening.

I‟ve been reading books on elephant for two months.

Be carefull! We usually do not use the present perfect progressive when we

mention a number of completed events.

I‟ve read that book twice

I‟ve been reading that book twice (Wrong way).
Something you can use either the present perfect or the present perfect
progressive. The meaning is basically the same. This is specially trae when you
use verbs such as live, work, study, and teach with for or since.

She‟s studied elephant for two years.

She‟s been studying elephants for two years.

Future Perfect

Grammar Explanations

1) When we use the future perfect, we imagine a certain point of time in the
future, and we look back at events that will be completed by that time.

 By June, he will have paid his debt

 We will not have saved enough by then.

2) Use by + time expression to identify the point in time in the future.

 By June, she will have bought a used car.
 She will have looked at a lot of cars by then.

3) Use already and yet to emphasize whether an event will have happened by
a point in time.

 By May, he will have already saved 1,000 dollars

 By May, he will not have saved 2,000 yet.

4) Use the future perfect with the simple present tense to show the order of

 By the time you arrive, I will have finished dinner

 By the time you arrive, I will have read for an hour or more.
Past Perfect
Affirmative Sentences
Subject+Aux+ Past participle+Complement
I had bought this house by 1986
You had been on radio
He had lived in that city
She had studied art in the University
It had rained there
We had moved to a new city
You had won several awards
They had gotten back from Los Angeles
Negative Sentences
Subject+Aux+Not+ Past participle +Complement
I had
You had
He had
She had not been there before.
It had
We had
You had
They had
Note: The contracted form is usually used in spoken English and in the informal

Had not = hadn‟t She hadn‟t gone there alone.

They hadn‟t met me before.

Interrogative Form
Aux+Subject+ Past participle +Complement?
Yes, Subject+Aux.
Yes, Subject+ Aux+Past participle +Complement.
No, Subject+Aux+not.
No, Subject+Aux+Not+ Past participle +Complement.

Had they acted on a show before?

Yes, they had.
Yes, they had acted on a show before.
No, they had not.
No, they had not acted on a show before

W-h Questions
W-h+Aux+Subject+ Past participle +Complement?
Subject+ Aux+Past participle +Complement

Why had she won an award?

Because, she had been a great singer whole her life.
Grammar Explanation
Use the past perfect to show that something happened before a specific time in
the past.
famous now
Past…………………………..………………. future
 By 1988 Oprah Winfrey had become famous.
 It was 1985. she had already been in a Hollywood film.

Already, yet, ever and never are often used with the past perfect to emphasize the
event which ocurred first.

 I saw the color purple last night.

I had never seen it befote.
 Jason had already seen it.

We often use the past perfect with by (a certain time)

 By 1966 Oprah had decided on a career.

Past Perfect Continuous.

Affirmative sentences

Subject +aux+been+verb+ing+complement.
It had been eating for hours.

Negative sentences

Subject + aux+ not+ been +verb + ing+ complement


It had not been raining all day long

Interrogative form
Aux+Subject+been+verb + ing+Complement?
Yes, Subject+Aux.
Yes, Subject+ Aux+been+verb+ing +Complement.
No, Subject+Aux+not.
No, Subject+Aux+Not+ Aux+not+ been+verb+ing +Complement.

Had you been working at L.U.Z since 1999?

Yes, I had.
Yes, I had been working at L.U.Z since 1999.
No, I had not.
No, I had not been working at L.U.Z since 1999.
W-h Questions
W-h+ aux+suj+been+verb+ing+complement?

How long had you been living in this country?

Well, I had been living here since I was born in.
What had she been doing by 1985?
She had been singing for a rock band.

Coffee May Help You Live Longer

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health & Lifestyle report.

Today we have more good news for all our coffee drinkers around the world. Another
new study finds that drinking coffee can help you live longer.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health recently discovered that drinking
between three and five cups of coffee a day may prevent certain illnesses. They found

that coffee can protect against heart disease, brain diseases, type 2 diabetes and
suicide. Walter Willett is a nutrition researcher at Harvard and co-author of the study.
Willet says the findings extend to both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee – and decaf,
as Americans often call it. So, the health benefits come not just from the caffeine in
coffee, but from the compounds in the beans.

Study methods

The large study of about 200,000 subjects included data from three ongoing studies.
Subjects in the study had to answer questions about their coffee drinking habits every
four years over a 30-year period.

Researchers found that moderate coffee drinking was linked with a reduced risk of
death from many diseases. These diseases include cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
neurological diseases such as Parkinson's, and suicide.
However, the researchers found no link between coffee drinking and cancer.
Researchers also considered other habits such as smoking, obesity, and how active the
subjects were. They also looked at what kinds of food the subjects ate, as well as how
much alcohol -- and what type of alcohol -- they drank.
They published their findings in the journal Circulation.

All things in moderation.

This Harvard research adds to a growing body of evidence. This body of evidence finds
drinking a moderate of coffee may have many health benefits, including a longer life.
This is according to one of the researchers involved in the study. Frank Hu is senior
author of the study. He is also a professor of nutrition and epidemiology. He studies how
food affects illness.Hu adds that data from the study support the 2015 Dietary
Guidelines Advisory Report. This report found that drinking a moderate amount of
coffee can be part of a healthy diet. But how much and when you drink coffee is
important. You may remember another study we reported on recently. That study said
drinking coffee too late in the evening can disrupt your sleep.

Not everyone feels the recent Harvard study confirms anything.
The news organization NPR spoke with one expert who warns that not everyone reacts
to coffee the same way. Andrew Maynard of Arizona State University told NPR that the
health benefits documented in this new study are “small.”
Maynard says the study does not prove cause and effect between drinking coffee and
living longer. He says the study points to an association, or link, between drinking coffee
and living longer. Even those involved in the research still have questions.
When NPR spoke with study co-author Walter Willett, he said he is not sure how coffee
is linked to certain health benefits.
Willett says the take-home message – in other words, the important thing to learn – is
that if you like coffee, do not feel guilty about drinking it in moderation. If you don‟t like
coffee, don‟t feel you have to start drinking it to be healthy.

I‟m Anna Matteo.
Words in This Story
Decaffeinated – adj. not containing caffeine: having the caffeine removed
Association – n. a connection or relationship between things or people
Subjects – n. a person (or animal) used in an experiment, study, etc.
Body – n. a group of things that are related or connected in some way
Moderate – adj. average in size or amount: neither too much nor too little
Moderation – n. the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behavior or
political opinions

Write a resume about the topic with your own words

Grammar Explanation Plus

We can use Get + Adjective or adverb to create verbs in English

Get: Obtener, tener, llegar, encender, apagar abrir, cerrar, recojer, atender el telefono.
Get thin, get fat, get wrong, get hungry, get wet, get dry, get sick, get old, get ill, get
cold, get hot, get mad / angry, get back, get late, wet worse, get better..

We can use Get + Past Participles to create verbs too.

Get graduated, get married, get drunk, get broken, get lost, get fired, get cought, get
bored, get used to, get dressed, get hit, get divorced, get closed, get hired, get tired, get

We can also use Got to to express statements in present, past, future.

Got to: gotta expresses an activity.

Got a expresses possession.

I got to work now I got a car
I got to study today I got to go
They got to learn English last year

Past Modals

Grammar Explanation

Use Could have, Should have, Might have, Ought to have, Must have + Past
participle to talk about Speculation, Regret, Advisability, and Blame.

I could have become a doctor.

She could have been rich and famous.
I shouldn‟t have missed that opportunity.
My parents might have encouraged me a little more.
Shе сould’vе gone to a bеttеr sсhool
I ought to havе taken that job
Thеy must not havе moved it without hе|p.
I shouldn’t have gotten married so young.


Should havе = shouId‟ve

Сould have = сouId‟ve
Might havе = might‟ve
Should not have = shouldn't have
Passive Voice
Present Progressive
Active Voice

I am having a cup of coffee now

Passive Voice's Formula

Object + is/are + being + past participle of verb + by complement

A cup of coffee is being had by me now

Past Progressive
Active Voice

He was reading a book

Passive Voice's Formula

Object + was/were + being + past participle of verb + by complement

A book was being read by him yesterday

Simple Present Tense

Active Voice

I always clean a big house everyday

Passive Voice's Formula

Object + is / are+ past participle of verb + by complement

A big house is always cleaned by me

Simple Past Tense

Active Voice

I drove a big truck last night

Passive Voice's Formula

Object + was / were + past participle of verb + the by complement

A big truck was driven by me last night

Simple Future Tense
Active Voice

I will play piano at the concert tomorrow

Passive Voice's Formula

Object + will + be + past participle of verb + by complement

Piano will be played by me at the concert tomorrow

Present Perfect Tense

Active Voice
She has bought a beautiful house recently
Passive Voice's Formula
Object + has / have + been + past participle of verb + by complement

A beautiful dress has been made by her recently.

These are examples from Active to Passive Voice.

Turn from Active to Passive

a. Someone is helping her with the housework.
b. The mail-order company sent Mrs Green a parcel.
c. My friend sent me an invitation.
d. The secretary has given Mrs Jones some letters.
e. The traffic warden had already given him a ticket for illegal parking.
f. John gave Elizabeth that beautiful ring.
g. Her students have sent her flowers.
h. He must give the message to the right person.
i. We teach our students English and French.
j. Someone bought flowers for the bride.
k. They showed the tourists the sights of Athens.
l. They pay her an excellent salary.
m. They paid the artist £1,000 for his painting.

Reported Speech


1. - “Where did you go on holiday last summer?” I asked Linda.

2. - “Do you know where Angela is living?” he said.
3. - “How much do you think it will cost?” he said.
4. - “Watch the milk and don‟t let it boil over,” she said.
5. - “Let‟s go down to the harbour and see if we can hire a boat,” he said.
6. - “Did you enjoy the film?” I asked Tom.
7. - “Can I borrow some money for a fizzy drink?” Donna asked.
8. - “How far is the station from our hotel?” the girl wanted to know.
9. - “I lost my uniform last week,” Frank said.
10. - “Don‟t drive too close to the car in front,” said the driving instructor

Phrasal Verbs
Grammar Explanations
1) A phrasal verb (also called a two-part or two- word verb) consists of a
verb + participle.

We often eat out

Verb + participle
2) Particles and prepositions look the same. However, particles are part of
the verb phrase, and they often change the meaning of the verb.
She ran into another runner because she was not paying attention.

Verb + preposition
3) The verb and particle are usually common words, but their separate
meaning of the phrasal verb.
Please go on. I didn´t mean to interrupt
(Please continue)
We got back after dark
(We returned after dark)
We called off the meeting.
(They canceled the meeting)

Note: phrasal verbs are very common in everyday speech.

4) Most phrasal verb are transitive (they take direct object)
You should go after your goals

Direct object

5) Some transitive phrasal verbs are inseparable. This means that both
noun and pronoun objects always go after the particle. You cannot separate the
verb from its particle.
She ran into her friend at the library.

Direct object
She ran into her

Direct Object
She ran her friend into at the library (Wrong way)
She ran her into. (Wrong way)

6) Some phrasal verbs are used in combination with certain preposition. These
combinations are usually inseparable.

She came up with a brilliant idea

I dropped out of school and got a job


Grammar Explanations

1) Most phrasal verbs are transitive (they take direct object). Most transitive
phrasal verbs are separable.This means the direct object can go
a) After the particle. (Verb and participle are not separated)

I just dreamed up a new idea.

Verb + participle + direct object

b) Between the verb and the particle. (Verb and particle are separated)
I just dreamed a new idea up.

2) Be Careful! When the direct object is a pronoun, it must go between the verb
and the particle.
She dreamed it up
She dreamed up it (Wrong way)

Run into: meet Go on: continue Call off: Cancel

Eat out: eat in a restaurant Got Back: Return Drop out of: leave, retire

Come up with: Invent Keep on: continue. Talk Into: Persuade.

Verbs Vs Verbs

Lose Vs Miss Go Vs Leave Remember Vs Remind

Do Vs Make Take Vs Drink See Vs Watch Vs Look

Listen to Vs Hear Drive Vs Ride Cure Vs Heal Vs Mend

Speak Vs Talk Play Vs Touch Like Vs Love

Earn Vs Win Vs Make Want Vs Wish Seek Vs Look for


Hoy en día: Nowadays

Actualmente: Currently, at present, at the present time, now, these days.

Además: in addition, besides, furthermore, moreover

Además de esto: Besides this

También: Also, besides

Es más, Ademas: Moreover

En realidad, a decir verdad: In fact

Realmente, en realidad: Actually

Sin embargo, no obstante: However, nevertheless,

Aún así: Even so

Afortunadamente, por fortuna: Fortunately, happily

Igualmente: Likewise

Del mismo modo: In the same way, similarly

Por otra parte, por otro lado: On the other hand, in contrast

De todos modos: Anyway

Obviamente, evidentemente: Obviously

Indudablemente: Undoubtedly

Seguramente: Surely

Verdaderamente, en realidad, en efecto: Indeed, Really

Claramente, aparenetemente, al parecer: Apparently

Posiblemente: Possibly

Por lo tanto, por consiguiente: Therefore

Consecuentemente, por consiguiente: Consequently

En consecuencia, así: Thus, as a result

Despues, Despues de todo: Afterwards

Al contrario: On the Contrary.

Mientras tanto: Meanwhile

En todo caso, No Obstante, Sin embargo: Nonetheless

A diferencia de: Unlike

Aunque: Even

Aun cuando: Even though

Aunque: Though

Sim embargo, Ademas, No obstante: Nevertheles

Stair‟s Effect of Speaking

I‟ve been thinking about going to Canada In orden to visit to my older brother But I
don‟t have enough money now That‟s why I have to look for a part time job Just
because That‟s the only way for me to get some extra money That I really need to buy
the passage So I am pretty sure That I am going to have a great time there By the way
I will call my other brother to let him know if he is available to go with me in Decembre If
It is so we could go together And our oldest brother will feel so happy Therefore I think
That It is a great idea. However, I have to pass all my subjects this semester In order
not to have any problem to spend two weeks in Canada And We will know How is
Canada‟s Culture Though I think that We‟d better go there in november Just because
It‟s mom‟s birthday in December And If We will leave she could feel alone in her special


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