False Ceiling

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Risk Assessment/Management Form

Section / Dept: civil Activity: Risk Assessment for False Ceiling

Sl No. Basic Job Steps Potential Hazard Consequence Current control measure Risk rating Initia Additiona Risk


l Risk l control ratin
measure g

Only skilled &experienced work men deployed in
the job with safety shoe ,hand gloves ,safety
helmet while shifting of materials
Shifting of Path way should be free from obstruction
Fall of Materias/Slip
1 materials by Get Injury 2 0 0 0 2 4
of Man Use shoulder pad during shifting the materials by
Before lifting the materials it should be tied up
Use of Safety shoe,Helmet with chin strap , hand
gloves and safety goggles.
Fall of Materias/Slip Path should be free from any obstacle
2 Staging work Get Injury Use of proper tools 2 0 0 0 2 4
of Man
Landing to be provided after every 2m.lift with
std.Toe guard and guard rails
To check the tools before starting the activity
All the tools should be tied up with rope while
All the loose materials should be lifted by gunny
bag with rope pully system
Area should be barricaded and nobody allow
under the suspended load
3 Lifting of materials Slip of Tools Get Injury 2 0 0 0 2 4
Only authorised persons are allowed for working at
Use of safety shoe,Helmet with chin strap & Hand
Use of double rope full body harness
To check all the pipe, clamps & nut in periodically
Proper access to be made for ascending and
descending horzontal spacing not more than
Workmen must be worn double rope safety
Fitting of pipe and harness and one anchoring point must be fixed at
4 Fall /slip of man Get Injury all times 2 0 0 0 2 4
Brief the tool box talk on daily basis before starting
the activity
Fixing of hand rails
All theplanks should be tied up by binding wire
Use of Safety goggle during drilling activity
Eye injury Get Injury
5 Drilling work Use of leather hand gloves 2 0 0 0 2 4
Emission of noise Use of ear plug
Fixing of Gypsum Use of safety harness and anchored it above the
6 Fall of materials Get Injury 2 0 0 0 1 2
board head height
Prepaired by Approved by Reviwed by
Contractor Contractor
Date Date Date

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