1992 - McClay - Thrust Tectonics

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Thrust Tectonics

Edited by K.R. McClay

In the last decade there have been considerable advances in the study of thrust systems, incorporating
new field observations, conceptual models, and analogue and numerical simulations, together with
geophysical studies of thrust belts.
This book brings together the key papers from the recent Thrust Tectonics Conference held at Royal
Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London, and is grouped into thematic sections. It
covers the most recent multidisciplinary research and theories in a clear, concise manner. Topics covered
include theory and mechanics of thrust faulting, numerical modelling, analogue modelling, geometries of
thrust systems and thrust related folding, and field based studies of the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Himalayas
and the NW American Cordillera. Thrust Tectonics will appeal to structural geologists in industry and
academia alike.

K.R. McClay is Professor of Structural Geology at Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University
of London.

The cover photograph is of the McConnell Thrust in Mississippian Limestones at Mt Head, Highwood
Range, Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada.

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Thrust Tectonics
Thrust Tectonics
Edited by

K.R. McClay
Department of Geology
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College
University of London

London • New York • Tokyo • Melbourne • Madras
Published by Chapman & Hall, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SEl 8HN

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First edition 1992

© 1992 K.R. McClay

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ISBN 0 412 43890 9 (HB) 0 412 43900 X (PB)

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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PubHcation data

Thrust tectonics / edited by K.R. McClay.
p. cm.
Papers presented as part of the TTirust Tectonics Conference held at Royal Holloway and Bedford New
College, University of London, from April 4th-7th, 1990.
Includes bibhographical references and index.
ISBN 0-412-43890-9.—ISBN 0-412-43900-X (pbk.)
1. Thrust faults (Geology)—Congresses. I. McClay, K.R. (Kenneth R.) II. Thrust Tectonics
(1990 : Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London)
QE606.T57 1991
551.8'7—dc20 91-34275


p.41 Part Two should begin at p.53.

p.93 Part Three should begin at p.l05.

Thrust Tectonics. Edited by K.R. McQay. © 1992 K.R. McQay

PubUshed by Chapman & HaU, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SEl 8HN. ISBN 0 412 43890 9 (HB) 0 412 43900 X (PB).

Contributors viii
Acknowledgements x
Introduction xi

Part One
Theoretical aspects and thrust mechanics
Erosional control of active compressional orogens
C. Beaumont, P. Fullsack and J. Hamilton 1
Dynamic and kinematic growth and change of a Coulomb wedge
S.D. Willett 19
A developmental stage of a foreland belt
E.G. Bombolakis 33
One-dimensional models for plane and non-plane power-law flow in shortening and elongating
thrust zones
5. Wojtal 41

Part Two
Physical modelling
Centrifuge modelling of the propagation of thrust faults
/. M. Dixon and Shumin Liu 53
Physical models of thrust wedges
Huiqi Lui, K.R. McClay and D. Powell 71
Generation of curved fold-thrust belts: Insight from simple physical and analytical models
5. Marshak, M.S. Wilkerson and A.T. Hsui 83
Thrust faults in inverted extensional basins
K.R. McClay and P.G. Buchanan 93

Part Three
Thrust geometries and thrust systems
Rates of folding and faulting determined from growth strata
7. Suppe, G. T. Chou and S. C. Hook 105
Role of shear in fault-propagation folding
/. Mosar and J. Suppe 123
2-D reconstruction of thrust evolution using the fault-bend fold method
R. Zoetemeijer and W. Sassi 133
Kinematic models of deformation at an oblique ramp
T.G. Apotria, W.T. Snedden, J.H. Spang and D.V. Wiltschko 141
Stress controls on fold thrust style
W.R. Jamison 155
Kinematics of large-scale asymmetric buckle folds in overthrust shear: an example from the
Helvetic nappes
M.G. Rowan and R. Kligfield 165
Forelimb deformation in some natural examples of fault-propagation folds
J.L. Alonso and A. Teixell 175
The geometric evolution of foreland thrust systems
M.P. Fischer and N.B. Woodward 181
Some geometric problems of ramp-flat thrust models
J.G. Ramsay 191
The duplex model: Implications from a study of flexural-slip duplexes
P.W.G. Tanner 201
Palaeomagnetic techniques applied to thrust belts
A.M. McCaig and E. McClelland 209
Evolution of crystalline thrust sheets in the internal parts of mountain chains
R.D. Hatcher, Jr. and R.J. Hooper 217

Part Four
Evolution of a continental collision belt: ECORS-Pyrenees crustal balanced cross-section
J.A. Munoz 235
Thrusting and foreland basin evolution in the Southern Pyrenees
C. Puigdefabregas, J. A. Munoz and J. Verges 247
South Pyrenean fold-and-thrust belt: Role of foreland evaporitic levels in thrust geometry
/ . Verges, J.A. Munoz and A. Martinez 255
Contrasting rotations within thrust sheets and kinematics of thrust tectonics as derived from
palaeomagnetic data: an example from the Southern Pyrenees
J. Dinares, E. McClelland and P. Santanach 265

Part Five
The Alps - a transpressive pile of peels
H. Laubscher 277
Structural evolution of the western Chartreuse fold and thrust system, NW French Subalpine Chains
R.W.H. Butler 287
Kinematics of a transverse zone in the Southern Alps, Italy
G. Schonborn 299
Hangingwall geometry of overthrusts emanating from ductile decollements
P. Jordan and T. Noack 311
The Venetian Alps thrust belt
C. Doglioni 319

Part Six
Thrust geometries, interferences and rotations in the Northwest Himalaya
P.J. Treloar, M.P. Coward, A.F. Chambers, C.N. Izatt and K.C. Jackson 325
Balanced and retrodeformed geological cross-section from the frontal Sulaiman Lobe, Pakistan:
Duplex development in thick strata along the western margin of the Indian Plate
I.A.K. Jadoon, R.D. Lawrence and R.J. Lillie 343

Part Seven
NW American Cordillera
The Monashee decollement of the southern Canadian Cordillera: a crustal-scale shear zone linking the
Rocky Mountain Foreland belt to lower crust beneath accreted terranes
R.L. Brown, S.D. Carr, B.J. Johnson, V.J. Coleman, F.A. Cook and J.L. Varsek 357
The Skeena fold belt: a Hnk between the Coast Plutonic Complex, the Omineca belt and the Rocky
Mountain fold and thrust belt
C.A. Evenchick 365
Geometric evidence for synchronous thrusting in the southern Alberta and northwest Montana thrust
S.E. Boyer 377
The analysis of fracture systems in subsurface thrust structures from the Foothills of the Canadian
M. Cooper 391
Thrust tectonics and Cretaceous intracontinental shortening in southeast Alaska
CM. Rubin andJ.B. Saleeby 407

K.R. McClay 419

Index 435

J.L. Alonso, Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain

T.G. Apotria, Department of Geology and Center for Tectonophysics, Texas A&M University College
Station, Texas, USA
C. Beaumont, Oceanography Department, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada
E.G. Bombolakis, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,
S. Boyer, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Washington, Washington, USA
R.L. Brown, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University and Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre,
Ontario, Canada
P.G. Buchanan, 30 Marler Road, Forest Hill, London, UK
R.W.H. Butler, Department of Earth Sciences, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
S.D. Carr, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University and Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre,
Ontario, Canada
A.F. Chambers, School of Geological Sciences, Kingston Polytechnic, Surrey, UK
G.T. Chou, Texaco USA, 4601 DTC Boulevard, Denver, Colorado, USA
V.J. Coleman, Department of Earth Science, Carleton University and Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre,
Ontario, Canada
F.A. Cook, Department of Geology and Geophysics, The University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
M. Cooper, BP Resources Canada Limited, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
M.P. Coward, Department of Geology, Imperial College, London, UK
J. Dinares, Department de Geologia Dinamica, Universitat de Barcelona, Zona Universitaria de Pedralbes,
Barcelona, Spain
J.M. Dixon, Experimental Tectonics Laboratory, Department of Geological Sciences, Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
C. Doglioni, Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Paleontologiche, Universita di Ferrara, 44100, Italy
C.A. Evenchick, Geological Survey of Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
M.P. Fischer, Department of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsyl-
vania, USA
P. Fullsack, Oceanography Department, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada
J. Hamilton, Oceanography Department, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada
R.D. Hatcher, Jr, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Tennessee, Tennessee, USA
S.C. Hook, Texaco Inc, PO Box 70070, Houston, Texas, USA
R.J. Hooper, Department of Geology, University of South Florida, Florida, USA
A.T. Hsui, Department of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA
C.N. Izatt, International Exploration, British Gas, 59 Bryanston Street, London, UK
K.C. Jackson, Department of Geology, Imperial College, London, UK
I.A.K. Jadoon, Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
W.R. Jamison, Amoco Production Research, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
B.J. Johnson, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University and Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre,
Ontario, Canada
P. Jordan, Geological Institute of Basel University, BernouUistrasse 32, Basel, Switzerland
R. Kligfield, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA
H. Laubscher, Geological Institute of Basel University, Bemoullistrasse 32, Basel, Switzerland
R.D. Lawrence, Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University, Oregon, USA
R.J. Lillie, Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University, Oregon, USA
H. Liu, Department of Geology, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London, Surrey
S. Liu, Experimental Tectonics Laboratory, Department of Geological Sciences, Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
S. Marshak, Department of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA
A. Martinez, Servei Geologic de Catalunya, Parallel, Barcelona, Spain
A.M. McCaig, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, UK
E. McClelland, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, UK
J. Mosar, Department of Geological and Geophysical Sciences, Guyot Hall, Princeton University, New Jersey,
J.A. Munoz,Department de Geologia Dinamica, Universitat de Barcelona, Zona Universitaria de Pedralbes,
Barcelona, Spain
T. Noack, Geological Institute of Basel University, BernouUistrasse 32, Basel, Switzerland
D. Powell, Brunary House, Glen Moidart by Lochailort, Invernesshire, Scotland
C. Puigdefabregas, Servei Geologic de Catalunya, Parallel, Barcelona, Spain
J.G. Ramsay, Geologisches Institut, ETH Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland
M. Rowan, Alastair Beach Associates, 11 Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow, Scotland
CM. Rubin, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California, USA
F.J.B. Saleeby, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
Cahfomia, USA
P. Santanach, Department de Geologia Dinamica, Universitat de Barcelona, Zona Universitaria de Pedralbes,
Barcelona, Spain
W. Sassi, Institut Francais de Petrole, 92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex, France
G. Schonborn, Geological Institute of Basel University, Bernoullistrasse 32, Basel, Switzerland
W.T. Snedden, Texaco E&P Technology Division, Houston, Texas, USA
J.H. Spang, Department of Geology and Center for Tectonophysics, Texas A&M University College Station,
Texas, USA
J. Suppe, Department of Geological and Geophysical Science, Guyot Hall, Princeton University, New Jersey,
P.W.G. Tanner, Department of Geology and Applied Geology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland
A. Teixell, Division de Geologia, ITGE, Jaca, Spain
P.J. Treloar, Department of Geology, Imperial College, London, UK
J.L. Varsek, Department of Geology and Geophysics, The University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
J. Verges, Servei Geologic de Catalunya, Parallel, Barcelona, Spain
M.S. Wilkerson, Department of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA
S.D. Willett, Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada
D.V. Wiltschko, Department of Geology and Center for Tectonophysics, Texas A&M University College
Station, Texas, USA
S. Wojtal, Department of Geology, Oberhn College, Oberhn, Ohio, USA
N.B. Woodward, 26117 Viewland Drive, Damascus, Maryland, USA
R. Zoetemeijer, Institut Francais du Petrole, 92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex, France

The papers presented in this volume were part of the Thrust Tectonics Conference held at Royal Holloway and
Bedford New College, University of London from 4-7 April 1990. The Conference and production of this
volume were greatly assisted by the generous sponsorship of the Geology Department, Royal Holloway and
Bedford New College, Brasoil UK Ltd, BP Petroleum Development PLC, Chevron Petroleum UK Ltd, Clyde
Petroleum, Enterprise Oil, Esso Exploration and Production Ltd and Shell Petroleum UK.
The staff and students of the Geology Department, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, in particular
Tim Liverton, Luis D'el Rey Silva, Martin Insley, James Dobson, Kevin D'Souza and Sandra Muir, are
thanked for their assistance and support in running the conference.
The authors who submitted manuscrips for consideration for publication in this volume are thanked for their
efforts and particularly for following the editor's guidelines and submitting in Macintosh format. Minor
grammatical changes in the texts remain the responsibility of the editor.
The manuscrips were ably and promptly reviewed by the persons listed below, many of whom kindly
reviewed two or more papers:

J. Alvarez-Marron L Davison M. Insley G. Roberts

A. Baird D. De Paor C. Izatt M. Rowan
A. Bally J. Dewey C. Jackson E. Rutter
C. Banks D. Dietrich W. Jamison D. Sanderson
A. Barber P. Ellis G. Karner W. Sassi
S. Boyer P. Fermor R. Knipe J. Suppe
M. Brandon M. Ford P. Kooms C. Talbot
K. Brodie H. Gabrielse G. Lloyd G. Tanner
R. Brown R. Gayer G. Manby R. Thompson
R. Butler D. Gee N. Mancktelow P. Treloar
T. Chapman P. Geiser A. McCaig J. Warburton
P. Cobbold R. Graham A. Meneilly P. Weston
M. Cooper R, Groshong G. Mitra J. Wheeler
J. Cosgrove S. Hall S. Mitra N. White
D. Cowan W. Higgs J. Munoz G. Yeilding
M. Coward R. Holdsworth A. Pfiffner R. Zoetemeijer.
F. Dahlen W. Horsfield R. Price
M. Daly D. Hutton A. Roberts

Finally a special vote of heartfelt thanks goes to Andrew D. Scott and Ruth Durrell for their invaluable and
cheerful assistance in organizing the conference and in the production of this volume. This book was compiled
and typeset by R. Durrell, A. Scott and K. McClay, Geology Department, Royal Holloway and Bedford New
College, University of London using Microsoft Word 4.0® and Pagemaker 4.0®. Kevin D'Souza kindly
produced the PMTs. Phototypesetting was done at the Typesetting Bureau of the University of London
Computer Centre.

Ken McClay
Geology Department
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College
University of London
Thrust Tectonics: An introduction

K.R. McClay

Department of Geology, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College,

University of London, Egham, Surrey, England TW20 OEX.

Since the first Thrust and Nappe Tectonics Conference in London in 1979 (McClay & Price 1981), and the Toulouse Meeting
on Thrusting and Deformation in 1984 (Piatt et al. 1986) there have been considerable advances in the study of thrust systems
incorporating new field observations, conceptual models, mechanical models, analogue and numerical simulations, together
with geophysical studies of thrust belts. Thrust Tectonics 1990 was an International Conference convened by the editor and
held at Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London, Egham Surrey, from April 4th until April 7th 1990.
There were one hundred and seventy participants from all continents except South America. The conference was generously
sponsored by Brasoil U.K. Limited, BP Exploration, Chevron U.K. Limited, Clyde Petroleum, Enterprise Oil, Esso
Exploration and Production UK Limited, and Shell U.K. Exploration and Production.

One hundred and five contributions were presented at the meeting, - seventy six oral presentations (together with poster
displays) and an additional twenty nine posters without oral presentation (McClay 1990, conference abstract volume).

The thirty six papers presented in this volume represent a distillation of the material presented at the conference and are
grouped into thematic sections that follow the main topics of discussion at the meeting. To an extent the grouping of papers
into specific thematic sets is somewhat arbitrary as there are many common linkages between the various sections. In
particular many papers focus upon both the geometries of thrust systems and their kinematic evolution - a recurring theme
throughout the volume. Space limitations prevented publication of all of the papers presented at the meeting but it is hoped
that this volume will provide the reader with an appreciation of the current research themes and concepts of thrust systems.
The contents of the volume are summarized below.

The first section of this volume i s headed' Theoretical aspects and thrust mechanics'. Beaumont et al. describe an elegant
finite element model of the evolution of the Southern Alps of New Zealand. The model incorporates tectonic data, erosional
and orthographic data and demonstrates surprisingly that the climate, erosion and fluvial systems are coupled to the orogenic
evolution such that the structural and metamorphic style of this thrust belt may be controlled by the fluvial erosion and climate
on the western flank of the Southern Alps. Willett presents a finite-element model of Coulomb wedges in order to simulate
the growth of accretionary prisms and foreland fold and thrust belts. The model demonstrates self-similar growth of the
Coulomb wedge and investigates the kinematics and particle velocities of critical wedges growing by accretion. Changes in
the boundary conditions of the wedge (e.g. a change in the basal friction) changes the wedge geometry and thus may permit
out of sequence thrusting (increase in basal friction) or extensional collapse of the wedge whilst in compression (decrease in
basal friction). Bombolakis examines the partitioning of elastic strains and strain-rate dependent ductile deformation in the
emplacement of the frontal parts of thrust systems. He demonstrates that significant thrust movement in these environments
can occur by aseismic processes. Wojtal presents a one-dimensional model for plane and non-plane power-law flow in
shortening and elongating thrust zones. He concludes that viscous creep is significant along external thrust faults and that
fluid assisted diffusive mass transfer processes (pressure solution) are important deformation mechanisms in the fine-grained
banded cataclasites of such thrust systems.

The second section of this volume titled 'Physical modelling' contains four papers on analogue modelling of thrust
structures. Dixon & Liu investigate the formation of foreland fold and thrust belts using scaled centrifuge models. They
demonstrate that folding precedes thrusting, and that the thrust periodicity is inherited from the buckling wavelength of the
antecedent fold systems. The models also demonstrate the 3D coalescence of small thrusts to form larger thrust systems. Liu
et al. present a detailed study of sandbox models of thrust systems found in accretionary wedges and foreland fold and thrust
belts. The boundary conditions of the models were systematically varied and the results are in broad agreement with Coulomb
wedge theories (cf. Davis et al. 1983; Dahlen 1990). Low basal friction models are characterised by both foreland-vergent
and hinterland-vergent thrust faults (i.e. backthrusts) as well as low critical tapers of the resultant Coulomb wedge.
Intermediate basal friction models show a dominance of foreland-vergent thrust systems whereas models in which the
coefficient of friction at the base is equal to that within the wedge, depart from ideal Coulomb wedges and show greater tapers
than predicted by theory. Marshak et al. investigate the generation of curved thrust belts using viscous analogue models.

finite difference models and sandbox models. They conclude that curved fold and thrust belts may be generated by differential
displacement such as that resulting from the interaction with obstacles or along strike variations in sediment thicknesses.
McCIay & Buchanan investigate the geometries of thrust systems formed by inversion of extensional basins. Sandbox
models demonstrate the complexities of thrusts produced by inversion - steep angle thrusts, footwall shortcut thrusts,
backthrusts and both 'forward-breaking' and 'break-back' thrust sequences.

The third section of this volume is titled - 'Thrust geometries and thrust systems' and focuses upon geometric and kinematic
problems of thrust systems. Suppe et al. set out the theory for the geometry of growth folding associated with kink band
folding, fault-bend folding and fault-propagation folding. They demonstrate that the stratal geometries of growth sequences
may be used to determine fault slip rates and illustrate their results with both seismic and map examples of growth fold systems.
Mosar & Suppe introduce the theory for fault-propagation folding with variable shear. They show how the geometries of
fault-propagation or tip-line folds may be significantly altered by layer parallel shear. Zoetemeijer & Sassi describe a
computer method for 2D reconstruction of thrust systems using the fault-bend fold model. The method can incorporate
syntectonic sedimentation and erosion. The problems of three dimensional thrust geometries developed over oblique ramps
are tackled by Apotria etal. They describe a detailed kinematic analysis of fault-bend fold interactions at frontal and oblique
ramps and illustrate their results with both cross-sections and map views. The stress controls on thrust related folding are
addressed by Jamison. He proposes that the style of folding in a thrust belt is a result of the competition between buckling
and faulting and as such is dependent upon the depth of burial and tectonic regime. The hypothesis is illustrated with examples
from the Rocky Mountain thrust belt. Rowan & Kligfleld present a kinematic analysis of asymmetric detachment folds from
the Wildhom nappe, Helvetic Alps. They propose that overthrust shear between the nappe boundaries generated buckle folds
and rotational strains within the nappe system. Alonso & Teixell describe an analysis of fault-propagation folds in which
the forelimbs are thinned by heterogeneous simple shear localized at ramps and not penetrative through the whole of the thrust
sheet. The progressive geometric evolution of thrust faults and related folds is examined by Fisclier & Woodward. They
propose, using examples from both Wyoming and the Appalachians, that fold-thrust systems do not evolve in a self-similar
fashion but argue that variations of fold-thrust structures along strike in a thrust belt do not represent temporal variations in
evolution but rather reflect intrinsic variations in the mechanical response of the stratigraphic package to contraction.

Ramsay argues against unquestioning acceptance and wholesale application of preconceived geometric models for thrust-
fold systems - particularly those where the deformation is concentrated in the hangingwalls of thrust faults. He describes
examples where footwall deflection is important and advocates many more detailed studies of natural thrust systems. The
geometries and kinematics of duplex structures are addressed by Tanner who proposes that the Boyer & Elliott (1982) model
does not universally apply and that many natural duplex systems show indications of synchronous fault movement. The use
of palaeomagnetic studies to determine rotations about vertical axes in thrust belts is reviewed by McCaig & McClelland
whereas Hatcher & Hooper review the main characteristics of thrust sheets that involve crystalline basement in the interior
parts of mountain belts.

The fourth section on the 'Pyrenees' concerns recent research which integrates structural, sedimentological and geophysical
results. An overview and balanced crustal cross-section of the Pyrenean continental collision belt is presented by Munoz.
He points out the discrepancy between the cross-sectional length of the upper crust and that of the lower crust and argues for
subduction of Iberian lower crust northwards under the European crust. The structural, stratigraphic and sedimentological
evolution of the southern Pyrenean foreland basins is synthesized by Puigdefabregas et al. The evolution of the foreland
basin sequences is described with reference to the patterns of thrusting. Verges et al. investigate the role of the foreland
evaporitic sequences in controlling the evolution and emplacement of the frontal thrust systems and demonstrate their
influence on the strike of the thrust system and on the location of oblique ramps. The palaeomagnetic study of Dinares et
al. demonstrates that up to 45° rotation about vertical axes occurs in thrust sheets associated with oblique ramps in the southern
Pyrenean thrust belt.

The fifth section of this volume contains five papers on the 'Alps'. Laubscher addresses the problems of linked com-
pression and strike-slip tectonics in the central Alps and quantifies the E-W strike-slip components. Butler describes the
western Chartreuse fold and thrust system and emphasizes the role of folding and preexisting extensional structures in the
evolution of the belt. The detailed geometries and kinematics of a transverse zone in the southern Alps are analysed by
Schonborn. Jordan & Noak develop models for the evolution of the hangingwall geometries of thrust systems developed
above ductile decollements and apply these to examples in the Jura. The final paper in this section by Doglioni describes the
structure of the Venetian Alps.

The sixth section of this book contains two papers on the 'Himalayas'. Treloar etal. summarize the kinematic evolution
of the northwest Himalayas linking displacement patterns, thrust sequences with the analysis of rotations of the thrust sheets
using palaeomagnetic data. Jadoon et al. describe the geometry and kinematics of the Sulaiman fold belt, Pakistan.

The final section contains five papers on the 'North American Cordillera'. Brown etal. describe the Monashee decollement
in the southern Canadian Cordillera. Using new LITHOPROBE data they are able to demonstrate the existence of a linked
detachment from the Rocky Mountain foreland fold and thrust belt through to the accreted terranes on the western margin of
the Canadian Cordillera. Evenchick describes the newly recognized Skeena fold belt and demonstrates a kinematic linkage
between the Coast Plutonic complex and the Omineca and Rocky Mountain fold and thrust belts. The geometric and kinematic
evolution of duplex systems is addressed by Boyer with reference to duplexes in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains
and in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. He argues that these duplexes evolved through synchronous thrust movement - not
by a sequential, forward-breaking 'piggy-back' sequence. Cooper describes a detailed subsurface fracture analysis of thrust-
related folds in the Foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The last paper in this section by Rubin & Saleeby describes
the thrust belt features in the interior of the orogen between the Intermontane and Insular terranes of the North American

It will be evident to a reader of this volume that the theoretical and conceptual models for the geometries and kinematic
evolution of high-level foreland fold and thrust belt systems are well developed and highly sophisticated (Suppe etal. 1991,
this volume; Mosar & Suppe 1991, this volume). However, detailed field observations are still needed to test their applicability
particularly with respect to the question of whether thrust structures evolve in a self-similar fashion (Fischer & Woodward
1991, this volume) (cf.fault related folds) or whether they evolve through different structural forms (e.g. from detachment
folds - to fault propagation folds - to fault bend folds). It is also apparent that whilst the external zones of thrust belts are
relatively well studied, the interior parts of orogens are less well understood and require much more detailed research on the
more complex thrust systems found therein. Field work will need to be integrated with geophysical data and sections of the
whole crust and lithosphere will need to be constructed. Petrofabric, strain and P-T-t data are needed in order to interpret the
processes operating during thrust emplacement. The mechanics of thrust belt evolution are now being addressed using
Coulomb wedge models (cf. Willett 1991, this volume), variationsof which may provide answers for the problems of fault
sequencing in thrust belts. It is apparent that, from both analogue modelling (Dixon & Liu 1991, this volume; Liu et al. 1991,
this volume) and from field studies (Boyer 1991, this volume), synchronous thrust movement is a significant element in the
kinematic evolution of foreland fold and thrust belts. This therefore will have important implications for thrust sequences
and the balancing and restoration of cross-sections in thrust terranes.

Field based research, however, is the ultimate test of the theoretical, conceptual, numerical and analogue models. It is clear
that the better understanding of thrust belts - for example that of the Canadian Rocky Mountains (e.g. Price 1981; Evenchick
1991, this volume; Brown er al. 1991, this volume) and of the Pyrenees (e.g. Munoz 1991, this volume; Puigdefabregas et
al. 1991, this volume), stems from detailed fieldwork that integrates structural geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology and
geophysical data. Future research on thrust tectonics will still need to be firmly based upon multidisciplinary field studies
if progress is to be made in the understanding of the geometries, kinematics and mechanics of thrust systems.


Boyer, S.E. 1991. Geometric evidence for synchronous thrusting in the McClay.K.R. 1990. {ed.)Thnisttectonics 1990. Programme with abstracts
southern Alberta and northwest Montana thrust belts, this volume. volume, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of
Boyer, S.E. & Elliott, D. 1982. Thrust systems. American Associcition of London, I06p.
Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, (,(>, 1196-1230. McClay, K.R. & Price, N.J. 1981. (eds). Thrust and Nappe Tectonics.
Brown, R, L., Carr, S. D., Johnson, B, J., Coleman, V. J.. Cook, F. A. & Geological Society of London Special Publication, 9, 544p.
Varsek.J.L. 1991. The Monashee decollement of the southern Canadian Mufioz, J. A. 1991. Evolution of a continental collision belt: ECORS-
Cordillera: a crustal-scale shear zone linking the Rocky Mountain Pyrenees crustal balanced cross-section, this volume.
Foreland Belt to lower crust beneath accreted terranes, this volume. Mosar, J. & Suppe, J. 1991. Role of shear in fault-propagation folding, this
Dahlen, F.A. 1990. Critical taper model of fold-and-thrust belts and accre- volume.
tionary wedges. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 18,5.S- Piatt, J.P., Coward, M.P., Deramond, J. & Hossack, J. 1986. (eds) Thrusting
99. and Deformation, Journal of Structural Geology, 8, 215 - 483.
Davis, D., Suppe, J. & Dahlen, F.A. 1983. Mechanics of fold-and-thrust belts Price, R.A. 1981. The Cordilleran foreland thrust and fold belt in the southern
and accretionary wedges. Journal of Geophysical Research, 94,10,347- Canadian Rocky Mountains. In: McClay, K.R. & Price, N.J. (eds). Thrust
54. and Nappe Tectonics, Geological Society of London Special Publica-
Dixon, J. M. & Shumin Liu. 1991. Centrifuge modelling of the propagation tion, 9, 427-448.
of thrust faults, this volume. Puigdefabregas, C , Mufioz. J. A. & Verges, J. 1991. Thrusting and foreland
Evenchick, C. A. 1991. The Skeena fold belt: a link between the Coast basin evolution in the Southern Pyrenees, this volume.
Plutonic Complex, the Omineca Belt and the Rocky Mountain fold and Suppe, J., Chou, G. T. & Hook, S. C. 1991. Rates of folding and faulting
thrust belt, this volume. determined from growth strata, this volume.
Fischer, M. P. & Woodward, N. B. 1991. The geometric evolution of Willett, S. D. 1991. Dynamic and kinematic growth and change of a
foreland thrust systems, this volume. Coulomb wedge, this volume.
Liu Huiqi, McClay, K. R. & Powell, D. 1991. Physical models of thrust
wedges, this volume.
Theoretical aspects and thrust mechanics
Erosional control of active compressional orogens
Christopher Beaumont, Philippe Fullsack & Juliet Hamilton

Oceanography Department, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,

Canada B3H 4J1

Abstract: Denudation has long been acknowledged as a process that contributes to the unroofing
of compressional orogens. It has, however, mainly been considered as a passive process, not one
that can dictate or control the tectonic evolution. This view prevails despite the knowledge that
the style of deformation is controlled by the interplay of gravitational and tectonic stresses: an
interplay that is sensitive to the mass removed by denudation.
This paper presents a model designed to investigate the syn-tectonic style of a compressional orogen
that is subject to large-scale denudation. The model couples tectonics and erosion in the following
manner. The rate of lithospheric deformation, including surface uplift, is calculated by a plane-
strain rigid plastic and/or viscous model of the lithosphere's response to tectonic compression. A
digital erosion model acts on the current planform surface of the orogen to redistribute mass by a
combination of short-range (hillslope) diffusion and long-range (fluvial) transport.
The fluvial network is recharged by a model of orographic rainfall in which the distribution is
related to the current model topography. Tectonic uplift is added to the planform surface at the
beginning of each erosional timestep. The current planform topography after erosion is averaged
along the direction normal to compression and is then used to define the surface for the next step
of the tectonic model.
Preliminary results compare favourably with the orogen-scale precipitation, morphology and
tectonics of the Southern Alps of South Island, New Zealand. The potential importance of at-
mospheric coupling to orogenic evolution is illustrated by results from contrasting models of the
Southern Alps in which: (1) there is no erosion; (2) rainfall is derived from a westerly source, and;
(3) rainfall is derived from an easterly source. If the model is correct, the structural and metamor-
phic style of this orogen is controlled by fluvial denudation of its western flank charged by the
orographic precipitation.

Can erosion control the evolution of compressional orogens the component of the stress tensor within the wedge that is
at the scale of the orogen? This paper investigates the way in related to the weight of the overburden. Additional deformation
which orographic rainfall and consequent erosion of a follows because the yield strength of the Coulomb (frictional)
mountain belt may be linked to the tectonics of the underlying material decreases as overburden is removed.
deforming orogen. If this analysis is correct, palaeoclimatic It may, alternatively, be argued that a viscous, not Coulomb
information may be required before the evolution of ancient orplastic, theology is more appropriate for orogenic mechanics
orogens can be fully understood. at the largest scale. If this is true, the viscous sheet model
The basis of the coupling between erosion and deforma- (England & McKenzie 1982; Vilotte et al. 1986, among
tion was discussed by Jamieson & Beaumont (1988, 1989). others) demonstrates the relative importance of gravitational
They linked the concept of critical topography (Chappie and tectonic forces on the velocity and strain-rate distribu-
1978; Stockmal 1983; Davis etal. 1983; Dahlen 1984, among tions within the sheet through their ratio, the Argand number.
others) applied at the orogen scale, which they termed critical For finite Argand numbers gravitational forces limit orogenic
shape, to syn-tectonic deformation within the orogen when thickening, a plateau develops and high strain rate regions are
the critical shape is destroyed by erosion. The purpose of this limited to the periphery of the plateau. When erosion removes
paper is to quantify these concepts. A critical orogen will mass from the plateau or its flanks, gravitational stabilization
respond to erosion by a perturbation to the internal velocity is reduced and strain rates correspondingly increase where
distribution that will act to restore the critical shape. Persist- erosion has occurred. The vertical strain, coupled with
ent erosion leads to exhumation of material from within the isostatic adjustment, induces enhanced uplift as a response to
orogen in proportion to the mass removed by erosion. The the erosion. If erosion persists, the coupled tectonic response
process may control how rocks from deep within an orogen induces exhumation of the crust in the viscous sheet model
are exposed at the surface. that is equivalent to that of the eroding Coulomb wedge.
By considering erosion of a critical Coulomb wedge in The strain within a deforming compressional orogen is
steady state, Dahlen & Barr (1989) and Barr & Dahlen (1989) related to the internal state of stress, irrespective of the
illustrated the consequences of the dynamic steady state for rheology. At crustal and lithospheric scales gravitationally
the velocity distribution, and pressure-temperature-time (PTt) induced stress is as important as tectonic stress. It follows that
paths of rocks as they pass through the wedge. Erosion the syn-tectonic deformation of an orogen will be modified
destroys the critical state of the deforming wedge by reducing by erosion.

C. B E A U M O N T £7/iL.

Coupled Oroaen and Erosion Model Here the assumption is made that when the deformation is
large, elastic strains are negligible, and a rigid-plastic rheology
-~~-/\ TECTONIC is used to model brittle behaviour of an orogen. The theory
is briefly described (see also Willett 1991, this volume) and
LANDFORM MOI L/ /I it is shown to be formally analogous to a viscous rheology.
On the basis of this analogy the Stokes equation for a viscous
PLANE STRAIN fluid is used to solve incrementally for the velocity and strain
DYNAMIC rate for each step of the deformation.

Rigid-plastic rheology
• Orogen Evolution
• Surface Processes and Morphology A rigid-plastic material does not deform until stresses reach
• Topogrophy-Climate Coupling a yield level, at which point it deforms according to a plastic
• Consequences for Tectonics and
P-T-t Paths
flow rule, the stresses never exceeding the yield level. In the
Levy-Mises theory (Malvern 1969), the rigid and plastically
deforming regions are governed by:

Rigid branch Plastic branch

Figure 1. Conceptual illustration of the coupled plane-strain tectonic and
surface processes model. Orogenic evolution is controlled by the interplay y2(o')<o5 (1) (2)
of deformation, driven by tectonic compression, with surface transport by
hillslope and fluvial processes. Potential applications of the model are listed
0 e = k<5'
at bottom right.
where, e= 2"(Vu +V T'x)) is the instantaneous strain rate for
Dahlen & Barr (1989) solve the problem of exhumation in velocity field ij , o' is the deviatoric stress tensor,
a steady-state Coulomb critical wedge. The corresponding 7, (o') = a' c/ /2 is the second invariant of a', and a is the
exhumation for a steady-state viscous sheet can be derived yield stress. /: is a positive scalar which varies spatially so that
from the zero Argand number plane-stress solution (England the constraint equations of the rigid and plastic branches and
& McKenzie 1982) if it is also assumed that the sheet deforms the boundary conditions will be satisfied.
by pure shear. This approach is different because a steady The simple model also assumes that plastic deformation is
state in which the geometry remains static, and uplift and incompressible, that is v • e =0- which, when coupled with
erosion are equal is not assumed a priori. Instead, this paper the equilibrium equations, is used to determine the pressure.
considers the dynamic interaction between a deforming orogen
and the erosion of its topography by mass diffusion and
fluvial transport. The model (Fig. 1) links a planform surface Pseudo-viscous analogy
mass transport model with a cross-sectional plane-strain For a linear viscous rheology, viscosity rj ,
model of crustal tectonics in which the plane is normal to
strike of the compressional orogen. It is assumed that the
orogen responds to an areal average of the surface mass £ = —o (3)
redistribution. If this is correct, the complete three-dimensional 11

solution of the tectonic problem is not required. Instead, the

plane-strain tectonic model is coupled with the strike average It can be seen that J2 (o') < o^ when rigid behaviour (eqn.
of the surface mass redistribution. The evolution of the 1) can be approximated, e ~ 0, by letting ri take a very large
surface therefore represents the erosional response to orogenic value, rioo, in equation (3). Correspondingly, taking an effec-
uplift which does not vary along strike. tive viscosity y\g in equation (3) such that r| ^ = o" //2 (e)
simultaneously satisfies both requirements of a plastically
The formulation of the tectonic and surface mass transport
deforming region (eqns 2). An equivalence therefore exists
models is first discussed and preliminary model results are
between viscous and Levy-Mises plastic flows such that a
then compared with the Southern Alps of central South
proper choice of effective viscosity can always be made to
Island, New Zealand, which independent evidence suggests
approximate the rigid plastic equations.
is a near steady-state orogen.

Velocity and deformation calculations

Tectonic model
Having shown that the rigid plastic constitutive equation can
When modelling the dynamics of lithospheric deformation be represented by an effective viscosity, the deformation can
assumptions have to be made about the constitutive relation- be found by solving the conservation of momentum equation
ship between the stress field, and the deformation and its rate. for viscous fluid flow, the Navier-Stokes equation. The
Elastic-plastic, rigid-plastic and viscous rheologies are com- inertial term is not required because large, long-term defor-
monly used to represent brittle-frictional and ductile regions. mation of the lithosphere is a quasistatic process. The

governing equations are therefore: of the erodable surface boundary layer and subscript s de-
notes short range slope processes, u^ and h^ may be combined
rifV2v - V/7+pg = 0 (equilibrium) (4) as a single transport coefficient K = u^ h , but it is useful to
distinguish between them, partly because they represent
V- v = 0 (incompressibility) (5) different processes, u^ the ease of material transport once it
has become fragmented and, h^ the steady-state thickness of
the boundary layer in which cohesion has been destroyed by
subject to the boundary conditions. Equations (4) and (5) are weathering. As Carson & Kirkby (1972) explain, h^ is gov-
solved for u in the current configuration which is then updated emed by the rock type, the surface processes at work and the
before the next step of the solution. relative timescales of downslope transport versus weather-
The equilibrium distribution of the pseudo viscosity, ri^, ing. In our model the poorly understood problem of weath-
is found by iteration. A high level of stress, generated by ering is avoided and the thickness of the weathered layer is
assuming ri,, = r\„ everywhere and applying the boundary represented by parameters h for crustal rocks that have not
conditions, is relaxed progressively by 'softening' locations been previously transported and h^ for alluvium created by
where this level of stress exceeds the yield. Both plastic and the model. An improved model will include the processes
viscous regions of the lithosphere can be included in the which determine the spatial dependence of h^.
solution by assigning a fixed 'true' viscosity where appropri- If it is also assumed that there is no tectonic transport of the
ate. This technique is used to examine the effect of a basal surface material, that volume is conserved and that the effects
viscous boundary layer. of solution are negligible, the transport equation can be
Computations were made using a modified form of the combined with the continuity equation.
finite element code ADINA (ADINA 1987).
Typical solutions on a CRAY-XMP require 40s to deform
a crustal scale 30 x 60 element grid of 4-noded elements by dt ^ (7)
400 m.
to give the linear diffusion equation for the rate of change of
local height, the denudation, in response to erosion by the short
Surface transport model range processes.

The surface volume transport and the evolution of topogra- dh_

phy and morphology at the orogenic scale is considered in ^=u,h,V2h (8)
terms of a quantitative, yet simple, model of the interaction
between short range and long range transport on a cellular The short-range transport operates on a regular square
topographic grid. ThemodelissimilartoChase's(1988,1989, cellular topographic grid, cell side lengthen (Fig. 2). Transport
pers. comm.) precipitation model of fluvial landsculpting, but to each cell) from its surrounding eight neighbours is con-
differs because this paper considers distributed orographic sidered in turn on the assumption that during the interval At
rainfall and the cumulative effect of fluvial discharge down the flux is in a dynamically steady state; that is, it does not
a drainage network. While Chase's approach is appropriate
for an arid environment subject to small-scale isolated storm Short Range (Hillslope) Diffusive Transport
events, our model includes large-scale distributed discharge
in continuously flowing rivers. Sediment transport is the sum
of the two independent processes, which are assumed to be in
a dynamic steady state during each of the model steps of
length At.

Short range transport

The short range transport model represents the cumulative
effect of processes (soil creep, landslides, rainsplash, surface
and subsurface wash) that remove material from hill and
mountain sides and transport it to the valleys (Carson &
Kirkby 1972). Here Culling (1960,1965), Coleman & Watson
(1983) and Flemings & Jordan (1989), for example, are
followed by representing the sum of these processes as linear
downslope diffusion of material volume. The horizontal
flux, 5y is related to the local slope, Vh, by
i v = -M'shs^h
Figure 2. Illustration of the diffusive transport model on part of the cellular
where u is the transport speed, h is the vertical height scale topography.

Table 1. Model Parameters, Dimensions, and Values

Model parameters Dimensions Values

Tectonic model
Internal angle of friction 0 - 20°
Pore Pressure ratio X - 0.36
Density of crust P ML' 2800 kg m-3
Viscosity of basal shear zone 1 ML-i T ' 3x 10'* Pas
Depth of basal shear zone ds L <250m
Velocity of boundary ^0 LT-' 2 X 10'^ myr'
Increment in boundary
displacement per timestep L 400 m
Duration of tectonic timestep AT T 2x i C y r
Surface Processes Model: Models 2 & 3
Size of grid LxL 104 X 72 km
Cell size CL X fZ. LxL (2x 10')x(2x 10') m^
Duration of erosion substeps AT/m T 2x lO^yr
Short Range Processes
Transport speed "s LT' 1x10-2 ^yr-i
Erodability height scale hs L
Crust he L Im
Alluvium ha L 5m
Diffusion coefficient Ks = Ushs L^T-'
Crust hfiis 1 x 10-2 m V '
Alluvium haUs 5x 10-2 m V
Water flux (in form sw(0) L-T-i 3x 1 0 ' ' m V '
of water vapour) incident
on model
Topographic scale height hR L 4 x 10'm
Length scale IR L 4 x lO^m
Extraction efficiency OR = hR IR L^ 1.6 X 10^ n r
Source Model 2 from west (strictly, northwest)
Model 3 from east (strictly, southeast)
Long Range Processes
Long range transport l^f - 10-2
Erosion/deposition If L
length scale
Crust k L 10-^ m
Alluvium la L 2 x lO^'m
Deposition lf=CL/2 L 10'm

vary during Af. If neighbour/ is higher than^, the volume of This explicit method of calculation is valid if the change
material transported between the two cells {Qs)ij in time Ar is in height is small by comparison with the overall topography,
the space-time integrated form of equation 6 in which all 2

quantities in capital letters are assumed to be averaged at the a constraint that places an upper bound on Vt«T=c^ lus^s •
cell scale. The effects of 'dry' and 'wet' (that is, water enhanced)
transport can be considered separately in the short-range
transport model. The overall model remains diffusive with
equation 8 modified to
(Qs)ij •"^'^T[JPI,^^' (9)
dt'' \^ + —)h•'s V2/! (11)
(AH /AL)ij is the average slope between the cell centres. The
factor r;^/2 results from integration ofthe sediment flux along
a representative length ofthe cell boundary. The total length,
where Tj^ is the average rainfall accumulation rate and D^ is
4ci, is shared equally among the eight possible transport
the rainfall rate required to keep the diffusing layer saturated.
directions (Fig. 2). There is no transport upslope to higher cells.
The\)/j / v'ff enhancement term can be interpreted as contributing
The equivalent space-time integration of the continuity
to increase the downslope transport velocity and/or to in-
equation gives the change in height of celly, (D^)y , (Fig. 2)
crease the steady-state value of h .
once all of the (Qs)ij components have been calculated,
The relative rates of 'wet' and 'dry' transport are not well
8 known, therefore this paper does not attempt to distinguish
(10) them but instead uses only one average transport coefficient
(Ds)^ =
for each of crustal rocks and alluvium (Table 1). It should,
however, be remembered that the transport velocity or the

thickness of the eroding boundary layer may vary consider-

ably with aridity and elevation on the scale of a mountain belt. q,-{x.y ) / (x,y ) =
J VR(x^,yi)
I ( xx,y\)dA,
^ -^^
Long range transport
where / is the drainage direction assumed to be down the
The long-range transport model represents the cumulative
steepest slope, -OR represents the precipitation that contrib-
effect of fluvial transport either as bedload or in suspension.
utes to surface runoff and that recharges the river system.
No attempt is made to distinguish the river type, or any of its
Evaporation and infiltration are assumed to be negligible,
dynamic characteristics. Instead, the local equilibrium sedi-
although their effect could be added. The dynamically
ment carrying capacity, q!^, of the long range transport system
steady-state nature of the model means that there is no storage
is considered proportional to its local power (Begin et al.
of water and that precipitation is balanced by discharge.
1981; Armstrong 1980),
In order to calculate the river discharge on the cellular grid,
eqh A
a model is required that predicts the precipitation (Fig. 3) and
/ =-K q,. I — (12)
•f^r^ dl the calculation of the collection of runoff by the fluvial
where i is the local direction of the river and the product of network (Fig. 4). For the applications discussed here the
the discharge, q^, and the slope, dh /dl, is its power. While precipitation is taken to be orographic in response to uplift
equation 12 obviously simplifies the true nature of sediment and adiabatic decompression of moist air as it passes over the
transport in a particular river, it does represent the first-order model topography (Fig. 3). This paper considers cases where
property of rivers to transport sediment. The form of equa- the prevailing direction of incidence of the air masses is
tion 12 is also amenable to improvement by making qj^ a normal to one of the boundaries of the grid, taken here to be
more general function of q^ and dh /dl. The simple form is the X direction, and that the speed is uniform over the grid and
also consistent with the design of the cellular surface trans- does not vary with time. These restrictions can be removed
port model; that it be as simple as possible, involve the least by integrating the equations along flux tubes if a more general
number of parameters and yet represent transport on timescales model is required. Let ^H^ {X = 0) be the flux of water, in the
> 10' years and spatial scales > 10' m. form of water vapour, per unit length normal to the direction
of flow. Then, conversion of this flux to precipitation rate
Fluvial discharge is related to the net precipitation accu-
v/i (x) is assumed to follow the relationship,
mulation rate, vn by conservation of water over the upstream
watershed area. dsw(x) hi
VR{X) -- .(-V)
dx 'hRlR

where OR = HR IR is an extraction efficiency parameter gov-

erned by the topographic scale height, hR ,andthe length scale,
IR , over which 1/e of the available precipitation would be
Long Range (Fluvial) Transport M o d e l extracted were h (x)=hR. The physics of orographic precipi-
tation is more complex than this simple model and the ex-
Distributed Precipitation Collected by traction efficiency will vary with geographic location and
Drainage Network climate, therefore OR is considered to be a free parameter in
the model. Its value is chosen so that the precipitation agrees
o with observations.
The equivalent space-time integrated precipitation, Rj, that
contributes to the river system on cell / in time At (Fig. 3) is
given by.
Hi 2 2

where/// is the height of the cell, V/; the average precipitation

accumulation rate, and

iSw)i= SwiO)-- (16)
ciAt 1 = 1

is the average water flux in the form of water vapour over cell
Figure 3. Illustration of the orographic rainfall model in which the clouds (. The flux Sw (0) can also be considered as the effect of a
diagrammatically represent a long-term integrated precipitation source in the water column, height h^ (0), that is advected over the
form of water vapour that is progressively depleted as it passes over one row
of the cellular topography. The corresponding precipitation distribution is
shown in the diagrammatic graph.

Long Range (Fluvial) Transport M o d e l dq

Distributed Rainfall Collected by Drainage
where qt
and qf are local equilibrium and local, integrated
fluxes and J is the local river direction. This reaction
equation is equivalent to the more usual form written on the
concentrations because the integrated flux, qf = cVfAf, is
proportional to the local mean sediment concentration, c, in
a dynamically steady-state river which has constant sediment
transport velocity, Vf, and constant cross section Af
In a stationary (Eulerian) coordinate system,

dq dq
v-?. (21)
dt dt I

which reduces to vJdq/dl in our steady-state model

which assumes that fluxes do not vary with time during the
interval At. Under these circumstances the time depend-
Figure 4. lUustrationof the steepest descent drainage network on part of
ence of erosion or deposition takes the form of a spatial
the cellular topography when precipitation is distributed.
topography with velocity •Uj^, x • The s u m m a t i o n
n = 1,... / -1 is over the upwind direction from cell /. d^
"•y A / / eqb
Having determined the precipitation, the space-time inte- y)
grated discharge, from equation 13, for cell j (Fig. 4) is
-Ri .™ where If = vf tf. For constant t y , If is a material property, the
erosion-deposition length scale required for the disequilibrium
where k is the cell among the surrounding eight to which the to be reduced by l/e when qf is constant.
descent is steepest and {AQr)jk is the increment in total dis- When qf<qf , the river either entrains alluvium cre-
charge from precipitation on cell7. The total discharge along ated by the model, in which case lf = la, or erodes the channel
jk in time At (Fig. 4) is bedrock,, in which case k =lc , where 1^-»l^. When
qf > qf , sediment is deposited from the overcapacity river
with a small // < /^' as discussed below. These relationships
(Qr)jk iRn (18) illustrate the asymmetry between the control of erosion by a
1 = /
long /(., equivalent to a large tf, and control of deposition by
where the summation is over the cells that are upstream in the a short /y, equivalent to a small f/. An implicit assumption
drainage network. The river network (Fig. 4) is determined is that steady-state is achieved in t « At or, equivalently that
by evaluating the steepest descent path between cells as a tf « At.
function of decreasing elevation. The space-time integrated form of equation 22 for erosion
The space-time integrated equilibrium sediment carrying or deposition between cells7 and k in time At is
capacity (Qr )jk of river segment)^ in time Afis, from
equation 12, eqh

i^C/V =?;4e,'f 2J
•fjjk (23)

(Qf )jk =-Kf{Qr)jk

AL jk
where a = l for adjacent cells and 2"^ for diagonally con-
nected cells. The corresponding change in height of cell y in
Capital letters again represent quantities averaged at the cell
time Af is.
scale. m
The fluvial erosion-deposition relationships are based on (24)
the simple physical assumption that the ability of a river to (% =—Z(^fi/)i«
^L n=I
entrain sediment, both as suspended and bed load, is equiva-
lent to a thermodynamic potential (P. Koons pers. comm. where the summation is over river segments entering and
1990) and is govemed by a first-order reaction in which the leaving cell j , and {'^Qf)jn = -(^Qf)nj • By taking If = ex / 2
reaction rate is proportional to a rate constant, tf, and the degree for deposition, it is ensured that excess sediment is deposited
of disequilibrium in the fluvial sediment flux as it moves in within the cell where the overcapacity developed. These
a Lagrangian sense along a river, explicit integrations are valid when tx «If, but deposition
at a scale less than ex is not resolved. In addition, by

L o n g R a n g e (Fluvial') T r a n s p o r t M o d e l
Long R a n g e (FluviaH Transport M o d e l
Sediment Transport Capacity


-'•^ - {D^l Erosion

Figure 5. Illustration of the difference between the integrated fluvial Figure 6. Illustration of the consequence for erosion or sedimentation of
transport capacity onto and away from a topographic cell. disequilibrium in sediment transport onto and away from a topographic cell.

evaluating (Q,.)y^ in the order of cells ranked by descending of the tectonics and erosional setting of the Southern Alps.
elevation and simultaneously calculating (Qf )jk , (Q/ y^ , While their models differ from our quantitative coupled
and (AQ/ )ji( avoids the need to calculate and store any model, many of the underlying concepts, which were in part
information about the overall pattern ofthe drainage network. developed during discussions with Peter Koons, have the
Calculation of fluvial erosion on cell / (Fig. 5) requires same basis.
summation of the sediment transported onto the cell by the n The plane-strain finite element model (Fig. 8) represents
rivers draining higher cells in the network, a 700 km wide region that is normal to and spans the Pacific-

iQf)lN = ^iQf)nl
The maximum transport capacity of the river draining/ to k
(Q )„ Figure 5 illustrates the example where the

inflowing rivers onto / were at or near capacity and precipi-

tation on /, Ri, did not significantly increase the discharge. Indian Plate
There is also a large decrease in the downstream slope from
/ to k, therefore, sediment, thickness (D^)/, is deposited on cell
/. It follows that all sediment is deposited at a local minimum Tasman Sea
in the topography. This paper does not, however, consider the
formation of a lake or its outflow. Figure 6 illustrates the next
step in the drainage between cells A: and p. Evenifthereisno
precipitation on k , erosion equal to (D/)^ will occur because ^^^^^ Mount Cook 2 cm/yr
the downstream carrying capacity increases by
{AQf)kp with the increase in downstream slope.

Model of the Southern Alps, New Zealand Pacific Plate 4 cm/yr

The Southern Alps of South Island, New Zealand are the

topographic expression of a young (~ 5 Ma old) coUisional 100 km
orogen that is a good example of the processes that we wish
to investigate (Fig. 7). Space limitations restrict our discus- Figure 7. Geographic and plate tectonic setting of South Island, New
sion of its development but Norris er al. (1990) describe the Zealand. The velocities are the estimates for the current average motion of
the Pacific plate with respect to the Indian plate. The relative motion is
current state of knowledge of this orogen. Furthermore,
absorbed within the deforming plate boundary. Region labelled R and shown
Koons (1989, 1990) and Norris et al. (1990) discuss models stippled is the one considered in the modelling.


Plane-Strain Finite Element Model

South Island, N e w Zealand

Pacific Plate

Shear Zone
Indian P l a t e
25 k m (Rigid)
V = 0

? Pacific P l a t e

0 300 400 700 km

Figure 8. Plane-strain finite element model used to represent the tectonics of compressional deformation of central South Island, New Zealand. The grid
has 59 X 31, 4-noded quadrilateral elements.

Indian plate boundary through central South Island. The net oligoclase gneiss, which on the basis of the phase as-
width of the model was chosen to be greater than the plate semblage kyanite-quartz-talc indicates an equilibration depth
boundary zone (Walcott 1984), therefore, the relative plate ~ 25km (Cooper 1980). This depth was therefore taken as the
velocity component normal to the Alpine fault (Fig. 7), depth of the model shear zone. Although this depth remains
presently ~ 2 cm/yr, is absorbed by crustal deformation poorly determined, the choice is consistent with interpreta-
within the modelled region. The corresponding ~ 4cm/yr tions that typical continental lithosphere tends to delaminate
relative plate velocity parallel to the boundary is not included at mid-crustal levels. The choice of model depth can also be
in the plane-strain model. This paper therefore considers only tested a posteriori for consistency with observations because
the effect of compressional deformation on the growth of the the predicted width of the zone of deformation and uplift is
Southern Alps in this example of the coupling of tectonics and related to the assumed geometry and can be compared with
erosion. the width of the Southern Alps.
It is assumed that to the right of the ramp of the Alpine The 2km thick region of the model above the rigid Indian
fault, shown dipping at 45° at the centre of the model (ED, plate (i.e. above region FE) represents crust and cover rocks
Fig. 8), crust of the Pacific plate is progressively decoupled that may thicken and detach to form a thin-skinned fold and
from the underlying lithosphere along a sub-horizontal shear thrust belt when subject to stress transmitted across the Al-
zone, located above the base of the model CD. Crust of the pine fault. This region is included in order to investigate how
Indian plate, in the footwall of the Alpine fault below ED, is deformation might propagate westward with the growth of
not included in the model because it remains rigid. Instead, the Southern Alps were there no erosion. That this region has
the model follows the conceptual interpretation, first pro- not deformed requires explanation.
posed by Wellman (1979) and subsequently by Adams (1980, A plastic-viscous rheology is used to model a frictional
1985), that detached mid and upper Pacific plate crust is crustal rheology with a basal shear zone. When the internal
uptumed and rapidly upthrust along the ramp of the Alpine angle of friction of the Drucker-Prager plastic material is
fault. taken to be 20°, the yield strength in compression, in crust
density p = 2800 kg/m', increases linearly with depth to ap-
proximately 300 MPa at 20km. This yield strength with
Crustal properties
depth relationship approximates a uniform gradient form of
The finite element model includes the Pacific plate crust in Byerlee's Law (Brace & Kohlstedt 1980) in a thrust envi-
and above the basal shear zone and east of the Alpine fault. ronment for a pore pressure ratio. A, = 0.36.
The depth of the model (BC, Fig. 8) was chosen on the The transition from brittle-frictional behaviour to the
assumption that continued deformation and erosion has ex- ductile regime, represented by a linear viscous (Newtonian)
posed rocks from as deep as the basal shear zone at the surface rheology, is assumed to occur in a thin, basal shear zone,
in the hanging wall adjacent to the Alpine fault; above E. The thickness d^ = 250m along DC, of effective viscosity, 7]^ =
highest grade metamorphic rocks from this location are gar- 3x lO'^Pa.s. It could be argued that the model should include


an ~ 5 km thick transition zone of decreasing effective This tectonic interpretation implies that the sense of shear
viscosity below the brittle-ductile transition, which may be as will be dextral along FED but sinistral along DC. In the
deep as 20 km in a quartzo-feldspathic crust with a 20°C/km absence of any additional net plate tectonic forces transmit-
geothermal gradient (Ord & Hobbs 1989). This transition ted through the crust as a stress guide, i.e. along BC and AF,
would require more, poorly determined, model parameters it is the opposing basal shear stresses that give an overall
and is itself only inferred on the basis of laboratory data. initial force balance to the model. An alternative kinematic
Instead, the crustal rheology is purposely simplified. The interpretation (Allis 1980,1986) holds that the underthrusting
present model focuses on the interplay between integrated is opposite in sense; that the Indian plate underthrusts the
frictional strength of the crust, specified by (p, and the op- Pacific plate as it does south of New Zealand beneath the
posing strength of the basal shear zone, characterized by the Puyseger trench and probably beneath Fiordland. This choice
shear stress, Xj < T\eV Ids, that it transfers from the boundary of polarity reverses the sense of shear along DC and will,
to the base of the frictionally dominated crust; where everything else being equal, tend to transfer deformation
•u < -u^ = 2cm/yr is the relative velocity across the shear zone eastward away from the Alpine fault. It also requires addi-
and is the specified boundary velocity. The model results are tional forces, probably transmitted as shear from out of the
therefore sensitive to the ratio rjg / ds = 3 x 10'^/250 which plane of the model, to maintain an overall force balance.
determines TJ and not to the independent values of rjg and ds, Although Allis's interpretation cannot be precluded and may
to which no particular importance should be assigned. be cortect for the southern part of South Island we choose the
The shear zone thickness decreases linearly with decreas- simpler one to illustrate our coupled tectonic-erosion model.
ing depth along the ramp DE and is 40 m thick beneath the This model may therefore apply only to the central Southern
region of the compressed finite elements along FE. This re- Alps.
duction in ds could be compensated by a corresponding re-
duction in ri(, but this was not done in order to increase the
Surface processes model and coupling with the tectonic
shear coupling in the colder, near surface, part of the crust. An
improved model will consider a frictional base in the shallow
parts of the model. It is assumed for the purposes of this illustrative model that
the current morphology and drainage pattern of the Southern
Alps is not significantly influenced by the ancestral drainage
Boundary conditions
pattern that predated the Late Cenozoic uplift as transpression
The behaviour of the lower crust and mantle below the developed. Model experiments show that this assumption is
modelled region dictates the basal boundary conditions. valid for random height topography of ~ 20 m but the
Simple buoyancy calculations suggest that typical continen- maximum ancestral topography that is consistent with this
tal lithosphere below ~ 25 km is negatively buoyant and will assumption has not yet been determined. The initial surface
subduct if detached from the mid and upper crust. In this model was therefore assumed to be flat and at sea level. Small
it is assumed that the lower part of the Pacific plate has detached random height perturbations were then added to remove the
and, following Adams (1985), that it has passively underthrust degeneracy in the cellular grid heights and to create a random
the Indian lithosphere to the west in a similar way to the drainage pattern.
oceanic lithosphere further north except that the process is The model is progressively stepped in a coupled way,
aseismic. This interpretation requires that the basal horizon- altemately calculating the tectonic velocity and displacements,
tal velocity along DC be equal to the Pacific plate velocity and followed by the effect of the two components of erosion
equal to the uniform horizontal velocity along the boundary acting on the curtent topography. Specifically, the uplift
BC. These velocities are both taken to be Vo = -2cm/yr and the distribution normal to strike, M„ (JC), predicted by the tectonic
boundary on the Indian plate along APED is fixed with model for timestep n, length \T, is divided into m equal
-u = 0. The model therefore considers compression of the substeps, u'^ {x), length A?, for the surface processes calcu-
Pacific plate crust as it is 'pushed' by the net normal force lation. The surface transport was then calculated over the m
along BC and is 'dragged' by the shear, T, , that develops along substeps, each step involving uplift of the topography by an
DC. This interpretation is entirely equivalent to that which increment «„ (x) /m, such that uplift varies in the cross-strike
takes \) along BC to be zero and considers the indentation of direction but is uniform along strike. The substeps are
the Pacific plate by the rigid Indian plate, Vo = 2 cm/yr, which required to ensure that fluxes for each step are small by
acts as a tectonic wedge in the manner described by Price comparison with the total topography. The precipitation
(1986). The former boundary conditions are preferted only distribution was calculated separately for each substep because
because the location of the Alpine fault remains fixed in the the topography changes with substep.
model. It may actually be rotating in an absolute reference Feedback coupling between the surface processes model
frame (Allis 1986). and the tectonics is calculated prior to the next step,«-i-1, of
Points along boundaries AF and BC are free to move the tectonic model. The current average along-strike topog-
vertically but this is not important because they are far enough raphy from the surface model defines the new surface for the
removed from the plate boundary that deformation does not tectonic model. The tectonic model, therefore, incorporates
propagate to them. The upper boundary of the model is a free the changing average mass of the growing mountains. Their
surface on which the shear stress is zero. weight influences the gravitational component of the subsur-

Model 1 N o Erosion
d=0 SE
t =0
_L J I I L
LI H ' :: ^ - -- - -
-^ ^ ^ ; = = I
^= ; = 11 ^ =
V j—j ^
4 km
0.2 Myr.
2 cm/yr -^
J_ J \ I L

" ^ ill ^ ^ X ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ~ ~
^^ X ::: ^ ^ ^ - _ __ _<

^l:::: ; :
d — 16 km
t ~ 0.8 Myr.

5 km - I

20 km

Figure 9. Model 1 results. Evolution of the plane-strain model in the absence of erosion. Velocity vectors are relative to a fixed Indian plate and show
the progressive transformation of horizontal to vertical motion in the deforming plate boundary. Thrusting over the ramp of the Alpine fault, which acts as
a finite height 'backstop', produces a westerly vergent tectonic wedge. Similarly, easterly vergent 'backthrusting' creates a second outward facing tectonic
wedge on the eastern flank of the orogen. Bold horizontal arrows show the total amount of shortening, d.

face stress and ultimately modifies the pattern of deformation no climate coupling or erosion is first examined and then two
and uplift during the n -i-1 'th tectonic step by comparison with cases where denudation is dominated by fluvial transport
the n 'th step. with orographic rainfall derived from either a western or
eastern source are considered.

Model results
Model I: No erosion
The three models discussed here are only preliminary results The geometry and velocity distribution of model 1 are shown
and were chosen to illustrate how climate coupling and (Fig. 9) at the onset of deformation and again after - 0.2 and
denudation may control the evolution of the Southern Alps ~ 0.8 Ma, at which time the overall shortening is 4 and 16 km.
for one particular interpretation of the tectonic style and The results illustrate that the model does respond by upturning
properties of the orogen. The tectonic properties of all three the crust and thrusting it along the ramp of the Alpine fault.
models (Table 1) are identical. The evolution when there is The initial velocity field comprises a region of passive hori-


Model 1 N o Erosion

d = 4 km
t ~ 0.2 Myr.
- •=•^s^tlff-f-^^- ^rf~*-
/ /
/ /
/ o^
/ / /
/ / /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
•20 k m /

Figure 10. The same model result as shown in Figure 9 (middle panel) but with velocity vectors shown relative to a fixed Pacific plate. The easterly vergent
tectonic wedge caused by backthrusting is seen clearly in this reference frame.

zontal transport of the Pacific plate crust without deformation a 60 km wide zone normal to strike. Although some of this
and a region of uplift and deformation in a triangular wedge excess mass almost certainly resides in thickened crust lo-
or 'plug' bounded by the ramp and its reflection about a cated to the east of the Alpine fault (Woodward 1979; AUis
vertical axis through D (Fig. 8). The initial width of the 1986), a significant proportion has apparently been eroded.
uplifting region is therefore approximately twice its depth Note that the model must be improved to include isostasy
when the dip of the ramp is 45°. before firm conclusions can be made. Further evidence of
The initial style of deformation resembles the first of erosional control of structure is the absence, except for a few
Wellman's (1979, Fig. 4) conceptual models of possible nappes, of a thin-skinned fold and thrust belt west of the Alpine
faulting patterns for the Southern Alps. His concern that this Fault. The model indicates that this westward propagating
style would lead to an unrealistically steep eastern margin for wedge would develop rapidly and achieve a significant size
the Southern Alps was unfounded as is seen from the topog- after only 16 km of shortening. It would be a fully fledged
raphy after finite deformation (Fig. 9, middle panel). fold and thrust belt after 50 km of shortening.
The central region of the orogen continues to uplift in a
relatively uniform manner, while the leading (western) and
Model 2: wind from the west
trailing (eastern) zones take the form of outwardly propagat-
ing tectonic wedges which increase in size with the uplift. The second model (Figs 11 & 12) includes the effects of
The taper of the wedges depends on the internal frictional surface erosion by slope processes and a fluvial system
strength of the model crust, the basal dip, and the shear stress recharged with orographic precipitation from a western source.
applied to the base of the frictional crust by the viscous shear Model parameter values are given in Table 1. The evolution
zone. The results differ from the critical Coulomb wedge of the tectonic model (Fig. 11) shows the strike average re-
models (e.g. Dahlen 1984) because the model considers the sponse as the surface uplifts and the orographic precipitation
development of a two-sided orogen and because the base of develops. The volume of sediment transported by denudation
the model is viscous not frictional. The equilibrium topog- equals the rate of tectonic influx at - 0.5 Ma, d = 10 km of
raphy therefore depends on the convergence velocity, in ad- shortening, after which the orogen remains on average in a
dition to the current geometry. The results have properties in dynamically near steady state as discussed below.
common with Koons' (1990) conceptual models but differ Erosion on the western flank of the mountains dominates
because no significant basal decollement develops for this because the precipitation is greatest on that side and because
amount of shortening. The importance of the eastward the boundary condition on the surface transport model rep-
propagating wedge becomes clear when velocities are plotted resents the Tasman Sea {x - 332km, Fig. 9) as an infinite sink
with respect to the Indian plate (Fig. 10). for eroded sediment. This choice is appropriate because most
It can be seen that only a small amount of shortening, of the sediment that enters the Tasman is transported to the
< 6 km, is required to create a mountain system with the same south. The boundary condition on the east is the same, while
average height and width as the present Southern Alps. the north and south boundaries are reflective.
Shortening by a more realistic amount, 50 km for example, The strike-averaged precipitation distribution has the same
would have produced a much larger orogen by the addition of character as that shown by Griffiths & McSaveney (1983,
approximately 1250 km^ per unit length of crust to the South- their Fig. 2; see also Whitehouse 1988) a maximum to the
em Alps orogen, enough to thicken the crust by 20 km over west of the main divide but some precipitation on the eastern


Model W i n d from West


d = 16 km
t ~ 0.8 Myr. ^-"
i i"~i i i n 1

5 km ''I U ^ - ^ = = =
-« 20 km —•
4:r = - = - =
Figure 11. Model 2 results. Evolution of the plane-strain model when orographic precipitation is derived from a westerly source. Velocity vectors are relative
to afixedIndian plate. The dotted lines show the projected position of the initial surface. The westerly vergent tectonic wedge of Figure 9 has been suppressed
by erosion. The western sink for mass also stunts the growth of the orogen as a whole and a near steady state is reached with only a small easterly vergent
tectonic wedge. It is clear that erosion has modified structural and metamorphic style throughout the model orogen, not just locally. Bold horizontal arrows
show the total amount of shortening, d.

flank. Agreement of the model precipitation with short-term surface projected by its cumulative vertical displacement.
observations is not independent confirmation that the model The distance between the model surface and the dashed line
is correct because the timescales are totally different. The is, therefore, a measure of the total erosion in the spatially
model rainfall must represent processes at > 10^ yrs. fixed model coordinate system. It would equal the exhumation
The dotted lines (Fig. 11) show the position of the original experienced by rocks currently at the surface were the uplift


Model 2 Topography d = 10 km t ~ 0.5 Myr.

East =

H-llllllllllQ IIIIIIMIItH

Figure 12. Map of Model 2 topography at 0.5 Ma after 10 km of shortening. The contrast in the drainage pattern and morphology east and west of the divide
is also characteristic of the central Southern Alps. The contour interval is 600 m, heights above 3600 m are stippled, and the area is 104 x 72 km. The cell
size for the calculations was 2 x 2 km. Only the major rivers are shown.

vertical. However, the horizontal velocity advects the uplift- tectonics of ancient orogens on the basis of distribution of
ing crust progressively to the west and rocks reach the surface metamorphic grade. The metamorphic grade is, however, a
horizontally offset from their original position. Consequently, measure of the integrated erosion in the tectonic 'upstream'
once steady state has been achieved, the highest grade meta- direction and the horizontal gradient of exhumation is the
morphic rocks, those exhumed from the greatest depth, will quantity most closely related to the spatial distribution of
reach the surface of the model adjacent to the Alpine Fault. surface erosion.
This result agrees with the observed distribution of meta- The contour map of the topography (Fig. 12) for model 2
morphic grade, which is a maximum at the Alpine fault and after 0.5 Ma has a number of features that can be related to
decreases to the east. It also follows that rocks which have the topography of central South Island in the area shown in
undergone the greatest exhumation do not reach the surface Figure 7. It is important to remember that the morphology
where the erosion rate is greatest even in a steady-state orogen. and river system distribution has been self-selected by the
This is an important point to remember when interpreting the model as it evolves from the initial low amplitude random

C. B E A U M O N T £7 AL.

NW Model 3 Wind from East O ) " * W ) ^ .---^ SE

d = 4 km \

'—' ' ' ' ^%|11 VVVV: - = =

i U X ^: = E > d
4,::: I : I I
2 cm/yr ^

rf=10km \ •••••••••

i ^ ^ X^ ^ - - - = =
^^ V:: N N . it;—3

A^::::: =

\ .'
d = 16 k m \ •' ^.^ , '••-.
t ~ 0.8 Myr. M I I ' I T I " ^ " ^ "N -^-^-^-^-^^--=_ ^

I ^ XNV' " - " = =

5km X ^ ^ V ^ "^ - ' - - -'
X^ X:z = = = =
20 km »- ^ : : : = = = — := —
• ^—^ ^ ^ — ~ ~ v < ^

Figure 13. Model 3 results. Evolution of the plane-strain model when orographic precipitation is derived from an easterly source. The source has the same
water vapour flux at its eastern boundary as Model 2 had at its western boundary. Velocity vectors are relative to a fixed Indian plate. The dotted lines show
the projected position of the initial surface. Bold horizontal arrows show the total amount of shortening, d.
topography. The topography therefore contains information created an along-strike ridge-valley system. The ridges have
on the dynamic interaction of uplift with the surface proc- steep noses, lower gradient centres and rise again to the east,
esses which will be analyzed in a future paper. where they climb to the divide. The valleys have strongly
West of the drainage divide, the front of the model orogen concave profiles. These are the same features that Koons
is cut by linear streams, spaced from 6-12 km apart, that have (1989) recognized as characteristic of the western face of the


Southern Alps and reproduced with a planform diffusive Model 3: wind from the east
mass transport model. In this model he specified the river
The third model (Figs 13 & 14) is identical to model 2 except
spacing and valley topography. Here the river spacing is self-
that the precipitation is now derived from an eastern source,
selected, and need not be imposed, when fluvial transport is
which is exactly opposite to the prevailing conditions in the
included in the model. The spacing of these small rivers,
Southern Alps. Model 3 is therefore a hypothetical example
which is similar to that of the central Southern Alps, results
designed to indicate how the Southern Alps may have devel-
from the competition between hillslope and fluvial processes
oped with reversed symmetry in the climate.
during uplift. Initially, all of the one hundred rivers equally
As the surface uplifts and orographic rainfall develops, the
drain and erode the western face of the model orogen, but an
eastern flank of the orogen is subject to the greatest precipi-
instability occurs with increasing slope and fluvial discharge
tation and erosion. Erosion on the tectonic divide and on the
which leads to finite incision of rivers with the spacing shown
west flank of the orogen is therefore reduced by comparison
in Figure 12. This instability may be related to slope con-
with model 2. Consequently, the western flank of the orogen
cavity (Smith & Bretherton 1972) but our model is compli-
continues to uplift and a major range of peaks is created which
cated by the additional effects of diffusion and erosion/
sit astride the divide. All of these peaks exceed the height of
deposition kinetics. At least one aspect of the river selection,
Mount Cook within 0.5 Ma of the onset of compression (Fig.
growth and incision requires that when a cell height is per-
14). They continue to grow and begin to assume Himalayan
turbed, the change in AQy from the cell be larger than the
stature after approximately 1 Ma of convergence.
corresponding change in Q^ onto the cell. The same compe-
tition may explain why the main rivers on the eastern slope of River incision of the western flank is less well developed
the model orogen are more widely spaced than their west- (Fig. 14) than in model 2 (Fig. 12) because the fluvial
ward-drainage counterparts. The eastward-draining rivers discharge is smaller. The instability that leads to incision is
have smaller equilibrium sediment carrying capacities for therefore delayed until the slopes are steep enough for the
equivalent sized watersheds. Therefore, only rivers that rivers to achieve sufficient power. In Figure 14, the instabil-
acquire large discharge by developing large watersheds can ity has not fully developed along the entire western flank. The
achieve the same degree of incision as their western equiva- steepness of the western face is, however, preserved by the
lents. flux boundary along the western side which mimics the
effects of longshore transport in the Tasman Sea.
The main peaks that resemble Mount Cook are located on
Creation of Himalayan-size mountains occurs with in-
or close to the drainage divide (Fig. 12). The true counterparts
creasing speed as the extraction efficiency of the precipitation
of the model ridges east of the divide and normal to it may be
is increased. For example, when an is increased by a factor
the southerly trending ridges of the Southern Alps. It is
of three, precipitation is nearly exhausted east of the drainage
suggested that the distributed plate-boundary shear strain has
divide which now develops only 10 km from the model
rotated what were initially ridges trending perpendicular to
coastline (Fig. 15). The divide is crowned by 8000 m peaks
the orogen and propose to test this hypothesis with a complete
within 0.8 Ma of the onset of compression.
planform model of thin-sheet tectonics coupled with erosion
(Ellis et al. in press). Correspondingly, as OR increases in models with an east-
em precipitation source, the implied belt of highest grade
The near steady-state nature of the model orogen (Fig. 11)
metamorphic rocks migrates eastward away from its position
for t > 0.5 Ma was judged qualitatively from the change in
against the Alpine fault and may even cross the drainage
strike-averaged topography by comparison with the same
divide. With declining precipitation on the western flank,
measure of the erosion between t = 0.5 Ma and t = 0.8 Ma
neither erosion nor horizontal advection are sufficient to ex-
(Fig. 11). The results indicate that the volume or mass of the
pose deeply buried rock against the model Alpine fault. The
orogen is approximately in dynamic equilibrium. Individual
influence of erosion patterns on exhumation raises the possi-
topographic features are not, however, in equilibrium. For
bility that the present location of the Alpine fault is partly
example, the westward draining rivers become longer with
controlled by the surface processes.
increasing time.
The present model cannot provide a quantitative assess-
ment of the morphological evolution because the topography
is neither advected nor strained by the tectonic deformation Conclusions
in the horizontal plane. The results are therefore no longer
Both the model and the results as preliminary and only
valid when the effects of horizontal advection become sig-
general conclusions are valid. The results do, however,
nificant. For example, the rate of advection of the topography
indicate that in instances where the surface mass transport
toward the Alpine fault is almost equal to the predicted rate
occurs over distances and at rates comparable to the tectonic
of increase in the length of the westward-draining rivers.
mass flux, orogenic evolution may be significantly modified
Once advection of the topography has been added to the
by climatic conditions at the scale of the orogen. One
model, it will be possible to assess whether a statistically
implication is that because precipitation is often asymmetric
steady-state topography can exist and track the birth, growth
across an orogen, given sufficient time, the orogen may adopt
and death of the Mount Cook-like mountains as they are
the same asymmetry in its tectonic style.
advected across the model.
Proof of climate influence on the tectonics of ancient


Model 3 Topography d = 10 km t ~ 0.5 Myr.

—^ 3

Figure 14. Map of Model 3 topography at 0.5Myr after 10 km of shortening. The contour interval is 600 m, heights above 3600 m are stippled, and the
area is 104 x 72 km. The cell size for the calculations was 2 x 2 km. Only the major rivers are shown.

orogens will necessarily be based on circumstantial evidence. of the major characteristics of the southern Alps, then com-
South Island, New Zealand, however, offers a dramatic parison with models 1 and 3 illustrates the significance of the
contemporary example of these process at work. Control of coupling between the atmosphere and the solid earth.
this orogen is shared between plate tectonic and surface Timescales of 0.5 - 5.0 Ma may be sufficient for profound
processes. The dynamic linkage between tectonics and climatic effects in collisional orogens.
erosion is provided by the atmosphere. Prevailing climatic Not all orogens are, or were, as strongly modified by
conditions ensure a sufficient source of orographic rainfall climate coupling as the Southern Alps - an extreme example
which, when coupled with the tectonically induced steep chosen to demonstrate this thesis. It is possible to suggest
western slopes, locks the orogen in a dynamically near that, if the Himalayan orogen was subject to intervals of
steady-state mass balance. steady-state evolution, these may have been responsible for
These models are only first-order approximations of the the exhumation of the belt of highest grade metamorphic
evolution of orogens in general, and the Southern Alps, in rocks.
particular. If it is accepted that model 2 does reproduce some


Model 3 W i n d from East

of = 16 km \
t ~ 0.8 Myr.

5 km

•20 km

Figure IS. Model 3 results. Evolution of the plane-strain model when orographic precipitation is derived from an easterly source. The model is identical
with the one shown in Figure 13 (bottom panel) except that the rainfall extraction efficiency has been increased by a factor of 3.

This work benefited greatly from discussions with Sean Willett, Peter Koons of the manuscript. The research has been funded by the Natural Sciences and
and Becky Jamieson. We would also like to thank Clem Chase for providing Engineering Research Council of Canada through Operating and Lithoprobe
us with information on his precipitation landsculpting model prior to Supporting Geoscience grants to C. Beaumont.
publication and for his and Peter Koons' comments on a preliminary version

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Dynamic and kinematic growth and change of a Coulomb wedge
Sean D. Willett

Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H4J1,


Abstract: Defomiation and structural relationships in accretionary prisms and fold and thrust belts
are the result of dynamic changes in the size, geometry, or strength of the deforming wedge and
its boundary conditions. The concepts of critical slope or taper that have been successful in
explaining the static geometry and state of stress in a Coulomb wedge can be expanded through
the use of finite element models to consider the kinematics and dynamics of a deforming Coulomb
wedge. The numerical technique adopts a Coulomb failure criterion and isotropic plastic flow in
a velocity-based Eulerian formulation. This formulation allows for very large deformation to be
accommodated by a numerical mesh that remains fixed in space, deforming only to follow the
movement of the upper surface.
Critical wedge theory defines deformational domains bounded by the critical wedge solutions.
Imposed changes in boundary conditions or geometry can move the mechanical state of a wedge
off a critical line into either the sub-critical or stable domain, in which a wedge is unstable during
accretion, leading to transient deformation as the wedge adjusts to a new critical geometry.
With steady boundary conditions the accretion process leads to self-similar growth. A zone of high
strain rate representing the frontal step-up thrust and the decollement develops and separates
underthrust sediment from the deforming wedge. An increase in basal strength produces large
internal deformation as the wedge increases its taper. A decrease in basal strength concentrates
deformation at the toe of the wedge. A large decrease in basal strength may lead to extensional
collapse. A complex geological history involving repeated cycles of growth and collapse could
produce tectonic exhumation of the deeply buried interior of the wedge, even in the absence of

In compressional tectonic regimes much of the convergence, (1983) argued that a Coulomb yield stress was more appropri-
at least at upper crustal depths, is manifested by shortening ate for thrust belts than the depth-independent von Mises
and thickening of a fold and thrust belt. However, at less than yield criterion used by Chappie (1978) and Stockmal (1983).
crustal scale, styles of deformation and the kinematics of the They presented solutions for the state of stress in both non-
development of a fold and thrust belt can vary greatly. The cohesive (Davis ef a/. 1983)andcohesive(Dahlenffa/. 1984)
classic model of a forward propagating sequence of thrust Coulomb thrust belts based on approximately wedge shaped
faults remains an important component of most or all thrust cross-sectional geometries, modified to include the effects of
belts and plate margin accretionary wedges, but other large pore fluid pressures. Subsequent work addressed changes in
scale deformational processes including out-of-sequence cohesion associated with compaction and lithification (Zhao
faulting (Morley 1988), sediment underplating (Moore et al. et al. 1986). Dahlen (1984) presented an exact analytic
1982; Piatt et al. 1985; Piatt 1986, 1987; Westbrook et al. solution for the state of stress in a non-cohesive Coulomb
1988) and even extension (Piatt 1986) have been recognized wedge. This Coulomb wedge theory has been widely applied
as contributing to the observed structure of thrust belts or as it provides a simple explanation for many features of
compressional orogens as a whole. Along with a recognition accretionary wedges and fold and thrust belts.
of the complexity of the large scale structural and temporal The other class of continuum models was designed to
relationships in thrust belts has been an acceptance of the fact address the kinematics of the deformation internal to a thrust
that thrust belts, and even entire orogens, behave as a me- belt or convergent orogen. A dynamic model of flow of a
chanical entity. This has led to the development of a number linear viscous fluid inside a rigid comer was proposed by
of continuum models for the mechanics of thrust belts. Cowan & Silling (1978) to explain scale models and exhuma-
Continuum models have generally addressed one of two tion in convergent settings. This comer flow model was
aspects of thrust belt mechanics; (1) the geometry and state of developed further by Cloos (1982, 1984) who proposed
stress within the thrust belt; or (2) the kinematics of material viscous flow as a mechanism for emplacing exotic blocks in
transport through the thrust belt. Chappie (1978) presented a melange terranes, and by Shi & Wang (1988) who calculated
model for the state of stress in a thrust belt assuming it acted pressure-temperature paths in the Barbados accretionary
as a plastic material with the stress everywhere at the yield prism. Cloos & Shreve (1988a, 1988b) developed a similar
stress. Stockmal (1983) used slip line theory to expand this model for viscous flow in a confined channel under an
model and to calculate both stress and internal velocities accretionary wedge. These linear viscous models are attrac-
based on the thrust belt geometry and assumptions regarding tive because, in contrast to the plasticity solutions, particle
the slip velocity on the underthrusting plate. Davis et al. velocities and flow paths are easy to calculate. However,


rocks are not likely to deform in a linear viscous fashion, at

least not at near surface pressure and temperature conditions,
so the stresses and even the kinematics of these viscous
models are suspect.
Other less quantitative models for the kinematic develop- Fold and Thrust
ment of tectonic wedges have been proposed. Silver et al. Belt
Undeformed sediment
(1985) proposed that growth of an accretionary wedge is best
accomplished by systematic underplating and duplexing such
that the taper predicted by critical wedge theory is maintained.
This model is consistent with the observation that sediments
draped over the slopes of accretionary wedges are often
undeformed, implying the internal wedge is not undergoing
significant horizontal shortening. Piatt (1986) also proposed
underplating as an important mechanism in compressional
orogens, but claimed that this leads to oversteepening of the
wedge and hence extensional deformation in the near surface.
In Piatt's (1986) model this extension serves as a mechanism
for unroofing and can explain the rapid exhumation of high
pressure metamorphic terranes without invoking high rates of
erosion. Figure 1. Critical Coulomb wedge model for a fold and thrust belt.
Erosion has often been proposed as a driving mechanism Orientation of principal compressive stress with respect to surface slope and
basal decollement.
for deformation or as a process controlling the kinematics and
pressure-temperature-time (PTt) conditions experienced by
rocks in a compressional orogen. Erosion was implicit as a Stresses and deformation in a wedge that is changing its taper
driving force in the viscous flow model of Shi & Wang geometry in response to changes in driving boundary stresses
(1988). Beaumont et a/. (1991, this volume) demonstrate that and this case is also considered. The kinematic implications
erosion is capable of controlling the PTt paths internal to an for movement of material in these dynamic velocity fields are
orogen, and that erosion can determine the spatial charac- discussed.
teristics and distribution of deformation. Dahlen & Barr
(1990) presented a model of the kinematics of the Taiwan fold
and thrust belt that is consistent with critical Coulomb wedge Critical wedge theory
theory by explicitly coupling the internal strain rate to the
theoretical stress field. The system is then driven by the Before presenting the numerical model, a review of critical
distribution and magnitude of erosion. This model was used wedge theory is useful to establish the conceptual framework
to explain PTt paths and conditions in the wedge as well as the of the problem and provide a context for the numerical
system energetics (Barr & Dahlen 1990), but the model models. In the non-cohesive theory, a dry, subaerial thrust
remains kinematic in that the geometry and stress are assumed belt or accretionary wedge is assumed to have a triangular
rather than calculated as part of the solution. cross-section (Fig. 1) with characteristic surface slope angle
Numerical techniques can potentially include the best a and basal dip P (Dahlen 1984). Stresses in the wedge are
aspects of each of these models. Finite element methods, assumed to be at the Coulomb yield stress, so that
developed for plasticity problems, are based on deformational
formulations; displacements or velocities are obtained together T = Ontan 0 (1)
with the stresses as part of the solution. This approach where x and o are the shear stress and normal stress on a
eliminates the need to choose between a plastic formulation plane; the internal angle of friction </) defines the strength of
in terms of stress and a kinematic formulation in terms of the material. The boundary condition imposed at the base of
displacement or velocity. For this reason, and because of the the wedge is of the same form as equation (1), with an angle
generality of the method in allowing specification of rheology, of friction of ^^. If the wedge can be treated as infinite in
geometry or boundary conditions, finite elements have become extent, a simple geometric solution is obtained, following
increasingly popular for modelling lithospheric deformation Dahlen (1984), in terms of the orientation of the maximum
(e.g. Bird & Piper 1980), including accretionary wedge compressive stress which is constant throughout the wedge
mechanics (Borja & Dreiss 1989). and forms angles of d^ and f> ^ with the upper surface and basal
In this paper the Coulomb plastic rheology is adopted in surface respectively. The angles i!)^ and •& ^^ are functions of
a finite element technique that yields the particle velocities the strength of the wedge and of the base.
and hence kinematics of deformation along with the stress
solution. Results of this model predict the dynamic velocity
field and deformation in a growing Coulomb wedge that „ _ 1 . -1 sin a a
i3o — T Sin (2)
remains at yield as in the critical wedge theory. The gener- T
ality of the numerical technique allows for modelling of the


(3-0-0b space that are not addressed by critical wedge theory.

A wedge with geometry and strength that place it in domain
sin <t>b
i3b — T sin (3) III in Figure 2 is not steep enough for its internal strength and
_ sin (/) ' 2
basal strength. It is therefore unstable and will increase its
surface slope to reach a stable critical configuration on line I.
The geometric relationship requires that, A wedge with geometry and strength that place it in domain
IV (Fig. 2) is stable, implying that the shear stresses are
a + P = db- do everywhere less than the yield strength. Such a wedge is
capable of sliding stably along its base with no internal
(4) deformation. However, if it is forced to accrete new material
the deformation will drive it back down to line I, where it is
A simple relationship therefore holds between the geom- again critical. The other fields shown in Figure 2 but left
etry of the wedge and the strength parameters through unlabelled are generally not physically or geologically ac-
equations (2), (3) and (4). cessible. For example, if the state of a wedge enters the field
The critical wedge solutions define a four dimensional in the upper left corner of Figure 2, above line II, it is too steep
surface in terms of the parameters a, p, (p, and 0b. Two sec- for its strength and collapses instantaneously to a position on
tions of this surface are shown in Figure 2 for (j) = 30° (Figs line II.
2a & 2b), 0b = 10° (Fig- 2a) and P =0° (Fig. 2b). Curve I gives
The transient deformation and interim state of stress
the minimum slope geometry for a compressional wedge and
experienced by a wedge whose state enters fields III or IV can
is presumably the geometry of wedges that have grown from
not be predicted by critical wedge theories that require
a flat surface. Continuous deformation keeps the wedge at
stresses to remain on yield, yet it is quite conceivable that
this critical geometry as new material is accreted. This
dynamic changes of the boundary conditions, which deter-
solution is consistent with the sandbox experiments of Davis
mine the wedge geometry, could send the state of a wedge
et al. (1983). A wedge with geometry and strength state that
into either field III or IV. Changes in fluid pressure, for
lies on line II is also critical, but differs in its state of stress in
example could result in an apparent strengthening or weaken-
that it is under horizontal tension and will deform by horizontal
ing of the basal strength, moving the state of the wedge on a
extension and downslope flow. The two lines I and II are
horizontal line off line I in Figure 2b into domain III or IV.
sections of surfaces that are the boundaries of domains in a-

Finite element model

a so-
Finite element techniques are increasingly used in nonlinear
problems such as plasticity, where the inherent advantages of
ft o°- the numerical techniques have been valuable, particularly in
engineering applications where complicated geometries and
material properties are common. The advantages in model-
ling thrust belt wedges include the coupling between kin-
30° 60° 90° ematics and stress and the ability to include non-linear plastic
i8 rheologies. The extremely large strains that result from the
accretion process present a problem even for finite element
techniques. This problem is addressed here through the use
of a rate formulation of the plasticity problem that combines
the Eulerian viscous flow equations with a plastic constitu-
tive law. Although the rate theory was originally developed
for pressure-independent von Mises yield criteria, the theory
is easily modified to include the pressure-dependent Cou-
lomb criterion.
The most common formulation of plasticity problems
incorporates an elastic-plastic material in which the total
strain is partitioned between elastic and plastic strain compo-
nents (Zienkiewicz 1977). Underloading, stresses are main-
tained elastically until the material yield stress is reached
after which the material deforms according to a plastic flow
Figure 2. Critical Coulomb wedge solution (a) as function of surface slope rule. For problems in which the plastic strains are much larger
a and decollement dip [3 (after Dahlen. 1984) with 0 = 30° and 0^ = 10°; (b) than the elastic strains, it may be advantageous to neglect the
as function of surface slope a and basal strength 0^ with 0 = 30 ° and P = 0°.
elastic component of strain. A rate theory of deformation can
1 and II represent the critical wedge solutions. Ill is the region of subcritical
wedges whose taper is less than critical. IV is the region of stable wedges then be used to solve the problem in velocity and deformation
whose state of stress is less than the Coulomb yield stress. rate (strain rate) rather than displacement and strain, provid-


ing important increases in efficiency. The cost of the numeri- The second invariants of stress, J',, and rate of deforma-
cal efficiency is in the loss of elastic strains and displacements. tion, IJ, defined by equations (8) and (10), respectively, are L,
One such rate formulation is the Levy-Mises theory (Mal- norms. By taking the norm ofboth sides of equation (11) and
vern 1969) that describes a rigid-plastic material. Finite assuming the material is incompressible, we obtain these
element techniques based on this theory have been developed invariants such that stress is independent of the rate of
for engineering applications in metal forming (Zienkiewicz deformation and equation (11) becomes simply the von
& Godbole 1974) and for geodynamic models of lithosphere Mises yield criterion (eqn. 7). The constitutive law defined
deformation (Vilotte etal. 1982, 1984, 1986). In the Levy- by equation (11) relates deviatoric stress to rate of deforma-
Mises theory an increment of plastic strain or, equivalently, tion in the forni of a viscous flow constitutive law.
the rate of deformation, is assumed to be proportional to the
Oli He Oil (12)
deviatoric stress tensor(o'ij).
with an effective, non-linear viscosity, \IQ, defined by.

V. = ^ (13)
where D is the rate of deformation tensor, defined in terms
of the velocity components v as.
The constitutive equation must include the isotropic part
of the stress tensor as well as the deviatoric stress which is in
3v. 3v. equation (11). By including the pressure (or mean stress: P =
D . . = 7 9x. (6) Oii/3) it is possible to obtain the complete constitutive equa-
tion for a viscous fluid.

,dX, Oii = -P5ii + HeDij. 1 ifi=j

The proportionality constant V j , ) is a scalar that is de- (14)
0 otherwise
fined by the plastic yield criterion. The standard theory
incorporates the von Mises yield criterion.
By applying continuity to equation (14) the Navier-Stokes
equation of motion is obtained. For the purposes of this paper,
a simplified version of the Navier-Stokes equation that in-
^/j^ = (7)
cludes incompressible flow, gravitational body forces (pg), but
where J'^ is the second invariant, or norm, of deviatoric stress, no inertial terms suffices.
defined as.

J'2 - 2 <^'ij (8) + pg =0 (15)

6xi 5xi5xj

with summation implied over repeated indices, and a'' is the

von Mises yield stress, a scalar. In order that the constitutive
law (eqn. 5) gives a state of stress consistent with the von The incompressibility condition provides the additional
Mises yield criterion (eqn. 7) the proportionality constant equation needed to account for the additional variable, P,
must be.
dX N/^I (9) 8xj

For a two dimensional, plane strain problem there are two

IJ is the second invariant or norm of the rate of deformation, components of velocity. Equation (15) with i= 1,2 and equa-
and takes the same form as equation (8), tion (16) define a system of three equations with the two
components of velocity and pressure as three independent
l2 = I Dij D,j (10) variables. This system can be solved by a number of finite
element techniques (Zienkiewicz 1977; Taylor & Hughes
Substituting equation (9) into equation (5) and inverting 1981). The technique used in this study is based on 6-noded
gives a constitutive law. triangular elements. Velocity is defined at all 6 nodes and
interpolated with quadratic basis functions, but pressure is
defined only at the three vertex nodes and is interpolated with
Oii =
W.°" (11)
linear basis functions. The lower order of interpolation of
pressure is consistent with the lower order of the pressure


term in the Navier-Stokes equation and is necessary for a

numerical reasons (Zienkiewicz 1977). Including the non-
linear viscosity (eqn.l3) to solve the plasticity problem
requires a non-linear solver, but standard techniques, includ-

ing direct iteration, can be used (Zienkiewicz 1977). More -y

efficient iterative techniques (e.g. Newton' s Method) are also
applicable and may accelerate convergence, but are not
necessary. All techniques require an initial solution, obtained
by assuming a large constant initial viscosity (as large as is
numerically practical), which assures large stresses and plas- t^.. = 0
tic 'failure' in part of the problem domain. A large initial
viscosity also keeps strain rates small in the part of the domain
that is not at plastic failure. This algorithm therefore defines
a rheology which, under loading, is approximately rigid
*^ Convergence
(highly viscous) until the yield stress is reached, after which
it deforms viscously with stresses remaining at the yield
stress. In summary, equations (15), (16) and (13) define a Figure 3. Finite element mesh and boundary conditions used for Coulomb
non-linear viscous flow problem that has a solution consist- wedge simulations, (a) Initial mesh prior to deformation, (b) Mesh recon-
structed to fit deformed upper surface. Note that mesh does not track internal
ent with the von Mises yield criterion (eqn.7).
deformation. Boundary conditions are: fixed horizontal velocity along base
One modification to this theory is required to solve the and left side iyi^ = convergence velocity) and backstop Cu^ = 0); fixed vertical
Coulomb wedge problem; the Coulomb yield criterion (eqn. velocity along base (v = 0); no shear stress on free surface.
1) must be used in place of the von Mises criterion. Any yield
criterion that can be written in the same form as equation (7) traction against the 'backstop' where it deforms plastically as
can be included in the above algorithm. The Coulomb it develops into a deformed wedge. The upper surface is free
criterion must first be cast in terms of the stress invariants, and to move with the deformation (Fig. 3b), and the mesh is
in the absence of cohesion is (Zienkiewicz 1977), reconstructed at each timestep to track the boundary move-
ment. The finite element solution gives the instantaneous
velocity field, the strain rate field, the stress field and the free
—J sin (|)+'WJ' I cose - -T=sin 9 sin (|) I =0 (17) surface position as deformation progresses through time.
Velocity is a relative quantity and an equivalent
parameterization would be obtained by fixing the velocity on
JI is the first invariant of total stress, 0 is the internal coeffi- the base at zero and moving the backstop from right to left
cient of friction, and 9 is a parameter giving the orientation of (Fig. 3) at the convergence velocity.
the principal stresses and is defined by, Much of this paper discusses the role of the strength of the
basal decollement, which is an important parameter in the
3V3 ^3 critical wedge theory. To include a decollement weaker than
sin(3 6) = - (18) the wedge as a whole, several rows of elements along the base
V^' of the model have been assigned an independent coefficient
of friction; they serve as a potential weak basal layer.

where J'3 is the third invariant of deviatoric stress. Factoring

out •\^2 defines a scalar quantity analogous to the von Model results
Mises yield stress.
The models presented in this section are designed to address
Y -\ sin
o =- (19) two questions. First, what are the kinematic displacements
3cose - V3 sin 9 sin 0 and particle velocities within a wedge that is growing by
accretion while remaining critical, i.e. on the critical line I in
This equation can now be substituted into equation (13). Figure 2? Second, what are the kinematic and deformational
To model the development of a Coulomb wedge, a simple effects of transient deformation experienced by a wedge with
parameterization in terms of boundary velocities is used. The geometry and strength state which place it in one of the other
initial domain that represents the undeformed sediments is domains in Figure 2? This second question is addressed by
rectangular with the lower boundary resting on the underthrust imposing changes in the strength of the basal decollement,
plate and the right side assumed to be against a vertical but it could also be investigated by imposing changes in other
'backstop' (Fig. 3a). The boundary condition imposed on the parameters, e.g. P or ^.
base is a constant horizontal velocity at the convergence The models are limited to consideration of the deforma-
velocity and no vertical velocity. The right side of the tion and kinematics in Coulomb wedges that are actively
rectangular domain has a zero horizontal velocity and a free growing by accretion. Some aspects of the geometry and
vertical component. Material is therefore forced by the basal boundary conditions remain constant for all models. These


include the rigid basal boundary which is fixed with no dip (P Constant basal strength model ,' • i', :u n ^
= 0°) and the backstop which is vertical in all cases. The
velocities imposed on the base and backstop are constant in The strength of the basal decollement is the principal param-
space and time. The backstop has no condition imposed on eter in these models. By holding the basal strength constant
the tangential component of stress or velocity (i.e. it is with time, a wedge is produced that is always critical and lies
frictionless), so it can be interpreted as a symmetry condition. somewhere on line 1 in Figure 2. The critical wedge with the
Other parameters that are held constant include the thickness maximum slope for a given basal dip (P) and wedge strength
of the incoming sedimentary section (4 km) and the strength (0) is obtained when the basal strength is equal to the wedge
of the wedge interior (internal angle of friction, 0 = 30°). interior strength (0 b "= 0' Fig- 2). A model of this case is
Although the rale of convergence is specified along the shown in Figure 4. The geometry and instantaneous deforma-
base of the wedge and controls the rate of deformation and tion rates are shown with increasing time, or, equivalently,
growth of the wedge, it is not a dimensional parameter. There increasing convergence. The wedge that develops against the
is no time dependence to plasticity, so even though time backstop shows the self-similar growth characteristic of
appears in the equations, its use is only to calculate the Coulomb wedges. The upper surface develops a characteris-
amount of displacement. Time and the convergence velocity tic slope that is maintained as the wedge grows. In contrast to
scale each other such that only the product, the total conver- the analytic theory (Dahlen 1984) the upper surface is not
gence, is important to the deformation. In other words, a linear, but has some curvature to it. This curvature is most
decrease in convergence velocity is equivalent to a propor- likely a response to the vertical, frictionless backstop, which
tional increase in time. Rate of deformation (strain rate) also is not present in the analytic theory. The shear stresses on a
scales with time and convergence velocity so that only the frictionless surface must be zero which requires the upper
relative deformation rates are important. . .• surface to be approximately normal to the backstop. The


10 km

Figure 4. Model of growing Coulomb wedge with basal strength equal to wedge interior strength (0^, = 0 = 30°). Nodal velocities relative to the overriding
plate are shown as vectors. Relative strain rate (second invariant of rate of deformation) contoured with larger relative values shaded. Results are shown for
total convergence of: (a) 3 km; (b) 12 km; (c) 24 km.



10 km

R c l a t l v a S t r a i n Rata

Figure 5. Model of growing Coulomb wedge with basal strength less than wedge interior strength (^ - 15°; <p = 30°). Nodal velocities relative to the
overriding plate are shown as vectors. Relative strain rate (second invariant of rate of deformation) contoured with larger relative values shaded. Results are
shown for total convergence of: (a) 3 km; (b) 22 km; (c) 35 km.

upper surface is also somewhat steeper than predicted by the frontal accretion mechanism requires significant pure shear
analytic theory, but this discrepancy is probably also due to deformation of the wedge interior in order to maintain the
the effect of the backstop. Aside from these differences, the critical taper. This internal deformation is not observed in the
geometry and stress field is in good agreement with the model since sediment deformation is localized to the transi-
analytic solution. tion between undeformed sediment and the wedge interior.
The kinematics of deformation corresponding to this stress Growth of the back of the wedge is accomplished by
field are shown as the instantaneous velocity field. The 'subducting' undeformed sediment under the wedge and
velocities show the undeformed sediments moving with accreting it directly to the base, a pattern that is similar to the
constant velocity equal to the convergence velocity until they deformation style described by Brandon (1984) and Silver et
encounter the toe of the wedge (Fig. 4). Sediments near the a/. (1985).
surface are immediately deformed as the material turns up If the base of the wedge is significantly weaker than the
into the wedge. Sediments that are progressively deeper in wedge interior adistinctly different kinematic pattern emerges
the section pass further under the wedge before being pulled (Fig. 5). As predicted by the critical wedge theory a weaker
into the deformed wedge. Once into the wedge, material base implies a lower surface slope. The wedge again grows
moves nearly vertically upward and experiences little addi- in a self-similar fashion, but with a much smaller taper angle.
tional deformation. This velocity field produces a distinctive Changes in the kinematic pattern are more subtle. The
pattern of strain rate with the highest strain rates found in a maximum strain rales again extend from the toe of the wedge
band from the toe of the wedge back to the comer at the base along the lower boundary to the comer at the base of the
of the backstop. These high strain rates correspond to the backstop. However, the zone of high strain rates is much
zone where sediment passes from the underthrust plate into wider, extending far back into the wedge. The velocities do
the wedge. It is difficult to interpret continuum velocity fields not show the sharp transition from horizontal to vertical
in terms of geological structures and the kinematics associ- apparent in Figure 4. A particle path in the model of Figure
ated with discrete faults. However, the kinematics of the 5 changes slowly from horizontal towards vertical, but may
model in Figure 4 do resemble the displacements found in the never reach vertical. There is also no zone of undeformed,
scale models of Cowan & Silling (1978). underthrust sediments. This overall kinematic style is sug-
The kinematic style is also suggestive of a mechanism that gestive of a frontal accretion mechanism with sediment
could be interpreted as sediment underplating. The self- accreted at the toe of the wedge and pure shear shortening
similar growth necessary to maintain the critical taper is maintaining the critical taper.
achieved with very little deformation of the wedge interior. A The models shown in Figures 4 & 5 are examples of


I W r ™ " ' ^ r ^ . . • -j'.-'-^^^.V•.••••'•• •'•Si•<•^<fV•'^^•}iiyfffy^


10 km


Figure 6. Model of Coulomb wedge experiencing an increase in basal strength, (a) Iniiial critical wedge develops wiih basal strength (jy - 15°. Total
convergence of 38 km. (b) Basal strength increases from 0^= 15° to 0^,=30° and deformation jumps back to backstop. Total convergence of 38 km. (c) Deformation
propagates forward. Total convergence of 41 km. (d) Total convergence of 44 km. (e) New critical taper is achieved. Total convergence of 50 km.



10 km


Ralatlv* strain Rati

Figure 7. Mode! of Coulomb wedge experiencing a decrease in basal strength, (a) Initial critical wedge develops with basal strength 0,, = 30°. Total
convergenceof 12 km. (b)Basa! strength decreases linearly to 0,, = 20°. Total convergence of 12.5 km. Most of the wedge is in the stable fieldand experiences
no deformation although continued convergence causes deformation of the toe region, (c) Basal strength decreases linearly to 0,, = 10°. Total convergence
of 13 km. (d) With continued weakening of the base ( ^ - 6°), wedge again becomes critical in a tensional mode with horizontal extension. Total convergence
of 13.5km.(e)Thebasalstrengthisheldconstantat0^, = 6° and the wedge again becomes stable. Total convergence of 14.5 km. Continued convergence
will result in the wedge growing from the toe backward until a new critical taper is achieved.


compressive critical wedges experiencing contractional-styles field and strain rates in the wedge interior go to zero (Fig. 7c).
of deformation. At any time during the wedge development, Deformation continues only at the toe of the wedge where the
stresses within the entire wedge are at the Coulomb yield continued convergence forces the wedge to continue accreting
stress. The wedge maintains the same geometry as it grows new material. This deformational pattern is in contrast to the
self-similarly consistent with the critical wedge theory. As deformational pattern in the sub-critical domain III (Fig. 6b),
such, the state of each model is characterized by a single point where the wedge is also rigid, but deformation continues
on line I in Figure 2b. However, if one of the parameters in adjacent to the backstop. The difference is the large taper
Figure 2 should change, the state of the wedge would depart angle in the wedge of Figure 7, relative to the basal strength,
from line I and critical wedge behaviour. In particular, an which allows the wedge to slide over its base and accrete
increase or decrease in the basal strength i^i, moves the wedge incoming sediments. If the basal strength were to remain
state into the sub-critical domain III or stable domain IV, constant at the value in Figure 7c, a new wedge with a shallow
respectively. These two cases are considered next. surface angle would form against the 'backstop' formed by
the rigid, previously developed wedge. As the new material
piles onto the old wedge, the surface angle would be system-
Increase in basal strength model atically reduced, bringing its state of stress back onto yield.
An increase in the basal strength changes the state of the If the basal strength continues to decrease faster than
wedge such that the surface slope is less than is required to be newly accreted material can reduce the surface slope the
critical. This combination of surface slope and basal strength wedge may again go critical in a state of tension (Fig. 7d). The
place the state of the wedge in domain III of Figure 2b, the combination of surface slope and basal strength of the wedge
sub-critical field, implying stresses in the wedge are less than places it on line II in Figure 2b, the second critical wedge
the Coulomb yield stress. The wedge interior in the sub- solution. The entire wedge fails again, but in a tensile mode
critical domain must be rigid and deformation of the wedge associated with extension and downslope flow. The entire
as a whole must cease. The wedge is not steep enough to wedge is not in tension, because of the continued conver-
propagate over its basal decollement so the decollement also gence and accretion at the toe that keeps the toe in local
'locks' and relative displacement between the wedge and the compression. While the basal strength continues to decrease
lower plate goes to zero, thus forcing the relative convergence the wedge remains in this mode of defonnation. The state of
to be taken up at the backstop. This behaviour is demon- the wedge can not move above line II in Figure 2, so the
strated by the model of Figure 6. The wedge in Figure 6a surface slope decreases as the basal strength decreases to
develops with a basal strength parameter 0 b = 15°, as in the keep the state of the wedge on line II. However, if the basal
model of Figure 5. At this point the basal strength parameter strength remains constant, or increases again, the state of the
<^^ instantaneously increases to 30°, the value used in the wedge immediately moves back into the stable field IV (Fig.
model of Figure 4. As expected, deformation stops in most 7e) and deformation ceases. The wedge continues to deform
of the wedge, as stresses drop below yield and the material only to accrete new material at the toe as in Figures 7b & 7c.
becomes rigid (Fig. 6b). Deformation continues only adja-
cent to the backstop, where the rigid backstop forces the
material to fail and begin building a new wedge with a steeper Discussion
surface. As uplift of the rear of the wedge increases the
surface slope, the deformation propagates forward (Figs 6c, The numerical models illustrate four distinct styles of defor-
6d). When the entire surface is at the new critical slope, mation in growing Coulomb wedges, each associated with a
stresses in the entire wedge are again at yield and the wedge specific geometry and strength state domain in a-p-0-0b
again grows self-similarly (Fig. 6e). space. The models of Figures 4 & 5 have constant boundary
conditions and so remain on the critical solution line I in
Figure 8 at the positions labelled by squares (e) and (a),
Decrease in basal strength model
respectively. Deformation in these models is characterized
The complementary case, a decrease in basal strength, im- by plastic deformation of the entire wedge at all times with the
plies very different deformation behaviour. A decrease in highest strain rate concentrated in a band from the wedge toe
basal strength moves the state of the wedge into the stable along the wedge base to the comer with the backstop. A
domain IV of Figure 2b. In the stable domain, as in the sub- stronger base apparently favours transport of undeformed
critical domain, stresses drop below the Coulomb yield sediment further under the wedge before accretion in an
stress, which stops any widespread plastic deformation of the underplating kinematic style.
wedge interior. However, in this case the surface slope and The evolution of the state of the model with increasing
wedge taper are sufficiently large to permit the wedge to slide basal strength (Fig. 6) is shown schematically by the square
stably over its basal decollement forcing relative conver- points in Figure 8, each of which corresponds to a stage of
gence to be taken up at the toe of the wedge. This behaviour development in Figure 6. The initial wedge develops at (a) on
is demonstrated by the model of Figure 7. The wedge in the critical line I; the increase in basal strength immediately
Figure 7a develops with a basal strength parameter (^ b = 30°. transfers the wedge state along the horizontal path to square
Subsequently, the basal strength systematically decreases (b) in domain III. Subsequent deformation steepens the
(Figs 7b, 7c). Most of the wedge quickly enters the stable surface slope moving the state vertically up to its final state


mation of the wedge interior; the only significant strain rates

are in the immediate toe region or are confined to the
decollement region where the lower plate shears beneath the
rigid wedge. The toe of the wedge continues to deform in
order to accrete all the incoming sediment. The vertical
segment of the path directly above circular point (e) in Figure
8 represents the decrease of slope resulting from the contin-
ued accretion and would be achieved by backward propaga-
tion of the new critical slope that is forming at the toe of the
wedge in Figure 7e. Dahlen (1984) suggested that a wedge in
this stable field would simply slide over the underthrust
sediments with no internal deformation and no accretion of
new sediments. Sliding without accretion is possible, but not
necessary; whether or not new material is accreted likely
depends on the detailed mechanics of deformation at the
wedge toe.
Figure 8. Mechanical state in 0^, a space of finite element models relative
An example of deformation in domain II on the second
to critical wedge solutions. Square points represent path taken by model of
Figure (6): points (a) through (e) correspond to Figures (6a) through (6e), critical wedge line is provided by Figure 7d which shows the
respectively. Circles represent path taken by model of Figure (7); points (a) deformational state of the wedge on the critical line II at circle
through (e) correspond to Figures (7a) through (7e), respectively. (d) in Figure 8. The domain II line represents the boundary
of the permissible states of a Coulomb wedge. As continued
at square (e). The geometric and strength state of the wedge weakening of the base of the wedge attempts to move the
in this model places it in domain III for the entire transition. wedge state to the left of the critical line, the surface slope
With reference to Figures 6b-6d, deformation in domain III is decrea.ses at a rate that keeps the state on line II. This slope
characterized by high strain rates in the rear of the wedge that decrease is achieved by extensional collapse of the wedge. If
propagate forward as the surface of the wedge steepens. The material continues to be accreted to the toe of the wedge, the
style of deformation observed in domain III, the sub-critical toe remains in compression, but the rest of the wedge is in
field involves the highest compressional strain rates in the tension and accompanying extension. The extensional strain
interior of a wedge. It is, therefore, the most likely cause of rates are determined by the rate of weakening of the base;
large internal strains as evidenced by out-of-sequence strain rates must be high enough to keep the wedge state on
(backstepping) faulting. Internal strain is experienced by the the critical line. If the basal strength stops weakening, the
wedge interior in other modes of deformation, in particular, extension immediately ceases as the wedge becomes stable,
steady growth on the critical line, but the strain is smaller and its state moving into domain IV.
is experienced at lower rates. As demonstrated in Figure 4, The defomiation and kinematic styles observed in these
it is possible to maintain the critical taper with no strain in the models is associated with the mechanical state of a wedge and
upper, interior part of the wedge. Large internal, out-of- the domain implied by that state, not the mechanism or
sequence strains are most likely the result of sub-critical mechanisms responsible for the change in state. The styles of
deformation as the wedge deforms to regain its critical taper. deformation associated with each of the four domains iden-
The model of Figure 7 demonstrates two additional styles tified in Figure 2 in a-p-</»-(^ 5 space are demonstrated by
of deformation, those associated with a wedge state in do- models that change the basal strength, ()!>(,, with time. How-
mains II and IV. The path representing the evolving state of ever, a change in any of the other parameters that causes the
the wedge in Figures 7a through 7e is given by the circles (a- state of the wedge to enter another domain produces the same
e) in Figure 8. The wedge model in Figure 7a develops style of deformation. Basal strength was varied in these
initially at point (a) on the critical line. As the basal strength models because it seems the most likely parameter to experi-
decreases (Fig. 7b), the wedge state moves into the stable ence significant changes. Basal strength can change in
domain IV. Continued weakening of the base moves the response to changes in strength of underthrust material,
wedge state across domain IV until it reaches the other critical changes in fluid pressure due to differing porosity and perme-
line, II, above point (d). The base continues to weaken, ability of underthrust material, or changes in convergence
moving the wedge state along line II until the strength of the rate that could lead to variations in the rate of sediment
base is held constant, at which point the wedge state again dewatering and hence fluid pressure generation. The basal
enters the stable field as the surface slope decreases by dip (p) can also change independently, for example, as an
accretion. The wedge state moves down to the final state of isostatic response to a growing wedge. Surface slope (a) can
the model at point (e), although continued accretion would change as a response to erosion; depending on the distribution
force the state eventually to reach a new critical state on line of erosion, the surface slope could be either increased or
I. Figures 7b, 7c & 7e represent the style of deformation in decreased. The surface slope could also be decreased by
the stable domain IV; Figure 7d shows the deformation sedimentation over the wedge, pushing the state down into
occurring while the wedge state is critical on line II. The domain III. Any of these changes would result in the transient
domain IV deformation is characterized by localized defor- deformational states demonstrated by the models of Figures


6 or 7. causally related. Underplating is a growth mechanism asso-

A particular thrust belt or accretionary wedge may have a ciated with compressional deformation in domain III. Exten-
long and complex geological history that involves multiple sion would not occur until growth stops as the wedge state
phases of deformation of different styles as the state of the moves across the stable domain and reaches domain II. An
wedge changes deformational domains. For example, the independent mechanism, e.g. change in basal strength, is still
deformation may shift from the toe of a wedge back to the required to drive this cycle, underplating alone cannot drive
interior and forward to the toe again as the mechanical state the system.
of the wedge shifts between domains III and IV.
The predicted kinematic patterns have implications for the
tectonic exhumation of high pressure terranes. All models Conclusions
showed vertical components to the velocity field, but exhu-
mation occurs only where the velocity of a particle at depth The deformational history of a thrust belt or accretionary
is larger than the velocity of the free surface overlying that wedge can involve multiple phases of deformation with
particle. This condition does not occur in any of the models different styles resulting from changing geometries, bound-
with the exception of Figure 7d, in which gravitational ary conditions and internal strength of the wedge. Critical
collapse leads to the exhumation of the rear of the wedge. wedge theory defines distinct domains dependent on the
Otherwise, all models show no exhumation of material at geometric and strength state of a Coulomb wedge; the dy-
depth in the wedge. This kinematic pattern of a growing namics and kinematics of these domains can be determined
Coulomb wedge is in contrast to a wedge with a viscous using numerical techniques. Each domain has an associated
rheology as proposed in the models of Emerman & Turcotte deformational style. Growth of a wedge on the compres-
(1983) and Piatt (1986). If the accreted material deforms sional critical surface in the geometry-strength space implies
viscously, the surface slope drives flow down towards the toe self-similar growth by either frontal accretion or underplating
in all cases, inevitably leading to exhumation in the rear of the with frontal accretion favoured by a weak decollement. If
wedge. changing conditions drive the state of a wedge into the
The exceptional case in these models, the gravitational subcritical domain, deformation enters a transient state with
collapse of a Coulomb wedge, has limited potential for no deformation in most of the wedge interior and no displace-
significant exhumation. A single collapse phase as in Figure ment along the decollement except at the back of the wedge
7 is not likely to produce significant exhumation. However, where the rigid backstop forces the wedge to continue de-
if a wedge passes through several cycles of collapse and forming internally, increasing the wedge taper and driving
growth, cycling its deformational state through domains II, deformation progressively forward to the toe. If the taper of
III and IV, as in the full path of square (a) to circle (e) in Figure a wedge becomes too large relative to its basal strength, the
8, reproducing the full range of deformational styles observed state of the wedge enters the stable domain and slides over its
in Figures 6 and 7, exhumation could be quite significant. The base with no internal deformation, other than at the toe where
styles of growth (domain III) and collapse (domain II) are continued accretion forces a wedge with a shallower taper to
very different. Deformation during growth starts from the form against the older, now rigid, wedge. The wedge may
back and propagates forward; deformation during collapse is return to critical in a state of horizontal tension and associated
ubiquitous with contemporaneous extension and contraction. extension if the taper becomes larger than the basal strength
The corresponding kinematic patterns imply different parti- can support. In this mode, the entire wedge deforms in
cle paths during contractural construction and extensional extension to reduce the wedge taper, with the exception of the
destruction of the wedge leading to a net upward movement toe region which may remain in compression if accretion
of deeply buried rocks as the wedge state cycles between continues.
growth and collapse. The superposition of phases of these transient and steady
This exhumation mechanism is similar to the model dis- deformational styles may help explain complex stuctural
cussed by Piatt (1986, 1987) in which he proposed that relationships. Features such as out-of-sequence faulting and
tectonic exhumation was due to extension driven by tectonic exhumation of high-pressure terranes can be inter-
underplating. However, the Coulomb plastic rheology im- preted in terms of transient phases of non-critical wedge
plies some important differences. A cycling of the wedge deformation.
through domains II and III would involve underplating dur-
ing growth in domain III and extension in domain II, and The author was supported in this research by a Dalhousie University Killam
Post-doctoral Fellowship. This work was also supported by a Natural
could result in extensional structures associated with
Sciences and Engineering Research Council Operating Grant to Christopher
underplating. This model would also result in exhumation of Beaumont. This work benefited greatly from many discussions with Chris
high pressure terranes without excessive erosion. However, Beaumont and Philippe FuUsack. The manuscript was improved by helpful
this mechanism differs from Piatt's model in that the exten- reviews by Mark Brandon and F. A. Dahlen.
sion and underplating would not be contemporaneous nor



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A developmental stage of a foreland belt
E. G. Bombolakis

Department of Geology and Geophysics, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167,


Abstract: Active foreland-type belts indicate that recurring seismically related modes of
deformation played a fundamental role in ancient foreland belts. Earthquakes along ramps (?) or
listric segments of thrusts apparently can be larger in magnitude than along associated decollements.
When this situation exists, additional styles of fault slip must occur along decollements to generate
the larger earthquakes at the 'locked' inclined fault segments. Fault-slip styles in active tectonic
terranes include typical earthquakes, slow earthquakes, and recurring forms of fault creep. They
indicate that velocity-dependent damping is a key element in several faulting processes. Fault
models presented here take this parameter into account, and they are applied to the Hogsback sheet
in the Kemmerer region of the Wyoming Salient. They indicate that appreciable long-term fault
creep displacement cannot occur along decollements at average geological slip rates, with few
possible exceptions such as extensive layer-parallel shortening due to pressure solution. Data
analysis for Kemmerer indicates that the Hogsback sheet probably was emplaced by the more rapid
forms of recurring fault slip. The partitioning of elastic tectonic strain imposed by typical and slow
earthquakes accordingly may depend to a considerable extent on the relation between relaxation
times of deformational processes and the recurrence intervals of these fault-slip events.

nodal plane of the mainshock was the active fault, but a recent
Active continental tectonic terranes illustrate that upper crustal
deformation is strongly influenced by coseismic faulting and analysis of the three-dimensional velocity structure and
short-term fault creep events (e.g. Allen 1981; Savage 1983; seismicity provides very strong evidence that the mainshock
Schwartz & Coppersmith 1986; Wesson 1988; Sibson 1989; occurred along a 30° SW dipping portion of a low-angle blind
Stein & Yeats 1989). Consequently, the objectives here are thrust system at some 10 km depth (Eberhart-Phillips 1989).
(1) to present some key evidence of seismically related Relevant interpretations are that the mainshock occurred
deformation in foreland-type belts, (2) to quantify potential along an inclined fault segment of a fault-propagation fold
modes of dynamic fault slip along a decoUement aft of a (Stein & Yeats 1989), along a listric segment of an imbricate
thrust system beneath a major fold (Wentworth & Zoback
frontal ramp or listric segment of an imbricate, (3) to illustrate
applications with a field example from the Wyoming Salient, 1989), or along a frontal ramp associated with a fault-bend
and (4) to suggest how some of the elastic tectonic strains fold (Namson & Davis 1988a). The Coalinga anticline was
imposed by fault slip may be partitioned between brittle either uplifted or had its amplitude increased by half a metre
deformation and strain-rate dependent ductile deformation. or more (Stein 1987).
The Coalinga region is not unique. Pronounced seismicity
reportedly is related spatially to major ramps (or listric
Seismically related deformation in foreland belts segments of blind thrusts) associated with major folds in the
western Transverse Ranges (Namson & Davis 1988b) and in
Seismic moment tensor analyses indicate that moderate to the fold belt of the Los Angeles region where the Oct. 1,1987
large earthquakes account for 25 % to 70% of the upper crustal M|^ 5.9 Whittier Narrows mainshock occurred at about 14 km
fault slip occurring in several major continental zones where depth (Lin & Stein 1989). In both the Whitder Narrows and
active deformation is distributed over large distances from Coalinga mainshocks, the preferred nodal planes dip about
major plate boundaries (Ekstrom & England 1989). Evi- 30°, consistent with balanced cross sections of these regions
dence that seismically related modes of deformation are (Namson & Davis 1988a; Davis era/. 1989). In the Tell Atlas
important in foreland-type belts within these zones is illus- of Algeria, the axis of a well developed anticline in the
trated by the Himalayan foreland belt, the Shotori belt in hanging wall of a complex thrust sheet is parallel to the 30 km
eastern Iran, the Kopah Dagh belt northeast of Iran, the El surface rupture produced by the Ms 7.3 1980 El Asnam
Asnam thrust terrane in the Tell Atlas of Algeria, the western earthquake. Palaeoseismic studies indicate that two previous
Transverse Ranges of California, and by the Coalinga region large earthquakes had occurred along this zone with a re-
of the fold-and-thrust belt along the southern Coast Ranges currence interval of about 450 years (Swan 1988).
bordering the San Joaquin Valley. Coseismic faulting also appears to be associated with flats
The May 2, 1983 M 6.7 Coalinga mainshock and its and decollements. Low-angle nodal planes in the eastern half
aftershock sequence were associated principally with blind of the Himalayan foreland belt lie either on a basal decollement
thrusts and a major fold. Controversy has existed as to which or on flats associated with the Main Boundary thrust system


(Baranowski etal. 1984). Examples are the Oct. 21,1964 M boundary between the Franciscan and Great Valley sequence
5.9 mainshock and the March 24, 1974 M 5.4 mainshock, strata (Eberhart-Phillips 1989), a potentially important
both of which had slip vectors plunging 2° or 3°. Similarly, stratigraphic type of barrier.
south of Coalinga and east of the North Kettleman Hills A fundamental phenomenon related to barriers is the
Dome, the M 5.5 Avenal earthquake is consistent with low- recurrence of earthquakes of similar size along specific
angle thrusting along a flat (Namson & Davis 1988a). segments of a fault zone (see Schwartz & Coppersmith 1986),
Most of the catalogued continental thrust-fault mainshocks as illustrated by the Oued Fodda thrust fault in the Tell Atlas
(M > 5) have preferred nodal planes dipping 20° to 60° (e.g. (Swan 1988). The 'characteristic' earthquakes apparendy
Ekstrom & England 1989). Instructive examples are the 1980 recur along the same fault segments until the geometry,
Ms 7.3 El Asnam mainshock on a complex fault dipping = 45° rheology, or boundary conditions of the fault zone are altered
NW at some 6 km depth in the Tell Atlas (Nabalek 1985; sufficiently to accommodate changes in the style of defor-
Yielding 1985), and the 1978 Ms 7.4 Tabas-e-Golshan mation.
mainshock nodal plane dipping 30° NE at about 10 km depth Instrumental monitoring of active faults has revealed that
in the Shotori belt (Berberian 1982). An important feature in the modes of fault slip include typical earthquakes of seconds
both cases is that detailed aftershock studies indicate that the duration, slow earthquakes of minutes to tens of minutes
major structures include listric imbricate faults that converge duration (Sacks et al. 1981; Beroza & Jordan 1989), acceler-
downward into low-angle decollements. And in both cases, ating-decelerating fault creep episodes each of an hour or so
like Coalinga, some of the smaller aftershock focal mecha- duration, and slower forms of fault creep (Wesson 1988).
nisms are indicative of low-angle slip onflatsor decollements. Potentially important mechanisms of long-term fault creep
include the LPS (layer-parallel shortening) thrusting described
by Geiser (1988), and thrusting along evaporite beds But
Observations for formulation of decoUement fault- despite more than 30 years of intensive study, 'long term'
slip models fault creep has been documented in relatively few active
continental locales; notably, along the central section of the
The analysis of seismic moment rates shows that a few large San Andreas fault zone, the Imperial fault to the south, one
earthquakes produce considerably more cumulative fault slip locale along the North Anatolian fault in Turkey (Wesson
along a fault than fairly numerous small earthquakes along 1988), the Nahan thrust in the Himalayas (Sinvhal et al.
the same fault (Brune 1968; Schwartz & Coppersmith 1986). 1973), and the Buena Vista thrust in California (Wilt 1958).
Seismic data, discussed above, indicate that earthquakes Attempts to discover long term fault creep in New Zealand
along ramps or inclined thrust segments can be larger than have been unsuccessful thus far (Scholz 1989).
along flats or decollements. Therefore, for this type of Velocity-dependent damping along faults accordingly
situation, additional styles of fault slip along a decollement, seems to be a key element in several faulting processes
such as fault creep, need to be considered; e.g. in order that (Bombolakis 1989b). For example, analyses in mechanical
sufficient elastic tectonic strains are stored at 'locked' listric engineering show that velocity-dependent damping along a
fault segments to generate the larger earthquakes at those slip surface controls the rate, amount, and time duration of
segments. slip (e.g. Den Hartog 1958; Timoshenko et al. 1974). The
In a review of the paradox of overthrust faulting. Price analyses incorporate various forms of velocity-dependent
(1988) emphasized that traditional models of fault slip, such damping in terms of a damping parameter 5 with respect to
as the Hubbert-Rubey model, cannot be applied to the entire inertial forces. The damping forces can be very complex, and
subhorizontal base of a thrust sheet, and that the fault so 5 is evaluated such that the dissipative energy associated
displacements are described more realistically by a Somigliana with 5 is equivalent to the dissipative energy produced by the
dislocation fault model. This model is one of the elastic actual damping forces (Timoshenko et al. 1974, p. 64,81 -88).
dislocation models frequently employed in geodetic analyses Consequently, relevant concepts from mechanical engineering
of faulting (e.g. Savage 1983; Lin & Stein 1989). However, should have an important bearing on faulting in the upper
these models do not take into account inertial forces of the continental crust.
fault blocks, nor inelastic behaviour along the faults. Con-
sequently, the models presented here are formulated to take
these parameters into account with respect to the following Fault slip models
observations in earthquake seismology and seismotectonics.
Active faults are associated with barriers defined as fea- Figure 1 provides a reference for discussion. Recurring
tures that interrupt or terminate rupture propagation (Aki fault slip occurs along length L of an active thrust-belt
1984). Examples of geometric barriers are a tear fault and an segment of unit width W, bounded by the topographic slope
imbricate zone that sequentially interrupted rupture propa- and vertical sections h^ and h^. The barrier shown in Figure
gation of the main thrust during the 1980 Ms 7.3 El Asnam 1 is a frontal ramp, but it alternatively could be represented by
earthquake (Yielding 1985). An example of a rheologic a listric segment of an imbricate fault. The other barrier in the
barrier is the thick evaporites in the Zagros (Jackson 1983). vicinity of a-b is not shown because various types of barriers
And in the case of the 1983 Coalinga mainshock, the upward are possible. In the case of a coseismic net slip event along
extent of the mainshock rupture ended at the approximate L, the slip equations of Bombolakis (1989a) indicate that fault


slip X is given approximately by where 5 is the damping parameter expressed in frequency

units (Timoshenko et al. 1974), a^^y 10^-5^/4 is the damped
S ) L W fj
X » (P cos a)„ t (1) fundamental frequency, and t = 71/co^ is the duration of a net
k, + k.2
slip event. Therefore equation (3) can describe the approximate
where P is the peak shear strength at onset of dynamic slip, S fault slip resulting from typical earthquakes, slow earth-
is the average shear resistance during dynamic slip, (P - S) is quakes, and accelerating-decelerating faultcreep events along
the stress drop, k^ and k^ are the respective elastic composite an active segment of a decollement when 5/2 < co .
stiffnesses calculated from seismic reflection data for the In contrast, when 5/2 > co_^ we have the case of heavy
sedimentary packages along h^ and h^ (Bombolakis 1989a), damping (Timoshenko ef fl/. 1974). The fault-slip equation
and for this situation is transformed to

k|-h ki (P - S)LW
/ ^ 1 - e' 2^' (cosh pt -I- sinh (3t)
x= k. + k-,
Y p'(T-tana + h 2 ) « L ' W (2) P (4)

is the fundamental frequency of the thrust-belt segment. Tan where p = V s/4 - (o„" . The importance of the fundamental
a is the topographic slope and p is average bulk density. Each frequencies of active fault blocks with respect to velocity-
composite stiffness constant is analagous to the spring con- dependent damping along faults is illustrated nicely by the
stant of a spring-mass system. The stiffer the spring, the case of 5 » c o ^ . For this case, 5/2 « p, causing the bracketed
larger the spring constant. Competent strata usually are expression to approach zero because of a mathematical
elastically stiffer than incompetent strata. The resulting identity between hyperbolic functions and exponential
fundamental frequency characterizes the simplest mode of functions. Therefore, X = 0 irrespective of time t, with the
motion that the active mass would have if it were not affected consequence that no significant fault creep can occur along L.
by dissipative forces. This frequency therefore is one of the This physical condition accordingly might be one of the basic
fundamental parameters inherent in the elastic rebound theory reasons why so few examples of iong term' fault creep have
of earthquake faulting. An example of how the elastic been documented in the upper continental crust since instru-
stiffnesses are calculated from seismic profiling data is illus- mental monitoring of active fault zones was initiated circa
trated in Table 2 of Bombolakis (1989a). 1960. And it is a physical condition that can be evaluated in
The time duration of a coseismic net slip in equation (1) is analyses of thrust-sheet emplacement, as illustrated in the
t = Tt/co^. For this t, equation (1) becomes identical in form following field example.
to the net slip equations of traditional crack-growth models
employed in earthquake seismology (see equation 26 of
Bombolakis 1989a). But like the traditional crack-growth Hogsback thrust sheet in the Kemmerer region,
models, equation (1) neglects velocity-dependent damping. Wyoming
If velocity-dependent damping is incorporated in the deri-
vation of equation (1), we obtain (Bombolakis 1989b) In general, damping includes both a constant component of
damping and a velocity-dependent component. S in equa-
tions (3) and (4) is the shear resistance associated with the
(P - S ) L W 6/2 constant component (Bombolakis 1989a). If we denote T_J as
X« 1 - e 2 (cos a)jt + -sin CO .t)
k, + ko
(3) the average shear resistance associated with both components,
then (T^ - S) represents the average increment of shear resist-
ance associated with velocity-dependent damping along length
L of the decollement in Figure 1. For these conditions, the
approximate value of 5 is

(^d- S)
p • Xavg. • (-^ tan a + hj) (5)

where Xavg. is the average slip rate of a fault slip event along
L, and h^ is the thickness of the sedimentary package indi-
cated in Figure 1.
L »1 Basement The Hogsback thrust sheet illustrates the problem of long-
term fault creep of thrust sheets. Extensive deformation in its
frontal ramp region near Kemmerer is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1. A developmental stage of a foreland belt. The temporally active
thrust-belt segment is bounded by L, h 1, hj the topographic slope, and unit (See Figs 1 & 2 in Delphia & Bombolakis 1988 for detailed
width W peipendicular to diagram. stratigraphic section and location in the Wyoming Salient).
The predominantly competent sequence encompassing the


Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite (O^^) and the Triassic Nugget fault slip have occurred ? Consider again fault slip data from
sandstone (TR J had undergone considerable imbrication in active tectonic terranes, keeping in mind that equations (2)
the break back mode. In contrast, the same stratigraphic and (5) show that the fundamental frequency is more sensi-
sequence just above the basal decollement extends westward tive to length L of the active thrust-belt segment than the
from c-d for 30 km with no significant deformation apparent velocity-dependent damping parameter.
within the resolution of seismic reflection profiles and other The 'long term' fault creep along the central section of the
subsurface data of Dixon (1982) and Lamerson (1982), until San Andreas actually appears to be dominated by sequences
the trailing edge contact with a major ramp of the Absaroka of short-term fault creep events, each affecting a few or more
thrust is approached. km of fault length along the traces (Wesson 1988). Many of
Suppose that this section of the Hogsback plate is assumed the creep events are interpreted to be associated with yield
to have undergone long-term fault creep at an average geo- point phenomena (Nason & Weertman 1973; Bombolakis et
logical slip rate along L in Figure 1. The estimated rate for al. 1978; Wesson 1988), which is consistent with (P - S) of
thrusts in the Wyoming Salient (Wiltschko & Dorr 1983) is equations (3) and (4). In the case of thrust belts, field evidence
similar to the 10"^ to 10' cm/sec. rates calculated by Elliott of repeated cycles of work softening is reported for several
(1976) for external thrusts of the Canadian Rockies foreland low-angle thrust faults in the foreland zone of the Appalachi-
belt. L = 30 km for the Hogsback sheet, and h^ = 10 km with ans (Wojtal & Mitra 1986, 1988; Woodward etal. 1988).
a ~ 4° prior to post-thrusting erosion. Utilizing elastic Slip rates of fault creep events along the San Andreas
stiffness data for the Kemmerer region (Bombolakis 1989a), frequently range from 10' to 10* cm/sec. (Wesson 1988;
equation (2) indicates that the fundamental frequency of this Bilham 1989). Applying these data to the Hogsback sheet for
part of the Hogsback plate is less than 1 Hertz. A conservative length L = 5 - 10 km, equation (5) yields 8 in the range of 10
estimate of (T^ - S) is = 0.1 bar in equation (5) because esti- - 1O*" Hertz, whereas equation (2) yields a fundamental fre-
mated stress drops of fault creep along the central section of quency of only a few Hertz for the same length segments.
the San Andreas are in the range of 0.4 bar to several bars Consequently, for the more rapid fault creep events, more
(Wesson 1988). Consequently, for average geological slip cumulative fault slip is possible than for the slower fault creep
rates, equation (5) yields values of 5 in the range of 10'' to 10* events. For example, slip rates of slow earthquakes in the
Hertz. These values would increase by a factor of 10, for range of 0.1 - 1 cm/sec. yield values of 8 of about 10 ' to 10
example, if (i^ - S) = 1 bar, instead of 0.1 bar. Therefore - Hertz. Therefore, equations (2), (3), (4), and (5) indicate that
equation (4) stipulates that no significant fault creep displace- it is only slow earthquakes and relatively rapid fault creep
ment possibly could have occurred under these conditions, events, as well as typical earthquakes, that could have pro-
even if the shear resistance associated with velocity-dependent duced significant propagating fault slip between the trailing
damping were small. edge and the Hogsback frontal ramp. Since no significant
The net slip of this section of the Hogsback sheet exceeds fault displacement can result from recurring slow fault creep
12 km (Delphia & Bombolakis 1988). How, then, could the of work-hardening/work-softening material, a potentially



? ??
- SL 0

/ \ PC / \ /
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / ^ / ^
Figure 2. Balanced cross-section of the Absaroka (A) and Hogsback (H) thrust sheets 15 km north of Kemmerer in the Wyoming Salient. The Lazeart
syncline (L) is demarcated by a solid-line curve drawn along contact between the Frontier formation and the Cretaceous Milliard clastic sequence (Kj^). Open
circles indicate locations of three deep wells close to the section. Three key marker beds within the predominantly competent stratigraphic sequence are
the Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite (O^^^), the Permo-Pennsylvanian Weber sandstone (PIP„), and the Triassic Nugget sandstone (TR^^). From Delphia &
Bombolakis (1988).


important effect of such events may be temporal thickening

of the fault zone in accordance with conservation of energy
principles. (1) Preseismic:

Partitioning of elastic tectonic strains - a


Whether fault slip occurs by typical earthquakes, slow earth-

quakes, or relatively rapid fault creep events, the elastic
tectonic strains imposed along h^ of the active thrust-belt (2) Coseismic:
segment in Figure 1 are 'instantaneous' with respect to
typical strain rates of flow processes involved in layer-
parallel shortening and layer-parallel shear. A conceptual J^YA-
way of partitioning is illustrated by the Maxwell model in
Figure 3. During coseismic fault slip, for example, the
imposed tectonic strain is taken up by the elastic spring. (3) Postseismic:
Therefore, the amount of subsequent strain-rate dependent
deformation depends on how the relaxation time of the
dominant flow process compares with the recurrence interval
of the fault-slip events. By definition, the relaxation time is
the time ittakes to decrease the elastic strain by 1/e of its value.
The recurrence intervals of moderate to large magnitude with relaxation time
thrust earthquakes thus far seem to be in the 100-500 year
range (e.g. Swan 1988; Stein & Yeats 1989). Consequently, T = t]/E
if the relaxation time were of the same magnitude as the
recurrence interval, then relatively little strain-rate dependent
Figure 3. Conceptual Maxwell model, illustrating relaxation of coseismic
ductile deformation would occur, and considerable elastic
elastic tectonic strain imposed on sedimentary package along h, in Figure 1.
tectonic strains potentially would be available for brittle and
semi-brittle deformation.
Much of the current fold theory is based on linear viscosity 1989a). If this is correct, then the recurrence intervals of the
r\ (Hudleston 1986), and so it is worthwhile at this time to fault-slip events must have been appreciably shorter than the
consider the relaxation times of layer-parallel shortening and relaxation times of layer-parallel shortening and layer-paral-
layer-parallel shear based on linear visco-elasticity theory. lel shear of the competent strata. For example, the Twin
This theory shows that the relaxation time T for layer-parallel Creek limestone lies stratigraphically above the Nugget sand-
shortening, without the constraint of plane strain, is the stone in Figure 2, but there is no evidence of significant layer-
equation shown in Figure 4, where E is Young's modulus. parallel shortening of either of these formations within the
This equation differs from the plane strain case by a factor of resolution of subsurface data. Layer-parallel shortening of
only l/(l-v^), which is negligible for the customary range of the Twin Creek limestone due to pressure solution is minor in
Poisson's ratio V. For comparison, the relaxation timeT' for this part of the Wyoming Salient (Mitra et al. 1984).
layer-parallel shear is given also in Figure 4, where G is the The deformation of the competent sequence in Figure 2 is
shear modulus. If we calculate the ratio of these two relaxa- dominated by flexural-slip folding and imbrication (Delphia
tion times for each bed of a thrust sheet, then the ratios reduce & Bombolakis 1988). And the fact of the matter is that
to the elastic constants of each bed, which can be calculated modern examples of seismically induced flexural-slip have
from seismic reflection profiling data (Bombolakis 1989a). been recognized in recent years; notably, bedding slip in a
For some beds, T ' can be 2/3 smaller than T, in which case syncline due to the April?, 1981 ML 2.5 Lompac earthquake
layer-parallel shear should be more dominant than layer- in the northwest Transverse Ranges (Yerkes et al. 1983),
parallel shortening for appropriate values of x/o. Conse- bedding slip in a syncline due to the 1980 El Asnam earth-
quently, the idealized scheme in Figure 4 illustrates how these quake in Algeria (Philip & Meghraoui 1983), and a stage of
concepts can be tested with deformation profiles of the flexural-slip folding of an anticline along the Elmore Ranch
simpler thrust sheets described by Sanderson (1982) and fault during the 1987 Superstition Hills earthquake sequence
Mitra&Protzman(l988). in the southern San Andreas (Klinger & Rockwell 1989).
The implications of these concepts are illustrated by the
Hogsback structure in Figure 2 with respect to Figure 1.
Elastic stiffness contrasts between the sedimentary packages Concluding remarks
along h, and h^ in Figure 1 indicate that some or much of the
sequential imbrication in Figure 2 probably had been associ- Recurring earthquakes along a specific fault segment can be
ated with seismic deformation in the ramp region (Bombolakis viewed as elastic rebound with respect to 'asperities' and


Partitioning Seismic Strains • be calculated from a steady-state creep flow law when appro-
priate. (P - S) therefore can be larger than the stress drop
1. Estimate x/O Gradient from Deformation Profile: associated with the initial phase of a fault-creep event. This
is one reason why the approximate sign is employed in
equations (3) and (4); other reasons are discussed elsewhere
(see discussion and relevant references in Bombolakis 1989a).
For very heavy damping, the fault displacement is very small,
regardless of whether (P - S) is larger than the stress drop
associated with the early phase of the motion. Consequently,
because of opposing damping and inertial effects, the relation
between 5 and the fundamental frequencies of active thrust-
2. Estimate Relaxation Times for Each Bed: block segments is one of the critical relations that determine
whether fault slip may occur as a typical earthquake, slow
(a) Layer-Parallel Shortening: earthquake, or a relatively rapid or slow fault creep event.
The analysis of the Hogsback thrust sheet in the Kemmerer
region illustrates potential modes of emplacement of external
thrust sheets in a foreland belt. For each style of fault slip
event analysed here, the increment of shear resistance asso-
T = 3n/E ciated with velocity-dependent fault damping is (x^ - S) < (P
- S). And for (t^ - S) as small as 0.1 bar, data analysis for the
(b) L a y e r - P a r a l l e l Shear: Kemmerer region demonstrates that the 12 or more km of
cumulative net slip could not have developed at average
T geological slip rates. Instead, the Hogsback sheet would have
had to be emplaced via more rapid types of recurring fault
slip. Potential exceptions permitting emplacement at average
geological slip rates include thrusting along salt and the LPS
thrusting described by Geiser (1988), which do not apply to
the Hogsback sheet (Delphia & Bombolakis 1988). Further-
T = n/G more, fault-rock studies of several foreland thrusts in the
Figure 4. Idealized example of partitioning layer-parallel shortening and Appalachians indicate that fault slip involved cycles of work
layer-parallel shear within a thrust sheet in terms of relaxation times T and hardening and work softening (Wojtal & Mitra 1986, 1988;
T '. See text. Woodward ^/a/. 1988). Hence, in view of the relatively rapid
forms of fault slip operating in active zones of the upper
barriers (Aki 1984). In thecaseoffaultcreepevents. Wesson continental crust, it is unlikely that the development of
(1988) finds that they can be viewed as arising from (1) stress foreland belts can be analysed exclusively in quasi-static
applied from external sources. (2) stress caused by geometry terms. The mechanical partitioning of elastic tectonic strains
and distribution of displacement on the fault, arising from the accordingly would need to include analyses based on rela-
elastic response of the surrounding medium to the tions between relaxation times and recurrence intervals.
displacements within the inelastic fault zone itself, and (3) An important observation in recent years is that syntectonic
constitutive relations and yield point phenomena that charac- extensional faulting is associated with compressional fault-
terize slip resistance along the fault. (Wesson's models ing in several thrust belts (e.g. Piatt & Leggett 1986; Wojtal
currently do not incorporate inertial forces). & Mitra 1986; Coward 1988). In Figure 1, the sedimentary
These parameters are incorporated here in prototype mod- package of the active thrust-belt segment along vertical
els that include inertial effects. In the case of a typical section h^ can undergo interludes of extension during dy-
earthquake, (P - S) in equation (3) is directly proportional to namic fault slip. However, it is not clear yet whether
stress drops calculated in earthquake seismology (Bombolakis extensional faulting would occur in the vicinity of h^, as was
1989a). The alteration of fault-zone material, however, can observed during the 1941 Hartford dyke detachment faulting
alter fault-slip style along specific segments of a decollement. event (Bombolakis 1981). Syntectonic extensional faulting
The constitutive relations for the segments probably are very in thrust belts therefore constitutes another potentially impor-
complex, and so it is more convenient to characterize several tant problem for future study.
effects of fault-rock behaviour by damping parameters.
Damping factor 5, for example, can be calculated directly
from basic field parameters in equation (5). In the case of Constructive suggestions for revision of the preliminary manuscript were
made by P. D'Onfro andW. Rizer of Conoco Inc., R. H. Manin III of New
episodic fault creep associated with yield point phenomena, England Research Inc., an anonymous reviewer, and the editor of this
P is the peak shear strength equal to or greater than the yield volume. Special thanks to Jeffrey Townsend for the arrangement and editing
point, depending on work hardening. The result is that (P - S) of a technically difficult manuscript.
is the stress drop associated with work softening, where S can



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Physical modelling
One-dimensional models for plane and non-plane power-law flow in
shortening and elongating thrust zones
Steven Wojtal

Department of Geology, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH 44074, USA

Abstract: The movement of a thrust sheet, even in external parts of fold-thrust belts, occurs by
deforming rocks within a zone of finite thickness. A significant fraction of thrust-zone strains may
accrue slowly as viscous deformation. This contribution uses a simple one-dimensional model of
power-law flow to analyse the viscous deformation in thrust zones. The model generates profiles
of stress and velocity for plane and non-plane flows that shorten or elongate during shearing. These
stress and velocity profiles are, in essence,' snapshots' of stresses and velocities in real thrust zones
that sequentially shorten and elongate during thrust emplacement. A comparison of stress and
velocity solutions for flows with different stress exponents gives a way to examine structural
settings where a single weak layer develops and affects stresses throughout the sheet. Using data
on the orientations of stress principal directions during episodes of shortening and elongation
derived from the mesoscopic fault array in an external thrust zone from the southern Appalachian
fold-thrust belt, the plane-flow solution suggests that differential stresses in the thrust zone did not
exceed 20 MPa. Moreover, body forces due to the dipping upper surface of the sheet were
apparently not the primary source of the tractions during thrust zone shortening or elongation
episodes. The additional tractions that other portions of the thrust sheet exerted on this thrust-zone
segment had comparable magnitudes during shortening and elongation episodes. Comparing
plane and non-plane solutions indicates that (1) shearing may localize at shallower depths or occur
with different orientations for principal stresses relative to the thrust-zone boundaries, and (2)
shortening or elongation may occur at smaller magnitudes of in-transport compression or tension,
in non-plane structural settings like the growing tips of thrusts.

The traditional view of fold-thrust belts has each thrust sheet ematical model, based on field studies of several external
sliding over its footwall on a discrete fault surface (Hubbert fold-thrust belt thrust zones, that gives stresses and velocities
& Rubey 1959; Hsu 1969; Price 1988). This view does not in plane strain as functions of position below the surface of a
conform with the movement mechanisms known for thrust thrust sheet. The model provides insight into the forces that
sheets in the internal portions of fold-thrust belts (cf. Schmid drove the emplacement of an external thrust sheet in the
1975;Gilotti&Kumpulainen 1986). It is at odds increasingly southern Appalachian fold-thrust belt. It also guides infer-
with observations in the external portions of fold-thrust belts, ences on the effects of changes in material behaviour due to
where studies of well-exposed thrust zones indicate that initial differences in rock rheology or to the mesoscopic and
thrust sheets move by deforming rocks within a zone several microscopic structural changes that accompany strain accu-
metres to several tens of metres thick (Harris & Milici 1977; mulation. A second intent of this contribution is to extend this
Wojtal 1986; Piatt & Leggett 1986). Prevailing models for analysis to three-dimensions, considering non-plane flow in
thrust belt evolution, on the other hand, specify that wedges thrust sheets. Preliminary examination of the results of an
exhibiting uniform mechanical behaviour yield throughout added degree offreedom, even in the unsophisticated manner
while sliding above abasal detachment (Chappie 1978; Davis considered here, suggests that non-plane strain treatments are
etal. 1983; Emerman & Turcotte 1983). The intensities and warranted.
geometries of strains within foreland thrust sheets do not The model, derived from glacier flow analyses (Nye,
conform with the predictions of yielding-wedge models 1957; Paterson, 1981), considers the flow of a power-law
(Woodward 1988). Moreover, rocks at different positions sheet between parallel-sided boundaries. The formulation
within otogenic wedges and along distinct segments of thrust (described in greater detail below) does not specify a priori
zones within the wedges may exhibit distinct material prop- the stress exponent n for the sheet, so it is sufficiently general
erties (Piatt 1986; Wojtal & Mitra 1988). These factors may to treat linearly viscous sheets (« = 1) and perfectly plastic
limit the applicability of elegant analyses of otogenic de- sheets (« —^ oo). Stress and velocity distributions for flows
formation, and they make exact solutions for realistic otogenic with different stress exponents n provide some insight to the
wedges difficult to attain (Fletcher 1989). effects of different rheologies. More importantly, the model
A more tractable task is to examine limited segments of a provides explicit solutions for stresses and velocities in
thrust sheet where a single deformation mechanism prevails. laminar flows (i.e. heterogeneous simple shear flows) as well
Even then, one must tailor the analysis to fit the desired focus. as solutions for compressing and extending flows (flows that
One intent of this contribution is to present a simple math- shorten or elongate as they shear). This contribution uses


those solutions to examine the elongation and shortening that moving relatively undeformed but fault-bounded blocks of
accompanies shearing in many fold-thrust belt thrust zones. rock past each other. From the standpoint of how the faults
in the arrays together accommodated the strains associated
with movement on major faults and from the standpoint of
Structure of foreland fold-thrust belt thrust zones how stresses were transmitted through the pervasively-faulted
rocks in the vicinity of major faults, it is therefore sensible to
Mesoscopic structure
take a larger view and examine this deformation at the scale
Immediately above and below many foreland fold-thrust belt of the whole thrust sheet.
thrust surfaces, pervasive arrays of mesoscopic minor faults Some foreland fold-thrust belt thrust zones possess thin
occur within thin (relative to the thrust sheet's thickness) layers of pervasively-cleaved rock along movement surfaces
layers (Harris & Milici 1978; Wojtal 1986; Piatt & Leggett {?\aXietal. 1987;Figs.6&7inWoodwardera/. 1988). The
1986; Mitra 1986). Faults in the arrays typically make either pervasive cleavage in these zones usually forms by localized
low (<45°) or high (>45°) angles to the thrust zone boundaries pressure solution in rocks with mixed clay-quartz or clay-
(Fig. 1). Faults at low angles to the thrust zone boundaries calcite compositions (Woodward et al. 1988), and it ac-
usually (1) have lineations whose pitches are close to 90°, (2) commodates thmst sheet movement by inhomogeneous ductile
also cut the enveloping bedding at low (<45°) angles, and (3) shearing in narrow layers like that envisioned by Kehle
exhibit reverse offsets of bedding. Faults at high angles to the (1970). This type of ductile shearing might not persist within
thrust zone boundaries have less consistent kinematics. an individual layer throughout the life of a thrust zone,
Whereas these faults generally also cut enveloping bedding at however. Continued shearing accommodated by diffusive
high (>45°) angles, the pitches of lineations on them may be mass transfer, particularly in thrust zones that exchange pore
close to 0°, close to 90°, or in between. Normal offsets of fluids with the surrounding rocks, could remove entirely the
bedding on high-angle faults are more common, but reverse relatively soluble phases. The resulting narrow layer of clay-
offsets occur. Where both low-angle and high-angle faults rich selvage might continue to accrue slip, or the localization
occur together, high-angle faults usually postdate low-angle of strain elsewhere in the thrust zone could generate another
faults. zone of pervasive cleavage. The occurrence of individual and
multiple selvage bands within several large displacement
thrust zones (e.g. Hunter Valley and Saltville thrusts in the
southern Appalachians and McConnell thrust in the Canadian
Rockies) suggests that inhomogeneous shearing of this type
may commonly contribute to thrust sheet movement.

Microscopic structure
In many fold-thrust belt thrust zones, cataclastic rocks (1)
Faults with . Faults without decorate individual fault surfaces and bed-parallel slip sur-
Slickensides Slickensides
faces, and (2) separate hangingwall rocks from footwall rocks
(Engelder 1974; House & Gray 1982; Wojtal & Mitra 1986;
Piatt et al. 1987). Thrust-zone deformation may generate
Figure 1. Downplunge projection (onto a vertical plane with a strike of either penetratively microfractured rocks with little bulk
110°) of a portion of the mesoscopically faulted rock in the Cumberland
Plateau thrust zone, southern Appalachians (after Harris & Milici 1977: strain or distinctive banded cataclasites and ultracataclasites
Wojtal 1986). The primary decollement in acoal layer lies parallel to the base that accommodated very high strains (Mitra 1984; Wojtal &
of the drawing, just below the edge of the drawing. Irregular line at base Mitra 1986). The magnitude of strain accommodated in
represents rubble that locally covers the detachment. Solid bold lines and cataclastically deformed rocks varies, of course, with rock
dashed bold lines show faults with slickensides preserved. Dash-dot bold
type and position within individual thrust zones, and from one
lines show faults with no slickensides. Fine lines show bedding traces. The
dashed fault traces are those faults with slickensides that do not conform with thrust zone to another. In thrust zones where temperatures
either of two well-defined palaeostress tensors (Wojtal & Pershing 1991). during deformation remained below about 200°C, siliciclastic
sandstones are penetratively fractured and/or pervasively
This pervasive mesoscopic faulting accommodates defor- faulted, but cataclasis does not normally account for large
mation that is continuous at the scale of a thrust sheet (Wojtal strains and banded cataclasites are absent. Banded carbon-
1989). The distribution of displacement among faults in these ate-matrix cataclasites or zones of pervasive cleavage in
arrays indicates that small numbers of faults account for most shales are common in these low temperature thrust zones,
of the slip in the zones of pervasive faulting (Wojtal & Mitra suggesting that shearing occurred in units other than
1986). Moreover, the mesoscopic faults that account for most siliciclastic sandstones (Wojtal & Mitra 1986; Woodward et
of the total slip constitute subsets of faults that conform with al. 1988; Arboleya 1989). Where temperatures during de-
well-defined palaeostress tensors (Fig. 2) (Wojtal & Pershing formation exceeded 200°C, banded quartz-rich cataclasites
1991). Bulk deformation in these pervasively-faulted zones are common in thrust zones (Mitra 1984; Wojtal & Mitra
was, then, 'block-boundary sliding' in the sense that bulk 1988). Regardless of thrust-zone temperature, banded
shortening, bulk elongation, and bulk shear occurred by cataclasites occur most often along primary thrust surfaces,


- « 20

(D ^ ^- CO (3)
• , ^ Ot C^
O (O T-
r- 1^ n
~ CM
Deviation Deviation

Figure 2. Stereographic projections giving the orientations of palaeostress principal directions calculated, using the attitudes of mesoscoplc faults and their
slickensides, for the portion of the thrust zone illustrated in Figure 1. This figure shows the two palaeostress tensors calculated for the Cumberland Plateau
thrust zone (Wojtal & Pershing 1991). The great circle in each siereographic projection gives attitude of the basal detachment in this thrust zone. The
designations 'first' and "second" for the stress tensors come from cross-cutting relationships among faults. Histograms beneath each stereographic projection
give the angular deviations of the fault/slickenside pairs used to calculate each tensor. R - (a^-a3)/(0| - a^). NU is the number of fault slickenside pairs
actually used to calculate each palaeostress tensor. NT is the total number of fault-slickenside pairs that could have constrained tensors during each program

where they constitute layers centimetres to metres thick that

separate hangingwall and footwall rocks. The significance of
banded cataclasites in such settings is the primary focus here.
Incalaclasile to ultracataclasite layers between hangingwail
and footwall rocks, rounded and angular fragments of wall
rock, mineral-filled veins, and pre-existing cataclasite sit in a
matrix of equant grains with diameters less than 10 microns
(Fig. 3). Matrix grains usually exhibit no discernible pre-
ferred orientation. Alternating light and dark bands aligned
parallel to thrust-zone boundaries have respectively greater
and lesser matrix fractions. Nearly planar bands with high
matrix fractions often extend 10s of centimetres across a hand
sample or outcrop.
Planar to smoothly-curved shear surfaces and mineral-
filled fractures, most with orientations that correspond to R,
R\ P, Y, X, or e (Logan et ai. 1981; Rutter et al. 1986; Piatt
el al. 1987; Woodward et al. 1988), cut across matrix and
fragments in banded cataclasites. The cataclasites also typi-
cally possess folded veins, stylolite-connected vein segments
that resemble boudins formed by localized pressure solution • f,;;L'-<-,}'U :v.:>\';
(Mullenax & Gray 1984), or otherwise distorted remnants of 100Mm
mineral-filled veins or shear surfaces. Strains inferred from Figure 3. Photomicrograph (plane-polarised light) of the banded cataclasite
distorted veins are consistent with shear distributed throughout from the Copper Creek thrust zone, southern Appalachians. The thrust zone
the fine-grained matrix of banded cataclasites (Figs 11 & 12 boundaries parallel the top and bottom of the photograph. Fragments of the
in Wojtal & Mitra 1986). In addition, many fragments brecciated limestone in the footwall are displaced slightly from each other;
contain fractures that do not extend into the surrounding elsewhere in the section fragments of limestone are entrained into banded
cataclasite. The banding itself is irregular near the irregular footwall contact,
matrix. These intragranular fractures exhibit weak preferred but is nearly planar away from the footwall rocks. Some bands contain
orientations parallel to/?, F, and e (Crossland & Wojtal 1989). fragments of footwall limestone and calcite single crystals that resemble vein
Offset markers within fragments, and orientations roughly filling. The hangingwall (not shown in this photograph) moved to the left.


50 Mm 50 Mm
Figure 4, (a) Plane polarized light photomicrograph of a ponion of Figure 3. (b) Approximately the same field of view as (a) under cathodo-luminescence.
The cataclasite matrix and vein material on one hand and wall rock and wall-rock fragments on the other hand exhibit significant differences in the intensity
and colour of their luminescence.

parallel to R and Y, support the inference that some luminesce, or vice versa. Where the cataclasite matrix and
intragranular fractures originated as intergranular slip sur- wall rocks luminesce differently, the cataclasite matrix and
faces. Mineral-filled intragranular fractures are more com- mineral-filled veins cutting the wall rocks usually exhibit
mon, however. Most mineral-filled intragranular fractures similar luminescence. Differences in calcite luminescence
resemble, in thickness and in the microstructure of their result from slight differences in concentrations of activators
mineral fillings, the late veins found elsewhere in the like Mn and suppressors like Fe (Marshall 1988). Different
cataclasites. Others have distinctive, thin mineral fillings and trace element chemistry in host rocks and veins, like different
orientations roughly appropriate fore microfractures (Fig. 11 c isotopic composition in hosts and veins (Rye & Bradbury
in Wojtal & Mitra 1986). These intragranular fractures may 1988; Wiltschko & Budai 1988), suggest that host rocks did
be extensional microcracks that never propagated past the not buffer solutions during mineral precipitation, perhaps
fragment boundaries because the matrix blunted the growing because fluid to rock ratios were high. Comparable trace
fracture tip. Such a situation requires the fine-grained matrix element chemistry for veins and cataclasite matrix suggests
to have been sufficiently ductile to dissipate fracture tip that both equilibrated with a single fluid phase. Matrix grains
stresses. The flow of fine-grained matrix into opening may, because of small diameters, have been highly reactive,
fractures (Figs 1 le,f& 12c in Wojtal & Mitra 1986) supports and their chemical equilibration with a fluid phase may have
the inference that the fine-grained matrix was, at times, occurred statically. This would not explain, however, why
highly ductile. fine-grained carbonates in the host rocks did not also equili-
Matrix ductility in cataclasites might result from either brate with that fluid or why no reacted carbonate rims occur
cataclasis or flow by diffusive mass transfer (Rutter 1984). on host fragments in the matrix. Dissolution and reprecipitation
Determining, if possible, which deformation mechanism of the fine-grained matrix during diffusion-accommodated
prevailed is important in order to know what are the mechani- flow, as Wojtal & Mitra (1986) proposed, could cause differ-
cal implications of banded cataclasites along thrusts. Cathodo- ences in trace element chemistry (Beach 1982) that are
luminescence provides one way to assess the contribution of restricted to the fine-grained matrix. Thus, cathodo-lumines-
diffusive mass transfer to deformation in some rocks. Under cence observations suggest that diffusive mass transfer was a
cathode-ray illumination, the luminescence of the fine-grained significant deformation mechanism in banded cataclasites
matrix in banded carbonate cataclasites is often qualitatively (Mitra 1984; Wojtal & Mitra 1986, 1988), even at tempera-
quite different from the luminescence of its presumed parent tures below 200°C. If diffusion creep accommodated matrix
rocks (Fig. 4). The matrix may luminesce intensely while tlow, cataclasites would have exhibited a linear stress-strain
wall rocks and wall-rock fragments in the cataciasites barely rate relation and strong grain size sensitivity.


The planar to smoothly-curved extensional veins and selvage relative to the displacement by slip on cataclasite-
shear surfaces occur in subparallel sets that cut fragments, selvage or cataclasite-cleaved rock contacts. Wall-rock de-
banding, and the distorted remnants of earlier subparallel formation does not provide unequivocal answers. O'Hara et
veins where all occur together. In some cases, these al. (1990), citing increased coal rank along mesoscopic
intergranular features abut or curve asymptotically into ma- faults, inferred that fault slip occurred in discrete, temporally
trix-rich bands aligned parallel to the thrust zone boundaries, abrupt, steps. Crack-seal fibres in mineral lineations on
suggesting that they formed during episodes of shear by mesoscopic faults also suggest episodic slip on individual
localized matrix flow in matrix-rich bands. Sets of veins and/ mesoscopic faults. These observations suggest that discrete,
or shear surfaces cutting through entire samples indicate that probably seismic, slip contributes to thrust sheet movement,
episodes of intergranular fracturing postdate matrix flow in an inference supported by analytical treatments (Bombolakis
some cataclasites. Most cataclasite samples possess both 1989; pers. comm.). Lineations on mesoscopic faults in many
undisiorted and uniformly-distorted intergranular features, thrust zones are, however, continuous fibres, suggesting that
suggesting that episodes ofintergranular fracturing repeatedly mesoscopic faults may move in part by continuous slip.
interrupted ductile flow in thrust zone cataclasites (Wojtal & Moreover, the microstructures in thrust zone cataclasites
Mitra 1986). Inasmuch as matrix flow accounts for nearly all indicate that a sizable fraction of the total shear strain in these
of the shear strain within these banded cataclasites, shear rocks occurred by continuous, i.e. viscous, flow. At present,
displacement apparently accumulated mainly by diffusive there are no general ways to ascertain/row rock structures
mass transfer. In thrust zones segments where banded alone whether viscous creep or discrete, seismic slip events
cataclasites constitute the only rocks along planar boundaries predominated. One contention of this contribution is that
between deformed hangingwall and footwall rocks (e.g. viscous deformation of rocks along external thrust faults is
segments of the southern Appalachian Copper Creek thrust significant, and that it provides important additional insight
described in Wojtal & Mitra 1986, or segments of the southern to the overall mechanics of thrust sheet movement.
Appalachian Saltville thrust described by Woodward et al.
1988), diffusive mass transfer accommodated the last size-
able increments of sheet movement. Since bulk flow by Interrelationship of mesoscopic and microscopic struc-
diffusive mass transfer probably exhibits a linear relationship tures
between differential stress and strain rate (Elliott 1973; Rutter Microstructures in cataclasite layers and mesoscopic struc-
1976), sheet movement on such a thrust zone would, in tures in the layers of pervasively faulted or cleaved rocks
essence, occur by shear of a viscous fluid {Kehle 1970). evolve concurrently. Using cross-cutting relationships in
In other thrust zone exposures, banded cataclasites occur pervasively faulted strata (Wojtal 1986; Piatt & Leggett
adjacent to pronounced selvage bands or pervasively cleaved 1986), cross-cutting vein patterns, or microfracture
shales (Fig. 5). Cataclasites in these settings possess the orientations in fragments from cataclasites (Woodward et al.
entire complement of microstructures indicating that ductile 1988), one may infer deformation histories for different
flow accommodated large shear strains. The concern most segments of foreland thrust zones. Thrust zone deformation
pertinent here is to assess the magnitude of displacement by histories commonly include shortening and elongation epi-
ductile flow within layers of cataclasite, cleaved rock, or sodes, with elongation following shortening (Piatt & Leggett

Figure 5. Field phoiograph of a portion

of the Hunter Valley thrust zone of the
southern Appalachians showing the shaly
carbonate of the hangingwall strata (Sh),
a banded cataclasite derived primarily
from hangingwall limestones (C), and a
selvage band (S) in the footwall shales.
Note pocket knife in foreground for scale.
The hangingwali moved out of the plane
of the photograph toward the viewer.


1986; Woodward et al. 1988). The individual mesoscopic with planar and parallel top and bottom surfaces flows in
faults by which wall rocks shorten or elongate often extend response to surface forces that act at its trailing edge and body
directly into distinct intergranular slip surfaces in cataclasites, forces due to its dipping upper surface (Fig. 6). The driving
suggesting that both thrust zone components shortened or stresses in the treatment are those that operate in thrust
elongated coevally. This extension-then-contraction defor- systems (cf. Siddans 1984; Hudleston 1991), and the formu-
mation sequence could result from moving a sheet past an lation is general enough to consider compressing and extending
asperity or through an area of rough slip along its thrust zone flows.
(Piatt & Leggett 1986; Erickson & Wiltschko 1986). Consider that the sheet's upper surface dips in the direc-
Alternatively, this structural sequence may have evolved tion the sheet moves. Cartesian coordinates in the sheet have
during thrust surges (Coward 1982) akin to surging glaciers X| parallel to the upper boundary and pointed in the direction
(Sharper a/. 1988). Perhaps an analogy more precise than that of movement, x^ normal to the upper boundary and directed
with surging valley glaciers is the switching on and off of ice upwards, and x^ perpendicular to the Xi-x^ plane and directed
streams within the Antarctic ice-sheet (MacAyeal etal. 1988; in such a manner to make the coordinate frame right-handed
MacAyeal 1989a & b). Ice stream initiation occurs when a (Fig. 6). The Xi-x^ plane is a principal plane for stress and
portion of an ice-sheet becomes decoupled from its base, strain rate tensors in the sheet.
either due to increased subglacial water pressure or due to
weakening of subglacial till (Bentley 1987;MacAyeal 1989b).
The flow strengths of and stress distributions within external
thrust zones are not known precisely, but two observations
suggest that the basal layers of thrust sheets are weaker than
the sheets themselves. First, the localization of strain in
cataclasite layers along thrusts suggests that they became
weaker than the surrounding rocks even if they were not
originally weaker than them (Mitra 1984; Wojtal & Mitra
1986). Second, shortening and elongation episodes in perva-
sively faulted rock layers apparently occurred in response to
principal stresses aligned nearly parallel to thrust zone
boundaries (Wojtal & Pershing 1991). Principal stress direc-
tions aligned parallel to thrust zone boundaries rather than
oblique to them suggests that the sheets moved over zones Figure 6. Sketch showing the orientation of the coordinate frame used in
considerably weaker than the sheets themselves (cf. Chappie the mathematical model described in the text, and showing the general
geometry of the stresses acting on rocks in a thrust zone considered in the
1978, p. 1196; Stockmal 1983). In this respect, external thrust model.
zones apparently differ from internal thrust zones. In the
latter, thrust-parallel shear is distributed throughout signifi- The flow law at all points in the layer, written in terms of
cant volumes of sheets, suggesting that principal stresses the second invariants of the stress and strain rate tensors x and
were oblique to the thrust-zone boundaries near the thrust e,is
sheet base (Mitra & Elliott 1980; Ramsay era/. 1983;Murphy
1987). To be completely analogous to ice-stream flow, thrust e=r[T/ T*] (1)
surges would occur when a sheet had pre-existing, a suffi-
ciently deformable stratum composing its footwall, or if such where r is a unit strain rate, and T* is a material constant with
a deformable layer were generated during emplacement by the units of stress. The power law stress exponent, n, is a
strain accumulation or the influx of fluids. Inferring that dimensionless material constant with a single value through-
processes like these occur during thrusting is reasonable, but out the layer. When n = °°, strain rates are zero when x < T *
this inference cannot be tested directly. and finite when x = x * . Thus, x* is a plastic layer's yield
Mesoscopic and microscopic structures in external thrust strength.
zones indicate that sizeable fractions of the total deformation Individual strain rate components relate to deviatoric
accrued by quasi-viscous creep. It is, therefore, appropriate stress components (where i is the coordinate direction in
to examine analytically viscous deformation under conditions which a traction vector acts and j the direction of the outward
appropriate to thrust emplacement. Such an analysis will normal to the surface on which the traction vector acts)
provide important insight to the overall conditions by which according to
thrust sheets move.
e.. ={d\./dx. + dv./dx.)/2=Xa'..
y 1 J J 1 iJ (2)
Model for continuous flow in external thrust zones V. are velocity components, a', are deviatoric stress compo-
nents, and X = T x<"-'V(x*)"
To examine the viscous flow within external thrust sheets, In a plane-strain treatment of sheet movement (Nye 1957;
consider a model derived from the treatment of power-law Wojtal 1991), stress components in the layer, taken to vary
glacier flow by Nye (1957). In this treatment, a uniform sheet only with x^, are


Figure 8. Velocity component u, parallel to x 1, versus dimensionless depth,

y, for compressing plane flows with different stress exponents, n (taken from
Figure 7. Plot of a diinensionless second invariant of the stress tensor, T, Nye 1957). u^^ = velocity parallel to x, at the upper surface. Note that
versus scaled depth, y, for sheets with different stress exponents, n, under- velocities for perfectly plastic sheets are undefined for depths below /.
going plane flow. Taken from Nye (1957).

early viscous and perfectly plastic sheets are end member

a,, = Pgx, sina (3a) cases that define the range of stress intensity with depth (Fig.
7). Figure 8 gives velocity profiles in laminar flows with
Oj, = pgx, cosa (3b) different stress exponents for depths of x, < /, the depth at
which the shear stress due to the dipping upper surface equals
o = pgx, cosa ± 2 F (3c) the plastic yield stress (after Nye 1957). Figure 9 shows
displacement profiles for laminar flows with different stress
p is the average density of the sheet, a the dip of its upper exponents at successive times during flow. Individual pro-
surface, and F, the traction applied at the sheet's trailing edge, files predict the attitudes, at successive times during flow, of
varies only with x^. The upper sign in equation (4c) puts o,, lines originally perpendicular to the thrust surface (these lines
greater than o^^, and yields extending flows. The lower are, then, loose lines as defined by Geiser 1988 after work by
sign puts 0| I less than o„, and yields compressing flows. This D. Elliott).
contribution uses the lower sign, i.e. considers solutions for Some thrust sheets spread laterally as they move forward
compressing flow, in all examples; the results for extending and their thrust zones shorten (Price 1967; Bielenstein 1969).
flow are comparable. Non-plane strain must occur in surge zones in thrust zones
These stress components satisfy the equilibrium equa- (Coward 1982). Moreover, a non-plane analysis may pertain
tions in this coordinate frame and, if F = 0, the stress system
degenerates to the down-surface slope system of stresses DISPLACEMENT PROFILES
defined by Elliott (1976a & b) for thrust emplacement. Nye
(1957) showed that viable solutions result when
[T /T(0)]<" '>= Fo/ F = (Fo)/[x2 - (pgx, sina)2](1/2) (4)

where x(0) and Fo are the values of x and F, respectively, at y=0

x.^=0. Using the value of the second invariant for stress at the
upper surface to define dimensionless parameters (see Nye n= 3

1957 and Appendix), equation (4) becomes

= [T^-y^ (5)

where T is the dimensionless second invariant of the stress

tensor, and y is the dimensionless distance below the upper
surface. When n= 1, F = Fo at all depths, and x versus x^ is
a simple quadratic equation. When n —>°°, x = x (0) for all Figure 9. Displacement profiles for laminar flows with different stress
depths, and F versus x^ is a simple quadratic equation. If all exponents, n. Each sequence of curves from left to right represents the
other factors are unchanged, the stress distributions for lin- successive shapes taken by initially straight lines, i.e. loose lines.


to the deformation in horses along thrusts, where thrust zone downward from the upper surface of the sheet, it is harder to
properties change with position along strike, or near active assess the effects of variations in layer rheology. Whereas
thrust tips. To treat sheets that spread or contract laterally and steep gradients, even discontinuities, may exist in velocity
thicken or thin subvertically as they move, consider that the fields (and thus in displacement fields), thrust zones probably
normal stress acting on the Xj-x^ plane does not equal (0,1 + cannot support steep gradients or discontinuities in their
o^^)/2. Take Oj, = pgx^ cosa - 2G, where G = A F and A is a stress distributions. Since the values of the stress components
constant. In this case (see Appendix), the distribution of when n = 1 and when « —> 00 limit the values of stress com-
stresses along a profile across a thrust zone is limited by ponents for other rheologies (Fig. 10), stresses in a thin layer
with a different rheology in a package of otherwise uniform
21 -(1/2)
[T^ - (y')'] (6) rheology could determine the stresses elsewhere in the col-
umn. If the rocks that compose external thrust sheets yiitially
Here again, T is the dimensionless second invariant of the exhibit highly non-linear flow and have an initial yield
stress tensor, y' is again a dimensionless distance below the strength of Fo, 0^ would essentially be given by the curve
upper surface defined using the value of the second invariant extending down from Fo in Figure 10 for a sheet undergoing
of the stress tensor at x^ = 0 (see Appendix). The general form compressing flow. If the thrust zone developed, as a result of
of the stress solution is identical to that for plane flow outlined microstructural and structural changes, a lower bulk strength
by Nye (1957), but the dimensionless distances are not (F|0) and a linear flow law, a,, would then be constrained by
identical (y' = [3/B2]<'«> y, where B- = 4A2 - 4A + 4). Well- the curves extending downward from F^o. In the vicinity of
defined stress solutions exist for all x,>/' ( = [3/B^]'"^'/). the thrust zone (near depth = y), a,, could become more
y' = y when A = 1/2 and Ojj = (a, j + '^^T^I'^- The value of the compressive as a result of the change in rheology. Since o^^
factor [3/B^]'"^'when A = 1/2, unity, is its minimum value. and a,, are unchanged, the orientation of the principal com-
When A is either greater than or less than 1/2, the factor [3/ pression would become more nearly parallel to the thrust
B^]'"^* is less than one. Thus, for perfectly plastic flows with zone boundaries. The shear stress at depth y would, in a layer
equal yield strengths, stress solutions for non-plane flows are with low viscosity, localize shear strains due to a larger value
well-defined for shallower depths than those for plane flows. of the velocity gradient dv.Jdx^. At shallower depths, 0,1
would become less compressive than the value required for
compressing flow, and nearly plug flow in the nearly plastic
Analyzing flow in external thrust zones sheet would prevail. The overall evolution of the thrust zone
would resemble, in this case, a surging glacier. A change in
Due to their simple formulation, the plane and non-plane flow the rheology of thrust-zone rocks may then have profound
solutions for stress and velocity presented here cannot model implications for the stress and velocity distributions through-
precisely how stresses and velocities vary throughout moving out the sheet.
thrust sheets. Flow in thrust sheets is rarely laminar, and
episodes of compressing or extending flow will alter the Stress
boundary conditions, which, by thickening or thinning the
sheet, alter in turn the driving forces, which further alters the
flow, etc. The solutions are, moreover, one-dimensional, i.e.
stresses and velocities vary only with distance below the
upper surface. One could, however, join solutions sequentially,
incorporating variations in boundary conditions into the
externally applied load parameter, F. Thus, compressing-
flow stresses and velocities, calculated using one functional
form for F, could model the flow at one instant within a
particular material column. Later in the history of the sheet,
extending-flow stresses and velocities, calculated using a <1>
different functional form of F, could prevail in that same
material column. Viewed in this way, as predictors of
instantaneous stress and velocity profiles across a thrust zone,
the model provides some insight to thrust motion.
Consider first, since thrust sheets are rarely Theologically
uniform, the effects of differences in rheology on velocity and Figure 10. Plot showing a variation of stress components in compressing
displacement profiles. In laminar flow, stress components flow. Oijand ©22 vary onlywith depth, a,, depends on the value of the stress
vary with depth only, so differences in layer rheology will not exponent for the sheet, but it is must lie between the straight line (when n =
affect the values of stress components. The geometry of a 1) and quadrant of an ellipse (when « —^ oc) emanating downward from Fo
loose line in a sheet composed of layers with different stress (region shown by right-to-left diagonal ruling). Velocities in perfectly
exponents n will, however, depend on the layer's stress plastic sheets are well-defined for all depths shallower than y. If the strength
of the sheet drops toF,o, 0 | | will fall in the region outlined by the left-to-
exponent (Fig. 9). In compressing or extending flows where right diagonal ruling, and velocities in plastic sheets will be defined for all
stresses and velocities must be calculated by integrating depths shallower than y,. See text for more explanation.


^ t Jit


Figure 11. Mohr circles for stress for the Cumberland Plateau thrust zone, showing only the geometric relationships between Op, the parameter F from
the plane flow model, and the radius of the stress Mohr circle, Ra, during thrust-zone shortening episodes (a) and thrust zone elongation episodes (b). Compressive
stresses are negative. Palaeostress tensors calculated from mesoscopic fault surface and slickenside measurements fix the angle between the principal stress
directions and the thrust surface. As outlined in the text and in Wojtal (1991), one can calculate that Ra = 20 MPa by estimating overburden at 1.2 km and
estimating surface slope at 1°.

Combining field data on thrust zone stresses with this mately equal in shortening and elongation. Such strength
analysis provides an estimate of bulk sheet properties during isotropy for layered sedimentary rocks is, in the author's
thrust emplacement. At exposures of the base of the southern view, curious. The inferred sheet strength, 6 to 20 MPa, is
Appalachian Cumberland Plateau thrust sheet along the west roughly equal to the stress drops observed in shallow earth-
edge of the southern Appalachian fold-thrust belt, a zone of quakes (Sibson 1989).
faulted strata nearly 100 m thick composes the thrust zone If this thrust-zone deformation reflected 'far-field' stresses,
(Wojtal 1986). The thrust zone shortened and elongated and if those stresses varied smoothly across this thrust zone,
successively as the sheet moved. Principal stress directions stresses in strata beneath this local detachment should con-
during shortening and elongation episodes were essentially form generally with this simple plane flow solution for all
parallel to the thrust zone boundaries (Fig. 2). The pitch of points above a depth /, calculated using the 6 to 20 MPa yield
the stress principal directions in the a-c plane and the relation- stress here to be 6 to 12 km. Provided the plane flow solution
ships between 0| 1,0^2, and 0|, derived above, fix the relative held, detachments along subjacent weak horizons could oc-
magnitudes of F and the radius of a two dimensional stress cur, with stress principal directions in the vicinity of succes-
Mohr circle for the thrust zone (Fig. ll)(Wojtal 1991). Using sively lower detachments approaching 45° angles to thrust
conodont colour alteration index trends to infer an approxi- zone boundaries as the depths of detachments approach the
mate sheet thickness of 1 to 2 km and an approximate surface limiting depth, / = 6 to 12 km.
slope of 1° to 2°, these geometric relationships suggest that The southern Appalachian Hunter Valley thrust zone
at the base of this sheet (1) the parameter F had a magnitude originated at greater depths and accommodated larger net
of 3 to 10 MPa, and (2) the maximum differential stresses displacement than the Cumberland Plateau thrust zone, yet
were of the order of 6 to 20 MPa. The geometry of stresses principal stress directions during later shearing increments
indicates that the parameter F and the maximum differential were apparently also aligned nearly parallel to thrust zone
stresses had comparable magnitudes during shortening and boundaries (Wojtal & Pershing 1991). The deformation
elongation episodes (Fig. 11). during later movement increments in this, or any, large
This argument indicates that the magnitude of shear stress displacement thrust zone need not resemble that during the
resolved parallel to the base of this sheet was small relative to early history of the zone. Large thrust displacement may go
the parameter F. The pitches of stress principal directions hand in hand with the generation of a weak basal layer, like
change little with distance above the base of the sheet. Both a banded cataclasite, that allows stress principal directions to
observations suggest, not surprisingly, that the lateral move- rotate parallel to the thrust zone boundaries and allows
ment and attendant deformation of this sheet are not consist- resolved shear stresses across thrust zones to decrease.
ent with uniform sheet rheology. Shearing was localized in Moreover, erosional unroofing may reduce the overburden
a laterally-continuous coal bed, which is now the base of the and alter the position of a thrust zone relative to the upper
sheet, and thrust-related deformation accrued mainly in re- surface of the sheet. Only by examining the thrust-zone
sponse to stresses transmitted to this region by the surround- structures in the vicinity of more deeply-buried thrust tips,
ing sheet. These stresses include the 'push from behind' where total slip is small, can one determine whether external
responsible for the thrust-zone shortening episodes, and a thrusts ever are, like their higher temperature and pressure
'pull forward' responsible for the thrust-zone elongation counterparts, surfaces of high resolved shear stress.
episodes. The inferred strength of this sheet was approxi- The analysis of non-plane flow presented here suggests


that non-plane flow may have significant consequences in the model generates profiles for stresses and velocities in
exactly those thrust zone settings where total slip is small. extending or compressing flows. Stress and velocity profiles
Consider, for example, thrust initiation in a package of plastic calculated with the model are, in essence, 'snapshots' of
sedimentary strata containing several weak layers. In the stress and velocity for flows that sequentially shorten and
centre of the incipient thrust mass, where stresses and strains elongate as they shear. These snapshots suggest that differ-
conform with plane flow, the pitches of stress principal ence in layer rheology may, in laminar flow, produce loose
directions within the a-c plane, will approach 45° angles to line geometries that change from layer to layer in a stratified
the layer boundaries and shear strain rates on planes parallel sheet. In compressing flow, changes in layer rheology due to
to layering will approach maximum values at depths of x, = microstructural or structural changes can alter subsequent
/. In the vicinity of thrust tips, where thrust-related shearing stress and velocity distributions in the thrust zone and the
departs from plane flow, the pitches of stress principal direc- sheet above it, generating in effect a surge-like behaviour in
tions within the a-c plane, will approach 45° angles to the the sheet.
layer boundaries and shear strain rates on planes parallel to Comparing calculated stress and velocity profiles data on
layering will approach maximum values at depths of x^ = /' - the stress orientations during discrete episodes of shortening
[3/B2]('«> /, where [3/B-l<"« < 1. Decollements might, then, or elongation episodes in the southern Appalachian
initiate at shallower depths where non-plane flow conditions Cumberland Plateau thrust zone suggests that differential
prevail. As a detachment grows in length and the thrust tip stresses in the thrust zone did not exceed 20 MPa. Moreover,
migrates away from a particular rock column, local flow body forces due to the dipping upper surface of the sheet were
conditions could evolve toward plane flow. Stress principal not the primary source of these tractions. Additional tractions
directions in the vicinity of the active detachments would that neighbouring portions of the thrust sheet exerted on this
rotate toward orientations parallel and perpendicular to the segment of the thrust zone were on the order of 10 MPa, with
active detachment during such an evolution. Lateral changes comparable magnitudes during shortening and elongation
in rock strength like those due to facies changes, even local episodes.
increases in rock strength, could cause then the maximum rate
The analysis further suggests that non-plane flow differs
of shearing parallel to layering to localize at a shallower level
from plane flow in significant ways, and that these differ-
within a particular stratigraphic column. If the strains asso-
ences may affect the distribution of stresses and velocities in
ciated with the early shear increments led to a weakening of
structural settings like the growing tips of thrusts. In highly
rock along the active detachment, an initially stronger rock
non-linear sheets, maximum rates of shear strain parallel to
mass would have led indirectly to a localization of shear strain
layering may occur at shallower depths in non-plane flows
and an eventual weakening now associated with the detach-
than in plane flows. If, as a thrust tip migrates past a rock
ment. A comparable sequence of changes in the pitches (in
column, a non-plane flow evolves into a plane flow and if
the a-c plane) of stress principal directions from 45° to the
early shear strain increments facilitate a weakening of the
thrust zone boundaries toward parallel to and perpendicular
layer experiencing maximum shear strain rates, the later
to the boundaries could occur as the active portion (i.e.
evolution of the detachment may be characterized by stress
slipped area) of a detachment grows in size during the surge.
principal directions in the a-c plane that are nearly parallel
Restricting analyses to plane flow may then, may severely
and perpendicular to the detachment. Both more data on the
limit our understanding of thrust zone evolution.
nature of stresses and strains in the vicinity of thrust zones and
more sophisticated three-dimensional analyses of thrust sys-
tem deformation are needed to more fully understand the
Conclusions nature of thrust zone evolution.

Thrust sheet movement, even in the external portions of fold- I thank Wendy for her patience and support in this project, Mike Bombolakis
thrust belts, occurs by deforming rocks within a zone of finite for kindly sharing his views on thrust zone mechanics, and Peter Hudleston
thickness, suggesting that analyses of viscous deformation in for giving me a preprint of his comparison of glaciers and thrust sheets.
zones with finite thickness will help elucidate the processes Thought-provoking criticism by Dave Wiltschko, Andy Schedl, Terry
Engelder, and Shankar Mitra helped me to organize this analysis. Comments
by which thrust sheets move. The simple one-dimensional by Rob Knipe and an anonymous reviewer helped me to clarify further the
model of power-law flow between parallel top and bottom manuscript. Finally, I thank Ken McClay both for his comments on this work
surfaces presented here provides insight to some deformation and his efforts in organizing the Thrust Tectonics 1990 Conference and
within thrust zones. With driving forces that include a publishing the conference proceedings.
dipping upper surface and supplemental horizontal stresses.



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To narrow the considerable latitude in choices for the func- Differentiating with respect to Xj indicates that
tional form of F, choose dwjd\^=0. Invoking this condition
in equations (2) and combining them to eliminate X, Nye d^wjc)x^- = - B-Vj/Bx^Bx, (16)
(1957) showed that
>. = a/F = a/[x^ - (pgx,sina)2]"'2' (II) d/dx.[X(¥ + G)]/3 = a/ax, [ >i (2G - F)]/3 (17)

and, from equation (3), or

(1/ X){ dX/dx,) = - (2F - G')/(2F - G) (18)
rx<"-"/(x*)" = a/F = a/[T^ - (pgx/may]'"^> (12)
where primes denote derivatives. Integrating with respect
Following Nye (1957), choose dimensionless parameters to Xi
based on a unit strain rate a - r(Fo/x*)" , that is tied to the
value of the second invariant of the stress tensor at Xj = 0, X/X = (2Fo - Go)/(2F - G) (19)

X = T X (0) X, = y 1 Fo = pg 1 sina where the subscript 'o' denotes a parameter's value at Xj =

0. If G = AF, where A is a constant, we have
Substituting those dimensionless parameters into equation
(12) yields X/Xo =Fo/F (110)
'(«-!)_ [^^2
1X2 .. y2-j
v^l -(1/2)
J(«-l)_ (5) and, from equation (3)

In the case of a three-dimensional sheet where [x/x(0)J<"-" = Fo/F (111)

O33 = pgX2 cosa - 2G, equations (2) are
The second invariant of the stress tensor at any point in a
av,/ax,== >io\|= >i[-4F-1-2G]/3 (I3a) sheet where G=AF is

av,/ax,= Xo\^^ X12F-I-2G]/3 (I3b) X = {[(4A^-4AH-4)/3]F2-H(pgx,sina)^|<'« (112)

dvfix^= Xo\^= A,[-4G-I-2F]/3 (I3c)
[x/x(0)]""' = (BFo)/[|3t2-|3(pgx,sina)2])<'«>](I13)
d\/Jd\^= 2A,a'|,= 2 X pgx, sina (I3d)
where B^ = (4A2 - 4A -1- 4). Equation (113) is similar in
Combining (I3b) and (I3d) to eliminate X yields form to equation (26) in Nye (1957). Using dimensionless
av,/ax2= PpgXj sina/(F-I-G)J av/ax^ (14)
X == T X (0) x^ = y /' Fo = [B-/3]<"-' pg 1 sina = x (0)
Differentiate with respect to Xj
equation (113) becomes
d^v Jdx^dx = [SpgXjSina /(F + G)] a-vVax^ax, = 0
(15) T'"-'» = [T^-(y')2]-<'«> (6)

Volume remains constant during deformation,

so avj/axj-I- dv21^X2+ c^'^^/dx^ =0.

Centrifuge modelling of the propagation of thrust faults
John M. Dixon & Shumin Liu

Experimental Tectonics Laboratory, Department of Geological Sciences,

Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, CanadaK7L3N6

Abstract: Three-dimensional propagation of thrust faults in duplex structures and the

mechanism of formation of large thrusts have been investigated by analogue modelling using
the centrifuge technique. Plasticine and silicone putty are used to simulate rocks such as
limestone and shale, respectively. The models contain a stratigraphic succession composed of
six units with alternating bulk competency (beginning with low competency at the base).
The models are subjected to horizontal, layer-parallel compression from one end. They exhibit
three mechanisms of shortening: layer-parallel shortening (LPS), buckling and thrust faulting.
LPS is homogeneously distributed and accumulates throughout the deformation. Folds
nucleate as isolated periclines which propagate and link together along strike.
Sections cut through the models after successive stages of compression show that in the lowest
competent unit folds propagate from the hinterland to foreland, and the front (foreland-
dipping) limbs of these low-amplitude folds are soon cut by foreland-verging thrust faults. As
shortening continues, this unit is thrusted into a duplex structure with floor thrust in the
underlying (lowest) incompetent unit and roof thrust in the overlying (middle) incompetent
unit. Thrusts develop, one by one, in time and space from hinterland to foreland, but not a single
thrust dies during the deformation.
Observation ofthe model deformation sequence shows that the thrust ramps are localized solely
by earlier-stage low-amplitude folds. Therefore, the pronounced systematic spacing of thrust
ramps is inherited from the equal-wavelength buckling instability in competent units. Fault-
related folds nucleate as detachment folds, develop into fault-propagation folds as thrust ramps
propagate, and finally are modified by fault-bend folding as thrust displacement increases.
Thrusts nucleate at different points along a single fold which was formed by along-strike
propagation of several doubly-plunging small folds. In the same way that the folds join
together, the thrusts localized by them also join to form a major thrust. The thrust displacement
in such cases varies from smaller values at linkage points to larger values at nucleation points.

In fold-thrust belts and accretionary prisms the horizontal widely to fold-thrust belts and accretionary prisms and be-
shortening and vertical thickening ofthe stratigraphic pile is came for a time the leading fold-thrust paradigm. In this
accommodated by layer-parallel shortening, folding and low- model, the thrust is clearly implied to develop first, and the
angle overthrust faulting. The relative importance of these fold is a product of passive bending. The model has the
mechanisms depends largely on the rheological properties of advantage of being easy to analyse in a rigorous geometric
the stratigraphic sequence, and the interference among them way, but it involves a large number of implicit assumptions
plays a major role in the structural evolution of fold-thrust (Ramsay 1990) that are valid in natural fold-thrust systems.
belts. The relationship between folds and thrusts has in Another genetic link between folds and thrusts is repre-
particular received a great deal of attention. For example, sented by the fault-propagation model (Williams & Chapman
Rogers & Rogers (1894), Heim (1878), Willis (1894), and 1983; Suppe & Medwedeff 1984; Suppe 1985). A fault-
other workers of that era viewed thrust faults as having propagation fold develops simultaneously with propagation
formed from pre-existing buckle folds caused by layer- of the ramp portion of a stepped thrust fault; the fold directly
parallel compression, the faults often propagating from breaks overlies the ramp and grows in amplitude as the thrust
through fold limbs in competent beds. In contrast, Buxtorf propagates across the bedding.
(1915) concluded that low-angle reverse faulting can produce A detachment fold (Jamison 1987) also develops at the
associated drag folds. termination of a propagating thrust, but differs from a fault-
Folds can also be formed passively by translation of a propagation fold in that it is not related to a ramp. This kind
thrust sheet over a ramp. Rich (1934) first developed the of fault-related fold represents localized shortening of the
'ramp-anticline' or 'fault-bend fold' theory to interpret the thrust plate above the tip of a bedding-parallel fault or zone
Powell Valley anticline (Virginia, USA) as a product of of decollement.
displacement of a thrust sheet on a fault with a trajectory that In all of these relationships between folding and thrusting,
is in part parallel to bedding and in part ramping upwards with the exception ofthe first, folding is either a consequence
across bedding. This mechanism has been analysed geo- of or concurrent with thrusting; the faulting (be it localized on
metrically (Boyer & Elliott 1982; Suppe 1983) and mechani- a discrete planar fracture or distributed in a zone of shear or
cally (Berger & Johnson 1980). It has been applied very decollement) is inferred to be the primary phenomenon, and

J. M. DIXON & S. Liu

Table 1. Model ratios applicable to models TH16, TH18, TH20, TH22, TH23 and TH24

quantity ratio equivalence (model = prototype)

length lr= 1.0x10"^ 10mm= 10 km

specific gravity Pr = 0.6 ^ 1.60 = 2.67 (bulk value for whole stratigrapraphic column)
acceleration : 4.0x10-^ 4000 g = 1 g
time n-10
tr=1.0xlO''" 1 hour= 1.15 Ma (for example)
stress Or = Pr 1]- a,. = 2.4x10" (calculated from other ratios)
viscosity Hf = Or tj. = 2.4x10" (calculated from other ratios)

folding a secondary consequence. One problem with this that early-formed faults continue to accumulate displacement
hierarchy is that it provides no obvious mechanical explana- even though later-formed faults have developed closer to the
tion for the localization of thrust ramps. foreland; thus the fold-thrust wedge deforms throughout
In the authors' opinion, the role of faulting has been over- while the toe is propagating.
emphasized. Furthermore, recent theoretical (e.g. Davis e? a/. Two previous papers (Liu & Dixon 1990, 1991) have
1983 and others) and analogue (e.g. Mulugeta & Koyi 1988) discussed the sequence of thrusting and along-strike struc-
model work has tended to focus on faulting and ignore the role tural variation (displacement transfer) in fold-thrust belts.
of folding because thrust belts have been assumed to consist This paper summarizes the observations of the three-dimen-
of a homogeneous material and bedding anisotropy has been sional interaction between folds and thrusts and the propaga-
neglected. On the basis of analogue model studies of the tion of thrust faults in duplex structures. The results from
interaction between buckling and faulting (and layer-parallel models TH16, TH18, TH20, TH22, TH23, and TH24 are
shortening), Dixon & Tirrul (1991) and Liu & Dixon (1990, discussed. The last four models have been discussed in the
1991) have proposed that early buckling play s a fundamental previous papers but here more details of the structural rela-
role in localizing thrust ramps and in guiding along-strike tionships in new three-dimensional diagrams are shown. The
propagation of thrusts, and thus may control the formation of stratigraphic sequences in models TH16 and TH18 differ in
duplex structures. In this regard, a return to the hierarchy detail from that of the other models, but the relationships are
proposed by Rogers & Rogers (1894), Heim (1878) and consistent.
others is proposed.
Folds and thrusts nucleate serially and propagate spatially
from hinterland to foreland, and the conventional view has Experimental procedure
been that early-formed structures lock up as younger ones
develop at the toe of a growing fold-thrust belt (e.g. Boyer & The centrifuge in the Experimental Tectonics Lab at Queen's
Elliott 1982). On the other hand, the critical Coulomb wedge University is capable of subjecting two specimens to
analysis of Davis et al. (1983) predicts that in order to main- accelerations as high as 20,000 g (see Dixon & Summers
tain a critical taper while new material is accreting to the toe (1985) for a detailed description of the machine). Readers are
of the fold-thrust belt, the wedge must continue to deform referred to Ramberg (1981) for a detailed discussion of the
internally (for example by slip on thrust faults throughout its theory of scale modelling and the centrifuge technique.
volume). The model studies of Liu & Dixon (1990) confirm The models are constructed of analogue materials. Plas-
ticine (Harbutt's Gold Medal Brand) and silicone putty (Dow
Coming dilatant compound 3179) have the appropriate
rheological properties to represent, respectively, competent
rocks such as limestone and sandstone, and incompetent
rocks such as shale, under natural conditions typical of the
upper part of the Earth's crust. The rheological similitude
achieved with these materials and the method of construction
of finely-laminated multilayers of the two materials have
been discussed in detail elsewhere (Dixon & Summers 1985;
Dixon & Tirrul 1991). It will suffice to repeat here that an
internally-laminated stratigraphic unit of a desired bulk com-
petency can be prepared by repeated rolling and stacking of
an initial couplet of layers of the two materials whose thickness
ratio corresponds to the thickness ratio desired for the unit.
Competent stratigraphic units have a higher proportion of
plasticine, whereas less-competent units contain more silicone
putty. Scale-model ratios chosen for the experiments described
here are listed in Table 1. Note that 1 mm in the model
represents 1 km in the prototype.
Figure 1. Dimensions and initial configuration of the models. The dimensions and initial geometric configuration of the


models are illustrated in Figure 1, although the foreland The model stratigraphic units simulate rock units such as
stratigraphic sequence varies from one model to another. The limestone and shale with prototype thicknesses of 1670,1330
models all consist of a six-part stratigraphic sequence (Fig. or 1000 m, and 330 m, respectively. The units are internally
2), three competent and three incompetent units. For conven- laminated so that they simulate to some extent the bedding
ience these will be referred to as Units I—VI from top to anisotropy of natural sedimentary units. The model
bottom. Competent units I, III and V each contain internal stratigraphic pile represents a prototype which has 6-fold
laminae of plasticine without silicone putty interlayers. The stratigraphy with alternating competent and incompetent
competent units in model THl6 (Fig. 2a) are each 1.67 mm units. An example of such a sequence is provided by the
thick and contain 10 layers of blue and red plasticine, and in succession in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province in
model TH18 (Fig. 2b) they are each 1.33 mm thick and West Virginia, Virginia and Maryland (Parry 1978; Kulander
contain lOlayersofyellowandblueplasticine. Thecompetent & Dean 1986).
units in models TH22, TH23 and TH24 (Fig. 2c) contain four The models are subjected to horizontal compression from
laminae of plasticine of four different colours (yellow, red, one end by gravitational collapse and spreading of a 'hinter-
black and blue from top to bottom), while in model TH20 land wedge' of plasticine (see Fig. 1). The wedge begins to
(Fig. 2d) they contain 8 laminae, with a total unit thickness of fail when the acceleration in the centrifuge reaches about
1.0 mm. In all six models the incompetent units II, IV and VI 2500 g. As the wedge collapses, it loses gravitational poten-
each contain four laminae, two of silicone putty and two of tial; the acceleration must be gradually increased (to 4000 g
black plasticine in a 2:1 ratio of thickness. The total thickness in these experiments) to maintain the spreading. This in-
of the model stratigraphic pile is 6 mm in THl6; 5 mm in crease in acceleration causes a proportional (minor) change in
THl8; and 4 mm in models TH20, TH22, TH23 and TH24 the model scaling. The experiments are run in stages so that
(see Fig. 2). There is minor variance in strength between the progressive development of structures can be monitored.
plasticines of different colour, but no structural manifestations Some models are sectioned after each stage of deformation,
of this variance have been detected. parallel to the shortening direction, are photographed and

Unit Thickness Column Description

10 layers 1:1 blue and red

plasticine Unit Thickness Column Description
1 1.66 mm
10 layers 1:1 yellow and
/ 4 layers 2:1 silicone putty
1,33 mm blue plasticine
H 0.33 mm =
and black plasticine '
/ 4 layers 2:1 silicone putty
10 layers 1:1 blue and red
II 0.33 mm and blacl< plasticine
III 1.66 mm 10 layers 1:1 yellow and

/ 4 layers 2:1 silicone putty III 1.33 mm blue plasticine

and black plasticine / 4 layers 2:1 silicone putty

IV 0.33 mm
IV 0.33 mm and blacl( plasticine
10 layers 1:1 blue and red
10 layers 1:1 yellow and
V 1.66 mm
V 1.33 mm blue plasticine
/A layers 2:1 silicone putty
/ 4 layers 2:1 silicone putty
and black plasticine and black plasticine
VI 0.33 mm VI 0.33 mm

Unit Thickness Column Description Unit Thickness Column Description

4 layers. 1:1:1:1 yellow, red, 8 layers 1:1:1:1 yelloy,

1 1 mm black and blue plasticine 1 1.0 mm black, blue and red plasticine
/ A layers , 2:1 silicone putty / A layers 2:1 si silicone putty
1 0.33 mm and black plasticine II 0.33 mm and black plasticine
4 layers, 1:1:1:1 yellow, red, 8 layers 1:1:1:1 yellow,
I 1 mm black and blue plasticine III 1.0 mm black, blue and red plasticine
/A layers, 2:1 silicone putty / A layers 2:1 silicone putty
IV 033 mm and black plasticine IV 0.33 mm ^==^=^ and black plasticine
4 layers, 1:1:1:1 yellow, red, 8 layers 1:1:1:1 yellow,
V 1 mm black and blue plasticine V 1.0 mm black, blue and red plasticine
/A layers, 2:1 silicone putty / 4 layers 2:1 r silicone putty
VI 0.33 mm and black plasticine VI 0.33 mm and black plasticine

Figure 2. Stratigraphic sequences in the foreland portions of models TH16 (a), TH18 (b), H22, TH23, TH24 (c) and TH20 (d).

J. M. DIXON & S. Liu

Figure 3. Profile sections through model TH 16 at stage I through stage V. Thepositionsof sections relative to one edge of the model are indicated in inches
on the labels. The labels measure 10 mm \ 10 mm.

then reassembled for a subsequent stage of deformation. tapered slice of plasticine to its surface. This process is
Other models are run through several stages of deformation repeated after each stage until the whole deformation se-
without sectioning, and then sectioned horizontally or trans- quence is finished.
versely to the shortening direction at the final stage. For each An analysis of the magnitude of the stress applied to the
new stage the driving wedge is rejuvenated by addition of a edge of the model fold-thrust belt in similar models has been


presented elsewhere (Dixon & Tirrul 1991). With a more competent units and localized groups of small folds in the
gently-tapered 'hinterland wedge' and with a 10 mm foreland incompetent units. The small folds in the incompetent units
stratigraphic pile the models commence to yield under hori- are localized beneath the anticlines in the competent units.
zontal compression estimated at about 2.3 x 10* Pa, which The folds nucleate serially, from hinterland towards foreland,
corresponds to a prototype stress of about 3.0 MPa. This and grow progressively in amplitude. By stage III, one thrust
value is below, but probably within one order of magnitude (labelled 'a' in Fig. 4) has ramped upward across the compe-
of, realistic levels of differential stress required to drive tent unit V in the position of the front limb of an earlier-stage
deformation of thrust belts (see Dixon & Tirrul (1991) for low-amplitude fold (fold 'a' in Fig. 4, stage II), and an
detailed discussion). The stress levels in the models de- incipient thrust ('b') has begun to propagate through the
scribed here are similar. lower part of unit V in the position of the front limb of another
fold ('b') that had formed in stage II. This suggests the serial
nucleation and progressive growth of thrust faults. By this
Nucleation and across-strike propagation of stage (III), in addition to the two thrusts, more low-amplitude
thrusts folds (folds 'c', 'd' and 'e') have formed in unit V in front of
the thrusts.
Sequence of thrust nucleation During stage IV (Fig. 4), the folds continue to increase
The progressive evolution of model TH16 was monitored by amplitude in unit I and unit III. New thrusts propagate across
cutting profile sections parallel to the shortening direction unit V in the front limbs of low-amplitude folds (folds 'c', 'd'
after each stage of the shortening. These are shown in and 'e' of stage III) on the forelandsideof those rampsformed
photographs in Figure 3 and in line drawings in Figure 4a. For at earlier stages, but the old thrusts continue to increase their
each section the Roman numeral refers to the model stage, displacements. Note that thrust 'e', like thrust 'b' at stage III,
and the Arabic number indicates the position of the line of is only an incipient thrust; this, as well, suggests the sequence
section relative to one edge of the model (distance in inches). of thrusting.
As demonstrated in other models (Dixon & Tirrul 1991; Liu At stage IV, Figure 3 shows that the groups of small folds
& Dixon 1990), the early stages of deformation (stages I and in the incompetent units are evenly spaced and are clearly
II) are characterized by harmonic buckle-fold trains in the localized beneath the anticlines of the overlying competent
units. Coincident with this (Figs 3 & 4a), the spacing of
thrusts in competent unit V is also constant. By following the
deformation sequence, it is easy to see that the thrusts have a
constant spacing because they are localized by the earlier
folding (Dixon & Tirrul 1991; Liu & Dixon 1990) which has
a buckling wavelength dependent on the material properties
and thicknesses of the mechanical units involved in the
folding process (e.g. Ramberg 1963).



Figure 4. (a) Line drawings ofthe sections ofmodelTH16 shown in Figure

3. The folds and thrusts in the lowest competent unit are indicated by letters Figure 5. Bar graph showing the stage of initiation and duration of
which are referred to in the text, (b) Bar graph showing the stage of initiation displacement on faults in unit V of model TH24. The positions of thrusts 'a'
and duration of displacement on faults in unit V of model TH16. Thrusts are to ' j ' are shown in the line drawing of section 0.75, stage VI, at the bottom
lettered as in (a). Note that the fault ramps nucleate serially from hinterland of the figure. As in TH16 (Fig. 4), the fault ramps nucleate serially from
to foreland, and not a single thrust dies during the deformation. hinterland to foreland, and not a single thrust dies during the deformation.

Figure 6. Photographs of the top (free) surface of model TH16 after each of stages I through V. showing the pattern of serial nucleation and foreland propagation of folds. The 'hinterland wedge' of plasticine (white
and t 7 s " r r i n mTrker "' '" ' ^ ' ''^'' "^"^ " ' ° ' ' " ' ' ' " " " ' " ' ^ ' ^ "*'''^"''^ ^'"""^ "^^ '^^^ ^^ ^"''^"^^ ^"^^^^ ^^''^f- ^""^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ "^ ^^e model is marked with a print of metric graph paper (cm. mm) for scale


The competent units in model TH16 (Fig. 3) were con- In the models, fault ramps clearly propagate upward
structed with short strips of lighter-coloured (yellow) plasticine through the competent units (see Fig. 4, fault 'b' at stage III
embedded within them in the central portion of the model. and fault 'e' at stage IV). These ramps form at the tip of a
These strips extend across the width of the model (that is, bedding-parallel decollement zone in the underlying incom-
along strike) and serve as passive markers which can be used petent unit. This pattern of upward propagation, from the
to measure relative displacement between the competent incompetent unit into and through the overlying competent
units. At stage 1 the ends of the light-coloured markers in unit, is contrary to Eisenstadt & DePaor's (1987) suggestion
units I, III and V are situated in a vertical row. As shortening that ramps nucleate within competent units and propagate
proceeds, there is progressive shearing of the upper layers both upward and downward into neighbouring weak units.
towards the foreland due to drag against the rigid base of the
model. The differential displacement is accommodated by
decollement in the incompetent units II, IV and VI. Strain partitioning
The time of nucleation and the duration of displacement of Natural fold-thrust belts undergo shortening by three differ-
all the thrusts developed in unit V of model TH16 is docu- ent deformation mechanisms: layer-parallel shortening (LPS),
mented in Figure 4b. The data are obtained by careful buckling and faulting. We have previously analysed the
measurement of the displacement of competent unit V by partitioning of strain among these three mechanisms in the
thrusts after each stage. The plot shows that thrusts nucleate competent units of model TH24 (Liu & Dixon 1991). Using
successively, one by one, toward the foreland, but that an the same methods, it has been possible to reconstruct restored
older thrust does not die out or cease its displacement as a new
thrust forms in front of it. Model TH24 (Fig. 5) evolved in a
similar way (although it contains more thrusts), and shows the
same pattern of serial nucleation but long-lived displacement
of the thrusts. This is not in agreement with the simple
conception that imbricate thrusts develop serially with early-
formed thrusts becoming inactive as later-formed ones de-
velop towards the foreland. On the other hand, the continued 1.000
accumulation of displacement on early-formed faults within
the older, hinterland end of the fold-thrust belt is in agreement
with the critical Coulomb wedge model of Davis er a/. (1983).
The nucleation sequence of thrusts from hinterland to fore-
land is inherited from the sequence of development of folds
from hinterland to foreland. The propagation of folds (of
competent unit 1) across the top surface of model TH16 is
shown in Figure 6. 1.125
The evolution of a fold into a thrust can be observed in the
sections at stages II, III, IV and V of model TH24 (Fig. 7).
Note the structure in the location marked by '*' in the
sections. At stage II, the structure is a low-amplitude fold; it
could be classified as a 'detachment' fold (Jamison 1987) for
it overlies a zone of layer-parallel shear or decollement in the
underlying incompetent unit VI. At stage III, the lower part
of unit V is displaced by a propagating thrust ramp; the fold IV
is by now a 'fault-propagation' fold (Suppe & Medwedeff 1.250
1984; Suppe 1985) which grows in amplitude as the fault
propagates. The fault is shown as a solid line in unit V, but
it extends back towards the hinterland as a decollement
horizon within unit VI to the right of the ramp. By stage IV,
the thrust has propagated upward so as to ramp all the way
through unit V and into the overlying incompetent unit IV.
Now the fault follows a flat-ramp-flat trajectory and the
ramp-tlat geometry of the thrust begins to influence the shape
of the fold. By stage V the fold has evolved into a well- V
developed 'fault-bend' fold (Suppe 1983) or 'ramp anticline' 1.375
(Rich 1934; Dahlstrom 1970). Therefore, there is an evolu-
tion of the relationship between fold and thrust: the fold
nucleates first and localizes the thrust ramp in its foreland-
dipping limb; the fold and thrust dominate alternately during Figure 7. Line drawing from magnified photographs of sections through
model TH24 after the stages 0. Ill, IV and V. The structure marked by '*'
the deformation process. is discussed in detail in the text.

J. M. DIXON & S. Liu

\ / /
/ \ \ \
\ N •x \ 'l 0.625

\ \/ / 1
/ \ \ \ \
\ N N. \ ^ 1] 0.760

Figure 8. Palinspastically reconstructed sections of model TH16, stages O

(initial) and stages I to V restored by unslipping thrust-fault displacement and
unfolding buckle folds. The difference between the restored and initial
length shows the effect of layer-parallel shortening.

sections of model TH16 (Fig. 8) and to calculate the total

shortening and to partition it into the three mechanisms. The
data for model TH24 are shown for each of competent units
I, III and V at all six stage of the deformation in Figure 9 and
for model TH16 at all five stages in Figure 10.
Layer-parallel shortening accounts for the largest part of
the total shortening in all competent units and through all the
stages. It shows a nearly constant growth in TH16 (Fig. 10),
but declines towards the end of the deformation of TH24 (Fig.
9). The other shortening mechanisms vary in relative impor-
tance at different structural levels. In competent units I and
III, folding is the second most important mechanism. Buck-
ling commences between stages I and II and the folds grow
steadily in amplitude. Faulting in these units commences
significantly later (after stage III) and accounts for a very
minor amount of shortening. In unit V, however, faulting and
folding account for approximately equal shares of the short-
ening after the final stage. Folding begins earlier than
thrusting (as seen above and in Figs 3 & 4) but buckle
shortening ceases at stage IV (TH16, Fig. 10) or V (TH24,
Fig. 9) while shortening by thrusting continues to the end of
both experiments.
The pattern of strain partitioning in model TH16 is essen-
tially the same as that in model TH24; it differs only in that
in the latter model, layer-parallel shortening decreases in
relative importance as the deformation progresses and ceases
after stage IV (of a total of six stages). TH24 was deformed
to a total shortening of almost 60%, slightly more than TH16,
and it is conceivable that the rate of LPS would have declined
had TH16 been deformed further. However there is no
obvious explanation for the observed difference in behav-
The magnitude of total shortening in these models at the
final stage is very similar to the total shortening within the
Central Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province of West
Virginia and Virginia. Kulander & Dean (1986) estimated
shortening of Cambro—Ordovician carbonates (modelled by Figure 9. Graphical representation of horizontal shortening of the three
unit V in models TH16 and TH24) by thrusting and folding competent units ((A) unit I, (B) unit III, and (C) unit V) of model TH24
through the deformation sequence, stage I to VI. The total strain (solid
in the range of 24% to 32%, and not including layer-parallel square) is partitioned into layer-parallel shortening (open square), shorten-
shortening by plastic or pressure-solution deformation ing by faulting (solid diamond) and shortening by folding (open diamond).


mechanisms. They stated that layer-parallel shortening reaches

30% at some locations.

Along-strike propagation

Thus far, the discussion has focused on how thrusts propagate

across strike. It is the earlier-stage low-amplitude folds that
control the localization of thrust ramps, and because the folds
propagate from hinterland to foreland, the thrusts develop in
the same sequence. But how does a thrust develop along
strike? The fold-thrust models provide insight into this
problem because the progressive evolution of individual
structures can be monitored as the models are deformed in
stages, and the three-dimensional character of structures can
be documented in detail from closely-spaced serial sections
cut in different orientations. Liu & Dixon (1991) previously
discussed along-strike propagation and displacement trans-
fer in models TH22 and TH23. These phenomena are
examined based on these and several other models, and new
three-dimensional diagrams reveal the relationships more

Three-dimensional character of the structures

Figure 11 is an orthographic representation of the structures
in unit V of model TH22 after the final stage of deformation
based on the data collected from 22 serial sections cut through
the model parallel to the shortening direction (that is, across
strike) and at 0.125-inch spacing. Photographs and line
drawings of twelve of these sections were shown in Plate I and
Figure 3 of Liu & Dixon (1991); the perspective reconstruc-
tion shown here gives a better impression of the along-strike
continuity and variability of structures. The main structural
features of unit V are a series of thrusts which branch up from
a lower decollement (within incompetent unit IV), forming a
duplex structure; and thrust-related hangingwall folds. The
diagram (Fig. 11) shows the top surface of this duplex.
A most remarkable feature is a local overlapping of
thrusts: for example, thrust 1 overlaps thrust 2 in the central
part of the model; thrust 7 overlaps thrust 8; and thrust 8
overlaps thrust 9. Examination of these localities shows that
they coincide with positions at which the overlapping thrusts
change their displacement. This phenomenon of along-strike
displacement variation will be discussed below.
The figure also shows that a thrust can pass along strike
into a fold. For example, two segments of thrust 6 are linked
by a fold in the central portion of the model. This relationship
is examined in more detail below.
Another feature, which is also found in natural thrust belts,
is that the leading edges of thrusts are curvilinear in detail.
However, in model TH22 the total transverse shortening of
the model does not vary along strike, for the sides of the model
were lubricated to reduce drag against the side walls of the
Figure 10. Graphical representation of horizontal shortening of the three
competent units ((A) unit, (B) unit III, and (C) unit V) of model TH 16 through centrifuge model chamber. Thus the faults and folds have a
the deformation sequence, stages I to V. The total strain (solid square) is generally straight form. This is in contrast to model TH18.
partitioned into layer-parallel shortening (open square), shortening by fault- The three-dimensional character of the structures in unit V
ing (solid diamond) and shortening by folding (open diamond). of model TH 18 is shown in Figure 12. As in TH22 (Fig. 11),

J. M. DIXON & S. Liu

Figure 11. Three-dimensional view of structures in unit-V duplex of model TH22, drawn from 22 transverse sections. The numbers and letters marking
individual structures (faults and folds) are referred in the text.

Figure 12. Three-dimensional view of structures in unit-V duplex of model TH 18, drawn from 22 transverse sections. The numbers marking individual
structures (faults and folds) are referred in the text.


Figure 11. The section interval is 0.06 inches. The thrust that
can be seen to terminate near 'B' in Fig. 11 is marked '*' in
Fig. 14. The thrust exhibits decreasing displacement from
section 0.81 to 0.75. In sections 0.69 and 0.63 the thrust cuts
only the lower part of unit V and then dies into the core of a
small fold in section 0.56. This mechanism is also evident in
models constructed by Gardner & Spang (1973).
The phenomenon of transfer of displacement between
overlapping, en-echelon thrusts is also present in our models.
Figure 15 shows 8 sections cut through model TH39 (which
had a stratigraphic column similar to that of models TH22,
TH23 and TH24 (see Fig. 1)) after the final stage of deforma-
tion. While thrust 'a' increases its displacement along strike
from section A to section E, thrust 'b' decreases its displace-
ment in the same direction and dies into a fold in section E.
From section F to section H, the sense of displacement
Figure 13. Across-andalong-strike sections of unit Vin model TH18. The transfer reverses. Thrusts 'c' and 'd' have the same kind of
numbers at the right end of the transverse sections indicate the positions of relationship: from section A to section F, thrust 'c' decreases
these sections (in inches) relative to the far edge of the model. Note that some its displacement gradually, finally dying into a fold in section
ramps are arcuate (oblique relative to the right-to-left shortening direction).
See text for discussion.
F where thrust 'd' picks up its displacement.

Along-strike displacement gradients

this lowest competent unit has been thrusted into a duplex
structure with its floor thrust in incompetent unit VI and its The displacements of five large thrusts which have propa-
roof thrust in incompetent unit IV. The leading edges of gated across the full width of model TH20 have been meas-
thrusts in this model are also curvilinear in detail, but are fan ured. Figure 16a shows a plan view of the traces of all faults
shaped, convex toward the foreland, at the scale of the whole on the top surface of unit V after the final stage of deforma-
model. This curvature reflects a gradient in total shortening tion. The variations of displacement of five selected faults are
and thrust shortening from minima at the edges of the model plotted in Figure 16b. There is more variability of displace-
to a maximum in the centre, resulting from side drag because
neither side of this model was lubricated. As a result, thrusts
in this model developed oblique ramps (ramps which strike at
an angle to overall transport direction of the fold-thrust belt).
The oblique ramps can be seen in Figure 13, a fence-diagram 0.56
representation of the structure of the unit-V duplex in model
TH18. As in model TH22, overlapping thrusts are present in
model TH18 (Figs 12 & 13) and reflect along-strike variation
of thrust displacement. On the far side of the model the thrusts 0.63
have approximately equal displacement and there is no
overlapping. Towards the near side of the model, the over-
lapping begins to appear (e.g. thrust 4 overlaps thrust 5; see
Fig. 12).

Deformation at the tip of a thrust

Deformation in the region of thrust terminations has been
studied by various authors (e.g. Dahlstrom 1970; Gardner &
Spang 1973; Elliott 1976; House & Gray 1982; O'Keefe &
Steams 1982; Geiser 1988 and others). House & Gray (1982)
amplified on two mechanisms described by Dahlstrom (1970):
(1) folding in the hangingwall of the thrust, and (2) develop- 0.81
ment of en-echelon overlapping thrusts. Our models repro-
duce both mechanisms, as can be seen in closely-spaced serial
sections cut parallel to the shortening direction near thrust Figure 14. Closely-spaced transverse sections through part of unit V, model
terminations. TH22, showing detailed structure at the tip line of a thrust (in the area marked
by letter b in Fig. 11). The thrust marked by'*'decreases its displacement
The phenomenon of termination of a thrust in the core of from section 0.81 to section 0.56 while it dies into the core of a fold. The
a fold is observed in model TH22. Figure 14 shows a series numbers on the right give the location (in inches) of the sections relative to
of closely-spaced sections in the vicinity of the point 'B' in one edge of the model. (After Liu & Dixon in press).

1 J. M. DIXON & S. LIU ' J-

Figure 15. Transverse sections cut through model TH39 after the final stage of deformation. Only the bottom poriion of ihe model is shown, as a horizontal
section had been cut ihrough the level of the unit-V duplex. Thealong-sirike transfer of displacement between faults 'a' and "b'.and between faults 'c' and
'd' is discussed in the text.

menl of these thrusts than of thrusts in model TH22 (Liu & made by Elliott (1976) and in Liu & Dixon (1991): a large
Dixon 1991). However, one common factor emerges: none thrust may nucleate at one point and propagate in both
of the thrusts in either model keeps constant displacement directions along strike. Fortheotherthrusts, the displacement
along its full strike length. As was pointed out above, the profiles each show several maxima and minima. In this
faults have curvilinear traces; but it is apparent that variable model thrust 'c' has a particulariy large displacement of 8.7
displacement is not directly related to sinuousity of trace. mm along section 0.50, and its displacement decreases towards
Like those of thrusts 1 and 7 in model TH22 (Fig. 10 of Liu the other side of the model. In that portion of the model where
& Dixon 1991), the displacement profile of thrust d in model thrust 'c' has large displacement, thrusts 'b', 'd' and 'e' all
TH20 is also roughly bow-shaped with its maximum located have small displacements; these faults grow in the same
near the middle of the model. This fault confirms the point direction that 'c' decreases. This suggests displacement


major thrusts which exhibit displacement variations may

result from along-strike propagation and merger of smaller
thrusts can be examined.
Observation of the top (free) surface of models during
deformation reveals that folds nucleate as isolated periclinal
culminations which grow in amplitude and propagate along
strike as the shortening accumulates (see Dixon & Tirrul
1991). As they propagate along strike, these isolated anti-
clines may intersect or pass each other. If they intersect, they
merge to form a longer anticline which has crestal culmina-
tions at the sites of nucleation and crestal depressions at sites
of merger.
Figure 18 shows the free surface (top of unit I) of model
TH24 after stages II and III. After stage II, only one fold has
developed across the full width of the model, directly in front
of the spreading wedge. All other folds are doubly-plunging,
localized culminations. These folds join together to form
longer anticlines after stage III. Note that the two folds

1.00 125 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75

Section (inch)
hrust b "•• Thrust c ^ Thrust d -*• Thwst e

Figure 16. (a)PlanviewofthetopsurfaceofunitV, model TH20, showing

the positions of faults which ramp through this unit. The model was
shortened from the bottom of the figure, (b) Graphical representation of
along-strike variation of thrust displacement for thrusts 'a' to 'e' in unit V,
model TH20. See (a) for locations of the faults.

transfer along strike among this bundle of thrusts.

Variation of fault displacement along strike can be demon-
strated by plotting fault-plane maps. Figure 17 is a vertical
projection of four fault ramps that cut unit V in model TH18.
The thrusts are numbered in the same sequence as in Figure Figure 17. Fault-plane projection maps for four thrusts which ramp through
12. The displacement of a single thrust can change along unit V, model TH18. Solid lines outline the hangingwall cutoffs of unit V,
strike very rapidly (e.g. thrust 1 has a displacement of 3 mm and the dashed lines outline the corresponding footwall cutoffs. See Figure
at section 2.75, dies into a fold at section 2.00, and regains 12 for the positions of the faults.
displacement towards section 0.25). The ramp angle also
varies along strike, especially for fault 4, as shown by the marked with letters A and B at stage II have propagated
variation in width of the projected stratigraphic cut-off of unit towards the middle of the model and joined together by stage
V against the fault plane. Another feature shown in this III (fold B'). Similarly, three individual folds (marked with
diagram is that the ramp angle of thrusts tends to decrease C, D and E) at stage II have merged by stage III to form a
from hinterland to foreland. This is principally a result of single fold (marked C ) .
steepening of early-formed ramps by passive rotation due to It has been shown that thrust ramps in the models are
continued layer-parallel shortening of the model. nucleated in foreland-dipping limbs of earlier-formed folds,
and that the faults propagate once the folds have grown to
sufficient amplitude (see above, Figs 3 & 4). It is possible to
Mechanism of formation of a major thrust
infer that along-strike propagation of thrusts follows along-
Ellis & Dunlap (1988) studied the along-strike variation of strike propagation of folds; therefore, as periclines propagate
dip-slip displacement of thrust faults. They related displace- and merge to form an elongate anticline with crestal culmina-
ment minima to points of merger of separate, coplanar faults, tions, the related thrusts may also merge to form a major
or to barriers to fault movement. Here the models contain no thrust with displacement that exhibits maxima and minima
obvious barriers to fault movement and the possibility that along strike (as for example thrusts 'a' and 'e' of model TH20

n'i'ij-i !•' jsti' f. J. M . D I X O N & S. Liu i-K-r/ :-r>'i-ij>|-i/.:?0

>n: ••^Oiiii,-:-,. ii\3i:-'}_ -in-'itj ntj. irJ^v ?.i>-ii^M 'i-J!t::;


•• • ' - i : - - '•, -ill

•"" • h-./i'ini"',

»-. .-f' •• :'- \i.

•'Ml : ••

•/ r - v . ,;;.,

•• - .•:: .; -Ji. t

i ' ; J ; M U ' U r ; i ,• ; i i , -•; • i , ,.,!!•)•;.: j ,

•ip,' . , •r.U^ '.'O-. • ^.H ;. ,M' . .'

•' -.'l-M.'; ;-•,;•; ..,f: ! : ,-'• . ,,„-, . , • ,_^

'i'l .ij.^ , ,i - : ' ! • • . . :,••: •:•

UU'.\ : .'.--lU'.i ^-^ •[ , ;, , , r . t ..?--•,•>,

Figure 18. Photographsof the top (free)

surface of model TH24 after stages I! and
Hi, showing how isolated periclines can
propagate along strike and merge together
to form elongate aniiclines which may
have sinuous traces. See texi for discus-
•H'!,..J .

'• f(:'t


jfii' !'];-;


0,875 1,375

.•;ri -y,-

1.000 1.500

1-125 1.625




Figure 19. Linedrawingsofenlargedphotographsof serial transverse sectionscutthrough centre part of model TH22 (Fig, 11), The numbers on the right
show the posilions of the sections {in inches) relative to the far side of the model. Fault 6 cuts the full thickness of unit V in section 0,87.5 but its displacement
decreases along sirike to seclion 1,375 and then increases to section 1,750 where it again cuts the full thickness of unit V, The fault is overlain by a fold
from section 1 ,(M) to seclion 1.625.

(Fig. 16b)). The points of maximum displacement should

correspond to points where small faults nucleated in the limbs
of isolated folds; the points of minimum displacement should
correspond to points of merger of the propagating, coplanar
faults to form a through-going larger thrust.
As was mentioned earlier, in model TH22 (Fig. I I ) it has
been observed that, as seen on the top surface of unit V, thrust
6 occurs in two segments separated by a fold in the centre part
of the model. Detailed study of sections cut across strike
through the portion of the model between the fault segments
shows that there is an incipient thrust ramp in the lower part
of unit V beneath the fold. These sections, drawn from
enlarged photographs, are shown in Figure 19. In section
0.875, thrust 6 cuts the whole thickness of unit V; between
section 1.000 and section 1.625 it cuts only the lower part of
unit V; finally, in section 1.750 it again cuts the full thickness
of unit V. Another example of this relationship is found in
model TH23. Figure 20 shows a horizontal section, at the
level of the unit V duplex, of part of model TH23, together
with nine closely-spaced transverse sections. Thrust ' b '
appears as two segments joined by a fold in the centre part of
the horizontal (map view) section, but in profile the fault is
seen to extend continuously from section A to section I,
although it is 'blind', and overlain by a fold, between sections
B and G. If deformation were to continue further, the fault Figure 20. The map on the left shows part of a horizontal section cut through
would propagate through the remainder of unit V. the unit-V duplex in model TH23. Profile sections A through I at the right
show how thrust b is connected in the subsurface and overlain by a fold
An alternative evolutionary scenario is that isolated folds between section B and H. Map units: l-blue plasticine, 2-black plasticine,
may propagate along strike towards each other, but may not 3-red plasticine, 4-yellow plasticine (all are part of unit V); 5-unit VI. See
be colinear. The result will be an en-passant or en-echelon text for discussion. - -..

J. M. DIXON & S. Liu

pattern of folds. If such folds subsequently evolve into thrust faulting evolves through time: first, a 'detachment' fold
ramps, the ramps might also fail to merge but would form an forms above a zone of decollement; second, a fault ramp
overlap relationship with displacement transfer between them. propagates upward into the base of the competent unit at the
Another possibility is the merger of two nearly colinear position of foreland-dipping limb of the early fold, and the
ramps into a single fault with a sinuous, sigmoidal trace, or the fold becomes a 'fault-propagation' fold; third, when the fault
joining oftwo offset ramps by a transverse ramp. An example has propagated through the competent unit its trajectory
of this kind of relationship was documented in model TH23 bends into the overlying incompetent unit and with further
(Fig. 14 in Liu & Dixon (1991)). transport the hangingwall is modified by 'fault-bend' fold-
In summary, large thrusts may be the result of along-strike ing. Thus, folding and faulting alternate as the dominant
propagation and merger of smaller faults that nucleated at process, and bedding anisotropy is particularly important to
different points along the strike length of an earlier fold. The the localization of thrust ramps through its control on buckling
geometric relationship among nearly coplanar thrusts (inter- wavelength. In nature, low-amplitude (even incipient) folds
locking and connecting) depends on the relationship of the may produce sufficient stress concentration to trigger thrust
antecedent folds. faults in their foreland-dipping limbs.
Displacement transfer occurs between pairs of en-echelon
thrust faults, between pairs of imbricate thrusts, and between
Conclusions thrust faults and folds. The transfer accommodates structural
change along strike while the total transverse shortening
The analogue models described here contain a six-fold stays relatively constant.
stratigraphic succession, with units that alternate in bulk Some large thrusts exhibit along-strike variations of thrust
competence (weak at the base). Folds and faults nucleate and displacement with local maxima and minima. This pattern
propagate from hinterland to foreland but early-formed faults suggests that such thrusts may nucleate at different points as
at the hinterland end of the fold-thrust belt continue to coplanar faults, propagate along strike, and eventually join
accumulate displacement as the deformation progresses. Thus together because the nucleation points are all under an
the model fold-thrust belt undergoes continuous thickening anticline which formed by along-strike propagation and
in its hinterland portion while the toe or deformation front merger of colinear, earlier-formed periclinal folds. The
propagates towards the foreland. thrust displacement in such cases varies from smaller values
Horizontal shortening strain in the models is partitioned at linkage points to larger values at nucleation points. Dis-
among three deformation mechanisms: homogeneous, layer- placement transfer through transverse ramps and overlap-
parallel shortening; folding; and imbricate thrust faulting. ping thrusts may occur as a means of linking non-colinear
The relative amount of shortening accommodated by these propagating thrusts which nucleated beneath en-echelon
three mechanisms varies with depth at different stages of folds.
deformation, and varies in time at a given structural level.
Layer-parallel shortening is dominant; in some models it
increases throughout the experiment, but in others it declines Our analogue-modelling investigation of fold-thrust tectonics is supported
in importance while shortening by the other mechanisms in part by a grant from Exploration Research, Arco Oil and Gas Company,
accelerates. The models exhibit along-strike structural vari- The construction and operation of the Experimental Tectonics Laboratory
at Queen's University has been supported by grants from the Natural
ation and transfer of displacement between faults and folds. Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to J. M. Dixon. S.
In the models it is clear that fault ramps nucleate at points Liu gratefully acknowledges scholarship support in the course of his Ph.D.
that are localized by earlier folding of competent units: a ramp studies and a travelling grant to the Thrust Tectonics 1990 Conference
granted by Queen's University.
propagates upward through the foreland-dipping limb of a
fold from a bedding-parallel decollement zone in an underly-
ing incompetent unit. The relationship between folding and

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Physical models of thrust wedges
Liu Huiqi, K. R. McClay & D. Powell

Department of Geology, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of

London, Egham, Surrey TW20 OEX, UK

Abstract: Scaled sandbox models have been used to simulate the growth and sequential
development of critical thrust wedges in isotropic cohesionless and anisotropic cohesionless
materials. Variations in the initial thickness of the layered sequence, the friction of the basal
detachment, and the anisotropy of the layered system have been systematically investigated.
Imbricate fans of dominantly foreland-vergent thrust systems are developed similar to those found
in accretionary prisms and in foreland fold and thrust belts. Critical taper wedges close to
theoretically predicted geometries are developed for intermediate values of basal friction Pj^ = 0.47
whereas for the lower value of basal friction low-taper wedges are formed with tapers less than
predicted by theory. Supra-critical wedges are formed when the basal friction equals or is greater
than the coefficient of friction in the wedge and the wedge has a high taper closer to the angle of
rest for the modelling material. The spacing/thickness ratio of foreland-vergent thrusts increases
as the layer thickness increases. The spacing of thrust faults increases with increased basal friction.
Higher basal friction or anisotropy within the layered systems favours displacement along
foreland-vergent thrusts and suppresses backthrusts.

Physical modelling of thrust structures dates from the earliest surface slope of the wedge topography (a) and the dip of the
days of structural geology. Cadell (1889) constructed the first basal decollement (p). The steady state wedge shape is
documented experiment in a squeeze box using clay material controlled by the relative magnitudes of the strength of the
to simulate the formation of structures found in the Northwest wedge material and the frictional strength of the basal de-
Scottish Highlands. This was closely followed by Willis tachment. Increasing the basal friction increases the critical
(1892) who modelled the structures of the Appalachians. taper, whereas increasing the internal strength of the wedge
Despite their limitations, physical models have provided material decreases the critical taper (Davis ef a/. 1983; Dahlen
many insights into the study of thrust tectonics (e.g. Hubbert etal. 1984). Other factors that affect the critical taper are pore
1937, 1951; Mulugeta & Koyi 1987; Mulugeta 1988a, b). fluid pressure, erosion and synchronous sedimentation at the
Recent physical modelling of thrust systems has been largely top of the wedge, and underplating of material at the base of
concerned with the development of critical wedges, with the wedge (Dahlen & Suppe 1988; Roure et al. 1990).
experiments performed under normal gravity (e.g. Davis et In the critical-tapered wedge theory the wedge material
al. 1983; Dahlen et al. 1984; Malavieille 1984) and under has been treated as homogeneous with an average rheology
higher gravitational loading in a centrifuge (e.g. Mulugeta & (Coulomb behaviour). Variations in cohesion, coefficients of
Koyi 1987; Mulugeta 1988 a, b). internal friction and basal friction have not been considered,
The critical-tapered, Coulomb wedge model proposed by nor have the roles of mechanical anisotropy, competency
Davis etal. (1983), Dahlen (1984) and Dahlen etal. (1984), contrasts, and variations in local stress fields (Price 1988).
together with the subsequent modifications and develop- Such parameters have not been systematically examined in
ments (e.g. Davis & Engelder 1985; Davis & von Huene previous model studies (Mulugeta 1988a, b; Mulugeta &
1987; Zhao et al. 1986; Dahlen & Barr 1989; Dahlen 1990) Koyi 1987). This paper presents the results of a detailed
provides a coherent explanation for the geometry and sequen- series of analogue experiments which investigate the influ-
tial propagation of thrust sheets in accretionary prisms and in ences of model thicknesses, basal friction variations and
foreland fold and thrust belts. According to this model, anisotropy within the critical-taper Coulomb wedge. The
thrusts propagate sequentially until an overall critical taper is experiments illustrate how increased basal friction dramati-
attained such that subsequent deformation involves transport cally affects the wedge geometry, how enhanced mechanical
of the whole wedge along the basal decollement. The state of strength due to increased thickness affects the final geometries
internal stress within such a critical wedge is such that of thrust wedges, as well as the spacing of the thrust sheets,
everywhere the wedge is on the verge of brittle failure and how anisotropy modifies the structural style of a critical-
according to the Coulomb failure criterion, and the basal taper Coulomb wedge.
shear stress is at a level for frictional sliding along the basal
The critical taper of a steady-state geological wedge such Experimental method
as an accretionary prism or foreland fold and thrust belt, or
that of an appropriate analogue model, is defined by the Four series of experiments are described in this paper (Table


Table 1. Experimental Details. periments described in this paper, the base of the deformation
box was horizontal (P - 0°) and the initial lengths of the
Expt. Thickness J^b a+p l/h Shortening models were all 100 cm.
No. (cm)
Models were constructed by carefully sieving alternating
Homogeneous sand models
Series 1. Plastic sheet detachment layers of coloured and white sand (isotropic models) into the
C.56 • 3.0 0.37 2° 5.1 21.0% deformation box taking care to minimize local
C.63 2.5 0.37 2° 4.9 26.5% inhomogeneities in layer thickness and/or packing.
C.62 2.0 0.37 2° 4.2 32.0% Anisotropic models were constructed by sieving thin layers
C.5^ 1.5 0.37 2.5 - 3.5° 4.1 46.0%
of mica flakes (1 mm thick) between the alternating sand
C.59 1.0 0.37 3-4° 3.6 55.0%
Series 11. Drafting filmdetachment layers. The glass side-walls were cleaned using an anti-static
C.102 3.0 0.47 3.5-4° 5.1 37.5% cleaner to minimize the side-wall friction. Sequential defor-
C.103 2.5 0.47 4-5° 4.7 44.0% mation of the sedimentary succession was monitored and
C.I 04 2.0 0.47 5-6° 4.6 51.5% photographed at constant time intervals. Each experiment
C.105 1.5 0.47 6-8° 4.3 58.0% was run until a steady state was reached, i.e. an overall
C.106 1.0 0.47 8 - 10° 3.8 70.0%
critical-taper wedge was attained and visible internal defor-
Series 111. Sand paperdetachment
C.64 3.0 0.55 17-22^ 5.6 62.0% mation had ceased. At this stage the whole wedge either slid
C.73 2.5 0.55 20 - 22" 5.0 66.0% along the basal detachment {low basal friction experiments),
C.68 2.0 0.55 20 - 23'^ 4.7 66.5% or material was continuously underplated at the base and the
C.69 1.5 0.55 20 - 24'^ 4.2 71.5% wedge continued to grow with the surface slope approaching
C.71 1.0 0.55 20 - 24^^ 3.2 81.5%
the angle of rest of the modelling material (high basal friction
Anisotropic sand/mica models
Series IV. Consiani thickness experiments). The completed models were impregnated and
C.113 2.5 0.37 2 - 2.5° 4.4 31.0% serially sectioned in order to examine the resultant structures
C.112 2.5 0.47 8- !0° 4.5 53.0% in three dimensions. Side-wall friction generated thrusts
C.114 2.5 0.55 21-24" 4.5 67.0% which were curved in plan view but severe curvature was
|i^ = basal friction; 1 - slacing ot toreland-vergent thrust; h --layer thickness. limited to about 2 cm from the edges of the glass, and the
structures formed in the centre of the deformation box were
1). Series I-III used homogeneous sand models to investigate laterally consistent within the model. The deformation ob-
the effects of variations in both basal friction and initial model served through the glass side-walls was shown to be similar
thicknesses on the geometries and kinematics of the resultant to the intemal parts of the model. The serial sections shown
Coulomb wedge. Series IV experiments used sand-mica in this paper were taken from the centre of the models and are
models of a constant initial thickness (2.5 cm) to investigate representative of the deformation of the models as a whole.
the effects of variations in the basal friction on an anisotropic Each series of experiments have been duplicated and the
wedge system. results were found to be reproducible.
The apparatus used in this experimental programme was
a glass-sided, rectangular deformation box (Fig. 1) similar to
Physical properties of the modelling materials
that used by Davis etal. (1983). The motor, through the roller
system, pulls a sheet of detachment material at a constant rate Dry, cohesionless quartz sand has been commonly used as a
underneath the sand model, and as a result of the buttressing physical modelling material as it satisfactorily simulates the
force of the rigid 90° backstop, generates a Coulomb wedge brittle Coulomb behaviour of shallow crustal rocks in scaled
that simulates an accretionary prism or fold and thrust belt. laboratory experiments (Hubbert 1937; Horsfield 1977;
The internal dimensions of the box were 100-150 cm x 20 cm McClay& Ellis 1987a, b; Ellis & McClay 1988; Mandl 1988;
X 20 cm. The sheet of detachment material moved at a Mulugeta 1988a, b). Dry quartz sand has a Navier-Coulomb
constant displacement rate of 0.6 cm min '. In all of the ex- rheology and an angle of friction of 30° similar to that for

Front end wall Back end wall


Figure 1. Schematic diagram of ihe deformation apparaius.


1400- the effective coefficient of friction in the fault zone

a. Unfaulted sand: T = 189.5 + 0.55 a
b. Faulted sand; t = 183.0 + 0.50 o
1200- Frictional properties of detachment materials
C. Faulted mica: T = 160.4 + 0.42 o
d. Unfaulted mica: t = 166.1 + 0.37 o Three detachment materials were used: (a) plastic sheet, (b)
^ 1000-
(0 drafting film and (c) industrial sand paper. The frictional
a characteristics between the basal detachments and the sand
(0 800- packs were measured at low values of normal stress (Fig. 3).
The plastic sheet has the lowest coefficient of sliding friction
|J,^ = 0.37; the drafting film has an intermediate value of

I 400'
sliding friction \i^ = 0.47, whereas the sandpaper has a high
value of sliding friction \)i^ = 0.55 which is equal to the coef-
ficient of friction for quartz sand. The vertical backstop had
a coefficient of friction for sand sliding against it of |j. = 0.55.

- • — I — I — I — I I < I I I I I I I I I ' I
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
The results of four series of experiments (15 model s, Table 1)
Normal stress (Pa) are presented in this paper. (Duplicate models have produced
similar results (Liu unpubl. data)). In all models a foreland
propagating sequence of thrust slices formed a Coulomb
Figure 2. Mechanical properties of the modelling materials (sand and mica)
at failure. wedge-like geometry with a taper dependent upon both the
basal friction and, to a lesser degree, on the initial thickness
many sedimentary rocks (cf. McClay 1990). In terms of of the model (Table 1). In all of these models a rigid vertical
geometric similarity (Ramberg 1981), the length ratio of the backstop was used in order to produce wedges that closely
model experiments to natural examples is 10'^-10^i.e. a 1 cm approximate the theoretical geometries (cf. Davis et al. 1983;
sand layer corresponds to 100 m to 1 km of sedimentary strata Dahlen 1990). Further research is currently being carried out
in nature. However, the packing, distribution, and size of the using variable backstop geometries that may be more geo-
grains of the modelling material can not be accurately scaled logically realistic.
and consequently the fault structures in the analogue ex-
periments are not discrete failure planes but are dilatant
shear zones of varying width (Horsfield 1977; McClay 1990). Thrust sequences and thrust geometries
Dry quartz sand (grain size 200-300 |im, average density The progressive evolution of the thrust system in a typical
1.58 + 0.1 g cm 0 was used to simulate the brittle deformation
of isotropic sedimentary sequences (experiment series I-III,
Table 1) and thin layers of dry vermiculite mica (grain size 500-
500 \im (long axis), average density 1.0 g cm') were intro-
duced between the sand layers to provide a mechanical a. Sand paper: x = 71.1 + 0.55 o
anisotropy and hence simulate the deformation of anisotropic b. Drafting film: x = 23.7 + 0.47 o
sediments which deform by interlayer slip (experiment series 400
c. Plastic sheet: x = 19.4+ 0.37 0
IV, Table 1).
The mechanical properties of the sand and mica at very CD
low normal stresses (Fig. 2) have been investigated using a tW 300
similar apparatus to that described by Krantz (1991). Shear M
strength was measured for both the unfaulted and faulted
materials (after fault displacement of 5 mm) (Fig.2). Linear in 200
Mohr envelopes were found for all materials with coefficients
of friction ranging from \i = 0.55 for unfaulted sand to \l =
0.37 for unfaulted mica (Fig. 2). Low apparent cohesive
strengths were found for all materials (Xy= 166-189.5 Pa, Fig.
2). Faulted sand shows a strength reduction of approximately
10% (Fig. 2) whereas faulted mica gained strength (14%)
after 5 mm of fault displacement (Fig. 2). The latter feature 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
is probably a result of reorientation of mica flakes so that they 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
obstruct the sliding plane at low displacements. However, at
Normal stress (Pa)
larger displacements, it is anticipated that entrainment of a
large number of mica grains into the shear plane would lower Figure 3. Frictional properties of the three basal detachment materials,

•^-i.-lHW L j y H U I Q I ET AL. '^•"''-"

,.0 |.

J* .^.ri

-f!f;3 IV)
Tl •j'J. uv 'j

(:^ ' . X! r! a.
• )0 •.f! f)

,)-. iq ~oot
*~ r


.(V .•. -I

!'J. •'• i'

.L .'IT

Figure 4. Sequential development of Experiment C.l 19, with homogeneous sand, fJ^ = 0.47 and a 2.5 cm thick initial parallellayered sequence, (a) Initial
model 0% shortening; (b) 3% shortening; (c) 9% shortening; <d) 18% shortening: (e) 27% shortening; (f) 39% shortening; (g) 48% shortening; (h) 49%
shortening - end of the defoimation run with a stable wedge formed. Slight underplating of sand causes the wedge to grow vertically from (g) above.


critical-taper Coulomb wedge model is illustrated in Figure 4

for an homogeneous 2.5 cm thick sand model with an inter-
mediate basal detachment friction of |i^ = 0.47. The first 16-
thrust appeared at about 2.5% shortening and is followed
almost immediately by a steeper 'backthrust' (Fig. 4b). 14-

Another foreland-vergent thrust developed in the immediate
footwall of the first thrust and was followed by a second major
foreland-vergent thrust approximately five cms in front of
thrust 1 (Fig. 4c). At 18% shortening thrust 2 has developed
a 10-
a small backthrust at the tip and thrust 3 had nucleated in front (0
of thrust 2 (Fig. 4d). The older, higher thrusts became o
inactive and are passively back rotated once a new foreland- o
vergent thrust nucleated in the footwall. A similar pattern of Expt. C.119
nucleation and displacement on the most foreland-ward thrust I "~i
combined with back-rotation of the hinterland thrusts, is 10 20 30 40 50

continued throughout the progressive development of the Shortening (%)

Coulomb wedge (Figs 4 e-h). The topographic slope and
hence the wedge taper decreases throughout the deformation
from 15° at the start of thrusting to 7-8° when a stable critical
taper has been achieved (Fig. 5a). 50-

Foreland-vergent thrusts nucleate at angles of 20-25° and

are always accompanied by a backthrust (initial angles 35- ^ 40-
40°) at their tips (Fig. 4). The majority of the displacement is o

concentrated on the foreland-vergent thrust. As deformation Q.

proceeds older, higher thrusts are progressively back-rotated '^ 30-
so that their dip increases until approximately 45° where they
become involved in the vertical uplift zone at the back of the
wedge (Fig. 5b). The overall geometry of the Coulomb 20-
wedge evolves from a convex geometry (Fig. 4b) to pro-
gressively more triangular geometries (Figs 4 c-h) but there Expt. C.119
is still an element of convexity in the shape of the wedge. The 10- —r-
10 20 30 40 50
rear of the wedge has a near horizontal surface and is
progressively elevated by displacement on both the most Shortening (%)
foreland-ward thrust and on the backthrusts adjacent to the
vertical backstop (Figs 4 d-g). The position of the deformation
front (i.e. the frontal thrust) moves progressively into the
40 n
foreland with new thrusts nucleating at an approximately
uniform spacing (Fig. 5c). At the end of the experiment (Fig.
4h) a stable wedge has formed and this slides on the basal
S- 3 0 -
detachment with no further internal deformation.

Initial thickness variations c
In the experiments described in this paper a uniform parallel
sided sedimentary prism was used in order to invesigate the
effect of stratigraphic thickness on thrust spacing and wedge
II 10

<^ Expt. C.119

geometries. Typical results are shown in Figure 6 for a
constant basal detachment friction of |X^ = 0.47 and values of 10 20 30 40 50
initial thicknesses ranging from 1.0-3.0 cm. For \i^ = 0.37,
Shortening (%)
initial thicknesses of 3.5 cms and above did not undergo
thrusting and form a Coulomb wedge but rather slid
undeformed on the basal detachment. For initial thicknesses
of 3.0 cm and below three principal effects were found - Figure 5. Detailed measurements taken from Experiment C. 119 (Fig. 4).
(1) With decreasing initial thickness there is an increase in the (a) Evolution of the topographic slope (wedge taper) with percentage
shortening. A stable wedge slope of 7 - 8° is developed after 20% shortening.
amount of shortening that occurs before a stable wedge is
(b) Dip of foreland-vergent thrusts with progressive shortening. Thrusts 1 -
developed; 4 developed in sequence from the back of the wedge (Fig. 4). (c) Evolution
(2) With decreasing initial thickness there is a decrease in the of the thrust front with progressive shortening. Each point marks the
spacing of the thrusts and a corresponding increase in the formation of a new foreland-vergent thrust (1 - 5).

Figure 6. Five sections of sand models with different thickness, all using intermediate basal friction, C.102, 3 cm model, C.I03, 2.5 cm model, C.104, 2 cm model, C.105, 1.5 cm model and C.106, 1 cm model.

number of thrusts that form the final stable wedge; and Critical taper Coulomb wedges
(3) The critical taper of the wedge only decreases slightly
According to Coulomb wedge theory the critical taper (a -i- P)
with an increase in initial thickness from 9.5° for an initial
of a dry cohesionless wedge can be approximated by the
thickness of 1.0 cm to 7° for an initial thickness of 3.0 cms
equation (e.g. Dahlen 1990, eq. 16) -
(Fig. 6).
In all experiments except C.106 (initial thickness 1.0 cm) 1 - sin
an early backthrust commonly formed at the tip of each a + p = Hb (1)
1 + sin (()
foreland-vergent thrust (Fig. 6). In the experiments with
where a = topographic slope of the wedge, (3 = dip of the basal
thinner initial thicknesses more foreland-vergent thrusts
detachment, ^^^ = coefficient of friction of the basal detach-
formed with the result that the more hinterland thrusts have
ment, if - angle of internal friction of the material in the
undergone greater back rotation than for the wedges formed
from greater initial thicknesses (Fig. 6).
For the analogue model experiments, substituting for ]x.^
and ([) gives theoretical critical wedge tapers of 7.4° for \\.^ =
Variation in basal friction 0.37 (plastic sheet), 9.4° critical taper for \)L^= 0.47 (drafting
film), and a critical taper of 11° for |j,^= 0.55 (sandpaper).
The effects of varying the basal friction on final wedge
Comparison of the theoretical values with actual values
geometry are shown in Figure 7. An increase in friction
(Table 1) shows that the best results were obtained for thin
produces a dramatic increase in the critical taper from 1.5° for
initial thicknesses (1.0-1.5cms) and for an intermediate basal
a basal friction of p.,^ = 0.37 (Fig. 7c), to a wedge taper of 7.0°
detachment friction of \y^ = 0.47 - the drafting film detach-
for a basal friction of |J,j^ = 0.47 (Fig. 7b), and to a wedge taper
ment. For low values of basal friction low-taper wedges
of 18.5° for a basal friction of \i^ = 0.55 (Fig. 7a). Concomi-
(taper less than that predicted by eq. 1) were formed because
tant with the increase in wedge taper there are corresponding
the deformation partitioned approximately equally between
increases in the lengths of thrusts in the wedge (Fig. 7). The
foreland-vergent thrusts and backthrusts (Figs 6 & 7) such
number of backthrusts associated with each foreland-vergent
that symmetric uplift occurred thus reducing the wedge taper.
thrust decreases with an increase in basal friction. For the
Wedges produced when the basal detachment had a frictional
lowest value of basal friction {\x.^ = 0.37) the deformation is
coefficient equal to that of the modelling material produced
characterized by asymmetric 'pop-up' structures that result in
critical tapers of 18-24°, greatly in excess to that expected
a low critical taper for the wedge (Fig. 7c).
from theory (11°) and unaffected by initial thickness of the
model (Table 1). In these cases a critical point is not
The ejfects of anisotropy reached - the wedge continues to build up as long as new
material is fed into the system and the wedge angle is closer
The introduction of anisotropy into the system by placing thin
to a dynamic angle of rest for the granular modelling material.
layers of mica flakes between the sand layers produces
Such wedges are supra-critical and the Coulomb wedge
critical tapers (Fig. 8) which are slightly increased when
theory is no longer applicable (it was an assumption in the
compared to the isotropic models (cf. Fig. 7). The styles of
theoretical analysis that the basal detachment is weaker than
deformation in the anisotropic models are very similar to the
the internal material). For a basal friction of \i.^^ = 0.37 there
isotropic examples (Figs 7 & 8) with possibly slightly more
is an initial thickness above which a Coulomb wedge is not
folding in the anisotropic models (the mica flakes facilitate
formed but rather the whole model slides on the basal detach-
layer parallel slip).
ment with no internal deformation. Such models are termed
supercritical and it has been found that the supercritical
thickness increases with an increase in the basal friction. In
this case the model is significantly stronger than the basal
detachment and no internal deformation occurs.
Sandbox analogue models have successfully simulated the
formation of critical taper Coulomb wedges comparable to
those found in accretionary prisms and foreland fold-thrust Thrust geometries
belts (Davis et al. 1983; Dahlen 1990). In all models a
foreland nucleating and foreland-vergent thrust system de- In the analogue models (Figs 4,6-8) imbricate thrust fans are
veloped with varying degrees of backthrusting. Active produced which have similar forms to those found in accre-
foreland-vergent deformation was concentrated on the last- tionary prisms (e.g. Seely 1974; Westbrook 1982; Lewis et al.
formed foreland-vergent thrust such that the older, higher 1988; Westbrook et al. 1988) and in the frontal parts of
thrusts were passively back-rotated to steeper angles in a foreland fold and thrust belts (e.g. Bally etal. 1966; Dahlstrom
manner analogous to that found in many thrust belts (Bally et 1970; Lillie et al. 1987; Stanley 1990). In the models de-
al. 1966; Dahlstrom 1970; Boyer & Elliott 1982). In many scribed in this paper the spacing/thickness ratio of the thrust
models the tips of individual thrusts have an associated small sheets varies from 3.2-5.7 and increases with an increase in
backthrust (Figs 4, 6-8) similar to those found both in fold- basal friction in contrast to the findings of Mulugeta (1988b)
thrust belts (Alonso & Teixell 1991 - this volume) and in who found that this ratio increased with a decrease in basal
accretionary prisms (Lewis et al. 1988). friction. The length of individual thrust slices increased with

^ " - , ' " " • " :

Figure 7. Three representative sections of selected homogeneous sand models with the same layer thickness (2.5 cm); (a) High basal friction model, M-^ = 0.55; (b) Intermediate basai friction model, |j^, = 0,47; and (c)
Low basal friction model, ^l^^ - 0,37.

Figure 8. Three representative sections of sand/mica models with the same layer thickness (2.5 cm); (a) High basal friction model, |J|^ = 0.55; (b) Intermediate basal friction model, ji,, = 0.47; and (c) Low basal friction
model, |ij, ^ 0.37.

'Foreland' Foreland vergent imbricate fan Maximum uplift


Figure 9. Schematic diagram of a deformed wedge showing the three deformation zones and the general sequence of thrust faults. Note that the back thrusts
at the rear of the wedge are active at various stages of wedge growth.

an increase in initial model thickness (Fig. 6) and similar Similar slumping was also been reported by Mulugeta &
features are found in foreland fold and thrust belts e.g. in Koyi (1987) in their experiments, and can be compared to that
cross-sections of the Canadian Rocky Mountains (Price 1981) reported by Moore & Shipley (1988) in the Middle America
and of the Moine thrust zone (Elliott & Johnson 1981). The Trench accretionary prism. Whereas the experiments de-
analogue models show that a decrease in the basal friction scribed in this paper produce Coulomb wedges that show
increases the number of backthrusts in the system (Fig. 7) many similarities to foreland fold and thrust belts and to
with a more symmetric uplift and a low critical taper similar accretionary prisms, it must be remembered that the experi-
to that found in foreland fold and thrust belts with a weak ments use dry material and pore-fluid pressures have not been
basal decollement (e.g. Pakistan, Davis & Engelder (1985), simulated - a factor important in many accretionary prisms
Jadoon etal. (1991, this volume)). In the anisotropic models and in fold-thrust belts (Hubbert & Rubey 1959).
more shortening is required to achieve a stable wedge system
(Fig. 8) and deformation of the hangingwall above the fore-
land-vergent thrusts is accommodated by folding with sup- Conclusions
pression of backthrusts thus indicating that the anisotropic
models are mechanically weaker than the isotropic sequences. Physical models have been successfully constructed to simu-
The initial ramp angles of the foreland-vergent thrusts (25 - late the progressive deformation of brittle Coulomb wedges.
30°) and of the backthrusts (35-40°) do not show significant Imbricate fans of dominantly foreland-vergent thrust systems
variations with changes in basal friction thus indicating that are developed similar to those found in accretionary prisms
care must be exercised when attempting to deduce the coef- and in foreland fold and thrust belts. Critical taper wedges
ficient of basal friction from thrust fault angles (cf. Mulugeta close to theoretically predicted geometries are developed for
1988b). intermediate values of basal friction \i^ = 0.47 whereas for the
Figure 9 is a summary diagram illustrating the main lower value of basal friction low-taper wedges are formed
features of the Coulomb wedge models described in this with tapers below that predicted by theory. Supra-critical
paper. Zone A delimits an area adjacent to the back end wall wedges are formed when the basal friction equals or is greater
which has suffered maximum bulk shortening and thickening than the coefficient of friction in the wedge and the wedge has
and where foreland-vergent thrusts have suffered a maximum a high taper closer to the angle of rest for the modelling
amount of passive rotation. This section undergoes vertical material. In sandbox critical wedges, the spacing/thickness
uplift by synchronous movement on the foreland-vergent ratio of foreland-vergent thrusts increases as the layer thick-
detachment and on the backthrusts adjacent to the vertical ness increases, suggesting a process which is not geometri-
backstop. In zone B the foreland-vergent thrusts have the cally self-similar. The experimental data also indicate that
largest displacements, most regular spacing and form a the spacing of thrust faults increases with increased basal
foreland-vergent imbricate fan; zone C (the 'foreland') is friction. Higher basal friction or anisotropy within the
undeformed and has been passively transported on the basal layered systems favours displacement along foreland-vergent
detachment. The wedges have a concave upwards topogra- thrusts and suppresses backthrusts. In the anisotropic models
phy which suggests a strain hardening process at the rear of enhanced interlayer slip arising from the introduction of mica
the system (Zhao ef a/. 1986; Mulugeta 1988b). The slumped layers allows accommodation in the hangingwalls to be taken
material from each of the thrust fronts is later over-ridden by up by folds.
the foreland-vergent thrust faults which is similar to the
'erosional thrusts' mentioned by Burchfiel et al. (1982).


Liu Huiqi gratefully acknowledges receipt of a research studentship from the RHBNC. Thanks are due to Brian Adams for constructing the deformation
Sino-British Friendship Scholarship Scheme administered by the British apparatus, to Martin Insley for helping with the shear tests and to Ian Davison
Council. This work was in part supported by the Industry Association of the and Tony Dahlen for helpful comments on an early version of the manu-
Geology Department, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Univer- script.
sity of London, and by the Structural Geology Modelling Laboratory,

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Generation of curved fold-thrust belts: Insight from simple physical
and analytical models
S. Marshak, M. S. Wilkerson & A. T. Hsui

Department of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 61801, USA

Abstract: Viscous-flow and sand-wedge models provide insight into factors that determine the
location, shape, and temporal evolution of fold-thrust belts whose traces are curved in plan view.
These models suggest that curves are localized by shear between segments of fold-thrust belts and
adjacent regions, and by lateral variations in sediment thickness. Furthermore, they indicate that
the shape of antitaxial (convex toward the foreland) belts may reflect the rheology and/or strength
of rock comprising a belt, as well as regional variations in sediment thickness, topography, and
backstop geometry. Finally, the models help distinguish between settings in which curvature is
secondary (i.e. curves are oroclines) and settings in which curvature is primary.

Many major orogens, and their component fold-thrust belts, curve geometry. To gain a clearer image of how obstacle
contain pronounced plan-view curves defined by lateral geometry controls flow trajectories, a physical model of
variation in structural trends. For example, the Appalachians viscous flow that used cooled glycerine as the deforming
contain two major antitaxial curves (convex in the direction medium was constructed. The need to have more quantitative
of vergence) and two major syntaxial curves (concave in the constraints on the shape of deforming lobes led the authors to
direction of vergence). Work during the past few decades construct a finite-difference model describing crustal defor-
(e.g. Carey 1955; Ries & Shackleton 1976; Beutner 1977; mation. Finally, to gain insight into the kinematic evolution
Burchfiel 1980; Eldredge et al. 1985; Lowrie & Hirt 1986; of curved fold-thrust belts, three types of sand-wedge models
Marshak & Tabor 1989) has clarified our understanding of that allowed simulation of collision with obstacles, impact of
structural and palaeomagnetic patterns within curved belts, an indenter, and superposition of strike-slip shear were con-
and has emphasized the persistence of three outstanding structed.
problems: (1) Why do curves form? (2) What factors control
the shape of individual curves? and, (3) Do curves initiate
Analytical model of fluid flow
with their present shape, or do they represent plan-view
bending and tangential extension of pre-existing straight Model setup. This model uses the evolution of a passive
structures? marker line on the surface of a fluid sheet to describe curve
The purpose of this paper is to describe results of viscous- development accompanying interaction of a growing fold-
flow and sand-wedge modelling experiments which help thrust belt with obstacles in the foreland. The fluid sheet
constrain solutions to these problems. Curved fold-thrust represents a thrust wedge, and the marker line represents the
belts form in a variety of different tectonic settings, but this structural trend as a function of location. All points on the
paper examines only curves formed as a consequence of fold- marker line are constrained to flow along parallel lines. To
thrust belt interaction with obstacles in the foreland, curves simulate interaction with obstacles, the endpoints of the
formed in advance of an indenter, and curves formed adjacent marker line are assigned a velocity of zero. Initially, the
to strike-slip faults. In this context, the term obstacle refers marker line is straight and is perpendicular to the flow
to any feature that restrains thrust-sheet movement at its direction, but as flow progresses, it arches into a parabola, as
lateral margins - physically, obstacles may be basement described by:
massifs, pinch-outs of stratigraphic glide horizons, or strike-
slip faults. An indenter is a rigid mass or backstop of finite x = {(h/2)"*' — [y-(h/2)]"*'} / F(n+1) (1)
length (measured perpendicular to the transport direction)
that pushes into the deforming medium. In this equation, which is similar to the equation defining
one-dimensional channel flow, x defines the distance be-
tween the initial and final positions of a point on the marker
Modelling procedures and observations line as measured in the direction of flow, y defines the
distance between a point and the left endpoint of the marker
Several different types of models were used to investigate the line prior to flow, and h is the distance between endpoints of
generation of curved fold-thrust belts. The first was an the marker line measured along the y-axis (Fig. 1; Wilkerson
analytical model of viscous flow describing the interaction of etal. 1988; modified from Turcotte & Schubert 1982, p. 316-
a fluid layer with obstacles to test the effects of rheology on 318, and Hsui & Youngquist 1985; see also Johnson 1970).


Newtonian (a) (a)

' %
c<S-' Carpathians %'

s • ^ ^
t ' ^ ^ ,

Non-Newtonian (b)

y^ \
N••, ,f>
Himalayas 'm^

X Non-Newtonian O Newtonian Observed

;*P iU«"""""""""""""""""""»ir °<0

Figure 2. Comparison of antitaxial fold-thrust belt curves (defined by the

map-view shape of the deformation front) to model curves produced by the
analytical flow equation. On these plots, x is the flow direction (= structural
vergence), and y is the distance from the endpoints. The model curves are
Figure 1. Results from the analytical model of parallel fluid flow described
generated by choosing a best-fit value for F in equation 1. Each plot shows
by equation 1. Flow is parallel to the x axis (as indicated by arrow). The
the Newtonian (diamonds) and non-Newtonian (overlapping X's) curves for
distance between the endpoints measured along the y-axis is h. At the
the specified F, and the simplified map trace of a real deformation front (filled
endpoints, flow velocity is 0. The marker line is originally straight and lies
squares). The Carpathians (a) match a non-Newtonian curve, and the
on the y axis. Movement stages are distinguished by patterns: squares = early,
Himalayas (b) match a Newtonian curve.
open diamonds = middle, and filled diamonds = late. Displacement fields for
successive stages of Newtonian flow (n = 1) are parabolic curves (a), whereas
displacement fields for successive stages of non-Newtonian flow (n = 3) are Glycerine models
flat-crested curves (b).
Model setup. Two physical models of fluid flow were con-
F, the only free parameter in the equation, is a constant structed to help understand how obstacle geometry might
described by F ' = C(dp/dx)''t, where n is the power-law ex- influence curve geometries (Fig. 3). Both models utilize a 2
ponent, t is the time since initiation of flow, dp/dx is the cm-thick sheet of chilled glycerine (-78°C) in a 16 x 23 x 5 cm
pressure gradient in the flow direction generated by a hori- plastic tank; obstacles were cemented to the floor of the tank.
zontal stress imbalance, and C is a proportionality constant In one model, obstacles were parallel channel walls com-
related to fluid viscosity. Equation 1 generates curves (Fig. posed of 1.2 cm-thick plexiglass sheets spaced 12.5 cm apart
1) for Newtonian flow if n = 1, or for non-Newtonian flow if (Fig. 3a). In the second model, obstacles were made from 1.2
n = 3 (only positive odd integer values produce real numbers). cm-diameter wooden cylinders (Fig. 3b). Flow was initiated
Movement of all points is parallel to the x-axis. by tilting the tank toward the foreland, and flow trajectories
Observations. The purpose of this model is to illustrate how (particle paths) were defined by tracking the movement of
curve shape depends on the flow law (specified by the value rows of 0.7 cm-diameter paper circles placed on the surface
of n in equation 1) describing the behaviour of the deforming of the glycerine.
material. For Newtonian flow, generated curves are para- Observations. The pattern of displacement in the channel
bolic, whereas for non-Newtonian flow, generated curves are model (Fig. 3c) closely resembles the pattern created by the
flat-crested (Fig. 1; cf. Johnson 1970). With these two end- analytical model; flow trajectories are parallel to the channel
member curve geometries in mind, the shape of real antitaxial walls, and the marker lines arch into parabolas. The pattern
fold-thrust belts were examined to determine if actual orogenic of displacement displayed by the cylindrical-obstacle model,
curves are 'Newtonian' or 'non-Newtonian' in plan. To do however, is markedly different (Fig. 3d). In this model, a
this, the shape of an orogen from a published map was traced trough develops on the foreland side of the obstacles as the
and this shape was used to specify a best-fit value for F. This glycerine is pushed aside by the obstacles during flow. A
value is inserted into equation 1 to generate Newtonian and point on the fluid surface, therefore, is subjected to two
non-Newtonian model curves which can then be compared to topographic potentials - a regional topographic potential
real curves. Both Newtonian and non-Newtonian types of caused by tipping the tank, and a local topographic potential
curves appear to exist - the Carpathians, for example, fit a caused by the troughs that exist in the wake of the obstacles.
non-Newtonian curve, whereas the Himalayas fit a Newtonian Each paper circle moves both toward the foreland and later-
curve (Fig. 2). ally down into one of the two troughs, thereby describing a


represents the interaction of a regional topographic potential

with a local potential caused by obstacle interaction. The
(a) (b)
relative contribution of these two potentials at any given point
Channel Cylindrical
Wall Obstacle along a curve controls the local flow trajectory and the overall
J J curve shape. Results of calculations for different critical
angles indicate that the shape of the wedge, as depicted by
contour maps (Fig. 5) depends on the critical angle (i.e.
strength). If the angle is small (< 2°), then the ftow-front
curve is flat-crested (Fig. 5a), whereas if the angle is large
(5°), then the curve is parabolic (Fig. 5b). This contrast
illustrates that both parabolic and flat-crested curves can be
generated by flow of a material with a Newtonian rheology,
Flow Direction Flow Direction
and thus it is not necessary to call upon an iid hoc change of
Hinlertand End H in I eland End
rheology to explain differently shaped curves (Hsui et al.
1990a,b). For a given critical angle, contours at the flow front
are more parabolic than contours up the wedge slope, a
pattern observed in real fold-thrust belts such as the
Verkhoyansk Range (Fig. 6). The finite-difference model

Figure 3. Map sketches of glycerine-tank models (approximate scale).

Open circles represent paper markers on the surface of the 2 cm-thick
glycerine layer, (a) Map of the tank configured for channel-flow simulation;
(b) Map ofthe tank configured forcylindrical-obstacleinteraclion;(c) Close-
up map showing the pattern of paper circles after interaction wiih the channel
mouth. Note the parallel flow; (d) Close-up map showing the pattern of paper
markers after interaction with the cylinders. Note the divergent flow.

curved trajectory. The marker line not only develops into a

curve, but also undergoes tangential extension (Fig. 3d), and
movement of a point along the line is roughly perpendicular
to the curve at any time.

Finite-difference model of obstacle interaction

Model setup. To determine whether differences between flat-
crested and parabolic curves are necessarily a consequence of
rheology, as suggested by the analytical model, a finite-
difference method was used to model crustal flow driven by
a topographic gradient toward foreland obstacles (for model
details, see Hsui et al. I990a,b). At time = 0, the gradient is
represented by an 800 m-high vertical step (Fig. 4a). Imme-
diately after initiation of flow, the step transforms into a
foreland-dipping slope and the fluid wedge migrates toward
the foreland ultimately intersecting and flowing around two
cylindrical obstacles that project above the surface of the
fluid. While flow is occurring, the material behaves like a
Newtonian fluid. This model allows us to determine if there
is a relationship between curve shape resulting from obstacle
interaction and strength ofthe deforming wedge. To simulate
strength, the material composing the sheet is allowed to flow
only if the slope ofthe wedge excQedsacritical angle; the larger Figure 4, Perspective grid diagrams representing a finite-difference model
the critical angle, the stronger the material. of the interaction between a Newtonian material that flows toward the
obstacles in the foreland. On the diagrams, all numbers refer to distances in
Observations. After flow begins, the trace of the flow kilometres (vertical exaggeration about SOX), h is elevation, x and y are
front is straight until it intersects the obstacles, at which time horizontal directions, (a) Diagram ofthe initial state, when the material has
the front bends and the region between the two obstacles a vertical step. Black dots represent ihe obstacles; {b) Diagram showing the
becomes a curved lobe (Fig. 4b). The curved lobe in the finite- shape ofthe flow front after about 3 million years. The front is curved (lobe-
difference model, as with the glycerine model (Fig. 3d), shaped) between the two obstacles.






50 100 150 200 km 50 100 150 200 km

200 200
\] 1) 1 ^^^ (d)

150 150

*0 1 /

50 <J C Large Critical Angle 50 Obstacle Geometry

50 100 150 200 —^

km 50 100 150 200 km

Figure 5. Form-line contour maps showing the shape of flow fronts generated by the finite-difference model, (a) Shape of the flow front after about 3 million
years for a material whose behaviour is described by a critical angle of 0°. Contour interval is 333 m, lowest contour is 533 m. Note the flat-crested trace
of the contours; (b) Shape of the flow front after about 3 million years for a material whose behaviour is described by a critical angle oi5°. Contour interval
is 160 m, lowest contour is 360 m. Note the parabolic trace of the contours, (c) Shape of the flow front after about 3 million years for a model where the
regional flow is oblique to a base line drawn between the two obstacles, (d) Shape of the flow front after about 3 million years for flow where one obstacle
(upper) is larger than the other.

can also be used to show that flow geometry is related to flow cm', internal friction angle of about 30°) that behaves as a
direction or obstacle geometry; an asymmetric flow front is Coulomb material. Sand is spread in a smooth 2 cm-thick
readily generated by the model either by making the regional layer across the base of a 75 x 120 x 30 cm wooden deforma-
flow oblique to a baseline drawn between the obstacles (Fig. tion box, so the dimensional scale factor is between 10^ and
5c), or by making one obstacle larger than the other (Fig. 5d). 10"', similar to values used by Horsfield (1977) and McClay
& Ellis (1987). Slightly dampening the sand made fault
traces developed during shortening visually more distinct,
Sand-wedge models though their shape was identical to those formed in dry sand.
Model setup. Sand wedges formed by compression have The capillary effect of the water films on the sand grains
proven to be successful tools in developing an intuitive effectively creates negative pore pressure (see Lambe &
understanding of fold-thrust belt generation (e.g. Davis et al. Whitman 1979), a factor that does not affect the slope of the
1983; Mulugeta & Koyi 1987; Mulugeta 1988). This paper failure envelope. In order to maintain constant sand damp-
focuses on models that illustrate development of fold-thrust ness during the runs, sand wedges were generated at a strain
belt geometries in map view (see also Burg et al. 1987; Davy rate of about 0.5 cm/s. Though this rate is significantly faster
& Cobbold 1988). The models employ commercial silica than rigorous scaling dictates, studies suggest that the yield
sand (0.3 - 0.6 mm diameter grains, bulk density of 1.57 g/ envelope of Coulomb materials is practically independent of


Hinterland Conveyor Configuration Foreland

Trendlines of the
Verlchoyansic Range,

Indenter Configuration

Obstacle Configuration

Figure 6. Sketch map of trendlines in the antitaxial Verkhoyansk Range,

Siberia. The trendlines represent the orientation of structural grain, as
indicated by traces of folds represented on the Geological Map of the Soviet
Union (Nalivkin 1965). The deformation front represents the boundary
between folded and unfolded strata. The obstacles are geological domes.
Tectonic vergence, indicated by an arrow, is to the west-southwest. Figure 7. Schematic sketches (not to scale) depicting the three experimen-
tal configurations used for sand-wedge experiments. Each figure shows a
Strain rate (e.g. McClay & Ellis 1987), and thus the geometries cross section of the deformation box drawn parallel to the length of the box.
Sand is represented by the stipple pattern, and the indenters are represented
generated in these experiments can provide insight into the by thick vertical black lines, (a) Conveyor configuration. The sand wedge
geometries of real fold-thrust belts. The box was tilted so that is generated by moving a mylar conveyor underneath the sand and out of a
its floor sloped at about 4° in the direction opposite to thrust slit in the floor of the box. Arrows indicate movement direction, (b) Indenter
vergence. For purposes of reference, the higher end of the box configuration. The sand wedge is generated in front of the indenter moving
toward the foreland (movement direction is indicated by the arrow), (c)
is called theforeland end and the lower end of the box is called
Obstacle configuration. A pair of cylindrical obstacles are fixed to the floor
the hinterland end. Three different model configurations of the box on a line oriented perpendicular to movement. This cross section
(Fig. 7) were used. passes through one of these obstacles (open column), and depicts the sand
Basal conveyor configuration. In this configuration (Fig. wedge prior to collision.
7a), a 2 cm-thick sand layer is placed over a 75 cm-wide by
0.003 mm-thick mylar conveyor belt which lines the floor of
the box. The belt enters through a slit at the base of the
foreland wall and exits through a slit in the box floor, 45 cm
from the hinterland wall. A fold-thrust wedge is generated by
moving the mylar conveyor toward the hinterland, so that the
unmoving sand of the hinterland serves as the backstop (cf.
Davis et al. 1983). The deformation box also has a 20 cm-
long slit cut into its floor. By pulling a mylar strip through this
slit, a narrow belt of sand moves differentially with respect to •fjli^^
the sand on either side.
Indenter configuration. To simulate the evolution of a
fold-thrust wedge in advance of an indenter, the sand layer • \ i ( & ^ :
was pushed with a vertical plexiglass sheet in contact with the
box floor (Fig. 7b). Experiments were repeated with three ' • • y ^ ' • • • ' • • • • • ' • • ' / : . ' J ^ ' " ^ ' . •

indenters (18 cm, 25.5 cm, and 31 cm wide by 20 cm high).

To examine the effects of sediment-thickness variation on the
localization of curves, 20 x 1.5 cm notches were cut from each
side of a 55 cm-wide indenter, thereby leaving only a 15 cm
segment in the centre that remained in contact with the base
of the box (Fig. 8).
Obstacle configuration. This configuration simulated the
interaction between a growing sand wedge and stationary
obstacles in the foreland (Fig. 7c). In this model, two 5 cm- Figure 8. Sketch depicting the notched indenter as it is displaced toward the
diameter glass cylinders spaced 22 cm apart represented foreland (motion is indicated by arrow). This view is from the rear. In this
obstacles. A straight sand wedge was pushed toward the diagram, steps in the sand are depicted with vertical faces to emphasize the
obstacles by a 40 cm-wide plexiglass indenter. shape of the indenter; in reality, they slump into the central trough.


Figure 9. Photosof sand-wedges generated by movement of the conveyor.

Toothed lines emphasize thrust traces. The wedge is about 50 cm wide, (a)
Oblique view of [he surface of the sand after displacement of the conveyor.
The foreland direction is lo the right and faults verge toward the foreland.
The dark grey line across the middle of the picture is Ihe lop of the plexiglass
wall of the box. Fault iraces define a syniaxial curve; (b) Cross section of the
sand wedge. The exit slit is indicated by the line and arrow, and the foreland
direction is to the right. Note the asymmetry of the wedge.

Effect of cross-strike shear. The conveyor bell configuration
allowed examination of the effects of imposing cross-strike
shear on a fold-lhrust belt. Movement of the wide mylar
conveyor, which simulates imposition of shear during thrust-
ing, results in the development of a ridge-like fold-thrust belt
bordered on the hinterland by a lowland, a pattern that is
characteristic of some real fold-thrust belts (Royden &
Burchfiel 1989). The ridge grows asymmetrically (Fig.
9a,b), with the foreland slope approaching T and the hinter-
land slope approaching 30°. As a consequence of shear
between the sand and the box walls (right-lateral on one side
and left-lateral on the other), faults on the foreland side
initiate with a syntaxial curvature (Fig. 9a). Faults extend
across the width of the deformation box and each slips almost
simultaneously along its entire length. Movement of the Hgure 10. Photosof sand wedgcsdevelopedinadvanceof an indenter. The
narrow mylar conveyor beneath a linear sand wedge simu- indenter is the dark face near the lop of each photo. Scale is 15 cm long. All
photographs are map view, (a) Early stage in wedge development. Note that
lates imposition of shear on a pre-existing fold-thrust belt. the early formed thrusts (indicated by steps in ihe sand surface) are elliptical,
After movement, the straight fault traces were bent into (b) Intermediate stage in wedge development. Note that ihe younger thrusts
antitaxial curves, one above each edge of the mylar conveyor. are less eccentric than the older thrusts, (c) Late stage in wedge development.
The curve adjacent to the left-lateral shear zone is similar in Note the overall paraboMc shape of ihe deformation front. Oldest faults
(adjacent to the indentor face) are flat-crested. The grid roughly shows strain
appearance to the curve of the Makran fold-thrust belt where
distribution in the map plane, (d) Close up of the strain grid along the side
it intersects the Chaman fault in Pakistan (see Fig. 15 in of the wedge.

thickens as sand is added to the wedge toe. For the 18 cm-long

indenter, each successively younger fault trace initiates with
a progressively more curved trace, defining the arc of an
ellipse with less eccentricity (Fig. 10b), until eventually, the
curve shape defined by the thrust front resembles a parabola
(Fig. 10c). Forthe3l cm-long indenter,the initial flat-crested
curve evolved into an ellipse as the sand in the wedge
thickened (thereby decreasing the length to thickness ratio)
and then ultimately into a parabola.
The initial displacement associated with fault slip results
in a slight component of radial movement (Figs 10c,d; see
also Fig. 2 in Davy & Cobbold 1988). Grid lines that were
originally oriented perpendicular to the indenter face bow
outwards and diverge at the wedge toe (cf. Coward & Potts
2 3 4 5 6 7 1983). As new thrust sheets are incorporated at the wedge toe,
(b) Sediment Thickness (cm) older sheets shorten in the direction of vergence and undergo
extension parallel to the indenter face. This strain is indicated
in the central part of the wedge by an increase in the spacing
Thick Wedge of cross-strike grid lines and a decrea.se in the spacing of
strike-parallel gridlines (Fig. 10c). Curvature of thrust faults,
therefore, effectively decreases as the faults migrate up the
slope of the wedge. Close to the face of the indenter and away
from its ends, cross-strike grid lines do not diverge, because
these faults were originally flat-crested in plan.
Thin Wedge Effect of sand-thickness variation. Study of the relation-
ship between initial sand thickness (H) and the width (W) of

the thrust wedge immediately after initiation of the first fault
indicates that the two parameters are directly proportional to
(c) one another (Fig. I la,b) as defined empirically by the rela-
tion: W = 2.75H. This proportionality suggests that the
location of a curve is affected by lateral variations of sand
Figure 11. Relationship between sand thickness and 'width' (the distance thickness in the foreland and that, once formed, the evolution
between the indenler face and the trace of the first formed thrust), (a) of a curve is controlled in part by lateral variations in the
Schematic map showing the definition of width. On the right side of the
thickness of the wedge itself.
diagram is an elliptical fault trace in front of a straight indenter face. Length
is the distance between endpoints. The movement direction is indicated by To physically illustrate how lateral variation in sand
the arrow; (b) Graph of width as a function of sediment thickness for six thickness localizes curves, sand was pushed with an indenter
experiments; (c) Schematic cross section emphasizing why the distance that had matching notches removed from both sides along its
between the toe of the wedge (marked by 'v') and the indenter face depends
base (Fig. 8). The full thickness of sand was displaced,
on sand thickness. Shaded area is sand; the thick black line is the indenter,
which moves in the direction indicated by the arrow. The slope of both therefore, only adjacent to the central part of the indenter,
wedges is the same. where the indenter contacted the box floor; adjacent to the
notches, only three-quarters of the sand thickness was dis-
Marshak 1988). placed. When the indenter moves, the sand wedge formed
Incienter-generated curves. Pushing into the sand with an adjacent to the notches is relatively narrow (as measured
indenter leads to the development of an antitaxial fold-thrust
wedge, and allowed observation of how curved structures
initiate and evolve. Following the first increment of move-
ment, a fault develops in advance of the indenter (Fig. I Oa).
The shape of the fault trace depends on indenter length
(measured perpendicular to movement direction) relative to
sand thickness. In experiments with a 2 cm-thick sand layer,
the first fault formed in front of the 18 cm-long indenter
initiates as an elliptical arc (spoon-shaped in three dimen-
sions; cf. Davy & Cobbold 1988), whereas the first fault
formed in front of the 31 cm-long indenter was curved near Figure 12. Photo of a sand lobe formed in front of the notched indenter
the ends of the indenter, but was parallel to the indenter face sketched in Figure 8. This photo is taken looking vertically down on the
away from the ends. With progressive displacement into the surface, and movement is from the top to the bottom of the photo. The lobe,
which is 15 cm-long measured parallel lotheindenterface,forms where the
foreland, the width (measured parallel to the movement sand being pushed by the indenter is thicker. Note that the spacing of fauhs
direction) of the thrust wedge increases and its interior depends on wedge width.


both scales.
The relationship between sediment thickness and thrust-
wedge width may explain the frequently referred to associa-
tion between sedimentary thickness in passive-margin or
foreland basins and the position of fold-thrust belt salients
(Rankin 1976; Thomas 1977; Lillie& Davis 1990). There is
a direct proportionality between the width of the wedge after
formation of the first fault and the thickness of the sand being
deformed (Fig. lla,b). Thus, if the critical taper (Davis c^tv/.
1983) of a sand wedge is to be maintained, a thrust wedge
must be wider where the sand layer being deformed is thicker
(Fig. 1 lc;cf.Breen 1989). For a given indenter displacement,
more sand must be moved where the sand is thicker than
Figure 13. Photo showing the sand lobe developed on the foreland side of
where it is thin. In order to accommodate for extra sand in the
two glass obstacles. The curvature of originally straight faults to the wedge, and at the same time maintain the critical taper,
hinterland of the obstacles was imposed after collision, and the curvature of faulting propagates further into the foreland (Fig. He).
the faults to the foreland of the obstacles is primary. Movement is from the Therefore, an antitaxial lobe develops over the region where
top to the bottom of the photo. sediment was originally thicker.

perpendicular to the wedge) and contains closely spaced

faults, whereas the sand wedge formed adjacent to the central
part of the indenter is wider and contains more widely spaced
faults (Fig. 12). An antitaxial lobe developed, therefore,
where the fold-thrust belt propagated into a band of thicker
sediment. Fault traces in the lobe are curved and connect to
traces of the narrow wedges.
Collision with obstacles. Upon collision of an initially
straight thrust wedge with paired obstacles, pre-existing
faults bend into antitaxia! curves bounded by strike-slip shear
zones along the inner sides of the obstacles (Fig. 13). Con-
tinued foreland displacement of the indenter results in fault
generation to the foreland side of the obstacles. These new
faults form with an initial curvature, just like faults in advance
of an indenter.

Discussion and conclusions ;,;,

What controls the location of curves? y; •
Modelling emphasizes that curves form in response to: (1)
differential displacement between a portion of a fold-thrust
belt and neighbouring regions, caused, for example, by col-
lision with obstacles, impact of an indenter, or interaction
with strike-slip faults; (2) an inhomogeneous stress field
characterized by smoothly curving stress trajectories (Fig.
14; see Laubscher 1972; Beutner 1977; Jaeger & Cook 1979);
(3) along-strike variations in sediment thickness - where the
sediments are thicker, thrusts initiate further to the foreland
and the thrust wedge is wider; and (4) topographic and/or
thickness variations in the fold-thrust belt hinterland, which
affect the gravitational-potential component of the fold-
thrust belt driving force. All of the above circumstances Figure 14. Elasiicmodelsof fold-thrust bell curvature, (a) Obstacle model
cause variation in slip trajectory and magnitude as a function of Beutner (1977) which shows curved stress trajectories where an elastic
of location in a fold-thrust belt. Real orogenic curves, as well sheet (gelatin) pushes against obstacles (clay); (b) Indenter model of Laubscher
as curves illustrated by the models in this paper, are smooth (1972) which shows curved stress trajectories resulling from indentation of
an elastic half space by a block of finite length. The stress trajectories (dashed
and continuous from end to end (i.e. they lack irregular steps lines) are superimposed on a map of structural features in the Jura Mountains.
and are not composed of multiple sub-lobes), suggesting that The maximum principal stress trajectories are perpendicular to structural
variation in slip trajectory and magnitude are continuous at trends.


What controls the shape of curves? caused by restraints on movement (e.g. obstacles, strike-slip
Deformation fronts of antitaxial curves range in shape from
The shape of the deformation front of an antitaxial curve
parabolic (e.g. the Himalayas) to flat-crested (e.g. the
changes as the fold-thrust belt grows into the foreland. All of
Carpathians) in plan. Furthermore, within a given belt, the
the models (e.g. Figs 3 & 10) show that the interlimb angle of
foreland fault traces tend to be more parabolic than hinterland
the curves decreases as the deformation front propagates into
fault traces (Figs 6, 10c, 14b). Elastic models suggest that
the foreland. The sand model, in addition, suggests that
such a pattern reflects the geometry of the instantaneous
during early stages in the formation of antitaxial curves, curve
stress field (Fig. 14). The analytical parallel-flow model
geometry is controlled by the ratio between the length of the
suggests that the shape of a curve (parabolic vs. flat-crested)
indenter and the thickness of the sediment being deformed.
may also depend on the rheology of the material being
Qualitatively, if the ratio is very small, then the curve initiates
deformed (cf. Johnson 1970) which could reflect the defor-
as a parabola, if it is intermediate, then the curve initiates as
mation mechanism contributing to strain development in a
an arc of an ellipse, and if the ratio is large, the fault is curved
belt (e.g. pressure-solution mechanisms in shallow belts,
near the ends of the indenter but is parallel to the indenter face
dislocation glide/climb in deeper belts; Spratt 1983).
away from the ends. Initially flat-crested deformation fronts
A major difficulty with the analytical model is the require-
evolve into arcs of ellipses as the thrust wedge grows. Each
ment that displacement trajectories of all points on the marker
new fault at the toe initiates with progressively lower eccen-
line be straight and mutually parallel. Since the work of Seuss
tricity, until ultimately the deformation front resembles a
(1904) and Argand (1924; Fig. 15), it has been recognized
parabola. Once formed, a thrust sheet is subjected to pure
that movement trajectories in real orogens may be divergent.
shear as new thrust sheets add to the toe of the wedge.
Modem kinematic data from real orogens suggest that move-
Therefore, the curvature of a given fault decreases with time.
ment at any given point along the curve is typically perpen-
This effect coupled with change in fault shape as a function
dicular to the curve; for example, the P-axes of fault-plane
of distance from the indenter face means that curves towards
solutions for earthquakes in the Himalaya are perpendicular
the hinterland are flatter than curves toward the foreland, a
to the range front (Seeber 1984) and slip lineations on thrust
phenomenon that is observed in many antitaxial fold-thrust
faults in the Wyoming salient are typically perpendicular to
belts (e.g. the Verkhoyansk and Jura Ranges; Figs 6 & 14b).
the regional map trace of the faults (Crosby 1969). Also,
The finite-difference model also predicts such variation in
considering the structural complexity that is locally charac-
cui^ve geometry (Fig. 5) as a function of position in the wedge.
teristic of fold-thrust belts (e.g. Coward & Potts 1983; Marshak
1986), motion of discrete blocks within a belt may be some-
what chaotic, thereby leading to non-parallel movement Do faults initiate with curved traces, or are curves
especially near the endpoints of curves. secondary?
Finite-difference models suggest that the contrast be-
One of the principal debates concerning curved fold-thrust
tween parabolic and flat-crested curves need not reflect
belts concerns the question of whether curves are primary
rheology, but alternatively may reflect the overall strength of
(i.e. initiate with their present structural trends) or are second-
the fold-thrust belt (perhaps controlled by lithology, degree
ary (i.e. are oroclines). The models in this paper emphasize
of fracturing, or deformation conditions). It was found that
that true oroclines can form due to superposition of cross-
curve shape changes as a function of the critical angle, a term strike shear on an originally straight fold-thrust belt, and due
representing strength in the model. As the critical angle to collision with obstacles in the foreland (see Carey 1955 and
increases, the flow front becomes more parabolic. This Marshak 1988 for discussion of other settings in which
model suggests that antitaxial curve shape reflects interaction oroclines form). In the case of collision with obstacles, only
between a regional topographic potential driving the orogen structures that had formed prior to collision are bent. Primary
into the foreland (e.g. caused by plate convergence or curves can form in advance of an indenter, to the foreland of
overthickening of crust) and local topographic potentials obstacles in coUisional zones, or as a consequence of along-
strike variations of sediment thickness in the foreland. Curves
like the Pennsylvania salient, for example, which are spa-
tially associated with thicker strata deposited in a continental
re-entrant, may have initiated with a curved trajectory and
need not reflect significant oroclinal bending. Palaeomagnetic
data so far have not demonstrated large amounts of bending
in this salient, and structural data have not shown major
along-strike extension (Schwartz & Van der Voo 1984;
Miller & Kent 1986). The initial movement on a curved fault
at the toe of the thrust wedge results in some tangential
extension and some rotation, but the amount is less than
would accompany the development of a curved fault trace
Figure 15. Reproduction of a sketch from Argand (1924) showing his from an originally straight fault and may explain the lack of
concept of a 'double virgation of the first type' (i.e. divergent flow in a curved reported tangential extension in many natural orogenic curves.
orogen). The arrows indicate assumed flow lines.


Partial support for this work was provided by NASA grant NAGS-1312 to importance of sediment thickness to us, C. Hedlund for help with the sand-
Hsui, NSF grant EAR-84-07785 to Marshak, and an NSF graduate fellow- wedge modelling, and G. P. Salisbury for suggestions concerning curve
ship to Wilkerson. We wish to thank P. R. Cobbold and K. R. McClay for nomenclature.
helpful reviews of the manuscript, R. D. Hatcher, Jr. for emphasizing the


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Thrust geometries and thrust systems
Thrust faults in inverted extensional basins
K. R. McClay & P. G. Buchanan

Department of Geology, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of

London, Egham, Surrey, England TW20 OEX, UK

Abstract: Thrust faults in inverted extensional basins may not exhibit the simple low-angle, ramp-
flat thrust trajectories that are characteristic of many foreland fold and thrust belts, but are expected
to show more complex geometries controlled by the architecture of the earlier extensional fault
system. The results of sandbox analogue models are reviewed as guides to possible thrust fault
architectures in contracted extensional basins. High-angle thrust faults and thrust faults with
convex-upwards shapes are characteristic of inverted extensional fault systems. Footwall-vergent
shortcut thrusts and hangingwall-vergent backthrusts are characteristic of the inversion models.
Fault sequences are complex and do not follow simple 'footwall-nucleating - footwall-vergent'
rules. The architecture of the pre-existing extensional fault system exerts a strong control on the
character of thrust faults in inverted basins and must be taken into account when analysing such

Inversion tectonics involves a switch in tectonic mode from Thrust systems in inverted basins
extension to compression such that extensional basins are
contracted and become regions of positive structural relief. Thrust systems in inverted basins vary from small, high-angle
This process is generally accepted to involve the reactivation thrust faults in basins which have undergone only small
of pre-existing extensional faults such that they undergo amounts of contraction to large, low-angle thrust systems
reverse slip and eventually may become thrust faults (Cooper which override and obliterate the pre-existing extensional
& Williams 1989; Williams et al. 1989). Pre-existing architecture (Fig. 2). Extensional fault systems which have
extensional basins have been incorporated into many fold and undergone low amounts of contraction (inversion) commonly
thrust belts - in the Alps (Butler 1989; de Graciansky et al. show reverse movement on only a few of the faults that could
1989; and others), in the Pyrenees (Puigdefabregas et al. possibly have undergone reactivation (Fig. 2a). For example
1986; Berastegui et al. 1990; Martinez et al. 1989) and the the inversion structures across the South Hewett fault zone in
Canadian Cordillera (McClay ef a/. 1989). The architecture the southern North Sea show a growth anticlinal structure
of thrust systems in inverted extensional basins will be with the development of a number of small footwall shortcut
influenced and in some cases strongly controlled by the pre- thrusts and only localized reactivation of extensional faults in
existing extensional fault geometries (cf. Cooper & Williams the main domino array within the basin (Fig. 2a). Growth
1989; Coward et al. 1991; McClay et al. 1989; Hayward & folding (i.e. the fold develops in strata that are being depos-
Graham 1989). In such situations thrustfaults have geometries, ited at the same time as the fold grows, e.g. Suppe etal. (1991,
trajectories and sequences that are significantly different to this volume)) is typically developed with thinned growth
those found in many foreland fold thrust belts which deform strata (Suppe et al. 1991, this volume) deposited above the
platformal strata (e.g. Dahlstrom 1970; Boyer & Elliott reactivated basin margin fault and thicker stratigraphic inter-
1982). vals deposited on the flanks of the structure (Fig. 2a). Within
Inversion geometries have been commonly modelled as the inverted domino fault array the thrust faults are typically
involving complete reactivation of the basin forming small, high-angle faults which show net extensional dis-
extensional faults such that the extensional sedimentary placement at depth. In examples where listric extensional
wedge is pushed up - 'inverted' above the pre-extensional faults have been reactivated during inversion, hangingwall
'regional elevation' (Fig. 1, Bally 1984). Such conceptual anticlines are developed and 'pop-up' structures in the region
models of inversion ignore the mechanics of the inversion of the crestal collapse graben (McClay 1990) are character-
process and do not necessarily resemble natural inversion istic (Fig. 2b). At greater values of contraction reactivated
geometries (Fig. 2). It is clear that the range in structural extensional faults propagate into the post-rift and syn-inver-
styles and geometries resulting from the inversion and con- sion sequences, flattening upwards as they do so (Fig. 2c).
traction of previously distended crust is likely to be far more Complex 'arrowhead' or 'harpoon' geometries result from
complex than the relatively simple imbricate thrust geometries the wedge of syn-rift sediments being elevated above regional.
in areas of layer cake stratigraphy (Boyer & Elliott 1982). Where extensional half-grabens have been subjected to greater
This paper aims to illustrate thrust geometries in inverted contraction, thrust faults may either transect across the half-
extensional basin systems at various scales and to demonstrate, graben thus dissecting it (Fig. 2d) or new thrust faults will
using sandbox analogue models, the geometries and mechanics develop out of the half-graben (Fig. 2d). In cases of strong
of thrusting during inversion. contraction pre-existing extensional faults may also be rotated


systems are generated by roll-over and exist prior to inver-

sion. The later contractional deformation may serve to
tighten and amplify these pre-existing structures. Thus, in
fold thrust belts which are developed upon earlier extensional
fault regimes, complex thrust architectures and sequences
may be expected. In order to understand some of the possible
thrust geometries that may develop when extensional fault
systems are contracted, an extensive analogue modelling
programme has been carried out (Buchanan 1991; Buchanan
& McClay 1991) and the results are summarized below.

Analogue models of inversion

Experimental method
Two types of sandbox experiment are briefly reviewed in this
paper. The first type, the simple listric and the ramp-flat listric
fault shapes, consisted of a fixed footwall geometry (wooden
block) over which a deformable hangingwall was first extended
and then contracted by horizontal recompression (see also
Buchanan & McClay 1991). The second type of model
experiment was designed to simulate a series of rigid domino
Post Inversion blocks that firstly undergo extension and then are inverted or
pushed back to their pre-extensional configuration.
T7A =v- y Basement
The simple listric and ramp-flat listric experiments were
carried out in a glass walled deformation rig (Fig.3a) 150 cm
Figure 1. Conceptual model of an inverted half-graben system (modified long, 20 cm wide and up to 20 cm deep. Initial model
after Bally 1984). (a) Extension; (b) Partial inversion: (c) Total inversion. dimensions were typically 30 cm long, 20 cm wide and 10 cm
deep. The sand models were constructed between the end
and re-utilized as thrust faults (Fig. 2d). Basement blocks walls of the deformation rig and consisted of alternating
may be incorporated into the thrust system via footwall layers of white and coloured sand (average grain size 300
'shortcut' thrusts thus creating exotic horses within the thrust |im). Dry cohesionless quartz sand has an angle of friction of
complex (Fig. 2e). Extensional faults which are unfavour- 31° (Liu et al. this volume) and successfully simulates the
ably oriented for reactivation remain bypassed by the brittle deformation of sedimentary rocks in the upper crust
contractional tectonics (Fig. 2e). In areas of very strong (McClay 1990; Horsfield 1977). Faulted sand has a lower
thrusting such as the Alps (Butler 1989; de Graciansky et al. strength than unfaulted sand (Liu etal. 1991, this volume) and
1989) the thrust faults appear to bypass pre-existing extensional as such one would expect fault zones formed in extension to
faults which display little or no reactivation. The thrust at least partly reactivate during inversion. The models are
trajectories are, however, strongly controlled by the broadly scaled such that 1 cm in the model represents between
extensional fault architecture with thrust ramps located at 100 m and 1 km (McClay 1990).
pre-existing extensional fault steps. Deformation was achieved by moving one of the end walls
In the examples shown in Figure 2 it is obvious that the at a constant displacement rate of 4.16 x 10"^ cm sec'. A
architecture of the extensional basin fault system exerts a plastic sheet between the sand model and the footwall block
strong influence on the thrust systems developed during / base of the deformation rig simulates a low friction (^^ = 0)
inversion and thrust faulting. If the thrust faults nucleate or basal detachment. For extension the hangingwali is pulled
grow from reactivated extensional faults they may be shal- down and along the basal detachment, whereas for inversion
low-dipping in their upper sections but steepen downwards, the hangingwall is pushed back up the detachment. During
thus not following a more conventional ramp-flat trajectory. extension syn-rift layers were incrementally added to the
The volume problem caused by contracting an extensional model in order to simulate syn-rift sedimentation. At the end
half-graben may generate new thrusts which nucleate and of the extensional phase, a thin post-rift sequence was added
propagate out of the 'half-graben' not necessarily in a footwall to the models and during the contraction, syn-inversion layers
propagating sequence. The stratigraphic sequences under- were introduced in order to prevent the formation of unstable
going thrusting are not 'layer cake' but exhibit significant surface slopes as thrust faults propagated to the surface of the
thickness changes with the resultant implications for thrust model.
trajectories. Hangingwall anticlines in extensional basin The second type of experiment was designed to simulate



2.0-^ ^ , ^ \ ^ • ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ \ ^ v ' ^ \ ^ ^ v ^ \ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ \ ^ ^ \ ^ x \ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \ ^ ^ \ ^ ^ • ^ ^
seconds Basement Pre-rift Post-rift
•*. \ V
Pre-Triassic TrJassic Lower Cretaceous

Syn-lnversion Post-Inversion 5 km
i^ Late-Cretaceous-Miocene Pliocene-Recent

Eakring-Foston Eakring Oilfield •TJ^;A-^ ,'/!,'(• Caunton Oilfield


1 km

2 km -
\ ^ X \ \ •s s

3 km

^•'^'•^•'^•- Lower Palaeozoic Syn-Rift Post-Rtft Syn-lnversion

''. ^. •'. •• Basement Dinantian Late Brigantian -
Late Westphalian
w. m Late Westphalian 0



1 km
h » J Basement Ijjjjjjjji;! Syn-rifl | | Post-rift | % ^ Syn-lnversion

Figure 2. Examples of thrust faults in inverted basin systems, (a) Geoseismic section across the South Hcwett fault zone, southern North Sea. The inverted
domino fault array shows a major growth anticline at the left hand end of the section and high angle thrust faults have produced arrowhead or 'harpoon'
structures at the right hand end of the section; (b) Cross-section through the Eakring oilfield, England (modified after Eraser ef a/, 1990). The extensional
half-graben system has undergone partial inversion with contractional displacement on the main extension fault and a 'pop-up' at the location of the Caunton
oil field; (c) Cross-section through pan of the Sunda Arc (modified after Letouzey 1990) showing inversion of half-graben fault systems to produce
characteristic arrowhead and harpoon geometries.

-*''^' K. R. MCCLAY & P. G. BUCHANAN

a 1A •••. T - r n . i o .
SW "Re-utilised extensional fault" "out of the half-graben thrusts" NE

•iTfc^' \ \ \ \ \ \
- ^ V V V V ^ .' ^ .' ^ y ^ "transecting thrust
^ y^^^'^^^'^j-^'y^y'^^'^-'^^^-'^^^y^ cutting down section in^^''.^''^
'-^''•^^y'^y''-y^y'^y''-y^y'^y^^^y'^^^y''the transport direction"^^''^''^
^ • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ > . ^ • ^ ^ i ^ . s •. , , ^ , . . ^ % s \ \ \
Basement •


\ \ \ \ s
^^^/ / 1 km

Basement Pre-Rlft Syn-Rlft

^ y ^ it
Kechika-Group Road River Group Lower Earn Group


Syn-Rlft Syn-Rift Post-Rift 5 km
Silurian-Lower Devonian Upper-Devonian - Visean ^ Namurian

Figure 2. (d) Strongly inverted haif-graben system from the Kechika Trough, northern Rocky Mountains, Canada (adapted after McClay ei al. 1989). Pre-
existing extensional faults have been rotated and re-utilised. 'Out of the half-graben' thrusts occur together with a through going thrust that cuts down
stratigraphy in the direction of transport; (e) Inversion structures in the South Wales coalfield (modified after Powell 1989). Note the development of short-
cut faults in the footwall to the reactivated Benton fault system.

domino extensional fault blocks and utilized the glass-sided are given in McClay (1990) and Buchanan & McClay {1991).
deformation rig ( Fig. 3b, Buchanan 1991). This apparatus
consists of four rigid domino shaped plates linked by a trellis
Limitations of the analogue models • ~ ' •
system such that they can be simultaneously extended by
moving the end wall to the right and inverted by moving the The limitations of analogue models of inversion tectonics are
end wall back (Fig. 3b). In this series of experiments a 3 cm discussed in detail by Buchanan & McClay (1991) and are
thick pre-rift sequence was placed in the apparatus and synrift briefly summarized here. The most fundamental limitation of
sediments were added incrementally during extension. A 1.5 the first .series of models (the simple listric fault and the ramp-
cm thick post-rift sequence was added at the end of extension flat listric fault models) is that they incorporate a rigid
and then the models were inverted by pushing the end wall footwall fault block (Fig. 3a) and any possible footwall
back such that the domino fault blocks slid back to their pre- shortcut thrusts are confined to the post-rift and syn-inversion
extensional configuration. strata. In addition, the rigid nature of the footwall block in
In both series of experiments, progressive deformation these experiments generates a marked mechanical contrast
during both the extension and inversion phases was moni- between the sandpack and the footwall such that strong
tored using time lapse photography. The completed models buttressing effects are to be expected (see below). The
were impregnated and serially sectioned to study the final sandbox modelling also cannot simulate compaction, ther-
deformation geometry. Details of the experimental methods mal and pore fluid pressure effects, all of which may affect the


steel Runners Laminated Sand Model Listric faults

Glass Side Motor Driven
Walls Moving Worm Screw
Wall Extension above a listric detachment fault produces a charac-
teristic roll-over structure with an associated crestal collapse
graben (Fig. 4a). The amount of bed rotation in the roll-over
is proportional to the amount of extension and the shape of the
detachment (e.g. Ellis & McClay 1988). The crestal collapse
graben is generated by arc stretching with displacement on
the bounding synthetic and antithetic faults dying out down-
Rigid Footwall Fixed Base Plate wards towards the main detachment surface (Fig. 4a).
Inversion was achieved by horizontal recompression and
the model was shortened 7 cm -1 cm more than the extensional
deformation. Upon compression the main detachment sur-
Fixed End Moving End Fixed End
Wall Walk Wall face was reactivated (and remained active throughout the
inversion) such that the synrift sequence was pushed back up
the extensional fault. The resultant inversion structure shows
a characteristic harpoon geometry with footwall shortcut
faults, out of the crestal collapse graben thrusts, hangingwall-
vergent backthrusts, and a growth anticline structure (Fig.
Moving Base Plate static Non-Rotating Trellis System 4b). These features are described below in the order of their
End Fault
B development.
Figures. Experimental apparatus, (a) 2D deformation rig for extension and Footwall shortcut thrusts. At the early stages of inversion
inversion of listric fault systems; (b) 2D deformation rig for the extension con vex-up wards footwall shortcut thrusts developed in the
and inversion of domino fault systems. post-rift sequence in front of the main detachment (Fig. 4b).
These formed a break-back sequence until most of the dis-
geometries and mechanics of both the extension and inver- placement was transferred onto the steeper main detachment
sion phases of deformation. In particular pore fluid pressure which propagated upwards into the post-rift and syn-inversion
may be expected to strongly control whether pre-existing strata.
high-angle extensional faults reactivate (Sibson 1985; Out of graben thrusts. The next stage of inversion is
Etheridge 1986). However, ifthe above limitations are borne characterised by rotation of the hangingwall back up the main
in mind, the analogue models do provide useful guides to the detachment surface together with the nucleation of small
geometries and mechanics of dip-slip inversion of extensional thrust faults from the tips of the crestal collapse graben faults
fault systems (Buchanan & McClay 1991). (Fig. 4b). These thrusts show growth features where they
propagate upwards into the post-rift and syn-inversion se-
quences. They pass downwards to lower tips lines where they
Results do not link with the reactivated basal detachment.
Backthrusts. Towards the latter stages of inversion large,
The geometries and sequences of inversion structures that are hangingwall-vergent backthrusts develop in a forward-
developed in the analogue models are described below with breaking sequence. These thrusts dissect and ignore the pre-
reference to the architecture of the antecedent extensional existing extensional structures. The backthrusts are located
fault system. Thus thrust faults which verge towards the in the undeformed hangingwall of the antecedent extensional
footwall of the pre-existing extensional fault system are fault system and follow more closely the rules of classic thin-
termed 'footwall-vergent' (rather than 'foreland-vergent'), skinned tectonics - i.e. forward-breaking. The backthrusts
and thrusts which verge towards the hangingwall of the pre- result from the buttressing of the contractional deformation
existing extensional fault system are termed 'hangingwall- against the concave upwards segment of the listric extensional
vergent' (ratherthan 'hinterland-vergent'). The latter thrusts detachment. As a result, complex fault patterns are produced
may also be termed 'backthrusts' as they verge backwards by the superposition of the contractional structures upon the
against the direction of compression. The sequence of thrust earlier extensional deformation. The backthrusts become
fault development (i.e. the direction in which successive new progressively more numerous at the latter stages of the
thrust faults nucleate) is described in terms of 'forward- inversion and accommodate most of the contractional dis-
breaking' sequences in which successive thrust faults nucle- placement.
ate in front of older thrusts and verge in the same direction as Growth anticlines. During inversion the main detachment
the nucleation sequence, and in terms of 'break-back' se- propagates upwards through the post-rift and syn-inversion
quences in which successive new thrust faults nucleate be- strata towards the upper free surface of the model. As a
hind older thrust faults and thus 'back step' in the direction consequence growth geometries are formed in the syn-inver-
opposite to the vergence of the faults. ,, .,. sion sequence (Fig. 4b) where syn-inversion strata are thicker
, 1 : • • -. ' •' f ' ' L: .
on the footwall to the active fault and thin onto the hangingwall
ramp-anticline above the fault (Fig. 4b). Growth anticlines


Figure 4. Simple listric fault - Experiment 18. (a) Model at the end of 6 cm extension. Top of the pre-rift sequence is marked by the upper grey-black-
grey sequence. Syn-rift grey and white layers were added incrementally up to the top of the footwall block. A 2 cm thick, horizontal post-rift sequence has
been added prior to inversion: (b) Serial section of the model at the end of 7 cm inversion. See text for details.

are generated by the reactivated main detachment, by the out by a hangingwall syncline related to the ramp in the detach-
of graben thrusts and by the hangingwall-vergent backthrust ment, from a larger roll-over with superimposed graben
system (Fig. 4b). structures associated with the lower listric segment of the
For the simple listric fault system the maximum uplift as detachment.
indicated by the upper syn-rift, lower post-rift sequences, is Inversion was achieved in a similar manner to that for the
listric fault model and the magnitude of contraction exceeded
focused above the upper part of the original listric extensional
detachment, and forms the crest of a large growth anticline. extension (by 12 cm). Reactivation of the lower listric
The sequence of thrusting is complex with reactivation of the segment of the basal detachment resulted in the propagation
basal detachment throughout the inversion. Footwall shortcut of a major, footwall-vergent thrust fault upwards and by-
thrusts form a break-back sequence early in the inversion passed the higher and smaller of the two crestal collapse
history whereas forward-breaking backthrusts dominate the graben (Fig. 5b). This footwall-vergent thrust becomes a
latter stages of inversion (see also Buchanan & McClay growth fault with significant thickness variations in the syn-
1991). inversion sequence. Minor thrusts parallel to the major thrust
in its hangingwall were also generated. The geometry of this
footwall-vergent thrust is relatively planar with almost no
Ramp-flat listric faults deformation in its footwall (Fig. 5b). Thus the upper exten-
The structural architecture which evolves above an exten- sional roll-over structure is preserved as an exotic, fault-
sional ramp-flat detachment geometry has been discussed in bounded, lozenge-shaped block unaffected by the contrac-
detail by Ellis & McClay (1988) and McClay & Scott (1991). tion. As in the case of the listric fault model (Fig. 4b), the
The basic structural elements are similar to those seen above curvature of the basal detachment at the lower listric section
the listric fault described above. An upper roll-over and results in the development of a series of 'forward-breaking',
associated crestal collapse graben develops above the upper hangingwall-vergent 'backthrusts'. These have a convex-
listric portion of the detachment (Fig. 5a). This is separated upwards profile geometry caused by the presence of the non-



Figures. Ramp-flat lislric fault - Experiment I 12. (a) Model at the end of 6 cm extension. Themodelconsistsof alternating layers of coloured sand with
thin mica layers between them in order to facilitate layer parallel slip (McClay & Scott 1991). The top of the pre-rift sequence is marked by the upper grey-
black-grey sequence. Syn-rift grey and white layers were added incremenlally up to the top of the footwall block. A 2 cm ihick, horizontal post-rift sequence
has been added prior to inversion; (b) Serial section of the model at the end of 18 cm inversion. See text for details.


Figure 6. Domino fault system, (a) Model at the end of 13 cm extension. Top of the pre-rift sequence is marked by the upper grey-black sequence. Syn-
rift grey and while layers were added incrementally up to the top of the fooiwail block. A 1.5 cm ihick, horizontal post-rift sequence has been added prior
to inversion; (b) Serial section of the model at the end of 13 cm of inversion. See text for details. No syn-inversion strata have been added lothis model,


deflectable end wall, i.e. this is an end effect reflecting the whilst below, the layering remains in net extension. As a
limitation of the experimental apparatus. These forward- result, null points where net displacement across the fault is
breaking backthrusts, in conjunction with the major footwall- zero and classic arrowhead or harpoon structures are formed.
vergent thrust, produce a characteristic broad 'pop-up' struc- Reactivation of the antithetic faults during inversion does not
ture centred above the soling-out point of the lower listric generally occur in these experiments (Buchanan 1991). The
section of the original extensional detachment. The maximum style of the contractional deformation is strongly asymmet-
uplift in the hangingwall is located above the top of the ramp ric, all the thrust faults verging in the same direction (i.e.
section of the detachment between the upper flat and the footwall-vergent) up the dip of the reactivated domino faults.
lower listric segment. As a consequence of the relatively The sequence of fault reactivation generally occurs from right
planar nature of the major footwall-vergent thrust, little to left in the models as the right hand end wall is pushed back
rotation is observed in the hangingwall which is simply to its pre-extensional position.
translated up and over the undeformed footwall. The footwall-
vergent thrust becomes 'thin-skinned' in this region where
the hangingwall beds of the pre-rift are sub-parallel to the Discussion
fault surface (Fig. 5b). The sequence of thrusting is that of
reactivation of the lower part of the basal detachment; gen- This paper has briefly illustrated some of the thrust geometries
eration of the major footwall-vergent thrust (that bypasses the found in both experimental and natural examples of inverted
upper part of the extensional detachment); formation of sedimentary basins. Clearly, such structures have particular
minor hanging wall-vergent thrusts that nucleate from the tips characteristics that are markedly different from the classic
of the extensional faults bounding the lower crestal collapse 'ramp - flat' thrust systems that deform the platformal regions
graben; and finally the development of major forward-break- of continental margins (e.g. Rocky Mountains and the Ap-
ing backthrusts as a result of buttressing against the lower palachians, Bally era/. 1966;Dahlstrom 1970; Boyer& Elliott
listric part of basal detachment surface. 1982).
The experimental models of inverted extensional fault
systems illustrate the sequential development of reactivation
Domino faults
of pre-existing extensional faults as thrust faults, the formation
The extensional architecture produced above a series of of growth structures and the nucleation of new thrust faults.
domino faults is illustrated in Figure 6a and is described in
detail in Buchanan (1991). The structure is similar for each
Reactivation of pre-existing extensional faults as thrust
domino fault and consists of a half graben filled with a syn-
rift wedge in which the layering is planar. The final profile
geometry of the domino faults has a slight listric shape In the experimental models pre-existing extensional faults
acquired during extension as a result of the interaction between were reactivated as high-angle thrust faults whose architec-
sedimentation and rotation (Vendeville & Cobbold 1988). ture was controlled by the shape of the extensional detachment
Minor planar antithetic faults form in the hangingwall to each system (Fig. 7). Simple listric faults inverted such that the
domino fault and root at the top of the rigid basement. These fault takes on a concave-up geometry and the thrust fault
faults increase in size away from the static margin fault on the steepened upwards into the post-rift and syn-inversion strata
left-hand side of the model. (Fig. 7a). In ramp-flat listric fault systems the lower listric
Inversion of the half graben is achieved by pushing the part of the extensional detachment reactivated with a new
individual fault blocks back to their pre-extensional configu- footwall-vergent thrust system nucleating upward from the
ration such that the top of the rigid basement is returned to ramp such that the upper part of the listric extensional
horizontal. Contractional strain in the sand pack above is detachment was bypassed entirely (Fig. 7b). In the domino
accommodated by reactivation of the domino faults and models the extensional faults can reactivate and became
along several footwall shortcut faults (Fig. 6b). Displace- convex upwards in the upper part of the syn-rift and post-rift
ment is generally transferred from the domino faults in the strata (Fig. 7c). The inversion produces characteristic wedge
basement onto the shortcut faults in the cover. These shortcuts shaped syn-rift geometries that are termed 'harpoon' or
are planar to slightly convex upwards in profile and define arrowhead structures (Badley etal. 1989; Buchanan & McClay
downward tapering wedge-shaped blocks at the margin of the 1991). In many cases the thrust faults are typically steep and
individual half grabens. The contractional strain associated their shapes strongly controlled by the pre-existing extensional
with each reactivated domino fault is concentrated in the fault architecture.
immediate footwall. Reactivation of the entire length of the
domino faults causes steeply dipping thrust faults to develop
in the post-rift sequence (Fig. 6b). All the extensional and Reactivation of crestal collapse graben faults
contractional faulting in the cover relating to each domino Crestal collapse graben faults (Figs 4, 5, 7a & b) show only
fault, links into a single master fault in the rigid basement partial reactivation with new thrust faults nucleating from the
below. Reactivation of individual domino faults causes post- upper tips of both the antithetic and synthetic crestal collapse
rift and upper syn-rift layers to be put into net contraction graben faults. Extensional architecture is preserved at depth





^. \ \



Figure 7. Summary diagrams of inverted extensional fault systems, (a) Inverted listric extensional fault showing the rigid basement footwall block, pre-
rift layers, syn-rift layers added incrementally during extension, post-rift layers and syn-inversion strata, (b) Inverted ramp-flat listric extensional fault
system showing the rigid basement footwall block, pre-rift layers, syn-rift layers added incrementally during extension, post-rift layers and syn-inversion
strata. Note the development of a prominent hangingwall bypass thrust that leaves the upper roll-over unaffected by the inversion. Major backthrusts lead
to the development of a triangular 'pop-up' structure, (c) Diagram for the inversion of a domino fault array showing reactivation of the domino faults and
the development of footwall shortcut thrusts in the pre-rift and syn-rift strata.

(Figs 7a & b). The thrust faults typically have a convex bounding extensional faults (Figs 2a, 4b & 7a). They are
upward trajectory flattening into the post-rift sequence. fault-propagation growth folds, typically asymmetric with
onlap sequences in the syn-inversion strata. The growth
Growth structures asymmetry is footwall-vergent (Figs 2a & 4b).

Growth folds are characteristic of the inversion of basin


Footwall shortcut faults 8. Dip-slip inversion of the main extensional detachment

produces a characteristic 'harpoon' or arrowhead geometry
Shortcut thrusts in the footwall to the reactivated extensional
where the wedge of syn-rift sediments is partially elevated
faults (cf. Fig. 7) are characteristic of the analogue models
above regional and the detachment has thrust displacement at
(Buchanan 1991; Buchanan & McClay 1991). These com-
the top and is still in net extension at the bottom (Fig. 8b).
monly are convex upwards and develop in a 'break-back'
Footwall shortcut thrusts may develop with a sigmoidal
sequence towards the hangingwall. At small values of
geometry (Fig. 8c) and a lower angle trajectory that facilitates
inversion they may only have limited displacements and form
contractional deformation. Alternatively, the main detach-
an upward fanning horsetail (Figs 2a, 4b & 7a). Footwall
ment may only be partly reactivated and then stick such that
shortcut thrusts are geometrically necessary in order to ac-
contractional deformation is taken up in the hangingwall via
commodate the excess bed length of the syn-rift strata in the
a hangingwall bypass thrust (Fig. 8d). The experimental
extensional rollover anticline. At higher values of contrac-
models show that if footwall shortcut thrusts develop they
tion the footwall shortcut thrusts are responsible for generating
commonly form in a 'break-back' sequence with most of the
a lower angle, more smoothly varying thrust trajectory and
inversion displacement transferring backwards onto the main
may result in the incorporation of exotic basement slices
reactivated extensional detachment which propagates upwards
within thrust belts (cf. Fig. 2e).
into the post-rift and syn-inversion stratigraphy (Fig. 8e).
Similarly, if hangingwall bypass thrusts develop one might
' Backthrusts' expect them to also form in a break-back sequence (Fig. 8f)
(see also Hay ward & Graham 1989). More commonly,
One of the most striking features of the inversion experiments
however, hangingwall-vergent backthrusts would develop in
on listric and ramp flat extensional fault systems is the
a forward-breaking sequence (Fig. 8g). Combination of both
ubiquitous development of 'backthrusts' - i.e. hangingwall-
backthrusts and footwall short cut thrusts produce a charac-
vergent thrusts (also Buchanan 1991; Buchanan & McClay
teristic fan structure and 'pop-up' feature (Fig. 8h). Inversion
1991). These backthrusts develop 'in sequence' forward-
of crestal collapse graben faults is commonly observed (Figs
breaking towards the hangingwall (Figs 7a & b) and result in
2b & 8i). They commonly produce 'pop-up' structures
significant uplift in 'pop-up' structures. The backthrusts
somewhat distant from the inverted basin bounding fault
result from the buttressing of the contractional deformation
(Fig. 2b). Figure 8j shows a combined conceptual model if all
by the concave-upwards shape of the extensional fault.
of the above features are incorporated into the inversion of a
Backthrusts related to the inversion of an extensional fault
single major listric fault system. It is apparent that the
system have been described by Berastegui et al. (1990) in the
resultant thrust geometries may be complex and the sequences
southern Pyrenees. Buttressing against pre-existing extension
of fault development do not obey simple footwall nucleation
fault systems may be an explanation for backthrusts and
- footwall propagation rules that seem to apply in many thin-
hangingwall-vergent thrust and nappe systems found in the
skinned foreland fold and thrust belts (cf. Boyer & Elliott
interior portions of many fold and thrust belts.
High-angle thrust faults and footwall shortcut thrusts are
Fault sequences characteristic of inverted extensional fault systems (Figs 2,7
& 8). Inversion of the bounding faults to crestal collapse
Space limitations prevent documentation of all the details of
grabens in listric fault systems (cf. Figs 4b & 7a) produces
sequential deformation in the experiments described in this
structures that are geometrically similar to positive 'flower'
paper (see Buchanan & McClay 1991). However it is
structures (Harding 1985). In the experimental models de-
possible to comment upon the sequence of thrust development
scribed in this paper these are not strike-slip features but are
observed in the models. The main extensional detachment is
simply the product of dip-slip inversion of extensional faults.
the first fault to reactivate followed closely by the develop-
Great care must therefore be taken in using such flower
ment of footwall shortcut thrusts in the post-rift sequences
structures as indicators of strike-slip deformation.
(Fig. 7). Deformation then steps backwards onto the main
Analysis of thrust systems in terranes where inverted
detachment via other footwall shortcut thrusts. Reactivation
earlier extensional faults might be expected (e.g. McClay et
of crestal collapse graben faults occurs at this time. After
al. 1989) should take into account the possibilities of thrusts
appreciable contractional deformation (approximately 25%)
deforming already folded and faulted strata (cf. rollover
forward-breaking, hangingwall-vergent back thrusts develop.
anticlines and crestal collapse grabens), complex fault archi-
The net result of the above is a complex sequence of thrusts
tectures with both forward-breaking and break-back thrust
that is not simply footwall-nucleating but is governed by the
sequences (Fig. 8), together with the difficulties of distin-
architecture of the pre-existing extensional detachment and
guishing between similar structural geometries such as thrust-
by the amount of shortening.
related ramp anticlines and extension-related rollover anti-
Conceptual models for the inversion of extensional fault
clines (Fig. 7). These complexities have significant impli-
systems may be erected based upon the experimental models
cations for the theories and methods of balancing sections of
and natural examples (e.g. Fig. 2). A series of schematic
thrust systems developed in previously extended terranes.
models for possible geometries that could arise upon the
inversion of a simple listric fault system are shown in Figure




Regional Regional Regional


Regional Regional



Regional Regional




•jp^fi• ^ • ^ • ^ • ^ •^




• y

\ \ \ \ \ \


y y y
• y y y y y y y y
• y y y y y y y y y y
• y y y y y y y y y y y y

f ^ y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Figure 8. (a- j) Conceptual models for thrust faults developed by the dip-slip inversion of a listric fault system. See text for detailed discussion. Note the
regional at the top of the syn-rift strata in (a).


Conclusions At low values of shortening many of the inversion features

described above may be recognized but one would expect
The experimental models and examples cited in this paper that, at higher amounts of shortening, many of these features
illustrate some of the possible complexities of thrust fault may be obliterated and more complex structures will result
systems that are found when extensional basin systems are such that the 'normal' rules of thrust systems are no longer
subjected to dip-slip inversion. Inversion of extensional fault obeyed. The extensional architecture of basins incorporated
systems is characterised by high-angle thrust systems that in fold and thrust belts must be carefully considered if the
may be convex upwards, steepen downwards and join pre- thrust geometries of such contractionally deformed basins are
existing extensional detachments. Footwall shortcut faults to be fully understood (McClay et al. 1989) and meaningful
and backthrusts are common features of both the experimen- balanced sections constructed.
tal models and are also found in nature. Thrust fault nuclea-
tion is not necessarily in towards the footwall in a 'forward- This paper is in part based upon Ph.D research by Peter Buchanan funded by
breaking' sequence but is controlled by the pre-existing BP Petroleum who are thanked for permission to publish. Ken McClay
acknowledges support by the Fault Dynamics consortium - Arco British
extensional architecture and buttressing effects. The analogue Limited, BP Exploration, Brasoil U.K. Ltd., Conoco (U.K.) Limited, Mobil
sandbox models serve simply as a guide to some of the North Sea Limited and Sun Oil. Critical reviews by Bob Thompson, Peter
possible geometries and mechanics of inversion features. Ellis and Ian Davison are gratefully acknowledged. Sandra Muir is thanked
These, however, need to be tested by detailed field analysis of for help with drafting the diagrams and Kevin D'Souza for photographic
thrust systems in inverted extensional basins.

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flower structures, positive flower structures, and positive structural

Rates of folding and faulting
determined from growth strata
John Suppe', George T. Chou^ & Stephen C. Hook^

^Department of Geological and Geophysical Sciences, Guyot Hall, Princeton

University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544-1003, USA
^Texaco USA, 4601 DTC Boulevard, Denver, Colorado 80237, USA
^Texaco Inc, PO Box 70070, Houston, Texas 77215-0070, USA

Abstract: Many upper crustal folds on the scale of 1 -10 km in compressive mountain belts grow
by kink-band migration as a result of fault-bend, fault-propagation, or box folding. One or both
kink-band boundaries sweep through the rock as the kink bands widen during fold growth. The
kink bands typically have a constant width in pre growth strata, which are strata that existed before
deformation, whereas we predict - and observe on seismic lines - an upward decrease in kink-band
width within the stratigraphic sequence deposited during fault slip and associated fold growth -
here called growth strata. In fact this growth stratigraphic sequence provides a complete,
decipherable record of the kinematics of deformation, much in the same way that sea-floor
magnetic anomalies provide a decipherable record of plate kinematics. It is the continual addition
of material that provides the detailed record of motion in both cases. In the simplest folds the kink
band has a constant width within the pregrowth strata, narrows upward through the growth strata,
and finally has a zero width at the top of the growth stratigraphy.
The rate of folding can be described geometrically as the rate of kink-band migration divided by
the sedimentation rate, which is dimensionless. Furthermore, if key beds can be dated, absolute
fault-slip rates can be computed. Examples are presented from the Gulf of Mexico, the Philippines,
Venezuela, California, and Oklahoma. Folding rates in many of these examples are observed to
be 1-2 mm/y lasting for 1-8 Ma. Translation of folding rates into fault-slip rates requires
knowledge of the fault shape and its relationship to fold shape. Nevertheless, even if fault geometry
is poorly constrained, fault slip rates generally can be estimated to within narrow limits based on
rates of kink-band migration, a fact that makes growth structures valuable for assessing earthquake

The common upper-crustal folding mechanisms of fault- Furthermore,ifkeybedswithinthegrowthstratacanbedated

bend folding, fault-propagation folding and box folding all then rates of folding - that is limb lengthening - can be
predict that folds grow by kink-band migration (Suppe 1983, determined. Finally, quantitative relationships between limb
1985; Suppe & Medwedeff 1984,1990). Specifically, these length and fault slip are derived for fault-bend folding and
primary folding mechanisms do not predict gradual amplifi- fault-propagation folding that allow fault slip rates to be
cation by limb rotation; rather they predict that beds only determined from rates of limb lengthening,
change dip as a result of rolling through axial surfaces*. For
this reason fold limbs are predicted by these mechanisms to
increase in length as the fold grows, whereas limb dips remain Constant-dip kink-band migration
constant. Therefore, if sedimentation takes place during the
growth of the fold, the limb length will decrease upward Let us put aside for the moment the specific mechanisms of
within the stratigraphic interval deposited during .deforma- fault-related folding and simply consider the possible kin-
tion (here called growth strata). It is the purpose of this paper ematics of constant-dip kink-band migration. Five kinematic
to show that upward narrowing kink bands are indeed ob- classes exist because one or both of the axial surfaces bound-
served as predicted, thus validating these theories of folding, ing a kink band can move with respect to the material (Fig. 1).

It should be noted that we are not arguing that constant-dip kink-band migration is the only important folding mecha-
nism in the upper crust, rather that the predictions of these theories of fault-related folding are in fact borne out in a
number of specific cases. Some upper crustal folding does involve progressive limb rotation. For example, some folds
appear to lock up and then amplify at a later stage in deformation (e.g. Suppe & Medwedeff 1990, Fig. 1). The case of
progressive limb rotation is beyond the scope of this paper.


a. C.
Active Axial Fixed Axial,
Surface Surface/
Kink-Band Fixed Axial Active Axial
Migration Surface Surface

Two Active Axial Two Active Axial Two Active Axial

Surfaces Surfaces Surfaces

Figure 1. The five possible kinematic classes of constant-dip kink-band migration. The motion of the axial surfaces relative to the material is indicated.
All five folds appear the same because they are composed of layers that predate the deformation, that is pregrowth strata. Only layers deposited during
deformation, that is growth strata, record the deformational history (Fig. 2).

a. b. C.

Migration /

Active Axial Fixed Axial Active Axial
Surface Surface Surface

e. f.

Two Active Axial Two Active Axial Two Active Axial

Surfaces Surfaces Surfaces

Figure 2. The five possible classes of constant-dip kink-band migration with strata deposited during deformation, called growth strata. The five folds only
differ within the growth strata, which record the kinematics of deformation. It is assumed in these models that sedimentation rate is constant relative to fold
growth rate and that sedimentation keeps ahead of deformation such that there is never bathymetric or topographic expression of the fold. The motion of
the axial surfaces is indicated relative to the material.


km An axial surface that moves with respect to the rock is here

T M I I I I I I I I ) I I I called an active axial surface whereas one fixed in the mate-
rial is called a fixed or inactive axial surface. The possible
»i>^:":-'»*'Sfef':;il;^;!?;'f"* kinematic classes are: one active axial surface moving to the
*''Bii<«'li:zL::v2ii! left or right (Figs lb & Ic), two active axial surfaces moving
outward relative to the material (Fig. Id), and two active axial
surfaces moving in the same direction (Figs le & If).
1s It is important to note that all the folds in Figure 1 look the
same. The final shape does not record the kinematics because
all the layers predate the folding; that is, all the strata are
pregrowth strata. If however sedimentation takes place
during deformation the growth strata record the kinematics of
kink-band migration. Figure 2 shows the same five folds with
the addition of growth strata; now each case appears distinct
and in fact contains enough information for bed-by-bed,
cinematic retrodeformation.
The specific geometry of the fold within the growth strata
strongly depends on the history of sedimentation relative to
the history of deformation. The simple models of Figure 2
Figure 3. Seismic profile of an upward narrowing kink band within growth assume that the rate of sedimentation is constant relative to
strata, Santa Barbara Channel, California. The growth structure is analogous the rate of folding and that sedimentation keeps ahead of
to the model in Figure 2c with the fixed or inactive axial surface to the left
and the active axial surface to the right. The boundary between pregrowth
deformation such that bathymetric or topographic relief never
and growth strata can be recognized as the top of the constant-width kink develops. Note that in all cases the kink bands narrow upward
band at a depth of about 1.5 s on the fixed axial surface (compare Fig. 2c). from a constant width in the pregrowth strata to zero width at
The apex of the growth triangle is obscured by horizontal multiples at depths the current surface of sedimentation.
less than 1 s. The average vertical exaggeration in the upper 1.5 s is about It goes without saying that some of the fold shapes in
1.7. Seismic profile provided by Texaco USA, BP Exploration Inc., and Sun
Operating LP. Figure 2 are quite bizarre at first blush. Nevertheless we need
to take them seriously because all five possibilities are

I 1-1.1 J J • • •

Figure 4. Seismic profile of an upward

narrowing kink band within growth
strata, Los Angeles basin, California.
The growth structure is analogous to the
model in Figure 2b with the fixed axial
surface to the left and the active axial
surface to the right. The beginning of
growth can be recognized as the top of
the constant-width kink band at a depth
of about 0.7 s on the fixed axial surface
(compare Fig. 2b). Growth appears to
be continuing today because the apex of
the growth triangle is the present ground
surface, which is depositional. The
average vertical exaggeration in the
upper 0.9 s is about 1. Seismic profile
provided by Texaco USA and Nippon
Western US Company, Ltd.

VI ;• -.1 .'iii'liLii.-iiiiiiiirrr i i M • .MAmnea'as'-^


Growth because there is a change in bed thickness across the growth

Axial Surface axial surface. This change in thickness reflects an instanta-
neous change in sedimentation rate across the growth axial
The growth axial surface is the locus of particles that were
deposited along the active axial surface. The sedimentation
rate in the basin dTJdt to the right of the active axial surface
in Figure 5 is equal to the sedimentation rate on the uplift
dT Idt to the left plus the uplift rate dUldt

Fixed Axial dTb dTu dU

Surface dt dt dt (1)
• Active Axial
Surface or in terms of total uplift and sediment thickness (Fig. 5)

Figure S. The fixed axial surface within the growth strata is called a growth
axial surface, which is the locus of particles that were deposited along the Tb^ Tu+U (2)
active axial surface. The growth axial surface does not bisect the angle
between the fold limbs because there is a change in thickness that reflects a
In general the sedimentation and uplift rates could be continu-
primary change in sedimentation rate across the the active axial surface
(eq. 1). ously varying; therefore, in the general case the orientation of
a growth axial surface will be variable and its shape will be
predicted by the standard fault-related folding mechanisms curved or bent. However, in the seismic examples (Figs 3 &
(although case 2e is unusual, it is known to exist in normal 4) the growth axial surfaces are relatively straight overall
faulting). All five kinematic possibilities have been observed indicating a relatively constant ratio of deformation rate to
at map-scale in nature. Figure 3 is a seismic example similar sedimentation rate. Examples are given later in this paper that
to Figure 2c in which the right-hand axial surface is active and record major variation in this ratio.
the left-hand axial surface is inactive. Figure 4 is a seismic
example similar to Figure 2b.
It should be noted in both the models and the seismic Measurement of kink-band migration rates
examples (Figs 2b, 2c, 3 & 4) that the beginning of deforma-
tion - that is, the pregrowth-growth boundary - can easily be Growth axial surfaces and growth triangles provide a con-
identified as the top of the constant-width kink-band, for tinuous quantitative record of the history of deformation. A
which the two axial surfaces are parallel. Similarly the end of simple measure of the kink-band migration during a time
growth is marked by the apex of the upward narrowing kink interval t is the limb length L divided by the thickness of
band or growth triangle. Also note that the fixed axial surface sediment deposited T^ (Fig. 5), which is here called the
within the growth strata - here called the growth axial surface dimensionless growth rate G.
(Fig. 5) - does not bisect the angle between the fold limbs


Figure 6. East-west seismic profile of the east flank of the Allegria anticline, western Cebu, Philippines. The beginning of growth is marked by the inflection
and reversal of dip on the right-hand axial surface, indicating a kink band of the class shown in Figure 2b. Approximately 900 m of growth strata are preserved
which record 600 m of limb lengthening; therefore the dimensionless growth rate G is about 0.7. The average vertical exaggeration in the upper 1 s is about


G= lengthening. Therefore, the dimensionless growth rate is

Tb (3) about 0.66. The time involved is no more than about 4Ma,
yielding an absolute fold-growth rate G of not less than 0.15
The dimensionless growth rate has the advantage that it is mm/y.
directly observable in the fold geometry and that it can be The seismic example from the Santa Barbara Channel,
measured for each identifiable stratigraphic interval 5T California in Figure 3 has a limb length of about 2.5 km with
an associated 2.1 km of growth strata, yielding a dimensionless
5L growth rate G of 1.2. The time involved is 2-4Ma therefore
5Tb (4) the absolute fold-growth rate G is about 0.6-1.3 mm/y. A
similar growth structure in the City of Los Angeles, California
Furthermore if key beds can be dated to determine a time (Fig. 7) has a dimensionless growth rate G of 0.6 and an
interval 6?, then the dimensionless growth rate provides the absolute fold-growth rate G of about 1 mm/y.
relationship between the sedimentation rate 5r/5f and the
absolute fold-growth rate G = 6L/5?.
Effects of variation in sedimentation rate
5L 8T The examples and models of growth structures shown so far
G.=T:^=GT- (5)
5t 6t are probably not typical of the full scope of growth structures
Thus the dimensionless growth rate is a geometric measure of because they all involve high sedimentation rates relative to
the rate of folding. the rates of fold growth (dimensionless growth rates less than
A seismic example of a measurement of a dimensionless 1). In particular sedimentation keeps ahead of deformation in
growth rate is given in Figure 6, which is the east limb of the these models and geological examples such that there is no
6 km wide Allegria anticline in Cebu. The axial surfaces are bathymetric or topographic expression of folding, which is
simply located as the boundaries between regions of homo- expected not to be true in many cases. Expected absolute
geneous dip (Suppe & Chang 1983). The kinematic class of fold-growth rates in tectonic environments are not well
kink band is that of Figure 2b. The inflection on the right- known but probably do not range much below one or two
hand axial surface marks the beginning of growth; approxi- orders of magnitude less than plate motions, that is perhaps
mately 900 m of growth strata are preserved above the fold-growth rates are in the range 0.1 mm/y-1 cm/y. In
inflection, which were deposited during 600 m of limb contrast, sedimentation rates are known to range over many

Central G == 0.001 G = L/T|3=1

^ l ^ b .
>, / / G - 10
E 100 • =w^-
d— y ^ G = ioo
y ^ ^ ^ G = iooo
rt 1.0
c / y ^ G = 10000

1 0.01 / y ^ probable range

-B / of conditions

• \ 1

0.01 1.0 100

absolute fold growth rate Ga= L/t mm/y

Figure 8. Graph showing the expected geological range of absolute fold-

growth rates G^ = Lit and sedimentation rates T^lt in relation to the
dimensionless growth rate G = LIT.^. Tectonic folding rates in some cases
might be as fast as plate-tectonic rates (I cm/y-10 cm/y) and probably are
never much less than 0.1 mm/y, whereas sedimentation rates rarely exceed
1 mm/y and can be several orders of magnitude less. Therefore sedimenta-
Figure 7. Cross section through a growth structure in the Los Angeles basin, tion rates are expected to be commonly one or two orders of magnitude less
California, based on well and seismic data. The right-hand axial surface is than absolute fold-growth rates, leading to dimensionless growth rates G =
the active axial surface. A dimensionless growth rate G of about 0.6 is in- LIT.^^ of 10-100 or greater. Dimensionless growth rates less than 1, which are
dicated for approximately the last 2 Ma, implying an absolute fold-growth shown in the models of Figure 2, require high sedimentation rates relative to
rate of about 1 mm/y. This apparently active structure extends at least 40 km fold-growth rates. Models with lower sedimentation rates are shown in
along strike in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Figure 9.


Dimensionless Growth
b. c.
Rate G= L/T = 0.6

G = L/T = 1.6 Angular G = m- = 8

J 7 v ^ Disconformity Angular
.1^ Disconformity

G= L/T = 0.6
G = 1JT = 8
1^ Disconformity

Figure 9. Models showing the effect of reducing the sedimentation rate in a growth structure. The upper models are for one active axial surface moving
to the right. The lower models are for two active axial surfaces moving outward relative to the material. Angular disconformities develop when the boundary
between deposition and non-deposition, which is the edge of topographic or bathymetric relief, lies along an active axial surface.



Figure 10. An east-west seismic profile of a growth structure similar to Figure 9e from Antelope Hills, San Joaquin basin, California. Vertical and horizontal
scales are approximately equal.



i-1 s

:,: .#ii«angi-;::<ff— p
,_ _-«——"•".'• : iiiiiiiii"*'" ..J..''.

- .-5??$!:3|

Figure 11. Seismic profile showing a short-term decrease in sedimentation rate relative to the rate of limb lengthening at a depth of about 0.9 s; Santa Barbara
Channel, California. The average vertical exaggeration in the upper 1.5 s is about 1.7. The apex of the growth triangle is obscured by horizontal multiples
at depths less than 0.7 s. Seismic profile provided by Texaco USA, BP Exploration Inc., and Sun Operating LP.

orders of magnitude but are expected to be commonly one or complexities are largely ignored in this paper.
two orders of magnitude less than deformation rates, leading Relatively short term fluctuations in sedimentation rate -
to dimensionless growth rates G = LIT^^ of 10-100 or greater for example caused by climactic variation - are expected to
(Fig. 8). A fast deformation rate is expected to be on the order be reflected in the fine structure of the growth axial surfaces.
of centimetres per year whereas fast sedimentation rates are For example the seismic line in Figure 11 shows a local
on the order of millimetres per year. fluctuation in dimensionless growth rate at a depth of about
Growth structures appear drastically different with lower 0.9 s whereas the long-term dimensionless growth rate is
sedimentation rates; for example Figure 9 shows that even a quite constant. It is of course possible that these changes in
modest one-half reduction of sedimentation rate makes the dip of the growth axial surface could reflect short-term
uplifting block non-depositional in the models of Figure 2. fluctuations in deformation rate, but sedimentation rate is a
This gives rise to time-transgressive, cross-cutting surfaces more likely cause given known climatic fluctuations.
of nondeposition, here called angular disconformities. An
example of an onlapping time-transgressive disconformity
similar to Figure 9e is shown in Figure 10. If the uplifting Growth fault-bend folding
block undergoes erosion, then time-trangressive angular
unconformities are predicted, examples of which are shown So far we have considered growth structure only from the
in later sections. perspective of kink-band migration, ignoring the fundamen-
The simple models at high sedimentation rate in Figures 2 tal causes of the motion of active axial surfaces. This
and 9 assume that sedimentation is independent of deformation. approach is useful because growth structure is observed
In contrast we may expect that the bathymetric or topographic commonly at shallow depths on seismic profiles, whereas the
relief that is produced at low sedimentation rates will have a deep structure causing the axial surfaces to move commonly
direct impact on the process of sedimentation. Both sedi- is not imaged or is poorly imaged. Insight into these deep
mentary facies and sedimentation rates will be affected by structural causes is obtained most rapidly by constructing
structure - for example pelagic drape, downslope transport, models of the growth structures that are predicted for the
and shoreline facies - which give rise to more complex fold known common mechanisms of fault-related folding. Fault-
and reflector geometry within the growth strata. The differ- bend folding is discussed in this section and fault-propaga-
ences between the model in Figure 9e and the data in Figure tion folding in the next. The growth structure associated with
10 are thought to be caused by heterogeneous sedimentary normal faulting is presented in detail elsewhere (Xiao &
facies and associated heterogeneous compaction. These Suppe 1990), but is essentially analogous to compressive


A' A B' B

deposition non-deposition deposition


c. deposition erosion deposition

A B' B"

Figure 13. Models showing the effect of changing sedimentation rate on

geometry of growth fault-bend folding. Figure a is for conditions similar to
Figure 12a, Figure ft is for uplift on the ramp equal to sedimentation rate in
the basin, and Figure c is for uplift greater than sedimentation. The upper
Figure 12. Model of the sequential development of a fault-bend fold at high surface in these models is constrained to be horizontal such that no relief
sedimentation rate such that no bathymetric or topographic relief develops. develops.
The active axial surfaces are A and B from the beginning of deformation until
instant of Figure b, at which point A is released from the footwall bend and
becomes inactive. At the same instant axial surface B' spawns a new axial
surface A'' that is pinned to the footwall bend and begins to form a new kink cutoffs. Thus the total slip on the fault is the width of the kink-
band bounded by inactive axial surface B' and active axial surface B'' (Fig. band in the pregrowth strata and the history of slip is recorded
c). Kink band B'-B'' is only visible in the growth strata because the folding in the upward-narrowing growth triangles. Note that even if
of pregrowth strata along B' at the instant of Figure b unfolds the fold that the fault were not imaged, the overall asymmetry of the
was present in pregrowth strata along B' at the stage of Figure a. At the stage growth structure would betray the leftward vergence of the
of Figure c axial surfaces 6 and B " are active (analogous to Fig. 2f)andA',
A, and B' are inactive.
thrusting - a fact that would not be known from the shape of
the fold in pregrowth strata alone.
fault-bend folding except that the active axial surfaces nor- A sudden change in kinematics takes place when the slip
mally do not bisect interlimb angles, which is the condition equals the length of the ramp (Suppe 1983), that is when the
for conservation of layer thickness. hangingwall cutoff associated with B' reaches the footwall
The simplest fault-bend fold involves a thrust fault step- cutoff associated with A (Fig. 12b). At this instant axial
ping up from one decollement horizon to another, for exam- surface A is released by the footwall cutoff while axial surface
ple the classic Cumberland or Pine Mountain thrust sheet of B' spawns a new axial surface B " that is pinned to the footwall
the southern Appalachians (Rich 1934). Figure 12 shows a cutoff (Fig. 12c). At this final stage both axial surfaces of the
sequential set of models of a simple-step fault-bend fold with
a high but constant sedimentation rate relative to the slip rate,
such that no bathymetry or topography develops. Figure 12a deposition erosion deposition
•*• < •-« •
shows the fold at an early stage of development. The front
side of the anticline shows a kink band A-A' with the left-hand
axial surface inactive and the right-hand active, analogous to
the kink-band model of Figure 2b and the seismic lines of
Figures 4 & 6. The back side of the anticline shows a kink-
bandfi-6' analogous to the kink-band model of Figure 2c, the
seismic lines of Figures 3 & 11, and the cross section of Figure
7. Note that the two active axial surfaces are pinned to bends Figure 14. Model of fault-bend fold under erosive conditions that has
moved beyond the top of the ramp. An earlier stage in fault slip is shown in
in the footwall - that is, footwall cutoffs - whereas the inactive
Figure 13c. The upper surface in this model is constrained to be horizontal
axial surfaces terminate at the corresponding hangingwall such that no relief develops.


2 km

ri^~;?:^A^&y^' \-: ^t-". "'-^i^-.

Figure IS. Seismic example of an erosive growth fault-bend fold analogous to the front flank and crest of the model fault-bend fold in Figure 14; eastern
Venezuelan basin. Notice that the synclinal axial surface terminates at the unconformity above and the fault below. The steep axial surface connecting two
segments of unconformity in the front flank of the anticline records an interval of higher sedimentation rate relative fold growth rate. The poorly imaged
nearly flat fault is the Pirital thrust. The average vertical exaggeration in the upper 1.0 s of syncline is approximately 0.8.

back kink band are active and are analogous to the axial thickness of strata deposited over the ramp decreases and the
surfaces in the kink-band model of Figure 2f. dip of the growth axial surfaces decreases. In the limit of
It is important to realize that in fault-bend folding the nondeposition over the ramp (Fig. 13b) the growth axial
particles are moving everywhere parallel to the local orienta- surface on the back limb is horizontal and is an angular
tion of the fault. Uplift takes place instantaneously only over disconformity whereas the growth axial surface on the front
the ramp, therefore thin sedimentation takes place over the limb is parallel to the front-limb dip and is a surface of
ramp in the zone bounded by the two active axial surfaces (A disconformable onlap. For any horizon within the growth
and B in Fig. 12a and B and B" in Figs 12b & 12c). The sequence, the region in which a bed is missing records the
sedimentation rate over the ramp is equal to the sedimentation region of non-deposition over the ramp. If we move into the
rate in the basin minus the uplift rate over the ramp. Therefore erosive regime we observe down cutting into the pregrowth
the swath of thin beds running diagonally upwards from left strata (Fig. 13c). The magnitude oferosion is proportional to
to right in Figure 12c are the beds that were deposited over the the time spent over the ramp; for example note the progres-
ramp and the growth axial surfaces bounding the thin sediments sively deeper erosion updip on the front flank of Figure 13c.
record the locus of particles deposited on the active axial Figure 14 is a model of a fault-bend fold that has slipped
surfaces that bound the region of thin sedimentation over the beyond the top of the ramp in the erosive regime. Figure 15
ramp. is a seismic example from eastern Venezuela that is analo-
If we lower the sedimentation rate in our models the gous to the front flank and crest of the model. Notice the
progressive down cutting of the pregrowth strata and the
progressive onlap of the growth strata. Also notice in the
model that the unconformity has been folded on the crest such
Growth that the unconformity is dipping but the beds above and below
Pre- are horizontal. This relationship is observed at the right edge
Growth of the seismic example and in other lines along strike. This
same model has been applied to Lost Hills anticline, Califor-
nia (Medwedeff & Suppe 1986a, 1986b; Medwedeff 1989).
Figure 16. Model of growth fault-bend fold with sedimentation rate less If the uplifting block does not erode then substantial
than uplift rate and non-deposition over bathymetric or topographic relief. topography or bathymetry can develop, as shown in Figure
The structurally highest part of the fold is along the back anticlinal axial
16. Notice that once the fault slips beyond the top of the ramp
surface where the angular disconformity is being folded. Note that growth
strata are missing at the front anticlinal axial surface. A similar fold from the the angular disconformity is folded such that the
Perdido foldbelt of the Gulf of Mexico is modelled in detail by Mount er al. bathymetrically highest point on the fold is along the back
(1990). anticlinal axial surface whereas growth strata are missing


over the front anticlinal axial surface. A structure from the

deepwater Perdido foldbelt, offshore Texas, displaying these
distinctive features is presented with a detailed interpretation
by Mount era/. (1990).
fault tip-
Growth fault-propagation folding

Two theories of fault-propagation folding exist which predict

different front-limb growth structure, whereas the predicted
back-limb growth is qualitatively the same for both theories
(Suppe & Medwedeff 1990; Mosar & Suppe (1991, this
volume)). The two theories differ in the kinematic behavior
of the front anticlinal axial surface. The steep front limbs of
fault-propagation folds normally are not imaged on seismic
lines, therefore it is difficult to obtain good data on front-limb
growth. For these reasons our discussion of growth fault-
propagation folding will focus on the back limb. All the
models we show assume that the front anticlinal axial surface
is fixed.
The progressive development of a growth fault-propaga-
tion fold at high sedimentation rate relative to slip rate is
shown in Figure 17. Both axial surfaces bounding the back
limb are active and moving outward, therefore the kink-band
migration is analogous to Figure 2d. The inverted triangle of
horizontal beds over the back limb records the progressive
widening of the kink-band during growth. A seismic example
from the Oak Ridge anticline, Ventura basin, California is
Figure 17. Progressive development of a fault-propagation fold at high shown in Figure 18. The steep front limb is known from
sedimentation rate such that no bathymetric or topographic relief develops. drilling but is not imaged on the seismic profile (for a well
Both axial surfaces are active on the back limb and move outward relative to
the material (see Fig. 2d); the triangle of flat-lying beds were deposited over
section along strike see Suppe & Medwedeff 1990). A
the back limb and record its progressive widening. The front synclinal axial growth fault-propagation fold from the Perdido foldbelt
surface is active and the front anticlinal axial surface is fixed (see Fig. 2c). showing the characteristic flat dips over the long back limb
and the unimaged front limb is shown in Figure 19. Another
example from the same region is interpreted in detail by


Figure 18. Seismic profile of the back limb of a growth fault-propagation fold showing an upward widening triangle of gently dipping beds similar to Figure
17, Oak Ridge anticline, Ventura basin, California. A well section of this structure along strike is given by Suppe & Medwedeff (1990), which shows it to
be a fauU-propagation fold less than a million years old.


4 S Figure 19. Seismic profile of

growth fault-propagation fold,
Perdido foldbelt, offshore

Mount &Suppe (1990).

At lower sedimentation rates time-transgressive angular
disconformities and unconformities are predicted as shown in
Figures 20 & 21. Note in Figure 21 that the same age beds are
predicted above and below the unconformity ordisconformity.
Figure 22 is a seismic example from southern Oklahoma
similar to the back limb of the balanced growth model in
Figure 21a with non-deposition on the fold crest. A more
complex seismic example (Fig. 23) - also from southern
b. Non-Deposition
Oklahoma - shows erosive growth similar to Figure 20d at an
j Growth
early stage of growth followed by a long period of sedimen-
1 Strata tation without much deformation followed by deformation
(compare model Fig. 21b). In detail the first period of growth
is more complex than the model as shown by the detailed
reflector geometry, which shows alternation between trun-
cation and overlap - possibly recording sea-level fluctua-
tions. The back-limb growth predicts a nearly orthogonal
unconformity in the front limb (Fig. 21b) which is conform-
ably overlapped by the base of the upper stratigraphic sequence;
C. Non-Deposition this unconformity is observed as predicted in drilling.
Such structures as shown in the seismic profile of Figure
23 and the model of Figure 21b are of course bizarre but are
a direct consequence of the kinematics of the folding mecha-
nism. Such strange structures require very extensive subsur-
face data - properly interpreted - to be documented or later
deformation and erosion to allow them to be mapped at the
surface. The fact that these structures have the same age beds
above and below the unconformities and that beds abruptly
change from conformable to unconformable relationships
suggests that such structures would be widely misinterpreted
in the subsurface. Similar time-transgressive angular

Figure 20. Models of growth fault-propagation folds showing the effect of

varying sedimentation rate. In all but Figure c the upper surface is con-
strained to be horizontal. Figures c and d have the same sedimentation in the
basin, whereas c is non-erosive and d is completely erosive. Note that the
growth axial surfaces flatten as the sedimentation rate decreases.


complex stratigraphic and structural relationships indicate

a. folding by constant-dip kink-band migration.
Angular Disconformity

Relationships between limb length and fault slip

We would like to transform our observations of rates of
growth of folds into fault-slip rates for both scientific and
practical reasons, for example to constrain the kinematics and
dynamics of deformation in the Earth and for assessing
earthquake hazards. These observations of growth structure
at shallow depths based on seismic profiles and wells allow
us to measure directly the rates of folding or limb lengthening
by way of the dimensionless growth rate G - 5L/57" or, if we
can date key beds, the absolute fold-growth rate G^ = 8L/8r.
Angular Unconformity We can easily transform these folding rates into fault-slip
rates if we know the deep structure - that is if we have a well-
constrained cross section.
Growth"}' However in many cases the deep structure is poorly known
whereas the shallow growth structure and folding rate G or
G is well known. We would like to know what constraints

these observations make on fault-slip rate. Therefore in the

following sections we derive relationships between limb-
length and fault slip for fault-bend folding and fault-propaga-
tion folding. We find that even if fault geometry is poorly
constrained, fault-slip rates are well constrained by the limb
Time-Transgressive dip 5 and the folding rate G or G^ because the ratio of limb
Angular Unconformity length to fault slip Us does not vary rapidly with fault shape.
Uncertainties in L/s are no more than 10-20% in many actual
Growth cases.

Relationship between limb length and fault slip for fault-

The angular relationships for fault-bend folding are shown in
Figure 25. In general there is a change in fault slip across any
fault bend, which can be described by the slip ratio R

Figure 21. Three models of growth fault-propagation folds showing the

effect of varying sedimentation history. Analogous geological examples are s sin(yi-i-ei) sin(Yi-i-ei)
shown in Figures 22,23 & 24. Notice that the same age beds lie both above
and below the time-transgressive angular unconformities and disconformities. So sin(Yi-l-(t)+0i) sin(Yi+62) (6)

unconformities were documented by Tomlinson (1952) in his where s^ is the fault slip before the bend and s is the slip be-
classic paper 'Odd Geologic Structures in Southern Okla- yond the bend (Suppe 1983, eq. 16). Note - there is a
homa'. difference in sign convention between the published theories
Dibblee (1966,1986) mapped a structure analogous to the of fault-bend folding (Suppe 1983) and fault-propagation
predicted front-limb structure of Figures 21b & 23 in the folding (Suppe & Medwedeff 1990): Equation (6) is written
Transverse Ranges of California as shown in Figure 24. in the sign convention for fault-propagation folding. P| is the
Notice that on the left-hand side of Figure 24 - below point A hangingwall cutoff of the folded beds (see Suppe 1983).
- the Juncal Formation lies conformably on Cretaceous shale.
At point A, where the anticlinal axial surface disappears, the Fault-Bend Folding Fault-Propagation
contact suddenly makes a right-angle bend to become a nearly Folding
orthogonal angular unconformity (compare point A in Fig. e, =- ei= +
21). The angular unconformity extends to the right to point
B where the anticlinal axial surface reappears, similar to point Pi=- Pi= +
B in Figure 21. To the right of point B the Juncal Formation
Yi = + Yl= +
lies on the Espada Formation - roughly parallel but with
several kilometres of section cut out between A and B. These (()= + i, = +


2 km

is^i s


Figure 22. Seismic profile of the back limb and crest of a growth fault-propagation fold from southern Oklahoma. The growth axial surface terminates
in the middle of the back limb at a time-transgressive disconformity similar to the model of Figure 21a. Average vertical exaggeration in the upper 1.5 s
is about 0.9. Seismic profile provided by Professional Geophysics Inc. (PGI).

2 km

Figure 23. Seismic profile of a growth fault-propagation fold from southern Oklahoma, which is similar to the model of Figure 21 b. The structure grew
under erosive conditions at an early stage, after which it stopped growing or grew slowly relative to the sedimentation. The structure was reactivated late
in the depositional sequence. The strong angular unconformity that is predicted for the front limb (Fig. 21 b) has been encountered in drilling but is not imaged
on the seismic profile. A similar unconformity is shown in Figure 24. Average vertical exaggeration in the upper 1.5 s is about 1.5. Seismic profile provided
by Halliburton Geophysical Services, Inc.


Relationship between limb length and fault slip for fault-

propagation folding
The relationship between limb-length and slip is somewhat
more complex for fault-propagation folds because of their
intrinsic complexity and because we have two theories of
fault-propagation folding (Suppe & Medwedeff 1990; Mosar
& Suppe (1991, this volume)): (1) a constant-thickness theory
that conserves layer thickness and bed length throughout the
fold, and (2) a fixed-axis theory that allows thickening or
thinning of beds in the front limb. Nevertheless slip in a fault-
propagation fold is governed by the equations of fault-bend
folding because the back syncline associated with the con-
cave fault bend is simply a fault-bend fold.
The horizontal widths of the limbs of fault-propagation
folds may be observed in map-view, seismic, and well data.
These widths are equal to the lengths of the limbs except for
the front limb of fixed-axis fault-propagation folds, for which
there is a modification as a result of limb thickening. The
equations for the limb widths and lengths are given by Suppe
Figure 24. Growth structure western Transverse Ranges, California similar & Medwedeff (1990) in terms of the stratigraphic height h
to the front limb of the fault-propagation fold growth model of Figure 21c between the fault bend and the fault tip (Fig. 27), as follows:
(simplified from Dibblee 1966). Note that the Juncal Formation is conform-
Constant-thickness theory. The front-limb width W^and length
able to the Cretaceous shale below point A whereas between A and B a nearly
orthogonal discordance exists. The Juncal Formation is approximately L^are given by the constant-thickness theory as
conformable to the Espada Formation to the right of B. The anticlinal axial
surface that disappears at point B reappears at point A, as predicted in the
sin(2y-6 2-Y* )
model of Figure 21c. These complex stratigraphic and structural relation-
sinY*sin(2'Y-0 2). (9)
ships are indicative of growth during sedimentation and erosion with
deformation by kink-band migration.
and the back-limb width W and length L^ as
It can be shown (Suppe 1983, Fig. 12) that slip increases
{R>\) across all concave fault bends with cross-cutting Wb = Lb = h [coty *-cotY i ] +
hangingwalls whereas slip decreases {R<\) across convex 1 11 — ^ 1\ l rsin(y 1-1-62)1
bends. Slip is conserved (/? =1) for fault bends that are par- .sin92 sin(2y-9
Y-9 2)
2)J L smy 1
allel to bedding in the hangingwall, for example faults step- (10)
ping up from a decoUement (that is (|) = S^, note Tt-[^+y^]-J^).
Because of this change in slip we derive two equations The fault slip s is
relating limb length L to fault slip s^ or s. By the law of sines
we have from Figure 25 s =h
sm 92 sin(2 y-0 2)
\^_ sin(Yi-l-9i)
So siny i Combining (11) with (9) and (10) we obtain the desired
(7) relationships between limb length and fault slip for a con-
stant-thickness fault-propagation fold
and combining (6) and (7) we have
sin(2y-9 2-y* )
sin(Y 1-1-92) front-limb length Lf siny*sin(2y-9 2).
s sinyi slip s 1
sin92 sin(2 y-9 2) (12)
Figure 26 gives a graph of the relationship between limb dip
5 = (7i-2y|) and Lis with lines of constant concave fault bend
(j) and hangingwall cutoff angle 9, based on equation (8) above
and equations (7) and (8) of Suppe (1983). This graph is back-limb length Lb [coty*-coty 1]
discussed after derivation of the corresponding equations for slip s 1 1
fault-propagation folding. sin92 sin(2 Y-9 2)
L siny 1 J


Fixed-axis theory. The front-limb length in the fixed-axis r s i n Y p I rsin(Ye-92)"|

theory is equal to the front-limb width times the stretch: LsinYiJ |_sinYeSin02j
front-limb length Lf
slip s sinYi / s i n YP "I
LsinyiJ (14)
ne2 sin(Ye+Yi-e2)- )J
The front-limb width W, is

'sin(Ye-62)" and
Wf = h
back-limb length L^
Combining (14) and (15) we obtain L^ slip s
[cotYe* -cotyi]

Lf=h [ sinYpI rsin(Ye-e2)"

s i n y i J L sin'yesin02
_ sinYi / s i n Ye 1

The back-limb width W and length L equal 1 sinYi/sin Y e l F s i n C n + e ^ ) !

Wb = Lb = h [cotYe*-coty i ]
[ sin02 sin(Ye+yi-92)-l L sinyi J
sinyj /sin Ye "
J sinYi / sin Ye "] r s i n ( y i + 9 2 ) 1 Lsini
+ h n92 sin( y e + y i - 9 2 ) -
.sin92 sin(Ye+Yi~92)- )J L sinyi J
(17) (21)

Fault slip s in a fixed-axis fault-propagation fold is The above equations give relationships between fault slip
and limb length and width for fault-propagation folds. Inas-
J- sinYi / s i n y^
much as back-limb growth is most easily observed, Figure 28
sine2 sin( Ye+yi-92)
(18) gives a graph of the relationship between back limb dip ?>^ =
2(7t-y,) and LJs with lines of constant fault bend <[) or
Combining (18) with (15), (16), and (17) we obtain the hangingwall cutoff angle 0^ based on the above equations and
desired relationships between slip and limb lengths and numerical solution of the fundamental equations of fault-
widths propagation folding of Suppe & Medwedeff (1990). This
graph is discussed below.

front-limb width Wf sinYeSin92
slip s sinYi / s i n y^
sin 92 sin( Ye+yi-92)
(19) .^

30° 60° 90°

back dip 5

Figure 26. Graphs of the relationship between limb dip 5 and limb length
Figure 25. Fault-bend fold showing angular relationships for derivation of LI slip for synclinal fault-bend folds with lines of constant fault bend $ or
relationship between limb length and fault slip. hangingwall cutoff angle Gj.


Figure 27. Fault-propagation fold showing angular relationships for deri-

vation of the relationships between fault slip s and limb length L and width
W. The axial angles are shown for the fixed-axis theory. The constant
thickness theory simplifies to y = Ye = Yj and y* = y^* = y.*


0.7 -


0^ 20° 40^ 60^
back dip 5
Figure 28. Graph of the relationship between limb dip 8 and slip IL (back limb length) for constant-thickness fault-propagation folds with lines of constant
fault bend (j) and hangingwall cutoff angle 91.

Figure 29. Models of a kink band with a 30° limb dip showing the range of fault shapes that can produce the same fold. Note the variation in fault slip
with constant fold geometry.


Discussion of relationships between limb length and slip 1990). Therefore fault slip commonly can be closely con-
strained from fold geometry.
We would like to estimate fault-slip rates from observation of
shallow growth structure and to assign uncertainties based
upon our uncertainties in the underlying fault geometry. For
example Figure 27 shows schematically how the same kink
band might form by slip on a variety of faults. The equations
The well known processes of fault-related folding such as
and associated graphs obtained in the previous sections allow
fault-bend and fault-propagation folding specifically predict
us to assign these uncertainties in fault-slip rate based on our
fold growth by constant-dip kink-band migration. This
uncertainty in fault geometry. This discussion assumes a two-
implies specific fold geometries within the stratigraphic
dimensional geometry - essentially dip-slip motion. If the
sequences deposited during fold growth, which are observed
folding is produced by oblique slip through a fault bend, such
as shown by seismic examples. Specifically, kink bands
that there is a strike-slip component, then the kink band decrease in width upward through the growth strata. Rates of
records the dip-slip component. kink-band migration are observed in a few structures to be on
In the schematic example of Figure 29 a limb dip of 30 the order of 1-2 mm/y. Straightforward relationships are
degrees is displayed. If based on growth structure we believe derived between limb length and fault slip which commonly
the kink band is produced by a synclinal fault bend then allow fault slip to be determined within rather narrow limits
Figure 26 shows that the ratio of limb length to fault slip L/s from shallow growth structure, even if fault geometry is
ranges between 1.0 and about 2.0. If we can constrain the poorly constrained - a fact that makes growth structures
problem further, for example regional geological relation- valuable for assessing earthquake hazards.
ships might indicate that the upper fault dip 0^ must be less
than about 50°, then we can further limit Us to the range 1.0 Suppe is grateful to the Guggenheim Foundation for support during a
to 1.25. Thus with only rather modest information on fault sabbatical leave in 1978-79 when the initial theory of growth fault-bend
geometry we can constrain fault slip rather closely from folding was developed (Fig. 12). However most of the theory of growth
growth structure. structure was developed during Fall of 1985 when Chou and Hook were
Similar conclusions are reached for fault-propagation visiting professors at Princeton, supported by Texaco USA. We are all
grateful to Texaco for the continued support and encouragement of this work
folds (Fig. 28); namely that the relationship between limb and to the many sources of the seismic examples, including Texaco USA;
length and fault slip does not vary rapidly with fault geometry Professional Geophysics Inc. (PGI); BP Exploration Inc.; Sun Operating
at a constant limb dip. For example with a back-limb dip of Limited Partnership; Nippon Western US Company, Ltd; Halliburton Geo-
15-25°, which is quite common, the fault slip ranges between physical Services, Inc.; R. Prieto, R. del Pilar, and A. Saldivar-Sali. We
0.4 and 0.6 times the back-limb length for almost all fault thank Steve Boyer and Shankar Mitra for reviews of the manuscript. The
work on the relationship between fold growth and fault slip and on the
geometries. Fault geometry of fault-propagation folds com- examples from California were supported by USGS NEHRA grant 14-08-
monly can be constrained rather closely from shallow geo- 0001-G1699,
logical data such as ratios of limb widths (Suppe & Medwedeff


Dibblee, T. W. Jr. 1966. Geology of the central Santa Ynez Mountains, Santa , Suppe, J. & Hook, S.C. 1990. A forward modelling strategy for
Barbara County, California. California Division of Mines and Geology balanced cross sections. American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Bulletin, 186, 1-99. Bulletin, 14, 52\-53\.
1986. Geologic map of the Hildreth Peak Quadrangle, Santa Barbara Rich, J. L. 1934. Mechanics of low-angle overthrust faulting as illustrated by
County, California. Thomas W. Dihblee Jr. Foundation Map, DF-07. Cumberland thrust block, Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. American
Medwedeff, D. 1989. Growth fault-bend folding at southeast Lost Hills, San Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 18, 1584-1596.
Joaquin Valley, California. American Association of Petroleum Geolo- Suppe, J. 1983. Geometry and kinematics of fault-bend folding. American
gists Bulletin,13, 5A-tl. Journal of Science, 283, 684-721,
& Suppe, J. 1986a. Growth fault-bend folding - precise determination 1985. Principles of Structural Geology. Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood
of kinematics, timing, and rates of folding and faulting from syntectonic Cliffs, New Jersey, 1-537.
sediments. Geological Society ofAmerica Abstracts with Programs, 18, & Chang, Y. L. 1983. Kink method applied to structural interpretation
692. of seismic sections, western Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 19,
& 1986b. Kinematics, timing, and rates of folding and faulting 29-49.
from syntectonic sediment geometry. EOS Transactions ofthe American & Medwedeff, D. A. 1984. Fault-propagation folding. Geological Society
Geophysical Union, 68, 1223. of America Abstracts with Programs, 16, 670.
Mosar, J. & Suppe, J. 1991. Role of shear in fault-propagation folding (this & 1990. Geometry and kinematics of fault-propagation folding.
volume). Eclogue Geologicae Helvetiae, 83 (Laubscher volume), (in press).
Mount, V.S. & Suppe, J. 1990. Seismic structural analysis of the deep-water Tomlinson, C. W. 1952. Odd geologic structures in Southern Oklahoma.
Perdido foldbelt, Aliminos Canyon, Northwest Gulf of Mexico. In: Future American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 36, 1820-1840.
Petroleum Provinces of North America. American Association of Pe- Xiao, H. B. & Suppe, J. 1990. Origin of rollover. American Association of
troleum Geologists Memoir (in press). Petroleum Geologists Bulletin (submitted).

Role of shear in fault-propagation folding
Jon Mosar' & John Suppe

Department of Geological and Geophysical Sciences, Guyot Hall, Princeton

University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544-1003, USA

Abstract: The effect of layer-parallel shear on the shapes of fault-propagation folds is explored
for the two theories of fault-propagation folding of Suppe & Medwedeff (1990): (1) constant layer
thickness and (2) variable front-limb layer thickness; the range of possible fold shapes is
significantly expanded relative to the case of no shear. In this analysis, a homogeneous differential
layer-parallel shear is applied to the beds that are cut by the thrust fault in the cores fault-
propagation folds. This shear may be applied in three ways: (1) self-similar fold growth during
fault propagation with constant shear applied instantaneously along the bed of the fault tip, (2)
progressively increasing shear during fault propagation, and (3) shear after the fault is locked
modifying the existing fault-propagation fold. The final shape of the fold is independent of the
history of shearing in relation to fault slip. The fold shapes are largely governed by the fault
steepness and the amount of imposed shear. Strong differential shear profiles and shallow faults
produce overturned or thickened front-limbs. Little differential shear and steep faults result in
upright or thinned front-limbs.

The concept of fault-propagation folding, as well as other Model description

concepts of fault-related folding, has proven successful in
unravelling the development of numerous folds (Laubscher The theory describing fault-propagation folding is based on
1977; Suppe 1983, 1985; Suppe & Medwedeff 1984, 1990; the kink method for constructing cross sections (Coates 1945;
Suppe etal. 1990; Jamison 1987; Mitra 1988,1990; Mounter Suppe 1985) and incorporates line-length, balanced models.
al. 1990). Fault-propagation folds form contemporaneously The kink method is based on the observation that fold limbs
with a propagating fault tip. An anticline develops over the are frequently straight and hinge zones relatively small
blind thrust and a syncline at the fault tip (Fig.l), which lies compared to the limb lengths (Faill 1973; Suppe 1983; Boyer
along the same layer as the branching point of the anticlinal 1986). If layer thickness is conserved, the kink method
axial surfaces. Slip along the thrust surface goes to zero at the implies that axial surfaces bisect adjacent fold limbs. If layer
fault tip. thickness changes across the fold hinge, the axial surfaces no
Material transport during folding is achieved by transla- longer bisect adjacent limbs (Suppe 1983,1985; Marshak &
tion parallel to the thrust surface. Changes in transport Mitra 1988). Applying the kink method results in angular
direction occur when material passes through axial surfaces. fold hinges, some angles being rather tight (Fig.l). More
The geometric and kinematic constraints of the model arise rounded hinges can be obtained by introducing numerous
largely from applying the laws of conservation of volume closely spaced axial surfaces. Although this does change the
(Goguel 1952; Laubscher 1962; Dahlstrom 1969,1990) and details of the fold geometry, it does not, however, change the
the kink method for construction of cross sections (Coates overall kinematic and geometric features involved in fault-
1945; Faill 1973; Suppe 1983,1985). Two models of fault- propagation folding. In order to understand implications
propagation folding are discussed here. Both models are arising from the models and not to complicate unnecessarily
balanced forward models, one based on conservation of layer the models, this analysis uses simple geometries, which
thickness and bed length, the other allowing thickness changes involve only as many axial surfaces as required to describe
in beds in the front limb (Suppe & Medwedeff 1990). the fold shape.
The quantitative fault-propagation fold model is appropri- The mathematical theory of fault-propagation folding is
ately applied only in the domain of upper crustal brittle simply a compatibility, conservation relationship, such that
folding, where rocks have suffered little internal deformation material particles are preserved between the undeformed and
under low grade or non-metamorphic conditions - for exam- deformed states with no voids or overlaps and such that layers
ple the Jura Mountains (Laubscher 1962,1976) or the Prealps are continuous except where cut by the fault. There is no scale
(Mosar 1989). The interpreter should evaluate carefully to the theory and therefore no explicit history. However, in
whether the model should be applied - either quantitatively or the case of no shear it is conveniently considered that the folds
qualitatively - to folds from areas that have undergone signifi- grow self-similarly as the fault propagates (Fig. 1) because in
cant flow or if other models would be invoked more fruitfully. this case fault shape and slip are the only variables. In

'Present address: Musee Geologique, Universite de Lausanne - BFSH2, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland


Figure 1. Fault-propagation fold development (simple step-up, constant

layer thickness model, fault ramp angle = 30°; anticlinal interlimb angle in
fold core = 78°; interlimb angle of syncline at fault tip = 108°).

contrast, the deformational history of a final fold shape Figure 2. Self-similar growth of a simple-step fault-propagation fold. The
becomes clearly non-unique in the case of non-zero shear. In differential layer parallel shear (angular shear a) is determined by the
general the shear may be applied in three ways: (1) self- original fold geometry. Once this geometry is acquired, a stays the same as
similar fold growth during fault propagation with constant the fauh propagates from (a) through (d), only the width D of the shear profile
increases. (Fault ramp angle = 30°; anticlinal interlimb angle in fold core =
shear applied instantaneously along the bed of the fault tip, 60°; interlimb angle of syncline at fault tip = 90°; a = 31.8°).
which is shown in Figure 2, (2) progressively increasing shear
applied in various possible ways during fault propagation and occuring within specific stratigraphically controlled weak
fold growth, and (3) shear applied after the fault is locked horizons may be important.
modifying the existing fault-propagation fold. The final The conditions for conservation of line-length and area
gross shape of the fold in pre-existing strata is independent of can be expressed quantitatively in a mathematical formula-
the history of shearing in relation to fault slip, but the fold tion using only angles describing the fold shape (Fig. 3).
shape in growth strata will record the deformational history Exact solutions involving shear have been derived for the
(Suppe era/. 1990). general case, not involving a decollement (Suppe &
The fold develops kinematically by consuming layer par- Medwedeff 1990). This phase will only be concerned with
allel slip and the overall deformation is one of simple shear. simple step-up fault-propagation folds, that is, when the fault
The amount of layer parallel shear across the fold is determined steps up at a given angle 0^ from a bedding plane decollement
by the fold geometry (interlimb angles as well as angle and (Fig. 3). The results indicate that in this simple step case, the
height of the ramping thrust plane). Thus some fold geometries fold shape (viz. the various internal axial angles) is a function
may require a differential bedding parallel shear to be of two independent variables only: S , the shear associated
transmitted through the structure (see also Mitra 1990, p. with layers in the fold core; and 0^. i^Q fault step-up angle.
925). A displacement profile of single layers through the flat Two different fault-propagation folding theories have
lying beds in the trailing part of the fault-propagation fold, been developed (for details on the quantitative derivations see
may then be a straight line perpendicular to bedding or a more Suppe & Medwedeff 1990).
complex line if excess layer parallel shear is implied by a
different fold geometry. Excess layer parallel shear can, for
example, be induced by bending of beds along a supplemen- Constant-thickness theory
tary axial surface (Suppe 1985, p. 318). Although excess In the constant-thickness model, bed length and layer thick-
layer parallel shear appears to be minor in many examples of ness are conserved throughout the fold. The quantitative
fault-propagation folding (Suppe & Medwedeff 1990), shear geometric relationships are shown in equation (1). Note that


CONSTANT THICKNESS THEORY overturned. The front-limb dip is always parallel to the back-
A B limb axial surfaces!

AJX i '1 ^l^

sin y\
sin Yi

(a) '"''"'' ~'''''
% ,
Kinematic aspects
The kinematic aspects and characteristics of fault-propaga-
tion folding can be addressed in several different ways, only
a few of which are briefly described here. Once the fold is
FIXED AXIAL SURFACE THEORY initiated, it grows self-similarly (except for later possible
imposition of additional shear, as discussed above). Struc-
A B tural relief increases during propagation and the flat anticlinal
top progressively disappears (Fig. 1).
': I ••: 1

Material transport direction

Displacement directions of material with respect to the fault-
propagation fold footwall (Fig. 4) are the same for both the
constant-thickness and the fixed axial surface theories. In-
stantaneous velocities are constant within regions bounded
Figure 3. Simple step-up fault-propagation fold model. Sj step-up angle, by the axial surfaces through which the thrust sheet passes. In
Y, back-limb axial surface angle, y, Yg. % front limb axial surface angles, y*,
the trailing part of the structure and above the basal thrust,
y*, Yj* fold core inter-limb angles, a 'shear angle'. A, A' front limb axial
surfaces (axial surface A is fixed in the fixed axial surface theory); B, B' material moves parallel to the decoUement. A change in
back-limb axial surfaces; C fixed fold core axial surface, (a) constant- translation direction occurs along the synclinal axial surface
thickness theory, (b) fixed axial surface theory. In both theories S = tan a. B' associated with bend in the fault plane (Fig. 4). Between
the back-limb axial surfaces and in the fold core the transport
02 - 2(y - y*). Axial surfaces always bisect adjacent fold
direction is parallel to the ramping fault plane. In the anticline
limbs. Overturned frontal limbs occur at angles 2Yless than
crest and the front-limb the translation is parallel to the two
front-limb axial surfaces A and A' (Fig. 4).
1 -I- Icos J COS 62-2 The bending stresses arising from these rotations are
Sp = '+ (1)
sinly sin 62 released by layer parallel slip on discrete surfaces (Suppe
1983, Kilsdonk & Wiltschko 1988), by fracture formation
(faults and veins) and dissolution along stylolites (Laubscher
Fixed axial surface theory 1976, Srivastava & Engelder 1990, Pfiffner 1990).
In the fixed axial surface model we allow for thickening or
thinning in the front limb of the fold, with the constraint of
conservation of area. This thickening or thinning is caused by
the front limb anticlinal axial surface (Fig. 3b, axial surface
A) being fixed relative to the rock. No material moves
through axial surface A and bed thickness is conserved in the
crestal and back-limb portions of the fold. In this case axial B'
surfaces in the front limb and the fold core do not bisect
adjacent limbs. The quantitative geometric relationships are
presented in equations (2) and (3).

Icos 02
Sp = Icoty^ + (2)
sin 02

The change in bed thickness in the front limb is given by the

ratio TJT., where T^is the unchanged bed thickness external Figure 4. Kinematic properties of simple step-up fault-propagation folds.
to the front limb and T. the altered layer thickness in the front Material transport directions (no velocities given) during self-similar fold
growth with respect to footwall (fixed axial surface theory with front-limb
limb (thickening 1> T / r . > l thinning). Note that 6^ - {y. +
Y)" (Yi*+ Ye*)' which requires that the front limb cannot be


'/>*0 IHi < :-, '• '.

Ilk f


Figure 5. Kinematic propertie.s of diffcreni simple step fault-propagation fold models (detail see text), (a) constant-thickness theor>. shallow fault, low
83 =V5°;7*=21.6*';Y= 29.1°, {b)conslant-thicknesstheory, steep fault, high 62 = 45°;Y*=5l.2'';Y=73.7°,(c)fixed axial thickness model with front limb
thickening: TJ J. = 0.35. shallow fault, low 6^ = 10°; 7^*= 18.6°; y^ = 19.7°. (d) fixed axial thickness model with front limb thinning: T^/ T^ = 1.37 steep
fault, high 02 = 40°; yg*=41.2°; y ^ ^ 67.5°. Arrows indicated sense of material moving through active axial surfaces.

Constant thickness Fixed axial surface

theory theory

07 = 55' 9^ = 55'

\ Te/Ti=^l37
Figure 6. Influence of fault-
ramp angle 6^ on fold shape in
simple step fault-propagation
folds with conslanl ramp height.
09 = 45= 0 2 = 40° Shear is zero; step-up angle
changes from (a) through (d).
The total displacement at the
fold back end of case (d) in the
Te/Ti = 0.69 fixed axial surface theory could
not be represented accurately.

02 = 30° 02 = 20°

Te/Ti = 0.35

09=15° 02=10°


Fold axial surfaces

Shear in fault-propagation folds
Different types of axial surfaces can be recognized in fault- Differential bedding parallel shear in fault-propagation folds
propagation folds (Fig. 5): is associated with each bend in the fold and with the termina-
(1) Active axial surfaces in which material moves through tion of the fault. In general, bending of beds along a synclinal
the axial plane as the fold grows. They are attached to the or anticlinal axial surface produces a specific amount of layer
footwall as in the case of bends in the fault surface (Fig. 5, parallel simple shear that is a function of the change in dip
axial surface B') or to the fault tip (Fig. 5 axial surface A'). across the axial surface (Suppe 1983,1985). In simple-step
Whereas the former active axial surface is fixed relative to the fault-propagation folds that ramp from a decollement, we
footwall, the latter is translated as the fault tip propagates. In have the possibility of shear occuring in layers that form the
the constant-thickness theory both the anticlinal axial sur- fold core (that is, layers that are truncated by the fault), as
faces A and B (Fig. 5a & b) are active. In the fixed axial defined by equations (1) and (2) (Figs 2 & 3). Layer parallel
surface theory, only the back-limb anticlinal axial surface B shear in beds above the fold core (above beds lying along the
is active (Fig. 5c & d). It is also worth noting that from a line connecting the fault tip and the branching point forming
kinematic point of view, an additional axial surface exists the anticlinal axial surfaces) can also be expected. This shear
parallel to bedding along the line connecting the fault tip and may, for example, be accounted for by branching fold axial
the anticlinal branching point. In the fixed-axis theory this surfaces. The bending shear associated with these axial
'hidden' axial surface is identical to B (Figs 5c & d), whereas planes can account for shear imposed at the trailing edge of
in the constant-thickness theory it is distinct (Figs 5a & b). the fold (Namson 1981, Mitra & Namson 1989).
(2) Fixed, or inactive axial surfaces are planes fixed rela- Here the focus is only on the implications of shear applied
tive to material in adjacent fold limbs, but not with respect to to the core of simple-step fault-propagation folds. It is
the footwall. No material rolls through fixed axial surfaces. suggested that structures analogous to this type of situation
In all of the models the axial surface C in the fold core is fixed are to be found in the Jura Mountains and the Prealps (Swiss
(Fig. 5) although this surface extends upwards as the fold and French Alps). Structures in these fold and thrust belts
propagates. In the fixed axial surface theory the front-limb develop above a weak basal decollement associated with
anticlinal axial surface A (Fig. 5c & d) is also fixed. As no evaporite-rich layers. These layers frequently form the fold
material moves through surface A, the kinematics require cores and may be able to accommodate large amounts of
thickness changes in the front limb. differential shear.
The differential bedding parallel angular shear a is taken
as positive in a counter-clockwise sense. Negative angular
Fault steepness and fold shape shear cannot be ruled out and can be considered as a wedge
shaped structure affecting the fold core layers. The axial
If no differential displacement profile exists in the layers cut surface C (Fig. 3) in the fold core dips at a steep angle when
by the fault - that is the fold geometry does not require excess the angular shear is negative or very low (Fig. 7). With
layer parallel shear - then the fold shape is a function of the increasing shear this axial plane has a shallower dip angle,
fault geometry only. In a fault-propagation fold stepping up close to that of the ramping fault plane. In the constant-
from a decollement, the fault shape is given by the step up thickness models, increasing shear causes the frontal limb to
angle 0^ (Fig. 5). For a fixed stratigraphic height of fault- overturn. Larger amounts of shear in fixed axial surface fault-
propagation both slip and structural relief decrease with propagation folds are associated with front-limb thickening
increasing fault dip 9j. With constant displacement, but in- whereas low shears are associated with front-limb thinning.
creasing fault dip, the structural relief increases and the fault The no-thickness-change situation S = 0 occurs for a step-up
tip climbs into higher stratigraphic levels. Front limbs are angle 0^ = 29°. This also represents the unique case where
overturned for shallow fault angles and upright for higher both the constant-thickness and the fixed axial surface theo-
step-up angles. Also the anticlinal axial surface of the fold ries coincide. Note that for step-up angles less than 10° and
core dips in the same direction as the ramping fault for for fold core inter-limb angles less than 20-25°, small changes
shallow values of 0^ (Fig. 6c, d). With higher step-up angles, of these angles induce dramatic changes in shear. Conversely
however, this axial surface is steeper and eventually has a large changes in shear only produce minor changes in fold
reversal in dip direction (Fig. 6a, b). At the same time the fold shape if step-up angles and fold core inter-limb angles are
asymmetry is reversed and faces in the opposite direction of small (Figs 8 & 9).
the transport sense on the thrust. Thus applying shear to the fold core layers enlarges the
In fixed axial surface models the structural relief at con- range of possible geometries for fault-propagation folds.
stant ramp height is not significantly altered by changes in the These families of configurations can be represented graphi-
fault angle Q^. As in the constant-thickness models the axial cally as a function of shear S , the fault step-up angle 0^ and
surface of the fold core is rather steep at high step-up angles the angle between the axial surface of the fold core and the
and eventually has a dip direction opposite of that of the fold limb Y* and y^* (Fig. 8). In the case of the fixed axial
ramping fault plane (Fig. 6). The front-limb is always surface theory it is necessary also to consider the impact of
upright, but the overall width of the beds is thickened for low thickness changes in the front limb as given by T/T. (Fig. 9).
fault angles and thinned for high 0^ values. Not all geometries predicted by the mathematical solutions


Constant thickness Fixed axial surface

theory theory

TelTi = 0.55

(a) L!.4.^fc^.>fe;.7i.>l.:...l:^2sr>^SirIi?.-^!Z..'.^r:.r.

5p=1.18 a =49.8° 5;, = 1.75 a =60.3°

Te/Ti = 0.71

(b) kpMiptppnMiiiMMi

5^ = 0.62 a =31.8° Sp = 0.93 a =42.9°

Te/Ti= 1.12

(^) h-^. --:>•!

5„ = -0.06 a =-3.5°

Sp = - 0.41 a = - 22.5^ Sp = - 0.86 a = - 40.6°
Figure 7. Influence of shear in fold core layers in simple-step fault-propagation folds with constant ramp height. Siiear decreases from (a) througti (d);
step-up angle for all four cases is 30°. Fold core angles y * respectively y^' are: (a) 25°, (b) 30°, (c) 40°, (c) 50°.

are geometrically consistent with fault-propagation folding. and lift-off folds because displacement goes to zero at the
Three types of solutions can be found (Fig. 10): basal layer, rather than a finite value as in detachment folds).
(a) first, a set of situations where geometries (sets of fold In this case no thrust surface exists and no slip has occurred
internal angles) are consistent with the fault-propagation fold other than layer parallel slip. The axial plane C of the fold
models. That is, displacement occurs along a fault surface - core intersects the back-limb axial surface B' at the basal
a decollement portion and a ramp portion in simple step-up horizon of shear (Fig. 10b);
models - which implies that the axial surface C of the fold core (c) third, a set of geometries which are inconsistent with
intersects the ramping fault segment between the fault tip and fault-propagation folding by thrust faulting. The displace-
the point where the fault steps up from the decollement (Fig. ment sense along the ramp segment of the fault appears to be
10a); a normal fault and the axial plane C in the fold core intersects
(b) second, a set of solutions in which simple parallel-kink the back-limb axial surface B' (Fig. 10c).
folding without faulting is produced (simple shear folding, The geometries expected by the third type of solutions are
not to be confused with detachment folds such as box folds not considered here. They fall within the upper right of the


Constant thickness model

^ ^
' .'4
92S y
^ ,
.' - . . . • - ' . J

s 2.5

J 0



Fault angle O2
Figure 8. Inter-limb half angle 7* as a function of fault-ramp angle Oj and shear S for constant-thickness fault-propagation fold models (solutions from

Fixed axial surface model

Figure 9. Inter-limb half

angle Ye* as a function of
fault-ramp angle Sj and
shear S for fixed axial
0" 10° 20° 30° 40° 50 60° surface fault-propagation
fold models (solutions
Fault angle 62 from eq. (3)).


for cross section construction. They do not attempt to explain

dynamic and mechanical aspects of the deformation. Mate-
rial transport is achieved by combining translation and migra-
tion (with change of transport direction) through certain axial
surfaces. The models only apply to upper crustal domains
subject to low grade metamorphic conditions.
(2) It has been demonstrated that in both the constant-
Fault - propagation fold thickness theory and the fixed axial surface theory the shape
of simple step fault-propagation folds is only a function of
two independent variables: the angle 9^ between the ramping
fault and the bedding and the shear S imposed on the layers
in the fold core. The results support that the major changes
in fault-propagation fold geometries are possible given these
two independent variables.
For the constant-thickness theory, at high step-up angles
with low shear, upright front limbs with material rolling from
"Simple" shear fold the flat anticlinal crest into the front-limb are predicted. In
constant-thickness models the front-limb undergoes thinning
for the same conditions. For shallow step-up angles with high
shear, the front-limbs are overturned in the constant-thick-
ness theory and material moves from the front-limb onto the
anticlinal crest. The same conditions imply front-limb thick-
ening in the fixed axial surface theory.
(3) In the fixed axial surface theory no assumptions are
made on the mechanisms responsible for the thickening or
Inconsistent solution thinning in the fold front-limb. Homogeneous thickness
Figure 10. Solutions of consistent and inconsistent geometries for fault-
changes cannot be expected in domains subjected to brittle
propagation model as obtained from the general mathematical formulations deformation. Small scale folds, imbrications, faults and other
Models are fixed axial surface, simple step fault-propagation folds, (a) S,p similar structures are likely to play a dominant role in achiev-
1.09, a = 47.5°, Oj =35°; (b) Sp = 1.93, a = 59.9°, Oj = 35°; (c) Sp 3.12, ing these results. As a consequence, homogeneous dips can
a = 72.2°, e , = 35°. no longer be expected in the front limb, and accurate dip
measurements obtained from field data may be difficult to
shear S versus step-up angle 9^ diagrams (Figs 8 & 9). The integrate into the model. Limb widths may then be more
solutions for geometries consistent with the fault-propaga- important than dip measurements (Suppe & Medwedeff
tion models represent the major areas of these same diagrams. 1990).
The solutions for simple shear folds lie along a single line (4) The possibility ofdifferentially distributed layer-parallel
separating the two domains mentioned above. The condition shear through the stratigraphic sequence in fault-propagation
for consistency with the general case fault-propagation model folds implies that more possible fold shapes must be con-
(no decollement) can be expressed mathematically (see ap- sidered. This in turn makes it possible to use the models in a
pendix). wider range of geological situations. Only models with
homogeneous bedding parallel shear within the stratigraphic
interval cut by the fault have been discussed here, but other
Discussion and conclusions models with progressive shear throughout the fold structure,
or combination of different models may be developed.
(1) Given their importance the general characteristics of
fault-propagation folding are reiterated here. The fold and the This study has benefited greatly from help and many discussions with Dick
propagating fault develop simultaneously. After its initial Bischke and Don Medwedeff. We would like to thank Ken McClay and an
anonymous reviewer for their suggestions which helped improve this manu-
geometry is acquired the fold grows in a self-similar way. script. This work was supported by ARCO, MOBIL, Schlumberger, TEXACO
The models developed in this paper are kinematic, balanced and UNOCAL to which we are thankful. J. Mosar would also like to thank
models based on the requirements imposed by the law of the Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research, the Luxembourg Govern-
conservation of volume and the utilization of the kink method ment R&D Program (R&D/BFR/89012-A1) for their financial support.


Boyer, S. E. 1986. Styles of folding within thrast sheets: examples from the & Namson, J. 1989. Equal-area-balancing. American Journal of Sci-
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Structural Geology 8, 325-339. Mosar, J. 1989. Deformation interne dans les Pr6alpes Medianes (Suisse).
Coates, J. 1945. The construction of geological sections. Quarterly Journal Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 82, 765-793.
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1-11. for balancing cross sections. American Association ofPetroleum Geolo-
Dahlstr6m,C.D.A. 1969. Balanced cross sections. Canadia«yourna/o/£arr/! g««, 74,521-531.
Science, 6,743-757. Namson, J. S. 1981. Structure of the western foothills belt, Miaoli-Hsinchu
1990. Geometric constraints derived from the law of conservation of area, Taiwan; I southern part. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 18,31 -51.
volume and applied to evolutionary models for detachment folding. Pfiffner, O. A. 1990. Kinematics and intra-bed strain in mesoscopically
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 74, 336-344. folded limestone layers: examples from the Jura and the Helvetic zone
Faill, R. T. 1973. Kink-band folding. Valley and Ridge Province, Pennsyl- of the Alps. In: 1. ann. meeting Swiss Tectonic Studies Group, Basel,
vania. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 84, 1289-1341. Abstract vol.
Goguel, J. 1952. Traite de tectonique. Masson, Paris, 383p. Srivastava, D. C. & Engelder, T. 1990. Crack-propagation sequence and
Jamison, W.R. 1987. Geometric analysis of fold development in overthrust pore-fluid conditions during fault-bend folding in the Appalachian
terranes. Journal of Structural Geology 9, 207-219. Valley and Ridge, central Pennsylvania. Geological Society of America
Kilsdonk, B. & Wiltschko, D. V. 1988. Deformation mechanisms in the Bulletin, 102, 116-128
southeastern ramp region of the Pine Mountain block, Tennessee. Suppe, J. 1983. Geometry and kinematics of fault bend folding. American
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 100, 653-664. Journal of Science, 283, 648-721.
Laubscher, H. P. 1962. Die Zwei-phasenhypothese der Jurafaltung. Eclogae 1985. Principles of Structural Geology. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New-
Geologicae Helvetiae, 55, 1-22. Jersey, 537p.
1976. Geometrical adjustments during rotation of a Jura fold limb. , Chou, G. T., & Hook, S. C. 1991. Rates of folding and faulting de-
Tectonophysics, 36, 347-365. termined from growth strata (this volume)
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Although various angles, and hence fault-propagation fold smaller than the length xz of the ramping fault segment (Fig.
shapes are consistent with the mathematical formulation 11). Expressed differently, the angles y* (constant-thickness
derived from volume conservation, not all solutions are theory) and y* (fixed axial surface theory) have to be in a
geometrically feasible. range such that the axial surface of the fold core always
Several boundary conditions impose limiting constraints intersects the ramping fault segment. Conversely, the axial
on the variety of fault-propagation fold shapes (Suppe & surface of the fold core cannot intersect the back limb axial
Medwedeff 1990). (1) Internal fold angles cannot exceed surface associated with the fault bend at the intersection of the
certain upper limits. The step-up angle 9^ has to be less than decollement and the ramping fault segment (Fig. 10c).
The consistency conditions for the general (not only
simple step-up from a decollement) fault-propagation fold
model is given by : xy < xz. Using trigonometric relation-
ships, xy and xz can than be expressed as:

sin 62 (4)


sin Y[
xy = (5)
Figure 11. Outline of parameters involved in deriving the general consist- sin P2 •S'" 7e
ency conditions. General case fault-propagation fold, fixed axial surface
From internal angular relationships (Suppe & Medwedeff
1990) we know that:
60°, hence y, and (y^* + y*) have to be smaller than 90° and
larger than 60°. (2) To be consistent with the fault-propaga-
tion fold model, the distance xy between the fault tip and the P2 = 180 - (7* + r^ +Pi (6)
intersection of the axial surface of the fold core has to be


Pi = 02- 5\,= 02 + 2/1 - 180 (7) For the constant-thickness fault-propagation fold model,
where (y.*+ y^*) = 2"^ we thus will have the following limiting
Replacing and substituting we then obtain the following condition:
sin 02 < sin (if - 02 + 5b) (11)
^ > '^'"^' ti, (8) In a simple-step fault-propagation fold with a fixed front
sin02 sinYs sin \(yi+ Ye) " P)\ anticlinal axial surface, we have 9^ = 8^ Thus the former
equation simplifies to:

• * • rr*^ *\ o1 sin02<sin(Y*+ /e) (12)

sinYe sin (/i + Ye) - P\\ ^ ^
sin 02 < '^^^-^^ — (9)
•"" ^i and for a simple-step fault-propagation fold conserving layer
thickness this simplifies to:
And finally we obtain the following general condition for • rt < • ^?v*^ ri"^^
consistency with the fault-propagation fold model (general V /
case, both theories)
Equations (12) and (13) represent the domains shown in
^ the upper right comers of Figures 7 and 8.
sin 02 < —T sin \(Y* + /e) - (^2 " ^b)]


2-D reconstruction of thrust evolution using the fault-bend fold method
Reini Zoetemeijer* & William Sassi

Institut Frangais du Petrole, BP 311, 92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex, France

Abstract: This paper presents a computer-aided method for analysing geological cross sections
in compressive terranes. The deformation of thrust sheets is simulated using the geometrical model
of fault-bend folding. The modelling focuses on complex thrust configurations like multiple
imbrications and duplexes. This paper discusses the geometrical constraints of the fault-bend fold
model to highlight the applicability and methodology of the kinematic reconstruction method. An
application to a section from the Jura Mountains shows that complex thrust geometries can be
analysed. Improvements on earlier work concern the treatment of transported piggy-back thrust
sheets and the introduction of sedimentation and erosion processes. With the current computer
method it is possible to investigate the stratigraphic patterns that develop in the syn-orogenic
basins. This can provide insight in understanding the kinematic evolution of thrust systems.

The conceptual model of fault-bend fold deformation may be esses in the simulation.
used for structural interpretation of geological cross-sections The main limitations of the geometric model of deforma-
as a method of restoration and may serve as such, as an aid to tion are discussed in the paper. These concern the treatment
seismic interpretation. With fault-bend fold deformation one of 'high-angle fault-ramp geometry' and the fusion of two
assumes conservation of bed length and orthogonal thickness kink-axes during deformation. Earlier assumptions intro-
throughout deformation and formation of kink-band type of duced to simplify passive deformation are abandoned and it
folding. This model belongs to a class of geometric models is demonstrated that passively transported thrust sheets can
of finite deformation, like the vertical simple shear which is be deformed without production of back shear deformation.
also used in section balancing (Moretti & Larrere 1989). The Finally, sedimentation and erosion processes are introduced
model of fault-bend folding was described in detail by Suppe so that the stratigraphic patterns that develop in the sedimen-
(1983), who demonstrated its applicability for the Pine tary overburden during thrust displacement can be studied.
Mountain thrust sheet in the southern Appalachians, and the
fold- and thrust belt of western Taiwan. Suppe & Medwedeff
(1984) and more recently Medwedeff (1989) have further Geometric method
extended the analysis describing the kinematic relationships
which may prevail between fault-related folds and contempo- The computer method (Endignoux & Mugnier 1990) is based
raneous sedimentation processes. on the equations of Suppe (1983). The solutions of these
The fault-bend fold model may also be used to reconstruct equations strictly satisfy the conservation of bed-thickness
the forward evolution of thrust emplacement (Endignoux and bed-length, and therefore volume remains constant dur-
1989). Although a number of forward computer methods ing the deformation. The mathematical problem is described
making use of this model have been proposed (Usdansky & by equations (1) and (2) and involves four parameters:
Groshong 1989; Chou & Suppe 1987; Charlesworth
&McLellan 1986; Endignoux 1989), very few case history -sin(7^e)f sin(2"i^9)- sinOI
tan 9 = cos(Y-0)[ sin(2Y-9)- sinOJ-siny
studies have been reported in the literature (Endignoux et al. (1)
1989). This paper attempts to demonstrate that such a
modelling approach may be applied successfully to rather P= 9 —(p + (ji —2y) (2)
complex thrust geometries. An example of modelling the
progressive evolution of thrusting is presented using a geo- 9 is the cut-off angle of the fault with stratigraphic layering,
logical section taken from the Jura Mountains, western Alps, (p is the change in fault dip, P is the cut-off angle after bending
studied by Guellec et al. (1990). and 7 is the axial angle, between kink-axis and layering (Fig.
The work has been done using a computer program that 1). The preservation of layer thickness is guaranteed when
was developed by Endignoux (1989) and described in detail taking as the kink-axis, the bisectrix between the two bedding
by Endignoux & Mugnier (1990). This program has been surfaces, before and after bending. In the case where two
modified and extended in order to enable analyses of complex solutions of yexist (mode I and mode II of Suppe (1983)), one
fault geometries (e.g. to allow faults to be activated in any has to chose one of the two possibilities. Figure 1 shows two
order) and to incorporate sedimentation and erosion proc- schematic kink folds, one for an increase of fault dip (anti-

'Present address: Department of Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, PO Box 7161,1007 MC Amsterdam, The


Figure 1. Fault-bend fold method showing (a) anticlinal fold in case of Figure 2. High-angle fault-ramp geometry. For this situation, no kink-
decrease in fault dip and (b) synclinal fold in case of increase in fault dip. angle y exists for which bed-length and thickness remain conserved, when
Parameters: 6 is the cut-off angle of the fault relative to bedding attitude, (p trying to bend the toe towards the surface.
is the change in fault dip, (3 is the cut-off angle after bending and y is the axial
angle, between kink and layering.

High-angle fault-ramp geometry

cline) and the other for a decrease of fault dip (syncline).
Unlike Suppe (1983), who treated problems where cp and P A solution for y and p only exists for certain pairs of values
were the unknown parameters, the equations for the angles P of(pand9(eq. 1 &2). Forexample, geometric problems will
and y are solved, since 0 and (p are defined in the initial occur for a single ramp-flat situation in which both ramp
situation before deformation. angle (p and cut-off angle 9 exceed 30°. In such a case (Fig.
Starting from an initial geological configuration, thrust 2), it is not possible to construct a symmetric kink-fold, while
bodies will deform by addition of an incremental displace- maintaining constant the local volume of the material that is
ment along the fault surface. The resulting folds are defined folded. This implies that situations such as reactivation of
by the parameters P and y, which are calculated from equa- normal faults (fault ramp of 60°) cannot be treated with this
tions (1) and (2) using the Newton method. The angle P is the geometric model of deformation .
newly obtained cut-off angle that is used for the creation of Multiple solutions may be envisaged to allow folding in
folds during further deformation. Also calculated are the case of high-angle fault-ramp geometry (Fig. 3 a-d). One can
amount of bed-parallel shear due to folding, and displace- slacken the constraints of the fault-bend folding hypotheses,
ment variations along the fault, given by the slip ratio, see for example by assuming that bed-length (Fig. 3b), or bed-
Suppe (1983, eq. 16). thickness (Fig. 3c) are no longer preserved. However, these
The process of incremental displacement is stopped when solutions should not be adopted, because the assumptions
the total shortening is achieved and all kink-axes are defined imply respectively an increase in volume (Fig. 3b) or a loss of
in the model. At this stage a thrust geometry is built, taking volume (Fig. 3c). An alternative would be to combine fault-
into account the local effects of bed-parallel shear. The bed- bend folding with a simple shear deformation that is oblique
parallel shear modifies the thrust geometry (cut-off angles) to the stratigraphy of bedding. The simple shear preserves
towards the foreland. However, when geometric problems local volume throughout the deformation. The shear direc-
occur (i.e. high-angle fault-ramp geometry, discussed below) tion could be freely chosen, but must be parallel to the axis
the bed-parallel shear modifies the thrust geometry towards that separates the area where simple shear is imposed, from
the hinterland (rear boundary). the remaining part of the model (Fig. 3d). It seems difficult,
however, to work out a model in which the involved mecha-
nisms of deformation vary laterally for the same material.
Geometric constraints of the model

The fault-bend folding hypotheses: conservation of orthogonal

layer thickness, preservation of bed length and pure layer-
parallel shear, described mathematically by equations (1) and
(2) are very strong constraints. The assumed behaviour of
fault-bend folding is not applicable to all situations (Moretti
etal. 1990), and as with other geological models of deforma-
tion, it has limited range of applicability. However, numer-
ous examples in the foreland of thrust belts could be investi-
gated. If one assumes the fault-bend fold modelling as a valid
approximation, it must be emphasized that during the recon-
struction, geometric problems may arise for only two rea-
sons. The first reason is the high-angle fault ramp geometry Figure 3. Different forced solutions for the treatment of the high-angle fault-
ramp geometry., (a) solution with layer-parallel shear as extra parameter
which cannot be solved in terms of bed-parallel shear and (conservation of bed-length and thickness), (b) conservation of bed-thick-
conservation of both bed length and bed thickness, and the ness, but not bed-length, (c) conservation of bed-length, but not bed-
second reason is when two kink-axes undergo fusion. thickness and (d) oblique simple shear solution (conservation of volume).


Finally, in order to satisfy the local lack of material that is sediments in a synclinal shape, in such a way that kink-axes
necessary for the further deformation of high-angle fault- intersect. The kink-axes will undergo fusion and, if one treats
ramp geometry, a certain amount of extra bed-parallel shear the problem in the mathematically correct way, another kink-
is introduced to ensure preservation of overall volume (Suppe axis has to split up elsewhere in the model on the same shear-
1983; Jamison 1987), (Fig. 3a). Due to length preservation, level. The problem of kink-axis fusion and splitting up is
the change in shape at the rear boundary or trailing edge of the difficult to solve. The solution is no longer unique; several
model represents the amount of required layer-parallel shear kink-axes can be considered for splitting up. However, the
(also called 'negative' back shear). In the proposed approach volume of material lost in the reconstruction is usually very
the value of the kink-angle y is determined such that the amount small compared to the volume of material needed to allow
of extra bed-parallel shear is minimized (see also Endignoux folding in the case of high-angle fault-ramp geometry. In this
& Mugnier 1990; Moretti et al. 1990). method the loss of material during the fusion of kink-axes is
not compensated, and as a result, this will produce a (positive)
backshear towards the hinterland of the models.
Fusion of kink-axes
The deviation from a vertical rear boundary (positive or
Back shear may also occur when the constructed kink-axes negative back shear) measures the amount of material that is
come to intersection during the kinematics of the deforma- needed (high-angle fault-ramp geometry) or is in excess
tion. An important increase in fault dip can bend the overlying (kink-axis fusion) because the assumption of volume preser-

Balanced cross section JURA MOUNTAIN

Oyonnax ,_ La Valserine
Coligny Le Rhone

SALEVE Parmelan Plateau Merdassler
desGlieres LaClusaz Flumet _,<, 2
Cruseilles Thorens Gli<



F~~] ?.


~\ 7


Figure 4. Balanced cross section along the ECORS profile with restoration before Cenozoic deformation. 1: Urgonian limestone; 2: Subalpine Tithonian
limestone and Upper Jurassic platform carbonates; 3: Middle Jurassic limestone; 4: Basement of Jura Mountains and External Belledonne; 5: Basement of
Internal Belledonne; 6: Thrusts and faults; 7: Potential thrusts. I: Cenozoic of Bresse graben and Molasse basin; II Oligocene flysch; III, IV and V: Cretaceous
(III Bresse graben, Jura Mountains and Molasse basin, IV: Presubalpine domain, V: Subalpine domain); VI and VII: Jurassic (VI: Bresse graben. Jura
Mountains and Molasse basin, VII: Presubalpine and Subalpine domain); VIII: Basement. After Guellec et al. (1990). The frame indicates the position of
the area tested by numerical modelling in Figure 5.


••'••••: -•? r'\ ; :;-'K ; ; > f i j f - ' : ' : h ; > . ; /w.n-- ^ •-!;• •;"> • ' r . . - - . , ••ir-

Figure 5. Numerical modelling of the external zone of the Jura Mountains, (a) Restored section of the external zone of the Jura Mountains from Figure
4. (b) Starting template for the forward modelling (Faults labelled 1-9). (c) Forward model after 2 km of displacement, (d) Forward model after 4 km
displacement, (e) Forward model after 6 km of displacement, (f) Forward model,6km of displacementwitherosion. (g) Comparative geological section
(from Fig. 4). . " .• •

vation can not be satisfied locally in these cases. Thus, in seismic interpretation of the Jura Mountains (Guellec et al.
contrast to treatments where extra bed-parallel shear is a free 1990) (Fig. 4). Due to the complexity of the area, the study
parameter (e.g. fault-propagation folding (Suppe 1990a)), in was restricted lo the extreme external zone of the Jura,
the present approach extra bed-parallel shear is only calcu- between Coligny & Oyonnax (Fig. 4). The seismic section
lated to increase the range of solutions for the couples (p-y), cuts the mountain belt well along strike and images thrusts
in case of high-angle fault-ramp geometry and lo simplify the emplaced between 10 Ma (Tortonian) and 4 Ma (Lower
treatment of kink-axis fusion. The influence of the extra bed- Pliocene) (Mugniere/a/. 1990). Triassicevaporites(Keuper
parallel shear has to be minimized in order to support the and Muschelkalk) are considered to form the decollement
coherence of the modelling results. level during Neogene compressional events in the fold and
The following example of the Jura Mountains illustrates a thrust belt. The situation before the compressional events is
solution with minimum bed-parallel shear. described in the restoration of this section (Fig. 5a). It is
obtained using a section balancing technique assuming con-
servation of length. Due to the extensive erosion three
Jura Mountains reference horizons are chosen: Urgonian, Upper Jurassic and
Dogger limestones.
The code was tested on a real case example taken from a Layer-thicknesses remain constant all along the section,


and are locally parallel to the basement interface. The

regional basement dip towards the hinterland can be inter-
preted as the lithospheric deflection due to nappe loading
(foreland flexure). However, the wavelength of the flexure is
too large to affect the thrust evolution in the studied area. The
basement dip has been neglected in the simulation and a
horizontal sole thrust assumed. A piggy-back thrust propa-
gation sequence has also been assumed (cf. Fig. 5b). The
balanced reconstruction of the interpreted section shows
several steep fault geometries with dip values in the range of
55°. So, the assumption of high-angle fault-ramp geometry
is put into practice.
The consequence of extra bed-parallel shear for the treat-
ment of high-angle fault-ramp geometries is displayed in the
modelling by the irregular rear boundary (Fig. 5c-f). How-
ever, the resulting backshear, at the final deformational stage,
is found to be very small relative to the 6 km of shortening.
The final state obtained with post-tectonic erosion, is in good
agreement with the interpreted geological section of Guellec
et al. (1990) (Fig. 5g). Although it will not influence the Figure 6. Simple model simulation of duplex structure, showing the back-
results of the geometric modelling, it should be noted that it dip of the fault that is passively deformed on the back of the new thrust, (a)
Initial template, (b) Movement on the first fault - fault 1. (c) Backshear
is more likely that the erosion of 1,000 m locally, has taken
resulting from the assumption of constant cut-off angles, and (d) solution of
place gradually during thrust emplacement. the modified modelling, where the fault-bend fold equations are also applied
The good fit of the final state suggests that calculated lo passive deformation (note the straight back edge).
intermediate stages may be adopted as a reliable geological
model of the thrust evolution in this part of the thrust belt. can provide an additional compatibility condition for the
Figures 5c-d show the intermediate stages of the thrusting deformation. The fault reactivation described above could be
after 2 and 4 km of displacement. . |.;| ,r -ri considered as a consequence of an homogeneous horizontal
\-->fA ^ push at the rear end of the model.
In Figures 7a & b, the modelling results of duplex
Multiple imbrications Th = .. imbrications for various initial spacing of faults are given. In
Figure 7a the original version of the program is used, which
To simplify the deformation of imbricate fault-bend folding, assumes constant cut-off angle with passive deformation.
Suppe (1983) made the assumption of constant cut-off angles The back shear induced by the change in fault geometry is
during the passive deformation. That is the thrust deforma- very different from one case to another. This results from the
tion due to a gradual change in fault-shape by later deforma- difference in change of the fault geometry (back-dip) for each
tions. This assumption was initially followed in the program. initial fault spacing (Fig. 7a). In Figure 7b, the simulation
However, computer results have shown that geometric shows the attitude of the duplexes when displacement on
problems arise in case of multiple imbrications, when earlier earlier faults is re-adjusted to maintain a system with vertical
deformed thrusts are transported piggy-back on newly formed back boundary.
thrusts (Endignoux 1989). When the thrusts were passively A remarkable feature is that the order in which the thrusts
deformed, an additional layer-parallel shear occurred along are activated was important for the inidal version of the
the entire bed-length. This is shown in Figure 6c by a simple program, but not for the current program. If the most external
model simulating a duplex structure. The change in fault fault is activated first, the second thrust will deform along an
geometry occurs in the upper layer and induces the back shear already deformed fault, and the same final geometry will be
at the rear boundary of the model. obtained. This implies that the geometric modelling of
The problem of back shear caused by fault deformation imbricate fault-bend folding is not able to distinguish the
can be solved when the fault-bend fold equations are applied order in which faults have been activated.
to the passively deformed thrusts. This is demonstrated in
Figure 6d, for the same stage as in Figure 6c. However,
instead of the back shear an apparent forward displacement Sedimentation and erosion processes
along the passive fault is observed. Figure 6d shows the
resulting thrust simulation that can be compared to the So far it has been demonstrated that the model can calculate
simplified treatment in Figure 6c. It is interesting to note that correctly the geometry of a thrust belt at any stage of defor-
the fault 1 has been partially 'reactivated' during its passive mation. The next step in the development of the method is the
transport on top of the fault 2, with an amount of displacement introduction of sedimentation and erosion processes which
that balances the backshear shown in Figure 6c. are important elements in the analyses of thrust evolution
Thus, when adequately applied, the fault-bend fold method (Roure et al. 1990; Medwedeff 1989).


,••' , u . - . i \ - Ui- ••-). :• ••. . i i ' • • ^ .

Hi... m

Figure 7, Reproductionof duplex imbrications. 4duplexes with various initial fault spacing, respectively 15, 10,5 and 3 units, (a) results of initial model
with passive deformation assuming constant cut-off angles, and (b) same model as in a, but with adjustment of cut-off angles according to the fault-bend
fold method.
Erosion and sedimentation processes contemporaneous
with thrusting are simulated by numerically following the
evolution of time-lines which may be defined at any given
stage of deformation. For kinematic purposes one may
control independently thrust velocities and rate of sedimen-
tation and erosion. The continual addition of 'material' on
top of the model will fossilize a stratigraphic pattern in the
newly formed basin.
As mentioned above, the geometric description of imbri-
cate fault-bend folding cannot distinguish the order of fault-
ing in the deformation history. However, basin stratigraphic
analyses of the sedimentary overburden may reveal informa-
tion on the kinematics of deformation, which should be used
to constrain the reconstruction (Fig. 8).
Figure 8. Synthetic model of imbricate fault-hend folding. The order in An example of how sediments can register thrust evolu-
which thrusts are activated is not visible from the duplex geometry, but the tion is described by Roure etal. (1990), in their study of the
overlying sediments have recorded the evolution and the different situations southern Apennines accretionary wedge. The observed piggy-
are therefore clearly distinguishable.
back basins, formed by accumulation of syn-tectonic depos-


- ^ ^ ACTIVE ^ 9 1 ACTIVE

^"=^^2 I ^tDACTIVE STEP 2 , / ^ b i t K ^ - tpiFOLDED
' ^-<»'~;'--.' CD, ACTIVE
'pJ nf-Ti„e F— ~-—^ I to ACTIVE

Figure 9. Development of geometry in piggy-back basins in relation to deep-seated structure, (a) depocenlers migrate away from the front of the underlying
fault when the displacement along the thrust is sufficiently slow, (b) The same general geometry of deposits is observed when the thrust is being tilted by
younger thrusts, (c) Depocenters migrate toward the front of the underlying fault when a previously flat portion of thrust becomes folded, {after Roure el
al. 1990).


shown. Note how variation in the local position of the deep

structures affects the shape of the basins and also that of the
erosional surfaces.
Relationships between rate of sedimentation and thrust
velocities are key factors to the kinematics (Suppe 1990b).
When sedimentation rate decreases, the syn-orogenic depos-
its are deformed and important internal angular unconformities
and erosion-surfaces will occur in the stratigraphy. When
deformation slows down, important onlaps are found in the
basin stratigraphy. These features can be reconstructed using
the fault-bend fold method.
Medwedeff & Suppe (1986) have shown that the develop-
ment of the stratigraphic patterns are controlled by two
processes: (1) the instantaneous uplift above the ramp that
creates a crest with less sedimentation or even erosion, and
(2) when deformation continues the sedimentary beds roll
from the back flank onto the the ramp and crest, where they
are covered by younger sediments (Fig. 11)
Furthermore, when the allochthonous material has reached
its maximum vertical uplift at the crest, not only the asymmet-
ric shape of the rolling sediment package emerges, but also
Figure 10. Model simulation of piggy-back basin migration. Note how the the slip along the fault is changed, since the slip is no longer
the variation in local position of the deep structures affects the shape of the taken up in the growth of the fold. This initiates changes in
basins and erosional surfaces.
thrust rates versus sedimentation rates that will be visible in
its of Pliocene and Early Quaternary age, indicate locally the overlying material deposited farther along the fault (Fig.
different directions of depocenter migration (Roure et al. 11). Thus the kinematics of deep thrust may be recorded
1990). Typical relationships that one may expect between laterally by the deposits in the syn-tectonic foreland basins,
syn-orogenic sedimentation and erosional processes are il- even if the distance between these basins and the deep thrust
lustrated in Figure 9. Similar thrust configurations may be is relatively large.
reconstructed using this numerical method. In Figure 10 two
schematic examples of such reconstruction for piggy-back
basins being deformed by thrusting on a duplex structure are

Figure 11. Two stages in the simulation of double ramp thrust structure in which time-lines record the evolution of thrusting. The velocity of the rear
boundary is taken constant. The simulated sedimentation has a constant velocity equal to the Initial vertical growth of the deepest fold {v = v . sin (p). However,
displacement along the fault changes as a function of the slip ratio and the kinematics of the deep fold are recorded in the basins, not only close to the fold
but also more towards the foreland.


Conclusions As an additional feature sedimentation and erosion proc-

esses in the modelling have been included. The sedimenta-
This paper has examined the fault-bend fold model as a tion and erosion processes are simulated by following the
method to simulate the kinematics of thrust evolution. The evolution of time-lines which may be defined at any stage of
computer model is shown to be an efficient tool for building deformation. It has been demonstrated that deposits in
models of thrust evolution, especially when a large number of sedimentary basins can show a detailed registration of the
faults with complex geometries are involved in the analysis thrust evolution. The syn-orogenic deposits give indications
of a geological cross section. on geometry, chronology and kinematics of a underlying
Although the model has important limitations (2-D ap- thrust system. The stratigraphic patterns are not only formed
proach and unsolvable high-angle fault ramp geometries in by direct uplift or tilting due to thrust folding, but also by
terms of local volume preservation), it is shown that rather velocity variations caused by changes in slip ratio during the
complicated situations can be treated successfully. This is thrust emplacement. These velocity variations are recorded
illustrated by the reconstruction of thin-skinned thrusting in basins which may be situated far away from the appropriate
applied to the Jura Mountains, western Alps, using data of an structures. Thus, rate of sedimentation and erosion versus
interpreted geological section from Guellec etal.(\ 990). The thrust velocities are key parameters for the computer-aided
example serves to demonstrate that cases of high-angle fault- method and can be used to analyse and reconstruct the
ramp geometry may be treated satisfactorily if one minimizes kinematic evolution of thrust systems.
the required amount of extra bed-parallel shear to accommo- We would like to thank John Suppe and Donald Medwedeff for constructive
date deformation. discussions. Ken McClay and Francois Roure reviewed earlier versions of
the manuscript and we thank them for their thoughtful comments.


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Kinematic models of deformation at an oblique ramp
Theodore G. Apotria'*, William T. Snedden^,
John H. SpangS David V. Wiltschko'

'Department of Geology and Center for Tectonophysics, Texas A&M University

College Station, Texas 77843, USA
^Texaco E&P Technology Division,
Houston, Texas 77042, USA

Abstract: Kinematic models for the deformation of hangingwall material moving over a footwall
oblique ramp are developed by considering two end members of assumed mechanical behaviour,
vertical shear and layer-parallel shear. In the former case, material is sheared vertically and
displacements remain within the tectonic transport plane; the deformation is accommodated by
thinning of the hangingwall over the ramp. In the later case, material is deflected out of the
transport plane such that the pitch angle of the hangingwall particle path in the plane of the oblique
ramp is equal to the angle between the transport direction and the strike of the oblique ramp. As
a result, shear strains above the oblique ramp are non-zero in both the transport and transport-
normal planes. The deflection and transport-normal shear strains are a minimum for the special
cases of pure frontal and lateral ramps, and maximum at an intermediate orientation, depending
on oblique ramp dip. Fault-bend folds are similar in most respects for both vertical shear and layer-
parallel shear mechanisms. At frontal ramp - oblique ramp intersections, synformal or antiformal
multiple bends in the footwall generate, respectively, second order hangingwall synclines or
anticlines, which terminate along strike into simple fault-bend folds. For the layer-parallel shear
mechanism along the pure oblique ramp, deflected hangingwall material passes through the
transport plane, conserving area and volume. At the rearward intersection zone (concave toward
the transport direction), hangingwall material diverges resulting in local strike-parallel extension.
This extension may be a mechanism for the generation of transverse faults (or 'tear faults') in the
hangingwall. At the forward intersection zone (convex toward the transport direction), displace-
ment paths converge resulting in local strike-parallel shortening. The attitude of the oblique ramp
and the amount of displacement significantly affect the map geometry and magnitude of lateral

A characteristic of thin-skinned thrust faults is that they are Jamison 1987; Groshong & Udansky 1988, in thrust terranes;
parallel to the stratigraphy along 'flats' and cut across the Verral 1981;Gibbs 1983;Whiteefa/., 1986;Groshong, 1988,
stratigraphic section along 'ramps'. Ramps are termed fron- in extensional terranes). Mechanical models have addressed
tal, oblique (or transverse), or lateral, depending on their ramp deformation ofisotropic half-spaces (Berger& Johnson
orientation with respect to the regional transport direction 1982; Kilsdonk & Fletcher 1989) as well as isotropic and
(Fig. 1). Similar ramp - flat geometries have been docu- anisotropic finite layers (Wiltschko 1979, 1981). Here, a
mented in extensional terranes as well (e.g. Gibbs 1984; kinematic model is developed bounded by two end members
Bosworth 1985; Wernicke & Burchfiel 1982), and these are of assumed mechanical behaviour, vertical shear and layer-
termed normal fault ramps. Ramps are a special case of fault- parallel shear. The two end members bound a range of
bends. In general, a fault-bend is a change in fault surface behaviour where a simple shear is imposed at an arbitrary
attitude. angle to bedding, a range also investigated in two dimensions
The purpose of this paper is to establish a criterion for the by White et al. (1986). However, this discussion is focused
kinematic development of a hangingwall moving over a on vertical shear and layer-parallel shear only. The three-
footwall oblique ramp. As the hangingwall negotiates an dimensional displacement and strain behaviour of these two
oblique ramp, do material particles remain entirely within the mechanisms due to motion over an oblique ramp are outlined,
tectonic transport plane (xz, Fig. 1), or are they deflected and discussed with respect to the implications on the devel-
resulting in out-of-plane deformation? opment of fault-bend folds. Here, the analysis is restricted to
Two-dimensional kinematic models of hangingwall de- the motion of hangingwall material by developing simple
formation over fault-bends include those with a preferred kinematic models, with no regard for the state of stress due to
directionofsimpleshear(e.g. Sanderson 1982;Suppe 1983; irregular footwall topography. The mechanics of this process

* Present address: Shell Development Company, PO Box 481, Houston, Texas 77001, USA


that strike- parallel extension and dip-oriented porosity occur

as a result of hangingwall collapse on the upper footwall flat,
as well as the occurrence of strike closure of ramp anticlines
and tear faults. Mitra & Yonkee (1985) attribute cleavage
Oblique (Transverse^ development to multiple phases of deformation in the Idaho-
^amp Wyoming-Utah thrust belt. An early cleavage, formed axial
planar to early buckle folds in the Crawford thrust sheet, is
Frontal Ramp
fanned as folds move over major frontal ramps. A second
cleavage, axial planar to accompanying cross folds, devel-
oped by motion over a lateral ramp in the Crawford thrust.
Wheeler (1980) noted zones of anomalous folding and frac-
turing associated with cross-strike structural discontinuities
in the Appalachian overthrust belt. These discontinuities are
the loci of bends or style changes of detached folds associated
Footwall Geometry with lateral ramps, transverse faults with differential dis-
Figure 1. Footwall geometry. Frontal ramps strike perpendicular to the
placement, enhanced fracture development, and facies or
transport direction (shadowed arrow). Lateral ramps strike parallel to the thickness changes of the stratigraphic units. Sanderson
transport direction. Oblique (transverse) ramps strike oblique to the trans- (1982), Coward & Potts (1983), and Coward & Kim (1981)
port direction. Similar footwall geometries exist in extensional terranes. developed models of differential transport within thrust sheets
and nappes where strains are factorized into wrench, thrust,
is the subject of parallel research (Apotria 1988, 1990). and pure shear components. A wrench shear (differential slip
in the plane of the detachment) occurs in the vicinity of a
lateral thrust tip or oblique ramp. Principal shortening strains
Review of selected previous work calculated from the model of Sanderson (1982) agreed with
those inferred from oblique cleavages and stretching lineations
Oblique ramps and fault-bends appear to be scale independ- around lateral ramps near Mayo, Ireland. Based on the above
ent and have several structural associations. Oblique ramps work, it appears that out-of-plane deformation is to be ex-
inhibit the motion of thrust sheets by macroscopic folding, as pected near oblique ramps. The goal is to develop a context
do frontal ramps, because they represent topography along
otherwise subplanar faults. Oblique ramps serve as a mecha-
/xz=tan 5 ^
nism of displacement transfer by linking en-echelon frontal 11 \ ^J
thrusts (Gardener & Spang 1978; Pfiffner 1981; Goldberg 1
1984; Mitra 1988) and of displacement termination as in the 1 _^
bounding faults to duplexes (Boyer & Elliot 1982; Butler t
1982; Lageson 1984). Oblique ramps have been associated ^
with presumed regional stress concentration mechanisms.
Woodward (1987a) suggests that lateral ramps in the north- ^ o^
em Absaroka thrust system are localized by facies changes Vertical Shear
that occur across the strike of the thrust belt. Oblique ramps
may be associated with basement buttresses where thrust
belts interact with foreland style deformation (Schmidt &
O'Neil 1982; Schmidt et al. 1988; Couples & Lewis 1988).
Documentation of the occurrence of oblique ramps is
common in the literature, yet work concerning the details of
deformation processes involved is limited. The following ^ 2 = 2 tan^
studies suggest that oblique ramps are places where the
common assumption of plane deformation is violated. Butler
(1982) presented a model involving the formation of culmi-
nations and depressions along the strike of a thrust sheet as a
result of footwall lateral ramps. He proposed that the
hangingwall above the bounding faults of duplexes may
extend during ramping, and shorten during footwall imbrica-
tion. This idea was quantified by Petrini & Wiltschko (1986) Layer-Parallel Shear
in which they determined the thinning or shear required in the
hangingwall moving over a promonitory structure as a func- Figure 2. Fault-bend folds demonstrating the mechanisms of and the
tion of lateral ramp dip and ramp height. Boyer (1985) differences in shear strain between vertical shear (a) and layer-parallel shear
described hydrocarbon trap styles related to hangingwall (b) for a unit thickness (t) of the folded layer, (a) shear strain \^ = tan V|/ =
deformation associated with oblique ramps. He suggested tan 5. (b) y^^^ = tan \|/ = 2 tan (5/2). Note also the variation in width of
horizontal beds and forelimb dip for identical ramp dips and displacements.


based on kinematic end members within which observed thickness of the hangingwall is reduced over the ramp, and
behaviour can be evaluated, and unobserved behaviour can the boundary between sheared and unsheared material (axial
be predicted. surface) is vertical. The magnitude of the shear strain in the
forelimb and backlimb in the xz plane is a function of the
ramp angle, 6 (Sanderson, 1982):
End members of mechanical behaviour

The kinematic development of a hangingwall negotiating a Yx7 = tan6 (1)

ramp or fault bend can be placed in the context of two end
members of assumed mechanical behaviour. These two end
member models were discussed by Sanderson (1982) for
two-dimensional deformation and were termed 'bending where the change in angle between two lines originally
fold' and 'flexural flow'. To emphasize the primary mecha- perpendicular and parallel to bedding on the lower flat (y, Fig.
nism involved in each of these, they will be referred to here 2) is equivalent to the ramp dip. If, at some time t, the next
as the 'vertical shear' and 'layer-parallel shear' models, increment of strain at a ramp - flat hinge is infinitesimal,
respectively. These two end members are herein considered expressions for tensorial shear strain in the xz and yz plane
macroscopic mechanisms and do not necessarily refer to can be used to illustrate how displacements are related to
actual deformation mechanisms at the grain or outcrop scale. shear strains (Fig. 3).
Although the examples here illustrate thrust fault-bends, the
analysis is quite general. Normal fault-bends or ramps are
evaluated by reversing the transport direction. For simplicity
we assume that the footwall is rigid, ramps and flats have a
"xz K du 3 w \

planar geometry, and that the regional transport direction is

perpendicular to the strike of the frontal ramp (parallel to the
x-direction in a Cartesian coordinate system, see Fig. 1). (3)

For two-dimensional plane deformation, e = 0. In the

Vertical shear
case of vertical shear, 3u/3z = 0 in equation (2), displacements
As hangingwall material passes through the lower hinge of a are vertical and in the xz plane for a reference frame fixed to
frontal ramp, it may be sheared vertically such that the bedding in the folded layer. Upon moving from the ramp to
thickness measured in a vertical direction remains constant, the upper flat, material undergoes a shear of opposite sign,
analogous to similar folding (Fig. 2a). The bedding-normal and, if the flats are parallel, equal magnitude, resulting in zero

.dj/ aw
£ x z - f.

-yz \ (;?f + ^ ) Figure 3. Ifthe increment of strain at
a ramp-flat hinge is infinitesimal, ex-
pressions for tensorial shear strain in
Vertical Shear the xz and yz plane can be used to
illustrate how displacements are related
to shear strains for vertical and layer-
parallel shear, u, v, and w are respec-
tively small displacements in the x, y,
and z direction. The x-y plane of the
B reference frame indicated corresponds
to bedding in the folded layer. The
dashed lines outline the undeformed
cube, the solid lines represents the
deformed cube, (a) For vertical shear,
displacements are parallel to z with
zero out-of-plane displacement, (b)
Layer-parallel shear admits
displacements in the x and y directions.
Deformed cube consists of components
Layer-Parallel Shear resolved parallel to x and y.

T. G. A P O T R I A ET At.

net strain. This mechanical behaviour is likely to occur if the Thinning of Hanging Wall Over
hangingwall is isotropic with respect to mechanical layering, Ramp (Vertical Shear)
if the rocks are vertically jointed, if the deformation occurs
under conditions where ductile mechanisms predominate, or
perhaps where rocks are unlithified or unconsolidated.

Layer-parallel shear
Alternatively, shear may occur parallel to bedding such that
bedding-normal thickness remains constant throughout the
deformation, analogous to parallel folding (Fig. 2b). This
mechanism is also called flexural slip if the shear occurs
along bedding planes, or flexural flow if the shear is otherwise
distributed through the rock (i.e. at the grain scale). To
maintain constant bed thickness, the axial surface bisects the
angle between the flat and the ramp. The magnitude of the
shear strain at each ramp - flat intersection is (Sanderson

Yx7. = 2tan
(f) (4)
% Thinning
Figure 5. Folding over a ramp is accommodated by thinning of the
Using the same analogy with tensorial shear strain, for hangingwall for the case of vertical shear. Thickness is measured perpen-
plane deformation e = 0 and in the case of layer-parallel dicular to bedding before (t) and after (t') passing through a ramp-flat hinge
shear, 3w/3x = 0 in equation (2). Infinitesimal displacements (Fig. 2). % thinning = (1- t'/t) • 100. The percentage of thinning in the xz
are parallel to bedding in the xz plane. If the upper and lower plane increases with both a and b, since each corresponds to an increase of
the component of ramp dip in that plane.
footwall flats are parallel, the shear strains at the lower and
upper hinges are opposite in sign, resulting in zero net shear
strain. The layer-parallel shear mechanism is likely to occur Application to oblique ramps
in the external, 'colder' levels of layered hangingwall sheets
To extend the analysis to three dimensions, initially consider
where interbed slip due to mechanical layering is prominent.
the path of a particle passing over a footwall oblique ramp
This mechanism provided the basis of folding models devel-
(Fig. 4). For the case of a frontal ramp, where two-dimensional
oped by Suppe (1983), Suppe & Medwedeff (1984), and
plane deformation is assumed, a particle moves in the direction
Jamison (1987).
of tectonic transport (x), moves up the ramp in a direction
normal to its strike, and continues in the transport direction on
the upper footwall flat (path 2, Fig. 4). The particle path along
the oblique ramp may not be quite as simple, and will be
distinctly different for the two end-members described above.
The oblique ramp, in general, will be a plane along which
Rearward Intersection
oblique slip occurs.
Zone In the case in which a vertical shear of the hangingwall
rocks is imposed at the flat-ramp hinge, material is sheared in
the xz and yz planes so that particles in the hangingwall move
vertically (Fig. 3a). Assuming an infinitesimal strain incre-
ment to illustrate the displacements, the tensor shear strain
components reduce to:

'xz ~2V9x/
Figure 4. Footwall geometry including the salient footwall parameters,
a is the angle between the transport direction and the strike of the oblique
ramp. P is the dip of the oblique ramp. 5 is the dip of the frontal ramp. 9 is = i/aw\ (6)
the pitch of the particle path in the plane of the oblique ramp. If the strike
of the frontal ramp is perpendicular to the transport direction, then the
angle between the oblique ramp and the frontal ramp is 90-a. LQ is the where 9u/9z and 3v/3z , the horizontal displacement terms,
initial distance between two adjacent particles on the lower flat, L, is the
are zero. Therefore, there are only vertical displacements in
final distance on the upper flat.
the xz and yz plane in three dimensions. The shear strains are

..HI .

sin 9 - tan a (9)

cos 3

For small values of oblique ramp dip (p), the pitch of the
particle path (9), is nearly equal to the transport direction-
oblique ramp angle (a). This is also true at low and high
values for a, where the oblique ramp approaches a simple
frontal or lateral ramp, respectively.
The case corresponding to an end member model in which
layer-parallel shear is imposed at the flat-ramp intersection
results in a slight modification of equations (2) and (3) above
(Fig. 3b) such that:

TXdzJ (10)
V ^

V " 2V9z/ (11)

. ±...

where 3w/3x and 9w/3y, the vertical displacements terms, are

now zero. In general, there are displacements in the x and y
directions. The displacements are such that the pitch angle of
the particle path in the plane of the oblique ramp (9) is equal
to the angle between the transport direction and the oblique
ramp (a), regardless of the dip of the oblique ramp (compare
eq. (9)):

- a (12)

Figure 6. The relation 9 - a for the case of layer-parallel shear can be The condition that 9=a for layer-parallel shear is a result
demotistraied using a simple physical model. The rigid footwall is repre-
sented by a wooden block and the hangingwall by a thickness of paper sheets, of the condition that there is no deformation in the plane of
which is a useful analogue for folding by layer-parallel shear. Here, all but
one sheet of paper has been removed and marked with a line representing the
transport direction. As the sheet is moved up the oblique ramp (Fig. 6b), the
particle path represented by the line is deflected out of the transport plane
such that 9 = a. In general, the panicle paths on the lower and upper flats are
parallel, but no longer contained in the same vertical plane. (Camera is
directed parallel to the transport direction).

proportional to apparent dips of the oblique ramp:


Yvz = t^"Pv (8)

where p^ and P are apparent dips of the oblique ramp in the PLAN VIEW
X and y directions, respectively (see also Fig. 7). There is no
displacement of the particle out of the transport (xz) plane for
the case of vertical shear. The two components of shear strain
are accommodated by thinning of the hangingwall over the
oblique ramp (Fig. 5). If there is no displacement of a
hangingwall particle path out of the transport plane, its path Figure 7. Parameters used to calculate the out-of-plane deflection for the
may be specified in the plane of the oblique ramp. In this case, layer-parallel shearmechanism. (a) p^ is the apparent dip ofthe oblique ramp
in the displacement direction, p is the angle between the deflected path and
an expression is derived for the relationship between a and the strike of the ramp measured in ihe horizontal plane, z, d, x. y, p, w, q are
the angle q, where q is the pitch of the particle path in the plane leg lengths of right triangles, h is the height of the ramps, (b) In plan view,
of the oblique ramp (see Fig. AI - Appendix 3): ihe deflection is a-p. Other symbols are listed in Appendix 1.


Deflection Out of Transport Given the displacement path of particles in the hangingwall
Plane (Layer-Parallel Shear) for the layer-parallel shear mechanism (eq. 12), the resultant
90 shear strain can be calculated, analogous to that in equation
(4), using the apparent dip of the oblique ramp in the direction

of displacement (see P^ in Fig. 7). The shear strain in the
displacement direction can then be resolved into x and y
This analysis has utilized two kinematic end member
models to describe the displacement paths and shear strains
](» \
of hangingwall material at an oblique ramp. These displace-
a *if

4(>/5C [) / 7ft
ment paths can be applied to determine fault-bend fold forms
over oblique ramps by making a transition from particle paths
/ /U to three dimensional volumes of rock.
^•8 0
1 / >

1 Fault-bend folding over oblique ramps

vij /

ii The fold forms that develop over oblique ramps differ for
each of the two end members of assumed mechanical behav-
iour, vertical and layer-parallel shear. For layer-parallel
0 Deflection 50 shear, the two-dimensional analytic solution of Suppe (1983)
is used, while a graphic solution is utilized for the vertical
(oc-p) shear mechanism. The purpose of this paper is not to present
Figure 8. Variation in the amount of deflection for a spectrum of ramp a complete three-dimensional theory of fault-bend folding,
geometries. The magnitude of the deflection increases with the dip of the but to perform the analysis in two dimensions, initially
oblique ramp (P). For any value of p, the deflection is zero at a=0° and a=90°, assuming plane strain, and constructing serial cross sections
and reaches a maximum at an intermediate value. In other words, there is no across two frontal ramp - oblique ramp intersections (Fig. 9).
out-of-plane deflection for pure lateral and frontal ramps. The location of the
deflection maximum increases from a= 45° to 90° as P increases from 0° to
It is then suggested as to how the theory must be modified to
90°. account for three dimensional geometry and kinematics.

bedding. Therefore, each 'bedding plane' is rotated about an Footwall geometry

axis parallel to the strike of the oblique ramp, an amount equal The footwall geometry in Figure 9 depicts two frontal ramps
to the ramp dip. The transport direction is a line in the bedding linked by an oblique ramp in map view. Note that the
plane, and is deflected. This rotation is perhaps best visual-
ized and easily demonstrated with the aid of a simple physical
ghi'fk I
model (Fig. 6). Equation (12) assumes that beds deforming
by layer-parallel shear can fold at the flat-ramp hinge with no
interaction with frontal ramp - oblique ramp intersections. A
quantitative measure of the out-of-plane deflection involves
calculating the angle between the deflected path and the strike
of the oblique ramp resolved in the horizontal plane (p)
(derived in Appendix 2 and Fig. 7):

cos 3 sin g
sin p : (13)
(1-(sin a sin P)2)l/2

The difference between a and p is then a measure of the Footwall Geometry

(Map View)
deflection of material out of the transport plane. The variation
in the amount of deflection is plotted in Figure 8 for a
spectrum of ramp geometries. The magnitude of the deflec-
tion increases with the dip of the oblique ramp (p). For any
value of P, the deflection is zero at a=0° and a=90°, and
reaches a maximum at an intermediate value. In other words,
Figure 9. Footwall geometry in map view showing the location of serial
there is no out of plane deflection for lateral and frontal
cross sections A-E in Figures 10 and 11, and sections a-l in Figure 12. All
ramps. We will illustrate the significance of this deflection in ramps dip 30° (a=p=30°) and a, the angle between the transport direction
a later section. and the strike of the oblique ramp, is 45°.


intersection between frontal and oblique ramps include a

zone which has a multiple fault-bend. To illustrate the
hangingwall geometry, serial cross sections have been con-
structed, labelled A through £ (Figs 10& 11). Sections A and
E are simple fault-bend folds over ramps which dip 30°.
Section C is a simple fault-bend fold over a ramp which has
an apparent dip of 22° in the transport direction. Section B is
a antiformal multiple fault-bend with ramps dipping consecu- Vrri—^
tively 30° and 22° in the transport direction. Section D is a
synformal multiple fault-bend with ramps dipping consecu- B
tively 22° and 30° in the transport direction. The footwall
geometry is the same for both vertical and layer-parallel shear
mechanisms. In the cross sections that follow, the displace-
ment is small to avoid complicated geometries. Complica-
tions that arise due to interference between axial surfaces are
treated in the following section.

Vertical shear
Fault-bend folds produced by this mechanism were con-
structed graphically by displacing the hangingwall up the D
ramp, maintaining constant vertical thickness (Fig. 10). Like
parallel fault-bend folding (Suppe 1983), two axial surfaces
are generated at each fault-bend (dashed lines), which unlike
parallel fault-bend folding, are vertical. One remains fixed to

Figure 11. Fault-bend folds produced by layer-parallel shear. Section

position corresponds to Figure 9. See text for explanation

the footwall through which material in the hangingwall

passes, whereas the other is a passive marker in the
hangingwall. This mechanism requires thinning of the
B hangingwall over the ramp (see Fig. 5), and bedding line
length is not, in general, conserved before and after slip.
Because there is no interbed slip in the hangingwall, the
forelimb has the same magnitude of dip in the foreland
direction as the ramp dip, in this case 30°. Section C is similar
to sections A and E. However, the shallower ramp dip gen-
erates a ramp anticline with less structural relief and a
shallower forelimb dip (22°). The difference in relief results
in frontal ramp anticlines that plunge with three-way closure
toward the oblique ramp. The amount of structural relief and
closure changes with displacement. Section B has an
D antiformal bend in the footwall. This additional bend results
in a third pair of vertical axial surfaces and an anticlinal bend
in the hangingwall. Similarly, section D has a synformal bend
in the footwall and resultant synclinal bend in the hangingwall
bound by a third set of axial surfaces.
Layer-parallel shear
Fold forms for this mechanism are described in Suppe (1983).
Figure 10. Fault-bend folds produced by vertical shear. Section position Ramp dip is a trigonometric function of forelimb dip and axial
corresponds to Figure 9. See text for explanation. angle (see Suppe's Fig. 7, 1983). In this case, there is no


A' c c PP"
^ m g \ ^
C c' B R' C C'
A \

' ^ :
^ ^

A- V C- B A' B
c c ' R'

=F=;i,.sm 4t• =^i r^ - ^^

^ ^

' 3 ^
i ^ H ^ ^ , , 1.11. ii|.iii.

A' C C'
? B-
\ JL i_ I


A A- C C'

B B' B'


Figure 12. Detailed serial cross sections across ramp intersection zones for the layer-parallel shear mechanism. These sections are labelled a, b, c, d, e,
f, g, h, i,j, k, I, and have a displacements indicated by the distance along the ramp between axial surfaces A and A' in section a. The horizontal erosion
level in section a is the datum for the map in Figure 13. The location of these cross sections is given in Figure 9. See text for explanation.


deformation in the plane of bedding so that bedding line At the synformal footwall bend near the upper flat (section
length is conserved. Due to slip parallel to bedding, slip along g, Fig. 12), axial surface C is at the upper bend, localizing
the fault is lost to folding through each bend (Suppe 1983, eq. surfaces D-D'. The orientation of the D-D' and the dip of
16). Interbed slip and resultant angular shear also results in beds within is determined from the cutoff angle of beds
a forelimb dip that is steeper, in general, than in the case of between C-C, rather than the cutoff angle which determined
vertical shear (Fig. 11). Axial surfaces bisect bedding in the the dip of axial surface B-B' (horizontal beds between C and
hangingwall, thereby maintaining constant bed thickness. B'). Because this new cutoff angle is less, the dip of axial
Sections A and B are folds over frontal ramps dipping 30°, surfaces D-D' is correspondingly less than B-B' (see Suppe
resulting in forelimb dips of 60°. In section C, an apparent dip 1983, Fig. 7). Section k shows similar interference structures.
of 22° yields a forelimb which dips about 23°. Clearly, as From these serial cross sections, a map of the various dip
ramp dip decreases, the amount of interbed slip decreases. domains bounded by axial surfaces was generated at a speci-
Therefore, at small values of ramp dip, the forelimb dip fied horizontal erosion level (Fig. 13). In general, the
approaches the same dip as the ramp. As in the case of vertical hangingwall geometry is simple over pure frontal and oblique
shear, the shallower, oblique ramp apparent dip results in a ramps with two pairs of axial surfaces corresponding to each
difference in structural relief between frontal ramp anticlines fault-bend. Complexities arise at the intersection zones due
and the oblique ramp anticline which changes with displace- to multiple fault-bends and interfering axial surfaces. Within
ment. The antiformal bend in section B produces a second the intersection zones, multiply oriented dipping panels of
order anticline in the hangingwall. Similarly, there is a rock contribute an additional component of three-way clo-
second order syncline in the hangingwall of section D. Note sure between frontal and oblique ramp anticlines. Domain
that ramp anticlines produced by layer-parallel shear are dips in the intersection zones are the sum of two components:
broader than those produced by vertical shear. (1) dip in the plane of the cross section predicted by fault-bend

Interference of axial surfaces at multiple bends

In cross sections A through E of the previous discussion, the
amount of displacement and the section locations were cho-
sen for simplicity such that no interference of axial surfaces
occurred in the hangingwall. For layer-parallel shear, with
increased displacement and/or close spacing of fault-bends,
interference generates additional pairs of axial surfaces which
bound new dipping panels of rock.
In Figure 12, the detail at each ramp intersection zone is
analysed by constructing several serial, two-dimensional
fault-bend folds under the assumption of layer-parallel shear.
The footwall geometry is identical to that in Figure 9; here
section J4 is replaced with a, section B with h,c,d, and e, section
C with/, section D with g, h, ij, and k, and section E with /.
The cross sections reflect one instant of time at a specified
displacement which is constant along strike. Sections a and
/ are simple fault-bend folds over frontal ramps dipping 30°
with two pairs of axial surfaces labelled A-A' and B-B'. In
sections h, c, d, and e, the additional fault-bend due to the
ramp intersection generated axial surfaces C - C In sections
b to e, the position of the fault-bend and C-C is lower in the
stratigraphy toward the basal detachment. Section e is an
example of interference close to the lower flat. In this case,
axial surface A' is at the fault-bend, at which point axial
surfaces D-D' bisect the angle between the two ramp seg-
Figure 13. Map of dip domains generated from serial cross sections at a
ments. The orientation of surfaces D-D' is determined by the
specified horizontal erosion level (Fig. 12a). The bold solid line represents
cutoff angle between beds within A-A' (in this case zero), the trace of the footwall geometry in plan view. The solid lines represent
instead of the horizontal beds between A' and C (see Suppe axial surfaces which bound dip domains. Dashed lines mark the boundaries
1983, Fig. 7). The units bounded by D-D' then dip parallel to of the ramp intersection zones. Between these lines, the footwall consists of
the ramp above the bend. Were displacement to increase, D a multiple fault-bend. Regions referred to by the brackets depict areas of
interference between axial surfaces. In map view, these appear as discrete
would remain fixed to the footwall, D' and A' passively move panels of dipping beds bounded by axial surfaces A-A', B-B', C-C, and D-
with the hangingwall. Material passes only through axial D'. Some dip magnitudes are omitted for simplicity but can be obtained from
surfaces that are fixed to the footwall at a bend, therefore C the cross sections. The dip domain geometry will change significantly as the
and C also passively move with the hangingwall. amount of displacement and footwall geometry change.


fold theory, (2) dip in the strike direction due to variations in

structural relief. The map pattern will significantly change if
the footwall geometry (a,p,5) and/or the amount of displace-
ment changes. For example, cross section e (Fig. 12) will
show the following changes by increasing the displacement.
Panel D-D' will widen, panels between D' and C will
translate, and the horizontal panel between C and B will
narrow as B-B' widens. At a greater displacement, C will
intersect the upper fault-bend and interfere with axial surface
B, generating a new pair of axial surfaces and panel of dipping 30O
beds These changes in cross section geometry will have 30O
corresponding changes in map geometry.

Modifications of fault-bend folds due to 3-D

geometry and kinematics

The cross sections and map generated in the previous section
assumed two-dimensional deformation, resulting in a first B ey=-.58
order approximation of the geometry and kinematics. Ex-
tending the results to three dimensions requires additional
considerations and assumptions. With regard to geometry, the \
use of two-dimensional fault-bend fold theory to generate
folds over oblique footwall ramps, in cases where cross
sections are oblique to the strike of ramp segments, does not
take into account the required apparent thickening in the p = 70O
hangingwall. Slight modifications in the orientation of axial
surfaces and in apparent fault offset should accompany the 6 = 30O
apparent thicknesses in obliquely oriented cross sections.
Additional kinematic assumptions are required as well. Figure 14. Two different ramp geometries are depicted in map view. In both
Frontal ramp fault-bend folds outside the ramp intersections cases, the frontal ramp dip (5) is 30°, and the angle between the transport
are assumed to deform by plane strain. That is, no material direction and the strike of the transverse ramp (a) is 45°. The deflected path
of hangingwall material is shown by the flow lines, as derived from equation
moves laterally from the frontal ramp domain into the oblique
(12) and Figure 8. (a) Oblique ramp dip (b) = 30°. (b) p = 70°. See text for
ramp domain. Displacement within oblique ramp fault-bend further explanation.
folds between the ramp intersection zones is specified by
equation (12), where an equal amount of material moves into separated by a distance L|. In case (a), the oblique ramp dip
the transport plane as moves out, thereby conserving area and
(P) is 30° and the deflection (a-p) is 4°. At the front inter-
volume. As we have shown earlier, material in the hangingwall
section zone, the resultant elongation across the entire inter-
is deflected out of the transport plane at the oblique ramp
section zone (AL/L) is -0.25. At the rear zone, the elongation
(Figs 6-8). Given the above assumptions, this deflection
is 0.33. In case (b), p=70° and the deflection angle is 26°. The
results in flow paths in the hangingwall which converge at the
elongation at the front hinge is -0.58, and at the rear hinge is
forward frontal ramp - oblique ramp intersection zone, and
1.4. With a and 5 constant, an increase in the oblique ramp
diverge at the rearward intersection zone. Convergence
dip increases the longitudinal strain. Although the magnitude
within this zone results in local lateral shortening and thick-
of the displacement path deflection (Fig. 8) is relatively small
ening, divergence results in local lateral extension and thin-
for oblique, dips under 40°, they should result in longitudinal
ning. Therefore, it appears then that at frontal ramp - oblique
ramp intersections, layer-parallel shear alone cannot accom- strains at ramp intersections that may be measurable in the
modate the deformation. field.
Figure 15 is a schematic block diagram depicting how the
In Figure 14, two different ramp geometries are depicted lateral strains might be manifest in the field. At the rearward
in map view. The deflected path of hangingwall material is intersection zone, rocks originally on the lower flat will be
shown by the flow lines, as derived from equation (13) and strained (y ) at the lower ramp hinge. Above the line of
Figure 8. A calculation of the longitudinal elongation (e ) at intersection of the two ramps, two shear strains are imposed
each ramp intersection has been made graphically by meas- (y^^,-Y^) as well as a lateral extension due to divergent
uring the line length change between two particles, originally deflection (e ). The extension may be manifest as fracturing
a distance L^ apart (see Fig. 4). One particle undergoes pure or normal faulting in the hangingwall. If the extension is
frontal ramp deformation, while the adjacent particle encoun- accommodated by a normal fault, hinterland dipping rocks of
ters the oblique ramp and is deflected out of the transport the backlimb will show an apparent left-lateral strike-slip
plane. On the upper footwall flat, the two particles are now offset in map view. Deflection and lateral extension may be


Figure 15. Schematic block diagram depicting how the lateral strains may be manifest in the field. Each cube of rock represents a small element of the
hangingwall moving up the frontal ramp-oblique ramp intersection zone. See text for further explanation.

a mechanism for 'tear faulting' in the hangingwall, which, in tonic transport plane; the deformation is accommodated by
this case, is normal faulting with an oblique slip component. thinning of the hangingwall over the ramp. In the later case,
At the forward intersection zone, a component of lateral material is deflected out of the transport plane such that the
shortening (e ) should result in folds, faults, or cleavage at a pitch angle of the particle path in the plane of the oblique ramp
high angle the regional transport direction. is equal to the initial angle between the transport direction and
the strike of the oblique ramp. This deflection results in shear
strains imposed at ramp - flat hinges. The deflection and out-
Discussion of-plane shear strain are zero for the special cases of pure
frontal and lateral ramps, and maximum at an intermediate
On the basis of previous work, oblique ramps are suspected oblique orientation, depending on ramp dip. Fault-bend folds
to be structures where the common assumption of plane strain are grossly similar for both vertical shear and layer-parallel
is violated. They may be the locus of oblique folds, faults, shear mechanisms. At frontal ramp - oblique ramp intersec-
cleavages, and fractures, and tend to be avoided when con- tions, synformal or antiformal multiple bends in the footwall
structing balanced cross sections. One component in under- generate second order hangingwall synclines or anticlines.
standing the geometry and kinematics of oblique ramp defor- These terminate along strike into simple fault-bend folds. For
mation requires a three-dimensional modelling approach. the layer-parallel shear mechanism, the deformation is more
Kinematic models for the deformation of hangingwall complex than vertical shear. Along the simple oblique ramp,
material moving over a footwall oblique ramp are developed deflected hangingwall material passes through the transport
by considering two end members of assumed mechanical plane, conserving area and volume. Within the intersection
behaviour, vertical shear and layer-parallel shear. The ob- zones, axial surface interference generates additional panels
served behaviour may be expected to lie between the two of dipping beds At the rearward intersection zone (concave
idealized end members, depending on the intrinsic and extrin- toward the transport direction), hangingwall material di-
sic conditions during thrusting. In the former case, material is verges resulting in strike-parallel extension, or the develop-
sheared vertically and displacements remain within the tec- ment of a 'gap'. This extension may be a mechanism for the


generation of transverse faults (or 'tear faults') in the and/or erosion ofa thrust fault (e.g. Woodward, 1987b). The
hangingwall which are, in fact, oblique slip normal faults. At detection of out-of-plane strains may eliminate cases (a) and
the forward intersection zone (convex toward the transport (b) where subsurface control of the thrust fault is lacking.
direction), displacement paths converge resulting in strike- Furthermore, the models are a prerequisite to developing
parallel shortening, or 'overlap'. The attitude of the oblique techniques of three-dimensional cross section construction
ramp and the amount of displacement significantly affect the and restoration. Depending on the end member model and
map geometry and magnitude of lateral strains. fault-bend geometry, the out-of-plane displacements can be
The models have several important implications. First, specified, allowing oblique structures to be palinspastically
deflection of material and accompanying longitudinal strains restored. For example, over simple oblique ramp segments,
suggests that the layer-parallel shear mechanism alone is area and volume are balanced regardless of out-of-plane
insufficient at ramp intersections given the assumptions of flow. At ramp intersections, extensional or shortening longi-
the model. To maintain compatibility at the intersection, tudinal strains, perhaps manifest as folding or faulting, will
oblique folds, faults, and fabrics are expected, the sense and need to be incorporated into balanced sections in addition to
magnitude of which are predicted. Secondly, oblique ramp penetrative strains.
anticlines are not, in general, an indication of the local The models presented here may be an alternative approach
transport direction. In both vertical shear and layer-parallel to transpression and differential transport models (Sanderson
shearmodels, material flow in the hangingwall is not coplanar & Marchini 1984; Sanderson 1982; Coward & Kim 1981;
with the principal shortening direction inferred from fault- Coward & Potts 1983) which employ a strain factorization
bend fold axes or other hangingwall fabrics, neither of which, method. A common aspect of these models is that differential
in general, remain in the transport plane. This conclusion has displacement along the basal detachment, presumably occur-
been substantiated independently by mechanical modelling ring in the vicinity of a lateral thrust tip or oblique ramp,
of oblique fault surfaces using a continuum mechanics ap- imposes a shear strain in the plane of the detachment (Y^ ). The
proach (Apotria 1988, 1990). out-of-plane strain component (y ) due to deflection may
Some authors have suggested that motion over an oblique give similar results.
ramp requires that the hangingwall undergo regional strike- In extensional terranes, Gibbs (1984) suggests that trans-
parallel extension (as opposed to local, over the intersection verse faults at high angles to the regional trend are fundamen-
zones) as the hangingwall moves from the lower footwall flat tal structures associated with normal faults. The analogy with
through the oblique ramp (e.g. Butler 1982). The supposition oblique ramps in thrust belts is proposed by Gibbs, in which
that regional strike-parallel extension is required is based on complex rotational, synthetic dip, and strike slip components
conservation of line length in a direction parallel to the strike allow extension to transfer style and displacement along a
of the frontal ramp, but is dependent on the bulk deformation graben. Similarly, both shortening and extensional structures
mechanism of the hangingwall. For example, in the case of can develop depending on the relative orientations of the
layer-parallel shear, the apparent extension is accommodated transverse fault and normal faults. The models proposed
by layer-parallel slip and out-of-plane shear strains. If one herein may accommodate regional extension by simply re-
relaxes the assumption that deformation is plane over pure versing the transport direction in Figure 1. For the layer-
frontal ramp segments, out-of-plane displacement of material parallel shear model, equation (12) holds for extensional
from the frontal ramp domain into the oblique ramp domain oblique ramps. More appropriate models in extensional
may accommodate the apparent regional extension suggested terranes may employ inclined simple shear, rather than ver-
by Butler, and perhaps distribute the local lateral strains due tical or layer-parallel shear. Models of this type are in
to deflection over a greater area. A component of strike- progress.
parallel extension could occur if the hangingwall deformed as
an isotropic bending beam, with extensional strains in the
outer arc and shortening strains in the inner arc.
Preparation of this manuscript benefited from discussions with D. Goff, S.
The model may be useful in deciphering oblique footwall G. Erickson, D. DePaor, and D. Medwedeff. Financial support was contrib-
ramping from other along-strike variations. In map view, a uted by Texaco E&P Technology Division, ARCO Oil and Gas Co., Shell
Western E&P Inc., Chevron USA Inc., Unocal Science and Technology
change in stratigraphic separation along the trace of a thrust Division, Geological Society of America and Sigma Xi grants-in-aid of
is often interpreted as an oblique ramp. However, nearly research. We appreciate the constructive reviews by D. J. Sanderson, K. R,
identical map geometries can result from: (a) a change in McClay, and an anonymous reviewer.
hangingwall displacement along strike, and (b) uplift, plunge.


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Appendix 1: List of symbols Appendix 2: Derivation of r for case of layer-parallel shear (Fig.
a: angle between transport direction and strike of oblique ramp
measured in horizontal plane. Ramp height h is assumed to be 1. p, d, z, and w are arbitrary
5: dip of frontal ramp triangle leg lengths to be eliminated leaving a final expression
(3: dip of oblique ramp relating angles.
Pj! apparent dip of oblique ramp in the direction of displacement
for the layer-parallel shear mechanism (A2-1)
P^: apparent dip of oblique ramp in x-direction
p = sin P
P : apparent dip of oblique ramp in y-direction
d= P (A2-2)
6: pitch of hangingwall particle path in the plane of the oblique sin a
ramp h
sin Pd = (A2-3)
p: angle between particle path in the plane of the oblique ramp 'd
and the strike of the oblique ramp measured in the horizontal h
plane z = tan Pd (A2-4)
Yjj^: shear strain in the xz (transport) plane
J : shear strain in the yz plane
Y^: shear strain in the plane containing the displacement path for
w =" tan p
the layer-parallel shear mechanism w
sin P = (A2-6)

By back substitution, and a trigonometric identity:

COS p s i n g Transport Plane
sin p = (l-(sin a sin (3)2)1/2 (A2-7)

Appendix 3: Derivation of 9 for case of vertical shear (Fig.

Frontal Ramp
Ramp height, h = 1 (A3-1)

X, y, z, and L are arbitrary lengths to be ehminated leaving final

expression in terms of angles
sin P (A3-2)
tan P
= y cos a (A3-4)
z Figure Al. Footwall geometry used to derive the pitch angle of the particle
(A3-5) path in the plane of the oblique ramp (9) for vertical shear. See derivation in
sin a
Appendix 3.
tne = ^ (A3-6)

By back substitution:

^ tan a (A3-7)

stress controls on fold thrust style
William R. Jamison*

Amoco Production Research, PO Box 3385, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102, USA

Abstract: Fold-fault relationships in overthrust terranes can usually be placed in the spectrum of
fold/thrust styles ranging from fault-bend to fault-propagation to detachment folds. The specific
fold/thrust styles of three major folds in the Wyoming-Idaho-Utah thrust belt have been assessed
geometrically. Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek anticline is a fault-bend fold. Haystack Peak
anticline is a detachment fold, and Hunter Creek anticline is probably a fault-propagation fold. All
three structures involve essentially the same mechanical stratigraphy. It is postulated that the
preferential development of a specific fold/thrust style reflects a fundamental competition between
buckling and faulting in the layered rock package. Both deformational processes may be
represented by instability envelopes in three-dimensional stress space. The form and location of
these two envelopes is a function of the mechanical stratigraphy. The fold/thrust style that
develops depends upon which instability surface is intersected first by the stress path. Depth of
burial and regional tectonics are the major factors determining the stress path. In a thrust belt
setting, the buckling instability surface is likely to be the initial intersect of the stress path only at
relatively shallow depths of burial. At greater depths, the faulting instability surface is the initial
intersect. This suggests that detachment folds develop most readily in the shallow subsurface,
whereas fault-bend folds dominate in the deeper subsurface. Consequently, outcropping struc-
tures may not always be appropriate analogues for the structures occurring at depth.

Geologists working in overthrust terranes have recognized and the choice of fold/thrust style, appears to be a function of
for over a century that the folds they observed were inherently the state of stress at the time of fold initiation as well as the
linked to thrusts, either bedding-parallel thrusts (decollements) mechanical stratigraphy.
or thrust ramp segments (e.g. Willis 1890; Rich 1934). The
specific nature of the fold/thrust interaction can usually be
categorized as one of three basic styles (Fig. 1), viz. fault- W y o m i n g thrust belt e x a m p l e s
bend folding (e.g. Rich 1934; Suppe 1983), fault-propagation
folding (e.g. Faill 1973; Williams & Chapman 1983; Suppe The Wyoming-Idaho-Utah thrust belt (Fig. 2a) has a gentle
& Medwedeff 1984), and detachment folding (e.g. Willis but persistent southerly plunge. Numerous major hangingwall
1890; Laubscher 1977). All three styles exist, and are anticlines are well exposed in the northem portion of the
common in nature. The focus of this paper is on some of the thrust belt. To the south, the correlative structures, many of
mechanical factors that influence the selective development which are highly constrained by development drilling, reside
of these various fold/thrust styles. in the subsurface. The detailed cross-sectional geometries of
The mechanical characteristics of the rock package, i.e. three of these folds have been determined, and are used to
the mechanical stratigraphy, are a major factor affecting the infer fold/thrust style. Hunter Creek and Haystack Peak
macroscale deformational characteristics of layered rock. It anticlines are both surface exposed structures, located in the
is an important factor in determining fold/thrust style, but it Prospect and Absaroka thrust sheets respectively, whereas
is not the dictating influence. To support this contention, Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek anticline is a subsurface struc-
examples of different fold/thrust styles (all from the Wyo- ture in the Absaroka thrust sheet (Fig. 2a).
ming-Idaho-Utah thrust belt) that have developed in the same
rock package are presented.
Mechanical stratigraphy
The three end-member styles of fold/thrust interaction
(Fig. 1) are categories of fold/ramp timing. In the fault-bend As these are Laramide-age structures, they may have in-
fold, ramping precedes folding; in the detachment fold, volved the entire Mesozoic and Palaeozoic section, a sequence
folding precedes ramping; and in the fault-propagation fold, of sedimentary rocks ~5 km thick (Fig. 2b). The mechanical
ramping and folding are synchronous events. The different response of this sequence was likely dominated by units
fold/thrust styles thus reflect the relative dominance of within the Palaeozoic and lower Mesozoic section. The
buckling vs. faulting (folding vs. ramping). A stress space major competent struts in this stratigraphic sequence are the
approach is used to investigate the competition between these Bighorn, Madison, and Thaynes carbonates, each 150 m to
two processes. The choice between buckling and faulting, 300 m thick. The Weber-Wells and Nugget Formations, both

'Present address: Centre for Earth Resources Research, Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfound-
land, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A l B 3X5


2.5 km. The mechanical stratigraphic response of the rock

sequence should be relatively insensitive to this potential
erosion because it involves only the mechanically incompe-
fault-bend folding tent upper Mesozoic strata. However, the state of stress at the
time of fold initiation would have been significantly affected
by the thickness of the overburden.

fault-propagation folding Haystack Peak anticline

Haystack Peak anticline lies within the Absaroka thrust sheet,
Figure 1. End-member styles of fold/
roughly 9 km west of the surface trace of the Absaroka thrust
thrust interaction: (a) fault-bend fold-
(Figs 2a & 3). There is also a second major anticline,
ing, (b) fault-propagation folding, (c)
McDougal Pass anticline, between Haystack Peak anticline
detachment folding detachment folding.
and the Absaroka thrust trace (Fig. 3). Both anticlines have
fairly massive aeolian sandstones (each 150 m to 200 m a chevron fold configuration, with planar limbs and a sharp,
thick), probably serve as secondary struts. The Cretaceous angular hinge. The intervening syncline is a comparatively
section, largely composed of shale-dominated marine elastics, broad, rounded feature. There are a few minor faults and folds
is a very thick (>2 km), incompetent succession at the top of in the Absaroka sheet east of the McDougal Pass structure,
the sequence. The Cambrian shale sequence, ~325 m thick, but no major faults are mapped between Haystack Peak
is a relatively incompetent unit at the base of the stratigraphic anticline and the Absaroka thrust trace (e.g. Rubey 1973).
sequence. In both fault-bend and fault-propagation folding, the fold
The bulk of the Mesozoic and Palaeozoic section is directly height (measured from anticlinal crest to synclinal trough) is
seen to be involved in the folding in the subsurface example, roughly equal to the stratigraphic height of the associated
but erosion has removed all of the Cretaceous and much of the ramp. Haystack Peak and McDougal Pass anticlines each
Jurassic section from the surface examples. If the erosion have fold heights in excess of 1 km. Along the Absaroka
completely post-dates the folding, then these surface folds thrust trace, Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite in the hangingwall
also involved the same 4 to 5 km sedimentary sequence. overrides Cretaceous strata in the footwall. Cambrian shales
However, if the bulk of the erosion preceded fold develop- are mapped in the core of Haystack Peak anticline (Rubey
ment, the thickness of the section actually involved in the 1973). Consequently, the Absaroka thrust has cut upsection
folding may have been considerably reduced, to perhaps 2 to through the hangingwall rocks about 400 m, at most, between

Haystack Peak
w>i_Hunter Creek
Anticline ->t Anticline




Figure 2 (a) Reference map for the Wyoming-Idaho-Utah thrust belt showing the location of the thrust belt in the western USA, the surface traces of the
major thrusts, and the locations of the three anticlines discussed in this paper, (b) Generalized stratigraphy of the Wyoming-Idaho-Utah thrust belt. Standard
lithological symbols used. Units not shown to relative scale.


Fault-F*ropagation Folding

Haystack Peak McDougal Pass

Anticline Anticline

,25%' .

.-•'- / r i 4 4 .
-50% i \ !
, . . , . . / : M M ! iI
10 4 - / ' - ' ^ ' : - ; , , - - ' .,200% ~ - - i - i - - r - r - - r - p y
^ forelimb / .| J
thickening/i • ; • i • i :
0 —I
30 1
60 '—\—•—^H—'—^-r
90 120 150 180

Figure 3. (a) Surface map of major structural features along the Strawberry fold interlimb angle (y)
Creek drainage, Salt River Range, Wyoming. Modified from Rubey (1973).
Rock units depicted by age groups: Q-Quatemary; T-Tertiary; K-Creta-
ceous; J-Jurassic; JTr-Jurassic plus Triassic; P-Permian plus Pennsylvanian;
M-Mississippian; DO-Devonian plus Ordovician; DOC-Devonian plus
Ordovician plus Cambrian; C-Cambrian. Schematic cross-section interpre-
tation of Haystack Peak and McDougal Pass anticlines along the Strawberry
Creek drainage as either (b) fault-propagation folds or (c) detachment folds.

Haystack Peak anticline and the Absaroka thrust trace. The

amount of hangingwall truncation is equal to the cumulative
height of the associated ramps. The very large amplitudes of Figure 5. Geometric analysis chart for the evaluation of Haystack Peak
anticline as a fault-propagation fold. Modified from Jamison (1987).
both Haystack Peak and McDougal Pass anticlines relative to
potential ramp heights precludes their being either fault-bend
or fault-propagation folds related to the Absaroka thrust.
East These two folds must be either (1) fault-propagation folds
Y=42° West
associated with some imbricate thrusts of the Absaroka thrust
(Fig. 3b) or (2) detachment folds above the Absaroka thrust
(Fig. 3c). These alternative interpretations are assessed for
Haystack Peak anticline via analysis of the fold geometry.
The exposure of Haystack Peak anticline along the south
side of Strawberry Creek drainage (Fig. 4) has been surveyed
and projected into a cross-sectional plane perpendicular to the
a=1000m fold axis (187176°). The interlimb angle (y) is 42° and the
backlimb dip is 57°. If this is a fault-propagation fold, it is,
in this case, still located directly above its associated ramp.
Thus, the ramp angle (a) must be very close to the backlimb
dip, or 57°. The Devonian through Mississippian section is
about 20% thinner in the forelimb than in the backlimb. (This
500 m thinning is not uniformly distributed though the involved
units. The relative forelimb thinning in the Devonian Darby
Figure 4. Survey-controlled cross section of Haystack Peak for exposure Formation is about 40%, whereas thinning in the Mississip-
on the south side of the Strawberry Creek drainage. Pp-Permian Phosphria
pian Madison carbonates is only about 4%.) A fault-propa-
Fm.; Pw-Pennsylvanian Wells Fm.; MPa-Pennsylvanian-Mississippian
Amsden Fm.; Mm-Mississippian Madison Fm.; Dd-Devonian Darby Fm.; gation fold with y=42° and a=57° should exhibit relative
Ob-Ordovician Bighorn Fm. Angular measurements and fold height (a) forelimb thinning of 75% (Fig. 5). Even if a smaller, more
derived from base of Madison Fm. conventional ramp angle could be rationalized for this struc-


ture, say 30° (e.g. Serra 1977; Beyer & Elliott 1982), the fault-
Detachment Folding (a/f=3) propagation fold model with 7^= 42° still has a forelimb thin-
ning of over 60%.
50% x:50% 100% : :
For analysis of the detachment fold interpretation, the
value of a/f must be specified, where a is the fold height and
f is the thickness of the ductile unit filling the core of the
structure (Jamison 1987). The fold height is 1000 m. The
Cambrian shales are the likely material to act as the ductile
core unit. The Cambrian shales have a maximum thickness
200% i
in the area of about 350 m (C. Bartberger pers. commun.
1984). Assuming that the decollement is at the base of these
shales, the a/f value is 1000 m/350 m, or about 3. This is a
t no solution minimum value; if the decollement is higher in the Cambrian
shales, f is smaller and a/f is larger. With an a/f of 3, an
interiimb angle of 42° and a backlimb dip of 57°, the geomet-
;//;',';/Torelimb _
JV;,';- thickening ric analysis indicates a forelimb thinning of 20% (Fig. 6).
The field measurements of Haystack Peak anticline agree
well with the geometric models of detachment folding, but
Oi 1 '"'•"""i ' r are not compatible with the model of fault-propagation fold-
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 ing. This geometric analysis, along with the absence of any
fold interlimb angle (y) direct evidence of a large ramp associated with this fold,
strongly favours the interpretation of Haystack Peak anticline
as a detachment fold. Though McDougal Pass anticline has
not been studied in comparable detail, its strong similarity in
form and setting to the Haystack Peak structure suggests it is
stiff unit
also a detachment fold.
f ductile unit

Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek anticline

Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek anticline is an oil-field struc-
Figure 6. Geometric analysis chart for the evaluation of Haystack Peak
ture in the southern portion of the Wyoming-Idaho-Utah
anticline as a detachment fold. Modified from Jamison (1987).

West East


Carter PA.
Creek — — 2 km s/sea
^ Absaroka Thrust Absaroka Thrust



t:: — 2 km s/sea

Absaroka Thrust
d ^-^^s^-^'^'
Figure 7. Cross-section imterpretations of the Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek oil field structure. Modified from Weir (1983). TC-Twin Creek Fm.; NA-
Nugget plus Ankareh Fms.; TDW-Thaynes plus Dinwoody plus Woodside Fms.; PA-Phosphoria plus Weber & Amsden Fms.; M-Madison Fm.; DOC-
Devonian plus Ordovician plus Cambrian units. Angular measurements made using top of the Dinwoody Fm. Wells penetrating to the top of the footwall
of the Absaroka thrust beneath this structure record only Cretaceous rocks.


quite non-planar, y=104°. However, if this warp in the fault

Fault-Bend Folding surface is removed, geometrically, the fold opens to y=l 19°.
Intra- and interformational thrusts produce structural
thickening in the backlimb, hinge and forelimb. These
contractional faults thicken the affected units up to 60%.
However, when distributed through the entire section, the
maximum thickening is on the order of 15% to 20%. In some
of the cross sections there is negligible structural thickening
or thinning across the fold (e.g. Fig. 7a). The observed
structural thickening is not restricted to the fold forelimb, as
in the models of Jamison (1987). Thickness variations in the
hinge and backlimb, though, carry geometric implications
very similar to forelimb thickness changes.
The large interlimb angles observed in this structure
cannot be obtained by fault-propagation folding (see Fig. 5).
The Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek anticline must be either a
detachment fold with a/f<l (see Jamison 1987) or a mode I
fault-bend fold. The amplitude of the fold is about 1175 m.
The absence of a thick ductile unit (f) that would potentially
30 60 90 120 150 180
fill the core of the fold (and provide a low a/f) discounts the
fold interlimb angle (y) detachment fold interpretation. A fault-bend fold with y= 118°
to 146° and forelimb thickness increases of 0% to 20% should
have an associated ramp angle of 25°+5° (Fig. 8). The ramp
angle here cannot be directly assessed because the associated
ramp lies somewhere, unconstrained, in the hinterland. Boyer
& Elliott (1982) record ramp angles ranging from 25° to 40°
and Serra (1977) measures ramp angles ranging from 10° to
30°. The implied ramp angle for fault-bend folding here is,
thus, a quite reasonable value. Geometrically, Whitney
Canyon-Carter Creek anticline is compatible only with the
mode I fault-bend fold model.

Hunter Creek anticline

mode II
Hunter Creek anticline lies within the hangingwall of the
Figure 8. Geometric analysis chart for the evaluation of Whitney Canyon-
Prospect thrust, about 6.5 km west of the surface trace of this
Carter Creek anticline as a fault-bend fold. Cross-lined region encompasses
range of interlimb angles and bedding thickness changes obtained from the
thrust (Figs 2a & 9). The intervening Game Creek and
four cross sections of Figure 7. Modified from Jamison (1987). Shepard thrusts, which have much smaller displacements that
the Prospect thrust, are probably imbricates of the Prospect
thrust belt (Fig. 2a). A series of cross sections, integrating fault. Hunter Creek anticline is very well exposed in a series
seismic and well data, have been constructed through the of valleys cross-cutting this structure. On the south side of the
Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek structure (Fig. 7) by Gary Shepard Creek drainage (Fig. 10) the Darby and the lower
Weir (Weir 1983; Couples et al. 1987). Numerous wells two-thirds of the Madison formations are well exposed through
penetrating the forelimb, hinge, backlimb, and the transport- the hinge and backlimb. The forelimb has reasonably good
ing (Absaroka) thrust provide good constraints on the overall expression in the Madison, Amsden and Wells formations.
fold geometry. The hangingwall truncation of this structure The main anticlinal flexure is narrow and sharp.
extends from the Cambrian section into the lower Triassic At this location, and in the other transecting valleys, the
section, a stratigraphic thickness of 1200 m to 1250 m. The Shepard thrust extends from the core of the fold into the
presence of the Cretaceous section in the footwall of this forelimb. This thrust is parallel to bedding in the backlimb
structure implies that this fold has been transported foreland and cuts through bedding at a very high angle in the forelimb.
from its originating ramp and upsection, through a second The maximum measurable displacement on the Shepard
ramp, to its present location. thrust is about 600 m, with displacement diminishing as the
In the northern two-thirds of this field the Absaroka thrust fault penetrates upsection through the forelimb. In fact,
is a relatively planar surface beneath the fold, but in the displacement on the Shepard thrust apparently goes to zero
southern third the thrust is folded up into the core of the fold before it intersects any of the ridgelines separating the several
(Fig.7). In the northern cross sections, where the thrust is valleys (Fig. 9a). Although this thrust is quite visible in the
nearly planar, the interlimb angle (y) ranges from 118° to valleys, it is a blind thrust along the ridgelines.
146°. In the southernmost cross section, where the thrust is Along the trace of the Prospect thrust, hangingwall Nug-


of about 1000 m.
Hunter Creek and its companion anticline have cumula-
tive fold heights (2300 m) comparable to the stratigraphic
thickness of the hangingwall truncation (1600 m to 2000 m).
They can thus potentially be either fault-bend or fault-propa-
gation folds associated with the Prospect thrust. If Hunter
Creek anticline is alternatively interpreted as either a fault-
propagation fold associated with the Shepard thrust or a
detachment fold, this hangingwall truncation is only partially
accounted for. These latter interpretations would also require
an abnormally thick Cambrian section or involvement of the
crystalline basement in the core of Hunter Creek anticline.
These conditions are not compatible with the regional
stratigraphy or the structural style of the thrust belt. Thus, it
is more probable that Hunter Creek anticline is either a fault-
Hunter Creek bend or fault-propagation fold associated with the Prospect
Because displacement along the Prospect thrust has been
several kilometres (Royse et al. 1977; Dixon 1982), Hunter
Creek anticline must have been transported well to the
foreland of its associated footwall ramp. The geometry of a
transported fault-propagation fold is very similar to a mode 11
fault-bend fold (Jamison 1987). Geometric evaluation of
Figure 9. (a) Surface map of the major structural features between Shepard both interpretations for the Hunter Creek anticline can, there-
Creek and the Prospect thrust trace, Clause Peak quadrangle, Wyoming. fore, be made using fault-bend fold relationships (Fig. 11).
Modified from Schroeder (1973). Rock units depicted by age groups: QT- The exposure of Hunter Creek anticline on the south side
Quatemary plus Tertiary; K-Cretaceous; JTr-Jurassic plus Triassic; Mz- of the Shepard Creek drainage has been surveyed and pro-
Mesozoic; P-Permian plus Pennsylvanian; M-Mississippian; PM-Permian
jected into a cross-sectional plane normal to the fold axis
plus Pennsylvanian plus Mississippian; DO-Devonian plus Ordovician. (b)
Schematic cross-section of major structures along east-west line from (354704°). The Madison section is 310 m thick in the central
Shepard Creek to the Prospect thrust trace. forelimb, which is close to the normal stratigraphic thickness

get Sandstone overrides footwall Cretaceous. The Ordovician

Bighorn Dolomite is exposed in the core of Hunter Creek
Fault-Bend Folding
anticHne. Cambrian rocks may also be involved in this
structure below the limits of erosion. Thus, between Hunter
Creek anticline and the Prospect fault trace, the Prospect
thrust cuts upsection 1600 m to 2000 m in the hangingwall.
The fold height of Hunter Creek anticline is, by extrapolation,
about 1300 m. A second anticline, located between Hunter
Creek anticline and the Prospect fault trace, has a fold height

East ^4' West



fold interlimb angle (y)

Figure 11. Geometric analysis charts for the evaluation of Hunter Creek
Figure 10. Survey-controlled cross section of Hunter Creek anticline for anticline as a fault-bend fold (or a transported fault-propagation fold). Solid
exposure south of Shepard Creek drainage. Angular measurements made circle is for interlimb angle measured using central forelimb. Open circle is
using marker horizon within the Madison Fm. Line 1 projects from for interlimb angle measured using thinned upper forelimb. Modified from
backlimb; line 2 from central forelimb; line 3 from upper forelimb. Jamison (1987).


of the Madison Formation in this region. The fold interlimb principal stress axes relative to the material layering is
angle (y) determined using the mid-forelimb dip is 94° (Fig. important in determining the response of this stratified mate-
10). No forelimb thickness change and y=94° suggests that rial to a given stress state. In order to address the layering
Hunter Creek anticline is either a mode II fault-bend fold or effects, a very specialized stress condition is assumed for the
a transported fault-propagation fold with a ramp angle (a) of following discussions. Specifically, it is assumed that the
27° (Fig. 11). There is no direct control on a, but this inferred principal stress axes, indicated as (5^^, o^^, and a^, are parallel
a=27° is very compatible with the generalized observations and perpendicular to layering (Fig. 13). There is no restric-
of Serra (1977) and Boyer & Elliott (1982). In the lower tion on the relative or absolute magnitudes of the principal
Madison Formation, right in the hinge region, ^=69° and the stresses, only their orientation relative to bedding. This
forelimb has locally thinned about 20% (Fig. 10). Fora=27° special set of conditions is referred to as the 'working stress
andy=69°, a thinning of 25% is indicated (Fig. 11), providing state'.
further support for the inferred a= 27° and the fault-bend/
fault-propagation fold interpretation. Working Stress Space
The geometric analysis does not provide a direct method
to distinguish between the mode II fault-bend fold and the
transported fault-propagation fold. From kinematic consid-
erations, though, it may be argued that a mode II fault-bend
fold should exhibit substantial deformation in the forelimb
(Jamison 1987). The absence of such deformation suggests
that this structure is probably a fault-propagation fold.
Figure 13. The 'Working Stress Space' is the special case of principal stress
axes oriented parallel and perpendicular to bedding, referenced as shown.
Stress controls
Faulting instability envelope
Haystack Peak anticline is definitely a detachment fold.
Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek anticline is definitely a fault- The stress conditions for the initiation of brittle faulting
bend fold. Hunter Creek anticline is probably a fault-propa- depend on both the mean stress and the differential stress as
gation fold. All three of these structures involve the same described, for example, by the Mohr-Coulomb or Drucker-
fundamental mechanical stratigraphy. This inconsistency in Prager failure criteria. In stress space, the condition of zero
the nature of the fold/thrust interaction in the same rock differential stress is described by the hydrostat (H in Fig. 14),
package argues that some factor beyond mechanical the line defined by the condition o =0 =0 . (E is the projec-
stratigraphy influences variations in fold/thrust style. In the tion of H onto the o^^-<3^^^ plane.) A given state of stress plots
following, the potential control by the state of stress at the as a point in stress space, and any point not on H indicates a
inception of fold development is explored. The underlying non-zero differential or deviatoric stress. The farther the
theme is that the observed variations in fold/thrust style point is from H, the larger the differential stress. The faulting
reflect the competition between folding and faulting, and that instability envelope for an isotropic material is symmetric
this competition can be assessed by examining the form of the about H. The conical faulting instability surface shown in
instability envelopes for buckling and faulting in terms of Figure 14a is defined by the Drucker-Prager failure criteria
stress. (Drucker&Prager 1952):
Of = P J I + V J 7 (1)

where a^ is the failure stress, J^ and J^' are the first stress in-
variant and the second invariant of deviatoric stress, respec-
Figure 12. Stress space is a three- tively, and P is a coefficient (>0 for compression positive) that
dimensional reference system with axes may vary as a function of J j. As long as the state of stress plots
representing the principal stress magnitudes.
as a point internal to this cone the material is stable, but when
the stress state moves to contact with this conical failure
The working stress space
surface the material will fault of fracture (under conditions of
Stress space (Fig. 12) is a three-dimensional reference space brittle deformation).
whose axes are the principal stress values (e.g. Jaeger & Laboratory tests of rock samples with definitive layering
Cook 1967). It is a non-physical space; only the principal have found that the failure stresses are (1) relatively reduced
stress magnitudes are recorded. There is no reference to any in value for a, oriented less than 45° to layering at low
orientation data in stress space, including the principal stress confining pressures and (2) independent of principal stress
orientations. This is not of particular concern when dealing orientations at high confining pressures (e.g. McGill & Raney
with a mechanically isotropic material. However, the folds 1970; Donath 1961). In the working stress state, these
discussed above involve a distinctly stratified rock sequence, anisotropic effects can be incorporated, at least qualitatively.
which is mechanically anisotropic. The orientation of the The layering-related anisotropy will move the faulting instability


Faulting Instability thickness.

In equations (2) & (3), layer-parallel load is differential
stress (i.e. a^=a^-o^), and the equations are for the case of
plane stress (i.e. 0^=0). In the working stress state, these
conditions translate toCT=cT^,-cy a n d a = 0 . The critical stress
cr hi V h2

(using either eq. 2 or 3) plots simply as a line of slope m= 1 in

theo^-a|^,plane,intersectingthea|^iaxisatCT^^(Fig. 15a). This
is the buckling instability surface. The layer shape and elastic
properties will alter the intersect but not the slope of the line.
Rock layer interfaces are not frictionless, as assumed for
equation (3). As the stress normal to the layer surfaces (a^)
increases, the frictional resistance will suppress potential
slippage between the layers. In essence, the layers no longer
behave as independent units, but rather as fewer beams of
greater individual thickness. Effectively, t becomes larger
and n becomes smaller in eq. (3), with the net result that a^^
becomes larger with increasing a^. The buckling instability
envelope becomes convex in a positive a^ direction, as sug-
region of instability gested, qualitatively, by the dashed line of Figure 15a.
Finally, the critical load for layer buckling is not independ-
Figure 14. The faulting instability envelope for the Drucker-Prager failure ent of a,,. In fact, as a., increases, the value of a , decreases
criterion in the working stress space is (a) a conical surface symmetric about h2 ' n2 hi

the hydrostat (H). E is the projection of H onto the a^, j -a|^2 P'sne- A sectional by an equivalent amount (Timoshenko 1936), i.e. o ,=0^1+01,2"
view in the a^-E plane (b) cuts through the centre of the conical failure a^. In the C5h|-o,,2 plane, the buckling instability envelope is
surface. The region internal to the cone is the area of stability for faulting, simply the straight line intersecting both of these axes at o^^
and the region external to the cone is the area of instability for faulting. The
solid curved lines depict the faulting instability envelope for an isotropic
(Fig. 15b). Putting the instability surface together from the
material. The dashed curved line is the suggested modification of the faulting Oj^i-a^ and CJ^|-0|,2 planes yields a buckling instability surface
instability envelope for an anisotropic material in the working stress space. for the working stress space of cylindrical form (Fig. 15c).
Buckling Instability
envelope towards H along the a^^ and o^^, axes (as suggested
by the dashed line in Fig. 14b). This shift becomes less
pronounced as the stress values increase. The net effect is to CTh2=0
make the faulting instability surface for layered rock a some- region of stability
what lopsided cone.
region of instability

Buckling instability envelope 'hi

If an elastic layer is compressed in a layer-parallel direction

to a stress level exceeding the Euler load (o^^, the critical load
for buckling), it is in a state of unstable equilibrium. In
response to a perturbation, the layer will deflect to a sinusoidal
waveform (e.g. Timoshenko 1936; Johnson & Page 1976).
This is elastic buckling. For a layer of thickness h and width
b, loaded parallel to its length, the critical stress for buckling is:
• kjr^h^
a = (2)
cr (l-v2) 12b^

where k is a shape factor and E and v are Young's modulus

and Poisson's ratio, respectively, for the layer. For a
multilayered system, the expression for a^^ is a bit more
complicated, but still has basically the same ingredients. For
example, for layers of uniform geometry and elastic proper- Figure 15. The buckling instability envelope in the working stress space
ties, and frictionless interfaces (after Johnson & Page 1976): viewed (a) in the c^-a^^ plane and (b) in the CT|,|-a^2 pl^n^- The solid line
of slope m= 1 in (a) is the instability envelope for a free layer or multilayers
with frictionless. interfaces. The dashed curve is the suggested modification
* ' (3) for frictional resistence at layer interfaces, (c) The buckling instability en-
•(l-v2) 12 n^tk
velope in the working stress space for a multilayered material with frictional
where n is the number of layers and t is the individual layer layer interfaces.


Buckling However, a^^ will, in general, increase during the buildup of

this tectonic load.) For any particular rock package, the two
instability envelopes may vary in location and form from the
example of Figure 17, but they will maintain their opposing
curvatures. Where the instability surfaces overlap, the buck-
ling instability envelope will be the first instability surface
intersected by the stress path only at low values of o^
(relatively shallow burial). The faulting surface will be the
initial intersect at large values of O^ (greater burial depths).
Different stress paths may, thus, explain the development of
Haystack Peak anticline as a detachment fold versus Whitney
Figure 16. The faulting and buckling instability envelopes viewed together Canyon-Carter Creek anticline as a fault-bend fold. At
in the working stress space. Whitney Canyon and Carter Creek the Madison is buried
beneath 3 km of structurally conformable overburden, whereas
Competing failure surfaces at Haystack Peak the Madison is at the surface. If Haystack
The faulting and buckling instability envelopes delimit areas Peak (and McDougal Pass) anticline formed very late in the
of stability and instability for these separate deformational displacement history of the Absaroka thrust, then a great deal
responses, and they define competing failure surfaces in the of overburden may have been eroded before this folding
working stress space (Fig. 16). If the state of stress forawhile initiated. There was certainly more overburden than cur-
in the region of stability for buckling, it will fail by faulting rently exists at these outcrops, but perhaps little enough to
or fracturing. In regards to the issue of fold/thrust style, fault- result in a stress preference for detachment folding (i.e. low
a^). In contrast, the more deeply buried Whitney Canyon-
bend faulting is expected. Alternatively, if the state of stress
Carter Creek structure (with higher o^) initiated preferen-
reaches the buckling instability envelope while within the
tially by faulting, and formed as a fault-bend fold.
stability field for faulting, it will buckle. Detachment folding
is the probable fold/thrust style. For some materials, the The geometric analysis of Hunter Creek anticline suggests
buckling instability envelope may reside entirely outside the that it developed as a fault-propagation fold, i.e. that folding
stability field for faulting, in which case buckling (and and faulting occurred concurrently. Fault-propagation fold-
detachment folding) is not a viable deformation mechanism. ing is intermediate between detachment and fault-bend folding.
The form and positioning of the two instability envelopes in Thus, it might be expected that fault-propagation folding
the macroscale geological situation is determined by the occurs when the stress path contacts the instability envelopes
mechanical characteristics of the rock package, i.e. the me- somewhere near their points of intersection. Alternatively,
chanical stratigraphy. the development of a fault-propagation fold may be explicitly
For the case where the faulting and buckling instability linked to the composition of the rock package. Even if the
envelopes do, in fact, overlap, the choice of fold/thrust style stress conditions favour detachment folding, the growth of
is dictated by the stress path of the rock to the point of fold or the detachment fold can proceed only if there is a supply of
fault initiation. Depth of burial plays a major role in deter- ductile material to fill the core of the fold as it increases
mining the stress path. For horizontal strata buried in a amplitude. If that material is not available, faulting is
subsiding basin with normal fluid pressures and no lateral
stresses of tectonic origin, the overburden defines the vertical
stress, i.e.
Ov = (Pr - Pw)gh, (4)
where h is the thickness of the overburden, g is gravitational
acceleration, and p^ and p^^are the densities of rock and fluid Faulting
in the overburden, respectively. Lateral stresses are

Ohl == Oh2 = SOv (5)

where s varies between v/(l-v) and 1, depending on whether Faulting

a condition of uniaxial strain or lithostatic pressure, respec- Buckling
tively, is assumed. In the working stress space, the burial
stress path lies in the o^-E plane and is positive definite (Fig.
17a). It is in the stability field for both faulting and buckling.
•'hi' =const.
Subsequent to burial, increases in the lateral stresses associ-
ated with the thrusting (tectonic loading) will move the stress Figure 17. (a) The stress path for burial within a basin with no lateral stresses
of tectonic origin (thus, with c^^^=c^^2) will fall in the a^-E plane and within
path toward the buckling and faulting instability envelopes
the cross-lined region, (b) The application of regional horizontal stresses
(Fig. 17b). The stress paths are projected into a plane of will change the horizontal, but not the vertical stresses. The stress path will
constant a for the convenience of illustrating the concept. move toward intersection with the instability envelopes.


necessitated for continued fold growth. This fault develop- occurrence of different fold/thrust styles is a function of both
ment during the incipient stages of fold growth may yield a the mechanical stratigraphy and the stress path of the rock
fault-propagation fold. package. The mechanical stratigraphy determines the form
The development of Hunter Creek anticline as a fault- and location of both instability surfaces. The stress path is
propagation fold may be rationalized using either explana- dependent on the depth of burial and the regional tectonics.
tion. There is no Cambrian strata exposed in the core of this In terms of determining fold/thrust style in a thrust belt
fold. It is, thus, possible that the Prospect thrust beneath with a fairly uniform stratigraphy, such as the Wyoming-
Hunter Creek anticline carries little or none of the Cambrian Idaho-Utah thrust belt, depth of burial becomes a critical
shales, the only lithology that would serve as the critical core- factor. In general, detachment folding is likely to develop
filling material for detachment folding. Fault-propagation only at relatively shallow depths, and fault-bend folding will
folding would then evolve as per the second scenario above. become the dominant fold/thrust style at greater depths.
Alternatively, Hunter Creek anticline may have developed at Because fault-bend folds can have larger interlimb angles
a burial depth intermediate between Haystack Peak and than fault-propagation folds and most detachment folds
Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek anticlines. Although roughly (Jamison 1987), folds in thrust belts might be expected to be
the same units outcrop at Hunter Creek anticline as at Hay- more open structures at depth than in outcrop or in the shallow
stack Peak anticline, the former structure has probably been subsurface. An important consequence of this concept is that
transported several kilometres foreland and over a kilometre the structures observed in outcrop may not always be appro-
upsection from its developing location (Dixon 1982). The priate analogues for subsurface structures.
stress conditions at the inception of the Hunter Creek fold The concepts of stress controls on fold/thrust style pre-
may have been located near the intersection of the two sented here have assumed (1) a very special set of principal
instability envelopes. stress orientations and (2) the deformation is appropriately
treated via brittle and elastic descriptions. However, these
assumptions must be dropped for the generalized application
Conclusions of stress control and deformational style. If the principal
stress axes deviate from the working stress space conditions,
Geometric analysis provides a methodology for distinguish- both the configuration and the location of the instability
ing different fold/thrust styles. The application of this proce- envelopes, especially for buckling, will change, but the basic
dure to three folds in the Wyoming-Idaho-Utah thrust belt concepts and conclusions presented here should remain in-
indicates that fault-bend, detachment, and, possibly, fault- tact. As conditions of deformation shift into the semi-brittle
propagation folds can all occur in the same stratigraphic and ductile regimes, deformation becomes progressively
sequence. To explain the implication that fold/thrust style is more strain-rate dependent. Consequently, the use of discrete
at least partially independent of mechanical stratigraphy, the instability surfaces in stress space may not be not appropriate
concept of competing buckling and faulting instability sur- for conditions of ductile deformation.
faces in stress space has been developed. In this approach, the


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Kinematics of large-scale asymmetric buckle folds in overthrust shear:
an example from the Helvetic nappes
Mark G. Rowan* & Roy Kligfield

Department of Geological Sciences, Campus Box 250, University of Colorado,

Boulder, CO 80309, USA

Abstract: Kinematic analysis of asymmetric detachment folds from the Wildhom nappe, central
Helvetics, Switzerland, supports models of buckle fold formation in overthrust shear between
nappe boundaries. The overall geometry shows a 2500 m thick multilayer of competent Jurassic
limestones deflected into super- and subjacent less competent marls and shales by buckling above
the basal decollement. Detailed investigation and measurement of the distribution, orientation,
and relative timing of mesoscale structures, primarily dilatant veins and solution cleavage, allow
documentation and quantification of the following kinematic development: (1) the nappe
boundaries originated at a low angle (ca. 10°) to undeformed bedding; (2) local stress reorientation
and buckling instabilities initiated symmetric buckle folds possibly characterized by tangential
longitudinal strain; (3) the far-field stress directions imposed by the shear zone became dominant,
and mesoscale structures developed asymmetrically on backlimbs and forelimbs; and (4) buckling
ceased when fold interlimb angles reached 90-100°, and further shearing caused the fold limbs and
axial planes to rotate into their current orientations. The total shear strain required is 2.9, equivalent
to ca. 8 km of displacement of the overlying Cretaceous with respect to the base of the nappe. It
is suggested that only an overthrust shear model can explain all the observations, and that other
models, such as gravitational sliding and buttressing by normal faults, are incompatible with the

Large-scale asymmetric folds are commonly associated with variation in finite and incremental strains, and the observed
thrust faults. Several popular kinematic models have been metamorphic gradients.
advanced to explain their origins: the fault-bend fold model Simple shear has been invoked as the dominant factor in
relates fold development to movement over thrust ramps fold development in other areas as well. Sanderson (1979)
(Rich 1934; Suppe 1983), and the fault-propagation fold proposed that variations in fold geometries in southwest
model links fold amplification to growth and propagation of England, from open, upright folds to tight, asymmetrical,
blind thrust faults (Suppe & Medwedeff 1984; Suppe 1985). recumbent folds, were caused by increasing amounts of
Many folds, however, belong in neither of these categories, simple shear. Similar explanations have been applied to
and are best described as detachment folds, cored by rela- account for spatially varying fold styles from other thrust
tively incompetent lithologies, that develop due to shortening belts (Bruhn 1979; Kligfield etal. 19SI; Bosworth & Vollmer
and/or shearing of a multilayer above a basal decollement. 1981; Tanner & Macdonald 1982; Gibson & Gray 1985).
The Helvetic nappes of Switzerland offer a classic ex- While the proposed role of simple shear offers an attractive
ample of detachment folds. Some kinematic models suggest explanation for the observed deformations, it remains a
these folds formed due to either gravitational sliding (Lugeon model based solely on geometries and, occasionally, strain
1943;TrUmpy 1969,1973) or gravitational spreading (Milnes patterns; evidence for the kinematic development of a single
& Pfiffner 1977; Merle 1986, 1989). Another proposes a fold in overthrust shear has not been provided. Furthermore,
major component of pure-shear compression due to buttress- there is some question as to the mechanism of fold initiation:
ing againstpre-existing normal faults during nappe movement while some models (Ghosh 1966; Manz & Wickham 1978;
(Lemoineefa/. 1986;Gillcristefa/. 1987), and a fourth model Sanderson 1979; Gibson & Gray 1985) require only simple
is based on Rocky Mountain-style thin-skinned thrust tecton-
shear, Ramsay et al. (1983) proposed early ramp anticlines,
ics (Boyer & Elliott 1982; Butler 1985). Finally, in the model
Casey & Huggenberger (1985) invoked a pre-existing gentle
supported by the evidence presented here, the folds devel-
warping of bedding, and Gillcrist et al. (1987) suggested
oped in simple shear between thrust faults bounding the
compression due to buttressing.
nappes (Laubscher 1983; Ramsay et al. 1983; Casey &
In this paper, data are presented which document the
Huggenberger 1985; Dietrich & Casey 1989). The latter
kinematic history of large-scale asymmetric detachment folds
authors stressed that only this model is capable of explaining
from an area of the central Helvetic nappes in the Bernese
the wedge-shaped nappe geometries, the orientation and
Oberland, Switzerland (Fig. 1). It is shown that overthrust

'Present Address: Alastair Beach Associates, 11 Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow G l 3AJ, Scotland


Geological setting • r

The area of investigation forms part of the Wildhom nappe,

the uppermost of the Helvetic nappes, located directly north-
west of the Aar massif culmination (Fig. 1). Although the
nappe contains rocks of latest Triassic through early Tertiary
age, the folds in the study area are defined by Jurassic
formations. Figure 2 is a simplified stratigraphic column
depicting a roughly 2500 m thick multilayer riding on a major
thrust fault with the sedimentary cover of the Aar massif in its
footwall. Immediately above the basal decollement are
incompetentshales and interbedded sandstones of the Dogger
Glockhaus Formation (Jg), and at the top of the section are
thick marls of the Cretaceous Palfris Formation (Kp). This
latter unit serves as the upper detachment, as the overlying
Cretaceous folds are largely disharmonic with respect to
those involving Jurassic rocks (Ramsay 1981,1989; Ramsay
etal. 1983; Burkhard 1988). The more competent portion of
the multilayer is formed by: the Schwarzhorn Beds of the
Dogger Hochstollen Formation (Jhs), fine-grained clastic
limestones interbedded with thin marls; the Echinoderm
Member (Jhe), a medium-bedded, fine- to coarse-grained
echinoderm grainstone; thin shales and marls of the Erzegg
and Schilt Formations (Jes); and the Malm Quinten Limestone
Figure 1. Regional tectonic map. (Jq), a thick-bedded to massive micrite. Approximate rela-
tive competencies are indicated in Figure 2; the Malm lime-
shear between nappe boundaries oriented at an originally low stone is the thickest and most competent unit and thus asserts
angle to bedding (as proposed by Ramsay etal. 1983, and Casey the most control over fold wavelength and geometry.
& Huggenberger 1985) created initially open, upright, sym- The field area was initially mapped in the early part of the
metric folds, and that further shearing subsequently rotated century (Heim 1919; Stauffer 1920; Gunzler-Seiffert 1924).
these folds into their current asymmetric geometries. The Results of more detailed mapping by the authors are illus-
amount of required shear strain and associated displacement trated in a simplified map (Fig. 3) and a northwest-southeast
is calculated by application of standard equations for simple cross section (Fig. 4). The area is dominated by a series of
shear deformation. northwest-vergent, overturned folds which may have strike
lengths of over forty kilometres (cf. Ramsay 1989) and which
show cuspate-lobate shapes characteristic of strong compe-
tency contrasts (Ramsay 1982; Ramsay & Huber 1987). The
Palfris Marls two largest-amplitude folds are the focus of this paper, and are
termed here the Birg (BG) and Schynige Platte (SP) folds.
Each is characterized by a moderately dipping backlimb, a
Quinten Lmst. domain of low dips, and a steeply dipping, overturned fore-
limb. The folds are not cored by thrust ramps and are thus
interpreted as undisrupted detachment folds.
Erzegg/Schilt Fms.
Echinoderm Grnst.
Kinematic analysis
Schwarzhorn Beds
Although both the observed fold geometry and total finite
strain must be correctly predicted by any kinematic model,
neither imparts much information on fold evolution. The
most useful criteria in deciphering the kinematic develop-
Glockhaus Fm. ment are mesoscale structures and measured incremental
strains. As pressure fringes and curved fibrous vein filling
were not observed in samples from the Helvetic folds, the
analysis depends on small-scale faults, bedding-plane fibres
Wildhorn Nappe basal decollement indicative of flexural slip, solution cleavage, and dilatant
Figure 2. Generalized stratigraphy, roughly to scale, {approx. 2500 m), with veins. Examination and measurement of the distribution,
competency increasing with unit width. See text for lithological descriptions. orientation, and relative timing of these features, especially



J— Thrust fault

Other fault



• Sample site
Cross section

Figure 3. Simplified structural map of study area. The northwestern boundary is the Brienzer See, and the southeasteni boundary is the basal detachment
of the Wildhom Nappe. Crosses refer to Swiss national map grid coordinates.

the veins and cleavage, form the foundation for documenting (Shanley & Mahtab 1975) and field observations. Mean
the proposed role of simple shear in fold initiation, amplifi- orientations were determined by eigenvector analysis. Each
cation, and modification. set is defined relative to site bedding, and does not necessarily
Vein and cleavage orientations were measured at nineteen have the same orientation as ihe equivalent set at another site.
representative sites (Fig. 3, Table 1). The vein data for each The relative timings of the vein and solution cleavage popu-
site were divided into sets (Fig. 5) using cluster-analysis lations (Table 1) were determined by examining cross-cut-

BG fold


- 1000


Figure 4. Simplified structural cross section across center of study area (line of section shown in Fig. 3). Thick lines are faults, thin lines are fold hinge lines,
straligraphic patterns as in Figure 2. Topographic elevations in vicinity of cross section range from 700 m to 2500 m above sea level.


ting relationships. Although veins oriented normal to the fold the array, and are presumably caused by spatially or tempo-
axes are common in all sites, they play no role in the kinematic rally varying stress fields (Pollard era/. 1982). Furthermore,
model and are not considered further. individual veins are demonstrably not shear veins, in that any
In a given structural domain, the number and orientations fibres are oriented perpendicular to vein walls. The vast
of the different sets with respect to bedding, and their relative majority of veins, therefore, appear to be tensile, mode-1
timing, are fairly consistent between separate sites and even fractures.
varying lithologies (Table 1). Backlimbs (Fig. 5a) are domi-
nated by coeval bedding-parallel cleavage and bedding-
normal veins (set B) and a late phase of more steeply-dipping
veins (set D). The low-dip domains have an approximately Both experimental models (Ghosh 1966; Manz & Wickham
axial-planar cleavage and rare bedding-parallel (set A) and 1978) and theoretical calculations (Treagus 1973) indicate
north-dipping (set C) veins. Forelimbs (Fig. 5b) are charac- that simple shear oriented obliquely to an undeformed layer
terized by early bedding-parallel veins (set A) and bedding- embedded in less competent matrix forms symmetric buckle
perpendicular cleavage, an intermediate phase of steeply- folds (Fig. 6a,b). Whereas Treagus (1973) suggested that
dipping veins (set C), and a late phase of bedding-normal folds may become asymmetric only if competency contrasts
veins (set B) and bedding-parallel cleavage. are low. Price (1967) and Ramsay & Huber (1983, p.27)
Kinematic interpretation of veins is dependent upon their argued that asymmetric buckles form whenever the principal
origin. Although the majority of veins in a given set (mean compressive stress is inclined to bedding. Sanderson (1979),
of 83%) are nonsystematically spaced, the remainder are on the other hand, proposed that asymmetric folds form by
found in en-echelon arrays. Several factors suggest most of passive rotation of earlier-formed folds in progressive simple
these arrays do not represent shear zones (cf. Ramsay & shear (Fig. 6b,c). He described fold geometries that range
Graham 1970; Beach 1975): (1) most veins with similar from open and upright to tight and recumbent over a distance
orientations are isolated and tabular; (2) less than 1% are of less than 20 km, and attributed the differences to varying
sigmoidal; (3) of hundreds of arrays examined, only three amounts of simple shear: as shear increases, fold limbs and
showed evidence of displacement parallel to the array axial planes rotate as passive markers until, at very high shear
boundaries; (4) volume loss within the arrays is no greater strains, isoclinal folds form with both limbs and axial planes
than outside the arrays (unpubl. data; cf. Beach 1974); and (5) at a low angle to the shear direction. Asymmetric folds have
vein-to-array angles are generally very low (10-30°). Most similarly been produced by numerical modelling of symmet-
arrays are interpreted to have formed according to the model ric folds in simple shear (Skjemaa 1980; Ramsay etal. 1983;
of Olson & Pollard (1988), in which randomly spaced Casey & Huggenberger 1985), and the model has been
microfractures develop into en-echelon vein arrays during applied to explain fold geometries from several areas (Bos-
growth due to mechanical interaction around vein tips. Others worth & Vollmer 1981; Tanner & Macdonald 1982; Gibson
can be seen to merge into a primary vein oriented parallel to & Gray 1985).

Table 1. Mean orientations and relative timing of veins sets and cleavage
Domain Site Bedding A* B* C* D* PSlt PS2:i: Timing§
Backlimb Jq. NLa 054,198 069,72N (24) 043,275 b,psl/B,PSl
Jq.NLb 092,105 080,74N (2) 050,52N (9) 050,888(15) 043,178 B,c/C,P81,bA3
Jhe.NLa 080,248 068,7IN (69) 090,828 (25) 059,235 B/D
Jhe.NLb 052,118 098,74N(10) 088,828 (22) 091,03N B/D
Jhe.NLc 090,248 076,66N (20) 110,878(21) 5o - par. B,psl/P51,b/D
Jhs.NLa 076,265 080,74N(6I) 057,30N (6) 044,90(102) 5o - par. B,c/C,b,d/D
Jhs.NLb 069,265 085,67N (36) 120,48N(9) 068,88N(15) 079,375 B,c/C,b,d/D,c
Crest JhcNLFa 046,12N 048,13N(5) 024,84N(11) 030,105
Jhe.NLFb 046,12N 050,06N (2) 060,648(1)
Jhs.NLF 053,27N 038,465(1) 039,445
Hinge Jhe.NLN 023,39N 058,64N (6) 032,415(19)
Jhe.OTV 035,90 073,81N(1) 094,39N (27) 002,355 (5)
Forelimb Jq.OTa 059,468 060,458 (5) 044,72N (64) 028,685 070,36N A,PS2/C/PS1
Jq.OTb 071,458 073,438 (3) 050,788 (28) 5o - par. A/C/P51
Jq.OTc 033,598 095,43N (20) 098,82N (20) 105,10N(15) 046,535 8o • per. P52/C/P51
Jhe.OTa 050,368 059,448 (32) 060,45N (6) 039,88N (23) 066,508 A/C,b/B,P81,c
Jhe.OTb 50,525 055,588 (4) 050,36N (9) 070,73N(12) 042,558 A/C/B
Jhs.OTa 062,448 055,40N (79) 065,80N (3) 064,508
Jhs.OTb 052,558 052,558 (2) 062,35N (7) 066,73N (7) So - par. So - per. A,P82/C/B,P51
Note: axial-perpendicular veins not listed.
* A, bedding-parallel veins; B, bedding-perpendicular veins; C, flexural slip/flow veins consistent with hinge pin; D, flexural slip/flow veins with
opposite sense; number of veins measured in parentheses.
t Early or only cleavage; 8o-par. is bedding-parallel.
i Second, later cleavage; So-per. is bedding-perpendicular.
§ Timing relationships, with different phases separated by slashes (oldest on left, youngest on right). Commas separate mutually cross-cutting sets;
capital letters designate dominant or only occurrence of a set; lower-case letters designate minor occurrence of a set.


Backlimb Forelimb
site Jhe.NLa site Jhe.OTa

n = 102 n = 99

Figure 5. Equal-area, lower-hemisphere plots of dilatant veins from representative sites (both in Echinoderm Member): (a) backlimb, (b) forelimb. Dots
- poles to veins, diamond - pole to site bedding, squares - poles to mean vein orientation for each set. Capital letters refer to different vein sets: A - bedding-
parallel, B - bedding-perpendicular, C - veins related to flexural slip/flow during folding, D - late flexural slip/flow veins, E - axial extension veins, n - number
of veins.

It is suggested that the Wildhom nappe folds formed in a

simple shear zone defined by nappe boundaries which were
originally oriented at a small angle to bedding. Initiation of
overthrust shear formed symmetric buckle folds (Fig. 7a)
which subsequently developed asymmetrically distributed
mesoscale structures (Fig. 7b). Further shearing modified the
folds primarily by rotation of the forelimbs through the
vertical (Fig. 7c) to their present orientations (Fig. 7d).
Initial shortening appears to have been accommodated
immediately by buckling of the competent units of the mul-
tilayer into the surrounding incompetent marls and shales.
Evidence for early layer-parallel shortening is almost nonex-
istent: small-scale contractional wedge faults are very rare,
and bedding-perpendicular pressure solution is confined to
forelimbs. The earliest-formed veins and cleavage have rela-
tionships to bedding that are opposite on the two limbs,
resulting in extension and thinning of backlimbs and shorten-
ing and thickening of forelimbs (Fig. 7b).
Evidence that the initial folds were symmetric rather than
asymmetric comes primarily from the low-dip domains.
These regions have none of the features of the backlimbs, but
Figure 6. Kinematic model of asymmetric fold development in simple
do have veins and cleavage orientations analogous to those of
shear: (a) undeformed geometry; (b) initial generation of symmetric buckle
the earliest forelimb structures. In addition, backlimb bed folds (after Ghosh 1966, Manz & Wickham 1977, Treagus 1973); (c) de-
lengths (measured from cross sections and including layer- velopment of asymmetry by passive rotation (after Sanderson 1979).
parallel strains) are roughly equal to the sum of the forelimb
and low-dip domain bed lengths. Thus, the initial folds were nal strain (Ramsay 1967), with deformation confined to fold
symmetric, with hinges located at the boundaries between the hinges. It is emphasized that this is only a proposed model,
low-dip domains and backlimbs. As there is no evidence for as no unequivocal evidence for tangential longitudinal strain
progressive hinge migration through the low-dip domains, it has been documented. Although fold hinges are sometimes
is suggested that the fold hinges jumped to their present characterized by more intense fracture development, includ-
locations prior to significant forelimb rotation. ing veins both parallel and perpendicular to bedding, the
The early symmetric shape of the folds implies that o, was relative timing of these features is ambiguous, and any finite
locally reoriented parallel to bedding at interfaces between neutral surface cannot be defined. At some point during fold
competent beds and incompetent matrix (Fig. 7a; Treagus amplification, bedding was distorted enough so that it could
1973). However, there are no observed mesoscale structures no longer act effectively as a stress guide, and the far-field
symmetrically developed on both fold limbs. Instead, layer stress direction imposed by the shear zone became dominant.
distortion may have been manifested by tangential longitudi- At this stage, the fold geometry was still symmetric, but


mesoscale structures developed asymmetrically in the differ-

ent fold domains (Fig. 7b). These features are compatible
with deformation within an overall regime of simple shear:
backlimb and forelimb beds were oriented parallel to the
extensional and contractional fields, respectively, of the
shear zone defined by the nappe boundaries.
With increased simple shear, backlimbs rotated slowly to
slightly lower dips, retaining approximately the same orien-
tation relative to the shear zone. Patterns of solution cleavage
and veins, therefore, remained unchanged. Forelimbs, how-
ever, rotated rapidly by first steepening to vertical, and then
becoming more overturned with decreasing dips. This stage
was characterized by veins that are roughly en-echelon in the
profile plane of individual beds (Table 1, set C; Fig. 7c),
interpreted as the response to local stresses set up by bedding-
parallel flexural slip/flow. The sense of bedding-parallel
shear is compatible with that indicated by common bedding
plane fibres. Relative lack of similar features on the back-
limbs indicates little flexural slip or flow in this domain, and
thus suggests approximate backlimb pins during fold rotation
and tightening. Forelimb solution cleavage associated with
this stage could not be identified, probably because rapid limb
rotation created constantly varying principal stress directions
relative to bedding, so that pressure solution was taken up at
distributed grain contacts rather than at discrete seams.
The youngest features of the forelimbs were created when
the forelimbs rotated into parallelism with the extensional
field of the shear couple (Fig. 7d), and veins and cleavage
accommodated bed lengthening and thinning. On the back-
limbs, a set of veins en-echelon in the profile plane of beds
(Table 1, set D; Fig. 7d) are interpreted as a response to
bedding-parallel shear with a sense again consistent with
backlimb pins.

Quantification of shear strain

The deformation of the Wildhom nappe can be quantified by
applying a technique similar to that of Sanderson (1979) and
Gibson & Gray (1985). The calculations are based on the
standard equations for deformation of a passive marker in
simple shear (Ramsay 1967,p. 88; Sanderson 1979), in which
the final length (J) and orientation (a) of a line are dependent
upon its original length (J^), its original orientation with re-
spect to the shear zone (a^), and the amount of shear strain (y):

cot a = cot ttp-I-Y (1)

Figure 7. Schematic diagrams showing kinematic development of Wild-
(Wo)' = 1 + f sin^ttg + 7sin2ap. (2) hom nappe folds: (a) initiation stage, with c , locally reoriented parallel to
original bedding, (b) symmetric stage, (c) rotation stage, (d)finalstage (present
geometry). Nappe boundaries are horizontal, with sense of overthrust shear
In the present analysis, several assumptions are made. shown by large arrows determining the regional orientation of a, in (b), (c),
First, the deformation is divided into two separate phases: an (d). Dilatant veins are indicated by filled gashes, solution cleavage by thin
initial period of symmetric folding with rotation only of the lines. Small arrows parallel to bedding show sense and relative magnitude of
fold envelope, followed by passive rotation of fold limbs, flexural slip, and edges of each bed represent lines originally perpendicular
to bedding. Letters A,B,C,D refer to vein sets of Table 1.
axial plane, and fold envelope. Second, it is assumed that the
shear zone boundaries are parallel, and that there is no change
in shear zone thickness (i.e. no volume change) during erally higher near the nappe boundaries (Ramsay 1981,
deformation. Finally, the deformation is modelled with a Casey & Huggenberger 1985, Dietrich & Casey 1989).
constant shear strain profile, although shear strains are gen- A number of independent parameters can be used as


Table 2. Quantification of simple shear deformation (see text).

Run Ys ao ILA Yr Env A P B L FL Err Yt

1 1.2 167 95 1.30 151 32 16 54 11 2.50
2 1.2 168 99 1.48 154 30 15 51 6, 2.68
3 1.2 169 102 1.69 156 27 15 47 ll" 2.89
4 1.3 167 92 1.20 151 33 17 56 13 2.50
5 1.3 168 95 1.38 154 31 16 52 5 2.68
6 1.3 169 99 1.59 156 28 15 48 9 2.89
7 1.4 168 92 1.28 154 32 17 54 7 2.68
8 1.4 169 95 1.49 156 30 16 50 4 2.89
9 1.4 170 99 1.76 158 27 15 44 16 3.16
10 1.5 168 89 1.18 154 34 18 56 10 2.68
U 1.5 169 92 1.39 156 31 17 51 3 2.89
12 1.5 170 96 1.66 158 28 16 46 12 3.16
13 1.6 168 85 1.08 154 36 19 58 15 2.68
14 1.6 169 89 1.29 156 32 18 53 5 2.89
15 1.6 170 93 1.56 158 29 17 48 8 3.16
^^ = '.39
16 1.7 169 86 1.19 156 34 19 56 11 2.89
17 1.7 170 91 1.46 158 30 18 50 4 3.16
18 1.7 171 95 1.78 161 27 16 43 19 3.48
19 1.8 169 84 1.09 156 36 20 58 16 2.89
20 1.8 170 88 1.36 158 32 19 52 7 3.16
21 1.8 171 93 1.68 161 28 17 45 15 3.48
measured* 155 31 18 50
Figure 8. Quantificationofoverthrust shear deformation (see text): (a)
Yj, symmetric stage shear strain; CXQ, original angle between bedding and undeformed state, (b) symmetric stage, (c) final geometry. Values from
shear zone; ILA, inter-limb angle of symmetric fold; Yp rotation stage Run 11 of Table 2.
shear strain; Env, final orientation of fold envelope; AP, final orientation
of axial plane; BL, final orientation of backlimb; FL, final orientation of The calculations are remarkably well constrained: while
forelimb; Err, degrees of cumulative mismatch; YJ, total shear strain. other combinations of shear strain and orientation may accu-
* mean values measured from cross sections relative to horizontal shear rately reproduce one or several aspects of the deformation,
only a narrow range can account for the measured rotation of
all fold elements and the total shortening. Table 2 lists the
variables in equations (1) and (2), namely, the total measured results of scenarios in which the shear zone was assumed to
shortening (53%) and the average orientations of the fore- be currently horizontal. Other scenarios with north- and
limbs, backlimbs, axial planes, and fold envelope. The south-dipping shear zones yielded the same best total shear
equations were applied to over 200 different scenarios with strain and original shear zone orientation, but the cumulative
varying combinations of shear strains, original shear zone mismatches were greater. The best solution is run 11, with a
orientations relative to bedding, and current shear zone cumulative mismatch of only 3° compared with measured
orientations. Selected results are listed in Table 2, and the values. With bedding originally horizontal, the shear zone
best solution is illustrated in Figure 8. The procedure for each had an original dip of 11° SE (Fig. 8a). Its current horizontal
run is as follows: (1) an orientation of the shear zone with orientation implies a regional rotation of this part of the
respect to bedding (a^) is chosen (Fig. 8a), and an initial shear Wildhom nappe of approximately 11° to the northwest. An
strain {yJ is imposed; (2) the bedding rotation and shortening initial shear strain of y = 1.5 caused bedding (or the fold
are calculated from equations (1) & (2); (3) the new bedding envelope) to rotate 4° and shorten by 28%. The shortening
orientation is equivalent to the fold envelope of the symmet- was accommodated by creation of symmetric buckle folds
ric folds, and the shortening determines the fold interlimb with interlimb angles of about 92° and axial planes at 75° to
angle (ILA, equal to 180°-2[cos''l|]); (4) from these values, the shear zone boundaries (Fig. 8b). A further shear strain of
symmetric fold axial plane, backlimb, and forelimb orienta- Y= 1.39 then modified the folds by passive rotation into the
tions relative to the shear zone can be computed (Fig. 8b); (5) presently observed geometries (Fig. 8c).
the shortening from the symmetric stage is subtracted from The division of the deformation into two separate phases,
the total measured shortening to give that of the second, although a simplification, may be mechanically justifiable.
rotation, stage, and the equivalent shear strain (y_.) is deter- Ramsay et al. (1983) have pointed out that folds of this type
mined from equation (2); (6) this shear strain is applied to the are mechanically active until interlimb angles approach 100°,
symmetric fold elements, yielding the calculated final
at which point the folds lock and further tightening occurs by
orientations (Env, AP, BL, FL, Table 2; Fig. 8c); (7) the
passive rotation in simple shear. The results presented here
present shear zone dip is assumed, and the observed orienta-
are in excellent agreement, with rotation commencing when
tions of the various parameters measured relative to it; and (9)
interlimb angles reached 92°.
the measured and calculated final orientations are compared,
The total shear strain of y = 2.9 compares well with that
and the cumulative degrees of mismatch are calculated. The
determined for the Diablerets Nappe (y = 3) by Dietrich &
best solution is that which minimizes the cumulative mis-
Casey (1989). In addition, itfalls below the value of y= 3, at
which structural elements such as fold axes start to show


rotation into the shear direction (Skjemaa 1980); this is dinal strain (Ramsay 1967). Small parasitic folds sometimes
consistent with field observations which indicate no such show radial dilatant veins and solution cleavage on the
rotation. Taking the thickness of this portion of the Wildhom outside and inside, respectively, of the folds. Cores of the
nappe to be 2500-3000 m, the displacement of the top of the major folds can also show more extensive fracturing, although
Jurassic multilayer with respect to the base of the nappe is this is not developed everywhere. Hinge areas of the early
about 8 km. This distributed displacement is entirely within symmetric folds are broad and poorly defined, so that the role
the Wildhom nappe, and is separate from the discrete dis- of tangential longitudinal strain in the initial buckling is
placements along the boundary thrusts. difficult to determine. It is probable, but not proven, that
initial buckling was manifested primarily by tangential lon-
gitudinal strain, and that later rotation was accompanied
Discussion principally by flexural slip and flow.
Brittle and chemical processes were important compo-
Through analysis of fold geometry, dilatant veins, and solu- nents of the Wildhom nappe deformation (see also Groshong
tion cleavage, the kinematic history of the asymmetric folds et al. 1984), and were primarily responses to the regional and
from the Wildhom nappe has been examined. It has been local stresses imposed by shearing along the nappe bounda-
demonstrated that the evidence is compatible with fold initia- ries. Vein formation accommodated both limb lengthening
tion and passive rotation in simple shear parallel to the nappe and thickening, depending on orientation, as well as axial
boundaries; furthermore, it is suggested that only this sce- extension, with total volume gains of up to 10% (unpubl.
nario can fully explain all the observed features. The kin- data). Dissolution, however, was the major factor in creating
ematic analysis corroborates earlier arguments invoking the thickness variations apparent in Figure 4. Although
overthmst shear in the Helvetic nappes (Laubscher 1983; maximum volume losses in both the Malm limestone and
Ramsay et al. 1983; Casey & Huggenberger 1985; Ramsay Echinoderm Member are less than 10%, limestones of the
1989; Dietrich & Casey 1989), and supports proposed expla- Schwarzhom Beds, where thinning is most pronounced on
nations for asymmetric fold development in other areas overturned limbs, have volume losses of up to 35% (unpubl.
(Sanderson 1979; Bruhn 1979; Kligfield et al. 1981; Bos- data). Dissolution in the interbedded marls may be even
worth & VoUmer 1981; Tanner & Macdonald 1982; Gibson greater, as marls make up 45% of the Schwarzhom Beds
& Gray 1985). thickness on backlimbs, but only 15% on forelimbs. This
It could be argued that the early symmetric folds were appears contradictory at first, as backlimbs have always been
caused not by simple shear at an angle to bedding, but instead properly oriented for limb thinning, whereas forelimbs did
by buttressing against pre-existing normal faults, as in the not reach appropriate dips until late in the folding history. It
models of Lemoine et al. (1986) and Gillcrist et al. (1987). may be that intense shear associated with flexural slip/flow in
These authors clearly demonstrated the effects of buttressing the weak marls of the overturned limbs facilitated the disso-
in the western Alps, and suggested that similar deformation lution process.
styles, modified by intense simple shear, can explain the In closing, it is important to emphasize the differences in
geometry and strain of the Morcles Nappe. Dietrich & Casey the fold kinematics documented here versus the fault-bend
(1989), however, pointed out the inadequacies of this model: and fault-propagation models which dominate the recent
first, that two of the three Helvetic nappe boundaries are literature. Widely varying stmctural styles exist in the high-
marked by clearly visible isoclinal synclines rather than by level, low-temperature portions of separate, and even indi-
normal faults; and second, that buttressing implies a signifi- vidual, fold-and-thrust belts, and different explanations are
cant pure shear component and corresponding steep axial required. For example, models appropriate to the Rocky
planes at the front of the nappe, features not characteristic of Mountains should not necessarily be applied to Alpine nap-
the Helvetic nappes. Furthermore, the present study has pes. The variable styles are caused by many factors. The most
shown that early mesoscale stmctures are not symmetric on critical include: tectonic setting (collision vs. subduction),
both limbs, as would be expected if buttressing were a presence and orientation of older faults, depth of burial and
significant factor. geothermal gradient, strain rate, and relative thicknesses and
Although the driving mechanism for fold development competencies of the sedimentary layers. It is the unique
was overthmst shear, the actual deformation processes that combination of such elements in each fold-and-thrust belt
accommodated buckling and rotation were varied. Certainly that determines the response to regional compression through
flexural slip played a major role during forelimb rotation, as folding, faulting, or more penetrative strain.
indicated by the abundant bedding-plane fibres. A compo-
nent of flexural flow is also suggested, both by the en-echelon We wish to thank R. Ratliff, J. Cosgrove, and an anonymous reviewer for
constructive comments, and K. McClay and A. Scott for their tireless efforts
veins on the forelimbs and by finite strain patterns (unpubl.
in organizing the conference and putting together this pubhcation. The
data). But folding was not by flexural mechanisms alone, as research was supported by NSF grant EAR 86-16640 to R. Kligfield.
some evidence exists for deformation by tangential longitu-


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Forelimb deformation in some natural examples of fault-propagation
Juan Luis Alonso' & Antonio TeixelF

^Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Oviedo, 33005 Oviedo, Spain

^Division de Geologia, ITGE, Mayor 20, 22700 Jaca, Spain

Abstract: An analysis of two natural examples of fault-propagation folds from the Pyrenees and
the Cantabrian zone (N Spain) is presented. These folds possess common features despite their
different geological settings, i.e. related to thrust tectonics in the Pyrenean example and to strike-
slip faulting in the Cantabrian zone. Transition from fault-bend to fault-propagation folding along
individual thrusts is related to changes in lithology. The fault-propagation folds studied are tight
and markedly asymmetric with respect to limb thickness and shape. The forelimbs are curvilinear
and display progressive thinning of beds towards the fault surface, which can be interpreted in
terms of a characteristic heterogeneous strain superimposed onto flexural shear, and restricted to
them. This strain has been factorized by means of grid construction, and is found to be a
combination of thrust-parallel heterogeneous simple shear and pure shear, attributed here to a shear
zone with diverging walls and extrusion. In contrast with previous models, it is shown that thrust-
parallel simple shear is not necessarily distributed above the entire fault surface but may instead
be restricted to regions where motion was inhibited such as tip zones or ramps.

Anticline-syncline fold pairs which accommodate fault dis- decollement located at the base of the sandstones (Larra floor
placement ahead of tip lines are commonly referred to as thrust, Teixell 1990). This thrust system is folded into
fault-propagation folds (Suppe & Medwedeff 1984). These overturned folds with local cleavage development (S^ in Fig.
folds are often broken as a result of further tip propagation. A Ic), related to the emplacement of lower basement thrusts.
kinematic model for fault-propagation folding was presented The Tejerina fault-propagation fold, located within the
by Suppe (1985), in which displacement was accommodated Cantabrian zone, is related to a strike-slip fault developed in
by kink folds developed as a result of layer-parallel shear. the northern, subvertical limb of the earlier Tejerina syncline
Other models to account for displacement variations along (Figs 3 & 4a). The stratigraphic succession involved consists
faults, and the differences in thrust-parallel shortening between of clastic rocks of Carboniferous age which unconformably
hangingwall and footwall have been both theoretically in- overlie the Esla nappe (Alonso 1985,1987). This subvertical
voked (Elliott 1976; Berger & Johnson 1980; Sanderson limb was folded into a broad, open fold in which various
1982; Williams & Chapman 1983; Coward & Potts 1983), structures were formed depending on the lithology and
and documented from nature (Geiser 1988; Hyett 1990). thickness of the beds. In the northern, inner arc of the fold,
In this paper an analysis of two natural examples of fault- where thick-bedded alternations of quartzitic and carbonate
propagation folds from non-metamorphic terranes of both the conglomerates predominate, fault-propagation folds were
Pyrenees and the Cantabrian zone of N Spain is presented. formed. By contrast, in the south, where a thin-bedded
These folds display common geometric features even though carbonate conglomerate and shale multilayer exists, only
they are from different geological settings (related to thrust smaller, conjugate kink folds and faults occur, involving less
shortening as would be expected in the outer arc of the fold
tectonics in the Pyrenees and to strike-slip faulting in the
(Fig. 3b).
Cantabrian zone). This paper shows that the deformation
occurring in the fold forelimbs can be factorized into a
flexural shear component, and a superimposed heterogene-
ous strain, both accommodating displacement variations along Geometry
the faults.
The Aragues and Tejerina structures are tight, fault-related
folds of hectometric scale. Their detailed geometry is shown
Geological setting in Figures 2 and 4. In Aragiies, the folds are inclined, with
subhorizontal axes. In Tejerina, the fold axes are vertical, and
The Pyrenean examples of fault-propagation folds presented therefore the map pattern constitutes a true fold profile. In the
belong to an imbricate fan developed in Upper Cretaceous Aragiies examples, the hangingwall anticlines, well-exposed,
sandstones and Palaeogene carbonates located just south of have been chosen for analysis. In Tejerina, the vertical
the Axial zone of the Central Pyrenees (Figs 1 & 2), in the syncline occurring in the north wall of the strike-slip fault is
Aragiies valley. The individual thrusts sole into a tighter than the south wall anticline, also better exposed, and


A / T - K ^ ^ FRANCE

^ ^ - ^ 4 _ ^ 0 lOOKm


>, KEY
° [:::::| T u r b i d i t e s and m a r l s
^ j j |_jf^g5|Q[.^g5 Qp(j dolomites

S \^^^ Quartz sandstones

zj § l---=---=1 Calcareous shales
K 11 ' 11 L i m e s t o n e s
l + ^ + l A x i a l Zone Basement

=^ FOLD IN Fig.2

Figure 1. (a) and (b) Location maps for the fault-propagation folds in the Aragues valley (south central Pyrenees), (c) Simplified geological cross-section.
See (b) for location.


t« ^ 3

— - ^ -^—r^j^. QHWIO^

H = V

Figure 2. Detailed cross-sections of the same structure on both sides of the Aragues valley, showing the geometry of thrust-related folds and backthrusts
(see Fig. 1 for location). YgL- backlimb axial angle; 0 ^ ^ , hangingwall cutoff angle; Bj^, footwall cutoff angle; Key: 1, well-bedded limestones; 2, massive
limestones; 3, fine-grained limestones and dolomites; 4, dolomites; 5, quartz sandstones (Marbore formation).


^ ' r //Fig. 3B

Stephonian clastic rocks

Figure 3. (a) and (b). Location maps for the Tejerina fault-propagation fold, in the Cantabrian zone. Key: 1, shales; 2, calcareous conglomerates; 3, quartz

was thus selected. The tighter nature of the north wall fold is fault-propagation folds of Suppe (1985).
probably related to the existence of a thick shaly packet, In Tejerina, the fold axial plane of the northern fault block
easily deformed by contact strain, immediately north of the originates from the trailing flat to ramp transition (Fig. 4). In
fault-propagation fold. contrast, in the Aragues example the axial plane originates
There are several similarities between the Aragiies and from the upper part of the ramp, near the boundary between
Tejerina fault-propagation folds. Both examples consist of the quartz sandstones and the overlying carbonates, leaving
asymmetric folds with a straight backlimb in which the bed an unfolded section of sandstones in the lower part of the
thicknesses remain unchanged, except for the hinge zones. In ramp (Fig. 2). This feature can be related to a lithologically-
contrast, the forelimbs display a characteristic curvilinear controlled upward change in slip/propagation rate, being
form, which results in markedly asymmetric axial angles lower within the sandstones than in the carbonates, where
(angles between the fold limbs and the axial plane). In fault-propagation folds develop. Angular values and other
addition, the forelimb regions show a progressive thinning parameters of the structures are presented in Figures 2 and 4,
towards the fault plane, where the beds show quasi-asymp- and in Table 1.
totic attitudes (Figs 2 & 4). This deformation took place
mainly by pressure solution mechanisms, evidenced by the
occurrence of stylolites and rough cleavage in Aragiies, and Strain factorization
pitted pebbles in Tejerina. Small fractures and veins are also
present. In order to explain the curvilinearity and thickness variations
In the Tejerina example, the fold shape changes, in the in the forelimbs of the fault-propagation folds studied, con-
direction of displacement reduction, from chevron-like sider a model in which a symmetric fold shape that would
through rounded to box forms. This transition is similar to result from the common folding mechanisms (layer-parallel
that occurring in the kink folds of the theoretical model for shear and tangential longitudinal strain) is modified by a


Shales Calcareous

Quartz conglomerates

5 0 0 m.

Figure 4. (a). Detailed geological map constituting the profile of the Tejerina fault-propagation fold, yg^^, backlimb axial angle; 9,,^^, cutoff angle in north
wall of the fault (see Fig. 3 for location), (b) Restoration of the Tejerina structure.


Fault-related NW cutofT angles FW Axial Angles Calculated Along-Thrust Displacement

fold cutoff NW Global (m)
^HW angles ^FL ^BL Stretch
Flexural Shear
^FW Only

Marbore Top massive

sst. 1st. Forelimb Backlimb
ARAGUES E 0-12° 160° ___ 21° 50° 117° not recorded 500 min

ARAGUES W 10° 155° 0-8° 40° 114° 0.79 500 min

^North South
Wall Wall
TEJERINA 157° 20-90° 0° 32° 133° 0.86 170

(Top Ist.Conglom.)

Table 1. Angular values and other parameters of the fault-propagation folds analysed in this study.

deformation restricted to the forelimb. This restriction is structed hangingwall cutoff angle (Fig. 6). If an orthogonal
supported by the constant thickness and the absence of grid is drawn onto the forelimb of the symmetric fold (Figs 6a
significant strain which characterizes the straight backlimbs. & c), and if it is subsequently overlain on the actual fold shape
The procedure is used solely for convenience in the factori- with a displacement d = 1^,-1 j (axial plane displacement), a
zation analysis, and a particular deformation sequence is not deformed grid can be constructed using the distortion of
implied. bedding (Figs 6b & d). The superimposition of both the
If an ideal symmetric fold is constructed using the backlimb undeformed and deformed grids is shown in Figure 7. This
axial angles measured in the folds studied, keeping the length figure illustrates a shear zone with diverging walls and
of the axial plane constant, the forelimb obtained has the same heterogeneous strain, a model which is comparable to the
cross-sectional area as that of the actual fold (Fig. 5). This extrusion effect of Ramsay & Huber (1987, Fig. 26.35) and
suggests plane strain deformation with the intermediate strain Dietrich & Casey (1989). In the deformation zone shown
axis perpendicular to the fold profile. here, one of the diverging walls (axial plane) is translated
Furthermore, it can be observed that the cutoff lengths of parallel to itself along the fault slip direction, and the other
the individual layers in the actual fold forelimb (1, in Figs 6b wall (fault plane) constitutes a discontinuity in the displace-
& d) are shorter than the orthogonal thicknesses measured in ment field which experiences shortening. The resulting
the backlimb, implying that thrust-parallel shortening oc- extrusion accounts for the characteristic curvilinearity of the
curred in the forelimb. The along-thrust stretch which modi- forelimbs studied (Figs 6b, d & 7). The strain distribution
fied the ideal symmetric fold into the present shape is defined within the deformation zone (Fig. 7) indicates the occurrence
as of thrust-parallel stretch (pure shear) combined with hetero-
geneous simple shear to maintain strain compatibility.
s =iA (1)
where It is possible that strain extrusion models similar to the one
l„ = tysine„^ (2) proposed here also apply to true hangingwall ramps of fault-
bend folds, as a result of the higher resistance to motion in
where t^ is the original bed thickness and 6'^^ is the recon- ramp regions than in flats. In the hangingwall ramp of the


Figure 5. Reconstruction of symmetric folds from the backlimb axial angles measured in the Aragiies W and Tejerina structures. The actual fold profile
is represented by continuous lines, whilst the dashed lines represent the bedding traces of the reconstructed symmetric folds. In the Aragues example the
reconstruction has been made taking into account the mean thickness of the entire backlimb.


Layer parallel shear only Combined thrust parallel hetero.

geneous simple and pure shear



Figure 6. Modification of the symmetric folds into the actual fold forms, (a) and (c) Reconstructed symmetric folds, with undeformed orthogonal grids,
(b) and (d) Presently observed fold forms showing the superimposed heterogeneous deformation by means of the deformed grid, l,,, initial cutoff length;
1,, present cutoff length; d, displacement.

Eslanappe (Cantabrian zone), some incompetent stratigraphic angle can be explained by the fact that the folds in Tejerina are
units show progressive thinning towards the thrust surface, rounded, implying thus less shortening than the kink folds of
with cutoff lengths much smaller than the original orthogonal Suppe's model. The different geometries of the fault trajec-
thicknesses; by contrast, in the hangingwall flat, thrust- tories shown in Figure 4b and in the south wall ramp in Figure
parallel shortening is negligible (Alonso 1985). Hence het- 4a may be attributed to the deformation of the fault by
erogeneous simple shear, supported by a well-developed fold heterogeneous layer-parallel shear related to the develop-
train in the hangingwall ramp, would not necessarily affect ment of the south wall fold. In this southern wall, the cutoff
the whole thrust sheet but instead would occur only in the angles are now around 80°. To the north, the fault branches
frontal culmination wall. This differs from previous models into two splays, the northwestemmost splay shows a higher
in which simple shear superimposed on fault-bend folds is ramp angle than the southern part of the ramp. This can be
envisaged to affect the whole thrust sheet, i.e. both hangingwall
ramp and flat regions (Elliot 1976; Ramsay et al. 1983; Suppe
1983). In our model, simple shear is a result of heterogeneous
thrust-parallel stretch, necessary for the compatibility of

Comparison with previous models

The symmetric folds obtained by removing the effect of the
superimposed heterogeneous strain as proposed in our model B
(Fig. 5) show quantitative relationships G-y which are in
good agreement with those predicted by Suppe's (1985)
model for fault propagation folding.
In Tejerina, the restoration of the structure profile (Fig.
4b), assuming a pin line (X-X') perpendicular to the regional
trend of bedding, yields a ramp angle of 28°. This value is
similar to the actual angle between the present fault surface TEJERINA
and the regional trend of bedding (27° in Fig. 4a). According Figure 7. Transformation of the orthogonal grids, illustrating the translation
to Suppe's model, an axial angle of 32° as that of the of the axial plane, the shortening along the thrust plane, and the strain
symmetric fold would imply 0p^ =24. This departure in 9p^ distribution.


related to the subsequent propagation of the fault along the of fault-propagation folds has led to the following conclu-
axial plane of the anticline located in the northern part of sions:
Figure 4, after the fault-propagation fold developed, in agree- - The fault-propagation folds studied display common
ment with the model of Suppe (1985, p. 350 & Fig. 9-47) and geometric features despite differing geological settings (i.e.
also Mitra (1990). Since the fold facing is towards the south, thrusting and strike-slip faulting).
this anticline plays the same role as the syncline which - The lithology of the stratigraphic units involved is a
develops ahead of the tip of the fault in the model of Suppe major controlling factor on the slip/propagation rate, thus
(1985). governing the existence or absence of fault-propagation
In Aragues, the footwall ramp of the fault-propagation folds, as well as their geometry. Carbonate rocks appear to
fold studied is not exposed, but a restoration of the footwall offer greater resistance to fault propagation than siliciclastic
ramp of a higher thrust, removing the effect of the associated rocks.
folds, gives a value of Q^ around 30°. This angle is compa- - The fault-propagation folds studied are asymmetric and
rable to that expected from Suppe's model for an value of y characterized by a straight backlimb with constant bed thick-
equal to 40°, which is the observed in the constructed sym- ness, and a curvilinear forelimb, cutoff against the fault,
metric fold of Aragues. which shows progressive thinning of beds towards the fault.
In the examples studied, variations in displacement along - This characteristic geometry is inferred to be produced
the faults can only be observed in Tejerina, where both the by a heterogeneous deformation, which is superimposed onto
north wall and south wall cutoffs of the fault are fairly well that resulting from flexural mechanisms and is restricted to
exposed. Here, the fault-parallel shortening which only the forelimb regions. The nature of this deformation has been
occurred in the northern block as a result of the above- studied by means of the construction of orthogonal grids on
mentioned superimposed heterogeneous deformation, is re- ideal symmetric folds reconstructed from the backlimb axial
sponsible for 48 m of displacement variation (d in Fig. 6). angles. It consists of a combination of heterogeneous thrust-
Additional displacement variation may be related to the parallel simple shear and pure shear, occurring in a shear zone
differences in cutoff lengths caused by flexural shear proc- with diverging walls and extrusion.
esses as in the models of Suppe (1985) and De Paor (1987). - The folds obtained by removing the effect of the super-
Comparable geometries to those of the forelimbs of the imposed heterogeneous deformation display angular rela-
folds studied, with progressive bed thinning towards the tionships (ramp angles and axial angles) which are in good
fault, have been obtained experimentally by Mulugeta & agreement with previous theoretical models of fault-propa-
Koyi (1987) and Lui et al. (this volume). These experimental gation folds.
models also contain backfolds, whose geometry is strikingly
similar to the hangingwall box fold of Aragues E (Fig. 2a).
We appreciate the reviews by Ken McClay and two anonymous referees
which substantially helped to improve the manuscript. The comments by the
Conclusions colleagues of the Structural Geology Group at the University of Oviedo are
also acknowledged.
The geometric and kinematic analysis of two field examples


Alonso, J. L. 1985. Estructura y evolucion tectonoestratigrafica de la Region Hyett, A. J. 1990. Deformation around a thrust tip in Carboniferous lime-
del Manto del Esia (Zona Cantabrica, NW de Espafia). Institucion Fray stone at Tutt Head, near Swansea, South Wales. Journal of Structural
Bemardi no de Sahagun. Diputacion Provincial de Leon, 276p. Geology, 12, 47-58.
1987. Sequences ofthrusts and displacement transfer in the superposed Mitra, S. 1990. Fault-Propagation Folds: Geometry, Kinematic evolution,
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Journal of Structural Geology, 9, 969-983. BuZ/cfm, 74, 921-945.
Berger, P. & Johnson, A. M. 1980. First-order analysis of deformation of a Mulugeta, G. & Koyi, H. 1987. Three-dimensional geometry and kinematics
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Dietrich, D. & Casey, M. 1989. A new tectonic model for the Helvetic a review. Tectonophysics, 88, 201-233.
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Tectonics. Geological Society of London Special Publication, 45,47-63. & Medwedeff, D.A.I 984. Fault-propagation folding. Geological Society
Elliot, D. 1976. The energy balance and deformation mechanisms of thrust of America Abstracts with Programs, 16, 670.
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Geology, 10, 829-845. thrusts due to their slip/propagation rate: a dislocation mode\. Journal of
Structural Geology, 5, 563-571.

The geometric evolution of foreland thrust systems
M. P. Fischer' & N. B. Woodward^

^Department ofGeosciences, The Pennsylvania State University,

University Park, PA 16802, USA
^26117 View land Drive, Damascus, MD 20872, USA

Abstract: Thrust system models which consider the observed variation in structural geometry
from minimum displacement regions to maximum displacement regions to be equivalent to the
temporal variation in structural geometry for any cross section through the thrust sheet are
incompatible with observations of lateral variations in ramp angles and fold geometry in well-
exposed thrust systems in Wyoming and Tennessee. The self-similar model of thrust system
evolution assumes ductile bead strain is always accommodated by tip-line folding, and suggests
that variations in structural geometry observed anywhere in the thrust system are the product of
the continued deformation of currently observed lateral tip structures. These variations, however,
are interpreted to reflect the influence of the intrinsic physical properties of the thrust system on
thrust propagation. Rather than representing the progressive deformation of tip folds, the structural
geometty of many thrust systems is most likely indicative of spatial and/or temporal variations in
these intrinsic properties.

Since direct observation of changes in the geometry of an (i.e. developing thrust system geometry). Likewise, since
evolving thrust system is not possible, assumptions must be maximum total thrust displacement is suggested to occur
made when reconstructing thrust system kinematics. The beneath the internal portions of thrust sheets (Elliott 1976),
assumption that presently observed spatial variations in de- structures in these regions should represent the final stages of
formation (i.e. thrust system geometry) are equivalent to deformation (i.e. thrust system geometry). It follows from the
inferred temporal variations in deformation (i.e. geometry) is self-similar model that many of the fundamental geometric
widely employed in geological modelling (see Means 1976, characteristics of a thrust system are determined at the earliest
p. 27-30 for a discussion of this technique; Dickenson & stages of thrusting, and that some record of this early defor-
Snyder 1979; Delaney etal. 1986; Wojtal 1986) and has been mation (i.e. geometry) should be observed in older parts of the
called an 'Eulerian' approach (Wojtal & Mitra 1988). This system (e.g. 'background strain' of Williams & Chapman
approach can yield perfectly viable kinematic models provided 1983; overprinting of deformation described by Wojtal 1986;
there is sound evidence of sequential overprinting of defor- Mitra 1987; Blenkinsop & Drury 1988; Wojtal & Mitra
mation (Wojtal & Mitra 1988). Because such overprinting 1988). To examine the factors which might influence initial
relationships are often difficult to discern in macroscopic thrust geometry, it is therefore logical to study the deforma-
studies of the evolution of thrust systems, however, this paper tion (i.e. structural geometry) at lateral thrust tip lines.
discusses an approach wherein the deformation path (i.e. Faults are commonly modelled as individual large-scale
temporal geometric evolution) of individual portions of the fractures (Segall & Pollard 1980; Aydin & Nur 1982; Aydin
thrust system is inferred based on an understanding of how 1988; Rybicki 1989), which in turn are equated with displace-
the local physical properties of system constituents affect ment discontinuities or dislocations (Bilby & Eshelby 1968).
fault kinematics.
Thrust fault surfaces are often conceptualized as Somigliana
dislocations (Eshelby 1973) where displacement is zero at the
edges of the dislocation (i.e. thrust tip lines; Elliott 1976;
Self-similar modelling techniques Williams & Chapman 1983; Chapman & Williams 1985;
Pfiffner 1985; Price 1988). Elliott (1976) recognized the
A commonly used, but rarely explicitly outlined technique strain inherent at the edges of such dislocations and suggested
(hereafter called a self-similar model) used to describe the this strain was accommodated by a 'ductile bead' of defor-
geometric and kinematic evolution of thrust systems is based mation propagating just ahead of the moving thrust tip line in
on the observation that over geological time spans the dis- much the same way deformation in a crack tip process zone
placement at any particular location on a single thrust surface accommodates the strain developed at fracture terminations
is proportional to the duration of thrusting in that region (Broek 1978).
(Elliott 1976). Hence, since total thrust displacement (i.e. The consistent observation of tip folds (asymmetric, blind
displacement of the lowest hangingwall cutoff) goes to zero fold complexes, e.g. Elliott 1976; Boyer & Elliott 1982) at
at lateral thrust tip lines, the structures observed in these thrust terminations (Buxtorf 1916; Spang & Brown 1981;
regions should represent the earliest stages of deformation Thompson 1981; Berger & Johnson 1982) has led to the


Figure 1. Conceptual model ofan ideal self-similarthrust sheet. Portion of thrust fault {lined surface) between teeth is exposed at surface. Deformed strata
{shaded layers) have been reconstructed above an ideal horizontal erosion surface.

hypothesis that thrust faults normally die out into these Case studies
structures (Elliott 1976; Laubscher 1976; Williams 1980;
Williams & Chapman 1983; Boyer 1986), and implies that Since along-strike changes in the geometry of a self-similarly
deformation within the ductile bead is consistently mani- propagating thrust sheet represent the geometry of the system
fested as folding in front of a thrust tip. Figure 1 is a at different times during the kinematic evolution, the practi-
conceptual model of a simple thrust system consisting of a cal applicability of the self-similar model can be tested using
single thrust sheet that evolved according to the self-similar relatively simple thrust systems in which the three-dimen-
model. In this system a thrust fault deforms strata during sional geometry and/or kinematics is well understood.
forward and lateral propagation, and dies out laterally into tip
folds. Along strike towards the centre of the thrust sheet these
Baldy thrust system
anticlines are truncated and increasingly offset, preserving a
syncline in the footwall and an asymmetric, fold-first (e.g. The Baldy thrust system is located in the northern portion of
Dahlstrom 1970) anticline in the hanging wall. the Idaho-Wyoming thrust belt in the Snake River Range and

Figure 2. (a) Maps depicting the principal faults of the Idaho-Wyoming thrust belt and the Snake River Range {shaded box). Baldy thrust system is shaded
on large-scale map. A= Absaroka thrust, C= Crawford thrust, D= Darby thrust, JP= Jackson-Prospect thrust, M= Meade thrust, P - Paris thrust, T= Tunp
thrust (Modified from Woodward, 1986).


Phosphoria 60 m relief). Where not preserved or observed, hangingwall cut-

offs were reconstructed based on known stratigraphic thick-
Wells 300 m f-K--, nesses and fault displacements inferred from nearby loca-
Amsden 150 m tions in the thrust sheet where displacement estimates were
better constrained.
Mission Canyon 300 m In the northwest part of the thrust sheet (section A-A') the
Figure 2. (b) Cambrian
through Pennsylvanian Baldy thrust dips roughly 15° west and places a hangingwall
Lodge pole 180 m stratigraphic units exposed in flat in Cambrian strata over a footwall flat in Mississippian
Darby 120 m the Baldy thrust system. strata (Fig. 3). Along strike to the southeast (section B-B') the
Bighorn 120 m (Modified from Woodward,
1986). Standard stratigraphic thrust dips from 30°-40° west and places a hangingwall ramp
Gallatin 60 m
ornamentation used. in Cambrian strata over a footwall ramp in Cambrian through
Gros Ventre 300 m
Pennsylvanian strata with displacement less than in section
A-A' (Fig. 3). Further southeast along strike (section C-C)
the Baldy thrust dips at nearly 40° to the west and places a
Flathead Fm. 300 m
(basal detachment) hangingwall ramp in Cambrian strata over a footwall ramp in
the same strata, indicating a continued southeastward de-
crease in displacement (Fig. 3). In addition, there is significant
is exposed for roughly 30 km as several klippen along the along-strike variation in Baldy thrust-related folding. At the
western margin of the frontal imbricate fan of the Absaroka southeast end, Mississippian strata in the footwall are folded,
thrust system (Fig 2a; Woodward 1986). The Baldy thrust whereas no folding is observed in these footwall strata farther
sheet involves Cambrian through Mississippian strata, and is north, beneath the more internal portions of the thrust sheet
the uppermost fault slice in the imbricate stack of thrust sheets (Woodward 1990). This simple geometric analysis of the
comprising the Snake River Range in this area {Fig 2a, b; Baldy thrust system suggests the observed lateral variations
Woodward 1986). NE-S W trending normal faults locally cut in structural geometry do not reflect the temporal evolution of
the Baldy thrust sheet, and the NW-SE trending Grand Valley the system.
normal fault truncates the trailing edge of the sheet, prevent- Because there is a decrease in total thrust displacement
ing accurate estimates of thrust displacement from restora- from northwest to southeast, it is reasonable to infer that serial
tion of balanced cross sections. cross sections A-A' through C-C represent a traverse from
Figure 3 combines a map of the surface trace of the Baldy the interior toward a lateral tip of the Baldy thrust. In a self-
thrust, a generalized structure contour drawn on the thrust similar model, early, intermediate and late stages in the
surface, a hangingwall cutoff map (e.g. Diegel 1986), and geometric evolution of the Baldy thrust system are respec-
three schematic cross sections. The structure contour was tively represented by cross sections C-C, B-B' and A-A'.
constructed by recording and contouring points at various Furthermore, although section C-C does not specifically
elevations where the thrust was observed (-1000 m of local represent a lateral tip structure, the model suggests this
•)^'.n•;;.:, •tx:-i-lTi.; I ri'

Figure 3. Map of the surface trace of the Baldy thrust combined with a hangingwall cutoff map and structure contour drawn on the thmst surface. Contours
are in metres. Schematic cross sections A—A" through C—C" are intended to show generalized hanging wall and footwall geometries only. Sections are
not to scale, but relative thicknesses of units are correct. Note the decrease in thrust displacement from section A—A' to section C-—C', the increase in fault
dip towards the southeast and the along-strike variation of thrust geometry in Devonian-Mississippian strata (black layer). (Modifiedfrom Woodward, 1986).

M. P. FISCHER & N . B . WOODWARD • Vj ,;i.


36" 15'


84°00' 83 •45'

Figure 4. Mapsdepictingprincipalfaultsof the central east Tennessee Valley and Ridge province. Symbols: BVT= Beaver Valley thrust, CCT=Copper
Creek thrust, DCT= Dunn Creek thrust, DVZ= Dumplin Valley fault zone, GCT^ Guess Creek thrust, GST= Great Smoky thrust, HVT= Hunter Valley
thrust, KVT= Knoxville thrust, MST^ Mill Spring thrust, P= Pulaski thrust, S VT= Saltville thrust, TKT^ Town Knobs thrust. WVT= Wallen Valley thrust.
Rocky Valley thrust system is shaded on larger-scale map. (Modified from Woodward et. al 1988). '"" ' '"

section represents an earlier stage of deformation (relative tonear 100°, but may be as small as 50°. The Rocky Valley
the other sections), and that all 'later' (i.e. more internal) anticline, well developed throughout the thrust sheet, and the
geometries are the product of progressive deformation of a leading-edge anticline, well developed only in the centre of
structure like that depicted in section C-C. In this case, an the sheet, merge northwestward to form one fold. The Blue
early-formed footwall ramp through Devonian-Mississip- Spring Creek anticline is interpreted as the product of later,
pian and Mississippian strata (sections C-C and B-B') must local out-of-sequence thrusting which deforms the south-
change cutoff angle through time and eventually be trans- western portion of the Rocky Valley thrust sheet (Fischer
formed into a footwall flat (section A-A'). Similar aged 1989).
footwall strata must be folded and unfolded during evolution The Rocky Valley anticline overlies the crest of a footwall
of the thrust system. ramp through Cambrian-Ordovician strata of the Conasauga
and Knox Groups, and exhibits varying geometry both along
strike and at different stratigraphic levels (Figs 5c & 6). In the
Rocky Valley thrust system
southwestern portion of the field area the fold is chevron-
The Rocky Valley thrust system is located in the central east shaped and exposed in Knox and uppermost Conasauga
Tennessee Valley and Ridge between the Saitville thrust and Group strata (Fig. 6a). In the centre of the study area the
Dumplin Valley fault zone (Fig. 4). The Rocky Valley thrust anticline is only exposed in Conasauga Group strata and is
transports Cambrian-Ordovician strata northwestward over geometrically similar to a fault-bend fold (Suppe 1983; Fig.
strata as young as lower Middle Ordovician, extends for 6b). In the northeast the fold is exposed throughout nearly the
roughly 50 km along-strike, and dies out within a few kilome- entire stratigraphic section, but exhibits a transition in geom-
tres of the study area (Figs 4, 5a & b). Displacement on the etry near the Knox-Conasauga Group contact. Conasauga
fault as calculated from balanced cross sections varies from strata maintain a fault-bend fold geometry while Knox Group
3.4 km in the southwest, to 6.6 km in the centre, to 5.3 km in strata are folded into a single-hinged chevron anticline. A
the northeast. The thrust sheet is deformed into leading-edge, roughly 150 m thick shale near the top of the Conasauga
intrasheet (Blue Spring Creek), and trailing-edge (Rocky Group serves as a detachment between the fold styles. Geo-
Valley) anticlines (non-genetic use of Boyer 1986 terminology; metric and kinematic modelling by Fischer (1989) suggests
Fig. 5c). The Rocky Valley anticline is generally an upright, this stratigraphic variation in fold form is most likely the
asymmetric, north west-verging fold in which the forelimb is result of differing fault-fold relations in each section of the
much shorter than the backlimb (terminology of Dahlstrom, stratigraphic column such that Knox strata deform by a fold-
1970). Interlimb angles of this fold vary from 160° in the first (Dahlstrom 1970), fault-propagation fold (Suppe 1985)
northeast to 80° in the southwest, where the anticline is mechanism, while Conasauga strata concurrently deform by
locally overturned. The leading-edge fold is generally an a fauh-first {Dahlstrom 1970), fault-bend fold mechanism.
asymmetric, north west-verging fold in which the forelimb is This model explains the transition in exposed fold geometry
overturned to the south. Interlimb angles of this fold average between the central and southwest portions of the study area



• —^^f^zj^ =. ~^ ' ~ ~-;^ M '~'^-^ ''>''^ ' V ^' ''^''' ^'^^boundary

Knox Group ' ' Chickamauga Group 1 KM

(a) Conasauga Group M

^ W Chickamauga Group
r (430 m
O Knox Group
(890 m)
(- Conasauga Group
(fl (700 m

Rome Fm.
(basal detachment)


Blue Spring Creek ~1.5

Rocky Valley

' • •'• - y ' •• :• . . : • , . : • _ : \ ' • • ' H i • • ; - , _ ... ' . ; : • ; - -.^ . i.,(= • -. '"T . ' • ! •

" - •• .' • .' - T • •'< • ' : ' b r v • ' V f : . M i • ^ ' . - ' , - : . ' . • • • . ; I ; ,• •••

• : • " • . . • " ' • ' • . . . y ' . ^ . . - , • • • : . ' • • ' • . ; \ ^ ' J • . ' , • • . ; ; . ! ; , • ' • , • • . - . ' ^ , . : , ,

Figure 5. (a) Generalized geological map of the Rocky Valley thrust syslem in the vicinily of New Market, Tennessee. Rocky Valley thrust shown with
teeth on hangingwall. Other faults in the area are moderate to low angle reverse faults of lesserdisplacement. (b)Stratigraphic column depicting units exposed
in the Rocky Valley thrust system. Thicknesses of unils are averages. Standard llthological symbols are used. Note that the enlire Chitkamauga Group
is not exposed in the field area, and that the Rome Formation is never exposed in the field area. Groups correspond roughly to incompeleni (Conasauga and
Chickamauga Groups) and competent (Knox Group) structural lithic units (Woodward & Rutherford. 1989). (c)Block diagram ofihe Rocky Valley anticline
showing along-strike variations in fold geometry. Vertical scale is in kilometres below sea level (SL). Horizontal scale along section lines equal to vertical
scale. Distances between seclions are not to scale. Black layer is lowermost massive dolostone in Knox Group, stippled layer is thick limestone unit in
Conasauga Group (Fig. 5b). See Figure 5a for locations of section lines. MS- Mill Spring thrust, RVT- Rocky Valley thrust, SD- Saltville detachment.

M. P. FISCHER & N . B . WOODWARD ,--i,">

Figure 6. Line-length balanced cross seclions through the Rocky Valley

thrust system. Enlargements show delail of fold geometry. Above ground
reconstructions from down-plunge projections. See Figure 5a for location of
section lines. Enlarged portions of sections used to construct Figure 5c.
Light stipplc= Rome Formation (basal detachment). black.= Conasauga
Group, medium stippie= Knox Group. Thrust symbols same as in Figure 5c.
(a) Section A—A'. Exposed Rocky Valley anticline has an interlimb angle
near 80°. (b) Section C—C. Exposed Rocky Valley anticline interlimb
angle is roughly 160°. (c) Section E—E'. Transitional anticline geometry
with fault-bend fold in Conasauga strata and chevron fold in Knox strata.
Clinch, and Mississippian-Devonian Chattanooga Shale formations.

that one would expect with significant internal strain or shear

in the southwest (Fischer 1989) leads to the interpretation that
the northeastward increase in cutoff widths is caused by a
lateral variation in initial cutoff angle. This northeastward
shallowing of cutoff angles from 21 ° to 6°, is responsible for
the more open fold geometry observed in the northeast.
In summary, in a self-similar model of the Rocky Valley
thrust system, cutoff angles are required to increase roughly
15° during the evolution of the system, macroscopic folds
open and close through time, and very little strain is induced
as a simple difference in erosion level, but cannot explain the in the thrust sheet.
different fold styles exposed in Knox strata in the southwest
and northeast.
The change from an open-to-close chevron anticline in the Discussion
southwest to a gentle chevron anticline in the northeast is
attributed to a variation in thrust geometry. It can be seen Along-strike variations in macroscopic structural geometry
from Figure 7 that the width of hangingwall cutoffs increases are nearly ubiquitous in the thrust sheets which comprise
toward the northeast. Given that cutoff width is a function of foreland fold and thrust behs (Rodgers 1953; Dahlstrom
the initial angle at which the fault cuts through strata and the 1970; Harris 1970; Jacobeen & Kanes 1974, 1975; King &
amount of internal strain and shear induced in the thrust sheet Yielding 1984; Kulander & Dean 1986; Woodward 1986;
during transport, there are two possible explanations for the Bartholomew 1987; Mitra 1988; Evans 1989; Woodward
observed variation in cutoff widths: either the fault cut 1990). The self-similar model for the geomeU-ic evolution of
through strata at a much shallower angle in the northeast, or thrust systems explains along-slrike changes in thrust system
strain and shear in the southwestern portions of the thrust geometry as the product of the progressive deformation of
sheet have reduced cutoff widths there. The lack of well- structures which form in a thrust-tip ductile bead and is based
developed interbed shear, extensive mesoscopic faulting, on two assumptions: (1) displacement decreases from the
penetrative cleavage, mesoscopic folding or stylolitization interior of a thrust sheet toward the lateral tips, and (2) tip


folding precedes thrusting. This paper points out, however, (Coward & Potts 1983). Fold-first geometries should de-
that although tip folds are often presumed to be the most velop when significant plastic deformation occurs before
common physical manifestation of ductile bead strain (Elliott failure, whereas fault-first geometries develop in regions
1976; Williams 1980; Williams & Chapman 1983; Boyer where failure occurs before significant plastic deformation
1986), other types of deformation may also accommodate accumulates. Williams & Chapman (1983) quantitatively
this strain (e.g. distributed internal strain, localized shear described this relation in terms of a fault slip versus propaga-
zones; Elliott 1976; Chapman & Williams 1985; vertical tion ratio (S/P). If a thrust sheet is transported a long distance
strike-slip faulting and fracturing; King & Yielding 1984). over a fault which has propagated a much shorter relative
The observation that tip folds are not the only structures distance, S/P is large and the theoretical strain gradient at the
which form to accommodate ductile bead strain suggests a fault tip is similarly quite large. Areas with large S/P values
ductile bead may not propagate self-similarly, and that many are more likely to form fold-first geometries because more
thrust system geometries may not be explained by the self- strain can be accommodated by plastic deformation.
similar model. If a ductile bead does not propagate in self- In the Rocky Valley thrust system, although different
similar fashion, structures currently preserved at lateral thrust structural geometries are observed throughout the system,
terminations only represent the ephemeral last stage of thrust- different structural lithic units (Woodward & Rutherford
ing (Knipe 1989; Woodward 1990), and should have no 1989) exhibit characteristic fold geometries in various loca-
kinematic relation to structures in the more internal parts of tions in the thrust sheet. Macroscopic folds in competent
the system. structural lithic units consistently exhibit fold-firstgeometries
A structural geometry observed anywhere in a thrust while folds in incompetent units exhibit fault-first geometries
system is most likely the product of the kinematics of thrust- (e.g. Coward & Potts 1983; Boyer 1986). These observations
ing in that portion of the system. Thrust kinematics are in turn suggest competent structural lithic units in the area may cause
controlled by the extrinsic (e.g. temperature, pressure) and a locally increased S/P ratio, and thereby inhibit fault propa-
intrinsic (e.g. pore fluid pressure, stratigraphy, structural gation while intensifying deformation around the thrust tip.
position) characteristics of the system. In most foreland In contrast, the S/P ratio in incompetent units may be small,
thrust systems, where extrinsic properties do not vary signifi- such that the thrust tip advances relatively rapidly, and there
cantly within the system, stratigraphy is generally accepted as is little time for strain to accumulate at the fault tip. Other
the controlling influence on macroscopic thrust geometry field studies (Morley 1987) have similarly shown an in-
(Rich 1934). Furthermore, thrust sheet geometry is largely creased tendency for thrusts to die out in competent sections
controlled by cutoff angle, displacement and overall thrust of a stratigraphic column, and further suggest these strata may
geometry (Suppe 1983; 1985; Jamison 1987), and is therefore cause a locally increased S/P ratio. This relationship inferred
also largely a function of stratigraphy. However, while from field studies is also in agreement with the resuhs of
numerous researchers have noted the influence of stratigraphy numerous theoretical, quantitative studies of the influence of
on both thrust and thrust sheet geometry (Berger & Johnson material competency on fracture propagation.
1982; Tippet era/. 1985; Woodward 1990),exactly how this In a situation analogous to the local interaction between a
influence is exerted in determining which of the two end thrust fault tip and strata of different mechanical properties,
member thrust sheet geometries (i.e. fault- and fold-first) Dundurs & Mura (1964) and Dundurs (1967) reported that
develops in a particular area is unknown. both screw and edge dislocations were 'repelled' by inclu-
In a simplistic sense, the relative rate of brittle versus sions of a higher rigidity modulus than the medium which
plastic deformation around a thrust tip is the limiting factor in contains the dislocation. Rybicki (1989) examined the in-
determining which of the two geometric forms develops teraction of two colinear cracks with an intervening high

Figure 7. Hangingwall cutoff map for the Rocky Valley thrust. Dots show locations of 218 shallow drill holes used to constrain the map. Cutoff widths
increase from southwest to northeasi by an average of 200%. Shaded pattern shows the cutoff for the Maynardville Limestone portion (uppermost formation)
of the Conasauga Group. Cutoffs; a- Rome Fm.-Conasauga Group, b= Conasauga Group-Knox Group.


rigidity inclusion and showed that the mere presence of the in the overall structural style of a thrust sheet, the spatio-
inclusion inhibited the fractures from propagating toward one temporal variation in the style and geometry of ductile bead
another. In addition, the stress induced in the inclusion by the structures suggests there is little value in explaining the
cracks is higher than the corresponding stress in a homogene- geometry of a thrust sheet by the progressive deformation of
ous medium, and this induced stress increases with increasing currently observed lateral tip structures. Consequently, this
rigidity of the inclusion. The fracture mechanics study of paper questions the usefulness of the self-similar model, and
Lemiszki & Landes (1989) reported that rocks of higher to a degree, the 'Eulerian' approach upon which it is based,
competency will shorten (by folding) significantly before a as an untested general assumption which has not been ad-
mode III fracture will propagate through the hinge of the fold, equately documented. At one scale of frontier investigation
while in less competent strata, the fracture will propagate the model was a useful advance over all previous (generally
before significant fold shortening occurs. These studies non-viable, inadmissible and unbalanceable) approaches.
further suggest competent strata may cause a locally in- However, as more data become available, modem investiga-
creased S/P ratio and an increased tendency to form fold-first tions of thrust kinematics cannot accept a priori the self-
geometries. similar approach without much greater scrutiny.
Although the spatial variation in stratigraphy appears to Thrust system geometry is most likely determined by the
have been the dominant influence on the geometric evolution kinematics of thrusting which occurred throughout the re-
of the Rocky Valley thrust system, other intrinsic properties gion. The geometry of the Rocky Valley thrust system is
certainly played a role. Because the self-similar model explained by a stratigraphic variation in the mode of thrust
pre-determines many fundamental characteristics of thrust propagation and a lateral variation in cutoff angle. Thrust
system geometry and ignores any relation between the intrin- kinematics in this system appear to have been most strongly
sic properties of the system and thrust kinematics, interpreta- influenced by local stratigraphic (facies) and structural
tions based on the model are severely limited. Instead of the (competency) variations. Spatial variations in thrust system
self-similar model, we believe it is more beneficial to examine geometry do not necessarily reflect the evolution of the
the variation in the intrinsic properties of a thrust system and system, but may instead reflect a spatial or spatio-temporal
how these variations affect thrust kinematics. variation in the intrinsic properties of the system. It is this
variation of intrinsic properties which ultimately determines
thrust kinematics of thrusting and hence the geometric evo-
Conclusions lution of thrust systems.

The self-similar model for the geometric evolution of thrust

This paper represents a portion of Fischer's Master's thesis at the University
systems uses an 'Eulerian' approach and is based on the of Tennessee. R. E. Williams, K. R. Walker and W. M. Dunne provided
assumption that the ductile bead of deformation present at a helpful insight and comments throughout the completion of this thesis. R. D.
thrust tip line propagates as a tip fold throughout the active Hatcher Jr. provided advice, editorial comments, and unparalleled field
history of the thrust. Since structures observed at lateral tips assistance throughout Fischer's stay at Tennessee. Drill data from the Rocky
Valley area were provided by the Tennessee Division of Geology, American
should therefore represent the deformation associated with
Smelting and Refining Company, and New Jersey Zinc Mining Company.
the earliest stages of thrusting, this assumption suggests the The personal assistance of Bob Fulweiler and Vance Green is gratefully
geometry of structures observed in the interior part of the acknowledged in obtaining these data. Seismic data through the Rocky
thrust sheet can be explained by the progressive deformation Valley area were provided by Amoco with the help of Larry Knox. This
of lateral-tip folds. Because neither the Baldy nor Rocky project was funded by grants from the American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America,
Valley thrust system geometry can be explained in this
Professor's Honor Fund of the University of Tennessee, and a University of
manner, it is suggested (for these two well-exposed cases) Tennessee Center of Excellence fellowship awarded to Fischer. D. Fisher,
that a ductile bead does not propagate self-similarly. P. Lemiszki, S. Marshak and S. Wojtal provided careful review of this
Although thrust tip deformation will certainly be reflected manuscript and their comments served to greatly improve it.

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Some geometric problems of ramp-flat thrust models
John G. Ramsay

Geologisches Institut, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland

Abstract: Various classic models used to relate fold geometry to thrust fault geometry are
critically discussed and it is shown how modifications might be made which could provide better
fits to geological data. A region on the South coast of Dorset, UK, where well developed small
scale thrust faults are developed, is described and the geometric features of the fold and fault
geometry related to the previously proposed modified models.

The Appalachian 'Rocky Mountain' thrust model, originally least needs some justification in the particular geological
described by Rich (1934) and refined to a high level of region under investigation. It does seem improbable that rock
sophistication by many subsequent workers (Boyer & Elliott Theology, which is generally considered to control the initial
1982; Suppe 1983), seems to have become a ruling guide to locations of ramps (where thrusts cut across more competent
much recent section construction in orogenic zones. In the members of the succession) or flats (generally sub-parallel to
author's opinion these fault bend- and fault propagation- the incompetent layers), should play no further role in con-
models are being applied rather indiscriminately, and to trolling the subsequent development of the overall structure.
situations where they are geologically inappropriate. Thus, In the classic region of the Helvetic nappes of Switzerland
published sections of highly water impregnated sediments at rock lithologies do have a considerable influence of the
the toe of an accretionary wedge (Davis et al. 1983; Knipe & development of the structures in the nappes and fold develop
Needham 1986) are often geometrically indistinguishable which are not just the result of passive layer bending above a
from those of foreland thrust belts developed in lithified rocks variably inclined thrust surface. Because thrust surfaces cut
of varying competence (Price 1981), and almost identical upwards across the stratigraphy in the overthrust sense, shear
reconstructions have been applied to highly deformed, folded distortions in the transported nappe block inevitably lead to
and regionally metamorphosed rocks from the central parts of layer parallel shortening (Ramsay etal. 1983; Ramsay & Huber
orogens and to crystalline basement deformed at deep crustal 1987, p. "ill-2)1%). This shortening sets up buckle folds in the
levels (Coward 1983; Butler 1983). more competent layers with initial wavelengths controlled by
Although today there is available an enormous amount of layer thickness and competence contrast. The amplitudes of
excellent seismic data from fault zones and this provides very these folds depends upon the extent of the internal shear and
sound guide lines to certain aspects of thrust and fold geometry, also upon the inclination of the bedding surfaces to the thrust
perhaps there is a tendency to fit these data too readily to sheet boundaries (Fig. 1).
previously selected geometric models. The fold geometry of In the classic model of fault bend folding the folds are only
the hangingwalls of thrust faults is usually clear and relatively developed in the hangingwall of the structure (Fig. 2). In
easy to interpret, the data from footwall sectors is often much natural examples of such structures which can be observed in
less clear and should be analysed with circumspection. In the surface exposures folds may also be found in the footwall.
sections below a number of modified kinematic models for One interpretation of these footwall folds is that they result
the interrelationships of fold and fault geometry will be from the development of other fault bend folds beneath the
discussed. observed structure (Suppe 1983). In such situations Suppe
shows how such features can be used to extrapolate down-
wards so as to predict the locations of the ramps and flats of
The relationships of folds and faults in thrust the underlying thrusts. However, this explanation might not
zones offer a universal model, especially where a well developed
footwall synform is present. Several alternative models
Two models are usually proposed to account for the interac- should be considered. Heim (1921) developed a model based
tive development of folds and faults in thrust systems; the on many years of field work in the Helvetic nappes that
fault bend- and fault propagation-models. In both, folding is suggested that thrust surfaces developed as a secondary
essentially a consequence of the progressive development of feature of folds, and were the result of the shearing out of the
the fault. The individual layers are deflected and folded as the middle limbs of antiform-synform pairs (Fig. 3). Although
overlying thrust sheet passes over irregularities in the thrust this theory is not in fashion today, it should be considered as
surface or develop as a fault tip propagates through unfaulted a possibility in regions of strongly developed regular folds,
rock. The Theological properties of individual layers play no especially where the form of footwall synforms mirrors that
guiding role in controlling the fold geometry. This assump- of hangingwall antiforms.
tion, even though convenient for the purposes of computing Another well known interpretation to account for folds in
the interlimb geometry of the folds, is either unrealistic, or at the footwall of a fault is that localized shear displacements



Figure 1. A. Model of a fault bend developed over a ramp of varying

inclination. Local shearing near the thrust plane can lead to overturning of
the hangingwall near the fault surface, and develop a footwall syncline. B
indicates a part of this model and C illustrates how this part can be modified
by homogeneous simple shear with development of buckle folds in the
competent black layer. D illustrates how heterogeneous simple shear could
further modify the fold pattern (after Ramsay & Huber 1987).

A Model 1, Deformed hangingwall (Suppe, 1983)

B Model 2, deformed footwall

Figure 3. The development of thrusts as a result of shearing of the common
limbs between an antiform-synform pair (After Heim 1921). The stages
recognized by Heim were: A. Inclined fold with middle limb thickness not
reduced, B Recumbent fold with reduced thickness of beds in the middle
limb, C Fold with strongly reduced middle limb, D Fold with middle limb
broken by a fault, E Thrust fold with the start of secondary folding in the
normal limb, F Overthrust fold nappe, G Plunging nappe with frontal fold
digitations and frontal blocking.
C Model 3, deformed hanglngwall and footwall
might occur in the rocks directly beneath the thrust surface as
T a result of strong shear strains in the proximity of the thrust
surface (see Fig. 23.33A in Ramsay & Huber 1987).
Other possibilities of modifying the usual fault-bend fold
model are shown in Figures 2B and 2C. Published versions
of the fault bend model show that the structures have a
polarity, that is to say that the two sides of the fault surface
behave differently; the passive footwall contrasts with a
kinematically active and structurally elevated hanging wall
(Fig. 2A). The author has never seen any discussion why this
should always be so. It seems to be assumed that the
Figure 2. (a) Model 1. The classic fold-bend fault model with actively
deforming hanging wall (after Suppe 1983). Models 2 (b) and 3 (c) are
possibilities of a downwards deflection of the footwall into
geometric equivalents with active footwall or both hanging and footwalls the substratum are limited, presumably because of the volu-
respectively. metric or space constraints arising during such a displace-


A) 7 •jr. ••' -ji;

, /! r! M f W to
'ni.-;i hrtii u:i
:i' •!•* ' , : . ;1t i •-••
'-:;KJ- r!t ^ ><•!

J- H i j.^.f .
'..I:ji '/ !V'
•ii; r /f
y . • f"; ,-

(! ? ^

,--»l. •-;»>

• .•^•>t;r;ji ;
l'.' .•-V , (


.ir"''i'. ''i-.fT :;fT'0'", M b!o1

Figure 4. Tlirust structures seen in a quarry face of Hmestones and marls al Holderbank {30 km WNW Ziirich. Switzerland) with passive hangingwall and
deformed footwall {cf Fig. 2B, Model 2).

ment. However, if the rocks above and below the thrust had Model 1, deformed hanging wall (Boyer and Elliott, 1982)
more or less similar rheologies, and if the ground surface was
fairly high above the thrust plane then geometrically there
might be other solutions to the displacement field than that
shown in Figure 2A. For example it would be possible to take
up the same overall shortening between the two sides of the
thrust with a passive hangingwall and a folded footwall (Fig.
2B), or it would be possible to take up shortening with mirror
like deflections on both sides of the thrust (Fig. 2C). Al-
though these possibilities might shock the advocates of a
unique solution to the fault-bend model, nature provides
examples of both. Figure 4 shows a 50 m high quarry face in
Jurassic limestones (competent) and marls (incompetent) in
the folded Jura of Switzerland which seems in perfect accord
with the geometry of Figure 2B, and in the later discussion of
thrusting at Kimmeridge Bay the model of Figure 2C seems Model 2, deformed hanging and foot walls
to be predominant (Fig. 13). Why should downward i ' / f " l ' - J . ' . : , • • . -,.• • , . - :'

displacements of a fault footwall occur? Such a geometry

seems to imply that the fault walls do not 'feel' the effects of ..-V •, Hangingwall elevated (1)
gravitational force (because they are embedded deeply in the
rock mass, or the overthrust is small relative to the total
system size), or that the footwall displacements are
unconstrained by rigid undeformable material (e.g. a compe-
tent crystalline basement).
Footwall depressed (2)
Probably the geometric possibilities of these models should
be extended when considering the structure of duplexes
(Boyer& Elliott 1982; Mitral986). Again there seems to be
no inevitability of always lifting up the duplex roof and, in
certain terranes, the possibility of duplexes being formed
with opposing sides having mirror symmetry (Fig. 5) should
al least be considered.
Another feature of the standard fault bend- and fault
Figure 5. Model 1. Classic development of a duplex structure with active
propagation-models is the kink-like nature of the hangingwall hangingwall. Model 2 shows how the third stage of Model 1 might develop
folds. Natural folds with kink band geometry are well known, with the lievelopmenl of an active footwall.


the sharply defined kink axial plane they immediately de-

velop a finite strain, the value and orientation of which is a
function of the change of angle between the flat and ramp
sections of the underlying fault. Subsequently this layer on
o the back limb of the hangingwall anticline passes through
another kink axial plane to take on a flat orientation and, in so

doing, it becomes unstrained (Elliott 1976; Ramsay & Ruber
8 1987, p. 538). At present little data exist to back up this
model, although small scale structural features of cleavage
and pressure shadows have been described in the Appala-
chian fold and thrust belt which fit this plan quite well
(Beutner ef a/. 1988). The strain plan ofthe model of Figure
7B is quite different from that of the kink model and should
show closer correspondence with contact strain buckle models
Figure 6. Typical active buckle fold developed by shortening of a competent
layer (black) in an incompetent rock showing progressively deamplifying
(Ramberg 1963; Dieterich 1970; Ramsay 1966, 1976). Fu-
folds in the zone of contact strain of the buckle. ture research might be effectively oriented to obtain more
detail ofthe fold geometry, finite strain and incremental strain
especially on a centimetric or decimetric scale. Although history of well exposed hangingwall anticlines.
large kink folds are frequently mentioned in the literature, the Special problems arise when investigating the geometric
fold geometry is rarely analysed in detail to see if it is really features of thrust zones located in the deeper, more internal
in accord with this model. In fact perfect kink band geometry parts of orogenic belts. In such regions the thin-skin concept
on a large scale is extremely rare (one excellent example has of an easily deformable cover overlying a rigid, undeformable
been described by Collomb & Donzeau 1974). Kink folds basement are untenable. The basement rocks are ductile or
develop only in terranes where the rocks are very uniformly
bedded with regular thickness periodic alternations of com- Kink band model -constant layer thickness (Suppe 1983)
petent and incompetent layers, or where there is a rather Incompetent layer
uniform anisotropy, such as is seen in slate belts. It is clear
that such conditions do not generally pertain in most average
rock sediment sequences, and this means that the kink model
is unlikely to provide a best fit to the fold geometry. With the
kink model the fold geometry shows a uniform forni and is
unconstrained upwards away from the generating ramp and
flat as far as the Earth's surface. Such geometry requires a
considerable imput of energy into the system. Long penetrat-
ing kink zones are characteristic of small scale kink bands, but
this feature is generally attributed to an initial elastic straining
through the rock packet as a whole followed by rapid kinking
redeploying this elastic strain into the permanent deformation Competent layer
of the kink band. Such a dynamic model does not fit well with
the stress and strain situation likely to exist during thrusting.
It is well known that the sideways deflection of incompetent Contact strain model -variable layer thickness controlled
material around a buckled layer progressively decreases by competent layer kinematics

away from the surface of the buckled layer (in the zone of
contact strain. Fig. 6), because such a geometry gives the least
work energy configuration of the system (Ramberg 1963).
Such decreasing fold amplitudes in layers surrounding the
folded competent rock in the hangingwall anticline is often
seen in natural thrust fault systems: the inner arcs of the
competent layer showing cuspate forms, the outer arcs with
more rounded forms and the amplitudes of the incompetent
rocks above the decreasing away from the bent competent
layer (Fig. 7B). Such a form is associated with a quite
different distribution of finite strains from those of the stand-
ard kink fold model. The kink model has no layer parallel
shortening and strain arises by simple shear displacements
predominantly in the kinked sectors of the structure. This Figure 7. Comparison of the classic fault bend fold model with kink folds
model predicts that initially unstrained or slightly strained in the hangingwall and a possible modification where the competent layer
strata should pass into a kink zone, and as they pass through shows buckle fold geometry with deamplifying folds in the zone of the
contact strain.


semi-ductile and become involved in the structural edifice of colleagues into acceptance of a particular cross-section con-
the cover strata, and competence contrasts between rocks of struction, being of the opinion that, just because they possess
differing composition may be modified as a result of minera- seismic data, their views represent perfect truth.
logical changes during metamorphism (Ramsay 1983). The
models used to describe near surface structural features in the
crust are mostly constrained by plane strain with no material Thrust tectonics at Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset
passing in or out of a specific section plane. Such an outlook
is perfectly acceptable in this environment, but it would be In this section of the paper the geometric features of extremely
unwise to use such a model without very careful thought in well exposed sets of conjugate thrusts seen in dolostones and
internal orogenic zones. Metamorphic rock fabrics, backed shales exposed in the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian of the
up with strain measurements, often indicate that flattening or type locality at Kimmeridge Bay in South Dorset are described.
constrictional types of strain ellipsoids predominate, and it is The sediments consist of regularly bedded dolostones of
often surprising how such different types of strain can vary uniform thickness separated by dark brown or black organic
from place to place. The total displacement pattern in these shales (House 1969). On the west side of Kimmeridge Bay
regions is commonly built up by the superposition of several the foreshore is dominated by the wide exposure of a very
phases of deformation, superposed fold geometry and mul- gently inclined dolostone layer of about 50 cm thickness,
tiple cleavages clearly evidence this. In such situations, even known as the Flats Stone Band, situated near the core of a
where the individual deformations are of the plane strain type, regionally important anticline, the Purbeck Anticline
their combination can only be a plane strain under excep- (Donovan & Stride 1961; House 1969). This structure is
tional circumstances. Successive and differently oriented overturned to the north, having a steeply or vertically inclined
shear displacements on individual fault planes can bring northern limb and a gently southward dipping southern limb,
together rocks which were originally far separated and the and is generally interpreted as resulting from the reactivation
footwall and hangingwall of a fault in any one cross section of underlying pre-Albian extensional fault planes as com-
cannot be simply matched. Seismic sections are a great help pressional thrusts during the late Tertiary. The Flats Stone
in interpreting structural geometry in foreland regions but Band dolostone shows the development of complicated
they have severe limitations in basement rocks because the interferring thrust systems (Bellamy 1977; Leddra et al.
methods only allow us to identify reflectors with low incli- 1987).
nations, steeply inclined reflectors give rise to transparent The dolostone shows the development of four distinct
data windows. Even in foreland regions seismic records still types of deformation structures which, from their intersection
require interpretation and it should not be forgotten that, and interference relationships, appear to be formed at differ-
without borehole data, the reflection data can sometimes be ent times during the structural evolution of these rocks:
made to fit several kinematic models equally well. There is I. Low angle synsedimentary normal faults with displacements
a tendency today for some geologists to browbeat their of a few centimetres. The fault surfaces are injected by the

Figure 8. Thrust surface in the doloslone of the Flats Stone Band, Kimnieridge Bay showing overlapping white calcite fibres on the thrust surface.


0 10 20 30 metres

-*—*— NE-SW striking conjugate set of ttirust faults

-^—'^^ NW-SE striking conjugate set of tfirust faults

Traces of antiformal folds wittiout associated ttirusts

Figure 9. Geological map of part of the surface of the Flats Stone Band, Kimmeridge Bay showing the thrust faults.

surrounding shaly material. grouped into two differently oriented conjugate sets with
2. Low angle thrusts forming two groups of conjugate sets average strikes of 110 and 45° respectively (Figs 9,10 & 11).
with displacements varying from zero to around 50 cm. The At some localities the triangular shaped block between two
fault surfaces are quite distinct from those of the parallel conjugate thrusts is lifted up as a type of horst mass
synsedimentary faults, being coated with overlapping fibres (Fig. 12andLeddraera/. 1987, Figs 3D &4D). The positions
of white calcite (Fig. 8). The overlap sense and lengths of where differently oriented hangingwall antiforms and their
these fibres is clearly in accord with the thrust displacements underlying thrusts meet show geometric relations suggesting
indicated by the displacements on the dolostone-shale con-
tacts (Dumey & Ramsay 1973).
3. Conjugate normal faults with displacements of up to a few
metres with general N-S or NNE-SS W strikes dipping east or
west at angles of about 50°. These clearly cut and displace the
thrust structures (2).
4. Regular sub-vertical planar or curved sets of joint surfaces
cut through all other structures. At least three major trends are
seen (striking 80, 0 and 150°), and all show plumose and
parabolic fracture surface markings indicative of generation
by rapid brittle fracture mechanisms.
The geometric features of the conjugate thrusts (3) are now
discussed further. On the exposed beach platform each thrust
shows a local uplift of the hangingwall above the regional
level of the upper dolostone surface very similar to that of the
classic fault bed fold model, although the outer arcs of the
hangingwall anticlines are more rounded than are the inner
arcs, conforming better to the model shown in Figure 7. A Poles to NE-SW sinking overthnjst faults

Individual antiforms can be traced along their hinges and d Poles to NW-SE striking overttinist faults

change amplitude and form in accordance with the extent of • Extension calcite fibre orientations, NE-SW faults

the displacements on the underlying thrust surface. They can o Extension calcite fibre orientations, NW-SE faults

deamplify to zero, or they can meet and merge with a

Figure 10. Equal area projection illustrating the orientations of thrust planes
differently oriented fault bend antiform (Fig. 9). The thrusts,
and calcite fibre orientations from Figure 9. The faults occur in conjugate
movement fibres and their hangingwall antiforms can be sets with poles situated in four main groups: 1 A, 1B and 2A, 2B.




Figure 11. Schematic diagram of the geometric features of fold and faults developed in the Flats Stone Band doloslone of Kimmeridge Bay.

that the two sets of conjugate structures were formed at the the E-W direction.
same time. Although the resulting overall interference In the cliffs behind the foreshore good profile sections of
geometry has been decribed as polygonal (Leddra elai. 1987) these fold and thrust structures can be observed, and the two
it would be better described as lozenge shaped because the sides always show a mirror image downbending of the
polygons are not as regular and equidimensional as, for footwall and elevation of the hangingwall (Fig. 13) in accord
example, seen in mud crack- or basalt cooling-polygons. with the model shown in Figure 2C. The folding seen in the
Leddra et al. also suggested that there was a slight orientation shale layers around the dolostone is not kink like and the folds
effect {1987, Figs 2 & 5) and both data sets show a significant progressively deamplify around the folded dolostone layer in
anisotropy with a shorter axis in a N-S direction than that in the manner shown in Figure 7. ,. , .

Figure 12. Thrust elevated triangular wedge of dolostone between conjugate thrust planes. Note the arcuate fractures developed in the frontal zones of
both thrusts, and the concave form of these fractures toward the relative forward movement direction of the upper thrust plate. The fold and fault structures
are cut across by late joints.


Figure 13. Ramp thrufit fault in the Flats Stone Band dolostone showing mirror symmetric folds in the hangingwall and footwall (cf. Fig. 2, Mode! 3).

The overlapping calcite fibres, when studied in thin sec- isolated angular fragments of dolostone occur in the form of
tion, show inclusion bands and small screens of wall rock dolomite-calcite cemented fault breccias. The structure of
material characteristic of the crack-seal mechanism of fibre this carbonate cement is very different from that of the fault
growth (Ramsay 1980). This structure is generally inter- surface fibres, the crystals forming radiating aggregates
preted as arising during tectonic fibre development where growing sub-perpendicularly to the walls of the dolostone
vein opening and fibre growth occur periodically over long fragments, and with a comb-structure typical of vug fillings
time periods. At some positions along the thrust faults (Bateman 1942).

Figure 14. Thrust of the Flats Stone Band dolostone showing calcite filled fault surface and calcite fibre lineations of the leading edge of the hangingwall
antiform (parallel to the pencil). Sub horizontal calcile veins branch off from the calcite filling of the thrust surface and appear to represent echelon extension
veins formed contemporaneously with the thrust development.


The frontal parts of each hangingwall anticline and footwall Fault bend fold model
overall shear between hanging and tootwalls
syncline are striated and also may sometimes show fibrous Faults with continuity,
calcite fibres indicative of thrust sense movements (Fig. 14). amount ol slip varies from front to back
of fold complex
Such localized sliding could be the result of the bedding plane
slip on the steepened bedding surface according to the classic
fault bend fold model, however it might also arise from the
effect of wedging of the cut off tips of the hanging and
footwalls into the surrounding shales. Other special features
"Kimmeridge" model overall irrotational bulk strain
seen in hanging wall anticlines are curving sets of fractures Strain in incompetent layers
clearly related to the bending processes set up in these regions
(Fig. 12). These fractures are always concave towards the
shear sense direction. They appear to be extension structures,
and their curved form seems to suggest that various sectors of
the overthrust advance preferentially while adjacent parts of B
the thrust sheet are held back from thrust advance. Thrust wedges in competent layer

Faults local with changing amounts of slip

The displacement relationships between hanging and
footwalls of the thrusts are clear and unambiguous in the steep
ramp sections within the dolostone layer. However, when the Figure 15. Comparison of the classic fault bend fold model (a) with the
faults are followed into the bedding plane parallel flats they geometry of the thrust ramp faults and folds seen at Kimmeridge Bay (b).
become less well marked, and eventually disappear (Fig.
15B). The thrusts appear to be generated only in the dolostone consists of 98 per cent dolomite.
layer, and this implies either that other layer parallel shorten- 4. The overall regional shortening of the dolostone by the
ing mechanisms must be present in the shale material or that thrust development is not large, probably of the order of 3 to
the shortening is confined to the dolostone layer. The second 5 per cent. At several localities in the shales immediately
of these possibilities was proposed by Bellamy (1977), and above or below the ramp thrusts the ammonites have distorted
accepted by Leddra et al. (1987). They suggested that local forms indicative of local strains of the order of 25 per cent
shortening was the result of dolomitisation processes in the bedding plane parallel shortening, with the short axis if the
dolostone which had resulted in a localized volumetric in- strain ellipse located in a direction perpendicular to the local
crease only in the carbonate rock. It is well known that fault bend fold. Where such strains were detected there was
dolomitisation can take place with either a volumetric in- a tendency for the shales to develop a crude pencil fabric
crease or decrease, depending upon the nature of the parallel to the fold axes. Linear fabrics of this type are known
dolomitisation reaction (see summary in Morrow 1982). This to be characteristic of the imprinting of small tectonic strains
explanation is rejected in favour of a tectonic shortening on pre-existing diagenetic flattening fabrics (Graham 1978;
mechanism for the following reasons:- Reks & Gray 1982; Ramsay & Huber 1983). At distances
1. Dolostone bands of comparable composition and thick- exceeding about 50 cm from the folded dolostone surface no
ness which lie to the south east of Kimmeridge Bay (The traces of folding can be seen and.no shape changes were
Yellow Ledge Stone Band, Grey Ledge Stone Band, Basalt detected in the ammonite forms. The lack of folding must
Stone Band and White Band, exposed in the cliffs of the imply either an absence of strain or that the strain is homoge-
Kimmeridge Ledges, see House 1969) do not show any of the neous. If there was a homogeneous bedding parallel shorten-
contraction features seen in the Flats Stone Band. It would be ing in the shales it would be so small as to be practically
surprising if the dolomitisation processes were of different undetectable.
type in these lithologically identical dolostones. The only It is suggested that these thrusts are the result of tectonic
differences in the locations of these layers is their proximity shortening associated with the formation of the Purbeck
to the hinge zone of the Purbeck Anticline. The layers Anticline. The Kimmeridge Clay formation is an incompe-
without contraction features all lie further south from the tent group of rocks and the outcrops at Kimmeridge Bay are
hinge zone of the fold than that of the Flats Stone Band. situated in the core of this anticline and located on the inner
2. The lozenge structures of unfolded dolostone statistically arc of formations comprised of competent rocks - the Upper
show longer axes in an E-W direction than in a N-S direction, Jurassic Portland and Purbeck Limestones. Structural posi-
and this is the result of their formation by interference of two tions such as this are well known to be associated with the
fairly distinct sets of conjugate thrusts with specific strongest rock strains in a fold system, the maximum
orientations. Dolomitisation processes, being volumetric shortenings oriented parallel to the bedding surfaces and at
changes, should give rise to isotropic structural features with right angles to the fold hinge. The overall geometry of the
uniform contractions in all directions within the dolostone Kimmeridge Bay thrust lozenges, with maximum shortening
bed. in a N-S direction fits well with this model, but a problem
3. The carbonate fibre growths along individual fault planes arises: why are their two distinct sets of contemporaneously
all consist of crack-seal calcite. If the faults had been formed conjugate thrusts, a geometry which also implies that
developed during a dolomitisation process it is difficult to there has been an E-W shortening in the system, albeit much
explain the absence of vein dolomite when the carbonate bed smaller than the N-S shortening? A geophysical accoustic


survey of the sea floor south of the Dorset coast gives further models and to force too readily the geometry of naturally
information of the longitudinal nature of the Purbeck Anti- developed thrust systems to fit these models. It has been
cline (Donovan & Stride 1961). It appears that the Anticline pointed out that some geometric features of these models are
has an axial culmination about 15 km west of Kimmeridge difficult to explain in terms of mechanical behaviour of rock
Bay and a progressively increasing plunge to the east when materials and, probably more important for the practical
traced eastwards. The fold axis must therefore be curved and geologist, many well exposed examples of such structures do
the Kimmeridge Clay formation must be situated on the inner not fit too well the predicted geometry. Seismic data is not in
arc of a bowed hinge line. One might therefore expect similar every case a useful tool for resolving the dilemma because so
(but lesser) bedding plane shortenings in an E-W direction often a model forms the skeleton for interpreting the geological
just as there are N-S layer parallel shortenings in the fold flesh. It would be appropriate for geologists to show a little
profile section. If the axial culmination was developing at the more flexibility in the model choice and, in the future, to make
same time as fold amplification the local strains set up at much more accurate investigations of well exposed examples
Kimmeridge bay could account for the geometry of the of these types of structures to discover the exact geometric
observed thrust faults. forms of hanging wall antiforms and how these forms change
at distance from the thrust surface. Although realising that
Conclusions strain data is not always obtainable in natural systems it could
provide a critically valuable key for the kinematic and dy-
In this paper, it has been suggested that there has been a namic interpretation of thrusts and their associated fold
tendency to overplay the geometry of the classic fold and fault features.


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The duplex model: Implications from a study offlexural-slipduplexes
P.W.G. Tanner

Department of Geology & Applied Geology, University of Glasgow,

Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK

Abstract: Criteria for the recognition of duplexes developed on the limbs of flexural-slip folds
are summarized and the morphology of these flexural-slip duplexes is compared with that of well-
documented, fully-exposed examples of duplexes from thrust belts. The two groups of structures
have many features in common regardless of scale or of the rock type in which they occur. They
exhibit flat or gently curved floor and roof thrusts; low-angle thrusts in both the tip and rear of the
structure; and limited rotation of horses in the middle portion. In marked contrast to current
geometrical models for duplex formation, the development of ramp anticlines above newly-formed
thrusts at the tip of the duplex is relatively unimportant in natural examples. A revised model for
duplex formation is proposed in which new horses are accreted to the tip of the wedge-like structure
on low-angle thrusts, are then rotated between active floor and roof thrusts as the structure grows,
and become sigmoidal in the interior part of the duplex. The duplex maintains its streamlined
profile by internal adjustments, some oblique to the main movement direction, on both link thrusts
and backthrusts; all movements are accompanied by the growth of quartz or calcite fibre veins on
thrust surfaces.

The first imbricate structures were reported by Peach et al. The aim of this short contribution is to summarize the main
(1907) from the Moine Thrust zone, NW Scotland but the features of newly-discovered flexural-slip duplexes and, by
term 'duplex' was not applied to such structures until much using this information in combination with that from previ-
later (Dahlstrom 1970). Since then duplexes have been ously-described duplexes, to suggest a revised model for the
described from a wide range of geological environments formation of these structures in general.
including thrust belts (cf. Boyer & Elliott 1982), strike-slip
fault zones (Woodcock & Fischer 1986), extensional fault
systems (Gibbs 1984), and rocks affected by soft-sediment Flexural-slip duplexes
deformation (Shanmugam et al. 1988).
This paper is concerned with contractional duplexes, These are duplexes which form when, after the rocks have
which are rather brittle, easily eroded structures generally become lithified, packets of welded beds slip over one an-
found in gently dipping strata in thrust belts. As a result, the other during the development of flexural-slip folds (Tanner
complete duplex structure is seldom exposed and well-docu- 1989). They have been found recently in turbidite facies
mented examples of duplexes are rare. They include the sandstones and shales of Upper Carboniferous age from
Basse Normandie duplex (Cooper et al. 1983); the cleavage coastal cliff sections in North Devon and North Cornwall
duplexes described by Nickelsen (1986); internal duplexes between Hartland Quay and Bude (SW England) (Fig. 1). At
from the Lewis Thrust zone (McClay & Insley 1986); and a Hartland Quay the rocks have been folded into a single
small duplex from the Moine Thrust zone (Bowler 1987). generation of upright, slightly curvilinear chevron folds as a
Partially exposed, large-scale duplexes whose geometry is result of high-level deformation during the later stages of the
well known include the Haig Brook duplex (Fermor & Price Variscan (end-Carboniferous) orogeny (see Tanner 1989 and
1976); the Foinaven (Elliott & Johnson 1980) and Lighthouse references therein for details). Farther south these folds have
(Coward 1984) duplexes from the Moine Thrust zone; the been affected by S-directed simple shear (Sanderson 1979)
Mountain City window duplex (Boyer & Elliott 1982), and a and, a few kilometres south of Widemouth Bay, become tight,
duplex from the Makran accretionary prism (Piatt & Leggett recumbent structures (Fig. 1). Nearly all of the duplexes
1986). reported here occur on the limbs of folds which are either
Due to this scarcity of natural examples, our conception of unaffected (Hartland Quay), or little modified (Maer Cliff),
what a duplex looks like, i.e. the mental template used to by the later deformation. There is some evidence that an early
guide section construction in poorly exposed ground or on phase of N- directed thrust movement took place in these
seismic reflection profiles, is much influenced by theoretical rocks prior to the development of the chevron folds (Enfield
models, particularly that of Boyer & Elliott (1982). This et al. 1985; Whalley & Lloyd 1986) and the possibility that
model was based on the ramp anticline concept of Rich the duplexes described here are of pre-folding origin has been
(1934) whereas later modelling (Mitra 1986; Groshong & fully considered by the author, but rejected for the reasons
Usdansky 1988) used the Suppe kinematic model (Suppe outlined below. It should be stressed however that it is not the
1983) to generate the ramp-related folds and hence the duplex structural setting in which these duplexes formed but their
geometry. mode of formation and morphology which are of most


these structures has been illustrated by Tanner (1990).

The duplexes have therefore grown as a result of aseismic,
incremental movements on the various internal and bounding
thrust surfaces. These movements occurred in harmony with
progressive flexural-slip movements which were taking place
on bedding-parallel surfaces throughout the fold structure as
it developed. Duplexes develop on movement horizons
which, because of minor perturbations, are not precisely
planar for the complete length of a fold limb. Flexural-slip
chevron-style folds affecting distal turbidites or other planar-
bedded sequences do not appear to develop duplexes on their
limbs. However in more proximal and irregularly-bedded
sequences, duplex formation is triggered by local variations
in bed thickness, by lateral facies changes, and by the pres-
ence of large-scale soft-sediment structures. These 'sticking
points' (Knipe 1985) cause the flexural-slip surface to ramp
up to a higher easy-glide horizon and collapse of the resulting
footwall ramp gives rise to a duplex.
Figure 1. Localities in SW England from which flexural-slip duplexes are

importance here. horizons
The duplexes range in scale from a centimetre to a metre
thick; involve thin bands of slate, single sandstone beds, or displaced marker—p,
packages of beds; and are associated with other structures
such as simple ramps, blind thrusts, and imbricate structures
(Fig. 2). The detailed geometry and morphology of the Slate
duplexes, including slate duplexes (Nickelsen 1986), will be duplex

described elsewhere but the main criteria for their recognition

can be summarized as follows:
1. They always show a shear sense which corresponds to
the inferred flexural-slip displacement for the fold limb on
which they occur. In several cases duplexes from the same
group of beds on two adjacent fold limbs show a reversal of
shear sense across the fold axis.
2. The direction of slip given by lineations on the floor and
roof thrusts is statistically parallel to the mean orientation of thrust
identical lineations on flexural-slip surfaces (movement ho-
rizons) between packets of beds on the same fold limb.
3. The floor, roof and link thrusts (McClay & Insley 1986) Figure 2. Geometry of duplexes in relationship to other features of the
of the duplexes are marked by laminated quartz-carbonate flexural-slip model. E, erosion surface; Q, bedding-normal and en-echelon
fibre veins up to a centimetre thick which are identical in sets of quartz veins.
morphology to those on movement horizons found through-
out the fold structure. Fibre steps on the link thrusts in some The main morphological features of flexural-slip duplexes,
of the duplexes confirm the sense of shear inferred from the based on 27 examples located in North Devon and North
morphology of the duplex, and the reversal of shear sense Cornwall, are summarized in Figure 3. All of the duplexes
shown by fibre steps on the movement horizons on alternate have planar or gently curved floor and roof thrusts marked by
fold limbs shows that these surfaces were active during fibrous quartz-carbonate veins, and slickenfibre and other
flexural slip. lineations on the two sets of veins are generally parallel to one
4. Slickenfibre lineations (Tanner 1989) on the fibre veins another. Differently oriented slickenfibres are sometimes
both within and bounding the duplexes, and on the adjacent found on successive laminations within these veins and
movement horizons, consist mainly of quartz and/or calcite reflect changes in the slip vector with time. In these cases,
fibres with parallel slickolite development. Individual min- similar sets of multiple fibre orientations are commonly
eral fibres are oriented at a low angle to the margins of the found on adjacent flexural-slip surfaces between packets of
fibre sheets and some contain crack-seal inclusion bands and beds on the same fold limb. The duplexes are asymmetric
trails (Ramsay 1980) which indicate that they have grown by (Fig. 3) when viewed in cross-section normal to the move-
incremental extension parallel to their length, and hence to ment direction shown by the lineations on the floor and roof
the macroscopic lineation on the surface. The morphology of thrusts: they have a pointed 'toe' region with gently dipping


FEATURES OF FLEXURAL-SLIP DUPLEXES cross-section can be area balanced. Small backthrusts are
POINTED (BACKTHRUST common in some duplexes; they have slickenfibre lineations
SHEAR SENSE shown by fibre steps which lie approximately in the same plane as those on the link
thrusts and appear to be kinematically related to them. Stacked
SMALL duplexes are often found in which duplexes on different
DISPLACEMENTS scales formed from, for example, a single sandstone bed
on link thrusts
several centimetres thick, and from a laminated siltstone-
LENGTH: shale unit a few millimetres thick, are intimately associated
SOME a few cm to > 6 m
BACK ROTATION and form a single structural unit (Fig. 3).

RELATIVELY FLAT" Comparison with other duplexes
The profiles of typical flexural-slip duplexes are compared
with those of well-documented duplexes from various thrust
belts, starting with the simplest (? least evolved) of these
structures (Fig. 4). The Foinaven duplex (Fig. 4a), first
Figure 3. Summary in cartoon form of the main features of flexural-slip
described from the Moine Thrust zone by Peach et al. (1907),
has the Moine Thrust as a roof thrust. It is a foreland-
thrusts, and a rear part with gently dipping planar thrusts. propagating structure and the normal stratigraphic thickness
Curved bedding traces are seen within the horses in the of Pipe Rock and An t-Sron Formation -122 m, is represented
central parts of some duplexes, as shown diagrammatically in by a structural thickness of 510 m in the duplex, a total
Figure 3. shortening by area balance of -49% (Boyer & Elliott 1982).
Displacements on individual link thrusts are small and In overall morphology the Foinaven duplex closely re-
consistently show a thrust sense. The dip directions of the sembles the foreland portion of the Basse Normandie duplex
link thrusts and the trends of the slickenfibre lineations on from Boulonnais, France (Cooper et al. 1983), which was
their surfaces are commonly oblique to the movement direc- probably the first fully-exposed duplex to be described and
tions seen on the floor and roof thrusts. As this obliquity analysed. In this duplex (Fig. 4b) a 2-m thick sequence of
varies from place to place in the duplex the structure has thin-bedded limestones with two marker horizons has been
developed under conditions of variable 3-D strain and no affected by layer-parallel shortening (-22%), followed by a -

An t-Sron Fm.

a Ikm



Figure 4. Comparison of a simple flexural-slip duplex (c) with two duplexes of similar morphology from thrust belts, (a) the Foinaven duplex, Moine Thrust
zone, NW Scotland (after Elliott & Johnson 1980, Fig. 8); (b) the lower duplex, Basse Normandie, Boulonnais (after Cooper etal. 1983, Fig. 6); (c), a flexural-
slip duplex from near Berry Cliff, north of Hartland Quay, N Devon (SS 225258). The structure dips at 49°S but has been rotated to the horizontal in this
figure for comparison with a and b.


^ : ^ ^ ^ X : : E ^ ^ ^ ^

erosive base

Figure S. Comparison of two flexural-slip duplexes (d & e) with duplexes from thrust belts, (a) duplex from the Makran accretionary prism, SW Pakistan
(after Piatt & Leggett 1986, Fig. 7); (b) duplex from the Eriboll area of the Moine Thrust zone, NW Scotland (after Bowler, 1987, Fig. 3); (c) an internal
duplex from the Lewis thrust sheet, Canadian Rocky Mountains (after McClay & Insley 1986, Fig. 11); (d) & (e) flexural-slip duplexes from Maer Cliff,
north of Bude, SW England (National Grid Reference SS 202082). Both profiles have been rotated to the horizontal for ease of comparison with a - c and
the N-S line represents the present-day horizontal.

27% shortening due to imbrication (Cooper et al. 1983). and contains 14 horses, consists of a single imbricated sand-
Calcite fibre growth was reported from the thrust surfaces and stone bed which is 5 cm thick near the base of the exposure,
the undeformed limestone sequence is seen at the north-east up to 9 cm thick within the duplex, and some 4.5 cm thick
end of the section (here shown in Fig. 4b as a mirror image of beyond the tip of the duplex. It is not known whether these
the original). thickness variations are a result of layer-parallel shortening
These two hinterland-dipping duplexes (Boyer & Elliott prior to, or during, duplex development or were sedimentary
1982) are compared with a flexural-slip duplex found near in origin. Traces of bedding within the horses show that little
Berry Cliff (SS 225258), north of Hartland Quay, North rotation of these has occurred, and displacements are on the
Devon, which dips at 49°S on the south limb of an anticline order of a few millimetres to 1 cm on each link thrust. Fibre
(Fig. 4c). The duplex, which is about 2m long (only the lower steps on 5 link thrusts give the sense of displacement shown
part is accessible and it has been drawn from photographs) in Figure 4c and confirm the direction of propagation of the


duplex. It is of significance to the later discussion on the argillaceous limestone which is 14 m long and contains some
origin of duplexes that the roof thrust of this particular 27 horses. It has an overall geometry very similar to that
example continues to the limit of exposure at the foot of the described above and shows a progressive increase, then
cliff and that it is marked throughout the exposure by a thick decrease, in the maximum degree of clockwise rotation of
laminated quartz fibre vein up to 9 mm thick. From a study each link thrust from the floor thrust, as measured from the tip
of adjacent rocks in this section (Tanner 1989) it can be to the rear ofthe duplex (McClay & Insley 1986,Fig. 11). The
inferred that a bedding-parallel vein of this thickness is slip vectors marked by grooving, slickenside lineations and
indicative of a considerable amount of movement parallel to slickolites on the floor and roof thrusts are consistent in
the roof thrust. direction, whereas the slip directions on the link thrusts vary
Features of these simple duplexes which are of particular considerably.
significance are the (a) flat floor and roof thrusts, (b) constant For comparison with these duplexes described from thrust
ramp angles and lack of any ramp anticline development, and belts, two duplexes of flexural-slip origin from Maer Cliff,
(c) lack of evidence of significant rotation of the horses within near Bude in North Devon (Fig. 1) are shown in Figure 5, d
the duplex. & e and Figure 6. Both were drawn from detailed photographs
Well-exposed examples of duplexes showing a greater supplemented by field sketches and occur in interbedded
degree of internal rotation of horses are now described and are sandstones and slates dipping at 30-35° to the south, on the
compared with two examples of flexural-slip duplexes from southern limb of an anticline. Example d has 24 horses, is
the Bude area of North Cornwall (Fig. 1). They are all internal approximately 2 m long, and formed by the imbrication of a
duplexes (McClay & Insley 1986) in that they are contained 5-cm thick package of beds. Duplex e consists of over 18
within one stratigraphic formation and repeat a single bed- horses, is 54 cm long and formed from the imbrication of an
ding unit. homogeneous 4-cm thick sandstone bed. All of the thrust
The first example (Fig. 5a) is of an exceptionally well surfaces in d and e are marked by quartz fibre veins. Both
exposed duplex reported from the Makran Coast Ranges of duplexes are exposed on flat joint surfaces but another duplex
southwest Pakistan by Piatt & Leggett (1986), which occurs of similar size nearby is seen in 3-D and slickenfibres show
in well-bedded turbidite facies rocks of Tertiary age. It lies that movement on the link thrusts was oblique to that on the
beneath a major bedding-parallel thrust, the Garuk Kaur fault, floor and roof thrusts. In the latter duplex some ofthe internal
is 30m long, and was formed from a 30-cm thick 'turbidite thrusts which dip in the opposite direction to the main link
bed' shortened by -66% (Piatt & Leggett 1986). The frontal thrusts preserve fibre steps indicating a backthrust sense of
ramp dips at about 15°, the bed shows progressive back- movement.
rotation away from the tip of the duplex and the roof thrust has In the examples described so far, crucial information on
remained planar (Fig. 5a). The front portion of this duplex the form of the bedding surfaces within the horses in each
was figured on the cover of the Journal ofStructural Geology duplex is generally lacking; in the Bude-Hartland Quay area
for 1986 and it is the best example described so far of such a the best evidence of this seen so far is given by a partially
structure. Calcite fibre growth was reported from thrust eroded duplex found north of Widemouth Bay (Fig. 1)
surfaces in this area but was not described specifically from (National Grid Reference SS 198037). The duplex consists
the duplex. of a bedded sandstone unit repeated by imbrication and is
The next example (Fig. 5b) is of a small, completely over 6 m long and up to a metre thick, but only the hindward
exposed duplex from the north end of the Moine Thrust zone portion is preserved (Fig. 7). The shear sense and other
near Loch Eriboll described by Bowler (1987). It has formed features shown by this duplex are consistent with a flexural-
from the imbrication of a 30-cm thick quartzite unit, and is slip origin. A series of photographs, taken at right angles to
13m long and up to 1.2m thick (Fig. 5b), but it is not clear from the parallel fibre lineations seen on the floor and roof thrusts,
the description why a slice of quartzite apparently intervenes were used in the field to record details of the internal struc-
between the roof thrust (Bowler 1987, Figs 3 & 4b) and the ture. The resultant profile is only approximate in places
'roof defined by the aligned upper ends of the stacked horses. because of perspective problems but it shows that bedding in
This duplex shows the internal features which here are individual horses is generally only slightly sigmoidal, and
considered to be characteristic of duplexes in general: a there is only one clear example (at a, Fig. 7) of a possible
gently dipping frontal thrust; back rotation of horses in the ramp-related anticline. As with the other duplexes described
front-to-mid part of the duplex; and gently inclined thrust above, slickenfibre lineations on the link thrusts indicate that
surfaces in the rear portion. The link thrusts are mostly some out-of-section movement has taken place but a line-
curved and somewhat oblique to the movement direction and balanced restored section using two stratigraphic marker
the horses are lensoid in 3 -D. It is noteworthy that two or three horizons (contacts between beds A, B and B, C in Fig. 7)
sets of slickenfibre lineations occur on some link thrusts and within the duplex shows that the total shortening is -45% and
that fibre orientations in general are rather variable in ori- that the link thrusts were initially approximately parallel to
entation (Bowler 1987). one another and had a hindward dip of <20°. Because of
A series of small-scale imbricates and duplex structures uncertainty in the positions ofthe bottom of bed A and the top
were described from the Lewis thrust sheet in the Canadian of bed C in the unrestored section it is not known whether the
Rocky Mountains by McClay & Insley (1986). That repro- link thrusts were planar or slightly concave upwards.
duced in Figure 5c is a completely exposed duplex in All of these carefully documented duplexes have a similar


.,..fq. 'b-.-.:
,^urt, ' ; > • '

,,-! - -< j i . ji

Figure 6. The flexural-slip duplexes from Maer Cliff (National Grid Reference SS202082) shown in Figure 5d & e. The scale in (a) is 25 cm long and that
in (b) is 5 cm long.

external shape and internal geometry regardless of the fact 1). Planar or gently curved floor and roof thrusts bound the
that they have developed in rock types as diverse as lime- duplex and it has an asymmetric profile.
stone, sandstone, and quartzite, and that there is a 60-fold 2). Back rotation of horses to steeply dipping attitudes is
variation in scale for those shown in Figure 5. It should be restricted to the middle portion of the structure.
stressed that these examples have not been selected: to the 3). Link thrusts at the tip of a duplex have a low angle of
best of the author's knowledge, they represent the complete dip, as do those at the rear end of the structure.
set of well-documented examples of fully exposed duplexes 4). Displacements on individual link thrusts are oblique to
(apart from some flexural-slip duplexes similar to those the main transport direction and backthrusts are commonly
described here) and any omissions are unintentional. developed within the duplex.
Based on these examples, the features that have to be 5). All thrust surfaces are marked by calcite- or quartz-
explained by any model for the formation of a duplex are: fibre growth, depending upon host rock composition.


roof thrust.


Figure 8. The Boyer & Elliott (1982) duplex inodel.

Figure 7. Flexural-slip duplex from north ofWidemouth Bay, N Cornwall,
SW England (National Grid Reference SS198037). duplexes such as the Cate Creek window duplex (Dahlstrom
1970), the Haig Brook duplex (Fermor & Price 1976), the
The duplex model Mountain City window duplex (Boyer & Elliott 1982), and in
the duplexes beneath the Copper Creek detachment (Mitra
The basic model for duplex formation, which has dominated 1986). This feature has been commented upon by several
thinking on the subject since it was published in 1982, is that authors including McClay & Insley (1986) who suggested
of Boyer & Elliott (Fig. 8). In this forward-propagating that the roof thrust of duplexes like that in Figure 5c may have
model each horse in sequence is transported up a footwall been active throughout the period of duplex formation and, as
ramp, forms a ramp anticline as it passes over the top of the one of several possibilities, that slip could have taken place on
ramp, and is partially unfolded as the next horse is emplaced all of the link thrusts simultaneously with the greater slip
beneath it. Later theoretical models for duplex development occurring on those in the central, most rotated, portion ofthe
have confirmed the main features of the Boyer & Elliott duplex. Bowler (1987) also invoked repeated imbrication of
(1982) model but this has been a self-fulfilling prophecy as the footwall, and rejuvenation of movement on previously
these models are all based upon the assumption that the formed link thrusts within the duplex shown in Figure 5b,
addition of each horse to the duplex is accompanied by the together with a late movement on the roof thrust.
formation of a new ramp anticline. The models vary in using A flat roof is created in the Boyer & Elliott (1982) model
either the Rich (1934) geometry for the ramp anticline (Boyer but requires special geometric conditions for its generation
& Elliott 1982; Mitra & Boyer 1986) or the Suppe (1983) when the ramp anticlines are produced using the Suppe
fault-bend construction (Mitra 1986; Groshong & Usdansky (1983) construction (Groshong & Usdansky 1988). It is
1988; Cruikshank etal. 1989). highly significant that the closest approach to a plane-roofed
Several problems exist with the Boyer & Elliott (1982) duplex is given by the computer models of Groshong &
model. Firstly it requires that each horse is folded, and then Usdansky (1988) when the thrusts within the duplex are
partially unfolded to give an open S-shape. In discussing the initiated as low-angle, nearly planar surfaces. Other attempts
mode of development ofthe Basse Normandie duplex. Cooper to produce plane-roofed duplexes propose geometrical solu-
e/ a/. (1983, p. 150) commented that such a process is unlikely tions (Geiser 1988) which may be valid in individual cases
and 'can be avoided if several horses move at the same time'. but do not constitute general models for the formation of such
They also demonstrated that the shortening in the duplex (Fig. duplexes.
4b) increases progressively from front to back ofthe structure Other features common to many naturally occurring ex-
and not in the discrete jumps predicted by the Boyer & Elliott amples are the sigmoidal shapes ofthe rotated horses and the
model. The second problem is that no natural example of a way in which the hindward dip angle of the thrusts becomes
duplex has been reported (as opposed to modelled) which less at the tip of the duplex. This geometry precludes the
preserves the last-formed ramp anticline at its tip. Finally, a formation of the duplex by out-of-sequence or break-back
duplex is considered to form as a result of footwall collapse collapse ofthe footwall: it is a forward-propagating structure
and thus facilitate the passage of a thrust over an obstacle or and the low-angle thrusts at the tip are the last to form. The
'sticking point', yet the model duplex which has been pro- small amount of field evidence regarding the orientation of
posed has a profile which would mechanically impede, rather bedding in some of the rotated horses found in the central
than assist, this process. Thus either all of the small and parts of duplexes suggests that very shallow ramp anticlines
medium scale duplexes illustrated in Figures 4-7 are atypical may have formed on some of the link thrusts as they devel-
because of some feature such as the relatively small displace- oped as low-angle features at the tip of the duplex. Subse-
ment between adjacent horses, or they are representative of quent back-rotation of the horses formed in this way gave
the typical duplex and the theoretical models proposed so far them a sigmoidal profile and accentuated the curvature ofthe
over-emphasize the importance of the formation of ramp internal bedding surfaces to an open S-shaped profile (Figs 3
anticlines in duplex development. Despite differences in the & 5). However, these features are a minor aspect of the
mechanisms which operated during the relatively low tem- internal geometry of the duplex and have not made an
perature deformation ofthe sandstone, quartzite, and limestone important contribution to the external morphology as in the
beds in which these structures occur, the morphologies ofthe case of the Boyer & Elliott (1982) model. The planar and
resultant duplexes are remarkably similar. relatively low angle thrusts at the rear of some duplexes may
The most striking feature of naturally-occurring duplexes be late thrusts (cf. McClay & Insley 1986) which have cut up-
is their flat or gently curved roof. This is seen in the examples section in the transport direction after the main development
described earlier and also in well-exposed portions of other of the duplex structure, but this is not certain.


Towards a new model

beneath an active roof thrust, become sigmoidal, and in some
A revised model for duplex formation is suggested, based cases are moved oblique to the transport direction. Further
primarily on a field study of flexural-slip examples, in which evidence is needed from field examples to quantify the
the duplex is seen as a tapered wedge of material derived from model, especially regarding the way in which the horses are
the footwall and enclosed within active floor and roof thrusts incorporated into the growing tip of the duplex, but it seems
(Fig. 3). It has low-angle thrusts at the tip (although those clear that, because of the low angle of the leading thrusts and
developed at an earlier stage of development of the structure the way they curve asymptotically into the active roof thrust,
may have had slightly steeper dips) and incremental adjust- the formation of ramp anticlines does not play a significant
ments throughout the duplex on floor, roof, link and back- role in the development of the duplexes described in this
ward-propagating thrusts enable compatibility to be main- paper. As further examples of duplexes from contractional
tained between the constituent horses as the duplex grows and settings are documented it may be found that the type of
allow the roof thrust to remain planar. This is analogous to the duplex described here has a geometry more typical of natural
situation in which the Garuk Kaur fault (Fig. 5a), the roof to situations than that of the Boyer & Elliott (1982) model, and
a duplex, has remained planar whilst the footwall structure this would require a change in the way these structures have
takes up the deformation (Piatt & Leggett 1986). These been represented on many interpretive cross-sections in the
movements are accompanied by the incremental develop- past decade.
ment of fibre veins, some at least by the crack-seal mecha-
nism, on all movement surfaces. The duplex is driven
I wish to thank Judith Tanner for finding several of the duplexes and acting
forward by the thrust movement, picks up slices of footwall as devil's advocate during many discussions as to their origin; Martin Insley
on gently inclined thrust planes and as further material is and John Lloyd for reviewing the manuscript; and Sheila Brown for the
incorporated into the tip region these slices are back-rotated word-processing.


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Tectonophysics, 135, 25-35. sheet, Crowsnest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada. Journal of
Boyer, S. E. & Elliott, D. 1982. Thrust systems. American Association of Structural Geology, 8, 911-922.
Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 66, 1196-1230. Mitra, S. 1986. Duplex structures and imbricate thrust systems: geometry,
Cooper, M. A., Garton, M. R. & Hossack, J. R. 1983. The origin of the Basse structural position, and hydrocarbon potential. American Association of
Normandie duplex, Boulonnais, France. Journal of Structural Geology, Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 70, 1087-1112.
5, 139-152. Mitra, G. & Boyer, S. E. 1986. Energy balance and deformation mechanisms
Coward, M. P. 1984. A geometrical study of the Amaboll and Heilam thrust of duplexes. Journal of Structural Geology, 8, 291-304.
sheets, NW of Ben Amaboll, Sutherland. Scottish Journal of Geology, Nickelsen, R. P. 1986. Cleavage duplexes in the Marcellus Shale of the
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Dahlstrom, C.D.A. 1970. Structural geology in the eastern margin of the Memoir Geological Survey of Great Britain.
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18, 332-406. accretionary prism: implications for thrust tectonics. American Asso-
Elliot, D. & Johnson, M.R.W. 1980. Structural evolution in the northern part ciation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 70, 191-203.
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Palaeomagnetic techniques applied to thrust belts
A. M. McCaig' & E. McClelland^

' Department of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK

^Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, 0X1 3 PR, UK

Abstract: Palaeomagnetic data can be used to determine rotations of thrust sheets which cannot
be detected by conventional structural techniques. In basement rocks this may be the only way to
constrain rotations. A detailed knowledge of rotations is necessary for accurate section balancing
and can help in understanding the evolution of structures and the mechanisms of thrust sheet
deformation. Previously unsuspected rotations about steeply plunging axes have recently been
identified in many thrust belts around the world, and we present examples of the use of both pre-
and syntectonic remanences in both sedimentary and basement rocks. However, not all areas are
suitable for palaeomagnetic studies, and it is vital that appropriate structural and palaeomagnetic
tests are used to establish the ages of remanence components, and that the uncertainties inherent
in palaeomagnetic data are fully appreciated.

The study of the structural evolution of thrust belts is in large no meaningful remanence components; (6) statistical com-
measure the study and interpretation of finite rotations. This parisons within and between sites; (7) interpretation of data.
is normally accomplished by referring folded and tilted There is potential for error in all stages of this process, and
sedimentary rocks to an assumed initial horizontal orienta- palaeomagnetic programmes must be both planned and ex-
tion. This assumption is implicit in the construction of ecuted with great care. It is inevitable that some sites will not
balanced and restored cross-sections (Dahlstrom 1969; yield meaningful data, and it is particularly important that
Hossack 1979), where all rotations are normally assumed to sites be included in the dataset on purely rational criteria.
take place about axes normal to the plane of section. The Unfortunately, this has not always been the case, with the
occurrence of other rotations will automatically invalidate result that palaeomagnetism has acquired an unjustifiably
the assumption of plane strain within the section. bad reputation amongst many geologists.
Conventional structural studies in sedimentary rocks cannot The most suitable lithologies for palaeomagnetic work are
detect rotations which do not fold or tilt the bedding, and in volcanic rocks, shallow intrusives and iron-rich sediments,
polydeformed or intrusive basement rocks thrust-related ro- but with the advent of cryogenic magnetometers practically
tations are usually impossible to constrain. Palaeomagnetic any rock may yield significant results. For structural studies,
studies have the power to identify rotations not previously young (Tertiary) rocks are generally best since the range of
suspected in sedimentary rocks, and may be the only way of possible field directions is small. This means that any
detecting rotations in basement rocks. Palaeomagnetic studies significant deviations from the present day field direction are
are an important tool in the understanding of the structural almost certainly due to local tectonic rotations.
evolution of both internal and external parts of mountain Selection of sample sites should always be accompanied
belts. However, because of the time consuming nature of by field mapping and structural measurements with a view to
palaeomagnetic work and difficulties in establishing the age using palaeomagnetic tests to establish the age of remanence
of remanence, areas for such study need to be selected with as discussed below. Best results are obtained by using a rock
some care. drill to collect core samples in the field. Use of oriented
In this paper, the principles and techniques of blocks introduces an additional source of error and it is
palaeomagnetic study in deformed rocks willfirstbe reviewed. difficult to collect sufficiently fresh material. Cores can be
Examples will then be given of the application of very accurately oriented using a specially adapted sun com-
palaeomagnetism to thrust belts in both sedimentary and pass (Collinson 1983), eliminafing problems associated with
basement rocks. magnetic rocks. At least six and preferably eight samples
must be collected at each site if statistically significant results
are to be obtained.
Palaeomagnetic techniques and methods It is important that as many samples as possible be fully
demagnetized to determine the vector structure of the
Data collection
remanence. Whether Alternating Field or Thermal Treatment
The stages in the collection of a palaeomagnetic dataset can or a combination of both is used depends on the magnetic
be summarized as follows: (1) selection of field area; (2) mineralogy and the correct treatment is determined by pilot
selection of sample sites; (3) collection and orientation of experiments (Collinson 1983). Magnetic anisotropy may
samples; (4) demagnetisation of samples; (5) establishment deflect remanence components and should be tested for in
of stable remanence components, and rejection of sites with deformed samples (Lowrie et al. 1986).


Methods for establishing statistically significant remanence Palaeomagnetic studies of thrust belts in
components both within a sample and within a site were sedimentary rocks
established by Fisher (1953). Sites can be compared using
Previous work.
standard fold and contact tests as described below.
On the scale of an erogenic belt, much palaeomagnetic effort
has been directed towards the question of 'oroclinal bending'
Establishing the age of remanence
(e.g. Irving & Opdyke 1965; Van der Voo & Channell 1980;
Most rocks contain several components of remanence ac- Lowrie & Hirt 1986). Smaller scale studies of rotations in
quired at different times and by different mechanisms. thrust belts have been less common, but nevertheless rotations
Depositional remanence (DRM) arises from the settling of about previously unsuspected axes have been recognised
magnetic minerals in the Earth's field. Thermal remanence from several areas.
(TRM) results from cooling of igneous or metamorphic One of the earliest such studies was by Kotasek & Krs
minerals through the Curie point, while chemical remanence (1965), who were able to refute arguments for the
(CRM) components can arise whenever new minerals grow autochthonous nature of parts of the western Carpathians on
within a rock during diagenesis, metamorphism or defor- the basis of palaeomagnetic evidence. Local rotations of
mation. During thermal demagnetisation, different compo- thrust sheets around salients in the Wyoming-Idaho thrust
nents held in different minerals will be stripped off at different belt have been attributed to the buttressing effects of base-
temperatures. However, it cannot be assumed that the highest ment highs (Grubbs & Van der Voo 1976; Schwartz & Van
temperature components are the earliest, or even that they der Voo 1984; Eldredge & Van der Voo 1988). Around the
formed at higher temperatures (O'Reilly 1984). It is often Wyoming salient, the rotations vary more or less smoothly,
very hard to relate a particular component to a particular while large variations in rotation around the Helena salient
mineral growth episode in the rock, and indirect tests must be imply that here the thrust sheets broke and rotated as indi-
used to establish the age of magnetisation. vidual pieces. Kent (1988) has suggested that similar results
The most useful test in structural studies is the fold test around the Pennsylvania salient in the Appalachians are due
(McElhinny 1964). In a positive fold test, a remanence to a tightening of originally arcuate structures. In Nevada,
component on the two limbs of a fold is grouped significantly studies by Geissman etal. (1982), Hudson & Geissman (1984)
more closely after unfolding about the fold axis than in situ, and Geissman et al. (1984) indicate that rotation has occurred
showing that remanence acquisition predated folding. A due to the oblique incidence of thrusting onto a shelf margin,
negative/oW test indicates that remanence acquisition post- compounded by buttressing effects of irregularities in the
dated folding. In some cases, one component may predate shelf margin. Opdyke et al. (1982) and Klootwijk et al.
folding while another may be acquired during folding, and (1986) have presented evidence that the northwestern and
become most closely grouped after partial unfolding central Himalayan regions have been thrusted over the Indian
(McClelland-Brown 1983). shield with a coherent large-scale clockwise rotation. In
Mallorca, palaeomagnetic data has been used to rule out
The contact, or dyke test is useful wherever sedimentary or
differential rotation as an explanation for different orientations
basement rocks are cut by later intrusions (e.g. Allerton &
of structures in different thrust sheets (Freeman et al. 1989).
Vine 1987; McClelland & McCaig 1989). If a particular
Channell et al. (1990) describe palaeomagnetic data from a
remanence direction is present in both a dyke and its imme-
thrust pile in western Sicily which show up to 140° of
diate wall rocks, but disappears further away, then that
clockwise rotation in the uppermost unit, and decreasing
component almost certainly dates from the time of dyke
amounts of rotation in structurally lower units, providing
intrusion. Contact tests are usually more successful with
important new information for palinspastic reconstructions
small intrusions than with large ones.
of the western Mediterranean region. Finally, Dinares et al.
Other useful tests include the reversal test and the con- (1991, this volume) have used palaeomagnetic data to define
glomerate test (cf. McElhinny 1973). In the former, the lateral variability in rotations of carbonate thrust sheets from
presence of reversals of magnetization within a sedimentary the southern Pyrenees.
sequence indicates that the sequence has not been remagnetized
since the original remanence was acquired. In the latter, the
presence of randomly oriented remanence directions within
blocks of the same type indicates that this remanence, which Scope and limitations of the method
may be identifiable within the source formations of the Pre-deformational remanences. If pre-deformational
conglomerate, must pre-date deposition. If the remanence in remanences of known age are present, the evolution of
blocks and underlying formation is uniform in direction, then complex structures can be constrained, since reversal of the
both conglomerate and source have been remagnetized. deformation path must restore both bedding to a horizontal
In more complex fold structures, it is useful to test whether attitude and the remanence to its reference direction (cf.
the angle between a given remanence and the bedding re- Bonhommet ef a/. 1981). A useful concept here is that of the
mains constant across the structure. If it does, the remanence finite rotation pole (RiA&s 1989). This is the pole about which
must predate folding, and can be used to constrain the the bedding rotates to horizontal and simultaneously a
evolution of the structure even where two phases of folding remanence direction of known age rotates into coincidence
have occurred (cf. Bonhommet et al. 1981). with the reference palaeopole for this age. Figure 1 illustrates


commutativity of finite rotations (e.g. Ramsay 1967),

palaeomagnetic data might be capable of resolving the se-
quence of rotation events about different axes. However, this
is not usually possible in thrust belts because identifiable
rotation axes are not mutually independent. In Figure 2 a
thrust sheet has been rotated about a vertical axis while beds
within it have also been rotated about a subhorizontai fold
axis. In this case the order of rotation makes no difference to
the final orientation of a remanence direction since the fold
axis will be rotated along with the thrust sheet if folding
occurs first.
The orientation of the palaeomagnetic vector is an important
limitation. If the vector was normal to the bedding at the time
of acquisition, no additional information can be obtained
from palaeomagnetic work. This means that sedimentary
rocks deposited at low latitudes are likely to be best for
palaeomagnetic studies of deformation. Additional restric-
tions are imposed by the 10-15° error limit typical of most
palaeomagnetic site means. Any rotation must separate the
remanence vectors before and after deformation by at least
10° if it is to be detected.
Syn-deformational remanences. Where a component of
Figure 1. Determination of finite rotation pole (R) which simultaneou.sly remanence is acquired during deformation or between defor-
rotates in situ bedding pole (B) to vertical, and insitu Triassic (T) remanence mation events, additional information can be obtained. For
direction to coincidence with the Triassic (Tref) reference direction for example Courtillot et al. (1986) determined that magnetiza-
'stable'Iberia. After Bates (1989). This example shows a 50° clockwise tion in Devonian limestones from a polyphase Hercynian fold
rotation about a rotation pole plunging 30° towards 115°. The dotted lines
are the great circles which are the perpendicular bisectors of the small circles
was acquired between two major phases of folding, allowing
joining T to Tref, and B to the vertical. These are the loci of all possible them to reconstruct the shape of the fold at the end of the first
rotation poles for Triassic remanence and bedding respectively. Their phase, and to determine that the shortening direction rotated
intersection defines the finite rotation pole. some 30° between the two phases.
Bates (1989) used multicomponent remanences to constrain
a simple stereographic construction for finding finite rotation the evolution of thrust sheets containing Triassic redbeds
poles. The finite rotation matrix can be the sum of any from the Nogueras Zone of the southern Pyrenees. He
number of finite rotations about different axes. If the amount suggests that an intermediate blocking temperature (Tb)
of rotation about a measured fold axis is known from struc- component was acquired in some cases while a thrust sheet
tural measurements, then the orientation of an additional was climbing an footwall ramp and the beds were tilted
rotation axis can be found by subtraction from the finite steeply up to the north, and in other cases, later in the
rotation (although the additional rotation may also be made evolution of the structural pile when the beds had been tilted
up of several components). In some circumstances two pre- down towards the south. A high Tb component is believed to
or syntectonic remanence components may be rotated during be primary. Calculation of finite rotation poles using both
the same deformation event (Bates 1989), giving very tight intermediate and high Tb directions allowed Bates to inves-
constraints on possible rotation poles. tigate local deformation and folding; for example, several
It is commonly supposed that because of the non- sites were interpreted as having undergone rotation about a
vertical axis as a result of lateral cutoffs and imperfect lateral
<t^ transfer of displacement.
A simple example of the use of syn-deformational
remanences is shown in Figure 3, and comes from Triassic
redbeds overlying basement rocks just north of the area
studied by Bates (1989) in the Pyrenees. Intermediate and
high Tb components are each well grouped at site level but
vary in direction around a syncline. Application of stepwise
unfolding techniques to the data demonstrates that the high
Tb component was acquired before the folding, and its
magnetic characteristics indicate that it is a primary Triassic
remanence. After unfolding, this component gives a mean
direction which is rotated about 15° clockwise from the
Figure 2. An example of non-independent rotations in a thrust sheet rotating expected Trias reference direction. The intermediate Tb
about a vertical axis and a fold developing with a subhorizontai fold axis. component was acquired halfway through the development



Intermediate Tb component High Th component

Remanence directions dispersed

Halt unfolded
Remanence ^ ^
directions ^^*---
Figure 3. Schematic cross-section
through fold in Triassic redbeds,
Unfolded Isabena valley, Pyrenean Axial Zone,
showing how intermediate and high
directions dispersed
Remanence i^zzi^.
directions parallel
blocking temperature components
group on incremental unfolding.

of the fold and after the rotation of the thrust sheet, as the effects can be removed and total rotation poles can still be
partially unfolded mean is indistinguishable from the Alpine established (Cogne & Perroud 1985). Deflection due to
age reference direction. This data can be used to show that the magnetic anisolropy is a more difficult problem. Recent
rotation of this area finished before folding was complete. work in southwest Wales (Ogden etal. 1990; Stearns & Van
Internal strain of rocks can cause problems in interpreting der Voo 1987) suggests that this may have affected some of
syn-deformational remanences {Kligfieldf/a/. 1983; Cogne the Devonian redbeds studied by McClelland-Brown (1983)
et al. 1986). Kodama (1988) has suggested that some and McClelland (1987), where syn-deformational remanences
remanences interpreted to be 'syn-folding' may have resulted were identified. Further work is in progress to try to resolve
either through deflection of earlier remanence directions due this problem, but clearly anisotropy of magnetic susceptibil-
to internal strain or deflection of newly formed remanences ity must be tested for, and results from anisotropic rocks must
away from the field direction due to magnetic anisotropy. be viewed with caution. Syn-folding remanences certainly
Where two or more components are present, deflection due to do occur however, as shown by the very detailed study of
strain should affect all components which are affected by the Hudson e/<3/. (1989).
folding. If the strain can be measured independently, its

'^a Permian

pTv-'-N Stophnnlan

Palaeozoic baaamant

Figure 4. Cross-section 3 km west of line A-B in Fig. 5(a), constructed using the map of Mey (1969) and field data from this study. Note reactivation of
normal faults to explain absence of lower Trias, Permian and Stephanian in sheet 5, and out-of-sequence thrust which truncates fold structures in Triassic
footwall rocks.


Basement rocks palaeomagnetic model incorporating all the data (McClelland

& McCaig 1989; and unpubl. data).
Scope and limitations
This is the first comprehensive palaeomagnetic study of
In basement rocks, both the scope and limitations of structural rotations in a thrusted basement terrane. The data
palaeomagnetic studies are greater than in sedimentary rocks. illustrate the considerable scope for palaeomagnetic work in
The scope is greater because no bedding is available to such terranes, provided that good remanence carriers exist
provide a palaeohorizontal datum, and palaeomagnetism which are not affected by folding during previous orogenic
may provide the only constraint on finite rotations. On the events. The studies of folded Hercynian metasediments in the
other hand, fold tests cannot be easily used, the range of useful same area have only rarely yielded interpretable results.
rock types is much more limited, and rotations about axes
close to the remanence direction cannot be detected. Best
results are obtained when a suitable suite of contemporane- Discussion
ous igneous rocks such as a dyke swarm is available. Contact
Rotation mechanisms
tests can be used to establish that remanence dates from the
age of intrusion of the dykes and the orientations of remanence Rotations within thrust belts can arise from a variety of
vectors can be compared between fault blocks. In the case causes: (1) movement of thrust sheets over combinations of
cited below, the presence of overlying sedimentary rocks frontal, lateral and oblique ramps; (2) folding and tilting due
allows a fold test to be performed on dykes cutting basement to internal deformation of thrust sheets; (3) differential move-
rocks. ment on thrusts, or transfer of deformation from one thrust to
Results from Triassic redbeds from the southern Axial another; (4) penetrative strain within thrust sheets; (5) strain
Zone of the Pyrenees have already been presented in Figure taken up on networks of domino faults.
3. In the underlying basement, late Hercynian dykes show Combined palaeomagnetic and structural work has the
excellent remanence characteristics and can be used to dem- potential to distinguish between these mechanisms. For
onstrate significant clockwise rotations of thrust sheets example, movement over ramps should lead to folding about
(McClelland & McCaig 1989). Figure 4 is a balanced cross axes parallel to the lines of intersection between ramps and
section through the area constructed using field data, which flats. Careful field mapping should reveal the orientations of
shows that six separate thrust sheets are present in an antiformal such structures and the predicted rotations can be tested
stack. against the palaeomagnetic data. It may be possible to
In Figure 5, finite rotations have been partitioned into a constrain structural geometries either at depth or further back
rotation about a vertical axis and tilt about a horizontal axis down the thrust sheet's trajectory (Bates 1989), particularly
compared with the late Carboniferous reference direction. if syntectonic remanences can be found.
The horizontal axis corresponds to the dominant fold axis Differential movement on thrusts is one of the most
seen in overlying Triassic redbeds (McClelland & McCaig commonly cited reasons for rotations about steep axes detected
1989). Figure 5(a) shows the true declination of the remanences by palaeomagnetic studies (Schwartz & Van der Voo 1984;
in situ; the horizontal component of rotation is the difference Bates 1989). Such models depend on pinning of thrust sheets
between this direction and the reference direction. Figure and should result in arcuate movement directions about a
5(b) shows the estimates of tilt, i.e. the difference between the local rotation pole. The radius of the arc is a simple function
reference inclination and the inclination obtained at the site or of the amount of rotation and the displacement on the thrusts.
group of sites shown. For small displacements, very tight arcs are required which
In the lowermost thrust sheet (sheet 1), the tilts conform should lead to arcuate patterns of lineation on the faults
closely to the fold shape defined by the post-Hercynian concerned and be readily detectable by structural studies.
unconformity. In addition, this sheet has experienced clock- Domino type models have been proposed to explain
wise rotation (about a vertical axis) which increases from 15° palaeomagnetic rotations seen in strike slip terranes (e.g. Ron
in the west to 30° in the east. Thrust sheets 2 to 5 show et al. 1984). Jackson & McKenzie (1989) have shown how
increasing amounts of northward tilting, and clockwise rota- coupled rotations of fault blocks about vertical and horizontal
tions of between 30° and 100°. Remanence directions from axes can take up both extensional and strike-slip motions
sheet 6 are significantly different from those in underlying within large volumes of crust. There seems no reason why
sheets, and lie close to the reference direction for the late similar rotation mechanisms should not occur in thrust belts.
Carboniferous, indicating either that this sheet has not been A feature of this model is that the movement vectors on the
tilted or rotated, or that any rotations have cancelled each fault array maintain a constant angle with the boundaries of
other out. the zone, and no arcuate pattern of movement directions
The clockwise rotations which have been documented are should be expected.
in agreement with palaeomagnetic results from Triassic In the example shown in Figure 5, many of the thrusts die
redbeds of the Nogueras Zone immediately to the south out westwards into fold structures affecting the Triassic
(Bates 1989). The significant backward tilting of rocks in unconformity. At least part of the clockwise rotation can
sheets 3 and 4 was not predicted by the structural model probably be explained by pinning of the thrust sheets in the
shown in Figure 4, and neither was the lack of tilting in sheet west. However lineations on minor faults within the entire
6. Work is in progress on a unified structural and thrust stack show a remarkably consistent trend towards the



-42° 34'

- 42° 30'


10 -35° "^°° -50°


0 1km

Figure 5. (a) Mean dyke remanence directions from sites or groups of sites in an antifomial stack cutting basement rocks in the southern Pyrenean Axial
Zone, updated after McClelland & McCaig (1989). The cone opens towards the actual declination of the remanence (point of cone is at site), width of cone
is twice alpha 95 (the cone of confidence), number by cone indicates inclination (positive numbers indicate polarity down plunge). Large arrow indicates
Late Carboniferous reference field direction. A-B and C-D are lines of sections in Fig 5(b), (b) Schematic cross-sections showing palaeomagnetic estimates
of tilt about a horizontal axis. Arrows are oriented at the estimated angle of lilt obtained from the group of dykes immediately below the arrow, the number
next to the arrow is the tilt estimate. Note that both normal and reversed polarities exist in the dykes.


SSW, with no sign of any arcuate pattern (McCaig & Evolution of structures
McClelland unpubl. data), and it seems that part of the
As discussed earlier, syntectonic remanences may provide
rotation may have occurred through domino faulting.
valuable information about intermediate points on the
strainpath leading to a particular structure. Lateral propaga-
Section balancing tion of folds may lead to tilting and then untilting of beds
along the fold axis, and similar effects may occur as thrust
Balanced cross-sections are only valid if all strain is confined
sheets move over ramps and flats. A number of studies have
to the plane of section. Rotations about axes not perpendicu-
attempted to address this type of problem (McClelland-
lar to the plane of section automatically invalidate the tech-
Brown 1983;Bates 1989), but although syntectonic remanence
nique, although the extent to which errors are introduced
components have been identified, little useful data for con-
depends on the amount of rotation and the orientation of
straining thrust sheet evolution has so far emerged, which was
bedding when rotation occurs. For example, rotation of a flat
not already available from study of pretectonic remanences.
lying thrust sheet about a vertical axis need not introduce any
The problem is that extremely detailed studies are required to
excess area into the plane of section, whereas rotation of a
constrain the relationship between remanence components
steeply dipping or irregular sheet almost certainly will.
which may have been introduced at slightly different times at
The area studied in the Pyrenees lies astride the section different locations in the structure.
line studied and balanced by Williams (1985) and Williams
& Fischer (1984). These authors did not suspect the rotations
documented here, and there is no doubt that small errors in Fluid movement during thrusting
their shortening estimate will have resulted. However, greater
New reinanence components are introduced into rocks as a
errors were probably associated with the unrealistic geometry
result of new mineral growth or the recrystallisation of
they proposed for the Nogueras Zone antiformal stack, in
existing minerals. Numerous studies in the fields of diagenesis
particular the failure to document out of sequence thrusts
and metamorphism have shown that such mineral growth
which have been identified by field mapping (Fig. 4).
often occurs as a result of fluid infiltration. Palaeomagnetism
Ultimately, the only way to incorporate palaeomagnetic
therefore offers a means of constraining fluid movement
data into such studies is by volume balancing (Butler 1990).
pathways through deforming rocks, as well as the age of fluid
This requires an exceedingly precise 3-D model of the present-
movement relative to particular tilting events (cf. Bates
day geometry of a portion of a thrust belt which is not
1989). Such studies may prove particularly valuable in the
generally possible where data is only available from surface
petroleum industry, where the age of a diagenetic event
mapping. It is recommended that future studies of volume
which affects reservoir permeability relative to the age of
balancing should concentrate on areas where extensive sub-
formation of structural traps can be of great importance.
surface data is available and where palaeomagnetic studies
can also be undertaken. It should always be borne in mind,
however, that the main purpose of such studies is not to This work was supported by NERC grant GR3/5933 to A. McCaig and E.
endlessly refine shortening estimates but to understand the McClelland. Reviews by P. Geiser and C. Jackson helped to improve the
mechanical processes involved in the evolution of thrust belts
and thrust geometries.


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Evolution of crystalline thrust sheets in the internal parts of mountain
Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.' & Robert J. Hooper^

'Department of Geological Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

37996-1410 USA, and
Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory*, PO Box 2008,
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 USA;
^Department of Geology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620-5200

Abstract: Two kinds of crystalline thrust sheets form in the internides of mountain chains. Type
C megathrust sheets are internally brittle slabs of intact crust (composite basement) that detach
within the thermally softened ductile-brittle transition (DBT) and, once formed, behave as thin-
skinned thrust sheets. Type F thrust sheets are fold-related lobe-shaped thrust sheets that form
below or within the DBT by attenuation of the common limb between antiforms and synforms in
passive- or flexural-flow folding; transport is controlled by ductile flow. Type C megathrust sheets
form by continent-continent or arc-continent collision accompanying A-subduction; Type F
sheets form via A- or B-subduction below the DBT. Both result in crustal thickening. Individual
Type C megathrusts are very strong (compared to large foreland sheets), with maximum size and
displacement attained where crystalline thrusts ramp into weak zones in platform sedimentary
rocks. Here crustal thickness may be duplicated, but a (basal detachment) and |J (surface slope)
angles remain constant (and near zero) because of slab geometry. Coefficient of internal friction
along the base of nascent Type C megathrust sheets would be low (<0.3), while the sheet itself
would be very strong and coherent, with a high coefficient of internal friction (>0.85). Foreland
thrusts are driven ahead of Type C sheets as crystalline and foreland thrusts merge into the
Coulomb wedge of the foreland. Behaviour modes also merge here, because, once formed. Type
C sheets commonly ramp onto the platform and propagate along the basal detachment of the
deforming platform wedge. Thin platform assemblages on continental promontories restrict the
size and displacement of Type C and foreland sheets. Crustal duplexes form in ramp zones as
thrusts can no longer propagate along the DBT. Duplexes of platform sedimentary rocks (±
basement) may also form beneath the crystalline sheet and arch the .sheet above. Late macro- and
meso-scale structures (isolated domes, out of sequence thrusts, open folds, some crenellations, and
ductile shears) related to thrust emplacement may form within the sheet. Thrust-related meso- and
microfabrics are mostly concentrated in or near the fault zone. Character of fault rocks varies with
location, rate of motion on the fault, availability of fluid, and ambient T-P conditions in the fault
Fault rocks vary from cataclasite formed near the surface or at depth at high strain rate, to retrograde
mylonite formed in low-T or high strain rate zones, to annealed mylonite formed in high-T zones
or zones where recrystallization/recovery rates exceed strain rate, to absent along the base of some
Type F thrust sheets. Type F thrust sheets fomi in the middle to lower crust in upper greenschist
to granulite facies conditions. They may be thicker (or thinner) and have less regular shape than
Type C sheets because of association with folding, but are not as extensive because of lower overall
strength. Mesofabrics within the sheets are commonly more penetrative and representative of
transport and deformation of the entire sheet, with sheath folds a common meso- and macro- style,
but cylindrical folds with orogen-parallel lineations normal to transport or mixed-mode linear
fabrics may be present.

Crystalline and foreland thrust systems were once thought to geometry, appear quite similar. Thus the importance of both
be separate and independent structures, thus mechanical the similarities and differences should therefore be empha-
models were developed that characterized them separately sized in any mechanical model (Hatcher & Williams 1986).
(e.g. Armstrong & Dick 1974; Chappie 1978; Boyer& Elliott Early divisions centered around the involvement of crys-
1982; Davis era/. 1983). Certain characteristics - maximum talline rocks (or basement) in thrust systems. If crystalline
size, location in orogens, and initial detachment properties - rocks or basement were involved, the thrust system was thick-
are certainly different; other properties, however, including skinned; if crystalline rocks were not involved, the system

*Operated by Martin Marietta Energy systems, Inc., for the US Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC05-840R21400.


was thin-skinned. As shown herein, however, particular gested that differences occur within foreland thrust systems;
kinds of crystalline thrust sheets exhibit thin-skinned behav- the mechanical characteristics of foreland fold-thrust belt
iour. The division of thrust systems into thick- or thin- thrust systems also differ significantly from those formed in
skinned based solely on the involvement of basement thus has accretionary wedge complexes because of fundamental dif-
only historical significance and should probably be aban- ferences in the mechanical properties of the materials being
doned for attempting to understand thrust mechanics. Inter- deformed (Woodward 1987).
estingly, several classic studies where many of the fundamen- The purpose here is to explore the processes related to the
tal geometric properties of thrusts were first observed were in formation and evolution of crystalline thrust sheets that form
fact conducted on crystalline thrusts - for example, the Moine in the internal parts of mountain chains (Fig. 1). Most kinds
thrust in the Northwest Highlands of Scotland and the thrust of crystalline thrust sheets may be grouped into two funda-
at Areskutan in Sweden (see references in Hatcher & Wil- mental types. Type C crystalline megathrust sheets form at
liams 1986). Whereas they may be geometrically similar, and the ductile-brittle transition (DBT), and possibly the base of
crystalline and foreland thrust sheets evolve behaviourally the lithosphere, and transport slabs of previously consoli-
toward each other during transport, there are important me- dated upper crust and cover sedimentary rocks. Type F
chanical differences in the way several kinds of crystalline crystalHne sheets form below the DBT in the realm of ductile
thrusts are generated and are transported. It has been sug- flow. These two kinds comprise most of the crystalline thrust

Trajectory of
future master
Late Proterozoic
and Future
Paleozoic Hayesville fault out-of-sequence
platform Cambrian rift
(Tactonic suture) thrust Colliding
margin (Brevard fault) mass

North American
continental crust
previously thinned
by rifting—now/
restored to normal


Cross section

Map view

Figure 1. (a) Ideal Type C sheet prior to formation. Dashed line indicates the projected location of detachment as it propagates along the ductile-brittle
transition (DBT) and onto the continental platform. Note the similarity of this diagram for a contractional regime to Figure 1 of Gibbs (1990), which shows
a linked fault model for an extensional regime, (b) Formation of a Type F sheet by differential flow in a ductile mass forming a fold, then shearing out of
the common limb between the antiform and synform forming a thrust. Cross section view is above; map view of lobate thrust sheets is below.


sheets observed in orogenic belts worldwide. Ophiolite sheets

mechanically involve delamination of composite upper man- a) 100
tle, oceanic crust, and cover sediments at the oceanic DBT,
and are thus a subset of Type C thrust sheets.

Nature of the ductile-brittle transition

The ductile-brittle transition (DBT) - the brittle-plastic tran- km
sition of Rutter (1986) - is the zone in the crust where thermal
softening begins and brittle deformation is inhibited (Fig. 2a).
Below the DBT, deformation is dominated by ductile (plastic
and viscous) flow; above the DBT, deformation occurs
mostly by brittle (elastic) failure. The depth to the DBT varies
and depends amongst other things on heat flow and the
amount of fluid present; the DBT may be close to the surface 100
in zones of high heat flow where fluids may be abundant (e.g. Asthenosphere
zones of crustal extension and active magma systems coeval
with faulting), and deep in the crust in zones of low heat flow b) strong
where rocks contain only small amounts of fluid or are dry Strong
(e.g. continental interiors). Armstrong & Dick (1974) sug- Sedimentary-volcanic
gested that crystalline thrusts form by detachment along the section, or base of crust
DBT, producing thrust sheets with thicknesses ranging from
3 to 10 km. The DBT may be locally considered a planar
surface. The location of this transition is largely controlled by C) Si
2 //////////// DBT
the geothermal gradient and composition of crustal rocks, but o
it may also be influenced by fluid pressure and strain rate. In
addition, at least two transitions probably exist, one for the
crust, and a second for the upper mantle where differences
exist in composition and fluid content between the quartz-
rich, wet upper continental crust to the dry lower crust and the d)
olivine-rich dry upper mantle.
Plastic flow below the DBT may be described by power
laws such as
e =Ao" (1)

where e is strain rate, A is a material constant, a is normal Figure 2. (a) Depth-stress diagram showing the variation in properties of
stress, and n depends on the flow mechanism. A creepcreej law ""'^'^l ^""^ "^^"'''^ materials, assuming the crust is wet and quartz-bearing
that describes shear strain rate, Y can be expressed as in the upper part, dry and quartz-bearing in the lower part and the mantle is
composed of olivine and pyroxene. DBT - ductile-brittle transition. Dj -
thermal detachment. Dp - differential flow-related detachment. D^ - me-
chanical/compositional detachment, (b) Mechanical/compositional de-
tachment, (c) Thermal detachment, (d) Detachment related to differences
Y= Ax "e RT (2)
in flow rate.

where x is shear stress, \|/ is another material constant (or

the activation energy), P is pressure in MPa, R is the gas brittle behaviour up dip.
constant 1.987 cal/deg, and T is temperature in °K (Nico-
las 1987).
Brittle and ductile behaviour are not always restricted to Detachments (decoilements)
one or the other side of the DBT. Ductile flow may be
induced above the DBT in the upper crust by local concentra- Detachments are zones of mechanical weakness zones along
tions of fluids or perturbations of the geothermal gradient which faults may propagate. Those in thrust- and normal-
caused by igneous intrusion. Brittle deformation may like- fault systems are formed by anisotropy that may be produced
wise occur beneath the DBT if strain rates are high enough to in several ways (Fig. 2): (1) original compositional planar
exceed the rate of ductile flow - a possible explanation for anisotropy; (2) thermally induced anisotropy; and (3) locally
deep-focus earthquakes in the lower crust and mantle. Type induced anisotropy produced by differences in ductile flow
C thrusts that are initiated as ductile faults within the DBT (or strain) rate.
may ramp into the cooler upper crust and foreland and exhibit Original compositional planar anisotropy (Fig. 2a) may


result from contrasts in rock type in the depositional environ- Thermally induced anisotropy may be the principal
ment that form weak zones - bedding planes and mechanical mechanism worldwide for detachment in crystalline rocks in
(structural-lithic) unit contacts - within an otherwise strong orogenic belts and zones of crustal extension (Fig. 2c). The
sequence of sedimentary (or sedimentary-volcanic) rocks. zone of maximum anisotropic contrast occurs where thermal
These provide the sites for the classical detachment zones in softening of the crust reaches a threshold where ductile flow
foreland fold-thrust belts and accretionary wedge complexes is initiated - the DBT.
where weak rocks (shale, evaporite, overpressured zones) The third detachment mechanism - anisotropy induced by
localize detachment in sequences interlayered with strong differences in flow or strain rate - occurs below the DBT in
rocks (massive carbonates, sandstones, lava flows). Layer- rocks being deformed by uniform (passive) ductile flow (Fig.
ing is commonly subhorizontal and weak zones easily ac- 2d). Evidence for this mechanism is abundantly preserved in
commodate propagation of faults parallel to bedding. Excep- rocks from the internal parts of mountain chains formed
tions do occur: detachment has been noted in strong units in during at least the past 3 Ga of Earth history. Faults are
sedimentary sequences, as in the Keystone thrust in Nevada formed either compressionally by excision and simple shear
(Burchfiel ef a/. 1974), and attributed to high fluid pressure, producing a thrust fault along the common limb between an
but Brock & Engelder (1977) showed that thrust sheets are antiform and synform, or tensionally by ductile necking and
too permeable to maintain other than local overpressured simple shear producing ductile normal faults. Differences in
zones. flow or strain rate must be present to produce folds, or
Original compositional anisotropy may also arise in the structures other than foliation, in the realm of uniform flow.
lithosphere at the base of the continental crust (Fig. 2b), thus Detachment initiated from instability created by folding
providing an opportunity for detachment. This mechanism propagates as displacement increases and thrusts with tens of
has been proposed (for example Oxburgh 1972, 1974; Price kilometres of displacement may be produced. This mecha-
1986; Sacks & Secor 1990), but not documented, for crustal nism is discussed in greater detail below.
thrust detachment below the DBT, and forms an integral part
of both simple and pure shear models for crustal extension
(Wernicke 1985; Lister ef a/. 1986). Support for the idea of Fault rocks
crustal delamination in both extensional and contractional
crustal environments is provided by deep seismic reflection The character of faultrocks developed along thrusts vary with
data (e.g. Allmendingere?a/. 1987; Choukroune £•?«/. 1990). the thermal regime of the fault zone, the amount of fluid
Soper & Barber (1982), from BIRPS seismic reflection data, available in the fault zone, the shear strain rate, and the nature
suggested the Moine thrust formed as a detachment by of the rocks involved, including their composition, grain size,
delamination along the base of the continental crust. Butler and strength. While no unifying theory has been developed
& Coward (1984), using BIRPS seismic reflection data from to fully explain the processes related to the formation of fault
the MOIST survey, suggested an additional detachment oc- rocks, several recent papers address specific aspects of the
curred in the deep crust beneath the Moine thrust producing problem. The relationships between formation of mylonite
a crustal duplex. and cataclasite, and static and dynamic recrystallization of


- 500

Recovery Rate
Strain Rate




Figure 3. Relationships between recrystallization-recovery rate, strain rate, temperature and total strain and the products of deformation along a fault. Point
A represents a rock that was deformed under conditions of increasing temperature. Mylonitic fabric would probably be annealed following cessation of
deformation, unless the rock mass cooled without increasing the temperature further so the existing textures would be preserved. Point B represents a rock
deformed following the thermal peak. Mylonitic (or metamorphic) texture would be preserved, and much of the strain in the rock may not be annealed.


mylonite and cataclasite have been discussed by Sibson below the DBT to more cool parts of the crust. For that
(1977, 1983) and Wise et al. (1984); Tullis & Yund (1985) reason, mylonite may be superposed by cataclasite along the
have discussed the relationships between feldspar deforma- same fault; alternatively, recurrent motion separated by long
tion, dynamic recrystallization, and the development of duc- time periods may erosionally unload a thrust sheet so that it
tile shear zones. Significant progress has been made in may deform brittlely when it is reactivated. Type F sheets
understanding the development of microfabrics in ductile form below the DBT so that fault rocks are commonly
fault rocks. Lister & Snoke (1984) addressed the develop- prograde (annealed) or retrograde mylonite. Occasionally,
ment of S-C fabrics (shear bands) and devised a classification both types of crystalline sheets develop with few or no fault
of mylonites that is rock-type dependent: quartzofeldspathic rocks along the contacts for significant distances. Either they
rocks produce type I S-C mylonite, whereas mica-rich rocks never developed or fault rocks formed, ceased to form, and
produce type II S-C mylonite. Hatcher (1978) and Hatcher & were removed by tectonic erosion along the fault as it moved.
Hooper (1981) first suggested that the ratio of recovery (or
recrystallization) rate to deformation (strain rate) (R/D) is
important in determining the resultant fault rock type (Fig. 3). Types of crystalline thrust sheets
Wise et al. (1984) considered this ratio a determining factor.
Passchier & Simpson (1986) and Hooper & Hatcher (1987), Two kinds of crystalline thrust sheets form in the intemides
in an attempt to explain the development of porphyroclast of mountain chains (Fig. 1): Type C - internally brittle slabs
systems, considered the R/D ratio a controlling factor in of intact crust (composite basement) that detach within the
determining the type of system that develops. The R/D ratio thermally softened ductile-brittle transition (DBT) and, once
is possibly the single most important parameter affecting the formed, behave as thin-skinned thrust sheets; and Type F -
character of fault rocks produced because the ratio incorpo- fold-related lobe-shaped thrust sheets that form below or
rates most of the variables affecting rock deformation. The within the DBT by attenuation of the common limb between
recrystallization rate, for example, is controlled by mineral- antiforms and synforms in passive- or flexural-flow folding
ogy, temperature, prior deformation history, fluid pressure, where transport is controlled by ductile flow. Type C thrust
confining pressure, and deviatoric stress. If the R/D ratio is sheets are commonly thought to form by continent-continent
very small, as might occur in the upper crust, brittle faults collision - or possibly arc-continent collision - accompany-
would develop. Ductile faults - and fault rocks - will form ing A-subduction, whereas Type F sheets form via A- or B-
under lower crustal conditions where the R/D ratio is larger subduction below the DBT. Ophiolite sheets, a subset of
(Fig. 3). Type C thrust sheets, are probably the products of B-
The timing of thrusting relative to the thermal peak also subduction. Crustal thickening accompanies formation of
affects the character of fault rocks that form. Thrusting may both types of thrust sheets.
occur prior to, during, or after the thermal peak in an orogen
affecting the degree (and rate) of recrystallization of fault
rocks that form along a crystalline thrust. The character of Type C sheets - crystalline megathrust sheets
fault rocks (texture, degree of recrystallization, incorporation
of ductile fragments in cataclasite) also provides clues about Individual Type C (composite) thrust sheets are very strong
the movement history of the fault. compared to thrust sheets in foreland fold-thrust belts, and, as
Most discussions of fault rocks deal with retrograde a consequence, are generally much larger than the latter, with
mylonite without considering their relationships to the proc- area to (restored) thickness ratios of from -3,000:1
esses that form prograde regional metamorphic rocks. A (Austroalpine, Moine) to -30,000:1 (Blue Ridge-Piedmont).
clear interrelationship exists between ambient temperature Maximum size and displacement are attained where detach-
and pressure (including fluid pressure) and strain rate along ment occurs over a wide area and the crystalline thrust ramps
a moving fault and the fault rocks produced (Fig. 3). into one or more weak zones in platform sedimentary rocks.
Mylonites formed prior to a thermal peak would initially Here crustal thickness increases significantly during thrust-
have the same retrograde character as those formed after the ing, but basal detachment (a) and surface slope (P) angles
peak, but available thermal energy would increase the rate of remain constant (near zero) - except in ramp zones - because
dynamic or static recrystallization so that the accumulated of the slab geometry (Figs la & 4) and non-Coulomb behav-
lattice strain and microtexture are annealed. Mylonites iour of the thrust mass. Foreland thrusts are driven ahead of
formed during the thermal peak may also anneal and produce a Type C sheet where crystalline and foreland thrust geom-
a microfabric that contains little evidence of shear zone etry merge and Coulomb wedge behaviour prevails above the
deformation. The megascopic fabric would, however, sur- DBT - as predicted by Davis et al. (1983).
vive providing most of the evidence of ductile shear. Retro- Thrust-related mesofabrics are mostly concentrated in or
grade mylonites preserve both a mega- and microfabric that near the fault zone at the base of the thrust sheet. One of the
is indicative of ductile deformation. best examples is the Jotun thrust sheet in southern Norway
Propagation of a thrust from the more ductile to the more where Middle Proterozoic structures and textures are pre-
brittle parts of the crust at the base of a Type C megathrust served except near the base of the sheet where all earlier
sheet may involve a long history of recurrent movement as fabrics become transposed into the strong L-S fault-related
well as the movement of rocks that were at one time within or fabrics formed during emplacement of the sheet (Milnes &


crystalline sheet
Foreland fold—thrust Colliding
belt continent
or arc

Detachment in
layered Detachment
rocks in
Figure 4. Diagrammatic representation of the relationships between a Type C thrust sheet that exhibits non-Coulomb behaviour and the transition to
Coulomb behaviour in the foreland fold-thrust belt being pushed ahead of the crystalline sheet, a - dip of basal decollement. p - surface slope angle.

Koestler 1985). More subtle late macro- and meso-scale It was emplaced as a product of Alleghanian (Late Carbonif-
structures (isolated domes, out-of-sequence thrusts, open erous-Permian) collision between Africa and North America.
folds, some crenellations, and ductile shears) related to thrust The BRP thrust sheet extends through the southern and
emplacement may occur within Type C sheets. central Appalachians from Alabama to Pennsylvania and
Thin platform assemblages restrict the size and displace- contains a number of earlier thrusts, as well as a series of
ment of Type C sheets and foreland fold-thrust belts in Alleghanian strike-slip faults. Once the crystalline sheet
general. The total width and displacement of the US ramps onto the platform, foreland deformation is driven in
Cordilleran thrust belt narrows as the aggregate thickness of front of and beneath the crystalline sheet (Fig. 5). The central
the stratigraphic section decreases southward. The width of Piedmont suture was once considered the eastern boundary of
the thrust belt is at the minimum in southeastern California the thrust sheet, but attempts to balance and palinspastically
where the Winters Pass thrust formed as one of the few restore the BRP sheet (Hatcher 1989; Hatcher et al. 1989)
basement thrusts in this part of the orogen. The width of the require that it root east of the central Piedmont suture, so the
thrust belt increases again southward paralleling the increase eastern edge of the BRP is thus probably the Alleghanian
in thickness of the platform assemblage (Burchfiel & Davis suture now buried beneath the Coastal Plain. Palinspastic
1971, 1975). A similar phenomenon occurs in the central reconstruction yielded a minimum displacement of 350 to
Appalachians. Displacement in the foreland fold-thrust belt 400 km for the part of the sheet with the greatest displace-
diminishes from the south to the Reading Prong and Hudson ment.
Highlands in the north where the basement and thin cover The western edge of the BRP thrust sheet consists of the
become involved in thrusting (Drake etal. 1988; Hatcher 1989) eastern part of the foreland fold-thrust belt. This segment
The overall geometry of the fault systems carrying Type C exhibits classic thin-skinned behaviour, as the master detach-
crystalline thrust sheets is similar to that of crustal-scale fault ment ramped from the basement and older (Upper Protero-
systems recognized in extensional terranes. Gibbs (1990) zoic-Lower Cambrian) rift-drift facies sedimentary rocks
provided a general model for large-scale linked fault systems into the Lower Cambrian master decollement of the foreland.
in extensional terranes where discrete brittle faults above the Most of the BRP consists of Palaeozoic basement generated
DBT, forming asymmetrical half-graben basins, are linked to during earlier orogenies (Grenville, Taconian, Acadian) that
detachments in the middle to lower crust at or below the DBT. mostly behaved as an intact homogeneous crust during the
Strain is taken up in the lower crust either along a shear zone Alleghanian event. Structures and plutons contained within
(or detachment) for throughgoing simple shear of the crust, or it were therefore cut through by the BRP master decollement.
in some cases by more continuous deformation in a broad The BRP detachment propagated westward along the ductile-
zone of ductile pure shear. The overall geometry of the brittle transition in a thickened softened crust of Grenville
extensional systems (see Gibbs 1990, Fig. 1) is remarkably and pre-Alleghanian Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks before it
similar to the fault systems in contractional orogens associ- ramped from the more western (cooler? & stronger?) base-
ated with Type C thrust sheets where ductile faults at or below ment into weak units in the sedimentary cover (Fig. 5b).
the DBT may merge with a foreland fold-thrust belt in the Most of the internal parts of the BRP thrust sheet contain
upper crust (Fig. 1). little evidence that it is a huge intact thin (2-12 km thick)
sheet of crystalline rock, largely because few obviously
Alleghanian structures are present in the internal parts of the
sheet. The Brevard fault, a complex fault zone having a
Blue Ridge-Piedmont sheet, Southern and Central Appala- possible earlier history of dip-slip motion and an Alleghanian
chians. The Blue Ridge-Piedmont (BRP) thrust sheet (Fig. history of both dip and strike-slip motion, is a major
5) is one of the largest intact Type C thrust sheets in the world. Alleghanian out-of-sequence structure that resides in the


10 0 so MILES

b) Foreland fold Crystalline Thrust Sheet

thrust belt

Sedimentary rocks
Moho- Crustal-
50 100 km

Figure 5. (a) Outline map of the southern and central Appalachians showing the extent of the Blue Ridge-Piedinont thrust sheet. MCW - Mountain City window. GMW - Grandfather Mountain window. PM - Pine Mountain
window. Blue Ridge-Piedmont thrust sheet is shown by a diagonal line pattern. A-A' is the location of the section in (b). D-D' is the line of section in Figure 8(a). The labelled boxes indicate the locations of Figures 8(b)
& 9(a). (b) Section through the southern Appalachians at the widest point of the Blue Ridge-Piedmont thrust sheet (patterned) showing only Alleghanian (Late Carboniferous-Permian) structures and the dominance of the
Type C crystalline sheet in this part of the orogen.

BRP sheet. The carbonate slices from the Brevard fault zone anomalies may be recognized that are related to surface
provide strong evidence that the Palaeozoic carbonate plat- geological features. East of the central Piedmont suture
form extended at least as far east as the western Piedmont. numerous surface geological features are directly correlative
This evidence, coupled with the presence of Lower Cambrian with magnetic and gravity anomalies indicating the BRP
rocks within the leading edge of the BRP thrust sheet, thrust sheet is much thicker (>15 km) (Hatcher & Zietz 1980;
requires that the BRP sheet root east of the easternmost extent Iverson & Smithson 1982).
of the early Palaeozoic carbonate bank succession - probably A combination of surface geological and seismic reflec-
east of the present location of the central Piedmont suture tion data indicate antiformal-stack duplexes (ASD) formed in
(Hatcher er a/. 1989). the platform sequence in response to emplacement of the
Numerous windows in the BRP sheet provide direct evi- Type C thrust sheet. ASDs arch the Type C sheet into late
dence of the nature of the footwall or intermediate horse domes that deform the composite sheet by interaction of the
rocks, P-T conditions during emplacement of the thrust sheet overriding BRP thrust sheet with the footwall rocks. Duplex
(anchizone to lower greenschist), and also provide evidence formation in the footwall domes the overriding thrust sheet by
for minimum displacement. Rocks present in windows in the folding or arching. Isolated domes in Type C sheets previ-
BRP thrust sheet belong to the North American margin. This ously thought to be formed by fold interference may have
evidence confirms that the crystalline BRP sheet was em- formed by this mechanism. Extensive duplexing beneath
placed onto North American platform margin rocks. several unbreached domes imaged by seismic reflection data
Seismic reflection profiles indicate packages of seismic and erosionally breached antiforms - now windows such as
reflectors present beneath the BRP sheet that are identical to the Grandfather Mountain and Mountain City windows -
reflector packages in the foreland where reflectors in the within the BRP sheet and along the external fringes of the
sedimentary succession are traceable to the surface (Costain sheet are cored by duplexes. A similar arching mechanism
etal. 1989). The reflector packages correlate with the Lower may also have played a part in formation of the Engadine and
Cambrian through Lower Ordovician clastic-carbonate suc- Tauem windows in the Alps.
cession. These reflectorpackages are traceable with certainty Austroalpine sheet, Eastern Alps. The eastern Alps are
using the COCORP data (Cook et al. 1979,1983) at least to dominated by the composite Austroalpine thrust sheet (Fig.
the central Piedmont suture. Potential-field (gravity and 6) that was formed during the Eocene. Variscan basement and
magnetic) data also provide information about the relative cover of the Lombardy (or Camic) terrane were transported
thickness of the BRP thrust sheet (Hatcher & Zietz 1980). In westward transport accompanied emplacement of internal
general, the BRP west of the central Piedmont suture is sheets (Schliniq thrust), unroofing of the Austroalpine sheet
relatively thin (< 10 km), because only subdued magnetic around the windows. Schmid & Haas (1989) associated the

Figure 6. (a) Outline map of the Alps with the patterned area showing the distribution of the Austroalpine sheet and related structures (patterned) and external
basement massifs (black). B-B' is the section in Figure 6(b). C-C is the section in Figure 7. (After Laubscher 1988.) IL - Insubric fault zone. E - Engadine
fault. EN - Engadine window. TW - Tauem window. S - Schlinig thrust. Q/. - Otztal nappe. T - Turin. M - Milan. G - Genoa. Mu - Munich. V - Venice. B
- Belgrade. K - Kishinev.


sinistral Engadine fault with later deformation of the sheet.

They also demonstrated that simultaneous ductile extension
occurred as cover and basement were extruded beneath the
over the Penninic rocks and the European foreland (Triimpy
E 1975). The Engadine and Tauem windows expose the
o European basement and cover of the Pennine zone and attest
to the thin character of the sheet. Selverstone (1988) and
Schmid & Haas (1989) have shown, using kinematic indica-
tors and P-T relationships, that a major component of the
Schliniq thrust and higher Otztal nappe were compressionally
emplaced during assembly of the Austroalpine sheet. All of
these events would have occurred before the Austroalpine
sheet was detached and emplaced above the European plat-
form and deforming Pennine nappes. Laubscher (1988)
suggested the sheet was further deformed and partially dis-
membered during late Eocene to early Miocene and later
(Pliocene-Pleistocene) extension. Butler (1983) attempted a
t\\ palinspastic reconstruction of the western Alps that would
occur below the projected western extent of the Austroalpine
sheet and estimated that a minimum of 100 km of shortening
had occurred on these structures. The Austroalpine sheet
probably had a minimum displacement of 200 km, although
not all of this would have been north directed.
Yukon-Tanana sheet, Canadian-Alaskan Cordillera. The
o Yukon-Tanana terrane is aType C sheet composed of a stack
of thrust sheets composed of Palaeozoic sedimentary, arc (?)
volcanic, and plutonic rocks formed on a continental (non-
North American?) basement (Templeman-Kluit 1974; Dusel-
Bacon & Aleinikoff 1985). It was imbricated with volcanic
and sedimentary rocks of the Campbell Range terrane (Slide
Mountain terrane of Monger 1984) and had been thrust onto
the North American craton by mid-Cretaceous time
(Templeman-Kluit 1979; Mortensen & Jilson 1985). It has
subsequently been partially dismembered by dextral motion
on the Tintina fault. This terrane is interesting because it is
a sizable Type C sheet that is clearly not a product of
continent-continent collision.

Type F thrust sheets - ductile, fold-related sheets

Type F thrust sheets are the same as the tectonic slides
described by Plenty (1964), and may be considered geometric
analogues of the fault-propagation folds of Suppe (1985) or
the break thrusts of Willis (1893). They form as recumbent
structures by anisotropy induced by differences in flow
(strain) rate in rocks being deformed by uniform penetrative
ductile flow (Figs. 1 b & 2d). They form below the DBT in the
middle to lower crust under upper greenschist to granulite
fades conditions. They may be thicker (or thinner) and have
less regular shape than Type C sheets because of the associa-
tion with folding, but are commonly not as extensive as the
c largest Type C sheets in the same orogen because of lower
overall strength. In plan view Type F thrust sheets tend to
O have a lobate shape owing to a strong component of penetra-
tive inhomogeneous simple shear producing strongly
noncylindrical to sheath folds in the direction of transport.
Mesofabrics within the sheets are commonly penetrative





Figure 7, Section through part of the western Alps showing the structural style of Type F Pennine thrust sheets and structures to the west. (From Homewood
etal. 1980.)

and more representative of transport and deformation of the higher grade central and southern portions of the zone (Spicher
entire sheet than mesofabrics in Type C sheets, with sheath 1972).
folds a common meso- and macro-style, although cylindrical Appalachian Inner Piedmont. The Appalachian Inner
folds with orogen-parallel lineations normal to transport or Piedmont and adjacent Chauga belt (Fig. 8a) consists of a
mixed-mode linear fabrics may be present (Hatcher & Tabor stack of amphibolite facies (garnet to sillimanite zone) re-
1989). The close relationships of internal fabrics to displace- cumbent Type F sheets, several of which record a history of
ment on large faults and formation of strongly noncylindrical post-metamorphic emplacement. Griffin (1971, 1978) rec-
macroscopic folds is restricted to faults that are emplaced at ognized that the Inner Piedmont is dominated by several large
or near the thermal peak. Fault fabrics may be totally Type F structures forming the core and flanks of the zone. He
annealed or nonexistent because the entire moving rock mass also showed that a strong component of penetrative
is in the same P-T state. inhomogeneous strain affected the rocks here and produced
Post-metamorphic faults in these internal zones will trun- a dominance of non-cylindrical mesofolds. The largest of
cate the more penetrative fabrics and form retrograde, albeit these structures, the Six Mile-Alto thrust sheet is late- orpost-
frequently ductile, assemblages and new fault fabrics along metamorphic and was emplaced in a semi-rigid condition
the later faults. These effectively behave as Type C sheets (Hopson & Hatcher 1988), truncating earlier more ductile
because they have cooled appreciably, although frequently structures. This sheet therefore evolved from a Type F to a
only to lower amphibolite or greenschist facies conditions. Type C sheet after it formed and cooled during transport.
Fault rocks may contain stable garnet-biotite that retrogrades Because quartz-mica mineral lineations are of mixed charac-
middle to upper amphibolite facies - or higher grade - assem- ter (Fig. 8b, Davis et al. 1989) - some fold-related, others
blages. transport-related - heterogeneous ductile flow was involved
in the emplacement of the early recumbent structures here.
Examples The underlying Walhalla nappe (Figs. 8a & 9a) remained as
a Type F thrust sheet during its entire history of movement,
Pennine Alps. The structure of the Pennine zone in the and was later overridden by the Six Mile-Alto sheet. Part of
Alps (Fig. 7) is dominated by several large recumbent Type the Walhalla nappe is faulted along the common limb, while
F fold-thrust structures that have the typical map (e.g. Spicher part of it was not faulted (Fig. 9b).
1972) and cross-section structure described above. They Central Gneiss Belt Domain, Grenville Province. The
consist mostly of bulbous fold nappes of isoclinally folded central gneiss belt of the late Middle Proterozoic Grenvilte
sediments, remobilized Variscan basement and Mesozoic province of eastern North America (Fig. 10a) contains a
cover sediments, and deep ocean sedimentary and ophiolitic series of lobate NW-directed Type F sheets (Culshaw et al.
assemblages (Milnes 1974; Trlimpy 1980). All units thin 1983; Davidson et al. 1982; Rivers et al. 1989). These
markedly into the root zone (Fig. 7). Transport directions are structures, like many in similar zones in other mountain
strongly imprinted in the mesofabrics, particularly in the chains, are probably large noncylindrical to sheath structures


j"" ""•'"•*••~^ Root
"^''^--•i. "---, Zone

;^^.s^,n^, ' Anderson D'

y\\ T Terrane

Figure 8. (a) Section through the Inner Piedmont in South Carolina. Type F sheets have been modified by later open folding and movement on the
Alteghanian Brevard, Towaliga, and Blue Ridge-Piedmont faults. The Walhalla, Six Mile, and Anderson nappes were named by Griffin (1978).


35° 15' 22"

Figure 8. (b) Multiple lineation trends in the western Inner
Piedmont in North Carolina immediately north of the South
Carolina border (from unpublished data courtesy of T. L. Davis
and J. R. Tabor). (Locations shown in Fig. 5(a).)

0 1 Mile
1 0 1 Km

35° 15'
82° 22' 30

iililiWm Mile

mm •^_

^/ 34" 45"


Figure 9. (a) Geological map of the western Inner Piedmont and Chauga bell (including Brevard fault zone} in South Carolina and Georgia showing
the major structures. (Location shown in Fig. 5(a).)


Chauga Belt Inner Piedmont

Chauga Belt Inner Piedmont

Stumphouse Mountain nappe~"^i^.

Figure 9. (b) Cross sections E-E' and F-F' through the Walhalla nappe (locations shown in Fig. 9(a)). am - amphibolite, hornblende gneiss, and biotite
gneiss, tf - Tallulah Falls Formation, gg - Palaeozoic granitoids (cross-hatch pattern), hg - Henderson Gneiss (stippled), pm - Poor Mountain Formation, cr
- Chauga River Fonnaiton. mg - mylonite gneiss. Oc - Ordovician platform carbonate horse (in Brevard fault zone). Six Mile thrust sheet and Alto allochthon
are vertical lined. Toothed lines are thrusts (teeth on upthrown side).

dominated by mesofabrics that indicate non-uniform ductile Discussion

flow of the entire rock mass as the sheets were being em-
placed (Fig. 10b). Elaborate theory has evolved during the past several decades
to describe the mechanics of thrust faults, principally those
that form in accretionary wedges and foreland fold-thrust
Crustal thickening processes belts. Probably the most significant contribution was the
attempt by Chappie (197 8) to model foreland fold-thrust belts
The processes of generation and emplacement of Types C and by assuming a perfectly plastic rheology of a deforming mass
F thrust sheets are responsible for much of the crustal thick- with a very weak basal layer. More recently, much of this
ening and duplication accompanying orogenesis (Fig. 11). theory has been derived using sand-box Coulomb wedge
Much ofthis occurs during plate collision. Crustal thickening models (e.g. Davis et al. 1983; Dahlen et al. 1984; Muguleta
by formation of crystalline sheets is thus more a product of 1988). These models approximate thrust geometry by de-
subduction and collision than a product that produces thick- forming internally along predicted slip lines. Attempts have
ening. been made to apply the theory by analogy to real accretionary
An additional phenomenon that may produce crustal wedges, notably Taiwan (although it too is a non-ideal
thickening is the formation of crustal duplexes. Structures of accretionary wedge), and to foreland fold-thrust belts. The
this kind have been proposed to explain seismic reflector theory suffers from being developed largely assuming the
packages in the Appalachians (Ando ef a/. 1983; Hatcher 1989) material is noncohesive (dry sand) and that the equilibrium
and British Caledonides (Butler & Coward 1984), and crustal critical wedge shape attained in the models may be applied at
thickening in the Himalaya (Brunei & Kienast 1986). Duplexes all to accretionary wedges and foreland fold-thrust belts.
form in crustal rocks where faults at the base of Type C thrust Dahlen et al. (1984) attempted to remedy the problem by
sheets can no longer propagate along the DBT, so they ramp extending the theory to cohesive materials, but difficulties
into the upper crust or, if available, into the foreland platform remain with assumed coefficients of friction and the behav-
sequence. Crustal duplexes may be a mechanism for uplift of iour of rocks at the base of and inside the sheet. Woodward
some high plateaus. Duplexes of platform sedimentary rocks (1987) was one of the first to point out some of the problems
(plus basement) may also form beneath Type C crystalline with the necessity of internal deformation in a wedge and the
sheets and arch the sheet above, as discussed in the Blue lack of evidence from field studies that it actually occurs. A
Ridge-Piedmont sheet example above. possible solution to the problem is by formation of out of


Figure 10. (a) Part of the southern

Grenville Province in Ontario showing
the shapes of several large Type F sheets.
(From Davidson et al 1982.)

Figure 10. (b) Structural trends reflecting strong body deformation in parts of the Algonquin Seguin,
Rousseau, and Moon River Type F sheets in the southern Grenville Province in Ontario. (From Culshaw
etal. 1983.)

sequence thrusts, but the number that exist falls far below the sheet. The latter make it impractical to ignore the cohesion
number required by the sand-box models and theory. Part of term, S,,, in the Coulomb equation.
the inability to apply Coulomb theory to real thrust systems
resides in the difficulty in estimating coefficients of friction |x| = S„ + |i(a„ - a) (3)
for the materials involved and the strengths of the different
elements that compose the thrust system. Dahlen et al. (1984) where x is shear stress, u is the coefficient of friction, o is
discussed this problem and noted that the coefficient of normal stress, and Oj is pore fluid stress. As the thrust moves
friction at the base of a moving thrust sheet, \i^ may be as low and crosses the first ramp into the rifted margin and platform
as 0.3 to 0.6, based on experiments with clays and clay-rich sedimentary rocks, the sheet enters the wedge assemblage
fault gouge, whereas the coefficient of friction of the sedi- and will assume the behaviour of foreland sheets, except for
mentary rocks of the sheet averages 0.85, as predicted by their dimensions. The footwall at this point will be localized
Byerlee's law. in either an ordinary weak unit in the platform succession, or
The applicability of Coulomb wedge theory to crystalline will climb over footwall ramps like foreland sheets.
thrust sheets has many of the same difficulties as for foreland The geometry of Type C sheets could therefore be mod-
fold-thrust belts. Type C megathrusts are generated along the elled like foreland sheets, as Elliott & Johnson (1980) have
DBT as non-Coulomb detachments with low basal coefficients assumed for the Moine thrust. Butler (1986) suggested that
of friction (probably <0.3), but with high strengths and for the Moine, there is thrust-related internal deformation
coefficients of internal friction (probably >0.85) within the (ductile shears and thrusts) in the basement rocks thereby




Crustal Duplexes

Ductile Brittle

Figure 11. Crustal thiclcening processes involving (a) Type C, (b) Type F, Figure 12. Rheological interrelationships between different kinds of thrust
and (c) crustal duplex structures. sheets. Note that some thrust sheets may evolve toward more brittle
behaviour during transport and emplacement. Hybrid behaviour includes
elasticoviscous and elastic-plastic behaviour; ductile includes both viscous
indicating greater displacement than was previously thought. and plastic.
Wojtal & Mitra (1986) related internal deformation to strain
softening and strain hardening of thrust sheets, and used the
occurrence of ductile shears and fracture sets coated with size and composition, Type F thrust sheets may form in a
low-temperature mineral assemblages as evidence of intemal more ductile realm as ductile internally deforming sheaths,
deformation in the western part of the Appalachian Blue then evolve during progressive deformation and transport
Ridge-Piedmont Type C megathrust sheet. This kind of into more coherent sheets that exhibit Type C hybrid behav-
deformation is also present in the basement of the Appalachian iour.
Reading Prong in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, but here it is
more difficult to find and to show that it is related to the master
Type C megathrust in the intemal parts of larger sheets, like Conclusions
the Blue Ridge-Piedmont sheet. Away from the thinner
leading edges of such sheets they appear to have remained I). Crystalline thrust sheets form as products of A- or B-
intact with less intemal deformation, although ductile de- subduction processes.
formation zones with young ""Ar/^'Ar ages (Dallmeyer 1989) 2). Crystalline sheets form mostly by non-Coulomb behav-
have been recognized in the intemal parts of the Blue Ridge- iour, but may evolve during transport toward Coulomb be-
Piedmont megathrust sheet. haviour.
Crystalline thrust sheets can be related to each other and to 3). Detachment occurs along zones of original mechanical
other kinds of thrusts in a rheological continuum that ranges weakness, thermally induced anisotropy, and by variation in
from brittle behaviour at one end to ductile (plastic or vis- rates of ductile flow.
cous) behaviour at the other (Fig. 12). Foreland thrust sheets 4). Type C sheets are generally slabs of consolidated base-
plot closer to the elastic end, while ideal Type F sheeets would ment that detach from the DBT or the base of the lithosphere
plot near the ductile end. Lava flows could be considered a as rigid masses that drive foreland deformation.
kind of superductile Type F thrust sheet, because they move 5). Type C sheets are always larger than the largest foreland
over a discontinuity of simple shear (the ground surface) and sheets in the same orogen, and thus are some of the largest
are internally deformed by inhomogeneous simple shear - structures on Earth.
hence their lobate shape in map view that resembles the 6). Type F sheets are lobate, sheath structures that form below
shapes of flattened sheath folds and Type F thrust sheets. the DBT by variation in rate of inhomogeneous ductile flow.
Flow patterns are similar, but the rheology is obviously 7). Type C and F sheets function in crustal thickening and
different. underplating processes. Crustal duplexes form as byproducts
Many thrusts that form as Type C or Type F thrust sheets of the formation of Type C sheets and also function in the
undergo a change in behaviour mode during progressive thickening process.
deformation and transport. This change is probably driven by 8). Crystalline thmst sheets can be related to each other and
decreasing temperature and pressure as the sheet moves to other kinds of thrusts in a rheological continuum that
upward in the crust. Type C megathmst sheets may become ranges from elastic behaviour at one end to ductile (plastic or
more elastic as they ramp onto a continental platform and viscous) behaviour at the other. They may form in one mode
become geometrically indistinguishable from thrust sheets in and evolve into another during progressive deformation and
the foreland formed by fault-bend folding. Except for their transport.


Research on crystalline thrust sheets has been supported by the US National Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society. Comments on an
Science Foundation grants EAR-7615564, EAR-7826316, EAR-7911802, early version of the manuscript by Rod Gayer, Ken McClay and an anony-
EAR-810852, EAR-8206949, EAR-8305832, EAR-8417894, and EAR- mous reviewer resulted in considerable improvement of the manuscript.
8816343 to RDH. Support by University of Tennessee/Oak Ridge National Secretarial assistance by Nancy L. Meadows and graphics assistance by
Laboratory Center of Excellence stipend is also gratefully acknowledged. Donald G. McClanahan in preparation of this paper are very much appreci-
Research by RJH has been supported by Donors of the Petroleum Research ated. The authors remain culpable for all errors of fact or interpretation.


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Evolution of a continental collision belt: ECORS-Pyrenees crustal
balanced cross-section
Josep Anton Muiioz

Departament de Geologia Dinamica, Geofisica i Paleontologia, Facultat de

Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Zona Universitdria de Pedralbes, 08028,
Barcelona, Spain

Abstract: Construction of a crustal balanced cross-section across the Pyrenean chain shows a
minimum shortening of 147 km, 112 km of which are related to stacking of basement thrust sheets
in the southern Pyrenees. Metamorphic conditions of the basement rocks, as well as thrust
geometry, indicate the maximum depth for the detachment level to be at 15 km. In the restored
cross-section, the upper crust is 110 km longer than the lower layered crust. The lower crust was
subducted together with the lithospheric mantle into the asthenospheric mantle and has not been
imaged by geophysical data probably because an increase of density through eclogitic meta-
morphism. The upper crust constitutes an orogenic lid mainly deformed by thrust structures. The
balanced cross-section has been constrained by the ECORS deep reflection seismic profile as well
as detailed surface data and available commercial seismic and oil well data. The restored cross-
section provides a better picture of the middle Cretaceous combined strike-slip and extensional
fault system as well as of the Hercynian crust. Hercynian geological features have been used as
an additional tool for the restoration of the basement thrust sheets.

The Pyrenees form an Alpine collision belt located in be- Crustal balanced cross-sections can be constructed simi-
tween the Iberian and European plates. Formation of the larly to the sections of the frontal parts of the orogenic belts
Pyrenean orogen is related to the kinematics of the Iberian (Dahlstrom 1969; Hossack 1979), but the assumptions nor-
plate, largely dependent on the motion of the larger neigh- mally adopted in the balancing methodology strongly limit
bouring plates (Eurasia and Africa). Knowledge of the past the restoration of complete orogenic belts. In most of the
positions of the plates on both sides of the Pyrenees would collision belts, the deep crustal structure is poorly constrained
constrain the amount of convergence and the amount of and the internal parts are thermally remobilized and highly
shortening involved in the collision. Convergence occurred deformed by ductile structures. In the case of the Pyrenees,
from Campanian to Early Miocene time, and resulted in a the ECORS profile provides data to constrain the crustal
partial closure of the Bay of Biscay along the North Spanish geometry at depth. Moreover, deformation and thermal
subduction zone (Boillot & Capdevila 1977), and into conti- processes in the internal parts were not strong enough to
nental collision in the Pyrenean chain. The exact separation destroy the pre-Alpine features completely. In fact, the
distance between the Iberian and European plates at the Pyrenees are one of the few mountain chains where no
beginning of the convergence is not very well constrained, metamorphic or plutonic processes have occurred during
although several reconstructions of Iberia deal with the collision. All these peculiar characteristics of the Pyrenean
amount of rotation and sinistral displacement of the Iberian chain allow us to construct a complete crustal balanced cross-
plate with respect to Europe during Cretaceous times. Differ- section which has provided further insight into the tectonic
ent solutions point to a separation between 100 km and 150 evolution of the chain.
km (Grimaud et al. 1982; Olivet et al. 1984; Boillot 1986). Complete crustal balanced cross-sections have been drawn
Thrust structures and related synorogenic materials are during the last decade for the Alps (Beach 1981; Butler 1986;
very well preserved and, as a consequence, the Pyrenean Menard & Thouvenot 1987), the Himalayas (Butler & Coward
chain has recently been the focus of much detailed structural 1989) and the Pyrenees (Deramond et al. 1985; Seguret &
work. During 1985-1986, a deep seismic survey across the Daignieres 1986). Most ofthem are based on the determination
Pyrenees was completed adding information about this orogen of the depth and geometry of the sole thrust, deduced from
(ECORS Pyrenees team 1988; Choukroune e/a/. 1989). The conventional balanced cross-sections of the external parts of
250 km long deep reflection seismic profile (ECORS-PYR- the orogenic belt together with the depth of the Moho below
ENEES) traverses the main Pyrenean structural units across the chain, determined by refraction seismic data. These
the central Pyrenees (Fig. 1). Knowledge of thrust structure sections are not very well constrained by deep seismic data
at the surface and at moderate depths from available com- and the geometry of the crustal thrust system is poorly
mercial seismic and oil-well data, together with the ECORS determined. As a result, some of the initial solutions expressed
profile permits construction of a reasonably well constrained in these sections have been reconsidered, once deep reflec-
crustal cross-section. tion seismic profiles have been obtained. Crustal balanced

J. A . MuNOz

Cover Upper thrust sheets

The Cover Upper thrust sheets, also known in the Central
Pyrenees as South Pyrenean Central Unit (Seguret 1972), are
made up by Mesozoic, mainly platform series, and Palaeogene
rocks. They form three thrust sheets which are, from south to
north, Serres Marginals, Montsec and Boixols (Fig. 2). These
thrust sheets have been imbricated southwards over an
autochthonous Palaeogene and very reduced Mesozoic series
which directly overlies the basement of the Ebro basin
(Camara & Klimovitz 1985). The South Pyrenean front is
L _ J NORTHWARDS FACING STRUCTURES NORTHERN PYRENEES characterized by a triangle zone structure (Fig. 2). In its
J UPPER THRUST SHEETS northern limb, Mesozoic rocks have been thrust onto Upper
SOUTHERN PYRENEES Eocene-Lower Oligocene gypsum and fine-grained clastic
rocks of the Ebro foreland basin. Southwards, a backthrust
Figure 1. Structural sketch of the Pyrenees and location of the ECORS
and related structures deform the northern foreland sequences.
Below and south of the thrust front, a detachment is located
in the Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene gypsum as evidenced
cross-sections across the Alps pointed out a paradox in the by open folds at the surface above flat lying basement and
difference in the amount of apparent shortening for the Lower Palaeogene rocks (Fig. 2).
surface (basement-cover contact) versus the lower crust and The Serres Marginals thrust sheets are located between the
Moho. Two possibilities were proposed: either the differ- southern thrust front (South Pyrenean Main thrust) and the
ence was the result of continental subduction (Butler 1986) or Montsec thrust, to the north (Pocovi 1978; Martinez & Pocovi
the thickening of the crust was the result of the shortening of 1988). They consist of several small imbricate units char-
a previously thinned crust (Beach 1981). New information on acterized by a thin Mesozoic sequence, which becomes
the deep structure furnished by the deep seismic profiles thicker and more complete to the north (Pocovi 1978). In the
across the Pyrenees and the Alps (Choukroune et al. 1989; Serres Marginals, the Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene con-
Bayer etal. 1987) can be used for updating earlier attempts at glomerates, sandstones and gypsum unconformably overlie
crustal balanced cross-sections and to elucidate new ideas Lower Eocene Alveolina limestones, Palaeocene and
about thrusting kinematics at crustal scale. Crustal balanced Mesozoic rocks, onlapping previously imbricated structural
cross-sections have already been proposed along the new units. The Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene rocks also dis-
deep seismic profiles across the Pyrenees (Roure et al. 1989) play syntectonic relationships with thrust structures, the
and across the Alps (Mugnier et al. 1990). younger Oligocene sequences also being affected by thrusts.
The main goal of this contribution is to discuss the geom- All these relationships imply an initial emplacement of the
etry of the Pyrenean thrust system at a crustal scale, as Serres Marginals units between the Early Eocene and the Late
deduced from the construction of a crustal balanced cross- Eocene and a later deformation in the Late Eocene-Oligocene.
section along the ECORS deep seismic profile. Questions The latter thrust structures have been developed in a break-
concerning the evolution of the Pyrenean continental colli- back sequence synchronous to the development of the South
sion belt that are discussed include the influence of the pre- Pyrenean Main thrust and related backthrusts, as clearly
collision crustal geometry, location of detachment levels and demonstrated more to the east of the section, in equivalent
the amount of orogenic contraction. The ECORS balanced structural units (Verges & Murioz 1990).
cross-section has been constructed from the combination of Northwards, the Montsec thrust sheet (Fig. 2) contains a
field data, available commercial subsurface seismic and well Mesozoic and Cenozoic sequence. The Mesozoic sequence
data and the deep seismic data furnished by the ECORS is about 2000 m thick, mainly Upper Cretaceous limestones.
seismic profile (Choukroune et al. 1989). The Cenozoic sequence is represented by Palaeocene and
Lower and Middle Eocene clastic rocks (Tremp-Graus ba-
sin). The Montsec thrust sheet presents a simple structure,
Main structural features: A cross-section from mainly consisting of a broad syncline which supports the
the Ebro foreland to the North Pyrenean frontal Tremp-Graus basin. The Montsec thrust sheet is bounded to
thrust. the south by the Montsec thrust which displays a cartographic
arc geometry, as does the South Pyrenean Main thrust (Fig.
The ECORS cross-section traverses the main structural units 1). In the ECORS traverse, the age of the Montsec thrust
of the Pyrenean chain which are from south to north: the emplacement was determined to be Ypresian as recorded by
Cover Upper thrust sheets, the basement-involved Lower the syntectonic sediments at both sides of the thrust, especially
thrust sheets, the North Pyrenean fault zone and the North to the south, in the Ager basin (Williams & Fischer 1984;
Pyrenean thrust sheets, which also involve Hercynian base- Mutti era/. 1985; Farrell ef a/. 1987). A minimum displace-
ment rocks (Figs 1 & 2). ment of about 10 km along the Montsec thrust is well


', t UPF TH\

3 26 +

3 60-r UNIT

/ ,| » ARIZE ,, '!,MZ PAS





Figure 2. Strip map and cross-section along the ECORS profile. Dashed broken line in the strip map corresponds to the trace of the seismic line.

constrained from the Comiols oil well data and from the Hercynian basement thrust sheets
cutoff points in its hangingwall and footwall (Fig. 2). The
Upper Cretaceous carbonate series is significantly thicker North of the South Pyrenean Central Unit, Hercynian base-
(1500 m) in the Montsec thrust sheet than in the northernmost ment rocks have been involved in Alpine thrusts. Knowledge
outcrops of the Serres Marginals thrust sheets, below the of the Alpine structure of the basement is the cornerstone in
Ager basin (Martinez & Pocovi 1988). deciphering the Pyrenean thrust system at a crustal scale.
The Boixols thrust sheet is located between the Tremp This structure is dominated by thrusting, Alpine cleavage and
basin and the northern thrust of the Upper Thrust sheets (Fig. folds being very subordinate. Basement rocks constitute
2). This thrust sheet consists of a thick (over 5000 m) thrust sheets which are piled on top of each other forming the
Mesozoic series, mainly Lower Cretaceous in age, the thick- Axial Zone antiformal stack (Fig. 2).
ness of the Lower Cretaceous marls and limestones being the The uppermost of these thrust sheets is the Nogueres Zone,
main stratigraphic difference with respect to the Montsec (Dalloni 1913, 1930) where thrusts affect basement and
thrust sheet. The southern boundary of the Boixols thrust Triassic cover rocks. In the Nogueres Zone thrusts and
sheet is along most of its cartographic expression, a buried Triassic beds are steepened and, as a result, hangingwall
thrust which is overlapped by the Maastrichtian Aren sand- anticlines display a downward facing fold geometry. Two
stone formation (Souquet 1967; Garrido-Megias & Rios units can be differentiated: the Upper Nogueres units and the
1972). The syntectonic character of the Aren sequence is Lower Nogueres units. The basement of the Upper Nogueres
clearly demonstrated by the fan attitude of the sandstone beds units consists of Silurian, Devonian and Lower Carbonifer-
and by their onlap disposition over the southern limb of the ous series (Fig. 2). This series is affected by Hercynian
San Cornell anticline (Simo & Puigdefabregas 1985). The thrusts and folds evidenced by the unconformity disposition
frontal part of the Boixols thrust sheet presents a complicated of the Triassic red beds. Thrusts are the main Hercynian
structure, resulting from the inversion of previous Lower structural feature in this unit. Triassic red beds and Devonian
Cretaceous extensional faults. The northern fault contact of limestones are affected by a north-dipping Alpine cleavage
the Boixols thrust sheet corresponds to a backthrust (Morreres associated with E-W trending open folds. The Lower Nogueres
backthrust). This thrust truncates previously developed folds units are composed of several small thrust sheets with a
and very often causes an omission of the Mesozoic stratigraphy. hectometric to kilometric displacement to the south. These
Nevertheless, cleavage and shear zones demonstrate its thrust units form a duplex at the southern limb of the Axial Zone
character. The Morreres backthrust represents a passive-roof antiformal stack. The Devonian series and its Hercynian
thrust (Banks & Warburton 1986) related to the stacking of structure differ significantly from those of the Upper Nogueres
basement thrust sheets below. units.

J. A . MuNOz

Northwards and below the Nogueres Zone, Cambro-

Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian rocks make up the Orri
thrust sheet which overlies Triassic beds outcropping in a
complex tectonic window along the Pallaresa valley (Rialp
tectonic window, Fig. 2). This tectonic window represents a
striking structural feature of the southern Pyrenees, since the
allochthoneity of lower Palaeozoic rocks together with the
antiformal stack geometry of the basement thrust sheets can
be demonstrated (Muiioz era/. 1984). The thrust located over
the Rialp tectonic window (Orri thrust) dips slightly at
surface, describing an open anticline (Fig. 2). In its southern
limb the floor thrust of the Nogueres Zone units branches at
Figure 3. Geometrical relationships between Alpine basement-involved-
a high angle into the Orri thrust.
thrusts and Hercynian cleavage in the Axial Zone antiformal stack along the
To the north of the Orri thrust sheet, very low metamor- ECORS profile (see Fig. 4 for location).
phosed Silurian and Devonian rocks occur, delineating a
synformal structure in between Cambro-Ordovician rocks: window and their dip progressively increases northwards. In
the Llavorsi syncline (Zwart 1979; Zandvliet 1960). Its the northem limb of the Axial Zone antiformal stack, Hercynian
internal Hercynian structure is characterized by very tight cleavage has been back-steepened together with the Alpine
folds truncated by thrusts (Casas & Poblet 1989). The thrusts. These relationships suggest that Hercynian cleavage
southernmost of these thrusts, the Llavorsi thrust, has been has been folded during the development of the Axial Zone
classically considered as the root zone of the Nogueres Zone antiformal stack. Palaeomagnetic work more to the west of
(Seguret 1972), but this thrust is Hercynian in age as demon- the ECORS section conoborates this assumption (McClelland
strated by the cross-cutting relationships with the Late- & McCaig 1989).
Hercynian Maladeta granitoid and with its contact metamor-
phic aureole (Casas & Poblet 1989). Moreover, the Devonian
sequences and Hercynian structure of the Llavorsi syncline The North Pyvenean fault zone
are similar to those of the Orri thrust sheet and completely The Axial Zone antiformal stack is bounded to the north by
different to those shown by the Nogueres Zone. As a the North Pyrenean fault (Fig. 2). This and related faults are
consequence, the Nogueres Zone units have to be rooted more steep and define a narrow belt characterized by the presence
to the north. of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous rocks which were affected
The Llavorsi syncline is bounded to the north by a minor by a thermal metamorphism and a strong deformation during
thrust which separates the Devonian limestones from the low Middle Cretaceous times.
metamorphic grade Cambro-Ordovician rocks, which oc- The North Pyrenean fault developed during the sinistral
cupy a wide area to the north (Pallaresa dome, Zandvliet displacement of Iberia. The age of this displacement is
1960). This thrust, together with related thrusts located in determined by the age of flysch pull-apart basins formed
between the Cambro-Ordovician rocks, has been considered synchronously with the strike-slip movement along the North
the eastward continuation of the Gavamie thrust and the root Pyrenean fault from Middle Albian to Early Cenomanian
zone of the Nogueres Zone (Mufioz et al. 1986). This thrust (Debroas 1987, 1990). High temperature metamorphism
involves Triassic rocks in its footwall only 20 km to the west developed as a result of crustal thinning synchronously or
of the ECORS section. immediately after the Albo-Cenomanian basin formation.
The northern exposed rocks of the Axial Zone antiformal Radiometric data of metamorphic minerals have yielded ages
stack are deformed by steep faults. The northernmost of these around 95 Ma (105-87 Ma, Montigny et al. 1986; Goldberg
faults (Couflens fault) involves Triassic rocks, demonstrat- & Maluski 1988). A syn-metamorphic cleavage developed
ing its Alpine age. Other equivalent and probably Alpine locally during Turonian and Early Senonian times, still in a
steep faults away from the ECORS section, as for example, dominant strike-slip regime (Debroas 1990). Low-grade
the Merens fault and the Bossost fault, have been described metamorphism also affects Senonian rocks, and was thus still
(McCaig & Miller 1986; Zwart 1979). These faults show an active during the first stages of the N-S convergence.
upthrown northern block with displacements of up to 4-5 km Lower crustal granulitic rocks, as well as ultrabasic upper
and can be interpreted as Alpine thrusts back-steepened in the mantle rocks (Iherzolites) occur in the North Pyrenean fault
northern limb of the Axial Zone antiformal stack (Fig. 3). zone (Choukroune 1976; Vielzeuf & Komprobst 1984).
Hercynian cleavage and Alpine thrusts of the basement These rocks were carried at upper crustal levels by strike-slip
thrust sheets of the Axial Zone antiformal stack are subparallel faulting affecting a thinned crust.
or form a small angle regardless of the dip of thrusts. The The North Pyrenean fault has been considered the main
arrangement of Alpine thrusts and faults as well as the attitude structure of the Pyrenean chain, the axis of the collision belt
of Hercynian cleavage suitably define the geometry of the and the present boundary between the Iberian and European
Axial Zone antiformal stack (Fig. 3). Hercynian cleavage and plates (Choukroune 1976; Choukroune etal. 1973; Mattauer
Alpine thrusts are steep or southerly dipping in the Nogueres 1985). These authors considered that the North Pyrenean
Zone, display a flat lying attitude over the Rialp tectonic fault remained subvertical throughout the convergence. The



147 km

Serres Marginals^ Montsec^ Boixols NPF

'^l* Arize a ii

Lower layered crust

Figure 4. ECORS crustal balanced and restored cross-sections.

offset of the Moho below the North Pyrenean fault revealed The northernmost Pyrenean structure cortesponds to an
by refraction seismic data (Daignieres et al. 1982) would be anticline interpreted at depth as a duplex involving Upper
in agreement with this hypothesis. The Moho step would be Cretaceous flysch series (Deramond et al. 1990).
the result of differential thickening of the Iberian crust, with
a normal thickness, and the European crust, thinned before
the collision at both sides of the North Pyrenean fault. Pyrenean thrust system at crustal scale
Deformation of the Pyrenean belt is best explained by a
North Pyrenean thrust sheets
crustal thrust system which forms an orogenic lid displaying
North of the North Pyrenean fault zone, north-directed thrusts a characteristic geometry: a basement-involved antiformal
involve basement and cover rocks (Fig. 2). The Hercynian stack in the middle of the chain (Axial Zone), bounded by
basement forms culminations (Fischer 1984), the so called imbricated thrust systems, mainly south-directed thrusts to
North Pyrenean massifs (Trois Seigneurs and Arize massifs the south (Cover Upper thrust sheets in the Central Pyrenees)
along the ECORS section). The non metamorphic and and mainly north-directed thrusts to the north (Fig. 4). The
weakly deformed character of the Upper Cretaceous flysch basement antiformal stack forms a crustal wedge that moved
series which unconformably overlie basement rocks of the to the south as it developed. The southern cover succession
Trois Seigneurs massif contrasts with the strongly deformed has been wedged northwards and up the antiformal stack. The
Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous metamorphic rocks result has been a tectonic delamination (Price 1986) between
outcropping in the North Pyrenean Fault zone. the basement and the cover rocks along a bedding parallel
The Arize massif (Fig. 2) forms a pop-up structure detachment zone in the Middle Triassic evaporites and lutites
overthrusting, at both sides, Lower Cretaceous turbiditic (Keuper facies).
series. This massif is allochthonous over Mesozoic rocks at The Axial Zone antiformal stack only involves upper
depth as corroborated by commercial seismic data (Souquet crustal rocks. In the ECORS cross-section non-metamorphic
& Peybernes 1987) and by the ECORS seismic line to low grade metamorphic rocks are exposed at surface. The
(Choukroune e? a/. 1989). deepest outcropping basement rocks in the Axial Zone con-
Northwards the cover rocks of the Arize massif, the Albo- sist of high grade gneisses, but still correspond to middle
Cenomanian Camarade basin occurs (Fig. 2). This basin, crustal domains (formation depths about 15 km). Alpine
filled by breccias and turbiditic series several thousands of metamorphism is lacking and only some retrogradations at
metres thick, formed as a result of the sinistral displacement greenschist facies related to Alpine faults have been de-
of Iberia. The northern fault boundaries of the Camarade scribed (McCaig & Miller 1986). In the ECORS deep seismic
basin controlled the location of the North Pyrenean frontal profile, the antiformal geometry of the Axial Zone is evi-
thrust (Baby et al. 1988). This thrust follows on the surface denced by well defined reflectors at upper crustal levels
the initial geometry of the basin. Basement short-cuts are (Choukroune et al. 1989). Below these reflectors the Iberian
observed in the hangingwall of the North Pyrenean frontal lower layered crust remains undisturbed by thrusts, at least
thrust as a result of the inversion of the previous steeper underneath the southern half of the Axial Zone, and dips
strike-slip and extensional Early Cretaceous faults. increasingly below the European crust (Fig. 4). All these data

J. A. MuNoz

support the hypothesis that the Axial Zone antiformal stack

only involves upper-middle crustal rocks, consequently, a V// //fl <!!v // //
detachment level has to be located above the lower layered
One of the major results of the ECORS seismic profile is -MOHO
the observation of south-dipping reflectors below the North-
Pyrenean fault (ECORS Pyrenees team 1988) which have
been interpreted in continuation with the North Pyrenean
frontal thrust and, consequently, truncating the North Pyrenean
fault at depth (Choukroune c? a/. 1989;Roureefa/. 1989). In
the North Pyrenean fault zone, the north-directed thrusts
involved lower crustal rocks as a result of the truncation of
previous strike-slip and extensional faults which were re-
sponsible for the uplift of lower crustal and mantle rocks to
upper crustal levels.
At the crustal scale, Pyrenean thrusts constitute a v-shaped
geometry as clearly evidenced by the ECORS seismic profile
(Choukroune et al. 1989). However, one problem lies in the
geometric and age relationships between the southerly-di-
rected thrusts and the northerly-directed ones. This question,
together with the geometric relationships between the north-
Pyrenean fault and thrusts, gives rise to major discrepancies
between the different crustal structural models proposed for
the Pyrenees (Fig. 5). Vertical tectonic models (Seguret &
Daignieres 1986; Mattauer 1986, 1990) consider the north-
Pyrenean fault as the axial plane of a fan thrust system which
involves the whole crust (Fig. 5c). Thin-skinned tectonic
models (Williams & Fischer 1984) and thick-skinned tectonic
models (Deramond et al. 1985) show the North-Pyrenean
fault truncated by a linked thrust system in which the northerly
directed thrusts are considered backthrusts of the southerly
directed ones (Fig. 5a, b). In the former, thrusts only involve
upper crustal rocks, whereas the latter model supposes that
thrusts merge downwards into a detachment level located at
the Moho (Fig. 5a). These models were poorly constrained by
deep data because they were proposed before the ECORS
seismic line was obtained. Recently, and from the ECORS
data, the North Pyrenean fault has been interpreted as little
deformed by wedging of the Iberian crust by the European
Figure 5. Proposed models for the Pyrenean crustal thrust structure, (a)
plate (Roure etal. 1989). This model (Fig. 5d) implies more
Deramond el al. 1985 (Western Pyrenees): (b) Williams & Fischer 1984
shortening for the northerly directed thrusts than for the (Central Pyrenees, west of the ECORS profile); (c) Seguret & Daignieres
southerly directed ones and thrust kinematics becomes com- 1986; (d) Roure etal. 1989 and (e) model herein proposed. Models c, d and
plicated due to the geometric relationships between the upper e correspond to the ECORS profile.
thrusts of the Axial Zone antiformal stack and the sole thrust
of the crustal system. An upper crustal orogenic lid (Fig. 5e) Berastegui 1990) along its complete length was not carried
better explains the surface and deep seismic data as well as the out. Only the migration of selected reflectors was established
kinematics of thrusts at both sides of the chain. (Rome etal. 1989). In the cross-section presented, the results
of this migration have only been partially taken into account.
Reflectors which, after the migration, shifted from one seismic
Balanced and restored cross-sections fades to another or those which, while being part of a set of
time markers defining the boundary of a seismic facies, lost
Crustal balanced and restored cross-sections were drawn in this property after migration, have been rejected.
order to better constrain the interpretation of the ECORS Any balanced cross-section has to be drawn parallel to the
seismic profile and to calculate the orogenic contraction. The regional thrust transport direction. Fortunately, the trace of
reflectors imaged by the ECORS profile have been converted the ECORS seismic line coincides quite well with the thrust
to depth using a velocity crustal model consistent with gravity transport direction deduced for the cover thrust sheets. The
data (Tome et al. 1989). Migration of the main reflectors cartographic pattern of frontal, oblique and lateral structures
which define the boundaries of the seismic fabrics (Banda & of the cover South Pyrenean Upper thrust sheets defines a


transport direction N-S to NNE-SSW. This transport direc- northernmost outcropping Lower Cretaceous rocks reflect a
tion has recently been corroborated by rotations of the footwall progressive northwards shallowing of the Boixols basin
and hangingwall along oblique ramps, as deduced by (Berastegui ^/a/. 1990). This shallowing is corroborated by
palaeomagneticresults (Burbankef a/. 1991). Palaeomagnetic the northern provenance of fine-grained elastics which char-
results (Dinares et al. 1991, this volume) have also demon- acterized the last sequence of the basin, as exposed more to
strated the absence of relative rotations both between the the west of the ECORS section. There is no evidence to
Main Upper thrust sheets along the ECORS profile and assume the existence of Early Cretaceous basins located
between these thrust sheets and the foreland. Orientations of between the Boixols basin and the North Pyrenean fault (Fig.
thrust structures in the North Pyrenean units demonstrate a 4).
transport direction to the NNE, also close to the direction of The Axial Zone antiformal stack consists of three main
the northern ECORS profile (Fig. 2). thrust sheets, all of them outcropping along the ECORS
The cartographic arrangement of the Pyrenean basement profile: Nogueres, Orri and Rialp thrust sheets (Fig. 4). The
thrust sheets also suggests a transport direction to the S or to restored cross-section obtained will depend on the initial
the SSW, a direction which has been corroborated in other arrangement of these thrust sheets. Two extreme solutions
southern Pyrenean sections (in the eastern and western Pyr- are possible: a pre-collisional geometry with very little or no
enees) where no detachment level exists between the basement overlapping of these units and a pre-collisional geometry
and cover rocks (Muiioz 1985; Mmozetal. 1986). Rotations with maximum imbrication of these thrust sheets.
of the Nogueres Zone units (Bates 1989) may have been the A restored cross-section with minimum shortening has
consequence of a strong longitudinal structural variation been constructed (Fig. 4). Asa consequence, basement thrust
which resulted in the relay of small units and the existence of sheets have been initially superposed as much as possible.
several oblique and lateral structures. This superposition, and the maximum depth for the detach-
The ECORS cross-section has been restored using line- ment is constrained by the maximum exposed thickness of the
length balancing techniques for the cover thrust sheets and for upper thrust sheet (Nogueres) in the northern limb of the
the basement units with an attached lower Triassic and Axial Zone antifonnal stack and by the Hercynian metamor-
Permian series. The basement thrust sheets have been areally phic conditions shown by the basement rocks. After the
balanced, but always taking into account their internal Alpine Hercynian orogeny the basement rocks experienced a pro-
and Hercynian features. The restored section not only has to gressive shallowing, as demonstrated by the rocks observed
conserve the areas of the balanced one, but more importantly, below the post-Hercynian unconformity along the Axial
should present a coherent section concerning the precollisional Zone. A post-Hercynian deepening of basement rocks may
geological features. This methodology provides a powerful only have been restricted to the hangingwall of late to post-
tool for discriminating between the different possible re- Hercynian extensional faults (Permian, Triassic and Early
stored cross-section solutions. The ECORS restored cross- Cretaceous) and implies the existence of thick sedimentary
section will mainly depend on the proposed solution for the basins. Alternatively, there is no evidence of thick sedimentary
restoration of the Axial Zone antiformal stack. The final sequences over the Axial Zone thrust sheets.
restored section for the northern Pyrenees will be determined The restored cross-section (Fig. 4) has been constructed
by the interpretation of the reflectors located below the North assuming a maximum overlapping of the Orri thrust sheet
Pyrenean fault, and by the geometry of the previously thinned over the Rialp one - the two thrust sheets being separated by
European crust adopted in the restored section. a low-dipping Early Cretaceous extensional fault (Boixols
The south Pyrenean Upper thrust sheets have been re- fault). The Cambro-Ordovician rocks of the Orri thrust sheet,
stored independently of the Axial Zone antiformal stack as located over the Rialp window, show anchimetamorphic
imposed by the existence of the detachment level into the conditions, with a calculated maximum temperature of 250-
Keuperevaporites. The Serres Marginals and Montsec thrust 300°C (Bons 1989). The maximum reasonable depth by the
sheets have been restored taking the first synorogenic deposits end of the Hercynian orogeny, taking into account the mineral
as a horizontal stratigraphic reference level. As the thrusts parageneses shown by these rocks and the Hercynian crustal
mainly developed in a piggy back fashion, the horizontal configuration (Zwart 1979, 1986), must have been about 9
reference level gets progressively older and becomes asymptotic km, which could have increased by 1-2 km during the Early
upwards to the hinterland (Fig. 4). To the north of the Boixols Cretaceous basin formation. Cambro-Ordovician rocks ex-
thrust the horizontal reference corresponds to the base of the posed over the floor thrust of the Nogueres thrust sheet
Upper Cretaceous succession. The break-back reactivation (Pallaresa anticlinorium) show low grade greenschist facies
of the Serres Marginals and Montsec thrusts during Late metamorphic conditions (Bons 1989) and, with the proposed
Eocene-Early Oligocene times has to be taken into account in restoration, these rocks would have been initially located at a
the restoration (Verges & Murioz 1990), mainly in the cross- depth of 15 km. This depth is excessive because it is the
section thrust sheets, where structural units with intermediate expected depth for the location of high grade gneisses and
stratigraphies can be thrusted completely out-of-sequence, because the related Hercynian metamorphic gradient would
resulting in strong differences in the stratigraphy across the be too low. To avoid this problem, a downwards movement
thrusts (Martinez & Pocovf 1988). of the Nogueres thrust sheet to the north overLate-Hercynian
Restoration of the Boixols thrust sheet reveals the geom- and Early Cretaceous extensional faults could be invoked.
etry of the Early Cretaceous extensional basin (Fig. 4). The The maximum depth reached by these rocks determines the

J. A. MuNoz


M o n t s e c ' ^ ^ Boixols basin \ \ \ ,jfArize y/

50 km

^ ^ ^ > ^ X
(Lower structural (Upper structural
levels) levels)

Figure 6. (a) ECORS restored cross-section showing the pre-collisional geological features at Middle Cretaceous times, before the convergence. This
section corresponds to the minimum shortening solution, (b) Interpretative cross-section in Permian times once the Early Cretaceous extensional fault system
is restored. A Late-Hercynian extensional fault system is inferred from the relationships between thrust sheets adopted in the above restored section in order
to minimize the shortening.

maximum depth of the detachment, which in the restored (Choukroune et al. 1990) but also as Permian extensional
cross-section has been located at 15 km depth (Fig. 4). A faults, as suggested by well data. A Late-Hercynian extensional
deeper location is not possible because the sole thrust climbs system could have been responsible for a crustal thinning and
northwards, thus defining the wedge geometry of the North a first shallowing of mantle rocks (Iherzolites) in the northern
Pyrenean thrust sheets. In any case, a deeper detachment Pyrenees, as proposed by Duee et al. (1984). The total cal-
level would only be restricted to a narrow area southwards of culated shortening for the Axial Zone antiformal stack, taking
the North Pyrenean fault. the North Pyrenean fault as a northern reference, is 112 km.
Devonian rocks of the Nogueres Zone have been located Restoration of the North Pyrenean thrust sheets depends
in the restored section above the Devonian and Cambro on the geometry predicted for the thinned crust in middle
Ordovician rocks of the Orri thrust sheet in order to minimize Cretaceous times. Thinning is deduced by the emplacement
the displacement of the Upper Nogueres units (supposed to be of lower crustal and mantle rocks to upper crustal levels, and
only 11 km). As a result, the Nogueres thrust sheet has been by the thermal metamorphism along the North Pyrenean fault
restored by overlapping the Orri one (Fig. 4). This proposed zone. Restoration also depends on the geometry deduced for
restoration imposes a Late-Hercynian extensional geometry. the lower crustal rocks that have been assumed to exist at
The unmetamorphosed Devonian rocks deformed by middle crustal depths below the North Pyrenean fault
Hercynian thrusts (the shallowest exposed structural level) (Choukroune ef a/. 1989). The North Pyrenean fault has to be
are directly located over slightly metamorphosed Devonian located in the restored section south of the European crust
rocks deformed by very tight syn-cleavage folds (Fig. 6). imaged by the ECORS profile. This implies a minimum
Both Devonian units are unconformably overlapped by displacement backwards of 22 km. Restoring the section,
Triassic red beds. This Late-Hercynian extensional fault taking this minimum displacement into account, the crust
could be synchronous with the Stephano-Permian basins and below the North Pyrenean Zone becomes 25 km thick, which
their related volcanic activity. Permian basins outcrop close is probably too thick to explain the geological features cited
to the proposed Permian extensional fault between the Upper above. If the reflectors below the North Pyrenean fault are
and Lower Nogueres units (Fig. 6). The mid-crustal reflec- considered as lower crustal rocks and removed to the south,
tors observed in the northern ECORS profile (Choukroune et the crust below the North Pyrenean sole thrust becomes
al. 1989) cannot only be interpreted as Hercynian thrusts thinner and the total displacement along this thrust increases.


A limitation of the extent of this horse of lower crustal rocks display a listric geometry over the lower layered crust. This
is imposed by the cut-off position of the autochthonous geometry has been observed in the undeformed parts of the
contact between the basement and cover (Fig. 4). In the ECORS profile, deduced after the restoration or by
balanced section presented here, only a small unit of lower comparision with other areas (Fig. 6). Most of the BIRPS
layered crust which presents the same seismic fabrics as the deep reflection profiles across the Mesozoic extensional
autochthonous lower layered crust has been considered in basins of northwestern Europe show a highly reflective lower
contrast with previous interpretations (Roureef a/. 1989). The crust which is not penetrated by the extensional faults (Cheadle
crust below the North Pyrenean massifs has been restored to et al. 1987). Although the lower layered crust has been
a lower initial thickness than in the deformed state, because interpreted as the result of extensional processes at depth and
some ductile thickening is expected to have occurred. The the faults do not show listric geometry, they must join a
calculated shortening for the North Pyrenean thrust sheets is detachment level over the lower crust. The same geometry is
36 km and the thickness of the crust below the North Pyrenean observed in the Bay of Biscay and Galicia Banks continental
fault zone in the restored section is 15 km (Fig. 4). margins where the Early Cretaceous extensional faults merge
The total calculated shortening for the Pyrenean belt along into a detachment level located over the lower crust (Le
the ECORS profile from the presented crustal balanced cross- Pichon & Barbier 1987; Boillot & Malod 1988). The location
section is 147 km. This value is coherent with the proposed of these discontinuities favoured the delamination of the
northward displacement of Iberia with respect to the Euro- crust, the upper part forming an orogenic lid shortened by an
pean plate during the Pyrenean collision (Grimaud et al. upper crustal thrust system. The crust below this middle
1982; Boillot 1986). The most remarkable result of the crustal detachment was subducted beneath the European
restoration of the Pyrenean belt is the apparent discrepancy crust (Fig. 4).
between the length of the upper crust and the length of the
lower layered crust.
In the restored cross-section, the Iberian crust below the
foreland and the more external south Pyrenean thrust sheets,
presents a constant thickness of about 34 km (Fig. 4), which
is in agreement with the crustal thickness of the non-de-
formed Hercynian areas of the Iberian Massif (Banda et al.
1981). Can this portion of the apparently undeformed Iberian
crust be thinned in the restored section in order to fill the 110
km hole of the missing middle and lower crust of northern CENOMANIAN 92 Ma
Iberia (below the Orri and Nogueres thrust sheets)? (Fig. 4). \N\Al / //
This assumption is not reasonable because the resulting
Iberian crust is too thin, both in the foreland (less than 30 km)
and in the inner parts (over 20 km). The amount of crustal
thinning experienced by the northern Iberian crust before the PALEOCENE 68 Ma
Pyrenean collision is difficult to determine. This thinning
could have taken place during Permian, Late Triassic and
Early Cretaceous times. Nevertheless, the cover sediments
which overlay the Hercynian basement of the Axial Zone
thrust sheets do not demonstrate a significant attenuation of LUTETIAN 47 Ma
the underlying crust. Moreover, deep seismic reflection
profiles (ECORS, BIRPS) of genetically related close areas
(during Early Mesozoic stretching events), which have not
been reworked by the Alpine collision, show thinning of the
crystalline crust below the deepest basins of up to 10 km, and OLIGOCENE 30 Ma
a shallowing of the Moho of only a few kilometres (Cheadle (present section)
etal. 1987). The crust in the restored section (Fig. 4) has been
reduced to a thickness of 15 km below the Cretaceous basins
north of the North-Pyrenean fault and to 28 km below the
Boixols basin in the southern Pyrenees. To the north of this
basin, the crust has been drawn with a constant thickness of
28 km although this is too thin if we consider that Lower
Cretaceous extensional basins did not occur over the Nogueres
thrust sheet.
In the restored cross-section, the main discontinuities
which affected the Pyrenean crust before the collision
(Hercynian cleavage, Hercynian thrusts, Late-Hercynian Figure 7. Evolution of the Pyrenean crust along the ECORS profile from
extensional faults and Early Cretaceous extensional system) the Early Cretaceous to the end of the collision event.

J. A. MuNoz

Conclusions crust of 110 km in length (Fig. 4). Restored sections with a

shortening less than 120 km have been found to be impossi-
The proposed balanced and restored crustal cross-sections ble, implying a subducted slab of 65 km minimum.
are valid because the lengths of the cover sequences, as well A subduction of the lower crust together with the
as the area of the basement rocks, are the same (if plane strain lithospheric mantle can be postulated in order to explain the
is assumed), and admissible because the structural model is in balance problem that exists at the lithospheric scale.
agreement with the observed data. Nevertheless, to obtain a Subduction of the lithosphere in other collision belts, as for
good balanced cross-section, mainly on a crustal scale, at example the Himalayas and the Alps, is widely accepted
least two more rules have to be followed: the restored section (Mattauer 1986; Butler 1986; Laubscher 1988). In the
has to furnish a coherent picture of all the previously recorded Himalayas, thrusts have been interpreted affecting the crust
geological features (Fig. 6) and the passage from the and detached from the Moho (Mattauer 1986) whereas, in the
undeformed state to the deformed cross-section has to be Alps, thrusts affect the upper part of the mantle as recently
kinematically possible (Fig. 7). The restored section shows evidenced by the deep seismic profiles (Bayer f fa/. 1987). In
an Early Cretaceous extensional system which evolved, in the Pyrenees, the lower crust has remained attached with the
Late Albian-Early Cenomanian, to a combined sinistral strike- lithospheric mantle and subducted below the European crust.
slip and extensional dip-slip fault system, driven by the North The lower subducted crust has probably not been imaged in
Pyrenean Fault. This fault penetrated the crust and probably the seismic profile because at this depth its density increases
the whole lithosphere (Fig. 7). up to mantle values through eclogite facies metamorphism.
The geometry of this extensional fault system as well as This interpretation has also been suggested in the Alps for
the geometry of the Late-Hercynian and Hercynian subducted lower crust (Butler 1986, 1990; Laubscher 1988,
discontinuities, all of them flattening downwards over the 1990). Recently, petrological evidence of subducted crustal
lower layered crust, favoured delamination of the crust (Figs rocks to depths of more than 100 km has been described in
6 & 7). The upper crust has been detached from the lower several areas (Chopin 1984, 1987; Schreyer 1988). The
crust along a detachment level located at a depth of 15 km. balanced and restored cross-sections of the Pyrenees along
The upper crust constitutes a duplex (Axial Zone antiformal the ECORS profile represent further evidence supporting
stack) in the southern Pyrenees and an imbricate stack in the subduction of continental crust into the mantle.
northern Pyrenees. In the southern Pyrenees the cover The balanced and restored cross-sections, as well as the
sequence has been detached and delaminated from the base- proposed kinematic evolution, provide a further step towards
ment Axial Zone antiformal stack. The Pyrenean thrust crustal modelling (flexural and uplift history) and better
system defines an orogenic lid in which thrust deformation understanding of the early geological events affecting the
predominates. Ductile structures are restricted to fault- Pyrenean domain (Hercynian orogeny and Late Palaeozoic-
related structures along the deepest exposed thrusts and along Mesozoic extensional events).
a narrow strip close to the North Pyrenean fault.
This paper derives from work carried out at the Servei Geologic de Catalunya
The crust located below the Pyrenean orogenic lid, mainly in cooperation with C. Puigdefabregas, X. Berastegui and M. Losantos.
lower seismic layered crust, together with the lithospheric Field woric, funded by the Servei Geologic, was part of the ECORS-Pyrenees
mantle, has been subducted into the mantle (Figs 4 & 7). The project. I am grateful for discussions with the members of the ECORS-
length of the lower subducted crust depends on the solution Pyrenees team. I am indebted to Paul Heller for improvement of the original
English manuscript. This work has been partially supported by the CICYT
adopted by the restored cross-section. The solution favoured project GE089-02.')4.
here involves a shortening of 147 km and a subducted lower


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Guide-book 6th European Regional Meeting, Lerida, Spain, 63-108. Central Pyrenees, France/Spain. Leidse GeologischeMededelingen, 25,
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Thrusting and foreland basin evolution in the Southern Pyrenees
C. Puigdefabregas', J.A. Muiioz- & J. Verges'

'Servei Geologic de Catalunya, Parallel, 71, 08004 - Barcelona, Spain

^Departament de Geologia Dindmica, Geofisica i Paleontologia, Facultat de
Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona,
Zona Universitdria de Pedralbes, 08071 Barcelona

Abstract: The geometry and the infill of the south Pyrenean foreland basin mainly depend on the
tectonic subsidence history due to the flexure of the crust, which in turn can be related to the
structural evolution of the mountain chain at a crustal scale. Characteristics of the infill of the basin
as well as the relationships between structures and synorogenic deposits allow distinction of four
stages in the evolution of the south Pyrenean foreland basin. These stages can be related to the
structural evolution of the crust as deduced from partial restored cross-section construction through
the central Pyrenees. Stage I (Upper Cretaceous) is characterized by strong subsident turbiditic
troughs deposited over a thinned crust. Uniform distribution of continental facies and a crust
restored to its initial thickness corresponds to the stage II (Palaeocene). During Stage III, turbiditic
troughs developed synchronously with the initial subduction of the lower crust (Lower and Middle
Eocene). Stage IV (Uppermost Eocene-Oligocene) is characterized by continental deposition
coeval with the increase of the crustal cross-sectional area, produced by both piggy-back and
break-back thrust sequences.

The development of a thrust system in a mountain chain takes model for the progressive unconformities in the northern
place .synchronously with the accumulation of sediments in margin of the Ebro basin and correlated these with the
the related foreland basins. This implies that basin geometry synchronous emplacement of the Pyrenean thrust system.
and sedimentation patterns are controlled by the development Some authors have attempted to distinguish sedimentary
of the thrust system. sequences in both the central and eastern southern Pyrenean
The Pyrenees, mainly in their southern part, are one of the foreland basins, and relate them to the tectonic evolution
best examples to illustrate the interaction between tectonics (Soler & Puigdefabregas 1970; Garrido-Megias 1973;
and sedimentation because the shallow erosion level is such Puigdefabregas 1975;Nijman&Nio 1975; Puigdefabregas ef
that the relationships between thrusts and their related deposits al. 1986; Labaume et al. 1987, and Mutti et al. 1988).
are well exposed. The Pyrenean orogen was developed as a The aim of this paper is to present a general outline of the
consequence of an Alpine age continental collision that geometry and infill of the south Pyrenean foreland basin, its
ranged from the Upper Cretaceous to Miocene times. The relationship to the thrust system and finally to correlate this
associated thrust system includes (Fig. 1): a basement with the crustal evolution of the whole crust along the
antiformal-stack bounded by cover imbricated thrust systems ECORS profile.
(Munoz, this volume). Thrusts of the central antiformal stack
are south-directed and the southern imbricate thrust system
involves more shortening than the northern one. Moreover, Stages in the evolution of the foreland basin
the floor thrust of the southern thrust system is the sole thrust
of the Pyrenean chain, which implies that in the central and The characteristics of the infill of the Pyrenean foreland basin
eastern Pyrenees, Iberia has been subducted to the north allow the determination of several stages in its evolution
below Europe. regardless of longitudinal variations of facies, and mainly
The south Pyrenean foreland basin is a triangular shaped dependent on the pattern of thrusting. These stages, well
feature between the Pyrenees to the north and the Catalan and established in the central and eastern Pyrenees, have been
Iberian Ranges to the SE and SW respectively. Most of the used in the present paper in order to describe the main features
area represents the last stage of the basin fill known as Ebro of the foreland basin deposits and their relationships with the
foreland basin, whereas the earlier stages involved in the evolution of the Pyrenean chain.
south Pyrenean thrust system occurred as piggy-back basins
(Ori & Friend, 1984). An outline of the Ebro basin with the
Stage I (Upper Santonian-Maastrichtian)
first observations on the relationships between tectonics and
sedimentation was given by Riba (1967), who described Prior to the Alpine compression of the Pyrenees, a Lower
features such as basin asymmetry and the outward migration Cretaceous extensional rift basin developed (Puigdefabregas
of facies depocentres. Riba (1973) also proposed a kinematic & Souquet 1986). The Upper Cenomanian transgressive


s N
t APTIAN 114 Ma
\v\v •'/
"^ ^ '^

V-vAl / »>

12° [1° lO" ; 11° • 12" |3°



SM Montsec Boixols
PALEOCENE 68 Ma Stage 11


Figure 1. Structural sketch of the Pyrenees and the ECORS crustal cross-
OLIGOCENE 30 Ma (present section) Stage IV
platform deposits unconformably overlie the syn-rift depos-
its and related normal faults (Berasteguie? a/. 1990). During
this period, thermal subsidence was still active as indicated by
the superposition of Lower and Upper Cretaceous depocentres,
suggesting a pure shear extensional model for the Lower
Cretaceous rifting.
The first Pyrenean thrusts developed as a result of the
reactivation of the Lower Cretaceous extensional faults during
Figure 2. Partially restored cross-sections showing the Lower Cretaceous
Upper Santonian times. In front of these thrusts, deep E-W extensional configuration and thrust geometry at crustal scale during the
elongated basins were formed and infilled with Upper stages of the foreland basin evolution.
Santonian to Campanian age turbiditic deposits (Vallcarga
Formation of Mey et al. 1968) which are up to 6000 m in the unconformities are related to the Boixols thrust.
north (Dubois & Seguin 1978)and2000min the south. These The first thrusts developed over an already stretched crust
turbidites unconformably overlie the earlier sequences and (Fig. 2). As a consequence, both the limited tectonic subsid-
their deposition seems to be controlled by the development of ence induced by the inversion of the lower Cretaceous
the first Pyrenean thrust sheets (Boixols; Fig. 1). Similar extensional basins and the remnant thermal subsidence con-
relationships were documented westwards for the Turbon tributed to the formation ofturbiditic troughs as suggested by
thrust sheet which moved from the Uppermost Turonian to Brunei (1984) in the NW Pyrenees. Moreover, a thin and
Maastrichtian (Souquet & Deramond 1989) and also for warm crust would favour the formation of narrow and deep
thrusts in the northern Pyrenees (Baby et al. 1988; Desegaulx foreland basins in front of the thrust sheets (Kamere/a/. 1983).
etal. 1990). As thrusting progressed during the Maastrichtian,
progressive unconformities (Garrido-Megias 1973) affected
Stage II {Uppermost Maastrichtian-Palaeocene)
the shallow marine sequences of the Aren Group. The
geometry and distinct depositional sequences within this During this stage the south Pyrenean foreland basin was
formation have been described by Nagtegaal et al. (1983), characterized by the deposition of fluvial and lacustrine red
Simo & Puigdefabregas (1985), Fondecave etal. (1989) and beds, which overlay and in part interfingered with the Aren
Mutti & Sgavetti (1987) who also discuss eustatic or tectonic Group. These deposits are known as Garumnian (Tremp
models for their formation. A number of unconformity- Formation by Mey et al. 1968) or Tremp Group (Cuevas
bounded depositional sequences can be distinguished, in 1989). They are up to 1000 m thick in places and extend over
which relative disposition of facies, depocentres and angular the whole central and eastern Pyrenees, in the north as well as


in the south (Plaziat 1975). Conglomerate formations to generate strongly subsident troughs by thrust sheet loading
unconformably overlie the inverted extensional faults (Boixols (Beaumont 1981; Jordan 1981).
thrust) and are coeval with the southwards piggy-back propa- In the western Pyrenees, the equivalent sediments to the
gation of the southern thrust system in the central Pyrenees. Garumnian shallow-water deposits are represented by 350 m
Thickness and facies distributions demonstrate the contem- of deep-water carbonate and siliciclastic sediments deposited
poraneity of the Garumnian sedimentation with the new- in continuity with the Upper Cretaceous turbidites (Pujalte et
formed thrusts (Montsec thrust; Figs 1 & 2). al. 1989). Thus, the evolution proposed for Stage I, charac-
The Lower Cretaceous extensional faults were completely terized by thrusts superimposed on a thinned crust, continued
inverted during Palaeocene times; thus the stretched upper in the western Pyrenees through the Uppermost Cretaceous-
crust recovered its initial pre-Cretaceous length, and prob- Palaeocene and probably until Early Eocene times. Thick-
ably the crustal thickness also attained its pre-Cretaceous ness variations of the series and the occurrence and thickness
crustal thickness. This conclusion has also been deduced of volcanic rocks (Montigny et al. 1986) demon.strate a
from the partial restoration of the ECORS balanced cross- greater extension of the western Pyrenean crust during Early
section for Palaeocene times (Mufioz 1991, this volume; Fig. Cretaceous times. As a result, during convergence the crust
2). in the western Pyrenees would have recovered its initial
Although thrust structures continuously developed from thickness later than that in the central and eastern Pyrenees.
Stage I, the change in the infill of the foreland basin could be This concept is in agreement with the proposed crustal and
related to the crustal thickness compensation, inferred to foreland basin evolution in the central Pyrenees.
occur at the end of the thermal subsidence. As a result, during
this stage the foreland basin is characterized by uniform
Stage III (Lower and Middle Eocene)
shallow-water deposits occupying a wide area. Involvement
of basement rocks in thrust structures was still too restricted After the widespread Ilerdian transgression, the south Pyrenean
stage III

Ager Montsec th. T r e m p ^ Boixols th.


stage IV
Axial zone
Antiformal stack
Serres marginals CAMPODARBE GROUP

Cardona evaporites

25 km

Figure 3. Partially restored cross-sections at the time of stages III & IV. These sections correspond to the southern part of the ECORS profile. The syntectonic
sediments related with the stage have been shaded as well as the previous foreland basin deposits stippled. A: Aren Group (Upper Cretaceous); T: Tremp
Group; AM: Ager and Montanyana Groups; LN: Lower Nogueres Units; UN: Upper Nogueres Units.


W-E Bypassing E-W Palaeocurrents

--- ---''c-^^'5
'^-^—T^ -T""

N-S Palaeocurrents

Cardona Salts/, Beuda Salts

(Upper Eocene)- (Middle Eocene)
100 km

Figure 4 Longitudinal E-W schematic cross-sections during stages III & IV. See location in Figure 3.




Figure 5. Schematic map showing the facies distribution during stage III.


foreland basin was characterized by the occurrence of strongly

subsident troughs infilled by turbiditic sediments. The ar-
rangement of the turbidites and the coeval shallow-marine to FLUVIAL
continental deposits as well as the facies distribution within DELTA FRONT SYSTEM
them were controlled by the thrust sheet geometries.
During this stage, the southern Pyrenean upper thrust // / / / //
sheets mainly consisted of Mesozoic units, which were pre-
viously inverted during the first and second stages, and at this
time displaced in a piggy-back fashion to the south over the
foreland, characterized by a reduced cover sequence
unconformably overlying the basement rocks (Fig. 3). The
longitudinal disposition of these thrust sheets, the South
Pyrenean Central Unit (SPCU; Seguret 1972), is controlled
by the Mesozoic extensional faults. These faults determine
the location of oblique and lateral ramps and the arrangement
of the foreland facies across them (Figs 4 & 5). On top of the
Mesozoic thrust sheets of the SPCU (Serres Marginals, MEDIANO ANTICLINE FLUVIAL AND DELTA PLAIN
Montsec and Boixols from S to N) the third stage of the
foreland basin infill consisted of the fluvio-deltaic facies of SLOPE AND TURBIDnES
the Montanyana Group (Mutti ef a/. 1988). The basin tended (Modified from Puigdefabregas et al. 1989)

to be elongate and parallel to the structures (cf. the Tremp

basin). The sequences within the Montanyana Group are Figure 6. Schematic block diagram of tlie western oblique ramp zone of the
characterized by southward prograding alluvial fans whose SCU showing the transition from continental and shallow marine deposits
fringes were westward axially drained by a river system (Fig. (Tremp and Ager basins) to the turbiditic sediments (Jaca basin) of stage III.
6). Transverse N-S sections through the basin are asymmet-
ric, with the thicker alluvial fan sequences occupying about in an equivalent structural position to the Jaca basin, over
the northern two thirds of the basin and the fluvial systems unextended crust, although the Ripoll basin was closed to the
only the remaining southern one third. This basin-fill geometry west by the oblique boundary structure of the SPCU.
suggests the synchronous emplacement of the Upper Nogueres The turbiditic troughs are aligned E-W with their fluvio-
thrust sheet, accompanied by passive roof back thrusting, and deltaic equivalents, independent of the syn-emplacement
out of sequence thrusting in the rear, together leading to shape of the cover thrust sheets (SPCU). This suggests that
generation of relief, increase of the erosion rate and clastic the associated tectonic subsidence is not only due to the
supply. loading of the cover thrust sheets, but also due to the subcrustal
From all of the above one can gather that the tectonic forces.
control on sedimentation was also exerted at minor scale
within each of the major sequences in response to alternating
Stage IV (Upper Eocene-OUgocene)
periods of forward thrust propagation and vertical stacking in
the hinterland. This stage was characterized by the final infilling of the
The moderately subsiding Montanyana basin, situated on earlier turbiditic basins by deltaic systems. The basin became
the hangingwall of the SPCU, was related westwards to the wider and shallower and the generalized deposition of coarse
strongly subsiding Jaca basin on the footwall, where the alluvium indicates an increase in the orogenic relief.
turbidites of the Hecho Group were deposited under a 1000 m The facies distribution, as in the previous stages, was
water column (Mutti et al. 1988). The transition between controlled by the geometry of the SPCU. On the hangingwall
these two settings occurred through a succession of oblique of this unit mostly alluvial fan systems are found
structures where inci sed canyons transferred the elastics from unconformably overlying a substratum which included the
the shallow platform to the deeper basin. This strongly depositional sequences of the previous stages of thrust em-
subsident trough (Jaca basin) is located over slightly stretched placement. Coeval deposits on the footwall consist of thick
or unstretched Mesozoic crust. The turbiditic trough was a deltaic to fluvial and alluvial fan sequences and formed the
piggy-back basin and its sediments are coeval with a wide- final infill of the Jaca and Ripoll basins. These basins were
spread southern carbonate platform which was mostly fed by elastics derived from erosion of the newly
synsedimentarily deformed by the frontal thrust structures created relief in the hinterland, from the alluvial fans overlying
(Puigdefabregas 1975). the SPCU through the lateral ramp zones, and also from the
In the eastern Pyrenees, the south Pyrenean foreland basin southern and eastern foreland basin margins where locally
displays a similar arrangement with fluvio-deltaic deposits in thick alluvial fans and fan-deltas accumulated (Montserrat
the east, on top of the upper thrust sheet (Pujadas et al. 1989), fan-delta; Anadon & Marzo 1986). This configuration de-
and these grade westwards to slope and turbiditic deposits of fines a basin centre occupied by extensive evaporitic forma-
the Ripoll basin (Armancies and Campdevanol sequences; tions (Saez & Riba 1986) when the basin was finally closed
Puigdefabregas e/a/. 1986). This turbiditic trough was formed to the marine waters at the end of the Eocene. This arrange-


ment, with lacustrine deposits in the centre and clastic wedges obvious out-of-sequence disposition (Fig. 7).
on the basin margins continued until the end of the Oligocene. The contribution of these out of sequence thrusts in the
The structural evolution was controlled by the growth and total displacement of the thrust system was very small. To the
development of the crustal scale antiformal stack in the inner contrary, the vertical component of movement was significant
part of the chain (Axial Zone Antiformal Stack). The piggy- and therefore the structural relief increased.
back southwards migration of the Pyrenean thrust system The basement antiformal stack and synchronous with its
involved both the SPCU and the Palaeogene sequences of the formation, the cover thrust sheets (SPCU), have been wedged
previous stages, in the Gavamie and Cadf thrust sheets (lower backwards (to the north) over the Morreres passive roof
thrust sheets; Munoz etal. 1986). This thrusting motion was backthrust (Munoz, this volume). This backthrust together
synchronous with the incorporation of basement units into with a set of out of sequence thrusts are related with three
the Axial Zone Antiformal Stack and controlled the charac- successive conglomerate sequences (Mellere, pers. comm.)
teristic progressive, forward migration of depocentres. of the Collegats Fm. (Mey et al. 1968). The conglomerates
Break-back thrust sequences developed synchronously which documented the out-of-sequence thrusts of the Collegats
with the overall piggy-back displacement of the Pyrenean and Oliana area are approximately of the same age.
thrust sheets, as characterized by the external structures. This
break-back thrusting in the external areas was equivalent to
the basement antiformal stacking in the inner part of the chain Discussion and conclusions
in that both tend to increase the taper in order to allow the
progression of the orogenic wedge (Davis etal. 1983; Dahlen The geometry and major infilling of the south Pyrenean
& Suppe 1988). This particular structural situation signifi- foreland basin was mainly dependent upon both the surficial
cantly increased the cross-sectional area, so that erosion and and subcrustal forces which produced tectonic subsidence.
supply of coarse elastics was therefore enhanced. The surficial forces were mainly due to thrust sheet loading
Several examples of break-back thrusting sequence can be and the subcrustal forces result from thermal evolution of the
unambiguously deduced from the relationships between the lithosphere and from its flexure caused by the traction of the
structures and the related synorogenic conglomerates subducting slab (Brunei 1986; Molnar & Lyon-Caen 1988).
(Martinez ef a/. 1988; Verges &Muiioz 1990). In the eastern The geometry of the thrust sheets might have been a factor
oblique boundary of the SPCU (Oliana area) these relation- modifying the tectonic subsidence but this mainly generated
ships between structures and clastic deposits are well illus- longitudinal variations in the infilling of the foreland basin.
trated (Verges & Mutioz 1990). The break-back thrust Finally, as far as the tectonic control on the foreland basin
system is constituted by a set of thrusts, each of them covered depositional sequences is concerned, the influence of local
by a conglomerate formation, which in tum is thrust by the structures must be taken into account, in addition to other
younger thrust formed hindwards of the previous one, in an factors such as global sea level changes. Although it is not the

Conglomeratic Units

Upper Eocene

Igualada Marine Marls

Sierras Marginales
thrust , Montsec



+ -t
.f + + 4-+ + + + + + LOWER
+ + + f + t-+- + + > + + +-4- + +-
+ + + + + + + + + + t +- + EOCENE
0 2 k m +^-^• + t + ^- + ^ - ^ t ^ - + ^ - ^ - t ^ • + ofi?„,^iVr + + + + + *^ GARUMN AN
Y f j " ' " * <• -f + + . » * - * • * • + + + + » - + + + + BASEMENT *• t ^ * •>• *
^^^^^^^^ ^ + + + 4 + + + + + + + + + f + + + -rT + + + + f + +4. + +

Figure 7. Geological cross-section of the eastern termination of the SCU showing the relationships between out-of-sequence thrusts and synorogenic
conglomeratic deposits.


here determine the depositional geometries of the syntectonic characteristic of Stage III (Lower and Middle Eocene).
conglomerates (Verges & Muiioz 1990). The sudden increase of the tectonic subsidence during this
Recent papers have modelled the flexure of the lithosphere period (Burbank, pers. comm.) is due to both a greater
of the Pyrenees and the geometry of the foreland basin influence of the surficial loading and by the existence of
(Brunet 1986; Desegaulx & Moretti 1988; Desegaulx et al. subcrustal forces. During this period the basement rocks are
1990) using the physical parameters calculated or deduced involved in thrust sheets and the load increases. In addition
from the present state of the lithosphere. The problem of the Iberian crust began to subduct below the European crust
modelling old mountain chains is to know how these physical giving rise to a pull by the subducted slab.
parameters have evolved during the formation of the orogen The lithospheric flexure value was probably the same all
and also during the post-tectonic evolution. Partial crustal along the chain but turbiditic troughs only developed in the
restored cross-sections can be used as an additional tool. This footwall of the SPCU because the thrust sheet of the SPCU
kind of work through the Central Pyrenees allows investigation partially fill the trough in the central Pyrenees. During this
of the relationships between the foreland basin geometry and stage, there is an increase of the thrusting rate with respect to
the crustal profile as deduced from partial restored cross- the earlier one (Labaume et al. 1985; Verges & Martinez
sections (Mufioz 1991, this volume). Crust below the Pyrenean 1988).
belt has evolved during the formation of the mountain chain Stage IV (Upper Eocene-Oligocene) is characterized by
from an initial thinned crust to a thickened crust with a coarse grained alluvial fan deposition as an erosional re-
subducted slab of about 100 km long (Munoz 1991, this sponse to the increase of the cross-sectional area which
volume). As a consequence, not only the thickness of the resulted from the growth of the basement antiformal stack in
crust below the belt has changed through convergence, but the hinterland and to the development of the break-back
also its elastic parameters, which control the geometry of the thrusting sequences in the frontal areas. In spite of the taper
foreland basin. increase and consequently the surficial weight, the tectonic
The major subdivisions that have been made in the south subsidence during this stage decreases with respect to previous
central Pyrenean foreland basin are related to stages with stages (Burbank e? a/. 1991). As a consequence, a subcrustal
deposition of turbidites in strongly subsident narrow troughs explanation such as thermal re-equilibration or collapse of the
and to stages with deposition of shallow-water to continental subducting slab has to be considered.
sediments occupying a wider area. The former indicate a It must be noted that this evolution in four stages, which
small wavelength of the lithospheric flexure, the latter a large lasts 50 Ma, is proposed for this particular transect and is not
wavelength. necessarily synchronous with other transects, first because of
The turbiditic troughs characteristic of Stage I, (Upper differences in structural style and strength of the crust, and
Santonian-Maastrichtian) have been interpreted as a result of secondly because of the diachronous development of the belt
a restricted surface weight but acting over a warm and thin (Choukroune 1976).
crust. In addition, subcrustal forces due to the thermal These four stages may be difficult to distinguish in other
subsidence inherited from the previous extensional history mountain chains because of differences in preservation of the
have contributed to the strong tectonic subsidence. During foreland deposits or because of a different foreland basin
this stage, the crustal shortening has not compensated the history. As most of the collisional belts evolved from
initial crustal thickness. previous stretched crust to a final thickened crust, one might
Stage II, (Uppermost Maastrichtian-Palaeocene), charac- expect that both surficial and subcrustal processes for the
terized by a rather uniform facies distribution, corresponds to evolution of the foreland basin would be similar to those
the period where the thickening of the crust is compensated described in this paper.
by crustal shortening, so that there are insignificant subcrustal
forces. The only contribution in the tectonic subsidence is We are grateful to Ken McClay for comments and revision of the original
due to the surficial loading by the thrust sheets themselves. manuscript. This work has been partially supported by the CICYT project
The creation of elongated turbiditic troughs is the main


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South Pyrenean fold and thrust belt: The role of foreland evaporitic
levels in thrust geometry
J. Verges", J.A. Muiioz^ & A. Martinez'

'Servei Geologic de Catalunya, Parallel, 71, 08004 - Barcelona, Spain

^Departament Geologia Dindmica, Geofisica i Paleontologia, Universitat de
Barcelona, 08071 Barcelona, Spain

Abstract: Combined surface and subsurface data were used to determine the geometry of the
foreland fold and thrust belt in the southeastern Pyrenees. In the south Pyrenean foreland basin,
three evaporitic horizons were deposited: the Beuda, the Cardona and the Barbastro Formations.
These evaporites range from Lutetian to Lower Oligocene in age, and their depocentres shifted
successively to the SW in front of the advancing Pyrenean thrust sheets. From Late Eocene to Late
Oligocene, a salt-basal foreland fold and thrust belt developed over a detachment level with a
staircase geometry controlled by the arrangement of the evaporitic basins. Synchronously, the
central Pyrenean thrust sheets were displaced southwards over the same detachment level. The
arrangement of the evaporitic basins, mainly the Cardona basin, the N-S transport direction of the
south Pyrenean thrust sheets, and the change in trend of the South Pyrenean main thrust (SPMT),
were all responsible for the different trend of structures in the foreland fold and thrust belt. The
limits of these folded regions coincide with the boundaries of the Cardona evaporitic basin. The
southernmost outcropping frontal structure of the Pyrenees is a backthrust related to the edge of
the Cardona massive salt level and is located in some places 40 km southwards of the SPMT. Well-
constrained timing of defonnation permits the interpretation that the shortening occurred from
Upper Eocene times and has minimum values of between 21 km and 25 km. These values represent
more than 15% of the 147 km of shortening deduced for the overall Pyrenean chain.

The southern Pyrenees are made up of cover and basement has been displaced to the south over a detachment level. The
thrust sheets which were displaced southwards from the Late southernmost structures affecting the eastern Ebro basin
Cretaceous to the Oligocene (Early Miocene in the western define an approximate E-W front with the SPMT of the
Pyrenees). The south Pyrenean structural units can be grouped central Pyrenees. The displacement and shortening involved
into Upper Thrust Sheets, which consist only of cover rocks, in these foreland structures have been probably transferred in
mainly a Mesozoic series, and Lower Thrust Sheets, formed the eastern extremity of the Pyrenean chain to dextral NW-SE
by basement rocks and a Palaeogene series unconformably strike-slip faults, later reactivated by Neogene extensional
overlying a reduced and thin cover sequence (Muiioz et al. faults (Fig. 2).
1986; Murioz 1991, this volume). In the eastern Pyrenees, The thrust and fold structures of the eastern Ebro basin are
Palaeogene sediments involved in the Lower Thrust Sheets strongly controlled by the geometry of the decollement level,
(Cadi thrust sheet) occupy a narrow area (Figs 1 & 2). These which is largely dependent on the location of weak evaporitic
sediments represent the northern part of the South Pyrenean horizons in the foreland series. The structural style of this
foreland basin, which has been incorporated into the region resembles the style observed in other detached fold
allochthonous units (Puigdefabregas et al. 1986; Verges & and thrust belts, such as the Appalachian Plateau (Rodgers
Martinez 1988). The Cadi thrust sheet is overthrusted by the 1963), and the Salt Range, in Pakistan (Jaume & Lillie 1988;
Pedraforca upper thrust sheet (Fig. 2). Westwards, in the Lillie <>/«/. 1987; Baker e/a/. 1988), amongst other examples.
central Pyrenees, upper thrust sheets (Boixols, Montsec and The main goal of this contribution is the study of the
Serres Marginals) cover a wide area over an autochthonous geometry of structures of the eastern foreland Ebro basin,
non-deformed Palaeogene series, which unconformably between the Pyrenean thrust sheets and the Catalan Coastal
overlies basement rocks (Mufioz 1991, this volume). The Ranges and their relationships with the arrangement of the
eastern termination of the Upper Thrust Sheets of the central different Palaeogene evaporitic basins. Regional work and
Pyrenees is the oblique Segre thrust zone, which limits with mapping showing general features of the area has been done
the Ebro foreland basin and, northwards, with the Cadi thrust (Riba 1967; Wagner e/a/. 1971). The available subsurface
sheet (Fig. 2). In the central and eastern Pyrenees, the data (drill holes and seismic lines) together with detailed field
emergent floor thrust of the south Pyrenean thrust sheets, data, enable the construction of accurate cross-sections. In
herein called South Pyrenean main thrust (SPMT), describes addition, the synchroneity between sedimentation and tec-
a step geometry at surface (Figs 1 & 2). The eastern foreland tonics permits us to date thrust movements and to calculate
Ebro basin, located southwards and eastwards of the SPMT the Pyrenean shortening since Late Eocene times.


12° ll° 10° |1° |2° |3°



Figure 1. Structural sketch of the Pyrenees and location of the study area (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Structural map showing main features of the study area. The South Pyrenean Main thrust (SPMT) represents the southern boundary of the different
Mesozoic and Cenozoic cover rocks thrust sheets, which are depicted in different types of continuous lines. The foreland basin is represented in white.
Foreland map derived from a compilation of the map by Ramirez & Riba (1975) and from own observations. The crossed circles represent oil wells (Igme


Stratigraphy and South Pyrenean foreland basin

0 O
RUPEUAN B*rQa laNtivial)
Solsona o
Palaeogene sedimentation in the southeastern Pyrenean fore- Solaont lAuvial)

BarbMtro fooot. •vaporitos) o o

land basin evolved, as most of the foreland basins do, from PRIABONIAN
marine to continental. The marine stage is characterized by C a r t w M (marina evaporitat) ^ A A
Toaaa (raafal limastones)
shallow water and platform sequences, followed by deep- BARTONIAN MUany M l a n y ( d a t a front)
Santa Maiia .

water sequences deposited in narrow troughs in front of the Iguatada tpradalta marls)

eastern South Pyrenean thrust sheets (Puigdefabregas et al.

1986). Transition from marine to continental deposits oc- Belfmunt BellmuM (alhnlal t fluvial)

curred at different times in the South Pyrenean foreland basin. LUTETIAN

Banyotaa (prtxMta marls)

Clastic systems, related to emergent thrusts, prograded south- B«uda Bauda Imarina avaporitas)

wards as the piggy-back thrust system developed. In the

northern areas, the first widespread continental deposits, at
present outcropping in the Cadi thrust sheet, are Lutetian in

Arminolaa (akipa marls)
Per^ya (cartortala platform)
Coronaa (outar platform)
Cadi (cartxmata platform)
age. In the southern areas, now the Ebro basin, continental ILERDIAN
CadI Sagnari (opan ntarlna nuria)
Orpf (eartMMiata platform)
sedimentation was general in Priabonian times. The boundary PALEOCENE
Tramp (rad bads)

between marine and continental deposits is marked by marine Madiona (rad bads)

evaporites: the Beuda Formation (Lutetian) and the Cardona

Formation (Priabonian). Figure 3. Palaeogene stratigraphic units of the eastern Pyrenees and
foreland Ebro basin (from Puigdefabregas er al. (1986) and Anadon el al.
The lower part of the sedimentary pile of the foreland
basin has been separated into several depositional sequences
(Puigdefabregas et al. 1986). Stratigraphic and
sedimentological studies have been carried out in the upper evaporites (Busquets <?/a/. 1985).
and continental part of the Palaeogene foreland series (Saez The geometry of the Cardona evaporitic basin (Fig. 5) is
& Riba 1986). The southern margin of the Ebro basin has well documented due to both the existence of extensive
been studied by Anadon etal. (1979). The detailed stratigraphy potash mining works at the basin centre and the well-exposed
of evaporites is mainly from Busquets et al. (1985) and marginal facies in the eastern and southern ends of the basin
Martinez et al. (1989). (Reguant 1967; Busquets ef a/. 1985). The northern end of the
The first Palaeogene sediments (Fig. 3) consist of basin is only visible in the southern flank of the Oliana
Garumnian red beds (the Tremp Fm. in the north and the anticline (Figs 2 & 6, A-A'), where a thin gypsum unit
Mediona Fm. in the south), which unconformably overlie outcrops (Verges & Muiioz 1990). The Cardona evaporites
Hercynian basement rocks northwards and Triassic sediments in the basin centre (Figs 4 & 5), are thin anoxic marls and a
southwards (Jurado 1988). The Lower Eocene (Ilerdian) is 5 m thick basal sulphate member at the bottom, followed by
represented by carbonate platform sediments (Alveolina 250 m of massive sah (Lower-Salt Member), overlain by
limestones), which cover most of the basin. To the north, in potassium salt with grey lutites at the top (Pueyo 1975). The
the Cadi thrust sheet (Fig. 3), limestones grade to deepe,st total thickness in non-deformed areas is 300 m. At the margin
marly sediments. During Cuisian and Early Lutetian times of the basin, only anhydrite developed. The top of the
slope and basinal sediments were deposited in a narrow Cardona evaporites, according to geochemical data (Rosell &
trough in front of the Pedraforca thrust sheet (Fig. 4). Pueyo 1984), represent the last marine infill of the eastern
Southwards of this trough, in the Ebro basin, shallow-water foreland Ebro basin, although continental evaporitic sedi-
sedimentation persisted (Pontils Group). The trough was mentation continued.
progressively closed in the west by the emplacement of the The Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene Barbastro gypsums,
Pedraforca and Montsec thrust sheets. As a result, the Beuda overlying the grey lutites, are the first continental deposits in
marine evaporites deposited in a restricted basin. The the central and western areas of the Ebro basin. The Barbastro
depocentre of the Beuda evaporites is buried and poorly evaporites reach more than 1000 m in thickness in the centre
known. This evaporitic sequence, studied from well data, is of the basin (Fig. 4), and are made upmainly of gypsum (some
made up by at least 1000 m of alternating shales and anhydrite, salt has been drilled at depth). These evaporites developed in
with 100 m of salt in its upper part (Martinez et al. 1989). the distal parts of fluvial and alluvial systems (Saez 1987),
Continental sedimentation followed the Beuda evaporites which deposited in front of the emergent eastern part of the
in the northern foreland basin, while shallow marine deposition SPMT and along out-of-sequence thrusts in the central Pyr-
(Santa Maria Group) occupied the overall extension of the enees in the Oliana zone (Verges & Muiioz 1990).
eastern part of the Ebro basin from Late Lutetian to Priabonian
(Figs 3 & 4). The upper part of the marine succession consists
of the Igualada marls which are overlain by the Tossa reefal Structure of the foreland fold and thrust belt
limestones (Fig. 5). Over these limestones, a thin marly series
shows evidence of progressive restriction (euxinic stage), In the study area the deformed Ebro foreland basin is charac-
which precedes the deposition of the Cardona marine terized by different sets of folds and thrusts of varying trends


/--i- -<!<5:>ii::::>i-i»I^:^:::-x:-Sx-:-:::

i*2Km ^fi^x-XvyBergaiX::::-;.:".::;::::;




•^T^ Cadi„<-

D o a a
• LLeltla D D O O D a D
D c^Q n a a a a a o D Q D
" " o _a o • D D n
- " " A" ( " - " 20KI1)

a D d

Figure 4. PaUnspastic restoration during the deposition of the Beuda (Lutetian), Cardona (Priabonian), and Barbastro evaporites (Later Priabonian-Eariy
Oligocene), with the approximate amount of displacement of the SPMT. Last sketch corresponds to the present position of the evaporitic depocentres. Dashed
line represents the present position of the South Pyrenean main thrust (SPMT).
(Riba 1967; Wagner et al. 1971; Ramirez & Riba 1975;
Malmsheimer & Mensink 1979), which can be divided into
three main regions: the NE region with continuous structures
varying from E-W to ESE-WNW, the Central region with
NE-SW trending structures, and the SW region, which dis-
plays roughly E-W trending folds, such as the Barbastro-
Balaguer anticline, which continues westwards of the study
area (Fig. 2).
The northern structures of the NE region (Alpens, La Quar
and Berga) show an E-W trend slightly oblique to the SPMT. _0m
Southwards, the Prats and Solsona-Navas synclines and the Figure 5. Interpretative distribution of Cardona evaporitic facies and
Puigreig anticline stretch over a distance of 50 km with an thickness from the basin centre to the southern margin (simplified from
ESE-WNW trend (Fig. 2). Busquets et al. (1985). No horizontal scale.

P U I G R E I C A.




Sena i P l

-J — I..- I-., i. I 1 . L


Lowtr OUg


'^1 "'r>

Figure 6. N-S balanced geological cross-sections showing the general features of the entire folded foreland. See Figure 2 for location.

The Central region is characterized by NE-SW trending SSE NNW

structures, parallel to the oblique Segre thrust zone (Fig. 2).
The Oliana anticline developed in the footwall of the Segre
thrust zone. The axis of the anticline displays a NE-SW trend,
and plunges both to the NE and to the SW. It consists of a
duplex structure at depth made up of Upper Eocene marine
marls, as demonstrated by section construction from seismic
and well data (Fig. 6, A-A'). The upper and outcropping
horse contains the northern pinch-out of the Cardona evaporites
(Verges & Munoz 1990). South of the Oliana anticline, LOWER SALT Mb y^^
between the Solsona-Navas syncline and the Sanaiija antiform,
a set of broad synclines and narrow anticlines with sigmoidal
axial traces can be observed (Fig. 2). Some of these anticlines, Figure 7. NW-SE cross-section across the Cardona anticline {modified
such as the Cardona and Suria anticlines, display broken from Wagner etal. (1971) and Ramirez & Riba (1975)).
cores due to the diapiric flow of the salt (Figs 6, B-B' & 7).
The southernmost structures display a north vergence as in and Siiria structures (Fig. 8). The northwestern extremity of
the case of the Suria and 016 structures (Ramirez & Riba the Sanaiija antifonn interferes with the N-E to NE-SW
1975), (Figs 2 & 6, B-B'). trending Fonts antiform, forming a culmination which devel-
The Central region is bounded by the Sanaiija antiform to oped pop-up structures in-between forward and hindward
the south with Barbastro evaporites outcropping in its core directed thrusts (Figs 8 & 9). The latter can be interpreted as
(Fig. 8). The folds and thrusts of the southeastern part of the cross-cutting the former at depth due to the cross-cutting
Central region interfere with the northern limb of the Sanauja relationships mentioned above. Westwards of the culmina-
antiform, but do not affect its southern limb; as a conse- tion zone, displacement of the Sanauja backthrust is trans-
quence, a detachment must occur in this limb close to the ferred into the Fonts backthrust (Fig. 8). South of the Sanauja
boundary between gypsum and overlying clastic rocks (Fig. backthrust, only small-scale detached folds are present. To
8). The detachment dips to the south, subparallel to the tilted the west, the Agramunt syncline and the continuous and
beds of the southern limb, and represents a backthrust, as narrow Barbastro-Balaguer anticline outcrop with an ap-
indicated by a set of related backthrusts observed where proximately E-W trend (Martinez-Pefia & Focovi 1988).
clastic rocks are involved. In the southeastern extremity of All the above structures allow interpretation of the eastern
the Sanaiija antifomn, a set of backthrusts truncates the Ebro basin as a foreland fold and thrust belt forming the most
previously developed, forward-directed Pin6s-Cardona,Sal6 external part of the Pyrenean chain.

Figure 8. Geological map of the Sanaiija antiform, which separates the folded Central region and the non-deformed S W region. See Figure 2 for location.
Crossed circles are oil wells. Black circles are towns. Dotted unit is the Barbastro Formation.


FONTS SERO T over the Cardona evaporites (Verges & Murioz 1990).
In the Central region, over the flat detachment located in
the Cardona salt, most of the area is occupied by gently
dipping beds corresponding to broad synclines that separate
narrow anticlines. These anticlines are cored by salt which
flows from the synclines. The load ofthe synorogenic Upper
Eocene-Lower Oligocene clastic rocks (Solsona Formation),
deposited in the synclines, contributed to the salt flowage.
The synchronism of clastic deposition with salt growth is
documented by progressive unconformities in the limbs of
the anticlines. Once the salt attained a sufficient amplitude,
it continued to flow diapirically, thus breaching the previ-
Figure 9. N-S geological cross-section across the culmination zone between ously-formed anticlines. This can be observed in the Cardona
the Sanaiija and Vilanova anticlines. See Figure 8 for location. anticline, where salt is still flowing at present (Ramirez &
Riba 1975).
Geological cross-sections The southern part of the deformed Ebro foreland displays
north directed structures (backthrusts). These backthrusts
Two geological cross-sections across the Bbro foreland fold (Old and Sanaiija) coincide with the southern edge of the
and thrust belt have been included in this paper: the eastern Cardona evaporitic basin (Figs 2 & 6). They branch with the
one (Figs 2 & 6, B-B') across the Lower and Upper Thrust detachment close to the southern end ofthe thick Lower Salt
Sheets, the deformed Ebro foreland and the Catalan Coastal Member (Fig. 10). The 016 branch line forms the southern
Ranges: and the western section (Fig. 6, A-A') across the front ofthe eastern Pyrenees, while westwards ofthe Sanaiija
Upper Thrust Sheets and the deformed Ebro foreland. In the backthrust, the detachment climbs up to the Barbastro
latter, basin fold and thrust structures occur above a detach- evaporites and deformation continues southwards (Fig. 6).
ment level, which is located in the different evaporitic hori- South of the 016 backthrust, a buried tip line can be traced
zons ofthe basin. The geometry ofthe structures is controlled with an approximate E-W trend, merging with the Barbastro-
by the geometry of the detachment level. Palaeogene rocks Balaguer anticline tip line to the west (Munoz et al. 1984;
underlying the decoUement remain undeformed (Fig. 6). In Williams 1985).
the cross-sections, a double vergence can be observed. In the
northern part, all structures are south directed (Oliana. Puigreig,
and Cardona anticlines), while in the southern part they are Timing
north directed (Siiria, Old, and Sanaiija structures). The folds
of the middle area, such as the Vilanova anticline, show no Well-constrained geometric relationships between structures
clear vergence. and syntectonic sediments, combined with biostratigraphic
The geometry ofthe detachment level, the southern con- and magnetostratigraphic data, enable us to calculate the age
tinuation of the south Pyrenean sole thrust, displays a flat and of the structures.
ramp geometry controlled by the arrangement of the Beuda, The Oliana anticline (duplex) developed in Priabonian
Cardona and Barbastro evaporites. In the eastern section
(Fig. 6, B-B"), the detachment climbs up from the Beuda to N
the Cardona evaporites. In the western section (Fig. 6, A-A'), PASSIVE BACK-THRUST BURIED FRONTAL
the decollement climbs up from the Cardona to the Barbastro
evaporites in the southernmost extremity. The NE study
region studied is detached over the Beuda Formation, the
Central region over the Cardona Formation, and the SW
region over the Barbastro Formation (Figs 2 & 4). The
Cardona evaporites are the most suitable decollement level,
due to the existence of a thick salt package (Fig. 5). This
staircase geometry contrasts with the flat detatchments found
in many thin-skinned mountain belts with basal salt
A duplex structure formed above the ramp that connects
the Beuda and Cardona horizons. The Puigreig anticline is
the surface expression of this duplex, as can be inferred from
seismic lines across the anticline (Fig. 6, B-B'). The Oliana
anticline has been described as a duplex at depth formed Figure 10. Interpretative tectonic model for the southern boundary of the
above a ramp which connected the floor thrust of the Upper Cardona evaporitic basin drawn in Figure 5 (with the same legend). The
Thrust Sheets with the foreland detachment (Fig. 6, A-A'), disappearance of the Lower Salt member increases the basal friction of the
similar to the Puigreig anticline, later displaced southwards decollement and, as a consequence, a passive backthrust was developed.


times, between 40Ma and 36Ma, at the same time as the (Oliana anticline) of the NE-SW trending Segre thrust dem-
break-back imbricate stack in the hangingwall of the Segre onstrate that these structures are oblique with respect to the
thrust (Burbank et al. 1991). The Oliana anticline has rotated transport direction (Burbank et al. 1991; Dinares et al.
20° anticlockwise (Burbank etal. 1991; Dinares etal. 1991, 1991, this volume). In addition, palaeomagnetic data suggest
this volume). As a consequence, it formed with a trend of at that no rotations occurred in the central Pyrenean Upper
least N70°E. Eastwards, movement along the E-W trending Thrust Sheets (Dinares etal. 1991, this volume), which does
SPMT south of the Pedraforca thrust sheet and growth of the not agree with the idea of aprogressive change in the transport
E-W trending Berga-Bellmunt anticline took place at the direction of the south Pyrenean units (Nijman 1989). All the
same time (Mato & Saula 1991). The Oliana anticline rotated above point to an approximate N-S transport direction as the
and was displaced southwards over the Cardona evaporites most suitable for the development of the structures of the
during Earliest Oligocene, synchronous with the growth of deformed Ebro foreland basin. This is in agreement with the
the Puigreig anticline. Deformation progressed southwards, arrangement of the different trending structures of the study
as demonstrated by the sedimentological characteristics of area (Fig. 2).
the Lower Oligocene Solsona sequence. Both limbs of the In the study area, where the majority of the trends of the
Cardona anticline show lower Solsonadistal alluvial sediments structures are oblique with respect to the thrusting transport
(coeval with coarser elastics related to the growth of the direction, an accurate calculation of the shortening would
Oliana anticline) without facies, thickness or palaeocurrent involve a 3-D restoration. Although only two cross-sections
directions (Saez 1987). Consequently, southern structures of have been included, they have been restored, despite the
the Central region and Sanaiija antiform are Early Oligocene possible errors of such restorations, if only to give an idea of
and younger than the northern ones. In the study area, there the shortening involved. Bed-length techniques were used
are no available criteria to determine the age of the Barbastro for balancing competent layers (Dahlstrom 1969), while
anticline, but westwards, it has been dated as Late Oligocene evaporitic rocks have been areally restored (taking into
(Pardo & ViUena 1979; Riba etal. 1983). account only the N-S migration of salt). The pin lines are
located at the end of the deformed zone (black points in cross-
sections, Fig. 6). The eastern section (Fig. 6, B-B') is drawn
Shortening normal to the trend of the structures in each segment of the
section, whereas the western one (Fig. 6, A-A') is oblique to
The calculation of shortening of the Pyrenean chain through the structures, but parallel to the thrust transport direction.
its eastern realm should take into account the shortening In this paper, only the shortening that occurred after the
involved in the structures of the deformed Ebro foreland deposition of Early Priabonian Cardona marine evaporites
basin. The construction of balanced and restored cross- has been analysed. Both cross-sections show similar amounts
sections across this area poses some difficulties due to the of shortening: 25 km in the A-A' and 21 km in the B-B' cross-
different strikes of the structures. As far as the determination sections (Fig. 6). This is a minimum value, as neither erosion
of transport direction is concerned, which is crucial for (the hangingwall ramp of the SPMT is eroded in both the A-
accurate construction of balanced cross-sections, questions A' and B-B' cross-sections) nor internal deformation such as
arise. Can all these structures be formed by a unique transport the strong cleavage observed in the overturned Lower and
direction? If so, which of these structures are oblique and Middle Eocene marls outcropping in front of the SPMT (B-
which are frontal? B' cross-section) have been taken into account. The total
As previously described, structures of different trends amount of shortening can be partitioned in two, that is, the
developed at the same time in the deformed foreland, as for shortening that occurred in the foreland structures, and the
example, NE-SW structures of the Central region and the shortening due to the movement of the SPMT since Priabonian
NNW-SSE structures of the NE region. Moreover, neither times. In the A-A' cross-section, the shortening south of the
cross-cutting relationships between structures with different SPMT is 21 km while the shortening due to the motion of the
trends nor interference patterns, with the exception of the SPMT is a minimum of 4 km. In the B-B' cross-section, the
Sanaiija antiform, are observed, which is in agreement with deformed foreland southwards of the SPMT shows 11.5 km
a synchronous development of different trending structures. of shortening, whereas the movement of the SPMT is a
In the eastern Pyrenees, a N-S transport direction can be minimum of 9.5 km. In the former section, there is a big
deduced for the emplacement of the Cadi thrust sheet and difference between shortening due to the motion of the SPMT
lower units (Mufioz et al. 1986). In the Pedraforca thrust and deformation in foreland deposits, whereas in the latter
sheet, a N180°E to N195°E transport direction has been section, both values of shortening are similar. These differ-
calculated from the arrangement of frontal and oblique struc- ences in the relative amount of shortening between that in the
tures, as well as from the strike of tear faults (Verges & foreland basin and along the SPMT, observed in the two
Martinez 1988; Martinezefa/. 1988). In the Sierras Marginales cross-sections, can be explained by the arrangement of the
thrust sheets, equivalent to the lower Pedraforca units, similar boundaries of the NW-SE Cardona evaporitic basin (Fig. 4).
criteria allow us to deduce a N-S transport direction from The south Pyrenean sole thrust reached the western part of the
structures developed synchronously with the folds and thrusts northern margin of the Cardona salt (Fig. 6, A-A' cross-
of the deformed Ebro foreland. Anticlockwise rotations in section) before reaching the eastern margin (B-B' cross-
the structures of both the hangingwall (imbricates) and footwall section). When the sole thrust climbed up to the Cardona


decollement level, the movement along the SPMT, in the The oblique arrangement of the evaporitic basins with
Segre zone, stopped and a hindward thrusting sequence with respect to the thrust transport direction, which was controlled
no important displacements developed in the hangingwall of by the thrusting evolution of the south Pyrenean thrust sheets,
the SPMT, while the Oliana anticline developed in its footwall determined the existence of numerous oblique structures in
(Verges & Munoz 1990). In contrast, in the eastern part (B- the foreland, mainly those of the Central region. The trend of
B' cross-section), the SPMT overthrusted the overall sedi- the structures of each region coincides with the direction of
mentary pile, which was involved in the growth of the Oliana the SPMT located hindwards of them, as can be seen in the
anticline (Fig. 6). structural map of Figure 2. In the NE region, structures strike
parallel to the E-W segment of the SPMT. In the Central
region, NE-SW structures are parallel to the oblique Segre
Conclusions thrust (oblique segment of the SPMT) and, in the SW region
fold structures strike parallel to the E-W segment of the
The geometry of the structures of the study area is character- SPMT of the central Pyrenees.
istic of foreland fold and thrust belts with a weak evaporitic The greater extent to the south of the thrust sheets of the
decollement level at depth (Davis & Engelder 1985). Anti- central Pyrenees with respect to the eastern Pyrenean units
clines are narrow and salt-cored and synclines are broad. (step geometry of the SPMT) is partially due to a major
Thrusts are mainly blind and backthrusts coexist with for- displacement of the central thrust sheets once they reached in
ward directed thrusts. Evaporites that accumulated in the Late Eocene the Cardona salt. The salt was never reached by
anticline cores move diapirically, thus overprinting previously the eastern part of the SPMT, instead the SPMT climbed up
developed structures. This has led all these structures to be section and developed the structures of the foreland above the
interpreted as having developed by diapirism alone and not evaporitic detachment levels (Fig. 6). The NE-SW structures
being related to the Pyrenean contractional structures. above the Cardona detachment of the Central region formed
The Central region, located above the Cardona decollement, by an oblique component of shortening coeval with further
has undergone shallow erosion as can be deduced from areal movement to the south of the SPMT along the oblique Segre
distribution of the youngest sediments outcropping in the zone.
synclines. The present topographic slope of the Central Well-constrained relationships between tectonics and
region is less than 1°, the basal slope is 3°, but more con- sedimentation enable one to deduce that the deformation
clusively, syntectonic sediments of the same age are located started in the study region later than deposition of the Cardona
approximately at the same altitude in the centre of the evaporites (Burbank ef a/. 1991). Shortening produced after
synclines. This demonstrates a constant narrow taper of the the Cardona deposition by both the motion of the SPMT and
Central region through its evolution, as shown by the salt- the deformation in the foreland basin is between 21 km and
basal fold and thrust belts. 25 km, both minimum values. This represents approximately
A peculiarity of the salt-basal Ebro foreland fold and thrust the 15% of the total 147 km of shortening for the whole
belt is the existence of structures with different strike, which Pyrenean belt (Munoz 1991, this volume).
developed from the Late Eocene to the Early Oligocene along The overall geometry of the southern central and eastern
a N-S thrust transport direction. Superposition of the struc- Pyrenees is mainly the result of the disposition of the Cardona
tural map over the evaporitic basin distribution (Figs 2 & 4) salt. The central Pyrenean thrust sheets moved further to the
clearly shows that there is a close relationship between the south, synchronously with the development of the foreland
defined structural regions and the evaporitic basin distribu- fold and thrust belt to the east. The displacement of the central
tion. The NE region coincides areally with the Lutetian part of the SPMT, over the Cardona sah, is at least of the same
Beuda evaporites, the Central region with the Priabonian magnitude of the shortening involved in the deformed Ebro
Cardona evaporites and the S W region with the Upper Eocene- foreland. Frontal structures, emplaced forward of the Cardona
Lower Oligocene Barbastro evaporites. The three horizons salt, in continuation with the Barbastro-Balaguer tip anticline,
act as a decollement level, the Cardona being the most are located 40 km southwards of the eastern part of the SPMT
suitable due to the existence of a thick salt member. The trace. Eastwards of the Cardona salt, the shortening is
detachment steps up from the northern and lower (oldest) accomplished by folds, thrusts and cleavage normal to the
evaporitic horizon to the southern and upper (youngest) one. beds, and the southern Pyrenean front is only located 10 km
Ramps are located at the edge of the Cardona salt basin and south of the SPMT.
correspond at surface to the boundaries of the different
structural regions defined by their different strikes. In the We would like to thank Oriol Riba, Juan Jose Pueyo and Alberto Saez for
northern edge of the Cardona basin, a duplex structure de- their helpful comments. We have found the observations of our two
anonymous referees very useful. The English was revised by Michele
veloped above the ramp (Oliana and Puigreig anticlines) Pereira. This work was supported by the CAICYT project PB85-0098-C04-
while in the southern edge, a set of backthrusts formed, 03 and by the Servei Geologic de Catalunya.
defining a frontal wedge.


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Contrasting rotations within thrust sheets and kinematics of thrust
tectonics as derived from palaeomagnetic data: an example from the
Southern Pyrenees
J. Dinares' 2, E. McClellandS P. Santanach^

'Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Rd., Oxford 0X1 3 PR,
^Departament de Geologia Dindmica, Geofisica i Paleontologia, Universitat de
Barcelona, Zona Universitaria de Pedralbes, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Abstract: Determination of palaeomagnetic declinations can help quantify differential rotations

of structural units about a vertical axis and can therefore constrain kinematic models. A
palaeomagnetic study (105 sites) has been carried out on Jurassic to Eocene lithologies from the
structural units in the Pyrenees which constitute the south-central cover thrust sheets (Boixols,
Montsec and Sierras Marginales units) and also from the Cadi and Pedraforca units further east.
They developed mainly by piggy-back thrusting sequence between Upper Cretaceous and
Oligocene time.
Clockwise rotations ranging from 20° to 45° have been detected at sites associated with dextral
oblique thrust ramps whereas those sites related to sinistral oblique thrust ramps exhibit anticlock-
wise rotation. Furthermore there is palaeomagnetic evidence for non-rotational thrusting in the
central area of the Boixols and Montsec thrust sheets allowing straightforward balancing of
structural cross-sections. This means that balancing of 2-D sections in these South-Pyrenean
Central Units along the line of the ECORS seismic profile is permissible. Such an arrangement
of the rotational components implies a greater total displacement in the central area where no
substantial rotation occurred, while rotations along oblique ramps at the edges of the sheets might
have occurred as a result of friction during thrust motion since the thrust transport direction (N-
S) is not perpendicular with that of the oblique thrust plane.
Rotation of footwall pre- and syntectonic sediments during development of hangingwall imbricate
thrust stacks is also reported from the Oliana anticline in the eastern margin of the Montsec thrust
sheet. In addition, differential anticlockwise rotation of structural units within the Pedraforca area
piggy-back thrust pile related to the piling up of the units are also evaluated.

Palaeomagnetism has been used as a powerful tool for iden- island of Mallorca (Spain) which show very different struc-
tifying structural rotations about any axis in fold and thrust tural patterns (one area associated with frontal ramf>s and
belts. This technique becomes specially valuable for quanti- another area associated with oblique-lateral ramps). They
fying structural rotations about the vertical axis and can found that palaeomagnetic directions after tectonic correction
therefore be used to document thrust sheet rotation in mobile were very similar in both areas, thus indicating no differential
belts. Magnetotectonic studies from several orogenic belts rotation between them.
have shown that such rotations are common (e.g. Kotasek & Structural rotation about the vertical axis causes material
Krs 1965; Schwartz & Van der Voo 1984; McClelland & to move into or out of section, and 2-D sections cannot be
McCaig 1989) due to complexities such as oblique and lateral expected to balance. Palaeomagnetism is the only way of
ramps, and e.g. the existence of an arcuate foreland margin, quantifying such rotations and is thus an essential test before
Rotations in the Idaho-Wyoming overthrust belt (USA) 2-D section balancing is allowable. The South-Pyrenean
have been studied by a number of authors (Grubbs & Van der Central Unit (SCU) as defined by Seguret (1972) is a major
Voo 1976; Schwartz & Van der Voo 1984; Eldredge & Van trapezoid-shaped thrust sheet consisting of several separate
der Voo 1988) to attempt to discriminate between various units (Fig. 1). Its western and eastemmost boundaries have
models for the origin of the observed arcuate thrust belt, been interpreted as oblique ramps and therefore a question
These authors conclude that buttressing edge effects due to a arises as to whether rotations might have occurred within the
Precambrian massif in the foreland were the cause of the unit. A deep seismic profile (French-Spanish ECORS group)
documented rotations. McClelland & McCaig (1989) have has recently been shot in the Pyrenees and this cross-cuts the
recently postulated that the growth of an antiformal stack in SCU through its central-eastern part in an approximately N-
the Axial Zone of the Pyrenees caused differential rotation to S section (ECORS Pyrenees Team, 1988; Choukroune et al.
occur in this thrust pile. Freeman et al. (1989) compared 1989). The section has also been balanced by Roure et al.
palaeomagnetic directions from two thrust sheets on the (1989). Moreover, a putative counterclockwise rotation of


HsrcynUn AUocthonous Poreland Neogene

E3 Paleogene Paleogene

Figure 1. Structural sketch of the central and eastern Pyrenees. Boxes indicate location of Figure 4 & Figure 8. Sections A, B, and C are the location of
cross-sections from Figure 2.

the SCU has been postulated by Nijman (1990). Boixols unit. It extends southwards from the southern edge
This paper presents an extensive palaeomagnetic study in of the Nogueres zone. Further to the south the Montsec unit
the south-central cover thrust sheets of the Pyrenees in order constitutes the second thrust sheet. The Sierras Marginales
to identify and quantify structural rotations within those unit is the lowermost and its floor thrust has followed the
units. Additional attention has been given to the Pedraforca Tertiary sediments of the Ebro foreland basin. The southern
area piggy-back thrust pile which is one of the constituent limit of the Boixols unit corresponds mostly to a blind thrust
parts of the so called Upper Thrust Sheets together with the overlapped by detritic sediments of the Maestrichtian Aren
SCU and the Ampurda units (Muiioz et al. 1986). The fore- depositional sequence (Souquet 1967; Garrido-Megias &
land Oliana anticlinal stack located in the eastern margin of Rios 1972). The syntectonic character of this sequence is
the SCU has also been studied. demonstrated by the onlap geometry over the frontal part of
the Boixols unit (Simo & Puigdefabregas 1985). The age of
the Montsec emplacement in the ECORS transverse is
Geological setting and sampling Ypresian (Williams & Fischer 1984; Mutti et al. 1985; Farrell
etal. 1987). The Montsec thrust can be connected westwards
The South-Pyrenean Central Unit (SCU) includes a succes- below the Eocene conglomerates with the Cotiella Thrust
sion of south-directed thrust sheets involving Mesozoic- along the N-S striking Mediano anticline (Fig. 1). Towards
lower Tertiary cover rocks. These are thrust over the E the Montsec thrust branches onto the Sierras Marginales
autochthonous Palaeogene rocks that lie directly over either thrust and both trend NE-S W (oblique zones) in the so called
the Palaeozoic basement of the Ebro foreland basin or over a Segre thrust (Verges & Muiioz 1990). The Sierras Marginales
thin Mesozoic cover (Camara & Klimovitz 1985; ECORS unit is formed by an imbricate fan thrust system and contains
Pyrenees Team 1988;Roureefa/. 1989). The major Pyrenean a limited Mesozoic series. The stratigraphic relationships
thrust belt developed mainly by foreland propagating thrust- between syntectonic deposits and structures led Verges &
ing between Upper-Cretaceous and Miocene times (Munoz et Munoz (1990) to establish a two-stage evolution of the unit.
al. 1986; Martinez et al. 1986; Verges & Martinez 1988). They postulate an initial emplacement between the Lower
Coeval break-back and piggy-back sequences have also been Eocene and the Upper Eocene and later development of the
reported recently (Verges & Munoz 1990). structures in the Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene.
In the ECORS profile three main thrust sheets can be The lithostratigraphy of the SCU sheets is characterized
distinguished (Fig. 2). The uppermost sheet is called the by the almost complete absence of Palaeozoic basement


rocks and also by the thinning of the Mesozoic cover from the include the maximum numberof fold tests, where the age of
northern unit towards the south (Puigdefabregas & Souquet remanence can be identified as being pre-, syn- or post-
1986). The Boixols unit is characterized by a thick Mesozoic folding (see McCaig & McClelland 1991, this volume, for
series of about 5000 m. The Lower Cretaceous series is further discussion). Samples for the palaeomagnetic study
thinner in the Montsec unit and is completely absent in the were collected with a portable drill and oriented with both
Sierras Marginales unit where Upper Cretaceous rocks di- magnetic and solar compasses. Typically, five to twelve
rectly overlie Jurassic. samples from different horizons were taken per site (105
In the Pedraforca area three separate thrust sheets can be sites. 748 samples). Sites were chosen to yield spatial and
distinguished (Fig. 2). The lowermost one belongs to the temporal distribution of possible structural rotations in both
Lower Thrust Sheets of the Pyrenees and is called the Cadf N-S and E-W transverses. Several sedimentary rock-types
thrust. It is constituted by basement rocks (Devonian and ranging from Jurassic to Eocene in age were sampled from
Lower Carboniferous), a thick Stefano-Permian series and a different tectonic units, but it was not always possible to find
reduced Mesozoic and a thick Palaeogene series (Garumnlan similar and contemporaneous lithologies in each structural
facies and Lower and Middle Eocene). The Pedraforca thrust unit due to the pre-thrusting basinal facies distribution, spe-
is subdivided into two units, the Lower Pedraforca thrust cially in a N-S section. 35% of the samples were found to be
sheet, and the Upper Pedraforca thrust sheet, structurally unsuitable for our purpose due to either a weak intensity of the
equivalent to the Boixols sheet (Verges & Martinez 1988). natural remanent magnetization (NRM) or an erratic behaviour
The purpose of this palaeomagnetic study is to define any of the magnetic moment upon demagnetization. These un-
structural rotations which have occurred during the Alpine suitable samples were mostly the continental red-sandstones
thrusting. The aim was to find rocks which carry remanence and lacustrine limestones of the Garumnian facies (uppermost
components pre-dating the deformation. These magnetiza- Cretaceous-lowermost Palaeocene) which outcrop widely in
tion vectors would act as passive markers and record any such the Tremp piggy-back basin in the Montsec thrust sheet and
rotation. The sampling strategy was, therefore, designed to also in the Sierras Marginales unit. Similarly, most of the

Sierrss Mafginales tnrust Montsec thrust

|. * . ' I Paleogene f." L - i -) Lower Creteceou

[ ^ ~ L ~ J Garumnian \' ^ A Jurassic

11 / / Upper Cretaceous




UD»l CrtlKlOui

Figure 2, (a) Balanced cross-section of the cover thrust sheets across the south central Pyrenees (southern part oftheECORS profile), (Verges & Munoz
1990); (b) Structural cross-section of the eastern termination of the Montsec and Serres Marginals thrust sheets through the Oliana anticline, (Verges &
Muiioz 1990); (c) Balanced cross-section through the eastern Pyrenees (Pedraforca thrust pile), (Verges & Martinez 1988). See Figure 1 for location.



/ 1'
0 1 (1)250
/ \ N,N
// \
s,s ^ N,N NHM 0 831 mA/M
1 ( 1 i 1
45000 \ z*-^^^
/ ^ NRM 2.011mA/M
- \
\ a 89J21-4a Si
- ^
89J31 -4b \


S S W.UP NRM 0.206mA/M


• -e- - J^RMJ0.769mA/M


^ d
I 89J38-4b


Figure 3. Typical orthogonal plots of stepwise thennal demagnetization for four representative specimens: (a) from site 89J31 (Lower Jurassic): (b) from
site JDT39 (Aptian); (c) from site 89J21 (Eocene); (d) from site 89J38 (Eocene). Solid (open) symbols represent projections on the horizontal (vertical)
plane. Vector end-points are plotted in in-situ coordinates. H stands for high-temperature characteristic component, and L stands for low-temperature recent
overprint component.

shallow-water limestones mainly of Upper Cretaceous age demagnetization was followed by thermal cleaning. The bulk
were found to be unsuitable for a palaeomagnetic analysis. magnetic susceptibility of pilot specimens for each site was
The bulk of suitable sites consisted of grey marls and marly- monitored by using a low-field bridge during the thermal
limestones of Lower Cretaceous and Lower Eocene in age treatment in order to detect any mineralogical change. The
(Figs 3 & 4). The intensity of the NRM for those suitable rock- results from the demagnetization sequence of each specimen
types ranges between 1 x IQ-^A m ' and 2 x 10' A m '. The were plotted on orthogonal vector plots (Dunlop 1979). Most
directions and intensities of the samples were measured using of the samples showed a multicomponent structure of the
a two-axis Cryogenic Consultants Ltd. magnetometer which NRM upon demagnetization (Fig. 3). Characteristic
can measure a minimum magnetization of 1 x 10^ A m'' with remanence components were calculated by numerical inter-
adequate accuracy. active computer line-fitting in the orthogonal vector-projec-
tions (Torsvik 1986) and/or using the Linefind algorithm
(Kent et al. 1983). Fisher statistics (Fisher 1953) were used
Palaeomagnetic methods and results to compute the mean directions.
Since most of the Mesozoic lithologies sampled fall into
All characteristic directions were determined after specimen the normal-polarity Cretaceous quiet zone, no positive reversal
demagnetization (2 or 3 specimens per sample). Specimens test was found at any site. The primary nature of the
were subjected to either progressive alternating field (AF) characteristic component has been demonstrated by a positive
demagnetization using an apparatus capable of peak fields of fold test on Lower Cretaceous sites from the Boixols thrust
55 mT (550 Oe) or stepwise thermal demagnetization using sheet. The Eocene sites from the Oliana anticline pass both
a non-magnetic furnace. Both instruments were shielded reversal and fold tests. Similar behaviour of the NRM upon
from the Earth's magnetic field. In some instances AF demagnetization of the same rock-types in areas where no






Figure 4. Simplified structural map of the eastern termination of the Boixols thrust sheet and location of the eight sites considered for the fold test (See
text) and location of cross sections from Figure 5.

fold test can be performed allows confidence in the assumption magnetization (IRM) in increasing magnetic fields and the
of the primary nature of the characteristic component. In-situ AF and/or thermal demagnetization of a simple or composite
primary declinations and inclinations have been corrected for IRM has proved to be a great help in understanding the
dip of the strata by rotation of the bedding plane to the character of some NRM demagnetization patterns. This will
horizontal about the strike. Where plunging structures were be the subject of a publication elsewhere.
observed, the tectonic correction (unfolding) incorporated
unplunging followed by unbuckling. The reversed order did
not produce substantial differences. This is probably due to Boixols thrust sheet
the particular geometric relationship of the remanence and The internal structure of the Boixols thrust sheet consists of
structures. In any case the fold axes plunged no more than 15 kilometric-scale E-W trending folds (Boixols and St. Cornell
degrees. anticlines, Santa Fe syncline), (Fig. 4). These affect a thick
Rock-magnetic experiments were also carried out in order Mesozoic series and are the result of the modification by the
to determine the mineralogy involved in each rock-type. The Alpine compression of extensional structures associated with
study of the progressive acquisition of isothermal remanent the formation and the evolution of the Organya basin

Figure 5. N-S cross-sections with the location of eight Lower-Cretaceous sites from the Boixols thrust sheet that pass the fold test (see Fig. 4 for location).


growth of new mineral phases occur below temperatures of

450-500°C. Above those temperatures growth of new mag-
BOIXOLS UNIT netite causes susceptibility to rise dramatically and magnetic
moment can increase in intensity and become erratic in
direction. Experiments on acquisition of isothermal remanent
magnetization (IRM) by representative samples reveal that
saturation is reached in fields well below 0.2 mT, suggesting,
together with the blocking temperature spectrum of the IRM
and NRM thermal decay, the presence of Ti-magnetite as the
magnetic carrier, although maghemite and iron sulphides
could also be present.
A 'macro-foldtest' was performed in the central-eastern
part of the Boixols thrust sheet (between the Segre and
BEFORE AFTER Flamisell rivers) from eight sites of Lower Cretaceous age
located on the E-W trending folds. Sites were chosen to be
representative of the macrostructures (Fig. 4) and limited to
Figure 6. Equal-area projections showing site mean directions and their
the shortest time-interval possible, their locations are shown
respective cones of 95% confidence of H component from eight selected
Lower-Cretaceous sites from the Boixols unit. Site mean directions are on cross-sections in Figure 5. All eight sites correspond to
shown (a) in-situ, (b) after full 'unfolding'. All directions plotted in the eitherthe Senyus sequence (Upper Aptian), the Font Bordonera
lower hemisphere. sequence (Upper Aptian), or the Llufa sequence (Upper
Aptian-Middle Albian) which are some of the sedimentary
(Berasteguiefa/. 1990). The northern boundary of the Boixols sequences defined in the Lower Cretaceous in this sector
thrust sheet is interpreted as a passive-roof back thrust (Berastegui e?«/. 1990).
(Morreres backthrust) (Losantos et al. 1988). North of that The in-situ site-mean directions for the low-temperature
structure, several small thrust slic6s showing sequences re- component cluster around the direction of the present
lated to those of the Boixols thrust sheet, can be recognized. geomagnetic field but become dispersed after tectonic cor-
A total of 28 sites with reliable palaeomagnetic results are rection. Therefore, component L does not pass the fold test
located in the Boixols thrust sheet (1 site from the Lower and is interpreted as a viscous remanent magnetization (VRM)
Jurassic, 22 from the Lower Cretaceous and 5 from the Upper acquired in a recent period, possibly during the Brunhes
Cretaceous). normal polarity interval (< 0.73 Ma) and thus, post-dates
Palaeomagnetic experiments demonstrate that the mag- folding.
netization from sites in the Boixols sheet generally have two Figure 6 shows the stereographic projection of site-mean
components of magnetization, one of which we believe to be directions of the high-temperature component H for the
primary or at least pre-Alpine (component H), and the other selected eight sites both before and after tectonic correction.
which post-dates Alpine deformation (component L). It is obvious that the dispersion of site-mean directions is
Orthogonal plots of some typical demagnetization data are dramatically reduced when directions are rotated into their
given in Figure 3. In these diagrams, the variation of length tilt-corrected configuration. This increase in clustering upon
and direction of the magnetic vector in a single rock specimen bedding correction results in a positive fold test that is
during demagnetization treatment is plotted by projecting the significant at the 99% confidence level (McElhinny 1964)
endpoint of the vector at each treatment interval onto both the and thus it is likely that component H pre-dates folding. The
horizontal (N, E, S, W) plane and a vertical plane (up, N, overall corrected mean direction of component H (D/I = 351/
down, S in Fig. 3) as solid and open symbols, respectively. +56, a^j = 7.5, k = 55) is not significantly different from the
Straight lines in both projections over more than three points expected Lower Cretaceous palaeofield declination for stable
indicate the direction of a component of magnetization which Iberia (D/I = 349.1/-I-51.9, a^, = 7.0), recalculated for the
is being demagnetized over that interval. In Figure 3, com- location of the SCU from the Aptian palaeopole of Galdeano
ponent L is always directed to the north and steeply down- etal. (1989). It has been assessed whether remanence com-
wards, while component H ranges from shallowly downward ponents could have been deflected by internal strain by means
to steeply upward to the north, reflecting the varying tilt of the of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measurements (ASM).
beds. The direction of the vector removed at the first Most of the magnetic fabrics correspond to an oblate sedi-
treatment step is scattered, and may be a viscous magnetiza- mentary fabric with the minimum principal axis of the mag-
tion acquired during drilling. Thermal and alternating field netic ellipsoid perpendicular to the bedding plane and this
treatment yielded similar directions but thermal cleaning was rules out any significant structural modification of remanence
mostly used for practical reasons. Component L has unblock- directions.
ing temperatures of less than 300°C and a coercivity of about Corrected site-mean or group of sites-mean
25mT, whereas component H has unblocking temperatures palaeodeclinationsforthe rest of sites (Lower Jurassic, Lower
distributed from about 250°C up to 550°C. Susceptibility and Upper Cretaceous) are shown in Figure 8. The tectonic
control upon heating shows that typically no substantial implications of these results will be discussed later.


Montsec thrust sheet possible to conclude that there is no evidence for a post-
Triassic rotation of the unitfrom Van Dongen's data. One site
Ten reliable sites are located in the Montsec thrust sheet (Fig.
was sampled in the uppermost part of the thrust sheet (Lower
4). Five are located in the central-eastern part (one in the
Eocene) in order to test the validity of that conclusion and to
Lower Jurassic, one at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary, one
obtain an Eocene palaeodirection to compare with other
in the Lower Cretaceous, and two in the Upper Cretaceous).
Eocene directions from different structural units in the south-
In the western part of the Montsec thrust sheet four sites were
em Pyrenees. Two component remanences were found, and
sampled (one in Upper Cretaceous rocks, and three in Eocene
the site-mean directions of the high-temperature component
sediments). Only one site (Upper Cretaceous) is located in
(H) before and after tectonic correction for the sites and the
the easternmost part of the Montsec thrust sheet.
tectonic-corrected palaeodeclination of the primary compo-
All sites mentioned above showed a two-component be-
nents are shown in Figure 8 (see discussion below).
haviour of the NRM upon demagnetization plus a soft viscous
component removed at the first treatment step. The unblock-
ing temperature spectrum for the two characteristic compo- Oliana foreland anticline
nents differs slightly for each site but we can differentiate a
A break-back thrust sequence coeval with forward-imbricat-
low-temperature (150-300°C), low-coercivity (10-25 mT)
ing thrusting has been postulated in the Oliana area in the
component (L), and a high-temperature (250-580°C), high-
easternmost part of the Montsec thrust sheet (Verges &
coercivity (20-55mT) component (H). The L component
Muiioz 1990). The break-back sequence is deduced from the
always falls close to the present Earth's magnetic field before
relationship between thrusts and four related synorogenic
any tectonic correction (in-situ coordinates) and therefore is
conglomerate units, each unconformably overlying the
interpreted as a recent overprint. Sometimes the soft viscous
previous one and truncated by a more hinterland thrust.
component can mask the L component. Neither a positive
These unconformities suggest a synchronous growth of the
fold test nor a within-site positive reversal test has been found
Oliana anticline with the development of the break-back
in the Montsec thrust sheet. The lack of a positive fold test is
sequence. The anticline is formed by the piling-up of horses
due to the similar tectonic attitude of the strata in most areas
over the sole thrust and thus accommodating the foreland
of the thrust sheet (Fig. 2). An open syncline (Tremp-Graus
deformation (Verges & Murioz op. cit.). Timing of the events
piggy-back basin) constitutes the thrust sheet, but no similar
and rates of deformation has been attempted by means of a
suitable lithologies can be sampled from both limbs. Some of
magnetostratigraphy study (Burbank et al. 1991).
the Eocene sites carry a reversely magnetized component H
and a between-site positive reversal test thus exists. Rock- Samples were obtained from the uppermost part of the
magnetic properties, similarity of demagnetization patterns foreland sequence, the Igualada marls (Bartonian-Priabonian)
and consistency of data from other areas with positive which outcrop in the core of the anticline (one site from each
palaeomagnetic field tests allows us to be confident of the limb) and from the Uppermost Eocene-Lower Oligocene
primary character of component H. continental conglomerates (one site in palustrine sandstones
from the western limb). The remanence consists of two
All 15 sites sampled in the southernmost unit of the SCU
components, L and H. The component H from the two
(Sierras Marginales Unit) proved unsuitable for
Igualada marls sites passes the reversal test between sites and
palaeomagnetic purposes.
thus confirms the primary character of that component oth-
erwise already argued by a positive fold test (Fig. 7).
Pedraforca area thrust pile
Three main separate thrust sheets can be distinguished in the
Pedraforca area (Cadi, Lower Pedraforca and Upper OLIANA ANTICLINE
Pedraforca thrust sheets). As a pilot study one site in each of
these thrust sheets was sampled. The age of the lithologies
sampled were different in each thrust sheet due to their
different lithostratigraphy. Lower Eocene marls were sam-
pled in the Cadi unit (site 89J21), Upper Cretaceous sandy-
limestones in the Lower Pedraforca thrust sheet (site 89J20)
and Lower Cretaceous marly-limestones in the Upper
Pedraforca thrust sheet (site 89J11), proved unsuitable.
Some of the Permian and Triassic rocks from the Cadi unit
were the objective of an early study (Van Dongen 1967). At
that time the Cadi area was considered autochthonous and the AFTER
palaeomagnetic results were interpreted in the light of previ- COMPONENT H

ous results from rocks of the same age in Europe and Iberia.
Those results were roughly consistent with other Permian and
Figure 7. Equal-area projections showing site mean directions and their
Triassic palaeodirections from the rest of the Iberian plate. respective cones of 95% confidence of H component for three sites from the
Since the Cadf unit is accepted to be allochthonous it is now Oliana anticline. Site mean directions are shown (a) in-situ, (b) after tectonic


Discussion NW (D/I = 291/57, a,j = 3.2 and D/I = 306/67, a,, = 6.8 re-
spectively) which are rotated about 25° and 10° in a
The results of the palaeomagnetic investigation of the SCU counterclockwise sense when compared with the expected
and adjacent areas are plotted in Figure 8. These local declination calculated from the Hauterivian-Barremian
palaeodeclinations have been compared with expected refer- palaeopole from Galdeano era/. 1989. The fact that site 89J5,
ence directions for stable Iberia, recalculated for the location immediately east of sites 89 J8 and 89J9, and site 89J7 located
of the SCU (centred at Tremp) from palaeopoles given by south of those two sites and both of Aptian age show no
several authors (Jurassic: Shott et al. 1981; Hauterivian- significant rotation when compared with the expected local
Barremian and Aptian: Galdeano et al. 1989; Upper Creta- value, leads one to suspect the apparent rotation of sites 89J8
ceous: Van der Voo & Zijderveld 1971; Eocene: Westphal et and 89J9. This would imply that either the single Iberian
al. 1986). A significant structural rotation may be considered palaeopole determined for the Lowermost Cretaceous is not
to have occurred when there is no overlap of the confidence adequately constrained or, alternatively, two more possibilities
cones from the reference direction and the local direction could explain the declination offset between the Hauterivian-
from rocks of that age (rotation usually >15°). Alternatively, Barremian site-mean directions and the Aptian-Albian site-
one can look for relative rotations between sites of the same mean directions: (1) effect of the anticlockwise rotation of the
or similar age from the same or different tectonic units. In this Iberian plate as a whole during the lowermost Cretaceous; (2)
way any uncertainty in the determination of the reference local rotation prior to both thrusting and sedimentation of the
directions can be avoided, as the Jurassic and Lower Creta- Aptian-Albian sedimentary sequences. Further
ceous reference directions are determined from single stud- palaeomagnetic work is needed in both the Pyrenean belt and
ies. the rest of the Iberian plate to assess this question properly.
It is obvious from Figure 8 that substantial rotation occurs Departures from the general pattern can be related to local
within and between tectonic units. The salient features of the structure. The Lower Cretaceous site 89J14 located in a
data indicate clockwise and counterclockwise rotation at the syncline structure (Peracal§ syncline) between the Flamisell
western and eastern edges of the units respectively, this and Noguera Pallaresa rivers (Fig. 8) shows a 45° clockwise
rotation decreasing to zero in the central part. This general rotation, in contrast to no rotation observed from other sites
pattern is seen in both the Montsec and Boixols units, al- in the vicinity. The Peracal? syncline is bounded by the
though the more complex internal structure of the Boixols Morreres backthrust in the north and by a syn-sedimentary
unit is reflected in more variable rotations inferred from the extensional fault to the south (Berastegui et al. 1990). The
palaeomagnetic data. The palaeomagnetic declinations from clockwise rotation of site 89J14 is interpreted as a local
the central/eastern part of the Montsec thrust sheet (sites rotation of the Peracal9 syncline during the Alpine compres-
JDT48, Jurassic; JDT49, Lower Cretaceous; sites JDT58 and sion. Likewise, to the west of the Flamisell river, the Lower
JDT60, Upper Cretaceous) show no significant rotation when Cretaceous site 89J40 shows an anticlockwise rotation of 37°,
compared with the expected directions. This is supported by whereas further to the west, site 89J31 located in Lower
unpublished data from a magnetostratigraphic study on the Jurassic rocks of the Alins subunit and site 89J32 located in
Lower Eocene further East in the Montsec thrust sheet Lower Cretaceous rocks of the Las Aras subunit show 45° and
(Noguera Pallaresa river) which shows that no rotation oc- 38° clockwise rotation, respectively. It is interesting to note
curred there (Pascual, pers.com.). In contrast, the Lower that the discordant anticlockwise rotation of site 89 J40 occurs
Eocene sites 89J36,89J38,89J12 from the westem part of the in an area where macrostructures tend to be oriented N-S (Fig.
Montsec thrust sheet show a significant clockwise rotation of 8), in contrast to the general E-W trend. This feature and the
31°, 26° and 15° respectively. Note that the rotation de- detailed structure north of this area (Serra Fallada, Perves) are
creases towards the E. The 24° counterclockwise rotation not yet well understood and make detailed interpretation of
from a single site in Upper Cretaceous rocks (89J24) located the palaeomagnetic results difficult. Sites 89J29 and 89J30
at the eastern part of the Montsec thrust sheet N of the Oliana located in a thrust slice containing Lower Cretaceous rocks
anticline is not statistically significant due to the high within- (Fig. 8) show large amounts of rotation (123° ami- and 128°
site dispersion (0,^=32°). clockwise, respectively). The westemmost site sampled in
The distribution of the determined palaeodeclinations the SCU (89J35) is located in Upper Cretaceous rocks from
from 27 reliable sites throughout the Boixols unit and related a structural subunit related to the Boixols thrust sheet N of
subunits (Serra Fallada, Perves, Las Aras, Alius) is more Campo. This site shows a 61° clockwise rotation when
complex. There is palaeomagnetic evidence that no substan- compared with the expected palaeodeclination.
tial rotation occurred in the central-eastern part of the thrust
sheet (between the Segre and Flamisell rivers) when site-
mean directions from 12 Lower Cretaceous sites and 3 Upper Structural interpretation
Cretaceous sites are compared with the expected directions.
A single Lower Cretaceous site (89J4) located east of the The construction of balanced sections as discussed by several
Segre river in the eastern edge of the Boixols thrust sheet authors (e.g. Dahlstrom 1969; Hossack 1979) is a widespread
shows 23° counterclockwise rotation. It should be noted that practice in orogenic belts especially in their external parts.
site 89J9 (Hauterivian) and site 89J8 (Upper Barremian) both Balanced and restored sections are particularly valuable in
located in the Segre valley show declinations towards the W- that they can be used to calculate estimates of bulk shortening

Permian Jurassic Low. Cret. Upp. Cret. Eocene

4 t ! ! t
10 15 Km

Figure 8. Palaeomagnetic data on structural map of the central eastern Pyrenees. Arrows represent the site-mean or group of sites-mean magnetic declinations ( site location at the base of the arrow); numbered directions
are sites from this study (underlined sites for prefix JDT otherwise 89J), lettered arrows correspond to data from other studies (V, Van Dongen, 1967; B, Burbank & Puigdefabregas, 1985; M, McClelland & McCaig, 1989)

in orogenic belts. Usually, balanced sections are choosen to estimates of displacement can be made.
trend perpendicular to orogenic strike since the maximum The palaeomagnetic rotations from the Boixols unit can be
displacement and transport direction are generally perpen- explained in a similar way but additional complications may
dicular to orogenic strike. The basic approaches to section arise west of the Flamisell river. In fact, an interference
balancing assume plane strain, or conservation of cross- pattern between two systems of folds and thrusts has been
sectional area. In other words, the area of section has not described recently not much further W by Souquet &
changed during deformation. A section which crosses ob- Deramond (1989) and Fondecavez-Wallez et al. (1989).
lique thrust ramps cannot be restored to the undeformed state The 20° anticlockwise rotation (Fig. 8) of the foreland
and balancing oblique sections is inherently difficult as area Oliana duplex-anticline has to be regarded as a consequence
may not be maintained in the section plane. of its growth. The translation of the horses across the footwall
There are several features that can produce area reduction ramp may account for such rotation if the transport direction
in across-section: e.g. strike elongation ortectonic compaction. is not perpendicular to the thrust trace. This kind of rotation
Therefore, it is possible to take account of estimated volume observed in the foreland basin immediately adjacent to a
loss when constructing balanced cross-sections, although the major oblique ramp (the Segre thrust) has been also reported
basic assumption of plane strain leads to a minimum estimate in the vicinity of the oblique ramp of the Pedraforca thrust
of shortening (Hossack 1979). In addition to the volume loss sheet in a preliminary magnetostratigraphic study (Burbank
effects, the existence of structural rotations about the vertical & Puigdefabregas 1985). There, an anticline similar to the
or inclined axis can also induce errors in balanced section Oliana anticline (Vilada anticline) developed in the footwall
calculations. The estimate of shortening would be an under- of an imbricate stack (Martinez et al. 1988).
or over-estimate depending on whether material has moved The palaeomagnetic results of the pilot study in the
into or out of section. Pedraforca area thrust pile are twofold: the Eocene site
In the palaeomagnetic study of the SCU one can compare located in the Cadi thrust sheet shows no significant rotation
areas within the same structural unit which relate in different when compared with the expected reference value) and the
ways to the thrust plane. There are areas (central/eastern part palaeodeclination is different when compared with other
of the Montsec and Boixols thrust sheets) that relate to thrust Eocene paleodeclinations determined from other structural
planes trending E-W. Since the transport direction for those units in this study (Fig. 8). The Eocene directions from the
thrusts has been established to be N-S, those areas are thus Cadi thrust sheet agree with previous data from Permian and
associated with frontal ramps. The Montsec thrust sheet can Triassic rocks from the Cadi unit (Van Dongen 1967) which
be connected westwards below the Eocene conglomerates also show negligible rotation when compared with the expected
with the Cotiella thrust along the N-S striking Mediano values. On the other hand the results from a single site in the
anticline. The trace of the thrust plane varies from an E-W Lower Pedraforca thrust sheet shows 50° anticlockwise rota-
direction in the frontal part to a NW-SE swinging to a near N- tion when compared with the expected Upper Cretaceous
S direction in the Mediano anticline (dextral oblique-ramp). direction. These two facts suggest that the rotation might
Towards the E the Montsec thrust sheet merges with the have occurred due the piling up of the units. A piggy-back
Sierras Marginales thrust and constitutes the NE-S W striking thrusting sequence has been demonstrated for the Pedraforca
Segre thrust (sinistral oblique-ramp). The Boixols thrust culmination stack (Verges & Martinez 1988). This mecha-
plane has a similar pattern to that of the Montsec thrust sheet. nism could be responsible for the rotation of the higher and
It can be extended westwards in a NW-SE trending direction older structural units whereas rotation of the younger units
below the N-S striking Turbon anticline. The sinistral ramp could be minimal. Such a hypothesis has not been fully tested
in the eastern edge of the thrust sheet is less evident and is in the Pedraforca pile since the pilot site located in the Upper
shorter than the Montsec one. Pedraforca thrust sheet did not yield reliable results. Further
The palaeomagnetic rotations from the Montsec thrust palaeomagnetic work will be necessary before any conclu-
sheet can be explained in terms of structural rotations about sion can be made.
a vertical axis related to the oblique ramps. Clockwise Palaeomagnetism has proven to be a valuable tool for
rotations occur in areas associated with dextral oblique- identifying structural rotations about the vertical axis in the
ramps whereas anticlockwise rotations concentrate in areas southern Pyrenean thrusts. The presence of structural rota-
related to sinistral oblique-ramps. Note that rotation in- tions at the edges of the thrust sheets would hamper any
creases westwards in the former case and reflects the curva- attempt of cross-section balancing. However, the fact that
ture of the thrust plane (Fig. 8). Rotation can arise due to there is evidence for no rotation in the central part of the
existence of drag produced by translation of the thrust block South-Pyrenean Central Unit allows the balancing techniques
over the ramp. This will require differential displacement of to be applied to sections across that area (e.g. the ECORS
the block at the different points but rotation is not the only seismic profile) which in any case would be the most rational
response to such difference of displacement and the role of choice for constructing a section, avoiding areas containing
local structures will have to be taken into account before any oblique ramps.



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The Alps - a transpressive pile of peels
H. Laubscher

Geological Institute of Basel University, Bernoullistrasse 32, CH-4056 Basel,


Abstract: One of the striking features of recent reflection seismograph traverses in the Alps is the
strong reflection band of the 'Penninic front'. It cuts discordantly through the complex geometry
of the Pennine nappes and ties laterally into the Miocene Simplon line. The early Miocene ductile
component of this line continues into the base of the roof zone of the Lepontine dome with its
retrograde EW shearing and stretching. A kinematic model compatible with the data may be
constructed on the concept of an erogenic lid subjected to dextral transpression by the early
Miocene Adriatic indenter (Insubric-Helvetic phase). In this model, the Penninic front reflections
mark the shear zone at the base of the orogenic lid. The frontal part of this lid is the fold-and-thrust
belt of the Helvetic nappes and equivalent contemporaneous thrusts such as those of the Prealps.
The lid was deformed and partly eroded during the subsequent Windows phase which pushed up
the External Massifs. The Insubric-Helvetic lid was subdivided into a mosaic of sublids which
accommodated the divergence of translation at the NW-comer of the early Miocene Adriatic
indenter. The movement of this indenter had a component of about 150 km translation to the west
(dextral strike-slip along the Insubric line), and 100 km to the north (estimated translation and
shortening of the Helvetic nappes). As a consequence, that part of the brittle orogenic lid north of
the Insubric line (Silvretta sublid) was pushed in a northerly direction, while that at the western
front of the Adriatic indenter (Gran Paradise sublid) moved mere to the west. In between, the
Lepontine sublid was stretched axially by normal faulting and uplifted by tectonic underplating
due to particularly intensive N-S compression in the narrowest part of the central Alps. It
participated as a pull-apart domain in the dextral motion along the Insubric line and was subject
to rapid tectonic denudation comparable to that in metamerphic core complexes. Adjacent to the
west (external side of the lid), the Prealps sublid accommodated axial stretching largely through
complementary strike-slip along its bordering transverse zones (Giffre and Kander lines). Below
the orogenic lid, the middle and lower crust were deformed disharmonically. In the westem Alps,
parts of the lower crust and even the upper mantle were peeled off from the subducted slab and
wedged into the middle crust, whereas in the central Alps, during this particular phase, subductien
of lower and some middle crust seems to have been dominant, except for the most intensely
squeezed Lepontine domain, where middle crust was piled up und produced an uplift of up to 20
km. The pile of Alpine nappes participating in this phase therefore had three components: those
inherited from previous phases and forming passively the erogenic lid; those developing at the base
and the front of the lid; and those forming dishannonically in the middle and lower crust below the

One of the new and unexpected tectonic features brought to 1903): at its base it produces peel nappes through predomi-
light by the recent reflection seismic traverses of the Alps is nantly simple shear, and at its leading edge frontal fold and
that giving rise to the reflection band of the 'Penninic front' thrust belts.
(Bayer et al. 1987). This band of strong reflections cuts This paper focuses upon the quantitative kinematics of this
discordantly the complex structures of the Penninic nappes early Miocene orogenic lid in the central Alps and their
and therefore marks a shear zone that is younger. To the north surroundings, with the aim of arriving at a new perspective of
and east itjoins the Simplon-Rhone valley line (Bearth 1956, some long-standing problems of Alpine tectonics.
Steck 1984, Mancktelow 1985) which is equally discordant
to the Penninic nappes and is essentially of Miocene age
(Mancktelow 1985). The cataclastic Simplon fault was T h e p r o b l e m of quantification in Alpine tectonics
preceded by a ductile shear zone of some thickness which
extends to the roof of the Lepontine dome (Merle e?fl/. 1989) Quantification in tectonics, when properly done, proceeds
and is there dated as (latest Oligocene to) early Miocene from a set of discrete observations, by interpolation, to
(Hurforde?a/. 1989). Thisassociationofthe'Fenninicfront' continuous geometric bodies, then to a history of these
reflection band with the brittle-ductile transition character- bodies, from an initial position in an undeformed state to their
izes the base of an'otogenic lid'(Laubscher 1983), the cold present position and state (kinematics), and finally to an
andstrongupper 10-20kmofacollisionzonethatisthemost explanation of this historical process in terms of causal
effective stress guide between the colliding segments of relations, mainly applying theoretical mechanics (dynam-
continental crust. It acts as 'traineau ecraseur' (Termier ics). This procedure is necessarily an iterative, trial-and-error


\ -^^ Zurich
- v ,- A
50 km
Bern e ^ -

^sty^ =J a e 0 U
\i e
—/Co 3
^ ^PProx/mate subsurface border o'^
Southern Alps
/o B a s i n
Fore-, Austroalpine — j Lepontine-Simplon-
Alpine elements
Hinterland J
Rhione Valley
( LSR) domain
Tertiary amphi- External Tertiary cz> Strain ellipses (open;
bolite facies Massifs Intrusives ^ Steck (1987); black:
Merle etal.,(1989))
Boundary of Boundary of Base of Insubric-
. -y Front of Insubric-
SouthernAlps ~ ' L S R domain " Helvetic lid and
Helvetic lid
sublid boundaries

Figure 1. The central Alps and their surroundings.

one. A particular difficulty in this process is the diversity of of thin thrust sheets or nappes (Lugeon 1902), involving a
scale and of the quality and the nature of data; geophysical series of original basins and intervening highs ('geosynclines'
data must be used, but they involve larger scales and other and 'geanticlines'). Even rough quantifications were at-
properties of the rocks than those used by the surface geolo- tempted. As a result, it was inferred that shortening of several
gist. Microscopic features such as shear indicators must be hundred kilometres had reduced the original width of the
integrated into domains of regional dimensions (Laubscher Alpine geosyncline to the present narrow belt. Later, plate
1990a). tectonics helped by defining the Alpine geosyncline as the
The search for plausible initial states is easiest for sedi- Tethy s ocean and its margins, and by tying Alpine kinematics
mentary bodies, particularly those involved in foreland thrust to that of the Atlantic (Dewey era/. 1973, 1989). Still, there
belts. Here, the construction of balanced sections as a first is a marked lack of precision.
step to a quantitative kinematics is feasible with some preci- In the history of Alpine tectonics, those elements attribut-
sion. It relies on conservation principles, general ones such able to strike-slip have proved particularly elusive and con-
as material conservation or more restrictive ones such as area troversial. A considerable part of this research effort has been
balancing or even bed-length and bed-thickness balancing aimed at resolving the role of strike-slip in the kinematic
(Suppe 1983;Kligfieldera/. 1986). These by no means trivial puzzle of the Alps.
but conceptually rather simple procedures fail for complex
bodies such as the Alps; for these even a cursory inspection
reveals the importance of lateral migration of material and of Identification and quantification of strike-slip
transformations, e. g. by high pressure, which may disguise components
material beyond recognition by indirect, geophysical means
(Laubscher 1970, 1988, 1990b; Schreyer 1988). The com- The concept that strike-slip must have played a considerable
parative ease in handling thrust belts in sediments led to the role in the kinematics of the narrow arcs of the Alps is readily
realization, about 100 years ago, that the Alps consist of a pile apparent, and the search for the main elements is not difficult


(Laubscher 1988; Coward & Dietrich 1989). Faults such as (1990a, b) argues for the scheme represented in Figure 2: it is
the Insubric line or the Giudicarie line that obliquely dissect compatible with the basic data and provides a viable kinemat-
Alpine structures are obvious candidates. Qualitatively, ic scheme. These phases are composed of numerous sub-
strike-slip may be verified by any of a number of shear sense phases which, however, are hard to correlate regionally.
indicators. These have been observed all along the Insubric Different opinions have been voiced. Roure et al. (1989)
line (Schmid etal. 1989) and also along the southern Giudicarie propose an important link between Late Oligocene-Early
(Laubscher, Schonbom & Schumacher, unpubl. data). Shear- Miocene Insubric motions and the Lombardic thrust belt,
sense indicators, however, have inherent limitations in that which, from the data alone, not considering their quantitative
they provide sense and direction but not the quantity of kinematic relations, seems neither impossible nor necessary.
translation. In addition, they may be late features that They base their argument on the stratigraphic record of the
camouflage earlier, possibly more important events. Sali Vercellese well in the westem part of the Po plain
To obtain quantitative indicators for strike-slip one must (compare Fieri & Groppi 1981), where ditch samples docu-
either find marker boundaries originally transverse (prefer- ment a gap between Aquitanian and Langhian (D. Bernoulli,
ably perpendicular but usually oblique) to the strike-slip written pers. comm., 1990). There is no doubt that the
(transfer) boundary of a displaced body of rock, or alterna- Insubric phase had its repercussions along the arc of the
tively establish the amount of shortening at the leading edge westem Alps, but the particular link across the Po basin with
or extension at the trailing edge of the body. Transverse the Lombardic thrust belt as proposed by Roure etal. (1989)
boundaries are almost invariably fuzzy, it is often uncertain seems arbitrary. As it cannot achieve the apparent
whether they existed before or developed during the strike- allochthoneity of the lorio-Tonale segment of the Insubric
slip deformation phase, and correlation across the fault is line (Laubscher 1990b), this link would appear to be of
therefore ambiguous. Under the circumstances trial and error doubtful quantitative kinematic significance.
interpretations must be used. Suspected boundaries may be
accepted provisionally, and when several of them result in
compatible kinematics, they may be integrated into a model Quantification and timing of strike-slip on the
pro tempore. Insubric line

Some of the rather fuzzy boundaries transverse to the Insubric

Timing in kinematics: The problem of quantifying line and its complement at the southern margin of the early
transfer-linked normal translations for specific Miocene (Insubric-Heivetic phase. Fig. 2) Adriatic indenter,
time intervals the Villalvemia-Varzi-Levanto line (VVL) between the
Ligurian Alps and the Apennines (south of Fig. 1) have been
For transfer-linked transport systems contemporaneity of commented on by Laubscher (1988), and Figures 3 & 4 give
motions on all the elements must be established, and this a summary of estimated displacements.
again is usually fraught with uncertainties. The timing of Of the markers transverse to the Insubric line in the Alps,
events like other geological information is based on a discon- the westem border of the Austroalpine basement units (Rhine
tinuous set of data of diverse nature (relative timing by line S.S., compare Laubscher 1988,1989) is perhaps the most
structural criteria, stratigraphic timing by means of
unconformities and the deposition of erosional products,
radiometric dating). Observations are made at discrete points I n s u b r i c line VVL line
and must be interpolated for the application to entire rock
bodies and the transport systems of which they are an ele- 160
ment. Again, as in the spatial aspects of kinematics, assig-
140 o
nment of times can only be done by trial-and-error proce-
dures, and again, the basic data set is full of pitfalls and may 120 —^
en m
have to be re-examined when it leads to apparent kinematic Q.
100 < o
contradictions. >
80 § • ~
p—. (/i
c .tr to
Oligocene Early Mio M i d . Mio I Late Mio 60 o 3
(U o
40 1 Q. c c
o CD o
CO c
(1> O
20 i < <
(f> a.
; ,< > <
Figure 2. Estimated duration of the Neoaipine phases (grey).
0 km_ L
Figure 3. Apparent displacements of possibly correlative structures along
A case in point is the assignation of time intervals to the
the Insubric and Villalvemia-Varzi-Levanto (VVL: between Ligurian Alps
Neogene motions (Neoalps) discus.sed in this article, and and Apennines; Elter & Pertusati 1973, Laubscher 1988) Lines. Outlined
particularly those of the Helvetic nappes, the Insubric dextral columns give estimated minima, shaded columns where exceeding them
transpression, and the Lombardic thrust belt. Laubscher give estimated maxima.


180 _ similarity between the basement rocks of the Dent Blanche

and Margna nappes was stressed early on (compare Triimpy,
160 _ 1980). Although the gap between the two nappes had always
been assumed to be erosional, Laubscher (1988) called atten-
140 - tion to the fact that they are on different sides of the Lepontine-

120 ao . 0) ' Simplon-Rhone-branch (LSR, Fig. 1) of the Insubric line, and

that consequently some dextral displacement would have to
a° be assumed. The full apparent displacement is about 160 km.
100 _ 3(0
o oo ra o> Although traditionally the Canavese line (Fig. 1) is consid-
'^ ra<o
80 0) ' <D <n ered the main branch in the Western Alps of the Insubric line,
Q- =:.

<U O (0
. a
to E
nappe correlation suggests that, in the Miocene, the Lepontine-
O 0) ra E
60 . Simplon-Rhone branch was more important.

40 ^ 1 Another possible marker is suggested by the striking

I ^1
CO •
<" D N
<- O O
similarities between the highly metamorphosed rocks of the
W ° 2
20 . <n £ •!=
Ivrea and the Pejo zones (Fig. 1). Remarkably, apparent
c — x:
5 o dextral displacement again turns out to be 160 km.
! UJ ? o
0 km A less satisfactory correlation is that between the Oligocene
Bergell intrusion north of the line and boulders derived from
Figure 4. Estimated shortening in the Helvetic domain. Shaded; internal it in the Gonfolite Lombarda south of it (Bernoulli el al. 1989;
shortening, mainly by thrusting and folding; white: translation from original,
Gelati et a/. 1988; Giger & Hurford 1989). There are some
autochthonous position.
ambiguities in timing, but it would appear probable that
significant. This line was probably established in the Cre- before erosion considerable transpression had already oc-
taceous; it certainly predates the Insubric-Helvetic phase and curred, and that any figure obtained by correlating the boul-
was transported passively on its orogenic lid. In the correla- ders and their source rock (around 50 km) would only be a part
tion of nappes east and west of the Lepontine culmination the of total Insubric-Helvetic strike-slip (Laubscher 1988).

Insubric L e p o n t i n e Helvetic
Line nappes

Insubric Helvetic
Line S t. M o r ( 2 nappes N

-r L- I
____l_^ ^^ra^^"*"^"
^".'^.4:^^' ^j-v \_,

100 km
o -^^

Figure 5. The uplift of the Lepontine domain by tectonic underplating. Light shading - upper (brittle) crust; dark shading - lower (granulitic) crust; dots
- Molasse conglomerates of the fore-and hinterland. From the convergence of the Insubric line with the front of the Alps (from (b) to (a), compare Figs 1,
6,7) it is inferred that the gap between the subducted European plate and the Insubric line becomes narrower. This is actually borne out by the recent reflection
seismic surveys (Frey et al. 1989). Uplift of Lepontine may be due to piling-up of middle crust north of the Insubric line (tectonic underplating), see text.
Cooling assumed somewhat slower than uplift and tectonic denudation by extension of the lid, with steep thermal gradients as in metamorphic core


Another possibility for the quantification of the westward External massifs were pushed up. Consequently, the base of
translation of the Adriatic indenter is that of estimating the the deformed and partly destroyed Insubric-Helvetic orogenic
shortening of its leading edge in the western Alps. lid should at present be exposed immediately behind the
According to the seismic sections of ECORS-CROP (Bayer 'roots' of the Helvetic nappes, about parallel to the internal
et al. 1987) a crustal shortening of about 120 km minimum border of the External Massifs. This is the site where the
and possibly as much as 200 km seems to be required for the 'Penninic front' of the recent reflection seismograph surveys
imbrications of lower crust and upper mantle (compare Fig. emerges at the surface (Fig. 1). This reflection band may
7). The average would again be 160 km, and the same amount therefore be considered to mark the base of the early Miocene
would have had to be incurred by the otogenic lid. Timing Insubric-Helvetic lid. For this lid, crude estimates suggest
here is difficult, however. about 100 km of N- to NW-translation (Fig. 4).
A third group of estimates for the westward translation of In map view, the lid appears to be subdivided into amosaic
the early Miocene Adriatic indenter is based on post-Oligocene of sublids (Fig. 6) which seem to have accommodated the
sinistral displacement along its southern edge (Villalvemia- divergence of transport direction adjacent to the NW-comer
Varzi-Levanto line =VVL). This fault zone, originally de- of the Adriatic indenter. This divergence implies lateral
fined by Elter & Pertusati (1973), though the only fault stretching. The brittle behaviour of the lid requires a style of
separating the post-Oligocene Apennines from the pre- accommodation different from that in the ductile zone below
Oligocene Ligurian Alps, is often severely underestimated where most of the fabric data such as those in Figure 1 were
(compare Laubscher 1988). Apparent sinistral displacements obtained. Lateral stretching in the lid would be expected to
vary from about 80 km for the middle Penninic units of the be accomplished by systems of strike-slip or normal faults
western Alps with respect to those of the Ligurian Alps, and according to the Mohr-Coulomb criteria.
somewhat higher figures for the displacement of the ophiolite A central role in the mosaic of sublids is played by the
and Austroalpine units (Dent Blanche/Sestri-Voltaggio), to Lepontine-Simplon-Rhone domain of Figure 1, which in a
between 125 km (western tip of the Monferrato Apennines at first approximation may be represented by one sublid, called
TurinA'arzi area) and 150 km (Turin/meridian of Levanto). 'Lepontine' in Figure 5. In the Simplon area, the base of the
Although the estimates are not unambiguous, they appear to lid seems to rise to the top of the Lepontine 'dome', where
be systematically lower by several tens of kilometres than the amphibolite grade rocks were uplifted to the surface (Fig. 1).
estimates along the Insubric line. It is possible that the Qualitatively, this domain has many of the characteristics
discrepancy is due to the presence of early (pre-Burdigalian) of a 'metamorphic core complex' (Davis 1988; Dokka et al.
motions along IL but not VVL. Figures for the Insubric line 1986). In particular, there are indications of E-W extension
are probably more appropriate for the kinematics of the of the roof (e.g. Simplon line) as well as the ductile zone
Insubric-Helvetic lid. underneath (Steck 1984; 1987, Mancktelow 1985) coupled
In spite of these discrepancies, which do not affect the with rapid cooling (Hurford etal. 1989) and retrograde west-
order of the estimates, a remarkably uniform picture emerges, verging folds and thrusts (Merle & Le Gal 1988; Merle etal.
and an assumption of about 150kmpost-Rupelian dextral 1989). Quantitatively, a maximum vertical uplift of the
displacement along the Insubric line would appear justified Lepontine domain of about 20 km may be assumed (upper
on a pro tempore basis. amphibolite facies adjacent to surface rocks in the south).
The amount of E-W stretching is harder to come by but it may
have been more than 40 km (40 km original length of the
The Helvetic thrust belt and its erogenic lid dome stretched by a factor of 2). In the dextral Insubric
system this E-W stretching appears to play the role of a pull-
A large part of the motions of the Helvetic nappes thrust belt apart segment, and the 40 km or so of stretching would be the
seems to be coeval with dextral translation along the Insubric pull-apart contribution of the 150 km of total (late Oligocene
line (Insubric-Helvetic phase, Fig. 2; Schmid et al. 1989; to) early Miocene dextral displacement.
Laubscher 1990b). Such thrust belts develop at the frontal There must be a kinematic link between stretching and
part of an orogenic lid like that conjectured to overlie the rapid uplift in the sublid. Isostatic uplift is unrealistic because
Penninic front reflection band, according to Laubscher (1983). the domain is too narrow and the gradient of uplift is too steep.
The orogenic lid consists of the upper 10 to 20 km of strong, The alternative is some kind of underplating. As the uplift
brittle upper crust in their hinterland (Fig. 5). There is a sort took place at a particular tectonic position within the Insubric-
of simple shear at the base of this lid (for a pure shear Helvetic system, tectonic underplating seems more plausible
component see Dietrich & Casey 1989) which presumably than incidental magmatic underplating. The special tectonic
becomes somewhat diffuse in the high-T ductile domain position is that in front of the NW comer of the Adriatic plate,
(Laubscher 1983; Schmid & Haas 1989). The lid is in need because there the E-W trending Insubric fault converges
of continuous repair as it gets uplifted and eroded: the westward with the SW-NE trending northem border of the
cooling, formerly ductile parts are added to its base. The Alps, thus making the NW comer of the Adriatic plate marks
orogenic lid that was active during the Insubric-Helvetic the narrowest section of the Alps (Fig. 6). Here, the problem
phase was partly destroyed by subsequent uplift, beginning of crustal escape was the most severe (Figs 5 & 6). Arguably,
early on in the Lepontine domain, and culminating subse- it was easiest westward and upward. In particular, masses of
quently during the 'Windows phase' (Fig. 2), when the the middle European crust which were piled up against the


Insubric fault because of the N-S compressive component

The Gijfre line
could plausibly provide the uplift. An element of synergy
may be perceived: uplift due to N-S compression would At the western end of the Lepontine sublid its dextral pull-
provide the gravity potential to help the lid slide down its apart demands an outlet in the frontal parts of the lid. There
slopes and augment E-W extension. Figure 5 illustrates the is no well defined fault at the expected location, but there is
argument: where the Europa-Adria approach is closest, the a very pronounced 'transverse zone' (Thomas 1990). Trans-
geometry is less propitious for downward escape which, at verse zones are found frequently in thrust belts where they
least in the Alps, seems an important way for getting rid of mark a line-up of structural changes such as ramps from one
mass excess (Laubscher 1990 a, b). decollement level to another, lateral ramps, and transfer of
In the Lepontine sublid, uplift by underplating simultane- shortening. As defined by Thomas (1990): 'Such a cross-
ously with N-S compression created a situation of the type strike alignment of points of along-strike change in the
investigated by Withjack & Scheiner (1982; compare structure of frontal ramps has been called a cross-strike
Laubscher 1990a for the Tauem window). In this situation, stuctural discontinuity (or CSD) (Wheeler 1978) and is here
the largest compressive stress becomes vertical in the uplift, called a transverse zone'. Though sometimes of obvious
and a field of normal faults develop. Without the uplift, the large-scale kinematic importance, the structural changes are
largest compressive stress would ordinarily be horizontal, distributed over a wide zone and are not easy to pinpoint. In
and lateral stretching would produce strike-slip faults except this sense, a marked transverse zone, here called the Giffre
for local normal faults within a complex transverse zone. line, characterizes the southern end ofthe Morcles nappe and
This appears to be the rule outside the Lepontine dome. its transition into the Subalpine Chains of Savoy (Bomes;
Such strike-slip faults and more diffuse transverse zones compare Gidon 1976). Through the eroded part of the
emanate from the borders ofthe Lepontine sublid (Fig. 5) and Helvetic lid it connects with the western end ofthe Lepontine
define the other sublids of the Mosaic. The main fault zones sublid exactly where expected. A dextral component is
are (Fig. 6): implied by both the position ofthe front ofthe Morcles nappe
at Tete de Bonettan (Sch weizerische Geologische Kommission
1934,1937, 1951), the dextral drag of the Subalpine Chains
The Neo-Rhine line in the Arve valley, and the numerous SW striking dextral
The Rhine line (Fig 6) which marks the western border of the faults in the Subalpine Chains (cf. Gidon 1976). The 'cross-
Austroalpine nappes (Fig. 1) is joined near its northern end by strike alignment of points of along-strike change in the
a Neogene fault zone that cuts off the southern part of the structure of frontal ramps' is dramatically demonstrated in
Helvetic nappes and juxtaposes Penninic nappes to their the Arve Valley east of Bonneville where in the north the
more northerly elements: it is a kind of 'Penninic front'. In Pennine units of Chablais rest more or less directly on the
the north it penetrates the Helvetic nappes and gradually foreland Molasse, whereas in the south they overlie the
decays towards their front; to the south it swings into a Subalpine chains which substitute here for the Morcles nappe
position parallel to the internal border of the External Mas- (and other Helvetic units?). The Subalpine chains in turn
sifs. It is hard to trace there butprobably splinters into several appear to ramp from a basal decollement zone in the Lias
branches that penetrate the boundaries of the partial massifs through the Valanginian shales onto the same foreland Molasse
shown in Figure 1 before joining the Lepontine dome. The overridden in the north by the Penninic units. This situation
Neo-Rhine line seems to have a sinistral component, and it is in many ways the complement of that across the Kander
separates what may be called a 'Gotthard sublid" from a line.
'Silvretta sublid'. There are, of course, numerous other interpretations based
on different perspectives. For instance, Ramsay (1989)
advocates continuity of folds throughout the Morcles nappe
The Kander line
from north ofthe Rhone valley through the Dents du Midi into
The Kander 1 ine emanates from the NW comer ofthe Lepontine the Chaines Subalpines of the Bomes. This interpretation is
sublid near Sierre (compare the Geological Map of Switzer- based upon special techniques of projection (structural tie-
land 1:500 000, 1980). It separates the central from the lines). From the perspective developed in this article, it is
western Helvetic nappes, which from the beginning devel- possible to interpret Ramsay's Figure 3 somewhat differ-
oped a different style of deformation. Here, the Helvetic front ently. For instance, the shear indicators from the Dent de
is formed by the Ultrahelvetic to Penninic Prealpes Romandes Morcles to the south are found to be oblique to the tie-lines,
which overlie the foreland molasse directly. This must be due leaving a dextral component along the latter. There is a
to a lateral ramp at the Kander line: east of the northern part discontinuity of Ramsay's tie-lines south of the Dents du
ofthe line the basal decollement is in the lower Cretaceous of Midi, and new units appear south of Bonneville. Farther
the Helvetic domain, west of it at the base of the Mesoalpine south, continuity of units and strike breaks down completely.
nappe complex of the Prealpes Romandes which obviously So far as one can see, even Ramsay's own Figure 3 (1989)
was subjected to important Neoalpine reactivation. Several leaves the reader at liberty to opt for a discontinuous solution
lines of evidence, moreover, point towards a sinistral dis- such as the Giffre transverse zone avocated in this paper.
placement of several kilometres (Laubscher 1982; Zwahlen Considering, moreover, the facts (1) that the Morcles nappe
1986). is the youngest of the Helvetic nappes and was added to


Helvetic kinematics rather late, (2) that south of the Rhone Lid kinematics versus middle and lower crust
river no trace of a higher and older Helvetic nappe is found kinematics
ouside the root zone, and (3) that north of Bonneville the
Prealps begin with a thrust on the Molasse, it seems to me that Figures 5 & 7 schematically illustrate the disharmony between
a strong case can be made for an important transverse zone. the tectonics of the upper crust lid and that of the middle and
Obviously the elements of the sublid mosaic moved some- lower crust. The deeper portions of the western Alps seem to
what independently: the position of ramps and flats changes be dominated by imbricated peels of lower crust and upper
across their boundaries, and these functioned as transfer mantle within an interval ordinarily considered as middle
zones. The most peculiar sub-lids are those in front of the crust. In the central Alps, on the other hand, a wedge of high
NW-comer of the Adriatic indenter: the Lepontine and Prealps velocity, layered material conjectured to be a peel of Adriatic
sublids. Of the border zones of the Prealps sublid, the Kander lower crust, fits better into the kinematics of the middle
line has a sinistral, the Giffre line a dextral component. Miocene Lombardic phase (Laubscher 1990 b) and is con-
Together, they delimit a domain of lateral stretching at the sequently not shown in Figures 5 & 7. Therefore, it would
'northern hinge of the arc of the Western Alps' (Laubscher seem thai, in the Central Alps, deep tectonics in the early
1982). This hinge is more sharply defined on the internal Miocene was dominated by eclogitization and subduction of
(Lepontine sublid) than on the external (Prealps sublid) side crustal masses, i.e. downward rather than upward escape,
(Fig. 1). The Lepontine sublid was raised differentially and except for the Lepontine sublid where upward and westward
stretched laterally; it was partly incorporated into the dextral escape was important. As mentioned before, this may be due
Insubric system. The spatial association of the Lepontine and to its special position at the NW-comer of the Adriatic
Prealps sublids suggests a causal connection, the details of indenter.
which, however, remain to be worked out. The position of the
The transpressive pile of peels of the Insubric-Helvetic
Gotthard sublid suggests that it too is associated with the NW
Alps thus may be subdivided into three parts: the already
comer of the Adriatic indenter. The three together compose
existing ones riding passively with the orogenic lid; those
the early Miocene Central Alps. The Simplon and Silvretta
formed at the base and front of the moving lid, and those of
sublids are the most substantial ones and define the main
the middle and lower crust or even upper mantle that escaped
trunks of the lower Miocene Insubric-Helvetic Alps: the
subduction and were added to the middle crust.
western and eastern Alps, respectively.

Lepontine-Simplon-Rhone valley (LSR)


Erosion of lid due to subsequent folding

of External Massifs

Figure 6. The sublids of the central Alps and their surroundings, Insubric-Helvetic phase.


Figure 7. Simplified block diagram illustrating the 3rd dimension of Figures I & 6. In particular, the Lepontine-Simplon-Rhone valley (LSR) pull-apart
has been greatly simplified. The section through the Gran Paradise is according to Bayer etal. (1988), simplified. The External Massifs are omitted because
they did not exist in the lower Miocene. Compare Figures 1 & 5.

Conclusions dextral translation along its southern margin, the Giffre

transverse zone. At the same time, complementary sinistral
The (late Oligocene to) early Miocene dextral transpression shearing along its northeastern margin, the Kander line,
along the Insubric line may be modelled on the concept of an augmented axial stretching.
orogenic lid, subdivided into a mosaic of four principal Below the lid, the middle and lower crust shortened
sublids. This mosaic accommodated most of the compressive disharmonically. According to seismic evidence and mate-
component of the transpression. rial balance considerations there was considerable imbrica-
Divergent transport directions at the NW comer of the tion of peels of lower crust and upper mantle in the Western
Adriatic indenter caused lateral stretching particularly within Alps, whereas in the Central Alps, in addition to stacking in
the Lepontine and at the margins of the Prealps sublids. The the middle crust, eclogitization and subduction of crustal
Lepontine sublid, which is located at the narrowest part of the masses seem to have prevailed.
Central Alps, was simultaneously uplifted by tectonic In spite of the efforts to tie the sundry sets of data into a
underplating in the middle crust. It acquired the character- coherent and crudely quantified kinematic model, many
istics of a metamorphic core complex with a field of mostly problems remain. For instance: what did transpression look
W-moving fault blocks separated by listric normal faults that like in the Meso- and Eo-Alps if the Rhine line was straight
converge with the base of the brittle lid. It became apull-apart at the beginning of Neoalpine movements? How may the
segment of the dextral system of the Insubric line. Adjacent middle to late Miocene Jura be added to this scheme? There
to the west (external side), the Prealps sublid continued are still lots of loose ends to play with.

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Structural evolution of the western Chartreuse fold and thrust system,
NW French Subalpine chains
Robert W.H. Butler*

Department of Earth Sciences, The Open University, Walton Hall,

Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK

Abstract: Structural styles in the outer parts of the Alps of SE France, in common with much of
the Tethyan province, involve displacements on thrust faults together with important fold
structures. These deform the pre-existing sedimentary pile which contained normal faults and
displays significant lateral stratigraphic variations. The underlying crystalline basement is not
involved suggesting important detachment at the base of the Mesozoic cover. Abundant field
outcrops are used to construct a regional cross-section through the Chartreuse district of the
Subalpine fold and thrust belt, across the outermost structures of the western Alps. Thrusting
directions are estimated as being ESE-WNW, determined from the spherical mean azimuth (106°)
of the wide range of orientations of slip axis indicators (striae, shear fibres etc.). However, the
range in orientations of slip axis indicators probably does not reflect regional non-plane strain but
combinations of rotations of blocks about vertical axes within broader fault zones (but not thrust
sheets) and of earlier thrusts about horizontal axes during the development of thrust anticlines. The
fold-thrust belt (Mesozoic shelf sediments and Tertiary molasse) shows a gross imbricate
geometry but folding plays an important role, particularly preceding thrust ramp development,
which cannot be explained by simple fault-bend fold models. Locally ramps coincide with abrupt
changes in Mesozoic stratigraphy suggesting local normal fault controls. Thrust anticlines show
complex geometry developed in part by fault bend folding but substantially modified by large
numbers of minor thrusts concentrated in the forelimbs.

The Subalpine chains of France are a classic foreland thrust shallow marine environment (Demarcq 1970; Nicolet 1979).
belt, formed on the outer, European margin of the western Following the cessation of regional sedimentation in the
Alpine mountain belt. These structures are particularly well middle Cretaceous (Lemoine et al. 1986) the Subalpine shelf
exposed in the segment from Haul Giffre on the Franco-Swiss probably experienced two main episodes of burial; during the
border to Diois (Fig. 1). Formed in late Miocene times, the deposition of foredeep sediments (Oligo-Miocene) and dur-
thrust belt represents the last 20-30 km of Alpine shortening ing the subsequent thrusting in late Miocene times. Folding
(Butler 1989a). Since then the region has experienced several and thrusting effects both Mesozoic shelf sediments and
kilometres uplift caused by isostatic rebound during erosion Tertiary molasse deposits throughout most of the Subalpine
and unloading in the tectonic hinterland. Deep gorge sections chains and all of the Jura. Those thrusts which climb through
and over 2 km vertical relief combine to provide excellent the stratigraphy emerge into the molasse basin although
surface control on sub-surface structure. A compilation of many structures are blind, being imaged on seismic reflection
drill-hole, gravity and seismic refraction data by Menard profiles (e.g. Charollais et al. 1977) or predicted by section
(1980) provides a depth to basement map for the region. A construction (e.g. Butler 1989a). Only in the north of the
recently acquired deep seismic reflection line (Bayer et al. region, towards theircontinuation into the Helvetic nappes of
1987) and associated experiments (e.g. Mugnier et al. 1987) Switzerland, were the Subalpine Mesozoic rocks enveloped
show that basement is not involved directly beneath the thrust by the far-travelled Prealpine thrust sheets.
belt although it has been carried up on thrusts further east. The combination of significant vertical relief and continu-
The Subalpine chains themselves, and the more outlying ous gorge sections makes the Subalpine chains a particularly
Jura hills, are formed by folded and thrust Mesozoic shelf good natural laboratory to study the evolution of fold-thrust
sediments together with vestiges of the overlying foredeep complexes. This contribution discusses the structural evolu-
basin sequences. The shelf units are up to 4 km thick, tion of a small part of this thrust belt, in the western Char-
although more commonly lie between 2-3 km, and are made treuse massif which lies between the cities of Grenoble and
up of alternations of limestones and shales with several Chambery (Fig. 1). This region contains the southern ter-
regionally continuous carbonate platforms. The Tertiary mination of the vestigial Swiss foredeep basin, contained
foredeep sediments in contrast are classic molasse sandstones, between converging Jura hills and the main Subalpine chains.
grits and conglomerates mostly deposited in a tide-dominated It is possible therefore to examine a range of thrust structures

^Present address: Department of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK.


50 km

Figure 1. Location map of the Subalpine chains in the external part of the western Alps of France. The boxed area (a) is the Chartreuse massif (see Fig.

from the most outlying (western) into the main thrust belt sections have been constructed through the Chartreuse using
along a single transect. The problems to be addressed include angular fault-bend folding models (Suppe 1983) by Mugnier
thrust localization, the variations in 'structural style' and et al. (1987). Cross-sections through surrounding regions are
regional deformation patterns on a large scale. provided by Doudoux et a/. (1982) and Butler (1989a,b). The
area is covered by 1:50,000 geological maps published by
BRGM (sheets: Domene, 1969; Montmelian, 1969; Voiron,
Stratigraphy and regional structure 1970; Grenoble, 1978; see also 1-.250,000 Lyon, 1980). The
explanatory booklets provide additional stratigraphic details.
The basic geology of the Chartreuse (Fig. 2), southern Jura The Chartreuse area has recently been studied using ex-
and surrounding regions has been well-known for many years plosion seismology, as discussed by Thouvenot & Menard
(e.g. Gignoux & Moret 1944) and has formed part of several (1990). This experiment used a single shot point to the north
excellent review articles (e.g. Ramsay 1963; Debelmas & of the Chartreuse, recorded along two longitudinal lines
Lemoine 1970; Debelmas & Kerckhove 1980). Structural running sub-parallel to strike and two fans which arc across
information is provided by Gidon (1964, 1981, 1988), strike. They obtained wide angle reflections from the as-
Doudoux etal. (1982) and Siddans (1983). Balanced cross- sumed top of basement and from Mesozoic limestones. From


Upper Cretaceous
and Urgonion

tower Cretaceous Urgonian


cross-section ,


Figure 2. Geological and location map of the Chartreuse massif of the

Subalpine chains (location on Fig. 1). The location of the geological profile
(Fig. 4) and balanced cross-section (Fig. 5) is indicated. The Guiers Vif river
runs just south of Corbel.

these data Thouvenot & Menard suggest major basement
involvement in the thrusting, both passively as a step devel-
oped during the Mesozoic rifting history (discussed below) b) "Subalpine"
and by active WNW-directed thrusting. However, as the
Figure 3. Simplified stratigraphic columns for the Jura (a) and Subalpine
authors point out, the experimental design makes the correla-
chains (b) in the Chartreuse district of the external Alps. The brick ornament
tion, and therefore determination of position and orientation, represents carbonates, the pecked symbol is shale and stippled beds are
of reflectors rather difficult. The greatest limitations arise siliciclastics. The numbers adjacent to each column represent the cumulative
from the use of a single shot-point which prohibits back- thickness in kilometres.
shooting along the longitudinal sections. Wide angle experi-
ments are best suited to regions with laterally persistant 2 km (Fig. 3). Commonly the upper part of this sequence is
structure, not an attribute of the Subalpine chains (e.g. Doudoux missing, having been eroded through the Palaeogene. This
et al. 1982). The authors have not published ray-tracing unconformity is spatially related to a suite of extensional
computations to support their seismic models. Therefore faults which define the eastern margin of the Rhone-Bresse
their interpretations which correlate particular limestone basin and probably represents footwall uplift in response to
formations and basement steps with reflections are only this normal faulting. Oligocene basins are also preserved
weakly supported by the data. Nevertheless, the general within the thrust belt and, as we will see, the controlling
position for top basement is used in construction of the normal faults influenced the subsequent development of
regional section (Fig. 4). thrust structures. Different levels of top basement detected by
Thouvenot & Menard's (1990) seismic experiment may
reflect normal fault blocks in the subsurface. These faults are
Nature of the pre-thrusting template
overlain stratigraphically by the true foredeep fill; there is an
In the west the Jura platform is dominated by laterally additional unconformity at the base of the Miocene molasse
persistant carbonates with a cumulative thickness of about succession.


Ratz anticline St Laurent basin Echaillon anticlines main Chartreuse hills

drill hole

_I2P basement

Figure 4. Outcrop and deep structural data available for the construction of regional balanced cross-sections (see Fig. 5). The section line is indicated on
Figure 2. The key is as Figure 5.

The eastward passage from the Jura into the Subalpine A cross section through the western Chartreuse
chains contains important facies and thickness variations in
the Mesozoic succession (Fig. 3). Lemoine et al. (1986) Using published maps, additional detailed and reconnais-
consider this to reflect an eastward increase in syn-sedimen- sance mapping by the author allied to studies of fault zone
tary rifting associated with the old European continental kinematics together with available regional seismic data
margin of Tethys and is illustrated schematically by Siddans (Menard 1980; Bayer et al. 1987), a cross-section was pro-
(1983). In the east of the study area (sillon subalpin, see Fig. duced through the frontal part of the thrust belt (Fig. 4). This
1) the Jurassic succession achieves a thickness of 2500-2800 covers the transition from the frontal thrust anticline (Ratz
m (BRGM, 1969b) in contrast with just 720 m in the Faramas anticline) into the main Chartreuse. The section is directly
borehole (BRGM, 1980a) located in Bas Dauphine (Fig. 1). observable in its upper part thanks to the substantial topogra-
Pelagic sedimentation increases in importance to the east; phy cut by deep gorges. The deeper levels are constructed to
there is however, no evidence that comparable subsidence produce a restorable structural geometry (Fig. 5) and hence
caused by major rift faulting occurred beneath the western the section runs WNW-ESE, parallel to the fault movement
Chartreuse. A more tangible effect is shown by the Berriasian axes defined by shear fibres (Ramsay 1980), slickensides and
thickness and facies from the Jura into the Subalps. In the Jura grooves on fault surfaces (Hancock & Barka 1987). These
the lowermost Cretaceous rocks are well bedded carbonates kinematic data are discussed later. The background strain
with only about 50 m of succession between the regionally state of thrust sheets is very low with no appreciable cleavage
extensive Tithonian and Valanginian limestones. Within the generation or penetrative fracturing within the massive car-
central Chartreuse the same stratigraphic position is taken by bonates. As discussed later, more intense deformation occurs
up to 500 m of interbedded limestones and shales. This on the (western) fore-limbs of folds and around thrust zones
change occurs abruptly across the front of the Chartreuse but these regions are of restricted extent. For the most part
hills. Although Lemoine et al. (1986) consider the lower simple line-length restoration methods (e.g. Goguel 1963;
Cretaceous to be a 'post-rift' sequence presumably deposited Dahlstrom 1969) can be employed. Parts of the Chartreuse
during thermal subsidence, the radical thickness changes massif contain NE-SW dextral oblique-slip fault zones
across a short horizontal distance, together with local evi- (Goguel 1948; Gidon 1964) which locally generate patches
dence for slumping (in the Guiers Mort valley. Fig. 2), sug- of non-plane strain within the thrust belt. The cross-section
gests active extensional faulting continuing into Berriasian (Fig. 5) was constructed away from these areas, concentrating
times. There is little evidence for radically differential on the western Chartreuse although the continuation of the
subsidence across the Chartreuse region following the topographic profile east of the Entremont thrust crosses an
Berriasian although ongoing sequence stratigraphic studies oblique-slip fault, in structures not considered here. Thrust-
on Cretacerous units may elucidate this. Much of the evi- ing in the more outlying structures illustrated on Figure 4
dence has been removed by the Palaeogene uplift which (west of the Entremont thrust) is considered to have been
effected the Jura but which was less marked to the east. plane strain.
The net result of the various Mesozoic subsidence histo- In contrast to sections through some other foreland thrust
ries and differential uplift was to generate a laterally variable belts, the western Chartreuse shows broad, open fold forms
multi-layer sequence formed by 'competent' limestones and (Fig. 4) rather than the geometric kink-bands predicted for
'incompetent' shales with the local offsets caused by normal some fault bend structures (see Gidon 1988). This observa-
faults. This type of template, rather than the idealized layer- tion is crucial in chosing the appropriate method of section
cake stratigraphies adopted for many foreland thrust belts, is construction. The kink-band model popularized by Suppe
characteristic of much of the Tethyan province (e.g. Lemoine (1983) has been applied to the Chartreuse (Mugnier et al.
etal. 1986; Butler 1989b). 1987). This approach has not been adopted here because it

Bas Dauphin e Ratz Qnticlinf Sf Laurent basm Epine anhclme

^ central Chart r ease

thrust sysfei^s

Figure 5. Balanced and restored section through the western Chartreuse, section line marked on Figure 2. Note that the two parts of the restored section join up (at x).


future thrust beneath

Echaillon anticlines


Figure 6. Partially restored longitudinal section showing the relationship between footwall and hangingwall geometry of the Voreppe thrust (VT) together
with the predicted trajectory of the thrust beneath the Echaillon anticlines. Viewed looking back down the thrusting direction. The section runs approximately
along the present outcrop trace of the Voreppe thrust. Note that the upper parts of the section would be overlain by the Corbel thrust sheet (not illustrated).
Key as Figure 5. OHWR—oblique hangingwall ramp; FHWR—frontal hangingwall ramp; HWF—hangingwall flat; FWF—footwall flat; OFWR—oblique
footwall ramp; FFWR—frontal footwall ramp. These elements are defined by bedding orientations in the hangingwall and by the stratigraphic relationships
in the footwall. No vertical scale intended. The unconformity (wavy line) at the base of the Miocene molasse (stippled) does not reflect thrust-related erosion
prior to molasse deposition.

obscures the importance of additional faults, stratigraphic stones (BRGM, 1970). However the form of the anticline
complications and other structural styles which will be shown suggests several hundred metres of older stratigraphic suc-
to be appropriate for Subalpine tectonics. Nevertheless, the cession remain buried although still in the hangingwall to the
section (Fig. 5) balances in that it has been constructed to frontal Alpine thrust.
preserve formational cross-sectional area during deforma- Behind the Ratz there are several other anticlines that
tion with the added constraint of maintaining horizontal represent the Jura fold belt, ahead of the Voreppe thrust which
shortening at all depths (above the local detachment at the carries the Chartreuse. These structures are termed here the
base of the cover) in the section. Echaillon anticlines, after the gorge on the Guiers Vif river
which passes through them. These folds become well-
developed towards the north continuing into the Jura (see Fig.
Structural geometry in the Chartreuse
I) but just south of the cross-section line they vanish into the
The Chartreuse hills are defined by a series of large-scale St Laurent molasse furrow (Fig. 2). This lateral variation in
broad anticlines and synclines which have a general asymme- structure can be interpreted using longitudinal sections (Fig.
try with steep, west-facing fore-limbs and more gently- 6). In the north the Echaillon anticlines contain a large
dipping back-limbs. Fold hinges are generally rather smooth. proportion of the available Mesozoic succession but south-
The forelimbs contain several minor thrust breaks which wards, where they die out, there is insufficient space at depth
disrupt the structure and the anticlines themselves are well- to contain this volume of material. The disappearance of
known to be carried on regionally extensive thrusts which cut these folds into the molasse basin cannot be due to a simple
up into the molasse (Gignoux & Moret 1944). Several southward plunge of fold hinges. A more likely explanation
detachment horizons are known to exist within the Mesozoic is that the thrusts which carry these anticlines climb up
succession and the overlying molasse. The best known of stratigraphic section in their hangingwalls so that they carry
these is the detachment at the base of the cover sequence, less stratigraphy (Fig. 6). On the cross-section line the thrusts
within Triassic evaporites, which has transferred Alpine would detach in the lower Cretaceous. Further south the
shortening far out into the foreland to form the Jura hills. It thrusts would climb up into the molasse and presumably
is likely that this detachment has been activated to carry up the branch onto the Voreppe thrust. Perhaps this lateral transfer
Ratz anticline (Figs 2 & 4). The oldest rocks exposed in the of thrust displacement provides a model for the southward
core of the structure are Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) lime- termination of the Jura fold belt as a separate belt of structures


Thouvenot & Menard (1990) predict the presence of a long

slab of Miocene molasse lying in the footwall to their 'Me-
disptacement localised onht dian overthrust' (equivalent to the Corbel thrust in this paper)
-::-;0)^ infmitesimalty narrow fault
based on correlation of a seismic reflector with the Urgonian
•vd^;^;:' •/•••;:-:b;;.v:v 1 limestone now exposed ahead of this thrust. The large
1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 r<><^l. displacements on the Corbel thrust required by Thouvenot &
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l^S^j'l
Menard's model are not compatible with the regional geol-
broad "bead
ogy. This thrust terminates in a lateral tip c. 30 km south of
of strain displacement distributed
across long bed ^length the Chartreuse (see section in Butler 1989b). The interpreta-
tion favoured here interprets seismic reflector in the footwall
to the Corbel thrust as being the Tithonian limestone, thereby
reducing the required displacement.

straintid "bead"
Fold-thrust relationships
tacal/sed fault
The hangingwall anticlines within the Chartreuse fold-thrust
belt have a characteristic form whereby the forelimbs are
steeply dipping, rather than showing the conventional mod-
erate (30°) dips predicted by simple fault-bend models (e.g.
localised fault strained "bead" Suppe's( 1983) mode 1 folds). The back-limb dips of, e.g. the
localised fault
Ratz anticline (Fig. 4) are consistent with these rocks overly-
JZJ^':::>:^^ 1 ing a footwall ramp (i.e. <45°). The forelimb dips vertically,
(, ; r £ i ^ ^ ^ );K:o-i::
•^ims:,viV:5;V/0x::fflv;. 1 with an interlimb angle of 90°. This suggests an additional
1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 "p1 1 1 1 i 1
I 1 1 1 1 n^sci 1 1 strain component, rather than fault slip alone.
The simple fault-bend fold model which dates from Rich
(1934), formalized as the mode 1 structures of Suppe (1983)
Figure 7. Variations in structural style which may exist in the Alpine thrust
belt, (a) The classic fault bend fold (Suppe 1983) where displacements and since followed by numerous geologists (e.g. Crane 1987;
localize onto a discrete thrust, (b) A broad bead of strain developed above a De Paor 1988) is but one extreme of tectonic behaviour in a
detachment. 'Displacement' is distributed through a large volume of rock, foreland thrust belt. In it shortening is highly localized onto
(c) Combinations of fault-bend folding and distributed strain at different a discrete fault surface throughout the evolution of the struc-
levels in the thrust belt. This geometry is the simple tip-line strain pattern ture. The range of geometries which can be produced is
(e.g. Williams & Chapman 1983). (d) A derivation of (c) where structural
style alternates between strain and discrete thrusting. This is the most
extremely small, being a simple function of fault shape and
common deformation pattern in the thrust belt, in conjunction with folding.

distinct from the Subalpine chains. The activation of a

detachment at the base of the Cretaceous is suggested to form
the Echaillon anticlines. Certainly these folds do not contain
any older (i.e. Jurassic) rocks on the section line (Fig. 5). This
horizon was not activated further west since this region
contains the facies change in the Berriasian from limestones
in the west to interbedded limestones and shales where
activated as a detachment in the east. striae etc VTZ.1 (n = 32]
mean azimuth: 118"
Figure 6 can be used qualitatively to detect lateral varia-
tions in the displacement on the Voreppe thrust. In the north
hangingwall and footwall ramps for adjacent stratigraphic
levels are juxtaposed implying relatively low displacements.
This is consistent with the interpretation of sub-surface
structure along the section line (Fig. 5). However, in the south
the Voreppe thrust displays a hangingwall flat in mid-upper
Jurassic rocks on a footwall flat about 1500 m up into the
Miocene molasse (BRGM 1978) suggesting more substantial
displacements. This geometric variation along strike is striae etc VTZ,2 poles 10 fault planes VTZ 2 (n=48)

consistent with the southern segment of the Voreppe thrust mean azimutfi-

accommodating extra slip which in the north is taken up on Figure 8. Stereonets of striae and shear fibres together with the poles to fault
planes measured on two splays (VTZ. 1 & VTZ.2) from the Voreppe thrust.
the Echaillon structures. This geometry supports the idea of
The data come from a road section c, 1 km east of St. Christophe en Guiers
thrust branching proposed above. Regionally it appears that (on the D520c). These and the following stereoplots are upper hemishere,
displacements across the southern Jura are transferred onto equal angle were calculated together with the statistics using the programme
the Subalpine chains from north to south. STEREO, marketed by Rockware Inc.


being broad zones which ultimately contain the major thrust

break onto which is localized the bulk of the displacement.
This theme of the localization of compressional displacements
and its control on structural style is discussed in following

Thrust zone kinematics

a. Alt Chartreuse sites In = 69) b. Corbel (r,= 931

Slip axes on faults in the Chartreuse are defined by shear
fibres, striae and grooves on fault surfaces. To determine the
Figure 9. Stereonets of shear fibres and striations found on fault planes in natural variation in these linear data along individual faults a
the study area, (a) a selection of all measured fault planes from the Char- detailed study was executed in two hangingwall splays of the
treuse; the spherical mean azimuth of these data is 106°. (b) a detailed study
Voreppe thrust north of St. Laurent du Pont (Fig. 2). Two
(omitted from (a)) of the Corbel area. The spread on a vertical WNW—ESE
great circle is interpreted as due to folding of early thrusts around the faults were chosen (given the working acronym VTZ ~
anticline. Voreppe thrust zone). They are developed in the Urgonian
limestone in which bedding is variably defined by thin mud
finite displacement (Fig. 7a). An alternative extreme is that layers or by pressure dissolution seams. The two fault zones
the shortening is distributed across a wide region of a particu- were selected because the surrounding limestones are
lar bed with time, generating a bead of strain without rupture undeformed, with well preserved sedimentary grain stone
(Fig. 7b). In reality, certainly for the Chartreuse thrust textures without significant deep burial (deformation-re-
systems and other parts of the Subalpine chains, displacement lated) overgrowths or dissolution seams other than due to
localization lies between these end-members. The migrating compaction. This lack of penetrative deformation is a re-
tip model of Williams & Chapman (1983) is another example gional characteristic of the Chartreuse district of the Subalpine
where displacements are distributed through a portion of a thrust belt requiring rather simple translation patterns on
bed ahead of a localized single thrust surface (Fig. 7c). This thrusts. It is difficult to retain intact thrust sheets without
does not imply a vertical limit of shortening since this would keeping the deformation regionally plane strain. Therefore,
lead to the geologically incompatible situation of more short- any variations in the orientations of recorded slip axis indica-
ening at depth in a section than at the surface. Theoretically tors are likely to reflect processes operating within the fault
the pattern of localized and distributed displacement could zones (e.g. minor rotations of entirely fault-bounded blocks)
alternate through a multilayer sequence (Fig. 7d; see Butler in rather than regionally non-parallel thrust motions.
press). VTZ. 1 lies in the lower part of the road section section and
Any deviation away from the highly localized models of is composed of a series of subparallel splays from a single
thrusting (Fig. 7a) will generate significant volumes of de- bedding plane defined by dissolution seams. VTZ.2 lies 5m
formed rock within the thrust belt. Thus the restored section above VTZ. 1 and is more complex. It is defined by a 1 m zone
through the Chartreuse (Fig. 5b) illustrates thrust ramps as of lozenge blocks bounded by two master faults which appear



~ 'te 20 m

Figure 10. Sketch section of a road cut (c. 1 km west of Corbel village on the D45) through the forelimb of the anticline at Corbel (see Figs 2 & 4 for location
of the structure). The large arrows represent stratigraphic way-up. The slip sense on thrusts is determined from small scale structures. Discussion of the
deformation mechanisms on these and other thrusts in the Chartreuse is reserved for a companion paper.


to have localized along mud layers within the limestone.

VTZ.2 could be termed a micro-duplex, defined by sub-
parallel roof and floor thrusts. The orientations of slip axes
defined by the linear elements listed above were measured
together with the subsiduary fault plane on which they lay and
grouped for each fault zone (VTZ. 1 and VTZ.2). The data are
presented here on upper hemisphere equal-angle stereoplots
computed using the programme STEREO ^^, marketed by
Rockware (Fig. 8) with axes and fault planes grouped in pairs.
Spherical mean lineation azimuths were also calculated using
the STEREO ™ package.
VTZ.l lineations are tightly grouped around the mean
118° azimuth but there is substantial scatter in VTZ.2
lineations. The same degree of spread is reflected in the
orientations of subsiduary fault planes. Refolding cannot be
invoked as both fault zones are sub-parallel. Therefore these
variations reflect the natural variations in slip axis along the
two fault zones. Notice that the mean lineation azimuths of
the two faults are similar (118 and 126°). Subsiduary fault
orientations suggest that VTZ.l is defined primarily by
frontal ramp splays while VTZ.2 contains far more oblique-
lateral ramps. However, ramp orientations alone cannot
explain the spread in transport axes in VTZ.2 because slip
should still be parallel, regardless of the angle of incidence
between thrusting and ramps. Passive rotation due to folding Figure 11. (a) Sketch section through the Ratz anticline at Chailles (Fig.
above oblique ramps can be rejected because the upper (roof) 2), based on road cuttings along route N6. The rocks are well-bedded
limestones (the 'marbre batard' of local texts) of upper Jurassic—lower
thrust is not folded. The prefered explanation is that the fault-
Cretaceous age. Particularly prominent limestone beds are stippled, (b) is
bounded lozenges of limestone in VTZ.2 have experienced a detail of the forelimb area. Slip senses on faults were determined from
rotations about vertical axes during thrusting, achieved by small-scale structures (shear fibres, etc). Notice the early 'downward-
simultaneous or alternating movement on the two bounding facing' thrusts are cross-cut by gently-dipping faults.
faults. The lozenges show substantial veining and fracturing
indicating that significant strains, required to accommodate the detailed study of the Corbel road section (Fig. 9b). These
rotation, have been accumulated, but only within the fault data will be discussed after considering the structure of this
zone. Pfiffner & Burkhard (1987) discuss the general prob- section.
lems of fault zone kinematics and the slip on individual
Clearly natural fault zones can show substantial variety in Structural evolution of thrust anticlines
apparent movement axis, particularly when earlier formed
kinematic indicators are reoriented by later fault events. The interpretation of the Chartreuse anticlines as being tip or
However, the mean transport axis for the two faults studies thrust-propagation folds (Williams & Chapman 1983; Suppe
(VTZ.l and VTZ.2) are surprisingly consistent. Figure 9a is 1983) requires that oversteepening of the forelimbs should
a stereoplot of slip axes measured on thrusts throughout the occur before movement up the thrust ramp. A series of
Chartreuse (excluding the detailed studies of Figs 8 & 9b). detailed traverses to examine meso-scale structural histories
Regionally the Chartreuse can be described as being a series of minor thrusts was made through well exposed regions.
of fault bounded blocks rather like VTZ.2. However, the Two examples are discussed here.
rocks between the faults, in contrast to VTZ.2 are barely
deformed suggesting generally parallel thrusting without
The Corbel thrust zone
rotations about vertical axes. Exceptions may exist adjacent
to the regional oblique faults which transect the Chartreuse The Corbel thrust zone lies within the Chartreuse hills. In
(Fig. 2) but these have not been considered here and are essence it consists of several thrust splays which break up the
avoided by the regional section (Fig. 5). Palaeomagnetic forelimb of a major anticline (Gidon 1988; see Fig. 5a). A
studies are awaited which would demonstrate such rotations. road section provides a near continuous section through part
The interpretation favoured here is that the Chartreuse expe- of the structure (Fig. 10) which is described from left (west)
rienced broadly plane strain thrusting on a 106° axis, the to right (east).
mean azimuth of slip axes for the region (Fig. 9a). Bedding within the massive Urgonian limestones is steeply
The regional dataset for the Chartreuse (Fig. 9a) shows dipping. However, there are discordances between packages
substantial spread along a vertical great circle parallel to the of Urgonian, commonly between 10-15 m thick. These have
presumed transport axis. The same trend is also illustrated by the geometry of thrust cut-offs, originally gently cutting up


section towards the west. These geometries are now down- Hauterivian shales is preserved, offset by small fault zones
ward facing. One package of bedding has been thickened by with about 5 m of WNW-directed offset. The distance
closely-spaced imbricate thrusts (Fig. 10) which are also between the Valanginian and Urgonian limestones is just 15
downward facing. Presumably these structures pre-date the m along the road section, in contrast to the usual 100-150 m
major thrust anticline at Corbel. found in the Chartreuse area. The Valanginian limestones at
Currently low angle faults are also present which locally outcrop probably lie in the hangingwall to another E-dipping
dip both east and west (Fig. 10). These offset the steep fault which has carried them almost onto the Urgonian. The
Urgonian bedding and apparently show both WNE and ESE implied offset on this fault would be about 100 m. As with the
directed movements. These structures apparently post-date smaller thrusts, this fault would post-date the main Corbel
the major thrust anticline. Similar suites of low-angle thrusts anticline.
are found in the east of the section (Fig. 10) where well- The complexity of structural evolution at Corbel is re-
bedded Valanginian limestones are present. The stratigraphic flected in the distribution of the orientation of linear markers
top of the Valanginian limestones and their passage into the (striations, shear fibres) found on fault planes (Fig. 8b).
These lie crudely along a vertical plane parallel to the regional
thrusting direction but plunge by varying degrees towards the
WNW and ESE. This population includes early thrust
minor intraformational thrusting
lineations which now lie on downward facing structures on
the forelimb of the major Corbel anticline together with
gently-dipping, post-fold thrusts which dip ESE and break up
the forelimb.

The Ratz anticline

Complete exposure through the forelimb of the Ratz anticline
is provided by the Guiers gorge at Chailles (Fig. 2). The
forelimb of the anticline (Fig. 11) is cut by thrusts which
generally offset towards WNW. At the present level of
exposure many of these faults originate from the back-limb
and cut across the hinge zone. Again these faults apparently
post-date the Ratz anticline.
Within the forelimb, particularly the Valanginian lime-
stones which dominate the present exposure levels, there are
small faults which cut gently across the now-steeply dipping
bedding (Fig. 11). These faults follow bedding surfaces and
climb across to form ramps. Individual displacements are
probably minor. The faults probably formed prior to the
steepening of the Ratz forelimb, in an analogous position to
those in the forelimb of the Corbel fold (Fig. 10).

ttirust cuts through fold

A general model of Chartreuse thrust evolution
Both the Corbel and Ratz anticlines show the same sequence
of structural development, summarised schematically in Fig-
ure 12. Bedding sub-parallel thrusting, directed both towards
the foreland and hinterland, has thickened the limestone
later thrusts cut
over-steepened forelimb^
layers (Urgonian in the case of the Corbel and the 'marbre
batard' of the Ratz anticline) while these formations were still
sub-horizontal (i.e. before folding). Collectively these thrusts
accomodate layer-parallel shortening. Subsequently bed-
ding was steepened to be near vertical in the forelimbs of the
major fold structures and then the forelimb was dissected by
low angle faults which, although they extend bedding, are
probably thrusts.
Figure 12. The proposed model of structural sequence (a-d in time) for a
There are similarities in the finite geometry of some
typical thrust-fold structure in the Chartreuse. The stippled layer represents Chartreuse folds and the mode 2 hangingwall anticlines of
a competent limestone unit (e.g. the Urgonian) overlying a less competent Suppe (1983). Both the natural and theoretical geometries
shale (e.g. the Hauterivian). show tight interlimb angles. Indeed Suppe's model can be


described as a distributed shear in the hangingwall which Discussion

operates between the thrust and the axial plane of the anti-
cline. A theoretical fold grows by the distributed shear The Chartreuse thrust systems apparently operated with a
operating during the early initiation of a thrust ramp, the fold complex pattern of straining and highly localized
being passively carried along the thrust surface once it has displacements. Clearly to restore accurately any individual
grown through the structure. However, the interplay between hangingwall anticlines, as is in vogue in some parts of the
distributed shear and localized displacements on majorthrusts hydrocarbon exploration industry (e.g. Crane 1987; De Paor
is rather more complex in the natural examples of the Char- 1988; Kligfield et al. 1987), these sequences must be unrav-
treuse. The minor thrusts which form before and after the elled in the reverse order to which they were imposed. For
steepening of the forelimbs, essentially accommodating dis- example, the cut-off angles of hangingwall ramps will become
tributed shear away from the major thrust planes, are com- severely modified by the generation of late 'short-cut' thrusts.
monly isolated with minor individual displacements. These In discussion of Crane's (1987) paper. Rowan & Ratliff
faults may link kinematically, through zones of more dis- (1988) point out that the forelimbs of hangingwall anticlines
tributed strain marked by weak cleavage development in are commonly the mostly highly deformed parts of thrust
shale formations, as illustrated hypothetically on Figure 7d. belts. This observation is bom out in the Chartreuse (see also
.Collectively these faults are important in shaping the fold Gidon 1988). The regional absence ofactivated slip surfaces
structures and in controlling the fore-limb dips. They provide on the back-limbs of Chartreuse folds suggests that the hindward
a significant degree of freedom to the simple fault-bend fold propagation of ramp-related strains as flexural slip is not a
models of Suppe (1983) and provide an explanation for a significant feature (cf. Elliott 1976; Fischer & Coward 1982).
range of fore-limb dips which are not controlled by simple Therefore Figure 5 balances while maintaining vertical trail
kink-band hinges above major ramp inflections. lines (Butler in press). Clearly the deformation associated
with ramp climb has been localized into the hangingwall ramp
area. Thus many simple geometric models (e.g. De Paor 1988;
The control of pre-existing structures Kligfield <?f a/. 1987; Crane 1987; Mugnier era/. 1987)of thrust
geometry, which use simple fault-bend folding and the
The regional balanced section (Fig. 5) suggests that some of hindward transmission of simple shear, are not appropriate for
the thrust anticlines coincide with major variations in the the analysis of Chartreuse structures nor, in the author's
stratigraphic thicknesses of some Mesozoic formations. This experience, to any of the Alpine-Tethyan thrust belts.
suggests that the sites of thrust ramps may be influenced by Figure 5 illustrates that thrust zones which dismember the
pre-existing structures within sedimentary basins. The Cor- forelimbs of major anticlines can be broad. Cooper & Trayner
bel thrust zone coincides with a major eastward increase in (1986) point out that the thrust trajectory on restored sections
the thickness of Berriasian shales which can be seen from through such structures will have little mechanical signifi-
surface geology (BRGM, 1969b). The hangingwall anticline cance because the final fault break developed after some
contains a normal fault, downthrowing the Urgonian lime- deformation. Figure 5b illustrates the frontal ramps as being
stones to the east on the side of the Montagne d'Outheran zones of deformation, largely, but not exclusively accomodated
(BRGM, 1969b). The map shows the fault off-setting by large numbers of individually discrete faults. These ramps
Oligocene sandstones, probably part of the old Bresse-Rhone are linked by detachment horizons developed near the base of
fault systems (Demarcq 1970) which pre-dated the thrust the Mesozoic cover and also along various weak horizons,
structures (i.e. pre-late Miocene) of the Chartreuse. Although such as the Berriasian where sufficiently shaley and within
this fault lies within the thickened pile of Berriasian shales, some levels of the molasse. Some of the thrust ramps are
and so cannot have controlled their thickness variations localized at pre-existing normal faults which can be detected
directly, the two features may be related. On the restored through stratigraphic variations. There is no evidence for
section (Fig. 5b) thickness variations within the Berriasian reactivation of these pre-existing fault structures from depth
are shown to be controlled by a fault splaying from, and lying or any active involvement of the basement until further east in
to the west of, the Outheran fault. the thrust belt. Structural style is complex and variable,
The normal faults are not readily recognized within the apparently controlled by the pre-existing basin architecture,
Corbel thrust zone. Segments of the faults may have been facies-thickness variations, lithology and pre-existing faults.
reactivated by thrusting, or have been dismembered. How-
ever, it is possible that the distributed ramp zone represented
by the Corbel thrust and the fore-limb of the Corbel anticline
may have localized at the basement step generated by the pre- This contribution is part of a study of Subalpine thrust system geometry and
its 3-D evolution, funded by a NERC research grant (GR3/6I72). I thank
existing normal fault. These steps may become more marked colleagues involved in this and the companion studies of fault-rock evolution,
in the northern Chartreuse where offsets in the top basement fluid migration and the region's thermal/diagenetic history: Sue Bowler,
are suggested by the available seismic data (Thouvenot & Maurice Tucker, Alastair Welbon and Gerald Roberts. Andy Tindle is
Menard 1990). acknowledged for computation support.


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Kinematics of a transverse zone in the Southern Alps, Italy
Gregor Schonborn

Geological Institute of Basel University, Bernoullistrasse 32, CH - 4056 Basel,


Abstract: Transverse zones cut the south-verging thrust belt of the Southern Alps into different
segments. Detailed mapping together with computer-aided construction of balanced cross-
sections has enabled the kinematic models of the structures east and west of the Ballabio-Barzio
transverse zone to be expanded into the complex transverse zone itself Kinematic analysis reveals
three distinct stages of basement and sediment thrusting of 17 km, 25 km and >20 km shortening.
The shortening for each stage is the same in all cross-sections. In the Ballabio-Barzio zone, an
inherited normal fault caused the thrust of stage 1 to ramp onto the Upper Triassic and the thrust
of stage 2 to split into different branches. East of a reactivated sinistral north-south trending tear
fault, wedging of the Middle Triassic units led to backthrusting of the Upper Triassic sheet above.
The triangular tip of a basement fault-bend fold produced lateral escape on both sides contempo-
raneous with southward thrusting. Stage 3 deformation was an out-of-sequence thrust, the frontal
fault-bend fold of which was hindered by an oblique lineament. The subsequent stages of a thrust
breaking through the hinge of this fold, overturning and flattening the cut off frontal limb, are
shown by cross-sections through the frontal range at different distances to the oblique lineament.

The Insubric line is a steeply north dipping east-west trending transverse zone. Therefore they are presented briefly here.
fault zone, separating the Southern Alps from the rest of the The kinematic model of the transverse zone introduced
Alps (Fig. 1). The Lombardian part of the Southern Alps is here is quantitatively consistent with the development of the
a south-verging thrust belt consisting of sediments and base- Grigna (in the west) and the Valtorta segment (in the east) and
ment slivers, segmented by north-south striking transverse accounts for many features that have so far resisted explanation.
zones. Alpine metamorphism is absent to very low grade in
the deeper parts and brittle deformation dominates every-
where. Methodology
Fundamental work in the Lombardian Alps was done by
Dutch geologists (e.g. De Sitter & De Sitter-Koomans 1949). Unravelling the Lombardian Alps means dealing with at least
They advocated the concept of vertical basement uplift and six stages of brittle deformation: Permian normal faulting
gravitational sediment sliding and crustal shortening was not expressed as ENE oriented graben and pull-aparts (isopach
assumed at all until the late 1970s (Gaetani & Jadoul 1979; maps of the Permian graben fill indicate this orientation, De
Castellarin 1978). Publication of seismic lines (Fieri & Sitter & De Sitter-Koomans 1949); Liassic normal faulting
Groppi 1981) revealed a foothills belt deeply buried under due to E-W oriented extension; compressional stages 1 to 3
post-kinematic basin fill. Laubscher (1985) constructed (Cretaceous to Miocene?); a late Miocene compressional
balanced cross-sections to estimate the amount of shortening stage documented in the foothills below the Po plain. Addi-
of the exposed part of the Southern Alps, whereas Roeder tionally, the thickness of some Triassic strata changes up to
(1989; in press) linked them to the foothills belt. hundreds of metres within short distances. Therefore quan-
This work is part of a Swiss National Science Foundation titative kinematic models will hardly ever be accurate, but
project aimed at clarifying the kinematic role of the trans- they are still very useful for understanding complex tectonics,
verse zones in the Southern Alps. As this required knowledge since local observations are often incoherent, ambiguous,
of detailed tectonics not available in current publications, apparently contradictory or simply absent.
mapping at 1:5000 and 1:10000 of the whole area was carried A lot of local data have been collected, classified into
out. In order to maximize ease and accuracy of cross-section categories of significance and most of them incorporated into
construction, computer-aided balancing with the preserva- a 2-D kinematic model, which then was extended into the
tion of bedlength and thickness (GEOSEC - 20™©, Geo- third dimension.
Logic Systems, Inc., Kligfield et al. 1986) was applied.
Balanced cross-sections through the structures east and
west of the Ballabio-Barzio transverse zone (Fig. 2) were Stratigraphy
constructed involving both detached basement and sediments.
These have been published previously (Schonborn 1990) but As summarized in Figure 3, the area investigated involves a
serve as a starting point for unravelling the kinematics of the Hercynian and older metamorphic basement, Permian elastics


-; Rhaetian to
. Cretaceous
I Upper Tr.
Middle Tr. A' n
I Mezzoldo bas. unit i C
+ S. Marco basement unit 10 km

Figure 2. Simplified geological map of the Grigna - Vallorta region. The

Grigna and Valtorta segments (Fig. 2a) are separated by the Ballabio-Barzio
transverse zone (Fig. 2b). Permian and lowermost Triassic are included in the
basement. Location of Figure 2b (rectangle) on Figure 2a. Area of Mt. Barro
after Lichtensteiger (1986). Middle Triassic unit lA = Grigna-N, IB =
Grigna-S. 1 = Muschiada, 2 = Colttgnone, 2A = Barzio, 2B = Ema; Upper
Triassic unit II = Aralalta-Albenza, II A west = Due Mani, 11 A east =
Resegone, II B = Camozzera. P = II Pizzo, E = Jurassic of Erve.

The en-echelon aligned basement anticlines are inter-

preted here as ramp-folds, directed by inherited Permian Laubscher's (1985) interpretation is only slightly modified
extensional structures. The rotation and plunge of the Orobic by this work.
anticline's fold axis near its western termination (Fig. 2a) is The current cross-section is depicted in Figure 4c. At their
in agreement with the model by Snedden & Spang (1990) for northern end the Middle Triassic unit 1A (Grigna-N) lies in
decreasing displacement of a fault-bend fold which is later- stratigraphic contact with the basement, as Gaetani (1982)
ally replaced by another. Accentuation of the anticlines by pointed out in a study of a highway tunnel. This is fundamen-
dextral transpression, however, cannot be excluded. tal for the model, because unit 1A has to be the sedimentary
The palaeo-stress analysis by Zanchi et al. (1988) also cover of the upper basement unit (San Marco unit, Schonbom
manifests southward transport with local deflections in the 1990). This facilitates balancing of the detached basement
transverse zone. slivers with respect to the sediments. The geometries suggest
a similar relationship between the lower basement unit
(Mezzoldo unit) and the Middle Triassic unit 2 (Coltignone).
The Grigna section In a first stage the upper basement unit and first the Middle
Triassic unit 1A (Grigna-N), then the unit 1B (Grigna-S) were
In the Grigna mountains east of Lake Como (Fig. 2), a pile of moved south along the stage 1 thrust (Orobic thrust. Figs 4a
three thrust sheets of Middle Triassic is well exposed, a fourth & 4b). This thrust was subsequently folded by the stage 2
one is hidden below the Camian beds of Lecco. The Grigna thrust (Coltignone thrust), which transported the lower base-
segment is the clearest in Lombardy and therefore may serve ment unit and the Middle Triassic unit 2 (Coltignone) on top
as a guide for understanding more complex structures. of the unit 3 (Lecco). Shortening is about 17 km in the first


Pliensbachian stage 2 thrust, and ramping through Upper Triassic, Jurassic

Sinemurian and lowermost Cretaceous it originated a rampfold (Albenza
anticline). See Schonbom (1990) for a more detailed de-
scription of the Grigna and Valtorta segments.

The eastern part of the Ballabio-Barzio zone

^eHHzizSHH Norian Geometry

Wm^ Camian
The Valtorta segment is bordered to the west by the Faggio
line, a strike-slip fault with transpressional character in the
south and transtensional in the north. Sinistral sense of shear
is evidenced by some striations, slickolites and steps, clearly
Ladinian sinistral parallel faults (markers are more than 100 m dis-
placed), the geometry of pull-aparts and compressional fea-
tures where the line splits into different branches (Fig. 2b), the
SEythian backthrust of the Upper Triassic unit in the east and the much
+++++++++ Upper Permian larger south-verging shortening of the Upper Triassic west of
++++++++++• rIOOOrr
++++++++++• Middle the line. Zanchi etal. (1988) observed dextral sense of shear,
+ + + + +++ + + ++++^ which is in disagreement with all of the author's data.
++++++++++++++++++• The trace of the section C (Fig. 6) is bent to account for
some eastward motion of the unit 2A (Barzio). The most
striking features are the two Upper Triassic rampfolds, the
Figure 3. Summary stratigraphic column. The competent layers of Middle
and Upper Triassic age are both outlined by detachment horizons. units IIA and IIB (Resegone and Camozzera), thrust south-
ward along the sinistral Faggio line in the east and dextral
Stage, about 25 km in the second stage. The model may be transpressional faults in the west. The unit 1 (Muschiada), the
tested calculating shortening separately for sediments and block above the sheet II A, is composed of a very condensed
basement. Since the unit 3 is cut obliquely by the Lecco line Middle Triassic sequence and topped at Mt. Muschiada itself
in Figure 4c, there is little information on stage 3. by a small remnant of the Upper Triassic sheet above (unit I).
The cross-section (Fig. 6) is simplified for better clarity: the
Middle Triassic is too thick.
The Valtorta section The S W dipping Middle Triassic unit 2 A is separated from
the lower basement unit by the Valtorta fault, which has a
East of the Ballabio-Barzio zone structural geometry changes marked vertical component of displacement there. SE trending
(Fig. 5). No large-scale mass transport along the transverse dextral strike-slip faults in this unit, partly in the form of
zone beyond the studied area is observable, therefore overall flower structures (e.g. east of the village of Barzio) may be
shortening in the east and the west has to be identical. interpreted as former continuations of the Valsassina line, but
During stage 1 the Orobic thrust ramped through both the cut off and transported eastward by the contemporaneously
Middle and Upper Triassic layers, without a flat in the active Valtorta fault (Fig. 2b).
Camian horizon between. The Middle Triassic unit 1 (Bruco)
is an equivalent of 1A and IB, and also remnants of the Upper
Triassic unit above (I, Zuccone unit, not exposed in the Kinematics
Grigna segment) may be observed. Figure 6a shows the restored version of the section C. The
The kinematics of the second stage were complicated by Upper Triassic units II A and II B are interpreted as being
backthrusting of the Upper Triassic sheet II (Aralalta, Figs 5b equivalent to the unit II (Aralalta-Albenza) from further east.
& 5c). After ramping through basement and Middle Triassic, The link is enabled by correlating the Albenza - Upper
the latter by two in-sequence thrusts, shortening was split into Triassic (southern part of II) with the Camozzera - Upper
a south-verging thrust (12 km), some internal deformation of Triassic (IIB): the overlying Rhaetian to Cretaceous strata of
the Upper Triassic and a backthrust (about 5.5 km). There- both units are continous (compare Figs 10 a & b). Unit IIA
fore the units 2A and 2B beneath the Upper Triassic II formed is the northern continuation of IIB, and restoring the different
a wedge. In order to accommodate backthrusting of the unit Upper Triassic units levels up exactly the northern termina-
II, the Middle Triassic unit 1 (Bruco) above is dissected in the tions of the units II A and II B in the west and n in the east
model by an out-of-sequence thrust, creating the unit 1' (compare Fig. 9c and the Upper Triassic ramp on Fig. 9b).
('Superbruco'). The Middle Triassic Muschiada unit (1 on section C) is
The backthrust was concealed by the Valtorta fault. Along explained as lateral continuation of the Bruco unit (1 on
this sinistral strike-slip fault eastward motion of the Valtorta section D) because both are thrust onto the Upper Triassic
segment took place. level II (the correlation is covered up by subsequent rotation
The out-of-sequence thrust active during stage 3 cut the and backthrusting of the eastern segment). Lying on top of



^ 4&. e^SIJ&S
+ + + + + -t- + t + + + + + + + t-t- + +, . « . • >,-r + 4--t- + + + + -|-+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +-(. + i--)- + + + +
- . >.^i-'+ + + ^- + + ^-^- + + ^. + -^- + + ^- + + + + + + + + ^. + + + + + ^.^.^. + ^.
+ + + + +-+ + + + + + + + + " '_'•'•'+ + + + •>- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + -,'+ + + + + + +++ + + +++ + ++ + + + + + ++4-4-+ + ++ + + + + + ++ +

20 km


H =V
20 km


Figure 4. Cross-section A. A kinematic model of the Grigna mountains, modified after SchSnbom (1990). In a first stage the upper basement unit, the Middle
Triassic unit 1A and then IB were transported along the Orobic thrust. In stage 2 the lower basement unit (Orobic anticline) and the Middle Triassic unit
2 were thrust on lop ofthe unit 3. Shortening of the first stage is 17 km, of the second stage 25.5 km. Basement unit I = San Marco. 2 = Mezzoldo; Middle
Triassic unit 1A = Grigna-N, i B = Grigna-S, 2 = Coltignone, 3 = Lecco.

+ + -' + r t t- + + + -l-+ + + + -h»t1--H1- + + -l-+ + + + + +

< X ^ - ' + + + + + + -t--l- + +-l- + + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + + + ++ +
+ +-I- + + + + + + + +' <-+++-!- . ,'f + + + + ++-!-+ + + + + + + + + + + + ++•(- + + + + + + + + + + •(- +
1 - + + i - + + + + + + + + + + -t-ii.. '+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +i- + + + + + 1-+ + + + -t--f + + +
20 km

H = V 20 km

Figure 5. Cross-section D. A kinematic model of the Valtorta segment, modified after Schonbom (1990). Dashed lines are thrusts active in the subsequent
stages, (a) Palinspastic configuration before thrusting, (b) Situation after stage 1. Arrows indicate the relative movements ofthe next stage. The UpperTriassic
sheet II is thrust southward as well as northward. (c)Current cross-section after stage3.The units 2A and 2Bfomi a wedge below the backthrust UpperTriassic
unit II. Shortening as in Figure 4. Basement unit 1 - San Marco, 2 = Mezzoldo; Middle Triassic unit 1 = Bruco. 1' - 'Superbruco', 2A - Barzio. 2B =
'Infrabarzio', 3 - Lecco; UpperTriassic unit I - Zuccone. II = Aralalta-Albenza, II C = 'Gerola'.


the frontal limb of the lower basement unit the Middle sections further east (Figs 5 & 6): The ramp of the stage 1
Triassic unit 2A corresponds to the northern part of the unit thmst onto the Upper Triassic is originated by the inherited
2 (Coltignone), occupying the same position in the Grigna fault, as well as the splitting of the stage 2 thrust into two
segment. The unit 2B is not exposed but is required to ensure branches. The Ema block (2B of Fig. 7) shows the situation
the same amount of shortening as in the east and in the west. of the unit 2B further east during early stage 2 thmsting.
This unit is probably strongly imbricated since it vanishes Consequently the thmst in the westem part of the transverse
laterally. zone between the Ema unit and the Upper Triassic IIA above
Unlike in the section D (Fig. 5), the stage 1 thrust ramps had a much smaller displacement than the same thmst in the
through the Upper Triassic after a low angle detachment in eastem part. The southward motion of the II A thrust,
the Camian in the section C (Fig. 6b). The stage 2 thrust splits accounting for some 3.3 km in the section C, is reduced to
in the Camian into a high angle detachment through the perhaps a few hundred metres in the section B and vanishing
Upper Triassic (the Resegone thrust) and into a flat following towards W. The (projected) remaining folds around the tip of
the Camian beds cut by the subsequent thmst of stage 3. the unit 2 in the Grigna segment (Figs 4c & 9) are reminiscent
of the folds of the Mt. Moregallo which occupies a similar
tectonic position.
The western part of the Ballabio-Barzio zone The overturned sequence in the south is explained as the
overtumed limb of a fault-bend fold (see below). The Upper
Triassic unit IIC, drilled into by the Gerola well, is depicted
The Middle Triassic unit 2A is strongly imbricated north of in Figure 7 as the hangingwall of the stage 2 thmst, cut by the
an Upper Triassic block called Due Mani (IIA west on Fig. out-of-sequence stage 3 thmst. Its length in N-S direction
2b). A steep fault (which is not exposed but a steep inclination must be at least 12 km (displacement of the location of the
is inferred by the limiting outcrops) marks the contact, future stage 3 thmst in the Upper Triassic during stage 2, Figs.
turning into a more gently south-dipping position (35°) as the 6b & 7b). Thrusting in the Jurassic strata of the 'Gerola unit'
result of minor backthrusting. This fault and constmcted should represent parts of stage 2 thmsting.
cross-sections (the base of the Upper Triassic is exposed The cross-sections A to D are summarized in a block
further south) point out that this block does not lie on top of diagram (Fig. 8) to clarify the 3-D geometries.
Middle Triassic 2A, but more or less on the same level. It was
thmst southward onto two Middle Triassic blocks that are
connected to the sheet 2 further west. The eastem one, called Chronological development
Mt. Ema, dips steeply WSW - SSW, discordant with its basal
thmst. Further to the south, an overturned sequence of Upper The chronological development is shown on schematic maps.
Triassic Dolomia Principale to Cretaceous Pontida flysch Figure 9a is a horizontal cut through the Triassic before
with many south to west-verging thmsts is one of the major thmsting: a ridge of Middle Triassic strata was bordered by
problems of local tectonics. A well near Gerola (Fig. 2b) inherited normal faults to the SW and to the E. 'Lecco fault'
revealed a nearly flat-lying sequence of right way up Upper means the eastem border of the Early Liassic Generoso basin
Triassic to Cretaceous strata (e.g. Jadoul & Gaetani 1986). in the Comizzolo area. Vertical displacement was more than
1 km along the Lecco and Fontana faults and unknown along
the Faggio fault.
Figure 9b illustrates the situation after stage 1: The Orobic
The restored version of the model (Fig. 7a) interprets the thmst ramped onto the Upper Triassic east of the Fontana
Upper Triassic unit U A as the hangingwall of an inherited fault, which made this step easier by lowering the Upper
normal fault (Fontana fault). This is the most simple and Triassic. Because the thmst split into two branches west of
kinematically viable explanation for the geometry described the Fontana fault (1A & 1B), the Middle Triassic got displaced
above, and it is supported by the comparison of Upper dextrally above this fault. Although the Upper Triassic west
Triassic cataclasites after the method of Froitzheim (1988). of the Faggio fault occupied a higher position than east of it,
The imbrication of the unit 2A may be produced by thmsts this healed fault was not reactivated during stage 1. The
active during stage 1 as well as during stage 2. The Ema block theoretically demanded strike-parallel shortening on the for-
with its bedding cut discordantly by the basal thmst is ward termination of the somewhat oblique Upper Triassic
depicted as sheared off and rotated frontal limb of the unit 2. ramp (Apotria etal. 1990) possibly influenced the forming of
The stage 1 thrust crosses the Upper Triassic at the the 1A thmst. The obliqueness of this ramp could be related
inherited fault, thmsting the (projected) Middle Triassic unit to ENE oriented prolongations of the Fontana fault. Also
1 (Muschiada) on top of the Upper Triassic unit 11 A. other important features in the Lombardian Alps are oriented
The stage 2 thmst splits into two thmsts near the inherited like this (e.g. the Orobic, Trabuchello and Cedegolo anti-
fault: one going on horizontally and then ramping through the clines, the Clusone fault and the unnamed one northeast of
Middle Triassic below the unit 2B, the other leading up San Pellegrino). Liassic normal faulting following an inher-
immediately and thmsting Upper Triassic n A onto 11B (Fig. ited Permian fault system and influencing Alpine thmsting
7b). could be an explanation for this phenomenon.
This section reveals the reason for the evolution of the Figure 9c elucidates stage 2: The triangular shape of the



+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +,-•*' + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + ,] + + + + + + + _>^' • • • " " ^v'^ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + ;.-F'+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-t- + + + + +^' ''+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + •!- + + + + + +
20 km




+ +++ + and
+ + + + -h
+ +++ +


Figure 6. Cross-section C. A kinematic modeiof the eastern part of the Ballabio-Barzio transverse zone, (a) Restored section, (b) Situation after stage 1.
Arrows indicate movements of stage 2. (c) Current cross-section. Minor backthrusiing of unit 2A is located between the Permian and the basement. Some
eastward motion and extension along strike of unit 2A has to be added. Unit 1 is too thick and the Upper Triassic unit I above not depicted, neither is unit
IIC in Figure 6c, Shortening as in Figure 4. Basement unit 1 = San Marco, 2 = Mezzoldo; Middle Triassic unit 1 = Muschiada, 2A = Barzio, 2B = ' Infrabarzio',
3 - Lecco; Upper Triassic unit II A = Resegone, II B = Camozzera, H C = 'Gerola'.




+ + ++ + and
+ + ++ + BASEMENT
+ + ++ + 20 km


Figure 7. Cross-section B. A kinematic model of Ihe western part of the Ballabio-Barzio transverse zone. The structures further east (Figs 5 & 6) were
originated at the inherited Fontana normal fault: the ramp of the stage 1 -thrust onto the Upper Triassic, the splitting of the stage 2-ihrust and internal thrusting
of the Upper Triassic during stage 2. The unit IIC represents the hangingwall of the stage2thrust, cutby theout-of-sequence stage 3-thrust. Shortening as
in Figure 4. Basement unit 1 - San Marco unit, 2 = Mezzoldo; Middle Triassic unit 1 = Muschiada, 2A = Barzio, 2B = 'Infrabarzio', 3 = Lecco; Upper Triassic
unit II A = Due Mani, II B = Camozzera, II C = 'Gerola'. P = Upper Triassic of 11 Pizzo, E = Jurassic of Erve.


Figure 8. Simplified block diagram of the Grigna segment to the left, the Vailorta segment to the right and the uplifted Ballabio-Barzio transverse zone
in between. Cross-sections A to D refer to Figures 4,7,6 & 5. The Upper Triassic unit I in the transverse zone and the frontal fault-bend fold of cross-section
A are not depicted. Basement unit 1 - San Marco ("Orobic crystalline'), 2 = Mezzoldo ("Orobic anticline'); Middle Triassic unit I - Muschiada in the
transverse zone, Bruco in the Vaitorta segment, lA = Grigna-N, IB = Grigna-S, 2 = Coltignone, 2A - Barzio, 2B -Ema/"Infrabarzio'; Upper Triassic unit
I = Zuccone, U (A&B) - Aralalta-Albenza, IIA = Due Mani and Resegone, IT B - Camozzera, IIC = 'Gerola', P = It Pizzo, I & II = not exposed Upper Triassic
above the Grigna.

tip of the lower basement unit deflected the local transport level 2. A larger rotation of the Vaitorta segment than
directions. The Grigna segment was compressed towards assumed here would make 2B unnecessary, but then prob-
SW (Grigna syncline), the Vaitorta segment was rotated lems would arise further west; in this case the Upper Triassic
clockwise producing extension in the northern part of the unit 11A must have been pushed south from below the Middle
transverse zone and the adjoining Vaitorta segment. Parts of Triassic unit lA. No indications supporting this interpreta-
the unit 1, sunk in a graben of the Upper Triassic II, verify a tion are at hand.
post-stage 1 age of the extension. During stage 2 the Faggio Between the units II A west and east transtensional fea-
fault was reactivated as a tear fault: the Vaitorta segment was tures in the northern part and transpressional in the southern
backthrust. The unit 2 A was transported somewhat eastward part provide evidence of minor variations in transport direc-
and northward with respect to the basement (i.e. l8to 19km tions, possibly as an effect of the rotation of the Vaitorta
of southward transport have to be added). Backthrusting took segment. Shortening along the thrust II A (Resegone thrust)
place to a very limited extent along thrust planes between increased eastward, intensifying the along-strike shortening
Permian volcanics and the basement. An opening gap be- near the Faggio line (N-S trending anticline in the unit II A
tween the units 2A and 2 because of the SE movement of the east).
unit 2 A and the SW movement of the unit 2 may have caused Stage 3 thrusting is localized in the southern part of the
the eastward dip of the unit 1A (above) near the transverse map. Here the influence of a transverse zone on thrusting can
zone. The swinging of the front of the unit 2A (shaded barbs) be observed directly. Figure 10 exhibits the frontal parts of
below the Upper Triassic indicates the area of existence of the the discussed sections. Further away from the oblique Lecco
unit 2B below. This probably strongly imbricated unit is lineament a fault-bend fold (or broken through fault-propaga-
necessary to ensure the shortening of the Middle Triassic tion fold, which can hardly be distinguished after some


T 10km B T 10 km B D

Idle J r . rami

Q 1A
A A A 4 i
A • A
^ \
A A A..

A' C D'
Middle Triassic upper Triassic

^ A'! B' C D' A

Figure 9. Schematic chronological development of the stages 1 and 2 on a
(a) Horizontal cut through the Triassic before thrusting. A ridge of Middle
Triassic strata was bordered by Liassic normal faults bringing down the
UpperTriassic.'Lecco fault'means the eastern margin of the Generoso basin
in the Comizzolo area (simplified after Lichtensteiger 1986). Cross-sections
A to D refer to the Figures 4a, 7a, 6a & 5a.
(b) Situation after stage I; shaded tectonic features are overlain by the Middle
Triassic of the hangingwall (while). The oblique Upper Triassic ramp
originated near the inherited Fontana fault.
(c) Tectonics of the second stage. The triangular tip of the basement caused
lateral escape to the SE and to the SW, contemporaneous to the much larger
southward transport. The clockwise rotation of the Valtoria segment (right
side) produced extension in the northern part of the transverse zone and along
strike compression in the Brcmbo valley to the cast. The UppcrTriassic units
n A were thmst south along the Faggio line, which was reactivated as a
sinistral tear fault. Wedging of the unit 2A and the underlying unit 2B is
manifested by backthrusting of the Upper Triassic unit II (A & B) and to a
smal ler extent of the unit 2A. Shaded barbs indicate the front of the unit 2A
below the Upper Triassic. The points A and A', B and B' were neighbours
before stage 2 thrusting. The passively transported and rotated units of the
firsl stage are not drafted. During the third stage the units 3, II B and II (A
& B) were thrust onto unit II C (compare Fig. 8). Middle Triassic unit 1 =
Muschiada - Bruco, 1A = Grigna-N, IB - Grigna-S, 2 - Coltignone, 2A -
Barzio, 3 = Lecco; UpperTriassic unit II (A&B) - Aralalta - Albenza, II A
= Resegone and Due Mani, II B — Camozze^a, II C - 'Gerola'.

transport) with a steep southern limb is the sign of a ramp In the section C through the Mt. Camozzera (Fig. 10b)
through the Upper Triassic to lowermost Cretaceous strata transport along the thrust below therampfold, 3a, was stopped
(Fig. 10a). The unexposed stage 3 thrust (Lecco thrust) by the Lecco lineament and another thrust, 3b, broke through
turned into a flat in the lower to middle Cretaceous, as it is the hinge of the fold, slightly overturning the frontal limb as
indicated by the fold style and the thrusts further south. West shown by the steeply north dipping Jurassic beds. Minor
of the Lecco lineament (e.g. near the Mt. Comizzolo) struc- backthrusts are demanded by the geometry and can actually
tures look similar to Figure 10a. be observed in the field. The changes between 10a and 10b


occur across the Faggio line and are responsible for the
intriguing picture of sinistral displacement high up in the
mountains (hangingwall of thrust 3b) and dextrai down in the
valley (foolwall of 3b) along the same fault.
Figure lOc is a cross-section through the eastern flank of
Mt. Barro, that is surrounded by various elements of the
Lecco lineament. The Upper Triassic of the overturned limb
was thrust onto the also steeply north dipping Jurassic along
thrust 3c.
The section B through II Pizzo (Fig. lOd) displays the final b) Section C (Camozzera)

step of this development: transport on thrust 3b increased, the

overturned series were flattened, the many supplementary
thrusts that developed preferably below the rigid layers
(analogues to thrust 3c) inactivated. Erosion follows about
the 3b thrust on the northern flank of II Pizzo, the hangingwall
is totally eroded.
The dextrai offset of the Rhaetian to Cretaceous strata c) Section A
between the sections B and C is explained by comparing (Barro east)
Figures 10b and lOd: Assuming the same amount of total Lower Cret.
stage 3 shortening, the footwall of thrust 3b is displaced Jurassic
dextrally as shortening along thrust 3b in Figure 1 Ob is larger Upper Rhaetian
than along thrust 3a which is further east. Additionally thrust Upper Triassic

3a in the section B (Fig. 1 Od) is topographically higher than in

the sections C and D. Comparing the hangingwalls of thrust d) Section B
I Pizzo
3b reveals a sinistral offset.
The large dextrai transpression between the sections B and
C is pointed out on the cross-section E (Fig. 11). The
hangingwall of the thrust 3b in the section C is thrust towards
SW onto the overturned footwall of the section B.
Shortening of stage 3 may not be calculated because the H=V 5 km
northern part of the unit IIC (Gerola well) is unknown. 20 km
is a minimum value. A northward continuation of the stage Figure 10. Development of the fault-bend fold of slage 3- (a) The rampfold
above the stage 3 thmsl. West of the Lecco lineament stinjctures are similar,
3 thrust into the basement, creating a third basement unit
(b) Because displacement along the first thrust surface (3a) was hindered by
below may not be excluded (compare Figs 4 to 7). the nearer Lecco lineament, thrust 3b broke through the hinge of the fold and
overturned its footwail. (c) Another thrust (3c) transported the UpperTriassic
of the overturned limb onto the Jurassic of the footwall. Modified after
Time relationships v '. Lichtensteiger (1986). (d) Analogous thrusts to the 3c thrust developed
beneath the competent layers and were cut by the 3b thrust, along which
further transport flattened out the overturned limh. If total shortening of stage
Eastern equivalents of the Orobic thrust (stage 1) are cut by 3 remained the same, the footwall of thrust 3b was displaced dextrally from
the Adamello intrusions (43 - 30 Ma). Therefore the stage 1 Figures 10 a - d, whereas the hangingwall was displaced sinistrally. These
predates the Adamello and is possibly of Cretaceous age. features can be observed in the field. Minor parallel faults of the Lecco line
are not shown.
For stage 2 there are arguments for pre- as well as for post-
Adamello activity (correlation of the Orobic anticline with
the Cedegolo anticline, which predates the intrusions or with the stage 2 and 3 thrusts of this paper.
the Trompia high, which postdates them). Even a combina-
tion is possible: pre-Adamello array and post-Adamello
reactivation (Laubscher 1990). In this case stage 2 would Conclusions
consist of two different stages with a considerable time span
in between (Cretaceous to Miocene?). The transverse zone was brought into existence at an inher-
The stage 3 thrust can be traced westward beneath the ited normal fault that gave rise for the stage I thrust to ramp
rampfold of the frontal range of Mt. Comizzolo and further onto the Upper Triassic.
west. A possible link to the Miocene tectonics in the southern The expression of stage 2 tectonics in the basement are en-
Ticino (Bernoulli et al. 1989) may only be assumed but not echelon aligned rampfolds. The triangular tip of one of them
proved at the moment. produced lateral escape to the SW and to the SE, contempo-
The Late Miocene thrusts below the Po plain (Fieri & raneous to a much larger southward transport. The stage 2
Groppi 1981) have to be projected below the discussed thrust split into two branches "near the mentioned inherited
structures. Roeder (in press) interprets them as footwall fault, imbricating the Middle Triassic to the east Another
imbricates of a main thrust corresponding to a combination of inherited normal fault, oriented N-S, was reactivated as a tear


NE Fa^gio Transpression SW
Line zone Lecco
0 Line

Lower Liassic
Upper Rhaetian
Upper Triassic
Middle Triassic

•..•,].••...il> '•">";

Figure 11. Cross-section E. SW trending cross-section in the southern part of the transverse zone. The hangingwall of the thrust 3b in Figure 10b (IIA &
IIB) was thrust onto the overturned footwall of this thrust in Figure lOd (P & E). The corresponding hangingwall is eroded on the southwestern side. Parallel
faults of the dextral Lccco line intersect the overturned strata. Upper Triassic unit II = Aralalta-Albenza, II A = Resegone, II B = Camozzera, P = Pizzo; E
= Jurassic of Erve.

fault and the area further east backthrust. and extension, which in turn has the same effect as inherited
The fault-bend fold of the stage 3 thrust was hindered by unevenness. In this way an inherited fault or other uneven-
an oblique lineament {Lecco line). A thrust broke through the ness is able to propagate its consequences.
hinge of the fold and overturned the frontal limb. The out-of- In the case of the Ballabio-Barzio transverse zone the
sequence stage 3 thrust cut off the hangingwall of the stage 2 oblique orientation of Permian graben with respect to subse-
thrust now lying below. quent thrusting led to en-echelon aligned rampfolds, which in
Shortening is some 17 km during the first, 25 km during turn produced lateral escape, which had the effect of {1) S ^ -
the second and at least 20 km during the third stage. deflection and in this way enabled reactivation of the Faggio
This transverse zones illustrates the severe influence of fauh as a tear fault and therefore backthrusting of the Valtorta
oblique inherited faults on subsequent thrusting: they may segment and (2) lateral extension in the northern part of the
provoke additional ramps (Fontana fault) or more complex transverse zone, along strike compression in the Brembo
thrust systems, trying to overcome the obstacle {Lecco fault). valley and possibly in the southern part of the transverse zone.
Additionally all sorts of oblique and lateral ramps may
originate near such faults, depending on fault geometry and This work benefited from discussions and field trips with H. Laubscher, M.
stratigraphy. Healed inherited faults oriented parallel to the Schumacher, Th. Noack and many others. Th. Widmer is thanked especially
for offering his field data. The paper has been improved by ihe advice of R.
transport direction may be not reactivated until deflection of Zoetemeijer, W. Sassi and an anonymous reviewer as well as by the editorial
the local S|-pattem produces favourable conditions {Mohr help of K. McClay. Support by the Swiss National Foundation, grant
criterion) for reactivation as strike-slip or transpressional numbers 20 - 4798.85 and 20 - 25560.88 is gratefully acknowledged.
faults. Every lateral movement, although small compared to
the main transport direction causes along strike compression


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Hangingwall geometry of overthrusts emanating from ductile
Peter Jordan & Thomas Noack

Geological Institute of Basel University, Bernoullistrasse 32, CH-4056 Basel,


Abstract: The hangingwall geometry of thrusts emanating from decollement-type sole thrusts
strongly depends on the position, the thickness and the deformation style of the sole thrust and the
way the ductile basal layers are included in the hangingwall geometry. Analytical models for some
characteristic overthrust geometries are formulated and compared to field examples from the Jura
mountains. All these models are area balanced and within the portions which deform in a brittle
fashion are also line length balanced. Due to a wedge-like inclusion of ductile material in the thrust,
overthrusts nucleating from thick sole thrusts have back limbs that are longer and flatter than the
ramp. Furthermore, these backlimbs and the respective hinges rotate during deformation and the
flat-ramp hinge migrates in the opposite sense than bulk shear movement. Due to hinge rotation
and migration, internal destruction of those back limb areas that migrate through the hinges is kept
to a minimum. In these models, important portions of the backlimb do not even migrate through
the flat-ramp hinge.

A decollement is characterized by a stratal controlled sole layers in the vicinity of thrusts have an important influence on
thrust localized in particularly soft or incompetent horizons the geometry and the internal deformation of the hangingwall.
(e.g. Ramsay & Huber 1987, p. 518). In many cases, these For instance, they cause a hangingwall geometry that is not
horizons, e.g. evaporites, behave in a ductile manner while (directly) related to the geometry of the footwall ramp as it is
the overlaying strata, e.g. carbonates or clastic sediments, assumed by Suppe (1983), Jamison (1987) and Mitra &
behave in a brittle fashion (Laubscher 1961, 1973, 1986; Namson (1989), who use a sharp, infinitesimally thin sole
Davis & Engelder 1985; Malavieille & Ritz 1989). thrust for their constructions.
Decollement in ductile layers has been recognized by Buxtorf First attempts to quantify the geometry and deformation of
as early as 1907. Consequently, with the inclusion of ductile overthrusts emanating from thick ductile sole thrusts were
basal layers in the hangingwall of thrust systems, the amount made by Suter (1981) and Taboada et al. (1990). In the
of thickening or thinning has often been overestimated. following, it will be shown that the nearly infinite range of
Ductile materials have commonly been used to fill gaps natural decoUement-thrust geometries (e.g. Fig. 2e) can be
between the basement and deformed cover without regard to regarded as combinations of four major types (Figs 2a - d)
mass balance or thrust kinematics (Fig. la). In order to keep that differ in the localization and the deformation style of the
mass balance, other authors try to fill these gaps with duplexes sole thrust and the hangingwall geometry.
and basement structures (e.g. Boyer & Elliot 1982; Mitra The Type 1 Thrust is associated with a 'Top Decollement'
1986,1988; Gurler et al. 1987; Bitterli 1988). Their con- (Fig. 2a), characterized by a sharp (infinitesimally thin) sole
structions are based on a sharp sole fault at the base or within thrust at the top of the weak layer. No weak material is
the ductile layers, and a mass and line length conserving dip included in the thrust. The hangingwall is assumed to deform
domain structure (Suppe 1983, Groshong & Usdansky 1988) in a geometry according to Suppe (1983). This type of
in the hangingwall, viz. the ductile layers are assumed to deformation is quite common in the frontal duplex zone of
behave the same way as all other overlying brittle strata eastern Jura (e.g. Bitterli 1988).
(Fig. lb). The Type 2 Thrust is related to a' Simple Shear Decollement'
Natural examples show that sole thrusts are often not sharp (Fig. 2b), introduced by Malavieille & Ritz (1989). It is
faults but shear zones of a certain thickness (e.g. Jordan & characterized by homogeneous layer-parallel simple shear in
Niiesch 1989). Based on recent field work in the Jura and on a thick ductile sole thrust. The ductile material is squeezed
geometrical models, this paper will demonstrate that there are between the competent backlimb and the undeformed footwall,
accumulations and rolling-out of weak basal materials in producing a backlimb that is considerably flatter than ex-
decoUement-related overthrusts. However, they are in con- pected from the ramp angle. The horizontal crest and the
cordance with overall mass balance, and they are controlled forelimb still exhibit the angular relationship to the ramp
by the thickness of the sole thrust, its localization within the angle indicated by the model of Suppe (1983). Malavieille &
ductile layers, its deformation style and the way the ductile Ritz (1989) suggest that the Arc de Digne nappe of southern
material within and above the sole thrust is included in France is a good example for this geometry.
overthrusting. These local changes in thickness of ductile The Type3 Thrustis associated with a 'Basal Decollement'


(Fig. 2c), first proposed by Suter (1981). It is characterized

by a sharp sole thrust at the bottom of the weak basal layer
combined with a wedge-shaped inclusion ofthe ductile layer
in the thrust. As a consequence of the additional material
squeezed in the ramp, the backlimb is even flatter than in
Type 2-thrust while the amount of layer-normal shortening is
smaller. The cross-section of Mt. Terry Thrust by Suter
(1981) is a good example for this type of thrust (Fig. Ic).
0 1 km
Gsel! (1968) Gijrief Bt al. (1987) The Type 4 Geometry is produced by an 'Underthrust
a Cushion Decollement' (Fig. 2d) that is characterized by two
N S NW SE 'sole thrusts' within the weak basal layer (cf. delamination,
iA/t. Terry-Slntictine y{eimetsddeC Geiser 1988). The material between these two thrusts is
squeezed under the overlying structure while the stiff layers
above the upper thrust are shortened by overthrusting. In the
example shown, the upper shear zone is localized at the top of
the weak basal layer, and the material between the two shear
zones is shortened parallel to the sole thrust to the same extent
as the overlying segment. The resulting accumulation is
assumed to be symmetrical and bulge-like. There are, of
course, an infinite number of variations concerning the locali-
zation of the two 'sole thrusts', the deformation within the
resulting segments and the final shape of the resulting cush-
ion. As a consequence ofthe underthru sting, line lengths and
layer thicknesses in the competent hanging wall are no longer
conserved. There are various possibilities of internal shear.
In Figure 2d, vertical simple shear in the competent units is
assumed. Good examples for Type 4-decollements are the
Heimetsadel (near Kienberg) and the Homberg (north of
Olten) anticlines in the eastern Jura (Figs Id - e).
Figure 1. Interpretations of thrusts related to ductile decollements (exam- Generally, the geometry of natural sole thrusts is a mixture
ples from the Swiss Jura): (a) huge accumulations of evaporites as assumed between the types discussed above {'combined decollements')
by Gsell (1968); (b) extrapolation ofthe dip domain structure to the depth and thrusts emanating from such sole thrusts are conse-
(indicated by arrow) of the Passwang fault related fold (after Giirler el al
quently a combination of the four types. A possible combi-
1987); (c) wedge-like involvement of ductile strata in thrust related to basal
decollemenl: the Mt. Terry fault related fold (after Suter 1981); Underthnist nation of Types 1 to 3 is shown in Figure 2e. In the following,
cushions: (d) Heimetsadel anticline; (e) Homberg anticline with sharp analytical models for Type 2, Type 3 and for thrusts nucle-
frontal shear zone-type Homberg thrust (after Noack 1989). (f) Lxication of ating from combined decollements are presented. Type 1
cross seciions. follows the rules of Suppe (1983) and Type 4 is not well
enough constrained to be formulated in a simple and useful
model, as is the situation when (except in Types 1 & 4) the

Top Decollement d Underthrust Cushion

Figure 2. Thrusts related to various

types of decollements (for discussion
see text). In (b) and (d) the finite defor-
mation of an initially orthogonal and
Combined Decollement equilateral net is indicated.

Strong and Brittle Material

5_q(e Ihrust
Weak and Ductile Material
Basal Decollement


• NP; Nucleation Point -^ : Rotation of Intersector

- • © ; Migration of P relative to coordinates

Figure 3. Model and geometry of a thrust related to simple shear decollement (Type 2) (for discussion see text, explanation of symbols in Table 1). The
orientation of the passively rotated hinge C^' gives the amount of internal shear in the stiff backlimb as the hinge was originally oriented perpendicularly
to layering.

base of the stiff hangingwall segment has reached the upper Ramp models
footwall flat. Nevertheless, possible models for this latter
situation are discussed. All models are formulated in two dimensions, i.e. in the
transport direction assuming plane strain (cf. Suppe 1983).
The ramp models for Type 2 and 3 thrusts and thrusts
Table 1 Symbols used in text and equations. nucleating from combined decollements describe the
Ac, Be, Cc hinges of hangingwall above ductile basal layer situation from thrust nucleation until the arrival of the base
Ac', Be', Ce' inactive (passively transported) hinges of of the britde layer at the upper footwall flat.
Be* hinge between backlimb and foreland dipping
crest in 'shear model' Thrust related to a simple shear decollement (Type 2)
b distance JE = h/ tan (9)
C ramp-flat hinge of footwall = imaginary flat-ramp This model assumes that (Fig. 3): (1) all volumes are con-
bisector in basal ductile layer served; (2) within the competent layers, bed lengths and
h distance HJ = hop . sin (Be)
=/(As); distance EP; distance along initial
thicknesses are conserved; and (3) there is no displacement
position of top of basal ductile layer between along the interfaces between ductile and competent layers.
footwall ramp and basal point of hangingwall The thrust fault that cuts the competent layers at an angle9
Cc-hinge is suggested to have propagated rapidly at the very first step
'front length of 'sharp frontal shear zone' of deformation. Subsequently the hangingwall starts to thrust
'top distance HP; length of the top of basal ductile
layer in backlimb
over the footwall in such a way that the volume of the ductile
NP nucleation point of initial hangingwall Cc-hinge strata remains constant, i. e. the 'volume loss', Avol , is
source '
(= P for As=0)
thickness of (brittle) hangingwall layers above
compensated by a 'volume gain', Avol^.^ (Fig. 3), therefore:
ductile basal layer
Td thickness of ductile basal layer 0.5 A s T d = 0 . 5 - Ibas-h
thickness of partial layer i
source sink
a dip of C-hinge of footwall
ae = 0.5.(jt-e); dip of Cc-hinge of hangingwall
y = As/Td; shear parallel to decollement
7> shear of partial layer i
where As is the shortening in the competent strata, Td the
7* additional shear in ramp triangle parallel to Cc
Aa = a - o c =0.5.(e-ec)
thickness of the ductile layer, 1^^^ the distance between P and
As shortening of all competent hangingwall layers E, (the lower end of the footwall ramp of the competent
Avol volume of source = volume of sink layers), and h the vertical component of the displacement
e ramp angle of footwall vector EH. During thrusting, the stiff hangingwall is rotated
dip of backlimb = apparent ramp angle of
by the angle 0^ around point P, resulting in a hinge C . In order
to keep layer thickness constant, C^ has to be the bisector of
the angle (ii-G). In contrast to the model of Taboada et


NP: ^ = 0,Nucleation Point

where ^ = V 2 7 + 2+ V" 27+ 4 and
10: f =10

As_ Td As- Td^

•"= 2 and t —
tan (9) \ tan 2 (6)7

1^^^^ decreases with increasing footwall ramp angle, 9, and

increases slightly with increasing As (Fig. 4). The further
variables h and 1^^ are obtained by substituting l^^^^ in (1) and
(3), noting that tan(e ) = h/(JE+l ), and JE = h/tan'(e), we get

Footwall Ramp Angle ( 6 )

Figure 4. The distance between the lower end of the footwall ramp and the
Qr = arctan I " (6)
bottom end of the hinge C^,, Ij,^, versus the footwall ramp angle, 0, at nu-
cleation of overthrust and at deformation stage Ds= 10.1^^^, and Ds are nor-
malized versus the thickness of the ductile layer, Td. The geometry of the horizontal crest and the forelimb, i.e.
the part of the hangingwall to the left of hinge B^ (Fig. 3) is
al. (1990) for the same geometrical setting, in the present controlled by the ramp angle only and has, therefore, a Suppe
model, the hinge C is not parallel to the hinge C (that bisects (1983)-type shape. The backlimb, however, is much flatter
the angle (TT-O)) between the ramp and the flat at the base of than expected from the Suppe model. During progressive
the decollement nor do the two hinges intersect with each hangingwall displacement, the backlimb of a Type 2 thrust is
other at the interface of the two layers. Noting that rotated to become increasingly steeper until the base of the
b = h/ tan (6), from equation (1),

b=(AsTd)/(tan(9)- Ibas) (2) Cc

: 1

From the requirement of constant bed length of the competent ^ — 1 1

units, HPR = ER', and, " r. -
'top = 'bas + As (note that Ibas = f(As)) (3)

From the Pythagoras' theorem:

('top) = (Ibas + b) + (h)

or, substituting from equation (1), (2) & (3)

1 '^
^. c.
As-Td 2 Ms- Td
(Ibas + As) = Pbas +
Ibas- tan ( 9) Iba '—
X »
•^Tsemtm* sole thrust
B; :E^

, As Td2 As- Td^

Ibas + 1 — - 'bas
\ tan 2 (9)7
tan (9)
V '
t (4)
Using CARDAN'S formula for cubic equations we get
Figure 5. Kinematic sequence of a thrust related to a basal decollement
(Type 3). (a) after nucleation; (b) ramp situation; (c) base of stiff backlimb
has reached top of foolwall (dotted domains have passed through hinges):
Ibas ~ " 3 "*"9a"*"^ (5) (d) sharp frontal shear zone-type development after backlimb has reached


competent layers reaches the upper footwall flat. The dip of

hinges B^ and C^ are not fixed but rotate with increasing As.
In addition, the lower end of hinge C^ (point P) migrates with
progressive deformation, in the opposite sense to the thrust
movement, as a function of 1^^^ (Fig. 3). The location of the
nucleation point NP of the hinge C^, which is the initial value
of 1. , is determined from equation (5) with As = 0 (Fig. 4):

Ibas(NP) = Td/tan(9)

An important feature of Type 2 decollements is that the

Figure 6. Dvol^jj^^.^ resulting from variable shear inaductilesole thrust. For
backlimb domain between hinge C 'andB is deformed only layer 5, T^ & ''^ are indicated. Layer 6 is not sheared, and 'layers' 1,4 »fe 7
by layer-parallel slip (cf. Fig. 5c), whereas the entire backlimb are sharp sole faults with Tj=0. . . ; ,
of a classical fault-bend-fold undergoes severe deformation
Using equations (7) and (2) to (5) we get a kinematic
when being moved through the basal hinge (B bisector of
sequence as shown in Figure 5(a to c). For identical values
Suppe 1983).
of As, Td and 6,1^^ is doubled and tan (9^) is halved in
The present model shows some important differences to
respect to the former model. Internal deformation in the
the model of Taboada et al. (1990) for the same geometrical
gently dipping backlimb is less severe than in the Type 2
setting. The deformation matrix for the ductile basal layers
model. Figure 5c shows the domains of the backlimb that
of the present model is derived and outlined in the appendix.
have passed through a hinge zone when the bottom of the
brittle domain reaches the top of the footwall.
Thrust related to a basal decollement (Type 3)
The model for this type (Fig. 2c) has the same constraints as Thrust related to a combined decollement
the Type 2 model. It diverges, however, from the former
This model has the same constraints as the former two models
model by a sharp sole thrust at the bottom of the ductile layer.
and is based again on equations (1) to (5). It assumes,
Consequently, the Avol is doubled in respect to the
T •> source ' however, a variable shear profile in the basal strata that range
former model. This modifies equation (1) to from sharp sole faults ('layers' I, 4, & 7 in Fig. 6) to layers
A s T d = 0.5- Ibas-h (7) sheared to various degrees (layers 2,3 & 5) and undeformed
source sink interlayers (6). The resulting 'volume loss', Avol^^^^^, has to
be calculated layer by layer (or thrust plane) from top to

"c "c B

Be B{

Figure 7. Plausible models forthrust development afterarrival of the baseof the stiff backlimb at the top of the footwall: (a)'sharp frontal shear zone model';
(b) geometry of 'sharp frontal shear zone model' and kinematic sequence from step 0 (C^," etc.) to step 1 (C^,' etc.). The rotation of B^ is indicated by an
arrow as the rotation is to small to be drawn. C^andB^rotateparaliel to each other. Notice backward migration of C^ hinge. ' Shear models': (c) hangingwall
passes through the hinge A^,that is fixed, (d) hangingwall passes through new hinge B^.* that originates from B^, (after Taboada fl <j/. 1990). (e) Face of
hangingwall is equal to ramp situation (Suppe {1983)-type,cf. Fig. 3), rest of hangingwall passes through new hinge Bj,* that nucleates from Bj.(aflerMalavieille
& Ritz 1989).

^'^' p. JORDAN & T. NOACK iji.


- > r N *^pe[ Quarry

Avol_^=I (0.5. ( x ^ k ^ X ^ J l j - y i )
^"^ k=0 k=l

where y. is the shear in x direction (Fig. 3) in the partial layer '^' ^
i that has a thickness T , and T^= 0. Discrete thrusts (bottom,
intra and top decollements) have to be treated as partial layers
(with T y. = amount of displacement along thrust; and, for
the summing-up of thicknesses, T. = 0). The specific 'volume
loss' is normalized by

•-• • " ' source ^-i ^-1
fk = ^,^^ , where Td = ^ T j and As = ^ T J Y '
i=l i=]

in a modified equation (1):

Figure 8. Riepel quarry (for locaiion see Fig. l):(a)cross section showing
fkA S' T d = 0.5- Ibas" h (9b) a sharp frontal shear zone-type thrust and an accumulation of ductile
i'j'i >: source sink evaporites (members I and 2) in front of the footwall thrust; (b) restoration
of latest deformation step (cross section constructed and restored using
Geosec"^'^. © Geo-Logic Systems Inc. 1989).

For an overthrust related to a top decollement (Type 1)

fk=0, for one related to a simple shear decollement (Type 2) i.e. with increasing As, the hinge C^ migrates towards the
fk=0.5 and for one related to a basal decollemeni (Type 3) hinterland. The backlimb becomes flatter, while the hinges
fk= 1. Figure 2e gives an example for a combined decollement B^ and C^ become slightly steeper. Noting that h = Tc,
calculated with equations (8), (9) & (2) - (5). equation (6) yields

Ramp-flat m o d e l s »"*••• )c = arctan (11)
l^lbas + Tc/tan(e)
After the base of the back limb has reached the top of the The length of the frontal shear zone, 1 (Fig. 7b) can be
footwall (h=Tc), Type 2 and 3 models and all combined calculated noting that L +1 = As + l
c from lop bas
models are no longer constrained. There is an infinite variety
of possible geometries. In the following, we will discuss
front = As + 1bas
- '\/TC2 + ( Ibas + Tc/tan (6))
possibilities for on-going thrusting (Fig. 7) using a 'sharp
frontal shear zone model' and various 'shear models'.
The 'sharp frontal shear zone model' (Fig. 7a, b) assumes
a decoupling of ductile and rigid parts of the hangingwall And as a consequence of decreasing 0^ and increasing 1^^,
along their interface when the backlimb has reached the upper substituting equation (9) in (10) yields that the displacement
footwall flat. This results in adirect overriding of the footwall across the (infinitesimally thin) frontal shear zone is slightly
by the brittle part of the hangingwall along a frontal shear faster than the displacement across the sole thrust.
zone which is commonly formed as a very thin slice of ductile The transition of a basal decollement related thrust (Type
material, that might be developed as amylonite (Fig. 7d). The 3) into a sharp frontal shear zone-type thrust is shown in
triangle EHP (Fig. 3) (=Avol .^^ ) becomes bigger with in- Figure 5d. A good field example for a sharp frontal shear
creasing As (Fig. 7b) as almost no ductile material is trans- zone-type thrust is exposed at Riepel Quarry (north of Aarau,
ferred to the upper flat. Noting that h= EH sin(e)=Tc is Fig. 8). The deformation within the triangle (prism) below
constant, equation (9b) yields the backlimb is obviously compressive and accretionary
while the frontal shear zone is.developed as a shear zone.
Introduced by Malavieille & Ritz (1989), t h e ' shear mod-
Ibas = E P = 2 - f k A s-Td/Tc (10)
els' discuss possibilities of transferring ductile material onto


Figure 8(coni'd.). (c)Linedrawingofpanoramapiclure(ca. 30°, cf. Fig. 8a) of lowest level of Ricpcl quarry showing toolwall ramp (left), and accumulation
of hangingwall evaporiies (right). Top right shows nonh limb of the small fold in the southern part of Riepel Quany (cf. Fig. 8a). (d) Detail of mylonite
shear zone ('sharp frontal shear zone', size indicated by coin); (e) detail of fold in the accumulation domain in front of footwall thrust (size indicated by

the upper footwall flat. Geometrically, they are all based on contrast, the model proposed by Taboada et al. (1990) (Fig.
a folding down of the crest and the upper backlimb parallel to 7d) is based on a new hinge, B^*, between the backlimb and
different hinges (A^ or B^*, Fig. 7c-d) that are all bisectors of the crest segment. The new hinge develops from the hinge B
the 'initial', unfolded geometry. All'shear models' conserve (initially a bisector) when the latter reaches the flat. The
the volume, however, line lengths and bed thicknesses of one hinge B migrates further while B * is fixed (however, it ro-
or the other segment of the brittle layers have urgently to tates in time). This model results in a flat and far ranging
undergo changes in order to keep geomed-ical constraints. forelimb and a foreland sloping crest segment. Line lengths
Kinematic ally, the three models differ in the function of the and bed thicknesses are conserved within the crest segment
hinges. but not in the forelimb. The last model (Fig. 7e), proposed by
In the model introduced here (Fig. 7c), the thrust front Malavieille & Ritz (1989), is a modification of the model of
passes through the fixed hinge A^. The hinge B^, initially a Taboada et al. (1990). Shear is restricted to the part between
bisector inherited from the ramp geometry, is deflected while B * and the tip of the ductile thrust triangle. The thrust face,
passing through A^. This model results in a steep forelimb and i.e. the frontal forelimb and the frontal crest (flat) are Suppe
a high crest. Line lengths and bed thicknesses are conserved (1983)-type and are conserved from the preceding ramp
in the forelimb but not in the domain between A and B . In thrusting.


Conclusions footwall flat, the backlimb becomes again flatter in the 'sharp
frontal shear zone model', whereas it keeps on steepening in
The geometry of thrusts related to thick ductile sole thrusts the 'shearmodel'. The rotation ofbacklimb and hinges result
clearly differ from classical Suppe (1983)-type thrusts nucle- in a less severe deformation of the layers passing through the
ating from sharp sole faults and having a footwall ramp- hinges. A major part of the backlimb is deformed only by
controlled dip domain geometry. The differences include (1) layer-parallel slip, as it does not migrate through the flat-ramp
a backlimb that is much longer than the actual ramp; (2) a hinge. This solves some questions concerning field evidence,
lower angle of the back limb in respect to the ramp angle; (3) where it seems, that the backlimb of a fault-bend-fold has
a rotation of the backlimb; (4) a rotation of hinges B^ and C^; often remained more or less intact.
and (5) a migration of hinge C^ in the direction opposite to
hangingwall displacement. In the ramp situation, i.e. until the
base of the brittle part of the hangingwall has reached the We would like to thank Rick Groshong and an anonymous reviewer for their
upper footwall flat, the backlimb becomes steeper while the constructive suggestions and the Swiss National Science Foundation for
hinges B and C become flatter. After having reached the supporting this work (grants 4.904-0.85.20 and 20-25560.88).

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State of deformation in the ductile layers of a Type 2 decollement:
^1 -t- Y sin (ac)cos(ac) -Y cos^(ac) yi Y
In a reference system normal and parallel to the original layering
(Fig. 3), the deformation of the ductile basal layer in the ramp Y* sin 2 (ttc) 1 Y* sin (ac)cos (Oc) }S> 1
triangle HPB (Fig. 3) can be formulated by the superposition of two
simple shear movements. The first is parallel to the decollement and
Noting that a = 7t/2-9 11 (angle of bisector C )
is characterized by
The second is parallel to the hinges C^ and B^ of the respective (l-cos (Be))^ A
deformation step and is characterized by 2 - cos (9c) Y(2-COS (GC))-
sin (Sc)
7*=2-sin(ec)/(l+cos(ec)) = 2-im(%J2).
V sin (9c) Y ^in (8c) + cos (8^)
where 0^=/(g) (equation (2, 5 & 6)). The finite strain as shown in
Fig. 2b resulting from a given g = As/Td is (cf Ramsay & Huber
1983, p. 290):

The Venetian Alps thrust belt
C. Doglioni

Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Paleontologiche, Universita di Ferrara, 44100


Abstract: The Venetian part of the Southern Alps (N Italy) is a Neogene south-vergent thrust belt.
The minimum shortening of the chain is 30 km. The thrusts trend N60°-80°E and show an inherited
N10°W-N10°E normal fault pattern of the Mesozoic continental margin. These earlier features
strongly controlled the evolution of the following oblique thrust belt. Structural undulations along
strike of folds and thrusts occur in correspondence to Mesozoic faults, thickness and facies
variations. The thrusts are arranged in an imbricate fan geometry. A frontal triangle zone laterally
ends at transfer faults. Earlier stages of the thrust belt were characterized by frontal triangle zones
which have later been involved and cut by the progression of the internal thrusts.

This paper describes the main structural grain of the Venetian to east: the eastem margin of the Asiago Plateau, the Seren
Alps (Figs 1 & 2), a part of the Southern Alps, south of the (Graben) Valley, the Cismon Valley alignment (clearly seen
Insubric Lineament. It is a SSE-vergent fold and thrust belt on satellite images), the Passo Rolle Line, the S Gregorio
of mainly Neogene age (Dal Piaz 1912; Leonardi 1965; alignment, and to the east the Col delle Tosatte - Fadalto
Castellarin 1979; Laubscher 1985, Massari ef a/. 1986; Roeder alignment (Figs 4 & 5). The Mesozoic alignments probably
1989; Doglioni 1987) probably produced by the dextral used inherited Variscan discontinuities as well. Platform and
transpression in the central-eastern Alps (Laubscher 1983). basinal Mesozoic facies do not coincide everywhere with the
The chain (Fig. 3) deformed a pre-existing Mesozoic passive old horst and graben structure, i.e. the drowned Trento
continental margin (Aubouin 1963; Bosellini 1965; 1973; Platform, which acts as a horst with reduced basinal sequences
Bernoulli et al. 1979; Winterer & Bosellini 1981). after the Middle Jurassic until the Late Cretaceous.
The study area has been shortened mainly during Neogene
times (Venzo 1939; Massari etal. 1986; Doglioni 1987) and
not deformed by the Dinaric chain which constituted the Structure of the thrust belt
unfolded foreland during Palaeogene times (Doglioni &
Bosellini 1987). The geometry of the thrust belt is that of an imbricate fan (Fig.
3) with a main envelope angle produced by the thrust slices
close to 7° (critical taper of wedge) according to the model of
Inherited structures Piatt (1988). The main thrusts are in order from the internal
parts to the foreland, the Valsugana Line, the Belluno Line,
The Southern Alps were part of a Mesozoic continental the Moline Line, the Tezze Line and the Bassano Line. The
margin, according to stratigraphic analysis, i.e. facies and thrust belt is not cylindrical in shape and the strain continu-
thicknesses changes (Bernoulli et al. 1979; Winterer & ously changes along strike. In a map view of the area (Figs
Bosellini 1981). The area can be divided into three main 2 & 5), the thrusts show an anastomosing pattern along strike,
structural sectors during the Mesozoic. These are, from west maintaining constant shortening which can conservatively be
to east: the Trento Platform, the Belluno Basin and the Friuli calculated as 30 km (Fig. 3).
Platform. True Mesozoic normal faults (i.e. Liassic) have The structural evolution of the thrust belt shows a general
been documented at the western border of the Trento Platform rejuvenation from the internal thrust to the external ones.
(Castellarin 1972; Doglioni & Bosellini 1987) and at its However the intemal thrust sheets seem to have been reac-
eastem margin (Winterer & Bosellini 1981; Bosellini et al. tivated also in recent times (Sleyko et al. 1987). The crys-
1981; Bosellini & Doglioni 1986; Masetti & Bianchin 1987, talline basement outcrops in the hangingwall to the Valsugana
Doglioni & Neri 1988). thrust and is composed of Variscan metamorphosed
The Mesozoic normal faults trend mainly N10° W-N10°E. greenschist facies rocks intruded by Late Carboniferous
It can be argued that the Trento Platform, the Belluno Basin granitic bodies. Basement depth in the Venetian Plain is
and the Friuli Platform were bounded by crustal normal inferred by magnetic data (Cassano et al. 1986) and by the
faults, mainly N-S trending, acting at different times and with assumption of the general hinterland dipping monocline
different displacements during Jurassic time and during at typical of thrust belts. This is consistent with the southward
least the Early Cretaceous (Fig. 4). The main Mesozoic rising of the basement discovered in the Assunta Well at 4747 m
tectonic features bordering the Belluno Basin are from west where Late Triassic dolomites onlap a Late Ordovician


Figure 1. The Southern Alps underwent compressions at different times and

in different areas. K: area of Late Cretaceous—Palaeogene compression; P:
Hercynian crystalline basement
Palaeogene—Early Neogene compression (Dinarides); N; Palaeogene—
Neogene compression (Southern Alps). The rectangle indicates the study
and Permian Ignimbriles

Lale Permian and

mm ::::ir "-^
area which has been deformed only by the SSE-vergent Neogene South Mesozoic sedimcnlary cover

Alpine thrust belt and was located in the foreland of the Palaeogene WSW- Tertiary sedimenis,
i.e. flysch and molasse
vergent Dinaric thrust belt. Note in the eastern side the overlapping between
Southern Alps and Dinarides. Figure 2. Simplified tectonic map of the Venetian Alps.

granite (Fieri & Groppi 1981). The basement is clearly The frontal part of the thrust belt is characterized by a
involved in the Valsugana Line, but balanced cross-sections triangle zone (Figs 2 & 3) which generates a general south-
would indicate a wider involvement by southern thrusts as ward dipping monocline characteristic of the Venetian foot-
well. Significant thickness variations of the sedimentary hills between Bassano and Vittorio Veneto. The frontal
cover and minor dips of the thrusts cannot be excluded and triangle zone is the most peculiar structure of the foreland and
these could considerably increase the amount of shortening its presence is indicated by: (1) the general absence of an
along the thrust belt (Roeder 1989). The main decollement of important thrust at the base of the mountains (Monte Grappa
the thrust belt appears to be located in the basement (15-20 km - Visentin Anticline); (2) the necessity of a thrust at the base
in depth) beneath the Dolomites as suggested by the construc- of the anticline to resolve the volume problem of the struc-
tion of balanced cross-sections (Doglioni 1987) and by focal tural high; (3) the south-dipping monocline in the frontal part
mechanisms of earthquakes indicating low angle thrust planes of the chain which is typical for the triangle zones (i.e. Bally
(i.e. the Siusi event, Slejko et al. 1987). Triangle zones are et al. 1966; Jones 1982; Boyer & Elliott 1982); (4) the
present along the Valsugana thrust where the basement is presence of north-vergent backthrusts (i.e. in the Possagno
sometimes wedged within the sedimentary cover, or it pro- and Follina areas, Braga 1970; Zanferrari et al. 1982). The
duces a triangle zone in the Valsugana Valley where the interpretation presented in Figure 3 of the triangle zone is
Valsugana thrust faces a north-vergent basement involved only one possibility: i.e. there are not clear indications of the
backthrust, to the north of the Asiago Plateau. Major undu- southward continuity of the decollement necessary to adsorb
lations along the Valsugana thrust occur as a result of inher- the amount of displacement. This could be in turn expressed
ited features, i.e. the sinistral N-10°E striking transpressive through pressure solution cleavage or more probably in
undulation of Borgo Valsugana which occurs at an inherited antiformal stack duplexes within the antlicline core of the
structural high as indicated by the reduced thickness of the triangle zone.
sedimentary cover. The thrust has a ramp trajectory and has
It is interesting to note that a similar triangle zone has been
not assumed a staircase geometry in the sedimentary cover,
reported for the northern part of the Alps in the Bavarian
probably due to the difficulty in generating flexural slip folds.
foreland (Miiller et al. 1988). The triangle zone between
Within the sedimentary cover the thrusts are characterized
Bassano (Schio?) and Vittorio Veneto seems to be connected
by cut-off angles ranging between 5° and 45°. Preferential
with a ramp-flat geometry of the deep-seated blind thrust
decollement layers are the Tertiary Possagno Marls, the Late
which generated a thrust-propagation fold (the Monte
Cretaceous Scaglia Rossa, and other, buried levels within the
Grappa-Visentin Anticline). This was active at least during
Late Permian and Triassic sequences. The thrust planes
Late Miocene times because Tortonian and Messinian
assume steeper angles when a footwall syncline is present.
sediments onlap with a gradually smaller inclination the
Footwall synclines are well developed in Cretaceous pelagic
southern limb ofthe anticline (Massarief a/. 1986). Sequence
thin-bedded rocks (B iancone and Scaglia Rossa) whose folding
boundaries in the southern fold limb are marked by angular
is accomodated by intense flexural slip. Chevron folds are
unconformities with decreasing angles toward the foredeep
particularly common in these two formations and their am-
suggesting the coeval activity of the frontal fold (Monte
plitude and wavelength decrease away from the thrust planes.
Grappa - Visentin Anticline). It is clear that the unconformities


are angular only along dip where the frontal fold is perpen- Timing of the thrust belt
dicular to the assumed regional maximum Neogene stress (a,:
N20°-30°W) and the fold axis has a 'cylindrical' trend. In the Venetian segment of the Alps the thrusts became active
Where there are structural undulations in the fold axis (i.e. the during Late Oligocene to Quaternary times. Tortonian
sinistral transpressive zones of Valdobbiadene-Comuda and sandstones are thrust by the Valsugana Line (Venzo 1939)
the greater Fadalto alignment) the unconformities are marked and Pliocene shales are folded along the frontal triangle zone.
by angular relationships along both dip and strike. In sum- Moreover Messinian-Pliocene onlap geometries in the south-
mary, structures control the nature of the unconformities. A em border of the chain support a mainly Neogene age of
growth fold, with constant horizontal axis, generated by pure deformation. The extension of the unconformities within the
compression produces angular unconformities only along molasse is a function of the thrust belt structure and reflects
dip, whereas a growth fold generated by transpression pro- areas of stronger uplift. A problem is represented by the style
duces angular unconformities both along dip and strike. and timing of the orogenic evolution: Has the thrust belt
To the north, the Belluno Line may have been a blind thrust grown southward in a regular fashion by continuous creep
generating a triangle zone during earlier stages of the defor- since Late Oligocene time and do the unconformities record
mation, later rising at the surface in the northern limb of the moments of sea level fall (low stand)? Or was the chain
Belluno Syncline. This is supported by the steep attitude of generated step by step so that the unconformities simply mark
the northem limb of the Belluno Syncline which is difficult to moments of tectonic activity? In general, plates move with a
explain geometrically as a simple footwall syncline. It is also regular velocity suggesting that in areas of deformation the
notable that triangle zones mainly occur in the Mesozoic tectonic evolution should follow an almost constant activity.
Belluno Basin (Fig. 5), rather than in the neighbouring If the tectonic evolution generated with a constant regularity
platforms. In fact the Belluno Syncline is developed in the and tectonic activity had a wavelength too short or too long
deepest structural zone with thick basinal lithofacies. This with respect to the eustatic sea level changes, then an interest-
earlier structural situation had an important influence in the ing problem appears in dating the thrust belt: the timing of the
morphology and source areas of the hydrographic pattern tectonic activity has been considered as the time missing at
during the Late Miocene. regional unconformities and the age of coarse-grained sedi-
ment supply (i.e. the Messinian conglomerate) onlapping the

Volsugana Line
o Belluno L.
-> <? .,
>--- Tezze L. Bassano L

Figure 3. Balanced cross section across the Venetian Alps. See Figure 2 for location. Horizontal scale = vertical scale. Legend: C, crystalline basement;
H, Late Hercynian granite; T, Late Permian-Lower and Middle Triassic formations; P, Late Triassic (Dolomia Principale); G, Liassic platform facies (Calcari
Grigi) gradually southward passing to Liassic-Dogger basinal facies in the Venetian Plain (Soverzene Formation, Igne Formation, Vajont Limestone); R,
Dogger-Malm basinal facies (Lower and Upper Rosso Ammonitico, Fonzaso Formation); B, Early Cretaceous (Biancone); S, Late Cretaceous (Scaglia
Rossa); E, Palaeogene (Possagno Marls, etc.); N, Late Oligocene—Neogene Molasse; Q, Quaternary.


I EARLY CRETACEOUS^ but if we assume the unconformities and conglomeratic

supply to be tectonic-related, then episodic tectonic activity
existed, which is in contrast to the regular activity of the
frontal growth fold and the general plate motion.
In the Belluno syncline an angular unconformity marks
/sx /sx the Early Eocene Flysch - Late Oligicene Molasse contact.
BELLUNO BASIN Moreover the Flysch seems to onlap the northern limb of the
Belluno syncline and to the west the Seren Valley alignment.
Consequently it is not possible to exclude the interpretation
Figure 4. Interpreted W—E Early Cretaceous cross section from the Asiago that the area underwent compressive tectonics during
plateau to the Cansiglio plateau, showing the coeval extensional tensional Palaeogene times.
tectonics, which produced differential subsidence in the area. Note the
basinward prograding carbonate platform in the eastern side (M. Cavallo
Limestone) and the different thicknesses in the basinal sedimentation
(Biancone). Neptunian dykes (vertically shaded) characterize the zones of
Interference pattern
tensional tectonics (i.e. the Arsie Lake). The Neogene deformation has been
strongly influenced by the pre-existing structural and stratigraphic geometries: The basement and the sedimentary cover of the region were
dx and sx are dextral or sinistral transpressive or transfer zones which broken by N-S trending normal faults and N60°-90°E transfer
emplaced at the pre-existing anisotropics. Compare the general tectonics of
faults (the palaeo-Valsugana Line ? Fig. 3) during the Late
the area with the inherited Mesozoic structural background (Fig. 5).
Permian-Mesozoic rifting phases. These features have been
cut, re-used or deformed during the Alpine inversion. Local
discontinuity. However, if the unconformities recorded only structural undulations in the general N60°-80°E trend of the
moments of general lowstand (in this case global or confined chain (fold axis, direction of thrust planes, etc.) everywhere
to the salinity crisis in the Mediterranean area) then one could occur in correspondence to inherited features in the basement
argue that the thrust belt developed more gradually and that and in the Mesozoic sedimentary cover which occurs in
the sea level oscillations orchestrated the arrangement of the approximately N-S trending basins and swells. The present
syntectonic sedimentary sequences. The different interpreta- tectonic configuration is due to the inherited Mesozoic
tions of the unconformities and conglomeratic supply in the structure. The structural evolution of the area followed
molassic sequences allow different tectonic reconstructions. boundary features as transfer zones at horst margins (i.e. at
With the sea level change interpretation (Vail et al. 1977) the the Trento Platform and Friuli Platform margins) which have
chain rises constantly during Late Oligocene-Neogene times. influenced the geomorphological evolution of the area. The

Figure 5. The Mesozoic basins and

swells clearly controlled the geometry
of the Venetian Alps thrust belt, resulting
in axial undulations of the structures.
Shadow, structural reliefs to the south
of the Valsugana Line. Transpressive
or transfer zones are located at inherited
faults, thickness changes and facies
transitions of the sedimentary cover.
The relief of the Asiago Plateau—M.
Grappa Anticline suddenly decreases in
size when the deformation enters the
Belluno Basin and eastward becomes a
sinistral transpressive zone at the inter-
section with the Friuli Platform. Note
how the structural reliefs are more dif-
Trento Platform Belluno Basin Friuli Platform Normal faults
of Mesozoic age fuse within the inherited Belluno Basin.
(drowned area
since Middle Jurassic) Compare Figure 4.


Asiago pop-up (Barbieri 1987) constitutes the western part of tion of the Friuli Platform. The study area was located in the
the study area, and is a wide plateau formed on the inherited foredeep of the Dinaric thrust belt during Palaeogene times
Trento Platform (horst). The deformation at the western end (Fig. 1) and suffered subsidence due to the load of the WS W-
of the Valsugana Line is transferred in the Trento area vergent Dinaric thrust sheets. A regional ENE-dipping
through the dextral transpressive Calisio Line (Fig. 2) to the monocline developed at that time and was inherited and
sinistral transpressive Giudicarie Belt to the west. This involved in the younger SSE-vergent Neogene Southalpine
undulation similarly runs around a minor inherited Late deformation. The variations along strike of the deformation
Palaeozoic and Mesozoic horst, within the wider Trento are reflected also in the Neogene and Quaternary foreland
Platform. On the basis of thickness and facies changes the basin.
amplitude of the Trento Platform was probably wider in the
east during Jurassic times (Seren Valley) and probably re-
treated (as horst, with basinal facies) by about 10 km during Conclusions
Cretaceous times (eastern margin of the Asiago Plateau,
Valsugana Valley). The Tezze Line develops at this final The good outcrops and the clear interference between inher-
eastern margin of the Trento horst and undulates in an oblique ited features and Alpine tectonics make the Venetian Alps a
and lateral ramp (sinistral transpression) at the intersection classic example of a thrust belt. Earlier Mesozoic features
with the inherited Seren Valley alignment (Fig. 5). The strongly influenced the evolution of the chain. Any kind of
Alpine deformation within the Belluno Basin is more diffuse, structural undulation along strike of the thrust belt is associated
characterized by a major number of thrust planes and reduced with pre-existing synsedimentary faults, thickness and/or
wavelength folds with respect to the lateral platform areas facies variations in the sedimentary cover. The thrusts are
(Fig. 5). The Belluno Line mainly develops to the east of the arranged in an imbricate fan geometry and show a frontal
Trento Platform. It branches the Valsugana thrust and shows triangle zone which was probably present at earlier stages of
an eastward increase in displacement and amplitude of the the thrust belt in more internal zones. The variations along
fault-propagation folding and fault-bend folding in the strike of the deformation are reflected also in the Neogene and
hangingwall. Commonly, the inherited tensional Mesozoic Quaternary molasse. The frontal triangle zone appears to be
areas have been reactivated in transpressive zones (Fig. 4) a growth fold from Late Oligocene to Quaternary time
and are transfer zones between two different styles of defor- because clastic sedimentation on the southern limb of the
mation. For instance the N-vergent backthrust in the anticline shows onlap geometries and reduced thicknesses.
hangingwall of the Belluno Line ends at the western margin According to this progressive evolution of the thrust belt, the
of the Vette Feltrine at the intersection with the inherited unconformities within the molasse could record lowstands of
tensional zone of the Cismon Valley (Fig. 5). The Caneva eustatic cycles.
Line and the Fadalto Line are two respectively dextral and
Thanks to R. Crane and three anonymous referees who revised the paper. I
sinistral transpressive zones at the eastern margin of the
also acknowledge K. R. McClay, A. Bally, G. Barbieri, D. Bernoulli, A.
Belluno Basin (Fig. 5). The Caneva Line represents the Bosellini, J. Channell, G.V. Dal Piaz, H. Laubscher, D. Masetti, F. Massari,
eastern transfer fault of the frontal triangle zone (Fig. 5). The I. Moretti, J. Piatt, E. Semenza and E. Zappaterra for useful comments and
Fadalto transpression was emplaced at the western termina- discussions. The research was supported by an MPI grant.


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Thrust geometries, interferences and rotations in the Northwest
P. J. Treloar' 2, M. P. Coward', A. F. Chambers^, C. N. Izatt^ & K. C. Jackson'

^Department of Geology, Imperial College, London, SW7 2BP, UK

^School of Geological Sciences, Kingston Polytechnic, Kingston-upon-Thames,
Surrey, KTl 2EE, UK
^International Exploration, British Gas, 59 Bryanston Street, London, WIA 2AZ, UK

Abstract: In North Pakistan the dominant transport direction throughout Himalayan collision has
been to the S or SSE. Southward propagation of thrusts within the thickened Indian Plate has,
however, been impeded by interference with SW-verging thrusts in Kashmir, at the western end
of the main Himalayan oroclinal chain. As a result of this interference, thrusts within both the
Pakistani and Kashmiri systems have become pinned at their lateral terminations. Lineation and
palaeomagnetic data document substantial rotations of whole thrust sheets, of up to 40° around the
pinned terminations, anticlockwise in Pakistan and clockwise in Kashmir. Although such
rotations are best seen within the Pliocene to Recent structures of the external zones, similar
rotations can be determined within Oligocene structures in the internal zones. The NW Himalayan
syntaxes are crustal scale folds which have grown within the zone of convergence between the two
thrust systems. The main Himalayan thrust system is interpreted as having been pinned within the
Himalayan chain, rather than at its western termination, due to early thickening of the northwestern
Indian Plate having acted as a mechanical impediment to the lateral propagation of the main
Himalayan thrusts.

The tectonic evolution of the Himalayan-Tibetan system of direction is everywhere approximately perpendicular to the
thickened continental crust is the result of the Tertiary colli- strike of the thrusts (Brunei 1986), movement directions
sion between India and Asia. Following breakup of within the main chain, as indicated by stretching lineations
Gondwanaland, India commenced its northward movement and fault plane solution data (Seeber et a/. 1981), are strongly
at about 80 Ma ago. Sea floor palaeomagnetic stripe data divergent along the length of the chain. As a consequence of
show this movement to have been at 15-20 cm/yr. Following the divergence in transport direction, together with the re-
continental collision during the early Tertiary, at about 52 Ma duction in the amount of transport towards the northwest, the
(Patriat & Achache 1984) or 45 Ma (Dewey et al. 1989) Ma, Indian Plate thrust sheets of the main Himalayan chain show
this rate decreased to about 5 cm/yr. As a result of the increasingly strong clockwise rotations towards their north-
cumulative post-coUisional northward drift, the Himalayan- western tips. Palaeomagnetic evidence for such clockwise
Tibet system must have accommodated over 2000 km of rotations have been described by Klootwijk etal. (1985) and
shortening through a combination of subduction of continental Bossart era/. (1990).
India under Asia (Argand 1924; Powell & Conaghan 1973; In North Pakistan the main Himalayan-age thrusts are
Butler & Coward 1989), thickening of the leading edge of ENE-striking with a dominantly southerly or SSE transport
India by thrusting (Coward & Butler 1985; Mattauer 1986), direction (Coward era/. 1988). This is in direct contrast to the
homogeneous thickening of Tibet and regions to the north NW-striking, SW-verging thrusts immediately to the the east
(England & Houseman 1986; Dewey et al. 1988) and some in NW India. Consequently there is a strong convergence of
form of lateral eastward extrusion of Tibet (Molnar & movement directions in the NW Himalaya which is marked,
Tapponier 1985; Tapponier et al. 1986; England & Molnar within the zone of convergence, by the development of the
1990). Here we deal with aspects of the geometry and timing large antiformal folds of the Northwest Himalayan syntaxes.
of the thrusting which accommodated thickening of the
This paper aims to summarize the tectonic evolution of the
northern part of the Indian Plate.
Pakistan Himalaya and to show how lineation and
The India-Asia collision is not a simple orthogonal one. palaeomagnetic data may be used to determine regional scale
Since collision India has rotated anti-clockwise with respect rotations. These data can then be used to constrain how the
toAsia(Klootwijkera/. 1985), with the result that some 1000 two converging thrust directions interfere and generate a
km more shortening has occurred in the eastern Himalaya range of regional structures.
than in the west (Dewey et al. 1989). The structural effects
of this westward decrease in continental subduction are
clearly seen. The main Himalayan chain has an oroclinal Geology of North Pakistan
form (Fig. 1) in which the strike of the major thrusts swings
from E-W in Nepal to NW-SE in Kashmir. As the transport In Pakistan, the Indian and Asian plates are separated by the

rocks of the Kohistan Island Arc (Fig. 2). Kohistan was

sutured to the Asian Plate along the Northern, or Shyok,
Suture at about 100 Ma (Pudsey et al. 1986; Treloar et al.
1989a) well before the onset of Himalayan collision.
Himalayan collision in Pakistan was thus between Kohistan
and India, with Kohistan thrust southwards onto the Indian
32N_ Plate along the Main Mantle thrust (MMT), which is the true
westward continuation of the Indus-Tsangbo Suture Zone.
During collision the leading edge of the Indian Plate was
subducted beneath Kohistan where it was thickened by a
combination of processes including ductile shearing, recum-
bent folding and backthrusting (Butler & Coward 1989;
Treloar era'/. 1989b). In restoring the imbricated Indian Plate
sequences. Coward & Butler (1985) estimated a total short-
ening of about 470 km. As the imbricate stack they restored
C.r;^-A!i>:;: Kohistan-Ladakh Island Arc. is composed dominantly of cover rocks, with little or no
• Nanga Parbat Syntaxis basement involvement, Coward & Butler suggested that
cover and basement sequences had been decoupled early in
Figure 1. Simplified structural map of the Himalayan arc showing the Himalayan collision with the equivalent of 470 km of base-
location of the northwestern syntaxes, the radial nature of the movement ment being subducted and thickened underneath Kohistan.
direction (after Brunei 1986) that results in the thrust interferences in the These decoupled cover and basement sequences were re-
northwestern part of the arc, and the location of the currently active Indus
imbricated later in the Himalayan deformation history (Treloar
Kohistan seismic zone (IKSZ). ITSZ - Indus Tsangbo suture zone. MET -
Main Boundary thrust; MCT - Main Central thrust; MMT - Main Mantle
etal. 1989b).
thrust; SS - Shyok suture; HS - Hazara syntaxis. The Indian Plate rocks can be divided into three: internal
crystalline thrust sheets, external thrust sheets and molasse

Figure 2. Geological map of northern Pakistan showing the location of the major thrusts in the Indian Plate and of the Nanga Parbat and Hazara syntaxes,
and the separation of the Indian and Asian plates by the Kohistan island arc. R-Raikot; S-Sassi; PT - Panjal thrust; MBT - Main Boundary thrust.


bearing thrusts (Fig. 2). The crystalline rocks of the interna!

zones, including those rocks metamorphosed during the Group Sub-Group Formation Age (Ma)
Himalayan orogeny, outcrop between the MMT and the Siwalik Upper Siwalik Soan 5.0 - 0.0
Panjal thrust. To the south, between the Panjal thrust and the Siwalik Middle Siwalik Dhok Pathan 8.5 - 5.0
Main Boundary thrust (MBT) outcrop weakly to Siwalik Middle Siwalik Nagri 10.6- 8.5
unmetamorphosed sediments that include Precambrian slates
Siwalik Lower Siwalik Chinji 14.2- 10.6
as well as carbonate-rich rocks of Lower Palaeozoic to
Eocene age. By analogy with the main Himalayan chain Siwalik Lower Siwalik Kamlial 18.0- 14.2
tfiese form the 'Lesser Himalayan' sequences. The Lesser Rawalpindi Murree >18.0
Himalayan rocks are thrust southwards along the MBT onto
Tertiary-aged fluviatile molasse sediments of the foreland Table 1. Stratigraphy of the Miocene lo Recent foreland basin molasse
basins. sediments of northern Pakistan (after Burbank & Beck 1989, and references
Although some Palaeocene to Eocene aged molasse is therein), ^^^^y.,. ,^,,,.) . • , , . ^^.q ..^,; r^-^-; V .'J: ' •-,: ; '.-
preserved within the core of the Hazara syntaxis (Bossart &
Ottiger 1989), much of the molasse, which has been dated by during the Oligocene are features recorded throughout the
magneto-strati graphic methods (Johnson et al. 1979, 1982; length of the Himalayan chain.
Opdyke etal. 1979), is of Miocene and younger age (Table 1).
There is an apparent sedimentation gap between the Eocene
molasse and the base of the Miocene-aged Murree Formation History of Indian plate deformation t • ^.'juiiAi:^

with little evidence for Oligocene deposition. Within the

Miocene and younger sediments there is a clear southward
migration of the sedimentary depocentre. Both the southward a) The internal zone deformation .f^fn'

migration of the depocentre and the hiatus in sedimentation The earliest recorded deformations are within the internal


I ° J Banna Group

\'.-'.-\ Alpurai Schists

Karora Group ~ • -

r.-l-!-j Sharda Group sheet granites W:f:'A Abbottabad Formation

I • j K a g h a n Group • Sharda Group schists

I ' J Besham Group Panjal Imbricates

Figure 3. Geological map of the northern part of the Indian Plate, south of the Main Mantle thrust, between the Swal and Kaghan valleys. The inset shows
how the region is divided into a series of large scale thrust nappes. Place names; B = Batagram, J = Jabori. Thrusts and shear zones: AT = Alpurai thrust;
BT = Batal thrust; KF = Khannian fault; MBT = Main Boundary thrust; MMT = Main Mantle thrust; MT ^ Mansehra thrust; PT = Panjal thrust; BSZ and
TSZ = Balakol and Thakot shear zones.

! • / . !
-.t'lrr'T'i P. J. TRELOAR ET AL.

zones within which we can identify two distinct periods of syntaxis. Ar-Ar hornblende ages of 39 + 2 Ma (Treloar & Rex
shortening. The first of these was synchronous with the 1990a & b; Lawrence et al. 1990) show that metamorphism
subduction of IndiaunderKohistan (Treloar £•/•(//. 1989b), and and early stages of post-metamorphic cooling through ca.
involved the early decoupling of cover and basement se- 500"C predated 40 Ma. , . , .:
quences associated with intense ductile shearing and The metamorphic pile was subsequently disrupted during
mylonitization. Porphyroblast-fabric relationships, includ- a second deformation event. During this, the decoupled cover
ing spectacularly spiralled garnets, show that metamorphism and basement sequences were re-imbricated within a series of
was synchronous with the ductile deformation {Treloar et al. lithologically distinct thrust nappes {Fig. 3) stacked within a
1989b & c). Within garnets in calcareous schists in the Swat S-verging crustal scale thrust stack (Coward etal. \ 988; Treloar
Valley, ilmenite inclusions in garnet cores and rutile inclu- et al. 1989c & d). Sharp metamorphic breaks mark the
sions in their rims and in the groundmass, show that prograde boundaries between these nappes, each of which are inter-
metamorphism, to a peak at about 625 + 50 C at 10 + 2 kb was nally imbricated by thrusts that placed already cooled but
along a path of increasing pressure. Gibbs' method analysis originally higher grade rocks on top of lower grade ones,
of samples from both the Hazara and Kaghan valley districts generating an overall tectonic inversion of the metamorphic
confirm the overall core to rim pressure increase within the sequence {Fig. 4). Mica K-Ar ages (Treloar & Rex 1990a&
Swat Valley. However, a reverse Ca zonation in near rim b) from shear zones that stack these nappes show that thrust
regions of garnet profiles is consistent with a late stage stacking pre-dated 30 Ma, although when it commenced is
pressure release. Evidence for this is also indicated from uncertain.
samples elsewhere in the crystalline zones. In one sample Post-metamorphic cooling histories show a period of
from the Kaghan Valley the mantling of rutile by ilmenite in rapid cooling of about 300°C in < 10 Ma during the Oligocene
a gamet-plagioclase-kyanite bearing rock clearly demonstrates to early Miocene which equates to a phase of rapid unroofing
this. and exhumation through a combination of erosion and
The P-T-t paths for the internal zones are thus in accord extensional normal faulting (Treloar & Rex 1990a). Erosion
with prograde metamorphism during active subduction and is recorded within the molasse sediments of the foreland
thickening of the leading edge of the Indian Plate under basins within which the main period of sedimentation com-
Kohistan. The late stage pressure decrease records early menced at the base of the Miocene. There is evidence for
unroofmg,probably through erosion of the overthrust Kohistan major crustal extension in the upper parts of the Indian Plate
block, synchronous with the uplift of the internal zone se- and the MMT zone itself {Fig. 5). Northward {hinterland)
quences in the hangingwall of a new thrust located to the verging shear zones with movement senses clearly defined by
south. This early erosion is recorded in the Eocene-aged extensional S-C and S-C fabrics, and normal faults disrupt
molasse sequence exposed within the core of the Hazara and telescope the metamorphic pile {Treloar et al. in press, a).


• \

Banna Fm 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ Abbotlabafl Fm Karora Gp (covet)

Besnam Gp.
a & Cv ^ (Basemen gneisses)
fl A i A Kofiislan ! • - + + + *l Manwhra firafiilB ^S —-•-

Figure 4. Section across the Hazara nappe showing the internal imbrication within the nappe and its structural relationships with the underlying Besham
nappe and overlying low grade rocks of ihe Banna nappe. MMT - Main Mantle thrust. The Panjal thrust forms the effective sole thrust for the two internal
zone deformations. Note the upward and northward increase in metaniorphic grade, the result of post-metamorphic stacking and disruption of the
metamorphic pile.


North ' '•'* '•''.' •? Ji'J-i;,'-' -"'• Jl.^^i' •':'• Souih The chlorite-bearing greenschist facies rocks of the Banna
BANNA Gp nappe (Treloar et al. 1989b} are separated from the structur-
towgfaOechl - be melasedimenlB
ally underlying sillimanite gneisses of the Hazara nappe by
one such shear zone (Figs 3 Sc 4). The MMT itself, formerly
a S-vergent thrust, became a N-side down extensional fault
with blueschist and greenschist rocks on its hangingwall and
amphibolite grade metasediments on its footwall. Fission
track data (Zeitler 1985) date this extension. In the Swat
valley zircon ages at >45 Ma are some 20 Ma older on the
MMT hangingwall than on the footwall where they are at <25
Ma. By contrast there is no significant difference in apatite
ages across the MMT. On both hangingwall and footwall
these are at about 16-20 Ma, implying that extension contin-
ued until after 23 Ma but ended before ca. 20 Ma.
Considerable tectonic uplift must have accompanied the
exhumation, during the course of which up to 20 km of
material was removed. Although some of this uplift may
have been isostatic in nature, much must have been through
uplift in the hangingwall of a major S-verging thrust. The
obvious candidate is the Panjal Thrust, which already formed
SWAT nappe
the effective sole thrust to the post-metamorphic thrust stack.
kyanile-bearing melasedirneots
Movement along the Panjal thrust must therefore have been
:i . e n '• {dis?)-continuous for over 20 Ma until about 20 Ma ago. This
pioriri-side down sbear bands
continued southward thrusting maintained the critical wedge
dimensions of the mountain front during erosion. This model
is analogous to those proposed for the Main Central thrust
B) West ot Ihe Indus River zone in Nepal and India (Royden & Burchfiel 1987; Searle &
Rex 1989) where high level extension is synchronous with S-
Figure 5. Sections across the Main Mantle thrust zone (a) east of the Indus
verging thrusting. ••
river and (b) west of the river showing the disposition of low grade rocks in
the hanging walls of late north-verging extensional normal faults each of
which have high grade rocks in their hanging walls.

Fig 13;

Km 50
Pre-Slwalik Siwalik and Quarternary

Figure 6. SimplifiedmapofthegeologyoftheforelandbasinsofnorthemPakistan, after Butler c? a/. (1987); and Baker era/. (1988). (B)Bhaun. (J) Eastern
Salt Ranges. MBT - Main Boundary thrust. NPDZ - North Potwar deformaiion zone.


thrusts that predate movement along the MBT (Izatt 1990).

Within the foreland basins (Fig. 6) a series of deformation
events can be recognized, including two periods of thrusting
along the Salt Range thrust separated by the breakback
development of the Soan syncline on the south margin of the
NPDZ (Lillie et al. 1987; Burbank & Beck 1989). The
deformation history was strongly influenced by a layer of
Eocambrian evaporite at the base of the basin (Butler et
al. 1987). Lillie et al. (1987) have shown that after deforma-
tion within the NPDZ, the basal detachment propagated
southward along the salt layer across the molasse basin to the
Salt Range thrust (SRT) with much of the subsequent defor-
mation within the basin being on the hangingwall of that
thrust. South of the Soan syncline the structures are charac-
, • • .A,'.y•-'<'.•-'.A; 'j-'Hrt I'liii; ftii'jii j i r •• • "..'i! u ' / terized by a sequence of salt core antiforms and associated
thrusts (Fig. 8). These structures developed initially as pop-
ups above salt pillows that accommodate little horizontal
Molasse displacementbut 1-2 km uplift. Further compression resulted
Shelt sediments in the development of through-going low angle thrusts that
J Basement
i.H:^i I f f ' t r ; < ,>fii - i - i i ' i i n f.D'; : ; ' i i !
accommodate 8 to 10 km shortening and uplift the earlier
pop-up structures (Fig. 8c).
A simplified section across the external zones is shown in
Figure 7. Structural evolution of the Lesser Himalaya and the Main
Boundary thrust, {a) imbrication of the Cambrian to Eocene .sediments on the
Figure 9. That none of the major detachments within the
Main Boundary thrust (MBT) hangingwall underneath a roof thrust along
which the overlying Miocene moiasse sediments were decoupled, (b)
subsequent translation of the imbricated sediments southward along the
Main Boundary thrust across the mola.sse basin.

b) The external zone deformation
Deformation within the external zones (Figs 2 & 6) can be
divided into three phases: pre-, syn- and post-movement
along the MBT. Deformation which predated movement
along the MBT is restricted to the Lesser Himalayan se-
quences on the MBT hangingwall. This deformation is
characterized by the S-verging imbrication of the Cambrian
to Eocene sedimentary succession beneath a blanket of
Miocene molasse. Shortening is estimated to be at least 20
km (Izatt 1990), with the molasse decoupled from the under-
lying shelf sequence by a roof thrust located in the Upper
Eocene sediments (Fig. 7a).
The MBT is normally viewed as the tectonic contact
between the already internally imbricated Lesser Himalayan
sequences on the hangingwall and the Tertiary molasse
sequences on the footwall (Fig. 7b). Although this is prob-
ably the case along the eastern margin of the Hazara syntaxis c)
(Burbank 1983; Burbank et al. 1986), to the west the thrust
cuts down into the molasse and emerges within the molasse
basins themselves. Displacement was at least 120 km, as may
be judged by how much of the thrust is exposed along the
western flank of the antiformal Hazara syntaxis.
Cambrian to Eocene
Movement along the MBT was followed by deformation
within the North Potwar deformation zone (NPDZ) - a large Eocambrian salt
duplex structure developed on the MBT footwall. Deforma- Basement
tion within this duplex resulted in the folding of the structur-
ally overlying thrust sequence. Much of the backsteepening Figure 8. Generation of structures south of the Soan syncline. (a) early salt
of thrusts and apparent backthrusting within the Margalla cored pillows, (b) pop-ups developed above the salt pillows (e.g. the Qazian
Hills (Coward et al. 1988) is the result of this folding of fold), (c) late through going thrusting that uplifts the pop-up folds (e.g. the
Domeli thrust) and generated saU cored antiformal structures al the surface.




10 30 Km
i ": KEY

SIWALIKS {PLIOCENE - RECENT) ^, \ •'- '' .: - li * j

- r

— n
MURREE (MIOCENE) ' ' i , i - T
- ^ o" -*'
'"' -^
H . -

:a. L_
-;, -,
MESOZOIC - CENOZOIC !^ j - } ^ I- :• -: •:•• g U ^ -
1 .. ]

PALAEOZOIC •-- T V •' f^-'y '. - '"~ - % '-: ^ - ^ . - • ^ .

S "~ X:


J f'
r ^ ...r
„ ' -T- 3
^ HAZARA FORMATION i -. ^ - -^ 23 :i li. e 'z ^ •-:: i •7T-
-: r!?
? ;- I


^ I I; 5 ^ . ~
.': . j
" • ^
:i." •-T

.:i ^ ::

t ?7 L: 'Q. ^
k^ •-*
r: w
Zi O
s. « -- '^
/ - tf 1

^-^ ^^.^, 'Z-

"- .", c ~
" - • • ' •-

Figure 9. North-south section across the external zones of North Pakistan. Note the folding of the Main Boundary thrust and structures on its hangingwall by the North Potwar deformation zone and the major
detachment within the foreland basin molasse.
p . J. TRELOAR£r/lL.

external zones was steep is demonstrated by the cooling and ductile internal zones. Within the external zones, however, it
uplift histories of the internal zones where rocks, having is clear that shortening rates have varied from >4 cm/yr to < 1
cooled to 100°C, were within 3 to 4 km of the then topo- cm/yr within the last 10 Ma. These variations may reflect
graphic surface by 20 Ma, or before the external zone defor- differences through time in the way that total Himalayan
mation commenced. Consequently the Main Boundary and shortening was partitioned between thickening of the Indian
Salt Range thrusts and associated structures can have generated crust, thickening of the Tibetan crust and the Asiatic crust to
little hinterland uplift and subsequent erosion. The MBT in the north, and the lateral extrusion of Tibet.
particular, with a minimum of 120 km displacement, have All of the internal zone thrusts and shears, the Panjal thrust
been a sub-horizontal detachment. and the MBT have been folded by the development of the
Timing of the deformation events, and the age of indi- antiformal Hazara Syntaxis. The large N-trending antiforms
vidual structures within the foreland basins, is tightly con- and synforms within the Hazara, Besham and Swat districts
strained by magnetostratigraphic and fission track analysis of relate to E-W shortening associated with the development of
the molasse sequences (Johnson et al. 1979, 1982, 1986). the syntaxis. A time chart of events within both the external
Structural relationships between the Chinji Formation and and internal zones of the Pakistan Himalaya is shown in
the MBT suggest that movement along the thrust was later Figure 10.
than 10 Ma (Izatt 1990). That structures related to the NPDZ
fold the MBT, implies not only that movement along that TIME STRUCTURE INTERNAL ZONE SEDIMENTATION
thrust predated deformation within the duplex, but that, as the
MBT had been folded, there can have been no further Soan syncline
SRT Base Siwalik ;
movement along it after the duplex had formed. As the first NPDZ
M. Boundary T.
phase movement along the SRT is dated at about 5 Ma,
displacement along the MBT followed by deformation within 100° C
the NPDZ must both have occurred within the time interval
20 200° C
of 10 to 5 Ma. This inferred age for movement along the MBT 300° C Base Murrees ::
as pre-5 and probably pre-8 Ma is earlier than similar move- Internal
ment along the MBT in Kashmir to the east of the Hazara Thnist
syntaxis where major pulses of movement are dated at about 500° C '^
5 and 2 Ma (Burbank 1983). The Soan syncline is precisely 40
650° C
dated at between 2.1 and 1.9 Ma. Deformation south of the
Soan syncline post-dates deposition of the late Pliocene Dhok 50 Heating

Pathan Formation, and thus dates the late stage movements on ?? MMT ?? COLLISION
the SRT as younger than 2 Ma. 60
I ? I ?
Amounts of shortening have been estimated for many of
the external zone structures (Table 2). The 70
^ ^ Ophiolite
magnetostratigraphic data permit estimates of when these
structures were active. By combining these two estimates,
approximate rates of shortening can be determined for the North

major structures (Table 2). It is not yet possible to estimate

shortening amounts and hence deformation rates within the Figure 10. Time chart to show the sequence of events within the Indian
Plate. MMT - Main Mantle thrust; NPDZ - North Potwar deformation zone;
SRT - Salt Range thrust.
Structure Shortening Timing Rate
amount cumulative Ma cm/yr
Sah Range thrust 12,0 km 4.6% 1.8- 0.0 0.67
Transport directions and rotations
Soan syncline 6.0 km 2.3 % 2.1 - 1.9 3.00
Sah Range thrust 12.0 km 4.6% 4.0- 3.0 1.20
a) Transport directions
N. Potwar def. zone 80 km 30.8 % 5.5- 4.0 5.33
Main Boundary thrus 120 km 46.2 % 11.0 -5.5 1.85 A lineation map of the internal zones is shown in Figure 11a
with the data synthesised on a lineation trajectory map in
MBT hangingwall 30 km 11.5% 15.0 -11.0 0.75
Figure 1 lb. Within the crystalline internal zones, the main
linear fabrics reflect the post-metamorphic imbrication of the
260 km 100 % 15.0 -0.0 1.73 Indian Plate on the foot wall of the MMT. West of the Hazara
syntaxis, within the Hazara, Besham and Swat nappes, move-
Table 2. Amounts, timing and rates of shortening on major structures within ment directions are dominantly towards the south (SSW to
the external zones of northern Pakistan. Average shortening rates are derived SSE). By contrast, within and to the east of the syntaxis, as
by dividing amount of shortening by duration of shortening. Errors on these
well as in the Kaghan valley nappes, linear fabrics have a
rates are necessarily large and these figures should only be considered as very
approximate indicators of the variations in shortening rate throughout the more southwesterly trend. Within individual thrust sheets,
deformation history. for example the Besham sheet, movement directions may


Figure 11. (a). Map to show the orientation of stretching lineations within
the internal zones of the Indian Plate MMT - Main Mantle thrust; (b). Map
to show movement trajectories within the internal zones based on the
lineation data in Figure 10a.

vary, the Hneation trajectories often defining curved traces.

Further to the northeast, in the core of the Nanga Parbat
syntaxis the Hneation trend is more nearly southerly (Coward
1986; Treloar et al. in press, b).
Variations in thrust direction are seen further south along
the MBT where, from W to E, transport directions swing from
towards 210° at Attock, to towards 140° at Murree (Fig. 12).
This demonstrates a divergence in thrust direction along the
MBT similar to that demonstrated by Brunei (1986) for
similar age structures on the other side of the Hazara syntaxis
in the main Himalayan chain, although with an opposite
h) Palaeomagnetic rotation data CAMBRIAN
To the west of the Hazara syntaxis, in the Potwar Plateau and
Salt Ranges of North Pakistan, anticlockwise rotations
(Opdyke et al. 1982) accompanied the thrusting and folding
that occurred in the last 6 Ma (Burbank & Beck 1989). Thus Figure 13. Geological map of the eastern termination of the Salt Range
thrust (S) showing its relationship to the Chambal (C) and Jogi Tilla (JT)
a 35°rotation in the Bhaun area (Fig. 6) can be correlated with thrusts. For each of sites la to 6, open arrows (with 95% confidence cones)
motion on the SRT at 5 Ma; and an approximate 40° rotation mark the magnetic declinations. Arrows in the top right corner show the
with renewed thrusting in the eastern Salt Ranges at around difference between the Miocene palaeofield declination and the present.


1.5 Ma, that is probably coeval with movements on the a short distance to the east, has not rotated. It has, however,
Chambal and Jogi Tilla thrusts (Fig. 13) both of which form undergone some deformation relative to the fault tip, produc-
part of the SRT system. ing oblique to lateral folds.
A palaeomagnetic investigation was undertaken in order Any analysis of regional scale rotations deduced from
to study the complex deformation near the eastern termina- lineation data must take into account the fact that not all the
tion of the Salt Range thrust. To the east, thrusts dip lineations may be of the same age and that some sequences
northeastward and folds and thrusts have northwesterly strikes may carry linear fabrics of more than one age. Within the
typical of the Kashmiri part of the main Himalayan chain. To ductile rocks of the internal zones this problem is particularly
the west, thrusts dip northwards and folds within the fold and acute as it is rarely possible to distinguish between early and
thrust belt have an ENE-trend more typical of the Pakistani late stage linear fabrics. The strains recorded within indi-
thrust belt. In this region, (Figs 6 & 13), the SRT transfers into vidual crystalline nappes relate to deformation prior to 20 Ma
the Jogi Tilla thrust to the north via a backthrust (Butler et al. ago, essentially in the hangingwall of the Panjal thrust.
1987), the Chambal thrust, within which beds show a near Subsequently, deformation has propagated southward and
180° change in strike. structurally downward initially into the imbricates north of
Specimens (236 hand samples) were collected from seven the MBT, thence onto the MBT itself, and then into the
sites in red mudstone and sandstone of the Miocene Chinji foreland basins. From, at the latest, 15 Ma ago the crystalline
Group of the Lower Siwaliks, which contain a primary (syn- nappes have been transported passively towards the S or SSE
depositional) magnetisation as evidenced by the presence of on the hangingwall of the late Miocene to Recent structures.
reversals. Inclinations of the mean magnetic vector do not The present day orientation of the main ductile stretching
vary and are in accord with the Miocene palaeofield. Figure lineations in the crystalline internal zones will, in part at least,
13 compares the unfolded declination of the mean magnetic be due to any passive rotation developed on the hangingwalls
vector from each site with that of the Miocene palaeofield. of the later thrusts.
Within the back-thrust (sites 4 - 6), the large changes in strike It can be assumed, on the basis of structural trends within
are not reflected in the magnetic declinations, showing that no the most northerly exposed part of the Indian Plate, around
rotation other than simple tilting around the present strike has Nanga Parbat, that the original stacking direction within the
occurred. Furthermore, the similarity between the declina- post metamorphic thrust stack was towards the south. A
tions and the palaeofield rules out any significant rotation of deviation in lineation trend from that orientation must reflect
the back thrust as a whole around a steep axis. In contrast, the either localized variations during stacking or significant post-
SRT west of the Chambal thrust has undergone an anticlock- deformation passive rotation. It may be argued that, although
wise rotation with respect to the back thrust and palaeofield, there has been a subsequent passive rotation on the hangingwall
the estimated rotation being 56 + 10° at section lA and IB of the later thrusts, lineation curvatures provide evidence for
(Fig. 13), although this decreases eastward towards site 4.


c) Rotations and transport directions
Both the lineation data and the palaeomagnetic data demon-
strate evidence for varying amounts of rotation in transport
direction. On both regional and local scales this rotation can
be explained as due to deformation around thrust tips. If the
lateral propagation of a fault is impeded, for example by older
structures, the strain will be accommodated by tip structures
which may include rotational strain (e.g. simple shear) with
a shear plane parallel to the main tectonic movement (Coward
& Kim 1981; Fischer & Coward 1982), body rotation around
the fault tip or a combination of these. Figure 14 shows the
relationship between displacement amount and movement
direction towards the pinned lateral termination of a thrust.
Displacement amount decreases and rotation of movement
direction increases in the thrust hangingwall towards the tip.
Hence the probable cause of the rotations at the eastern end
of the Salt Ranges, indicated by the palaeomagnetic data, may
be an interference between the SSE-directed thrusts of the
Salt Range system where they impinge upon slightly older
NW-trending Himalayan structures (Butler ef a/. 1987). Given
the short and recent periods of thrust motion, the more than
50° rotation of the pinned SRT is indeed spectacular. As can Figure 14. Diagram showing the expected relationships between displace-
ment amounts, rotations of movement direction, dextral shearing and crustal
be theroretically predicted, the rotation decreases rapidly to
scale folding at the lateral termination of a thrust. FWCO and HWCO -
thewest(Opdykeefa/. 1982). In contrast the Chambal thrust. footwall and hangingwall cut offs.


early rotations within these nappes during the post-metamor-

phic thrust stacking period. Hence curvature of lineation
trend within the Besham nappe is consistent with an anti-
clockwise rotation, whereas curvatures within the Kaghan
valley nappes are consistent with clockwise rotations. That
the situation is doubtless more complicated than this is
indicated by the way that individual thrusts within the Hazara
nappe show evidence for locally differing movement direc-
To the west of the Hazara syntaxis, the post 15 Ma bulk
transport directions on the SRT, MBT and associated imbri-
cates are to the SSE. As shown above, palaeomagnetic
rotation data and kinematic indicators demonstrate that towards
the eastern tip of these structures movement directions rotate,
with an anticlockwise sense, towards the SB or ESE. To the
east of the Hazara syntaxis the situation is the exact opposite.
Lineations of all ages have a S W or SSW orientation (Brunei,
1986). Klootwijkef a/. (1985) have presented palaeomagnetic
evidence for late Tertiary clockwise rotations of about 45° in
the Indian Plate rocks on the hangingwall of the MBT in
Kashmir, to the west of the Hazara syntaxis. Within the core
of that syntaxis, Bossart et al. (1990) have demonstrated
similar magnitude rotations for Eocene-aged molasse on the
footwall of the MBT. These clockwise rotations are consistent
with a model in which displacement amounts decrease towards
the western termination of the main Himalayan oroclinal
thrust sy.stem. There is thus clear evidence that the crystalline
thrust sheets have undergone passive rotations during the last
15 Ma in the hangingwall of the Miocene to Recent thrusts as
a result of the pinning of these thrusts near their lateral
terminations. These late rotations imply that Himalayan
transport directions have varied through time, as indicated in Figure 15. Schematic diagram to .show the path.s followed through time for
points within the northern part of the Indian Plate MBT - Main Boundary
Figure 15, and that, consequendy, simple two dimensional
thrust. MMT - Main Mantle thrust.
attempts at balanced structural restorations may not be valid.
a) The Nanga Parhat syntaxis

Interference structures in the Northwest The Nanga Parbat syntaxis marks the most northerly exposed
Himalaya part of the Indian Plate internal zones. Here Indian Plate
gneisses outcrop within a structural half window flanked on
The NW Himalaya are thus clearly a zone of convergence either side by the basic rocks of the Kohistan Island Arc. The
between the SW-verging thrusts in Kashmir and the S or SSE- MMT is folded up and around the syntaxis which has the
verging thrusts in Pakistan. The changes in movement overall form of a crustal scale antiform. Within the syntaxis
direction in both systems (clockwise towards the western tips the main gneissic fabrics form a penetrative S-verging, L-S
of the Kashmir-Himalayan thrust system and anticlockwise fabric developed during southward thrusting of Kohistan
towards the eastern tips of the Pakistan thrust system) are over India. These early fabrics have subsequently undergone
predicted by models in which each system is pinned by the an E-W shortening that resulted in the formation of a series of
other with rotation developing around that pinning point and N-plunging folds with amplitude and half wavelengths in
increasing towards it. Structures developed in the convergence excess of 10 km. Along the western margin of the syntaxis
zone are naturally complex and have long been recognized. uplift is accommodated within a major fault zone by a
The Hazara and Nanga Parbat syntaxes (Fig. 2), two large combination of NW-verging thrusting and dextral strike-slip
scale antiformal folds, were recognized by Wadia (1931, faulting with the latter dominant within the northern part of
1932). Here we summarize their essential structural geometries the fault zone (Butler & Prior 1988a, b; Butler et al. 1989;
and show how differences in their evolutionary history can be Madin era/. 1989). The respective roles offolding within the
explained by different sequences of events within the inter- syntaxis and faulting on the western margin in accommodat-
fering thrust system. ing total uplift is discussed by Treloar et al. (in press, b). Ar-
Ar, K-Ar and fission track data (Treloar etal.l 989a; in press,
b; Zeitler 1985; Zeitier etal. 1989) demonstrate that syntaxial


syntaxial margins. Growth of the Hazara syntaxis occurred
during the early Pliocene (Burbank 1983). Bossart et al.
dextral tear,
south crustal scale
t (1988) suggested that the syntaxis grew as a result of an
"cross" fold
anticlockwise rotation of the movement direction from SW-
< > to SSE-directed thrusting. Two supporting lines of evidence
were presented for this. Firstly, quartz fibres showed anti-
clockwise curvatures and, secondly, late stage sinistral strike-
slip faulting along the western margin was attributed to the
late SSE-directed movements. Note that the sinistral ductile
mylonite zone described by Bossart et al. (1988) as being
related to the later stages of their anticlockwise rotation, is an
earlier structure interpreted as one of the ductile shears
involved in the post-metamorphic thrust stacking of the
internal zones (Treloar et al. 1989c & d). Along with other
similar aged shears this mylonite was subsequently passively
folded by growth of the Hazara syntaxis. The palaeomagnetic
documentation of a clockwise rotation of 45° within the core
of the syntaxis (Bossart et al. 1990) is apparently contradic-
tory to the anticlockwise rotation model.

Pinning Point

early thrust direction


Figure 16. Model for the formation of the NangaParbat syntaxis. Rotation
of the movement vector towards the thrust tip resulted in NW- verging
thrusting along the western margin. These thrusts have been overprinted by
dextral strike-slip structures that propagated southward along the western
margin and which are related to tear faulting near the thrust tip. As strain a) Early Pliocene
became distributed throughout the hangingwall of the thrust, the rotation of
the shortening direction generated large scale folds within the syntaxis.

Uplift has occurred over a period of about 10 Ma. Fold

amplification rate has been exponential, becoming explosive
in the last 1 Ma.
The combination of deformation features (rotations, NW-
directed thrusting, dextral strike-slip faulting and crustal
scale folding) seen within the syntaxis is consistent with its
development at the lateral termination of one of the main S W-
verging Himalayan thrusts (Fig. 16). For the Nanga Parbat
syntaxis the strong S-verging early L-S fabrics support an
early phase of deformation within the S or SSE-verging Kotii
Pakistan thrust system with later deformations related to tip
strains within the SW-verging Kashmiri system.

b) The Hazara syntaxis b) Late Pliocene to Recent

The structure and geometry of the northern part of the Hazara Figure 17. ModelfortheformationoftheHazarasyntaxis. (a) Early Pliocene
syntaxis has been described in detail by Bossart et al. (1988, deformation along the Main Boundary thrust (MBT) in the east and the Salt
1990). Essentially the structure is a large, N-plunging Range thrust (SRT) in the west, (note how movement had ceased already on
antiformal fold with curvilinear axes giving it a sheath-type the MBT in the west) together with the initiation of the unexposed SW-
verging Kotli thrust, pinned at its northwest termination; (b) Late Pliocene
geometry. Within the core of the syntaxis, foreland basin
to Recent deformation in the hangingwall of the pinned Kotli thrust generates
molasse sequences of Palaeocene to Miocene age have been clockwise rotation in the footwall of the MBT and folding of the MBT. Note
shortened and domed, and the structurally overlying Main anticlockwise rotation at the eastern tip of the Salt Range thrust and
Boundary and Panjal thrusts have been upfolded around the neotectonic uplift along the Kotli thrust - Indus Kohistan seismic zone.


In the light of field observations by the authors, it is structure was the MBT. On the western margin of the
possible to interpret the totality of the data presented by syntaxis, however, the simultaneously propagating struc-
Bossart and his co-workers as reflecting the interference tures were those in the footwall of the MBT, such as the SRT
between two active and converging thrust wedges. The SSE- and related breakback structures.
vergent Pakistan thrust wedge propagated rapidly south-
wards during the Pliocene due to the presence of Eocambrian
c) Structures west of the Hazara syntaxis
evaporites within the Potwar region. The southwestward
advance of the Kashmiri thrust wedge was thus inhibited by West of the Hazara syntaxis, within the region of the Indus
the rapidly thickening Pakistani wedge, particularly in the and Swat valleys, the S-verging thrusts of the post-metamor-
north. This interference caused pinning and clockwise rota- phic thrust stack have been deformed by a series of large scale
tion in the core of the syntaxis as blind thrusts attempted to N-trending antiformal and synformal folds, with half wave-
propagate beneath the Pakistani thrust system (Fig. 17). The lengths of up to 40 km. Among these is the domal Besham
emergent Kotli thrust represents such a structure, the north- antiform, which folds the MMT and within the core of which
west prolongation of which terminates as a large tip fold that basement gneisses of the Besham nappe are exposed. These
uplifts the western limb of the Hazara syntaxis and folds the structures represent a change in the regional shortening and
MBT. Present day SW-verging thrusting along this margin is transport direction late in the tectonic history, from early S-
indicated by seismicity studies (Seeber & Armbruster 1979). directed thrusting to late stage E-W directed folding and
Thus the syntaxial bend of the MBT is not the result of an shortening. The age of this deformation is uncertain, but it
anticlockwise rotation of movement direction, rather it re- does deform the N-directed 20 Ma old extensional structures
sults from the folding, uplift and erosion of the MBT by developed in the upper part of the Indian Plate. Apatite ages
structures propagating simultaneously, but convergently, in from two samples (Zeitler 1985) from the core of the Besham
its footwall. There is no need to invoke significant Pliocene Dome, at about 4 Ma. are younger than ages of 16-20 Ma in
to Recent sinistral strike-slip movements along the western the surrounding areas. These young ages indicate that the
margin of the syntaxis (cf. Bossart et al. 1988), as both the growth of the Besham fold is Recent, possibly within the last
steepness and the N-S strike of the thrust reflect the magni- 5 Ma. As such, it is probable that these structures are related
tude of the folding of the MBT during syntaxial growth. It to the growth of the Nanga Parbat and Hazara syntaxes.
must be noted that the Pliocene thrust systems to the east of Indeed the Besham dome may be a proto-syntaxis itself.
the syntaxis have different geometries from those to the west. An important structure in this regard is the Indus Kohistan
On the eastern margin of the syntaxis, the Pliocene-aged seismic zone (IKSZ), a NE-dipping fault zone imaged

<}— Movement direction

mylonltes and

Figure 18. Sketch map showing how a zone of neotectonic uplift is located within the hangingwall of the Indus Kohistan seismic zone (IKSZ). This
topographic high, and its noilhward extension into the Nanga Parbat region marks the western end of the main Himalayan inountain front characterized by
elevations of greater than 4 km.

p . J. TRELOARCT/lt.

PLEISTOCENE (1.0 - 0 Ma). dextral strike-slip faulting indicate that the earlier S-verging
Frontal Himalayan thrusts thrust system has been completely overprinted by the SW-
Uplift of Muree-Pattan zone in IKSZ hangingwall verging one. Towards the southwest, in the Hazara syntaxis,
Explosive amplification of Nanga Parbat crustal scale
there was Pliocene-aged interference with folding of the
MBT and clockwise rotations developed on the MBT footwall.
Salt Range thrusts (>25 km displacement) To the west of the Hazara syntaxis, in the Besham region, the
30-40° anticlockwise rotations in eastern Salt Ranges early S-verging thrust structures were domed during the
PLIOCENE (ca. 2.0 Ma) Pliocene by E-W shortening developed in response to newly
Folding on Potwar Plateau initiated SW-verging thrusting. To the south, in the Sah
PLIOCENE (5.0 - 2.5 Ma)
Growth of Hazara syntaxis and of Besham antiform
Ranges, anticlockwise rotations are developing within the
Accelerating growth of Nanga Parbat Fold SSE-verging thrust wedge as the thrusts are pinned by the
Early rotations (ca. 35°) on Salt Range thrusts interfering SW-verging structures.
UPPER MIOCENE (9.0 - 5.0 Ma)
Imbrication of Siwaliks in northen Potwar in MBT
footwall d) Timing
Incipient development of Nanga Parbat fold
MIDDLE to UPPER MIOCENE (15.0 - 9.0 Ma) The time intervals over which thrusting, thrust interference
SSE displacement of external thrust sheets (Nathia and rotation, and syntaxial growth within the convergent
Gali and MBT) zone have developed is indicated in Table 3. Within Pakistan
Pinning of thrust sheets (e.g. Panjal sheet in west) the main S-verging thrust system has been operative, since
Clockwise rotation in Kashmir
collision, for over 50 Ma. Interference between the two thrust
Extension in Upper Parts of Indian Plate. systems with pinning of thrusts and associated rotations
Beginning of erosion and of foreland basin molasse around the pinned thrust tips has been ongoing for at least 30
sedimentation. Ma. The earliest evidence for such rotation is in the curved
Anticlockwise rotation on Panjal thrust (=sole thrust) lineation trajectories within some of the internal zone crystal-
Post-metamorphic stacking in internal zones
line nappes, implying that the imbricating thrusts were inter-
Rotation due to early stages of thrust pinning. fering across the zone of convergence within 20 Ma of
EARLY to MID EOCENE (50.0 - 40.0 Ma) collision. The spectacular rotations of over 40°, and the
Collision and thickening/subduction of Indian Plate growth and explosive amplification of the crustal scale
Main phase metamorphism syntaxial folds are, however, features developed within the
Early erosion and Eocene age molasse sediments.
Pliocene to Recent.
Table 3. Time chan of events on the Indian Plate in the Pakistan
seismically (Seeber et al. 1981) and located west of the collision
Hazara syntaxis. Focal mechanism solutions show this to be
a SW-verging thrust fault, movement on which may have
been responsible for the destructive 1974 Pattan earthquake
(Jackson & Yielding 1983). Ifthis blind thrust detaches in the
mid to lower crust, it should structurally underlie both the
Hazara syntaxis and the Besham antiform. It may thus
represent either a completely new. Recent structure, or a
Recent reactivation of thrusts to which those folds were
hangingwall antiforms or tip folds. Although the seismic
zone is unexposed. Recent uplift associated with it has
generated a marked topographic high within the Murree and
Abbottabad region along the western margin of the Hazara
syntaxis (Fig. 18)
The southwesterly vergence on the IKSZ implies that it is
part of the SW-verging Kashmir thrust system. As such that
system can clearly be seen to be actively propagating toward
the SW, with the frontal thrusts cutting up through the
Pakistan thrust stack. Were this to continue the whole SSE-
verging Pakistan system should ultimately be overthrust by,
and incorporated within, the dominant SW-verging system.
In the interim a whole series of complex interference struc-
Figure 19. Diagram (modified after Klootwijk Si Bingham 1980, and
tures may be expected to develop, the locus of which should Klootwijk etal. 1985) to show the shape of pre-coUisional India, in particular
migrate towards the southwest. In the northeast, at Nanga the two oblique ramps along the northern margin and the predicted rotation
Parbat, SW directed movements, clockwise rotations and of thrust sheets emplaced onto those ramps.


subduction and shortening to the east than the west.

What the above does not explain is why the entire thrust
belt from Pakistan east to India does not form a single
curvilinear sequence, but has a strongly convergent zone
developed within it. Nor does it explain why the main
Himalayan thrusts appear to pin within the chain rather than
its western end. There are a number of possible reasons for
this. Firstly, the NW Himalaya is atypical with the Kohistan
Island Arc trapped between the Indian and Asian Plates. Does
the pinning of the main Himalayan chain at its western end
reflect the inclusion of Kohistan within the orogenic system
and its localized effects on crustal thickness and/or Uthospheric
structure, and the regional collisional history?
Secondly, it is possible that, due to the shape of the pre-
collisional north Indian margin, collision in the NW Himalaya
was earlier than elsewhere in the chain. Evidence for this
includes plate reconstruction based on palaeomagnetic data
(Besse & Courtillot 1988), the early age of metamorphism
(pre-45 Ma) that followed collision and crustal thickening in
the northwest Himalaya and the syn-collisional anticlockwise
Figure 20. Diagram showing the relationship of an oroclinal thrust system
rotation of the Indian Plate. If collision was early then much
to a rigid indentor, after Bale (1986). Note the curved nature of the thrusts
which verge radially outwards, and the development of strike slip faults and
of the crustal thickening in the northwest, including the
lateral ramps which mark the thrust terminations at the arc margins. obduction of the at least 20 km thick Kohistan sequence,
should have been earlier there than in the main part of the
Discussion Himalayan chain. Once thrusting commenced in the main
part of the Himalayan chain at a slightly later date (circa 45
Throughout the period of Himalayan collision, thrust move- Ma?; Dewey er a/. 1988,1989) the lateral propagation of the
ment within the Pakistan Himalaya has been towards the S or iriain Himalayan thrusts, already likely to have an oroclinal
SSE. Some variation in movement direction through time form, could have been mechanically impeded by the presence
may be due to regional scale rotations of the Indian Plate of already thickened crust and lithosphere at their western
resulting in a swing in the orthogonal thrust directions. Hence terminations (Fig. 21). Once initiated, the convergent zone
the anticlockwise rotation of the Indian Plate (Dewey et al. would have become intensified both because the anticlock-
1989) may have resulted in some anticlockwise rotation of wise rotation of India increased shortening rates in the east
the S-verging thrust sheets. Such an effect was invoked by and because of the natural rotation of thrust sheets emplaced
Bossart et al. (1990) to explain the apparent anticlockwise onto an oblique margin.
rotation along the western margin of the Hazara syntaxis. Any alternative model to the above must relate the location
However, these rotations are insufficient to explain the of the oroclinal thrust terminations as well as the location of
magnitude of the Pliocene to Recent anticlockwise rotations the syntaxes within a zone of convergence within, rather than
in the western Salt Ranges. Regionally the present day at the western margin of, the Himalayan chain. Were there
movement direction within the external zones of both the major pre-existing structures within the Indian Plate which
Pakistan Himalaya and the central part of the Himalayan could have controlled the location of the zone of convergence
orocline is to the SSE, which is consistent with the current and oroclinal thrust terminations? The western margin of
NNW directed motion of the Indian Plate. continental India is currently marked by a series of N-S
A number of factors may explain the oroclinal shape of the trending structures which extend from North Afghanistan
main Himalayan chain. Klootwijk & Bingham (1980) showed south through the Chaman fault zone in western Pakistan into
pre-collisional India to have been a diamond shape indenter the Owen Fracture Zone in the Indian Ocean. These struc-
with its northern margin composed of two segments each tures have been described as defining a sinistral continental
oblique to the convergence direction. When collision oc- transform along the western edge of the Indian Plate (Dewey
curred, both these segments would have acted as oblique et al. 1989) although there is no convincing field evidence for
ramps, with thrust sheets rotating as they climbed onto them substantial displacements along any of them. The Chaman
(Fig. 19). For a purely orthogonal system. Bale (1986) fault zone, for example, is a Recent structure with only
modelled thrust systems using a rigid indenter driving into a limited sinistral displacement (Izatt 1990) which cannot be a
sand box, and showed that thrusts developed in front of the continental transform. It may instead be a continental escape
indenter develop an arcuate form with thrust directions verging structure analogous to those described in Tibet (Molnar &
radially outwards (Fig. 20). Within the Himalaya the natural Tapponier 1985) or East Anatolia (Dewey et al. 1986).
radiation of thrust propagation direction would reinforce the If the western margin of the Indian Plate, did carry a major
rotations generated through oblique collision and would be component of sinistral strike-slip displacement, associated
further reinforced by the general rotation of India with greater structures within the Indian Plate may have been important in

p . J. T R E L O A R £7 AL.

controlhng the location of the convergent zone within the

plate interior. This would be so if the early sinistral
displacements, rather than being accommodated within a
single fault along the plate margin, were distributed across a
wide (>200 km) zone of crustal scale strike-slip structures, all
related to deformation along the lateral margin of the Indian
Plate. In this event the main Himalayan orocline could have
found its termination within one such strike-slip zone located
within the Indian Plate. If such strike-slip faulting was
important, the western margin ofthe Indian plate would have
formed a complex zone of N-striking sinistral strike-slip
faults and S-verging thrusts. Shortening would have been
partitioned between the thrusts and the lateral transfer struc-
tures in such a way that thrust rates would have been lower
within the western part of the plate than the east, which in
itself would have been enough to generate an early proto-
convergent bend within the system (Fig. 22).


The thrust system ofthe NW Himalaya is different from that

ofthe main Himalayan chain in a number of respects. Colli-
sion appears to have been earlier in the northwest than to the
east with early crustal thickening and metamorphism predat-
ing 40 Ma, with no evidence for the late metamorphism and
leucogranite magmatism widely developed within the Indian
Figure 21. Schematic model to show the evolution ofthe Himalayan chain. and Nepalese Himalaya. Collision in the northwest is compli-
Oblique convergence resulted in earlier collision to the northwest than to the cated by the obduction of the Kohistan island arc, a sheet at
east. Thickened crust in the northwest, enhanced by the obduction of the least 20 km thick, onto the leading edge of the Indian Plate.
Kohistan island arc, mechanically impeded lateral propagation of the main
Himalayan thrusts, pinning them at their western terminations. Anticlock-
Movement is dominantly to the S or SSE. although with
wise rotation of the Indian Plate increases displacement on the main evidence of anticlockwise rotations towards the eastern ends
Himalayan thrusts towards the east, enhancing the orocline and hence the of the main thrusts within the Pakistan thrust wedge.
zone of convergence in the northwest Himalaya. The Chaman fault zone Within the crystalline internal zones, metamorphism was
(CFZ) is here interpreted as a Recent continental escape structure.
synchronous with early phases of deformation related to
crustal thickening, although the metamorphic pile was subse-
quently imbricated during a post-metamorphic phase of thrust
stacking which generated a tectonic inversion of the meta-
morphic pile. There is no evidence here for syn-tectonic
slow thrust metamorphic inversions in thrust footwalls as are associated
and with the Main Central thrust in India and Nepal. The meta-
transfer faults.
t morphic pile was unroofed during the late-Oligocene to early
Miocene due to a combination of erosion with resultant
Pinning Point molasse deposition in the foreland basins, and extension in
the upper parts ofthe Indian Plate and within the Main Mantle
thrust zone synchronous with continued uplift along the
fast thrust propagation
Panjal thrust.
That less than 4 km of uplift and erosion has affected the
internal zones during the last 20 Ma, implies that the Miocene
and younger thrusts and detachments must have been shallow
dipping to sub-horizontal, by contrast with similar age thrusts
in the main Himalayan chain which do appear to be more
steeply dipping. Deformation within the internal zones has
been strongly controlled by the presence of a layer of
Eocambrian salt at the base of the foreland basin sediments,
Figure 22. Diagram showing the relationship between strike-slip faulting generating a whole sequence of salt cored folds within the
and thrusting near the western margin ofthe Indian Plate, together with the
incipient development of the convergent zone where the main Himalayan
foreland fold and thrust belt.
thrusts pin within the zone of strike-slip faulting. Palaeomagnetic and kinematic data demonstrate anticlock-


wise rotations at the eastern terminations of the Pakistani mechanical impediment to the propagation of the slightly
thrust system. These rotations are the converse of the clock- younger thrusts of the main Himalayan system. Although
wise rotations recorded at the western terminations of the early collision and crustal thickening in the northwest
thrusts of the main oroclinal Himalayan thrust system. Both Himalaya probably controlled the pinning of the main oroclinal
sets of rotations are the result of the pinning of each thrust thrusts within the length of the Himalayan chain, strike-slip
system due to interference by the other. The two interfering faulting near the western edge of the Indian Plate margin
thrust systems meet in a major zone of convergence, charac- could have had a significant effect in controlling the exact
terized by the growth of the crustal scale northwest Himalayan location of the convergent zone. Once the zone of conver-
syntaxes. Continuing syntaxial growth, rotation, and the gence was initiated it would rapidly have become an increas-
southwestward propagation of blind thrusts of the Kashmiri ingly important feature due to the effects of oblique conver-
system into the Pakistani system demonstrate that interfer- gence, together with the continued anticlockwise rotation of
ence and convergence are active to the present day. the Indian Plate, with greater shortening in the east than the
Although the oroclinal shape of the main Himalayan thrust west.
system can be predicted by experimental modelling, the
pinning of the major Himalayan thrusts within the Himalayan
chain, rather than at its western termination, is probably the The Imperial College Himalayan Research Group has been largely sup-
ported by NERC grant GR3/61I3 to MPC and PJT. In addition we
result of oblique convergence. As a result of this, collision
acknowledge a DENI Research studentship to AFC, a BP Research studentship
and associated crustal thickening, enhanced by the obduction to CNI, and a BP funded postdoctoral fellowship to KCJ. We acknowledge
of Kohistan onto the Indian Plate, was earlier in the northwest discussions with many colleagues, especially R.W.H. Butler, M. P.Williams,
than the east. This thickened crust would have acted as a and R. J. Lillie, and reviews from R. A. Gayer and J. F. Dewey.


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Extension Tectonics, Geological Society of London Special Publication,

Balanced and retrodeformed geological cross-section from the frontal
Sulaiman Lobe, Pakistan: Duplex development in thick strata along
the western margin of the Indian Plate
I.A.K. Jadoon'*, R. D. Lawrence^ & R. J. Lillie^

' Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

^ Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis,

Abstract: A balanced structural cross-section has been constructed integrating seismic reflection
profiles, drillhole, surface geology, and Landsat data across the tectonically active frontal
Sulaiman fold belt in the western Himalayas. Restoration of the section provides information
regarding the chronology of structures, structural style, sequence of thrusting, and the amount of
shortening. General structural form evidenced by gentle topography and a broad fold belt is similar
to that of other mountain belts underlain by a weak detachment. A sequence of about 10 km of
dominantly platform (>7 km) and molasse strata thickens tectonically to about 15 km, 129 km
north of the southwards verging deformation front. Nearly all of the 10 km thick stratigraphic
sequence has been detached at the deformation front. Structural style is that of a foreland-verging
duplex separated from the roof sequence by a passive-roofthrust in thick Cretaceous shale. This
structure is expressed at the surface by fault-related folds. Toward the northerly hinterland,
progressively older rocks are present at the surface in the hinge zones of the anticlines. They have
been uplifted by duplexing several kilometres higher than their regional stratigraphic level. The
passive-roofthrust has not been cross-cut by backthrusts, and it is present over a distance of 60 km
along the line of section. Progressive deformation reveals a series of structural and geometric
features including: (1) broad concentric folding at the fault tip; (2) development of a passive roof
and duplex sequence by forward propagation of floor and roof thrusts; (3) forward propagation of
the duplex as critical taper is achieved; and (4) tear faults and extensional normal faults within the
overthrust wedge. A retrodeformed cross-section shows that about 76 km of orogenic contraction
in the cover sequence has occurred across the frontal 129 km of the Sulaiman fold belt.

The Himalayan mountain system represents an active conti- the frontal part of collision zones (Rich 1934; Dahlstrom
nent-continentcollisionzoneextendingwestwardfromBurma 1969a, 1970; Suppe 1980,1983; Laubscher 1981; Acharyya
through northern India and Nepal into Pakistan (Gansser & Ray 1982; Bachman et al. 1982; Jones 1982; Davis etal.
1981). The broad Sulaiman fold belt is developed by 1983; Davis & Engelder 1985; Banks & Warburton 1986;
transpression as a result of the left-lateral strike-slip motion Boyer 1986; Mitra 1986; Lillie et al. 1987; Jaume & Lillie
along the Chaman fault zone and southward thrusting along 1988; McDougal 1989; Izatt 1990). Studies of active moun-
the western boundary of the Indian subcontinent (Figs 1 & 2; tain belts (i.e. Himalaya and Taiwan) are important because
Sarwar & De Jong 1979; Lawrence e? a/. 1981; Farah e/a/, they provide constraints on collisional processes that are
1984;Quittmeyere?a/. 1984). The frontal part of the Sulaiman unavailable in ancient mountain belts. In this study seismic
fold belt is seismically active (Quittmeyer etal. 1979,1984); reflection and well data, available from the frontal part of the
however, the stratigraphy is not disrupted by any thrust faults active Sulaiman fold belt are integrated with surface geology
that break the surface (Fig. 3). The style of deformation from and Landsat data (Figs 3 & 4) in order to: (1) determine the
the western Sulaiman fold-and-thrust belt is reported to be of thickness and nature of the overthrust wedge; (2) analyse the
forward propagating duplexes developed in a piggy-back structural style and nature of deformation; (3) study progres-
fashion (Banks & Warburton 1986). Southward migration of sive deformation and its effects on the basin geometry; and
the deformation front shed erosion products into the active (4) estimate the amount of compressional shortening in the
Sulaiman foredeep, where 7 km of molasse strata are cur- cover of Phanerozoic sediments,
rently present in the Sibi molasse basin (Banks & Warburton
Recent studies constrained by seismic reflection and Tectonic setting and stratigraphy
borehole data in the North American Cordillera, Appalachi-
ans, Alps, Himalayas, and Taiwan have provided insight into The Himalayan mountain belt changes trend from northwest-
the mechanism of deformation and geometry of structures in southeast in India to northeast-southwest in Pakistan (Fig. 1).

* Present address: Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 97331-5506, USA

Typical of the foreland part of the northwestern Himalaya in

Pakistan are two broad lobate features - the Salt Range/
Potwar Plateau and the Sulaiman fold belt. Their lobate
geometry is interpreted to be the result of rapid southward
translation along a weak decollement of the tear fault bounded
thrust sheets (Sarwar & De Jong 1979; Seeber et al. 1981).
This is similar to the foreland translation of the Pine Mountain
thrust block of the Central Appalachians (Rich 1934; Harris
& Milici 1977) and the Jura Mountains of Europe (Laubscher
1981). Deformation is progressively younger toward the
foreland, as constrained by magnetic stratigraphy (Johnson et
al. 1982; Raynolds & Johnson 1985) and neotectonic activity
in the Salt Range/Potwar Plateau (Yeats et al. 1984; Yeats
1989). In the Sulaiman fold belt progressive deformation is
evidenced by structural style (Hunting Survey Corporation
1961; Kazmi & Rana 1982), a prominent topographic front,
and seismicity over the frontal folds (Quittmeyer et al. 1979,
Unlike the Salt Range/Potwar Plateau that is associated
with the main zone of Himalayan convergence, the Sulaiman
fold belt is located along a zone of transpression in the
northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent (Fig. 1). The
broad Sulaiman fold belt is bounded to the west and north by
the left-lateral strike-slip Chaman fault zone (Fig. 2). The
foredeep basin to the east and south of the active Sulaiman
Lobe is formed mainly as a result of tectonic compression
between the Indian plate and the Afghan block (Fig. 2). The
initial event of collision is manifested by the emplacement of
the Muslimbagh ophiolite between Late Cretaceous and
Early Eocene times (Allemann 1979). An unconformity
between Cretaceous and Palaeocene rocks in the Attock
Figure 1. Tectonic features along the western edge of the Indian subcon Cherat Ranges north of the Potwar Plateau (Yeats & Hussain
tinent. Area of Figure 2 shown by rectangle. JB=Jacobabad high; MK=
Mari/Khandkot/Khandkothigh; TFZ=Talharfaultzone; SG=Sargodhahigh
1987) extends all the way to the Loralai valley of the Sulaiman
66° 68°




Figure 2. Generalized tectonic map of the Sulaiman fold belt in Pakistan (after Kazmi & Rana 1982). Area of investigation (Fig. 3) is shown by rectangle.
Line AA' is part of this study, while line BB' is constructed by Humayun etal. (1990). Cross-sections C C and DD' are shown in Figure 5 (after Banks &
Warburton 1986). Line BE' shows Bouguer gravity profile (Khurshid pers. comm.).


Range (Hunting Survey Corporation 1961). Renewed south- etal. 1983; Johnson ef a/. 1985; Raynolds & Johnson 1985).
ward thrusting since Late Oligocene-Early Miocene con- The main structural elements in the Sulaiman fold belt are
stantly reworked the molasse strata migrating the Indus basin east-west trending arcuate folds and faults which rotate
farther east and south (Banks & Warburton 1986; Waheed et rapidly to a north-south direction along the margin of the
al. 1988). This is similar to the southward migration of the active fold belt (Fig. 2). Imbricate faults are visible at the
active foredeep basins of the Ganges plain in India and the surface only in the north (Hunting Survey Corporation 1961;
Jhelum plain in Pakistan (Acharyya & Ray 1982; Raiverman Kazmi & Rana 1982). They gradually disappear toward the

30' N

29 N

40 KM

68' 15' E 69 E 28'N

70' E



Figure 3. Generalized geological map of southern Sulaiman lobe. Mapping is compiled from the unpublished maps of the Oil and Gas Development
Corporation (OGDC), the Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP), the Hunting Survey Corporation (1961), and from Landsat images (1:125,000) supplied
by Earth Satellite Corporation. Available seismic reflection data is shown in Figure 4. Deformed and retrodeformed section (AA') is shown in Figure 9.


Seismicity from the frontal part of the Sulaiman fold belt
(Quittmeyer et al. 1984), along with multiple unconformities
in the Siwalik molasse (Iqbal & Shah 1980; Banks &
Warburton 1986) illustrate the ongoing deformation that is
taken up by broad folds along the southern Sulaiman front.

General observations from integration of surface

and subsurface data

Seismic reflection profiles from the frontal part of the Sulaiman

fold belt and the adjacent foredeep in Pakistan have been
interpreted in conjunction with drillhole, surface geology,
and Landsat data (Figs 7-10). The main conclusions are:
(1) The thickness of the Phanerozoic sedimentary wedge
at the deformation front is exceptionally high, about 10 km.
The structurally duplicated sedimentary section 114 km north
of the deformation front is about 15 km thick. This thickness
includes more than 7 km of carbonate-dominated Palaeozoic
to Eocene strata (compared to about 1 km for the same age
strata in the Salt Range).
(2) The gross geometry of the overthrust wedge, including
Figure 4. Mapof seismic and well data used in this study. See Figures 2 gentle topography (<1°) and broad width (> 250 km), is
& 3 for location. Bold lines were used to project subsurface data onto the compatible with that proposed by Davis & Engelder (1985)
balanced cross-section AA' (Fig. 9). Composite seismic line shown in for thrust belts developed over a weak decollement. How-
Figure 8 extends from Chauki syncline to Tadri. Crystalline basement is ever, evidence suggests that the Eocambrian evaporite se-
recognized about 30 km south of the deformation front on seismic line SAJ-
quence that provides an effective zone of decoupling at the
22. Well abbreviations: G=Giandari-l; K=Kandkot-2; L=Loti-2; M=Mari-
2; Pk=Pirkoh-2; S=Sui-l; T.M=Tadri Main; U=Uch-l. base of the section in the Salt Range and Potwar Plateau
(Lillie era/. 1987; Jaume & Lillie 1988) may not be present
frontal part of the fold belt in the subsurface. Tear faults, such underneath the Sulaiman fold belt. This evidence includes:
as the Kingri fault, manifest neotectonic activity by the offset (a) absence of salt related structures (e.g. tight anticlines,
of fold axes, faults, uplifted and tilted gravel beds, and major broad synclines and disharmonic folding; Lillie & Yousaf
bends along the course of the streams (Abdul-Gawad 1971; 1986; Davis & Engelder 1985); and (b) the closest observa-
Rowlands 1978). Banks & Warburton (1986) constructed a tion of the Eocambrian evaporites in seismic lines is about
balanced structural cross-section along the western part of the 200 km east of the deformation front (Humayon et al. 1990).
Sulaiman fold belt (Fig. 5A). This sugggests a line-length The effective zone of decoupling in Sulaiman may be in
shortening of about 126 km along forward verging duplexes pelitic rocks or fine carbonates above the crystalline base-
beneath a passive-roof backthrust. ment at a depth of more than 10 to 15 km. Depth of the
Rocks from the Sulaiman fold belt can be divided into detachment is constrained by the seismic reflection profiles
three main groups to emphasize their tectonic significance. (81-LO-2 in Fig. 8). At this depth fine-grained sedimentary
From south to north these units are: (1) Late Oligocene to rocks may provide a weak detachment similar to the evaporites
Recent molasse deposits; (2) Eocene to Permian, shallow- at a depth of 3 to 4 km (Lillie & Davis 1990).
marine shelf to deep marine rocks (Kazmi & Rana 1982)); (3) Basement dip is about 2.5° to the north. Baseinentis
and (3) Late Eocene to Early Oligocene Khojak Flysch not involved in the deformation at least as far back as the
(Lawrence & Shahid 1990). The Muslimbagh ophiolites in Bugti syncline. This is based on the critical observation of the
the Zhob valley represent pieces of oceanic crust thrust over seismic data from southern Sulaiman foredeep (Fig. 4).
Maestrichtian shelf strata (Abbas & Ahmad 1979). Figure 6 However, farther north involvement of the basement is not
provides a summary of the stratigraphy of the Sulaiman fold precluded as the nature of the crust is inferred to be transi-
belt at the deformation front based on surface geology, well tional below the Sulaiman fold belt (Jadoon etal. 1989; Izattt
data, and seismic reflection profiles. The exposed Eocene to 1990, Jadoon et al. unpubl. data; Khurshid pers. comm.).
Permian rocks from the Sulaiman fold belt are similar to those (4) The southernmost surface folds reflect a coherent
of the Salt Range, except that the 7 km thick, carbonate stratigraphy in which older rocks are progressively exposed
dominated sequence is much thicker than that of the Salt in the cores of more northerly, tighter anticlines (inolasse in
Range. The Sulaiman fold belt with such a thick, sedimentary Sui anticline. Eocene in Loti and Pirkoh, Palaeocene in
section yet with relatively high Bouguer gravity anomalies is Kurdan, and Cretaceous in Tadri. Figs 3 & 9). The crests of
interpreted to overly an extended crust (Lillie etal. 1989; Jadoon these folds are cut only by small-scale normal faults. Seismic
etal. 1989; Jadoon etal. unpubl. data; Khurshidpers. comm.). reflection profiles confirm that these surface folds reflect


RT in Cretaceous RT in Eocene Slbi Molasse Basin

I 1 I-

Bolan Pass Steep frontal culmination wall Sibi Molsse Basin

D forming passive roof thrust Dezgat D

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 ' • ' • ' • ' • ' • ' • • • • • • • • • I '
;ii:i:i:i:i:i;i:iaxo :i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i;i;i;i;i;i3
5 10 KM

Figure 5. Structural cross-sections from the western Sulaiman fold belt C C and nonhem Kirthar Ranges DD' (modified from Banks & Warburton 1986).
(a) Passive-roof duplex geometry with a floor thrust at the base of the sedimentary section and a passive-roof thrust in the Ghazij (Eocene) and Goru
(Cretaceous) Formations, (b) Anantiformal stack duplex and the associated foredeep with? km of molas.se sediments. A forward facing monocline is the
surface expression of the duplex. See Figure 2 for location of cross-sections. Sand and clear pattern represents Molasse (Neogene) and Platform strata
(Eocene to Cretaceous) that are a part of the roof-sequence. Brick pattern representing Jurassic to Precambrian rocks is a part of the duplex-sequence.
Random lines show crystalline basement.

thrust faults and duplexes at depth. Seismic reflection pro- of the style of deformation and deposition in the foredeep
files also show that northwards from the Bugti syncline rocks basin, progressive deformation and crustal shortening.
exposed at the surface are structurally elevated by the
overthickened, active wedge. The resultant structural relief
is 4 to 8 km from south to north. Balanced structural cross-section
(5) Overall structural style is of forward-verging duplexes
bounded between a floor thrust near the base of the sedimen- Drillhole data from the frontal part of the Sulaiman fold belt
tary section and a passive-roof thrust in thick Cretaceous and adjacent foredeep (Fig. 4), have been provided to Oregon
shales. Fault related folds are exposed at the surface. Frontal State University by the Hydrocarbon Development Institute
broad and gentle folds (Sui and Loti), wavelength about 20 of Pakistan (HDIP), Texaco and Amoco. A composite
km, may be primarily formed as a result of ductile flow of seismic line (bold lines in Fig. 4) has been constructed to
material in the core of the anticlines at a depth of about 10 km project subsurface data onto a 174 km balanced structural
(seismic line 81-LO-2 in Fig. 8). cross-section (A-A' in Figs 3 & 9). A balanced structural
(6) Total shortening parallel to the direction of tectonic cross-section is one that can be retrodeformed; thus it pro-
transport along the duplex structures and the broad frontal vides an opportunity to evaluate if the solution is geologically
folds is estimated as 76 km. Only a fraction of shortening (< reasonable (Bally c^fif/. 1966;Dahlstrom 1969a, 1970:Gwinn
1 km) is accommodated by the surficial frontal folds (Sui and 1970; Woodward era/. 1989). A line length balancing tech-
Loti), over a distance of about 55 km. nique is applied to the section except at the base of the broad
The details of these structures are discussed below in the frontal folds where the technique is invalid due to the ductile
context of seismic reflection profiles and the structural cross- flow of the rocks in the core of the gentle anticline. The
section A-A' (Figs 7, 8 & 9). This is followed by discussion section was balanced in this basal zone using an area balanc-


ing technique (Dahlstrom 1969a; Woodward et al. 1989). a normal stratigraphic sequences of Cretaceous and Jurassic
rocks. Deeper wells would have demonstrated repeated
stratigraphy or elevated basement if a thin-skinned model is
Surface and seismic expression of the frontal region
incoirect. Molasse strata thin toward the hinterland, with
Most of the seismic lines in Figure 4 include data of 5 seconds sporadic outcrops in the cores of synclines (Fig. 9). This
two way travel time, yet basement could only be seen in implies that the molasse sediments are continually reworked
OGDC line SAJ-22 from the Sulaiman foredeep (Fig. 7). The and redeposited toward the foreland. In effect the molasse
thickness of the wedge in the frontal Sulaiman foredeep is sediments migrate toward the foreland in response to south-
about 8-10 km. Stratigraphic thickness about 60 km south- ward translation of thrust sheets. 745 m of molasse strata
east of the deformation front is about 6 km (Figs 3, 7 & 9). were encountered in the Kandkot-2 and 593 m in the Mari-2
Stratigraphic thickness of 8-10 km at the deformation front of gas fields in the foredeep. Total thickness of the molasse
the Sulaiman fold belt contrasts with the 2-3 km stratigraphic strata from the frontal Sulaiman foredeep is about 2400 m
thickness of the wedge in front of the Salt Range/Potwar (Fig. 9). Thickness of the molasse strata in the Sibi molasse
Plateau (Lillie ef a/. 1987). basin along the western Sulaiman and northern Kirthar Ranges
It is important to locate the basement on the seismic lines is about 7000 m (Banks & Warburton 1986; Fig. 5). In the
from the frontal Sulaiman fold belt and adjacent foredeep in eastern Sulaiman foredeep, about 3500 m of molasse sediments
order to evaluate; (a) the total thickness of the sedimentary are present (Humayone? a/, 1990). At the western and eastern
wedge above the crystalline basement; (b) the basement margins of the Sulaiman Lobe, the surface expression of the
slope, which is important for inferring the mechanism of defomiation front is a foreland-dipping monocline above a
thrusting (Davis etal. 1983; Davis & Engelder 1985); and (c) foreland-verging duplex sequence (Banks & Warburton 1986;
basement structures, their genesis, and effect on thrusting. Humayon etal. 1990).
The top of the basement can be seen only on OGDC line The surface expression of structures from the frontal part
SAJ-22 within the foredeep. Just south of the Sulaiman front, of the Sulaiman fold belt (Sui and Loti) is two broad and very
the basement reaches depths beyond the 5 seconds two-way gentle, doubly-plunging anticlines with wavelengths of about
travel time of the other available seismic lines. However, the 20 km. The wavelengths of intervening synclines is 6-8 km.
basement configuration for the frontal Sulaiman Ranges (Fig.
9) has been interpreted by extrapolating the layercake
stratigraphy into the thrust belt from the frontal regions and
adjascent foredeep using the seismic lines (ZU-10, ZU-7/7E,
LO-14 in Figs 4,7 & 8). Given an average basement slope (6)
of 2.5°, PreCambrian to Quaternary rocks that are about 6 km
thick in the foredeep at Mari (Fig. 9) thickens strati graphically
to about 10 km at the deformation front. It attains a thickness
of about 15 km below the Tadri structure 114 km north of the
deformation front. Planar stratigraphy and gentle and broad
structures (Sui and Loti folds), as far north as the Bugti
syncline are inferred to reflect planar basement. However,
the presence of rift related features of the Tethyan margin is
not precluded, as transitional crust of about 25 km is inferred
by Bouguer gravity modelling at the deformation front (Jadoon
et al. unpubl. data).
Prominent reflections from the sedimentary wedge come
from Eocene and Palaeocene limestones. Cretaceous sand-
stone and limestone, and from the top and base of the massive
Jurassic limestone. At the surface progressively older strata
are exposed towards the hinterland in the cores of doubly
plunging anticlines (Fig. 3). Boreholes through the frontal
folds, including Pirkoh anticline (Figs 2, 4 & 9), penetrate a
normal stratigraphic sequence for about 3000 m and reach
upper Cretaceous rocks. In the Mari gas field in the foredeep,
anormal stratigraphic sequence of about 3300 m from Siwalik
to Cretaceous (lower Goru) has been drilled. This sequence
includes about 2100 m of Cretaceous, 800 m of Eocene and
Palaeocene, and about 500 m of molasse strata (Kamran &
Ranki 1987). All units of the carbonate-dominated sequence Figure 6. Simplified stratigraphic column of frontal Sulaiman fold belt.
Approximate seismic velocities are estimates based on thicknesses from the
thicken to the north on the seismic lines except the Creta- well data, sonic logs, and converting stacking velocities from seismic lines
ceous. North of Pirkoh anticline, two wells drilled by Amoco to interval velocities. Detachment horizons are shown with a duplex
on the Tadri and Jandran structures respectively, penetrated sequence below and a roof sequence above Cretaceous shales.


834-SAJ-22 (Migrated) 4 km
- 0

Figure 7. Seismic line about 30 km south of the deformation front showing crystalline basement at a depth of 3-4 seconds on two way travel time (about
6-8 km depth). See Figure 4 for location. Line SAJ-22 is 8-40 Hz, migrated vibroseis source, recorded in 1983 by OGDC and processed by Petty-Ray
Geophysical Company.

Surface expression of the southerly limb of the third folded is reported from the western (Banks & Warburton 1986; Fig.
structure (Pirkoh) is a foreland-dipping monocline with dips 5) and eastern (Humayon et al. 1990) Sulaiman Range, the
between 35° and 70°. The top of this structure has almost Kohat Plateau in the Trans-Indus Salt Range (Ahmed 1989;
horizontal strata over a distance of about 16 km (Figs 8 & 9). McDougal 1989), the northern Potwar Plateau (Lillie et al.
Further north, less open folds of smaller wavelength exist. 1987; Jaswal et al. 1990) and from other foreland fold and
Only Siwalik, Eocene and Palaeocene rocks are exposed thrustbelts(i.e. Canadian Cordillera, Price 1981,1986; Jones
along the line of the section. From south to north, progres- 1982; Appalachians, Boyer & Elliot 1982; Mitra 1986; the
sively older strata occupy the hinge zones ofthe anticlines as Scottish Highlands, Elliot & Johnson 1980; the Pyrenees,
structurally deeper levels are exposed. In addition to folds, Uossacketal. 1984; Williams 1985; the Alps, Boyer & Elliot
normal and tear(?) faults are exposed at the surface. The 1982; Papua New Guinea, Hobson 1986; and the Taiwan
Ridge, Saini Mund, and Pezbogi Nala faults on the Loti thrust belt, Suppe 1980, 1983).
structure have a dip-slip offset of about 20 m and possibly The deformed section is about 129 km long and restores to
displace the axis of the Loti syncline several hundred metres an undeformed length of about 205 km which gives a short-
by a strike-slip component (Fig. 3). ening of about 76 km (Fig. 9). This is very unevenly divided
The seismic expression of structures along the line of between the duplexes (75 km shortening), and broad Sui and
cross-section is of broad concentric anticlines (Sui and Loti) Loti frontal anticlines (<1 km shortening). The central
and more complex structures to the north (Fig. 8). The Sui Sulaiman shortening determined here is similar to the 95 km
and Loti folds maintain their layer parallel thickness and of shortening found by Banks & Warburton (1986) for the
wavelength on the seismic lines, unlike typical concentric equivalent portion of the western Sulaiman Lobe and also to
folds (Dahlstrom 1969b), where anticlines become tighter the 70 km of shortening in the Kohat Plateau south of the
and synclines become broader at depth. It is inferred that the Main Boundary thrust (McDougal 1989).
space in the cores of these anticlines is occupied by the ductile
flow of material as a result of tectonic compression of the
southward-propagating thrust sheet at depths of 10 to 15 km.
Structural style and development
Concentric folding is seen as deep as 5 seconds of two way
Style of deformation
travel time data on the seismic lines across the Sui and Loti
structures (Figs 8 & 9). Basement is expected between 5 and The Sulaiman lobe is an actively deforming fold belt that
6 seconds. This implies that virtually all the Phanerozoic thickens northwestwards over a basement slope of 2.5°.
section is detached from the crystalline basement, with the About 10 km of undeformed platform and molasse strata, as
decollement near the base of the wedge. North of the Bugti measured at the deformation front, are thickened in a thrust
syncline, exposed rocks have a structural relief of about 4 km wedge to about 15 km, 129 km north ofthe deformation front.
in the Pirkoh and about 8 km in the Tadri structures (Figs 8 & This elevation is interpreted in this paper as due to thin-
9). The style of deformation above a detachment in Creta- skinned structural duplication. However, the major thrust
ceous shales is of passive folding in the roof thrust sheet; faults that are responsible for this thickening ofthe wedge do
below, it is a duplex sequence of Jurassic and older rocks. A not crop out at the surface. Balanced and retrodefonned
passive-roof backthrust in the Cretaceous Sembar shale ac- cross-sections based on seismic control show that the style of
commodates forward movement of this duplex sequence deformation is a duplex sequence of massive Jurassic lime-
(Figs 6, 8 & 9). Consequently, there is not a thrust fault at the stone and older rocks probably detached from the crystalline
surface in the tectonically thickened wedge from the frontal basement along a sole thrust, and a roof-sequence of thick
part ofthe Sulaiman fold belt. A similar style of deformation Cretaceous shales overlying these duplexes on a passive


backthrust. a wavelength of about 4 km. The hangingwall cut-off points

Surface and subsurface observations show a progradation of this anticline are displaced to a distance of 24.5 km over the
of thrusting toward the foreland, as predicted by Davis et al. equivalent footwall cut-offs. The present expression of the
(1983). The interpreted chronology of structures is: (1) Danda structure is a result of the total displacement along the
growth of broad, concentric fault tip folds in the foreland; (2) Pirkoh duplex below and ahead of the Danda fault-bend fold
propagation of the basal decoUement and uplift of the pas- (Fig. 10-e), and the degree of overlap over the ramp along
sive-roof sequence above a backthrust near deformation which the Pirkoh duplex steps upsection to propagate toward
front; (3) propagation of the duplexes as critical taper is the foreland.
achieved; and (4) tear faults and extensional normal faults (3) Intraplate folds: Boyer (1986) describes how intraplate
within the overthickened wedge. The currently active Sui and folds accommodate shortening strain within the body of the
Loti anticlines in front of the forward verging duplexes are the thrust sheet and are commonly cored by faults that propagate
present fault tip folds. Their cores are filled primarily by the from the basal thrust fault. Examples have been presented
flow of material at depths of more than 10 km where condi- from Elk Horn anticline in the Montana thrust belt. Bear
tions of incipient metamorphism might be expected. This Creek anticline in southeast Idaho, the Wyoming thrust belt,
suggests that the folding precedes thrusting in the frontal and from the Pennsylvania Valley and Ridge Province (Boyer
Sulaiman fold belt. The extensional normal faults (for 1986). The Kurdan anticline, with a wavelength of about 8-
example, Pezbugi fault) are considered typical flexural struc- 10 km and a steeper northern limb, is interpreted as an
tures formed above the neutral plane of folding and may intraplate foldcored by a hinterland verging, passive backthrust
initiate simultaneously with the initial folding. that propagates from a within stack decollement surface (Fig.
The structural style of the roof-sequence is of fault-related lOd). A shortening of about 3.8 km has occurred as a result
folds (hybrid folds of Mitra, 1986) of variable tightness, of forward wedging of Triassic and older strata underneath
symmetry, and extent as a result of ramp spacing, relative the passive-backthrust (Fig. 9c).
displacement along adjacent thrusts, degree of overlap, and (4) Overlapping ramp anticlines (anticlinal stack): In the
final position of the cut-off point with respect to the next core of the Tadri anticline Cretaceous rocks are exposed (Fig.
ramp. Hybrid folds from the frontal Sulaiman fold belt, using 3), with an uplift of about 8 km. This is interpreted to be as
the terminology of Boyer & Elliot (1982), Butler (1982), a result of differential displacement along 2 horses (Fig. 9).
Suppe (1983), Boyer (1986), and Mitra (1986), are classified Out of the total shortening of about 26.3 km, 10 km has
as: (1) fault-bend folds; (2) leading edge, ramp-overlap occurred within the lower, and younger, horse (Fig. lOb-c).
anticlines; (3) intraplate anticlines; and (4) overlapping ramp The result is completely overlapping ramp anticlines, as
anticlines. Specific examples of each type of structure are envisioned by Mitra (1986).
discussed below.
(1) Fault-bend fold: The Pirkoh anticline is a foreland
Passive-roof sequence and back thrust
verging fault-bend (box) fold. It has a broad hinge zone which
exposes flat-lying. Eocene Pirkoh limestone at its core over A passive-roof sequence is a normal stratigraphic sequence
a distance of about 16 km. This reflects the considerable separated from the duplex sequence by a roof thrust that
displacement of the hangingwall beyond the footwall cutoff remains stationary above a foreward propagating thrust sheet
point. Displacement between cut-off points is about 20.5 km (Banks & Warburton 1986). To a minor extent shortening of
along a horse with a total length of about 45 km. The surface the duplex sequence is accommodated in the roof sequence
expression of the southern limb is of a monocline with dips of by uplift and folding. Banks & Warburton (1986) suggest
35°-70°S (Fig. 9). The northern limb of Pirkoh, over the that a roof-sequence, instead of extending over a large number
ramp, is overlapped by another fault-bend fold (Danda anti- of duplex horses, may be imbricated, thus equal amount of
cline), and so is not exposed at the surface. The topographic roof sequence is removed primarily by erosion (see their Fig.
slope along the line of section north of Pirkoh is towards the 7). How far a passive-roof sequence may extend has not yet
hinterland. been resolved. In Taiwan the length of passive-roof sequence
Pirkoh anticline is the youngest fault-bend fold in this part is about 14km (Suppe 1980). Jones (1982) predicts that a50
of the actively deforming Sulaiman fold belt. The locus of km of relative backthrust sequence may have extended over
shallow seismicity in the Sulaiman lobe is the Bugti syncline the Alberta foothills. A retrodeformed geological cross-
just south of Pirkoh anticline (Quittmeyer et al. 1979; section from the thick Papua New Guinea thrust belt shows a
Quittmeyer ef a/. 1984). This corresponds closely with the tip major passive-roof sequence of more than 100 km (Hobson
of the fault beneath the fold (Fig. 9). Epicentres of two events 1986). The Brooks Range of Alaska provides another exam-
of magnitude between 6-7 are located on Loti and Sui ple of a continuous passive-roof sequence that may extend
anticlines (Quittmeyer et al. 1979). Determination of the several hundred of kilometres across the regional strike (I. R.
depths of these seismic events could best determine if the Vann pers. comm., cited in Banks & Warburton 1986).
active deformation is now concentrated along the decollement In the frontal Sulaiman fold belt, the passive-roof se-
below and ahead of the Pirkoh duplex or along the roofthrust quence of Cretaceous and younger rocks covers the entire
or otherwise along basement related faults. area studied on a continuous roof backthrust. Along the line
(2) Leading edge, ramp overlap anticlines: Danda anti- of section studied, the preserved extent of this roof sequence
cline, north of Pirkoh, is a comparatively tight structure with is about 60 km. Information from the Sulaiman fold belt

• . ' ' I \Jlilr\l:K (.:c, i i j ^ ^ . i , •- '• :<;••••, .••,•;..'',,-•. ••' "••"(; , i i . ' , -• <•' ,1 ..- , • • " : . i^ i . T

-•w- •'•-•>
L'-k 'T 'if.'

• ^''^^^\2'^'l. TADRI ''S'';.'i^3l".r KURDAN DANDA FOR
1 SEC = 1 2 0 0 m

>*^^*J-.*^^- .** .


Jilpi ^-- F im Ooia gap

C'^sei SUm
010119 stfi^e I I I I I I Offwt \b km along (Trike
EU-16 (Migrated) 0 5km PRK 3 (Migrated) i ' ' ' ' skm "*'" L O - 2 (Migrated)

Z 2-
Ul SSIC? ^^
en 4 - "^f^fe—. ^

V* WOB! *<'i^:-:'

Figure 8. Composite uninterpreted and interpreted seismic line from Chauki syncline to Tadri. Tertiary shallow marine rocks and Siwaliks are exposed at the surface. Basement is below 5 seconds on 2-way travel time.
The section shows duplex bounded by a passive-roof thrust in Cretaceous shales and a floor thrust probably just above crystalline basement. The tip of the blind thrust extends below the Loti anticline (Fig. 9). Note that
concentric folding is the structural style of the broad Loti anticline; the space in the core of the broad folds (Loti and Sui) maybe filled by ductile flow or fine structures (small scale imbricates and duplex) within a decollement
zone at a depth of more than 10 km. Line 81 -LO-2 is 24-fold, migrated dynamite source, recorded and processed in 1981 by OGDC. Line 816-PRK-3 is 24 fold, migrated dynamite source, recorded by OGDC in December
1980 to January 1981 and processed by Geophysical Service Inc. Azaiba, Oman. Line W16-EUis 10-40Hz, migrated vibroseissource, recorded and processed by Western Geophysical Company of America in 1975. Lines
are tied along strike. See Figure 8 for geological details of seismic data gap between lines W16-EU and 816-PRK-3. Note that the horizontal scale differs between all the lines.

: M ^ J 7 W ^ v^^g:7A'?3;^iV^"/-^f^^-'/VX^"^'-^ ^^ </T^v-^»'vxv.i-.AO-^^i-vy^Lr;^i^^/A-;r^?j^ ^:i^5^^^1'.<>'> >x",;\c^C--;</.x;;>;w',xV,r/"'x\U-^/--,^voV/X"/-^ x^ -,^

200 km 150 km 100 km 50 km



200 km 150 km 100 km 50 km






150 km 100 km 50 km

Figure 9. Actual and restored, NNW-SSE geological cross-section of the frontal Sulaiman foreland fold belt of the active Himalayan Mountain system in central Pakistan, (a) Cross-section based on seismic reflection
profiles, surface geology, borehole, and LANDSAT data, (b) Balanced cross-section involving further interpretation of the lower figure, (c) Retrodeformed cross-section based on AA'. Roof-sequence extends continually
for a distance of about 150 km north of the tip of the duplex and is not cut by a major backthrust. An equal amount of the roof-sequence must be removed primarally by erosion in the Loralai valley in the hinterland. In
the current balanced section (top figure) only the shortening associated with the folds in the roof-sequence is shown. Seismic data has been projected from the bold lines in Figure 4 on to the cross-section AA' in Figure
3. Letters identifying the individual horses in the duplex sequence are from the individual mountains (shown on Fig. 3), formed by the duplex propagation. From south to north these mountains are L, Loti; PK, Pirkoh;
D, Danda Range; K, Kurdan Range; and T, Tadri.

(Jadoon unpubl. data) shows that roof sequence extends over the Eocene Kirthar limestone. When sufficient topographic
a distance of about 150 km northwards from the tip of the slope was developed (4° in this section), the frictional resist-
duplex in the Bugti syncline and no major cross-cutting ance at the base and top of the thrust wedge was overcome and
backthrust has yet been discovered. Finally, base of the roof the roofthrust propagated southward (Fig. 10c).
sequence (thick Cretaceous shale) is exposed at the surface in (4) Within the duplex sequence, wedging of an intraplate
the broad Loralai valley where majority of the roof sequence thrust (between K and D and below the passive-roofthrust)
is removed by erosion. This example suggests that in the produced the hinterland verging Kurdan fault-bend fold (Fig.
initial stages of its evolution, a passive roof sequence may lOd). The fault in the core of the Kurdan anticline remained
extend over several duplex horses without overstep backthrusts passive during 3.75 km of foreland directed displacement of
cross-cutting the roof sequence. This idea is based on the the Kurdan intraplate thrust sheet (K) along the basal detach-
absence of a major backthrust and presence of hinterland and ment. Uplift and translation of the Kurdan structure shifted
foreland verging faults with minor displacement which the deformation front farther south. A modern analogue to
propagate out of synclines in the roof sequence north of this this situation is the Sibi molasse basin in front of the western
line (Jadoon work in progress). Sulaiman/Kirthar ranges (Fig. 5), and the foredeep in front of
the eastern Sulaiman ranges.
(5) Propagation of the sole detachment continued in front
Duplex development, orogenic contraction, and deposition
of the antiformal stack. The length of the horse (K -i- D) being
in the foredeep molasse basin
about 42 km. This detached sequence stepped upsection and
Sequential restoration of the balanced structural cross-section was translated along a flat for a distance of about 25 km (Fig.
from the active Sulaiman fold-and-thrust belt provides an lOd-e). Successively older rocks were exposed in the cores
opportunity to unravel the progressive deformation and pro- of the fault-related anticlines. The top of Cretaceous sand-
vide information on the deposition, uplift, and forward mi- stone in the Tadri structure was raised 8 km from its regional
gration of the foredeep basin. The following is a chronological stratigraphic position. The decollement in all these stages
description of the evolution along the cross-section A-A' in remains at a depth of 12-15 km.
Figure 10. (6) The Pirkoh thrust slice (PK) stepped-up southwards in
(1) Erosion of molasse and platform sediments from front oftheDanda(D) monocline (Fig. lOe-f). Thishorsewas
southward migrating thrust sheets in the Loralai and Kohlu translated for a distance of about 20 km to form the broad,
areas north of the studied section (Fig. 2) developed a molasse fault-bend Pirkoh anticline. The surface expression of the
basin that thinned toward the foreland. Deposition continued duplex was that of a broad monocline. The topographic slope
until depth to the basement became sufficient for the was about 1 ° to the south and the total displacement within the
decollement to propagate southward. This initiated a thrust duplex sequence was about 75 km. The depositional axis of
sheet of massive Jurassic limestone and older strata, bounded the molasse basin migrated farther toward the foreland
between a floor and a roof thrust, that stepped up-section and throughout compression.
slid along thick Cretaceous shale at the base of the roof (7) The present day geometry developed by very gentle
sequence for 16.25 km (Fig. lOa-b). concentric folding (L and S) in front of Pirkoh anticline (Fig.
(2) Surface expression of the duplex became a foreland 1 Og). We suggest that the space in the cores of these anticlines
dipping monocline. Location of the ramp in this case is is occupied by ductile flow of fine-grained sedimentary rocks
arbitrary, positioned only for balancing purposes. The dis- at a depth of more than 10 km and probably involving
placement of 16.25 km (10-b) within this duplex is the substantial pressure solution. Extensional normal faults with
amount of shortening along line A-A'. With uplift, the a component of strike-slip displacement are the dominant
foredeep basin migrated further south, and reworking of the surface structures along the hinge zones of the Pirkoh and
molasse sediments thickened the foredeep wedge. A topo- Loti anticlines. The deformed section of 129 km length
graphic slope of 2.8° was produced on the section and may within the duplex sequence restores to an undeformed length
have provided critical taper. The second thrust sheet (T) of 205 km (Fig. 9). Total displacement is 76 km at the present
stepped upsection below the tip of the first duplex and day. As discussed earlier, an equal amount of roof sequence
flattened along the shale horizon at the base of the Cretaceous must have been removed, primarily by erosion, in the broad
(Fig. lOb-c). Loralai valley. In this paper only the part of the shortening
(3) A displacement of 10 km of thrust slice T produced an that was taken-up by folds in the roof sequence is balanced
antiformal stack, Tadri, and a 6.5 km deep molasse basin (Fig. 9c).
filled with reworked molasse eroded from structures north of
the section. A modem example of this geometry exists in the
northern Kirthar and western Sulaiman ranges, where Jurassic Conclusions
limestone is exposed 9 km above its stratigraphic level with
a foredeep Sibi basin that contains 7 km of molasse strata Surface and subsurface data from the southern Sulaiman
(Banks & Warburton 1986; Fig. 5). Development of the Tadri Lobe have been integrated to look into the structural evolu-
antiformal stack and extreme steepening of the passive- tion of the active Himalayan fold belt along the western
roofthrust impeded backthrust motion. Continuous uplift margin of the Indian subcontinent. The important conclu-
allowed erosion through the deformed molasse strata and into sions are summarized as follows:



a = 0.5°
$ = 2.5°


m^ mwmmmmmmmmrmrmyrmsmms^Jsmmm-SimSmm


a = 2°
13 = 2.5°
30 km SHORTENING 5 5
- , ' i < / ^ v i ^ >•

150 km 50 km

;8 = 2.5

?|-io .


200 km 150 km 100 km



Figure 10. Palinspastic restoration of duplex development in the frontal part of the active Sulaiman fold belt along the line of cross-section AA' (Fig. 3).
Area balancing is done below the Triassic over the two frontal broad folds (Fig. 9). The current basement slope (P) 2.5° is considered to remain constant
in the reconstruction. Topographic slope (a) changes at each step to create the suitable taper to overcome the frictional resistance at the base of the wedge
allowing the duplex to propagate towards the foreland. At each stage the deformation front progressively moves towards the foreland and continental molasse
strata are constantly reworked to thicken the foredeep wedge. See text (points 1 - 7) for discussion of A to G .


(1) The gentler surface topography (< 1 °) and broad width in the duplex sequence and 76 km in the entire deformed 129
(>250 km) of the Sulaiman fold belt is similar to other km section. The restored section has a length of 205 km.
mountain belts underlain by a weak decollement. (6) Only a fraction of the shortening, < 1 km, is taken up by
(2) The compressive deformation along the frontal part of the broad, frontal Sui and Loti anticlines. These folds,
the Sulaiman fold belt is accomodated by a duplex whose extending over a distance of 55 km in front of the main
floor thrust is above the crystalline basement and roof thrust mountain belt, are concentric in the seismic lines as deep as
is in thick Cretaceous shales. The surface expression of 5 seconds two way travel time on seismic data. The basement
deformation in the duplex is fault-related folds (Pirkoh, is expected between five and six seconds on two way travel
Danda, Kurdan, and Tadri), where exposed rocks at the time data. This suggests that the space in the core of these
surface are structurally uplifted 4-8 km above their regional anticlines is primarily filled by ductile flow of material at
stratigraphic level. depths of about 10 km, as a result of tectonic compression;
(3) The roof sequence is not breached along the cross- implying that tip-line folding preceeds faulting in the southern
section, suggesting that a major passive-roof thrust extends Sulaiman fold belt.
over a 60 km length along the cross-section.
(4) Progressive structural development is as follows; (a) This work in the Sulaiman fold belt is part of a cooperative project between
concentric folding behind the fault tip (Sui and Loti anti- Oregon State University (OSU) and Hydrocarbon Development Institute of
clines); (b) the development of a passive-roof duplex at the Pakistan (HDIP) and is supported by NSF grants INT-86-09914 and EAR-
8816962. Additional support was provided by Amoco, Texaco Overseas
deformation front; (c) forward propagation of the duplex to
Petroleum Company, and Mobil Oil Company. Ishtiaq Jadoon at OSU is
produce a variety of structural geometries. From south to supported by USAID. We would like to thank the Oil and Gas Development
north, these features include a fault-bend fold (Pirkoh), a Corporation (OGDC) and Amoco for releasing seismic and well data for this
leading-edge ramp-overlap anticline (Danda), an intraplate project. Cooperation from Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP) is also
fold (Kurdan), and an anticlinal stack (Tadri). Molasse acknowledged. We thank to various individuals for logistical help and
stimulating discusssion during the course of this study, particularly Hilal
sediments have been continually reworked and the depositional
Raza, Riaz Ahmed, Manshoor Ali, Dan Davis, Ghazanfer Abbas, Mansoor
axis of the foredeep basin migrated southward due to south- Humayun, Jalil Ahmed, Amjid Cheema, Gary Huftile, Mirza Baig, and
ward migration of the deformation front. Mazhar Qayum. Critical review by J. Warburton and C. Izattt greatly
(5) Planispastic restoration indicates a shortening of 75 km improved the original manuscript.

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NW American Cordillera
The Monashee decollement of the southern Canadian Cordillera: a
crustal-scale shear zone linking the Rocky Mountain Foreland belt to
lower crust beneath accreted terranes
Richard L. Brown,' Sharon D. Carr,' Bradford J. Johnson,' Vicki J. Coleman,'
Frederick A. Cook^ & John L. Varsek^

'Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, & Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience

Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIS 5B6
^Department of Geology and Geophysics, The University of Calgary, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada T2N1N4

Abstract: The Monashee decollement, a crustal-scale shear zone in the hinterland (Omineca belt)
of the southern Canadian Cordillera is interpreted as correlating with the sole thrust of the Rocky
Mountain Foreland belt. LITHOPROBE seismic reflection data indicate that the shear zone is
rooted in the lower crust beneath the Intermontane Superterrane. The decollement is exposed on
the margins of the Monashee complex, an elongate domal culmination within the Omineca belt.
This complex includes Early Proterozoic gneisses of North American basement. The hangingwall
of the decollement consists of deformed and metamorphosed North American continental margin
and oceanic accreted terranes of the Selkirk allochthon. Layered reflections observed in
LITHOPROBE seismic reflection data correlate with sheared and transposed rocks in both the
hangingwall and the footwall of the Monashee decollement; the decollement is imaged as
reflections, cutoffs and correlatable reflection segments. Field relations, kinematics and
geochronology indicate that the shear zone has experienced a complex history that included
protracted easterh' directed shear of hangingwall rocks and imbrication of basement rocks in its
footwall. U-Pb zircon dating of syn- and post-kinematic leucogranites in the decollement zone
demonstrates that the final stages of thrusting occurred in the Late Palaeocene. The cessation of
thrusting and the onset of crustal extension in the southern Omineca belt correspond to the end of
thrusting in the Foreland belt.

Easterly directed thrust faults in the Rocky Mountain Fore- mainder is thought to have been transferred eastward by
land belt merge with a sole thrust above Precambrian base- displacement of cover rocks on a structurally higher detach-
ment rocks of the North American craton (Bally et al. 1966; ment surface called the Monashee decollement.
Price & Mountjoy 1970; Cooke? a/. 1988). These basement This paper briefly reviews the structural history of the
rocks remained rigid and uninvolved in the thin-skinned Monashee decollement and offers an interpretation of its
deformation of the cover rocks as far west as the southern subsurface extent that is consistent with seismic reflection
Rocky Mountain Trench (Fig. 1). Supracrustal shortening in data from the LITHOPROBE southern Canadian Cordillera
the Foreland belt at latitude 52°N is approximately 50%, transect. The purpose is to demonstrate that the Monashee
amounting to an easterly displacement of 200 km relative to decollement is an important part of a thrust system that can be
a fixed reference in the underlying basement (Price & traced in the subsurface as far east as the Rocky Mountain
Mountjoy 1970). Trench and at least as far west as the central Intermontane
Basement involvement in thrust deformation west of the belt. Cortelation of the sole thrust of the Foreland belt with
Rocky Mountain Trench is evident from surface geology in the Monashee decollement is explicit in this interpretation,
the Omineca belt, the metamorphic hinterland of the orogen The implications of this interpretation are examined and it is
(Fig. 1; Simony e? a/. 1980; McDonough & Simony 1988). suggested that North American basement extends much
Brown et al. (1986) and Monger et al. (1986) proposed farther west than previously recognized (Armstrong et al.
models that accommodate the thin-skinned shortening in the 1977; Armstrong 1988).
Foreland belt by development of a duplex in basement rocks
beneath the Omineca belt. Balanced sections have been
drawn in which shortening of the basement beneath the Geological setting
Omineca belt is assumed to have accommodated at least half
of the shortening in the Foreland belt (Brown et al. 1986; The Mesozoic and Tertiary tectonic history of the southern
Joumeay 1986; Murphy 1987; Parrish era/. 1988). There- Canadian Cordillera involved four interrelated processes:


Figure 1. Tectonic map of southern Omineca Belt, modified from Parrish er a/. (1988). Insets locate the morphogeological belts of the Cordillera and the
Intermontane (IM) and Insular (IS) superterranes. The Omineca Belt is bounded on the east by the southern Rocky Mountain Trench and on the west by
the Okanagan Valley-Eagle River normal fault system (OVF/ERF) and terrane accretion boundary (TAB). Intermontane Superterrane lies west of terrane
accretion boundary. Diagonal stripe pattern indicates the Shuswap complex. Basement rocks (dark grey pattern) are exposed in the Frenchman Cap (FC)
and Thor-Odin (TO) culminations of the Monashee complex and in the Malton complex (M). Other high-grade culminations within the Shuswap complex
are individually named the Kettle-Grand Forks (K), Okanagan (OC), Priest River (PR) and Valhalla (V) complexes. Mesozoic-Palaeocene thrust faults are
the Monashee decollement (MD) and Gwillim Creek shear zones (GCS). Late Mesozoic-Tertiary strike-slip faults are the Fraser-Straight Creek (FSF),
Yalakom (YF), Hozameen (HF) and Pasayten (PF) faults. Eocene normal faults are the Columbia River fault (CF), Granby fault (GF), Greenwood fault
system (GWF), Kettle fault (KF), Newport fault (NF), Okanagan Valley-Eagle River fault system (OVF/ERF), Purcell Trench fault (PTF), Slocan Lake fauU
(SLF) and Valkyr shear zone (VS). Numerals correspond to LITHOPROBE seismic reflection lines shown in Figure 4. Box labelled CA locates Cariboo
Alp (see Figs 3 & 5).

accretion of outboard terranes to the western margin of North large part been unroofed by tectonic removal of low-grade
America, protracted compression and crustal thickening, cover on crustal-scale Eocene extension faults. The
strike-slip faulting and crustal extension (Monger ef a/. 1982; Intermontane belt comprises weakly metamorphosed late
Gabrielse 1985; Brown era/. 1986; Parrish era/. 1988). This Palaeozoic to Early Jurassic oceanic and island arc terranes.
history is reflected in the distribution of the five The Coast belt primarily consists of Cretaceous to early
morphogeological belts that parallel the structural grain of Tertiary plutons with metamorphic pendants, while the Insular
the orogen (Monger et al. 1982; Gabrielse & Yorath 1989; belt consists of Palaeozoic to Jurassic volcanic, plutonic,
Fig. 1, inset). The Foreland belt consists of rocks of the metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
Proterozoic to Palaeozoic North American pericratonic prism Arc and oceanic terranes were amalgamated to form the
and of the Mesozoic to early Tertiary foreland basin; these Intermontane Superterrane and the Insular Superterrane (Fig.
rocks were imbricated by Mesozoic to early Tertiary thin- 1, inset), which were accreted to the westem North American
skinned thrusts and folds. The Omineca belt is the metamor- margin in the Jurassic and Cretaceous (Monger et al. 1982;
phic and plutonic hinterland to the Foreland belt and has in Price et al. 1985). The accreted terranes lie predominantly


outboard of the Omineca belt, although relatively thin slivers The Monashee decollement
are preserved at high structural levels within the Omineca
belt. The Monashee decollement is a crustal-scale easterly vergent
The present crustal structure of the southern Omineca belt and westerly rooted ductile compressional shear zone along
is a result of compressional crustal thickening and subsequent which cover rocks of the Selkirk allochthon are detached
extension. During the compressional phase, a thick compos- from parautochthonous basement. The decollement is ex-
ite sheet of internally deforming cover rocks, the Selkirk posed as a 1-2 km thick zone of intense ductile strain over a
allochthon (Read & Brown 1981), was transported eastward strike length of >200 km on the flanks of Frenchman Cap and
over basement on the Monashee decollement (Brown 1980; Thor-Odin culminations (Fig. 1). Precambrian basement and
Read & Brown 1981). The Selkirk allochthon includes (i) unconformably overlying Proterozoic to Cambrian cover
Proterozoic to late Palaeozoic metasedimentary rocks of the rocks in the footwall (Hoy & Godwin 1988; Parrish &
palaeocontinental margin, (ii) deformed and metamorphosed Scammell 1988 and references therein) are exposed in a
late Palaeozoic to Early Jurassic volcanic and sedimentary tectonic window, the Monashee complex (Read & Brown
rocks distal to North America, and (iii) obducted and com- 1981; Brown &Joumeay 1987). The Monashee decollement
plexly infolded late Palaeozoic to Early Jurassic remnants of is truncated on the eastern margin of the Monashee complex
accreted terranes that collectively form the Intermontane by the east-dipping early Tertiary Columbia River normal
Superterrane. fault (Fig. l,Lane 1984).
During Eocene crustal extension the Selkirk allochthon The Monashee decollement is part of a thrust system that
was dissected by generally north-trending low- to moderate- accommodated thick-skinned crustal shortening; it is the roof
angle plastic-brittle normal fault systems (Columbia River - thrust to an antiformal basement duplex (Brown et al. 1986,
Standfast Creek, Granby, Greenwood, Kettle, Newport, Fig. 2; Monger etal. 1986). Rocks of the Selkirk allochthon
Okanagan Valley-Eagle River, Purcell Trench and Valkyr- are inferred to be duplicated by blind thrusts in the hangingwall
Slocan Lake, Fig. 1). The Shuswap complex, a Cordilleran (Fig. 4). Displacements on these structures, which may be out
metamorphic core complex (Coney 1980; Armstrong 1982), of sequence, fed into the Monashee decollement.
consists of rocks that were buried during compression and
were exhumed by these normal fault systems. These high-
grade rocks are exposed as elongate domal culminations, the
Kettle-Grand Forks, Monashee, Okanagan, Priest River and Independent and consistent kinematic indicators are well
Valhalla complexes, which are collectively called the Shuswap preserved along the length of the decollement and have been
complex (Fig. 1). Beneath the normal fault systems that studied in outcrop, hand sample and thin section (Brown
bound these complexes, upper-amphibolite-facies rocks pre- 1980; Joumeay 1986; Joumeay & Brown 1986; Scammell
serve evidence of Mesozoic to Palaeocene compression, are 1986; Coleman 1987,1989; Bosdachin 1989; Harrap 1990).
overprinted by fabrics and mineral assemblages that were Criteria including C-S fabrics (Berthe et al. 1979), strain-
generated during extensional ductile deformation (Carr et al. insensitive foliation (Means 1981; Simpson & Schmid 1983),
1987; Parrish etal. 1988; Johnson 1988a, 1989b, 1989c) and asymmetrical extensional shears (Piatt & Vissers 1980; White
are characterized by an early Tertiary cooling history etal. 1980; Piatt 1984), rotated porphyroclasts (Passchier &
(Armstrong 1982; R. L. Armstrong, unpubl. data, 1984; Simpson 1986),micafish(Lister&Snoke 1984), asymmetrical
Parrish et al. 1988 and references therein). In contrast, the foliation boudinage and asymmetrical pull-aparts (Hanmer
hangingwall rocks consist of unmetamorphosed sedimentary 1984, 1986) consistently record a northeasterly directed
and volcanic strata and rocks that were metamorphosed in the sense of shear (Fig. 2).
Middle Jurassic during accretion of the Intermontane
Superterrane; these rocks were uplifted to high structural
levels and cooled before the Late Cretaceous (Read & Wheeler
1976; Parrish & Wheeler 1983; R. L. Armstrong, unpubl. Joumeay (1986) documented a zone of inverted low-pressure
data, 1984; Parrish et al. 1988 and references therein). metamorphic isograds in the footwall of the decollement that
Basement rocks are exposed in the Monashee complex overprint previously quenched high-pressure assemblages.
(Frenchman Cap and Thor-Odin culminations) and in the He interpreted these data as evidence that the Monashee
Malton complex (Fig. 1). These include Early Proterozoic decollement experienced a two-stage history of movement to
gneisses that are similar in age to autochthonous North which he tentatively assigned Middle Jurassic and Creta-
American basement (Duncan 1984; Evenchick et al. 1984; ceous-Palaeocene ages (see Brown & Joumeay 1987). The
Parrish & Ross 1989,1990; Parkinson 1990). The Monashee inverted metamorphism implies that the footwall must have
complex was overthrust by Late Proterozoic strata of the been cooler than the overthrust Selkirk allochthon during the
Windermere Supergroup, which are of North American final stages of movement and that thrusting was followed by
provenance and were deposited outboard (west) of the present rapid uplift and cooling to allow preservation of the inverted
exposure of the Monashee complex. These relationships lend isograds.
support to the interpretation that the basement within the At present, there is no direct geochronological evidence
Monashee complex was part of the North American craton. for mid-Mesozoic motion on the decollement. Carr (Carr

f >i:^! tr -i.i ) / / K i R. L. B R O W N ET AL.

Figure 2. (a) A 58 Ma posl-kinematic pegmatiie dyke in Carihoo duplex cross-cuts ihe sheared footwall rocks of the Monashee decollement. See text for
further explanation and Figure 3 for location, (b) Asymmetrical extensional shears and back-rotated asymmetrical boudins within sheared basement gneisses
of the Cariboo duplex indicate an upper-member-to-the-northeast sense of shear. See Figure I for location, (c) Sheared gneisses in footwall of Monashee
decollementon west flank ofPrenchman Cap culmination. Asymmeiricleucosomepods and shearfoliationindicatean upper-member-to-the-northeast sense
of shear. See Figure I for location, (d) Sheared gneisses in the hangingwall of the Monashee decollement on the west tlank of Thor-Odin culmination. C-
S fabrics and asymmetrical extensiona! shears indicate an upper-member-to-the-northeast sense of shear. Light-coloured layer is concordant sheared
pegmatite. See Figure 1 for location. ..' , -

Figure 3. View looking north through Cariboo Alp to Thor-Odin culmination (TO) of Monashee complex, showing imbricated slices of basement (B) and
darker grey cover of the Cariboo duplex. Note undeformed pegmatite dykes (P). ST - sole thrust.


^,^:\''i^,^'- • v^V^'""''^^r^^^' *v-i~-^

^^^^.b^j^^. >

15 55
CROSS 100 km 60 km

Figure 4. Top section: LITHOPROBE seismic reflection data across the Omineca Belt (lines 1-9) and part of
the Intermontane Belt (line 10). Data are migrated and coherency-filtered and are shown with no vertical
exaggeration for a velocity of 6.0 km/s. Bottom panel: structural interpretation. Shaded pattern represents
crystalline basement interpreted as being of North American cratonic origin. Position of Moho in lines 1 and
2 is based on refraction data. NBR (near-basement reflector) is the sole thrust to the Foreland Belt, which lies
east of the Rocky Mountain Trench. NBR and Monashee decoUement (MD) are shown with bold line to
emphasise inferred correlation across Slocan I^ake normal fault (SLF). Eocene normal faults are shown as
alternating long and short dashes: BF=Beaven fault, CF=Cherryville fault, CRF=Columbia River fault, OVF
= Okanagan Valley fault, VS = Valkyr shear zone. For location of lines, see Figure 1. Note that arrows
representing movement to theNE point to the right on W-E cross sections and to the left on iheN-S cross section
for line 6.

1989, 1990; Carr & Brown 1990) demonstrated that the the leading edge of blind thrust sheets; displacement on such
Monashee decollement on the southern flank of Thor-Odin thrusts would have fed into the Monashee decollement.
was active in the Late Palaeocene and that motion ceased by Exposed basement rocks beneath the Monashee
58 Ma. Timing constraints are based on U-Pb zircon dating decollement are imbricated and isoclinally folded, as described
of deformed sillimanite-bearing syn-kinematic leucogranites above for the Cariboo Alp locality (Fig. 5; Reesor & Moore
in the Monashee decollement (62 + 0.3 & 59 + 0.3 Ma) and 1971; Duncan 1984; Joumeay 1986). Reflections from
a post-kinematic cross-cutting pegmatite dyke (58 + 0.5 Ma) beneath the decollement in lines 6, 7 & 8 appear to have
(Figs 2 & 3). structural configurations that are similar to such imbrications.
Shortening in the foreland continued into the Palaeocene The crust between the inferred position of the Monashee
(Price & Mountjoy 1970; Donelick & Beaumont 1990). decollement and the reflection MOHO tapers westward from
Therefore, the kinematic and geochronological data from the the east end ofline 7 to the central part of line 10(Fig.4). The
Omineca belt lend strong support to the proposal that the Monashee decollement cannot be traced beyond the centre of
Monashee decollement was kinematically and temporally line 10 with confidence, because interpretation of
linked to the Foreland belt (Brown & Read 1983; Brown et al. subhorizontal reflections in the western part of line 10 is
1986). The following section reviews deep seismic reflection ambiguous. Displacement on Eocene normal faults, which
data that further corroborate this interpretation. penetrate to mid-crustal levels (Okanagan Valley-Eagle River
fault system. Figs 1 & 4), must be balanced somewhere by
stretching in the lower crust (Johnson & Brown 1990), and
LITHOPROBE seismic reflection data therefore these subhorizontal reflections may have been
produced by Eocene fabrics. In any case, if the crust beneath
LITHOPROBE deep seismic reflection data have been re- the Monashee decollement is North American basement,
corded in a series of profiles that extend from the Foreland then the reflection geometry suggests that the attenuated
belt to the Pacific Ocean (Clowes et al. 1987; 1988 transect margin of North America continues westward beneath the
data). The data presented in Figure 4 constitute only that part accreted terranes at least as far as the central part of line 10.
of the transect bearing directly on the nature of the reflection This implies that the Intermontane Superterrane must have
characteristics of the Monashee decollement and its extent to been emplaced as thin crustal slices.
the east and west. These data have been processed into The trace of the Monashee decollement in line 6 extends
stacked sections using standard procedures, which include southward down to approximately 7 s (-21 km depth), where
post-stack migrations and coherency filtering, and are plotted it is projected into line 5 east of Lower Arrow Lake (Fig. 4).
with no vertical exaggeration for a velocity of 6.0 km/s. The decollement is not as readily discernible in lines 5 & 4 as
The Monashee decollement is exposed ~10 km north of it is in line 6. However, it is clear that reflections are nearly
LITHOPROBE lines 6 & 7 on the southern flank of Thor- horizontal where the decollement continues into line 5 from
Odin culmination, where it is a highly strained zone up to 2 line 6, and these reflections arch over to become gently east-
km thick (Duncan 1984; Coleman 1989; Fig. 1). At Cariboo dipping beneath line 4. These reflection patterns are consist-
Alp (Figs 2 & 3), the decollement zone is a duplex with ent with the domal geometry of the Valhalla complex known
imbricated horses of basement and cover gneisses (Coleman from geological constraints, and it can be assumed that the
1989; Fig. 5). There is a strain gradient in the hangingwall decollement continues eastward beneath the Valhalla com-
where gneisses are transposed into parallelism with the plex and that it is truncated in the footwall of the Early Eocene
decollement in a zone approximately 5 km thick. The trace Slocan Lake normal fault at approximately 7 s (~21 km depth)
of the decollement has been projected, using well constrained (Fig. 4).
surface geology, into the intersection of lines 6 & 7 (Figs 1 & The Slocan Lake fault is a moderately east-dipping normal
4) at approximately 2 s (two way travel time), where it is fault with a brittle hangingwall and a mylonitic footwall
correlated with a zone of layered reflections (Fig. 4). Above (Parrish 1984; Carr et al. 1987). The fault has been inter-
and below this zone are domains of reflections with different preted on the basis of both geological and seismic data as a
apparent dip and characteristic spacing and intensity; trun- crustal-scale extensional shear zone (Cook er a/. 1987,1988;
cations of reflections are imaged in places along the bound- Parrish ef a/. 1988). Carr (1986) estimates displacement of
ary. Apparent southward dips on line 6 and westward dips on 10-20 km along the central part of the fault.
line 7 indicate a southwesterly dip for the decollement, It is proposed that the sole thrust of the Foreland belt was
consistent with surface geology. Reflections correlated with the eastern continuation of the Monashee decollement; the
the decollement dip moderately to the southwest across lines sole thrust coincides with the near-basement reflector (NBR,
7 & 8 to about 5 s and continue westward on lines 9 & 10, Fig. 4), which is typically 1-2 km above cratonic basement
where they become subhorizontal at about 25 km depth (~8 (Bally era/. 1966; Cook era/. 1988; Eaton & Cook 1988). At
s) on the central part of line 10 (Fig. 4). This suggests that the the west end of line 2 and at the east end of line 3, the sole
Monashee decollement and related structures are listric into thrust is cut by the Slocan Lake fault at -30 km depth (Cook
the lower crust. Antiformal geometries in the hangingwall of et al. 1988). Figure 4 shows that the amount of separation
the Monashee decollement that occur on lines 6 & 9 are between the inferred cutoffs of the sole thrust and the Monashee
juxtaposed against underlying throughgoing layers (Fig. 4). decollement along the projected trace of the Slocan Lake fault
These may be interpreted as hangingwall anticlines located at is approximately 17 km. The estimates of displacement on







-•--'<-< \:A Nt'-r-;'/?;^ 2i"-;-r.';--'r.'-,-V-'-''--w.-',-.v--.>^ • •V-Vt-H--^;-:'-, 45

;.-,-! V::-\ vV'-''-i;"'.V,;'^v--. ^t;->:,Vb>cr,'-!J'-,'.MT. SKADE SYNCLIN. ,„ „-, ^ F3 FOLD HINGE, Z=VERGENCE






Figure 5. Cariboo duplex; (a) map and (b) cross section illustrate basement slices in footwall of Monashee decollement. See Figure 3 for view of part of
Cariboo Alp and Figure 1 for location.


the Slocan Lake fault, together with similar geochronological strong subhorizontal reflections near the base of the crust
and kinematic signatures are compelling evidence for cor- beneath the western Intermontane belt (Fig. 4, line 10) may be
relating the sole thrust of the Foreland belt in the hangingwall a result of superimposed extensional shearing and could be
of the Slocan Lake fault with the Monashee decollement. the locus for balancing extension observed at higher crustal
This paper has made use of seismic data produced by the Canadian
Conclusions LITHOPROBE project under the direction of Dr. R. Clowes. The interpre-
tation of the data presented in this paper has been carried out independently
The Monashee decollement is a crustal-scale compressional by the authors, but we readily acknowledge the contribution of other
shear zone of great areal extent. It carried middle and upper members of the interpretation team. In particular, we have benefited from
crustal rocks in its hangingwall, including strata of North discussions with Peter Carroll, Murray Joumeay, Ernie Kanasewich, Randy
Parrish, Ray Price and Carl Spencer. The seismic field work was carried out
American cratonic provenance and amalgamated slices of by Sonix Exploration of Calgary, with initial processing by Western Geo-
westerly derived accreted terranes. physical of Calgary. Final processing and data preparation were done at the
The Monashee decollement extends eastward in the sub- University of Calgary LITHOPROBE seismic processing facility.
surface to the Rocky Mountain Trench and is inferred to be
the westward continuation of the sole thrust of the Foreland Geological field work by RLB, SDC, BJJ and VJC has been funded by
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
belt. It extends westward in the middle crust beneath the grant A2693, a LITHOPROBE supporting geoscience grant and Energy,
Intermontane Superterrane and can be traced into the lower Mines and Resources Canada research agreements to RLB. Also gratefully
crust, where its westward continuation becomes ambiguous. acknowledged are Geological Society of America research grants in 1987
Basement gneisses of probable North American cratonic and 1988 and Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) field support to SDC,
British Columbia geoscience research grant RG88-02 to BJJ and a Texaco
origin occur in the southern Omineca belt and are projected
Canada Resources geological research grant to VJC. SDC, BJJ and VJC
westward in the subsurface beneath the Intermontane belt. would like to thank Randy Parrish and the GSC Geochronology Section for
This implies that accreted rocks of the Intermontane the privilege of working in the geochronology laboratory. FAC and JLV are
Superterrane are thin crustal slices that have been transported supported through NSERC operating grant A2623 to FAC. Thanks to L.
northeasterly onto the attenuated margin of North America. Hardy for help with preparation of the manuscript. The paper is designated
LITHOPROBE contribution number 186.
Middle to lower crust beneath the Monashee decollement
in the Omineca belt does not appear to have been involved in
significant penetrative Tertiary extensional strain. However,


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The Skeena fold belt: a link between the Coast Plutonic Complex, the
Omineca belt and the Rocky Mountain fold and thrust belt
Carol A. Evenchick

Geological Survey of Canada, 100 West Pender St., Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada, V6B 1R8

Abstract: The northern Canadian Cordillera contains a second fold and thrust belt west of the
well-known Rocky Mountain fold and thrust belt and the metamorphic/plutonic Omineca belt.
The Skeena fold belt occupies one quarter of the width of the Cordillera, and merges to the west
with a second plutonic/metamorphic belt, the Coast Plutonic Complex. The Skeena fold belt has
many features common to thin-skinned fold and thrust belts, including: low-angle thrust faults
which sole into a detachment; a wide variety of fold styles depending on the rock type; a minimum
of 44% shortening; a foreland basin that was cannibalized by continued deformation; termination
in a frontal triangle zone; and a hinterland of metamorphic and plutonic rocks. The Skeena fold
belt is similar in many respects to the Rocky Mountain fold and thrust belt, but rather than involving
a continental terrace wedge, it deformed a terrane of Devonian to Lower Jurassic strata (Stikinia)
which accreted to North America in the early Mesozoic. Also deformed is the Jurassic to
Cretaceous clastic succession which overlies Stikinia, and the Cretaceous clastic succession of the
associated foreland basin.
The Skeena fold belt represents as much as 160 km of northeasterly shortening which occurred
between latest Jurassic (?) and early Tertiary time. The shortening was broadly contemporaneous
with crustal thickening and plutonism in the Coast Plutonic Complex and Omineca belt, dextral
strike-slip on faults east of the Skeena fold belt, and development of the Rocky Mountain fold and
thrust belt. Generally concurrent Cordillera-wide deformation suggests that there was a structural
link between all of these zones.

The Canadian Cordillera includes a collage of terranes which verging thrust faults and associated folds in the southern
accreted to the western margin of North America in Mesozoic Rockies accommodated a minimum of 170 km shortening
time (Fig. \\Concyetal. 1980; Monger 1984). Some terranes (Price 1981) between Late Jurassic and early Tertiary time.
were pericratonic, and merely slipped along the margin of The Intermontane belt (Fig. 1) is defined by low-lying
North America. Others, however, were exotic and assembled topography, sub-greenschist facies volcanic and sedimentary
into larger terranes prior to their accretion to North America. strata, and I-type plutonic rocks associated with Mesozoic
Their accretion as 'superterranes' had a profound tectonic and Cenozoic volcanism (Gabrielse et al. in press). In the
response. Another framework for Cordilleran geology is that terrane framework, the volcanic and oceanic strata comprise
of morphogeological belts (Gabrielse et al. in press) which, several accreted terranes. They are overlain by Mesozoic and
defined on stratigraphy, structure, metamorphic grade, and Cenozoic clastic successions which postdate amalgamation
physiography, expresses the cumulative geological history. of the terranes (overlap assemblages on Fig. 1). A large
While a terrane is defined by a characteristic stratigraphy, the proportion of the belt is underlain by lower Palaeozoic
process of superterrane accretion or tightening is inferred to platformal carbonates, mid-Palaeozoic to lower Middle
have produced the major metamorphic and plutonic belts, the Jurassic island-arc volcanic rocks, and related sedimentary
Coast and Omineca belts (Fig. 1; Monger et al. 1982). Ac- and plutonic rocks of Stikinia (Monger 1984). Except for
cretion of the Intermontane Superterrane (Fig. 1) to North structures alluded to in an overview by Wheeler et.al. (1972),
America in the mid-Mesozoic was followed in the Late the significance of structures in much of the northern
Cretaceous by either accretion of the Insular Superterrane Intermontane belt have been underestimated in regional
(Monger et al. 1982), or terrane tightening above a magmatic syntheses (e.g. Souther & Armstrong 1966; Monger & Price
arc (van der Heyden 1989). 1979; Mongers? a/. 1982). Most of Stikinia was assumed to
East (cratonward) of each metamorphic/plutonic belt is a have acted as arigid block during accretion of the superterranes.
belt oflower grade, stratified rocks with fewer intrusive rocks Recent mapping, however, has elucidated the nature and
(Foreland and Intermontane belts; Fig. 1). The well-known significance of a regional fold and thrust belt which occupies
Rocky Mountain fold and thrust belt (Foreland belt) consists most of the width of the northern Intermontane belt (Evenchick
of an eastward tapering wedge of miogeoclinal, platformal 1991a). This is one of three companion papers on the Skeena
and foreland basin successions which were deposited on fold belt. The first (Evenchick 199 laX describes its regional
cratonic North America between Precambrian and early extent, geometry, and evolution; the second (Evenchick
Tertiary time (e.g. Bally etal. 1966; Price 1981). Northeast 1991 b) presents arguments for the involvement of pre Middle


Group (Tipper & Richards 1976) and sedimentary rocks of

Tkrran#a flatmd to
North Amtrlea the Spatsizi Group (Thomson et al. 1986). Thick, massive
NA Ancestral N. America.
N. American basement,
displaced N. American
flows in the Hazelton Group are the most competent units in
continental margin,
peri era tonic terranes the fold belt. Thin, laterally discontinuous and incompetent
Accrat»d T»rr»n»t
I n t a r m o n t a n * SifWrtarrana layers, as well as large facies changes (e.g. Anderson &
SM Slide Mountain
0 Ouesnellia Thorkelson 1990) result in a mechanical stratigraphy which
D Dorsey
CC Cachs Creek is laterally variable.

C Coatt BaKTarrana*
In Middle Jurassic time Stikinia was overlain by a wide-
1 Inaular S u p a r l a r r a n a spread clastic succession called the Bowser Lake Group. The
O Outer Tarranai
Overlap aaaamblagaa
group is Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous in age, and is
on s t l k l n l B
T Tertiary, Quaternary divided into a lower marine unit (Ashman Formation), and an
XK;:;Ci'et3Ceou$(Sustul Basin)
J Jurassic (Bowsw Basin) upper unit of shallow marine to nonmarine facies (Figs 3 &
4; Tipper & Richards 1976; Gabrielse & Tipper 1984;
Evenchick 1989; Cookenboo & Bustin 1989; MacLeod &
Hills 1990; Evenchick & Green 1990). There is no single
complete section of Bowser Lake Group, but mapping of
several partial sections suggests that it is at least 3500 m thick.
The Ashman Formation is characterized by incompetent
siltstone and fine grained sandstone, with competent medium
grained sandstone and conglomerate beds The lack of marker
beds prohibits large-scale structural analysis. In the undivided
shallow marine to nonmarine facies there is a wide variety of
proportions and thicknesses of sandstone and conglomerate
*- / / y • V beds They control both the style and scale of folds, and
U.S.A.~ ~*^~ provide a means of estimating the amount of shortening.

Figure 1, Generalized terrane map of the Canadian Cordillera south of

60°N. NA includes cratonic North America, and its displaced miogeocline. GEOLOGY OF THE SKEENA FOLD BEU
Slide Mountain and Cache Creek terranes are characterized by oceanic rocks Plutonic Rocks Stratified Rocks

of Palaeozoic to early Mesozoic age. Quesnellia, Stikinia, and Insular I • 'ITertiary

I''''I Cretaceous r ~ | M i d - to Upper
terranes are dominantly arc volcanic rocks and volcaniclastics of Palaeozoic — Cretaceous;
K'V.'l Jurassic
to early Mesozoic age. Only overlap assemblages on Stikinia are shown. Sustut Group
r T l Lower
Modified after Wheeler et al. (1988) and Gabrielse and Yorath (1989). The — Cretaceous:
Skeena Group
location of Figure 2 is outlined by a dashed line, and Figure 4 by a solid line. F ? 1 Middle Jurassic
Inset are the morphogeological belts, after Gabrielse & Yorath (1989), tc Cretaceous;
Bowser Lake
Lower Middle
Jurassic and
older; volcanic
Jurassic strata on the west side of the fold belt. The present / * Thrust fault
paper is a synthesis of the fold belt, discusses its relationship _ Axial surface
,-^z/' trace
with its metannorphic/plutonic hinterland, and speculates on ^4ormal fault

the linkage between zones of contemporaneous deformation

across the Cordillera. These papers are based on twelve
months of regional mapping at the northeast margin of the
fold belt and a compilation of the contractional structures.

Regional geology of the Skeena fold belt

The Skeena fold belt is bounded on the west by the Coast belt,
on the north and east by a triangle zone at the front of
deformation, and on the south by the limit of strata which
display folds prominently {Evenchick 1991a). Although the
fold belt may continue to the south, structures are obscured by
poor exposure, the presence of massive volcanic rocks which
display folds poorly, and overlapping younger strata.
Strata involved in the Skeena fold belt are assemblages of
Figure 2. Geology of the Skeena fold belt, modified after Wheeler &
Stikinia, as well as overlying Jurassic and Cretaceous clastic
McFeely (1987). Structures are compiled from the following maps; Geo-
successions called Bowser Lake and Sustut Groups. Most logical Survey of Canada 1957; Richards 1975, 1980; Eisbacher 1974
Stikinian rocks at the northeast margin of the fold belt are Souther 1972; Tipper 1976; Read 1983; Woodsworthe/a/. 1985; Grove 1986
Lower to Middle Jurassic volcanic rocks of the Hazelton Evenchick 1988b, 1989; Britton 1989; Evenchick & Green 1990). ^t


Northeast Skeena Fold Belt The northeast margin of the fold belt
Structural style '^ -y
UJ P a l e o c e n e
present day
erosion surface
1- The scale and geometry of the fold belt are illustrated in maps
Maastrichtian •.'.Brothers''- and cross-sections of its northeast margin (Figs 4 & 5). The
: 'Peak Fm'.'.
o dominant structures are northwest trending folds that are
Campanian CD either upright, or have west dipping axial surfaces; many are
Santonian northeast verging (Figs 4, 6, 7 & 8). Folds plunge gently,
Turonian present day \-.\\\Creek\\\\\ except where they interfere with local folds and as a result
erosion surface
Cenomanian plunge up to 35". They are commonly hundreds of metres in
o Formai/of}': amplitude and wavelength, and their geometry varies from
UJ open to tight, with both angular and rounded hinges. Chev-
a Albian
ron, box and disharmonic folds are also common. Folds in the
volcanic rocks and immediately overlying strata are an order
UJ Aptian
or of magnitude larger in wavelength and amplitude than those
O Barremian deposited on in the Bowser Lake Group (Fig. 5).
folded and faulted
Hauterivian Bowser Lake, Klippen of volcanic rocks on Tango Creek Formation and
Spatsizi. and thrust faults with volcanic rocks in the hanging wall, and
Valanginian Hazelton groups
Spatsizi or Bowser Lake Group in the footwall (e.g. Fig. 6),
Berriasian show that the volcanic rocks (i.e. Stikinia) were intimately
Tithonian urtdiv/d0d involved in contractional deformation. The large amount of
Oxfordian ^ * • 0 •"" 10 .

o Callovian
DC Bajocian
Spa tsiz^
-) Aalenian Grou,
' , '' J S - -,' '

_*< \ ^::::::::;:;^^i:::::;:/::::::::::;-:;;:^l^-^^^.;-V^
-.^i^' Fish
Pliensbachian volcanic s


Figure 3. Stratigraphic units of the Skeena fold belt, combined from

information in Tipper & Richards 1976; Thomson el al. 1986; Evenchick
pTT!] Brothers Peak Fn
1987;Cookenboo&Bustin 1989; MacLeod & Hills 1990;Sweet&Evenchick I ] Tango Creak Fm.
1990. Gaps in the patterns represent uncertainties in the upper age limit of
the Bowser Lake Group and the lower age limit of the Sustui Group. 0owfs«r L i k a Qroup
[~~~| undividsd
^ ^ H Ashman Fm

Deposition in the Sustut Basin (Fig. I) overlapped the

Spvlvlvl Group
^ *,>
northeast margin of the Bowser Basin in mid- to Late Creta-
ceous time (Fig. 3). At least 2000 m of dominanlly nonmarine
f 'n volcanic and sedimentary
L L I J Fock
• ^ ^
\ •:Ni;,

sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate and tuff is divided into the ^•- ailal lurlace iFsca
- « - ' Ihtuat fault
Tango Creek and Brothers Peak Formations (Figs 3 & 4;
Eisbacher 1974). These units, which form the Sustut Group,
were derived from the southwest and deposited broadly
during formation of the Skeena fold belt. The Sustut Basin is Figure 4. Geology of east Spatsizi area, at the northeast margin of the
Skeena Fold Belt. Lines of cross-sections are shown by letters. Abbrevia-
therefore interpreted as the foreland basin (in part) to the
tions of structural features are: BF Bowsprit fault; CF - Crescent fault; CFF
evolving Skeena fold belt (Evenchick 1991a). - Cold Fish fault: DF - Denkladia fault; GF - Griffith fault; JLA - Joan Lake
Anticline; MCF - Mink Creek fault; MWF - Mount Will fault; SF - Spatsizi
fault; SPF - Sunday Pass fault; TF - Tualon fault.



44% shorlening
Tuaton Lake section ?:>
•-awft NE
sw H I

. 3 . 3 .
Figure 5. Balanced and restored cross sections of the Skeena fold belt. Locations of the sections are marked on Figure 4 by bold lines and letters. Abbreviations of structural features are: BF Bowsprit fault; CF - Crescent
fault; CFF - Cold Fish fault; DF - Denkladia fault; JLA - Joan Lake Anticline; MCF - Mink Creek fault; MWF - Mount Will fault; SF - Spatsizi fault; SPF - Sunday Pass fault; TF - Tuaton fault. Patterns are the same
as for Figure 4. Lines in the volcanic rocks in ihe Joan Lake section are form lines.


Figure 6. Tight fold in Ha7.ellon Group volcanics in the hanging wall of the Mount Will fault. Recessive strata in the saddle to the right
are Spatsizi Group (SG) overlying the volcanics. The thrust fault is marked by the bold dashed line, and the contact between the Hazelton
Group and the Spatsizi Group by the thin solid line. Viewed to the northwest.

Figure 7. Folds and hanging-wall cutoff on the Mount Will fault, in the Spalsizi Group. View to northwest.


Figure 8. Northeast verging chevron folds in sihstone and sandstone of the Bowser Lake Group. View to northwesl.

shortening, dominance of northeast verging and upright km across the Bowser Basin (Fig. 2).
structures, and similarity between structures in the volcanic The cross-sections only cover the northeast margin of the
rocks and typical fold and thrust belt structures suggest that fold belt, but a regional compilation (Fig. 2) illustrates that
thrust faults in the volcanics sole into a basal detachment in contractional structures continue far to the west. Structures
Stikinia, and thatthebeltis 'thin skinned' (Evenchick 1991a). in the volcanic rocks west of the basin are cryptic, but folds
Three structural levels of the Skeena fold belt are shown in overlying strata indicate that the Skeena fold belt continues
in Figure 5. The Joan Lake section (ABCDE) crosses the to the east margin of the Coast Plutonic Complex where it is
Sustut Basin, and the most extensive exposures of volcanic engulfed by post-tectonic. Tertiary plutons (Evenchick 1991 b).
rocks. The Griffith Creek section (FG) crosses the Sustut
Basin and a large region of structurally thickened Tango
Constraints on the timing of deformation
Creek Formation. The Tuaton Lake section (JKLMN) is
dominated by folded Bowser Lake Group, which has only Stratigraphic and palaeontological data for the Sustut Group,
local markers. summarized in Figure 9, constrain the timing of deformation.
The cross-sections also display three zones of common In one region, thrust faults and folds in pre-Sustut strata are
structural style. On its northeast side the Sustut Group unconformably overlain by Sustut Group (Fig. 9; Evenchick
unconformably overlies Stikinia and strata are flat lying or 1987). Because the youngest strata below the sub-Sustut
gently warped. The second zone is characterized by a gradual unconformity are Oxfordian in age (H. W. Tipper, pers.
southwestward steepening of bedding to form a northeast comm. 1989), and because the basal Sustut Group is likely to
dipping monocline of Brothers Peak Formation. Up to 200 m be Aptian or Albian in age (Sweet & Evenchick 1990; A.
of Tango Creek Formation conformably underlies the Broth- Sweet, pers. comm. 1990), the oldest structures of the
ers Peak Formation, and continues downwards into at least northeastern fold belt formed between Oxfordian and mid-
2000 m of structurally thickened Tango Creek Formation. Cretaceous time.
This zone is characterized by northeast verging thrust faults Palaeocurrent and provenance studies by Eisbacher (1974)
and folds which, in the northeast, dip northeast below the illustrate an association between the Sustut Basin and the
monocline, a geometry similar to that of the triangle zone at Skeena fold belt (Fig. 9). They show that rivers flowed from
the front of deformation in the Rocky Mountain fold and the east (Omineca belt), carrying the first miogeoclinal and
thrust belt (Jones 1982; Price 1986). Southwest of the metamorphic detritus to the northern Intermontane belt.
triangle zone is a third zone, a 20 km wide belt of folded and During deposition of the Tango.Creek Formation a western
thrust faulted volcanic rocks and Bowser Lake Group. To the source is indicated by a change in palaeocurrents and a
southwest, folded Bowser Lake Group extends another 170 prominence of chert clasts, assumed to have been eroded


from the Bowser Lake Group. This is inferred to be the first Shortening and variations in structural style
clastic record of the evolving Skeena fold belt (Eisbacher
1974; Evenchick 1991a). Clasts in the Brothers Peak For- Estimates of shortening have been made at the northeast
mation were derived from the east and west, and denote margin of the fold belt (Evenchick 1991a). They were
continued input from the fold belt. Deformation of the derived by constructing balanced cross-sections (following
Brothers Peak Formation indicates that shortening continued Dahlstrom 1969) and restored sections in regions where
to latest Cretaceous or early Tertiary time. several stratigraphic units provide control on the position of
Regional relationships at the south and west margins of the cut-offs of contacts by faults. Where all of the shortening is
fold belt place local constraints on the timing of deformation. within the Bowser Lake Group, it was estimated by measur-
For example, on the southwest margin of the fold belt, ing the bed lengths of prominent local markers around folds
widespread Tertiary plutons intrude contractional structures where constant bed thickness is preserved. Details of the
in the Bowser Lake Group and Middle Jurassic granite (54°N sections are given in Evenchick (1991a). In the absence of
to 55°N, Fig. 2; Woodsworth etal. 1985; age of granite from seismic and well data, the sections rely on a combination of
P. van der Heyden, pers. comm. 1990), indicating that folds down plunge projection and extrapolation of relationships
and thrust faults formed between Late Jurassic and Tertiary among the structural levels exposed by gently plunging
time. In the southeast (55°N to 56°N, 126°W to 128°W; Fig. structures, and large dip-slip faults (Fig. 4). Additional
2), Late Cretaceous to Eocene post kinematic plutons (Richards factors guiding construction of the sections include: (1) the
1980; T. Richards, pers. comm. 1989), show that some of the Sustut Group is pinned to Stikinia on the east side of the
folding apparently ended before the Late Cretaceous. How- Sustut Basin; (2) the southwest side of the Sustut Basin is the
ever, cross-cutting plutons only limit the age of those particular location of a triangle zone which is inferred to lie above the
structures, and do not preclude younger detachments carry- northeast limit of deformation; (3) the basal detachment is
ing the plutons. The regional relationships provide examples assumed to dip gently southwest from the triangle zone (see
which fall within the Late Jurassic (?) to latest Cretaceous or discussion in Evenchick 1991a); (4) fold geometry in the
early Tertiary age for the fold belt that was determined from volcanics and the position of the folds with respect to known
relationships in the Sustut Group. There is, however, no detachments are consistent with the hypothesis that they are
conclusive evidence to demonstrate or eliminate Late Jurassic a result of displacement along underlying thrust faults which
and earliest Cretaceous deformation. have a ramp-flat geometry.
In the Joan Lake section, the leading edge of the Denkladia
thrust sheet has been displaced 20 km northeastward relative

Field Relationships Interpretation Timing Constraint

Youngest rocks folded

Folding was as late as
sw latest Cretaceous or Tertiary
Folding outlasted deposition of
tiie Brothers Pealt Formation.
Brothers Peal( Formation is folded. The
formation is as young as Maastrichtian.

Paleocurrent and provenance data of Sustut (from Eisbactier, 1974)

^volc-3. feldspar, chert, quartz, micas chert from quartzite^ quartz, micas
Skeena Fold Belt from Omineca Belt

Evolving Skeena Fold Belt

VP':-7^X^;'^"H*Tcr*.'H^;.'fr»:.'^-:^.'-i^-'.^; was a source for detritus
through mid- to Late
Cretaceous time
quartzile. guarlz. micas
ctiert. v o l e s , quartz, feldspar, micas from Omineca Belt
••.••.••••••.•;•;-." u p p e r TCF.•;;."•.•.•.• .••;vv;-V-;•'•*'; -:upper TCF/.-A'V/;;::V:::;:-.1I::^

quartz, quartzite. micas

quartz, feldspar, voles, mica, chert from Omineca Belt
•••:••.••••::•.•:•.-• ••••lower TCF ,••.•.•.•..:,:,.,:....•,'
Figure 9. Suinmary of constraints on
the timing of defoimation in the Sl^eena
fold belt. Dataforthesedimentological
Structures below Sustut Group interpretation are from Eisbacher
Folds, thrust faults and (1974). Abbreviations; SG Spatsizi
normal faults were pre Group; BLG Bowser Lake Group;
h ^ ^ fa-—— n-^VVV
TCF Tango Creek Formalion; BPF
'".. vvvvvvv\/w\/vv
Brothers Peak Formation; v volcanic
Sustut Group overlies several units in Restored section^ Pre-Sustut Group
close proximity; Spatsizi Gp overlies folding, thrust faulting, and normal faulting. rocks. FuUarrowsdenotepalaeocurrent
Bowser Lake Group directions, and half arrows thrust
SW NE SW NE faults.


Coast Belt Intermontane Belt Omineca Belt Foreland Belt

> c
Coast Plutonic Complex Skeena Fold Belt Rocky M t n F o l d
oc and Thrust Belt
< Eocene
K uplift Brothers Peak Fm rS> uplift, erosion
UJ Paleocene
h m
Maastricht. m
^^ uplift
" " " • ' ' ^

Santonian v v!/V V Y Y Y Y V V " ^ " "rii 'I II T'l '^"" "^"'"^

uplift i v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vtvv v v v v v v v v v v
(0 fivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
O '--^^^
UJ ' ^
o Albian 'Blairmore
< i( i|i III\yi|i lu u ^ V V V V I ^J V V V V V V V V V V N
u Aptian
oc ^vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
o Barremian I

Hauterivian I
cooling I1 slow
Berriasian ' V V V V V V v>v V y^Jry vvvvvvvvvvvvvv
J^^pi^p^rv^^^^^^v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v ,^ Kootena/^
Tithonian Femie •
Kimmeridg. jy\ >^
o Oxfordian rapid jjplift^
Dowser Lake Group
v> Callovian
major thickening
< Bathonian 9?
3 Bajocian
SpSiSfZI _ _ _ ^ g / VVVVVVVVV
Group __ '~^^^vvv VVVVVVVVV ' obduction of
Toarcian -'Ouesneliia
Pliensbach. :'vvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Figure 10. Summary of evolution ofthe Skeena fold belt in relation to other tectonic elements in the Canadian Cordillera. Time scale from Palmer (1983).
Abbreviations: G.C. Gamsby Complex; m metamorphism; MDl Monashee decollement; MD2 Monashee decollement; OB Omineca belt; SFB Skeena fold
belt. Bars on the left side of Intermontane Belt reflect the span of ages for events shown, solid where well constrained and dashed where uncertain. Full
arrows are from sources of clastic detritus, and half arrows are active thrust faults.

to the northeast limit of deformation. In the Griffith Creek the volcanic rocks and overlying strata varies, both units
section, the leading edge ofthe Crescent thrust sheet has been display generally the same amount of shortening (Evenchick
displaced 22 km northeastward relative to the east limit of 1991 a). Therefore, the thrust faults observed in the volcanic
deformation. These estimates represent 36 and 60% shorten- rocks are assumed to feed upward and eastward into detach-
ing for the Joan Lake and Griffith Creek sections respec- ments below and above systems of folds in the Spatsizi,
tively. They are minimum estimates because not all pre- Bowser Lake, and Sustut Groups. The fold belt could be
Sustut structures can be restored. In the Tuaton Lake section, viewed as a regional system of blind thrust faults with folding
folding near Mount Umbach represents 44% shortening in being primarily a result of fault propagation (Suppe 1985).
the Bowser Lake Group (Fig. 5). Other estimates of the
shortening by folding in the Bowser Lake Group, combined
with the shortening in the Joan Lake and Griffith Creek Regional tectonic framework
section result in an average of 44% shortening for the north-
east margin of the fold belt (Evenchick 1991a). The evolution of the Skeena fold belt with respect to other
The difference in structural style between the volcanic belts is illustrated schematically in Figure 10. Structural
rocks and overlying strata is apparent in photographs, map elements ofthe northem and southern Omineca and Foreland
pattern and cross-sections of the northeast margin ofthe fold belts are enlisted here because hundreds of kilometres of
belt. The volcanic rocks appear to be deformed primarily by dextral strike slip displaced the Skeena fold belt northward
thrust faults, and form folds which are an order of magnitude relative to the Foreland belt and parts of the Omineca belt
larger than the numerous detached, disharmonic folds in the before, during, and after development ofthe fold belt (Gabrielse
Bowser Lake Group. Although the style of deformation of 1985). In detail, the nature of the belts varies widely along


Coast Belt Intermontane Belt O m i n e c a Belt Rocky M t n

Skeena Fold Belt „ . , ^ o ' d Bind T h r u s t Belt
Suslut Belly River
Si •

base of lithosphere

Figure 11. Schematic diagram of the Late Cretaceous tectonic framework, illustrating a possible tectonic link between the Skeena fold belt, and the Coast,
Omineca and Foreland belts.

strike, but their general characteristics apply to this discus- Discussion and conclusions
Latest Jurassic folding in the Skeena fold belt, if present, The Skeena fold belt is a regional fold and thrust belt that
was coeval with early crustal thickening along the east side of spans most of the Intermontane belt. It is characterized by
the Coast Plutonic Complex (van der Heyden 1989), crustal structures typical of fold and thrust belts, and formed in Late
thickening, metamorphism, and uplift in the Omineca belt Jurassic (?) to earliest Tertiary time. From the surface
(Archibald e/a/. 1983; Browne? a/. 1986), and the beginning geometry of the Skeena fold belt, shortening is inferred to
of deposition of the Kootenay - Femie clastic wedge in the sole into a basal detachment that roots farther west in the
Foreland belt. The clastic wedge deposits in the Foreland belt Coast Plutonic Complex, where major crustal thickening was
are attributed to the load of thrust sheets in the Rocky contemporaneous with development of the fold belt. Moreo-
Mountain fold and thrust belt (Price 1973, 1981). Although ver, if the estimate of shortening at the northeast margin of the
Jurassic structures in the Skeena fold belt cannot be demon- fold belt can be applied across the fold belt, then the Skeena
strated, at least some shortening occurred before mid-Creta- fold belt represents about 160 km of shortening of the Bowser
ceous time. Basin and Stikinia. Furthermore, 160 km of Stikinia repre-
A mid-Cretaceous to earliest Tertiary age for the Skeena senting the footwall of the basal detachment must be found in
fold belt is indicated by many regional relationships. Mid- or under the Coast Plutonic Complex.
Cretaceous time was also a period of major crustal thickening The structural and temporal associations between the
in the Coast Plutonic Complex (Crawford etal. 1987; van der Skeena fold belt and the Coast Plutonic Complex suggest that
Heyden 1989). Crustal thickening by west verging thrust their evolution was kinematically linked. The spatial and
faults on the west side of the belt was accompanied by kinematic relationships between foreland and metamorphic/
amphibolite facies metamorphism and emplacement of plutonic hinterland are similar along many ancient conver-
synkinematic plutons. Later, east verging thrust faults were gent margins, including the Omineca belt and Rocky Moun-
active on the east side of the belt. Many plutons were tain fold and thrust belt (Price 1981; Archibald et al. 1984;
emplaced in the Omineca belt at this time. Regional anticlinoria Brown et al. 1986); the Asiak thrust-fold belt and Hepburn
in the northern Omineca belt are a result of Early to mid- metamorphic internal zone of Wopmay Orogen (e.g. Hoffman
Cretaceous shortening (Evenchick 1988a). The southern et al. 1988); Appalachian Orogen (e.g. Hatcher 1981); the
Omineca belt underwent slow cooling, uplift and erosion, Himalayas (e.g. Gansser 1964; Mattauer 1986) and the Alps
with deformation at the deepest levels (Archibald etal. 1983). (Trumpy 1980). In the Canadian Cordillera, however, short-
In the Foreland belt, deposition of the Blairmore clastic ening in the Skeena fold belt and its metamorphic/plutonic
wedge resulted from continued shortening in the Rockies. hinterland was contemporaneous with shortening in the
Crustal thickening, metamorphism, and uplift in the Coast Foreland belt and its metamorphic/plutonic hinterland. This
Plutonic Complex extended into earliest Tertiary time relationship invites speculation on the gross structure of the
(Crawford et al. 1987; van der Heyden 1989). To the east, Cordillera.
folded strata of the Brothers Peak Formation demonstrates The double pair of fold belt and hinterland permits pos-
that deformation in the Skeena fold belt lasted into latest tulation of a structural link between all belts of the Cordillera,
Cretaceous or early Tertiary time. The last displacement on illustrated schematically in Figure 11. Two systems of
contractional shear zones in the southern Omineca belt was detachments shown in Figure 11 provide a mechanism for
during the Palaeocene (Journeay 1989; Brown & Carr 1990). transferring displacement from the subduction zone to the
The shortening was transmitted eastward into the Rockies east side of the Coast Plutonic Complex, and to the relatively
(Archibald et al. 1984; Brown et al. 1986) at a time broadly high structural level of the Skeena fold belt. East verging
corresponding to deposition of the last foreland basin depos- structures observed on the east side of the complex (Fig. 10),
its (Belly River Formation) in the Foreland belt. and associated metamorphism and plutonism may be part of
that system. As well, a deeper detachment may have led from


the subduction zone to the Omineca belt and Rocky Mountain The Skeena fold belt and its position in the evolution of the
fold and thrust belt. The crustal duplex shown in the Omineca Canadian Cordillera is a good example that collision tectonics
belt, and its link with the Foreland belt is from Brown et al. cannot be viewed as rigid blocks welding to a continental
(1986), but structures above the duplex related to earlier margin.
terrane accretion are not shown.
Between the Skeena fold belt and the Rocky Mountain The field work for this project was undertaken as part of the regional mapping
fold and thrust belt is a major fault system which displays program of the Geological Survey of Canada. I am indebted to Hu Gabrielse
and Howard Tipper for their support, and for shared expertise on the geology
hundreds of kilometres of dextral strike slip (Gabrielse 1985).
of the northern Cordillera. During the first two years of the project I was
These faults may flatten into the deeper detachment as shown supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Post
in Figure 11. Oblique displacement on the lower detachment Docloral Fellowship. An early draft of the manuscript was read by Hu
is is shown in Figure 11 to be partitioned into both strike slip Gabrielse. 1 also appreciate the helpful comments of the critical reviewer,
and thrust components. R. L. Brown.


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Geometric evidence for synchronous thrusting in the southern Alberta
and northwest Montana thrust belts
Steven E. Boyer
Department of Geological Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle,
Washington 98195, USA

Abstract: Any model of thrust kinematics or mechanics must account for the hitherto unexplained
presence of imbricate stacks on the forelimbs and crests of folds and structural culminations.
Although map-scale patterns of folded thrusts and the sedimentary record of foredeeps seem to
conclusively argue for a relatively simple hinterland-to-foreland Cpiggy-back') progression of
thrusting, such a simple sequence cannot produce such crestal imbricate stacks. The only model
compatible with existing structural and stratigraphic evidence is one in which thrusts at depth
develop in a cratonward progression but remain active during the initiation of younger thrusts.
Thus at any one time two or more thrusts may be simultaneously active. This model differs from
previous ones in which older thrusts were assumed to become deactivated as new thrusts
propagated toward the foreland. Synchronous thrusting in the subsurface produces 'out-of-
sequence' thrusting at the Earth's surface. The adoption of a synchronous thrust model over the
classic 'piggy-back' model has important implications for mechanical models of thrusting, cross-
section balancing, and hydrocarbon exploration in thrust belts and leads to more realistic models
of duplex fault zone development. First, while not proving the critically-tapered wedge model of
thrust mechanics, the observations demonstrate that the model is viable. Second, since most cross-
section balancing techniques include the assumption of piggy-back thrusting, "out-of-sequence'
and synchronous thrusts must be identified if a section is to be correctly balanced. Third, models
of hydrocarbon generation based on a cratonward progression of thrusting may lead to inaccurate
conclusions if applied to regions of synchronous thrusting; appraisal of basins and prospects based
on synchronous thrust models produce results considerably different from those generated
assuming simple sequential thrust development. Lastly, existing duplex models cannot adequately
explain the large variation in the geometry of duplex fault zones. However, synchronous thrusting,
if halted at various stages, can produce a large variety of typically observed duplex geometries.

There have been two principal schools of thought regarding reactivation and/or duplex underplating to maintain critical
the sequence of thrust imbrication within thrust and fold taper (Davis et al. 1983: Boyer & Geiser 1987; Piatt 1988;
belts; one maintaining that thrusts generally are younger Dahlen & Suppe 1988; Morley 1988) and (2) a piggy-back
toward the foreland (Bally e/a/. I966;DahIstrom 1970; Roy se sequence cannot produce many observed structural
et al. 1975) and a second holding that thrusts develop in a geometries. This paper, dealing with the latter, presents
foreland-to-hinterland sequence (Milici 1975;Mudge 1970). observations which indicate that synchronous thrusting in the
Until recently the theory of cratonward thrust imbrication, Canadian and US Rockies is more common than has previ-
with allowances for minor 'out-of-sequence' thrusting ously been recognized. Therefore simple models of piggy-
(Dahlstrom 1970) has become the most widely accepted, back thrusting may not have universal applicability. If these
having taken on the role of an axiom in the study of thrust conclusions are correct, they have considerable implications
kinematics. In hinterland-to-foreland progression of thrust- for the mechanics of thrust emplacement, the application of
ing, older thrusts become inactive and are carried passively, cross-section balancing techniques, and patterns of hydrocar-
in a so-called 'piggy-back' fashion, upon the backs of under- bon generation and entrapment in thrust belts.
lying younger thrusts. Many thrust models, including those
for duplex development (Boyer 1978; Boyer & Elliott 1982)
have been built upon this foundation, as the arguments for a Existing criteria for the determination of thrust
hinterland-to-foreland thrust progression are based on con- sequence
vincing stratigraphic and geometric evidence (see discussion
in the following section). However, much structural and Most patterns of synorogenic sedimentation suggest a
stratigraphic evidence has come to light which casts doubt on cratonward progression of thrusting. Armstrong & Oriel
the simple piggy-back thrust model (Ori & Friend 1984; (1965) postulated a west-to-east progression of thrusting in
Searle 1985; Butler 1987; Roeder 1988; Morley 1988). the Idaho-Wyoming-Utah thrust belt, commencing in latest
The conclusion that thrusts develop in a relatively straight Jurassic and terminating in early Eocene. They based their
forward hinterland-to-foreland, progression has at least two conclusions on observations that from west to east succes-
major shortcomings: (1) it is incompatible with compelling sively younger rocks were involved in thrusting and that
new mechanical models for the emplacement of thrust belts, during the Cretaceous period the axis of maximum deposition
which require synchronous, 'out-of-sequence' thrusting, thrust migrated eastward (Armstrong & Oriel 1965, p. 1854-6).


Presumably this eastward migration of the depositional axis preserved in orogenic belts, many thrusts can be shown to be
accompanied the eastward advance or growth of the thrust either be late and out-of-sequence or to have been periodically
belt. Oriel & Armstrong (1966, p. 2618) further noted that for reactivated (Lamerson 1982; Hurst & Steidtmann 1986). In
Mesozoic to early Tertiary formations 'The westernmost agreement with the stratigraphic evidence, the use of balanced
known occurrence and coarsest facies of each (syntectonic) cross sections also indicates that imbricate stacks are often
unit lie in a belt east of the coarsest facies of the next older generated by 'out-of-sequence' thrusting (Delphia &
unit.' Although there is much debate concerning the absolute Bombolakis 1988). Many out-of-sequence imbricate stacks
ages of the various thrusts (Heller etal. 1986), most workers occur at the tops of ramps in thrust sheets and have been
appear to accept a west-to-east progression for the US Rocky produced in experiments (Morse 1977, Fig. 3). Also out-of-
Mountain thrust belts (Royse et al. 1975; Wiltschko & Dorr sequence thrusts may develop at the base of a ramp as a means
1983). In the Canadian foothills the eastward migration of of decreasing the ramp angle (Serra 1977; Knipe 1985).
Mesozoic to Palaeocene synorogenic foredeeps has led to It should be noted that the term 'out-of-sequence" thrust is
similar conclusions (Bally ef a/. 1966, p. 365-369; Price 1973, used by proponents of piggy-back thrusting to refer to those
1981). thrusts which disobey the 'rules' of thrust development and
Arguments for a hinterland-to-foreland progression of it has been suggested that the use of this term be discontinued
thrusts are fortified by geometric evidence, most importantly (Geiser, pers. comm. 1990). Such thrust imbricates are
patterns of folded thrusts (Verrall 1968; Jones 1971). The usually thought to be of minor significance (Dahlstrom 1970,
existence of folded thrusts was noted at least as early as the p. 354; Woodward 1987). This is probably true for portions
1930s by geologists working in the Canadian Rocky Moun- of the Canadian and US Rockies, including the southern
tains (Hake etal. 1935, 1942; Hume 1941; Hage 1942; and portion of the Utah-Wyoming thrust belt. However, patterns
Deiss, 1943). Scott (1951), attributed the folded thrusts to of imbrication, especially the locus of imbricate faults on the
two distinct phases of deformation: (1) low-angle thrust crests of folds, in the southern Alberta and northwest Mon-
faulting, followed by (2) regional-scale folding and accom- tana thrust belts, will be used in subsequent sections to argue
panying 'adjustment faulting' and reactivation of the steeper that such out-of-sequence motions are not incidental and that
portions of folded thrusts. However, extensive drilling and they are symptomatic of synchronous motion on two or more
seismic acquisition, associated with petroleum exploration in major thrusts at depth.
the Canadian Rockies, and field observations have led to the
conclusion that folded thrusts are best explained by a
cratonward progression of thrusting in which older thrusts are Imbricate stacks situated on the forelimbs of folds
carried piggy-back and folded over ramps in lower, more
frontal thrusts (Bally et al., 1966; Verrall 1968; Dahlstrom Stacks of imbricate thrusts are often found on the crests or
1970; Jones 1971). limbs of structural culminations (Figs 1, 4b, 5 & Table 1).
Despite the geometric and stratigraphic evidence for a Several examples gleaned from published sections are listed
foreland progession of thrusting there has long existed a in Table 1. All these structures share common features: (1)
school of thought maintaining that mechanical arguments the upper fault in the sequence emanates from the backlimb
and geometric evidence suggest the opposite sense of propa- of the underlying fold and is usually quite planar; (2) struc-
gation (Mudge 1970; Milici 1975). Mechanical theory turally lower faults on the forelimb display a decreasing
(Hubbert & Rubey, 1959) has indicated that for tabular thrust radius of curvature with depth (i.e. the lower faults in the
sheets to be emplaced by horizontal compression they must sequence are more tightly folded than the higher faults); and
be limited to lengths deemed by many to be unrealistically (3) strata on the backlimb of the fold display little or no
short. This has led to the suggestion that gravity is the only evidence of disruption or thrust repetition.
viable driving force for the emplacement of thrust sheets The geometry of crestal imbricate stacks have been de-
(Milici 1975; Mudge 1970; LeMoine 1973; Scholten 1973; scribed in the older thrust literature. Most commonly men-
Choukroune & Seguret 1973). In a surficial gravity slide the tioned are 'back-limb' imbricates, or imbricates which overlie
imbricates often break backward from the toe, and if such a the hinterland-dipping limbs of folds. It has been supposed
mechanism operated in the emplacement of thrust sheets it for some time that 'backlimb' imbricates often form
was thought that thrust belts must also develop in a foreland- sequentially from foreland to hinterland, or in a so-called
to-hinterland sequence. These conclusions have been sup- ' out-of-sequence' order, on the back limbs of existing structural
ported by patterns of thrust intersection which suggest that culminations (Douglas 1950; Bally et al. 1966). Douglas
more frontal thrusts have been truncated by younger thrusts (1950, p. 88-95) maintained that field observations and map
toward the hinterland (Milici 1975). patterns supported a model in which the backlimb faults
The mechanical arguments for foreland-to-hinterland thrust formed simultaneously with the underlying anticlines. Hume
sequences must now be considered less reliable in light of (1957, p. 408-409) followed Douglas (1950) in arguing for
recent work suggesting that thrust sheets can indeed be simultaneous folding and imbrication. Douglas (1950, p. 89)
emplaced by horizontal compression if a critical taper angle attributed back-limb out-of-sequence thrusts to greater
is maintained (Davis era/. 1983). However,the physical field interbed slip within the west limbs of folds, forming 'out-of-
evidence for hindward thrust sequences cannot be as easily the-syncline' thrusts (Hake et al. 1942; Dahlstrom 1970).
dismissed. Where the youngest synorogenic sediments are However, in most of the structures discussed in this paper, the


r McConnell Thrust
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zwioosg Mtn.anejBt )
L_ _J
p6x v= 1


after Gllluly (1960)
McConnell Thrust
Figure 2. Gilluly's model of simultaneous thrusting and folding.
(a). As thrust' 1' is folded by movement on the leading thrust, the frontal limb
is locked while displacement is free to continue on the backlimb of the
anticline. Continued movement on the backlimb portion of the fault initiates
a new imbricate '2' which breaks across the crest of the structure.
(b). Continued folding inactivates the forelimb portion of fault '2', while
synchronous motion on the backlimb thrust initiates a new imbricate ' 3 ' .
(c). The process is repeated as fault three is folded and imbricate '4' is
In this simple model all imbricates merge at a single branch line at the crest
of the anticline.
crowding and out-of-the-syncline, bedding-parallel shear.
Figure 1. Imbricate stack overlying the frontal limb a structural culmination Gilluly's synchronous thrust/fold model was contested by
in the southern Alberta thrust belt. The upper section extends westward from Dahlstrom (1970, p. 349-350 & Fig. 20) and Boyer & Elliott
the Bow Valley structure and is drawn with 2:1 vertical exaggeration. The (1982, p. 1216 & Fig. 27), the lattermaintaining that the same
lower section is an enlargement of the culmination (location indicated by box
geometry could be produced by the folding of a pre-existing
in upper figure) with no vertical exaggeration. Note that the structure on the
west limb of the structure is relatively simple. imbricate fan. The best criterion for determining the relative
timing of structures within a 'folded' imbricate stack is not
cumulative displacement on the crestal imbricates is on the the variation in fold intensity between the upper and lower
order of several kilometres, an amount that greatly exceeds imbricates, but rather the position of the branch lines of the
any bedding-plane slip that would accompany crowding in various imbricates; in most structures of this type the imbricates
the troughs of adjacent synclines. share a single branch line near the crest of the fold (see Fig.
Gilluly (1960) provided a more satisfactory explanation 1 and examples cited in Table 1), implying a 'causal relation-
for crestal imbricate stacks: simultaneous thrusting and fold- ship between the two phenomenon' (Dahlstrom 1970, p.
ing (Fig. 2). This interpretation differs from the treatment of 350).
the above workers in that the upper detachment and associ- By incorporating modem concepts of thrust geometry,
ated imbricates were considered to be major thrust systems in Gilluly's (1960) model can be adapted to explain the frontal-
their own right, rather than simply accommodating synclinal limb imbrication of the Bow Valley culmination (Fig.l) and

Table 1. Structures possessing forelimb imbricate stacks suggestive of synchronous thrusting*

Structure Location Reference

Hot Springs window Southern Appalachians, USA Oriel (1951)

Mountain City Window Southern Appalachians, USA Rodgers(1970, p. 172-173)
Valley & Ridge Province Appalachians, Penna., USA Nickelsen(1988)
Goat Ridge window Basin & Range, Nevada, USA Gilluly (I960)*
Engadine window Central Alps Oriel (1951, p. 24-27)
Savanna Creek field Rocky Mtns., Alberta, Canada Hennessey (1975)
Bow Valley structure Rocky Mtns., Alberta, Canada Bally etal. (1966)
Waterton field Rocky Mtns., Alberta, Canada Dahlstrom (1969, Fig. 10a)
Painter Reservoir field Rocky Mtns., Wyoming, USA Lamerson (1982, Fig. 12)
Tunp thrust Rocky Mtns., Wyoming, USA Lamerson( 1982, Plate 8)
Pineview field Rocky Mtns., Wyoming, USA Lamerson (1982)
Stewart Peak culmination Rocky Mtns., Wyoming, USA Lageson(1984)
Northern Sawtooths Rocky Mtns., Montana, USA Mudge&Earhart(1983)

* Also see numerous additional examples suggested by Gilluly (1960, p. 76-77). This table refers to structures that resemble results produced by the
synchronous thrust model, but these structures, with the exception of the Goat Ridge window, were not usually interpreted as such.





Figure 3. Gilluly's model of simultaneous folding and thrusting (Fig. 2) provided the inspiration for this synchronous thrust model, (a) After formation
of the initial thrust ('A') anew thrust ('B', dashed) propagates toward the foreland, (b) Movement on thrust 'B' folds the upper flat of thrust 'A' deactivating
imbricate ' 1'. Renewed movement on thrust 'A' breaks across the crest of the frontal fold, forming an out-of-sequence imbricate, '2' (c & d) The process
continues with additional out-of-sequence imbricates, ' 3 ' and '4", being formed as motion alternates between thrusts 'A' and 'B' With each stage of
displacement on thrust 'B' the amplitude of the frontal ramp anticline increases and new out-of-sequence develop in conjunction with continued motion on
thrust 'A'. See text for additional discussion. Although the model invokes alternating motion between thrusts 'A' and 'B', the two thrusts will appear to
have been synchronous when viewed in the context of geological time.

similar structures throughout the greater Rocky Mountain disparate observations of the hindward and cratonward schools
region (Boyer 1986a). None of the examples that will be of thrust progression, amodel was prepared based on Gilluly's
discussed can easily be explained by folding of existing (1960) concept of synchronous folding and thrusting (Boyer,
imbricates as suggested by piggy-back thrust models 1986a). It was assumed that both schools of thought were
(Dahlstrom 1970; Boyer & Elliott 1982). correct in their observations but partially in error in their
The model was drawn using the kink domain geometry
Simultaneous thrust model and flat - ramp - flat thrust/fold geometries (Rich 1934;
Douglas 1950; Boyer & Elliott 1982 ) and the equations of
In order to explain the locus of imbricate stacks on the crests Suppe (1983). In Figure 3a an imbricate (dashed) is about to
and forelimbs of underlying culminations and to rectify the form after some initial movement on an older thrust. Move-


ment on the younger frontal thrust forms a low-amplitude (1983) showed no detachment within the Jurassic of the west
ramp anticline which in turn folds the existing thrust. As it is limb. However, in order to allow restoration of the tectonic
folded, that portion of the older thrust which overlies the shortening on the east limb of the structure, such a detach-
frontal limb of the leading ramp anticline is inactivated (Figs ment is certainly required.
3b & 3c). However, continued movement on the higher thrust If the model (Fig. 3) applies to the origin of the northern
produces an out-of-sequence imbricate which breaks across Sawtooth structure, the numerous major thrusts within the
the crest of the frontal anticline. As this process proceeds, the Sawtooths must have been synchronously active. The pres-
amplitude of the frontal anticline grows and additional out- ence of the forelimb imbricate stack suggests that the upper
of-sequence imbricates propagate from the crest of the detachment in the Jurassic section must have been active
structure. Out-of-sequence imbrication continues until the during the growth of the culmination. Since this detachment
frontal ramp anticline attains a maximum amplitude, a con- roots westward in Palaeozoic carbonates, thrusting on western
dition which is met as the rear kink plane of the ramp anticline imbricates must have occurred synchronously with faults of
has climbed unto the upper flat (Fig. 3d). From this stage Palaeozoic strata coring the frontal culmination to the east.
forward, simultaneous motion on the two thrusts will proceed
without the introduction of additional crestal imbrication and
the youngest and highest imbricate will remain active. All Southern Alherta, Canada
imbricate faults occur on the forelimb of the structure; compare A section through the Lewis thrust sheet and the Waterton gas
the model (Fig. 3d) with actual examples (Fig. 1 & Table 1). field in Alberta, Canada (Fig. 5), displays geometries strik-
Note that in this model, movement alternated between the ingly similar to those mapped by Mudge & Earhart (1983) in
two major thrusts, so the thrusts are not strictly synchronous. the northern Sawtooth Range. The Lewis thrust sheet of
However, when averaged over geological time the motions of Middle Proterozoic metasedimentary strata is folded into a
the two thrusts will appear to be simultaneous. Such alternating broad syncline, the west and east limbs of the syncline having
stick-slip motion probably also applies to many other thrusts been uplifted by imbrication of Palaeozoic carbonates within
that have been described as being synchronous. two underlying duplex fault zones (Bally et al. 1966; Gordy
Dahlstrom (1970, p. 354) has noted that regional and local et al. 1977, pp. 25 & 31). The two duplex structures are on
thrust sequences are not entirely compatible. However, out- trend with the two antiformal features that emerge southward
of-sequence imbrications may not be incompatible with the from beneath the Lewis sheet to form the northern Sawtooths.
propagation patterns of regional thrusts when viewed in the In order to understand the kinematic development of the
light of the simultaneous thrust model just described. Note two culminations sequentially restored cross sections were
that 'in-sequence' initiation of thrusts at depth, combined constructed by reversing the process utilized in the model
with continued motion on all thrusts, leads to 'out-of-se- (Fig. 3). Assuming that the least curved faults emanating
quence' imbrication at shallow or surface levels (Fig. 3). In from the backlimb of the frontal culmination were the last to
this model hinterland-to-foreland thrust propagation, syn- form, these faults were restored first. Using balancing
chronous thrusting, and out-of-sequence imbrication are all arguments, Dahlstrom (1969, p. 750) demonstrated that im-
compatible. bricates of Mesozoic rocks overlying Waterton field must be
separated from the underlying duplex of Palaeozoic carbonates
by a detachment; i.e. shortening within the Mesozoic strata is
Application of the synchronous thrust model to far in excess of that within the Palaeozoic sequence. Since the
the southern Alberta & northwest Montana thrust Mesozoic imbricates branch from a regional detachment
belts within the Jurassic section, and this detachment in turn roots
westward into the trailing duplex, restoration of the frontal
As summarized in Table 1, crestal and forelimb imbricate imbricates required partial restoration of imbricates within
fans commonly overlie folds and thrust culminations in many the trailing duplex (Figs 5a & 5b). At the same time as the
thrust belts. These features are especially common in the highest imbricates of the frontal structure were restored
Rocky Mountains of southern Alberta and the northwest several of the underlying imbricates of Palaeozoic carbonates
Montana Sawtooth Ranges. Applying the synchronous thrust were also restored. This process decreased the amplitude of
model (Fig. 3) to these thrust terranes one can draw conclu- the frontal structure so that in the next stage (Figs 5b & 5c) the
sions concerning their probable kinematic development highest imbricate of the frontal duplex and an additional
imbricate of the trailing duplex could be restored. The next
sequence (from Figs 5c to 5d) was performed by continuing
Northern Sawtooth Range, Montana, USA the process of removing the highest forelimb imbricates
At the northern termination of the Sawtooth Range in north- while restoring footwall imbricates to decrease the amplitude
west Montana a crestal imbricate stack overlies the frontal ofthe frontal duplex. This restoration is a simplification; to
limb of a fault-cored culmination (Fig. 4). On the west limb show the complete evolution ofthe section one would need to
of the structure is a normal stratigraphic sequence of Missis- construct as many sequential sections as there are imbricates
sippian, and unconformably overlying Jurassic and lower overlying the frontal structure, approximately twelve.
Cretaceous strata. Indeed, owing to the lack of duplicated Note that this procedure reversed the process utilized in
strata on the west flank of the culmination, Mudge & Earhart the model (Fig. 3). Although the 'real' example is considerably


a ..•./.-v114°/_
:::::::,:,:::,:,: J^2^.

Figure 4. Imbricate stacks overlying the frontal culmination of the northern Sawtooth Range. The location of the map 'b' is indicated by the black rectangle
on map 'a'. Application of the synchronous thrust model (Fig. 3) suggests that the folded detachment separating the Mesozoic (Jurassic and Cretaceous)
sequence (Mz) from underlying Mississippian carbonates (M) was active in conjunction thrusts of Mississippian and Cambro-Devonian (C-D) which fill
the core of the north-plunging structure. Movement on imbricates within the frontal anticlinorium (Palaeozoic strata) increased the amplitude of the
anticlinorium. As the anticliorium grew portions of the overlying Jurassic-level detachment were deactivated and abandoned as the imbricate faults which
overlie the northeast limb of the structure. Since the upper detachment roots westward in Palaeozoic carbonates this implies synchronous motion on faults
of the eastern and western Sawtooth Ranges. The structure of the northern Sawtooths is similar to that at Waterton gas field ( ' W in Fig. 4a). The sequential
evolution depicted in Figure 5 (Waterton Field) would also apply to the Sawtooths.


Figure 5. (a) The Lewis thrust sheet is folded by two duplexes of Palaeozoic carbonates, Waterton gas field to the east and the Flathead duplex to the west
beneath the trailing edge of the Lewis thrust. These two structures lie on strike with the two culminations at the northern termination of the Sawtooth Range
(Fig. 4). The position of the section is shown in Figure 4a. Waterton field and the frontal culmination of the Sawtooths (Fig. 4b) are similar in form, both
with imbricate stacks overlying their forelimbs; the Sawtooth culmination can be considered a surface analogue to the Waterton field duplex, (b) The section
was restored by reversing the process used in producing the model of Figure 3. The structurally highest and presumably the youngest imbricates,' I' were
removed first. Then the amplitude of the leading duplex was decreased by restoring 4 frontal imbricates of the duplex. This process unfolded one or more
overlying imbricates. Since the imbricates in Mesozoic section merge at depth with a Jurassic-level detachment, which roots westward into the Flathead
duplex, imbricates of the Flathead duplex must be restored simultaneously with the imbricates overlying the frontal duplex, (c) The process is continued
by removing the displacement on imbricate '2', while simlultaneously restoring an additional imbricate of the Flathead duplex. Also the amplitude of the
Waterton duplex was further decreased by partially restoring imbricates ' 3 \ (d) Between stages ' C and 'D', the remaining duplex imbricates of Waterton
structure were restored and the displacements on imbricates '4' were removed. Sequential restoration of this section using the synchronous thrust model
indicates that the two duplex fault zones grew simultaneously.

more complex that the model, one can see that structure is The same conclusions are reached by analysis of a section
broadly similar to the model which was produced by syn- through the Bow Valley structure immediately northwest of
chronous thrusting. The presence of the imbricate stacks on Calgary (Fig. 1). Here all imbricates lie upon the crest and
the forelimbs of the Waterton and frontal Sawtooth structures forelimb of the structure. The upper detachment within the
is thus interpreted to mean that major thrusts within the Jurassic must have been active during emplacement of the
Canadian Front Ranges (on trend with the trailing duplex) Moose Mountain sheets. Since the upper detachment joins
and beneath the Foothills (on strike with the leading duplex) with the deeper portions of the McConnell thrust to the west,
were simultaneously active. Although the southern Canadian application of the synchronous thrust model (Fig. 3) requires
Rocky Mountain and northwest Montana thrust belts may the McConnell remained active or was reactivated during
have initiated by a hinterland-to-foreland propagation of growth of the Bow Valley structure.
thrusting, the model requires that the earliest formed thrusts
remain active, rather than being deactivated as previously

S. E. BOYER u~)

u. s
3,000 10,000
S.L - -S.L.
^ ^ ^ ^ —-"—^^""""^
3,000 10,000
6,000 Precambrian Basement 20,000




_ H ^km^


10 0 83 63 41 1 2) 0

Figure 6. (a) Cross section through Walerton field (from Bally f/<j/. 1966). There are four major thrust structures: 1) underlying Pincher Creek field is
a frontal thrust with displacement of of less than 1 km, 2) Waterton field duplex whose imbricates have a combined shortening of approximately 11 km, 3)
the Flathead duplex accounting for 20 km shortening, and 4) the Lewis thrust with a minimum displacement of 42 km. The amount of shortening was estimated
fromthesectionsof Bally fr(i/.( 1966). (b). The graph shows the amount of displacement or shortening on each of these four structures, plotted versus distance
L^,. L^jis the distance to each structure, measured in the restored state from the right end of the section. The systematic hindward increase in displacement
suggests that existing western thrusts, such as the Lewis, remained active as new thrusts propagated toward the foreland.

Corroborating evidence for synchronous thrusting hinterland to foreland.

Evidence for simultaneous motions on two or more major

Displacement transfer
thrusts is corroborated by cross-strike displacement profiles
(Fig. 6) and strike-parallel displacement transfer (Fig. 7). If one assumes that displacement in the northwest Montana
and southern Alberta thrust belts is relatively constant along-
strike and proceeded at constant rates, one is led to the
Cross-strike displacement profiles
possible conclusion that emplacement of the Lewis thrust
As shown in the model (Fig. 3), if the earliest formed thrust sheet, in the vicinity of the US/Canada border, was balanced
remains active as new imbricates propagate toward the fore- by shortening of the Palaeozoic strata in the the Sawtooth
land, the earliest thrust should have greater displacement. Range to the south. Displacement on the Lewis is on the order
Inherent in this argument is the assumption that thrust dis- of 51 km (Price 1965, p. 115) to 65 km (Mudge & Earhart
placement rates have remained constant during the life of a 1980, p. 12-13), with the maximum displacement occurring
thrust belt. (Of course one could also argue that a hinterland immediately south of the Canadian border. Approximately
increase in displacement may reflect higher rates of transla- 250 km to the north the Lewis terminates in a fold complex at
tion earlier in the thrust history.) A hinterland-to-foreland Mt. Kidd (Price et al. 1912; Stockmal 1979; see Fig. 11 in
decrease in displacement is indicated for a cross-sections Boyer, 1986b) and the southem termination of the thrust lies
through the Canadian Rockies (Fig. 6), strongly suggesting in a fold approximately 170 km to the south (Mudge &
that all the thrusts remained active, rather than being Earhart 1980, 1983). In the central segment of the Sawtooth
sequentially deactivated, as younger thrusts propagated from Range shortening in Palaeozoic sequence is on the order of 35


The synchronous thrust model (Fig. 3) explains many of the
conflicts that have arisen among various schools of thought
concerning thrust sequence. In the model, a hinterland-to-
foreland sequence of propagation at depth, combined with
continuing motion of existing thrusts, produces 'out-of-se-
FRONT quence' movements at more shallow levels. Working prima-
RANGES rily with surface data Milici (1975) was most likely to observe
'out-of-sequence' geometries, the shallow manifestation of
synchronous thrusting, whereas Dahlstrom (1970) and Bally
et al. (1966), utilizing abundant subsurface control (seismic
and well data), were more likely to be influenced by the
geometry of deeper structures which suggest a foreland
progression. Thus, both the cratonward and 'hindward'
schools of thrust kinematics may have been in part correct in
their observations and conclusions, as they were dealing with
different parts of the same puzzle. Synchronous thrusting is
compatible with observations that have been incorporated
into the existing model of simple hinterland-to-foreland
thrusting: folded thrusts, 'backlimb' thrusts, interaction of
laterally propagating thrusts, multiple-stage thrusting at two
structural levels, and the 'incidental' reactivation of existing

Lateral thrust propagation

Jones (1971, p. 304) noted that apparent truncation patterns
in map view led Choquette (1959) and Hunt (1956) to argue
for a east-to-west sequence of thrusting. Building upon the
arguments of Douglas (1958, p. 130) he argued that due to
differences in propagation rate and displacement laterally
propagating thrusts, developed in a hinterland-to-foreland
fashion may intersect laterally to give the misleading appear-
ance of the reverse sequence. Applying the concepts of
Douglas (1958) and Jones (1971) one could argue that the
southward propagating Lewis thrust and the northward
Figure 7. Transfer of displacement between thrust faults shortening the propagating Sawtooth thrusts bypassed each other, while in
Palaeozoic sequence in the Sawtooth Range of Montana and the Lewis thrust mirror image to the north the Lewis bent to the west of the
transporting Middle Proterozoic Belt/Purcell Supergroup metasedimentary
rocks. Thrusts of the Sawtooths terminate in folds south of Glacier National
southward propagating thrusts of the Alberta Front Ranges.
Park, while the Lewis begins in a fold and increases displacement northward Does this mean that out-of-sequence and synchronous thrust-
toward the Canadian border. The US/Canada border is the approximate trace ing is limited to narrow zones of displacement transfer
of a mirror plane of symmetry, to the north of which the Lewis loses between overlapping faults? No, as the zones of overlap are
displacement as the Front Range thrusts increase in shortening (see Dahlstrom far from limited; transfer between the Lewis and Front Range
1970, Figs 27 & 46). Displacement transfer between the Lewis thrust and the
thrusts occurs over 175 km in Alberta (Dahlstrom 1970, Fig.
Sawtooth and Front Ranges implies that the Lewis was active synchronously
with imbricate shortening of Palaeozoic rocks in these ranges. 27) and 130 km between the Lewis and Sawtooth thrusts in
northwest Montana (Mudge & Earhart 1980, Fig. 1). Thus
to 45 km (based on the sections of Mudge & Earhart 1983, and the synchronous thrust model is compatible with the lateral
Mitra 1986). To the north, thrusts of the Sawtooths lose thrust-propagation model of Douglas (1958) and Jones (1971):
displacement into a number of fault-propagation folds (Fig. in any given cross section two or more thrusts must experi-
4b; also see map of Mudge & Earhart 1983). The northward ence simultaneous motion.
loss of 35 to 45 km of shortening in the Sawtooth Range is
transferred into an additional 40 km of displacement on the
Multiple-stage thrusting
Lewis, implying synchronous movement on the Lewis thrust
and imbricate faults of the Palaeozoic carbonates to the south This interpretation of imbricate stacks overlying structural
(Fig. 7). culminations differs from that of Bally etal. (1966), who hinted
at the relationship between structural culminations and intense
imbrication in the overlying section: 'It appears that areas


marked by a multitude of Mesozoic imbrications indicate the underlying anticlines, thrust ramps, or the leading edges of
presence of carbonate sheets stacked on top of each other emergent thrusts, are thought to be of minor magnitude (Bally
without intervening Mesozoic clastic strata.' In their inter- et al. 1966, p. 371; Dahlstrom 1970; Woodward 1987).
pretation of the Bow Valley structure they appealed to a two- However, the ubiquity of these structures (Table 1) indicates
stage thrusting wherein the detachment at within the Jurassic that cumulative shortening of such imbricate faults may be
was active first, imbricating the Mesozoic sequence from greater than previously supposed even though the displace-
footwall Palaeozoic carbonates (Bally etal. 1966, p.350-351, ment on single faults may be quite minor. According to the
Fig. 13, phases I & II). Subsequently faults broke from a sole mechanical models of Davis et al. (1983) and Dahlen &
thrust at the base of the Palaeozoic sequence and cut up Suppe (1988) thrust wedges undergo continuous deformation
section through the pre-existing upper detachment (Bally et to maintain a critical taper. Erosion and the accretion of
al. 1966, p.350-351, Fig.l3, phase III). frontal imbricate thrust sheets decreases thrust-belt taper,
As an alternative to the sequential model of Bally et which in turn drives internal deformation required to main-
a/. (1966) this paper argues that the imbricated Mesozoic tain taper. Synchronous thrusting and associated out-of-
elastics are found in conjunction with underlying multiply sequence imbrication provides one means of continuously
imbricated Palaeozoic carbonates because the Jurassic-level maintaining taper.
detachment was active during footwall imbrication as illus-
trated in the synchronous thrust model (Fig. 3). Furthermore,
Geometry and kinematics of duplex fault zones
if the so-called 'back-limb thrusts' and the imbricates on the
forelimbs of the structures are part of the same system, as The ideal model for the development of duplex fault zones
proposed here, the combined displacement on these systems (Boyer 1978; Boyer & Elliott 1982) has failed to explain
may not be as insignificant as previously supposed. many structural complexities found within duplex fault zones
(Davis & Jardine 1984; Fermor & Price 1987). A common
criticism of the existing model is that in order to produce a
Thrust reactivation
'flat-topped' duplex the spacing and displacement of the
One's intuition suggests that it is unrealistic to expect older imbricate faults must have a precise and fixed relationship.
thrusts to be deactivated as movement is transferred to Observed duplexes usually fail to match the model in this
younger thrusts: 'That the pre-existent movement planes in regard. The size and spacing of imbricates is often extremely
the deformed mass would remain totally inert during this irregular (see the section of the Waterton Lakes duplex as
transportation is inherently unlikely: some unsystematic in- adapted from Douglas (1950), by Boyer & Elliott 1982, p.
cidental movement is to be expected.' (Dahlstrom 1970; p. 1206) and duplex geometry may vary from spaced ramp
355). Periodic reactivation would likely result in out-of- anticlines of the 'bumpy-roofed' duplex to the overlapping
sequence and backlimb thrusting. The thrust model of this imbricates of an antiformal stack (Mitra 1986). The mechani-
paper invokes a continuous thrust reactivation, but the peri- cal properties of the rock packages involved within duplexes
ods of reactivation are so closely spaced in time as to give the may explain some of the variability in duplex geometry
appearance of synchronous thrusting. Although the model (Mitra & Boyer 1986).
involves alternating motion between two thrusts, when viewed Alternatively, these various geometries can be produced
in the context of geological time the motions can be thought as a continuous process during synchronous thrusting (Fig.
of as simultaneous. 8). If thrust displacement ceases early in the development of
synchronous thrust duplexes, a bumpy-roof results. Should
shortening continue or be resumed a flat-roof duplex may be
Implications produced. Additional shortening would pile the imbricates to
form an antiformal stack. Note that synchronous-thrust
'Rules' of thrusting, the understanding of thrust-belt duplexes can easily be distinguished from' standard' duplexes
geometries and the hydrocarbon exploration strategies over produced by a simple hinterland-to-foreland sequence of
the past 30 years have generally been based on the hinterland- imbrication; the former will have imbricate faults in the
to-foreland or 'piggy-back' model of thrusting. However, if hanging wall of the roof thrust (Fig. 8) whereas the latter do
the forelimb imbricates in the Rocky Mountains were formed not (compare Fig. 8 of this paper with Fig. 19 of Boyer &
in a systematic fashion indicative of synchronous thrusting, Elliott 1982).
and if such structures are common in other orogens, various
implications arise for the mechanical models of thrust sheet
Sequence of thrusting in other thrust belts
emplacement, the kinematic development of duplex fault
zones, the interpretation of thrust sequence in other thrust The simultaneous thrust/fold model of Gilluly (1960; see
belts, the balancing of cross sections, and the modelling of Figs 2 & 3 of this paper) is substantiated by the existence of
hydrocarbon generation and entrapment in thrust belts. eye-lid windows. Oriel's (1951) description of the Hot
Springs eye-lid window (North Carolina) indicates that it
could be interpreted using Gilluly's model, and Rodgers
Mechanical models of thrust emplacement
(1970, p. 170) argued for a break-back sequence above
Out-of-sequence imbricates, whether they be associated with possible eye-lid windows of the southern Appalachians, such


. I . I . I . I . I . '• • \ ^ • ^ • . • I


.® ® ®

Figure 8. Formation of a duplex fault zone by synchronous thrusting. The model of Figure 3 has been applied to four imbricate faults. With continuous
movement on the four thrusts the amplitude of each ramp anticline increases and younger out-of-sequence imbricate faults break across the crest of each
structure. Note that in the initial stages of displacement (b) ramp anticlines are spaced, but with increased shortening synclines tighten (c) and eventually
the synclines disappear as a flat-topped duplex is formed (d). With additional displacement the flat-topped duplex of section d would be transformed into
an antiformal stack (Boyer & Elliott 1982, Fig. 12; Mitra 1986, Fig. 4). The numbers appended to the out-of-sequence imbricates indicate the relative ages
of these faults,' 1' being the oldest and ' 3 ' the youngest. Note that the imbricates comprise three distinct packages, each of which contains imbricates that
become younger toward the hinterland. A 'piggy-back' duplex can be distinguished from a 'synchronous-thrust' duplex by tfie lack or presence of minor
imbricate faults in the hangingwall of the roof thrust. Compare the evolution of the synchronous thrust duplex with that of a 'normal' duplex (Fig. 19 of
Boyer & Elliott 1982).


as the Mountain City window. Rodgers (1970, p. 173) also between hydrocarbon generation and entrapment than will
noted that the synchronous thrust-fold model of Gilluly sequential thrusting. In sequential thrusting, hydrocarbons
(1960) might be applied to the Grandfather Mountain win- are likely to be expulsed ahead of the deformation front and
dow but felt that it was not required. Boyer & Elliott (1982) are unlikely to be trapped within the thrust belt. In this case
ignored the 'eye-lid' nature of the upper thrusts surrounding most hydrocarbon-bearing structures will be found outside
these two structures. A more realistic model incorporating the thrust belt, perhaps on forebulges associated with the
synchronous duplex models (Fig. 8) rather than the sequential thrust load. Synchronous thrusting produces traps concurrent
model (Boyer & Elliott 1982, Fig. 19), would be compatible with generation so that most hydrocarbons will be trapped
with the observations and conclusions of Oriel (1951) and intemal to the thrust-belt (Boyer 1990). It is important that
Rodgers (1970). the sequence of thrusting be well understood, so that the
The synchronous thrust model which has been presented correct model can be applied.
for southern Alberta and northwest Montana is also compat-
ible with additional structural and stratigraphic evidence
indicating synchronous and out-of-sequence thrusting in Conclusions
several other thrust belts (Ori & Friend 1984; Searle 1985;
Butler 1987; Morley 1988; Roeder 1988). The occurrence of imbricate faults sited predominantly on the
crests and forelimbs of structural culminations in the thrust
belts of southern Alberta and northwest Montana suggest that
Cross-section balancing
numerous thrust faults have been synchronously active. This
Inherent in many cross-section balancing techniques is the contradicts existing models of piggyback thrusting. Kin-
assumption that thrusts have developed in 'piggy-back' se- ematic arguments for synchronous thrusting are fortified by
quence, one of the standard 'rules of thrusting'. Based on this patterns of a cross-strike decrease in thrust displacement and
assumption, oversteepened faults in a restored cross section along-strike displacement transfer. When existing thrusts
may either reflect out-of-sequence imbrication (Dahlstrom remain active rather as new thrusts propagate toward the
1970, see his discussion of the Moose Mountain culmination, foreland, older thrusts near the hinterland display greater
p. 353, and his section of the structure. Fig. 16) or indicate that displacement.
the section is not balanced (Woodward et al. 1985; 1989). The synchronous thrust model (Fig. 3) appears compatible
Therefore, to properly balance a cross section, out-of-se- with most observations of the geometry of Rocky Mountain
quence thrusts must be identified. If they are not, unrealistic thrust belts (Bally et al. 1966; Dahlstrom 1970; Royse et al.
fault trajectories produced in restorations will be attributed to 1975) and many of the interpretations concerning thrust
error, rather than the true cause, out-of-sequence thrusting, sequence (Douglas 1950; Hume 1957). Furthermore, it
and attempts will be made to revise the section which is reconciles many of the outstanding differences between the
already correct. Should synchronous thrusting prove to be majority school of the hinterland-to-foreland sequence and
more common than piggy-back thrusting, many 'balanced' the much maligned adherents of the hind ward thrust progres-
sections may actually be incorrect. Indeed, if synchronous sion. With a growing body of evidence that several thrusts
and out-of-sequence thrusting are mechanical requirements, may be synchronously active within thrust belts, we can no
Morley (1988, p. 557) has even suggested that 'restored longer accept various piggy-back thrust models (Bally et al.
sections that do not contain OOST's (out-of-sequence thrusts 1966; Dahlstrom 1970; Boyer & Elliott 1982) as constituting
which appear as zig-zag patten in restored sections) may be 'rules'(Royse ef a/. 1975) ofthrust belt behaviour. Although
the inadmissible sections!' the piggyback model may still apply in a number of settings
it can no longer be assumed to have universal applicability.
These conclusions have several implications. They sug-
Hydrocarbon generation and entrapment
gest that in many instances synchronous thrust models should
Utilization of burial history profiles and time-temperature be applied to the development of duplex fault zones, as they
indexing (Lopatin 1971; Waples 1980; Waples 1981, p. 95- provide an explanation for variation in duplex geometries
106) to predict the relative timing of hydrocarbon generation (spaced ramps, flat-roof, and antiformal stacks). Evidence
and trap development has been a useful technique in under- for synchronous thrusting is compatible with mechanical
standing existing hydrocarbon-bearing structures and in the models of thrust emplacement (Davis et al. 1983), which
exploration for new fields (Warner 1983). However, the require that thrust belts shorten internally to balance de-
accuracy of the technique is dependent upon a correct knowl- creased taper resulting from erosion and frontal accretion.
edge of the sequence of thrusting (Boyer 1990). Most models There are economic implications of this model as well. Most
of hydrocarbon generation and entrapment in thrust belts basin modelling and thermal maturation profiling routines in
assume a simple hinterland-to-foreland sequence of thrust- thrust belts are based on the piggyback model and therefore
ing, a model that has been reinforced by more than 30 years need to be modified when applied to regions of synchronous
of thrust belt exploration. However, all other factors being thrusting.
equal, synchronous thrusting will produce a different timing


The observations which led to this paper resulted from discussions with I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to all my industry friends and colleagues
Ricardo Presnell during the early 1980s, when he and I were employed by with whom I worked during this period, as much of my past and present
SOHIO (Standard Oil Production Co., now HP Exploration) in Denver. thrust-belt research has benefited from this collaboration. Observations made
While we were attempting to interpret a number of seismic lines and tie in this paper served as the nucleus for research directed toward evaluating the
geological maps to subsurface data, I was struck by the odd appearance of a applicability of the 'critically-tapered-wedge' model to thrust tectonics in
'folded' imbricate stack (Fig. 5, as mapped by Mudge & Earhart 1983) which the Rocky Mountains. I gratefully acknowledge the National Science
brought to mind the work of Gilluly (1960) in Nevada. Those observations Foundation which is supporting this research under grants EAR-88-03623
led to this paper. I am grateful for nine years of employment in the petroleum and EAR-90-04303. I wish to thank Bob Holdsworth and Rob Butler, who
industry which permitted me to work throughout the thrust belts of the reviewed the manuscript and provided much constructive criticism. I've
western US. Most beneficial has been the fieldwork conducted while attempted to incorporate as many of their suggestions as possible and hope
employed by ARCO during 1978 and 1979 and the seismic interpretation and that the result is a more comprehensible paper.
cross-section construction performed with SOHIO from 1981 to 1987.


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The analysis of fracture systems in subsurface thrust structures from
the Foothills of the Canadian Rockies
Mark Cooper

BP Resources Canada Limited, #2100, 855-2nd Street SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 4J9

Abstract: The Foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains are one of the classic examples of a
thin-skinned fold-thrust belt. A regionally significant detachment in the shales of the Jurassic
Femie Formation separates the intensely folded and imbricated elastics of the Jurassic and
Cretaceous from the thrust structures in the prospective dolomite reservoirs of the Triassic and
Upper Palaeozoic. As the foothills are traced northwards from Alberta to British Columbia the
amount of displacement on the thrusts in the foothills decreases. Occasionally, far-travelled thrust
sheets achieve sufficient elevation above regional to cause outcrop of the reservoir units. In these
structures, which are analogues of the prospective structures at depth, the mesoscopic structures
and fabrics can be studied; the opportunities to examine the structures in the subsurface by remote
techniques has been much more limited. The advent of new well-logging technology such as the
Formation Microscanner allows the geometry of subsurface foothills structures to be analysed in
considerable detail. The exact geometric relationships of both bedding and fracture systems can
be elucidated in-situ and correlated with core data. Two case studies using these techniques are
presented; a tip fold from the British Columbia Foothills and a ramp anticline from the Alberta
Foothills. The analysis reveals a systematic relationship between fracture set orientation and
density to both structural geometry and lithological variations.

The Foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains have been nated by numerous folds and small displacement imbricate
explored for oil and gas since the early part of this century. thrusts within the Mesozoic elastics. The intensity of the
This has resulted in an extensive literature on the fold and folding and the magnitude of the thrust displacements gener-
thrust belt which includes some of the classic papers on thrust ally decreases to the north.
geometry and techniques of analysis (e.g. Douglas 1950, In Alberta the closely spaced folds and imbricates in the
1958; Bally et al. 1966; Dahlstrom 1969, 1970; Price & Mesozoic clastic rocks obscure the simpler geometry of the
Mountjoy 1970 and Thompson 1979). The Canadian Rockies Palaeozoic carbonate thrust sheets in the subsurface. The
rarely exceed 200 km in width and form part of the 5000 km abundance of seismic and well data from gas exploration
long North American Cordilleran fold and thrust belt that activities provides the constraints to develop quite detailed
extends from SE California to Alaska. Development of the geometric models of these structures. The Palaeozoic car-
fold and thrust belt commenced in the Late Jurassic and bonate thrust sheets tend to be widely spaced, relatively
terminated in the Eocene, and is conventionally regarded as simple structures developed above shallow angle ramps and
the result of the accretion of a series of exotic terranes to the often have significant displacements. This is in contrast to the
Pacific Margin of North America ( Monger et al. 1982). A closely spaced, steeply dipping ramp anticlines and tip folds
good, recent review of the fold and thrust belt is given by of the Mesozoic and implies a detachment in the Jurassic
McMechan & Thompson (1989). Femie Formation between these two structural regimes.
The Foothills belt lies between the Front Ranges, a series As the foothills are traced northwards into British Colum-
of large thrust sheets of Palaeozoic rocks to the west, and the bia (Fig. 2), the amount of displacement on the thrusts
largely undeformed Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin to gradually decreases, thrusts at surface are less common and
the east (Figs 1 & 2). The eastern boundary is characterized folds predominate (McMechan & Thompson 1989). The
by a frontal monocline and/or a triangle zone (Jones 1982) change in style is gradual and is concomitant with a more
which becomes a less reliable indicator of the limit of de- diffuse eastern limit of deformation. Small displacement
formation as the belt is traced northwards. The boundary with thrusts at depth persist much further to the east but have little
the Front Ranges is characterized by a major displacement expression at the surface. In the southern foothills of NE
thrust with Palaeozoic and/or Proterozoic strata in the British Columbia, the primary exploration targets are the
hangingwall (e.g. the McConnell and Lewis thrusts. Fig. 1). carbonates of the Upper Triassic which are deformed into a
Within the Foothills belt thrust sheets with outcrops of Upper series of northeast vergent folds with steeply dipping north-
Palaeozoic rocks are locally observed (e.g. the Livingstone east limbs that are locally overtumed (Barss & Montandon
and Brazeau Thrusts, Fig. 1) but surface structure is domi- 1981).


Figure 2. Simplified geological map of the Monkman area showing the

location of the Example 1 well. The stratigraphic subdivisions used on the
map are defined on Figure 3. The narrow foothills belt in this area lies
between the Front Range Thrust and the Frontal Monocline.

axis with an associated conjugate shear set whose acute

bisectrix coincides with the orientation of the extension
fracture set. The Type 2 fractures of Steams (1968) comprise
similar sets of fractures except that the extension fracture set
is parallel to the fold axis and perpendicular to bedding.
Steams (1968) notes that the Type 2 fractures tend to occur in
localized swarms whereas the Type 1 fractures are more
uniformly distributed. Friedman (1969) described fractures
\ ^ associated with the development of the Owl Ridge thrust fault
in Southern California, where two of the four fracture sets
MTN. V go
_i parallel the thrust fault. The other two sets have the same
Figure 1. Simplified geological map of the Rocky Mountain Foothills of strike but a shallower dip and are interpreted as a conjugate
southern and central Alberta. The major structural features are shown on the set of shear fractures. McQuillan (1973,1974) analysed the
map together with the locations of Figure 12 and the Example 2 well. The development of fractures associated with thrust related folds
stratigraphic subdivisions shown on the map are defined on Figure 13. in the Zagros Mountains of SW Iran. When the fracture
patterns were studied on air photos for one of these folds a
Fracture development in thrust structures simple orthogonal pattern of fractures oriented parallel and
perpendicular to the fold axis emerges. These fractures are
Several workers have studied the geometry of fractures assumed to be perpendicular to bedding. The density of these
associated with thrusts and thrust related folds. Muecke & fractures is higher in the plunging axis of the fold and in the
Charlesworth (1966) described folded Cardium sandstones crestal regions. In the field small scale fractures show no
from the Canadian Rocky Mountain foothills that contain clear orientation distribution; McQuillan considered that the
three fracture sets perpendicular to bedding; one set parallels small scale fractures were earlier than the folding but that the
the otogenic strike and the other sets form a conjugate set with larger scale fractures were intimately related to the devel-
an acute bisectrix perpendicular to the fold axis. Norris opment of the folds. Similar orthogonal pattems to those
(1971) has described the Type 1 and Type 2 fractures of described by McQuillan (1974) have also been recorded in
Steams (1968) in the northeast facing Castle River fold in the the Valley and Ridge of the Appalachians (Wiltschko et al.
lower Cretaceous Blairmore Formation from the foothills of 1985;Mitra 1988). The state ofstrain in thrust sheets has been
southern Alberta. Similar fracture patterns have also been studied extensively, both theoretically (Berger & Johnson
noted by Price (1967) from a variety of folds and lithologies 1980; Sanderson 1982) and in the field (AUmendinger 1982;
in the same general area. The nomenclature of Steams (1968) Spang & Groshong 1981; Spang etal. 1981; Wiltschko etal.
was developed primarily on the Teton Anticline in the 1985). Allmendinger (1982) noted that rotation of beds into
Sawtooth Range thrust belt in Montana; the Type 1 fractures overturned fold limbs can cause compression at a high angle
comprise an extension fracture set perpendicular to the fold to bedding to be superimposed on earlier layer parallel


compression. Wiltschko et al. (1985) measured strain by Example 1: Fracture development in a tip fold
calcite twin lamellae in the Mississippian Newman Limestone
of the Pine Mountain block which shows early layer parallel Regional setting
shortening and subsequent inter-bed shear. Spang & Groshong
This example is located in the southern portion of the NE
(1981), also working in the Appalachians, concluded that the
British Columbia sector of the foothills in the Monkman area
maximum compressive strain was always sub-parallel to the
(Fig. 2) where the prolific gas fields of Sukunka and Bullmoose
layering and perpendicular to the fold axis with the maximum
occur (Barss & Montandon 1981). The reservoir units in this
extension sub-parallel to the fold axis. A very similar
area are the dolomites of the Upper Triassic Pardonet and
observation was made by Spang et al. (1981) above thrust
Baldonnel Formations (Fig. 3). The Triassic is deformed by
ramps in Devonian and Mississippian carbonates of the Front
a series of thrust imbricates, which detach in the anhydrite
Ranges in the Canadian Rockies where the maximum prin-
beds of the Charlie Lake Formation, and tip (fault propaga-
cipal strain (averaging 6%) is layer parallel or at a small angle
tion) folds; typical sections through these structures are given
to bedding. This provides particularly useful and relevant by Barss & Montandon (1981). The tip folds have up to 800
data on the state of strain in structures analogous to those in m of amplitude and usually involve the Halfway Formation
the foothills described in this paper. (Fig. 3) which is penetrated in structure in some of the wells.
The geometric constraints provided by the well and seismic
data suggest that the detachment is within the shales of the
Toad-Grayling Formation (Fig. 3). The seismic mapping of
the Triassic structures is complicated by the presence of
detachments within the numerous shale units of the Upper
Cretaceous section (McMechan 1985, and Fig. 3) and the
strongly deformed sands and shales of the Nikanassin Group.
The detailed 1:50000 scale maps of the area produced by the
British Columbia Department of Mines (Kilby & Wrightson
1987) illustrate the low amplitude, short wavelength folds
developed in the Cretaceous above some of these detach-
ments. The shallower deformation makes it difficult to
extrapolate surface structure to depth with any confidence; it
also distorts the seismic ray paths thus making seismic
imaging difficult.

ZOHl 1


. ZONE 8
' ZONE 9

Figure 3. Mesozoic and Upper Palaeozoic stratigraphy of the Monkman Figure 4. Detailed structural cross-section through the lower portion of the
area. The shading within the map column shows the stratigraphic subdivi- Example 1 well showing dip data, faults and stratigraphic boundaries. The
sions used in Figure 2. subdivision of the structure into the 11 dip domains (structural zones)
discussed in the text is also indicated.


' J;l . :.• • , ' ? :

Figure 5. FMS image from the lower

Pardonei Formation in the Example 1
well. The subtle grey shade stripes
crossing the far right and middle left
pads represent minor resistivity con-
trasts caused by the bedding laminae.
On the middle right pad the hinge of the
sinusoid can be seen but the image is
smeared out due to the oblique inter-
section of the ihe bedding with the pad.
Each pad is approximately 5 cm in
width. The solid sinusoidal curve is an
example of a correlated bedding event;
the true dip in this particular segment of
Ihe well is 80" northeast. The location
of this image is shown on Figure 10.


-iVUv. ;[

' r.t:
^^t;.; ^'j.-. :

.r'-i-/' :.j ':•:'. ,_ • ' : '.i.'ij:yi-:

Figure 6. FMS image from the upper

Pardonet Formaiion in Example 1. The
solid sinusoidal curves are bedding and
the dashed sinusoidal curves are frac-
tures which are labelled to differentiate
Set I and Set 2. Note thai the fractures
are defined by resistivity events that
are highly conductive (black). The
location of the image is shown onFigure


Fold and fracture geometry

The well described here penetrated the steeply dipping north-

east limb of one of the Triassic tip folds and thus provides an
excellent opportunity to examine the fracture geometry in the
most deformed portion of a tip fold (Fig. 4). The geometry of
the crest and backlimb of the structure is constrained by
seismic data and a vertical seismic profile shot in the well.
The forelimb geometry was confirmed by the core which
clearly contained steep northeasterly dipping beds. The
northeast dip of the strata becomes increasingly steep with
depth, then becomes vertical to over-turned and steeply
dipping to the southwest before gradually returning to steep
Figure 7. Equal-area stereographic projection of 168 poles to bedding for
north east dips as the well penetrated the forelimb of the tip
all 11 structural zones in Example 1. The pi pole to the best fit great circle
fold. These high angle dips are beyond the maximum plunges 6° to 124°.
correlation angle of conventional dipmeter processing soft-
ware. Towards the base of the Pardonet Formation, the dips were intersected in the well which produce minor strati-
begin to shallow once more becoming moderate and shallow graphic repetitions and cut the forelimb of the fold structure
dipping to the northeast and, within the Baldonnel Formation, (Fig. 4); a response to the high strains involved in producing
show progressively shallower dips towards the northeast with a steeply over-turned to vertical panel of dip. One of these
depth. In the underlying Charlie Lake Formation, the dips are faults is seen on the FMS image as a zone of sheared
only 5°-10° to the northeast (Fig. 4). A detailed analysis of appearance and good resistivity contrast. When the poles to
the geometry of the tip fold structure in this well was undertaken bedding are plotted on a stereogram the best fit great circle
using the Schlumberger Formation Microscanner logging calculated using the method of Mardia (1972) has a pole of 6°
tool (FMS). The tool has been used for several applications to 124° indicating that the tip fold here plunges gently to the
in structurally less complex settings (Serra 1989; Dennis et al. southeast (Fig. 7). The fit of the bedding poles to the best fit
1987; Fissinger & Gyllenstein 1986) but no published work great circle suggests that the fold is approximately cylindri-
exists on FMS analysis of fractures in thrust structures. This cal. The amplitude of the fold is only 200-250 m, but the fold
tool makes a wellbore wall image or map of resistivity increases in size to the southeast where another well proves
variations (Figs 5 & 6). These variations can be caused by an amplitude of at least 700 m with the Halfway Formation
beds of varying porosity and hence resistivity, or by fractures, involved in the structure.
which if open, appear as highly conductive zones (Fig. 6).
The fold could be interpreted as a tip fold or as a ramp
Highly resistive rock (tight) will appear in lighter shades
anticline with a steep forelimb developed above a thrust
whereas highly conductive rock (porous and/or fractured)
which is deeper than the base of the well. The ramp anticline
will appear black. Using a workstation the image can be
model would involve a larger displacement than is indicated
analysed by searching for valid correlations of resistivity
to date by seismic and well data. It also requires a hangingwall
character between the four strips of the image which are
ramp cut-off equal to or greater than the amplitude of the fold
produced by the four pads of the tool and provide approxi-
structure. As the amplitude of the fold increases to the south-
mately 40% coverage of the wellbore. Valid correlations are
east this would either require the ramp height to increase or
considered to be between bands of similar resistivity shading,
more of the hangingwall to be elevated above the ramp. Wells
or their contacts, on all four pads. The correlation should also
in the region which have been drilled to depths adequate to
honour the angle of the band as it crosses the four image strips
penetrate the Halfway Formation beneath steep forelimbs of
produced by the four pads. An inclined planar surface
this and similar structures with varying amplitudes indicate
intersecting a pseudo-circular bore-hole will intersect the
that it is still in structure, thus requiring a deeper detachment
wellbore wall image in an elliptical trace. When the wellbore
than would be expected for a ramp anticline. These factors
wall image is displayed on a conventional paper log the
suggest that the tip fold model is more appropriate for this
ellipse is transformed into a sinusoidal curve whose ampli-
tude is proportional to the apparent dip of the surface in the
wellbore (Figs 5 & 6). The workstation enables the analyst to The structure has been divided into a number of dip
make correlations after which the dips are automatically domains (zones 1 -11 on Fig. 4) within which the bedding dips
calculated, displayed and stored. As a final product the dip show only limited variation; the zone boundaries were picked
data can be output as a conventional dipmeter log or on disk from the conventional dipmeter plot of the FMS data.
as ASCII files for further processing and analysis by Stereograms of the FMS bedding and fracture data for each
stereographic projections. The detailed geometry of the fold zone have been plotted (Fig. 8). The stereograms illustrate
(Fig. 4) was constructed by applying the dip domain method that three fracture sets are present in the well; Set 1 fractures
of Suppe (1983) to the dip data, well formation tops and are perpendicular to bedding and the fold axis. Set 2 fractures
known stratigraphic thicknesses. A number of minor faults have a strike parallel to that" of Set 1 but dip moderately
northwest and are thus at an angle to the fold axis and Set 3


Table 1. Example 1 - mean orientations and statistics for structural zones

Zone Bedding Set 3 Fractures Set 1 Fractures Set 2 Fractures

Az Dip Rbar # Az Dip Rbar # Az Dip Rbar # Az Dip Rbar #
1 042 34 0.9961 7 246 58 0.9562 10 309 87 0.7353 5
2 039 47 0.9948 14 234 45 0.9402 18 296 85 0.6181 6
2c 041 45 0.9958 6 227 46 0.9850 32 105 87 2
3 044 51 0.9907 20 232 41 0.9876 3 306 85 0.3858 10
4 038 61 0.9950 15 135 83 2
5 036 77 0.7628 14 291 81 0.9896 3
6 211 81 0.9517 5 285 80 0.9502 7 315 48 0.9661 11
7 039 63 0.9780 24 314 82 0.9631 11 338 35 0.9572 8
8 040 34 0.9960 25
9 043 31 0.9909 1 235 49 0.8138 7 128 84 1
10 070 14 0.9768 2 302 83 0.7025 11 315 37 1
11 134 7 0.9836 13 308 81 0.9532 6

fractures are orthogonal to bedding but have a strike parallel is derived from the spherical variance of the data set and
to the fold axis. The fracture data from the core (in zone 2) provides a measure of the dispersion of the data about the
are also included and show a similar distribution of fractures mean vector, a high value indicates low dispersion. With the
to the FMS data. The raw data are difficult to interpret and to exception of the Set 1 fractures in Zones 1 and 3 all the Rbar
clarify geometric relationships the mean orientations of bed- values exceed the critical values at a 99% level of signifi-
ding and of each fracture set have been calculated using the cance; this indicates that, with these exceptions, all of the data
statistical methods of Mardia (1972) and Woodcock (1977); sets are not uniformly distributed but show clustering about
the results are summarized in Table 1. In each of the dip the mean (Davis 1983). The relationships of the fracture sets
domain zones the mean azimuth and dip are given with the to the fold are conveniently illustrated by plotting the mean
number ofreadings and the 'Rbar' value. The Rbar parameter orientations of the fracture sets as great circles together with
the best fit great circle to the bedding poles (the theoretical ac
plane of the fold) and the calculated fold axis (Fig. 9). The
stereonet derived by this method from Zone 2 illustrates how
the Set 3 fractures tend to be orthogonal to bedding (parallel
to the fold axis) and how the Set 1 fractures are closely parallel
to the theoretical ac plane. In Zones 5-7 the Set 1 fractures
appear to diverge further from the theoretical ac plane of the
structure (see Fig. 8). As these zones cover most of the steeply
ZONE 7 ZONE 8 ZONE 9 dipping part of the structure this may be due to increased
strain on the steep limb. However, the apparent differences
in the mean orientations are probably caused by the small
IJ number ofreadings for which the means are being calculated
(Table 1).
The Set 3 fractures in Zone 2 are dispersed over approxi-
mately 60° of arc (Fig. 8) which suggests that they are the



Figure 8. Equal-area stereographic projections for the 11 structural zones Figure 9. Simplified equal-area stereographic projection of the data from
in the well. Bedding poles; open squares. Set 1 fracture s; open circles. Set Zone 2. The mean orientations of the bedding. Set 1 fractures and Set 2
2 fractures;crosses. Set 3 fractures; filled squares. The data from the core cut fractures are plotted as great circles together with the fold axis and the
in Zone 2 is shown as a separate plot. theoretical ac plane of the fold.


within the fold structure (Fig. 10). The fractures measured

using the workstation from the FMS log are clearly parallel to
10 20 30 10 20 30 0 20 30 many other fractures whose orientation was not measured.
By carefully examining the FMS log it is possible to deter-
mine the number of fractures of each type within every 5 m
interval of the well. These data are displayed on the fracture
log together with lithology, gamma-ray log, cored intervals,
and dips (Fig. 10). The intervals identified by the array sonic
tool as being heavily fractured are also indicated on the log
and correlate well with the fractured intervals determined
from the FMS log. Unfortunately in this well only a limited
amount of core was cut and as a result it is difficult to
convincingly calibrate the log identification of fractures by
core studies. Over the cored interval it appears that the FMS
tool results in a slight overestimate of the number of Set 1
fractures but grossly underestimates the number of Set 3
fractures (Fig. 10). The Set 3 fractures, when studied in the
core, are partially sealed by quartz/calcite mineralization and
as a result will have little or no resistivity contrast to the FMS
tool. The open fractures are readily seen because of the
focusing effect on the electric current of the highly conduc-
tive fractures filled with drilling fluid; this also tends to
exaggerate the width of the fracture.
The fracture distribution detected by the array sonic tool is
also shown on the fracture log (Fig. 10); the details of the
interpretation of this tool are discussed later with reference to
Example 2. The array sonic tool is a more sophisticated
version of the conventional sonic logging tool in that it allows
the velocity of compression, shear and Stoneley waves (Sher-
iff 1973) to be measured within the vicinity of the well bore,
(Morris era/. 1984).
What remains uncertain is whether the distribution of the
Figure 10. Summary log of the Example 1 well showing the distribution of various fracture types is controlled by the position on the
the three fracture sets in relation to lithology and bedding dip. The location structure or by the lithology as it is clear that fewer fractures
of the structural zone boundaries and the FMS images presented in Figures are developed in the dolomitic silt of the lower Pardonet
5 & 6 are also indicated by *5 and *6 in the zone column.
Formation. This corresponds with the steep limb of the
structure where higher fracture intensities would be ex-
Type 2 fractures of Steams (1968) comprising a conjugate set pected. The dolomitic silt of the lower Pardonet Formation
of shear fractures and an extension fracture set that bisects the has inhibited fracture development in this structurally favour-
acute angle of the conjugate set. The data from Zone 1 could able location. If the well had been within the cleaner dolomites
be interpreted in a similar fashion though the conjugate of the Baldonnel Formation on this part of the structure
fracture sets are missing. The Set 1 fractures in several zones abundant fractures would have been seen on the FMS log.
e.g. Zones 10 and 11 also show a spread in an arcuate pattern Mitra (1988) proposed that the relationship of lithotectonic
and could represent the Type 1 fractures of Steams (1968); position and internal deformation with fracture development
these also would comprise a conjugate shear fracture set and was dependent on three main factors; relative competency,
a bisecting extension fracture set. In most of the zones position with respect to neutral surface offold and the number
however the data are scattered throughout the arcuate pattern of flexural slip surfaces per unit thickness. High fracture
and it is difficult to subdivide the data into discrete clusters. volume is enhanced by high competency, low number of
It is not unusual however that one of the fracture sets of Type flexural slip surfaces and proximity to the outer arc of the
1 or Type 2 may be predominant and in many cases the fold. The lower Pardonet dolomitic silt is very flaggy in
patterns can be difficult to distinguish from orthogonal ac and outcrop and thus may have sufficient flexural slip surfaces to
be fracture sets (Steams 1968). inhibit fracture development.

Fracture distribution Origin of the fractures

The three sets of fractures illustrated by the stereographic In their study of the Uinta Basin-in Utah Narr & Currie (1982)
analysis were then identified throughout the well to deter- suggested that burial with hydrostatic pore fluid pressure will
mine the distribution and density of the different fracture sets not induce fracture but that overpressuring enhances fractur-


ing. The development of fractures is also enhanced during

subsequent uplift by the presence of high pore fluid pressures.
Engelder (1985) defines hydraulic fractures as those caused
by abnormally high pore fluid pressures during burial, and
considers that tectonic fractures develop in response to high
pore pressures induced by tectonic compaction. All of the
post-Triassic sequence has been deposited in foreland basins
related to exotic terrane accretion (Monger et al. 1982; Cant
& Stockmal 1989). The stress regime throughout the post-
Triassic history has thus been similar; there will, however,
have been relatively short lived peaks of higher differential
stress during development of the fold and thrust structures in
the region.
High pore fluid pressures are justified on the premise that
the high sedimentation rates in the foreland basin (approxi-
mately 7 km of Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments, Kalkreuth
& McMechan 1988) will facilitate the development of high
pressures. Supporting evidence is provided by the fluid
pressure in the Triassic Halfway Formation which is almost
twice normal hydrostatic. The preservation of the anoma-
lously high fluid pressures in the Halfway is due to the Figure 11. Three-dimensional block diagram to illustrate the relationship
of the Set I and Set 3 fractures to the fold structure. The Set 2 fractures have
isolated nature of the sand bodies in this formation which are been omitted for clarity and the Set 1 and Set 3 fracture sets have been shown
enclosed in tight shales. The development of the structures as orthogonal sets
elevated the Triassic 2-2.5 km above regional. Later uplift is
regarded as being driven by isostatic re-equilibration and and Mitra (1988). Good analogues to this structure have been
erosion of the overburden. During deformation high pore analysed by Almendinger (1982) and Mitra (1987).
fluid pressures developed inducing the tectonic fractures Allmendinger (1982) described the microstructures associ-
observed in the structure. The Set 1 fractures are almost ated with two, asymmetric, overturned folds which compli-
certainly due to a component of along-strike extension during cate the geometry of the Meade thrust sheet in the Idaho
the deformation, a common phenomenon in many thrust belts Wyoming thrust belt. A fracture set is locally developed
(Hossack 1978). The Set 1 open fractures are Steams (1968) perpendicular to the axis of the folds similar to Set 1 in
Type 1 fractures, which were probably filled with gas thus Example 1. The geometry of the folds is very similar to the
inhibiting mineralization, and developed late in the deforma- Monkman structure and appear to be tip folds cut by faults on
tion history, also as a result of high tectonically induced pore the steep overturned limbs. In the upright west dipping fold
fluid pressures. The origin of the Set 2 fractures is at present limb, compression is parallel or sub-parallel to bedding with
unknown and is difficult to put into the overall kinematics of extension either perpendicular to bedding or parallel to the
development of this fold. fold axis. In the hinge zones these simple relationships are
The Set 3 fractures could superficially be interpreted as complicated by the rotation of the beds. On the overturned
joints which formed as a regional set prior to Laramide limbs compression both parallel and at high angles to bedding
thrusting. However, the parallelism of strike with the fold is seen. This is interpreted as layer parallel shortening early
axis suggests a relationship with the deformation and where in the development of the fold followed by high angle
examined in core the rocks part readily along these partially compression following rotation into the overturned limb,
mineralized fractures and reveal a down-dip mineral fibre which has been rotated 90°-150° through the regional stress
lineation. This suggests that they are shear fractures which field. Allmendinger claims that the asymmetry of these folds
developed during folding and are sub-parallel to the Laramide was initiated in the earliest stages of folding; this is also clear
thrusts. The Set 3 fractures are considered to be Stearns from the geometric models of Suppe (1983). However the
(1968) Type 2 shear fractures related to folding during the contention that the hinge need not therefore migrate
thrust movements; they probably developed early in the (Allmendinger 1982) is incorrect as parts of beds which
deformation history but may have been reactivated as the initially are located on the backlimb of the fold will pass
northeast fold limb rotated and steepened. The other possible through the hinge and become part of the forelimb as folding
origin for the fractures is as a set of radial fractures in the fold; proceeds (see Suppe 1983). Mitra (1987) described a model
however, such fractures should be tensional rather than for the development of the Wills Mountain anticline in the
showing evidence of shear. Appalachians which he interprets as a tip fold subsequently
The distribution and geometric relationship of fracture displaced onto the upper detachment beyond the top of the
Sets 1 & 3 to the tip fold are illustrated in Figure 11, which ramp. As the tip fold developed the forelimbs steepened and
shows that these fracture sets produce a pseudo-orthogonal are thinned by bedding normal shortening, pressure solution
fracture system similar to those described by Price (1967), on bed parallel stylolites and conjugate extension fractures;
Steams (1968), McQuillan ( 1974), Wiltschko et al. (1985) splay faults also develop on these steep limbs. Mitra (1987)



^a»^i»^g«M.«^^s^g?gi^^^ I THRUST rUT



Figure 12. Generic cross-section through the Alberta Foothills to illustrate the various structural types in the Upper Palaeozoic carbonates. All the wells
shown are west of the 5th meridian. The location of the section is shown on Figure 1 (based on a section by Ray Widdowson).

structures fall into four main types; simple ramp anticlines,

ramp anticlines segmented by hangingwall shortcut faults,
which may be out-of-sequence, hangingwall ramp anticlines
at the leading edges of large displacement thrust sheets and
sub-thrust structures, ramp anticlines and duplexes beneath
large displacement thrust sheets. These structural types are
illustrated in Figure 12, a generic section based on structures
in the foothills west of Calgary.

• * ^


Figure 13. Typical stratigraphic column for the Alberta Foothills. The
shading in the right hand column of the figure shows the stratigraphic
subdivisions used in Figure 1.

/ K eiACK.-ONE
has shown much higher fracture density on the steeply
dipping west limb than on the gently dipping east limb. _-— -- -- \ ^^
f£BNPE * fiOBI>E.gg — - -z^^^^^C^

"u~~iiJ''"'?--''-'-'"----""""~~~ ~ ~
'~~H SHUN"*

Example 2: Fracture geometry in a ramp anticline

Regional setting
Figure 14. Detailed structural cross-section through the Example 2 well
The second example is located in the Alberta Foothills to the showing dip data, stratigraphic tops and major faults. The structure of the
west of Calgary (Fig. 1). The productive Palaeozoic carbonate Mesozoic rocks in the well is discussed in the text.


Figure 15. Equal area stereographic projection of 120 poles to bedding from Figure 17. Simplified equal area stereographic projection of the data from
the Mississippian section of the Example 2 well. The spherical variance of Zone 3. The mean orientations of the bedding and the three fracture sets are
the data is 0.0233 reflecting the strongly unimodal distribution of the data. plotted as great circles together with the fold axis and the theoretical ac plane
A best-fit great circle can be fitted to the data and indicates a fold axis of the fold.
plunging 3° to 334°.

observed at thefrontal monocline. The lower ramp anticline

Fold and fracture geometry involves a stratigraphic section from the Femie Formation up
to the Cretaceous Belly River Formation (Fig. 13). The
The structure is constrained by an extensive seismic database
Mississippian level structure has only a small thrust displace-
and a number of wells, one of which is described here. The
ment of about 500 m producing a structural elevation of some
deformation in the Mesozoic section is detached from that at
350 m above regional. Both Mesozoic imbricates merge in a
the Mississippian level by a major regional detachment
within the Jurassic Femie Formation (Fig. 13). The structure common roof thrust at the top of the Belly River Formation
is located beneath the frontal monocline of the Alberta creating a triangle zone whose roof thrust emerges to outcrop
Foothills, in an analogous structural position to many of the within the frontal monocline (Fig. 13). The upper Mesozoic
major producing fields in Alberta, for example. Jumping imbricate has some internal complications with repetition of
Pound and Turner Valley.The structure of the Mesozoic the Cardium and Blackstone Formations (Fig. 14, thrusts D &
rocks in this area is dominated by two major stacked ramp E). They appear to constitute a minor triangle zone within the
anticlines both of which detach in the Femie Formation (Fig. upper sheet whose upper detachment is near the base of the
14, Thrusts B & C). Beneath the frontal monocline the two Wapiabi Formation. The stmcture of the Mississippian ap-
ramp anticlines are stacked one on top of each other produc- pears to be a simple ramp anticline approximately 5 km in
ing the sudden extreme structural elevation of up to 1500 m strike length. The lower detachment within the Mississippian
ZONE ) ZONE 2 Shunda Formation and the upper detachment is within the
Jurassic Femie Formation, a regionally significant detach-
ment throughout the Alberta Foothills. The structure dies out
rapidly to the south of the well but displacement is transferred
onto another Mississippian ramp anticline which is en-ech-
elon and slightly to the east of this structure. The transfer of
displacement from one fault structure to another is common
in many thrust belts and is usually termed a transfer zone. An
important point is that the offset of the two structures is not
due to the presence of a lateral ramp.
The core and FMS data clearly indicates that the well
ZONE 3 ZONE 4 penetrates the forelimb of the Mississippian structure (Fig.
14). Analysis of the bedding dip data from the Mississippian
reflects this with a strongly unimodal distribution (Fig. 15 &
Woodcock 1977). A best-fit great circle for the poles to
bedding suggests a fold axis that plunges 3° to 332°; al-
though, given the lack of data from the crest and backlimb,
this is unreliable. Mapping based on the available seismic
data suggest that the fold plunges sharply to the south-
southeast from the well. The orientation of the fracture sets
has been determined by measurements of the cores and from
Figure 16. Equal area stereographic projections of bedding and fracture set the FMS. These data have been analysed by the same
data from Zones 1 to 4 in the Example 2 well. The data for Zone 5 is not methods as described for Example 1. In Example 2 the
included as there are few fractures in that interval. Bedding; open squares.
structure has been subdivided into five dip domains or zones
Set 1 fractures; open circles. Set 2 fractures; crosses. Set 3 fractures; filled
(see Fig. 18) and stereograms have been plotted to illustrate


the relationships of the fractures to the fold structure (Figs 16 also summarizes the response of the array sonic tool to the
& 17). Three sets of fractures can be seen in the well; Set 1 fractured intervals. Fractures within the rock will produce
has a strike slightly oblique to the ac plane of the fold but dips characteristic effects on the source waveform that can be
moderately to steeply northwest and are thus approximately detected and analysed thus providing a method for fracture
perpendicular to the fold axis (Fig. 17). The other two sets are identification. The main effects of a fracture are to slow the
approximately symmetrical about the plane perpendicular to source wave, to reduce the amplitude of the wave and to
bedding and a strike sub-parallel to orogenic strike and the attenuate the energy of the wave. The standard Schlumberger
fold axis (Fig. 17). The subdivision of these two sets was processing presents the data in 2 alternative ways. The first
arbitrarily based on the orientation data; the data could as shows the phase of the wave detected by Receiver 1 to a
easily have been subdivided into three sets. The scatter recording time of 10000 microseconds; this is a long enough
suggests strongly that these fracture sets are Steams (1968) recording time to see the Stoneley waves (Fig. 19). Fractures
Type 2 fractures; a conjugate set of fractures with an extension tend to produce a characteristic chevron pattern due to reflec-
fracture set along the acute bisectrix which is sub-parallel to tion at the fracture interface. The energy attenuation can also
the fold axis. be calculated and is displayed in Figure 19; this is expressed
in decibels per metre and the attenuation effect decreases with
time as the slower waves are detected. The other display
Fracture distribution and origin shows phase and amplitude plotted against recording time,
The distribution of the fractures in the Mississippian rocks (Fig. 19) fractured zones cause a phase shift to the right due
penetrated by the well is summarized in Figure 18, which to the slowing of the waveform and hence a later recording
shows that the fractures occur throughout the well but be- time at the receiver. The amplitude display shows attenuation
come less frequent in the lower part of the well. This diagram of the amplitude in fractured zones. The more fractured the
rock the more attenuated the wave energy becomes. This tool
correlates quite well with the FMS fracture logs (Figs 10 &
From the perspective of hydrocarbon production the ac-
tual number of fractures that intersect the wellbore is the most
important factor. However, this does not yield the true
fracture spacing as this is dependent on the angular relation-
ships between the wellbore and the fractures; a fracture with
a dip azimuth parallel to the wellbore has much less chance
of being intersected by the well than one which is at a high
angle to the wellbore. The true fracture spacing will thus be
a simple function of apparent fracture spacing identical to the
relationship between true and apparent dip.
The relationship of the conjugate fracture set to the ramp
anticline is illustrated by a block diagram (Fig. 20). The Set
1 fractures are omitted from the diagram for clarity. The
conjugate fractures form in orientations that conform closely
with the Type 2 conjugate shear fractures of Stearns (1968)
which are considered to form later in the folding history
(Stearns & Friedman 1972) when the bending strains cause
extension in bedding perpendicular to the fold axis. Similar
conjugate sets have been described in other Laramide folds in
the Foothills of the Canadian Rockies (Muecke &
Charlesworth 1966; Price 1967;Norris 1971) and in Montana
(Burger & Thompson 1970; Steams 1968). The Set 1
fractures may be extensional fractures related to the sharp
south-southeast plunge of the fold known from seismic data.
If so, they must form at a different time to the conjugate set
as the stress regimes are mutually exclusive. As in the case
Figure 18. Summary log of the Example 2 well showing the distribution of of Example 1 the development of the fractures is considered
the three fracture sets in relation to lithology and bedding dip. The to be enhanced by high pore fluid pressure levels during
subdivision of the Turner Valley Formation follows the scheme of Rupp Laramide deformation.
(1969). The location of the structural zone boundaries and the portion of the
well illustrated by Figure 19 are indicated in the zone column. The number
of fractures of each set are recorded as histograms with a 5 m sample interval;
the number of fractures measured in the cored intervals are indicated by


tooo A,

0. 0«0
40 00 0. 071 C
0. (H*t O
0. OS*
0. 04»
o. o-^o
0. 033
0. 014
a. Dtt
0, 008


Figure 19. An example of the data output from the array sonic togging tool showing the effect of the fractures on the phase, amplitude and energy attenuation
of the source wavelet. The right hand phase column is recorded for a longer time and shows the chevron pattern effect on the phase of the Stonely waves.


Within each set there is a scatter of data which suggests that

they are respectively the Type 1 and Type 2 fractures of
Steams (1968). The Type 1 fractures developed late in the
deformation history, and were probably filled with gas thus
inhibiting mineralization. The Type 2 fractures are related to
folding during the thrust movements; they probably devel-
V I^^V""" oped early in the deformation history but may have been
reactivated as the northeast fold limb rotated and steepened as
the fractures are mineralized and show evidence of shear.
The ramp anticline from the Alberta Foothills is domi-
nated by a conjugate set of fractures and extension fracture set
parallel to the acute bisectrix; all of these fractures are
perpendicular to bedding. These fractures are typical Type 2
fractures of Steams (1968) which develop in response to layer
parallel extension perpendicular to the fold axis late in the
deformation history. The other fracture set in the structure is
approximately perpendicular to the fold axis and perpendicu-
lar to bedding. The data are scattered and could be interpreted
as Steams' (1968) Type 1 fractures.
Most of the studies in the literature are based on outcrop
Figure 20. Block diagram to illustrate the three-dimensional structure of the
fold and the relationship of the Type 2 fractures to the fold axis. data and suggest that the model of Steams (1968) is appro-
priate, although, in many cases the fracture sets are simplified
to pseudo-orthogonal sets parallel and perpendicular to the
fold axis. Few of the studies quantitatively analyse the
Conclusions relationship of fracture orientation and intensity to the
mesoscopic folds to whose development they are related.
The modem well evaluation tools such as the Formation
This paper has presented two examples for which such an
Microscanner, Array Sonic and sophisticated core analysis analysis has been undertaken. The development of predic-
facilitate quantitative analysis of the fracture systems of tive, empirical models of fracture geometry in subsurface
subsurface structures in-situ. This approach has been applied thrust stmctures must await more studies of the type dis-
to two examples, a tip fold from the British Columbia Foot- cussed here which quantitatively describe the density and
hills and a ramp anticline from the Alberta Foothills. In both geometry of the fracture sets.
cases, fracture development occurs due to high pore fluid
pressures developed during Laramide deformation with the
I wish to thank BP Resources Canada Ltd. for permission to publish the work
local tectonic stress regime controlling fracture orientation. presented in this paper, my colleagues at BP Canada for discussions on the
The tip fold contains a pseudo-orthogonal fracture system, ideas presented and Peter Fermor and an anonymous reviewer for their
always perpendicular to bedding, with one set perpendicular valuble comments on the original draft. The figures were prepared by Les
to the fold axis and the other major set parallel to the fold axis. Neumann and Kevin Franck.


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Thrust tectonics and Cretaceous intracontinental
shortening in southeast Alaska
C. M. Rubin & J. B. Saleeby

Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology,

Pasadena, California 91125, USA

Abstract: An imbricate thrust belt extending along strike for more than 2000 km overprints the
tectonic boundary between two of the largest allochthonous crustal fragments (Intermontane and
Insular superterranes) in the North American Cordillera, and affects rocks west of the Coast
Plutonic Complex in southeast Alaska and western British Columbia. Deformation was broadly
coeval with mid-Cretaceous magmatism and involved the emplacement of west-directed thrust
nappes over a structurally intact and relatively unmetamorphosed basement. The Palaeozoic and
lower Mesozoic Alexander terrane forms structural basement for much of the thrust belt along a
moderately northeast-dipping decollement.
There were two main episodes of mid-Cretaceous deformation, which were contemporaneous with
the emplacement of tabular plutonic bodies. Older structures record ductile southwest-vergent
folding and faulting, and regional metamorphism, associated with a well-developed axial-planar
foliation. Second-generation structures include southwest-directed thrust faults that juxtapose
contrasting metamorphic grades and refold earlier structures.
Structural, stratigraphical and geochronologic data suggest that regional-scale deformation in
southeast Alaska occurred between 113 Ma and 89 Ma. Deformation involved the imbrication of
marginal basin(s) and a magmatic arc, overprinting the older tectonic boundary between the
Insular superterrane and the late Mesozoic western margin of North America (i.e. the Intermontane
superterrane). Contractional deformation along the length of the thrust belt was broadly coeval
with arc magmatism, and thus records intra-arc tectonism. Late Palaeocene to Early Eocene
deformation and uplift may mark the transition from contractional to extensional tectonism, and
perhaps records the collapse of tectonically thickened crust.

The western margin of the Coast Plutonic Complex of the this case Alexander terrane and Wrangellia, against the
North American Cordillera comprises a northwest-trending western margin of Mesozoic North America; and (2) intra-arc
zone from western British Columbia to northern southeast deformation (Rubin ef a/. 1990a). Most workers agree, how-
Alaska (latitude 49-59°; Fig. 1). The belt is characterized by ever, that the mid-Cretaceous and younger calc-alkaline
widespread Cretaceous crustal shortening and metamorphism, plutons originated in a convergent-margin setting (Armstrong
and deep erosion (Crawford et al. 1976; Rubin et al. 1990a). 1988). This paper presents an overview of mid-Cretaceous
Thrust sheets in the belt show extensive basement involve- structural history and propose a model for the deformational
ment, and include juvenile ensimatic elements of the Alexan- framework of the western metamorphic belt of the Coast
der terrane and continent-derived North American slope- Plutonic Complex in southern southeast Alaska, between
and-rise deposits. The involvement of crystalline basement latitudes 55° and 56° N (Fig. 1).
in thrust sheets and large thrust displacements imply that
deformation affected the upper and middle crust, and not just
a thin, detached sedimentary cover. This paper develops Tectonic framework
evidence of significant crustal thickening in the late Mesozoic,
and draw analogies to similar orogenic belts such as the The western North American Cordillera has been subdivided
Andes (Suarez etal. 1983), where an anomalously thick crust into two N-NW-trending lithotectonic belts, the Intermontane
existed by late Mesozoic time. and Insular superterranes (Figs 1 & 2; terranes I and II of
The tectonic evolution of the western margin of the Coast Monger etal. 1982). The Intermontane superterrane consists
Plutonic Complex in western Canada and southeast Alaska of lower Palaeozoic continent-derived slope- and- rise depos-
has been discussed by numerous workers (Hollister 1982; its, and upper Palaeozoic to lower Mesozoic ensimatic arc
Monger ef a/. 1982; Crawford e/a/. 1987; Rubin e/a/. 1990a). assemblages that probably formed adjacent to North America
Two principal tectonic interpretations have been proposed to (see summaries in Miller 1987; Rubin et al. 1990b). The
explain the extensive late Mesozoic deformation that extends superterrane was accreted to North America in Early to
for over 2000 km, mostly along the western side of the Coast Middle Jurassic time (Monger et al. 1982), and thus formed
Plutonic Complex: (1) collision of allochthonous terranes, in the western margin of the North American continent during


jTJjlntermontane Superterran^
stikine Insular Superterrane
Cache Creek
Alexander terrane
Coast Plutonic Complex
Fragments in the San Juan
NW Cascades System

Insular Superterrane
( j n Cretaceous oceanic
1111 accretionary complexes
[MI] Upper Pz - lower Mz primitive
UllliJ arc & rift assemblages
p^ Lower Pz, lower Mz primitive
S island arc assemblages

lal Coast Plutonic Complex

Intermontane Superterrane
VTA Upper Pz - lower Mz
\dsl arc assemblages
ptl Upper Pz - lower Pz oceanic
i ^ accretionary complexes
ra Upper Pz - lower Mz marginal
^2lil baslnal assemblages
1^ Lower Pz basinal assemblages

100 km

Figure 1. Generalized distribution of the Intermontane and Insular superterranes and the miogeocline of the northern Cordillera (modified after Monger
etal. 1982; Monger & Berg 1987; Wheeler etal., 1988.; Miller 1987). Zone of mid-Cretaceous and younger deformation shown in wavy pattern. Also shown
are some large-strike-slip faults; SC-FF = Straight Creek-Frazer River fault system. AT = Alexander terrane; Wr = Wrangellia. Inset shows superterranes
and intervening Coast Plutonic Complex (CPC); TT-NRMT: Tintina-northern Rocky Mountain trench; QC-F = Queen Charlotte -Fairweather fault system.

Cretaceous time. The Insular superterrane, consisting of The tectonic boundary between the two superterranes
juvenile, mantle-derived volcanic arc and rift assemblages, is generally coincides with the the Coast Plutonic Complex
separated from the Intermontane superterrane to the west by (Fig. 1). A regionally extensive mid- to Late Cretaceous
the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic Coast Plutonic Complex thrust belt places rocks of the Intermontane superterrane
(Fig. 1). The Insular superterrane has a strike length of 2000 above the eastern margin of the Insular superterrane. Differ-
km; apparently it had no palaeogeographic relation to North ent structural levels are exposed throughout the belt, from
America until the Cretaceous (Monger et al. 1982; Saleeby high-grade gneiss on the east, to low-grade phyllite on the
1983; Gehrels & Saleeby 1987a). west, making this an excellent area to study thrust tectonics.


Geological and stratigraphic setting of the Alava sequence are obscured by mid-Cretaceous and
younger deformation, making stratigraphical correlation with
The Alexander terrane is structural basement to the thrust adjacent terranes uncertain. Lithostratigraphy, age, and tec-
belt; it consists of a structurally intact lower Palaeozoic tonic setting suggest that the Alava sequence is similar to the
ensimatic arc sequence overlain by middle Palaeozoic clastic upper Palaeozoic and lower Mesozoic Stikine terrane
and carbonate strata (Fig. 2, Gehrels & Saleeby 1987a). The (Intermontane superterrane; Rubin & Saleeby 1988). The
Palaeozoic rocks are capped by an Upper Triassic rift assem- presence of quartzite precludes a stratigraphical correlation
blage (Fig. 2, Gehrels & Saleeby 1987b). In most areas, rocks with juvenile, age-equivalent elements of Wrangellia.
of the Alexander terrane are only slightly deformed and are The Kah Shakes sequence occupies even higher structural
not highly metamorphosed (Gehrels & Saleeby 1987), except levels in the northern portions of the thrust belt and consists
near its eastern boundary where the Alexander terrane is of lower Palaeozoic quartzite, marble, amphibolite, calc-
affected by late Mesozoic deformational. Upper Jurassic and silicate rocks, and mid-Palaeozoic orthogneiss (Fig. 2). De-
Lower Cretaceous marine pyroclastic and basinal strata of the trital zircon from quartz-rich meta-psammitic rocks yield
Gravina sequence depositionally overlie the Alexander terrane Proterozoic upper intercept U-Pb ages (Saleeby & Rubin
are (Fig. 3, Berg et al. 1988), and constitute the remnants of 1989;Gehrelsefa/. 1990). Precambrian inheritance in zircon
an oceanic island arc that was constructed on the Alexander collected from orthogneiss implies an old continental source
terrane (Rubin & McClelland 1989; Rubin & Saleeby unpubl. for some of the terrigenous rocks in the Kah Shakes sequence.
data). Middle Palaeozoic and lower Mesozoic rocks of the The older portions of the Kah Shakes sequence represent
Alava sequence structurally overlie Alexander terrane and outer shelf- and continental-rise deposits derived from the
Gravina sequence rocks (Fig. 2). Locally, turbidite and North American continent. This sequence may have been the
channel-fill deposits of the Gravina sequence unconformably depositional basement to the Alava sequence. Negative e^^
overlie the Alava sequence and thus form an overlap between values and high initial Sr values for correlative rocks to the
the Alexander terrane and the Alava sequence. The Alava north support the interpretation that the Kah Shakes sequence
sequence consists of three lithotectonic units: (1) is derived, in part, from old continental crust (Samson et al.
Pennsylvanian and Permian mafic metavolcanic tuff and 1989) and may be stratigraphicalally equivalent to the Yu-
flows, and massive crinoidal marble interbedded with black kon-Tanana terrane (Fig. 2).
phyllite; (2) localized sequences of quartzite, mafic Rocks in the thrust belt were intruded by mafic-ultramafic
metavolcanic rocks, and marble; and (3) upper Middle Triassic complexes, epidote-bearing tonalite, quartz diorite and
carbonaceous marble, mafic metavolcanic tuff, breccia, and granodiorite plutons, sills and dikes that range in age from =
flows. The original stratigraphical relations and distribution 110 to 89 Ma (U-Pb ages on zircon, Rubin & Saleeby 1987a,

Insular Superterrane Intermontane Superterrane

66 I^ \ \ \ Mid-Cretaceous & younger ^ N "^ N •> I
Coast Plutonic Complex
• . - . . ; Marine
_^' •_-— sedimentary Gravina
• • • rocks sequence
144 basinal arc
Clastic sedimentary rocks
Andesite arc
UfcJcUl Emergent arc
>v 4 V ^
208 Rift - bimodal
RIftttd arc, carbonats
_ volcanic rocks,
Cache Creek
& polagic sodlmontary
PENINSULAR irtiftirniiitntf roclis, & basaltic flows V V '^ v"l & shallow marine & Quenel
245 sedimentary rocks Primitive
TERRANE \ arc /
286 t^^^f^
— . Primitive arc XX Shallow marine STIKINE
carbonate sedimentary
WRANGELLIA rocks overlying extinct TERRANE
• • • • Clastic rocKs ^ ; primitive arc (western portion)
. n = - — Argtillt*
I Chftrt Shallow marine
360 CafbonaU Primitive arc
8«dlm«ntay rocks ALEXANDER 4 • 6> • / Primitive arc 1.1,1.1.1
V V V Silicic tuff 4 v bi '
Basah - amtosHa TERRANE
•4v volcanic last Ic roclts YUKON-TANANA >«?>^ ^ Primitive arc, lower Pz
408 BasaHIc pillows, flows, Ov«ralp rx" u TERRANE
Unconformity I slope & rise deposits,
& hypabyssat roclts & continent - derived
PhJton link -^^ Amalgamation — • Kah Shakes sequence 7
^)^!^^(^ Bas«m«nt clastic sedimentary rocks

Figure 2. Petrotectonic and structural histories of the Intermontane and Insular superterranes of British Columbia and southern Alaska (modified from
Saleeby 1982; Gardner etal. 1986; Miller 1987; Anderson 1989).


Domain I Domain I I Domain I I I Domain IV

Southern Revillagigedo Northern Revillagigedo bend in section
Fault Zone
Fault Zone
Low pressure Med. pressure Low-med. pressure (?)
Low temperature Med. temperature Low strain (?)
Low strain Moderate strain


o o
56,000 .
Aeromagnetic Profile
(after U.S.G.S., 1977)


ra Mid-Cretaceous F^i jertjary intrusive rocks
intrusive rocks
CMR 89

Figure 3. Geological domains, aeromagnetic, and gravity profiles across the western metamorphic belt of the Coast Plutonic Complex showing the mid-
Cretaceous structural domains. Late Paleocene-Eocene fabrics do not strongly overprint this area. AT = Alexander terrane; GS = Gravina sequence; AS
= Alava sequence; KSS = Kah Shakes sequence.

b; Arth et al. 1988). These =100 Ma or younger plutons Kah Shakes sequence.
crosscut the earlier regional metamorphic fabric; 95-100 Ma Structural styles and the stacking order of thrust sheets are
plutons are cut by thrust faults, whereas 90 Ma plutons different in the southern portion of the thrust belt. There,
crosscut thrust faults. A belt of Early Palaeocene to Early structurally lowest thrust sheets consist of lower Paleozoic
Eocene plutons occurs east of the thrust belt (Smith & Diggles supracrustal and meta-igneous rocks of the Alexander terrane
1981); fabrics in these younger rocks reflect Tertiary defor- and are structurally overlain by siliceous schist, orthogneiss,
mation (Saleeby & Rubin 1989). Geochemical and isotopic and marble of the middle to lower Palaeozoic Kah Shakes
data indicate that all the intrusive rocks have continental sequence. Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous metaturbidites
magmatic affinities (Arth et al. 1988). of the Gravina sequence structurally overlie the Kah Shakes
sequence. These rocks are overthrust by lower amphibolite
facies rocks of the upper Palaeozoic and lower Mesozoic (?)
Internal structure of the thrust belt Alava sequence.
Non-penetrative foliation, lower greenschist facies min-
The northern part of the thrust belt consists of four structural eral assemblages, and mesoscopic folding and thrust faulting
domains (Fig. 3), three of which are described here. The characterize domain I (Figs 4 & 5). Thrust faults strike NW
structurally lowest thrust sheets (domain I) consist of lower and dip moderately to the NE. Rocks in the thrust sheets
greenschist fades supracrustal and meta-igneous rocks of the display a dominant northeast-striking foliation (Fig. 6) that is
lower Palaeozoic Alexander terrane and the Upper Jurassic parallel or subparallel with original bedding surfaces. Foliation
and Lower Cretaceous Gravina sequence. These rocks are is axial-planar to west-vergent asymmetric folds that are cut
overthrust by upper greenschist and, in metamorphic aureoles, by thrust faults. These west-vergent folds are interpreted to
locally developed lower amphibolite facies rocks of the be kinematically linked to the thrust faults and to have formed
middle to lower Palaeozoic Kah Shakes sequence and the contemporaneously with faulting (Figs 4 & 5). Domain I is
upper Palaeozoic and lower Mesozoic (?) Alava sequence characterized by low-temperature and low-pressure meta-
(domain II). The structurally higher allochthonous unit morphic mineral assemblages, andalusite-bearing contact
consists of amphibolite grade rocks of the Kah Shakes se- metamorphic aureoles, unstrained fossils, and relict phenocryst
quence, which is cut by numerous tonalite sills and dikes assemblages. Preliminary finite-strain studies on deformed
(domain III). Metamorphic grade increases significantly pebbles in coarse-grained meta-conglomerates of the Gravina
with structural level. Structural basement to domain I and II sequence indicate the rocks are comparatively weakly de-
is the Alexander terrane; higher nappes contain slices of formed; Rj^^ ratios are 5:1 or smaller (C. Rubin unpubl. data).
basement consisting of the Alexander terrane rocks and the Based on these data, rocks in domain I show little finite strain


and did not experience temperatures greater than 400° C or imbricate series of thrust sheets with intervening thrust slabs
pressures above 3 kb. of Kah Shakes (Figs 4 & 5b). Stratigraphic control is based
Domain II lies structurally above domain I and is com- on isotopically dated (Pb-U zircon) granitic clasts in laterally
posed largely of imbricate thrust sheets consisting of lower continuous Gravina sequence metaturbidites, distinctive
Palaeozoic and lower Mesozoic supracrustal rocks of the Permian fossiliferous marble and Middle Triassic
Alava sequence, Upper Jurassic (?) and lower Cretaceous carbonaceous marble horizons in the Alava sequence
metasedimentary rocks of the Gravina sequence, and local (Silberling et al. 1982). The southern Revillagigedo thrust
lower Palaeozoic orthogneiss of the Alexanderterrane. Some separates domains I and II (Figs 3 & 5), ramps to deeper
of these rocks (i.e. Alava sequence) may be thrust slices of structural and stratigraphical levels, and dips moderately
Intermontane superterrane rocks (Fig. 3). The Alava and towards the east. Meta-igneous pebble- to cobble-conglom-
Gravina sequences on central Revillagigedo Island form an erate in the Gravina sequence shows flattening fabrics that

Younger Intrusive Rocks Upper Jurassic & Lower Cretaceous Gravina Sequence
_ _ _ Metamorphosed greywacke, argilltte, conglomerate,
Middle Cretaceous Intrusive Rocks \l'J^ basalt-andeslte tuff, breccia & pillow flows, & hypabyssal
" intrusive rocks
Tonalite, granodiorite, diorite, & gabbro Lower Palaezoic Kah Shakes Sequence
I I Devonian orttiogneiss, lower Paleozoic quartz-bearing
Zoned ultramafic complexes / Gabbro |:::::| psammitic rocks, silicic metavolcanic rocks, amphibolite,
metapelite, quartzite & marble
Upper Palaezoic & Lower Mesozoic Alava Sequence
Metamorphosed mafic pillow flows, tuff & Palaezoic & Lower Mesozoic Alexander Terrane
breccia, argillite, marble, & quartzite
Triassic conglomerate, limestone, basalt, & rhyolite

Ordovician-Silurian basaltic andesite tuff,

breccia, pillowed flows, & hypabyssal rocks

Ordovician-Silurian tonalite, diorite, & gabbro

I ' j * j Silurian trondhjemite & local diorite

^ ^ Strike & dip of foliation

\ Geologic contact
^ (dashed where Inferred
& dotted where covered)

Thrust Fault
(dashed where Inferred
> | & dotted where covered)

High Angle Fault

(dashed where inferred
\ & dotted where covered)

BUT s Black mountain

NRFZ = Nontiern
island fault zone
SRFZ = Soutltern
island fault zone

BP = Busily Point
MB = Motli Bay
TA = Thome Arm
CI = Carol Inlet

CI ^ George Inlet
Gi = Gravina island
Al = Annette Island

Figure 4. Distribution of geological units and major structures in southern southeast Alaslca. Geological map modified from Berg et al. (1988).


Cleveland Peninsula
O Og S § i
sw NE
Gravlna sequence I Alava sequence Kah Shakes sequence Bell Is. Pluton

Gravina conglomerates


Diabase dikes Arglllite, greywacke, conglomerate, Mixed supracrustal rocks,
mafic tuff, breccia, pillow flows, & trondhjemlte, tonallte, dlorite,
hypabyssal Igneous rocks & gabbro
Tonalite, granodlorlte, diorlte, &
Marble, argllllte, mafic flows, Devonian orthogneiss & silicic
gabbro / locally porphyrltic
breccia, tuff, & minor quartzHe schist, pasmmitic roclts, quartzite,
ampiiiboilte, & marbie CMR'89

Figure 5. Geological cross-section across the southern Cleveland Penin,sula and Carol Inlet. No vertical exaggeration. Locations of cross-sections shown
on Figure 4.

parallel foliation surfaces. Numerous deformed tonalite and ramp-flat geometries are formed. Class IC and similar-style
quartz diorite sills and dikes are present in domain II and were class 2 folds (fold classification after Ramsay & Huber 1987),
probably emplaced during thrust faulting (Hollister & with axial planes dipping moderately towards the northeast,
Crawford 1986). The contemporaneity of Ar*'/Ar^'hornblende are common in domain II (Fig. 7). The folds verge to the
cooling ages from metamorphic rocks (Sutter & Crawford northwest. Bedding-cleavage lineations dip moderately to
1985) and U-Pb zircon ages in the tonalitic plutons and sills the northeast (Fig. 7a). A wide range of rock compositions
(Saleeby 1988) suggest that metamorphism, thrust faulting, has produced a range of mineral assemblages: white mica-
and igneous activity were synchronous. Thrust faults com- biotite-quartz-plagioclase-chlorite ± garnet ± calcite are
monly break along weak units that are locally composed of common in psammitic rocks; in metabasalts, green amphibole-
marble phaccoids in a penetratively cleaved phyllonite. Where biotite-plagioclase-epidote-chlorite assemblages are com-
thrust faults cut through relatively competent marble, flat- mon. In contact aureoles, staurolite and kyanite are present.

'm- N =145 N=121 N=169

Figure 6. Lower-hemisphere, equal-area plot showing poles to foliation surfaces domain I, (a) northwest Cleveland Peninsula, (b) Annette Island, (c) Gravina


„ Trend & Plunge of

• S-1 Poles to Foliation D S-2 Poles to Foliation Elongation Lineatlon * Trend & Plunge of Folds

Figure 7. Lower-hemisphere, equal-area plot showing, (a) poles to foliation and cleavage in domain II, (b) poles to foliation and trend and plunge of small-
scale folds in domain II, and (c) poles to foliation and trend and plunge of elongation lineation in domain III.

In summary, domain II is characterized by upper greenschist Timing of mid-Cretaceous orogenic events

facies; locally amphibolite assemblages are present. Meta-
morphism occurred at pressures ranging as high as 5 to 6 kb. Age constraints for the timing of tectonism come from
The structurally higher thrust sheets, exposed in domain plutons which pre-date deformation and others which post-
III, are internally complex. Domain III is characterized by date deformation; some are syntectonic. The earliest phase of
polydeformed, isoclinally folded, amphibolite-facies thrust faulting affects domains I and II. Here, the a 101 Ma
supracrustal and meta-igneous rocks (Fig. 3). This domain hornblende-bearing tonalite and granodiorite (U-Pb zircon
contains large complex crystalline nappes. Characteristic age on the Moth Bay pluton, Rubin & Saleeby 1987) was
features include well-developed moderately-dipping elonga- emplaced across previously imbricated thrust slices of the
tion lineation that parallels fold axes (Fig. 7b, c), highly Alexander terrane, and the Kah Shakes and Gravina se-
attenuated fold limbs, and amphibolite facies metamorphism quences. The pluton crosscuts the dominant northeast strik-
that is locally replaced by retrograde assemblages. Similar- ing foliation of the metasedimentary country rocks; foliated
style class 2 and class 3 folds are common in this domain (fold xenoliths occur in the pluton. Along the southern margin of
classification after Ramsay & Huber 1987). Metamorphic the Moth Bay pluton, a southwest-vergent thrust fault cross-
mineral assemblages include homblende-plagioclase±biotite cuts the pluton. These relations suggest that deformation was
± garnet in mafic gneiss, quartz-plagioclase-biotite-kyanite active before and after its emplacement. Deformed intrusive
in pelitic strata, and quartz-plagioclase-biotite-orthoclase- rocks of similar age that intrude the Alexander terrane are
gamet in medium-grained psammatic gneiss. Steep north- to exposed to the west (Saleeby unpubl. data) and indicate that
northeast-dipping ductile thrust faults crosscut earlier re- thrust faulting was active prior to 100 Ma. Thrust faulting
gional fabrics. These fault zones have a strongly developed continued to = 90 Ma (U-Pb zircon), the age of the youngest
foliation that transposes earlier fabrics (Figs 3 & 4; e.g. the plutons affected by thrust-related deformation; however,
Black Mountain thrust, northern and southern Revillagigedo most 90 Ma plutons are not deformed and crosscut Creta-
fault zones). The orientation of the faults at depth is not ceous structural fabrics. Hornblende K-Ar cooling ages as
accurately known. A consistent sense of motion can be young as 70 Ma for these plutons bracket the end of meta-
inferred using kinematic indicators (e.g. s-c fabrics, fold morphism and associated deformation (Smith & Diggles
vergence) and the juxtaposition of rocks with differing meta- 1981). The age of the youngest strata (Gravina sequence)
morphic grades (Fig. 3). Thrust faults, such as the northern involved in thrust faulting is Albian (Berg ef a/. 1972). Thus,
Revillagigedo fault zone (Figs 3 & 4), have a minimum much of the deformation occurred between the Albian and the
separation of 10 km, based on contrasting metamorphic Turonian, approximately 113 Ma to 89 Ma (time scale after
grades. Late Cretaceous uplift and erosion of the western part Harlandera/. 1982).
of the orogenic belt were most likely accommodated along
these thrust faults. In the southern and eastern portions of the
thrust belt, subsequent Palaeocene and younger deformation Uplift, erosion and foredeep development
has re-oriented mid-Cretaceous fabrics. Here, deep structural
levels of the west-vergent thrust belt were transported up- Cooling rates for the Moth Bay pluton can be calculated using
wards along steeply dipping east-vergent faults. U-Pb data obtained from the analyses of zircon, and from K/
Ar and Ar^7Ar''* data from hornblende and biotite. A 101 Ma
zircon age dates crystallization that occurred between 1000°


and 850° C, the temperature range estimated from the solidus occurred prior to the Late Cretaceous (see Brandon et al.
temperature of an undersaturated tonalite (Huang & Wyllie 1989). Similarly, the Queen Charlotte Group consists of
1986). Hornblende from the same intrusive body in the Albian to probably Campanian (=113 Ma to 74.5 Ma) marine
western part of the thrust belt yields Ar^7Ar'' cooling ages of fine- to very coarse-grained clastic strata that is approxi-
97 Ma (Sutter & Crawford 1985), and are presumed to have mately 3 km thick (Sutherland-Brown 1968), although sedi-
retained argon at 530° + 40° C (Harrison & McDougall 1980). mentation may have been continuous from the Hauterivian
These data yield cooling rates between 112°C/Ma and 75 °C/ (Haggart 1989; Haggart et al. 1989). Metamorphic and ig-
Ma Hornblende and biotite from plutons in the eastern part neous clasts in conglomerates from the upper part of the
of the thrust belt yield K/Ar cooling ages of 89 Ma and 82 Ma, Queen Charlotte Group were derived from the Coast Plutonic
respectively (Smith & Diggles 1981), and yield cooling rates Complex (Yagishita 1985; Higgs 1990); perhaps recording
of 70°C/m.y to 30°C/Ma loading due to the emplacement of thrust nappes. These
Apparent uplift rates can be inferred using K/Ar cooling synorogenic deposits may represent the westward dispersal
ages for hornblende and biotite (Smith & Diggles 1982), and of sediments that were derived from the uplifted thrust belt
using U-Pb zircon ages (Rubin & Saleeby 1987a,b) from (Yagishita 1985; Higgs 1990); however, a local source for the
tonalitic plutons that have well-constrained geobarometry. A sediments can not be ruled out (Gamba et al. 1990). The
tabular tonalite pluton (Bushy Point pluton) yielding U-Pb presence of strong lithosphere beneath the Insular superterrane
ages of 95 Ma is inferred to have crystallized at a depth of = may have prevented the development of deep basins; thus
25 km. The pressure estimate is based on AF (total alu- shallow foredeep basins were formed as the crust was flexed
minium) content in hornblende (Hammarstrom & Zen 1986) by the weight of the thrust sheets.
and the experimental calibration of the AF in the hornblende
geobarometer (Johnson & Rutherford 1989). Hornblende
and biotite from the surrounding country rock yield K/Ar Implications for basement tectonics and
cooling ages of 83.0 Ma ± 2.5 and 80.2 ± 4 Ma, and are pre- convergent margin tectonics
sumed to have retained argon at 280° ± 40° C and 530° ± 40°
C, respectively (Harrison 1981; Harrison & McDougall 1980). Major differences between the structural styles present in
Assuming a mid-Cretaceous geothermal gradient of =25°C/ southeast Alaska and mountain belts characterized by thin-
km, these data imply an apparent uplift rate of=0.9 km/Ma To skin deformation (e.g. fold and thrust belt of the Canadian
the south, the inferred mid-Cretaceous average uplift rate is Rockies) reflect fundamental differences in basement defor-
=0.58mm/yr (Zen 1988), which is comparable with the uplift mation, level of crustal exposure during deformation, and
rates inferred for the Ketchikan area. These rates are com- subsequent tectonic evolution. Mid-Cretaceous thrust faults
parable with modem orogenic uplift and erosion rates (see in southeast Alaska dip between 40° and 70°, and affect
Dahlen & Suppe 1988). predominantly crystalline basement, and are perhaps analo-
Synorogenic to post-orogenic marine and nonmarine gous to present-day deformation in the high Andes (Stauder
foredeep sequences may be represented by Upper Cretaceous 1975; Suarez et al. 1983). Steeply dipping thrust faults and
parts of the Queen Charlotte and Nanaimo Groups in western focal depths between 15 and 25 km characterize the central
British Columbia. The Nanaimo Group consists of Turonian Andes (Chinn & Isacks 1983; Stauder 1975; Suarez et al.
to Maastrichtian (=90 Ma to 65 Ma) marine and non-marine 1983). Most earthquakes within the central Andes occur
sandstone, conglomerate, and mudstone, approximately 2.5 within basement and show little evidence of thin-skin defor-
km thick, that unconformably overlies rocks of Wrangellia mation. Locally, however, some steeply dipping recent thrust
(Muller & Jeletsky 1970; England 1989). The Upper Creta- faults recognized in the high Andes (e.g. Pariahuana fault)
ceous Nanaimo conglomerates contain metamorphic clasts have shallower seismisity, with seismic activity no deeper
that were probably derived from thrust sheets exposed to the than 20 km (Philip & Megard 1977). In places, contempora-
east, indicating that both metamorphism and thrust faulting neous minor folds formed parallel to the fault trace (Philip &

Future site of f/ie

Coast Plutonic Complex skeena Intermontane '^^'f"'<"P'"<=''!"terlan'' ^ Rocky Mour,taln
imermomane of tlie Canadian Rockies i;. .. ^ .^,» Foreland
West-vergent | fo;^ /^^ basin
thrust belt ^jj superterrane ^ fold & thrust belt


40 Alexander terrane MId-Crustal reflectors

(Insular superterrane) (In part a continuation of ^ 50 km
the Monashee decollemeni)
* Kah shakes sequence:
L. Pz slope S rise deposits

Figure 8. Simplified cross-section across the western Cordillera at the end of the Cretaceous compressive phase. Topography is current present day erosion-
level. SRMT = southern Rocky Mountain trench; MD = Monashee decollement. Strike-slip faults normal to cross-section not included. Rocky Mountain
thrust belt simplified from Price & Mountjoy (1970); metamorphic hinterland of the Rocky Mountain thrust belt simplified from Brown etal. (1976); Skeena
fold belt modified from Evenchick (this volume). Crustal thickness in southeast Alaska extrapolated from Barnes (1972a, b, 1977).


Megard 1977). Contractional deformation may be due to a Complex, where thrust-related fabrics are truncated by east-
combination of factors which include, high convergence dipping Tertiary normal faults (McClelland et al. 1990).
rates (Pardo-Casas & Molnar 1987), the age of the subducted Abundant mid-Cretaceous and younger sills and plutons, and
ocean floor (Molnar & Atwater 1983), the angle of the a moderate geothermal gradient resulted in hot, thermally
subducting slab (Wdowinski et al. 1989), and the mechanical weakened crust which effectively reduced the overall strength
coupling between the South American and Nazca plates of the crust. By analogy with regions of active extension in
(Uyeda & Kanamori 1979). Such faulting is analogous to the high Andes, tectonically thickened mid-Cretaceous crust
mid-Cretaceous thrust faulting in southeast Alaska, where may have collapsed and subsided due the gravitational poten-
thrust faults dip steeply and extend into crystalline basement. tial of a high mountain belt.
Mid-Cretaceous thrust faults, such as the Black Mountain Locally, the emplacement of arc-derived calc-alkaline
thrust (Fig. 4), probably formed in a comparable tectonic magmas was coeval with mid-Cretaceous deformation. Thus,
setting, possibly recording coupled subduction between the mid-Cretaceous contraction occurred in an intra-arc setting.
North American and Pacific/Farallon plates. The high Andes Addition of voluminous early- to mid-Tertiary plutons coin-
have also undergone very different styles of deformation cided with and outlasted erosion, uplift, and inferred exten-
during their tectonic evolution, in which back-folding or sion of the tectonically thickened and thermally weakened
'retrocharriage' occurred during the later stages of thrust crust. The mid-Cretaceous to Early Tertiary tectonic history
faulting. In this context, the westward dipping faults and reflects contractional and extensional events that occurred in
foliation surfaces in the eastern portion of the thrust belt in a convergent-margin setting. Changes in overall plate con-
southeast Alaska may be analogous to the modem day vergence rates and the rate of subduction may explain differing
structural reversals seen in the Andes. Although the analogy structural styles (see discussion in Royden & Burchfiel
between the mid-Cretaceous thrust system and the Andes is 1989). High convergence rates combined with strongly
imperfect, the mid-Cretaceous thrust system involves base- coupled subduction are characterized by compressional arc
ment deformation, whereas much of the deformation to the and back-arc regimes, and are typical of continental convergent
east (i.e. east-vergent thrust faulting in the Bowser basin) may margins (Uyeda & Kanamori 1979), whereas extension may
have occurred aseismically along low-angle decollements. have resulted from decoupling of the down-going slab from
By analogy with the Andes, mid-Cretaceous thrust faulting the overriding plate. Slower subduction rates reduce horizontal
was driven by strongly coupled subduction in which defor- compressive stresses required to support high topography,
mation is superposed on either an older collisional (Saleeby and may result in topographic collapse by normal faulting
& Rubin 1990), a strike-slip boundary (McClelland & Gehrels (Dalmayrac & Molnar 1983). Mid-Cretaceous tectonism
in press) or a combination of the two. The presence of coeval coincides with an abrupt increase of convergence rates (>100
igneous activity, convergence between continental fragments, km/Ma) between the Farallon and North American plates
and the transport of crystalline slabs along thrust faults in the (Engebretson et al. 1985); the intense deformation in the
mid-Cretaceous support such an analogy with the Andes. northwestern Cordillera may have been related to rapid
Beneath most of the western wall rocks of the Coast subduction. The correlation of rapid subduction with
Plutonic Complex, the present-day crustal thickness is less intracontinental tectonism has also been proposed in the
than 30 km (Barnes 1972a, b, 1977), and locally may be as Andes (see discussion in Pardo-Casas & Molnar 1987).
thin as 25 km (Yorath ef a/. 1985). Emplacement pressure of Controversy exists concerning the role of collision of
=6-7 kb for 100 Ma plutons (Hammarstrom & Zen 1986; allochthonous crustal elements (e.g. the Alexander terrane
Rubin & Saleeby 1988) suggest the crust was at least 25 km and Wrangellia) in late Mesozoic deformation of the north-
thick at this time. Thrust faulting during the mid-Cretaceous west Cordillera (Monger et al. 1982; Crawford et al. 1987;
(90 Ma) may have thickened the crust to 50 or 60 km. This Pavlis 1989; Rubin et al. 1990a). The absence of an accre-
estimate for mid-Cretaceous crustal thickness is consistent tionary wedge and high-pressure metamorphic terranes,
with the present-day thickness of 25 to 30 km, plus the combined with the lack of evidence for late Mesozoic oceanic
amount of crust that must have been removed to expose crust between the Insular and Intermontane superterranes at
Cretaceous mid-crustal rocks. This is in accord with crustal these latitudes, are important constraints that argue against
thicknesses in regions which have undergone similar styles of collisional tectonic models. There is no general agreement
crustal thickening, such as the hinterland of the Canadian concerning plate tectonic models that explain mid-Creta-
Rockies (Monger & Price 1979; Monger et al. 1985). ceous and younger deformation, yet deformation and igneous
Uplift and erosion of the thrust belt in an extensional activity must have occurred in a magmatic arc setting. Thus,
setting during Palaeocene and Eocene time subsequently the collision of exotic tectonic elements and the concurrent
thinned the crust; the available constraints on present crustal closure of an late Mesozoic oceanic basin is not required to
structure and magnitude of Tertiary extension, however, are explain the stratigraphical, structural, and metamorphic rela-
poorly known. Rapid early Tertiary uplift rates of about 2 km/ tions seen in southeast Alaska and western British Columbia.
ma have been inferred for the western flank of the Coast Terrane accretion did not play a major role in mid-Cretaceous
Plutonic Complex (Hollister 1982; Harrison et al. 1979), deformation and mountain building. Mid-Cretaceous de-
although the uplift has also been ascribed to contraction formation was broadly coeval with crustal shortening to the
(Hollister 1982;Crawfordera/. 1987). Extensionaltectonism east in Bowser Basin (Skeena fold belt of Evenchick 1991,
is documented on the west flank of the Coast Plutonic this volume) and to the south in the southern portions of the


Coast Plutonic Complex (Joumeay 1990). The coincidence mation formed in response to east-west compression over a
in timing of deformation in the western Canadian Cordillera distance of at least 600 km across the Northern Cordillera, and
suggest that there is a detachment which underlies all of these developed in a structural setting much like that of the modem
zones and which may continue as far east as the Rocky Andes.
Mountain fold and thrust belt (Fig. 8). The fault that underlies
C.M.R, is grateful for long discussions with Bill McClelland, Meghan
continental slope-and-rise deposits west of the Coast Plutonic
Miller, Jim Monger, and Margi Rusmore on Cordilleran tectonics. Field and
Complex may be the western continuation of the Monashee laboratory work for southeast Alaska regional studies has been supported by
decollement, which separates North American-type crust US National Science Foundation Grants EAR 86-05386 and EAR 88-03834
with Palaezoic to Mesozoic terranes (Fig. 8). This interpre- (to JBS); additional support (to CMR) was provided by Geological Society
tation is supported by layered seismic reflectors near the of America Penrose Grants, a Sigma-Xi grant-in-aid, and by the US Geological
southern boundary of the Coast Plutonic Complex which Survey, Alaska Branch. Some of the work reported here was part of a
doctoral thesis by C.M.R. at Caltech. The stereonet program was graciously
have been correlated to the Monashee decollement (Brown et provided by Rick Allmendinger. Informal reviews by Meghan Miller were
al. 1991, this volume). The remarkable similarity of timing quite helpful. Hugh Gabrielse, Ken McClay, and Bob Thompson provided
of deformation across the western Cordillera suggests very helpful and critical reviews.
tectonism was a widespread intracontinental event. Defor-


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Glossary of thrust tectonics terms ^-rt

K.R.McClay '

Department of Geology, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College,

University of London, Egham, Surrey, England, TW20 OEX

This glossary aims to illustrate, and to define where possible, recognise the difficulty in precisely defining many of the
some of the more widely used terms in thrust tectonics. It is terms used in thrust tectonics as individual usages and pref-
presented on a thematic basis - individual thrust faults and erences vary widely.
related structures, thrust systems, thrust fault related folds, 3-
D thrust geometries, thrust sequences, models of thrust sys-
tems, and thrusts in inversion tectonics. Fundamental terms Thrust faults ^ -
are defined first, followed by an alphabetical listing of related
structures. Where appropriate key references are given. Thrust fault: A contraction fault that shortens a datum
surface, usually bedding in upper crustal rocks or a regional
Since some of the best studied thrust terranes such as the foliation surface in more highly metamorphosed rocks.
Canadian Rocky Mountains, the Appalachians, the Pyrenees,
and the Moine thrust zone are relatively high level foreland This section of the glossary defines terms applied to indi-
fold and thrust belts it is inevitable that much of thrust vidual thrust faults (after McClay 1981;Butler 1982; Boyer
tectonics terminology is concerned with structures found in & Elliott 1982; Diegel 1986).
the externa! zones of these belts. These thrustbelts character-
istically consist of platform sediments deformed by thrust Backthrusl: A thrust fault which has an opposite vergence
faults which have a ramp-flat trajectories (Bally el at. 1966; to that of the main thrust system or thrust belt (Fig. 2).
Dahlstrom 1969, 1970; Price 1981; Rich 1934; and others). Backthrusts are commonly hinterland-vergent thrusts.
Steps in the thrust surface generate geometrically necessary
folds in the hangingwall above (Fig. I). Therefore much THRUST SYSTEM

attention has been focussed upon hangingwall deformation in

thrust belts and upon conceptual and geometric models to
explain them.

Figure 2. Backihrust showing an opposite sense of vergence to that of the

foreland vergent thrust system.

Blind thrust: A thrust fault that is not emergent - i.e. it

remains buried such that the displacement on the thrust below
is compensated by folding or cleavage development at a
structurally higher level (Fig. 3) (cf. Thompson 1981).


Figure 1. Idealised thrust fault showing kink band style folding in the
hangingwall and no deformation in the footwall.

Many of the illustrations used in this glossary have been

constructed using the programme FauitlF^ (Wilkerson &
Associates) that gives kink band geometries (e.g. Suppe
1983, 1985; Mitra 1986, 1990), commonly found in shallow Figure 3. Blind thrust system formed by a buried imbricate fan in which
thrustbelts. This, however, is not meant to imply that kink- the overlying strata are shortened by folding.
band folding is the only geometric style found in high level
thrustbelts (see Ramsay 1991, this volume). This glossary is Branch line: The line of intersection between two thrust
not meant to be exhaustive but attempts to cover many of the sheets (Fig. 4a). For duplexes there asQ trailing edge branch
terms used in the papers presented in this volume and those lines and leading edge branch lines (see duplexes below).
of thrust tectonics literature in general. The reader will See Diegel (1986) for a full discussion of branch lines.


Branch point: The point of intersection between a branch

line and the erosion surface (Fig. 4b). The term branch point
is also used in cross-section analysis for the point where the
branch line intersects the plane of the cross-section - i.e. in
this context it is the 2D equivalent of a branch line (Fig. 5).

rt \u'' .'A -


Figiire 5. Cross-section illustrating branch points (white circles), cut-off

points (black half-moons) and tip-points (black circles).

Cut-off line: The line of intersection between a thrust

surface and a stratigraphic horizon (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Foolwall cui-off lines. •

Cut-offpoint: The point of intersection between a cut-off

line and the erosion surface. The term cut-off point is also
used in cross-section analysis for the point where the cut-off
line intersects the plane of the cross-section - i.e. in this
context it is the 2D equivalent of a cut-off line (Fig. 5).

Emergent thrust: A thrust fault that emerges at the erosion


Flat: That part of a thrust fault which is bedding parallel

or parallel to a regional datum surface (cf. a regional foliation
in metamorphic rocks) (Fig. 7 ).
Figure 4. Thrust imbricates and splays showing branch lines, branch points
and tip lines (adapted after Boyer & Elliott 19S2). (a) Rejoining imttricate
or rejoining splay S}0\n^lhe main faull \l'd\ong the branch line B which
intersects the surface at two branch points B, and B^. (b) Connecting RAMP
imbricate or connecting splay S which joins two mam/i^wfe M^ and M|j /
along branch lines B^andBj,. There are two branch points B^'andB^'and
iv^o corners C^andCi^. (c) Isolated imbricate ot isolated splay S which jl!MJf,!l!rc\'.iHHJIA.
intersects the mui«/(7i(/f M a]oi\g a branch line B.Tip lines T j a n d T j
define the ends of the splay S. Tip lines ^^ and Tj meet branch line B at
corners CjandCj. The tip lines intersect the surface at »ppo;nfi- T|'and
Tj'. (d) Diverging imbricate or diverging splay S intersects the main fault FOOTWALL FLAT
M along branch line B. The branch line B has one corner C and a branch
point B' where it intersects the surface. The tip line T has one corner C
and a lip point T where it intersects the surface. Figure 7. Thrust ramps in cross-.seclion.


Footwall cut-off lines are the lines of intersection between Frontal ramp: A ramp in the thrust surface that is
a thrust surface and a stratigraphic horizon in the footwall of perpendicular to the direction of transport of the thrust sheet
the thrust (Fig. 6) (Diegel 1986). (Fig. 10). Ramp angles are commonly between 10° and 30°.

Footwall cut-ojf point: The point of intersection between

a cut-off line in the footwall of the thrust and the erosion

Footwall flat: That part of the footwall of a thrust fault

where the thrust fault is bedding parallel or parallel to a
regional datum surface {cf. a regional foliation in metamor-
phic rocks) (Fig. 7).

Footwall shortcut thrusts: A low angle thrust fault devel-

oped in the footwall of a steep thrust fault (Fig. 8). The
resultant lower angle fault trajectory is kinematically and Figure 10. 3D thrust lootwall ramp structures.
mechanically more feasible for large displacement than the ' -.t- :••:•• • • . . - ; . ^. : • . • r- ' . i •

high angle fault trajectory (see Knipe 1985; McClay &

Buchanan 1991, this volume) Hangingwall cut-ojf lines: The lines of intersection be-
tween a thrust surface and a stratigraphic horizon in the
hangingwall of the thrust.
Hangingwall cut-ojf point: The point of intersection
between a cut-off line in the hangingwall of the thrust and the
erosion surface.

Hangingwalljlat: That part of the hangingwall of a thrust

fault where the thrust fault is bedding parallel or parallel to a
regional datum surface (cf. a regional foliation in metamor-
phic rocks) (Fig. 7).

Hinterland-vergent thrust: A thrust fault that verges
towards the hinterland of the orogen (i.e away from the
B ^
f^^^^^p"!^ undeformed foreland). , j .. - _ . , . . . .

Klippe: An isolated portion of a thrust nappe or thrust

sheet that is separated from the main part of the thrust nappe
^^^^ or thrust sheet as a result of erosion (Fig. 11).
. - ' - - • - ^ - • • . - • • ; . - ; - - : : >

Figure 8. Footwall shortcut thrust, (a) Fault propagation fold with trajectory
of incipient footwall shoncui ihrust. (b) Final configuration after displace-
ment on the footwali shortcut thrust.

Foreland-vergent thrust: A thrust fault that verges to-

wards the undeformed foreland of the thrust belt (Fig. 9). MES0Z01C CLASTICS PALAEOZOIC CARBONATES

Figure 11. Klippe (adapted after McClay & Insley 1986).

Lateral ramp: A ramp in the thrust surface that is parallel

to the direction oftransportofthe thrust sheet (Fig. 10). Ramp
angles are generally between 10° and 30°. (Note that if the
lateral structure is vertical then it becomes a thrust transport
parallel tear or strike-slip fault and should not be termed a
t—\—^—^ \ ^ \ ^ ^ ^ • s ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ n ' ^ ^ ' ^ 2 k l l ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^
\ \ N \ \ N ' > . S ^ i . \ i v S N S V . i . \ i i S S . '
^y f / jr f lateral ramp).
n. S S \ S ^

Figure 9. Foreland-vergeni thrust system.


Listric thrust fault: A concave upwards thrust fault such Pop -up: A section of hangingwall strata that has been
that the upper section is a steep high angle contraction fault, uplifted by the combination of a foreland vergent thrust and
the middle section is a medium angle contraction fault and the a hinterland vergent thrust (Fig. 15).
sole is a bedding plane parallel fault (Fig. 12).

Figure 15. 'Pop-up' siructure.

Figure 12. Listric thrust fault.

Ramp: That part of a thrust fault that cuts across bedding
(or the appropriate datum plane-see above) (Fig. 7). Ramps
Oblique ramp: A ramp in the thrust surface that is oblique may be divided into hangingwall ramps andfootwall ramps
tolhedirectionoftransportofthethrustsheet(Fig. 10). Ramp (Fig. 7). Ramps commonly have angles between 10° and 30°.
angles are generally between 10° and 30°.
Regional: The regional is the elevation of a particular
Out of the graben thrusts: Thrust faults that propagate stratigraphic unit or datum surface where it is not involved in
outwards from a graben structure as a result of the contraction the thrust related structures (Fig. 16). For thrust faults /
and inversion of a pre-existing extensional structure (Fig. 13) contraction faults the hangingwall is elevated above regional
(see McClay & Buchanan 1991, this volume). and there is shortening of the datum plane such that the well
in Figure 16 intersects a repeated section of bed A.
'Out-of-the-graben' ttirust faults Reactivated main
extensional fault

Regional Regional

f / jr ^ f f / f *• y ^ y y ^ y ^ ^
^ v ^ ^ . ^ . ^ N ^ ^ . \ ^ \ N ^ \ >. \ V
V . l i V i V . 1 . V . > . S \ S V . \ J' y / jf f ^ jf

\ ^^.'^ i . v . > . \ > . \ \ S

Figure 13. "Out-of-the-graben' thrusts formed by inversion of a crestaj

collapse grabeti structure (McClay & Bucfianan, 1991, this volume).

Figure 16. The concept of "regional' for bed A in a simple thrust structure.
Out of the syncline thrust: A thrust fault that nucleates and
propagates out from the core of a syncline (Fig. 14). Out of the
syncline thrusts are generated by the space problem in the Smooth trajectory thrust: A thrust fault with a trajectory
cores of tight synclines and may not necessarily be linked to that is smoothly varying and does not have a staircase form
other thrusts. (Fig. 17). Smooth trajectory thrusts are found in higher grade
metamorphic rocks (Cooper & Trayner 1986; McClay 1987)
where ductile penetrative strains are developed within the
thrust sheet. ' • <-

Figure 14. 'Out-of-the-syncline' thrust. Figure 17. Smooth trajectory thrust.


Sole thrust: The lowermost thrust common to a thrust tip point is the 2D equivalent of a tip line (Fig. 5).
system (may also be termed a floor thrust - see thrust systems
below). rt'-i ..A~ tif • - 1 rifJif^r''^-'

Thrust systems
Splay: A secondary thrust fault (i.e. smaller in size and
displacement) that emerges from a main thrust fault. Boyer Thrust system: A zone of closely related thrusts that are
& Elliott (1982) define four types of splays (Fig. 4). geometrically, kinematically and mechanically linked.
Rejoining splay (Fig. 4a), Connecting splay (Fig. 4b),
Isolated splay (Fig. 4c), and Divergent splay (Fig. 4d). This section of the glossary deals with linked thrust faults
that form thrust systems. The terminology for thrust systems
Thrust nappe: A large thrust sheet which may have been stems from Dahlstrom (1970), Boyer & Elliott (1982), Mitra
generated from a recumbent fold in which the lower limb has (1986) and modified by Woodward et al. (1989). Thrust
been faulted out to form the sole thrust of the nappe (Fig. 18). systems include duplexes, imbricate thrust systems and trian-
Thrust nappes may also be generated from detachment thrust- gle zones (Fig. 20 - next page).
ing and from inversion structures (cf. from inversion of ramp-
flat extensional fault systems - see McClay & Buchanan Duplexes '" " ' ^ '•'"
1991, this volume).
Duplex: An array of thrust horses bounded by n floor
thrust (i.e. sole thrust) at the base and by a roof thrust at the
top (Figs 20 & 21).

The stacking of the horses and hence the duplex shape

depends upon the ramp angle, thrust spacing, and displace-
ment on individual link thrusts. Models for duplex formation
Figure 18. Thrust nappe developed by thrusting out the lower limb of a (Boyer & Elliott 1982; Mitra 1986) generally assume a
recumbent overfold. 'forward-breaking' thrust sequence (see thrust sequences
below). Mitra (1986) revised Boyer & Elliott's (1982) clas-
Thrust sheet: A volume of rock bounded below by a thrust sification of duplexes and proposed a threefold classification
fault. (Fig. 21) consisting of -
1) Independent ramp anticlines and hinterland sloping
Thrust trajectory: The path that the thrust surface takes duplexes (Fig. 21a);
across the stratigraphy (often displayed on cross sections and 2) True duplexes (Fig. 21b);
restored sections). In high-level foreland fold and thrust belts 3) Overlapping ramp anticlines (Fig. 21c).
thrust faults are commonly described as having staircase or
stair-step trajectories (Fig. 19) typically with long bedding- For independent ramp anticlines the final spacing between
parallel fault surfaces (flats) separated by shorter, high-angle the thrusts is much greater than the displacement on the
fault segments that cut across the bedding (ramps). individual thrusts and the structure formed consists of inde-
pendent ramp anticlines separated by broad synclines (Fig.
21a). Hinterland sloping duplexes (Fig. 21a) are formed
where the initial spacing of thrust faults is small and displace-
ment on individual thrusts is small such that, at the contact
between horses, the roof thrust slopes towards the hinterland
(Mitra 1986). True duplexes (such as those modelled by
Boyer & Elliott (1982)) are formed by a particular combina-
Figure 19. Staircase tlirust trajectory consisting of ramps and flats. tion of final thrust spacing, ramp angle and ramp height such
that parts of all of the link thrusts and roof thrust are parallel
to the frontal ramp of the duplex (Fig. 21b). Overlapping
Thrust vergence: The direction towards which the ramp anticlines are formed where the crests of successive
hangingwall of the thrust fault has moved relative to the ramp anticlines partially or totally overlap (Fig. 21c). A
footwall. system of completely overlapping ramp anticlines in which
the trailing branch lines are coincident is termed an antiformal
Tip line: The edge of a thrust fault where displacement stack (Fig. 21c).
dies to zero (Fig. 4c).
Mitra (1986) further subdivided true duplexes depending
Tip point: The point of intersection between a tip line and upon their position with repect to larger thrusts (Fig. 21b).
the erosion surface (Fig. 4c). The ierm tip point is also used Duplexes may occur in the footwall to aTamp anticline, in the
in cross-section analysis for the point where the tip line hangingwall to a ramp anticline and in front of a ramp
intersects the plane of the cross-section - i.e. in this context the anticline (Fig. 21b).

•t'-'.l: ? K.R. MCCLAY Z-^i M f ;

A DUPLEXES '•'' *••''-' ''••'''' ""'f'-^''- "''^ ••' inn:'\ c;! '•'.i-..i' i. ^ ' : . . . ; } u i " • ,-•



.\ -'l-'i i- J! .--".i: •^ i->ii'i[r> l r i l " i , - i :•


'i > - • : ; ; f i ' 1 n i l l r j v v ' / i ' . H : I ,. : t v / .a '.;;.,i m ; x ' f n u j J T

. •!*)'•,':;' i:-!'i;'tltrtr'ni

'if': i;



'•'I .:• I- ,- '; :'IV.


• •••ms,; i ; , • • i i i V f

;, ^ . ; l •.;f^: -••• 1- • • •. -iua -..'-'•


' - I ! , , •.

Figure 20. Thrust systems, (a) Duplexes, (b) Imbricate systems (schematic), (c) Triangle zones, (adapted after Boyer& Elliott 1982; Mitra 1986;
and Woodward fr u/- 1989).




•.U^• .:ti| /'iljjijvl







Figure 21. Duplex classification (modified after Mitra 1986). (a) Independent ramp anticlines and hinterland dipping duplexes, (b) True duplexes with
second order duplexes, (c) Overlapping ramp anticlines which produce antiformal stacks and, with increased displacement, foreland dipping duplexes.

Antiformal Stack: A duplex formed by overlapping ramp Breached duplex: A duplex in which 'out of sequence
anticlines which have coincident trailing branch lines (Fig. movement' on the link thrusts have breached or cut through
22). The individual horses are stacked up on top of each other the roof thrust (Fig. 23). Butler (1987) discusses breaching of
such that they form an antiform. duplex structures.


Figure 23. Duplex breached by reactivation of the link thrusts which

Figure 22. Antiformal stack. displace the original duplex roof thrust. ij


Corrugated or humpy roof duplex: A duplex in which the Link thrusts: Imbricate thrusts that link the floor thrust to
roof thrust is corrugated or folded (Fig. 24). the roof thrust of the duplex (Fig. 28). Link thrusts are
CORRUGATED commonly sigmoidal in shape (McClay & Insley 1986).

Figure 24. Corrugated or'bumpy roof duplex.

Floor thrust: The lower thrust surface that bounds a

duplex (Fig. 21).

Foreland dipping duplex: A duplex in which both the link Figure 28. Duplex link thrusts (adapted after McClay & Insley 1986).
thrusts and the bedding (or reference datum surfaces) dip
towards the foreland of the thrust belt (Fig. 25). Passive roof duplex: A duplex in which the roof thrust is
sipassive roof thrust (Fig. 29) such that the roof sequence has
not been displaced towards the foreland but has been
underthrust by the duplex (Banks & Warburton 1986).


Figure 25. Foreland dipping duplex.

Hinterland dipping duplex: A duplex in which both the

link thrusts and the bedding (or reference datum surfaces) dip
towards the hinterland of the thrust belt (Fig. 26)

Figure 29, Passive roof duplex (adapted after Banks & Warburton 1986).

Passive roof thrust: A roof thrust in which the sequence

above has not been displaced (e.g. it has remained attached to
the foreland) but has been underthrust (Fig. 29). Passive roof
thrusts are commonly developed where tectonic delamination
Figure 26. Hinterland dipping duplex.
or wedging occurs (see triangle zones below).

Horse: Avolumeofrock completely surrounded (bounded) Planar roof duplex: A duplex in which the roof thrust is
by thrust faults (Fig. 27). planar except where it is folded over the trailing ramp and
over the leading ramp (Fig. 30). Groshong & Usdansky
(1988) demonstrate that such a geometry is a result of a
special combination of duplex thrust spacing and displace-


Figure 30. Planar roof duplex (true duplex model of Mitra 1986).

Roof thrust: The upper thrust surface that bounds a duplex

Figure 27. Horse H - a volume of rock enclosed by thrust faults. B, and B^ (Fig. 30). Roof thrusts may be smooth orfolded by movement
are branch lines. Cj and Cj are corner points and M, and Mj are thrust on underlying thrusts of the duplex.
surfaces bounding the horse (adapted after Boyer & Elliott 1982).


Smooth roof duplex: A duplex in which the roof thrust

varies smoothly (Fig. 31) (see McClay & Insley 1986; Tanner
1991, this volume). Smoothly varying roof thrust geometry
may be interpreted as indicating synchronous thrust move-
ment (McClay & Insley 1986).


Figure 31. Smooth roof duplex where the roof thrust varies smoothly
without folding by the underlying link thrusts (adapted after McClay &
Insley 1986).

Truncated duplex: A duplex that is beheaded or truncated

by an out of sequence thrust (Fig. 32).

Figure 33, Imbricate fan formed from an array of overlapping fault-

propagation folds (adapted after Mitra 1990).

Triangle zones
Figure 32. Truncated duplex in which the upper section (leading branch
The term Triangle zone' was first used to describe the
lines) has been removed by an'out-of-sequence'thrust overriding theduplex.
thrustbelt termination in the southern Canadian Rocky Moun-
tains (e.g. Price 1981). There it is a zone of opposed thrust
Imbricate thrust systems dips, at theextemalmarginof the thrust bek and often with
a duplex or antiformal stack in the axial part. This is more
Imbricate thrust system: A closely related branching array correctiy described as a passive roof duplex (Fig. 29). Such
of thrusts such that the thrust sheets overlap like roof tiles ' triangle zones' are basically intercutaneous wedges (Price
(Fig. 20). 1986). Asecondusdgeof the term triangle zone refers to a
combination of two thrusts with the same basal detachment
Imbricate thrust systems may be formed a system of and with opposing vergence such that they form a triangular
overlapping fault propagation folds (tip line folds - see fault zone (see below).
related folds and folding below) as shown in Figure 33.
Imbricate fans may also form from duplexes which have the Intercutaneous thrust wedge: A thrust bounded wedge
leading branch lines eroded (Fig. 20). Boyer & Elliott (1982) bounded by a sole or floor thrust at the base and by a passive
point out the difficulty in distinguishing between imbricate roof thrust at the top (see Price 1986)
systems formed from duplexes which have had the leading
branch lines eroded and those imbricate systems formed from
a branching array of thrusts that die out into tip lines and
which have been subsequently eroded (Fig. 20).

Blind imbricate complex: An imbricate fan that remains

buried such that the displacement on the imbricate faults
below is compensated at a higher structural level by folding, Figure 34. Intercutaneous thrust wedge (adapted after Price'1986).
cleavage development or another set of structures having a
different style (Fig. 20) (see also Thompson 1981). Triangle zone: A combination of two thrusts with the
same basal detachment and with opposing vergence such that
Imbricate fan: A system of linked, emergent thrusts that they form a triangular zone (Fig. 35).
diverge upwards from a sole thrust (or floor thrust) (Fig. 33).

Leading imbricate fan: An imbricate fan that has most of

its displacement on the leading (lowermost) thrust (Fig. 20).

Trailing imbricate fan: An imbricate fan that has most of

its displacement on the trailing (highest) thrust (Fig. 20).
Figure 35. Triangle zone.


Thrust fault related folds and folding ^

This section of the glossary deals with thrust related

folding and includes nappe structures generated by folding
and thrusting. Detailed analysis of the geometries of thrust
related folds have been given by various authors - fault bend
folds (Suppe 1983; Jamison 1987), fault-propagation folds
(Suppe 1985; Jamison 1987; Mitra 1990; Mosar & Suppe Figure 38. Fault-propagation fold.
1991, this volume) and detachment folds (Jamison 1987;
Mitra & Namson 1989). Growth folds are analysed by Suppe
et a/. (1991, this volume).
Fold nappe: A nappe formed by a large recumbent
Detachment fold: Detachment folds Jamison (1987) are overfold (Fig. 39) in which the underlimb is highly attenuated
folds developed above a detachment or thrust that is bedding (cf. the Helvetic nappes, Ramsay 1981; Dietrich & Casey
parallel (i.e. the thrust is a flat and the folding does not require 1989)
a ramp) (Fig. 36). Detachment folds require a ductile
decollement layer (e.g. salt or shale) which can infill the space
generated at the base of the fold (Fig. 36). Detachment folds
are rootless and commonly disharmonic.

Figure 39. Fold nappe.

Footwall syncline: A syncline that is developed in the

footwall to a thrust sheet below a ramp. Foolwall synclines
may develop by fractional drag below the thrust or develop
from fault propagation folds.

Growth fold: A fold that develops in sedimentary strata at

Figure 36. Detachment fold. the same time as they are being deposited (Fig.40) (see Suppe
et al. 1991, this volume). Gxo^XhioXd^ {growth anticlines)
may develop above the tip line of a thrust fault that is
Fault-bend fold: A fold generated by movement of a propagating upwards into the sedimentary section as it is
thrust sheet over a ramp (Fig. 37) (analysed in detail by Suppe being deposited. Strata typically thin onto the crest of the
(1983). growth anticline.


Figure 40. Growth fault-bend fold (after Zoetemeijer & Sassi 1991, this
Figure 37. Fault-bend fold with leading and trailing anticline-syncline pairs. volume).

Fault propagation fold: A fold generated by propagation Growth strata: Strata that are deposited on a growth fold
of a thrust tip up a ramp into undeformed strata (Fig. 38). Also system as it develops (Fig. 40) and hence they record the
known as a tip line fold. evolution of the fold (see Suppe et al. 1991, this volume).


Lift-off fold: Lift-off folds (Mitra & Namson 1989) are Transported fault-propagation fold: A fault propagation
detachment folds whereby the beds and the detachment are fold that has been transported by thrust that has broken
isoclinally folded in the core of the anticline (Fig. 41). Lift- through onto an upper flat (Fig. 42).
off folds require a ductile decollement layer such as salt or
shale which can flow from the core of the fold.

A \ • \ V-
• <

\ /


\ f-V, /
^^^^ .•;•.-.•.•
"•.••••.••" S: ••••f •?.

\ /

'' Figure 42. Transported fault propagation fold.

Translated (or transported) detachment fold: A detach-
ment fold that is transported by a thoroughgoing thrust such
that it is displaced from its point of formation (e.g. up a
'\ .: ;(fW to
footwail ramp) (Fig. 43). Mitra (1990) discusses the differ-
ences between translated (transported) fault-propagation
folds and translated (transported) detachment folds.
••''.•/.*Vi': \ v > U ^ n A - \

Figure 41. Lift-off folds in which the detachment is isoclinally folded in ihe
core of the fold. A ductile detachment layer is needed in order to permit flow
of ductile material from the collapsed fold core, (a) Box lift-off fold, (b)
Chevron lift-off fold, (adapted after Mitra & Namson 1989)
Figure 43. Transported detachment fold (adapted after Mitra 1990).
•i". /
Overthrust shear: A term used for thrust or fold nappes
that have been subjected to bulk shear strain generally in the Thrust structures in 3D
direction of nappe transport. See Ramsay et al. (1983),
Dietrich & Casey (1989), and Rowan & Kligfield (1991, this The movement of a thrust sheet over a corrugated surface
volume) for discussions of overthrust shear and nappe em- will generate flat topped anticlines and domes. These are
placement. termed culminations (Dahlstrom 1970; Butler 1982) and the
limbs of these structures are termed culmination walls.
Ramp anticline: An anticline in the hangingwal! of a
thrust generated by movement of the thrust sheet up and over Culmination: An anticline or dome with four way closure
a ramp in the footwall (Fig. 30). generated by movement of the thrust sheet over underlying
Ramp syncline: A syncline in the hangingwall of a thrust
generated by movement of the thrust sheet up and over a ramp Displacement transfer zone: The zone where displace-
in the footwall (Fig. 37). Ramp anticlines and ramp synclines ment is transferred from one thrust to another (Dahlstrom
occur in geometrically and kinematically linked pairs - a 1970). Displacement transfer zones may occur by simple en-
leading anticline-syncline pair and a trailing anticline- echelon overlap of thrust faults (Fig. 44) or by tear faults
syncline pair (Fig. 37). parallel to the direction of tectonic transport (see tear faults
- below). ':• ' •
. . •>"
^ . _ « ) #

Thrust nappe: A large thrust sheet commonly with signifi-

cant displacement (e.g. the Moine nappe). A thrust nappe Dorsal culmination wall: The lirrib which is developed
may be generated from a recumbent fold in which the lower over the rear ramp of the culmination and dips in a direction
limb has been faulted out to form the sole thrust of the nappe opposite (i.e. 180°) to the tectonic transport direction (Fig.
(Fig. 18). 45).


Frontal ramp fold: A fold formed by translation of the

thrust sheet over a frontal ramp (Fig. 46).

Lateral culmination wall: A culmination limb which is

THRUST developed over a lateral ramp and dips in a direction 90° to the
tectonic transport direction (Fig. 45).

Lateral ramp fold: A fold formed by translation of the

thrust sheet over a lateral ramp (Fig. 46).

Oblique culmination wall: A culmination limb which is

developed over an oblique ramp and dips in a direction
oblique to the tectonic transport direction. ,, ,,,

Oblique ramp fold: A fold formed by translation of the

thrust sheet over an oblique ramp (Fig. 46).

Tear fault. A strike-slip fault parallel to the thrust trans-

port direction and separating two parts of the thrust sheet each
Figure 44. Displacement transfer by en echelon overlap of thrust faults.
of which have different displacements (Fig. 47). ,^


Frontal culmination wall: A culmination limb which is

developed over a frontal ramp and dips in the direction of
tectonic transport (Fig. 45).

Figure 47. Tear fault parallel lo the thrust transpon direction and separating
two parts of the thrust sheel each of which have different displacements.

Window: A hole within a thrust sheet whereby the

hangingwall section of a thrust sheet has been removed by
Figure 45. Culmination walls. erosion thus exposing the underlying structures. Windows
commonly form through erosion of culminations such that
the underlying thrust system (commonly imbricates or
duplexes) is revealed. Boyer & Elliott (1982) illustrate
different types of windows formed by erosion of various
duplex forms.

Thrust sequences

Thrust sequence: The sequence in which new thrust faults


The sequence of development of thrust faults within a

thrust belt or thrust system is an "important parameter needed
Figure 46. Ramp related folds in the hangingwall of a thriisi syslem. for the interpretation of both the geometry and the kinematic
evolution of a thrust belt. It is essential for the construction


of balanced and restored sections (Boyer and Elliott 1982; In sequence thrusting: A thrust sequence that has formed
Boyer 1991, this volume; Butler 1987; Morley 1988; Suppe progressively and in order in one direction (i.e either a
1985; Woodwardera/. 1989). A long accepted paradigm for forward-breaking sequence or a break-back sequence). Fig-
thrust tectonics is thai, in foreland fold and thrust belts, thrust ures 49 & 50 show in-sequence thrusting. i^i^w
faults develop sequentially in a sequence that both nucleates
in a forward-breaking sequence and verges towards the Out-of-sequence thrusting The opposite to 'in-sequence
foreland (Dahlstrom 1970; Bally <?M/. 1966; Boyer & Elliott thrusting'. Thrust faulting which develops in a sequence
1982; Butler 1982). Recently these basic 'rules' of thrust other than in sequence (Fig. 51). Break-back sequences of
tectonics have been challenged (see Boyer 1991, this volume; thrusts have commonly been called out-of sequence thrusts
and Tanner 1991, this volume). but the term should be more appropriately used to describe
thrust sequences which do not conform to a either a progres-
Breaching: Breaching occurs where an early formed sive forward-breaking or break-back sequence (Fig. 51). Out
thrust is cut by later thrusts (Butler 1987) (Fig. 48). It is a term of sequence thrusts commonly cut through and displace pre-
describing the local geometric relationships between thrusts. existing thrusts. Morley (1988) and Butler (1987) discuss out
The term may be applied to a breached duplex where the link of sequence thrusting.
thrusts do not join or anastomose with the roof thrust but cut
and displace it (Fig. 23).

Figure 51. "Out-of-sequence" thrust cutting into a foreland-vergent thrust

system. Numbers indicate sequence of faulting.

Figure 48. Breached thrust - an early formed thrusi cut by later thrust.
Numbers indicate sequence of faulting.
Piggy-hack thrusi sequence: Piggy-back thrust sequence
occurs when topographically higher but older thrusts are
carried by lower younger thrusts (Fig. 50). This is essentially
Break-hack sequence: The sequence of thrusting where the same as a forward-breaking thrust sequence.
new (younger) thrusts nucleate in the hangingwalls of older
thrusts and verge in the same direction as the older thrusts Synchronous thrusting: Synchronous thrusting occurs
(Fig. 49). when two or more thrusts move together (i.e. not in a piggy-
back sequence). Boyer (1991, this volume) postulates that
synchronous thrust movement may be significant in the
Rocky Mountains of western North America. ' - —

Models for thrust faulting

The critical Coulomb wedge model

Figure 49, Break-back thrust sequence. Numbers indicate sequence of
faulting. Wedge type models for the development of fold and thrust
belts were first analysed by Elliott (1976) and Chappie
Forward-breaking sequence: The sequence of thrusting (1978). The critical taper model or the critical Coulomb
in which new (younger) thrust faults nucleate in the footwalls wedge model incorporating brittle frictional rheology for the
of older thrusts and verge in the same direction as the older emplacement of accretionary wedges and foreland fold and
thrusts (Fig. 50). : thrust belts was postulated by Davis et ai. (1983) and subse-
quently developed by Dahlen and others (see review by
Dahlen 1990). The critical wedge model assumes that the
accretionary wedge or foreland fold and thrust belt has a
triangular cross-section, a characteristic surface slope a and
a basal decollement dip of p (Fig. 52). The wedge is
composed of material that has a Navier-Coulomb rheology.
The wedge forms by pushing an initial layered sequence from
Figure 50. Forward-breaking or "piggy-back thrust" sequence. Numbers behind such that thrusts propagate in sequence (towards the
indicate sequence of faulting. foreland) until a critical taper ( a -i- p) is attained at such time


that subsequent deformation involves transport of the whole Self-similar thrust models J i.':''OJ^:n '•
wedge along the basal decollement or the wedge continues to
grow in a self-similar fashion by addition of new material at Self-similar model: It is commonly assumed that spatial
the wedge toe but maintaining the critical taper. Critical variations in thrust system geometries reflect temporal vari-
wedge models have used to explain the development of ations in the evolution of the structure (Fischer & Woodward
accretionary prisms and foreland fold and thrust belts (e.g. 1991, this volume). This is the basis for the self-similar
Dahlen & Suppe 1988; Dahlen 1990; Willett 1991, this growth model for thrust structures such as fault-bend folds or
volume; Liu et al. 1991, this volume) but have been criticised fault-propagation folds where, through time, the structure
by Woodward (1987). grows in amplitude as a simple geometric progression of the
- t d L,!ij(Ji'i,- first formed structural feature (Fig. 53). This model assumes
< ->;• t>i,. that the structure does not change form with time (e.g. evolve
from a detachment fold to a fault propagation fold) - an
assumption challenged by Fischer & Woodward (1991, this
volume). .

Inversion ; h /!hU-''-'.>

Inversion tectonics: Inversion tectonics is a switch in

Figure 52. Idealised Coulomb wedge model for ihe development of an tectonic mode from extension to compression such that
accretionary wedge or foreland fold and thrust belt (cf. Davis et al. 1983; extensional basins are contracted and become regions of
Dahlen 1990). positive structural relief. Inversion tectonics is generally
accepted to involve the reactivation of pre-existing extensional
faults such that they undergo reverse slip and may eventually
become thrust faults (Fig. 54). The modern concepts of
inversion tectonics are discussed in Cooper & Williams
(1989). Thrust structures in inverted basins include footwall
shortcut thrusts and 'out-of-ihe-graben' thrusts (Fig. 13).

'l ^k ^H ^
\ ^ • ^ ^ ^ • ^ ^ "
.•.••.•.••.•••.•••.•••.•.••.•.••.•.••.•.•I;>^ ;-.^;-V> VV\v V/-;'^ V,v\v V'/\v\v V
:^••V-^^;.^::^iC^;.V•^VV> ^^::-:
^ ^ ^^^I^^^B
Figure 54 Conceptual model of thrust faulting developed in an inverted
listric extensional fault system (after McClay & Buchanan 1991, this

Concluding statements .i;^... -, ,*• .

In this glossary it has not been possible to review or

illustrate all of the terms that have been applied to fold and
thrust belts - that would be the subject of an entire book.
Techniques of analysis such as the construction and restora-
tion of balanced sections have been recently reviewed by
Geiser (1988), Mitra & Namson (1989) and Woodward et al.
(1989) and are not dealt with here. The definitions and
interpretations of the terms presented in this glossary are the
responsibility of the author and no doubt some will be debated
as to exact interpretation and usage.

This glossary was compiled with the help of Tim Dooley and Joaquina
Alvarez-Marron who are thanked lor assistance with the illustrations. I.
Figure 53. Self-similar growth model for the development of a fault-bend Davison, J. Alvarez-Marron, R. Knipe and C. Banks are thanked for critical
fold. reviews and comments.



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References to figures appear in italics; those to tables in bold

in modelling 77, 79, 80 dip of 157, 158, 159,311,312

thermally-induced 220, 231 extension on 169
Absaroka thrust system 36, 155-9, 163,182,
Antiformal stacks see duplexes imbricates 378
Apennines 138,281 overthrust 311
cross-section for .?6
Appalachians 36. 42. 83, 100, 191, 194, 343. rotation of 318
lateral ramps in 142
386 see also folding
see also Wyoming
Blue Ridge-Piedmont thrust 221,222,223,224, shear strain 143
Accreted terranes 357-9, 361, 363, 365, 374
226,227-9,231 thrusts of 385, 386
Accretion, in critical wedge theory 19-20, 25,
Chauga belt 226,228-9 in Wildhom nappe 166, 168
COCORP data for 224 Backthrusts 237, 263, 299, 302, 304, 320, 323,
Accretionary prisms 19, 71, 229, 415
Copper Creek thrust 43, 45 326, 330, 343, 353
and fault-bend folding 53
Cumberland thrust sheet 49, 50, 112 in flexural-slip duplex 201, 203, 206
Adriatic indenter 277, 279, 280, 281-2, 283,
duplexes of 229 hinterland-vergent passive 350
Afghan block 344 fault-rock studies for 38 in inverted extensional basins 93, 97-8, 100,
African plate 222 Hunter Valley thrust 42, 45. 49 101. 102,103
Alaska, overthrust belt 142 passive roof 270
Pennsylvania Salient 210 in physical models 71, 75, 76-8,11, 80
Coast Plutonic Complex 407
Piedmont thrust belt 221, 222, 223. 224, 226, in Pyrenean system 236, 240, 255, 260, 261
227-9 transverse zone 306, 307, 309
geological map 411
Pine Mountain thrust sheet 133, 344 Balanced cross sections see cross sections
thrust tectonics of 407-16
Reading Prong and Hudson Highlands 222 Baldonnel Formation 393, 396, 398
Alava sequence, British Columbia and Alaska
Saltville thrust 45 Baldy thrust system,Wyoming 182-3, 182-4,
Alberta Foothills 350, 391, i92 Valley and Ridge Province 60, 379, 392 188
Wills Mountain anticline 399-400 Ballabio-Barzio transverse zone 299, 300, 302,
cross section 400
Aragues valley, Pyrenees 175. 776, 177-80,178, 304. 305-6, 306. 309
fracture geometry in a ramp anticline 400-2,
179 Banna nappe 328, 328-9
402, 404
Arc de Digne nappe, France 311 Barbados accretionary prism 19
Alberta, southern thrust belt 377-88
Arcs 408-9 Barbastro,
Alexander terrane 407, 410, 413,4/4, 415
continent collision 217, 221 anticline 262
geology of 409, 409. 4 i /
Allegria anticline, Philippines 108 derived magmas 415 evaporites 255, 257. 258, 260, 261. 263
Allochthons 139, 239, 255, 407, 415 back 415 Barriers,
Aren Group, Pyrenees 248,249, 266 fault movement 65
Pyrenean 238, 271
Areskutan thrust, Sweden 218 in fault slip model 34-5
Selkirk 359 Argand 9J geometric 34
southeast Alaska 410
Alpine deformation 277-84, 287, 304, 322-3 number 1, 2 rheologic 34
Alpine Fauh, New Zealand 7-11, 13, 15 Array Sonic tool 404 Basal decollement see decollement
Alpine-age deformation, Pyrenees 237-9, 247- Aseismic deformation 202, 415 Basal detachment see detachment
Asian plate, geology i26-7 Basal friction see friction
Assuntawell 319-20 Basal strength,
Alps 236, 244, 343
Austroalpine, of deforming wedge 19
Austroalpine see Austroalpine
Alps 300 of thrust sheet 28, 29
central 319
basement 279-80, 281 Basement 94, 194-5, 222, 287, 308
kinematics of otogenic lid 277-84
Miocene orogenic lid 277-84 nappes 282 Alpine 224, 320, 322
strike-slip in 278-81 sheet 224-5, 224-5 anticlines 300-1
thrust 221 antiformal stack, Pyrenees 239, 247
Chartreuse see Chartreuse
Autochthon 210, 236, 243, 255, 266, 271 of Cordillera 357, 359, 361, 407
Engadine fault and window 224. 225,379
Avenal earthquake, California 34 crystalline 160, 191, 193,287,319,346,414-
extension tectonics in 93, 94
Axial planes, in kinks 168, 194 15
French 127,287-97
Axial surfaces 123, 127, 151 deformation in 414, 415
frontal thrust 292
active 107-8, 112 dip 346, 348. 349
Miocene tectonics 308
northern, Bavaria 320 at fault-bends 147, 149-50 effect of, on strike-slip 279-80
Penninic 224. 225,226. 226, 277 fixed (growth axial surface) 108, 111, 113 Hercynian 236, 237-8, 243, 299, 300
Southern, New Zealand see Southern Axial Zone Antiformal Stack 237-40, 237-8, highs, buttressing effects 142, 2X0
Soulhem, Italy 299-309 241-2,244,252.265 Himalayan 326. 337, 348, 349. 355
involvement in thrusting 239. 249. 252, 253,
Swiss see Helvetic
267, 289, 407
Tauem window 224, 225
Venetian thrust belt 319-23 rotation in 209
western 133,283,284,287 southeast Alaska 409
Amphibolite facies 226, 281, 329, 359, 373, thrust sheets 235. 238, 255, 299
409-10,413 Basin modelling 388
Anatolia, Turkey 34, 339 Back-arcs 415 Basin and swell sedimentation 322, 322
Andes 407, 416, Back-folding 180,415 Basse Normandie duplex 20\,203, 203-4, 207
Back-stepping, of thrust faults 97 Bay of Biscay 235, 243
central 414-15
Backlimbs 113-15, 118, 125, 143, 150, 165, Bedding anisotropy 54, 55, 68
Anisotropy 71,72-3. 161-2
194,296.314,318,378.399 Bedding-plane fibres 166
ofbedding 54, 55,68 Belluno Basin area. Southern Alps 319, 321.
axial surface 128
compositional 219-20
due to flow/strain rate differences 220, 225 of buckle folds 169, 170 322, 322-3
deformation of 315 Belly River Formation 401
magnetic 209, 212


Bending fold model 143 of Appalachians 156, i, 160, 183, 184, 224, Comiols oil well, Pyrenees 237
Benton fault, South Wales coalfield 96 264 Competence contrasts 188, 191
Bergamasc Alps 300 decollement 222 Compressing and extending flows 48, 309
Bernese Oberland, Switzerland 165-73 Canadian Cordillera 93, 225, 366 Compression 322, 358, 359, 378, 416
Besham antiform and nappe 332, 335, 337, 338 cross-sections 373, 414 along strike 309
Beuda evaporites. Southern Pyrenees 255, 257, Front Ranges 383, 385, 385. 391, 393 layer-parallel 53, 392-3
258, 261, 263 Monashee decollement 357-63 timing of, in Southern Alps 320
Biostratigraphy 261 northern 365-74 Compressional regime 19, 407
Birg fold, Wildhom nappe 166,167 Canadian Rocky Mountains 36, 80, 96 Consortium for Continental Reflection Profiling
BIRPS seismic profile 220, 243 Cate Creek duplex 207 (COCORP) 224
Blind thrusts see thrust faults Foothills 378. 391-404 Contact aureoles 412
Blue Ridge-Piedmont sheet 221, 222, 223, 224, Haig Brook duplex 207 Continent-continent coUision 217, 221-2, 225,
226,227-9,231 Lewis thrust zone 205 235-44, 247, 325, 343
Boixols thrust sheet 236-7, 241, 243, 248-9, McConnell thrust 42 Convergence 414
273 synchronous thrusting in 377-88 rates 415
palaeomagnetics of 265-7,269, 269-70 triangle zone 427 Copper Creek thrust zone 43, 45, 207
Bouguer gravity profile, Canavese line 280 Corbel thrust 293,294, 295-6, 297
Coast Plutonic Complex 410 Cantabrian Mountains 175-80 Cordillera,
Sulaiman Lobe 344, 346, 348 Carbonates346, 385-6, 391 Canadian see Canadian
Boundary conditions 9, 19, 23 see also limestone, dolomite North American see North American
Bow Valley structure 379, 379-80, 383, 386 Carboniferous, Coulomb,
Bowser Basin 373, 415 of Cantabria 175 behaviour 1, 20, 30. 86, 221-2, 230
Bowser Lake Group 366, 366-7,370. 370, palaeomagnetics 213, 214 see also Navier-Coulomb
371-2 southwest England 201 failure 19,71
Box folding 105, 128 Cardona, Coulomb wedge 1,2,11,217
Branch lines 379, 419, see also thrust sheets anticline 260. 261,262 critical see critical
Branchpoints 127,420 decollement 263 growth and change of 19-32
of axial surfaces 123 evaporites 255, 257,25S, 260-3 models 23, 23-8. 59, 71-80, 229-30,431-2,
definition of 420 Cariboo duplex, Canadian Rockies 360, 361, 432
Breaching 431 362 constant basal strength 24-5, 24-5, 28, 29
Break-back, Carol Inlet 4//-72 varying basal strength 26-7, 28,29
sequences see thrust sequences Carpathian Mountains 84, 210 in tension 28
thrust structures 207, 236, 337 Cataclasis 42.44, 277 theory 54, 77
Bresse-Rhone fault system 297 Cataclasites 217, 220-1,304 application to crystalline sheets 230, 231
Brevard fault 222, 223, 224, 229 banded 42-4, 43-4,45, 45, 46. 49 non-cohesive 20-1
British Columbia, matrix 44-5 viscous theology 30
Coast Plutonic Complex 407 see also mylonites Coulomb yield stress 19, 20, 21, 23, 28
Foothills 391, 393 Cate Creek duplex, Canadian Rockies 207 Crack tip process zone 181
see also Foothills Cathodoluminescence (CL) 44, 44 Crack-seal,
Brittle deformation 123, 130, 161, 164, 187, Caunton oilfield, England 95 calcite 199
219,281 Cebu, Philippines 108, 109 fibres 45
Brittle-ductile transition see ductile-brittle Central Alps see Alps inclusion bands and trails 202
Brittle-frictional behaviour 2, 8 Central Gneiss Belt Domain 226, 229,230 mechanism 198.208
Brooks Range, Alaska 350 Centrifugal modelling 53-68 Cracks,
Brunhes normal polarity interval 270 see also modelling effect of inclusions on 187-8
Buckle folding 57, 59-61, 165-72, 191 Chaman fault zone 339,340, 343,344, 344 see also fractures
Buckling 53, 68, 163, 165 Chambal thrust 334 Crawford thrust sheet 142
elastic 162 Charlie Lake Formation 393, 396 Creep,
and faulting 54, competition between 155, Chartreuse, French Alps 287-97, 288-96 diffusional 44
161 pre-existing structures 297 power law 219
Bude, England 201, 202. 205, Maer Cliff 206 stratigraphy and structure 288-90 Crenellations217,222
Buena Vista thrust, California 34 thrust zone kinematics 294-6 Crestal imbricate stacks 378-9, 381
Bullmoose gas field 393 Chauga belt, Appalachians 226, 228-9 Crestal-collapse grabens 93
Burial depths 155, 163-4. 172 Cleavage 169, 194, 237-8, 243, 263, 290, 297, Cretaceous 165
Buttressing 142, 165, 210, 265 195 Absaroka thrust sheet 156,/5S, 159
Byerlee's law 8. 230 bedding-parallel 168 of Alps 289,290, 297,300
in fault-propagation folds 175, 177 deformation 407
oblique 142 Pyrenees 238,241
orientations and timing 168 extensional tectonics 235, 237, 241-4, 247-8,
pressure solution 320 249, 290
in shales 45 Helvetic nappes /66
solution 165, 166-8, 170 Pyrenean 175, 235, 247-9, 253
Cadi thrust sheet 255, 257, 262, 265, 267, 271. in thrust zone 42 shale 116,//,S, 349, 353, 355
274 Climate coupling 15-16 Wyoming-Idaho-Utah thrust belt 156
California 105 Clusone fault 304 Critical Coulomb wedge 80, 229
Buena Vista thrust 34 Coalinga earthquake 33, 34 departure from 28
Los Angeles Basin 107.109 Coast Belt, Canadian Cordillera 358, 358 growth of 71 -2
Lost Hills anticline 113 Coast Plutonic Complex 365, 370, 372. 373, model 2, 20, 27, 431-2
Oak Ridge anticline 114 407,408,414,415-16 taper 54, 75, 77, 80, 90, 343, 353, 386
Owl Ridge thrust fault 392 Coast Ranges, California 33 taper angle 378
San Andreas fault 34 COCORP data 224 theory 19-32
San Joaquin growth structure 110 Cohesion 19 Cross-sections,
Santa Barbara Channel 107, HI Cohesive strength 73 analysis of 133-40
Transverse Ranges 33. 116 Collision 339, 340 balanced 10, 33, 184, 215, 236, 377
Winters Pass thrust 222 belts 235-44, 247, 325, 343 for Alps 299, 320, 321
Camarade basin 239 tectonics 217. 221. 277, 344, 374, 415 Chartreuse area 287, 290, 291-2, 292-4
Cambrian 241 Coltignone thrust 301 extended regimes 102


at oblique ramps 151 59,219-20,315 angles 221

principles of 152. 191, 209, 278, 388 aseismic deformation on 415 basal 41, 72, 353
of Pyrenees 235-44, 262, 265, 267, 272, 274 basal 23, 61, 68, 71, 282, 314, 316, 350 angles 217
of Himalayas 343, 346-9,352 of Helvetics 165 frictional strength of 71
kink method 123, 130 in models 59 passive transport on 80
restored 60, 205, 368, 370, 371, 381 weak 80 reactivation of 98
Himalayas 354 of Blue Ridge-Piedmont 222 Skeena belt 371, 373
Pyrenees 253 ductile 311 sliding on 75
Cross-strike structural discontinuity 282, see in evaporites, of Jura 136 Chartreuse area 287, 292, 293, 297
also transverse zones in fault-propagation folding 125, 127 in Cordillera 416
Crust I geometry of 255 on ductile-brittle transition 219, 220
continental 220 classification 311-13,i/i extensional 102
flexure of 247 Himalayan 325, 344, 346, 349, 353, 355 listric 97
lower 9, 217, 219, 221-2, 225, 277. 338, 357, initiation under non-plane flow 50 folds 53. 68, 155
361,363 Monashee 357-63 see also folding
kinematics 283-4 in Pyrenees 175, 263 modelling 73, 73
Pyrenees 235, 240, 242-3, 244 simple shear 313-15,316 Monashee decollement 357
oceanic 346 southeast Alaskan Cordillera 407 in Pyrenees 235, 236, 239, 242, 260, 261
quartzo-feldspathic 9 in Southern Alps 300 Rocky Mountains 381, 391, 401
thickness of 415 staircase geometry of 261 Skeena fold beU 365, 370
upper 33, 229, 235, 243, 407 top 316 in Southern Alps 304
effects of convergence 19 of Venetian Alps 320 weak 346
faulting in 34-5, 38 Decoupling 316,415 Devonian,
folding mechanisms 105 of cover and basement 326, 328 Darby Formation 157, 159
modelling 9 crustal 8 and palaeomagnetics 211,212
Pyrenees 235, 244 zone 346 Dewatering, sediment 29
quartz-rich 219 Deflection 194 Diagenesis 215
Crustal delamination 219, 220 of hangingwall material 150-1 Diapirism 260, 261,263
Crustal extension 219. 220, 243, 247, 248-9, in layer-parallel shear mechanism 145-6 Differential thrust movement 213
328,346,415 Deformation 48, 334 Diffuse deformation 391
Canadian Cordillera 357-9 along-strike variation 323 Diffusion 2
Mesozoic 251, 253 Alpine 323 short range 1
Crustal loading 253 aseismic 202, 415 Diffusive mass transfer 42, 45
Crustal properties, modelling 8-9 brittle33, 37, 94, 219 Diffusive transport model 3-5
Crustal shortening 281 Dimensionless growth rate 108-9, 109, 111, 116
in Southern Alps 299. 300
thick-skinned 359 ductile 144, 164, 181-2, 188, 219-20, 231, Dinaric thrust belt 319, 323
Crustal thickening 11, 91, 236, 253, 358, 359, 328,359 Dip,
365,373,407,415 evidenced from mylonites 221 of basal detachment 71, 77
crystalline 217, 221,229 elastic 162, 164 of Coulomb wedge 29, 71
ductile 243 extensional 20 of critical wedge 28
Himalayan 339-41 foreland-vergent 77 of forelimb 293
processes 231, 231 of frontal ramp 35,36 of thrust upper surface 50
Pyrenean 236, 253 heterogeneous, in folding 179, 180 topographic 353
Crystalline basement 160, 287, 348, 407 internal 340 Dip domain 149-50,149, 166, 168
Crystalline megathrust sheets. Type C 218, 218, of basement rocks 230-1 method 396-7
219 and fracture development 398 structures 311,.^/2, 419
Crystalline nappes 334-5, 340 ofthrust belts 213, 388 Dip-slip inversion 102
Crystalline thrust sheets 326-7 of wedge 19,29,54 flower structures 102
evolution of 217-31 Laramide 404 Disconformities, angular 110, 111, 113
Type C 217,2 AS, 218-19, 226, 229 mechanisms 172 Discontinuities 322
modelling geometry of 230-1 out-of-plane 141, 142 Variscan 319
Type F 217, 218, 218, 228-9, 229,230, 231 plastic 60-1, 187 Dislocations,
Culmination walls 430 in Coulomb wedges 23, 28 glide-climb 91
Culminations 166, 280, 377, 380, 388, 429 pressure solution 60-1, 177 screw and edge 187
anticlinal 200 seismic, in foreland belts 33-4 Displacement 90
basement 239 strain-rate dependent 37 field 48
domal, in Cordillera 359 ductile 33 out-of-plane 152
Ebro foreland basin 260, 261 of sub-critical wedge 23 profiles 384
fault-cored 381 three-dimensional analysis of 50 laminar flows 47, 47
Cumberland Plateau thrust 42, 49, 50, 112 thrust zone, effect of temperature 42 transfer 54, 142, 373-4, 384-5, 385, 388, 401,
Curvature of fold-thrust belts 83-91, 90-1 timing of, Skeena belt 370-1, 373 429
Cut-off, viscous 41, 45, 46, 50 between faults and folds 68
angle 178, 187, 188,320 Deformation fronts 388 in modelling 61, 63-4
footwall see footwall Deformation histories, Dissolution 172
hangingwall see hangingwall growth axial surfaces record and 108-9 Dolomites 195-200, 320, 393, 398
line 420 Himalayas 327-32 in Rocky Mountain Foothills 391
point 350, 420 Deformation rates, ratio to sedimentation rate Triassicof Alps 319-20
108 Dolomitisation 199
Deformation sequence, and physical model 53 Domes2l7, 222, 277
Deformational domains, wedge theory 30 footwall 224
Deformational states, transient 29, 30 geological, as obstacles 87
Delamination 219, 220 Lepontine, Alps 281, 282
lithosperic 243 Domino fault system 94, 96, 99, 100,101
Damping 38 Denudation 1. 277, see also erosion Drucker-Prager failure criterion 161,162
velocity-dependent 34, 35, 36 Depocentres, migration 138,139, 247, 252, Drucker-Prager material 8
Danda anticline 350, 355 255, 327,377 Ductile behaviour 8, 244
Decollement 19, 28, 29, 30, 33-4, 35-6, 38, 53, Detachment 49, 50, 243, 244, 343 Ductile deformation see deformation


Ductile-brittle transition (DBT) 217-20, 221, Erosion 1, 2, 9, 11-17, 71, 156,252,388 brittle 71, 219
222, 229, 277 in Alps 281, 287 surfaces 161, 163
Ductility 158, 159, 163-4 and fault-bend folding 113 Fan structures 102,103
matrix 44 fluvial 6-7 Fan thrust system 240
Duplexes 133, 142, 193. 237, 311, 332, 355 Himalayan 328, 350, 353 Farallon/Pacific plate 415
antiformal stack 224, 239, 265, 320, 350, 353, in modelling 137-40 Fault breccias 198
359 process, in fault-bend fold model 133 Fault creep 33, 34, 38
Pyrenean 247, 252, 253 in Pyrenees 263 field example 35-7
and synchronous thrusting 386, 388 rate of 251 mechanisms of 34-5
breached 425 in Cordillera 413-14 Fault fabrics 226
bumpy roof 386, 426 Skeena belt 373 Fault gouge 230
classification of 423, 424-5, 425-7 and tectonics, coupled model 8 Fault plane solution data 325
cleavage 201 of thrust fault 152 Fault rocks 198, 217, 220-1, 226, 230
crustal217, 220, 229, 231,374 and uplift 399 cataclasite 220
development of 54, J93. 343-55, 343, 349-53, and wedge deformation 19, 20, 29, 30 studies 38
377, 386, iS7, 388 Erosional control, Fault slip 33, 34-5, 37, 38, 42, 89
flat-roof 386. 388 active compressional orogens 1-18 Hogsback sheet 36
flexural-slip 201-8 model for the Southern Alps, New Zealand 7- rates of 121
foreland-verging 343, 346, 347, 348, 350, 426 17 rates, and fold limb lengths 105
geometry of 202-i, 353. 355, 386, 388 tectonic model 2-3 styles in active terranes 33
hinterland-dipping 204, 426 Erosional unroofing 49 Fault splays 179
horses of 203, 260 Escape structures, continental 339 Fault steps, effect on later ramps 94
models for 61, 62. 67, 137,/JS, 139,201-8, Esia nappe, Cantabria 175, 179 Fault-bend folding see folding
206-8, 377 Eulerian theory 6, 19, 21, 162, 181, 188 Fault-bends 142, 147
passive roof i47, 350,351, 355, 426 European plate 235, 238-9, 240, 243-4, 247, Fault-bends see also ramps
planar roof 207, 386, 388, definition 426 253 Fault-propagation folding see folding
propagation of thrust faults in 53-68 in Alpine tectonics 225, 280, 281-2 Fault-ramp geometry, high angle 133, 134, 134-
Pyrenean 239, 244, 247, 260, 261, 263 Eustatic sea level changes 252, 321 5, 136, 137
smooth roof 201,203, definition 427 Evaporites 220, 292, 337, 346 Fault-related folding 53, 343, 346-7, 355
stacked 203 anhydrite 393 anticlinal cores 353
tipof205,207,208 depocentres in Pyrenees 258, 263 see also folding
trailing 381, 383 Himalayan 330 Faults,
truncated 427 in Pyrenees 236, 251-2, 258, 263 antithetic 97, 100
Duplexing 20 role in thrust detachments 127, 236, 239, 241 arcuate 345
Duplication, structural 229, 349 role in thrust geometry 255-63 brittle 221
of Southern Alps 300 and buckling, competition between 155, 161
Zagros 34 coseismic 33-4
Exhumation 19,20,30 and damping 33
Extending/compressing flows 48, 50, 309 domino93, 94, 95, 213-14
E Extension 30, 89, 93-104, 222, 243-4, 281, 306 extensional 237, 240, 251, 299, 328, 343, 350,
along-strike 399 353,358
Eakring oilfield, England 95 at oblique ramp 141 Himalayan 343, 350, 353
Earthquakes 34, 37, 38, 338 at ramp intersections 150-1 inherited 304, 308-9
along decollements 33 crustal see crustal syntectonic 38
Andean 414 ductile 225 imbricate see imbricate
deep-focus 219 hangingwall 151-2 listric see listric
focus320, 338, 350,414 and hangingwall collapse 142 mesoscopic 43
hazards, assessing 105, 116, 121 lateral 284, 309 normal 277, 281, 287, 289, 290, 307, 322,
in Himalaya,s 91 layer-parallel 404 .346,359,415
Ebro basin 247, 250, 255, 256, 257-61, 266 structures 199,301 hangingwall 150-1
Ebro foreland 236, 261, 262, 263 in thrust belts 19, 322, 323, 329, 407. 415 in Himalayan belt 349
Echaillon anticlines 292, 292-3 Extensional collapse 19 inherited 319
Eclogites 244, 283, 284 of wedge 29 plastic-brittle 359
ECORS seismic profile 135, 235-44, 236-40, Extensional faulting see faults relationship of, to ramps 299
242-3, 247, 248-9, 249, 265, External basins, inversion in 93-104 see also extensional
266-7,274,281 External Massifs. Alps 281. 282 oblique,
El Asnam earthquake, Algeria 33, 34, 37 inherited 309
Elastic behaviour 231 slip normal 152
Elastic deformation 162, 164 out-of-sequence (backstepping) 19, 29
Elastic rebound theory 35, 37-8 overlhrust 53
Elastic stiffness 35, 37 splay 295, 399
Elastic-plastic material 21 strike-slip 83. 180, 222, 255, 281, 282, 302,
Electric logging, Fabrics 152, 195,226,391 309,358
application to thrust systems 404 C-S359, 413 flower structures 302
Array sonic tool 398, 402, 403 diagenetic 199 Himalayan 335, 336, 338, 341
FMS tool 394-5, 396-8 extensional 328, 359 see also strike-slip
Elk Horn anticline, Montana thrust belt 350 flattening 411-12 synthetic 97
Emplacement of thrusts 41, 47, 224, 386 gneissic 335 tear 141, 142, 150-2, 262, 299, 306, 308-9,
Engadine Window, Central Alps 379 linear 199,217,226 430
England, poi-phyroblast 328 Himalayan 343, 344, 346, 349, 350
Eakring oilfield 95 Facies 50, 142, 202 tip of 118, 123, 124, 127, 128, 180. 187,343
southwest 165, 191,201 distribution 267, 290 transfer3l9, 322, 323
Eocene 225 effect on developing thrust 247, 249,250. transpressional 309
extension, Rockies 359, 361, 363 251 Femie Formation, Jurassic 391, 401
palaeodirection 271, 272 variations 188, 247, 297, 319, 323 Fibres 45, 202, 205
thrust emplacement, Pyrenees 266 Faggio line 302, 304, 306-8, 307, 309 bedding-plane 166, 170, 17
Enia block 304 Failure 187 calcite 195, 196, 196, 198, 199, 204. 205, 206


lineations 198 Rocky Mountains see Rocky Mountains Fontana fault 304,307, 309
lineations 205 shear in 88 Foothills of Canadian Rockies,
Finite element, shortening and thickening 19 analysis of fracture systems 391-404
methods 20 Skeena, Canadian Cordillera 365-74 cross-section 400
and non-linear plastic rheologies 21-3 South Pyrenean 255-63, map of 256 Footwall,
model. South Island, New Zealand 7-9, 8 styles 155-64 anticlines 141
Finite rotation pole 210-11, 2 / / Venetian Alps 319 collapse 207
Finite-difference model 83, 91 Fold-thrust interaction 156. 161 cutoff 112
Fission track analysis 332 Folding 53, 58, 123, 125, 242, 355, 377 point 350,421
Flathead duplex 383-4 antiform/synform pair 191,192 downbending of 193, 197
Flats 141, 149,213,215,300,314 antiformal 287, 330, 335, 336, 337, 347, 350, flats 293, 421
and coseismic faulting 33-4 355 folds 191-2
footwall 150, 183-4,313,315,317-18,421 axial surfaces 105, 113-14, 116, 123, 124-5, geometry 144, 146, 146-7, 191
hangingwall 183. 421 127, 177.178 ramps 184,202
Flexuralflow 144,221 box 105, 128 and fault-propagation folds 180
component in buckle folding 172 buckle 57, 59-61, 165-72,169-70, 191 shortcut thrusts 97, 98, 70/, 102,103
Flexural slip 144, 166, 172, 297, 320 chevron 184, 186, 201, 202, 320 synclines 141, 191, 199, 320, 321, 428
bedding parallel 170 concentric 343, 349 Foredeeps 320, 343, 345, 353, 355, 377, 413-14
folding 143,202,300 crests of 346, 377 Foreland 53, 54
seismically induced 37 cylindrical 217, 226 basin 287, 289, 340, 373
Flexural structures 350, 414 detachment 53, 59, 68, 155-7,158, 158-9, Ebro 257-60
Floor thrusts see thrust faulting 163-4,260,428 Himalayan 328
Flow, in overthrust shear 165-72 molasse 282
analysis of, in external thrust zones 48-50 disharmonic 372 Pyrenean 247, 249, 257-8, 259, 260-3
by diffusive mass transfer 44-5 and evaporites 340 sedimentation in 257
compressing, fault-bend 33, 59, 68, 105, 141, 155-64, 175, Skeena fold belt 365
and extending 47 184,231,315,318 flexure 137
Stress vs. Depth plot 48 Alpine examples 299, 301, 304 fold-thru.st belts 71, 218, 229
ductile 45, 217, 218, 219, 220, 226, 229, 231, definition 428 development of 33-8
347, 349, 353 growth 111-14 evolution of 181-8
formation of Type F crystalline sheets 225 Himalayan examples 350, 353, 355 ramp-flat trajectories 93
flexural see flexural imbricate 138 Rocky Mountains see Rocky Mountains
heat 219 limb dip versus limb length 119 thin-skinned 102
laminar 48 models 191, 192-3.196,199,287-8.293,297 Foreland-vergent thrusts, 53, 71, 75, 80, 421
solutions for stresses and velocities 41 shear generated 747, 147-9 Forelimb 127, 157-9, 160-1, 165. 293, 299,
law 219 strain extrusion models 178-9 311,317,377
and curve shape of fold-thrust belts 84 theory 53. 150-1 of buckle folds 169, 170
linear 48 fault-propagation 33, 105, 123-31, 136, 191, deformation 168, 169, 175, 177-9, 180, 396
plastic 21 193,225.350 Alpine structures 290, 296, 297
steady-state creep 38 of Central Pyrenees 175.776-7, 177-80, 178 dip 147, 149, 297
Levy-Mises plastic 2 definition 428 geometry, in fault-propagation folds 180
matrix 45 forelimb deformation in 175-80 and growth strata 113-14, 116, 118
models 83-4, 84 growth 101.114-17, 118-19,720, 121 imbricate stacks on 377
viscous fluid 19-20 limitations of models of 172 overturned 130, 166
Newtonian and non-Newtonian 84 models 53, 59, 68 rotation 172
passive 221 see also tip folds shear strain 143
paths 19 shear effects in 129-30, 130, 131-2 of thrust anticlines 184, 287
plastic 19,219 Wyoming 155-64, 757, 181-88 Formation Microscanner 391
power-law, plane and non-plane 41-50 tlexuralslip37,201,2l7 Alberta Foothills 401-2, 404
solutions, for stress and velocity 48-50 growth 101,232,321,322 analysis of tip fold structure 396-8,398
viscous 2-3, 21 definition of 428 image for Pardonet Fm., Rockies 394-5
Flower structures 102, 302 hangingwall 61, see also hangingwall Forward-breaking back thrusts 102
Fluid flow, isoclinal 168,226,361,413 Forward-breaking sequences 102, 103
during thrusting 215 kink-band 128, 133-4, 175, 177,4/9,421 Fracture geometry 404
models 84 lift-off 128, 429 for ramp anticline 400-2,402
Fluid pressure 29, 163, 219, 220, 221 limb length versus fault slip 105, 116, 118-19, tip fold 396-8
abnormally high 399 J20, 111 Fracture systems, in Canadian Rockies 391-404
elevated 398-9 nappe see nappes Fractures 125, 142, 161, 169, 187, 231
high pore 402 open 290, 292 conjugate 392. 399, 402,404
hydrostatic pore 398-9 overthrust shear 429 crack tip process zone of 181
influence on basal .strength 21 overturned 166, 184 curving 199
Fluvial transport model 4, 5-6 passive 217 extension 392, 398. 402, 404
Flysch 322 propagation along strike 67-8 in fold cores 172
sediments 300, 304 ramp anticlines see ramp anticlines gas-filled 404
Himalayan 346 ramp synclines 429 hydraulic 399
Pyrenees 238, 239 rates 105,706,709, 109, 111, 116 microscopic 43-4
Venetian Alps 322 recumbent 165, 326 mineral-filled 43
Foinaven duplex, Moine thrust zone 203, 203 self-similar growth 123,124. 125 mode(l) 168
Fold theory 37 sheath 217. 225 open 398, 399
Fold-thrust belts 53-4. 57, 164, 287, 410 syn-cleavage 242 oilhogonal 397, 399, 404
backthrusting in 77 tip folds see folding, fault-propagation shear 392, 398, 402
Chartreuse 287-97 tip-line 175, 186-7,261,355 see also cracks
curved 83-91 transported detachment 429 Fracturing 163, 295
Helvetic nappes 277 transported fault-propagation 429 in hangingwall 150, 151
imbricate, Alaskan 407-16 Foliation220, 410. 411,413 penetrative 290
inherited structures 297 axial plane 407 Friction 265
model 53-68 strain-insensitive 359 basal71-2, 73,77, 80


variation in 78-9 H
coefficient of 23, 71, 73, 77, 217, 229-30
internal, of wedge 77 Haig Brook duplex, Canadian Rockies 207 Iberian plate 211, 270, 271, 272
Frictional resistance 162, 353 Halfway Formation, British Columbia 393, 396, and Pyrenean evolution 235, 238-9, 240, 243,
Frictional sliding 71 399 247,253
Friuli Platform 319, ill, ^11-^ Hangingwall, Idaho-Wyoming thrust belt 142, 350, 377-8,
Front Ranges, Canada 383, 385, 391, 393 vergent backthrusts 102 399
Frontal ramp anticlines 149 vergent thrust 100 Imbricate,
anticlines 93, 94, 149, 151, 155, 175,776, fans 71, 77, 80,103, 266, 377, 379, 427
182,237,361,400 of Absaroka thrust sheet 183
Chartreuse 293, 296, 297 of Central Pyrenees 175
and ramp-flat thrust models 191 -200 geometry 319, 323
bypass thrust /03 leading 427
collapse 142 trailing 427
Gallinera thrust 300 cutoff 112, 116, 118, 119, 186,237 roof sequences 350, 353
Ganges plain 345 angle 178 stacks 244. 265, 326, 377, 378
Garumnian Formation 248-9, 257, 267 map /83 break-back 262
Generoso basin 304 map for Rocky Valley 187 crestal 377, 383, 388
Geometric models, fault-related folding 175, point 350 faultcrest378, 380, 381
191 deformation 143,419 fold forelimb 378, 379, 380, 381, 383
Geothermal gradients 172, 219, 414, 415 flat 293 Pyrenean 274
assumed in models 9 geometry 149 Rocky Mountain example 382
Gerola well 304, 308 ramp 178-9 thrust systems 33, 241, 377, 386, 391, 411
Giffre line and zone 277, 282-4 cutoff 396 blind complex 427
Gilluly model for thrusting and folding 379-80, ramp-anticline 97 definition 424, 427
379, 386 shortcut faults 400 Pyrenean 239, 247
Giudicarie system 300 synclines 98, 151 thrusts 68. 157, 236, 345-6
Glaciers, analogy with 46, 48 truncation 159-60 development of 59
Glide horizons 83 Harpoon structures 93, 95, 100, 102, 103 Imbrication 204, 205, 330, 332, 340, 407
Global sea-level changes 322 Hanford dyke 38 of basement 357, 361
Gneiss 226, 239, 241, 329, 335, 337, 359, 361, Hartland Quay, Southwest England 201, 202, footwall 142,207,386
408,409,410,413 in Hogsback sheet 37
basement 363 Haystack Peak anticline 155, 156-8, 161. 163, of lower crust and mantle 281, 284
Gotthard sublid 282, 283 164 multiple 133, 137
Grabens 152 Hazara nappe 328, 328-9, 335 out-of-sequence 386
crestal collapse 93, 97, 98, 100, 102 Hazara syntaxis 327-8, 330, 332-3, 335, 336, Inclusions 187-8
influence of. on thrusting 309 336-7, 338-9 bands, in calcite fibres 198
inversion of 100 Hazelton Group, Skeena fold belt 366, 369 of ductile material 311, 312
reactivation of crestal-collapse 100 Helena Salient 210 ilmenite/rutile 328
Grain contacts, pressure solution at 170 Indenters 277
Helvetic nappes 165-72, 191, 277, 279, 280,
Grand Valley fauU 182. 183. 183 Adriatic279, 281,283, 284
Granite 320 in fold-thrust belt development 83
see also Alps
Carboniferous 319 rigid 339
c lasts 411 India see Himalayas
basememt 243
leuco-357, 361 Indian Ocean, Owen Fracture Zone 339
basement 235, 236,2i7, 237-8, 239, 241, 257
in Pyrenean zone 238 Indian plate 7-9, 11, 13,210,325-41
of Southern Alps 299-300 duplex development in 343-55
Granulite facies 217, 225, 238 folding 211,213
Gravina sequence, British Columbia and Alaska geology 326-7
orogeny241,242, 242. 243 Indus Kohistan seismic zone 337, 337-8
409,410,411-12,413 palaeomagnetics 213
Gravitational, Indus valley, structures of 337-8, 345
Himalayas 16 Inherited tensional structures 320, 323
collapse 30 coseismic fauhing 33
in modelling 55 Instability envelopes 155, 161,162, 162-4
curve fitting 84,91 Insubric line 224, 277, 278, 279, 283, 284, 299
effects 1,71,90, 193,378,415 duplexes 229, 349
Gravity data 224, 240, 287, 348, 4/0 displacement along 281-2
foreland belt 33 timing of strike-slip on 279-81, 279
Gravity slides 165,378 earthquakes 34
Greenschist facies 217, 224, 225, 226, 239, 241, Insubric-Helvetic lid 277, 278, 279, 280, 281
Nahan thrust 34 Insular Superterrane 358, 358-9, 365, 407-8,
319,328-9,410,413 Northwest 325-41
Grenville orogeny 222 Oligo-Miocene unroofing 328 408. 409, 4\5
Grenville Province 226, 229, 230 Pakistan, time chart 338 Intercutaneous thrust wedge 427
Griffith Creek section, Skeena fold belt 368. palaeomagnetics of 210 Interference structures 325,326, 338
370,371-2 Sulaiman Lobe 343-55 Intermontane beh 358-9, 370, 372, 373
Grigna-Valtorta segments 301, 301-2, 303. 304, thrust detachment 244 Intermontane Superterrane 357, 361, 363. 365,
306, 306 Hinterland-to-foreland thrusting see piggy-back i66, 407-8.405,409, 410,
Grooves, on fault surfaces 290, 294 Hogsback thrust sheet, Wyoming 30, 35, 36, 415
Grooving 205 "37, 38 Internal zones 46, 327-8, 338, 340
Growth faults 98 Hot Springs eye-lid window 386 Himalayas 332, 334
Growth folds 101, 321, see also folding Hubbert-Rubey fault slip model 34 of thrust systems 325
Growth strata 707, 113-14 Hunter Creek anticline 155, 159-61, 760, 163-4 Intemides 218
rales of folding and faulting determined from Hydrocarbons 386, 402 and evolution of thrust sheets 217-31
105-21 entrapment of 142, 158-9, 388 Venetian Alps 319
Growth structures 101, 105 exploration for 377 Inversion 93-104, 328,4.32
Growth triangles 108, 112 use of palaeomagnetism in trap assessment of extensional fault systems 237, 239, 248-9,
Guidicarie line 279 215 269
Gulf of Mexico 105, 1/3 in half-graben system 93, 94, 94
Perdidofoldbeh775 of listric fault systems, 97, 97
Inversion structures 93, 94, 94, 95, 97


Iran, Shotori belt 33, Kopah Dagh belt 33 201,204,205,208

Ireland 142 Mallorca210, 265
Isabena fold, Pyrenees 211-12,2/2 Landsat data, Sulaimam Lobe 343, 346-7 Mantle,
Island arc terrane 358 Laramide, lithospheric 235
Isoclinal synclines, on nappe boundaries 172 structures 155 rocks (Iherzolite) 238, 242
Isostatic compensation 1, 11, 29, 287 thrusting 399, 402, 404 subduction in 244
Isotropic plastic flow 19 Lateral, upper 219, 235, 277, 283
Ivrea zone 278, 280 cutoffs 211 Marble 409, 410,412
ramps 282 Mari anticline gasfield 348
transfer 292 Maryland, Appalachian Valley 55
Lateral thrust-propagation model 385 Massifs 243
Layer-parallel shortening 59-61 basement 83, 239
Layer-parallel slip 124, 125 External 281
Layered systems, in modelling 54-5,55, 71 and rotations 265
Jaca basin 251 Lecco thrust and fault 300, 304, 306-8, 309 Matrix flow 45
Jandran borehole 348 Lepontine dome and sublid 277, 278. 280, 280, Maxwell model 37
Jhelum plain, Pakistan 345 281-4 Mayo, Ireland 142
Joan Lake section, Skeena fold belt i6S, 370, Lepontine-Simplon-Rhone domain 275, 280, Mediterranean,
371-2 281, 2S4 palinspastic reconstruction 210
Joints 144, 196, 197, 399 Levy-Mises theory 2, 22 Salinity Crisis 322
Jotun thrust sheet, Norway 221 -2 Lewis thrust 384, 384-5,385, 391, 392 Melange terranes 19
Jura Mountains 123, 127, 133, US, 140, I9i, Lewis thrust sheet 201,204, 205, 381, iSJ Mesofabrics 221-2, 225-6, 229
193,292-3,344,287-90 Limestone 349 Mesoscale structures 165, 166, 217, 295-6, 391,
analysis of cross-sections through 136-7 Himalayan 348 404
curves in thrust belt 91 thrust sheets 353 and development of folds 166
numerical modelling of li6 Triassic/Jurassic, of Southern Alps 300 relationship to buckle fold limbs 172
relationship to ductile decollements 311, J72 Lineations 213, 295, 296, 325, 338 Mesoscopic faulting 186
Riepel Quarry .•;/6-7, 316 bedding-cleavage 412 Mesozoic,
Jurassic 195, 199-200 direction of, on floor and roof thrusts 202 extensional faults 251, 319
Helvetic nappes /66, 169, 172 fibre 399 inherited structures in Alps 319, 322, 323
of Jura 155 mineral 45 Metamorphic,
Jura Mountains 135. 193, 289, 290 quartz-mica mineral 226, 227 belts 15,225,365,366,373
Wyoming thrust belt 156,156 stretching 142,332-5,413 core complexes 277, 281, 284, 359
Link thrusts 201, 202, 203, 205-8 grades, 13, 165,217,410
fibre steps on 202 rock fabrics 195
Listric faults 94, 96, 97, 98, 100, 284 rocks,
imbricate 34 dynamic see fault rocks
K prograde regional 221
inverted/W, 102,103
Lithological variation 50 Metamorphism 195, 215, 235, 242, 350, 373
Kaghan valley 327 LITHOPROBE seismic data 357, 361, 363 contact 238
nappes 332,335 Lithosphere218, 220, 231 eclogite 235
Kah Shakes sequence 409, 410,47 / , 413 deflection of 137 Hercynian 241
Kander line 282-3, 284 delamination of 243, 244 high-grade 244, 328, 359
Kandkot borehole 348 flexure in 252, 253 Himalayan 339, 340
Kashmir 325 Lithospheric mantle 235 inverted 359
Main Boundary fault in 332, 335 Lithostatic pressure 163 low-grade 130, 238, 239, 241, 300, 328, 359,
strike of structures 334 Llavorsi thrust 238 410
thrust system 337-8, 340 Loading, thrust sheet 414 prograde 328
Kechika Trough, Canada 96 Lombardic thrust belt 279, 299, 301 regional 191,407
Kemmerer region, Wyoming 30, 35, 38 Lombardy, Grigna segment 301 retrograde 413
Keystone thrust, Nevada 220 Los Angeles region 33, 107, 109, 109 southeast Alaska 407, 412-13, 414, 415
Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset, England 193,195-9, Lost Hills anticline, California 113 syntectonic 328
195-200 Loti structure 346-7, 348-9, 350. 353, 355 Mica fish 359
Kinematic analysis, Lugano line 300 Microfabrics 217, 278
of asymmetric buckle folds 165-72 ductile shear rocks 221
of detachment folds 166-72 Microfractures 42, 44-5
Kinematic indicators 225, 290, 295, 335, 359, Microstructure 42-6, 48, 393
363,413 Miocene,
Kink bands 290 M compression, Lombardian Alps 299
axial surfaces of 105,106 palaeofield, Himalayas 333, 334
folding 128, 133-4, 175, 177,419 McConnell thrusti79, 383, 391..^92 tectonics 225
geometry 193-4 McDougal Pass anticline, Wyoming 156-8, 163 Mississipian,
hinges 297 Magmatic rocks 219, 308, 335, 413 carbonates of Absaroka thrust sheet 157
migration 105, 106, 107-9, 114, 116, 121 Magmatism 358, 409-10, 412, 415 Madison formation 157, 159,760, 160-1, 163
model 194 arc 358, 365, 407 Wyoming thrust belt 183, 183
upward-narrowing 107, 108 Cretaceous 407 Models 19-20,41,386
Kink folding 128, 133-4, 175, 177, 194 Magnetism 224, 261, 344 analogue 53-68, 71-80, 94-104, 229-30
Kink-axis 133, 134. 135-6 see also palaeomagnetics for thrusting in extensional basins 93-104
Kirthar Ranges 353 Magnetostratigraphic data 332 computer-aided 133-40
Klippe 183,367,421 Main Boundary thrust 327, 330-1. 330-3, 332, critical Coulomb wedge 2, 11,20
Kohat Plateau 349 for decollement fault-slip 34-5
Kohistan Island Arc 326, 326, 328, 335, 337, effect of erosion 10-17
Main Central thrust 340
339,^^40,340-1 Main Mantle thrust 326-9, 328-9, 332, 333, elastic dislocation 34
Kootenay thrust and wedge 372, 373 335, 335,337,340 finite-difference 83, 85-6
Kopah Dagh belt, Iran 33 Maiolica Formation, Cretaceous.Southem Alps geometrical,
Kurdan anticline 350, 353, 355 300 of fault-bend folding 133-6, 297
Makran accretionary prism, SW Pakistan 88, for Jura 134-7


for Jura 311-18 265-6,271,272,274

kinematic, Oligocene basins. Jura 289
for the Alps 277-84 Nahan thrust, Himalayas 34 Omineca belt 357-63, 358, 365, 372-3, 372-4
for asymmetric buckle folds 165-72 Nanaimo Group 414 Onlap 101, 111, 113, 139,236,237.266,319-
oblique ramp deformation 141-52 Nanga Parbat 338 21,323
kink-band 290 syntaxis 333, 334-6 Ophiolites 219, 221, 226, 281, 344, 346
mathematical 41-50 growth of 337 Ordovician,
continuous flow 46, 46-8 model for formation of 336 Bighorn Dolomite 36, 156,157. 158. 160
numerical 20-1 Nappes 328 Rocky Valley thrust system, Tennessee 184,
Coulomb wedge 19-32 boundaries 165. 166, 169, 170 185,186
fault-propagation folding 123-5 of Cordillera 407 Orobic,
for Jura 136 crystalline 413 anticline 300, 304, 308
for overthrust shear 168-70 Himalayan 338 thrust300, 301-2, iO.?, 304
physical 53-68, 71-80, 83-91, 93-104, 229-30 Helvetic 191,282 Orocline339, 341
for plane and non-plane power-law flow cross section 280 Orogen,
41-50 Himalayan 332, 334 compressional, kinematics and PTt in 20
plane-strain 2. 2, 10-15 loading of 137 evolution of 2
ramp 313-16 in Penninic Alps 226, 226, 277, 282 syn-tectonic deformation of 1. 2
ramp-flat 191-200,316-18 Navier-Coulomb rheology 72, 431 Orogenic belts 339
self-similar 181-2, ;S2, 188 Navier-Stokes equation 2, 3, 22, 23 Andean 407
strain extrusion 178-9 Neoalpine reactivation 282 Himalayas 343-55
surface processes 2, 2, 4, 5-7, 6-7, 9-10,10- Neogene tectonics 136, 255, 279, 319, 321, 323 North American 407-16
14, 16-17 Nepal 325, 329, 340 Orogenic lids 235, 239, 240, 243, 244, 277,
synchronous thrust 380, 380-5, 385 Nevada, palaeomagnetics in 210 280, 282, 283-4. 283-4
thin-skinned tectonics 348 New Zealand 1.2,7-16,34 Helvetic thrust belt 281-4
viscous flow 20, 83 Newtonian flow 84, 85 kinematics of 283-4
Moho 235, 236, 238, 240, 243 Newtonian rheology 8 Orogenic wedge 343, 347, 348, 349. 350, 353
Canadian Rockies 361 Newton's Method 23, 1.34 Rockies 365
Mohr circles 49, 49 Nogueres thrust sheet 243, 248, 251 Orri thrust sheet 238, 241, 242, 243,249
Mohr-Coulomb criterion 161, 281, 309 Nogueres Zone 211-12, 213, 214, 215, 237-8, Otztal nappe 224, 225
Moine thrust 10\, 203-4, 203, 205, 230-1 241-2,243 Oued Fodda thrust fault. Tell Atlas, Algeria 34
zone80, 218, 221 North American basement 357. 359, 361, 363 Overburden 1, 49, 138, 156, 163
BIRPS data for 220 North American Cordillera 222, 343, 391-404, Overpressure 220
MOIST survey 220 474,416 Overthrust,
Molasse 289, 323, 327, 328, 335, 336, 340, 355 belts 155
see also California, Alaska
Alpine282-3, 321,322, 323 southeast Alaska 407-16 fauhing 34, 239, 255, 263, 338, 359
Himalayan 330, 346 North American craton 365, 391, 407-8, 409, hangingwall geometry of 311 -18
Jura 135 415 wedge 343, 346
sediments 287, 343, 348, 353 North Pakistan 325-41
Monashee, geology of 325-7,.^26, i29
complex 359 North Potwar deformation zone 330,331-2, 332
decollement 357-63, 416 North Pyrenean,
Monkman area, Canadian Rockies Foothills Fauh Zone 236, 238-9, 240, 241-4
392,393,1,99 massifs 239, 243
Monoclines 320, 349, 350, 353, 370 thrust sheets 236, 242-3 Pacific plate 7-9, 10, 77, 11
as deformation front 348 North Sea, South Hewitt fault 93, 95 Pakistan,
frontal 401 Northwest Himalayas, analogue models of thrust belt 80
hinterland-dipping 319 compared with main Himalayas 340-1 Makran thrust belt 88
Montana and Alberta thrust belts 377-88 syntaxes 325, 326 North 325-41
Montana Sawtooth Ranges 379. 381, iS2, 383- Nucleation, Sulaiman Lobe 343-55
5,385 offolds65, 68 thrust wedge 337-8
Monte Grappa-Visentin anticline 320 serial, of folds 58 Palaeogene,
Montsec thrust sheet 236-7, 241, 249, 257, 265- of thrust faults 53, 57, 59-61, 68, 75, 77, 94, autochthon 236. 255, 261, 266
8,271-2,274 97, 100 Pyrenean 175,261,267
Morcles nappe 172, 282-3 Nugget Sandstone 37, 155-6, 158, 159-60 Palaeomagnetic studies 241, 262, 295
Morreras backthrust 237, 252, 272, 273 Null points 100 Himalayas 333-5
Moth Bay pluton 413-14 in Pyrenees 238, 265-74
Mount Cook, New Zealand 7, 15 techniques 267-9
Mount Terry thrust 312 Palaeomagnetism 319, 325, 327, 336, 339,
Mount Will fault, Skeena fold belt 369 340-1
Mountain City, rotations 265-74, 333-5
duplex 201, 207 techniques in thrust belts 209-15
window 223, 224, 379 Oak Ridge anticline, California 114 use for basement rocks 213
Muscovite 412 Obduction339, 340, 341,359 Palaeostress calculations 43
Muslimbagh ophiolite 344, 346 Oblique ramps, Palinspastic restoration 152, 210, 225, 258
Mylonite, porosity development at 142 Panjal thrust 327, 328, 329, 332, 334, 336, 340
shear zone J7 7 Papua New Guinea thrust belt 350
see also ramps
zone, ductile 336 Pardonet formation, Triassic 393, 396, 398
Mylonites 316, 361 and duplex development 207 FMS image from 394, 395
annealed 217 in fold-thrust belt development 83, 84-6, 309 Particle velocities, in critical wedge 23
classification of 220-1 interaction, Pattan earthquake 338
retrograde 217 finite-difference 85-6, 85-6, 90, 91 Pedraforca,
Mylonitisation 328 sand wedge model 87 thrust sheet 255, 257, 262
Oklahoma 105 thrust unit 265, 266-7, 266, 267, 271, 274
growth fault-propagation fold 115, / / 7 Pegmatite dykes 360, 361
unconformities 116 Pelitic rocks 327, 328, 346, 413
Oliana anticline 252, 257, 260, 261, 262-3, Penninic nappes 224, 225, 226, 277, 281, 282


Pennsylvania Salient 91,210 Spanish 175-80 Reactivation 98, 137,282

Pennsylvania Valley and Ridge Province 350 Upper Thrust Sheets 236-7, 262 of extensional faults 93, 94, 97, 100, 102,
Pennsylvanian, Wyoming thrust belt 183, 183 308-9, 323
Perdido foldbeh. Texas 113, 114, 115 Pyrenees 248, 255
Periclines, in physical model 53, 65, 66 thrust319, 338, 377, 385, 386
Permeability, of thrust sheets 220 Recovery rates 217
Philippines 105 Q Recrystallisation 215
AUegria anticline 108, 109 ductile 221
Phyllite, 408, 409 see also pelitic rocks Quartz 300, 398,412 rates 217, 220, 221
Phyllonite412 fabrics 202 Recumbent structures 226, see also folding
Physical models see models fibres 205, 206, 336 Regional 391, 399, 422
Piedmont thrust belt 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, Quanzite 409 Relaxation time 38
227-9 Queen Charlotte Group 414 of flow processes 37
Piggy-back basins 247 Remanences, palaeomagnetic 209, 210-12,214,
geometry of/iS-9, 138-9 215
Piggy-back faulting 377 see also thrust faulting Revillagigedo zone 409, 411,413
Pine Mountain thrust sheet 112, 133, 393 Rheology 1,2
Pirital thrust, Venezuela 113 differences in layers 50
Pirkoh anticline 353, 355 effect of, on curves of fold-thrust belts 85
borehole 346, 348-9, 350 Ramp-flat, effect of, on velocity and displacement
Plane flow solution 49 geometry 59, 141, 261, 320, 412 profiles 48
Plane strain see strain hinge 146, 151,311 plastic 2, 229
Plastic behaviour 50, 187 strain at 143, 144 and ramp and flat location 191
Plastic flow 219, see also flow listric faults 98, 99, 100,101, 102 Rhine line 282
Plasticity 19, 24 models 316-18 Rhone-Bresse basin 289
finite element techniques and 21 geometric problems with 191-200 Ridge Province, Virginia 55, 60
Plate, tectonics 100, 70/, 300 Ridges 88
convergence 91 Ramp-related folding 53, 144, 149, 155, 301, Rigid indenter 83
tectonics see collision, subduction 302,350,381 as curve generator 89, 89-90
velocity 8, 321 anticlines see ramps in modelHng 87. 87, 88, 90, 91
Plutons 222, 225, 365. 407, 415 en-echelon aligned 301, 308 Ripoll basin 251
and timing of deformation 371. 373, 413-14 fault-bend 301, 323 Rock salt see salt
Po plain 300, 308 Southern Alps 306, 308, 308-9 Rocky Mountain Trench 357, 363
Poisson's ratio 37 fault-propagation 127, 320, 323 Rocky Mountains 100, 172
Pop-up structures 77. 93, 95, 100,101, 102, oblique ramp 146-9,430 Canadian 80, 96
103, 323, 330 see also folding fold and thrust bek 372-3, 373-4, 416
definition 422 Ramps 202, 283, 287, 293, 294, 300, 309, 318, Foothills 391-404
North Pyrenees 239, 260 393, 422 Foreland belt 357-63, 365
Pore fluid pressure 19, 71, 80, 187, 404 in Absaroka thrust sheet 156-8. 757 cross-sections for 373. 383
in modelling 96-7 angle 65, 80. 159, 161,205,311.318 North American 377-88
Pore fluids 42 and fault-propagation folding 126 see also Canadian
Porosity 396 field observations of 181 Rocky Valley thrust system 184. 184-6, 185-7,
development at oblique ramps 142 footwall314 187-8
Porphyroclasts 328, 359 anticline 53, 59, 102, 147, 149, 165, 201, 207, Rollover anticlines 94, 97, 98, 102,103
Post-rift sequences 93, 290 208, 386, 396 Roof thrusts 330, 343, 350, 355, 359, 401
in modelling 96 fracture systems of 391, 404 flexural-slip duplex 201-3, 205-6, 207
Post-rift strata 97, 98, 100-1,101. 102, 414 stacked 401 Root zones 226, 238, 282
Potwar Plateau 333, 337, 344, 349 Canadian Foothills belt 391 Rotation 93-4, 146, 241, 294, 295, 306, 325,
Powell Valley anticline, Virginia 53 deformation at 37, 141,297 336,337,338-9,340-1
Pre-rift strata 100, i07 earthquakes along 34 in basement 213
Prealps 123, 127, 766, 282, 283 footwall 160,207,230 and cross section balancing 215
strike-slip movement in 277 and ductile material 311 of duplex horses 205, 207
sublid 284 frontal 33, 141-52, 205, 213, 265, 274, 282, fold 125, 165-6. 168, 169, 170-2, 262
thrust sheets 287 295 of fold limbs 392
Pressure, confining 221 geometries 750 hinge 311
Pressure shadows 194 hangingwall, cut-off angles 297 interference 333-5
Pressure solution 33, 37, 42, 43, 91. 169, 170, imbricate stacks on 378 mechanisms for 213. 214
177,294,353,399 intersections 148, 149. 150, 151. 151, 152 plate 235
Prospect thrust 159-61, 760, 164 lateral 141-51, 213, 282, 295, 309, 323, 401, structural267, 271,272, 274
sheet 155 421 in thrust sheets 75, 77, 80, 205-6, 209-15,
Psammitic rocks 409. 412, 413 Pyrenean 251, 265 211,265-74,325
Pseudo-viscous analogy 2-3 merger of 68
Pull-apart tectonics 277, 281, 284 see also oblique 63, 141-52, 213, 295, 304, 309, 323,
extensional 339, 422, 430
Purbeck Anticline, Dorset 195. 199-200 cross-sections 746. /57
Pyrenees 235-44 Pyrenean 241, 251, 265, 274
crustal evolution, cross sections 240, 243, in overthrusting 311
247, 248-50 propagation of 57, 59 Sali Vercellese Well 279
ECORS cross-section 235-44 in Pyrenees 263 Salt 257, 261, 262, 340
extension tectonics in 93 rotation of 65 diapirism 260, 261,263
Lower Thrust Sheets 267 thrust61,65, 94, 317 pillows 330
shortening calculation 262-3 evolution of 68 see also evaporites
Southern 102 thrusts, and folding 59 thrusting along 38
evaporitic controls 255-63 trajectory 320 Salt Ranges,
foreland basin evolution 247-53 transverse see oblique Potwar Plateau 344, 346, 348
palaeomagnetics 210-13, 212, 214, 215, Rate formulations 21-2 thrust zone 326. 329, 330, 332-3, 332-9
265-74 Ratz anticline 290, 291, 292-3, 296 Saltville thrust 45


San Andreas fault, model for rifting 248 274

fault creep along 36 simple 141, 152, 165-72, 178-9, 194,201, Silvretta sublid 283
flexural slip folding 37 220,222,225,231,312,334 Simplon,
San Joaquin Basin, California 110 in Alps 277, 281,297, 312 -Rhone Valley line 277
Sanauja antiform 260, 260, 261, 261-2 in fault-propagation folding 124, 128, 130 sublid 283
Sandbox models 21, 77, 86-91,88, 93, 339 in Southern Alps 302 Siusi earthquake 320
shortcomings of 229-30 strike-slip 83 Six Mile-Alto thrust sheet 226, 227-9
Sandstone 202,414 surfaces 45 Skeena fold belt 365-74
deformation of 42 thrust-parallel 46 cross sections through 368. 373
Himalayan 348 simple 175, 180 geology of J66-7, 366-7
Skeena fold belt 366 vertical 141,742, 143-7, 151-2 stratigraphic units 367
Santa Barbara Channel 107, 109, 111 in fault-bend folding 147, 149 timing of deformation 371
Sawtooth Ranges, Rockies 379, 381, iS2, 383- wrench 142 Slickenfibre lineations 202, 203, 205
5,385, 392 Shear bands (S-C fabrics) 221 Slickensides</i, 290
Schist 328, 410 Shear fibres 287, 290,293-4, 294, 296 Slickolites 202, 205, 302
Schliniq thrust. Eastern Alps 224, 224-5 Shear models 316-17, 318 Sliding, of wedge 29
Schynige Platte fold, Wildhom nappe 166, 767 Shear profile 315 Slip 38, 90, 147, 207, 295
Scotland see Moine thrust Shear resistance 35
-propagation ratio 187-8
Sea level changes 252, 322 Shear sense indicators 202, 278-9, 282, 302,
bedding-parallel 149, 199, 379
Sediment transport 3, 4, 5, 6-7 359 fault 34, 37-8, 45, 54, 123
Sediment underplating 19 Shear strain 141, 143, 144-5, 150, 152, 165, flexural 166, 201-8, 205, 297
Sedimentation, 166,219 inter-layer 73, 80, 144, 149, 162
and erosion, in geometric models 137-40 in cataclasites 45 layer-parallel 124, 125, 128, 152, 315, 318
over wedge 29 quantification of 170, 171, 171-2 lines 19,229
process, computer models 133 rates 50 oblique 290
rates 105, 108,709, 109, H I , 112, 114-15, Shear strength, measurement 73 rate of 33, 177, 180, 187-8
399 Shear stress, basal, in coupled model 9 fault creep 36
Segre thrust zone 255, 259, 260, 262, 266, 274 Shear zones 187, 277. 311, 312, 329, 373 ratio 134. 140
Seismic, basal 8, 9 reverse 93
interpretation, across South Hewitt fault zone crustal scale 357, 361 vectors 205
95 ductile compressional 359 Slip axis indicators 287, 294, 295
reflection data. frontal 316 Slocan Lake fault, Canadian Rockies 361, 363
Chartreuse 288-9 hinterland-vergent 328 Slumping 80, 290
deep 220 Sheath structures 226 Snake River Range, Wyoming Range 182-4
deep profiles 224, 243 Shepard thrust 159,760 Soan syncline 329-31, 330, 332, 332
ECORS see ECORS Shortcut thrusts 96, 239 see also thrust faults Sole thrusts 235, 357, 363
Himalayan 337-8, 343, 346-9, i57 Shortening 53, 152,207,340 cutoffs 361
LITHOPROBE357, 361 Alpine 278, 279, 281, 287, 292, 293-4, 309, Foreland belt 361
profiles see cross-sections 319 Jura 137
use in balanced cross sections 235 of basement 357 Pyrenean system 240
use in calculating elastic stiffness 35 bedding plane 200 see also thrust faults
refraction 235, 239, 287 bedding-normal 399 Solution cleavage 172
Seismicity, bulk 272, 274 Somigliana dislocations 34, 181
Andean 414 calculating, for Pyrenees 240-3 South Hewitt Fault. North Sea 93, 95
Sulaiman belt 350 in centrifuge model 57, 59, 63 South Island, New Zealand see Southern Alps
Self-similar growth 19, 24, 25, 28, 123, 125, contrast between upper and lower crust 235- Southern Alberta thrust beh 381, 383, see also
182,432 44 Rocky Mountains
models 130, 186 crustal 347, 407, 415 Southern Alps,
Selkirk allochthon 357, 359 thick-skinned 359 Italy 299-309, 319-23
Selvage bands 42,45, 45 of Helvetic nappes 277, 280 Venetian part 319-23
Serres Marginals thrust sheet 236-7, 241, 252 Himalayan 343, 346 Southern Alps, New Zealand 1,2,7-11,72,13-
Shale 195,282,300,391,393 and duplexes 325-41 16
Cambrian, of Absaroka thrust 156, 158 imbricate fault 386 Southern Appalachians see Appalachians
cleavage in 297 intra-continental 407-16 Southern Pyrenees 255-63
Cretaceous 343, 347, 349, 353 lateral 151 backlhrusts in 102
as decollement 220 layer-normal 212 Central Units 236-7, 251-3, 251-2, 265, 266-7
Venetian Alps 321 layer-parallel 34, 38, 169, 191, 199, 296, 393, foreland basin,
Shear 50, 357 399 evaporites of 255, 257-63
angular 127 flexural-slip duplexes 203, 204 evolution 247-53
back 133, 135, 137 in modelling 53-68 Main Thrust 236, 255, 256, 257-8, 259, 262-3
bedding-parallel 127, 130, 134-6, 137, 140, and pressure solution 33 thrust systems of 247-53
170, 379 strain rate 37 Upper thrust sheet 240-1, 243
bulk 311 Pyrenean 235, 255, 262 Soviet Union, Verkoyansk Range 85, 87
cross-strike 88. 91 Rocky Mountains 381, 384-5 Spatsizi area and Group 367. 367, 369, 372
ductile 42, 217, 221, 222, 231, 326, 328, 336 see also buckling, thrust faulting Splay faults see faulting
extensional 359, 363 Skeena fold belt 365, 366, 370, 371-2, 373 Step-up angle 127
in fault-propagation folds 127-8, 729, 130 Southern Alps 299, 301-2, 304 Stick-slip motion 381
flexural 175, 180 Southern Alps, New Zealand 11 Stikinia 365-7, 370, 2,1 \, 373, 373, 409
inter-bed 393 strike-parallel 141,304,306 Stokes" equation 2
internal 25, 191,312 thrust-related 41, 361 Stoneley waves 398,403
layer-parallel 37, 38, 59, 134-5, 137, 175, strain partitioning 59-61, 60-/ Strain 1,21, 152,297,319,336
177, 179,311 Shortening and elongation 41,45-6, 48, 49 bending 402
fault-bend folds produced by 147, 149 Shotori belt, Iran 33, 34 compressive 393
in fault-propagation folds 123-30 Shuswap complex, Rockies 358, 359 contact 177, 194
and oblique ramps 141-52 Sibi molasse basin, Pakistan 343, 347, 353 ductile 181, 182, 187,359
overthrust 165-6, 169, 777, 172 Sicily, palaeomagnetics of 210 elastic 21, 33, 34, i 7 , 37, 194
pure 2, 91. 142, 172, 178, 180, 220, 281 Sierras Marginales thrust sheet 262, 266-8, 267, finite 165, 166, 194,410-11


heterogeneous 175, 178, 179 Subsidence, thermal 248, 249, 253 Tethys 290
internal 187,212 Sui fold 346-7, 348-9, 350, 355 opening of 300
lateral 141, 150,75/ Sukunka gas field 393 Tethys Ocean 278, 290, 300, 348
layer-parallel 169, 393 Sulaiman fold belt 343-55 Thermal subsidence 290
longitudinal 165, 169, 172, 177 borehole data 347, 348 Thick-skinned tectonics 217
non-plane, in surge zones 47-8 geology and tectonic map 344-5, 346,348 model for 240
penetrative 172, 213 seismic cross sections 347, 349, 351-2, 354 Thickening, crustal 325, 326
extensional 363 Sulaiman foredeep 343, 346, 348,349, 349 Thickness,
plane I, 150, 178, 195,313 Sunda Arc 95 effect on fold wavelength 191
plastic 21-2 Superstition Hills earthquake, California 37 in modelling 72-3, 89-90
rotational 334 Surface mass transport 15 stratigraphic,
seismic, partitioning of 38 Surface processes 3 effect on trajectory 94
Strain factorisation 142, 152, 175 model 9-10 variation in 75, 76,11, 90, 91, 297, 319,
for forelimb deformation 177-9 Surface transport calculation 9 320,323
Strain gradient 187 Surge zones 47 Thin-skinned fold-thrust belts 365, 391-404
Strain hardening 80, 231 Sustut Basin and Group, Skeena fold belt 367, Thin-skinned tectonics 165, 217-18, 221-2, 261,
Strain partitioning 59-61, 60-7, 68 367,370-1,372,373 357,358,414
Strain rate 19, 46, 50, 86-7, 164, 172, 217, 219, Sutures 222, 224 model for 97, 140, 141,240
221 Swat Valley, deformation in 328-9, 332 Thor-Odin culmination 359, 361
in deforming wedge 25, 28-9 Swat Valley, Himalayas, structures in 328-9, Thrust faulting,
distribution 1 332,337-8 break-back 241
extensional 29 Swiss foredeep basin 287 forward-breaking 271, 388
internal 20 Syn-inversion sequences 93 lateral propagation and 385
Strain softening 231 Syn-inversion strata 96, 97, 101,/O/, 102 layer-parallel 38
Stratigraphic pinch-out 83 Syn-rift sequences 94 multiple-stage 385-6
Stratigraphic separation, and oblique ramps 152 Syn-rift strata 93, 98, 100, 707, 102, 248, 290 out-of-sequence 184, 377
Stratigraphy, Synchronous, piggy-back 343, 377, 388
effect of, on thrust sheet geometry 187 sedirhentation 71 related to basal decollement, kinematic
mechanical 155-6, 161, 163,366 thrust faulting 377-88 sequence for 314
variation in, across thrusts 241, 287 Syntaxes 328, 341 sequence of see thrust sequences
Strawberry Creek drainage, Wyoming 157 Hazara 330. 332, 336-7 synchronous 377-88
Stress 1, 19,38,48 Himalayan 325, 327 Thrust faults 53, 80, 217, 325, 422
depth, diagram 2/9 Syntectonic deposition 138-9, 140, 322, 377, backthrusts, definition of 419
compressive 282, 415 378,414 backthrusts see backthrusts
controls on fold thrust style 155-64 Pyrenean 235, 236, 247,249, 263, 266 blind 67, 123, 159, 165, 202, 263, 266, 287,
critical 162 320,321,337,338,341,
deviatoric 2, 22, 46, 161, 221 359
differential 50, 57, 161 blind see also buried
failure 161 branching 293
internal, buried 237, see also blind
in critical wedge 71 conjugate sets 199
in orogen 1 Tabas-e-Golshan mainshock, Iran 34 cutoffs 295-6
mean 161 Tadri anticline 346, 348, 349, 350, 353, 355 'deactivated' 377, 383, 386
Mohr circles for, Cumberland Plateau 49 Taiwan 343, 350 definition of 419
plane flow 47 accretionary wedge 229 dip domain geometry 318
principal 49, 161, 164 fold 20 displacement 59, 63, 65, 181, 292
regional 321 thrust belt 133 emergent 420
yield 28 Taperl9, 20,253, 263 flat 353, definition 420
Stress field, critical 25, 377, 388 floor 201, 202, 203, 247,255, 261, 343, 347,
coupling to internal strain rate 20 Tauem Window 224-5 355
inhomogeneous 90 Tear faults 150-2,262 footwall,
Stress paths 155, 163 see also faults -vergent 97
Stress profile 41, 48, 50 Tectonic delamination 239, 243 imbricates 308
Stress regime 404 Tectonic loading see thrust sheets shortcut 93, 94, 100,421
Stress space 155, 161, 163 Tectonic slides 225 footwall-vergent 98. 100
Stress-strain rate relation 44 Tectonic thickening see thickening foreland-vergent 53, 75, 76, 77, 80,421
Striae 287, 294, 296, 302 Tectonic transport 333 frontal 19,240
stereonets for 293-4 Tectonic velocities 9 hangingwall-flat421
Strike-slip 415 Tectonics, hangingwall-vergent (backthrusts) 93, 97
fault systems 235 intra-arc 407 hinterland-vergent. definition 421
faulting 90, 91, 175, 239, 240, 277, 353, 365, and sedimentation 247, 251, 255, 261 imbricate 296, see also imbricate
374 Tejerina fold, Cantabria 175, 777, 177-80,178, Iink201,202, 203, 205-8
Pyrenees 238 779 out of graben 97, 98, definition 422
see also faults Tell Atlas, Algeria 33, 34 out-of-sequence 217, 222, 230, 241, 257, 299,
structures 102 Temperature, and thrust emplacement 211, 272 302, 304, 309, 377, 378,
tectonics 339-40, 343, 344, 349 Tennessee thrust system 181,184, 184-6, 7S5- 381
Alpine 278-81 7, 187-8 out-of-the-syncline 378, 422
terrane 213-14 Tertiary, overlapping 61,429
Stylolites 43, 125, 177,399 extension, Rockies 415 passive roof 343, 346, 347,351, 353, 355
Subalpine chain 282 molasse 287, 289, 293 backthrust 252
Subalpine chain, France, Chartreuse fold 287- Himalayas 327, 327, 328, 330, 335, 336, propagation of 53-68, 57, 59-61,65,67
97, 288-96 346, 348 ramp-flat 371
Subduction 25, 217, 221, 231, 235 rocks and palaeomagnetics 209 roof 251, 330, 343, 350, 355, 359,401
Alpine 277, 283, 284 of Southern Pyrenees 247, 249-52,250, 253, flexural-slip duplex 201-3, 205-6, 207
American 373-4, 415 255, 257, 258 'sharp frontal shear zone-type' 314, 316,317,
crustal 243, 244, 247, 252, 325, 326 turbidite facies (Pakistan) 205 318
Himalayan 328, 339 Tethyan margin 348 sole311-l8, 357, 365, 386,423


Himalayan 329, 349, 353 Trailing-edge anticlines 184 role of crustal duplexes 229
Pyrenean247,261,262, 271 Transfer zone 213,322, 322, 323, 401 Sulaiman fold belt 353
see also sole Transform, continental 339 of thrust fault 152
thick ductile 318 Transport directions 143, 152, 240, 262, 263, zones 75
spacingof57, 75,76, 77, 80 265,274,281,287,300,306 US Rocky Mountains 377-88 see also Rocky
splay 295, 423 divergent 281, 284 Mountains
terminations 187, 335-6, 339 Himalayan 332-5, 337, 347 Utah, Uinta Basin 398-9
Thrust ramps see ramps lateral escape 299, 308
Thrust sequences 19, 54, 57, 93, 100,314, 315, material, in folds 125
343 and mesofabric 226
backthrust 350, 353 of oblique ramp 141
break-back 97, 98, 102, 103, 207, 337, 386, regional 151
388 Transpression 152, 277, 279, 280, 284, 343,
Pyrenean 236, 247, 252, 253, 266, 271 344 Valhalla complex, Canadian Cordillera 359,
critical Coulomb wedge model 73, 74, 75 in Southern Alps 299-309, 319-23 361
definition 430-1 in Southern Alps, New Zealand 9 Valley and Ridge Province, Appalachians 379,
forward-breaking 97, 431 Transtension 306 392
and hydrocarbon exploration 388 Transverse Ranges. California 33, 37. 116 Valsugana line 319-20, i20-2, 321-3, 323
in-sequence 388, 431 Transverse zone 277. 282-3 Valtorta segment 299, 30J-3, 302, 306-7, 306,
inverted extensional regime 102 chronological development of a 304, 306-8 309
out-of-sequence 251, 252, 431 cross section of 309 Variscan,
passive roof 350 kinematics of 299-309 basemem224, 226, 319
piggy-back (forward-breaking) 137, 265, 266, Tremp basin 236, 251, 267, 269, 211,273 orogeny 201
431 Trento Platform 319, 322, 322-3 Veins 43, 44, 125, 169, 170, 198,295
re-imbrication of 328 Triangle zones 391, 401 bedding-normal 168
roof 349, 350 Alpine 319, 320-1,323 calcite/quartz fibre 201, 202
wedge models 80 definition 427 dilatant 165, 166-8,769, 172
Thrust sheets 48. 71, 77, 186, 23\,23I, 326, Skeena fold belt 365, 366, 370, 371 en echelon 168, 170
353 Triassic, extensional (tensile) 45, 168
basement 241 Ballabio-Barzio zone 302, 302-3, 304 fibre 208
-involved 236 cataclasites 304 on fold forelimbs 172, 177
blind 361 detachment horizons. Chartreuse 292 mineral-filled 43, 44, 166
carbonate 391 evaporites 136 orientations and timing 168
crystalline 217-31, 326-7 Nugget sandstone, Wyoming 36, 37 patterns, cross-cutting 45
deformation in 209 palaeomagnetic work on 2 / / , 211-12, 214 quartz 202, 205
emplacement of 41, 47, 224, 386 Pyrenean 237, 238 shear 168
flow of 48 Southern Alps, Italy 299, 304, 306-8 Velocity,
loading 249. 251, 252, 373, 388,414 stratigraphy of 300, 301-2,302 field 48
molasse-bearing 327 Tuaton Lake fault, Skeena fold belt 307-8, 370, particle 19
movement of 41, 46-7, 50 372 profiles 41
strength of 28, 29, 46, 49 Turbidites 201, 205, 239, 409, 410, 411 in laminar flow 47
Type C megathrust 221-2, 223, 224-5 deposition of 247. 248, 249, 251, 253 Velocity distribution 1
Type F 221, 225-6, 227, 229 Turkey, North Anatolian fault in 34 Venetian Alps 319-23
types of 2J7, 231 cross-section across 321
Thrust systems 61, 181 inherited structures of 319
cratonward-progressing 377 Venezuela 105,113, 113
duplexes see duplexes Ventura Basin,Califomia 114
evolution of 133-40,540 Verkhoyansk Range, USSR 85, 87, 91
modelled 73, 74, 75 Villalvemia-Varzi-Levamo line 279, 279, 281
foreland-vergent 71 Ultracataclasites 42-3 Virginia 53, 55 see also Appalachians
geometry 77, 78-9, 80, J39, 187 Unconformities 289, 320-1, 321-2, 323, 344-5, Visco-elasticity theory 37
horses 201, 205, 350, 353, 426 346 Viscosity 2, 37, 84
imbricate see imbricate angular H I , 113, 115-16, 139,322 in finite element methods 23
intercutaneous thrust wedge 427 in anticlinal limbs 261 Viscous,
kinematics of 181 in Pyrenees 237, 247, 248, 271 creep 45, 46
out-of-sequence 377, 378, 385 Unconsolidated rocks 144 fluid, shear of 45
piggy-back 133, 249, 257, 377, 378, 380, 386 Underplating 20, 30, 71-2, 231, 2S0, 281-2, 284 model for compression 1, 2
stacked 340, 410 duplex 377 Volcanic rocks 409
synchronous 379-80, 383-8 sediment 25 deformation style 372
triangle zones see triangle tectonic 277 von Mises yield criterion 19, 21, 22, 23
Thrust vergence, Underthrust cushions 312 Voreppe thrust. Chartreuse 292-3, 292-3, 294-5
foreland-vergent 260, 261, 353 Underthrusting29. 312
hinterland-vergent 260, 261, 353 in coupled tectonic-erosion model 9
Tibetan thrust system 325. 332, 339 plates, slip velocity on 19
Tie-lines, structural 282 of sediment 19
Tintina fault 225 Unroofing 1,224,328,340 W
Tip, due to extension 20
folds 181-2, 188, 263, 295, 337-8 Uplift 1,2,9, 11-15,80,98, 100 Wales,
fracture development in 391, 393-5, 396- in Alps 277,280, 281, 282. 287. 321 palaeomagnetics of 212
400, 404 control on stratigraphic patterns 139 South Wales coalfield 96
see also folding footwall 289 Walhalla nappe 226,227-9
lines 175, 181,261,293 and fracture development 399 Wall rock, 43-4, 45, 198
definition of 423 Himalayan 329, 335-6, 338, 340, 343, 350 Waterton Field, Canadian Rockies 379, 381,
structures 63, 181-2, 183.201 isostatic 281 382-4, 383
thrust 49, 50, 152, 187, 191,294 lower crust and mantle 240 Wedges.
deformation 186, 188 rates 108,415 clastic 373
Topographic slope, of wedge 75,77 in Cordillera 413-14 Coulomb see Coulomb


critical state 1 Wyoming-Idaho thrust belt 155, 163-4, 181, Yield point 36, 38
taper 71,377 265,350 of rigid-plastic material 2
internal deformation of 229 palaeomagnetics of 210 Young's modulus 37
modelsof41.71,75,77, 80, 85 see also Idaho Yukon-Tanana sheet, Canadian Cordillera 225,
otogenic 252 409
taper of 19
Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek anticline 155,
158-9,/59, 161, 163, 164
Widemouth Bay, Southwest England 201, 202,
Wildhom nappe, Switzerland 165, 166, 168 Xenoliths413
Windows 224, 430 Zagros Mountains,
eye-lid 386, 388 evaporites of 34
tectonic 238, 359 fracture development 392
Windows phase, Alps 279, 281
Work hardening 38
material 36-7
Work softening 36-7, 38 Yield,
Wrangellia407, 414, 415 envelope of Coulomb materials 86-7
Wyoming Salient 33 strength, of Coulomb material I
slip lineations 91 stress 19,21,22,23,49
thrust sheet 35, 36 plastic 47
thrusts of 36, 37 of wedges 41


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