Ecommerce and M Commerce Paper

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E-Commerce in contrast to M-Commerce: An Emerging Trend

Ms. Meha Mathur

Assistant Professor, Mangalmay Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida, Uttar

Abstract: Revolution in Technology have a vast impact on the human beings life. Growing
Globalisation has led to extra mobility and more demand for mobility services that can be used
anytime, anywhere.
This paper introduce the properties of Electronic Commerce and Mobile Commerce as well
there demand in today’s environment. This paper also assess the difference between the E-
Commerce and M- Commerce. Electronic Commerce is word which is a combination of
electronic and commerce. The meaning of electronic is the device that is utilise through the
electricity and commerce is business of selling and purchasing of some product. E-Commerce
business can be done using computer in which Internet connection is must. Customers can use
E-commerce services like buying or selling of product from his/her home or office. Unlike
traditional commerce, customer can save their time and reduce physical work using E-
Commerce. Whereas M-commerce is a subfield of electronic commerce where customer can
communicate with others using mobile phones and wireless networks. Mobile devices are also
used for processing of Information and Transaction.
Keywords: e- commerce, m-commerce, Internet, transaction, mobile.
I. Introduction
E- Commerce is abbreviation term of Electronic Commerce. It is boost technology of
commerce and computer. To manage, organize and performing transactions online, then there
is a need of computer system along with Internet connection [1]. So, managing financial
business transaction over the Internet we have E- Commerce. In the last few years E-
Commerce increase enormously because of huge use of Internet. We can say that, the process
of doing online business is E-Commerce. The development of Internet has brought major
changes in market. Anyone can buy or sell the products, goods, services, stocks and other house
hold items through Internet without going to the shop. So, E-Commerce becomes the important
need to increase or getting good sales over the Internet. E-Commerce include – online banking,
transportation, warehousing, advertising etc. By the use of E-Commerce user can get more
information according to their choice and need.
II. Advantages of E-Commerce
a. Cost efficient:
The biggest advantage is for retailor because there is no inventory investment for
doing business [1].
b. Provides differentiation in shopping:
E-Commerce gives comparison in shopping. There are many online services that
allows customer to check multiple vendors online and get best price. Customer can
perform quick differentiation between prices of products.
c. Consume less time:
E-commerce gives the provision to the customer to visit the same site by just one
click of the mouse.
d. Acquiring new customers:
Many customer follow the links in the search engine and landed up on the website.

M-Commerce is the abbreviation of Mobile Commerce. M-Commerce is the action of

managing business financial transaction by mobile phones. In this modern era mobile phones
playing an essential role, it is one of the most major thing of our life. Mobile phones are highly
utilised to communicate with one another. The meaning of term Mobile is that the portable
device which is used for communication it is also called cellular phone. These wireless
appliance connect with computer networks that have the capability to online purchase. Mobile
commerce services were first delivered in 1997, when the first two mobile-phones enabled
Coca Cola vending machines were installed in the Helsinki area in Finland [1] . The payment
accepted by machines is via SMS or text messages. This work evolved to several new mobile
applications such as the first mobile phone-based banking service was launched in 1997 by
Merita Bank of Finland, also using SMS. Finnair mobile check-in was also a major milestone,
first introduced in 2001[2] . The E-Commerce companies choose smart phone users through
mobile sites and due to this M-Commerce came in reality.

Advantages of Mobile Phones:

1. Origin of communication:
Mobile phone is observed as a best origin of communication. By using mobile phones
users can easily communicate with one another across the globe within less time. Because of
invention of these hand held mobile phones we can access the whole globe easily.
2. Moveable Device:
Because mobile phones are portable devices we can carry it very easily from one place
to another.
3. Online Banking:
Now a days, whole work of banks is totally relying on Internet and moreover all the
services of the bank is available in mobile phone which makes banking services very easy for
4. Make browsing easy:
Mobile phones are also used for browsing over the Internet. It gives the service of
browsing for different purposes according to the need of the user.
5. On-line Shopping:
In today’s busy world everyone wants to do shopping from their homes or offices
without going to the shop. Business companies have made their own shopping mobile app
which makes online shopping more easy and efficient for the customer.

III. Need of E-Commerce and M-Commerce

In the development country E-Commerce and M-Commerce are widely used. The reason
behind that is these technologies made everyone’s life very easy. Every information is available
on the Internet, and user can use these information according to their needs. In banking sector,
E-Commerce and M-Commerce played a vital role. Now a days no body is standing in a queue
for availing banking services. All the banking services are in user’s hand that’s mean in their
smart phone with the help of M-Commerce bank customer can use different bank services from
their home or office without going to the bank. With the help of E-Commerce all truncations
can be done within few seconds. User can transfer money from one account to another from
their mobile phones.
All the online business companies made the mobile apps for the customer which is access by
their mobile phones anytime anywhere. User can do ticket reservations from their mobile
phone, can do online shopping from mobile app, can communicate with each other by different
means like audio, video, messaging with the help of Internet.
As mobile phones are cheaper than laptops and desktops so people more prefer to do their
business through the mobile phones.

IV. Difference between E-Commerce and M-Commerce

Both the technologies include purchase and vend using Internet. But there are some difference
between these two.
E-Commerce is available at the places where we have internet connectivity but with M-
Commerce we are free from all such boundaries [1]. M-Commerce is expensive than E-
Commerce. Electricity and Internet is required in E-Commerce but in M-Commerce electricity
is not required. M commerce is different from E commerce in many ways as the number of
steps and the time required to complete a mobile shopping transaction is significantly lower
than a traditional web browser based experience where one has to use a keyboard and a mouse
to upload pictures but in case of a Smartphone user the process is much simpler [1]. M-
Commerce establish more interaction between customer and business entity with some
technologies like Push Notification, reminders of various apps install in customer’s mobile.
The customers are more attracted towards the selling actions of the companies and exciting
graphics in their apps. Customers are lot more busy with shopping experience which is no more
boring as traditional E-Commerce.

V. Conclusion
The present day technologies like E-Commerce and M-Commerce provides lot of relieve to
the customer as well business. These technologies can’t overcome some of the feeling which
can come through physical purchase. By using these technology customer can not able to touch
the texture of the material, can never touch the product to measure it quality. But on the other
end these technologies save a lot of time and physical work which customer spent in finding a
thing in market, everything is available in the shopping app. The expectation from today’s
generation would be to combine both the community and the technological aspect of the
commerce in the same structure.

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