Management Research Project

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Human resource management










In practical fulfillment of the requirement for the practical studies course in

Bachelor of Business Management Programmer


In B.B.A. program, it is necessary to take industrial training. I

am a management student so it is essential to take practical knowledge
with theoretical knowledge.

Industrial Visit is an integral part of our B.B.A. program. The

objective of the Industrial Visit is to make the students aware about
how the theory of business administration is practically implemented
in various departments like production, human resource, marketing
and finance etc.

I completed industry my training at Elecon Company where I

studies the entire department and took information, which are required
for me.

In my report I have described the functioning of various

departments of this company. The report covers specifically four
main departments:


Rajal vyas


I would like to express my sincere thanks to “Elecon engineering

com” for providing me an opportunity to visit their organization and shaped
my understanding in practically which I have got in theory.
I want to express my gratitude from bottom of my heart to the
management body which consisting of following personalities:-

1. Shri prayasvin b. Patel (Chairman)

2. Shri upenra m. Patel (M.D)
3. Mr. Nayan m. adhyaru (company secretary)
4. Mr. V.P. gaekward (H.R manager)

And all the staff members of GRSL.

I would like to convey my sincere thanks & express my
gratitude to our respected principal Dr. A. Modi for giving me the
opportunity to learn the practical business environment for a period of one
At last, I convey my sincere thanks to my project guide Prof.
Jay thrived who have given me continuous guideline for preparation of this
project report.

Rajal vyas

Executive summery

Elecon engineering Ltd is situated at vallabh vidhyanagar,

which is handling by the owner of the company in vidhyanagar it was
established in 1952.This project report includes all relevant to recruitment of
employee recruitment of the elecon engineering ltd.

The concept of recruitment of employee is used manufacture

cycle depends on the firms choice of technology & production policy. The
firm’s credit policy is another factor, which influences recruitment of the
employee recruitment. It depends on the nature and need of business,
competition to use it as marketing tools.

They have established their company in this area because

there are many facilities available in Elecon Company.

No. Subject Page no.

Executive summary

1. General information
Company profile
Organization chart
Vision. Mission

2. Human resources
Structure of hrm
Vision. Mission

3. Recruitment& selection
Sources of recruitment
Process of recruitment
Advantages & disadvantages
Selection process

4. Questionnaires

5. Conclusion

6. Bibliography
 History

Here is the Saga made of great vision and sheer determination.

Soon after India’s independence, Elecon starting making it’s presence felt in
industrial scenario in most productive and enriching manner. This process
has its root as far back as 1951.

A small beginning that was destined to have a glorious present and

spectacular future was made in 1951 in Bombay by a dynamic visionary late
Shri Ishwarbhai B Patel. A small firm indigenously manufacturing
conveying equipments started spreading its wings in the area so far
unexplored, resulting in valuable savings in foreign exchange outflow. With
obvious increase in business operations, it was converted into a Private
Limited Company on 11th January 1960.

On formation of a separate Gujarat State in May 1960, with a view to

contribute towards the development of home-land Gujarat, Elecon shifted its
base to Vallabh Vidaynagar, and became a Public Limited Company soon

After dawn of its Sliver Jubilee Year in 1976, Elecon set up a

separate Gear Division, having an area, spread 1, 73,098 sq. mtr. Equipped
with state of the art manufacturing infrastructure. The Gear Division today
provides a total solution to industries for power transmission equipments by
designing, supplying and servicing products like – Worm Gears, Helical
Gears, Spiral Bevel Helical Gears and different types of Couplings.
Company profile

Name of the company Elecon engineering co. ltd

Registered office; Anand sojitra road

V.v.nagger 388120


Material handling equipment

Gear division

Alternate energy division

Elmo elecon ltd

Power build ltd

ITICT engineering ltd

Ringspann elecon ltd


 Mumbai

 Calcutta

 Chennai

 Bangalore

 Ahmedabad

 Delhi

 Pune

 Nagpur

 Dhanvad

International Business division; Delhi

Size of the firm: large scale industry

Competitors of the company

o Larsan & turbo ltd

o Turf ltd

o Mets (Mumbai)

Board of Directors

o Shri prayasvin b Patel (Cmd)

o Shri pradip M Patel (Director)

o Shri Upendra m Patel (Director)

o Shri Ashok j Patel (Director)

o Dr. Amritlal c shah (Director)

o Mr. B j Babaria (Marketing manager)

o Shri Paresh M Shukla (secretary)

o Mr. V D Kalani (Purchasing Manager)


 State Bank of India

 Bank of India

 State bank of saurashtra

 EXIM Bank

 AXIS bank ltd

 City Bank ltd

Meckler financial & commercial service ltd

Legal adviser


Registered office
Vallabh vidhayanager 388120
Gujarat –India

Other associated company

 Elecon information technology ltd
 Akanish mechatronics ltd
 Rings pan elecon (I)

Organization chart











Create global presence in power transmission by

innovating and developing products to enhance value and satisfaction
of our Customers.

We adapt to the changes and meet the challenges by creative

entrepreneurship, empowered teamwork, continuous improvements,
and environment friendly practices and optimize profits to delight our


← Be present in all the leading & emerging markets of the world by

expanding, collaborating and associating with other partners and
consolidating our presence in already penetrated markets.

← Remain "Always A Step Ahead in Technology" by Continuously

investing in research and development to cater to new applications,
industries and segments as well as improvementofourexisting product
← Empower human resources to promote entrepreneurship, team spirit
leading to value enhancement for our Customers and Stakeholders.
← Follow environment friendly practices to protect environment and
continuously review and improve products and processes throughout the
supply chain.
Enlistment of society at large and well being of our employees.

The number one glossary suggestion and question that

people request is: “What is the definition of human resources?” William
R. Tracey, in The Human Resources Glossary defines Human Resources
as: “The people that staff and operate an organization … as contrasted
with the financial and material resources of an organization. The
organizational function that deals with the people ...” Long a term used
sarcastically by individuals in the line organization, because it relegates
humans to the same category as financial and material resources, human
resources will be replaced by more customer-friendly terms in the future

The success of public and private enterprises is dependent

on the effective management of its human resources. Irrespective of size,
the presence of well-trained and highly motivated staff will enable
organizations to meet the fresh challenges that come from today’s
dynamic business environment. Recognition of the importance of human
resource management has led to increasing demand for trained and
qualified HR professionals and to the development of a clearly defined
career structure which rises to the highest levels across all sectors of
industry. At the present time demand for trained and qualified HR
professionals is outstripping supply








Through professional management of human resources, the Human

Resources and Occupational Medicine Division supports the Laboratory in
securing and maintaining a position of world leadership in discovery and
technology development.


The Human Resources and Occupational Medicine Division, in

partnership with all Laboratory organizations, ensures a diverse, qualified,
healthy, and highly motivated workforce focused on achieving the critical
outcomes, through the development and administration of cost-effective and
results-oriented human resource and occupational medicine programs,
policies, services, and practices.


 A diverse, highly skilled, productive, healthy, and efficient workforce.

 Fair and lawful treatment of all employees.
 Highly effective supervisors, leaders and managers.
 Operational excellence in the delivery of all Human Resource and
Occupational Medicine services and functions.
 Alignment of HR and OM policies and processes with the
organization’s needs and goals.

Compensation and benefit packages will support the Laboratory’s

efforts to recruit and retain a highly performing and diverse work force. The
HR and OM Division will provide a high level of service to its customers by
making use of available knowledge, skills, and technology and through face-
to-face interaction with those customers. All members of the HR and OM
Division are representatives for our employees and fill an advocacy role,
when appropriate. In filling this advocacy role, HR and OM staff will be
mindful of the need to balance employee rights against the legitimate
business needs of the organization. .

 HR Staff will provide appropriate career development opportunities to

enable employees to better themselves.

 The HR and OM Division will carry out Laboratory personnel policies

and procedures in an open and honest fashion, welcoming input and
advice from our customers.

 The HR and OM Division will partner with upper management by

providing professional and expert advice and services on those
matters that impact upon personnel issues.

Recruitment is the generating of applications or

applicants for specific positions to be filled up in organization. In other
words, it is a process of searching applicants for jobs so that the right people
in right number can be selected.

FLIPPO has defined recruitment as "a process of searching

for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply
for jobs in an organization".

According to Bergmann and Taylor, "Recruitment is the

process of locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicant".

Source of manpower

The various sources of recruitment are classified into two board categories,


1. Present Employees:-

Promotions and transfers from among the present employees

can be a good source of recruitment. Promotion implies upgrading of an
employee to a higher position carrying higher status, pay and
responsibilities. Promotion from among the present employees is
advantageous because the employees promoted are well acquainted with the
organizational culture, they get motivated, and it is cheaper also. However,
the disadvantage lies in limiting the choice to a few people and denying
hiring of outsiders who may be better qualified and skilled.
2. Former Employees :-

A former employee is another source of applicants for

vacancies to be filled up in the organization. Retired or retrenched
employees may be interested to come back to the company to work on a
part-time basis. This source has the advantage of hiring people whose
performance is already known to the organization.

3. Employee Referrals :-

This is yet another internal source of recruitment. The

existing employee refers their family members, friends and relatives to the
company as potential candidates for the vacancies to be filled up in the
organization. This source serves as one of the most effective methods of
recruiting people in the organization..

4. Previous Applicants :-

This is considered as internal source in the sense that

applications from the potential candidates are already lying with the
organization. Sometimes, the organizations contact through mail or
messenger these applicants to fill up the vacancies particularly for unskilled
or semiskilled jobs.

1. Employment Exchanges :-

The National Commission on Labor (1969) observed in

its repost that in the pre-independence era, the main source of labor was
rural areas surrounding the industries, Immediately after Independence,
National Employment Service was established to bring employers and job
seeker together. In response to it, the compulsory Notification of Vacancies
Act of 1959 was instituted which became operatives in 1960.

2. Employment Agencies :-

In addition to the government agencies, there are a

number of private employment agencies who resister candidates for
employment and furnish a list of suitable candidate from their data bank as
and when sought by the prospective employers. ABC consultants,
Datamatics, Ferguson Associates, ect. are the popular private employment
agencies in our country.

3. Advertisement :-

Advertisement is perhaps the most widely used method

for generating many applications. This is because its reach is very high. This
method of recruitment can be used for job likes clerical, technical and
managerial. The higher the position in the organization, the more specialized
the skills, or the shorter the supply of that resource in the lab our market.
For example, the search for a top executive might include advertisements in
a national daily like "The Hindu".
4. Professional Associations :-

Very often, recruitment for certain professional

associations also called 'headhunters'. Institute of Engineers, Indian Medical
Association, All India management Association, etc. provide placement
services for their members. The professional associations are particularly
useful for attracting highly skilled and professional personnel.

5. Campus Recruitment :-

This is another source of recruitment. Though campus

recruitment is a common phenomenon particularly in the American
organizations, it has made its mark rather recently. Of late, some
organizations such as HLL, HCL, L&T, Reliance etc., in India have started
visiting educational and training institutes / campuses for recruitment
The method of campus recruitment offers certain
advantages to the employer organizations.
- The most of the candidates are available at one place.
- The Interviews are arranged at short notice.
- The teaching faculty is also met.
- It gives them opportunities to sell the organization to a large student
body who would be graduating subsequently.

6. Deputation :-

Another source of recruitment is deputation. i.e. sending

as employee to another organization for a short duration of two to three
years. This method of recruitment is practiced, in a pretty manner, in the
Government Departments and Public Sector organizations. It is useful
because it provides ready expertise and the organization does not have to
incur the initial cost of induction and training.
7. Word-of-Mouth :-

Some organization in India also practices the “Word-of-

mouth” method of recruitment. In this method, the word is passed around the
possible vacancies of opening in the organization. Another form of word-of-
mouth method of recruitment is “employee pinching” i.e. the employees
working in another organization are offered an attractive offer by the rival
organization. This method is economic, both in term of time and money.

8. Raiding or Poaching :-

Raiding or Poaching is another method of recruitment whereby the

rival firms by offering better terms and conditions, try to attract qualified
employees to join them. This raiding is a common feature in the Indian
organization. For example, several executives of HTM left to join Titan
Watch Company, so also exodus of pilots from the Indian Airlines to join
private air taxi operators.


In the general term recruitment involves the discovering of

potential application for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. In
other words recruitment is regarded as the linking activity bringing to gather
those jobs and those seeking jobs.

The recruitment of employees is the process started with the

recruitment by employment exchange advertisement in newspaper,
interview. Sometimes the employee is taken from the internal source of the

 It help better utilization if specialist.

 It reduces the administrative cost.

 It ensure uniformity in recruitment & selection of all types


 It tends to reduce favoritism in recruitment & make the

recruitment process more scientific.

 It facilities of staff between different units and department.

Recruitment disadvantages

 There is delay in recruitment as operating unit cannot recruit

staff as & when required.

 Recruitment is not flexible because operating unit lose control

over the requirement process.

 The central office may not be fully familiar with job recruitment
of different unit.
Selection process

The selection process consists of a series of steps at each stage

facts may come to light, which may lied to the rejection of the applicant. It is
serried of successive handles, which an applicant must be cross.

Process of selection:

 Prelimary interview
 Application blank
 Selection test
 Employment interview
 Physical examination
 Reference check
 Final selection

 Prelimary interview

Prelimary interview is essentially as sorting process is which

prospective candidate are given the necessary information about the
nature of job and organization.nessary information also elicited from the
candidate about their educatin,skill,experience,salary etc.
 Application blank

Application from is traditional and widely used devise for collecting

information from candidates.

 Identify information…………



 Personal information……….



Place of birth…….

Date of birth…….

 Physical characteristics………



Eye sight…….

 Family back ground………

 Education………
 References………
 Selection test

Psychological test are being increasingly used in employee

selection. A test is sample of some expect of an individuals attitude,
behavior, performance. It also provides systematic bags for comparing
the behavior performance an attitude of two or more person.

 Type of tests

1. Ability test………

Aptitude test
Achievement test
Intelligence test

2. Personality test……….

Interest test
Projective test
Attitude test

3 other tests……….

 Employment interview

An interview is a conversation between two people.

In selection it involves personal, observation and face to face
appraisal of candidates for employment.

Types of interview

 Planned interview
 Group interview
 Stress interview
 Depth interview

 Physical examination

It determines whether the can dates are physically fit to

perform the job those who are physically unfit are rejected. It
reveals existing provides records of employee’s health at the

 Reference checks

The application is asked to mention in his application from the

names &address of two or three person who know him well.

 final selection

The last step in the selection process is the final selection of the
candidate for the job. The candidates who have cleared all the above
hurdles are finally selected and a letter of job offer is issued to them. The
job after i.e. appointment letter contains the details of the job. This is
done through placement and induction.


Elecon engineering com, ltd. gives the

different facilities and also gives the monetary

 Diwali bonus
 Medical facility
 Sanitary facility
 Loan
 Instinctive facility
 Uniform
 Shoes caps
 Overtime facility
 1 hour break

Promotion is refers to the upward movement of an employee from

one job to another higher one with increasing salary status & responsibility.

There are main to types of promotion.

 Permanent & Temporary

There are three types of promotion.

 Horizontal Promotion

When an employee is shifted in the same category it is called

horizontal promotion.
Such as a junior clerk promoted to senior clerk.

 Vertical Promotion

This is the kind of promotion when an employee is promoted from a

lower category to higher category increase in salary, status, authority,

 Dry Promotion
When promotion is made without increase in salary, it is called
dry promotion.

For ex. the lower level manager is promoted to senior level

manager without increase salary or pay.


Many organization keep record of their personnel with different

information about each employee with a variety of detail.

In Elecon company they keep personnel record with following


 Name with surname

 Address

 Religious

 Father’ name

 Mother’ name

 Educational qualification

 Marital status

 Wife’ name
 Information about family

 Branch department


Dear Sir,

I am students of s.k. collage of business management,

patan. I would like to ask you ask questions would be grateful if you few
moments and co-operate me.

1) How long you have been working in elecon

 Lees then 1 year

 5 to 10 year
 10-15 year
 More then 15 year

2) Which sources recruitment used?

 Internal
 External

3) Is recruitment & selection process is fair?

 Yes
 no
4) Do the company organize any training after selection?

 Yes
 no

5) Are you satisfied with Recruitment and selection?

 Yes
 no

6) Elecon is grate place to work?

 Agree
 Some what agree
 disagree

7) Over all are you satisfied to be a part of elecon com?

 Yes
 no

8) Has family recruitment are fulfilled while working in elecon com?

 Yes
 no

9) Have you plan to with this firm till recruitment?

 Yes
 No

1) How long you have been working in elecon

Option percentage

 Lees then 1 year 25%

 5 to 10 year 40%
 10-15 year 20%
 More then 15 year 15%
2) Which sources recruitment used?

Option percentage

Internal 65%
External 35%
3) Is recruitment & selection process is fair?

Option percentage

 Yes 80%
 No 20%
4) Do the company organize any training after selection?

Option percentage

 Yes 100%
 No -
5) Are you satisfied with Recruitment and selection?

Option percentage

 Yes 100%
 No -
6) Elecon is grate place to work?

Option percentage

 Agree 80%
 Some what agree 20%
 Disagree -
7) Over all are you satisfied to be a part of elecon com?

Option percentage

 Yes 90%
 No 10%
8) Has family recruitment are fulfilled while working in elecon com?

Option percentage

 Yes 00%
 No 100%
9) Have you plan to with this firm till recruitment?

Option percentage

 Yes 50%
 No 50%
I can conclude that the unit is running very efficiently and very
smoothly, I have observed that Elecon engineering com ltd,is a unit not
only ahead technically but also administratively. It has a bright future lying
ahead going through all the departments, we can see the department are
working hard and trying their best to still grow more. I think that the
company has good production department on the development and
diversification of its services the company has good relations with the staff
as well as the workers and the out spiders. It satisfied its workers needs. I
hope that in the future the unit will work full zeal and will became a highly
repudiated mane in all over the world

 Search engines

 Some data are collected in industrial training in elecon company

I can conclude that the unit is running very efficiently and very
smoothly, I have observed that Elecon engineering com ltd,is a unit not
only ahead technically but also administratively. It has a bright future lying
ahead going through all the departments, we can see the department are
working hard and trying their best to still grow more. I think that the
company has good production department on the development and
diversification of its services the company has good relations with the staff
as well as the workers and the out siders. It satisfied its workers needs. I
hope that in the future the unit will work full zeal and will became a highly
reputated mane in all over the world

 Search engines
 Some data are collected in industrial training in elecon company

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