ECE 5G Emerging Technologies 2020

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SPARC Sponsored one week Workshop

(10th – 14th February, 2020)

Organized by:
Collaboration with:
Sponsored by: Department of Electronics
National Research Tomsk
and Communication
SPARC - MHRD Polytechnic University,
NIT Tiruchirappalli, India

About SPARC About TPU- Russia

Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research The Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Russia is ranked as 387 in QS
Collaboration (SPARC) is a Ministry of Human Resource world rank and as 10th in Russia. It has 277th place in the world in the
Development (MHRD), GOI initiative to improve research direction of "Engineering and Technology" as of QS ranking and 201-250
ecosystem in India. It supports national premier educational place in the world in the discipline "Engineering: mechanics, aviation,
institutions by facilitating academic and research production" and Chemistry.
collaborations between Indian institutions and the best and
Foreign Resource Person
selected institutions across the world’s 28 nations. It
encourages international faculty to visit Indian institutions Prof. DUSHANTHA NALIN K JAYAKODY,
and facilitate long-term stays to teach courses and conduct
He is currently working as Professor in School
workshops for the benefit of Indian researchers and students
of Computer Science & Robotics, National
in the selected research area.
Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU),
About NIT Russia. Prof. Jayakody has published over 120
international peer reviewed journal, conference
The National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (NIT-T),
papers and books. His research interests include
formerly known as Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli
PHY and NET layer prospective of 5G
(RECT) is one of the technical institutes started by the Government
communications technologies such as NOMA for 5G, Cooperative wireless
of India. RECT was imparting quality education since its inception
communications, device to device communications, LDPC codes,
in the year 1964. In 2003, the institution was granted 'Deemed to be
Unmanned Ariel Vehicle etc. He currently serves as an Area Editor of the
University' status with the approval of UGC/AICTE. With a cream
Elsevier Physical Communications Journal, MDPI Information journal
of engineering and management talent, encompassing exuberant
and Wiley Internet of Technology Letters.
students and inspiring faculty, integrated with State-of-the-art
infrastructure facilities, NIT-T today has emerged as one of the
premier institutions in the country. The Institute has signed MoUs Indian Resource Persons
with various Industries and Institutions both in India as well as 1. Dr. S. J Thiruvengadam,
abroad to promote collaborative research and consultancy. Professor, Dept. of ECE, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.

About The Department 2. Dr. M D Selvaraj

Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE, Indian Institute of Information
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram. Tamilnadu
(ECE) was established in the year 1968. The vision of the
Department is to provide valuable resources for industry and society 3. Dr. M. Surendar,
through excellence in technical education and research. The Dept. of ECE, NIT, Karaikal.
Department offers Under graduate, Post Graduate, Research degree
(M.S. & Ph.D.) programs. Research in the Department focuses on 4. Dr. Sudheesh P G
various disciplines such as Communication systems, Wireless Dept. of ECE, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.
networks, Signal and Image Processing, RF MEMS, Microwave
Antennas, MIC, Optical Communication, Photonics and VLSI 4. Faculties of ECE Dept. NIT, Trichy
5. Technical persons from Keysight Technologies India Private
Limited, Bangalore
SPARC Project Code – 145, Self-Energised UAV-assisted Communications for 5G Wireless Networks
Course Contents Registration form
 Fundamental concepts for Design of wireless communication
One Week SPARC Sponsored Workshop on “Emerging
 MIMO – OFDM Systems. Technologies of 5G Communications”
 Massive MIMO & Multi user Communications
 Co-operative Communication Networks 10th – 14th February, 2020
 Introduction to 5G Wireless Technologies.
 Key Performance Targets for 5G.
 Introduction to SWIPT, WPT.
 Energy Aware NOMA for 5G. Name of the Participant : __________________________
 Introduction to NOMA Technology and Modeling for 5G. Department : ______________________________
 Air to ground Communications.
 Integration of SWIPT with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Gender : ______________________________
Communications. Designation : ______________________________
 Under Water Communications
 Possible Future Research Directions. Qualification : ______________________________
Organization : ______________________________
Target Audience:
SBI Collect Reference No: ________________________
 Ph.D. scholars pursuing research in 5G technologies. Mobile Number : ______________________________
 M.Tech/B.Tech students undertaking thesis/ projects in 5G
technology. Email : ______________________________
 Faculty members of Engineering Institutions/ Universities. Accommodation Required (Yes/No): _______________
 Engineers from Wireless Industry and R&D Organizations. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations governing the
Selection Criteria:
Selection will be done based on first come first served basis and the
confirmed candidates will be notified immediately. Number of Place: Signature of the Participant
participants will be limited to 50. Date:

Mr./Ms./Dr./_______________________________ is a student
Limited number of rooms in NIT-T Guesthouses/Hostels are
available on First Come first Served basis. Cost of boarding and /employee of our Institution and is permitted to attend this
lodging shall be borne by the applicant. Please note that no TA/DA programme.
shall be paid for this event by NIT-T.

How to Reach NIT Tiruchirappalli:

NIT-Trichy is located about 22 km from Tiruchirappalli Place: Signature of the Head
Junction/Central Bus stand on the Trichy-Thanjavur Highway. The
Date: Institution with seal
simplest and most economical way to reach NIT-Trichy is by bus.
Any city Bus at Tiruchirappalli Junction will take you to the central
bus stand. Board Thanjavur bound mofussil or route bus. The Important Dates:
journey time will be around 40 minutes. Last date for Applying with fee: 4th February 2020
Registration Fee Particulars: Confirmed Selection List by Email: 5th February 2020

Participants shall make the fee payment for the registration through Coordinators:
SBI collect according to their category as follows:
Dr. P. Muthuchidambaranathan,
SBI Collect home page ( 
Tamil Nadu  Educational Institutions  Conference and Professor, ECE Dept.
Workshop NIT Trichy  EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES OF 5G Dr. G. Lakshmi Narayanan,
Professor, ECE Dept.
Research Scholars & Students ₹ 2,500 Dr. G. Thavasi Raja,
Faculties ₹ 3,500 Assistant Professor, ECE Dept.

Industries & Government Organizations ₹ 4,000 National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

The registration fee includes workshop kit, working lunch and Contact Address
refreshment for all 5 days.
Scanned soft copies of completed applications and SBI Fees Mr. Anandpushparaj. J, Mobile: 9092085186
payment receipt should be sent to the Coordinators by filling the Ms. Mitali Gupta , Mobile: 9731188359
details of this google form.
(Click the Link) Email:

SPARC Project Code – 145, Self-Energised UAV-assisted Communications for 5G Wireless Networks

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