Scope of Community Health Nursing

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The scope of community health nursing is wide and it is described below:

1.Home care

A large number of clients can be adequately cared for at home by extending certain hospital
services. The hospital takes up the responsibility in coordinating these services by providing
personnel or equipment. The nurse practitioners in USA replace physicians in providing primary
care. In order to carry out this responsibility, the nurse requires certain additional skills like history
taking and recognition of physical signs for proper treatment.

2.Nursing homes

The nursing homes are privately run. They have better medical care facilities than the government
hospitals because they charge more fees. The nursing component in nursing homes is generally
well catered for.

3.MCH and Family planning

The public health nurse plays a major role in the MCH and family planning services. It comprises
antenatal, postnatal and child care services. During pregnancy or illness, people listen to the
suggestions and advices for their welfare. Since nurses are directly in touch with patients, they
should be trained to give proper and correct advice.

4.School Health Nursing

The School Health Nurse renders services to promote and protect the health of the school children.
She provides her services in the areas like, health education, first-aid, early education of diseases,
immunization, dental health, school sanitation maintenance of health records, follow up and
referral services.

5.Community health nursing

Community health nursing includes nursing care of the family in sickness and health.

The Community health nurses must be able to:

1. To provide primary health care in the community
2. To conduct routine antenatal and postnatal visits and to conduct deliveries when required
3. To carry out immunization
4. To promote the health of the children by conducting under five clinics and referring cases
who requires medical care
5. To assess the social, environmental and nutritional needs of the help of social workers to
meet these needs

6.Industial Nursing Services

Nurses are employed in industries. There is provision for appointment of medical and nursing
staff in factories where 500 or more workers are employed. The broad areas of nursing in this are:
pre-employment and periodic health check-up, care of sick, first aid, industrial sanitation and
safety, organizations of service o women and children, rehabilitation of the ill and disabled workers
and administration.

7. Domiciliary Nursing Services

The areas where domiciliary nursing is practiced in this country are maternity services, health
supervision disease prevention services and services for illness and accidents. The scope is
limitless for organizing domiciliary visits.

8. Mental health nursing services

Many developing countries have mental health services today. These services include early
diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation, psychotherapy, use of modern psychotropic drugs and after
care services.

9. Rehabilitation centers

Rehabilitation means restoration of all treated cases to the highest level of functional ability.
Nursing is an important component in the rehabilitation of the disabled.

10. Geriatric nursing services

The number of old people is increasing in the world today. The need of the old is different and
they need more care than the younger age groups. In many countries the old people are visited by
the nurses and other health workers.

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