232 - Sag Tension Calculations

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The document discusses the various factors that affect conductor sag such as temperature, ice and wind loads, as well as the importance of calculating initial and final sag over the lifetime of an overhead transmission line.

The main factors that affect conductor sag over the lifetime of an overhead transmission line are temperature changes, ice and wind loads, and plastic and creep elongation of the conductor material.

The main steps involved in calculating conductor sag and tension are determining the effects of conductor elongation due to temperature, ice and wind loads, calculating sags and tensions at different temperatures and loads, and ensuring tension and sag values meet design limits.

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Sag-Tension calculation methods B2.12.3
for overhead lines

The full list of TF Members is published with the Technical Brochure

This technical brochure
specifies and explains the pri-
mary elements of the sag-ten- Convenor of WG B2.12:
Historically, for most over-
sion calculation process, a pro- D. Douglass (United States)
head transmission lines, the sag of
cess which is essential to the conductors (or tension) is mea-
Secretary of WG B2.12:
design and construction of sured at the time of construction
M. Gaudry (France)
overhead lines. The various when the line is not energized. At
mathematical tools and con- the time of installation, the con-
Task Force 3 Leader
ductor data considered herein ductors are at a temperature of
D. Douglass (United States)
are used to predict sag and ten- 10oC to 35oC and tensioned to no
more than 10% to 30% of their
sion of catenaries at the full Task Force 3 Secretary
rated tensile strength. Once the
range of conductor tempera- S. Hoffmann (United Kingdom)
line is constructed, the phase con-
tures and ice and wind loads
ductors may be subject to high
that occur over the rather long temperatures during periods of high electrical loading
life of an overhead power line. The goal of the docu- and both the lightning shield wires and phase conduc-
ment is not to develop a unique or “best” calculation tors must remain intact during high ice and wind load
method, but to describe the overall process and explain events for an expected useful life of 40 years or more.
the common calculation methods. Under all foreseeable conditions, the conductors

Figure 1 - Catenary variation with conductor temperature, ice & wind loads, and time after installation
where Tmax is the maximum conductor temperature.

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must not break under high tension, fatigue under per- ence in length between conductor and span) is defined
sistent wind-induced motions, nor sag such that mini- and an important discussion of limits on calculation B2.12.3
mum electrical clearances are compromised. accuracy is included.

To assure that these conditions are met over the life Both approximate “parabolic” equations and the
of the line, the engineer must specify initial measured exact hyperbolic catenary equations are explained. The
(i.e. stringing) sags, based upon the following “sag-ten- catenary constant (tension divided by weight per unit
sion” calculations: length) is shown to be an essential parameter of these
• Sags and tensions after plastic elongation of the con- equations.
ductor due to occasional severe ice and/or wind loads
and to long-term creep elongation of aluminium strand Figure 2 shows a typical relationship between sag,
layers under normal everyday tension (difference in sag conductor tension, and “slack”, calculated with the cate-
between the Initial and Final Sag at 15oC in Figure 1). nary equation. As explained in the brochure, an increase
• Sags and tensions for all foreseen temperatures, over in any or all of the components of conductor elongation
the life of the line, including those (above 50oC) which (e.g. thermal, elastic, and plastic) leads to greater sag and
may result from high electrical current loads (See sag reduced tension.
at maximum electrical load in Figure 1).
• The maximum conductor tension under ice and wind
loads which “strain” structures (i.e. dead-end and angle)
must withstand and the corresponding maximum sag
which must not infringe on minimum electrical clearances. Transmission lines are usually comprised of multi-
• Conductor tensions during the coldest periods of ple line sections. Each line section is terminated at each
winter to allow for sufficient self-damping to prevent end by a strain structure that allows no longitudinal
aeolian vibration-induced fatigue over the life of the line. movement of the conductor attachment points and that
the terminating insulator strings experience the full ten-
sion of the conductors. Tangent suspension structures
are used within the line section to support the conduc-
tors. At suspension structures, the insulators and hard-
The catenary equations (both exact and approxi- ware used to support the conductors are usually free to
mate) are examined for both level and inclined spans. move both transversely and longitudinally to the line and
The various relationships between sag, tension (horizon- any modest difference in conductor tension between
tal and total), weight per unit length, and span length are adjacent spans is equalized by small movements of the
studied and explained. The concept of “slack” (differ- bottom of the insulator strings.

Figure 2 – Conductor Stress (H/A) and Sag (D) vs. %Slack (100*(L-S)/S)
where L=conductor length and S=Span length.

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This tension equalization between suspension spans time. In the simplest elongation model (“Linear Elon-
works reasonably well for modest changes in conduc- gation”), plastic elongation is ignored, and conductor B2.12.3
tor temperature and small differences in ice and wind elongation under tension is assumed elastic. In a some-
loading. The brochure explains how this simplifies the what more sophisticated model (“Simplified Plastic Elon-
sagging of conductor during construction and stringing gation”), plastic elongation is represented by a typical
and in simplifying sag-tension calculations with the value based on experience. In the most accurate conduc-
assumption of a “ruling” or “equivalent” span. tor elongation model (“Experimental Plastic Elonga-
The discussion of slack, and the sensitivity of tension tion”), plastic elongation is calculated based upon exper-
and sag to it, is applied to demonstrate how tension imental laboratory conductor test data. In this
equalization at suspension supports occurs and under experimental plastic elongation model, plastic increases
what conditions errors in calculation become significant. in the conductor length are calculated (including ini-
The physical understanding of the ruling span concept, tial strand deformation and settling, worst-case ice/wind
as described in the brochure, is helpful in identifying load events, and long-time “creep” elongation due to sus-
those line design situations where it should not be used. tained normal tension) based upon line design assump-
tions and historical field data.

The linear elongation model is simple to understand

and allows algebraic solutions to sag-tension conditions
Sag-tension calculations are normally performed but, by ignoring plastic conductor elongation, structure
with multiple constraints on tension and sag. For exam- tension loads are over-estimated and conductor sag
ple, the maximum tension under a specified wind and under both high wind/ice loading and at high electrical
ice load condition may be limited to 50% of rated current levels, can be underestimated.
strength and the conductor tension under everyday con- As discussed in the brochure, the Experimental Plas-
ditions may be limited to a tension over weight per unit tic Elongation model has several advantages: (a) it yields
length value of 1000 meters. realistic structure tension loads; (b) calculation of high
The brochure describes the purpose of various ten- temperature sags with ACSR (A1/SA1) is more accurate;
sion limits and recommends references that provide guid- and (c) the plastic elongation of the conductor can be
ance in setting specific values. calculated based on assumed loading events rather than
using a typical value based on experience.

The most important differences in sag-tension cal- The brochure acknowledges the widespread use of
culation methods involve the modeling of conductor numerical solutions to sag-tension calculations but uses
elongation due to changes in tension, temperature and graphical representations to provide the reader

Figure 3 - Conductor elongation diagram.

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with insight concerning the advantages and limitations It is clear from the discussion that, even with very
of calculation methods of varying complexity. In this dis- careful laboratory tests and modern calculation meth- B2.12.3
cussion, the conductor elongation models are used in ods, sag calculation errors cannot be less than 100 to
combination with the catenary equation to determine 200 mm and are generally considerably greater.
sag-tension values for typical high temperature and
ice/wind loading events. The sag-tension solutions pre-
sented in this chapter illustrate how plastic and thermal
elongation, influence the tension distribution between
aluminum layers and steel core in ACSR (A1/SA1). The sag-tension calculation process, with both
In this section, typical sag-tension calculation results exact and approximate catenary equations, is described
are discussed. The usual meaning of initial and final con- in some detail. Three conductor elongation models
ditions is explained and their calculation demonstrated are defined and the more complex, experimentally
for the different conductor elongation models. The inter- based model is recommended because its use allows
action of the steel core and aluminum layers under high the line designer to estimate both high temperature
tension and high temperature conditions is demonstrated sags and maximum structure tension loads with supe-
graphically. rior accuracy.
Given the prevalence of numerical calculation tools,
there is little need to use the approximate catenary equa-
tions or the simplified elastic conductor elongation mod-
els. On the other hand, the ruling span method appears
In the final section of the brochure, some insight is to be sufficiently accurate to be used in most new line
provided into the influence of various key parameters designs.
used in sag-tension calculations. For example, variation Regardless of the calculation technique and conduc-
in the thermal elongation coefficient of a stranded alu- tor elongation model selected, it is concluded that there
minum conductor can have considerable influence on continues to be a need for sufficient clearance buffers
the sags calculated for a line at high conductor temper- in the design of new lines and the uprating of existing
atures. The sag at 100oC (9.7 m) increases by 200 and lines because of uncertainties in modeling the load
500 mm when the coefficient of thermal expansion is sequence and detailed mechanical behavior of bare
increased by 10% and 30%, respectively. stranded overhead conductors. ■

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