3-4-3 Formation - The Ultimate Coaching Guide PDF

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The key takeaways are that the 3-4-3 formation can be an attacking and possession-based system, but it requires tactical discipline and technical players to be effective. It leaves space at the back that must be covered.

Players need tactical awareness, discipline, strong wide defenders, comfort on the ball, ball-playing centre-backs, fit wing-backs, and good communication skills.

Strengths include lots of attacking options, pressing the opponent far up the pitch, creating 2v1 situations out wide, dominating possession, and having a strong central defense.

Home → Soccer Formations → 3-4-3 Formation – The Ultimate Coaching Guide

3-4-3 Formation – The Ultimate

Coaching Guide
Soccer formations like the 3-4-3 formation are constantly falling in and out of fashion as
tactical innovations lead teams to vary their approach in how they set themselves up to win

The beauty of soccer is that there is no single way to play. Within any league, teams line up
in a diverse array of formations depending on the players available, the opponent they are
facing, and their coach’s philosophy.

For the 3-4-3 formation to work, you need tactically astute players who fully understand
their role on the team. They must be exible and know how to respond both with and
without the ball.
If they're not, you risk being overwhelmed in defence as your opponents exploit the gaps
and space that the 3-4-3 formation leaves open at the back.

But if your team does master this formation, you can certainly be on the front foot for a
large part of the game and pin your opponents back with the sheer number of players you
commit forward.

Not every team has the personnel to play the 3-4-3 formation as it relies on stamina, tactical
discipline, and a high level of technical players to make it work.

When it works, however, the attacking football on display can be amazing to watch!

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3-4-3 Formation Team Requirements

Tactical awareness from each player and an understanding of how they t in the team.
A high level of discipline to ensure that the team attacks and defends as a team.

Quick and strong wide defenders who can cover the space left behind the wing-backs.
Players must be comfortable on the ball as the aim is to control possession.
A ball-playing centre-back is particularly important for stepping up from defence and
supporting the mid eld.
Wing-backs must be exceptionally t to support the attack and defence along their side.

Disciplined mid elders who can provide cover when the wingbacks are attacking and
help prevent counterattacks.
Exceptional communication skills as the team really needs to work together to make the
formation a success.

Strengths of the 3-4-3 Formation

1. Lots of attacking options – With three forwards and four mid elders there are a huge
range of possibilities when you attack. This allows for uidity and creativity which can
unlock the opposition’s defence. It also forces the opposition back and stops their
fullbacks from joining the attack.

2. Pressing the opposition and catching teams in possession at the back – With so many
attacking players up front you increase your chances of forcing the opposition into
mistakes. Winning the ball so far up the pitch means you will already be nearer their goal
and from capitalizing on a mistake, the opposition will likely be in disarray. 3-4-3 allows
the team to press the opposition all over the pitch.

3. 2-on-1 situations out wide – With a wide forward up front on each side (or two
supporting strikers who can drop out wide) you can overload opponents on the wing with
the wing-backs overlapping. This helps your team get in behind their defence and cross
balls in from out wide.
4. Dominate and control possession – The 3-4-3 formation often allows teams to dominate
the ball as the width it gives enables the players to stretch the opposition. The formation
also allows the players to always have a number of passing options available. It creates a
lot of diagonal options between the lines for teams to exploit.

5. Strong central defence – With three central defenders and a defensive-minded central
mid elder, the opposition are forced to attack from out wide. This helps to protect the
goalkeeper and reduce the number of shots on goal.
6. Tactical exibility – One of the best things about the formation is that it can easily be
converted into a number of other formations depending on what is going on in the
match. When attacking, a defender often pushes up to join the mid eld which helps
increase the attacking options. When defending, the wing-backs drop back to create a
back ve.

7. Create uncertainty in the opposition – With such a degree of exibility, the opposition
can become overwhelmed and unsure of who to pick up in di erent areas of the pitch.
With the wing-backs pushing forward, for example, the wide forwards can either drop
into space inside or support them in giving the team more width. This makes the
opposition players uncertain as to who they should mark and follow.
8. E ective against teams that play three or four defenders – By having so many attacking
players in the forward areas it can easily overwhelm teams that play three or four at the
back as they almost have to go one-on-one against the attackers.

Weaknesses of the 3-4-3 Formation

1. You need the right personnel – Not every team has the tactical discipline or right players
to t the system. Players need to understand the spaces they attack as well as when to
cover their teammates in this highly uid formation.

2. The team must be disciplined and work well together – If just one person does not
track back or neglects to do their job, the whole team can disintegrate as players are then
forced out of position to cover their teammates.

3. Large spaces for the opposition to exploit on the counterattack – Committing so many
players forward can leave a lot of space behind and your opponents can quickly break
forward if they regain possession.

4. A narrow back three means the opposition can attack from out wide – If your wing-
backs get caught up eld or do not diligently track back, they leave a lot of space out wide
for the other team to exploit. The opposition can also double up on the wings if their
fullback decides to push forward and join the winger in front of them.

5. Every player must be comfortable on the ball – 3-4-3 encourages ball-playing teams to
play out from the back. If a mistake is made the opposition can quickly capitalise.
6. A diamond mid eld can lead to a lack of width – This then leaves the team very narrow
and reduces the attacking options available.
7. Reliance on movement and high energy play – The team has to be constantly on the
move to give their teammates options when with the ball. They have to also move
together up and down the pitch, attacking and defending as a team.

8. A need for ball-playing centre-backs – The defenders in the team need to be con dent
on the ball, push forward into space to break the opposition’s press and also support the
mid eld when the team is attacking.

9. Weak against other teams with a lot of attackers – This forces your defenders to play
almost one on one against the opposition’s forward players.

3-4-3 Formation Setup:

While this formation allows for a number of variations which we will look at later, the
standard set-up is with three at the back, four in the mid eld and three up front as the
name 3-4-3 indicates!

In front of the goalkeeper are the three centre-backs who are the main defenders in the

Their main aim is to keep a clean sheet in the match by protecting the keeper and stopping
the opposition from scoring.

Next, we have the four mid elders who all have di erent roles...

In the standard 3-4-3 set-up, the two wide mid elders act as wing-backs and provide the
team with width by bombing up and down the pitch.

In the middle, the two mid elders are responsible for both attacking and defending and
have to be tactically disciplined to give balance to the team.
Up front are the three forwards who are the most o ensive players on the team. Their job is
to create chances and score the main bulk of the team’s goals.

In the 3-4-3 formation, players have a lot of responsibilities and the team faces failure if any
one player does not ful ll their role.

The onus on attacking and defending falls on the team as a collective unit unlike with other
formations where the defenders defend and the attackers attack.

Let’s look more in-depth at each position...

Player Roles and Responsibilities:

As with all formations, the goalkeeper’s primary objective is to stop the opposition from
scoring past them.

In the 3-4-3 formation, however, the goalkeeper has more responsibility as they not only
have to save shots but also contribute to the team retaining possession. This means that
they have to be calm on the ball and technically capable as they will have more of the ball at
their feet than in other formations.

There is also more emphasis on the goalkeeper to communicate in 3-4-3. As all of the pitch
is before them, they need to direct the defenders in front of them, sni out danger, and
organise the team from the back.

As well as being a good shot stopper, the goalkeeper needs to be good on the ball and a
vocal presence in the team.
In the 3-4-3 formation, defenders are not only expected to defend but also to retain
possession and push forward into the mid eld if necessary.

The central centre-back is usually very good on the ball and is expected to operate as a deep
central mid elder.

They drop deeper than the other centre-backs to provide cover when they go to tackle the
opposition’s attackers. This allows the defenders to double up on an attacker and clear the
ball if it drops behind the other centrebacks.

When the team is in possession, they're expected to create angles for the other centrebacks
with their movement.

When the team is attacking, they may push forward to support the mid eld and provide
more options to their attacking teammates. This can help overload the opposition in
di erent parts of the pitch.

As well as being defensively sound, good at tackling, and passing the ball, they also need to
organise the defence and communicate well with the mid elders in front.
They are the main organiser of the team’s defence and need to be aware of any dangerous
spaces and intercept when possible.

On either side of them are the left and right centre-backs...

In the 3-4-3 formation, these players need to be fast and strong to cover the spaces left
behind the wing-backs pushing forward.

They will be expected to challenge and tackle the opposition’s attackers so they must be
good tacklers.

Like all players in the team, they need to be technically capable of receiving the ball under
pressure and retaining possession by passing it on.

Unlike in other formations, these defenders also need to have good movement and must
create space for the rest of the team by dropping wide to give their teammates more
passing options.

If the play is switched quickly from one side to the other, the centre-back can quickly push
forward and break the opponent’s press.

They can also step up and support the mid eld if the occasion arises.
All three of the centre-backs have to be safe in possession and communicate well with each
other and the rest of the team.

The centre-backs’ only attacking responsibilities are to go up for free kicks or corners.

The wing-backs (or left and right mid elders) are the ttest players on the team and it is
their responsibility to bomb up and down the pitch for the whole duration of the match.

They need to be fast, mobile, and tactically astute to ensure the formation is a success. The
team’s width relies on these players and if they do not ful l their role, the whole team can
become unbalanced.

By staying out wide, they help the central mid elders to have more space and time on the
ball and allow the forward players more exibility in the spaces they take up.

They have to join the attack and support the defence and if they fail to do either job,
problems can arise at both ends. This means they have to be comfortable both o ensively
and defensively.

They must communicate well with the centre-back behind them and have a good
connection with the forward player on their side.

When attacking, the wing-back has to time their runs to perfection so as to overlap the
forward and push past the opposition’s fullback. This allows them to get behind the defence
and the onus is on them to deliver a good cross into the box.

It also helps if the wing-backs are good dribblers and have the con dence to take on the
opposition’s fullback out wide.

It is also their responsibility to track back once the team has lost possession. They need to
get back to cover the opposition’s attackers and support their teammates in defence.
Mid elders:
In a at mid eld, one mid elder is usually more attacking while the other is more defensive.

Both of them, however, have to contribute o ensively and defensively to the team’s play
and they need to be tactically disciplined to make the formation work.

These players have to connect well with their teammates and exert their in uence on the
match by controlling possession.

The more defensive-minded mid elder disrupts the opponent’s attacks and supports the
defence by dropping in to ll any spaces left by the centre-backs or wing-backs pushing

They need to be aware of open spaces that the opposition can attack and ll in when
necessary. This means they have to read the game well.

Their main job is to protect the defence and defend the centre of the pitch. They might also
have to make tactical fouls to stop the opposition from counterattacking.

This player is usually physically imposing and has to be very t to run up and down the
pitch. Along with the other central mid elder, it is up to them to control the tempo of the
The more attacking-minded mid elder has less defensive responsibilities as it is up to them
to support the team’s forward players by playing quick forward passes and looking for
through balls.

They should also make late runs into the box to create confusion among the opposition and
should be a threat to score goals as well.

By waiting on the edge of the opponent’s box they also present their teammates with more
passing options.

Like all the players in the team, they need to be calm in possession and have good technical

As with all their teammates in the 3-4-3 formation, they must have a high work rate and lots
of energy in their play.

One of the great things about the 3-4-3 formation is the number of ways that the forwards
can line up: one up front with two behind; two up front and one behind; or a at three.
In any case, they largely have the same responsibilities and the team’s goal scoring and
creative play mainly comes through them.

They have to nd space to exploit, put pressure on the opposition’s defence, block any
passes forward, and be creative with the ball.

By harrassing the opponent’s defenders, they can disrupt their passing game and win the
ball back high up the pitch. With their high energy, they can stretch the opposition out of
position, make them nervous and force mistakes.

The attackers have a lot of freedom to drop into di erent areas in front of the defence or
support the wing-backs out wide to overload the wings.

These players are usually very quick, dynamic, and good at dribbling and playing in small
spaces. By regularly changing positions, they can confuse the opposition’s defenders who
will not know who to mark.

The central striker is often the most physically imposing of the three and can be used as a
target man if necessary to hold up the ball and bring others into play.

Alternatively, they may drop deeper to nd more space and drag the opposition’s centre-
backs out of position.
This player is usually the best nisher and is good with their head. It is their job to score the
goals and get on the end of crosses in the box.

The wider forwards can open up space for mid elders pushing forward by running wide or
open up space for the wing-backs by coming inside. They also have to be good at crossing as
they often end up out wide.

Attacking in the 3-4-3 Formation

As you can see, the 3-4-3 formation a ords the team many attacking options...

By controlling possession and creating passing angles, the team can work their way forward,
overload the opposition in a certain area and create a goal scoring opportunity.

While the main bulk of the attacking play comes from the forwards, the whole team really
needs to contribute for it to be a success.

The forward players are supported by the attacking mid elder and wing-backs. This can
create pandemonium for the opposition as six players hover around their box!

With a defensive mid elder and supporting defender behind them, they can then recycle
possession by switching the play if they don’t make a breakthrough on one side.

With so many players in the opposition’s half, there are a number of options for players to
choose from when attacking and this is what makes the 3-4-3 formation so attractive. It
gives the players a lot of runners to choose from and if there is enough movement, gaps will
undoubtedly appear in the opposition’s defence.

The wide forwards can impact the attack in a number of ways through their positioning,
dribbling skills, and creativity...

They can drop wide to support their wingback in attacking the opposition’s fullback which
helps draw the opponent’s centre-back of deep-lying mid elder across. They can also use
the wingback’s overlapping run to drive past the fullback and push into the box themselves
to either ash a cross across the box or go for goal themselves.

With crosses into the box from the wide forward or the wingback, the opposite wide
forward, the central striker and the attacking mid elder should all make themselves
available in the box.

All of the front line work in pockets of space, which their teammates help create with their
movement o the ball. There should always be options available and this helps keep
possession in the opposition half.

The forward players should be con dent taking people on and working together through
quick passing to draw in defenders and pass their way behind the defence.
Defending in the 3-4-3 Formation

The forwards play a key part in the defensive side of the 3-4-3 formation as it is up to them
to pressure the opposition’s defence, force them into mistakes, and win the ball high up the

This helps to keep the opposition hemmed in their half and the team must aim to control
possession and not lose the ball.

Defensively vulnerable with only three at the back, the forwards must be energetic and
defend from the front.

By staying forward, the team’s attackers can dissuade the opponent’s fullbacks from joining
the attacks and their job is also to stop the opposition from passing forward if possible.

In this formation, all of the defenders need to keep their cool and not dive in as they will
often have few players at the back.

They should stand o and avoid making tackles if they are not certain of success so that the
team can get back in position.
The central centre-back should cover the others and the more defensive-minded mid elder
needs to cover any gaps that arise from people being out of position.

The outer centre-backs need to cover the wide areas left behind the wing-backs and close
them down quickly to stop the opponent from advancing into the box. All of the team then
need to shu e across so a gap doesn’t arise between the centre-backs.

The whole team must communicate clearly, fall back into position quickly, and spot any
danger arising.

The wing-backs need to make sure they get back as quickly as possible to support the
centre-backs and when under pressure they can revert to a back ve.

The central mid elders next to them can sit in front of the defence, limit the space a orded
attackers outside of the box, and screen any passes forward.

If the opponents regain possession further up the eld, they might want to do a tactical foul
to stop the counterattack.

They need to make sure they do not get dribbled easily by the other team as once past
them, the opposition has a free run at the defence.

Variations of the 3-4-3 Formation:

The beauty of the 3-4-3 formation is that it can easily be adapted on the pitch depending on
how the game is going, the scoreline, and how the players are playing.

Diamond Mid eld:

While teams usually line up in a at mid eld with the wing-backs on either side of the
central mid elder, some teams prefer to play with a diamond in the middle.

In this formation, one mid elder plays the holding role, with a left and right mid elder in
front of them and an attacking mid elder at the tip of the diamond behind the three

From here, the holding player sits back and covers any positions left open by players
advancing while the left and right mid elders help control possession and have to
contribute both o ensively and defensively.

They are narrower than wing-backs though and there is less emphasis on them to push out
wide. This can be a problem at times as it can lead to a lack of width in the team and
congestion in the centre of the pitch.

The attacking mid elder obviously takes on more of the attacking responsibility and
contributes less to the defensive side of the game.
Triangle Attack:
As mentioned, there are a number of ways the forwards can line up di erently too…

With a physically imposing central striker who holds up the ball and brings others into play,
the two forwards on either side can either act as playmakers or wingers or, as is more likely,
a mix of the two.

The team might play with two strikers up front (one big and one fast for instance) in the
three with one playmaker behind them, threading passes through.

For maximum confusion for the opposition, they may all continuously swap position, drop
into space and generally wreak havoc!
The 3-4-3 formation is incredible to use if you can get it right!

Every single player needs to know exactly what is demanded of them and you can put the
opponent under immense pressure with the high energy display that the formation

It is a very demanding formation both physically and mentally and the players have to be on
top of their game to make it a success.

Communication and coordination are key to organising the team while the technical abilities
each player has helps control possession and force the play up the pitch.

Such players on the team a ord the coach a high level of tactical variation.

In this attacking formation, you will have a fun time playing o ensive football.

And if you attempt the formation with younger players it will help them to gain a greater
understanding of the beautiful game and how each and every one of their teammates are
crucial to the success of the team.
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March 8, 2018 Soccer Formations

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 2 comments

William preston - November 5, 2018

Thanks this helped alot


Coach Watson - November 12, 2018

Glad you liked it!


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