Design & Simulation of Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Pressure Sensor For Minimum Attenuation Criteria
Design & Simulation of Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Pressure Sensor For Minimum Attenuation Criteria
Design & Simulation of Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Pressure Sensor For Minimum Attenuation Criteria
This paper presents the design & simulation of an Optical Fiber Bragg Grating (OFBG) sensor for
stress, strain measurement and also demonstrates the methodology to arrive at the optimal grating pitch
dimensions for a given interrogating wavelength. The wavelength chosen for interrogation of the Fiber
Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor is from the third window so as to minimize the attenuation of the light signal
in the communication link from Fiber Bragg Grating sensor to the electronic instrumentation. Before
actually inscribing the grating in the fiber, simulation tools provide valuable help in optimizing the design
parameters. From the graphical simulations, it can be concluded that increase in the grating pitch will
change the reflectivity of the interrogating wavelength. Once the sensor is simulated using the advanced
simulation tools, then it is tested for its reliability. The simulation results presented in this paper show the
effectiveness of the developed method, which can be further implemented in real time for various industrial
Keywords : Fiber, Bragg Grating, Sensor, Optics, Simulation, Instrumentation, Window, Modulation,
Power, Reflection, Wave-length.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Many users exist for FBGs in today’s fiber 2 SOFTWARE METHODOLOGY USED
communication systems, which rely heavily on TO DESIGN THE FBG SENSOR
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
(DWDM) and optical amplification. Besides this, In this section, we describe the methodology that
FBGs have found applications in sensor systems, has been used in the software tool for designing the
which they stand out from all other technologies, in Fiber Bragg Grating sensor. The tool used is
the performance, reliability & the cost. A FBG GratingMODTM and is a general design tool for
consists of a periodic modulation of the index of analysing and synthesizing complicated grating
refraction along the core of an optical fiber. profiles in optical fibres and integrated wave-guide
FBGs are created by exposition of a circuits for a wide variety of photonic applications.
photosensitive fiber to an intensity pattern of UV Speedy algorithms, capable of handling gratings
light. In its basic form, the resulting grating reflects embedded in arbitrary wave-guide profiles, make
selectively the light guided by the optical fiber at the GratingMOD a synergistic addition to the Rsoft
the bragg wavelength λ = 2nΛ , where n and Λ are tool-suite. The following steps give a brief
the effective index of refraction of the fiber and the introduction about the various concepts that are
pitch of the grating in the fiber respectively [14]. used in the design and simulation of the FBG
Various types of simulation software packages sensor that is done in our research work using the
are available on the Internet like PC-Grate, Grating MOD tool.
GratingMod, SPSS, FOGS, etc for the simulation of Setting up of the fiber
a FBG sensor. Complete documentation in the form The grating layout utility
of user guides and manuals are available as .pdf Modifying the utility output
files and support is also available in the form of Displaying the index profile
example model files. FBG model can be Performing the first simulation
constructed using one of these software packages Performing the second simulation
and simulated to evaluate grating efficiency for Decorating the plots (optional)
various grating shape parameters, number of plane Reflection spectra & delay vs. wavelength
sections and wavelengths [7].
In this research paper, an optical FBG sensor 3. DESIGN OF THE FBG SENSOR
model is being simulated with the help of advanced FBG’s are flexible and affordable components
software modules such as the GratingMODTM and in many of the fiber optic systems. A whole host of
the modeled sensor is evaluated for the grating fiber parameters can be modified in order to obtain
efficiency for various grating shape parameters, a desired spectral performance, including, index
pitch, the number of plane sections and different modulation, structure length, apodization, chirp and
wavelengths. Finally, the results are summarized. the ability to control the type and the number of
Before actually inscribing the grating in the fiber, both forward and backward propagating modes. In
simulation tools provide a valuable help in this work, we are using the GratingMOD to simply
optimizing the design parameters [6] which is being change the refractive index modulation depth of a
taken care of in our research work. FBG and note the changes in the reflection spectra.
The paper [40] is organized in the following The user is encouraged further to explore the effects
sequence. A brief introduction to the related work of apodization, chirp and grating length on their
and the literature survey, i.e., about the optic fiber own [8].
sensors and about the FBGs was presented in the Fiber Bragg Gratings are based on the principle
previous paragraphs, i.e., in section 1. The section 2 of Bragg reflection. When light propagates through
depicts the information about the software periodically alternating regions of higher and lower
methodology used to design the FBG sensor. In the refractive index, it is partially reflected at each
section 3, the design details of the FBG sensor is interface between those regions. If the spacing
presented with the step-by-step procedure. Next, between those regions is such that all the partial
the simulation results along with the discussions reflections add up in phase when the round trip of
about the work touched upon in this paper is the light between two reflections is an integral
presented. Further, this section is followed by the number of wavelengths, the total reflection can
conclusions & the scope for future work in this grow nearly 100 %, even if the individual
area, acronyms, the references & the biographies. reflections are very small.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Of course, that condition will hold only for helps us in optimal design of fiber Bragg grating
specific wavelengths. For all other wavelengths, sensors before fabricating [31]. Different operations
the out of phase reflections end up cancelling each are involved in the design of the FBG sensor, which
other, resulting in high transmission. The condition could be briefly discussed as follows one after
for high reflection is known as Bragg condition. another.
FBG consists of a periodic modulation of the index
of refraction along the core of an optical fiber as 3.1 SETTING UP OF THE FIBER
shown in Fig. 1. Consider a simple uniform FBG and define the
FBG via a sinusoidal index perturbation along the
propagation axis of the fiber. The fiber cladding
index normally chosen is to be around 1.45, and in
this paper, it is assumed to be infinite. The fiber
core will be 5.25 μm in diameter, and will have an
index of 1.458. The modulation depth of the index
perturbation will be varied in order to visualize the
Fig. 1 : Principle of operation of a FBG sensor changes in the grating performance around a
FBG sensors are based on the fact that the particular central wave-length. Note that the 3D
Bragg wavelength changes with change in the pitch structure type is a fiber, simulation tool used is
of the grating and the change in the refractive index Grating MOD & the profile type is a step index /
[15]. Thus, any physical parameter (like single mode.
temperature, stress, strain) which causes change in
the above mentioned parameters can be sensed 3.2 THE GRATING LAYOUT UTILITY
using a FBG, by measuring the shift in the Bragg
wavelength or the change in reflection coefficient The grating layout utility is used to speed up
of a particular wavelength [27]. the time needed to produce this type of grating for
The manufacturing techniques for Fiber Bragg the particular specification chosen by us. Open the
Gratings are still evolving. The earliest and still one grating layout utility via the utility option in the
of the most popular, side writing methods for CAD menu. Set the layout option to fiber, the
producing fiber gratings is the UV holographic [16- grating type to volume index, and the modulation
18]. This uses two-beam interference from depth to 0.0012 in order to specify that we wish to
amplitude splitting mirror interferometer to create an index modulated fiber structure.
fabricate the gratings [28]. The UV holographic Then, set the width and height to 5.25 μm, and
method has the advantage of being a flexible delta to 0.008 to set the index and geometry related
system which allows gratings to be written over a parameters. Finally, enter a layout file meta pre-fix
wide range of wavelengths, but does require a such as fbg and click the OK button. The file,
mechanically stable experimental set-up for CW or fbg.ind, will be created and will be opened
multipulse writing. Adjusting the angle of automatically in the CAD window [9] as shown in
intersection between the two writing beams the Fig. 2.
controls the Bragg wavelength. Another common The created file fbg.ind contains a single fiber
method of grating fabrication is to use a phase mask
segment with the desired index perturbation. The
user is encouraged to explore the segment
In the usual near field configuration, the
properties dialog box, which can be accessed by
diffracted first order beams from the phase mask
interfere at the optical fiber placed in close right-clicking on the segment. This dialog box
proximity to the phase mask surface. In the far field controls all the parameters for the fiber, including
version the +/− 1 order beams are reflected off the the index modulation and perturbation. In this case,
sides of a fused silica block before they are the index perturbation is set by a user-defined
recombined at the optical fiber [30]. grating taper function [10].
The phase mask techniques are less sensitive to
environmental disturbances and produce gratings 3.3 MODIFYING THE UTILITY OUTPUT
with highly repeatable characteristics. Once the basic structure is defined, we need to
Manufacturing facility for fiber Bragg gratings make several additional modifications in order to
involves huge infrastructure and financial obtain the desired structure. Open the global
involvement. Simulation is an important tool which setting dialog box, and change the value of the
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
background index to 1.45. This effectively sets the used to resolve the index along Z. Finally, press
cladding index of the fiber as we have assumed that the Display…. button and change the index max
the cladding is infinite. Next, we need to set the from its default value to background_index +
length of the grating. delta*(1 + ModDepth).
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
various index modulation depths. We will produce from the simulation to disk. Finally, set an output
the results for a modulation depth of both 0.0012 prefix such as bragg_12 and click OK to perform
and 0.0003 and then display these results later. the simulation [17].
Fig. 4 : The computed index profile for a uniform FBG Fig. 5 : The GratingMod simulation parameters for the
grating analysis
Before starting the simulation process, note that
we have set the grating to have a 0.0012
modulation depth. This is done via the symbol
ModDelta, which was defined by the grating layout
To perform the simulation, click the Perform
Simulation Icon in the CAD window to open the
GratingMod analysis dialog box. Be sure that the
simulation module is set to Grating analysis, which
indicates that a grating analysis will be performed
As discussed earlier, we are going to fix the
central wavelength and allow the GratingMod to
calculate the Period in order to satisfy the Bragg
condition. Fig. 6 (a) : The simulation results from the first
To enable this, select Fix Centre Wavelength and grating analysis
then set the wavelength to 1.55. For this example, The reflection spectrum contained in the file shown,
the default values for the rest of the simulation bragg_12.dat. Note that the grating period automatically
parameters are appropriate [16] as shown in Fig. 5. calculated to satisfy the Bragg condition is displayed on
Next, click the output…. button in order to set the top of the graph.
the output options for this simulation. Set output After the automatic mode calculation, the
spectrum to reflected and show the delay / reflected spectrum will be shown. The data from
dispersion to yes. This will save the desired data this simulation has been saved in the files with the
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
prefix bragg_12 with the associated plot files. For 3.7 DECORATING THE PLOTS (OPTIONAL)
instance, the reflection spectrum data is saved in the This section contains optional tutorial steps which
file bragg_12.dat with an associated WinPLOT file guide the user through the usage of WinPLOT. The first simulation results are While not necessary for the usage of GratingMOD,
shown in the Figs. 6(a) & (b) respectively. The this section is recommended for the users who wish
user is encouraged to look through the contents of to understand the WinPLOT and use it to
the current working directory in order to see the effectively display the simulation data.
files produced [18].
Fig. 7 (b) : Simulation results from 1st grating analysis
Fig. 6 (b) : Simulation results from 1 grating analysis The delay information is contained in the file
The delay information is contained in the file bragg_03_delay_dispersion.pcs
Once the two simulations have been completed,
3.6 PERFORMING SECOND SIMULATION we can display the results in a different, and
Once the first simulation is complete, a second hopefully more meaningful, way. Both the
simulation can be performed with a modulation simulations produced a few data files and their
depth of 0.0003. Change the value of ModDelta to corresponding WinPlot files [20].
0.0003, set the output prefix to a different name,
such as bragg_03 and perform a second simulation.
The results will be saved in files with the prefix
bragg_03.dat [19]. The second simulation results
are shown in the Figs. 7(a) & (b) respectively.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Fig. 9 : The WinPLOT command file used to Fig. 11 : The WinPLOT command file used to
create the plot shown in the Fig. 6 create the above plot.
(ii) REFLECTION SPECTRA & DELAY VS. A similar plot can also be created for the uniform
WAVELENGTH FBG with 0.0003 index modulation. The graph
It can also be useful to plot the reflection shown in the Fig. 12 can be created in the same
spectra and group delay on the same plot. The Fig. manner as in previous figure by simply changing
10 shows the type of plot for a uniform FBG with a the file names from bragg_12.dat and bragg_12.dly
index modulation of 0.0012[24]. To create this to bragg_03.dat and bragg_03.dly [26].
graph as shown in the Fig. 10, we will utilize the
reflection spectra data contained in the first column
of the file bragg_12.dat and the group delay data
contained in the first column of the file
To do this, we will create a win plot command
file bragg_12_results_pcs by either modifying an
existing file in the WinPLOT or with any text editor
such as notepad or emacs. The commands shown
in the Fig. 11 were used to obtain the plot shown in
the Fig. 10 and are similar to those used in the file
shown in the previous plot in Fig. 8 [25]. The new
commands are :
Fig. 12 : The reflection spectra and group delay vs. wave
length for a uniform FBG with 3.75 % index modulation
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Fig. 15 : Window 2 - selection of parameter specs Fig. 17 : Window 4 - selection of parameter specs
Fig. 16 : Window 3 - selection of parameter specs Fig. 18 : Window 5 - selection of parameter specs
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Fig. 23 : Reflected power as a function of wavelength at Fig. 25 : Reflected power as a function of wavelength
1550 nm
with fiber having pitch 0.5324 μm. Reflected power at
The effect of strain in elongating the optical 1550 nm is approximately 93%
fiber and thus the grating pitch has been simulated
by taking the output graphs by varying the grating In Fig. 26, we can observe that for a grating
pitch from 0.5323 μm to 0.5327 μm in regular pitch of 0.5326 μm, the reflectivity of the chosen
intervals of 0.0001 μm [36]. wavelength of 1550 nm had reduced to
From these results, we observe that change in approximately 91.5 %.
the pitch of the grating changes the reflection
coefficient of the interrogating wavelength 1550
nm. By observing this change, the strain in the fiber
can be calculated and the corresponding
measurements can be made.
In Fig. 24, we can observe that for a grating
pitch of 0.5323 μm, the reflectivity of the chosen
wavelength of 1550 nm had reduced to
approximately 81.5 % [37].
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conference on Advances in contemporary BIOGRAPHY:
physics and energy, pp. 172-173, Feb 8-9,
2002. Mrs. Reema Sharma was born in Batala, Dist.
[27] Per Eklund, Staffan Rydblom, “Fiber optic Gurdaspur, Punjab, India on
sensors”, Report in TFFY22 Optoelectronics. Apr. 4, 1980 & received the
[28] Quiett C.J., Lindesay J.V., Lyons D.R., “The B.Tech. Degree from the
Design Of Fiber Optic Sensors For prestigious Punjab Technical
Measuring Hydrodynamic Parameters”, University (PTU) in
Research Center for Optical Physics, Jalandhar, Punjab in the year
Hampton University. 2001 in First Class and
[29] Rego G., Fernandez Fernandez A., Santos JL, M.Tech. in Electronics &
Salgado H., Berghmans F., and Gusarov A., Communication Engg. from
“Optical fiber sensors for nuclear the prestigious National Institute of Technology
environments”, Proc. Applied Physics, 2003. Kurukshetra (formerly, Regional Engg. College) in
[30] Rosenfeldt H., Ch .Knothe, J. Cierullies, E. 2005 in First Class with distinction, respectively.
Brinkmeyer, “Evolution of Amplitude and She has got an industrial experience of 1 year and
Dispersion Spectra during Fiber Bragg teaching experience of more than 3 years in various
Grating Fabrication”. engineering colleges all over the country and is
[31] Thomas Edward Murphy, Jeffrey Todd currently working as a Lecturer in the Department
Hastings, and Henry I. Smith, “Fabrication of Electronics and Communication Engineering in
and Characterization of Narrow-Band Bragg- New Horizon College of Engineering in Bangalore,
Reflection Filters in Silicon-on-Insulator Karnataka, India, which is affiliated to
Ridge Waveguides”, Journal Of Light wave Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum.
Technology, pp. 1938-1942, 2001. She has also participated, coordinated in a number
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
of workshops & other events. She has also guided of the ISTE (India), life member of ISOI (India),
few projects & presented few papers in national & life member of SSI (India) and life member of the
international events. She has also developed a CSI (India) and life member cum fellow of the
number of programs in the field of VHDL, signal IETE (India). He has also presented a number of
processing & image processing. She has also guest lectures and various seminars and participated
worked as a coordinator for various items in her in more than a dozen CEP / DEP courses, seminars,
academic career. Her current areas of interest are workshops, symposiums in the various parts of the
Operation research, Digital Signal Processing & country in different institutions and also conducted
Digital Image Processing, Digital switching a few courses. He has visited Singapore, Russia,
systems, Digital communications, Optic fiber United States of America and Australia for the
communications & its allied subjects. presentation of his research papers in various
international conferences. My biography was
Dr. T.C. Manjunath was born in Bangalore, published in 23rd edition of Marquis’s Who’s Who
Karnataka, India on Feb. 6, in the World in the 2006 issue. He has also guided
1967 & received the B.E. more than 2 dozen robotic projects
Degree from the prestigious (B.Tech./M.Tech.) in various engineering colleges
R.V. College of Engg. where he had worked so far. Many of his guided
(Bangalore University) in projects, interviews have appeared in various
1989 in First Class and M.E. national newspapers and magazines. He has also
with specialization in presented a number of guest lectures and various
Automation, Control and seminars and participated in more than a dozen
Robotics from L.D. College CEP / DEP courses, seminars, workshops,
of Engg. (Gujarat University) in 1995 in First Class symposiums in the various parts of the country in
with Distinction and Ph.D. in the field of Systems different institutions and also conducted (convened
and Control Engineering from the prestigious & coordinated) more than 1 dozen courses /
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT workshops / symposiums / technical festivals. He
Bombay) in the year 2007, respectively. He has got has also reviewed many research papers for the
a teaching experience of nearly 20 long years in various international conferences such as IEEE
various engineering colleges all over the country IECON-06, IEEE-ISIE-2007, NSC-07, SICE-2009,
(Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra) and IEEE-WCSN-07, IEEE-PSACO2008, etc., and has
is currently working as Professor and Head of the also reviewed many journal papers for journals
Department of Electronics and Communication such as IJAMT, etc.,. He has also given many
Engineering in New Horizon College of invited talks / plenary lecturers in various national
Engineering in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. He & international conferences, workshops,
also worked as a Project Assistant and as a symposiums and chaired many sessions & also
Research Engineer in the Systems and Control conducted more than half a dozen courses /
Engineering (IIT Bombay, India) for nearly a year workshops / technical paper fests / student level
and worked on control of space launch vehicles technical symposiums, etc., in various colleges
using FOS feedback technique. He has published a where he has worked. My Ph.D. research work was
number of papers in various National, International based on the mathematical modeling, control and
journals and Conferences and published three implementation of smart structures and its
textbooks on Robotics, one of which has gone upto applications to Robotics, Aerospace & Civil Engg.
the fourth edition, titled, ‘Fast Track to Robotics’ His current research interests are in the area of
and the other, which has gone upto the fifth edition, Robotics, Smart Structures, Control systems,
titled, ‘Fundamentals of Robotics’ in 2 volumes, Network theory, Mechatronics, Process Control and
Vol.-1 and Vol.-2 along with a CD which contains Instrumentation, MATLAB, Signals and systems
about 150 C / C++ programs for performing various (CT and DT), Industrial automation, Artificial
simulations on robotics. He has also published a intelligence, Digital signal processing, Digital
research monograph in the International level from Image Processing, Periodic output feedback
the Springer-Verlag publishers based on his Ph.D. control, Fast output feedback control, Sliding mode
thesis topic titled, “Modeling, Control and control of SISO and multivariable systems and
Implementation of Smart Structures”, Vol. 350, many of the control related subjects and its allied
LNCIS, costing 79.95 Euros & was a student labs and their various applications.
member of IEEE for 6 years (currently, a member),
SPIE student member and IOP student member for
4 years, life member of ISSS (India), life member