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Reinforced Concrete Design – 9: COLUMNS


Columns are members used primarily to support axial compression loads and have a ratio of height to least lateral dimension of
not less than 3. Since concrete has a high compressive strength and is an in expensive materials, it can be used for the design of
compression members economically. The capacity of such members can be greatly increased by providing lateral restraint in the
form of closely spaced ties or spirals wrap around the longitudinal reinforcing.

Classification of Columns:
1. Based on column ties
A. Tied columns
B. Spiral columns
C. Composite columns
2. Based on length
A. Short columns
B. Long columns
3. Based on loading
A. Axially loaded columns
B. Eccentrically loaded columns
C. Bi axially loaded columns
4. Based on frame bracings (Section 410.11)

Section 410.11.1 Slenderness effects shall be permitted to be neglected in the following cases:
1. For compression members not braced against sidesway when:
𝑘𝑙 𝑢
≤ 22
2. For compression members braced against sidesway when:
𝑘𝑙 𝑢 𝑀`
≤ 34 − 12( ) ≤ 40
𝑟 𝑀2
Where M1/M2 is positive if the column is bent in single curvature, and negative if the member is bent in double
Section 410.11.1.1 The unsupported length of a compression member, lu, shall be taken as the clear distance between floor slabs,
beams, or other members of providing lateral support in the direction being considered. Where column capitals or haunches are
present, lu, shall be measured to the lower extremity of the capital or haunch in the plane considered.

Section 410.11.1.2 It shall be permitted to take the radius of gyration, r, equal to 0.30 times the overall dimension in the direction
stability is being considered for rectangular compression members and 0.25 times the diameter for circular compression members.
For other shapes, it shall be permitted to compute r for the gross concrete section.


1. Capacity
Section 410.4.6.2 For nonprestressed members with tie reinforcement conforming to Section 407.11.5:
Ø𝑃𝑛 (max ) = 0.80Ø[0.85𝑓 𝑐 ′ (𝐴𝑔 − 𝐴𝑠𝑡 ) + 𝑓𝑦𝐴𝑠𝑡 ]
Ø = 0.65
Pg, steel ratio = Ast/Ag
𝐴𝑔 =
0.80Ø[0.85𝑓 𝑐 ′ (1 − 𝑃𝑔 ) + 𝑓𝑦 𝑃𝑔 ]
2. Limits of reinforcement for tied column
Section 410.10.1 Area of longitudinal reinforcement, Ast, for non-composite compression members shall not be less than 0.01 or
more than 0.08 times gross area Ag of section.


2ND Semester AY 2017-2018
Reinforced Concrete Design – 9: COLUMNS

3. Minimum number of bars

Section 410.10.2 Minimum number of longitudinal bars in compression members shall be 4 for bars within rectangular or circular

4. Tie reinforcements for compression members shall conform to the following:

Section 407.7.3 In spirally reinforced or tied reinforced compression members, clear distance between longitudinal bars shall not
be less than 1.5db or less than 40mm. See also Section 403.4.2.

Section 407.11.5.1 All non prestressed bars shall be enclosed by lateral ties at least 10mm diameter in size for longitudinal bars
32mm in diameter, or smaller. 12mm diameter in size for 36mm, 42mm and 58mm bars and bundled longitudinal bars.
Deforemed wire or welded wire fabric of equivalent area shall be permitted.

5. Spacing of tie wires

Section 407.11.5.2 Vertical spacing of ties shall not exceed:
a. 16 times the longitudinal bar diameter
b. 48 times the tie diameter or wire diameter
c. Least common dimension of the compression member

6. Arrangement of ties
Section 407.11.5.3 Ties shall be arranged such that every corner and alternate longitudinal bar shall have lateral support
provided by the corner of a tie with an inclined angle of not more than 135 degrees and a bar shall not be farther than 150mm
clear on each side along the tie from such a laterally supported bar. Where longitudinal bars are located around the perimete r of
a circle, a complete circular tie shall be permitted.

Section 407.11.5.4 Ties shall be located vertically not more than one half a tie spacing above the top of the footing or slab in any
story and shall be spaced as provided herein to not more than one half a tie spacing below the lowest horizontal reinforcement in
slab, drop panel, or shear cap above.


1. Capacity
Section 410.4.6.1 For nonprestressed members with spiral reinforcement conforming to Section 407.11.4 or composite
members conforming to Section 410.17:
Ø𝑃𝑛 (max ) = 0.85Ø[0.85𝑓 𝑐 ′ (𝐴𝑔 − 𝐴𝑠𝑡 ) + 𝑓𝑦𝐴𝑠𝑡 ]
Ø = 0.75
Pg, steel ratio = Ast/Ag
𝐴𝑔 =
0.85Ø[0.85𝑓 𝑐 ′ (1 − 𝑃𝑔 ) + 𝑓𝑦 𝑃𝑔 ]
2. Limits of reinforcement for tied column
Section 410.10.1 Area of longitudinal reinforcement, Ast, for non-composite compression members shall not be less than 0.01 or
more than 0.08 times gross area Ag of section.

3. Minimum number of bars:

Section 410.10.2 Minimum number of longitudinal bars in compression members shall be 6 for bars enclosed by spirals
conforming to Section 410.10.3

4. Spiral reinforcements:
Section 407.11.4 Spiral reinforcement for compression members shall conform to Section 410.10.3 and to the following:


2ND Semester AY 2017-2018
Reinforced Concrete Design – 9: COLUMNS

Section 407.11.4.1 Spirals shall consist of evenly spaced continuous bar or wire of such size and so assembled as to permit
handling and placing without distortion from designed dimensions.

Section 407.11.4.2 For cast-in-place construction, size of spirals shall not be less 10mm diameter.

Section 407.11.4.3 Clear spacing between spirals shall not exceed 75mm or be less than 25mm. See also Section 403.4.2.

Section 407.11.4.4 Anchorage of spiral reinforcement shall be provided by one and one-half extra turns of spiral bar or wire at
each end of a spiral unit.

Section 407.11.4.5 Spiral reinforcement shall be spliced, if needed, by any one of the following methods:
1. Lap splices not less than the larger of 300mm and the length indicated in one of (a) through (e) below:
a. Deformed uncoated bar or wire …………………………………………………………. 48db
b. Plain uncoated bar or wire ………………………………………………………………. 72db
c. Epoxy-coated deformed bar or wire ……………………………………………………. 72db
d. Plain uncoated bar or wire with a standard stirrup or tie hook in accordance
with Section 407.2.3 at ends of lapped spiral reinforcement. The hooks shall be
embedded within the core confined by the spiral reinforcement …………………….. 48db
e. Epoxy-coated deformed bar or wire with a standard stirrup or tie hook in accordance
with Section 407.2.3 at end of lapped spiral reinforcement. The hooks shall be
embedded within the core confined by the spiral reinforcement …………………….. 48db

Section 407.11.4.6 Spirals shall extend from top of footing or slab in any story to level of lowest horizontal reinforcement in
members supported above.

Section 407.11.4.7 Where beams or brackets do not frame into all sides of a column, ties shall extend above termination of
spiral to bottom of slab, drop panel, or shear cap.

Section 407.11.4.8 In columns with capitals, spirals shall extend to a level at which the diameter or width of capital is two times
that of the column.

5. Spacing of spiral reinforcement

Ratio of spiral reinforcement ρs shall not be less than the value given by:
𝐴𝑔 𝑓𝑐′
𝜌𝑠 = 0.45 [ − 1]
𝐴𝑐 𝑓𝑦
4𝐴𝑠 (𝐷𝑐 − 𝑑 𝑏 )
𝐷𝑐2 𝜌𝑠
S = spacing of spiral
As = Area of spiral
db = diameter of spiral
Dc = core diameter = D – 80
Ag = gross area of column
Ac = area of core spirally reinforced compression member measured to outside diameter of spiral
D = diameter of column
dc = thickness of concrete cover measured from extreme tension fiber to center of bar or wire closest thereto

Spacing of spiral reinforcement – See Section 407.11.4.5


2ND Semester AY 2017-2018
Reinforced Concrete Design – 9: COLUMNS


The plastic centroid of a concrete column is the point through which the resultant axial force on a cross section must act to produce
uniform strain at failure. It is obtained by determining the location of the resultant force produced by the concrete and steel,
assuming that both are stressed in compression to 0.85fc’ and (fy-0.85fc’) respectively. For symmetrical cross sections, the plastic
centroid coincides with the centroid of the section. If the applied axial load does not pass through the plastic centroid, it will create
bending moment which will be equal to the product of the axial load multiplied by the distance between the force and the plastic

Analyze the compressive force of steel considering the area displaced by compression bars.
CS = Asfy = 0.85fc’ As
Cs = As (fy-0.85fc’)
Sample Problems:

Situation I:
A spiral column carries a dead load f 1070 kN and a live load of 980 kN. If fc’=28MPa, fy=415MPa. Using a steel ratio of 0.03.
1. Which of the following gives the value of the diameter of spiral column.
2. Which of the following gives the number of 28mm diameter main reinforcement.
3. Which of the following gives the possible spacing of the 10mm diameter spirals.

Situation II:
The following is a cross-section of a tied column reinforced with 16-32mm diameter bars. Using fc’=28MPa, fy=415MPa, size of
aggregates used = 25mm determine the following:
1. Safe ultimate load that the column could carry
2. Spacing of the 10mm wires
3. Minimum clear cover over the tie wire
4. Clear spacing between longitudinal bars

Situation III:
A 600mm diameter column contains 20-28mm diameter bars arranged in a circle. It has a spiral bar diameter of 10mm which has
a clear cover of 40mm. Maximum size of aggregates is 25mm. Use fc’=28MPa, fy=415MPa.
1. Which of the following gives the spiral steel ratio.
2. Which of the following gives the required spacing of the spirals.
3. Which of the following gives the clear spacing between longitudinal bars.

Situation IV:
A tied column 350mm x 600mm is reinforced with 2-28mm bars at the left side and 2-36mm bars in the right side. Use
fc’=28MPa, fy=415MPa.
1. Compute the total axial capacity of the column, considering area of displaced concrete by compression bars.
2. Compute the plastic centroid measured from the center of column.
3. Compute the spacing of the 10mm ties.

Situation V:
To comply with architectural requirements, a column in a non-sway frame is of T-section. Use fc’=28MPa, fy=415MPa.
Given data:
Longitudinal bars:
As1 = 6 - 20mm bars in compression
As2 = 4 – 28mm bars in tension


2ND Semester AY 2017-2018
Reinforced Concrete Design – 9: COLUMNS

Lateral Ties:
10mm bars with fyv=275MPa
Clear concrete cover to the ties = 40mm
h1= 250mm, b1= 150mm
h2= 350mm, b2= 300mm
Consider bending about line 1. Neglect the concrete area displaced by the compression steel.
1. Determine the location of the geometric centroid of the section from line 1 along the x -axis.
2. Determine the location of the plastic centroid of the section from line 1 along the x -axis. For all bars fs=fy.
3. If the T-section is reinforced such that the plastic centroid of the section falls 280mm from the line 1 along the x -axis,
determine the bending moment M u, induced by a factored load Pu=3200kN acting along x-axis at 400mm from line 1.


2ND Semester AY 2017-2018

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