Withholding Tax Report - HANA

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SAP S/4HANA | 1909


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Withholding Tax Report

The withholding tax report is generated based on the information collected from payment documents for business partners, for
example, payment documents, partial payment documents, down payments, bills of exchange, and so on.

You must send the report to the government annually. If the scal year is aligned with the calendar year, you must send the report
by May 1 of the next year. If the scal year is not aligned with the calendar year, then the report must be sent during the 90 days
that follow the closing of the nancial year.

The minimum transaction amount for a supplier should be greater than 1200 Euros, to be considered for withholding tax

You can use the Run Compliance Reports app to generate the Withholding Tax report.

Please note that this compliance report replaces the old report. Both reports will be available till a planned support end date.
After the planned support end date, the old report becomes obsolete.

For a complete list of the compliance reports that are available in the advanced compliance reporting tool and replace the old
reports, see 2480067

You have made the necessary settings for generating the Withholding Tax report as described in Con guration for Withholding Tax

Generating the Withholding Tax Report

1. To get a list of the reports that require actions, enter selection parameters that de ne the reporting period and choose the
FR_WHT_DAS2 (France Withholding Tax Declaration – DAS2) report in the search help of the Report Name eld (reporting
entity: FR_RPG_ENT (Reporting Entity France)).

2. Choose one or more reporting statuses depending on how close the deadline of the report is to the actual calendar day.

You can also enter additional ltering options, such as the submission due date, the reporting year, or the country.

3. Choose Go.

The app displays a list of the reports for each reporting period that you can further process.

4. Click the row of the report you want to process and choose New Run.

You can enter further ltering options, such as the company code and posting date.

Choose a run option. You can choose to generate the report run immediately or schedule the runs for a later point in time.
For report runs, that may take a long time to process, you can choose to run the reports in the background.

5. Choose Run.

The app generates the run and displays it in section Generated on the screen. You can display the generated data by
clicking the row of the generated run.

If the run was successful, you can review the data in the TEXT le on the Legal Reporting tab, by clicking the link in the
Document Name column. You can also download the generated document to your local computer and submit it to the tax
authorities as required.

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After the le has been generated, submitted to the tax authorities, and the authorities approved it, change the status of the
reporting run by choosing the row of the run and then click the Update Submission Status button. Change the status
manually to Accepted by Government.

Generating Withholding Tax Report in Correction Phase

1. Choose a report that is already submitted to the Tax Authorities.

2. Choose Start New Phase.

Update the document as required.

3. Choose the appropriate due date in the Select Due Date for New Correction Phase dialog box.

4. Choose Yes to generate the report in correction phase.

Con guration for Withholding Tax Reporting

Go through the steps of the process for setting up your compliance reporting.

To do so, make the required settings in Customizing for Financial Accounting under Advanced Compliance
Reporting Setting Up Your Compliance Reporting .

For more information about the settings and the country/region-speci c con gration details, see the Customizing
documentation in the system.

The following parameters are relevant for the report:

FR_COMPANY_EDI_REF_VAL - Company EDI reference value

Parameter value example - 5829A

FR_COMPANY_TAX_REF1_1_VAL - Company tax reference type 1 value

Parameter value example - 379821994

FR_COMPANY_TAX_REF1_2_VAL - Company tax reference type 2 value

Parameter value example - 00116

FR_COMPANY_TAX_REF1_VAL - Company tax reference type 1 value

Parameter value example - 37982199400116

FR_COMPANY_TAX_REF2_VAL - Company tax reference type 2 value

Parameter value example - 379821994

The con guration step does not contain any default settings.

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