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Configuration Parameters


Factory model ELog 105

Instrument 17120016 (v.02.41.01) - 17120016
File id user000
Configuration (User001)
Configuration update (data – file) 6/30/2019 9:43:23 AM - 12/27/2019 4:10:05 PM

Acquired Measures from terminal board

Terminal boards Ch. Name Upd. Rate Elaborations - Rate: 00:10:00

2 B white 1 (4) RELHumidity 00:01:00 Inst, Min, Ave, Max
3 C shield [DMA672.1]
5 + green Actuator 1 (RELHumidity)
6 - grey [DMA672.1]
5 seconds
5+ Actuator 1 (AIRTemp)
6- [New Sensor]
7 GND 10 seconds
8A 2 (5) AIRTemp 00:01:00 Inst, Min, Ave, Max
9B [New Sensor]
10 C
11 D
13 B red 3 (6) ATMPressure 00:01:00 Inst, Min, Ave, Max
14 C blue (or black) [DQA240.1]
16 + brown Actuator 2 (ATMPressure)
17 - green [DQA240.1]
20 seconds
18 gnd shield (7) GLOBALRad
20 B brown 4 (7) GLOBALRad 00:00:10 Inst, Min, Ave, Max
21 C blue [DPA053]
22 D blue
35 B + signal 5 (3) WindDIR 00:00:02 Inst, Min, Ave, Max
36 C common - [DNA212]
12Vdc power
38 + 12Vdc power Actuator 3 (WindDIR)
39 - common - 12Vdc [DNA212]
power Always on
40 GND shield
24 F 1 signal 9 (2) WindSPEED 00:00:02 Inst, Min, Ave, Max
25 G 2 signal [DNA202]
28 GND (2) WindSPEED

(*) When the probe is fed by the datalogger, a bridge connection is required between the terminal board signal D and
the negative pole of the actuator used to feed the probe.

Configuration State

W Serial comunication (2): automatic transmission rate is greater than minimal measures update rate (2 seconds).
I Elaboration data storage availability (days):93. Calculation performed assuming 2MB internal memory size
I Elaboration data storage availability (days):412. Calculation performed assuming 8MB internal memory size

I = Information message
W = Warning message: you can still use the configuration
E = Error message: you cannot use the configuration

Configuration details

Item Value
Display auto power off No
Probe check rate Disabled
Set error if primary measure is error No
Analog sampling filter 50 Hz

Standard Parameters
Item Value
Air temperature 25
Pitot and Darcy constants 1
Atmospheric pressure 1013.25
Altitude 1000
Latitude 0
Longitude 0
Sunshine 120
Pipe area 0
Pipe factor 0
Room volume 0
Light source distance 0
Psychrometric coefficient 0.000735
Threshold of the wind speed calm 0.3
Maximum height for overflowing the evaporimetric pan 184.2
Mathematical constant 1 0
Mathematical constant 2 0
Mathematical constant 3 0

Serial Communication Port 1

Item Value
Protocol type Native
Instrument network address 1
Message transmission repetitions 2
Speed 9600
Flow control RTS/CTS
Modem type GPRS
Modem powered with actuator Yes
Modem power up mode Switched off and on in case of failure
GPRS protocol type FTP

GPRS automatic transmission rate 00:05:00
Additional modem init commands
Access Point Name mptnet
User name used for the GPRS connection
Password used for the GPRS connection
Server IP address
Port 21
FTP user name test
Password used for the GPRS connection test
Passive FTP connection Yes
Maximum time for FTP file transfer (minutes) 4

Serial Communications Port 2

Item Value
Protocol type Native
Instrument network address 1
Speed 9600
Instantaneous values automatic transmission rate 00:05:00
Flow control None

Item Value
Rate 00:10:00
SetDirErrWhenCalm No

Full list of measures

Name Ch- Upd. Rate Dependent Measures Elaborations Log.
A (1) INSideTemp 14 00:01:00 Inst No
A (2) WindSPEED 9 00:00:02 Inst, Min, Ave, Max No
A (3) WindDIR (<) 5 00:00:02 Inst, Min, Ave, Max No
A (4) RELHumidity 1 00:01:00 Inst, Min, Ave, Max No
A (5) AIRTemp ('C) 2 00:01:00 Inst, Min, Ave, Max No
A (6) ATMPressure 3 00:01:00 Inst, Min, Ave, Max No
A (7) GLOBALRad 4 00:00:10 Inst, Min, Ave, Max No
A (8) BATTLevel (%) 13 00:01:00 Inst, ValidDataPerc No
C (9) Dew Temp (C) 00:01:00 (5) AIRTemp; (4) Inst, Min, Ave, Max No

A = Measure acquired electrically

S = Serial measure
C = Calculated measure

List of numeric parameters of the measures

Name Ch- Type Values
A (1) INSideTemp 14 Unused
A (2) WindSPEED 9 Unused
A (3) WindDIR (<) 5 Scale parameters for wind Internal scale: 0 <-> 1000
direction measurement User scale: 0 <-> 360
A (4) RELHumidity 1 Scale parameters for humidity Internal scale: 0 <-> 1000
(%) measurement User scale: 0 <-> 100
A (5) AIRTemp ('C) 2 Scale parameters Internal scale: 0 <-> 1000
User scale: -40 <-> 60
A (6) ATMPressure 3 Scale parameters Internal scale: 0 <-> 1000
(hPa) User scale: 800 <-> 1100

A (7) GLOBALRad 4 Calibration Factor Positive signal C.F.: 0.01277
A (8) BATTLevel (%) 13 Unused
C (9) Dew Temp (C) Unused

A = Measure acquired electrically

S = Serial measure
C = Calculated measure

Linear Parameters Set 1 : not used

Item Value

Linear Parameters Set 2 : not used

Item Value

Linear Parameters Set 3 : not used

Item Value

Actuators: General Parameters

Item Value
Use secure logic No

Actuators: Logics
Position Logic type
Logic type column shows in brackets the list of related measures

Actuators: Actuators
Position Linked Logics
(1) Used by acquired measure (RELHumidity (4) AIRTemp (5) )
(2) Used by acquired measure (ATMPressure (6) )
(3) Used by acquired measure (WindDIR (3) )
Linked logics column shows in brackets the list of the measures linked and the type of link (AND/OR)

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