Here Are The Answers To The Questions in Mechanical Engineering Laws in The

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Here are the answers to the questions in Mechanical Engineering Laws in the Philippines posted last

August 21, 2010.

1. Prior to Republic Act 8495, what law governs the practice of mechanical engineering the Philippines?
B. Commonwealth Act No. 294

2. If the rated scores of an examinee in a board exam are 85, 82, and 48 in Math, Power, and Design
subjects respectively (average: 72.85%), what will be the overall result?
B. Fail
Section 18

3. Which of the following is NOT a required qualification for being a member of the Board of Mechanical
Engineering (BME)?
B. Naturalized or born Filipino citizen
Section 5

4. A foreign mechanical engineer may only be allowed to practice mechanical engineering in the
Philippines if his country also allows Filipino mechanical engineers practice under similar provisions like
those in RA8495. This policy is also known as
a. A. Foreign Reciprocity
Section 39

5. According to RA 8495, where will the budget to implement Mechanical Engineering Law come from?
C. National Budget
Section 44

6. A plant with rated capacity 500 kW requires with 3 shifts…

C. At least three (3) registered mechanical engineer or Professional Mechanical engineer, one per shift
Section 33

7. Who has the power to revoke or suspend license to practice mechanical engineering in the
B. Board of Mechanical engineering
Section 27

8. An applicant who fails to pass the examination for the third time shall be allowed to take another
examination only after the lapse of ____
D. One year
Section 20
9. In addition to the administrative sanctions imposed under RA8495 any person who violates any of the
provisions of this Act and its rules and regulations shall, upon conviction be penalize by a fine of not less
_______ nor more than Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00).
A. 50, 000 pesos
Section 42

10. Minimum requirement in teaching mechanical engineering subjects in universities and colleges in the
B. Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Section 48

Here's the solution and answers to the ME board questions in Mathematics (Statistics and Probability)

1. In how many ways can you arrange a group of 5 girls and 3 boys in 7 vacant chairs?
The total number of persons to be seated is 8 and the number of chairs is only 7.
When words denoting “arrangement” are used, it most likely pertains to permutations.
So, the formula to be used is permutation of 8 taking 7 at a time.
n = 8, r = 7, nPr, then use your calculator or this formula
nPr = n!/(n-r)! = 8!(8-1)!=40320 permutations or arrangements
A. 40320

2. How many 3-digit numbers can you make out of the numbers 1 to 5 without repetition?
Since the number varies as you rearrange the digits (example 1342 is different from 1423), then this
problem is about permutation.
So, the formula is the permutation of 5 numbers taken 3 at a time.
n = 5, r = 3, nPr; use your calculator or this formula: nPr = n!/(n-r)!
nPr = 5!/(5-3)!=60 permutations
C. 60

3. There are 2 white, 3 red, and 4 blue balls inside a basket. If three balls are drawn randomly in
succession without replacement, what is the probability that the first ball is white, and the next two balls
are blue?
The probability that the first ball is white is Pw = 2/(2+3+4)=2/9
The probability that the second ball is blue is
Pb1=4/8 =1/2; we changed the denominator since the total number of balls has been reduced.
The probability that the last ball drawn is blue again is
Pb2 = 3/7; we reduced the total to 7 and the number of available blue is down to 3.
The probability that all this happen in correct succession is:
Pwbb = (2/9)(1/2)(3/7)=1/21
D. 1/21

4. What is the mode of the following numbers: 54, 45, 75, 60, 65, 65, 60, and 57?
Solution: the mode of a given set of numbers is the most frequent number; in this case those numbers
are 65 and 65, both occurring twice.
D. 60 and 65

5. From the given numbers on question number 4, what is the median?

The media is the number that divides the upper and the lower half of the samples.
To find the media, arrange the data in order either increasing or decreasing
In this case: 45 54 57 60 60 65 65 75;
Since the number of samples is 8 (even), we have to get the average of the two middle samples
Median = (60+60)/2 = 60
B. 60

6. From the given numbers of question number 4, what is the variance?

Solution: variance is the measure of how much does the samples deviate from the mean or average.
Variance (σ^2) is given by the formula σ^2= ∑[(x-ave)^2/(n-1)] or use your calculator
Average = 60.125
σ^2= ∑[(x-ave)^2/(n-1)] = 77.84
A. 77.84

7. Seven boys are to be seated around a circular table. How many arrangements can be made?
Since no indication as to the number of seats available, let’s assume that it is equal to the number of
boys, 7
Again, this is a permutation problem, but this time, in circular arrangement
The formula for circular permutation is given by nPr (cyclic) = (n-1)!
So, nPr (cyc) = (7-1)! = 720
D. 720

8. In how many ways can you arrange 3 boys and 4 girls in a 7-seater bench supposing that the four girls
want to be seated together?
Since one group wants to be together, then we will use conditional permutation techniques.
In this case, because the girls can’t be separated, let’s treat the girls group as one person or block.
The permutation of the boys and the group of girls therefore has the total number of n= 4, that is 3 boys
plus 1 girls block.
The number of arrangement possible is given by nPr = 4P4=24
Remember though, that the girls can be rearranged as long as they are together, therefore, the total
permutation inside the girls block is nPr = 4P4=24.
Combining the two permutations we have nPr (total) = (24) (24) = 576
C. 576

9. The probability that you will arrive late is 35% and the probability that you will scolded by your boss is
15%. What is the probability that you will be both late and scolded by your boss?
The problem doesn’t mention that the cause of being scolded is caused by you being late. With that we
can treat those two events as independent from each other.
The probability that the two independent events will happen can be obtained by getting the product of
each probabilities.
Pa&b = (Pa)(Pb) = (0.35)(0.15)=0.0525 = 5.25%
A. 5.25%

10. From question number 9, what is the probability that you will either be late or scolded by your boss?
This is an OR condition (the condition is valid if only when one of the two conditions happened) and is
not mutually exclusive (meaning the two outcomes may happen at the same time: being late and being
The formula to be used is: Paorb = Pa+Pb – Pa&b
Paorb = 0.35+0.15-(0.35)(0.15)=0.4475
Paorb = 44.75%
C. 44.75%

Here are some review questions in Mathematics, Statistics and Probability.

Instruction: Choose the BEST answer.

Mechanical Engineering Board Exam Review: Statistics and Probability part 1

1. In how many ways can you arrange a group of 5 girls and 3 boys in 7 vacant chairs?
a. 40320
b. 5040
c. 720
d. 8

2. How many 3-digit numbers can you make out of the numbers 1 to 5 without repetition?
a. 720
b. 10
c. 60
d. 120

3. There are 2 white, 3 red, and 4 blue balls inside a basket. If three balls are drawn randomly in
succession without replacement, what is the probability that the first ball is white, and the next two balls
are blue?
a. 32/729
b. 4/63
c. 8/243
d. 1/21

4. What is the mode of the following numbers: 54, 45, 75, 60, 65, 65, 60, and 57?
a. 65
b. 60
c. 62.5
d. 60 and 65

5. From the given numbers of question number 4, what is the median?

a. 65
b. 60
c. 62.5
d. 60 and 65

6. From the given numbers of question number 4, what is the variance?

a. 77.84
b. 60.125
c. 68.11
d. 8.82

7. Seven boys are to be seated around a circular table. How many arrangements can be made?
a. 7
b. 2520
c. 5040
d. 720

8. In how many ways can you arrange 3 boys and 4 girls in a 7-seater bench supposing that the four girls
want to be seated together?
a. 24
b. 5040
c. 576
d. 48
9. The probability that you will arrive late is 35% and the probability that you will scolded by your boss is
15%. What is the probability that you will be both late and scolded by your boss?
a. 5.25%
b. 50%
c. 44.75%
d. 2.33%

10. From question number 9, what is the probability that you will either be late or scolded by your boss?
a. 5.25%
b. 50%
c. 44.75%
d. 2.33%

1. Which of the following is the solution set of the equation x2-2x-15 = 0

Think of factors of the last digit that when subtracted gives the coefficient of the middle term
In this case, -15 can only be (3, -5), (-3, 5), (15, -1) or (-15, 1). Among these factors, (3, -5) is the
only one whose sum will be equal to -3. So the solution set of the equation will be
X-5=0; x1 = 5
X+3=0; x2 = -3
Alternative Solution:
By trial and error (best when using your calculator), try each choices and see which among them
when substituted to x will make the equation true, that is, x2-2x-15 equals zero.

B. (5, -3)

2. The next term in the progression 2, 8, 32, 128 is …

The progression above is a Geometric progression since there is a common ratio (r). In this case,
the common ratio is 4 and the next terms are obtained by multiplying the previous term by 4. So,
next to 128 will be 128X 4 = 512

C. 512

3. Solve for x in the equation 3 lnx = 8

Using properties of logarithm: nlna = lna^n
In this case, lnx^3=8
By making both sides an exponent of e (Euler’s number), we can cancel the ln.
x^ 3 = e^8
x= e^ (8/3)

A. e^ (8/3)

4. If x + y = 1 and x2+y2=2. Find x4+y4

Squaring both sides of x+y =1 we get (x+y) ^2=1^2; x2+2xy+y2=1;
But x2+y2=2 so 2+ 2xy=1 or xy=-1/2;
Square both sides, 4x2y2=1; x2y2=1/4
Let’s square both sides of x2+y2=2; (X2+y2) ^2=2^2 then x4+2x2y2+y4 = 4;
But x2y2=1/4 so, x4+y4+2(1/4) =4
Solving the equation will give us X4 +y4 =7/2

D. 7/2

5. If lnx=5 and lny=2, lnx3/lnx4

Using properties of logarithm; lnx3=3lnx and lny4=4lny
So lnx3/lny4 will be 3lnx/4lny = 3(5)/4(2) =15/8

B. 15/8

6. Joan can type the whole document in 3 hrs. On the other hand, James, being new to the job
can type the same document in 5 hours. If they work together, how long can they finish 2
rate of Joan 1/3; rate of James 1/5
Rate=no job/time time = no of job/rate
If they work together, their rate will be added
t= 2 jobs/ (1job/3hrs+1job/5hrs)
t=3.75 hours

D. 3.75 hrs

7. Three numbers are in the ratio 1: 2: 4. Find the numbers if their sum is 42.
add the ratios 1+2+4 = 7
Divide the sum of the numbers by the sum of the ratio; 42/7=6
Multiply 6 by each ratio. The numbers will be 6, 12, and 24

A. 6, 12, 24

8. Find the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of (5x-4)^5

To find the sum of the coefficients of an expansion, just replace the variable by 1 in the
In this case, (5x-4) ^5; [(5(1)-3] ^5=32

D. 32

9. Evaluate the expression log 3+ log 2+ 4log7

use your calculator
Note: When there’s no base mentioned, it is automatically considered to be 10.

D. 4.16

10. The sum of the infinite geometric progression is 3 and the common ratio is 1/3. What is the
first term?
For an infinite Geometric progression, the sum is given by the formula S=a1/r where S is the sum
and r is the ratio.
In this case, the Sum and the ratio were given so using the formula we can get the first term.
a1=Sr; a1=9(1/3) =3
Here are the answers to the questions on Mathematics Terminologies posted last August 11, 2010.

1. The _____of a number are numbers that when multiplied with each other gives the value of the
C. Factors

2. The _____ of a set of numbers is the smallest whole number factor that is common to all of them.
B. Least Common Multiple

3. In the algebraic expression X-2, what is the minuend?

B. 2

4. What mathematical property is demonstrated by this equation: a (b+c) = ab+ac?

C. Distributive property

5. In ratio and proportion, the first and last terms in a proportion are called _______.
B. Extremes

6. The rectangular coordinate system is also known as

A. Cartesian Coordinate system

7. It is a series of numbers in which each consecutive term differs from the preceding one by a fixed
D. Arithmetic progression

8. Which of the following should be used in calculating the volume of the revolution of an area?
A. Pappus Rule
B. Guldinus Rule

9. Which of the following is used in determining the area of an irregular shape?

D. Simpson’s Rule

10. It is a general formula used to find the volume of any prism, pyramid or frustum of a pyramid.
C. Prismoidal Formula

Answers to the questions on Strength of Materials.

1. In the cross section of a shaft subjected to torsion, the stress is maximum at what location?
C. At the surface of the shaf
- The shear stress increases from the center (zero stress) to the outer(maximum stress).
- Application: Hollow shaft is a good replacement for solid shaft since only the less stressed portion (the
center) is removed.

2. The stress experienced by a body under torsion is…

A. Shear stress

3. The stress experienced by a pressurized vessel is…

C. Tensile stress
-pressure tends to pull (tension) the shell of the vessel

4. The “Maximum Shear Theory”, one of the known theories of failure is also known as…
B. Guest’s theory

5. In the stress-strain curve, it is the point at which there is an appreciable elongation without
corresponding increase in load.

D. Yield point

6. What will happen to the stress in a shaft under torsion if the diameter was decreased to half the
C. The stress will be increased eightfold
-stress, s=16T/pi(D^3), when you decrease the diameter to half the stress will be multiplied by eight

7. What will happen to the stress of a body under compression if the force applied to it was doubled?
A. The stress will increase to twice the original
-stress, s = F/A, when, force F is doubled, the stress is also doubled.

8. Bending is actually a combination of two types of stresses…

C. Compression and tension

9. The Mises yield theory of failure is best applied to what type of materials?
B. Ductile materials

10. The slope of the line before the proportional limit in a stress-strain curve is also known as…
C. Modulus of elasticity

Here's the solution and answers to the ME board questions in Mathematics (Statistics and Probability)

1. In how many ways can you arrange a group of 5 girls and 3 boys in 7 vacant chairs?
The total number of persons to be seated is 8 and the number of chairs is only 7.
When words denoting “arrangement” are used, it most likely pertains to permutations.
So, the formula to be used is permutation of 8 taking 7 at a time.
n = 8, r = 7, nPr, then use your calculator or this formula
nPr = n!/(n-r)! = 8!(8-1)!=40320 permutations or arrangements
A. 40320

2. How many 3-digit numbers can you make out of the numbers 1 to 5 without repetition?
Since the number varies as you rearrange the digits (example 1342 is different from 1423), then this
problem is about permutation.
So, the formula is the permutation of 5 numbers taken 3 at a time.
n = 5, r = 3, nPr; use your calculator or this formula: nPr = n!/(n-r)!
nPr = 5!/(5-3)!=60 permutations
C. 60

3. There are 2 white, 3 red, and 4 blue balls inside a basket. If three balls are drawn randomly in
succession without replacement, what is the probability that the first ball is white, and the next two balls
are blue?
The probability that the first ball is white is Pw = 2/(2+3+4)=2/9
The probability that the second ball is blue is
Pb1=4/8 =1/2; we changed the denominator since the total number of balls has been reduced.
The probability that the last ball drawn is blue again is
Pb2 = 3/7; we reduced the total to 7 and the number of available blue is down to 3.
The probability that all this happen in correct succession is:
Pwbb = (2/9)(1/2)(3/7)=1/21
D. 1/21

4. What is the mode of the following numbers: 54, 45, 75, 60, 65, 65, 60, and 57?
Solution: the mode of a given set of numbers is the most frequent number; in this case those numbers
are 65 and 65, both occurring twice.
D. 60 and 65

5. From the given numbers on question number 4, what is the median?

The media is the number that divides the upper and the lower half of the samples.
To find the media, arrange the data in order either increasing or decreasing
In this case: 45 54 57 60 60 65 65 75;
Since the number of samples is 8 (even), we have to get the average of the two middle samples
Median = (60+60)/2 = 60
B. 60

6. From the given numbers of question number 4, what is the variance?

Solution: variance is the measure of how much does the samples deviate from the mean or average.
Variance (σ^2) is given by the formula σ^2= ∑[(x-ave)^2/(n-1)] or use your calculator
Average = 60.125
σ^2= ∑[(x-ave)^2/(n-1)] = 77.84
A. 77.84

7. Seven boys are to be seated around a circular table. How many arrangements can be made?
Since no indication as to the number of seats available, let’s assume that it is equal to the number of
boys, 7
Again, this is a permutation problem, but this time, in circular arrangement
The formula for circular permutation is given by nPr (cyclic) = (n-1)!
So, nPr (cyc) = (7-1)! = 720
D. 720

8. In how many ways can you arrange 3 boys and 4 girls in a 7-seater bench supposing that the four girls
want to be seated together?
Since one group wants to be together, then we will use conditional permutation techniques.
In this case, because the girls can’t be separated, let’s treat the girls group as one person or block.
The permutation of the boys and the group of girls therefore has the total number of n= 4, that is 3 boys
plus 1 girls block.
The number of arrangement possible is given by nPr = 4P4=24
Remember though, that the girls can be rearranged as long as they are together, therefore, the total
permutation inside the girls block is nPr = 4P4=24.
Combining the two permutations we have nPr (total) = (24) (24) = 576
C. 576

9. The probability that you will arrive late is 35% and the probability that you will scolded by your boss is
15%. What is the probability that you will be both late and scolded by your boss?
The problem doesn’t mention that the cause of being scolded is caused by you being late. With that we
can treat those two events as independent from each other.
The probability that the two independent events will happen can be obtained by getting the product of
each probabilities.
Pa&b = (Pa)(Pb) = (0.35)(0.15)=0.0525 = 5.25%
A. 5.25%

10. From question number 9, what is the probability that you will either be late or scolded by your boss?
This is an OR condition (the condition is valid if only when one of the two conditions happened) and is
not mutually exclusive (meaning the two outcomes may happen at the same time: being late and being
The formula to be used is: Paorb = Pa+Pb – Pa&b
Paorb = 0.35+0.15-(0.35)(0.15)=0.4475
Paorb = 44.75%
C. 44.75%

Here are the answers to the questions in Power and Industrial plant engineering posted last September
2, 2010.

1. A term referring to the process of clearing exhaust gases by forcing into it a current of air which
provides clean air for the next compression stroke of the engine.
A. Scavenging

2. The process regulating air supply either by mechanical or natural means.

C. Ventilation

3. A large pipe or drum into which a group of boiler is connected.

B. header

4. An ideal gas undergoes an isothermal compression, the enthalpy therefore,

D. Remain the same

5. The speed of the turbine in a medium head hydroelectric power plant is regulated by…
D. Wicket gate

6. Which of the following is NOT a unit measure of viscosity

D. Degree Baume

7. Energy from the random motion of molecules within the body

C. Heat

8. Term referring to the ignition of air fuel mixture in the intake of the exhaust manifold
A. Backfire

9. The amount of matter containing the Avogadro’s number of particles (molecule or atoms).
B. Mole
10. Internal combustion engine works on the following engines EXCEPT
D. Rankine

Here are the answers to the questions on Power Elements Part 2 posted last August 9, 2010.

1. A reserve generating capacity that is in operation but not in service.

A. Hot reserve

2. Another term for Lower Heating Value (LHV).

C. Net Calorific Value

3. In a refrigeration system, it controls the flow of refrigerant manually.

C. Gate Valve

4. The ratio of the dynamic depression head to the total head of a pump.
A. Cavitation factor

5. A device used to determine the water level in the boiler.

D. Gauge cock

6. A device in the fuel system that mixes gasoline with air.

A. Carburetor

7. Comparing Diesel and Gasoline engines, which of the following is true?

D. Operating temperature of Diesel Engines are higher

8. Which of the following is true in pH value?

C. pH 7 represents neutral value

9. Reversible adiabatic expansion is at constant…

C. Entropy

10. The temperature at which vapor starts forming above the surface of liquid fuels.
B. Flash point

Engineering Questions posted last August 25, 2010.

1. Measure of relative hotness or coldness of a body.

D. Temperature
2. A device that automatically controls the speed of an engine.
D. Governor

3. When heat is added in a mixture of moisture and air, which of the following is true?
B. The absolute humidity remains the same

4. Adding a small amount of salt in water will…

A. Increase the boiling point

5. If the wet bulb and the dry bulb temperatures are the same, what can we say about the air in the
C. It is saturated

6. Which of the following scenario will increase the likelihood of cavitation in pumps?
D. The fluid temperature is raised

7. The indicator used to determine the anti-knock property of gasoline engines

A. Octane number

8. Which of the following is used to determine if there’s a halogen leak?

C. Halide torch

9. A valve that that allows the fluid to follow in one direction only
D. Check valve

10. The ratio of refrigerating effect to the work of compression

A. Coefficient of performance

Here are the answers to the questions in Mechanical Engineering Laws in the Philippines posted last
August 21, 2010.

1. Prior to Republic Act 8495, what law governs the practice of mechanical engineering the Philippines?
B. Commonwealth Act No. 294

2. If the rated scores of an examinee in a board exam are 85, 82, and 48 in Math, Power, and Design
subjects respectively (average: 72.85%), what will be the overall result?
B. Fail
Section 18
3. Which of the following is NOT a required qualification for being a member of the Board of Mechanical
Engineering (BME)?
B. Naturalized or born Filipino citizen
Section 5

4. A foreign mechanical engineer may only be allowed to practice mechanical engineering in the
Philippines if his country also allows Filipino mechanical engineers practice under similar provisions like
those in RA8495. This policy is also known as
a. A. Foreign Reciprocity
Section 39

5. According to RA 8495, where will the budget to implement Mechanical Engineering Law come from?
C. National Budget
Section 44

6. A plant with rated capacity 500 kW requires with 3 shifts…

C. At least three (3) registered mechanical engineer or Professional Mechanical engineer, one per shift
Section 33

7. Who has the power to revoke or suspend license to practice mechanical engineering in the
B. Board of Mechanical engineering
Section 27

8. An applicant who fails to pass the examination for the third time shall be allowed to take another
examination only after the lapse of ____
D. One year
Section 20

9. In addition to the administrative sanctions imposed under RA8495 any person who violates any of the
provisions of this Act and its rules and regulations shall, upon conviction be penalize by a fine of not less
_______ nor more than Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00).
A. 50, 000 pesos
Section 42

10. Minimum requirement in teaching mechanical engineering subjects in universities and colleges in the
B. Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Section 48

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