Panda Et Al. - Synthesis and Characterization of One-Part Geopolymers For Extrusion Based 3D Concrete Printing

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Journal of Cleaner Production 220 (2019) 610e619

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Synthesis and characterization of one-part geopolymers for extrusion

based 3D concrete printing
Biranchi Panda a, GVP Bhagath Singh b, c, Cise Unluer c, *, Ming Jen Tan a
Singapore Centre for 3D Printing, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, 639798,
Laboratory of Construction Materials, IMX, EPFL, 1015, Lausanne, Switzerland
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, 639798, Singapore

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Interest in innovative construction processes such as 3D concrete printing (i.e. digital construction), is
Received 19 September 2018 growing rapidly both in academia and industry. Processing conventional geopolymer mixes, in which
Received in revised form alkaline solutions are used for activation, could be troublesome in concrete printing due to the high
3 February 2019
viscosity of the alkaline solution. One-part geopolymers offer one possible solution to this challenge as
Accepted 17 February 2019
Available online 19 February 2019
they involve the use of a solid activator with solid aluminosilicates precursors. In this work, a printable
one-part geopolymer mix was developed, which could be extruded through the nozzle of a 3D printer
and stacked together without deforming the bottom layers. Flow properties such as yield stress, viscosity
Digital construction
and thixotropy of the developed geopolymer were assessed along with its strength development curve.
Rheology Printed specimen showed anisotropic behaviour in mechanical properties when compared to the mould
One-part geopolymer casted samples. Microstructural characterization revealed the formation of alumino-silicate gel with high
Mechanical properties tetrahedrally coordinated Al and interlayer K ions in its structure. When compared to OPC-based mixes,
Environmental assessment the developed geopolymer mixes revealed a lower environmental impact, which could be even further
reduced with the use of alternative activators.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction namely potential environmental benefits, high compressive

strength, rapid controllable setting and hardening, fire resistance,
The increasing demand for environmentally friendly and sus- and acid and salt solution resistance have already been reported
tainable construction materials has necessitated the identification (Deventer et al., 2007; Hu et al., 2018b; Nie et al., 2016). One of the
of alternative materials for ordinary Portland cement (OPC) (Garg most important benefits of geopolymers lies in the utilization of
et al., 2018, 2019; Hu et al., 2018a, 2019). In this regard, geo- industrial wastes as raw materials. In terms of their environmental
polymer cement, involving the use of various industrial wastes and impact, geopolymers are reported to generate nearly 80% less CO2
by-products, has the potential to be considered as a promising than OPC (Duxson and Van Deventer, 2009). In line with these
alternative to OPC in certain applications. The term “geopolymer” advantages, an aircraft pavement was constructed at the Wellcamp
was first introduced in the literature in 1978, characterizing a new Airport in Australia by using geopolymer concrete in 2014 (Glasby
class of materials with the ability to poly-condense at low tem- et al., 2015). Despite the remarkable potential of geopolymers, the
peratures like “polymers”. This process involves the chemical re- conventional two-part mixing process presents challenges in their
action of aluminosilicate materials (e.g. fly ash, metakaolin, scalability due to handling issues and viscosity of the alkaline so-
granulated blast furnace slag and silica fume) with Nae or K-based lution. Therefore, one-part geopolymers, which are mixtures of a
alkali activators. When mixed with the alkaline activators, setting solid alkaline activator and an aluminosilicate precursor, can be
and hardening take place, yielding a material with good binding used to solve some of these shortcomings (Luukkonen et al.,
properties. Several advantages of geopolymer materials over OPC, 2018a,b; Adesanya et al., 2018).
Different synthesis routes in designing one-part geopolymer
cements, either by activating aluminosilicates together with alkalis
* Corresponding author. at elevated temperatures or blending the aluminosilicates with
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Unluer). solid activators, have been reported (Ye et al 2016; Choo et al.,
0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Panda et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 220 (2019) 610e619 611

2016). A recent review of these techniques (Luukkonen et al., GGBS were determined by subtracting the mass fractions of the
2018a,b) provided a summary of the potential benefits, environ- crystalline phases from the total, while the individual reactive
mental impacts and cost of one-part systems. Nevertheless, the use contents present in FA was determined via a combination of XRF
of one-part geopolymers in concrete printing/digital construction, and XRD methods (Ferna ndez-Jime nez et al., 2006; Singh and
which is gaining significant attention both in academia and the Subramaniam, 2016a,b). The individual reactive contents present
construction practice (Buswell et al., 2018; Tay et al., 2018; Wangler in the glassy phases were determined by subtracting the crystalline
et al., 2016), has not been discussed in detail until now. Most of the phases from the total oxide contents. The total oxide contents were
work presented in this area so far has focused on exploring the determined using XRF, whereas the crystalline phases were
material properties required for 3D printing involving the use of determined by using Rietveld refinement. The obtained individual
OPC-based binders, with and without the use of fibers (Le et al., reactive contents present in FA and total glassy content of FA and
2012; Kazemian et al., 2017; Panda et al., 2018a). Within this GGBS are listed in Table 2. Results revealed that FA contained a low
context, parameters such as extrudability, shape retention, open amount of reactive phases, which could be due to the usage of low-
time and buildability properties, collectively described as “print- grade coal and processing conditions of FA (Singh and
ability” that refers to the layer-by-layer deposition of cementitious Subramaniam, 2018).
mortars according to a CAD model (Panda et al., 2017b), need to be Other than FA and GGBS, the solid alkaline activator used in this
studied further. study was prepared by blending potassium silicate powder
Building materials with a high yield strength and low viscosity (49.50 wt% SiO2, 42.54 wt% K2O and remaining H2O) together with
are usually preferred in concrete printing, where the yield stress is potassium hydroxide (KOH) powder to reach the desired modulus
linked to the shape retention and buildability characteristics and (MR) of 1.5 (Davidovits, 2008). For the preparation of geopolymer
viscosity is an indication of the ease of mortar extrusion. The main mortars, fine river sand with a maximum particle size of 2 mm was
challenge exists in controlling the structuration rate of the material used along with tap water.
without disturbing its flow properties so that the well extruded
layers can be deposited in a layer-by-layer manner. Due to the 2.2. Sample preparation
thixotropic nature of OPC particles (Roussel, 2018), it is possible to
achieve printable properties, during which the material can flow Five geopolymer mortars with a constant water/solid (i.e. solid
smoothly via the applied shear force and can incrementally gain component consisting of FA, GGBS and anhydrous activator) ratio of
yield stress by particle interaction/flocculation at rest. Although the 0.35 were prepared by varying the GGBS and activator contents, as
use of two-part systems has been studied previously (Xia et al., shown in Table 3. Accordingly, the GGBS (G) ranged between 15 and
2016; Panda et al., 2018d), no detailed studies on the use of one- 40% of the overall binder (FA þ GGBS) content within samples
part geopolymers in 3D printing have been reported until now. F85G15A15, F70G30A15 and F60G40A15, in which the activator (A)
Therefore, this paper aims to study the formulation of one-part content was kept constant at 15% (i.e. by mass) of the binder.
geopolymers and provide an assessment of their fresh properties Furthermore, the FA and GGBS contents remained constant,
(e.g. yield stress, viscosity and thixotropy) to evaluate their suit- whereas the activator dosage varied at 10, 15 and 20% in samples
ability in non-structural concrete printing applications. Further- F70G30A10, F70G30A15 and F70G30A20, respectively. For the
more, the mechanical performance of the printed sections was preparation of mortar samples, fine river sand was added to the
tested in compression after 28 days of ambient curing and their binder at a sand/binder ratio of 0.85, along with the activator and
directional properties were compared with mould casted geo- mixed for two minutes in a Hobart planetary mixer. This was fol-
polymers. The strength and microstructural development of the lowed with the addition of the required amount of water into the
prepared formulations was further supported by an investigation mixing bowl, after which mixing continued until a homogeneous
and quantification of the phase formations via x-ray diffraction mixture was obtained.
(XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM)
analyses. The energy and CO2 emissions associated with one-part
geopolymer mixes were also provided to evaluate their potential 2.3. Methodology
against OPC from an environmental standpoint.
2.3.1. Process overview of 3D concrete printing
2. Materials and methodology 3D concrete printing is similar to other 3D printing processes,
where the model is first designed in CAD platform, followed by
2.1. Materials slicing and G-code generation (Tay et al., 2017). The G-code is later
interpreted by a controller that sends commands to either an in-
Class F grade fly ash (FA), conforming to ASTM C 618, was ob- dustrial robot or gantry printer, connected to a concrete pump and
tained from Thermal Powertech Corporation Ltd. (India). Ground extruder/nozzle. Fig. 2 shows the steps involved in a typical con-
granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) was supplied by EnGro Cor- crete printing process, during which the fresh material is deposited
poration Ltd. (Singapore). Table 1 shows the chemical compositions layer-by-layer via a 4-axis industrial robot.
of FA and GGBS, obtained via X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. During printing, process parameters (e.g. printing speed and
As can be seen from Fig. 1, both FA and GGBS contained different layer height), material properties (e.g. rheology and thixotropy) as
crystalline phases along with broad humps that represented the well as the design parameters (e.g. shape and size) play an
amorphous phases present in each material. FA mainly consisted of important role in determining the quality of the printed filament
quartz (PDF# 074e3485) and mullite (PDF# 074e4143) in crystal- (Tay et al., 2019; Panda et al., 2018a; Bos et al., 2016). These factors
line form, whereas GGBS displayed a broad amorphous hump at
around 30 2q and gehlenite (PDF#0 04e0690), which was found in Table 1
small amounts. Chemical compositions (%) of FA and GGBS.
The amorphous/glassy contents of the FA and GGBS were
Material SiO2 CaO Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 MgO Na2O K2O TiO2 LOI
determined using an external standard approach, as outlined by
Singh and Subramaniam in 2016 (Singh and Subramaniam, FA 51.1 5.8 28.8 6.4 1.0 1.1 0.3 1.2 2.5 1.2
GGBS 29.6 39.3 15.5 0.3 4.3 7.5 0.4 0.5 1.7 1.1
2016a,b). Accordingly, the total glassy content present in FA and
612 B. Panda et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 220 (2019) 610e619 Thixotropy and viscosity recovery. In this study, thixotropy

was measured using a structural parameter (l) (Ouyang et al.,
2016), as shown in Equation (1), where te and t0 are the equilib-
rium stress and initial shear stress, respectively. The l value in-
dicates the relationship between static and dynamic yield stress,
which is critical in 3D concrete printing applications (i.e. the higher
the l, the higher the thixotropy).

t0  te
l¼ (1)
In addition to thixotropy, viscosity recovery is also an important
property of printable concrete, which indicates fresh material
behaviour after the extrusion process. If the original viscosity of the
initial deposited layer is not recovered before the deposition of the
second layer, it may result in the deformation of the structure.
Therefore, in this study, the 3D printing process was mimicked by
applying different shear rates of (i) 0.01 s1 for 60 s, (ii) 300 s1 for
30 s and (iii) 0.01 s1 for 60 s at three different time intervals cor-
responding to the material state (i) initially at rest, (ii) shearing/
Fig. 1. X-ray diffractograms of FA and GGBS. extrusion and (iii) again at rest, as used in previous studies (Panda
et al., 2018b,c). The apparent viscosities were measured during
these three intervals to understand the recovery behaviour of the
Table 2 different geopolymer mixes.
Reactive components of FA and GGBS.

Material Crystalline content (%) Amorphous Compressive strength. To study the hardened properties of
content (%)
Al2O3 SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO K2O TiO2 the prepared formulations, specimens were cast in
FA 10.72 14.28 5.94 2.75 2.17 1.47 38.8 50  50  50 mm moulds and cured under ambient conditions for
GGBS 2.8 97.2 up to 28 days. Average compressive strengths were measured by
uni-axial loading in triplicates, in accordance with the specifica-
tions of ASTM C109 (ASTM C109/C109M-13). The equipment used
Table 3 for this purpose was a Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme machine,
Mix proportions of one-part geopolymer mixes prepared in this study. operated at a loading rate of 100 kN/min.
Mix name Binder composition Activator content (%)
(wt.%) 3D concrete printing. One of the mixes that met the mini-
FA GGBS mum requirement of M25 grade concrete was selected out of the
initially prepared five mix designs and printed using a 4-axis gantry
F85G15A15 85 15 15
F70G30A15 70 30 printer fitted with a 40  10 mm rectangular nozzle and a grout
F60G40A15 60 40 pump, and operated at a printing speed of 90 mm/s. The outcome
F70G30A10 70 30 10 was a solid printed block with a length of 400 mm. The printed
F70G30A20 70 30 20
block was then split into 40  40 mm cubes for directional
compression testing. The same mix was also cast separately to
compare its performance with those extracted from the 3D printed
are depicted in Fig. 3, which outlines the main parameters con- section.
trolling the properties of 3D printed concrete. Structural build up (load bearing capacity). The assessment
2.3.2. Experimental methodology of structural build-up is important for concrete printing since the
buildability property depends on the structuration rate of the Flow properties. To obtain the evolution of static yield material (i.e. how fast the material can gain stiffness) after extru-
stress, stress growth test was performed by applying deformation sion. Accordingly, the early (i.e. green) strength of the material was
at a constant shear rate of 0.1 s1. During this test, the shear stress measured in the dormant period via the incremental loading of the
progressively developed to a maximum value and then stabilized at fresh mortar using an Instron tensile test series machine (Voigt
an equilibrium value. The static yield stress was defined as the peak et al., 2006). These results were further supported with the 28-
shear stress value (Panda et al., 2018b). day hardened properties to analyse the full-strength

Fig. 2. Steps involved in the 3D concrete printing process.

B. Panda et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 220 (2019) 610e619 613

Fig. 3. Cause-effect diagram reflecting the main parameters controlling the properties of 3D printed concrete.

development of the material. strength of surface charges, which can be related to the increase in
the yield stress. The viscosities of geopolymer mortars, irrespective Microstructural characterization (XRD and FESEM). of different slag and activator contents, was found to be substan-
X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission electron microscopy tially low (<10 Pa s) under a high shear force. Such unique property
(FESEM) were used to characterize the raw materials and the re- (i.e. high yield stress and low viscosity) could find an application in
action products of the prepared mixes. Randomly oriented powder the 3D printing process with some additional attention on thixot-
samples were extracted from the selected mixes by grinding the ropy and structural build-up. The observed decrease in viscosity
dried samples for XRD analysis. The scan patterns were obtained with increasing shear rate can be attributed to the deflocculating
from 10 to 70 2q with a step size of 0.02 by using an Empyrean X- phenomena in the early stages of the alkali-activation process, for
ray Diffractometer with Cu-Ka-radiation. The X-ray tube generator which, further mixing can increase the workability of the mixtures
was operated at 40 kV and 40 mA. Corundum was used as the before its application.
external standard for the quantification of both crystalline and Similar to the flow properties, the compressive strength of the
amorphous phases using TOPAS software. The crystalline phases prepared samples increased with increasing GGBS content, as can
were identified using the powder diffraction file-2 (Singh and be seen in Fig. 4(b). This increase in strength could be attributed to
Subramaniam, 2016a,b), while known phases were taken from the early formation of CeSeH gel in the matrix (Collins and
the ICSD data base. For FESEM analysis, a JEOL JSM-7600F electron Sanjayan, 1999; Puertas et al., 2000). A similar increase was
microscope, equipped with an energy dispersive analyser was used observed with an increase in the activator content from 10 to 20%,
to examine the sample microstructure after 28 days of curing. which could be due to the presence of a higher amount of Si ions
available for geopolymerisation. This finding was in line with the
findings of Nematollahi et al. (2015), where an improvement in
3. Results and discussion
strength with respect to the activator (i.e. sodium silicate) content
was reported.
3.1. Flow and mechanical properties
Besides the yield stress and viscosity, the thixotropy, referring to
the reversible structural breakdown and build-up aspect of print-
Fig. 4(a) shows the static yield stress and apparent viscosity of
able materials, was studied. Throughout this assessment, the
the five mixes containing different GGBS and activator contents. An
continuous decrease of apparent viscosity with time under shear
increase in the GGBS content led to an increase in both the yield
and subsequent recovery at rest was observed. Fig. 5(a) shows the
stress and viscosity, which could be due to the chemical composi-
viscosity recovery of each mix, where their recovery ability after
tion (i.e. presence of calcium) in GGBS and its angular particle
being sheared at a shear rate of 300 s1 was revealed. Considering
shape. Angular particles can provide an interlocking effect, which
the shear-thinning property of one-part geopolymers (Fig. 5(b)),
can increase the yield stress. A similar outcome on the effect of the
the patterns observed in viscosity recovery can be linked to the
angular morphology of GGBS on concrete workability was reported
concrete printing process, indicating the properties of each mix
in previous studies (Deb et al., 2014; Cheah et al., 2017). Therefore,
after their extrusion from the nozzle. Theoretically, if a material can
the partial replacement of 40% of FA with GGBS resulted in 125%
recover its initial viscosity after the extrusion process, it can
increment in the yield stress, which can be useful in the shape fi-
maintain its shape without any significant deformation. The find-
delity and buildability of the printed layers. As the addition of GGBS
ings reported in this study showed that the prepared mixes were
was reported to decrease the setting time of alkali-activated ma-
able to recover 70e80% of their original viscosity within 60 s of
terials (Deb et al., 2014), it can significantly affect the workability
extrusion, thereby enabling the deposition of a second layer within
time (i.e. open time) by changing the flow properties. Therefore, the
the 60 s time interval, without deforming the bottom layers.
amount of GGBS included in these mixes should be carefully
The structural/thixotropy parameter (l) of the geopolymer
controlled with proper activator dosage for the 3D printing of one-
mixes, listed in Table 4, increased with an increase in the amount of
part geopolymer mortars. Similarly, increasing the activator con-
GGBS, which was an indication of the strong bonding due to the
tent from 10% to 20% in mix F70G30A20 led to a higher yield stress,
angular morphology of the GGBS particles. With the use of higher
in line with the findings of Kashani et al. (2014). Accordingly, a
contents of GGBS that replaced FA, the rolling nature of spherical FA
higher dosage of the activator induced a higher pH and ionic
614 B. Panda et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 220 (2019) 610e619

Fig. 4. Assessment of the prepared mixes for their (a) static yield stress and viscosity and (b) compressive strength.

diminished, increasing the particle-to-particle interlocking. In- Table 4

crease in packing density could therefore explain the enhanced Thixotropy parameters of the geopolymer mixes at 300 RPM.

thixotropy observed in geopolymer mixes with high GGBS con- F85G15A15 F70G30A15 F60G40A15 F70G30A10 F70G30A20
tents. Alternatively, the increase in the activator content from 10 to 1.14 1.50 1.85 1.09 1.27
20% reduced the l value, which could be attributed to the weaker
bonding between colloidal particles due to the plasticizing effect of
silicates. Within these mixes, silicate anions could have adsorbed
at a speed of 90 mm/s for a total length of one meter. The speed of
on the particle surfaces, increasing the inter particle distance
printing was confirmed by printing six straight lines at different
(Kashani et al., 2014), and hence l. Considering that the main
speeds (Fig. 6(b)) and comparing the bead width (W) with the
indented use for the mixes designed in this study were non-
nozzle opening width (30 mm). As using a printing speed of
structural printed components requiring a strength of
90 mm/s led to an equivalent width of 30 mm, this speed was used
25e30 MPa, mix F70G30A10 was selected for demonstrative 3D
in the subsequent printing of a 10-cm diameter cylinder (Fig. 6(c))
printing, as well as the further analysis of its mechanical properties
to indicate the feasibility of using the developed one-part geo-
and characterization of its phase formations and microstructure.
polymer mixes in 3D printing applications.

3.2. Print quality 3.3. Load carrying capacity

Print quality refers to the properties of the 3D printed layers of a Load carrying capacity is one of the key properties of printable
mix, such as their extrudability, dimensional conformity and shape materials, commonly referred to as “buildability”. Starting from
effects at different print speeds and constant flow rate. Fig. 6(a) mixing to setting, as the strength of the material progressively
shows the results of the extrudability test of mix F70G30A10, which grows, its measurement is highly necessary to predict the number
was continuously extruded without any breakage or discontinuity of layers that can be safely deposited prior to structural collapse

Fig. 5. Assessment of the prepared mixes for their (a) viscosity recovery and (b) shear thinning behaviours.
B. Panda et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 220 (2019) 610e619 615

(Wolfs et al., 2018). Fig. 7 shows the load carrying capacity of the
selected one-part geopolymer mix. In the dormant period, the
material strength was related to its green strength, followed by its
hardened strength at 7, 14 and 28 days of ambient curing. For the
F70G30A10 mix, the green strength was found to be 0.01 MPa,
while the 28-day strength of the analysed samples reached
26.8 MPa. During 3D printing, green strength can be used as an
indication of the number of layers that can be deposited without
any significant deformation of the bottom layer, whereas the
hardened strength indicates the point at which permanent failure
can be expected. Unlike OPC-based mixes, the dormant period of
the mixes prepared in this study was less than 30 min, thereby
leading to an early strength development after 15 min of mixing
due to the formation of aluminosilicate gel during the initial stage
of the reaction. Such rapid strength development can be considered
as an advantage in the concrete printing process, enabling the
stacking up of the extruded layers without any need for accelera-
tors. However, care must be taken during batch mixing to avoid the
premature hardening of the bulk material for large scale printing Fig. 7. Strength development curve of mix F70G30A10.
(Note: black points were obtained experimentally, whereas blue points were illustra-
applications. According to these findings, an in-line/continuous
tively added to obtain a continuous representation).
mixer is suggested for the simultaneous mixing and extrusion of
one-part geopolymer mortars.
In some cases, where the low green strength of the extruded directions were recorded as 28.3, 25.9 and 24.3 MPa, respectively
material may lead to difficulties in achieving higher buildability, (Fig. 8(b)). The compressive strengths of samples in F2 and F3 di-
accelerators can be added either during mixing or directly at the rections were comparable, while the strength in the F1 direction
nozzle, so that the structural build-up rate can be accelerated to was highest among all. Such anisotropy in mechanical property was
prevent the deformation of each layer. This reaction rate control previously mentioned in (Panda et al., 2017a; Lim et al., 2018) for
mechanism has been discussed in recent studies (Reiter et al., glass fiber reinforced geopolymer samples. However, it is not
2018), where its importance and suitable admixtures that can possible to state that this effect was observed due to different layer
help to meet the desired buildability without causing problems in directions, since F1 and F3 had the same orientation. The difference
the extrusion process were highlighted. Although most of the in strength could be associated with the motion patterns of the
suggestions made in these studies were applicable to OPC-based material during the printing process. Accordingly, as the movement
binders, some of them may also be applied to geopolymer of the material through the system was in the direction shown in
binders, depending on the type of raw materials and reaction F1, it is possible that in that direction of movement, the particles
mechanisms. Therefore, a further study on the use of admixtures to were placed and compacted better than the other directions,
control the structural build-up of geopolymer mixes during 3D thereby providing a higher compressive strength. The development
printing must be performed. of the compressive strength indicated that the 28-day strength was
almost the same (except for F1), which ensured the robustness of
3.4. Mechanical properties of the 3D printed section the 3D printed samples for load bearing applications.

Directional mechanical strength is one of the inherent proper-

3.5. Microstructural analysis via XRD and SEM
ties of the 3D printing process due to layer-wise manufacturing. In
this regard, the most commonly used orthogonal directions F1, F2
The microstructural analysis of mix F70G30A10 after 28 days of
and F3 are shown in Fig. 8(a). Accordingly, the average 28-day
curing revealed the presence of aluminosilicate gel and unreacted
compressive strengths of 3D printed samples in F1, F2 and F3
FA and GGBS particles, as shown in Fig. 9. In both cured and un-
cured systems, a broad hump was observed. In the unreacted sys-
tem, the hump located at around 15e40 2q represented the glassy
portion contributed by FA and GGBS. Alternatively, in the case of
the reacted sample, the position of the hump slightly moved from
lower to higher 2q angles, as shown in Fig. 10. This change in the
location of the hump indicated the formation of amorphous reac-
tion products and presence of unreacted glassy content. The
amorphous reaction products partially overlapped with the
unreacted glassy content at higher 2q angles. As shown in previous
studies (Oh et al., 2014, 2010; Hajimohammadi and Deventer, 2017),
the amorphous reaction product usually formed at higher 2q angles
(e.g. 29 ), which could be attributed to potassium alumino-silicate
gel (K-A-SeH), when potassium was used as an alkaline activator.
As shown by the quantities of the different phases listed in Table 5,
the presence of amorphous reaction products directly influenced
the mechanical performance of the prepared mixes. The combined
amorphous reaction products and unreacted glassy content present
Fig. 6. Assessment of mix F70G30A10 for its (a) extrudability, (b) effect of printing in the reacted system (F70G30A10) was slightly lower in content
speed and (c) 3D printing of 10 layers. than the glassy content present in the unreacted FA-GGBS system.
616 B. Panda et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 220 (2019) 610e619

Fig. 8. Assessment of mix F70G30A10, showing its (a) schematic view of the three testing directions and (b) 28-day compressive strength of printed sections in comparison with
mould casted specimens.

This could be because the glassy content involved the formation of

zeolites in the system.
Zeolites K (PDF# 022e0793) and G (PDF# 019e0092) were
identified as the secondary reaction products in mix F70G30A10,
along with major crystalline phases such as quartz, mullite and
gehlenite. The formation of zeolites could explain the initial hard-
ening of geopolymer mixes, which enabled the printing of subse-
quent deposited layers during the 3D printing process. Unlike OPC,
geopolymer binders gain green strength due to the formation of
nanocrystalline zeolites, compacted by an amorphous gel. There-
fore, the reaction associated mechanism needs to be tailored ac-
cording to the deposition speed of each layer to avoid the
premature failure or collapse of the printed structure. In this regard,
further research can be carried out to control the zeolite produc-
tion, which can significantly influence the structural built-up
Fig. 10. XRD patterns of unreacted FA-GGBS and mix F70G30A10.
property necessary for the 3D printing of geopolymer mixes.

3.6. Environmental assessment samples are mainly a function of the amount of eCO2 emissions and
corresponding embodied energy of each component used within a
The total energy and CO2 emissions of one-part geopolymer particular mix design. Other factors contributing to the overall

Fig. 9. SEM micrograph of mix F70G30A10 after 28 days of ambient curing.

B. Panda et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 220 (2019) 610e619 617

Table 5
Quantities of phases within unreacted FA-GGBS and mix F70G30A10 at 28 days.

Compound Unreacted FA-GGBS Reacted FA-GGBS (F70G30A10)

Quartz 13.3 11.2

Mullite 25.0 10.2
Hematite 0.4 0.9
Magnetite 0.2 0.9
Rutile 0.2 0.2
Calcite 0.2 0.6
Gehlenite 1.2 0.1
Zeolite K e 9.9
Zeolite G e 13.9
Amorphous reaction product/unreacted glassy content 59.6 52.1

environmental impact include the energy required and eCO2 have very limited environmental impacts, a further optimization of
emitted during the transport of raw materials and the construction the activator usage can have a notable impact in lowering the
(i.e. printing) process. As this study mainly focuses on the devel- overall embodied energy and eCO2 values associated with geo-
opment of geopolymer mixes for the 3D printing of non-structural polymers. In this respect, alternative activators that are known to
components, the main goal is to provide a quick comparison of the have lower environmental impacts can be utilized, thereby result-
environmental impacts of these mixes with traditional OPC-based ing in mixes that are even more sustainable, provided that the
mixes. Accordingly, the environmental implications associated desired mechanical performance is maintained throughout the 3D
with the aggregates used in the mix design were not included in printing process.
this comparison as both mixes (i.e. geopolymer and OPC-based)
would include an equivalent amount of aggregates. Similarly, the 4. Conclusions
transport of the raw materials to the production facility or the final
product to site was not incorporated in the overall calculation of the This study focused on the development of 3D printable one-part
environmental impacts, as these values were assumed to be similar geopolymers that possess thixotropy property. The prepared mixes
for both scenarios. were evaluated for their feasibility to be used in digital construc-
The embodied energy and eCO2 values used in this environ- tion. The followed approach included an assessment of thixotropy,
mental assessment were 0.05 GJ and 0.027 tonne of eCO2 per tonne static yield stress, viscosity and mechanical and microstructural
of FA (Jamieson et al., 2015); and 0.33 GJ and 0.113 tonne of eCO2 per properties, along with a comparison of the environmental impact
tonne of GGBS (Habert et al., 2011), respectively. As FA is a waste by- with OPC-based mixes. The results emerging from this study can be
product obtained from coal burning power plants, some studies summarized as follows:
have considered it to have zero eCO2 emissions. However, there are
some environmental implications associated with its collection and  The developed geopolymer mixes could be printed as sections
transport, similar to the other materials used in the mix design. In with a height of up to 300 mm by depositing consistent fila-
terms of the alkali activator, the composition of the activator and ments without any noticeable deformation of the bottom layers.
the associated production process have a significant impact on its  Yield stress, thixotropy as well as mechanical strength increased
CO2 emissions. In this study, 1.594 tonne of eCO2 per tonne of with increasing GGBS content due to the angular morphology
activator (i.e. calculated by combining the eCO2 values of silicate and amorphous phases present in GGBS.
and KOH powders in line with their proportions in the original mix  The prepared mixes exhibited thixotropic behaviour with an
design) was considered (Duxson et al., 2007), which did not include ability of recovering 70e80% of their original viscosity within
the energy used during the extraction of raw materials, production 60 s of extrusion. Therefore, the layers could be deposited in 60-
and transport. According to the mix design used in the selected s time intervals, without deforming the bottom layers.
sample (F70G30A10), the total amount of eCO2 was calculated to be  The printed geopolymers showed anisotropic mechanical per-
around 0.19 tonne per tonne of binder (i.e. sum of FA: 0.02 tonne, formance when compared to the mould casted specimens due
GGBS: 0.03 tonne and activator: 0.145 tonne). Considering that the to the layer wise fabrication approach used in the concrete
eCO2 and embodied energy associated with PC production are 0.90 printing.
tonne and 4.5 GJ per tonne of OPC (Turner and Collins, 2013),  The final product was found to contain potassium-
respectively, the eCO2 of the geopolymer mix prepared in this study aluminosilicate gel, which can explain the mechanical and
was around 78% lower. microstructural development observed within the prepared
Similar to the eCO2 values, the amount of energy associated with samples.
the proposed geopolymer mix was calculated as 0.67 GJ per tonne  One-part geopolymers, an alternative green binder that is acti-
of binder (i.e. FA: 0.04 GJ, GGBS: 0.1 GJ and activator: 0.54 GJ), which vated by solid activators, have the potential to result in lower
was around 15% of the embodied energy of an OPC-based sample. A environmental impacts than those associated with OPC-based
closer look into the individual contribution of the raw materials mixes.
revealed the important role the activator played, which was around
81% of the total energy of the overall mix. Similar findings were Overall, the findings revealed in this paper have provided new
revealed by previous studies (Turner and Collins, 2013; McLellan insights on the rheological properties of one-part geopolymers
et al., 2011), where the advantage of using geopolymer mixes in under the context of 3D concrete printing. As the precise control of
comparison to OPC-based mixes were indicated (i.e. in terms of material “fluidity” and “green strength” are essential in 3D printing,
environmental implications), though the final eCO2 value depen- specific emphasis was given on the study of various mix designs
ded on the mix design and material processing conditions. that affected the rheology of geopolymer mortars. Further research
Considering that the two main binder components used in this should focus on establishing a deeper understanding of the reac-
study, FA and GGBS, are classified as by-products and therefore tion mechanisms to improve the mechanical performance of the
618 B. Panda et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 220 (2019) 610e619

Fig. 11. Schematic representation of the strength development curve with the use of different additives at various stages of 3D concrete printing.

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Hajimohammadi, A., van Deventer, J.S., 2017. Characterisation of one-part geo-
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