Aasha-Kiran 2019 - 2020
Aasha-Kiran 2019 - 2020
Aasha-Kiran 2019 - 2020
t!. :
Subiect- Benefit to Retired Emplovees for takinq care of their Emergencv needs-
Asha Kiran
The DPE vide its OM dated A8.A7.2009 recommended that CPSEs may create a corpus by contributing
not more than 1 .5% af PBT in order to take care of medicaf and any other emergency needs of those
retired empfoyees who are not covered by the pension Scheme and /or post superannuation medical
. benefit scheme,
The Scheme to meet emergency needs of the retired employees has been approved by the competent
authority and is named as 'Asha Kirano. The detailed scheme is encfosed, along with application
format, required to be filled by the retired einployees/ beneftciary for claiming benefits under the
The lncharge HR-ER at the work centres shafl implement the scheme lhrough Separated Empfoyee
Establishment (SEE) of the respective Work Cenlre. The Scheme may be widefy circulated to retired
employees and Retired Employee Associations appropriately by the concerned Incharge HR-ER in
and local language, if felt necessary.
The eligible beneficiaries shall submit their cfaim application in the requisite Performa along with bank
details to the respective SEE, who in tum shall be the process owner of the Scheme.
It is enjoined upon all Incharge HR-ER to set up a helpdesk initialfy for three months period with
dedicated officials, who would extend all help to the retired employees in filling and submitting the
application as wefl as ensuring proper record/data creation in the SAP platform after due verification.
Efforts may be made by all concerned to implement the Scheme uniformly, effeclively and at a faster
pace. t\\y /,oD
Y- -( 2l
ED- Chief ER
A scheme for extending financial assistance to the employees retired prior to 01.01 .20AT br
taking care of their emergency needs.
1. Objective
The objective of the scheme is to provide financiaf assistance for meeting the emergency needs of
those retired employees or their surviving spouse (in the case of deceased employees) who are not
able to cope up with distressful emergency situations.
2. Eligibility
2.1(ii) Former regufar employee of the company who suffered permanent total disablement
resulting in to separation before A1.A1.20A7 irespective of length of regular service
rendered before the said separation
Hislher surviving spouse (in case post separation death of the employee).
z.l(riil Surviving spouse of a regular employee, who died before A1.A1.2AA7 while being in
' service of the company irespective of fength of regular service rendered before his/her
SAruffiffi".fi#f ruffi
2.2 Retired employees or their surviving spouse (in case of deceased employees) having monthly
income not exceeding Rs 10,0m (Rupees Ten thousand onfy) p.m. shalf only be eligible for the
benefits under the Scheme. A self-certificate shalf be submitted by the prospective beneficiary
along with the application declaring that his/her income from all sources is not exceeding R;
10,000/- per month. Further, in the cases other than normal superannuation, the benelit shalt
be availabfe from the date the employee would have attained the age of superannuation
(notional age of superannuation).
3. Management of Scheme
3.1 A Board levef committee of following Directors shall provide guidance for smooth implementation
of the Scheme and shall oversee the Scherne at Corporate level:-
The BLC-Asha Kiran shall decide about the fund aflocaiion and the ceilings of financial
assistance in a particular year to mitigate different type of emergency situations talring into
account various factors like inflation, cost of mitigating the ernergency needs and the funds
available in the corpus.
3.2. Further, at unit /work-centre level, Standing Committee of following officials wilf be constituted -:-
. i.
In-charge Finance at unit fevel, ex officio
. ti. . In-charge HR-ER at unit level as ex officio member secretary, who wilf be assisted by.
the In-charge of separated Employees' Establishment (sEE) of the unit.
ii'. An E6 or above levef officer to be nominated by the respective Level-l Executive.
For the sake of convenience, the above committee shafl be known as 'Unit Level Committee on
Asha Kiran or in short 'ULC-Asha Kiran'.
The ULC-Asha Kiran shall scrutinize the applications received in the respective SEE from retired
employees or their surviving spouse (in case of deceased empfoyee) during a particular year and
recommend the quantum of financiaf assistance to be provided to take care of the emergency.
3.3 The Level-1 executive at the concerned work centre shalf have full powers to sanction the grant
based on the recommendations of the.UlC-Asha Kiran of the work centre, within the funds
aflocated by BLC-Asha Kiran and conveyed to the work centre by Chief-ER, subject to the
ceilings prescribed in Annexure-A.
4.1 The amount of financial assistance to be provided shafl depend upon the nature and magnitude
of the emergency situation being faced by the affected eligible individual. An indicative but not
exhaustive list, showing the permissible ceifing for various kinds of emergency situations is
appended as Annexure-A along with the detailed guidelines in this regard. The amounts
indicated in the Annexure-A are upper cgilings for the given situations. The amount will be
approved by Level-l executive based on recomrnendations of ULC-Asha Kiran keeping in view
the magnitude of the emergency sitriation, fund avaifabifity and the concunent demands received.
Maximum overall annual ceiling in respect of one employee stiall be Rs a00,000/- (Rupees two
fakh only)
4.2 Beneficiaries, eligible as per Para 2 of the Scheme, facing the emergency situation shall apply for
financiaf assistance to mitigate the situations in the prescribed application form No. CLM-AKS
(Annexure'B) indicating the nature, magnitude of emergency and the financial assistance
required to mitigate the emergency.
4.3 Emergency needs of the beneficiaries shall be evaluated by the ULC-Asha Kiran refened to in
Para 3.2 above, on the basis of applications submitted by the applicant taking, into account the
nature and magnitude of the emergency situations. The committee shalf recommend the cases,
indicating the amount of grant, to the concerned Levet-1 Exricutive.
5.1 The in-charge HR-ER at the work Centres shall bb the nodal officer for implementafion of the
Scheme through Separated Employee Estabfishment (SEE) of the respective work centre. The
Scheme shafl be widely circulated amongst retired employees and Retired Officers/ Employee
Associations appropriately by the concerned In-charge HR-ER.
5.2 The eligible beneficiaries shaff submit their claim application in Annexure.B' along with bank
details to the respective Separated Employee Estabfishment who shall act as the process owner
of the Scheme. The processing of applications and coordination with ULC-Asha Kiran shall be
canied out by the fn-charge SEE at unit fevel and submitted for approval of the conc.erned Level-l
The sanctioned amount under the Scheme shafl be transfened by associate finance to
the individual's account efectronically.
5.3 A quarterfy report in a structured format regarding implementation status of the Scheme shall be
submitted by the concerned fn-charge HR-ER to the office of Chief-ER on regular basis. The
Co.mpany wide consolidated status shall be prepared at Headquarters and submitted for appraisal
of the 'BLC-Asha Kiran' on quarterly basis. The corporate level SEE shall coordinate with SEEs at
unit level in this regard.
6. . Other Conditions
6.1 The continuation of the Scheme and quantum of relief may be reviewed on year to year basis by
the BLC-Asha Kiran. In case of inadequacy of Profit Before Tax (PBT) of ONGC in a particular
yeat, the benefits under the Scheme shall reduce proportionately so as to cornply with DPE
6.2 ln case a beneficiary changes his/trer pface of residence/setttement, the In-charge of the old
SEE shall immediately intimate hislher counterpart at the new location about the financial
assistancg if any, provided to the beneficia ry at the ofd location under Asha Kiran during the
curent year.
6,3 lf any doubt arises regarding the interpretation of any of the provisions of the Scheme, the
matter shafl be refered to the office of Chief - ER for necessary cfarification. lf required, Chief-
ER may submit it to the BLC-Asha Kiran through Director (HR), for necessary cfarification and
the decision of the BLC-Asha Kiran shall be treated as final and binding.
6.4 The Scheme shall come into effect prospectively from the date of its issue.
(PradeSp Sahariya)
ED - Ghief ER
:i': Annexufe'A{to thc rrddernes,
ASHA KIRAN-A Scheme for extending financial assistance to the empfoyees retired prior to
LL.Z:AO7 for taking care of their emergency needs
Each Separated Empfoyees Cell at all locations shall createlupdate the data base in respect
of all those retired empfoyees who are availing post retirement medical benefits or any
other suppoft from that particular SEE.The data base should have all relevant details viz
narne of retired employee and spouse, ?g€, address (own house or rented), bank detaifs,
names of dependents if any indicating their name, dge, gender, relationship with the retired
employee etc.
Admissibility of financial support, per annum, under various situations will be as under-
The benefit shalf be avaifableto all employees above the age of 70 years on self-
certification basis. For less than 7A yparg of age; the food suppfem ent/
tonics/vitamins shall be admissible as per the advice of ONGC doctor or a qualified
medical practitioner and for which doctor's prescription shall be necessary.
3 Ofd age-mobility issues.
(1) (21 (3)
Ifne actual expenditure i;"rred i@ L0,000
I protective raifings, supports, ramp etc.
(The minimum life of such protective railing/support
shalf be 5 years.)
3(b) The actual expenditure incurred on emergency 30,000
ambulance or short stay near the hospital in the
cou rse of medical treatment/consultations
Cases of transport due to medical emergency etc
shafl also be covered
3(c) Expenditure on the service/ items of personal 20,000
hygiene and safety which are not covered under
ONGC medical scherne.
Grant in this category shall cover rehabilitation and protective aids viz provisioning of
raifingsAupp orts/ ramps in the dwefling unit where the applicant normafly
I Rrotective
resides (own or rented accommodation ) as wefl as personal assistancd required due
I to fragrtitV/ age related movement disability/ homenurse assistance due to partiaf or
totat disabifity.
I For 3(bL the grant shall be admissible only for the eligible retired ONGC
employee/spouse. Further, the grant will be admissibfe on the basis of advise/
certification of ONGC Doctor/ Empanelled Doctor/ Doctor of a Civil Hospital that the
same was necessary as in emergency measure. f
For 3(a) & 3(b) utilization certificate along with the bills and payment vouchers shan
be submitted by the beneficiary.
For 3 (c), the grant shalf be admissible only for the retired employee/spouse and the
same shall be avaifable on self certification basis. I
The overaff ceilin gfor aff the items covered under Clause 3 abqve shatf be Rs. 50,000
in a Financial Year. I
A.Support,to depena rand chifdren
(1) (2) (3)
4(a) I Support to the parents/parents-in-law who are 30,000
non-earning and whose responsibility has fully or
partially falfen on the shoulders of the
applicant(retired ONGCian or his/her spouse)
Support to the grand children who are non-earning 30,000
and whose responsibility has futly or partialty faffen
on the shoulders of the appficant (retired ONGCian
or his/her spouse) due to death of his/her parents.
For 4(al - The names of parents shall be verified from the personal re.orAs of
applicant as avaifable in his service book. In case of parents in l?*, their narnes are
required to be verified by any serving ONGCian at rninimum E2 levet certifiTing that
:he support is provided by the applicant to his parents/parents in taw.
T he overall ceiling for afl the items covered under Clause 4 above shall be Rs. 3Q000
ir r a Financial Year
5. Financial Emergencies
For clause 5(b) above, self-certification from the appticant in this regard shaff be
The overall ceilingfor all the items covered under Clause 5 above shall be Rs. 60,000
in a Financial Year.
5. Victim of acts of terrorism
For the grant under 6 above, the applicant shafl submit the proof/evidence of such
occurrence and that the affected individual has uridergone the loss., The overall
underthis clause shall be Rs. 7O,AOA in a Financiaf Year
7. Any other emergen
Date of Joining
Date of Separation
*AAach supporting doanmenls. Attach extra sheet,
C. Details ofAssistance already received under Asha Kiran Scheme in the currelt financial year:
Sl No Purpose for which Granted Date of Amount (t)
D. Details of other Benefits Received:
D.1 Monthly Benefit being received under PRBS, if any:
Insurer Monthly Amount (T) Aruruity option
Signature of the A
Supporting documents rinelosed:
t. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8,
Page? of2
Self Certification
(Appticable in onty those cases where onty setf certificate is required by the ex-emptoyees)
With reference to the Scheme 'ASHA KIRAN' introduced by ONGC to provide financial
assistance to its empl.oyees who retirdd prior to 01.01.20fJ7 for taking care of their
emergency needs, I hereby declare that:
1 . lt My spouse was in regutar seryice of ONGC and compteted not less than 15
years of continuous seryice in ONGC without break.
2. I futfitt att the conditions of etigibitity for receipt of grant under 'Asha Kiran'
3 3(c) toincuraneXPenditureofRs...........-....onthe
service/items of personat hygiene and safety, which are not covered
under ONGC Medical Scheme.
4 s(b) This is to certify that I am passing through indigent condition/extreme
poverty and need financiat support to overcome my difficutt condition.