Maruti Customer Care Programs

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MBA DEGREE 2008-09

Submitted to:- Submitted by:-


I, ” to declare that the Research report entitled

“Customer Care Programs at Maruti” being submitted
to the U.P.TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY for the partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of
Business Administration is my own endeavors and it has
not been submitted earlier to any institution/university
for any degree.




One of the most pleasant aspects of writing an acknowledgement is the opportunity

to thank all those who have contributed to it. Unfortunately, the list of expression of
gratitude- no matter how extensive – is always incomplete and inadequate. This
acknowledgement is no exception.

First of all, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to for giving me opportunity to

do research under her profound guidance. Because of her inspiring guidance,
motivation, positive criticism, continuous encouragement and untiring supervision
this work could be brought to its present shape.

I would like to thank all of them who in one way or the other have helped me.

The success of any business entity solely depends on how effectively does it
utilizes its optimum resources and how soon does it make arrangements for
the removal of the customer’s grievances. Moreover, the company should
always be ready to make necessary changes according to the requirement in
order to attract more customers so as to maintain a substantial growth in the
market. The topic given to me was:


I have tried to put my best efforts to complete this task on the basis of skill
that I have achieved during my studies in the institute.

I have tried to put my maximum effort to get the accurate statistical data. If
there is any error or any mistake in collecting the data, please ignore it.


S. No. Topics

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

3. Background of Indian Auto Industry

4. Company Profile

5. PEST Analysis

6. SWOT Analysis

7. Porter’s 5 Forces Model- Analysis

8. Comparative Study of Customer Care Programs

9. Customer’s Expectation from a Loyalty Program

10. Loyalty Program for Maruti

11. Conclusion

12. Bibliography


Undoubtedly the customer has become the King. The modern customer is armed

with IT and has higher buying power. The ever-increasing expectations from

products and services are a major challenge for all the players in the market. The

softer issues have gained as much importance as product features in his brand

decisions. There is higher propensity towards choosing brand that is befitting the

self-image. The intangible offerings have gained as much importance as the tangible

product features. Thus, my project was aimed at studying the customer care

programs at MARUTI and its other competitors in the market. The project required

collection of detailed after sales customer services and programs in these companies.

For this, information was taken from various dealers of different companies followed

by in-depth interviews of executives at their respective Regional/Head offices. Based

on the information gathered from the various dealers of the companies, it could be

analyzed that there are certain common customer care practices prevalent in the

automobile industry and about the programs where some companies have a leading

edge over Maruti.

Loyalty programs are about developing sustainable, mutually beneficial relationships,

it doesn’t take much to keep the clients we want. All companies have to do is just

exceed customer’s expectations by a little and they will be far ahead of the

competition. Thus it was followed by a survey of Customer’s Expectation from a

Loyalty program, which was taken through a common questionnaire framed on

certain guidelines, from the customer’s visiting the various dealers for further queries

of their products and some through random sampling. On the basis of the analysis

and interpretation of the results of the survey, a layout of the loyalty program was

designed which could communicate customer’s expectation from a loyalty program

and bridge the gap between the desired expectation of the people and the company.


Peter Drucker refers to it as “the Industry of Industries”. It is the backbone of

Petroleum, Steel and manufacturing sectors. It creates employments for thousands

and gives birth to many entrepreneurs. It satisfies one of the most basic needs of a

human being – mobility. It is none other than the Automobile Industry!

The global automotive industry is in a continuous state of flux with respect to

technology and ownership. The American producers, once the envy of the rest of the

industry are struggling while two of the Japanese firms and several European

manufacturers are flourishing. It is well known fact that Automobile industry is the

cornerstone of some of the most influential economies in the world like USA and

Japan. Indian Automobile industry is all set to play the same role in Indian Economy.

Indian Automobile today is one of the most modern, growing and vibrant automobile

markets on the global map. India is second biggest two-wheeler market in the world.

The four-wheeler market in India is also one of the fastest growing and most

promising. No wonder, it has become a center of attraction for most of the global

automobile players. As the global automotive industry matures and competition

intensifies within traditional markets, it has become necessary for established

companies to branch out to pursue emerging markets, and develop new niche

segments. This has in turn spurred on changing relationship structures, with an

apparent realization by many within the industry that alliances of differing sorts may

be necessary to compete effectively, allowing fierce competition to rationally coexist

alongside cooperation that does not violate anti-trust legislation.

Background of Indian Auto Industry

For forty years since India's independence from the British in 1947, the Indian car

market was dominated by two localized versions of ancient European designs -- the

Morris Oxford, known as the Ambassador, and an old Fiat. This lack of product

activity in the Indian market was mainly due to the Indian government's complex

regulatory system that effectively banned foreign-owned operations. Within this

system (referred to informally as the "license raj"), any Indian firm that wanted to

import technology or products needed a license/permit from the government. The

difficulty of getting these licenses stifled automobile and component imports,

creating a low volume high cost car industry that was inefficient, unprofitable, and

technologically obsolete. The two dominant products Ambassador and Fiat, although

customized to the poor road conditions in India, were based on a stale design concept

(with outdated features), and were also fuel inefficient.

In the 1980’the car industry was undergoing technological stagnation and was

characterized by low production volumes, high cost and low productivity. The

customer had very little choice and the market was selling just around 30,000 cars

per year. There was a clear need to provide a cost effective, reliable and quality car to

the customers. In the early 1980's, the Indian government made limited attempts at

reforming the automotive industry, and entered into a joint venture with Suzuki of

Japan. The joint venture, called Maruti Udyog Limited, launched a small but fuel-

efficient model Maruti 800. Maruti Udyog Limited was incorporated in such a

scenario as a fully owned Government Company on February 24, 1981 with a

resolve to bring about expansion and technological modernization, of the automobile

sector. Thus MUL when started was entrusted with the task of achieving the

following policy objectives:

 Modernization of Indian Automobile Industry.

 Production of Vehicles in large volumes, which was necessary for economic


 Production of fuel-efficient vehicles to conserve scarce resources.

Choice of Product and Collaborator

To achieve the above objectives one of the foremost tasks before Maruti Udyog

Limited was to determine the most suitable product mix and to select the most

suitable foreign partner who would be willing to accept MUL’s requirements in terms

of product mix, technology transfer, and equality participation and had the required

technological expertise and experience in producing high quality, reliable and fuel

efficient vehicles. After extensive discussions with several major European and

Japanese car Manufacturers, MUL chose Suzuki Motor Corporation (SMC) of Japan

as it’s partner in Oct. 1982, by which acquired 26% share of the equity with an

option to increase it to 40%. Suzuki Motor Co (SMC) further increased its equity

holding to 50% in year 1992,Converting Maruti Udyog Ltd., into a Non-Government

Company with a total equity base of Rs.1322.92 million. Maruti dominates the auto

industry in India. There are 9 other major manufacturers. The market is divided in

various segments (Refer Appendix II). The following table shows how the Indian car

industry is divided in various segments

Demand Drivers

The key factors that determine demand for cars are:

 Household Income Levels

 Product Availability and Access

 Product Affordability

 Availability of Finance

 Infrastructure (Road) Development

The prospects of Auto industry are bright as rising income levels, low passenger car

ownership, declining interest rates, easier availability of financing options, ongoing

road development, reduction in excise duties and the availability of multiple models

in all price segments are all triggers for a high growth phase in the passenger car

industry in the coming years.

Company Profile

Maruti collaborated with Suzuki of Japan to produce cars in 1983. At this time, the

Indian car market had stagnated at a volume of 30,000 to 40,000 cars for the decade

ending 1983. The company reached a total production of one million vehicles in

March 1994, becoming the first Indian Company to cross this milestone. It crossed

the two million mark in 1997. In 2001, it launched new businesses – ‘True value’,

‘Maruti finance’, ‘Maruti Insurance’ and ‘N2N’. In 2003, the company listed on BSE

& NSE after its public issue. Maruti consolidated its competitive position by

launching various models other than Maruti 800. In 1984, Maruti introduced a utility

vehicle, Omni that could seat up to eight people. The low value added tax on Omni

made it the cheapest personal transportation vehicle in India. The Omni was

inexpensive to run and was popular with taxi operators and large families. In 1985,

another utility vehicle Gypsy, designed for tough road conditions, was launched. In

1990, Maruti introduced a 3-box car, Maruti 1000. In 1993, it introduced a more up-

market model, the Zen. A 1300 cc engine, up-market model, Esteem, followed this,

which was the replica of Maruti 1000 (which was replaced) with more power and a

new exterior. The Maruti 800, the Omni, the Zen and the Esteem became market

leaders in their respective segments. In 1994, Maruti became the first Indian

company to reach a cumulative production of one million vehicles. It took only

another three years for Maruti to cross the two million mark in 1997. In 1997-98,

Maruti’s overall market share was 83.1%. With the emergence of global player in the

Indian Automotive industry Maruti has seen a Loosing market share

Maruti Udyog
20 Others
1999 2000 2001 2002


Maruti Udyog Limited’s Vision for the future is to be:

“The Leader in the Indian Automobile Industry, Creating Customer delight and

Shareholders wealth; A pride of India”.

Maruti Udyog Ltd. is the largest car manufacturer and also has a 50% market share

in the passenger car segment. It has reached this position through sound planning and

effective implementation of its strategies to achieve the desired goals. Maruti Udyog

Ltd. is customer centric organization. It plans to offer a "360-degree customer

experience," continuing to launch new products and reduce costs to offer more

competitive products. With the ever increasing competition with the opening of the

economy and falling market share of MUL, the company is now focusing on

consolidating its position and has set three main objectives:

 To continue to expand the size of the Indian small car market by

strengthening and expanding it’s dealer network and making automobile

financing available at competitive rates.

 To strengthen its leadership position in the small car segment of the Indian


 To continue to benchmark itself against improving global manufacturing,

marketing and other practices and standards, strive to increase customer

satisfaction through quality products and new initiatives, and promote the

financial strength of its sales network

The company has also expanded through forward integration into related service

sectors of Insurance, Finance and Corporate lease and fleet Management services. It

has also entered the pre-owned car market through True Value. All these expansions

are expected to increase the shareholders wealth over a long run.

Corporate Strategy

The company’s strategy revolves around its Core Values of :

 Customer Obsession

 Fast, Flexible and First Mover

 Innovation and Creativity

 Networking and Partnership

 Openness and Learning

The Overall strategy of MUL may be divided into four broad categories:

Maruti Udyog Ltd.

The Leader in The Indian Automobile
Industry, Creating Customer Delight and
Shareholder's Wealth; A pride of India

Finance Customer

Human Resource Operations

Business Strategy of MUL

The broad business strategies of Maruti Udyog Ltd are as follows:

 Maintain and Enhance Product Range

 Increase Reach and Penetration

 Secure Repeat purchases by Offering a 360 Degree Customer Experience

 Continue to benchmark manufacturing with global manufacturers

 Continue to reduce cost to offer more competitive products

 Achieve Cost Reduction through Higher Productivity

 Lowering the Cost of Ownership

Customers and Marketing

Maruti has been rated top in customer satisfaction by JD power for five years in a

row. Maruti currently tops in four out of the five CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index)

factors of JD Power Survey that determine the service satisfaction of the customers.

It also reveals that 26 per cent of Maruti owners rate the service provided beyond

their level of expectation, as compared to just 18 per cent for the industry. The

company has also topped the Customer Sales Index (CSI) and the Sales Satisfaction

Index (SSI), with the cut-throat competition in automobile sector it was an

achievement to score 124 in CSI against the industry average of 118. The company is

customer driven and customer feedback is valued to a great extent.

The companies Key Marketing Objectives are:

 Increase Reach and Penetration

 Secure Repeat purchases by Providing “360 Degree Customer Experience”.

Customer Relationship Management:

The focus of Maruti is to achieve customer delight with its Customer Relationship

Management. Maruti Udyog Ltd, the Company has to identify the Target Base to

Add value through CRM. For Maruti the Target Base are the Two-wheeler owners;

Customers taken away from the competition and Services sector. The next step is to

evaluate the current databases and identify those who are potential customers of the

company and start building a relationship. Maruti also worked Oil companies to

identify the two-wheeler owners who are potential of owning a four-wheeler. The

people is also an important factor in CRM, Maruti has incorporated Customer

Obsession as a part of its Core Values and trains its employees to manifest the same.

The company also has an interactive website which helps

Maruti to be in touch with its customers directly.

Positioning and Branding:

Maruti has a different positioning for each of its product. Inspite of Umbrella

Branding very few ad campaigns have been launched in view of image building or

promoting Corporate Brand. The 2599 Campaign, Service Station in Ladakh, and the

Maruti’s Fuel Efficient Car Campaign used a rational appeal. The company also uses

Emotional Appeal to lure its customers. The hottest little car campaign, Esteems “fall

in Love Again” Campaign is examples of use of emotions in the Ads.


Even after 20 years of being in the Market no competitor has managed to sell a car

cheaper than Maruti 800. Maruti sets its prices on the basis of Competitor Analysis.

Its prices are often lower than what others have to offer. The cost reduction and high

levels of efficiency in Maruti helps it to keep the product cost low thereby giving a

tough competition to its competitors.

Performance Measurement:

The performance of Maruti can be measure through various parameters. Various

external audits and surveys help Maruti evaluate its performance. Other performance

measure can be Market share, growth in the Sales, Response to Sales promotion etc.

The feedback of the customer is the most important tool to measure performance of

an organization. The recommended Customer Perspective for Maruti Udyog ltd will

be as follows:

Customer Perspective

Key Success Factor Performance Measure

Customer Acquisition  Customer Feedback

 Sales
Customer Development  Customer Feedback

 Profits and Returns

Customer Equity  Customer Feedback

 Repeat Purchases
Customer Retention  Database Analysis

 Repeat Purchases

Value Chain Integration

Maruti has been the market leader in the passenger car segment for the past several

years and has been reaping the benefits of being the single player in Indian Passenger

Car Industry. This situation also led to having good margins in the product sale and

full capacity utilization of the plant facilities. The market size also had been

increasing continuously with two digit percentage growths. However, with the

Competition coming in, and with the passenger car market itself not increasing in

size, Maruti’s market share, and margins and hence the profits from manufacturing

activity alone are under severe pressure. This is the typical scenario globally also

wherein mature markets like USA and Japan the manufacturing business, on a stand-

alone business, is undergoing severe pressures on bottom lines. In this kind of a

background, in order to maintain its supremacy in the passenger car market and to

increase its revenues and profits, Maruti decided to venture into new service oriented

businesses, which could be developed as natural spin off from its core business of

manufacturing. It would also strengthen its brand image as a provider of complete

mobility solution for its customers. To develop this idea, Maruti engaged M/s A.T.

Kearney as consultants (Phase I). Preliminary analysis A.T. Kearney, with support

from Maruti, indicated that Maruti captures a limited portion of the vehicle life cycle

spend towards only sale of car, with a potential to capture another almost equivalent

portion. It found that global auto majors successfully tap this potential in different

ways in various markets. A number of business options were generated and

examined, leading to selection of four potential businesses for Maruti to venture into


 Auto Finance

 Insurance Distribution

 Corporate Leasing and Fleet Management

 Pre-owned Cars Business


1. Maruti Insurance

In an effort to become a complete car company, Maruti has entered the car insurance

business as well. Maruti Insurance is the brand name under which Maruti has tied up

with Insurance Companies to provide better Insurance Services to its Customers.

Maruti has tied up with 4 Insurance companies i.e. Bajaj Allianz, National Insurance

Company, Royal Sundaram and New India Assurance Co. Ltd. to provide Insurance


Benefits of Maruti Insurance

Near Cash-Less accident repairs: All Maruti dealers will provide the customer

with near cash-less repairs in their claim settlement. This means that the customer

would not have to pay to the dealer for the repair charges to the extent it is payable

by Insurance Co.

Seamless services across nation: The customer can get all the services like buying

new policy, effecting renewals, endorsements and claims at any Maruti authorized

dealer outlet across the dealer network spread all over India.

Faster & Fair Claim settlement: With Maruti Insurance there are no hassles like

Insurance Co. is not giving fair claim settlement. Whatever is payable by standards is

admissible by Insurance Co.

Easy settlement of claims with no follow-ups: There would not be any need of the

customer's personal involvement with the surveyor or Insurance Company, nor would

the customer have to worry about salvage disposal in the process of settlement of

claims. All this will be taken care of by the dealer.

Repairs at Authorized Dealer workshops: After an accident, the damaged vehicles

are repaired at the Authorized Dealer workshops that are equipped with the best

facilities and infrastructure. This would lead to quality repairs with Maruti Genuine

spare parts and trained mechanics with Maruti Insurance the customer need not

compromise on the quality of repairs and thus health of the car, by going to smaller

roadside workshops.

Dealer Assisted towing facility: Towing assistance would be provided, for getting

the vehicle to the dealer workshop, in case of accidents where the vehicle has been

rendered immobile.

Easy transfer of No claim bonus: No matter which Insurance Company the

customers' vehicle was previously insured with, his no claim bonus earned on

previous policy would be easily transferred to Maruti Insurance policy that a

customer is buying at the time of renewal.

Instant Policy issuance: No longer would the customer need to wait for the policy

document, which sometimes takes months to get delivered from the Insurance

company. With MI, the policy is issued through Internet and it is instantaneous.

Faster refunds and cancellations & Policy Verification: Maruti Insurance is

completely driven by IT systems and thus it is possible to have a faster response time

for cancellations and refunds compared to other Insurance companies. At the time of

payment of claims also, the policy and premium credit verification is instant. This

adds to both Dealer and Customer comfort.

2. N2N Fleet Management Solutions

This business provides complete fleet solutions to corporate and institutions.

Maruti’s new N2N Fleet Management Solutions for companies takes care of the A-

Z of your automobile problems. Our services include end-to-end backups/solutions

across the vehicle’s life: Leasing, Maintenance, Convenience services and

Remarketing. When you lease a fleet from us, you get vehicles in prime running

condition plus an attractive lease EMI. We also take responsibility for the reliability

and performance of your entire fleet throughout the lease period. Our state-of-the art

maintenance services ensure that your vehicles are in excellent shape and give a

great ride each time you are on the go.

Besides Fleet Solutions for company owned cars, Maruti also offers this service for

employee-owned cars.

N2N Benefits

 A wide range of cars to choose from. Maruti 800 to Baleno Altura.

 Low Investment. Value-based residual EMI

 Tax benefits. Lease rentals can be shown as revenue expenditure.

 N2N maintenance. Saves time and money

 N2N remarketing. Ensures speedy and efficient resale of the old fleet.

3. Maruti Finance

Maruti has partnered with the leading Finance companies in India to provide highly

attractive Finance deals to its customers through its dealers. Maruti Finance is the

program under which these deals are being offered exclusively to customers of

Maruti vehicles. The service is being extended across the country in a phased

manner. Maruti has tied up with 6 finance companies to form a consortium. This

consortium comprises Citicorp Maruti, Maruti Countrywide, ICICI Bank, HDFC

Bank, Kotak Mahindra and Sundaram Finance.

Best Interest Rates

Maruti Finance offers the best rates of interest. The installment schemes are

designed to suit your convenience and other requirements.

Value Added Services

Extended warranty

Maruti Finance gives you the privilege of extended warranty that goes up to

four years. This means four years of hassle-free maintenance. You can get up

to 30% discount on extended warranty under Maruti Finance.

Loans for Insurance and Accessories

Loans for insurance and accessories are built into the EMI's, keeping the whole

deal simple and hassle free.

Maruti Countrywide

Maruti Countrywide was set-up when GE Capital, HDFC and Maruti Udyog

Limited formed a captive finance company in 1995. A professionally managed

company we share the ideals and work culture of the parent companies.

Citicorp Maruti Finance

Citicorp Maruti Finance Limited was formed when Maruti joined hands with

Citibank in May 1998 Located in 52 cities we are the first company that

provides services to finance the purchase of secondhand cars nationally.

SBI- Maruti

The country's largest bank and the largest carmaker have joined hands to make

affordable car finance available to more and more people across the country.

4. Maruti True Value

Maruti has taken its first steps in the pre-owned car business under the brand name of

Maruti True Value. Using their technological expertise, network support and the

experience they have gained in the last 18 years, the company ensures the customers

gets great value and completes the transaction zero hassles. While buying, selling or

exchanging a pre-owned car, going to the right place is all-important, customers can

take chances with the local roadside mechanic or depend forever on friends and

colleagues or gamble with classified advertisements or fix up a deal with the small-

time used car dealer. Or, they could simply choose to enjoy all the advantages of

dealing directly with India's most trusted car company. In our endeavor to provide

customer Quality, Reliability, Transparency and Convenience, Therefore they ensure

that whenever customers come to Maruti True Value to buy, sell or exchange a pre-

owned car, you get nothing but the full value for your dealings, with your eyes


5. Anytime Maruti

Maruti Suzuki has also set up state-of-the-art call centers (operational in Delhi,

Gurgaon, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad) Branded Anytime

Maruti, this 24 hour help-line clarifies all doubts and queries regarding Suzuki

any time of the day or night.

PEST Analysis


 Foreign exchange rate Fluctuation  8% average GDP.

 Initiatives of De-regularization  Shift of manufacturing to low

 Stringent environmental cost countries.

regulations.  Decline in interest rates for car

 New and liberal automobile finance.

policies.  84% car market of A and B

 Reduction of tariffs on imports. segment.

 Banking liberalization that has  Reduction of GOI role in

fueled financing-driven purchases. production.

 Increase in disposable incomes

and standards of living of

middle class Indian families.

 Poor road infrastructure


 Living styles are changing  Latest technology of

 Shift towards Nuclear family. Competitors.

 Income level of Consumer.  Better infrastructure.

 Unexploited rural sectors  Fuel technology (Petrol, Diesel,

 Pre owned market larger than new CNG, Hybrid Vehicles).

car market.

SWOT Analysis


 Extensive product port folio

 Quality products

 Formidable distribution and after-sales  Suzuki (SMC) Extensive control on

network. Maruti Udyog (MUL)

 Integrated manufacturing facility  Substantial dependence on Suzuki

 Strong vendor base and higher rate of  No major successful product in

localization diesel category.

 Skilled labor and experienced  Delays in launch of new models.

management  Weak R&D (only for vendors).

 Capital commitment to vendors  No strong competition in D segment

 First mover advantage category.

 Largest market share  Lack of product design capability

 Economies of Scale achieved due to large  No product in D segment.


 No product competitors in A segment yet.

 Leading CSI index 5 yrs in a row


 Market development through exports  Market share declining due to

 Strengthen R&D base. increase in competition.
 Promotion of “True value” Schemes  Global competition (Highly
(Increase outlets). competitive environment)
 Vertical integration (Going down  Competitors new technologies
streaming).  Decrease in market share due to
 Restructure capital structure (Long term shift to bigger cars (Lack of model
loans for R&D). in C&D segment)
 Diversification down the value chain.  Increase in cost of raw materials.

 New and liberal automobile


Porter’s 5 Forces Model Analysis of Maruti

Porter's "Five Forces of Competition " model views the profitability of an industry as

determined by the five sources of competitive pressure. These five forces of

competition include three sources of "horizontal" competition - competition from

substitutes, the threat of competition from entrants, and competition from established

producers - and two sources of "vertical" competition - the bargaining power of

suppliers and buyers. The following summary is a view of the Maruti Udyog Ltd.

from these five angles leading to the expected changes in the coming years in the

underlying structure of the Indian passenger car industry.

Threat from Suppliers:

Suppliers are the business partners that provide you with parts or solution in a car,

which the company makes. Suppliers come in to picture as the company outsources

the part or a problem to the supplier and he is required to provide with equipment,

which will be used in the car. Now it is basically a partnership in which both the

parties benefit from the business fit and competencies of each other. But it can be

sometimes that the part is critical and there are very few suppliers, which provide

that part. So in that case the supplier has more power as compared to the company

and can dictate terms in terms of product and price. Thus company has to depend on

that supplier for its critical component. The basic rule to avoid such situation is to

always have more than one supplier for all the critical components The various

important suppliers of Maruti are; Sona Koyo Steering Systems, Denso, Delphi,

Mico-Bosch etc.

Diminishing Supplier Power:

One of the key trends observed in the global auto industry is the significant increase

in outsourcing of car parts. In India, the development of the auto ancillary industry

has also brought in this phenomenon. However, the large number of competitors for

supplying each part implies that in the coming years, supplier power will diminish to

a large extent except for suppliers who have almost monopolistic powers like Mico-

Bosch. The success of lean production at the industry level depends not only on the

efforts of the assemblers, but also on the suppliers and on institutional and cultural

factors. The bargaining power of suppliers of some components is high, because of

capacity constraints. This makes them accept only large orders, and therefore makes

it difficult for assemblers to implement JIT. Also, there is an increasing shift towards

reduction in vendor base for a car company, which means that the chosen suppliers

also have to make substantial financial investments to enhance the quality of their

products. Moreover, the lowering of tariffs will expose the Indian automobile

ancillary industry to fierce competition from better-quality imports. All these factors

will lead to a situation where the automobile manufacturer will have substantial

bargaining power with the suppliers in terms of quality and pricing of the product.

Supplier power in the automobile industry will diminish greatly in the coming years

due to the large number of competing suppliers, threat of cheaper and better-quality

imports, and an increasing trend towards reduction of a car company's vendor base.

Also Maruti has been continuously reducing the no of mail suppliers, which shows

that it has strength over majority of its suppliers. Currently the main suppliers of

Maruti are approximately 230, which Maruti further plans to reduce to 180

Threats of New Entrants

The current auto scene of Indian auto is very vibrant and all the major auto

companies are in India and many more are going to enter. So Maruti has a threat of

entry from all the automakers as they launch new models, which will start competing

with the car models of Maruti. GM, which is the biggest automaker in the world, has

plans to bring new 5 models in the Indian car market. Moreover many companies

like Porsche, Volkswagen, BMW are also planning to make intrudes into the Indian

automobile industry so the competition is going to increase as they come with newer

and superior models. New entrants can set themselves apart by offering new safety

and comfort features that are not currently offered in the Indian market. They can

also leverage their low production run (lean) capabilities to stay profitable despite

the low production volumes.

Capital Requirements:

All the car companies are taking advantage of India’s low cost manufacturing. Many

of the companies have plans to make India as their global hub for manufacturing and

R&D hub. So the capital requirement is not a problem as all the companies see

investment in India as their long-term investment and they are investing in new

plants or modification of old plants to take the production quantity or quality up. The

company has recovered Maruti being an early entrant in to the Indian car market has

a lot to gain from it as the cost of manufacturing is the lowest because of all the

initial investment. The company enjoys high margin as compared to the automakers,

which have just now entered the Indian market.

Economies of Scale:

The more you produce, the more cheaper it gets because the fixed cost element gets

divided into more no. of units. Thus more you produce, the cheaper it will get to

produce the next unit. MUL's relatively large production volumes offer scale

economies in production and distribution, which pose formidable barriers to entry.

Maruti with its production volumes of over 250,000 enjoys scale economies in

production, distribution, and service that are hard to challenge. It has also

established a solid supplier-base. All the new carmakers will basically start form low

production capacity and will increase with time so it will take time for them to reach

the scale at which they can enjoy the economies of scale.

Absolute Cost Advantages:

Apart from economies of scale, Maruti has a cost advantage over entrants simply

because they entered earlier. Absolute cost advantages often result from the

acquisition of low-cost sources of raw materials and resources. It will also result

from the learning curve of the company as it has been there in the market for long

and has upper management which has scene the market evolve and know the inns

and outs of car market. Maruti's presence in the car industry since 1984 gives it

considerable cost advantages over the new entrants. Not only are its plants highly

depreciated and its cars highly indigenous as compared to its competitors, it has a

wide distribution and services network, which will require mammoth resources to

replicate. The Indian assemblers, typified by Maruti, have built a formidable

distribution and after-sales network. They also have an established supplier base,

which gives them cost and delivery time advantages, especially in light of import

tariffs and currency exchange rate fluctuations/ devaluations. Although liberalization

of the Indian economy has reduced the impact of government policy as an entry

barrier, the car industry still enjoys high entry barriers due to huge capital costs

involved in setting up efficient plants and numerous cost advantages enjoyed by


Product Differentiation:

The product offerings of Maruti are well tested and tried by the people, and they

have differentiated them selves as durable low repair cars, giving value for money.

The Maruti has a wide distribution and repair network which acts as a differentiated

offering to the customer. Maruti 800, which has no competition right now. So if GM

comes up with a entry, segment car which it plans to do soon, will put Maruti in state

of stiff competition as sales will decline because of customers will have 2 options of

buying an entry level car.

Threats of Substitute

The lack of adequate public transportation system coupled with the fact that the

electric or hybrid cars are still in the developmental stage means that the Indian car

industry faces minimal competition from substitutes. For Maruti, public transport is a

major substitute. For E.g. Delhi metro is a threat to sale of cars, but it has been

observed in mature markets like US and UK, if the public transport is good then

people instead of buying entry level cars shift to the next segment, as it is perceived

to be superior than entry level cars. The rational behind this buying behavior is, since

the car is not going to be extensively used why buy a basic functional car, why not

buy a good car.

Developmental Stage of Electric Cars:

All the major car manufacturers in the world are currently developing electric cars or

hybrid cars to reduce pollution in the coming years. However, these technologies will

require considerable length of time to become commercially feasible in developing

nations. For eg: Toyota Prius is the one of the best selling model of Hybrid cars

currently in market.

Rivalry between Established Competitors

Highly Concentrated Industry:

The Indian car industry is highly concentrated with Maruti itself accounting for

about 60% of all sales. The lack of competition in the economy segment to Maruti

800 has given the company considerable power. Its dominance in this segment gives

it the power to cross-subsidize its models in the other segments. However, this

scenario is changing over the last few years, Since none of the foreign companies can

match the price of Maruti 800 for a similar car, they are preferring to operate in a

segment which values attributes other than just price. With the higher end of the

market likely to generate high margins, these companies plan to slowly move down

the scale to a smaller car in course of time to take MUL head-on on price. This

explains to some extent the fact that all new entrants are avoiding the sub-compact

car segment. Secondly, the used or second-hand car market in India is likely to

become more organized in future. The car dealers will themselves deal with used

cars. This could put a question mark on the prevalent assumption that a large number

of current two-wheeler users in India will graduate to a Maruti 800 in future with

higher incomes. The scenario in the economy segment could be similar to that in the

premium segment currently with intense price competition. The competition

between firms in the car industry is expected to intensify considerably as newer

companies will start reducing Maruti's dominance of the market. The expected

significant over-capacity in the industry, increasing working capital needs, and high

exit barriers coupled with low differentiation between models especially in the

economy segment will put downward pressure on prices and profitability of

companies. Many of these new firms will not enjoy the scale economies and

relationships with suppliers that Maruti does, so they have decided not to challenge

Maruti at its price of under Rs.2,00,000 in the smaller car segment. Most are

planning to produce between 20,000 and 50,000 higher-end vehicles. The stiffest

competition is building up in the mid-sized car range (1,300 cc and above), where

several of these multi national and Indian companies are planning to go head-to-

head. Some of the entry barriers faced by automobile companies in India are

relatively high levels of import duties, a nascent ancillary industry, and product

modifications required for relatively poor road conditions and high levels of heat and

dust. Companies with a developed vendor base might try to create entry barriers by

putting pressure on their suppliers not to work with new entrants. New entrants will

have to deal with uncertainty of demand, different and evolving customer needs, a

relatively poor supplier base, a market crowded with competition and industry wide

capacity shortages.

Higher Switching Costs

Since car prices are high compared to incomes, the life of automobiles tends to be

longer than in developed countries. This means a high cost of switching

for the consumer, and this represents a significant entry barrier. However

as the used car market develops, this factor might not be so significant.

Bargaining Power of Buyers

In the mass consumer markets prices are not negotiable and are market sensitive.

Similarly in the case of Maruti the prices are not negotiable from consumer point of

view but from the pressure from the competitors. So for Maruti, the consumer has a

power of choice and can choose from the products of Maruti and its competitors, any

one which is giving the customer better value for money. So to have loyal buyers

Maruti will have to provide a value proposition for its products which has to be


Buyer’s Price Sensitivity

Car buyers in India are extremely price-sensitive especially in the economy

segment. Although it is too early to judge the three new small cars and Maruti's

response to it, we can expect the price competition to intensify since buyers would

be more willing to switch while intense competition among the companies would

require them to generate volumes. The power relationship between automobile

companies, dealers and customers is going to change substantially as the industry

moves from supply constrained sellers' market to a demand driven buyers' market.

Thus dealers and customers are going to acquire greater power.

Relative Bargaining Power

Gone are the days when the Indian car buyer had to buy one of the 30,000

Ambassadors or Fiats, which were produced. The penetration of satellite television

has globalized the Indian customer. The Indian consumer is no longer satisfied with

outdated Models but expects the latest global launches. For Eg the global launce of

Hyundai Tucson (SUV) and a new offering from Maruti Swift.

From a small shed for a dealership, the shift is towards huge dealerships that not only

offer complete range of services for the car but also make sure that the customer has

a replacement vehicle so that they may not become immobile. Many companies have

mobile squads to take care of the car if it breaks down on the road. The entry of

global players has re-defined the dealer-customer relationship in India. Maruti has

been in the forefront of this revolution and has been ranked as no one company in

customer satisfaction for the last 5 years by JD Power.

Availability of Easy Financing

The entry of numerous car companies has brought along with it a massive increase in

the availability of cheap finance for the Indian consumer. This has led to fierce

competition among the car companies and has even led to free gifts being doled out

to buyers to lure them to purchase a particular car. Maruti finance and insurance are

an endeavor to provide to customer a one-stop shop in which the company provides

not only a car but a solution.

Used Car Market

The used car market is still in the nascent stage in India as compared to the

developed nations like United States, which has a thriving, used car market.

Secondly, the used or second-hand car market in India is likely to become more

organized in future. The car dealers will themselves deal with used cars. It is

expected that a used Accent or Astra will be priced close to a new Maruti 800. This

could put a question mark on the prevalent assumption that a large number of current

two-wheeler users in India will graduate to a Maruti 800 in future with higher

incomes. The scenario in the economy segment could be similar to that in the

premium segment currently with intense price competition. A thriving used car

market reduces the ownership period of cars and helps in increasing demand for new

cars. Recently, Mercedes Benz in India was offering discounts of 30-35% for

sparingly used E220s as it had decided to phase out this model. Maruti true value

show rooms are an endeavor in this side by Maruti and are only one of its kind

giving it a first movers advantage. Since Maruti has a big customer base Maruti will

be able to make this business model a success, as it is not a money making model it

is a service to its customers but still money has to be made so as to sustain the

business model which Maruti does.

The entry of the global car manufacturers has transferred the balance of power into

the hands of the buyer. The Indian car buyer is not only extremely price conscious,

but also wants the highest value and service. Huge dealerships, member clubs,

mobile squads, and replacement vehicles are just some of the sops being offered to

the customer. The availability of cheap financing and maturing of the used car

market will also increase the choices for the consumers. With many new models

waiting to be launched, the Indian car buyer will only have more power to choose

and dictate terms to the dealer. The new multinational companies are trying to

revolutionize the concepts of car delivery and after-sales service in India, and are

coming out with several innovative retailing ideas to win customers. Customers are

demanding more voice in the options they want and the cars they buy. This in turn

will force dealers to be more customer-oriented. The emerging system of `customer

pull’ translates to empowering the customer and creating a genuine symbiosis

between the customer, the dealer, and the automaker.


Although it is possible to predict with some confidence the qualitative impact of

individual structural changes, there are difficulties, first, in predicting the

quantitative impact of structural changes, and second, in predicting the aggregate

effect of simultaneous structural changes that have conflicting effects on profitability.

The Indian car industry is still in a nascent stage. The economy car segment accounts

for the majority of the cars sold. The market is growing at about 25% for the last

three years. In the highly price sensitive market, reduction of prices because of lower

duties and taxes and progressive indigenization, and rising middle class incomes are

likely to further increase industry growth rate. Penetration in rural and semi urban

areas is extremely low and could provide fresh markets. Its products enjoy good

reputation – in fact, Indian automotive industry observers credit Maruti for the rapid

improvement in quality and supplier capability in this industry. Maruti being the

largest carmaker of India is all set to enjoy this advantage, which makes the profit

margins higher.

However, as the economy picks up steam again and the Indian market matures, the

car industry will also climb up the learning curve. The industry has virtually no

competition from substitutes at least for the next decade. High entry barriers due to

high capital costs are also a positive indicator for the existing car manufacturers.

However, the intense competition between firms and increasing bargaining power of

the buyers indicate towards intensifying competition and depressing profitability. It

will also lead to an increasing need of working capital for these companies who will

be faced with longer credit periods and higher inventory holdings. The diminishing

power of the supplier industry will help the industry in improving the quality of car

components and getting longer payment periods. The key to success in the Indian car

market will be offering good-quality cars that offer value for money, run innovative

marketing campaigns to attract potential buyers, and offer excellent after-sales


The number of persons per car is 200, which is very large compared to other

emerging markets like Korea and Brazil, which have about 12 persons per car. There

is therefore a very huge untapped market. Some of the strengths of the industry are

low labor costs, supportive government policies and trained manpower. Major

weaknesses are a small and fragmented ancillary industry, poor infrastructure, low

level of diffusion of lean manufacturing, improvements needed in quality and

productivity, and lack of product development capabilities. The opportunities that the

industry offers are a large untapped market, and a possible production base for

exports. Companies, which have a range of vehicles in all the segments of the market

like Maruti, will be at a significant advantage due to their ability to cross-subsidize

models. But, one thing is clear - The great Indian car wars have just started and

whichever company wins, the final winner will be THE INDIAN CUSTOMER




Historically customer service has been seen from a narrow perspective where the

primary role of the customer service is concerned with providing quality products

and services. The challenge now is to keep pace with the ever-changing

expectations of individual customers amid new channels and new technologies.

Since customers are more aware and have more options, their expectations are

different. Now they go to producers, who don't just deliver what they promise but

also make them feel special. So your job doesn’t end with just selling the product.

In fact, now, more than ever, it has become imperative that organizations

understand their customers better, and use this understanding to build superior

products and provide prompt services around changing customer needs. And to

build abiding relationships, that extend beyond the product to the organization as


Today, ongoing change rules the market place. Terms like market

segmentation, consumer expectations and behavior, distribution channels and

service are being redefined, all the time. The only permanent factor is the customer,

and abiding relationships with the customers alone can buffer the shock of change.

So only the organizations that nurture customer relationships can survive product

obsolescence, overcome the onslaught of superior competitors and still manage to

maintain bottom-lines.

After sale service is the clichéd description of the function. The customer

today is looking beyond just fixing the problems. The service experience, ambience

and the expertise are sought after. 24-hour breakdown service is not uncommon. The

potential entrant needs to look at this function in larger perspective. It should be

“customer care” rather than mere After Sale Service. Raison de entrée of this

function should be customer delight. Fixing the automobile should merely be the

way to achieve it. This approach would mean higher investments in workshops.

More importantly a fresh approach to the intangible softer issues of the customer

relationship is recommended It is concerned with building of financial bonds, social

bonds (which offer personalized service delivery) and structural bonds (which

emphasize provision of quality services that are valuable the clients and not readily

available with competitors which helps the customers to resist the temptation from

the competitors) with customers and the other markets or groups to ensure long term

relationships of mutual advantage.


Objective of the Study

Maruti Udyog Limited is the leading player in the small car segment in the country.

Of the late with the entry of many multinational players it has been facing intense

competition and shrinking margins. Historically customer service has been seen

from a narrow perspective where the primary role of the customer service is

concerned with getting the right products at the right place at right time and the

focus is much on distributors and logistics view points.

The new vision of customer service places it in a much broader context as a multi –

dimensional issue with an impact on relationships with specific target groups across

a broad range of company activities. After all, after sales service is as important as

selling a car. It helps establish a longer relationship with the customer. Hence this

project was undertaken with a view

 To study the Customer Care Programs of Maruti and its competitors at

its various dealers in NCR region.

Research Design

Nature of the study

The aim of my project is to have a comparative study of Customer Care Programs of

Maruti and its competitors at the various dealers across NCR region. This would help

us in knowing the customer care practices across the competitors, and thus we would

be able to analyze that where does Maruti stands amidst it competitors in terms of

customer care practices, and how can we create a competitive edge over its

competitors, ultimately providing better services to its customers. In order to

accomplish this purpose we will use Descriptive study, which comes under

Conclusive research, based on the details provided by the various dealers across the


Data Collection

Primary Sources: Data was collected through in depth interviews carried on with

Sales Executives and Relationship Managers at different dealers and Regional offices

of Maruti and its competitors comprising of Tata, Hyundai, and Ford, across the

NCR region. No structured questionnaire was used for collecting information on

Customer Care Programs, as data to be collected was not standardized.

Data was collected through secondary sources like:

- Study of competitor’s processes.

- Various Websites and Auto Magazines.


The major competitors of MARUTI are HYUNDAI, TATA, and FORD, thus only

these three companies were taken for conducting a comparative study of

Customer Care Programs at their respective dealers and Regional/ Head Offices

across the NCR region.

Customer Programs at TATA

 Membership clubs – INDICA CLUB & INDIGO CLUB.

To add a whole lot of fun and excitement to customer’s life, TATA has launched

the exclusive Indica and Indigo Clubs. They believe that our relationship with

customers has just begun. And one forum to keep our relationship going from

strength to strength is the Indica Club. To become an Indica club member all

customers have to do is fill in the membership form and submit it to TATA.

What’s more, membership to this club is ABSOLUTELY FREE! Which means

customers doesn’t have to spend any money or time. What customer’s get in

return is a whole load of exciting offers and discounts- all for free! And right at

their home. All they need to do is, sit back and enjoy all the amazing offers

they will be sending to customers regularly.

Here how the excitement starts – Customers will receive an Indica Club card

with their name endorsed on it – plus, a surprise welcome gift to the club. And

after that, exciting offers, invitations to mega events and film festivals etc.

etc… all through the year – all for free.

The Indica Club flagged off its first round of activities in May 2000 with some

amazing offers from Braun, Mahindra Holidays, Westside, The Economist, The

Planet Kids, Reader’s Digest, exclusively for Indica Club members and their

families! Followed by Tanishq, Zodiac, Kenwood Music System, and the list

continue. And the response was overwhelming. They have even launched an

exciting Movie Fest with AXN, where Indica Club members can attend the

screening of 28 action packed films absolutely free! More and more Indica

owners are enrolling for membership to the club everyday.

 After the sale, THANK YOU cards to its customers for patronizing their


 At the time of sale, photograph of the customer with their car, this is mailed

later to the customer.

 Customer Feedback Forms – which are mailed by the customers directly to

TATA Motors for reviewing sales and service performance and satisfaction of

the customers.

 Anniversary and Birthday Cards to its customers.

 After the service, the dealer personally enquires you through tele calling about

the satisfaction level.

 CRM was one of the major initiatives embarked on five years back but only

began putting in an IT system in 2003. In an effort to ensure a consistent and

high level of service to end-customers, Tata Motors decided to put in

standardized practices across its entire distribution channel of some 500

dealers in 1,500 locations in India. The Siebel system that Tata Motors

implemented encompasses all dealer transactions. Invoice creation, job card

opening, campaign and order management are all done with Siebel .If a white

car is sold from a dealer in any of those 1,500 locations, the product line head

would know, so they have visibility of pipeline and retail sales, even down to

the sales executive. The company finds this useful, for example, in a

marketing campaign with a target of 10,000 vehicles, and where these

numbers cascade down to the dealers and subsequently to the sales executives.

 Into a very nascent stage regarding the development of CRM related activities.

 More into satisfying customers through quality products and services rather

than building onto relationships.

 No loyalty program at the moment, but expected to launch within next 3-4


 Largely focusing onto Customer Care activities than CRM.

 All customer support activities are handled by Customer Care Department only.

Customer Programs at HYUNDAI

 Thank You! Cards to its customers for patronizing their products.

 Free Service Camps

 Free On Road Service – During Warranty for 2 yrs.

 Anniversary and Birthday Cards to its customers

 Buy back of used cars through associates.

 Extended Warranty Programs.

 Privileged Members – more than one Hyundai Car owners offered,

- Special Discounts.

- Loyalty Benefits.

 More stress on relationship building through financial bonds, special discounts,


 Different clubs according to product category offering varied special promotional

and entertainment schemes (soon to be introduced across the country).

- Terracan.

- Sonata & Elantra

- Accent, Getz & Santro

 Constant interaction with its new customers, enquiring and ensuring, product and

service satisfaction. After the sale of car, customer is contacted within 72 hrs to

enquire about sales satisfaction and performance of the product.

 After 1 month, Customer Feedback form is sent to the customer, which is mailed

directly to the company informing his satisfaction levels with the product and

services offered to him right from the time of enquiry till the time of delivery of

his car.

 Service Reminder System

30 days – Mails.

15 days – Telephone calls.

 Transparency in Labour service charges across various cities, which are

distinguished as Group-1 (Mumbai), Group-2 (Ahmedabad, Delhi, Gurgaon,

Bangalore, Pune etc.) and Group –3 (Agra, Kanpur, Jammu etc.). According to

officials at Hyundai, having such a transparent service charge system across the

nation ensures satisfaction in the minds of the customer. He is more confident of

getting his car serviced at authorized dealers, since he is well aware of the service

charges for various activities which are directly enforced by the company, thus

the fear of being overcharged by a particular dealer is not there, as the charges

prevalent are same across a particular city. Thus all this leads to more and better

customer interaction, paving a way for good customer relationships.

 Also have a dedicated CRM department, largely focusing onto Customer care


 For Test Drive the vehicle is sent to the customer’s premises according to his

convenience, freeing him from the hassles of coming to the dealership.

 No Loyalty Program yet, but expected to launch in next quarter.

 The present focus is on capturing market share through establishing financial

bonds with its customers rather than putting more insight into value added


Customer Programs at FORD

 DCRC – Dealership Customer Relationship Center.

 Customer’s meet every quarter

o New customers are invited.

o Tips on car driving, maintenance, etc.

 Proactive approach towards customer’s needs.

Customer Relationship Executives meeting customers at their premises,

according to their convenience,

o To obtain feedback.

o To fix problem if any.

o To ensure more satisfaction.

 First company to start the activity of visiting customer’s premises, till date

covered 124 corporate houses like Dabur, Glaxo, HCL etc.

 Effective interaction with customers through mailers and SMS.

 Every month some event is organized.

o Summer camp, Free A/C check up.

o Monsoon camp, check up of cars wipers, other parts etc. seasonal


 24 hrs. Help line for customer’s queries.

 Ford assured – Buy/Selling of used cars.

 Separate Customer Care Department for Grievances handling.

 After delivery of car, customer is called after 3 days to enquire about the

satisfaction of the product and the services.

 Pick up and Drop facility for car servicing from customer’s premises.

 Anniversary & Birthday cards to the customers.

 Acknowledgement of customer queries, complaints etc. within 24 hrs.

 Service reminder system.

15 days – Mail

7 days – telephone.

 CVP- Customer View Point, feedback from customers about products and

services, suggestions for improvement etc.

CVP Audit – Awards to customers for their valuable suggestions.

 Exchange loyalty bonus on purchase of new cars ranging from Rs.10,000-15,000.

 Extended Warranty Programs.

 For Test Drive the vehicle is sent to the customer’s premises according to his

convenience, freeing him from the hassles of coming to the dealership.

 Ford India Limited has launched a unique web-based customer relationship

initiative offering its customers direct connectivity to the company. Aptly named

'My Ford', the initiative offers Ford India customers a personalized and secure

web page through that will manage all aspects of

their vehicle ownership experience.

 A very high level of hospitality in attending its customers. Customers served with

tea or coffee during their interaction with the Executive irrespective of the deal

being finalized or not.

 Blue Oval Club Membership Program

Also known as FORD CarGainz Program – Privilege Points program, every

customer who opts for an extended warranty scheme for Ford vehicle is liable to

become the member of this club and can avail the benefits. This program ensures

that you get rewarded for maintaining your car well. Every time you get your car

serviced or purchase Ford Gear (accessories) at authorized Ford Dealerships, you

earn points that can be redeemed for a range of premium Ford services, Ford

Gear and Ford spares.

These are the points you can earn:

Bonus Points: Every time you avail of the prescribed Periodic Maintenance

Service, you earn Bonus Points.

Service Points: When you service your Ford vehicle at an authorized Ford

Dealership, you earn 1 service point for every Rs.100 you spend on Spares /

Labour / Ford Gear.

Loyalty Points: You can earn these points for continued ownership and availing

of the prescribed Periodic Maintenance Services at authorized Ford Dealerships.

These points can be redeemed only on trade in for a new Ford vehicle.

Car Ownership Loyalty Points Earned Cumulative Points

End of Year 1 2000 2000
End of Year 2 2000 4000
End of Year 3 2000 6000
End of Year 4 2000 8000

One can redeem these points once you complete 6 months of membership and

accrue a minimum of 500 points. The validity of the program is 5 years from

the date of first sale of the Ford Vehicle, points accrued will be valid for one year

beyond this period.

Customer Programs at MARUTI

 More focus on regular customer interaction through various events organized

over a regular period of time like Road Shows, Summer Camps, and Free Check

up camps, Maruti Suzuki Auto Cross etc.

 Birthday and Anniversary cards to its customers.

 At the time delivery of vehicle, customer is presented with a Bouquet of flowers,

a coconut and a box of sweets.

 Dealers offering Free Replacement A/c car at no extra cost, whenever they repair

your accidental car.

 Regular customer interaction after the sale of product till 1 month ensuring and

enquiring about the satisfaction levels of product and services.

 A very high level of hospitality in attending its customers. Customers served with

tea or coffee during their interaction with the Executive irrespective of the deal

being finalized or not.

 MARUTI released ‘THANK YOU’ ads in the print and electronic media for

patronizing their products. It goes to show that unless you show your customer

that you care for them, they are not going to care for you.

 Anybody who owns MARUTI can register as part of an extended family of

Maruti owners and know the names of other owners living nearby.

 Loyalty Bonus of ranging from Rs.5000- Rs.10,000, during exchange of an old


 Extended Warranty Schemes.

 Maruti also has a Maruti On Road Service, round the clock for its customers

during the warranty period.

 Confidential customer feedback forms which are mailed to Maruti stating about

the satisfaction level of services and the product.

 Maruti partnered with Wipro for "Real Time" Dealer Management System, first

of its-kind Information Network System implementation in India in 2003. This

system provided benefits to their dealerships and to customers. Dealerships have

access to updated information from Maruti and a real time view of their

operational processes that helps them manage their businesses better. The DMS

issues alerts to dealerships whenever they are falling short of performance norms

in various areas such as level of customer complaints handling and sales. More

importantly, it enables the Dealer CEOs to proactively monitor their various Key

Performance Indicators to effectively manage their businesses. This would

include inventory, sales, inquiries and debts. The system assists dealerships in

customer retention and help build lasting relationships. As far as customers are

concerned, they are benefited from the 'single face of Maruti' irrespective of the

dealership. This should help raise customer service levels and enhance the quality

of management at dealerships. The DMS is a centralized solution with all

Dealerships logging onto a Central Data Center where the Application is hosted.

The system, apart from dealer integration with a central database, also serve as a

knowledge repository from where dealerships can access information on

customer schemes, product features and price lists.

 A toll free number providing 24 hr. customers care facilities, with call centers

located in Gurgaon and Chennai. Highly customer responsive, getting back to

customers within 24 hrs of reporting a complaint.

 360-degree view of their customer because they have centralized database. Sales

divisions and customer service centers all have their own databases, with

effective means for creating a complete customer-information composite. Data

from all customer touch-points is combined into a centralized customer database.

 Increased Customer interaction through True Value Car Mela at every weekend at

most of the dealers.

 Service Reminder system through mailers and tele calling.

 Insurance renewal reminder system.

 MUL sent out invitation to celebrities inviting them to test drive ‘BALENO’ at

their convenience and at a place of their choice. They identified their audience,

interacted by sending out mailers and then customized the experience of test-


 MARUTI Udyog has made a renewed foray into company-owned service stations

and has drawn up plans for enhancing its reach in this segment nationwide. A

network of service stations, under the brand name Maruti Service Masters

(MSM), is set to come up across the country in the next few months. These

service stations are one-stop shops to meet all vehicle needs of Maruti car owners.

An important reason why MUL is looking at an additional service channel is

because of the enormous potential that still exists in spite of the company's

existing network. Maruti dealers were constantly upgrading their workshop

facilities and were adding more workshops as they had realized the importance of

service in retaining customer loyalty. After all, after sales service is as important

as selling a car. It helps establish a longer relationship with the customer. Of the

total 3.2 million Maruti vehicles on the country's roads, only about 54 per cent is

currently serviced by MUL dealer workshops and Maruti authorized service

stations. The move has been undertaken by MUL, through its joint venture

company, J J Impex, which controls the first MSM outlet in Okhla. J J Impex, is a

joint venture of MUL and Sumitomo Corporation of Japan, with Maruti

Countrywide Finance holding a minority share.

 Recently Maruti has launched its Mobile Service Shops, which is a vehicle fitted

with tools and equipment to wash and vacuum-clean vehicles, service them and

also conduct minor repairs. It will make it more convenient for Maruti customers

to get their cars serviced at their own convenience.

 Maruti Driving School (MDS) has been established with the goal to provide the

best motor driving training in the country. The purpose is to impart not just better

driving skills but also better awareness towards overall road safety. Backed by

India’s no. 1 car manufacturer – Maruti Suzuki – MDS is dedicated to making

Indian roads safer by helping learners become smart and responsible motorists.

 Maruti Udyog ranks highest in automotive sales satisfaction, according to the J.D.

Power Asia Pacific 2004 India sales Satisfaction Index (SSI) study. The study,

now in its fifth year, examines satisfaction of new-vehicle buyers with the sales

and delivery experience at two to six months of ownership. Maruti is the only

brand in the Indian automotive industry to have consistently improved its ranking

in the SSI over the past five years, Maruti dealers are the most consistent in

meeting customer expectations, even with Maruti's challenge of being one of the

highest-volume sellers in the industry. As a result, nearly one-third of all Maruti

customers are highly satisfied with their sales experience (JD Power Asia Pacific

Study 2004).

Analysis of the Comparative Study

 Maruti provides a 360-degree experience to its customers, with its foray into

the Value Chain Integration. The customers who are associated with Maruti or

would be associating with Maruti are far off from the hassles that they

generally would have to face like Selling/Buying of Used Cars, Insurance,

Finance, etc.

Although dealers of other competitors also provide customers with Selling of

their used cars, Finance options, Insurance, but none of the offer is

authenticated from the company rather all these are dealers offerings, thus the

satisfaction level of customers is comparatively high when an offering is

directly from the company. This provides Maruti a competitive edge over its


 All these new initiatives at Maruti provide enhanced customer touch points,

which would help us in building the customer repository thus, helping us in

back-end CRM operations.

 Most firms lack a 360-degree view of their customer because they have no

centralized database. Billing departments, sales divisions and customer service

centers might all have their own databases, with no effective means for

creating a complete customer-information composite. To effectively

implement a sound customer loyalty strategy, data from all customer touch-

points must be combined into a centralized customer database, whereas

Maruti follows this practice of having centralized database from the entire

customer touch points.

 Anybody who owns MARUTI can register as part of an extended family of

Maruti owners and know the names of other owners living nearby. This is a

unique program, which is not offered by any of its competitors.

 Maruti has lost the opportunity of being a pioneer to launch a loyalty program

in the Indian automobile industry, as a part of its customer retention strategy.

Ford has already capitalized on this opportunity and has become the first

company in the Indian car industry to launch a Loyalty program by the name

of Car Gainz

 Maruti also has a very transparent Labour and Service charge schemes across

the country, but it is not disclosed to the customers through the Internet or

other channels.

 Most of the customer care activities that are being performed by the

competitors (Hyundai, Tata, and Ford) are a part of regular practice at all of

the Maruti Dealerships.

 Maruti is also the first company to start Mobile Service Vans, which could

provide its customer’s entire servicing experience that too according to their





Who said, “Money Can’t Buy You Love”? A useful metaphor, though, to help

understand the true concept behind customer loyalty. Loyalty programs are about

developing sustainable, mutually beneficial relationships. Price incentives can

generate a short-term sales uplift but will not engender long-term loyalty. Customer

loyalty has long been recognized as essential, whereas (electronic) customer loyalty

systems are still relatively young.

Businesses in the new millennium are more competitive than it’s ever been. There

will be even more channels to market, even more opportunities for customers to

purchase, even more offers and inducements, and even more opportunities for

customers to switch. As customer’s expectations continue to rise, and businesses

repeatedly fail to meet them, the focus has moved away from acquisition to retention.

Some customers are inherently loyal and predictable and some are more profitable

than others – the ‘best’ need to be identified and kept, and the ‘worst’ left to bounce

from one new competitor offer to the next. In this new age of customer flexibility a

pure incentive scheme will not substitute a valued product. The customer will

demand the best. Building and maintaining loyalty in this on-line/ off-line world will

be even harder because the competition is just one click away.

The cost of making a new customer is nearly 5 times that of retaining an existing

one. No wonder then, that in today’s world of decreasing margins, increasing

competition and ever changing business environment, corporate success depends on

an organization’s ability to build and maintain loyal and valued customer


The four main business drivers for Loyalty programs are:

· Gaining customers

· Increasing customer loyalty

· Changing customer behavior

· Getting information about customers


Objective of study

The ever-increasing expectations from products and services are a major challenge

for all the players in the market. The softer issues have gained as much importance as

product features in his brand decisions. In the present market scenario, the transition

from “products” to “brands” is complete. The intangible offerings have gained as

much importance as the tangible product features. Monitoring customer satisfaction

periodically is also very critical Resources and efforts put behind these activities

should be considered as investment on the brand for ultimate success. Customer

Loyalty Program is a visible declaration that you are dedicated to keeping your

customers, and physically demonstrates that you value their business, but what is

more important is to know that what does your customer values the most in your

offerings and apart from this what more he expects out of the company’s programs.

Hence this project was taken with a view

 To find out the Customer’s Expectation from a Loyalty Program.

Research Design

Nature of Study

The aim of my project is to have knowledge about the customer’s behaviour towards

the company’s customer care program and find out what a customer actually expects

out of a loyalty program. This would help us in knowing the consumer’s attitude

towards our offerings and accordingly we can bridge gap between the company’s

offerings and what customer actually expects out of the company.

The project undertaken was primarily explorative in nature, thus Explorative

research was used to isolate key variables and relationship for further analysis, which

helped in developing alternative course of action. Based on the collected data, an

analytical study was carried out to find and understand the customer’s attitude

towards our offerings and find a solution to accommodate customer’s expectation.

Surveys were conducted with the help of questionnaires, as it will provide an in-

depth knowledge about customer’s behaviour. While investigating the behaviors and

preference of people, many other related issues, though not obvious would also get



There are different sources through which we can collect our necessary data. The

various sources through which we have collected the data can be divided into two


 Primary method

The data, which is collected at first hand either by the researcher or by the person so

authorized for the purpose of this study is known as primary data. Their exist

various sources, through which primary data can be collected. Some of them, which

we have used for this study, are:

 Questionnaires

The type of questionnaire is of - Structured and non-disguised in nature. This is

because no special skill is required on the part of researcher to work on such a

questionnaire. Thereby leading to less of mistakes by the researcher


 Secondary method

It is that data which is already available as a starting point. This data can be

obtained both internally as well as externally.


The internal source had been ours institute i.e Greater Noida Institute of

Technology.,Greater Noida, library were we referred various books.


 Websites

 Magazines

 Newspapers

 Sample Size - 100 people ( comprising of existing customers of Maruti and

New Prospects.)



Dear Respondent, I am a Management Trainee undertaking this survey and would be greatly

thankful to you for your kind co-operation in helping me in filling this questionnaire.

Information provided by you would be kept confidential and would be used for research

purpose only.

1. How many cars do you have?

a) 1-2 b) 3 and more c) none

2. How many cars do you have from “Maruti”?

a) One of them b) Two of them

c) All of them d) None of them.

3. Since how long you have been associated with Maruti?

a) 0-1 yrs b) 1-3 yrs c) 3-5 yrs d) More than 5 yrs.

4. How do you consider Maruti in terms of post-sales services and interaction

with its customers?

a) Very Good b) Good c) Average d) Poor

5. Are you a part of any loyalty program for any company?

a) Yes b) No

6. How do you get aware about the loyalty program for any company whose

products you purchase?

a) Friends b) Advertisements

c) Promotional activities by the company d) After purchase

7. Do you engage in more number of purchases for being a part of the loyalty


a). Yes b) No c) Can’t say

8. How important is it for you to be a part of any loyalty program of a


a) Very Much b) Somewhat c) Depending upon the benefits

d) Not so important e) Not at all

9. Do you expect your loyalty program to be more advantageous in terms of

monetary benefits?

a) Yes b) No

10. Do you consider yourself related to the company when you are a part of its

loyalty program?

a) Yes b) No

11. Do you want to be a part of a loyalty program if it charges you an application


a) Yes b) No

12. If Yes, How much amount you would like to pay in order to become a

member of a Loyalty Program?

a) Rs.0-50 b) Rs.50-100 c) Rs.100-200 d) More than Rs.200

13. How much according to you should be the durability/existence of a loyalty


a) 0-3 months b) 3-9 months

c) 9-18 months d) more than 18 months.

14. In your loyalty program how would you rate the importance of various

parameters of the program in driving you to be a part of it? (6 being the

highest in rating)

a) Redeemable points

b) Ease of redemption

c) Durability of program

d) Application fee

e) Transferability

f) Points exchange with other companies

2. Rate the importance of parameters in earning you good benefits from the

loyalty program? (6 being the highest in rating)

a) Redeemable points

b) Ease of redemption

c) Durability of program

d) Application fee

e) Transferability

f) Points exchange with other companies

3. Do you keep track of the credit points/redeemable points of the loyalty


a) Yes b) No

4. Rate the importance of following benefits according to you from a Loyalty

program (7 being the highest)

a) Cash discounts/Monetary benefits

b) Value added services

c) Frequent customer interaction

d) Special privileges in terms of services.

e) Loyalty benefits in future transactions.

f) Entertainment activities.

g) Customized products and services

5. Apart from the parameters mentioned, what more according to you is

important in driving customers to become a member of a loyalty program?


6. According to you what more is expected out of a loyalty program?


7. If you are a member of any loyalty program, are you completely satisfied

with the benefits and services?

a) Yes b) No

8. If Not satisfied, what are the reasons for your discontentment?


NAME : __________________

AGE : ____

CAR MODEL : __________________


1. People’s Association with MARUTI.

Association with MARUTI



0-1 yrs. 1-3 yrs 3-5 yrs. more than 5 yrs.

2. Maruti in terms of post-sales services and interaction with its customers

Post -Sales Services

12% 24%



Very Good Good Averge Poor

3. Are you a Part of any loyalty program for any company?

Part of a Loyalty Program



Yes No

4. Awareness about the loyalty program for any company whose products

you purchase

Awareness about Loyalty Program

24% 18%

Promotional Activities by company
After Purchase

5. Engage in more number of purchases for being a part of the loyalty


More purchases to be a part of Loyalty


38% 34%


yes no can't say

6. Importance to be a part of any loyalty program of a company.

To be a part of a Loyalty Program

10% 16%



Very Much Somewhat

Depending upon benefits Not so Important
Not at All

7. Loyalty program to be more advantageous in terms of monetary


Monetary Benefits more Important



Yes No

8. Related to the company when a part of its loyalty program.

Feel Related to the Company



Yes No

9. Part of a loyalty program if it charges an application fee.

Application Fee



Yes No

10. Amount would like to pay in order to become a member of a Loyalty


Amount of Application Fee

6% 4%


0-50 50-100 100-200 More than 200

11. The durability/existence of a loyalty program

Durabilty of Loyalty Program



0-3 Months 3-9 Months

9-18 Months More than 18 Months

12. Track of the credit points/redeemable points of the loyalty program

Keep Record of Reedemable Points



Yes No

13. In your loyalty program how would you rate the importance of various

parameters of the program in driving you to be a part of it? (6 being the

highest in rating)

i. Redeemable points

ii. Ease of redemption

iii. Durability of program

iv. Application fee

v. Transferability

vi. Points exchange with other companies.

Importance in Driving You To be a part of
Loyalty Program

500 466

346 346 348
Cumulative Score







Redeemable Application
Points Fee

Redeemable Points Ease of redemption

Durability of Program Application Fee
Transferability Points exchange with other companies

4. Rate the importance of parameters in earning you good benefits from the
loyalty program? (6 being the highest in rating)
i. Redeemable points
ii. Ease of redemption
iii. Durability of program
iv. Application fee
v. Transferability
vi. Points exchange with other companies

Importance in earning Good Benefits from a Loyalty


400 378 376

350 320

300 278
Cumulative Score






Redeemable Durability of Transferability
Points Program

Redeemable Points Ease of redemption

Durability of Program Application Fee

Transferability Points exchange with other companies

15. Rate the importance of following benefits according to you from a Loyalty
program (7 being the highest)
i. Cash discounts/Monetary benefits
ii. Value added services
iii. Frequent customer interaction
iv. Special privileges in terms of services.
v. Loyalty benefits in future transactions.
vi. Entertainment activities.
vii. Customized products and services

Important Benefits from a Loyalty Program


500 472
Cumulative Score

400 360

300 268



Cash Frequent Loyalty Customized
discounts customer benefits in products and
interaction future services
Cash discounts Value added services
Frequent customer interaction Special privileges in terms of services
Loyalty benefits in future transactions Entertainment activities
Customized products and services


After the conducting a detailed survey of customer’s expectation from a Loyalty

program, I had following inferences from the same:

1. More than 65% of the people rate Maruti as above average in Post Sales Services

and its interaction with its customers.

2. When asked about that whether they are a part of any loyalty program or not,

68% people said that they are not a part of any loyalty program yet. Since the

buyers of cars were not absolutely acquainted with the concept of loyalty

program, thus there was a difficulty in explaining the concept behind it, what

actually it is and how being a part of it could be beneficial for them

3. When asked about the awareness of the Loyalty program, around 30% of the

people said that they get awareness through the advertisements in the print media

and 28% said through promotional activities by company like mailers, newsletter


4. 34% respondents said that they make more purchases in order to be a part of a

loyalty program whereas 28% refused to do the same.

5. 38% of the respondents said that the importance to be a part of any loyalty

program depends largely upon the benefits that are attached with it, whereas 16%

of them said that they consider it very important to be a part of a loyalty program

for any company irrespective of the benefits. Thus a company needs to make

awareness about the benefits attached with a loyalty program at the time of

promotional activities.

6. 82% of the respondents said that they want a loyalty program to be more

advantageous in terms of monetary benefits.

7. 72% of the respondents find themselves related to a company when they are a

part of a loyalty program of any company.

8. When asked about whether they would like to be part of a Loyalty program if it

charges an application fee, there was a very big NO by 66% of the respondents.

9. If an application fee is to be charged, what should be the approximate fee, 74%

of the respondents said between Rs.0- 50 and meager 4% of them said above


10. 48% of the respondents feel that the durability of the loyalty program should be

more than 18 months.

11. On the analysis of importance of parameters in driving customer’s to be a part of

a loyalty program, Application Fee scored the maximum score of 466, with Point

exchange with other companies as second most important parameter with a score

of 348, Transferability and Durability of program were the third most important

parameters both at a score of 346. Redeemable points were the least important

parameter in driving customers.

12. Important parameters in earning good benefits from a loyalty program, Points

exchange with other companies scored highest with 388, Durability of program

was up next at 378 points with Transferability following the suit at 376 points.

Application fee was the least important parameter in earning good benefits from

a loyalty program.

13. When asked about keeping the track of their redeemable points, 69% of the

respondents said that they do not keep a track of their points.

14. Important benefits from a Loyalty program:

Cash Discounts scored the highest 540, Preference for Customized products and

Services was second with 472, then Value added services followed the suite with

a score of 424, Entertainment activities were the least expected out of a loyalty

program with a meager score of 268.

The other factors that lead to redemption inertia and low participation levels vary a

lot. Well, at a broad level it's often down to insufficient attention being paid to the

construction of the rewards catalogue. But more specifically, the main reasons are:

1. Little or no excitement value

Rewards catalogues often fail because they don't excite the minds and emotions of

the audience they're aimed at.

2. Not enough variety

This is a problem that customers faced when associated with other loyalty programs.

A catalogue that contains only one or two items in each redemption level provides

very little choice and leads to certain redemption inertia

3. Width of reward intervals

Another thing that's often overlooked is the width of the redemption interval; in other

words, what are the points gap between different items in the catalogue? If

insufficient attention is paid to the reward intervals, it will lead to irritation for

program members, as well as large unusable points balances in their accounts (a high

'breakage' level).

4. Minimum Accrual Points

This is another major problem that customers encountered with a loyalty program, is

setting up of very high minimum accrual points.

5. Long Redemption Period

The time required to redeem the points accumulated is observed to be another factor

hindering the customers driving to be a part of a loyalty program, for ex: Minimum

membership of 1 yr in certain cases is required before you can redeem your points.

The whole issue of points breakage is a typical example of where some loyalty

program providers consistently get it wrong. If you make points hard to redeem or

expire them after two years you shouldn't be surprised to see very little positive

bottom-line impact from your loyalty program because for the consumer you've

destroyed the very reason to participate in the program in the first place i.e. the value

of the reward.

6. Program Rules should be Simple so that it could be easy for a common man to

actively participate and reap the benefits of a loyalty program

The most important success factor for a loyalty program is the reward must connect

the consumer to the brand and motivate the consumer to earn the reward in the first

place. Too often loyalty program providers fail to create a unique and compelling

reward for the target audience or set the threshold to achieve rewards too high or

create unnecessary barriers to redemption. Not surprisingly this results in consumer

apathy towards the program and hence no positive change in their attitudes and

behavior for the business – a lose/lose situation.




Looking at the motor trade, if the lifetime value of car buyers is taken into account, it

becomes obvious that their loyalty is extremely important. Car buyers generally used

to be inherently loyal - a 'Chevy man' always bought a Chevrolet; a 'Ford man'

always bought a Ford. Often, that trend even ran throughout entire families. But such

blind '100% loyalty' is now much less common. There are several reasons for this:

With a few exceptions, cars are less differentiated. Cars of similar price tend to have

pretty similar looks, size, performance and reliability; National pride has in many

cases been taken out of the equation. Globalization of the industry has led to the

same car being sold under different badges in different countries; Different

manufacturers commonly share many elements of the same car (e.g. the engine, or

the body platform); Last, but not least, build quality has improved to the extent that

most cars are equally reliable and long lasting.

Loyalty is strategic and about the long-term retention of the organizations most

valuable asset – it’s CUSTOMERS.

About Loyalty Programs

Today, loyalty programs are ubiquitous. There are more than 1 billion people

worldwide enrolled in loyalty programs, and in some industries such as airlines and

hotels, loyalty programs have become one of the most critical means by which

companies manage their customer relationships.

Several broad definitions of Loyalty exist, including:

 The commitment of customers to a particular brand or company.

 The extent to which your customers continue with key loyalty behavior when

competitors offer more attractive prices, products, and/or services.

 Loyalty is a positive belief in the value that a company provides, leading to

increased purchases over time.

Loyalty should not be confused with customer satisfaction. While loyalty is built on

satisfaction, organizations can have satisfaction without loyalty. Customer loyalty is

a results measure that includes expectations of future behavior. Thus, when designing

a rewards program to build loyalty, it is critical to think about how to encourage true,

long-term customer loyalty and not just meeting customer satisfaction.

The popularity of loyalty programs has led numerous companies to offer loyalty

programs that simply mimic the program offered by the leader in their industry.

Rather than providing a competitive advantage, this strategy simply creates a

competitive stalemate, while driving up expenses due to the cost of maintaining the

loyalty program. The key point is that a company must design its loyalty program to

create competitive advantage today and in the future.

Incentives programs have been successfully implemented in nearly every major

industry imaginable. They can be used in any environment where a customer’s

purchasing behavior is measured. The best incentive marketing fosters a sense of

excitement and generates awareness of your company and product. A good incentive

program should also have a clear, consistent message and concrete, measurable


Do we know if our customers are loyal and how can we increase their loyalty? That's

the aim of a customer loyalty program. A customer loyalty program is a portfolio of

research techniques and action programs designed to assess customers' attitudes

towards our organization or company and to take action to improve their opinion.

Both quantitative and qualitative research efforts are needed to capture the full

breadth of information needed to assess and improve.

Loyalty programs are known for some of their more obvious effects - such as

increasing spend (and therefore customer lifetime value), and better retention - but

they can also achieve a number of other things that impact the company's business

strategy, operational efficiency, human resources policy, and more. Some of the

benefits of a loyalty program are:

 Customer acquisition,

 Up-selling and cross-selling,

 Intelligent de-selection (getting rid of unprofitable customers).

 Winning back defected customers,

 Selection of new outlet locations,

 Reducing advertising costs,

 Stock planning and merchandising,

 Getting competitive responses right first time,

 Setting pricing policies,

 Building lasting relationships.

Benefits of Loyalty Programs

A properly executed loyalty program can deliver significant, long-lasting benefits to

the host company in the areas of customer knowledge, product and service

differentiation, customer retention, and profitability.

Greater Customer Knowledge

A loyalty program enables a company to gain detailed knowledge about its customer

base with the customer’s consent; customers actually want to provide transaction and

detailed profile information to ensure that they receive the full benefits of being a

member in the program. In B2C industries, loyalty programs enable companies to

match their faceless customer purchase data (what was bought, when, at what store)

with special customer profile information, which can then be used to create targeted

marketing promotions or redesign services around high-value customers needs.

Increased Customer Retention

A well-honed loyalty program improves customer retention rates by increasing a

member’s “switching costs,” which are costs that a member would bear in order to

switch to a competing provider. These costs can include decreased service and the

time and resources required to build a new relationship. The higher a member ’s

switching costs, the more likely that member is to remain loyal. However, if the

loyalty program offers a unique set of benefits that a competitor could not easily

duplicate, it would be much less tempting for members to switch.

Companies use their loyalty programs to create these switching costs by:

 Leveraging in-depth member profile and transaction data to create unique

offers and product/services that a competitor, who does not know as much

about the member, cannot match

 Providing targeted service consistently across all channels

 By using the personalized data provided by their loyalty program, companies

can create a win-win relationship with their members that cannot easily be

replicated by their competitors.

Differentiated Service and Brand Equity

Most companies do not want to compete on price. Even those whose business

models are initially predicated upon providing the lowest-cost service often and that

they must focus on providing value beyond price as they mature, their costs rise, and

new upstarts beat them on price. Companies can create this additional value by

moving away from generic, one-product- meets-all-requirements to targeted products

and services that address their customers ’ unique needs. A loyalty program provides

this detailed information on transactions, demographics, and personal preferences

required to successfully identify the unique groups among a company ’s customer

base and then design products or services that meet those segmented members needs.

It is critical to note that customers are typically willing to pay for those products and

services that do a better job of meeting their under-served needs. It is “value,” rather

than price, that defines a good deal for these customers. Brand equity, which is

achieved by providing highly valued, well-differentiated products and services, is the

corner- stone of loyalty. It is the additional value that customers believe a company

provides relative to its competitors that encourages loyalty to the host company and

makes customers potentially willing to pay more for its products and services.

Improved Profitability

All of the benefits discussed to this point lead to a loyalty program ’s key goal and

most important metric of success, improved profitability, Greater profits are a result


 Profitable customer retention

 Higher prices paid for unique products/services

 Increased average purchase size

 Decreased marketing and systems costs

 Decreased unsold expired inventory

Increasing customer retention significantly improves a company ’s profitability.

Marketing with SMART CARDS

Smart cards are not new. They have long been a technical solution looking for a

problem. Their use in relationship marketing is a potential application that is being

explored by a number of organizations as they strive to get ever closer to their

customers. The key feature here is the smart card’s ability to hold information about

the cardholder, which becomes available to sales personnel at the point of use to

assist them in delivering a service uniquely tailored to the individual. The potential

storage capacity of smart cards is much greater than magnetic stripe cards. Now, as

well as the central data warehouses of customer information, the data can also be

stored on the smart card itself, which the customer carries with them.

All the above-mentioned features (security, storage, and multi-purpose) are linked.

As the number of applications on a single card increases so does the need for more

storage capacity and the higher level of security needed to prevent data stored for

one retailer being accessed by a competing retailer etc

Unlike magnetic stripe cards where the data stored is limited to the customer’s

number and name, a smart card can hold a wealth of information, including:

 Personal attributes, including likes/dislikes, inside leg (and other)

measurements etc.

 Purchasing behavior, including spend, frequency and even the contents of

previous shopping baskets.

 Response history - which promotions are of interest, what turns them on,

what makes them spend more, visit more often etc.

Personal attributes are available from the usual sources (registration forms, lifestyle

databases etc.), which can be loaded on the card on issue. Purchasing data is

accumulated and stored as the card is used. Spend and visit history enables a

customer’s worth to be assessed and any changes in activity patterns to be identified.

From details of products purchased in the past, cross-selling and trading-up

opportunities can be identified. The activity can differ according to each of the three

categories of data mentioned previously (personal, purchase, response) depending

upon the objectives of the campaign. All activity should be personalized, which helps

to build stronger relationships. Examples are:

 A ‘thank you for being a customer’ triggered on a birthday or anniversary

 A ‘thank you for your business’ triggered by the level of cumulative spend or


 Promotions to encourage increased spend: extra ‘points’ for transaction spend

above the customer’s average plus x%

 Promotions to encourage increased frequency: extra ‘points’ for the nth visit

in a period

 Cross-selling of a related (or new) product

About VOYAGE-Loyalty Program

The VOYAGE - Loyalty Program is an initiative designed specially for you. This

unique Program is our way of saying that you are special to us. It is part of our effort

to build and strengthen the relationship between us that begins when you start using

our products.

As the just over five million current users, the Loyalty Program opens for

you a world full of exciting rewards and benefits. And with its presence in over 300

authorized Maruti Dealerships and 1500 Service Centers, no matter where you go,

you will always find a friend in us.


 Special discounts on spares and free services for your car along with attractive

gifts at various milestones. This is our way of making sure that every time you

come to us for servicing your car, you take away more than just the benefit of

world class servicing in our automated workshops!

 An effort to be in constant touch with you through our quarterly newsletter,

"Borne Voyage" will give you an insider's view to our company, Maruti Udyog

Ltd. along with the latest happenings in the MUL’s family.

 If you are an active member of the Loyalty Program and use your card

regularly, you could get the chance of being invited to special events like

Musical nights, Movie screenings, Award shows, etc.

Rewards and Points

All these amazing rewards and benefits come to you as you earn points in the

Loyalty Program. Once you become a member, you will earn points for a host of

regular transactions that you conduct even now at your local Maruti authorized

Dealership or Service Center. These include:

 Purchase of Maruti genuine spares

 Purchase of accessories

 Servicing of your car

 Bonus points on:

 Free Service

 Paid Service

 Referrals i.e. recommending a friend to purchase a Maruti


So all you have to do to earn points & rewards is just keep maintaining your Maruti

car, buy genuine Maruti Spare Parts and accessories and we'll give you one point

for every rupee you spend.

Elite Club and Treasured Rewards

This unique club has been introduced for those members who get their cars

serviced regularly from authorized Maruti Service Centers. The Elite Club

membership not only identifies the member as special for the MUL family, but also

brings in some added benefits like:

 30% discount on Labour

 7.5% discount on spares, till the validity of the Card

Criteria of Selection

Points: At least 10,000 reward points.

Transactions: Minimum of 8 service transactions in 2 years of membership.

Beyond 2 years of membership, at least 4 transactions every year.

Introducing Treasured Reward

The MUL Treasured Rewards will be available at 8 prescribed milestones

beginning from 1.25 lakh points and ending at 3 lakh points, with each milestone at

a gap of 25,000 points. In other words, the new milestones are placed at 1.25 lakhs,

1.5 lakhs and so on till 3 lakhs

Each time a member reaches a milestone a Car Privilege Voucher of Rs. 5000/- will

be given to him. This voucher may be used to avail a discount on the purchase of a

new Maruti car. This voucher is transferable and can be given to friends or relatives

who may be planning to buy a new Maruti car.

Under the Rewards Program, the elite customers would be issued Gold Card,

distinguishing them from the rest. The gold card members would be offered a co-

branded card with a Visa power, so that they could use it as a credit card.

To enroll for the Program:

 If you are 18 years or above of age and are the owner /user of a Maruti car, just

Visit your nearest Maruti dealership/Service Center and fill in the application


 Attach 2 card size photographs.

 Pay the enrollment fee.

 Collect your receipt cum temporary Maruti Card.

Your personalized Maruti Smart Card will be with you within 4 weeks

How to use your card

Always remember to carry your Maruti Card with you when you visit a Maruti

authorized dealership/service center.

 Every time you do a transaction at a Maruti showroom/workshop, the dealer

would reward points into your Card. You are eligible to accumulate points,

against purchase of spares, accessories, and service and by referring friends

to purchase a Maruti car.

 Do not forget to get your card swiped against the purchases you made or

amount you spent at each transaction.

 On the accrual of every 25,000 points you would be entitled to a special gift,

free tickets to movies and much more.

 Do collect your rewards as soon as you reach the specified milestones.

 Please note that points do not become zero after a gift collection in the Card

Program and you can keep collecting gifts as you reach a particular


 The Service Record Sheet would help you get a 'Car Service Certificate',

which can be very useful at the time of your car resale.

One can redeem these points once you complete 6 months of membership

and accrue a minimum of 2500 points. The validity of the program is 5

years from the date of first sale of the Vehicle, points accrued will be valid

for one year beyond this period.

Application Fee:

 Free for the customers who have been associated with Maruti since more

than 5 years.

 Free for the customers who have more than 2 cars from Maruti.

 New customers will have to pay Rs.50 as one time registration fee for the

loyalty program.

With the launch of a Smart Card based loyalty program, Maruti would be able to

capture extensive information about its customers leading to a strong customer

database providing details about the purchase patterns, customer profile, and many

more. Moreover customers are far from the hassles of keeping a record of their

redeemable points, as all the details would be on the card itself which a customer

could easily take note of during each transaction he makes. This card could also be

co-branded with some renowned financial organization so you have the option of

making payments for your services through this card.

We can launch this VOYAGE Loyalty program in coalition with other partners, as

they are attractive, because they offer clear benefits to both the program partners and

the consumer. For the partners they offer reduced capital outlay, reduced operational

expenses, and a larger reachable database of customers. For the customers they offer

faster points accumulation and redemption as well as a wider variety of rewards.

The advent of smart card technology should also make it possible to overcome some

of the infrastructure requirements of an online real-time scheme. It would be possible

to set-up a hybrid scheme with a mixture of online and offline point’s accumulation

and redemption.

In fact, it would be possible to design a scheme as an offline real-time solution. The

cards would store the participants' transaction and points history, and the terminals

would record transaction data and upload it to the host at the end of each day

(midnight rollover) via modem or transport card. With a city-based scheme, even the

transport card solution should still make it possible to have the host updated daily; the

data would only need to be collected from POS locations within a single city.

Redemption would be catalogue based, and would be offline and online.

The program would still have main sponsors - these could be found in traditional

sectors such as fuel retail, financial services and telecommunications. Thus the

scheme would have probably two main sponsors, and retail partnerships would join

based on a "many retail partners per sector with exclusivity by city district or local

council area basis". This will necessarily make the master partnership agreement more

complex, but I believe that it would work and still provide the advantages for each

partner, whilst ensuring a large base of earning locations for the consumer.

Launch a Prepaid Maintenance Plan

Having a strong prepaid maintenance program is an important feature to achieving

high customer loyalty and critical to ensuring greater sales, both new and used. A

maintenance program drives customers back to your dealership, as well as generates

quality trade-ins, higher grosses on repeat business, better CSI and ultimately

increased customer loyalty. When a customer has a prepaid maintenance plan, it

ensures that he or she is visiting your dealership at least three times per year, or nine

times or more over the life of the car's ownership. During that time, a long-term

relationship is being developed. However, the dealership receives other valuable

benefits such as generating vehicle maintenance records on their car and exposing

your customers to new vehicle models for potential future sales. And, when he or

she is ready for a trade-in, you know the history of the vehicle and have a happier

customer, as well.

This plan when implemented effectively can:

 Assist with making cultural changes in the service drive that will

help increase sales and retention rates.

 Results in a bond between your dealership and service drive customers.

It is important to know that satisfaction doesn't build customer retention.

Relationships build customer retention. Having the tools and the training in place on

the service drive to build on those relationships and sell the value of the products

makes a tremendous difference in the percentage of satisfied customers who come

back for additional products and vehicles from the dealer.

We can club this program with the loyalty program, at an extra cost to our

customers. Through this program we can grant special benefits and discounts to

customers who purchase the Car Care maintenance plan. Some of the features of a

good Car Care program include:

Service menus: As the customer’s present the maintenance plan, the managers

detail the additional benefits customers receive for making the purchase. The same

service menus are posted on boards in sales and service to reinforce the program

benefits and coverage.

Price reductions for Club members: Maruti can offer special pricing for Club

members and posts it prominently on the menu brochures and boards. For example,

the cost for 5,000 km maintenance runs Rs.500 for Club members and Rs.750

otherwise. We can also offer a 10 percent discount on parts and labor for Club

members on work the plan doesn't cover.

Special Car Care Club perks: Rs.200 extra value on a customer's trade-in value. Car

Care Club members also receive free one-day rentals when the shop must keep a

customer's vehicle overnight, and they arrive in the service drive without an

appointment and get express treatment. We can also set up a separate Car Care Club

window at the cashier, which draws inquiries from non-Club members.

Custom coupons: Another opportunity that can benefit both the company and the

customer is the use of receipt coupons, or custom coupons, as part of our gift card

program. You can use these coupons to drive customers to locations that need an

increase in traffic. Or better yet, make your coupons applicable to certain times of the

day when traffic isn't as high as you'd like it to be. For example, many restaurants are

finding this an effective way to drive traffic to days of the week or times of the day

that are not traditionally strong for them. Giving customers a free appetizer or dessert

is a great marketing investment for creating a busy restaurant during traditionally slow

periods. Thus cost of providing free gifts to customer is highly reduced when you tie

up with any such company.

Make Your Customers Feel Special!!

You might be tempted to groan as you assume that this is just another party that will

detract from the work at hand in your company. In fact, celebrate Customer Service

Week with five objectives in mind, all of which will directly impact your bottom line.

They are:

1. Boost morale, motivation and teamwork in your customer service department.

2. Reward your frontline reps for the important work they do all year long.

3. Raise company wide awareness of the important role customer service plays in

your organization’s success.

4. Thank other departments for their year long support.

5. Let your customers know about your company’s commitment to customer


We need to continually let our customers know we care about them. We need to keep

in touch, write to them, send them information and occasionally 'phone them. When

they contact us we need to make sure we sound warm and friendly, pleased to hear

from them, efficient and maybe even look and sound like we're fun to do business

with. It's not a lot different from our personal relationships. If we don't keep telling the

people close to us how much we care and keep writing and 'phoning, then we

shouldn't be too surprised if they leave us one day. Use logic and emotion to keep

your customers. Give them the best products and service and give great value for

money. However, always remember, your competitors will be doing much the same

thing. The difference will be determined by how you communicate with your

customers on an emotional level, either face to face, on the 'phone, by letter or email.


Exceed client’s expectations at all times. Go the extra mile and it will pay off for

you time and time again. Your clients will feel good about spending their money

with you over and over again. Consumers are no longer settling for poor or average

service. They have choices and exercise their options to spend their money with

whoever provides them what they want and gives them exceptional customer

service too. Keep the competition back over your shoulder. They don't have to be in

the distance, just as long as they are behind you. Exceeding your clients’

expectations only takes a little bit of effort, but it can do a lot for your sales.

The new car market is declining for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and

their dealers. Competition is increasing. Dealer margins are shrinking. Lots are

overflowing with inventory. Customers can now order a customized vehicle with

upscale options from virtually any automaker. But they can't request superior,

proactive customer service. That's why customer relationship management (CRM) is

gaining momentum. Today, OEMs and dealers compete over customer ownership by

gathering specific data. But they need to combine their intelligence to be more


Customer Lifetime Value analysis as the focus for a company's operation provides a

sustainable growth model for your business. The emphasis is then firmly on market

share rather than profitability. The implementation of a customer-loyalty-centric

approach through a Customer Loyalty Program is straightforward. It delivers a

positive feedback loop to your customers; to keep them behaving in the way you want

them to. This virtuous circle creates a self-refining set of tools and behaviors to

deliver steadily growing profits, contented customers and a rising asset value.

"Customer equity is one of the key success factors for the future of the automotive

industry. Organizations who fail to focus on customer needs to enhance customer

loyalty and build brand equity will lose control. By understanding customer needs,

manufacturers and their sales channels can move profitably beyond customer

satisfaction, increase shareholder value, and ultimately leave their competitors behind.

















1. Vishvanath Kulkarni, On a Smooth Road, Financial Daily, Wednesday Jan

30, 2002, Available from

2. Maruti earmarks nearly 0.3 per cent of its turnover as IT spend available form

3. Maruti procurement goes global, Friday, September 03, 2004, Available


4. N. N. Sachitanand, What makes Maruti tick?, The Hindu, Monday, Nov,


5. K. Giriprakash., Smart planning leads to drop in car inventory levels;

Businessline. Chennai: Aug 25, 2004. pg. 1


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