Kashmir Day Speech

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1. Jinnah supported the stance of __________, 6.

After the death of Gulab Singh in 1858

leader of Muslim Conference, who wanted to _______ became the ruler of Jammu &
make Kashmir part of Pakistan. Kashmir.
A. Chaudhry Ghulam Nabi A. Ranjit Singh
B. Khadim Hussain Shaheed B. Rambir Singh
C. Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas C. Partab Singh
D. Chaudhry Ghulam Nabi D. Hari Singh

2. Which of the following UN Peace Keeping 7. According to law only __________ can buy
Operations has been mandated to monitor the property within Kashmir.
LOG (former Cease Fire Line) in Kashmir? A. Everyone
A. UNMOGIP B. Kashmiri Nationals
B. MONUC C. Pakistani
C. UNIFIL D. Indian
8. Article 257 of the Constitution relates
3. Kashmir Day was first observed in_______ specifically to Jammu and Kashmir. According
on call of Nawaz Sharif, who was the to the Article when the people of Jammu and
opposition leader and chief minister of Punjab Kashmir accede to Pakistan then:
at the time. A. They shall become citizens of independent
A. 1991 Kashmir
B. 1990 B. Kashmir shall become a province of
C. 1988 Pakistan
D. 1993 C. People of Kashmir shall determine the
ANSWER: A relationship between the state and Pakistan
D. Kashmir shall become an autonomous
4. In the year of______ Maha Raja Gullab region
Singh paid 7.5 million Nanak Shahi Coins to ANSWER: C
Britishers and became first Raja of Kashmir
State. 9. During the partition in 1947 Kashmir was
A. 1857 ruled by Maharaja ______.
B. 1845 A. Hari Singh
C. 1846 B. Ranjit Singh
D. 1947 C. Partab Singh
ANSWER: C D. Gulab Singh
5. The famous agreement between British and
Gulab Singh which made him ruler of Kashmir 10. The UNSC Resolution of _______ stated
is called: that “both India and Pakistan desire that the
A. Kashmir Agreement question of the accession of Jammu and
B. Lahore Agreement Kashmir to India or Pakistan should be decided
C. British Agreement through the democratic method of a free and
D. None of Above impartial plebiscite”.
ANSWER: B A. 21 May 1948
B. 21 May 1949
C. 21 April 1948
D. 21 April 1949
11. On _______, All Jammu and Kashmir 16. What is the name of boundary between the
Muslim Conference had organised a Pakistani Azad Kashmir and Indian occupied
convention in Srinagar at Sardar Muhammad Jammu and Kashmir?
Ibrahim Khan’s residence and passed a A. Line of control
resolution for merging Kashmir with Pakistan B. Line of Fire
A. April 19 1947 C. Front Line Boundary
B. May 19 1947 D. Durand Line
C. June 19 1947 ANSWER: A
D. July 19 1947
ANSWER: D 17. _______ was demarcated after the Shimla
pact in 1972
12. Syed Khadim Hussain Shaheed was the A. Kashmir Line
first martyr of Azad Kashmir movement who B. Line of Control
was shot dead by Dogra Raj. He belongs to C. Front Line Boundary
which city of Kashmir? D. Durand Line
A. Srinagar ANSWER: B
B. Bagh
C. Baramulla 18. _______ ruled Kashmir from 1885 to 1925.
D. Badgam A. Rambir Singh
ANSWER: B B. Ranjit Singh
C. Partab Singh
13. In__________, India had moved its military D. Gulab Singh
to occupy Jummu and Kashmir ANSWER: A
A. November 1947
B. October 1947 19. Pakistan observed Kashmir Day on
C. September 1947 _________ to show solidarity with Kashmiris in
D. August 1947 their struggle for freedom.
ANSWER: B A. 1st May
B. 14 February
14. It was India that took the matter to the UN C. 5 February
under Chapter _____ of the UN Charter D. 11 September
dealing with Pacific Settlement of Disputes ANSWER: C
B. V

15. The ratio of population in Kashmir is now

_____________ others approximately due to
massive killings and other vile acts like
settlement of non-Muslim migrants (Hindus and
Sikhs) from
A. 34% Muslims and 66%
B. 77% Muslims and 23%
C. 66% Muslims and 34%
D. None of Above

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