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District Technical Office Rupandehi

CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL COST AT SITE Using 8 MT capacity truck (DOR pg 8-9)

Name of Project : Reference Bhairahawa Fill yellow colored cell only Contract

Unskilled Labour Cost (NRs Per mandays) Skilled Labour (NRs per md) Diesel (NRs per Lit) Truck (NRs per Hr) Water Pump (NRs per Hr)
430.00 650 70.80 680 200 Cap of Truck (MT) 8

Speed corresponding to
LEAD (KM) road condition KMPH
Travel Resources Collection cost
Time Material

Black Gravel Earthe Total Material
Materials Equipments including

S.N. Item Source Unit top at at 20 n at 10 Labour (Type :Truck for Transportati Cost
40 Kmph Kmph (Type :Fuel , Unit transportation Labour Unskilled transportati

(Unit : mandays) on cost including

: Lit )

Kmph speed speed Unit : Hr ) on and

speed royalties
Unskilled Skilled Amount Qty Amount Qty Amount Md Amount
40 20 10 qty qty

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14=12*B6+ 15 16=15*M6 17 18=17*Q6 19=14+16+18 20 21=20*B6 22 23=21+22 24=19+23


2 Sand Crusher m3 5 5 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.30 129.00 0.43 30.09 0.13 88.40 247.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 247.49

2a Sand (local) m3 5 5 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.30 129.00 0.43 30.09 0.13 88.40 247.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 247.49

3a Gravel Bhumai m3 30 1 31 0.75 0.00 0.10 1.70 0.50 215.00 3.57 252.74 0.39 266.56 734.30 0.50 221.45 158.76 380.21 1114.51

3b river shingle/round agg Crusher m3 5 5 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 215.00 0.53 37.17 0.16 108.80 360.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 360.97

3c broken stone aggregates Crusher m3 5 5 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 215.00 0.53 37.17 0.16 108.80 360.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 360.97

Boulder, Cobbles, quarry Bhumai

m3 30 1 31 0.75 0.00 0.10 1.70 0.50 215.00 4.59 324.96 0.51 349.86 889.82 1.00 442.90 158.76 601.66 1491.48

7 Cement Bhairahwa Ton 1 1 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.40 172.00 0.08 5.31 0.10 65.28 242.59 242.59
8 Reinforcement Steel and gabion wire
a Reinforcement Steel Bhairahwa Ton 1 1 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.60 258.00 0.08 5.31 0.10 65.28 328.59 328.59

11 Timber for temporary works m 3

0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 129.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 56.10 0.00 0.00

Fabricated Structural
12 Timber m3 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 215.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 127.50 0.00 0.00

13 Fabricated Structural Steel Bhairahwa Ton 1 1 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.40 4.00 2772.00 0.08 5.31 0.16 106.08 2883.39 2883.39

14 RCC Precast Element Ton 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 430.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 61.20 0.00 0.00
0.11 77.52 158.26
17 Water 1000 Lit 2 2 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.20 0.10 0.01 49.50 0.30 21.24 158.26
0.05 10.00
Royalty =NRs 4/cft, River Entry fee = NRs.50/100 cft

Prepared by Checked By Approved by

TRUCK HIRING COST 21(2) page 146-149

Truck hiring cost per hour 525.0

Cost of truck of 6 m.t. capacity a ...
Total working hours b ...
Working hours per year c ...

1. Ownership cost
Depreciation cost per hour a/b ... ...
Insurance cost per hour 0.02 a/c ... ...
Interest tax per hour 0.01 a/c ... ...
Sub total of 1 ... ...

2. Operation cost
A. Maintenance cost per hour
Overhauling cost 0.55 a/b ... ...
Repair and maintenance cost 0.23 a/b ... ...
Sub total of A ... ...

B. Net operationg cost per hour

i) Fuel and lubrication cost
H.S. Diesel @ 5.5 lit/hr ... ... 389.38
Mobil @0.1 lit/hr ... ... 59.20
Gear oil @0.03 lit/hr ... ... 17.26
Grease @0.015 Kg/hr ... ... 8.30
Sub total of i ... ... 474.14

ii) Spare parts

Life span of tyres L hrs 2000
Cost of one tyre T Rs 14500
Cost of tyres per hour 6T/L ... ...
Other Lump sum approx 8% of 6T/L ...
Sub total of ii ... ...

iii) Salary
Working hours, hrs. 8
Driver (Wages per day/8) ... ...
Helper (Wages per day/8) ... ...
Sub total of iii ... ... ...

iv) Improvement and other minor repair expenses, apporx 25% of (0.23a/b)
Sub total of B ( i +ii + iii + iv ) ... ...
Sub total 2 per hour ( A + B ) ... ...

3. Supervision and overhead expenses per hour 0.05 a/c

Sub total of 3 ... ...
TOTAL TRANSPORTATION COST per hour, H=∑ (1 + 2 + 3) 999.14
Unskilled Labour ... 430.00
Time per trip by truck = (2*distance/speed + loading & unloading time)
Loading and unloading time = 0.75
Distance average, km … … 0.00 0//
Time (T), hrs … … … … 0.00
Load unloading coefficient, K 0.000
Capacity of truck per trip, nos. of bricks 2400.00
Transportation cost (H*T) … … 0.00
For 1000 nos. of bricks (H*T/2400*1000) 0.00
Load. & unload. cost (K*unskill. labour wage/day) 0.00
Per thousand 0.00
Per unit brick 0.00

Distance average , km … … 31.00 30//1
Time (T), hrs … … … … 2.45
Load unloading coefficient, K 1.602
Capacity of truck per trip, cu.m. 3.50
Transportation cost (H*T) … … 2447.89
For 1cu.m. (H*T/3.5) … … 699.40
Load. & unload. cost (K*unskill. labour wage/day) 688.86
Per 1 cu.m. 1388.26
Distance average , km … … 1.00 1//
Time (T), hrs … … … … 0.80
Load unloading coefficient,K … … 0.221
Capacity of truck per trip, m.t. 6.00
Transportation cost (H*T) … … 799.31
For 1m.t. (H*T/6) … … 133.22
Loading & unloading cost (K*unskilled labour wages/day) 95.03
Per m.t. 228.25
Distance average, km … … 1.00 1//
Time (T), hrs … … … … 0.80
Load unloading coefficient, K 0.221
Truck capacity per trip, m.t. … … 6.00
Transportation cost (H*T) … … 799.31
For 1m.t. (H*T/6) … … 133.22
Loading & unloading cost (K*unskilled labour wages/day) 95.03
Per m.t. 228.25
Distance average, km … … 0.00 //
Time (T), hrs … … … … 0.00
Load unloading coefficient, K 0.000
Truck capacity per trip, m.t. … … 6.00
Transportation cost (H*T) … … 0.00
For 1m.t. (H*T/6) … … 0.00
Loading & unloading cost (K*unskilled labour wages/day) 0.00
Density of sal (d), kg/cu.m. … … 850.00
Trans. cost of 1 cum. (tran cost of 1mt*d/1000) Per m.t. 0.00
Per cu.m. 0.00

Distance average, km … … 5.00
Time (T), hrs … … … … 1.00
Load unloading coefficient, K 0.406
Capacity of truck per trip, m.t. 6.00
Transportation cost (H*T) … … 999.14
For 1m.t. (H*T/6) … … 166.52
Load. & unload. cost (K*unskill. labour wage/day) 174.58
Per m.t. 341.10
Per kg 0.34

8. RIVER AGGREGATE (10 mm, 20mm & 40mm)

Distance average, km … … 5.00 5//
Time (T), hrs … … … … 1.00
Load unloading coefficient, K 0.406
Capacity of truck per trip, cu.m. 4.69
Transportation cost (H*T) … … 999.14
For 1cu.m. (H*T/4.69) … … 213.04
Load. & unload. cost (K*unskill. labour wage/day) 174.58
Per cu.m. ... 387.62

11. BROKEN AGGREGATE (crushed)

Distance average, km … … 5.00 5//
Time (T), hrs … … … … 1.00
Load unloading coefficient, K 0.375
Capacity of truck per trip, cu.m. 4.87
Transportation cost (H*T) … … 999.14
For 1cu.m. (H*T/4.87) … … 205.16
Load. & unload. cost (K*unskill. labour wage/day) 161.25
Price of 1cu.m. river aggregate ... ...
Per cu.m. Per cu.m. ... 366.41
12. SAND(Coarse)
Distance average, km … … 5.00 5//
Time (T), hrs … … … … 1.00
Load unloading coefficient, K 0.375
Capacity of truck per trip, cu.m. 5.38
Transportation cost (H*T) … … 999.14
For 1cu.m. (H*T/5.38) … … 185.71
Load. & unload. cost (K*unskill. labour wage/day) 161.25
Price of 1cu.m. sand … …
Per cu.m. ... 346.96

12. SAND(Local)
Distance average, km … … 5.00 5//
Time (T), hrs … … … … 1.00
Load unloading coefficient, K 0.375
Capacity of truck per trip, cu.m. 5.38
Transportation cost (H*T) … … 999.14
For 1cu.m. (H*T/5.38) … … 185.71
Load. & unload. cost (K*unskill. labour wage/day) 161.25
Price of 1cu.m. sand … …
Per cu.m. ... 346.96

14. Gravel
Distance average, km … … 31.00 30//1
Time (T), hrs … … … … 2.45
Load unloading coefficient, K 1.602
Capacity of truck per trip, cu.m. 4.69
Transportation cost (H*T) … … 2447.89
For 1cu.m. (H*T/4.69) … … 521.94
Load. & unload. cost (K*unskill. labour wage/day) 688.86
Price of 1cu.m. sand … …
... Per cu.m. 1210.80
Ministry of Fedaral Affairs and Local DevelopmentOffice of District Development CommitteeDistrict Technical OfficeRupadehi

Summary of RATE of CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS FY 072/73 Mode Contract

Normes for Transportation DOR
Name of the Project : Reference Bhairahawa
Transp- Rate Incl Lead
S.N. Description Unit Rate S.N. Description Unit Basic DOR Transp B/G/E

A. LABOUR RATE 43 Bricks 1st class incl. Transport no. 12.80 0 12.80 0//
1 Skilled (carpenter, mason, Plumber) m.d. 650.00 44 Stone cu.m. 601.66 889.81 1491.47 30//1
2 Painter " 650.00 45 Aggregate 10 mm cu.m. 1234.80 360.96 1595.76 5//
3 Unskilled " 430.00 46 Aggregate 20mm cu.m. 1587.60 360.96 1948.56 5//
4 Helper " 430.00 47 Aggregate 40mm cu.m. 1587.60 360.96 1948.56 5//
48 Gravel 10 mm cu.m. 1234.80 360.96 1595.76 5//
B. MATERIAL RATE 49 Gravel 20mm cu.m. 1622.88 360.96 1983.84 5//
5 Glass - 4mm sq.m. 645.60 50 Gravel 40mm cu.m. 1587.60 360.96 1948.56 5//
6 Wooden Listi Rm. 12.70 51 Natural gravel cu.m. 380.21 734.3 1114.51 30//1
7 Commercial plywood - 4 mm sq.m. 215.20 52 Coarse Sand cu.m. 1587.60 247.48 1835.08 5// `
8 Bamboo pc 190 53 Sand Local cu.m. 705.60 247.48 953.08 5//
9 Porcelin Glazed wall tile (Indian) sq.m. 505.72 54 Transported soil in village cu.m. 221.76 0 221.76
10 Porcelin Glazed floor tile (Indian) sq.m. 645.60 55 Transported soil in Si. Na. Pa. cu.m. 362.88 0 362.88
11 Hinges 3" no. 18.00 56 Sal wood cu.m. 167580.00 0 167580.00 //
12 Hinges - 4" no. 24.00 57 Sisam wood cu.m. 88200.00 0 88200.00 //
13 Bolts - 4" no. 26.00 58 Kukath cu.m. 39337.20 0 39337.20 //
14 " - 6" no. 41.00 59 Cement OPC(NEP) bag 0
15 Holdfast* no. 15.00 60 Cement OPC(NEP) bag 620.00 12.12 632.12 1//
16 Lock Rollan no. 572.00 61 Cement OPC(NEP) m3 18600.00 363.88 18963.88
17 Handle Almumium no. 32.00 62 Cement OPC(NEP) mt 12400.00 242.58 12642.58
18 Door spring no. 138.00 63 Cement white mt 21000.00 242.58 21242.58 1//
19 Nails kg 108.00 64 Reinforcement (Fe-415) Mt 73500.00 328.58 73828.58 1//
20 Screw* no. 0.40 65 M.S. binding wire kg 90.00 0.32 90.32 5//
21 Nut bolt 8mm* no. 5.00 66 Collapsible shutter incl fitting kg 120.00 2.88 122.88 1//
22 J - hook* no. 10.00 67 Rolling shutter 18 # incl fitting kg 120.00 2.88 122.88 1//
23 Bitumen washer* no. 0.60 68 Barbed wire12 # (1kg = 7m) Rm. 12.43 0.05 12.48 5//
24 Nut bolt * no 2.50 69 MS grill Incl fitting kg 110.00 2.88 112.88 1//
CGI sheet 26 # (6'x2'6") medium
Mosquito net - Indian sq.m. 441.16 70 (0.38mm) sq.m. 401.53 0 401.53
26 " - expanded sq.m. 269.00 71 GI plain sheet 24 # (T=0.5mm) sq.m. 451.92 0 451.92
27 3mm marble chips(~1450kg/cum) cu.m. 18850 72 GI plain sheet 24 # (3' wide) Rm. 406.73 0 406.73
28 Oxalic acid kg 90.00 73 GI pipe 'B' class - 1/2" Rm. 133.00 0 133.00
29 Wax polish kg 90.00 74 " " - 3/4" Rm. 170.00 0 170.00
30 Marble ordinary (130) m2 1506.40 75 " " - 1" Rm. 258.00 0 258.00
31 Lime kg 16.00 76 HDPE pipe Kg 228.00 0 228.00 //
32 Snowcem(cem. paint) kg 47.00 Equipment, Fuel, lubricants
33 Gum Adhesive kg 126.00 78 Truck/Tipper 8 mt Hr 680.00 680.00
34 Enamel litre 446.00 79 Truck/Tipper 6 mt Hr 525.00 525.00
35 Varnish litre 158.00 80 Truck/Tipper 5 mt Hr 450.00 450.00
36 Aluminium paint litre 473.00 81 Truck/Tipper 3 mt Hr 315.00 315.00
37 Tarpentile litre 116.00 80 Water Pump Hr 200.00 200.00
38 Water proof compound kg 81.00 81 Water Tank Hr 550.00 550.00
39 Primer litre 263.00 82 Kerosene* litre 70.80 70.80
40 Red oxide kg 263.00 83 Deisel litre 70.80 70.80
41 Sand paper* nos 5.00 84 Mobil litre 592.04 592.04
42 Karborandum stone nos 150 85 Gear oil litre 575.22 575.22
86 Grease Kg 553.10 553.10
* Market Rates
Checked by Approved By
Prepared by
Ministry of Fedaral Affairs and Local DevelopmentOffice of District Development CommitteeDistrict Technical OfficeRupandehi

Name of the Project

Reference Bhairahawa
S.N. Items Unit Contract S.N. Items Unit Contract
1.1 E/W exc.a)in gen. - soft m3 356.53 6.1 CGI sheet roof - 26 # m2 739.32
1.2 - BMS " 407.47 6.2 CGI sheet ridge - 24# Rm 924.37
1.3 b) in foun .- soft " 509.34 6.3 4mm 1.5" sal fr-ceiling m2 3206.01
1.4 - BMS " 809.84
1.5 Filling - B/F Earth compact " 254.67 7. STEEL WORK
1.6 - stone " 2799.98 7.1 Barbed wire fencing 12# Rm 51.01
1.7 - sand " 1551.80 7.2 M.S. grill + paint kg 129.81

1.8 Filling with transported soil, watering, ramming m3 560.70 7.3 Iron angle with red oxide pa. kg 129.81


2.1 Brick soling in sand - flat m2 782.88 8.1 12.5mm c.plaster - 1:3 ceiling m2 328.90
2.2 - Edge " 1417.28 8.2 - 1:4 wall " 277.85
a) For ground floor 8.3 - 1:6 wall " 257.49
2.3a Brick masonry in cm - 1:3 m3 12572.45 8.4 20mm cement plaster - 1:3 " 379.33
2.4a - 1:4 " 12157.39 8.5 Flush cem.pointing1:3- brick " 167.12
8.6 Ruled cem.pointing1:3- brick " 196.79
2.5a - 1:6 " 11763.43 8.7 Flush cem point 1:3-stone " 201.76
8.8 3 mm cement punning " 201.55
b) Above ground floor 8.9a Porcelain glazed tile (wall) " 1955.39
2.3b Brick c.m. - 1:3 m3 12827.12 8.9b Porcelain glazed tile (floor) " 2132.34
2.4b - 1:4 " 12412.06 9. PAINTING WORK
2.5b - 1:6 " 12018.10 9.1 2 Coat white wash - in ceiling m2 26.14
9.2 - in wall " 21.98
3. STONE WORK 9.3 1 coat snocem (cement paint) " 59.69
3.1 Stone soling in foundation m3 2628.46 9.4 2 coat snocem (cement paint) " 107.76
3.2 Stone c.m. - 1:4 " 8741.78 9.5 1 coat paint - enamel " 155.18
3.3 - 1:6 " 8013.43 9.6 2 coat paint - enamel " 235.82
9.7 - aluminium " 216.77
3.4 Dry Stone Masonry " 3623.21 9.8 - red oxide "
4.1 Sal wood - chaukhat m3 240756.64 10.1 GI Pipe laying - 0.5" Rm 200.44
4.2 - beam " 216451.05 10.2 - 3/4" " 242.99
4.3 1.5" salwood frame - shutters m2 11893.70 10.3 - 1" " 361.70
4.4 - 4mm glazed " 8003.02 10.4 1/2" dia 'HDP Pipe laying 10 kg/cm2 " 37.41
4.5 - 4mm plywood " 6375.43 10.5 4" dia 4 kg/cm2 " 515.02
4.6 - GI plain sheet " 6930.07 11. DEMOLISHING WORK
4.7 Mosquito net +listi " 662.67 11.1 Demolishing - cem.plaster m2 53.41
4.8 Mosquito net +expanded metal+listi " 987.49 11.2 - wall in mud m3 524.17
4.9 metal.+1.5" " 4989.68 11.3 - wall in c.m. " 1048.34
4.10 4mm glazed fixing+listi " 872.41 11.4 - PCC " 1978.00
5. CONCRETE WORK 11.5 - RCC " 5439.50
5.1 PCC - 1:3:6 with gravel m 3
8919.98 11.6 Demolishing - slate roof m 2
5.2 - 1:2:4 with gravel " 10186.02 12. MISCELLANEOUS
5.3a For RCC - PCC 1:2:4 with Agg " 11511.09 12.1 25mm Sal Eaves board work m2 5419.43
5.3b - PCC 1:2:4 with gravel " 11520.02 12.2 In 1.5"sal fr.- 4mm m 2
5.4 - PCC1:1½:3 gravel " 12604.49 12.3 Reinf. For Window Chaukhat kg 113.99
5.5 - Reinforcement bar kg 105.09
5.6 1.5" DPC 1:2:4 - with gravel m2 473.21
5.70 75mm PCC 1:2:4 with complete finish m 2
5.8 - form work slab m2 584.14
5.9 - form work colum " 685.91
5.10 - form work beam " 924.19
*Cement OPC(NEP)/Transportation with 8Mt truck

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Unskilled m.d. 0.70 430.00 301.00
All type of Excavation work in soft clay & silty soils including
disposal upto 10m lead and 1.5m lift
3%of labour 9.03
Item No. per Sub-Total 310.03
1.1 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 356.53
Norms - 2(1) page 4 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 356.53
Earthwork in excav. : soft soil VAT per

Unskilled m.d. 0.80 430.00 344.00

All type of excavation work in hard clay and soils mixed with soft Equipment
moorum stones (upto 30mm size) including disposal upto 10m lead
and 1.5m lift 3%of labour 10.32

Item No. per Sub-Total 354.32

1.2 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 407.47
Norms - 2(2) page 4 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 407.47
Earthwork in excav. : B.M.Soil VAT per

Unskilled m.d. 1.00 430.00 430.00

Excavation of pit in soft soil, disposal upto 10m lead and 1.5m lift
in foundation
3%of labour 12.90
Item No. per Sub-Total 442.90
1.3 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 509.34
Norms - 2(9) page 6 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 509.34
E/W found.- soft soil VAT per

Unskilled m.d. 1.59 430.00 683.70

Excavation for foundation drain, Pipe line boulder mixed
soil, disposal (upto 10m lead and 1.5m lift)
3%of labour 20.51
Item No. per Sub-Total 704.21
1.4 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 809.84
Norms - 2(14) page 7 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 809.84
Earthwork in excav. : B.M.Soil VAT per

Backfilling with ordinary soil in 15 cm thick layer and hand Unskilled m.d. 0.50 430.00 215.00
compaction (haulage distance 10m) with sprinkling water with 3% of Labor 6.45
Item No. per Sub-Total 221.45
1.5 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 254.67
Norms - 2(25a) page 11 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 254.67
Earth filling - compaction work VAT per

Unskilled m.d. 1.50 430.00 645.00

Filling by stones in the foundation and levelling including haulage
Block stone cu.m. 1.00 1491.47 1491.47
distance upto 30m
Bond stone cu.m. 0.20 1491.47 298.29
Item No. per Sub-Total 2434.76
1.6 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 2799.98
Norms - 6(5) page 27 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 2799.98
Filling - stone VAT per

Unskilled m.d. 0.70 430.00 301.00

Filling by sand and hand compaction (haulage distance 10m) with
Sand cu.m. 1.10 953.08 1048.39
sprinkling water

Item No. per Sub-Total 1349.39

1.7 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 1551.80

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Norms - 2(42) page 15 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 1551.80
Filling - sand VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Filling with transported soil in 15 cm thick layer and hand Unskilled m.d. 0.50 430.00 215.00
compaction (haulage distance 10m) with sprinkling water with Tran soil m3 1.20 221.76 266.11
rammers T&P @3% of labour 6.45
Item No. per Sub-Total 487.56
1.5 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 560.70
Norms - 2(25a) page 11 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 560.70
Earth filling - compaction work VAT per

Skilled m.d. 0.50 650.00 325.00
Unskilled m.d. 1.00 430.00 430.00
Dry brick laying (soling) in sand a) flat
Brick nos. 420.00 12.80 5376.00
Sand cu.m. 0.71 953.08 676.69
Item No. per Sub-Total 6807.69
2.1 10 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 7828.84
Norms - 11(15a) page 65 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 782.88
Brick soling - flat VAT per

Skilled m.d. 1.00 650.00 650.00

Unskilled m.d. 3.25 430.00 1397.50
Dry brick laying (soling) in sand a) on edge (vertical)
Brick nos. 750.00 12.80 9600.00
Sand cu.m 0.71 953.08 676.69
Item No. per Sub-Total 12324.19
2.2 10 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 14172.81
Norms - 11(15b) page 65 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 1417.28
Brick soling - vertical VAT per

a. BRICK WORK IN MORTAR (for ground floor)

Skilled m.d. 1.50 650.00 975.00
Unskilled m.d. 2.20 430.00 946.00

Chimney (bhatta) brick masonry works along with supplying bricks Brick nos. 530.00 12.80 6784.00
making cement sand mortar and construction of brick wall Cement m.t. 0.13 12642.40 1643.51
including haulage distance upto 30 m a) 1:3 Sand cu.m 0.27 1835.08 495.47
Add.unkill m.d. 0.20 430.00 86.00
Scaffolding 3% of add. Unskilled 2.58
per Sub-Total 10932.56
2.3a 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 12572.45
Norms - 5(1.b.1 & 2a) page 23 & 24 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 12572.45
Brick work in c.m. - 1:3 VAT per

Skilled m.d. 1.50 650.00 975.00

Unskilled m.d. 2.20 430.00 946.00

Chimney (bhatta) brick masonry works along with supplying bricks Brick nos. 530.00 12.80 6784.00
making cement sand mortar and construction of brick wall Cement m.t. 0.10 12642.40 1264.24
including haulage distance upto 30m a) 1:4 Sand cu.m 0.28 1835.08 513.82
Add.unkill m.d. 0.20 430.00 86.00
Scaffolding 3% of add. Unskilled 2.58
Item No. per Sub-Total 10571.64
2.4a 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 12157.39
Norms - 5(1.b.2 & 2a) page 23 & 24 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 12157.39
Brick work in c.m. - 1:4 VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Skilled m.d. 1.50 650.00 975.00
Unskilled m.d. 2.20 430.00 946.00

Chimney (bhatta) brick masonry works along with supplying bricks Brick nos. 530.00 12.80 6784.000
making cement sand mortar and construction of brick wall Cement m.t. 0.07 12642.40 884.97
including haulage distance upto 30m a) 1:6 Sand cu.m 0.30 1835.08 550.52
Add.unkill m.d. 0.20 430.00 86.00
Scaffolding 3% of add. Unskilled 2.58
Item No. per Sub-Total 10229.07
2.5a 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 11763.43
Norms - 5(1.b.3 & 2a) page 23 & 24 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 11763.43
Brick work in c.m. - 1:6 VAT per

b. BRICK WORK IN MORTAR (above ground floor)

Skilled m.d. 1.50 650.00 975.00
Unskilled m.d. 2.20 430.00 946.00

Chimney (bhatta) brick masonry works along with supplying bricks Brick nos. 530.00 12.80 6784.00
making cement sand mortar and construction of brick wall Cement m.t. 0.13 12642.40 1643.51
including haulage distance upto 30m a) 1:3 Sand cu.m 0.27 1835.08 495.47
Add.unkill m.d. 0.70 430.00 301.00
Scaffolding 3% of add. Unskilled 9.03
Item No. per Sub-Total 11154.01
2.3b 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 12827.12
Norms - 5(1.b.1 & 2b) page 23 & 24 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 12827.12
Brick work in c.m. - 1:3 VAT per

Skilled m.d. 1.50 650.00 975.00

Unskilled m.d. 2.20 430.00 946.00
Chimney (bhatta) brick masonry works along with supplying bricks Brick nos. 530.00 12.80 6784.00
making cement sand mortar and construction of brick wall Cement m.t. 0.10 12642.40 1264.24
including haulage distance upto 30m a) 1:4 Sand cu.m 0.28 1835.08 513.82
Add.unkill m.d. 0.70 430.00 301.00
Scaffolding 3% of add. Unskilled 9.03
Item No. per Sub-Total 10793.09
2.4b 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 12412.06
Norms - 5(1.b.2 & 2b) page 23 & 24 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 12412.06
Brick work in c.m. - 1:4 VAT per

Skilled m.d. 1.50 650.00 975.00

Unskilled m.d. 2.20 430.00 946.00

Chimney (bhatta) brick masonry works along with supplying bricks Brick nos. 530.00 12.80 6784.00
making cement sand mortar and construction of brick wall Cement m.t. 0.07 12642.40 884.97
including haulage distance upto 30m a) 1:6 Sand cu.m 0.30 1835.08 550.52
Add.unkill m.d. 0.70 430.00 301.00
Scaffolding 3% of add. Unskilled 9.03
Item No. per Sub-Total 10450.52
2.5b 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 12018.10
Norms - 5(1.b.3 & 2b) page 23 & 24 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 12018.10
Brick work in c.m. - 1:6 VAT per

Skilled m.d. 0.00 650.00 0.00
Unskilled m.d. 1.50 430.00 645.00
Dry stone laying (soling) in foundation
stone cu.m 1.10 1491.47 1640.62
Sand cu.m 0.00 953.08 0.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 2285.62

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
3.1 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 2628.46
Norms - 6(5) page 39 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 2628.46
Stone soling in sand VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Skilled m.d. 1.50 650.00 975.00
Unskilled m.d. 5.00 430.00 2150.00
Rubble masonry work including supply of hard stone blocks
preparing cement sand mortar and construction of the wall upto 5 cement m.t. 0.159 12642.40 2010.14
m high haulage distance upto 10 m Sand cu.m 0.45 1835.08 825.79
a) cement sand mortar 1:4
block stone " 1.00 1491.47 1491.47
bond st. " 0.10 1491.47 149.15
Item No. per Sub-Total 7601.54
3.2 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 8741.78
Norms - 6a(2) page 25 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 8741.78
Stone work in c.m. - 1:4 VAT per

Skilled m.d. 1.50 650.00 975.00

Unskilled m.d. 5.00 430.00 2150.00
Rubble masonry work including supply of hard stone blocks
preparing cement sand mortar and construction of the wall upto 5 cement m.t. 0.106 12642.40 1340.09
m high haulage distance upto 10 m Sand cu.m 0.47 1835.08 862.49
a) cement sand mortar 1:6
bl.stone " 1.00 1491.47 1491.47
bond st. " 0.10 1491.47 149.15
Item No. per Sub-Total 6968.20
3.3 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 8013.43
Norms - 6a(3) page 25 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 8013.43
Stone work in c.m. - 1:6 VAT per

Skilled m.d. 1.00 650.00 650.00

Rubble masonry work including supply of hard stone blocks and
construction of the wall upto 5m high haulage distance up to 30m. Unskilled m.d. 2.00 430.00 860.00
a) bl.stone cu.m 1.00 1491.47 1491.47
Dry wall
bond st. cu.m 0.10 1491.47 149.15
Item No. per Sub-Total 3150.62
3.4 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 3623.21
Norms - 6(2.1) page 26 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 3623.21
Stone work - Dry wall VAT per

Skilled m.d. 34.00 650.00 22100.00
Unskilled m.d. 3.40 430.00 1462.00
Making and fixing seasoned sal Wood chaukhat Wooden size (100
Wood cu.m 1.10 167580.00 184338.00
mm*75 mm)
holdfast nos. 92.00 15.00 1380.00
screw nos. 184.00 0.40 73.60
Item No. per Sub-Total 209353.60
4.1 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 240756.64
Norms - 10(1) page 49 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 240756.64
Sal Wood work - chaukhat VAT per

Skilled m.d. 17.65 650.00 11472.50

Making beams, rafter, purlin cross beams from seasoned sal Wood Unskilled m.d. 1.76 430.00 756.80
with fitting and fixing ( it is for 9 m span) Wood cu.m 1.05 167580.00 175959.00
Killa L.S. 30.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 188218.30
4.2 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 216451.05
Norms - 10(17) page 56 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 216451.05
Sal Wood work - beam, rafter etc. VAT per

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RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount

Skilled m.d. 10.00 650.00 6500.00

Making and fixing sal Wood panelled shutters using 38 mm thick
Unskilled m.d. 1.00 430.00 430.00
sal Wood frame
Wood cu.m 0.084 167580.00 14076.72
Shutter size: hinges nos. 6.00 24.00 144.00
1.07m * 1.982 m=2.114 sq.m. bolt_1 nos. 1.00 26.00 26.00
Hinges (Kabja) - 100 mm bolt_2 nos. 1.00 41.00 41.00
bolt _1(Chheskini) - 150 mm lock nos. 1.00 572.00 572.00
bolt _2(Chheskini) - 300 mm handle nos. 2.00 32.00 64.00
250 mm ( lock , handle, screws) Screws L.S. 10.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 21863.72
4.3 2.114 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 25143.28
Norms - 10(2) page 49 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 11893.70
In 1.5" sal frame - shutters VAT per

Skilled m.d. 9.00 650.00 5850.00

Making and fixing 4 mm thick glazed shutter using sal Wood
Unskilled m.d. 0.90 430.00 387.00
shutter of the size : 38 mm x 75 mm
Wood cu.m 0.049 167580.00 8211.42
glass sq.m. 1.085 645.60 700.48
(Shutter size: 1.829m*1.22m = 2.23 sq.m)
hinges nos. 8.00 24.00 192.00
bolts nos. 4.00 26.00 104.00
hinges (Kabja) - 100 mm handle nos. 2.00 32.00 64.00
bolts (Chheskini) - 100 mm screws L.S. 10.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 15518.90
4.4 2.23 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 17846.73
Norms - 10(4) page 50 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 8003.02
In 1.5" sal frame - 4 mm glazed VAT per

Skilled m.d. 7.00 650.00 4550.00

Making and fixing 4 mm commercial plyWood flush shutter
Unskilled m.d. 0.70 430.00 301.00
( plyWood both sides ) in 38 mm sal Wood frame.
Wood cu.m 0.0346 167580.00 5798.27
Shutter size : Plywwod sq.m. 4.65 215.20 1000.68
1.092*2.058 = 2.245 sq.m hinges nos 3.00 24.00 72.00
lock - special bolts nos 2.00 26.00 52.00
hinges - 100 mm lock nos 1.00 572.00 572.00
bolts - 150 mm screws L.S. 100.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 12445.95
4.5 2.245 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 14312.84
Norms - 10(7) page 51 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 6375.43
In 1.5"sal fr.- 3 mm plyWood shutter VAT per

Skilled m.d. 7.00 650.00 4550.00

Making and fixing 18 # CGI plain sheet flush shutters (CGI sheet Unskilled m.d. 0.70 430.00 301.00
both sides) in 38 mm sal Wood frame. Wood cu.m 0.0346 167580.00 5798.27
sheet sq.m. 4.65 451.92 2101.43
Shutter size : hinges nos 3.00 24.00 72.00
1.092*2.058 = 2.245 sq.m. bolts nos 2.00 26.00 52.00
hinges - 100 mm lock nos 1.00 572.00 572.00
bolts - 150 mm handle nos 1.00 32.00 32.00
lock - special screws L.S. 50.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 13528.70
4.6 2.245 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 15558.00
Norms - 10(9) page 52 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 6930.07
In 1.5" sal frame - GI plain sheet VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Skilled m.d. 0.06 650.00 39.00
Unskilled m.d. 0.006 430.00 2.58
Fixing mosquito proof mesh net using listi. mosquito net sq.m. 1.05 441.16 463.22
listi r.m. 4.05 12.70 51.44
nails L.S. 20.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 576.24
4.7 1 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 662.67
Norms - similar to 10(12) page 53 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 662.67
Mosquito net + listi VAT per

Skilled m.d. 0.06 650.00 39.00

Unskilled m.d. 0.006 430.00 2.58
Fixing mosquito proof mesh net with expended metal net using net sq.m. 1.05 441.16 463.22
listi sq.m. 1.05 269.00 282.45
listi r.m. 4.05 12.70 51.44
nails L.S. 20.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 858.69
4.8 1 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 987.49
Norms - similar to 10(12) page 53 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 987.49
Mosquito net + expended net+listi VAT per

Skilled m.d. 5.00 650.00 3250.00

Unskilled m.d. 0.50 430.00 215.00
Making and fixing mosquito proof wire mesh net with expended
Wood cu.m. 0.026 167580.00 4357.08
metal net flush shutter in 38 mm thick sal Wood frame.
Mosq. net sq.m. 2.13 441.16 939.67
exp. net sq.m. 2.13 269.00 572.97
Shutter size: hinges nos 3.00 24.00 72.00
1.092*2.058 = 2.245 sq.m. bolt nos 2.00 41.00 82.00
spring nos 1.00 138.00 138.00
hinges - 100 mm handle nos 2.00 32.00 64.00
bolts - 150 mm screws L.S. 50.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 9740.72
4.9 2.245 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 11201.83
Norms-10(10) page 52 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 4989.68
Mosquito net+expended net+frame VAT per

Skilled m.d. 0.06 650.00 39.00

Unskilled m.d. 0.006 430.00 2.58
Making and fixing 4 mm thick glass using necessary listi. glass sq.m. 1.00 645.60 645.60
listi r.m. 4.05 12.70 51.44
nails L.S. 20.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 758.62
4.1 1 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 872.41
Norms-10 (11.b) page 52, 53 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 872.41
4 mm glazed fixing with listi VAT per

Skilled m.d. 1.00 650.00 650.00
Concreting of foundation, vertical faces walls (cement concrete)
Unskilled m.d. 4.00 430.00 1720.00
including supply of materials and haulage distance upto 30m.
cement m.t. 0.22 12642.40 2781.33
a) P.C.C.(1:3:6) Gravel 40mm cu.m. 0.65 1948.56 1266.56
Gravel 20mm cu.m. 0.24 1983.84 476.12
sand cu.m. 0.47 1835.08 862.49
Item No. per Sub-Total 7756.50
5.1 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 8919.98

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Norms-7.2(c) page 30 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 8919.98
P.C.C. - 1:3:6 with gravel VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Skilled m.d. 1.00 650.00 650.00
Concreting of foundation, vertical faces walls (cement concrete)
Unskilled m.d. 4.00 430.00 1720.00
including supply materials and haulage distance upto 30m
cement m.t. 0.32 12642.40 4045.57
a) P.C.C.(1:2:4) Gravel 40mm cu.m. 0.52 1948.56 1013.25
Gravel 20mm cu.m. 0.22 1983.84 436.44
Gravel 10mm cu.m. 0.11 1595.76 175.53
sand cu.m. 0.445 1835.08 816.61
Item No. per Sub-Total 8857.41
5.2 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 10186.02
Norms-7.2(d) page 31 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 10186.02
P.C.C. - 1:2:4 with gravel VAT per

Skilled m.d. 0.80 650.00 520.00

Concreting works of super structure deck slabs, beams including
Unskilled m.d. 7.00 430.00 3010.00
supply of materials and haulage distance upto 30m.
cement m.t. 0.32 12642.40 4045.57
a) P.C.C. 1:2:4 Agg 40mm cu.m. 0.52 1948.56 1013.25
Agg 20mm cu.m. 0.22 1948.56 428.68
Agg 10mm cu.m. 0.11 1595.76 175.53
sand cu.m. 0.445 1835.08 816.61
Item No. per Sub-Total 10009.65
5.3a 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 11511.09
Norms-7(4.a) page 32 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 11511.09
PCC for RCC (1:2:4) with aggregate VAT per

Skilled m.d. 0.80 650.00 520.00

Concreting works of super structure deck slabs, beams including
Unskilled m.d. 7.00 430.00 3010.00
supply of materials and haulage distance upto 30m.
cement m.t. 0.32 12642.40 4045.57
a) P.C.C. 1:2:4 Gravel 40mm cu.m. 0.52 1948.56 1013.25
Gravel 20mm cu.m. 0.22 1983.84 436.44
Gravel 10mm cu.m. 0.11 1595.76 175.53
sand cu.m. 0.445 1835.08 816.61
Item No. per Sub-Total 10017.41
5.3b 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 11520.02
Norms-7(4.a) page 32 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 11520.02
PCC for RCC (1:2:4) with gravel VAT per

Skilled m.d. 0.80 650.00 520.00

Concreting works of super structure deck slabs, beams including
Unskilled m.d. 7.00 430.00 3010.00
supply of materials and haulage distance upto 30m.
cement m.t. 0.40 12642.40 5056.96
a) P.C.C. 1:1.5:3 Gravel 20mm cu.m. 0.57 1983.84 1130.79
Gravel 10mm cu.m. 0.29 1595.76 462.77
sand cu.m. 0.425 1835.08 779.91
Item No. per Sub-Total 10960.43
5.4 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 12604.49
Norms-7(4.b) page 32 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 12604.49
PCC for RCC (1:1½:3) with gravel VAT per

Skilled m.d. 12.00 650.00 7800.00

Cutting, bending, placing in position as shown in the drawing & Unskilled m.d. 12.00 430.00 5160.00
binding by MS wire of reinforcement steel bar for RCC works incl.
haulage dist. upto 30m Reinforment m.t. 1.05 73828.58 77520.01
bind.wire kg 10.00 90.32 903.20
Item No. per Sub-Total 91383.21
5.5 1000 kg Contract Rate 1.15 105090.69
Norms-7.5 page 33 Unit Rate Excluding
kg 105.09
VAT per
Prepared By Checked By Approved By
RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript.
Unit Unit
Rate Excluding Quantity U.Rate Amount
kg 105.09
Iron rod( TOR steel) for RCC VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
38 mm thick Damp Proof Course of cement concrete of the ratio Skilled m.d. 1.00 650.00 650.00
1:2:4 Unskilled m.d. 2.00 430.00 860.00
Note :- cement m.t. 0.12 12642.40 1517.09
Sieved gravel round sand cu.m. 0.17 1835.08 311.96
gravel_12mm cu.m. 0.34 1595.76 542.56
W.P.C. kg 2.88 81.00 233.28
Item No. per Sub-Total 4114.89
5.6 10 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 4732.12
Norms-18(9) page 128 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 473.21
1.5" D.P.C. (1:2:4) VAT per

75 mm thick plain cement concrete of ratio 1:2:4 with cement Skilled m.d. 1.25 650.00 812.50
punning all finish for floor Unskilled m.d. 3.00 430.00 1290.00
Note :- cement m.t. 0.26 12642.40 3287.02
Sieved gravel round sand cu.m. 0.34 1835.08 623.93
gravel 20 mm cu.m. 0.68 1983.84 1349.01
Item No. per Sub-Total 7362.46
5.7 10 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 8466.83
Norms-11(1.d) page 60 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 846.68
75mm thick P.C.C. (1:2:4) with finish VAT per

Form Works
Skilled m.d. 1.72 650.00 1118.00
Making Wooden form work for slab and floor including supply and
selection of materials fixing, nailing according to drawings, Unskilled m.d. 2.57 430.00 1105.10
applying Primer, placing separa- tors, dismantling forms and Wood cu.m. 0.066 39337.20 2586.42
hauling upto 30 m distance
Nails kg 2.50 108.00 270.00
(Salvage value after using 6 times 0.25%i.e. 0.526*0.75/6)
Item No. per Sub-Total 5079.52
5.8 10 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 5841.45
Norms-8(2.a) page 37 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 584.14
Form work for slab VAT per

Skilled m.d. 2.400 650.00 1560.00

Making Wooden form work including supply and selection of Unskilled m.d. 3.60 430.00 1548.00
materials fixing, nailing according to drawings, placing separa-
Wood cu.m. 0.066 39337.20 2586.42
tors, dismantling forms and hauling upto 30 m distance Column
height 3 - 4 m Nail kg 2.50 108.00 270.00

Item No. per Sub-Total 5964.42

5.9 10 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 6859.08
Norms-8(3.c) page 38 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 685.91
Form work for column VAT per

Skilled m.d. 4.00 650.00 2600.00

Making Wooden form work including supply and selection of
materials fixing, nailing according to drawings, placing separa- Unskilled m.d. 6.00 430.00 2580.00
tors, dismantling forms and hauling upto 30 m distance (beam Wood cu.m. 0.066 39337.20 2586.42
height upto 0.30m)
Nails kg 2.50 108.00 270.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 8036.42
5.1 10 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 9241.88
Norms-8(4.a) page 38 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 924.19
Form work for beam VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Skilled m.d. 1.10 650.00 715.00
Unskilled m.d. 1.25 430.00 537.50
26 gause C.G.I. sheet roofing works with supply of materials all CGIsheet sq.m. 12.00 401.53 4818.33
complete nutbolt nos. 30.00 2.50 75.00
J-hook nos. 25.00 10.00 250.00
bit.washer nos. 55.00 0.60 33.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 6428.83
6.1 10 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 7393.15
Norms-9(1) page 46 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 739.32
CGI sheet roofing - 26 # VAT per

Skilled m.d. 2.00 650.00 1300.00

Making ridge of 24 gauge C.G.I. plain sheet and fitting with supply Unskilled m.d. 3.00 430.00 1290.00
of materials all complete plain sheet r.m. 12.00 451.92 5423.04
nutbolt nos. 10.00 2.50 25.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 8038.04
6.2 10 r.m. Contract Rate 1.15 9243.75
Norms-9(2) page 46 Unit Rate Excluding
Rm. 924.37
CGI sheet ridge - 26 # (3' wide) VAT per

Making various types of false ceiling in sal Wood frame of size Skilled m.d. 23.00 650.00 14950.00
50mm*75mm (with 600*900 mm frame size) using 4 mm Unskilled m.d. 2.30 430.00 989.00
commercial plyWood Wood cu.m. 0.45 167580.00 75411.00
plyWood sq.m. 37.50 215.20 8070.00
Ceiling size : 9.75 x 3.65 = 35.68 sq.m.
listi, Killa L.S. 50.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 99470.00
6.3 35.68 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 114390.50
Norms-10(16.a) page 55, 56 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 3206.01
Ceiling - 3 mm plyWood VAT per

Skilled m.d. 1.076 650.00 699.40
G.I. barbed wire 12 # fencing with supply of materials and fitting
Unskilled m.d. 5.380 430.00 2313.40
all complete
barb.wire Rm 110.00 12.48 1372.64
1kg = 7m Nails L.S. 50.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 4435.44
7.1 100 m Contract Rate 1.15 5100.76
Norms-24(6) page 164 Unit Rate Excluding
Rm. 51.01
Barbed wire 12# fencing VAT per

Supply, fixing and fitting of MS grill with painting over Primer grill kg 1.000 112.88 112.88
all complete
Item No. per Sub-Total 112.88
7.2 1 kg Contract Rate 1.15 129.81
Unit Rate Excluding
kg 129.81
MS grill with painting with Primer VAT per

Supply, fixing and fitting iron angle with painting over Primer all Ms angle kg 1.000 112.88 112.88
Item No. per Sub-Total 112.88
7.3 1 kg Contract Rate 1.15 129.81
Unit Rate Excluding
kg 129.81
Iron angle with painting over Primer VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Skilled m.d. 15.00 650.00 9750.00
12.5 mm thick cement sand plastering works in ceiling
Unskilled m.d. 20.00 430.00 8600.00
a) Cement sand ratio - 1:3 cement m.t. 0.625 12642.40 7901.50
sand cu.m 1.28 1835.08 2348.90
Item No. per Sub-Total 28600.40
8.1 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 32890.46
Norms-12(1.b) page 67 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 328.90
12.5mm cem. plaster in c.m. - 1:3 ceiling VAT per

12.5 mm thick cement sand plastering works Skilled m.d. 12.00 650.00 7800.00
Unskilled m.d. 16.00 430.00 6880.00
a) Cement sand ratio - 1:4 cement m.t. 0.538 12642.40 6801.61
sand cu.m 1.46 1835.08 2679.22
Item No. per Sub-Total 24160.83
8.2 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 27784.95
Norms-12(1.c) page 67 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 277.85
12.5mm cement plaster in c.m. - 1:4 VAT per

12.5 mm thick cement sand plastering works Skilled m.d. 12.00 650.00 7800.00
Unskilled m.d. 16.00 430.00 6880.00
a) Cement sand ratio - 1:6 cement m.t. 0.382 12642.40 4829.40
sand cu.m 1.57 1835.08 2881.08
Item No. per Sub-Total 22390.47
8.3 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 25749.04
Norms-12(1.d) page 67 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 257.49
1/2" cement plaster in c.m. - 1:6 VAT per

20 mm thick cement sand plastering works Skilled m.d. 14.00 650.00 9100.00
Unskilled m.d. 19.00 430.00 8170.00
a) Cement sand ratio - 1:3 cement m.t. 0.960 12642.40 12136.70
sand cu.m 1.95 1835.08 3578.41
Item No. per Sub-Total 32985.11
8.4 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 37932.88
Norms-12(4.a) page 68 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 379.33
20 mm cement plaster in c.m. - 1:3 VAT per

Flush cement pointing works in cement sand ratio 1:3 Skilled m.d. 10.50 650.00 6825.00
Unskilled m.d. 12.00 430.00 5160.00
a) In brick masonry cement m.t. 0.155 12642.40 1959.57
sand cu.m 0.32 1835.08 587.23
Item No. per Sub-Total 14531.80
8.5 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 16711.57
Norms-14(1.c) page 74 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 167.12
Flush cement pointing 1:3 - in brick wall VAT per

Skilled m.d. 10.50 650.00 6825.00

Ruled cement pointing works in cement sand ratio 1:3
Unskilled m.d. 18.00 430.00 7740.00
a) In brick masonry cement m.t. 0.155 12642.40 1959.57
sand cu.m 0.32 1835.08 587.23
Item No. per Sub-Total 17111.80
8.6 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 19678.57
Norms-14(1.c) page 74 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 196.79
VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript.
Unit Unit
Rate Excluding Quantity U.Rate Amount
sq.m. 196.79
Ruled cement pointing 1:3 - in brick VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Skilled m.d. 10.00 650.00 6500.00
Flush ruled pointing works in cement sand ratio 1:3
Unskilled m.d. 14.00 430.00 6020.00
a) In stone masonry cement m.t. 0.306 12642.40 3868.57
sand cu.m 0.630 1835.08 1156.10
Item No. per Sub-Total 17544.67
8.7 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 20176.38
Norms-14(2.c) page 75 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 201.76
Flush cement pointing 1:3 - in stone VAT per

Skilled m.d. 1.00 650.00 650.00

3 mm thick fine cement rubbing works Unskilled m.d. 1.00 430.00 430.00
cement kg 53.20 12.64 672.58
Item No. per Sub-Total 1752.58
8.8 10 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 2015.46
Norms-11(20) page 66 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 201.55
3mm cement punning VAT per

Skilled m.d. 13.00 650.00 8450.00

Porcelain glazed tile (wall) in 1:4 cement sand mortar Unskilled m.d. 4.50 430.00 1935.00
tile sq.m 11.00 505.72 5562.92
Note:- cement m.t. 0.056 12642.40 707.97
tile- porcelain glazed tile 4" x 4" sand cu.m 0.152 1835.08 278.93
wh.cement kg 3.228 21.24 68.57
Item No. per Sub-Total 17003.40
8.9a 10 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 19553.91
Norms-11(7) page 63 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 1955.39
Porcelain glazed tile in 1:4 (wall) VAT per

Skilled m.d. 13.00 650.00 8450.00

Porcelain glazed tile(Floor) in 1:4 cement sand mortar Unskilled m.d. 4.50 430.00 1935.00
Tile sq.m 11.00 645.60 7101.60
Note:- cement m.t. 0.056 12642.40 707.97
tile- porcelain glazed tile 4" x 4" sand cu.m 0.152 1835.08 278.93
wh.cement kg 3.228 21.24 68.57
Item No. per Sub-Total 18542.08
8.9b 10 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 21323.39
Norms-11(7) page 63 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 2132.34
Porcelain glazed tile in 1:4 (Floor) VAT per

Skilled m.d. 1.875 650.00 1218.75
2 coat white washing with gum in new surface
Unskilled m.d. 1.375 430.00 591.25
a) in ceiling Chuna kg 22.00 16.00 352.00
Gum Adhesive kg 0.88 126.00 110.88
Item No. per Sub-Total 2272.88
9.1 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 2613.81
Norms-13(1.b) page 70 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 26.14
2 coat white washing a) in ceiling VAT per

Skilled m.d. 1.50 650.00 975.00

2 coat white washing with gum in new surface
Unskilled m.d. 1.10 430.00 473.00
a) in wall Chuna kg 22.00 16.00 352.00
Gum Adhesive kg 0.88 126.00 110.88

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Item No. per Sub-Total 1910.88
9.2 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 2197.51
Norms-13(1.b) page 70 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 21.98
2 coat white washing in wall VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Skilled m.d. 3.50 650.00 2275.00
Water proof cement paint (Snowcem) application
Unskilled m.d. 3.50 430.00 1505.00
a) in one coat Snowcem kg 30.00 47.00 1410.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 5190.00
9.3 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 5968.50
Norms-13(12.a) page 72 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 59.69
1 coat Snowcem painting VAT per

Skilled m.d. 6.50 650.00 4225.00

Water proof cement paint (Snowcem) application
Unskilled m.d. 6.50 430.00 2795.00
a) in 2 coats Snowcem kg 50.00 47.00 2350.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 9370.00
9.4 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 10775.50
Norms-13(12a,b) page 73 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 107.76
2 coats Snowcem painting VAT per

Skilled m.d. 8.00 650.00 5200.00

Prepared Enamel paint application in addition to one base or lining
Unskilled m.d. 5.00 430.00 2150.00
coat (Primer)
Primer litre 8.10 263.00 2130.30
a) in one coat Enamel litre 9.00 446.00 4014.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 13494.30
9.5 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 15518.45
Norms-13(5a,b) page 117 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 155.18
1 coat Enamel painting VAT per

Skilled m.d. 12.00 650.00 7800.00

Prepared Enamel paint application in addition to one base or lining
Unskilled m.d. 8.00 430.00 3440.00
coat (Primer)
Primer litre 8.10 263.00 2130.30
a) in 2 coats Enamel litre 16.00 446.00 7136.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 20506.30
9.6 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 23582.25
Norms-13(5) page 71 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 235.82
2 coats Enamel painting VAT per

Skilled m.d. 10.75 650.00 6987.50

Prepared alluminium paint application work Unskilled m.d. 10.75 430.00 4622.50
Primer litre 8.10 263.00 2130.30
a) in 2 coats Alum. Paint litre 10.76 473.00 5089.48
Sand paper nos. 4.00 5.00 20.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 18849.78
9.7 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 21677.25
Norms-13(6) page 71 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 216.77
2 coats Alum. Painting VAT per


plumber m.d. 0.50 650.00 325.00
Helper m.d. 1.00 430.00 430.00
15mm (0.5") dia. G.I. Pipe ('B' class) laying including fixing and Unskilled m.d. 1.00 430.00 430.00
fitting Read Lead 0.10 of Unskilled 43.00
Miscellaneous 0.025 of Unskilled 10.75
Pipe r.m. 30.00 133.00 3990.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 5228.75
10.1 30 r.m. Contract Rate 1.15 6013.06
Norms-17(4.a.1) page 123 Unit Rate Excluding
Rm. 200.44
VAT per
Prepared By Checked By Approved By
RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript.
Unit Unit
Rate Excluding Quantity U.Rate Amount
Rm. 200.44
½" dia. G.I. Pipe ('B' class) laying VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
plumber m.d. 0.50 650.00 325.00
Helper m.d. 1.00 430.00 430.00
20mm (3/4") dia. G.I. Pipe ('B' class) laying including fixing and Unskilled m.d. 1.00 430.00 430.00
fitting Read Lead 0.10 of Unskilled 43.00
Miscellaneous 0.025 of Unskilled 10.75
Pipe r.m. 30.00 170.00 5100.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 6338.75
10.2 30 r.m. Contract Rate 1.15 7289.56
Norms-17(4.a.1) page 122 Unit Rate Excluding
Rm. 242.99
3/4" dia. G.I. Pipe laying VAT per

plumber m.d. 0.50 650.00 325.00

Helper m.d. 1.50 430.00 645.00
25mm (1") dia. G.I. Pipe ('B' class) laying including fixing and Unskilled m.d. 1.50 430.00 645.00
fitting Read Lead 0.10 of Unskilled 64.50
Miscellaneous 0.025 of Unskilled 16.13
Pipe r.m. 30.00 258.00 7740.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 9435.63
10.3 30 r.m. Contract Rate 1.15 10850.97
Norms-17(4.a.2) page 180 Unit Rate Excluding
Rm. 361.70
1" dia. G.I. Pipe laying VAT per

plumber m.d. 1.00 650.00 650.00

Helper m.d. 1.00 430.00 430.00
20mm (1/2") dia. HDPE Pipe laying with butt welded joints
Unskilled m.d. 2.00 430.00 860.00
including fittings wt (Kg) per rm( 10 kg/Sq.m.) 0.134
Fuel litre 0.25 70.80 17.70
Pipe r.m. 1000.00 30.55 30552.00
Miscellaneous 2.51% of Unskilled 21.59
Item No. per Sub-Total 32531.29
10.4 1000 r.m. Contract Rate 1.15 37410.98
Norms-17(2.a.1) page 120 Unit Rate Excluding
Rm. 37.41
1/2"dia.H.D.P. Pipe laying VAT per

110mm (4") dia. HDPE Pipe laying with butt welded joints plumber m.d. 1.50 650.00 975.00
including fittings Helper m.d. 1.50 430.00 645.00
4 kg/Sq.m. ( 1.703 Kg/m) Unskilled m.d. 3.00 430.00 1290.00
6 Kg/Sq.m. (2.454 Kg/m) Fuel litre 0.50 70.80 35.40
10 Kg/Sq.m. ( 3.801 Kg/m) Pipe r.m. 50.00 388.28 19414.20
Miscellaneous 2.51% of Unskilled 32.38
Item No. per Sub-Total 22391.98
10.5 50 r.m. Contract Rate 1.15 25750.77
Norms-17(2.b.2) page 120 Unit Rate Excluding
Rm. 515.02
4"dia.H.D.P. Pipe laying VAT per

Plumber m.d. 2.00 650.00 1300.00

Helper m.d. 2.00 430.00 860.00
Unskilled m.d. 4.00 430.00 1720.00
225mm dia. HDP Pipe laying, fitting and fixing all complete
Equipment days 2.00 100.00 200.00
Fuel litre 1.00 70.80 70.80
Miscellaneous 2.51% of labor 43.17 8.33
Item No. per Sub-Total 4159.13
10.6 50 r.m. Contract Rate 1.15 4783.00
Norms-17(2) page 178 Unit Rate Excluding
Rm. 95.66
225mm dia.HDP Pipe laying and fixing VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Unskilled m.d. 0.108 430.00 46.44
Dismantling cement or mortared plaster and removing materials
upto 10 m away from the site

Item No. per Sub-Total 46.44

11.1 1 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 53.41
Norms-19(5) page 130 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 53.41
Dismantling : cement plaster VAT per

Unskilled m.d. 1.06 430.00 455.80

Dismantling mud mortared masonry wall and removing materials
upto 10 m away from the site

Item No. per Sub-Total 455.80

11.2 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 524.17
Norms-19(1) page 130 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 524.17
Demolishing : wall in mud VAT per

Unskilled m.d. 2.12 430.00 911.60

Dismantling cement mortared masonry wall and removing
materials upto 10 m away from

Item No. per Sub-Total 911.60

11.3 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 1048.34
Norms-19(2) page 130 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 1048.34
Dismantling: wall in cement mortar VAT per

Unskilled m.d. 4.00 430.00 1720.00

Dismantling P.C.C. or mortared concrete and removing materials
upto 10 m away from the site

Item No. per Sub-Total 1720.00

11.4 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 1978.00
Norms-19(4) page 130 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 1978.00
Dismanling : P.C.C. VAT per

Unskilled m.d. 11.00 430.00 4730.00

Dismanling R.C.C. or R.B.C. works and removing materials upto
10 m away from the site

Item No. per Sub-Total 4730.00

11.5 1 cu.m. Contract Rate 1.15 5439.50
Norms-19(3) page 130 Unit Rate Excluding
cu.m. 5439.50
Dismanling : R.C.C. VAT per

Skilled m.d. 0.054 650.00 35.10

Dismantling of tile (slate) roofing work including removing, upto Unskilled m.d. 0.081 430.00 34.83
10m and stacking in proper place

Item No. per Sub-Total 69.93

11.6 1 Sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 80.42
Norms - 2041 Item 19(6) (Page130) Unit Rate Excluding
Sq.m. 80.42
Dismanling of tile(slate) roofing VAT per

Skilled m.d. 1.43 650.00 929.50
Unskilled m.d. 0.143 430.00 61.49
25mm th. SalWood Eaves board work
Wood m3 0.275 167580.00 46084.50
Killa L.S. 50.00

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Item No. per Sub-Total 47125.49
12.1 10 Sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 54194.31
Norms - 2041 Item 10.19 (Page 56) Unit Rate Excluding
Sq.m. 5419.43
25mm th. SalWood Eaves board work VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount

Skilled m.d. 0.108 650.00 70.20

Changing of old damaged plyWood & re-fixing 4mm
Unskilled m.d. 0.011 430.00 4.73
th.commercial plyWood in door all complete
PlyWood sq.m. 1.05 215.20 225.96
additional for Lock replacing per no Skilled md 0.67

add as per case

additional for handle replacing per no Skilled md 0.10
additional for bolt replacing per no Skilled md 0.04
additional for spring fitting per no Skilled md 0.10
Nails L.S.
Item No. per Sub-Total 300.89
12.20 1 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 346.02
Norms - 10(20.c) page 57 Unit Rate Excluding
sq.m. 346.02
In 1.5"sal fr.- 4mm plyw. shutter replace VAT per

Skilled m.d. 20.00 650.00 13000.00

Supply, Cutting and Fixing Reinforecement ( 16-20 mm) bars for
Unskilled m.d. 20.00 430.00 8600.00
Window Chaukhats
Rebars m.t. 1.05 73828.58 77520.01
Item No. per Sub-Total 99120.01
12.3 1000 kg Contract Rate 1.15 113988.01
Norms-10.21 page 58 Unit Rate Excluding
kg 113.99
Reinforcement for Window Chaukhats VAT per

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Fedaral Affairs & Local Development
Office of District Development Committee
District Technical Office

Analysis of Rates

FY 072/73
?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

1 O{^f -("jfgL ;d]t_

1.01 k|yd >])fL k|lt xhf/ 12800
1.02 /lj; k|lt ^«s 2450
1.03 d]l;g d]* 65×120×240MM sf]/]sf] k|lt xhf/ 11947
1.04 d]l;g d]* 65×120×240MM Four side finishing k|lt xhf/ 12390
1.05 d]l;g d]* 55×120×240MM sf]/]sf] k|lt xhf/ 11947
1.06 d]l;g d]* 55×120×240MM Four side finishing k|lt xhf/ 12832
s+lqm^ O{^f / O{G^/ns
1.07 slqm^ O{^f (220mmX110mmX65mm) k|lt uf]^f 11.50
1.08 60 dL=dL= df]^fO{sf] O{G^/ns (laleGg :ffO{hsf]) ;fbf k|lt au{ dL= 594.00
1.09 60 dL=dL= df]^fO{sf] O{G^/ns (laleGg :ffO{hsf]) /lég k|lt au{ dL= 693.00
1.10 80 dL=dL= df]^fO{sf] O{G^/ns (laleGg :ffO{hsf]) ;fbf k|lt au{ dL= 693.00
1.11 80 dL=dL= df]^fO{sf] O{G^/ns (laleGg :ffO{hsf]) /lég k|lt au{ dL= 770.00
1.12 k|yd >])fL O{^fsf] ^'qmf -175 #=lkm=sf] ^«s_ k|lt ^«s 8316.00
2 ('+uf
2.01 w'nf] k|lt #=lkm=
2.02 af]N*/ k|lt #=lkm=
3 df^f]
3.01 a'^jndf k|lt ^«s 2200
3.02 l;=g=kf=df k|lt ^«s 1800
3.03 cGo If]qdf k|lt ^«s 1100
4 lu§L
4.01 rfn]sf] kvfn]sf] -km]S^«Ldf_ 20 Pd=Pd= k|lt #=lkm= 46
4.02 rfn]sf] kvfn]sf] -km]S^«Ldf_ 40 Pd=Pd= k|lt #=lkm= 45
4.03 tf]*]sf] -km]S^«Ldf_ 20 Pd=Pd= k|lt #=lkm= 45
4.04 tf]*]sf] -km]S^«Ldf_ 40 Pd=Pd= k|lt #=lkm= 45
lh/f -lrK; dl;gf]_
4.05 rfn]sf] kvfn]sf] -km]S^«Ldf_ 10 Pd=Pd= k|lt #=lkm= 35
4.06 tf]*]sf] -km]S^«Ldf_ 10 Pd=Pd= k|lt #=lkm= 35
5 afn"jf
5.01 v;|f] afn"jf k|lt #=lkm= –
5.02 afn"jf nf]sn k|lt #=lkm= 20
5.03 afn"jf kvfn]sf] -km]S^«Ldf_ k|lt #=lkm= 45
6 sf&
6.01 ;fn sf& k|lt #=lkm= 4750
6.02 l;;}f sf& k|lt #=lkm= 2500
6.03 s'sf& k|lt #=lkm= 1115
6.04 bfp/f k|lt s]=hL= 11.50
7 af+; -7 ld^/ #gf_
7.01 uf=la=;= If]qdf k|lt #gf 190
7.02 g=kf= If]qdf k|lt #gf 250
8 hn pTkGg k|sf]k lgoGq)f

gfO{ng hfln -3m x 1m x 1m), wire dia 4mm, mesh size 150×150mm rectangular
8.01 k|lt uf]^f 1325.00
gfO{ng *f]/L k|lt s]=hL= 200.00
8.02 af; uf*\g] sfo{ -kfO{lnª_ k|lt uf]^f 4.00
8.03 a'g]sf] tf/ hfnL ('jfgL -lkr ;*s_ k|lt hfnL÷ls=dL= 1.75
8.04 a'g]sf] tf/ hfnL ('jfgL -u|fe]n, slRr ;*sdf_ k|lt hfnL÷ls=dL= 2.30

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

8.05 tf/ hfnL nf]* cgnf]l*é k|lt hfnL 8.00

d]lzgd]* tf/ hfnL-Mesh type 10cm*12cm,mesh wire 3 mm dia,selvedge

wire 3.9 mm dia,Lacing wire 2.4 mm dia,Heavy Zinc Coating)
8.06 Box Size (2m*1m*0.5m) k|lt hfnL 1926
8.07 Box Size (3m*1m*0.5m) k|lt hfnL 2749
8.08 Box Size (2m*1m*1m) k|lt hfnL 2735
8.09 Box Size (3m*1m*1m) k|lt hfnL 3881
8.1 Box Size (3m*1.5m*0.5m) k|lt hfnL 4038
8.11 Box Size (3m*1.5m*1m) k|lt hfnL 5686
9 l;d]G^ -50 s]=hL=_ NS / ISI
9.01 lk=lk=;L= g]kfnL k|lt af]/f 525
9.02 lk=lk=;L= ef/lto k|lt af]/f 612
9.03 cf]=lk=l;= g]kfnL k|lt af]/f 620
9.04 cf]=lk=l;= ef/lto k|lt af]/f 645
9.05 ;]tf] l;d]G^ -40 s]=hL= af]/f_ k|lt af]/f 840
9.06 l;lnsf l;d]G^ P*ldSZfr/ k|lt s]=lh= 315
9.07 l;d]G^ nf]* jf cgnf]* Hofnf -50 s]=hL= af]/f_ k|lt af]/f 4.00
10 kmnfd] %* -Pg=P;=_
10.01 4=75 b]vL 8=00 ld=ld= ;Dd k|lt s]=hL= 75
10.02 10, 12, 16, 20 ld=ld= ;Dd k|lt s]=hL= 72
10.03 25 ld=ld= b]vL dfyL 32 ld=ld= ;Dd k|lt s]=hL= 74
11 Pd= P;= sf]nfK;Ljn ;^/ lkml^é ;xLt k|lt s]=hL= 120
12 Pd= P;= /f]nLª ;^/ 18 u]h lkml^é ;xLt k|lt s]=hL= 120
13 Pd=P;= u|Ln lkml^é ;xLt k|lt s]=hL= 110
14 sf+*+] tf/ 12 u]h k|lt s]=hL= 87
15 Pd=P;= afWg] tf/ k|lt s]=hL= 90
16 lh=cfO{= u]ljog afo/
16.01 x]eL sf]^]* k|lt s]=hL= 90
16.02 d]l*od sf]^]* k|lt s]=hL= 86
16.03 sdl;{on k|lt s]=hL= 82
17 Pd= P;= P+én ISI k|lt s]=hL= 75
18 Pd= P;= ANofs xnf] ;]S;g -Pg=P;=_ k|lt s]=hL= 75
19 Pd= P;= l;^ k|lt s]=hL= 70
ANofs kfO{ksf] ^«;, knL{g, /fkm\^/ tyf kf]i^ cflb kmnfd] ;fdu|Lx?sf]
20 km]la|s]zg tyf h*fg sfo{ Hofnf k|lt s]=hL= 45
21 sAhf ;fwf/)f (ISI)
21.01 4 " nfdf] k|lt uf]^f 21
21.02 6 " nfdf] k|lt uf]^f 47
22 l%:sLgL ;fwf/)f (ISI)
22.01 4 " nfdf] k|lt uf]^f 26
22.02 6 " nfdf] k|lt uf]^f 41
22.03 12 " nfdf] k|lt uf]^f 64
23 df]l^{; ns ldl*od ( ISI ) k|lt uf]^f 572
24 x]G*n ( ISI )
24.01 kmnfd] 6 " k|lt uf]^f 26
24.02 cfNd'lgod 6 " k|lt uf]^f 32
24.03 cfNd'lgod 12 " k|lt uf]^f 75

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

24.04 (f]sfsf] /f]ng k|lt uf]^f 143

24.05 *f]/ :kL|é k|lt uf]^f 138
24.06 lsnf sf+^L k|lt s]=hL= 108
24.07 g^ af]N^ jf;/ ;xLt k|lt s]=hL= 160
25 lh=cfO{=g]^, dR%/ hfnL
25.01 ef/lto k|lt a=lkm= 41
25.02 PS;k]G*]* -x]eL_ k|lt a=lkm= 25
25.03 s'v'/] hfnL k|lt a=lkm= 14
26 l;=lh=cfO{=l;^ -;fbf_
26.01 24 u]h x]le -0=52 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 9106
26.02 24 u]h d]l*od -0=50 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 7982
26.03 26 u]h x]le -0=41 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 7372
26.04 26 u]h ldl*od -0=38 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 6717
26.05 26 u]h nfO{^ -0=35 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 6425
26.06 28 u]h x]le -0=31 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 5796
26.07 28 u]h ldl*od -0=28 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 5292
26.08 28 u]h nfO{^ -0=26 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 4973
26.09 30 u]h x]le -0=24 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 4761
l;=lh=cfO{=l;^ -/éLg_
26.10 24 u]h x]le -0=52 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 10920
26.11 24 u]h d]l*od -0=50 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 10566
26.12 26 u]h x]le - 0=41 Pd=Pd= _ k|lt a)*n 9071
26.13 26 u]h ldl*od -0=38 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 8381
26.14 26 u]h nfO{^ -0=35 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 7982
26.15 28 u]h x]le -0=31 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 7230
26.16 28 u]h ldl*od -0=28 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 6717
26.17 28 u]h nfO{^ -0=26 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 6363
26.18 30 u]h x]le -0=24 Pd=Pd=_ k|lt a)*n 6044
Kn]g l;^
26.19 26 u]h x]eL -0.40 Pd=Pd_ /+lug k|lt a=lkm= 41
26.20 24 u]h ldl*od -0.5 Pd=Pd_ /+uLg k|lt a=lkm= 49
26.21 26 u]h x]eL -0.40 Pd=Pd_ ;fbf k|lt a=lkm= 34
26.22 24 u]h ldl*od -0.5 Pd=Pd_ ;fbf k|lt a=lkm= 42
27 ^f/ km]N^ -lj^'ldg l;^_ k|lt a=lkm= 11
28 ;L;f ;fwf/)f -cfO{=P;=cfO{=_
28.01 3 Pd=Pd= k|lt j=lkm 50.00
28.02 4 Pd=Pd= k|lt j=lkm 60
28.03 5 Pd=Pd= k|lt j=lkm 80
29 KnfOpm* sdl;{on
29.01 3 Pd=Pd= df]^fO{ k|lt j=lkm 16
29.02 4 Pd=Pd= df]^fO{ k|lt j=lkm 20
29.03 6 Pd=Pd= df]^fO{ k|lt j=lkm 32
29.04 10 Pd=Pd= df]^fO{ jf^/k|"km (Shikhar or Equivalant) k|lt j=lkm 85
29.05 12 Pd=Pd= df]^fO{ jf^/k|"km (Shikhar or Equivalant) k|lt j=lkm 94
29.06 19 Pd=Pd= df]^fO{ ;fwf/)F (Shikhar or Equivalant) k|lt j=lkm 108
29.07 19 Pd=Pd= df]^fO{ jf^/k|"km (Shikhar or Equivalant) k|lt j=lkm 137
30 Pd=Pd= df]^fO{ tof/L KnfO{pm* *f]/ ;^/
29.08 ;fwf/)f k|lt j=lkm 210

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

29.09 b"O{ ;fO{* ;fbf jf^/ k|"km (Shikhar or Equivalant) k|lt j=lkm 240

29.10 Ps ;fO{* l^s÷csf]{ ;fO{* ;fbf jf^/ k|"km (Shikhar or Equivalant) k|lt j=lkm 288
29.11 b"O{ ;fO{* l^s (Shikhar or Equivalant) k|lt j=lkm 328
l^s KnfO{
29.11 4 Pd=Pd= k|lt j=lkm 31
29.12 6 Pd=Pd= k|lt j=lkm 59
29.13 9 Pd=Pd= k|lt j=lkm 91
29.14 12 Pd=Pd= k|lt j=lkm 112
30 lh=cfO{=kfO{k -Pg=P;_
30.01 0.5 " *f= ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 133
30.02 0.75 " *f= ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 170
30.03 1 " *f= ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 258
30.04 1.25 " *f= ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 337
30.05 1.5 " *f= ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 387
30.06 2 " *f= ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 532
30.07 2.5 " *f= ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 678
30.08 3 " *f= ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 845
30.09 4 " *f= ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 1265
30.10 5 " *f= ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 1653
30.11 6 " *f= ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 2000
30.12 3 " *f= x]eL k|lt /=dL= 968
30.13 4 " *f= x]Elf k|lt /=dL= 1465
30.14 5 " *f= x]eL k|lt /=dL= 1885
30.15 6 " *f= x]eL k|lt /=dL= 2133
31 l;=lk=le=l;= kfO{k (ASTMD-2846)
31.01 0.5 " *f= SDR 11 k|lt /=dL= 182
31.02 0.75 " *f= SDR 11 k|lt /=dL= 260
31.03 1 " *f= SDR 11 k|lt /=dL= 387
32 Pd=P;= ANofs kfO{k -Pg=P;=_
32.01 0.50" *fold^/ ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 87
32.02 0.75" *fold^/ ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 112
32.03 1 " *fold^/ ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 175
32.04 1.25" *fold^/ ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 217
32.05 1.5" *fold^/ ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 251
32.06 2" *fold^/ ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 341
32.07 2.5" *fold^/ ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 443
32.08 3" *fold^/ ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 546
32.09 4" *fold^/ ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 859
32.10 5" *fold^/ ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 1095
32.11 6" *fold^/ ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 1300
32.12 8" *fold^/ ldl*od k|lt /=dL= 2319
32.13 4" *fold^/ x]eL k|lt /=dL= 1003
32.14 5" *fold^/ x]eL k|lt /=dL= 1267
32.15 6" *fold^/ x]eL k|lt /=dL= 1500
32.16 8" *fold^/ x]eL k|lt /=dL= 2919
32 o""=lk=eL=;L= kfO{k -Pg=P;=_ k|lt s]=hL= 173
33 Pr= l*= lk= kfO{k -Pg=P;=_ k|lt s]=hL= 228

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

34 x|o"d kfO{k Pg=lk= 3 Snf;

34.01 15 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 1870
34.02 20 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 2310
34.03 25 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 2805
34.04 30 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 3190
34.05 35 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 3575
34.06 40 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 4070
34.07 45 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 4675
34.08 50 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 5225
34.09 60 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 6270
34.1 70 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 7920
34.11 75 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 9020
34.12 80 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 10120
34.13 90 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 11495
34.14 100 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 12760
34.15 120 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 14960
34.16 150 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 22000
Xo"d kfO{k Pg=lk= 2 Snf;
34.17 15 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 688
34.18 20 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 825
34.19 25 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 935
34.20 30 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 1100
34.22 40 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 1815
34.23 45 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 2145
34.24 50 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 2255
34.25 60 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 3630
34.26 70 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 3850
34.27 75 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 4290
34.28 80 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 4730
34.29 90 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 5610
34.30 100 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 6710
34.31 120 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 7590
34.32 150 ;]=dL= *fold^/ k|lt /=dL= 12540
34.33 x\o"d kfO{k sn/ -;s]^_ k|lt uf]^f
35 ;*s ;DjlGw
35.01 Geotextile Polypropylene Nonwoven (TS-30 equivalent) k|lt j=dL= 95.00
35.02 cnsqf 80÷100 u|]* -("jflg jfx]s_ k|lt s]=hL= 75.00
35.03 cnsqf 60÷70 u|]* -("jflg jfx]s_ k|lt s]=hL= -
35.04 O{dN;g Medium Setting with 65% Bitumen (M/S 65%) k|lt s]=hL= 68.15
35.05 PlG^ l:^«lkª Pl*l^E; k|lt s]=hL= 320.00
35.06 Retrorective Delineator (900 mm height,50 mm dia.) k|lt uf]^f 766.00
35.07 Thermoplastic Paint k|lt s]=hL= 249.00
35.08 Glass Bit k|lt s]=hL= 242.00
35.09 Reflective Sheet(150 ft*2") k|lt /f]n 5420.00

35.10 Cats Eye k|lt uf]^f 596.00

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

35.11 Solar Lead Street Light (Single Arm) with 12 watt Lead Battery k|lt uf]^f 86720.00
35.12 Solar Lead Street Light (Single Arm) with 12 watt * 2 Lead Battery k|lt uf]^f 114904.00
36 Kofg sdf]* / l;:^g{
36.01 Kofg kf];L{lng Un]H* 16 " x 22 " ;fwf/)f k|lt ;]^ 600
36.02 Kofg kf];L{lng Un]H* 16 " x 22 " -k]l/, lxGb jf ;f] ;/x_ k|lt ;]^ 1500
36.03 sdf]* Un]H* ;fwf/)f -se/ ;xLt_ k|lt ;]^ 3000
36.04 sdf]* Un]H* -se/ ;xLt_ -k]l/, lxGb jf ;f] ;/x_ k|lt uf]^f 3250
36.05 l;:^{g sDKnL^ ;]^ -lk=le=;L=_ l;+un kmn; k|lt uf]^f 1200
36.06 l;:^{g sDKnL^ ;]^ -lk=le=;L=_ *jn kmn; k|lt uf]^f 1500
37 o'/Lgn Un]H*
37.01 k'?if 9 " Flat Back k|lt uf]^f 950
37.02 k'?if Nano k|lt uf]^f 1200
37.03 kf]/l;lng Un]H* o"l/gn kfl^{zg k|lt uf]^f 1200
37.04 dlxnf 9 " k|lt uf]^f 1000
38 jf; a];Lg
38.01 12 " x 18 " Un]H* k|lt uf]^f 800
38.02 16 " x 22 " Un]H* k|lt uf]^f 950
38.03 Wash basin pedestal k|lt ;]^ 1100
39 lsr]g l;+s 0
39.01 :^Ln ( 16" x 18" ) k|lt uf]^f 1250
39.02 :^Ln ( 24" x 18" ) k|lt uf]^f 1600
39.03 :^Ln ( 37" x 18" ) k|lt uf]^f 2150
40 ^fon 0
40.01 km\nf]/ ^fon -ef/lto_ k|lt a=lkm= 60
40.02 km]G;L ^fon l*lh^n -ef/lto_ k|lt a=lkm= 90
40.03 ;fwf/)f jfn ^fon -ef/lto_ k|lt a=lkm= 47
41 dfa{n 0
41.01 dfa{n ;fwf/)f -13 b]vL 15 dLdL df]^fO{_ k|lt a=lkm= 140
41.02 dfa{n u|]gfO{^ /fh:yfgL -25 dLdL df]^fO{_ k|lt a=lkm= 280
41.03 dfa{n u|]gfO{^ a}+unf]/ -25 dLdL df]^fO{_ k|lt a=lkm= 350
41.04 dfa{n lrK; s]=hL= 13
41.05 dfa{n kfp*/ s]=hL= 10
42 km]G;L ^fjn /*
42.01 x]eL ;fO{h -2 lkm^_ k|lt uf]^f 440
42.02 ;fwf/)f -1=5 lkm^_ k|lt uf]^f 220
43 ;f]k s]; ;fwf/)f k|lt uf]^f 125
44 ;fj/ l^N^]é 3.5 " *fold^/ k|lt uf]^f 460
45 km]G;L P]gf 16 "x 22" k|lt uf]^f 440
46 wf/f tyf cGo
46.01 /fd|f] a|f; -400 u|fd_ k|lt uf]^f 500
46.02 /fd|f] a|f; -200 u|fd_ k|lt uf]^f 275
46.03 Ordinary type C.P. Bibcock 15 mm dia. k|lt uf]^f 525
46.04 Ordinary type C.P.angle valve 15 mm dia. k|lt uf]^f 525
46.05 60 cm.C.P. Glass Shelf k|lt uf]^f 525
47 u]^ eNa -ug d]^n_ cfO{=P;=cfO{=÷Pg=P;=
47.01 0.5 " *fold^/ k|lt uf]^f 420
47.02 0.75" *fold^/ k|lt uf]^f 525
47.03 1 " *fold^/ k|lt uf]^f 840

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

47.04 1.5 " *fold^/ k|lt uf]^f 1470

48 rfkfsn x]* 4 g+=
48.01 ;fwf/)f g]kfnL k|lt uf]^f 1800
rfkfsn x]* 6 g+=
48.02 o'lg;]km df]*]n k|lt uf]^f 6300
48.03 23 s]=hL= x]* k|lt uf]^f 3150
48.04 21 s]=hL= x]* k|lt uf]^f 2950
48.05 ;fwf/)f 14 s]=hL= k|lt uf]^f 1980
49 kfgL tfGg] d];Lg -cfO{=P;=cfO{=_
49.01 0=5 xif{kfj/ -l;+un km]h_ ef/tLo k|lt uf]^f 4725
49.02 1=0 xif{kfj/ -l;+un km]h_ ef/tLo k|lt uf]^f 8243
49.03 0=5 xif{kfj/ -l;+un km]h_ rfO{gLh k|lt uf]^f 2048
49.04 1=0 xif{kfj/ -l;+un km]h_ rfO{gLh k|lt uf]^f 3098
49.05 1=5 xif{kfj/ -l;+un km}h_ ;jdl;{jn rfO{gLh k|lt uf]^f 9975
49.06 1=5 xif{kfj/ -l;+un km}h_ ;jdl;{jn ef/tLo k|lt uf]^f 24885
50 vfg]kfgL ^\ofG°
50.01 kf]lnlyg kfgL ^\ofG° ;fwf/)f k|lt ln^/ 8
50.02 kf]lnlyg kfgL ^\ofG° Pg=P;= k|lt ln^/ 10
50.03 :^]gn]; :^Ln kfgL ^\ofGs 500 ln= k|lt ln^/ 27
50.04 :^]gn]; :^Ln kfgL ^\ofGs 1000 ln= jf ;f] eGbf a(L Ifdtfsf] k|lt ln^/ 17
51 /é/f]ug
51.01 r'gf k|lt s]=hL= 17
51.02 :gf];]d -l;d]G^ k]G^_ k|lt s]=hL= 47
51.03 u'b÷ km]ljsf]n k|lt s]=hL= 126
51.04 rk|f÷ rf}/L k|lt s]=hL= 1213
51.05 sf]N^f/ k|lt s]=hL= 32
51.06 k'l^g k|lt s]=hL= 53
51.07 ^f/lkg t]n k|lt ln= 116
51.08 O{gfd]n k|lt ln= 446
51.09 k|fO{d/ k|lt ln= 263
51.10 Knfl:^s O{dN;g k]G^- d]l*od_ k|lt ln= 420
51.11 jf;]jn l*:^]Dk/ k|lt ln= 158
51.12 Apex coat (water profing paint) k|lt ln= 566
51.13 Plaster of Paris Paint k|lt s]=hL= 16
51.14 l*=la= lnG;]* cfon k|lt ln= 92
51.15 jfg{]; k|lt ln= 158
51.16 ;/]; k|lt ln= 208
51.17 cfNd'lgod k]G^ k|lt ln= 473
51.18 /]* cS;fO{* k|lt ln= 263
51.19 jf^/k'|km sDkfp)* k|lt s]=hL= 81
51.20 ;]kmls|^ k|lt ln= 263
52 xf]nf] l;d]G^ Ans
52.01 16 " x 6 " x 8 " k|lt yfg 30
52.02 16 " x 8 " x 8 " k|lt yfg 40
53 cf/=l;=l;= km]G;Lª kf]n 10 x 10 ;]]=dL= ^k / 12 x 12 ;]=dL= a^d
;fOhsf] 8 ld=ld= kmnfd] %* ;d]t tof/L

53.01 6 lkm^ nfdf] k|lt yfg 963

53.02 7 lkm^ nfdf] k|lt yfg 1100

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

cf/=l;=l;= ljw't kf]n

53.03 8 ld^/ nfdf] k|lt yfg 6380
53.04 9 ld^/ nfdf] k|lt yfg 7040
53.05 11 ld^/ nfdf] k|lt yfg 13970
54 laB"t / afo/Lé
54.01 ljw't jfol/Ë tf/ #x@@ -Pg=P;_ () dL sf] /f]n 1200
54.02 ljw't jfol/Ë tf/ #x@) -Pg=P;_ () dL sf] /f]n 1900
54.03 ljw't jfol/Ë tf/ &x@@ -Pg=P;_ () dL sf] /f]n 2712
54.04 ljw't jfol/Ë tf/ &x@) -Pg=P;_ () dL sf] /f]n 4410
54.05 ljw't cly{Ë tf/ !x!* -Pg=P;_ () dL sf] /f]n 1000
54.06 ;fdfg afx]s sG;LN* afo/Lé ug]{ sfo{sf] Hofnf k|lt KjfO{G^ 55
54.07 ;fdfg afx]s ;km]{; afo/Lé ug]{ sfo{sf] Hofnf k|lt KjfO{G^ 40
55 l;+rfO ;DaGwL
l*h]n kDk;]^ -lsnf]{;s/ jf ;f] ;/x_

kDk;]^ -1500 cf/=lk=Pd=_ -^«nL, a])*, lgKKfn, s'lné kfO{k ;d]t

sdlKn^ ;]^_ Eof^ gnfUg]
55.01 5 xif{ kfj/ 3 " x 3 " kDk k|lt ;]^ 52000
55.02 5 xif{ kfj/ 3 " x 2.5 " kDk k|lt ;]^ 52000
55.03 5 xif{ kfj/ 4 " x 4 " kDk k|lt ;]^ 56000
O{n]S^«Ls kDk;]^ -lsnf]{zs/ jf ;f] ;/x_
55.04 1=5 xif{ kfj/ 2 " x 2 " -1 km]h_ kDk k|lt ;]^ 16000
55.05 2=0 xif{ kfj/ 3 " x 3 " -1 km]h_ kDk k|lt ;]^ 21000
55.06 3=0 xif{ kfj/ 4 " x 4 " / 3"x3" -1 km]h_ kDk k|lt ;]^ 34900
55.07 5=0 xif{ kfj/ 4 " x 4 " -1 km]h_ kDk k|lt ;]^ 46000
55.08 3=0 xif{ kfj/ 3 " x 3 " -3 km]h_ kDk k|lt ;]^ 33000
55.09 5=0 xif{ kfj/ 4 " x 4 " -3 km]h_ kDk k|lt ;]^ 42500
56 l(sL kDk k|lt yfg 1250
57 l;d]G^sf] vfnL af]/f
57.01 l;d]G^ vfnL af]/f -KNff:^Ls_ k|lt uf]^f 7.50
57.02 l;d]G^ gof af]/f -KNff:^Ls_ k|lt uf]^f 16.00
58 ag tyf e';+/If)f ;+aGwL
g;{/Lsf] nfuL dlnnf] df^f] -;+sng nf]* ("jfgL ;d]t u/fO{ g;{/L If]qdf vl/b ug]{_
58.21 a"^jn / agsf] 7 ls=dL= leq k|lt #=lkm= 16.75
58.22 l;=g=kf= / cGo If]qdf k|lt #=lkm= 21.50
58.23 v/gfkf] -16 d'&f_ k|lt ;f]/xL 345.00
58.24 kf]nLyLg y}nf] -200 u]h_ k|lt s]=hL= 300.00
s_ :^Dk sl^ª 0.00
58.25 1_ l^s k|lt uf]^f 7.75
58.26 2_ cGo hft k|lt uf]^f 5.40
kf]nLyLg y}nf]df 0.00
1_ l;/L;, jsfOgf], skf;, d;nf, l;dn, jj'/, sf+luof], Olkn,^f+sL, sf]O/fnf] cflb
58.27 -kf]nLlyg y}nf]df_ k|lt uf]^f 7.15
2_ l^s -3×7_ ;fO{h k|lt uf]^f 9.30
3_ l^s -3×7_ ;fO{h -Ps aif{ eGbf a(L pd]/sf]_ k|lt uf]^f 14.75
4_ ;a} hftsf] Ps aif{ eGbf a(L pd]/sf] lj?jf -10×12 ;fO{h_ k|lt uf]^f 135.00
59 l;+rfO{ ;DaGwL

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

59.01 /a/l;n 9" / 10" ld^/ 1100

59.02 /a/l;n 5" / 6" ld^/ 715
59.03 xfO{*«f]lns :^Ln u]^ s]=lh= 237
59.04 u]^ u}o/ sdlKn^ ;]^ 5~10 ^g Ifdtf ePsf] ;]^ 10450
59.05 u]^ u}o/ sdlKn^ ;]^ 10~15 ^g Ifdtf ePsf] ;]^ 20900
59.06 u]^ u}o/ sdlKn^ ;]^ 15~20 ^g Ifdtf ePsf] ;]^ 31900
59.07 u]^ u}o/ sdlKn^ ;]^ 20~25 ^g Ifdtf ePsf] ;]^ 41800
59.08 la^'ldg k])^ ln^/ 160
60 ('jfgL ;+aGwL
1_ law't ;DaGwL ("jfgL
^«fG;kmd{/ 25 s]=eL=P= b]vL 200 s]=eL=P= ;Dd
60.01 g=kf= leq k|lt yfg 900
60.02 g=kf= aflx/ k|lt yfg 1800
2_ x\o"dkfO{k ;DaGwL ("jfgL

5 ls=ld= ;Dd d'Nodf yk k|
60.03 5
5 b]lv 10 ls=ld= ;Dd d'Nodf yk k|
60.04 7
10 ls=ld= eGbf dfly d'Nodf yk k|
60.05 10
3_ km]G;Lé kf]n ;DalGw ("jfgL

kf]nsf] d'Nodf
yk k|ltzt
60.6 10 ls=ld= ;Dd 5

kf]nsf] d'Nodf
yk k|ltzt
60.7 10 ls=ld= eGbf dfly 7
4_ ljB't kf]n ;DalGw ("jfgL

kf]nsf] d'Nodf
yk k|ltzt
60.08 5 ls=ld= ;Dd 5

kf]nsf] d'Nodf
yk k|ltzt
60.09 5 b]lv 10 ls=ld= ;Dd 7

kf]nsf] d'Nodf
yk k|ltzt
60.10 10 ls=ld= eGbf dfly 10
61 g]kfn vfB ;+:yfg ;DaGwL

k|lt 50
s]=hL= s:tL
61.01 uf]bfdaf^ dfn;fdfg / vfBfGg ufl*df nf]* ug]{ sfo{sf] Hofnf 4.50

25 s]=hL s:tL
61.02 " " 2.50
k|lt 50
s]=hL= s:tL
61.03 uf]bfdaf^ dfn;fdfg / vfBfGg ufl*df cgnf]ª ug]{ sfo{sf] Hofnf 4.50

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

25 s]=hL s:tL
61.04 " " 2.50
k|lt 25
s]=hL= s:tL
61.05 dfn;fdfg / vfBfGg :^f]/df rf}sfO{ kN^fO{ ug]{ sfo{sf] Hofnf 3.00
k|lt 50
s]=hL= s:tL
61.06 " " 3.00
k|lt 25
s]=hL= s:tL
61.07 dfn;fdfg / vfBfGg tf}nfO{ ug]{ sfo{sf] Hofnf 2.00
k|lt 50
s]=hL= s:tL
61.08 " " 3.00
61.09 vfBfGg ;+lrt u/]sf] uf]bfd ;kmfO{ 1000 d]= ^g k|lt uf]bfd 120.00
61.10 vfBfGgsf] s:tL jf]/f l;nfO{ k|lt uf]^f 0.70
k|lt 100
61.11 gu/kfnLsf leq nf]sn ('jfgL s]=hL= 23.00
Ps ^+sL -15
61.12 vfBfGgdf cfifwL :k|] ug]{ nL=_ 125.00
61.13 cf}ifwL lkmlds]zg u/]sf] k|lt n^ 250.00
a'^jn uf]bfdsf nflu

k|lt 25
s]=hL= s:tL
61.14 nf]l*+u 4.00
k|lt 25
s]=hL= s:tL
61.15 cgnf]l*+u 4.00
62 ELECTRICAL WORKS (Supply and fitting all complete)
Accessories, screws, grips, pvc tape, choke, starter, Tube, bulbs, holder, flexible
wire etc all complete.

62.01 Dome light 8" with heavy carier Homedec or eqvt. set 375
62.02 1*40 watt Tube light mirror optic wipro / philips HPF or eqvt. set 3700
62.03 1*40 watt Tube light box type wipro /philips HPF or eqvt. set 1050
62.04 2*40 watt mirror optic Tube light wipro / philips HPF or eqvt. set 4500
62.05 Mirror light decorative philips or eqvt. set 380
62.06 Indicator light for red & green color etc all complete. set 90
62.07 Electrical bell musical type of different sounds set 215
Accessories nut,bolt,hook,clamp,regulator,flexible wire etc all complete.

62.08 42" ceiling fan USHA or eqvt. set 2400

62.09 9" exhaust fan Usha or eqvt. set 2000
Accessories: metal box, screw, grips, pvc tape, etc all complete
62.10 16/6 Amps combined S/ socket flush type set 215
62.11 1 gang 1,2 way switch philips or eqvt set 185
62.12 2 gang 1,2 way switch philips or eqvt set 195

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

62.13 3 gang 1,2 way switch philips or eqvt set 450

62.14 4 gang 1,2 way switch philips or eqvt set 480
62.15 5 gang 1,2 way switch philips or eqvt set 625
62.16 6 gang 1,2 way switch philips or eqvt set 650
62.17 1 gang one bell push Philips or eqvt. set 215
62.18 Junction box made of metal withcover size 6"*4" etc all complete set 100

Accessories: screws,grips,nut,bolt,cu bus bar,earth bus bar, neutral bus bar, fuse,
porcelin base, cu strip for connection, cable shoe, phase bar, pvc tape etc all
panel board made of mild steel sheet double cover floor mount suitable color
push type lock size 12" *36" *48" suitable for housing the following items all
complete (space for 4 no MCCB) set 20790
62.20 100A TP MCCB of standard company no 4500
62.21 40-50A TP MCCB of standard company no 3900
62.22 Ammeter 0-500A no 500
62.23 volt meter 0-500 v no 500
62.24 CT coil of suitable ratio for panel board no 600
62.25 Indicator lamp for fuse no 150
62.26 Selector switch set 450
62.27 Distribution board 8 way TPN made of mild steel sheet double cover locable of 3500
approved compny .Flush type etc all complete set
62.28 6,16, 25 Amps TP MCCB of approved company for light and power circuit no 2250
62.29 40-63 Amps TP MCCB of approved company for main no 2750
62.30 6,16,25 Amps TP MCB of approved company for main 1150
Accessories;HDPEpolythenepipe,screws,pvc, tape, grips, circular box etc all

62.31 2*3/20 pvc cu.wire for light and fan point 1/2" HDPE polythene pipe point

62.32 2*7/22+1*3/22 pvc cu.wire for power point in 3/4" in HDPE polythene pipe point 600
2*7/20+1*3/22 pvc cu. Wire with A / C socket in 3/4" in HDPE polythene pipe for
62.33 A/C etc all complete point 1700

10mm sq.4 core unarmoured copper cable for DB in HDPE polythene pipe or 300
62.34 through channel etc all complete R.M.

8 swg cu.wire in HDPE polythene pipe for earth continuity from panel board to 65
62.35 DB etc all complete R.M.

Accessories;HDPE pipe screws,pvc tape grips etc all complete
62.36 2 pair telephone cable for telephone point in 1/2"(20mm) polythene pipe point 272
5 pair telephone cable for main in (25mm) HDPE polythene pipe from junction 31
62.37 box to telephone DB meter

62.38 10 pair telephone cable for mainin (25mm) HDPE polythene pipe/ cable tray meter

62.39 15 pair telephone cable for telephone point in 1/2"(20mm) polythene pipe point

62.40 20 pair telephone cable for telephone point in 1/2"(20mm) polythene pipe point 80
62.41 Telephone socket North west or eqvt. set 336
Telephone junction box6"*8" made of mild steel sheet with connector fuse type 120
62.42 etc all complete set

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

62.43 Main DB made of mild steel sheetwith connector fuse typeetc all complete set
Matrix portion 308 EPABX systemexpandable 3 co line 8 single line extension,
62.44 automatic STD,ISD lock call duration control external call forwardingor eqvt set 31600

Earthing with cu.plate size 65cm*65cm*3.15mm with G.N.8 copper wire for earth 8000
62.45 continuity from panel board to earthing site etc all complete unit
63 Aluminium Windows/Door/Partition

Aluminium Sliding Window without ventilation with naturally anodized

63.01 aluminium (section 101.6mm*44mm*1.5 mm) with 5mm th. clear glass and steel 510
net including materials and labour and fixing and fitting all complete (Size >30
Sq. ft) sq.ft

Aluminium Sliding Window with fixed ventilation with naturally anodized

63.02 aluminium (section 101.6mm*44mm*1.5 mm) with 5mm th. clear glass and steel 540
net including materials and labour and fixing and fitting all complete (Size >30
Sq. ft) sq.ft

Aluminium Sliding Window with sliding ventilation with naturally anodized

63.03 aluminium (section 101.6mm*44mm*1.5 mm) with 5mm th. clear glass and steel 576
net including materials and labour and fixing and fitting all complete (Size >30
Sq. ft) sq.ft

Aluminium Sliding Window without ventilation with naturally anodized

63.04 aluminium (section 101.6mm*44mm*1.5 mm) with 5mm th. clear glass and steel 540
net including materials and labour and fixing and fitting all complete (Size 20-30
Sq. ft) sq.ft

Aluminium Sliding Window with fixed ventilation with naturally anodized

63.05 aluminium (section 101.6mm*44mm*1.5 mm) with 5mm th. clear glass and steel 600
net including materials and labour and fixing and fitting all complete (Size 20-30
Sq. ft) sq.ft

Aluminium Sliding Window with sliding ventilation with naturally anodized

63.06 aluminium (section 101.6mm*44mm*1.5 mm) with 5mm th. clear glass and steel 696
net including materials and labour and fixing and fitting all complete (Size 20-30
Sq. ft) sq.ft

Aluminium Swing Door with naturally anodized aluminium (section

63.07 101.6mm*44mm*1.5 mm) with 5mm th. clear glass including materials and 600
labour and fixing and fitting all complete (Size > 21Sq. ft) sq.ft

Aluminium Ventilation Louver with naturally anodized aluminium (section

63.08 101.6mm*44mm*1.5 mm) with 5mm th. clear glass including materials and 660
labour and fixing and fitting all complete sq.ft
Aluminium Partition with naturally anodized aluminium (section
63.09 62mm*38mm*1.5mm) with 5mm th. clear glass including materials and labour 360
and fixing and fitting all complete sq.ft
64 UPVC Roofing
3 MM Thick Composite Carbon Fibre UPVC Roofing Sheet (Weight 5.5 to 6
Kg/sq.m) with PMMA Coating and glass fibre mesh (Regular Profile) sq.ft 131

3 MM Thick Composite Carbon Fibre UPVC Roofing Sheet (Weight 5.5 to 6

Kg/sq.m) with PMMA Coating and glass fibre mesh (Tile Profile)
sq.ft 137

64.03 3 MM Thick Composite Carbon Fibre UPVC Ridge Cover Sheet (Regular Profile)
R.ft. 363
64.04 3 MM Thick Composite Carbon Fibre UPVC Ridge Cover Sheet (Tile Profile) R.ft. 477
65 UPVC Door/Windows
UPVC Sliding Windows Frame (80/50mm), Sliding window sash (38/62mm) with
net all complete inside 1.5 mm galvanized reinforcement, 5 mm clear glass
(white colour) including the cost of materials and labour and fixing and fitting all
complete Sq.Ft 587

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

UPVC Door Frame (80/50mm), door frame 112/42 mm door sash 80*200mm
65.02 pannel, inside 1.5 mm galvanized reinforcement, 5 mm clear glass (White colour)
including the cost of materials and labour and fixing and fitting all complete
Sq.Ft 604
UPVC casement Window(60*72mm), sash inside 1.5 mm galvanized
65.03 reinforcement, 5 mm clear glass (White colour) including the cost of materials
and labour and fixing and fitting all complete Sq.Ft 604
UPVC door Frame (60*58mm),Sash 102*60mm (Special), door pannel 18*200
65.04 mm, inside 1.5 mm galvanized reinforcement, 5 mm clear glass (White colour)
including the cost of materials and labour and fixing and fitting all complete
Sq.Ft 719
66 Stainless Steel / Stainless Steel Railing Indian standard 0
66.01 Stainless Steel pipe 1" Diameter R.ft 81
66.02 Stainless Steel pipe 1.5" Diameter R.ft 109
66.03 Stainless Steel pipe 2" Diameter R.ft 144
Stainless Steel Railing with 2" dia top, 1.5" dia middle and bottom pipe in 4 rows
66.04 total, 2" dia posts at ~1m c/c finish clear height including the cost of materials
and labour and fixing and ftting all complete R.ft 1470
Stainless Steel Railing with 2" dia top, 1" dia middle and bottom pipe in 4 rows
66.05 total, 2" dia posts at ~1m c/c finish clear height including the cost of materials
and labour and fixing and ftting all complete R.ft 1208
Stainless Steel Railing with 2" dia top, 1" dia middle and bottom pipe in 3 rows
66.06 total, 2" dia posts at ~1m c/c finish clear height including the cost of materials
and labour and fixing and ftting all complete R.ft 1076
Stainless Steel Railing with 1.5" dia top, 1" dia middle and bottom pipe in 3 rows
66.07 total, 1.5" dia posts at ~1m c/c finish clear height including the cost of materials
and labour and fixing and ftting all complete R.ft 945
67 x]le OlSjkd])^ -O{Gwg afx]s_
67.01 Grader ( 80 to 145 HP ) k|lt #)^f 1600
67.02 Asphalt plant ( up to 10 Ton ) k|lt #)^f 400
67.03 Asphalt plant (40 Ton ) k|lt #)^f 6810
67.04 Asphalt Paver k|lt #)^f 1400
67.05 Ashalt mixer ( Bel MIx ) k|lt #)^f 1000
67.06 Broom Road, Towed k|lt #)^f 260
67.07 Air compressor ( 150 to 275 CFM ) k|lt #)^f 250
67.08 Dozer, wheel ( 150+ to 225 HP ) k|lt #)^f 2100
67.09 Dozer, Track ( 120 to 125 HP ) k|lt #)^f 2000
67.10 Bitumin Distributor ( 4 to 6 KI ) k|lt #)^f 1300
67.11 Bitumin Heater ( Up to 2 KL ) k|lt #)^f 140
67.12 Excavator, Track ( Up to 110 HP ) k|lt #)^f 1200
67.13 Excavator, Track ( 111 to 150 HP ) k|lt #)^f 1800
67.14 Loader wheel ( 1 to 1.75 CuM) k|lt #)^f 1000
67.15 Loader wheel ( 1.8 to 2.3 CuM) k|lt #)^f 1200
67.16 Loader wheel ( 2.2 to 2.5 CuM) k|lt #)^f 1500
67.17 Backhoe Loader ( UP to 85 HP ) k|lt #)^f 1000
67.18 Water pump ( Up to 6" Dia. ) k|lt #)^f 200
67.19 Roller 3 wheel ( Up to 12 ton ) k|lt #)^f 500
67.20 Roller Pneumatic ( up to 20 to ) k|lt #)^f 1200
67.21 Roller Vib, Pedestrain ( Up to 0.50 ton ) k|lt #)^f 110
67.22 Roller vib, Self propelled ( 3 ton ) k|lt #)^f 550
67.23 Roller vib, Self propelled ( 3 ton + ) k|lt #)^f 900
67.24 Spreader chips , self propelled k|lt #)^f 1500
67.25 Water Tanker ( Up to 6 KL ) k|lt #)^f 550

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

67.26 Compactor Hand Towed ( 350 to 450 KG ) k|lt #)^f 130

67.27 Tractor k|lt #)^f 300
67.28 Trailor k|lt #)^f 140
67.29 Truck / Tipper 8 Mt k|lt #)^f 680
67.30 Truck / Tipper 6 Mt k|lt #)^f 525
67.31 Truck / Tipper 5 Mt k|lt #)^f 450
67.32 MIni Truck k|lt #)^f 315
67.33 Boring Rig (TONE) k|lt #)^f 1200
67.34 Pile Driver 10 Ton k|lt #)^f 3000
67.35 Vibrator (Needle) k|lt #)^f 100
67.36 Vibrator (Engine) k|lt #)^f 120
68 rkL{sf] nflu s+lqm^ l/é %* ;d]t
68.01 ^\jfO{n]^sf] l/é -75 ;]=dL= *fold^/, 30 ;]=dL= prfO{_ k|lt uf]^f 600
68.02 ^\jfO{n]^sf] l/é -95 ;]=dL= *fold^/, 30 ;]=dL= prfO{_ k|lt uf]^f 800
68.03 ^\jfO{n]^sf] l/é -110 ;]=dL= *fold^/, 30 ;]=dL= prfO{_ k|lt uf]^f 1000
69.00 Readymade
Readymade RCCRCCdoor door,
and window frame and
window of section
arc 4"*2.75"
frameswith concrete mix
design of 1:1:1 proporotion and 2 Nos of 7 mm diameter rebar including
69.01 arrangement of necessary holes and safety plates all complete /=lkm= 225
Readymade RCCventilation frame of section 4"*2.75" with concrete mix design of
1:1:1 proporotion and 2 Nos of 7 mm diameter rebar including arrangement of
69.02 Readymade RCCand
necessary holes door and window
safety plates allArc frame(semi circular) of section 4"*2.75"
complete /=lkm= 225
with concrete mix design of 1:1:1 proporotion and 2 Nos of 7 mm diameter rebar
69.03 including arrangement of necessary holes and safety plates all complete /=lkm= 450

69 ljlaw
69.01 h} k|lt s]=lh= 100
69.02 al;{d k|lt s]=lh= 320
69.03 e]r k|lt s]=lh= 180
69.04 l^of];]G^L k|lt s]=lh= 140
69.05 afh/f k|lt s]=lh= 120
69.06 ;"*fg k|lt s]=lh= 140
69.07 :^fOnf] s"s k|lt s]=lh= 700
69.08 :^fOnf] xdf^f k|lt s]=lh= 400
69.09 d"nf^f] ?^ l:nk k|lt s]=lh= 2
69.10 kf:kfnd ?^ l:nk k|lt s]=lh= 2
? dfly pNn]lvt b//]^df d"No clea[l$ s/ -VAT_ ;dfj]z ul/Psf] %}g\ .
? Ps ^«s eGgfn] 175 #=lkm= Ifdtfsf] lgdf{)f ;fdfu|L cf];f/k;f/ ug]{nfO{ hgfp+% .
? g]kfndf pTkfbg x"g] cGo kfO{k / lkml^é;x?sf] xsdf g]kfn u")f:t/ k|fKt sf/vfgfsf] cflwsf/Ls b//]^ cg";f/
x"g]% .
? dfyL gk/]sf cfO{^dx?sf b//]^sf xsdf k|rlnt sfg'gsf k|lqmof cg";f/ b//]^ sfod ug{ ;lsg]% .
k|=lh=c= >L lji)f" k|;fb (sfn - cWoIf
lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no, ?kGb]xL
k|=sf]=lg= >L lbks !jfnL - ;b:o
sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs sfof{no, ?kGb]xL
:yf=lj=c= >L ljZj k|sfz cof{n - ;b:o
lh=lj=;=sf] sfof{no, ?kGb]xL
d =;= >L leid k|;fb Go}fkfg] - ;b:o
pwf]u afl)fHo ;+# l;Wbfy{gu/, ?kGb]xL
cWoIf = >L ^f]k axfb"/ /fodflem - ;b:o
n"lDalg lgdf{)f Aoj;foL ;+#, ?kGb]xL

?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] cf=j= 072÷073 sf] nflu lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] b//]^

l;=g+= lgdf{)f ;fdfu|Lsf] ljj/)f PsfO{ 07२.07३ sf]

of]=c=tyf k|=c=>L lji)f" k|;fb ("+ufgf - ;b:o

lh=lj=;=sf] sfof{no, ?kGb]xL
k| =lh=O{= >L k"is/ k|;fb kf]v|]n - ;b:o ;lrj
lh=k|f= sfof{no, ?kGb]xL

?kGb]xL lhNnfdf cf=a= )&@.)&# sf nflu lgdf{{0f ;fdu|L / 9'jfgLsf]
Hofnf b//]6, d]lzg tyf pks/0fsf] ef8f / sfdbf/sf] Hofnf lgwf{/0fsf nflu
ldlt @)&@.$.@^ ut] a;]sf] b//]6 lgwf{/0f ;ldltsf] a}7ssf] lg0f{ocg';f/
lhNnf e/L nfu" x'g] ul/ lgDgcg';f/sf] b//]6 sfod ul/of] .
sfdbf/sf] lsl;d PsfO{ 072.073 sf]
;= Hofnf b/
8sdL{, l;sdL{, gsdL{, KnDa/, lrqsf/, k]G6/, k|lt
1 l8«n/ ld:qL, d]sflgSz, O{n]S6«Llzog, Uofljog JolQm 650
hfnL a'GG]f ld:qL k|lt lbg
2 HofdL gfO{s] ,, 440

3 HofdL ;fwf/0f ,, 430

4 ;'k/efO{h/ >]0fL ljlxg ,, 430

5 ;'k/efOh/ - P;=Pn=l;= jf ;f] ;/x_ _ ,, 480

6 l8«n/ . d]sflgsn x]Nk/ ,, 430

7 ;j]{ x]Nk/÷r]gd]g ,, 430

8 O{n]S6«Ll;og x]Nk/÷nfO{g Dofg ,, 430

9 KnDa/ x]Nk/ ,, 430

10 rf}lsbf/, g;{/L gfOs], ag x]/fn' ,, 430

11 l;lgo/ Nofa 6]lSgl;og ,, 480

12 h'lgo/ Nofa 6]lSgl;og ,, 430

13 :jLk/ - k"/f sfof{no ;do _ ,, 335

14 xNsf ;jf/L rfns ,, 455

15 x]le ;jf/L rfns ,, 590

16 ;jf/L x]Nk/ ,, 380

17 sDKo'6/ ck/]6/ ,, 505

18 cl;i6]06 ;a–O{lGhlgo/ ,, 590

19 ;a–O{lGhlgo/ ,, 700

20 O{lGhlgo/ ,, 960

21 cg'alGwt HofdL ,, 285

@gf]6 M–
pk/f]Qm kbsf sfdbf/x? afx]s cGo kbx?df Hofnfbf/Ldf sfd u/fpg]
ePdf h'g kbdf sfd u/fpg] xf] ;f] sf] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] z'? tnanfO{ cfwf/
dfgL b}lgs Hofnf sfod ug]{ .

Number of briks required for Brick Masonary
Chimney bhatta bricks
brick size as per normes Number /m3 wastage@ 4% Total Number Incl wastages
224 108 57 mm3 0.001378944 m3
add 10mm mortar
234 118 67 mm3 0.001850 m3 540 27 567

Actual Size avg

225 110 60 mm3 0.001485
add 10mm mortar
235 120 70 mm3 0.001974 506 25.3 531.3
Total Number Incl wastages As per normes
Chimney Machine

560 530

take 530
RATE ANALYSIS for FY 072/73 Building Contract
Items Descript. Unit Quantity U.Rate Amount
Skilled m.d. 15.000 650.00 9750.00
2 coat Emulsion painting
Unskilled m.d. 10.000 430.00 4300.00
a) in ceiling Primer Lit 8.10 0.00
Plastic Emulsion kg 16.00 400.00 6400.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 20450.00
1 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 23517.50
Unit Rate per sq.m. 204.50
2 coat Emulsion painting in ceiling

Skilled m.d. 12.000 650.00 7800.00

2 coat Emulsion painting
Unskilled m.d. 8.000 430.00 3440.00
a) in wall Primer Lit 8.10 0.00
Plastic Emulsion kg 16.00 400.00 6400.00
Item No. per Sub-Total 17640.00
1 100 sq.m. Contract Rate 1.15 20286.00
Unit Rate per sq.m. 176.40
2 coat Emulsion painting in wall
Rate & Unit Weight of HDPE Pipes
Di = ÖDo2-1327.674*W mm F/Y 2072.73
Di=Inner diameter of pipe in mm Rate/kg
Do=Outer diameter of pipe in mm 228.00
W=Unit weight of pipe per meter

Unit Weight Unit Weight Unit Weight Unit Weight

(kg/m.) (kg/m.) (kg/m.) (kg/m.)
Rate (with out Rate (with out Rate (with out Rate (with out
Outer Dia.
vat and vat and vat and vat and
(in mm)
transportation) transportation) transportation) transportation)
2.5 kg/cm2 4 kg/cm2 6 kg/cm2 10 kg/cm2

16 0.092 20.98
20 0.134 30.55
25 0.202 46.06
32 0.226 51.53 0.334 76.15
40 0.251 57.23 0.350 79.80 0.514 117.19
50 0.378 86.18 0.542 123.58 0.796 181.49
63 0.585 133.38 0.850 193.80 1.269 289.33
75 0.846 192.89 1.191 271.55 1.782 406.30
90 1.220 278.16 1.715 391.02 2.568 585.50
110 1.703 388.28 2.454 559.51 3.801 866.63
125 1.530 348.84 2.289 521.89 3.293 750.80 4.962 1131.34
140 1.897 432.52 2.901 661.43 4.150 946.20 6.209 1415.65
160 2.453 559.28 3.773 860.24 5.355 1220.94 8.079 1842.01
180 3.148 717.74 4.762 1085.74 6.800 1550.40 10.256 2338.37
200 3.875 883.50 5.890 1342.92 8.391 1913.15 12.620 2877.36
225 4.822 1099.42 7.445 1697.46 10.544 2404.03 16.014 3651.19
250 6.012 1370.74 9.187 2094.64 13.041 2973.35 19.757 4504.60
280 7.471 1703.39 11.455 2611.74 16.327 3722.56 24.708 5633.42
315 9.417 2147.08 14.508 3307.82 20.694 4718.23 31.160 7104.48
355 11.957 2726.20 18.382 4191.10 26.243 5983.40 39.635 9036.78
400 15.281 3484.07 23.342 5321.98 33.309 7594.45 50.344 11478.43
Boring Tubewell By Sludger method

District Development Committee, District Technical Office, Rupandehi skilled 650.00

Normes : ws guideline vol 11/item no 1,2,3,4&5 (page 2-1) unskilled 430.00
helper 430.00
1.5" कको हह ण् ड पम्मि तथसा आफरर्टि ज न बकोरकको जडसान खरर्टि कको फविश्लह ष ण
दक्ष ममिस्तत हह ल्पर ससाधसारण ज्यसामित जम्मिसा रकमि र. प्रमत र.मित. दर
जम्मिसा रकमि ककल रकमि ममिस्ततर ससाधसारण ककफफियत
पररमिसाण दर रकमि पररमिसाण दर रकमि पररमिसाण दर रकमि अनकदसान श्रमिदसान
हह ल्पर ज्यसामित

0-20 2.50 650.0 1625.00 4.0 430.0 1720.0 8.0 430.0 3440.0 6785.00 6785.00 3345.00 3440.0 167.25 172.00 0-20 m
20-30 1.85 650.0 1202.50 3.0 430.0 1290.0 6.0 430.0 2580.0 5072.50 11857.50 5837.50 6020.0 194.58 200.67 0-30 m
30-40 2.50 650.0 1625.00 4.0 430.0 1720.0 8.0 430.0 3440.0 6785.00 18642.50 9182.50 9460.0 229.56 236.50 0-40 m
40-50 3.50 650.0 2275.00 6.0 430.0 2580.0 12.0 430.0 5160.0 10015.00 28657.50 14037.50 14620.0 280.75 292.40 0-50 m
50-60 4.50 650.0 2925.00 8.0 430.0 3440.0 16.0 430.0 6880.0 13245.00 41902.50 20402.50 21500.0 340.04 358.33 0-60 m
60-70 5.50 650.0 3575.00 10.0 430.0 4300.0 20.0 430.0 8600.0 16475.00 58377.50 28277.50 30100.0 403.96 430.00 0-70 m

नकोर: 1. 4" बकोर जडसान गदसार्टि मिसामथकको दर रह रकको दकई गकनसा गनर्ने ।
2. ससाधसारण ज्यसामितकको खरर्टि श्रमिदसान बसार गरसाउनक पनर्ने।
तनमन टट कवदमारमा प्रतति तटट प ढल वमानम गनर पररममाण घमम लभोड अनलभोडलमाइ शतमक
भमार कन .तज. प्रतति
तस.नश. ममालसमाममान भभोइड प्रततिशति कक तफयति
पतहलभो ३ पतहलभो ४ पतहलभो ५ पमापचच तक.मम. पतछ टट ककभो
३ मन.ट.टट क ५ मन.ट.टट क ६ मन.ट.टट क पतहलभो १ तक.मम. पतहलभो २ तक.मम.
तक.मम. तक.मम. तक.मम. प्रतति १ तक.मम. आइतडल घणटमा

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1450 20 2.500 4.140 5.000 0.210 0.254 0.298 0.344 0.386 0.044 0.221

पकक सडकलमाइ यहमाप तदइएकभो फयमाकटर बमभोतजम र कचम सडकलमाइ १.५

1 ममाटभो खननकभो

2 बमाललवमा सलखर मलरम 1450 30 2.690 4.480 5.380 0.204 0.246 0.289 0.332 0.375 0.043 0.214
3 गमाभल ४० मममम समाइज 1600 25 2.340 3.900 4.690 0.221 0.267 0.313 0.370 0.406 0.046 0.232
4 तशशतगल ४० मममम समाइज 1450 35 2.790 4.650 4.580 0.221 0.267 0.313 0.370 0.406 0.046 0.232

गलणमा बढम ।
5 कल टनकभो ढल ङमा ४० मममम समाइज 1600 30 2.440 4.060 4.870 0.204 0.246 0.289 0.332 0.375 0.043 0.214
6 कल टनकभो ढल ङमा ४० मममम समाइज 1450 40 2.890 4.830 5.790 0.221 0.267 0.313 0.360 0.406 0.046 0.232
7 ईटमाकभो टल कमा 1000 35 4.050 6.750 8.100 0.221 0.267 0.313 0.360 0.406 0.046 0.232
8 ढल ङमाऽ सभोतलङऽ बभोलडर 2400 40 1.750 2.920 3.500 0.221 0.267 0.313 0.370 0.406 0.046 0.232
9 ढल ङमा खननकभो 2400 50 1.880 3.130 3.760 0.221 0.267 0.313 0.370 0.406 0.046 0.232

१ घ.मम.ममा ५०० इपटमा अनलपमाततिक

10 ईटमा 1200 सशखयमा 2000 2400 0.221 0.267 0.313 0.370 0.406 0.046 0.232

अनलसमारकभो फयमाकटर तलनन ।

तिचलकभो तहसमाबबमाट उपरभोक
11 तसमननट फलमाम 3 मन.ट. 5 6
12 तबटल तमन
13 ढल ङमाकभो बलक
14 तज.आइ.तस.आई.
15 तसतस पमाइप

16 चलनमा कमाठ 3 5 6 0.168 0.203 0.238 0.274 0.306 0.035 0.176

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