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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Nursing management
Dr .Mohammed Jebreldar Abuanja Nimer
Associate professor of community health Nursing
University of Shendi
Lecture No 2
Leadership in nursing
Leadership occur any time a person attempts to influence the beliefs, opinions
and behaviours of persons or a group. It needed in every nursing activity, every nurse
whether staff nurse, head nurse, supervisor, or nursing director can function as a leader to
guide other toward accomplishing a common goal.
 Is the guidance of a group toward achievement of objectives.
 Is the ability to influence others to attain and maintain high standard of
 Is the process of interpersonal influence in which one individual ‘the leader’
directs, stimulates positive response in a group members ‘follower’ to achieve a
desired objectives.
Management :
 Is planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling work given to employees.
 Is a process of influencing people but with the specific intention of contributing to
meeting the organization’s goals
Why Leadership Is Important in nursing:
Professional nurses are responsible to lead; patients, nursing team, health
team, and community groups.

 The team leader is responsible to coordinate efforts of different
members of the nursing team for giving high quality of nursing care.
 The team leader is responsible to coordinate efforts of different
members of the health team for giving high quality of care to the pts.
Differences' between leadership and management

 Leadership  Management

 based on influence  based on authority

 an informal designation  a formally designated position
 an achieved position  an assigned position
 part of every nurse’s role  improved by use of effective
independent leadership skills

Qualities of the good leader:

1. Broad basic knowledge of the clinical field and the essential
components of complete nursing care.
2. Working knowledge and skills of how to establish good interpersonal
relationship with other hospital departments.
3. Ability to motivate personnel to work at highest level of their
comprehension and ability/
4. Awareness and recognition of the ability and limitations of each
member of group.
5. Ability to conceptualize ‘understand the relationship between people,
place and event’.
6. Ability to supervise the new learning situations according to the level of
understanding of each worker.
7. An impartial and friendly interest in each member of the group.

8. Self-control set an example of high level of performance and then keeps
it herself.
9. Predictive ability, ability to guess.
Leadership styles
Leadership style refers to a leader's behavior.
It is the result of the philosophy, personality and experience of the leader.
There are three styles:
A. Autocratic style. (also called authoritarian , directive,
B. Democratic style. (also called participative).
C. Laissez-faire. (also called permissive, nondirective)
Democratic style:
Democracy is authority invested in the leader by individuals of the group
with the right to make certain decision and judgements and to take action.
The leader doesn't take all decisions by himself. The leaders always need
consent and support of the group members. The members usually participate
with their leaders in Taking decisions.
Democratic leadership depend on mutual trust between the leader and
members of this group. The leader gets his power from the group support.
Advantages of Democratic Style:
1. Encourage all employees to participate in decision making.
2. Greater commitment of employee to their work, so it increases job
3. Decision are made by group effectively.
4. Encourages workers ideas, suggestions and creations.
5. Good relationship between employee and leader.
6. Security as the results of open discussion .
7. Enthusiasm and feeling of responsibility.

Disadvantages of Democratic Style:
1. Lack of efficiency when group members lack maturity and skills.
2. Time consuming for taking decision.
3. This style cannot be followed in emergency situations.
Autocratic style
Directive authoritarian or restrictive. In which there is a maximum control
for the leader with minimum freedom for the group members.
It involves unquestionable obedience by the members of the group by their
leaders. The leader makes all decisions, so do not delegate any authority or
Members of the group only follow orders without participation
Leaders always emphasis on structure and policy rather than mutual respect
and trust. Leaders always pressured employee for work out put. It is
characterized by much punishment.
Advantages of Autocratic Style:
1. Less time consuming for decision making in emergency or crisis.
2. Useful when group members are inexperienced and the leader is the one
who has information and skills.
3. Some people feel more secure when having fixed rules and only one
way to be followed.
Disadvantages of Autocratic Style:
1. Less commitment to organizational goal’s.
2. Does not encourage individual initiative or cooperation between
members of the group, so frustration and confusion may arise in the
3. No creativity to avoid making errors and being punished.
4. Low productivity and poor patient care.
5. Decreased feeling of responsibility.

6. Low moral , feeling of hostility and apathy.
7. Less job satisfaction.
Laissez-faire style:
In which there is maximum freedom for the group members within
minimum leader control.
The leader leaves group members free to set their own goals, take decision
and determine their own activities without his/ her participation/
Lack of control, direction, supervision and coordination. The leader on
her trail to please everyone fails to give strength and direction to set limits or
to conduct open discussion.
Advantages of Laissez-faire Style:
1. In limited situation, creativity may be encouraged ( highly qualified people
plan a new approach to problem).
Disadvantages of Laissez-faire Style:
1. Leads to disorganization and inefficiency.
2. No unity to action which leading to decreased productivity.
3. Group members will lose all sense of initiative and desire for
4. No sense of group unity which leading to decreased productivity and

Differentiate between Leadership styles

Authoritar.Democrat. Laissez-F
Degree of
Little Moderate Much
Degree of control
High Moderate None
Decsision making
By leader Leader& Group or
group no one
Leader activity level
High High Minimal
Assumption of
Responsibility Leader Shared Abdicated
Output of group
High& High & Variable-
good qual. creative Poor?

The factors Affecting Leadership Style

A. The importance of the results.
B. The nature of the work.
C. The characteristics of the workers.
D. The personal characteristics of the leader/ manager.
The best leadership style to be selected depend on the environment and
cultural climate in which the organization is operating. In many situations
leadership is a mixture of the three style.
Democratic style may be proposed as ideal style. In some situations the
autocratic or even laissez fair is indicated.

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