NSTP Reviewer
NSTP Reviewer
NSTP Reviewer
Economic security or financial security is The Philippines' annual inflation rate fell
the condition of having stable income or to a 7-month low of 5.1 percent in
other resources to support a standard of December of 2018 from 6.0 percent in
living now and in the foreseeable future. the previous month.
As the ability of individuals, households The Philippines' annual inflation rate rose
or communities to cover their essential to 3.2 percent in May of 2019 from a 16
needs sustainably and with dignity. month-low of 3.0 percent in the previous
Food, basic shelter, clothing and hygiene qualify month and above market expectations of
as essential needs, as does the related 2.9 percent. It was the first time that
expenditure; the essential assets needed to earn inflation accelerated since last
a living, and the costs associated with health care September, as both cost of food and
and education also qualify. housing & utilities increased faster.
3. Statelessness
GOOD CITIZENSHIP person is someone who is not considered
as a national by any state under the
CITIZENSHP operation of its law.
The position or status of being a citizen of Events of Statelessness
a particular country.
1. Usually by treason
2. Born in international waters –
Under the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article body of water no owned by any
IV, Section 1, it states that: state
national pride is the feeling of love, devotion and
A good citizen is one who properly fulfills his or
sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance
her role as a citizen. There are many opinions as
with other citizens who share the same
to what constitutes a good citizen. Theodore
Roosevelt said, "The first requisite of a good
citizen in this Republic of ours is that he shall be
able and willing to pull his weight." Education is
sometimes viewed as a prerequisite to good
citizenship, in that it helps citizens make good
decisions and deal with demagogues who would
delude them.
1. Love for God (Maka -Diyos)
Faith in the Almighty
Order RIGHT is a defined as an event that must be
Work existent at all times and no one can deny this
Concern for the Family and future phenomena. Unless prescribed by law.
2. Love for Fellowmen (Maka-Tao) Right to life
Love Right to property and
Freedom Right to liberty
Peace Article 3 Sec 1 of the 1987 constitution
Truth No person shall deprived of life, liberty and
Justice property without due process of law nor shall
any person be denied the equal protection of the
3. Love for Country (Maka-Bayan) laws.
Respect for love and government All individual has rights but none the less its not
Patriotrism absolute. In which the laws are created to ensure
Promotion of common good that the right of the other shall not violate the
right of any other individual.
4. Love for the Environment (Maka-Kalikasan) GOOD GOVERNANCE
Concern for the environment Good governance has 8 major characteristics. It
is participatory, consensus oriented,
NATIONALISM AND PATRIOTISM accountable, transparent, responsive, effective
and efficient, equitable and inclusive, and follows
Nationalism the rule of law. Good governance is responsive
identification with one's own nation and support to the present and future needs of the
for its interests, especially to the exclusion or organization, exercises prudence in policy-setting
detriment of the interests of other nations
and decision-making, and that the best interests 7.Accountability
of all stakeholders are taken into account. Accountability is a key tenet of good governance.
Who is accountable for what should be
documented in policy statements. In general, an
1.Rule of Law organization is accountable to those who will be
Good governance requires fair legal frameworks affected by its decisions or actions as well as the
that are enforced by an impartial regulatory applicable rules of law.
body, for the full protection of stakeholders.
8. Participation
Participation by both men and women, either
Transparency means that information should be
directly or through legitimate representatives, is
provided in easily understandable forms and
a key cornerstone of good governance.
media; that it should be freely available and
Participation needs to be informed and
directly accessible to those who will be affected
organized, including freedom of expression and
by governance policies and practices, as well as
assiduous concern for the best interests of the
the outcomes resulting therefrom; and that any
organization and society in general.
decisions taken and their enforcement are in
compliance with established rules and
regulations. VOLUNTEER
comes from the Latin word “valo” or “velle”
meaning “hope, determination, willingness”
Good governance requires that organizations
and their processes are designed to serve the
best interests of stakeholders within a
reasonable timeframe. MENTAL HEALTH