NSTP Reviewer

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NSTP REVIEWER  9% of Filipinos Aged 6 to 24 years are Out

of School (Results from the 2017 Annual

Preamble Poverty Indicators Survey)
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the THREAT
aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and
human society, and establish a government that Currency Crisis
shall embody our ideals and aspirations,  A currency crisis typically develops over
promote common good, conserve and develop several years, and can, for example, be
our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our caused by excessive deficits on the trade
posterity, the blessings of independence and of balance or the balance of payments,
democracy under the rule of law and a regime of inflation spinning out of control, or
truth, justice, freedom, love, equality and peace borrowing abroad by either the public or
do ordain and promulgate this constitution. private sector becoming too excessive,


 Economic security or financial security is  The Philippines' annual inflation rate fell
the condition of having stable income or to a 7-month low of 5.1 percent in
other resources to support a standard of December of 2018 from 6.0 percent in
living now and in the foreseeable future. the previous month.
 As the ability of individuals, households  The Philippines' annual inflation rate rose
or communities to cover their essential to 3.2 percent in May of 2019 from a 16
needs sustainably and with dignity. month-low of 3.0 percent in the previous
Food, basic shelter, clothing and hygiene qualify month and above market expectations of
as essential needs, as does the related 2.9 percent. It was the first time that
expenditure; the essential assets needed to earn inflation accelerated since last
a living, and the costs associated with health care September, as both cost of food and
and education also qualify. housing & utilities increased faster.

Economic freedom is the fundamental right of Unemployment

every human to control his or her own labor and  The unemployment rate in the Philippines
property. In an economically free society, dropped to 5.1 percent in the June
individuals are free to work, produce, consume, quarter 2019 from 5.5 percent a year ago.
and invest in any way they please.  The number of unemployed persons fell
Poverty by 75 thousand to 2.29 million while the
number of employed grew by 135
 a serious threat to national security, thousand to 42.24 million.
especially to the extent that it breeds and  Unemployment Rate in Philippines
abets rebellion, crime and dissidence averaged 8.31 percent from 1994 until
 Poverty incidence affects about one-third 2019, reaching an all time high of 13.90
of Filipino families nationwide. percent in the first quarter of 2000 and a
record low of 4.70 percent in the fourth
quarter of 2016.
Economic Disparity THREAT
 the unequal distribution of income and Graft and Corruption
opportunity between different groups in
 Is a threat to the national security by
society. It is a concern in almost all
virtue of the huge scale by which it saps
countries around the world and often
public resources, undermines the morale
people are trapped in poverty with little
of the civil service and affects the delivery
chance to climb up the social ladder.
of quality basic services.
SECURITY Assistance Fund (PDAF) scam or “Pork
Barrel Scam” is the latest issue which
 The ability of a nation to secure sufficient,
involves our some of government
affordable and consistent energy supplies
for its domestic, industrial, transport and
military requirements is termed Energy MILITARY SECURITY
 It implies the capability of a nation-state
 It means that current and to defend itself, and/or deter military
future energy needs have a high aggression. Alternatively, military security
probability of being met, irrespective of implies the capability of a nation-state to
economic or political instability. enforce its policy choices by use of
military force.
 It is the uninterrupted availability of
energy sources at an affordable price  The term "military security" is considered
while respecting the environment synonymous with "security" in much of
its usage.
 The availability of natural resources for
energy consumption.  Philippines has been ranked in
10th position in the 2018 Global Terrorism
 Access to cheap energy has become
essential to functioning of modern
economics. THREAT
 is the relative public safety from  The military wing of the Communist Party
environmental dangers caused by natural of the Philippines (CCP). The NPA
or human processes due to ignorance, primarily targets Philippines security
accident, mismanagement or design and forces, politicians, judges, government
originating within or across national informers, former rebels who wish to the
borders NPA, rival splinter groups, and alleged
THREAT: Severe Calamities
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
 It is an Islamic separatist groups
 is the defense against any form of
operating in the southern Philippines and
political oppression. It is concerned with
claims to promote an independent
whether people live in a society that
Islamic state in western Mindanao and
honors their basic human rights.
the Sulu Archipelago.
Section 1. The following are citizens of the
Organized Crime
• Those who are citizens of the Philippines
 It is a conspiratorial enterprise engaged in
at the time of the adoption of this
illicit activities as a means of generating
income. Organized crime is a national
security concern. • Those whose fathers or mothers are
citizens of the Philippines;
 The national crime rate is also
exacerbates by the drug trade, which • Those born before January 17, 1973, of
involves a number of crime syndicates Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine
citizenship upon reaching the age of
Spratly Islands
majority; and
 The multilateral dispute over the Spratly
• Those who are naturalized in accordance
Islands is a source of intermittent
of law
tensions, owing to the buildup of
structures, believed to be military 1. Filipino By Birth
oriented, by some claimant countries in  Jus soli (right of soil) which is the legal
the area. This is a clear encroachment principle that a person’s nationality at
into the Philippine EEZ which is being met birth is determined by the place of birth.
through a comprehensive package of  Jus sanguinis (right of blood) which is the
diplomatic measures. legal principle that, at birth, an individual
acquires the nationality of his/her natural
parent/s. The Philippine adheres to this
 The smuggling of firearms and principle.
contraband, illegal migration and the
occasional movement of foreign terrorists 2. Filipino By Naturalization
through the porous borders of our  which is the judicial act of adopting a
southwestern frontier have elicited foreigner and clothing him with the
transnational concern. Philippine law privileges of a native-born citizen. It
enforcement agencies work closely with implies the renunciation of a former
international police organizations, nationality and the fact of entrance into a
bilaterally and multilaterally, to check similar relation towards a new body
these activities. politic

3. Statelessness
GOOD CITIZENSHIP  person is someone who is not considered
as a national by any state under the
CITIZENSHP operation of its law.
 The position or status of being a citizen of Events of Statelessness
a particular country.
1. Usually by treason
2. Born in international waters –
Under the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article body of water no owned by any
IV, Section 1, it states that: state
national pride is the feeling of love, devotion and
A good citizen is one who properly fulfills his or
sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance
her role as a citizen. There are many opinions as
with other citizens who share the same
to what constitutes a good citizen. Theodore
Roosevelt said, "The first requisite of a good
citizen in this Republic of ours is that he shall be
able and willing to pull his weight." Education is
sometimes viewed as a prerequisite to good
citizenship, in that it helps citizens make good
decisions and deal with demagogues who would
delude them.
1. Love for God (Maka -Diyos)
 Faith in the Almighty
 Order RIGHT is a defined as an event that must be
 Work existent at all times and no one can deny this
 Concern for the Family and future phenomena. Unless prescribed by law.
2. Love for Fellowmen (Maka-Tao) Right to life
 Love Right to property and
 Freedom Right to liberty
 Peace Article 3 Sec 1 of the 1987 constitution
 Truth No person shall deprived of life, liberty and
 Justice property without due process of law nor shall
any person be denied the equal protection of the
3. Love for Country (Maka-Bayan) laws.
 Unity
 Respect for love and government All individual has rights but none the less its not
 Patriotrism absolute. In which the laws are created to ensure
 Promotion of common good that the right of the other shall not violate the
right of any other individual.
4. Love for the Environment (Maka-Kalikasan) GOOD GOVERNANCE
 Concern for the environment Good governance has 8 major characteristics. It
is participatory, consensus oriented,
NATIONALISM AND PATRIOTISM accountable, transparent, responsive, effective
and efficient, equitable and inclusive, and follows
Nationalism the rule of law. Good governance is responsive
identification with one's own nation and support to the present and future needs of the
for its interests, especially to the exclusion or organization, exercises prudence in policy-setting
detriment of the interests of other nations
and decision-making, and that the best interests 7.Accountability
of all stakeholders are taken into account. Accountability is a key tenet of good governance.
Who is accountable for what should be
documented in policy statements. In general, an
1.Rule of Law organization is accountable to those who will be
Good governance requires fair legal frameworks affected by its decisions or actions as well as the
that are enforced by an impartial regulatory applicable rules of law.
body, for the full protection of stakeholders.
8. Participation
Participation by both men and women, either
Transparency means that information should be
directly or through legitimate representatives, is
provided in easily understandable forms and
a key cornerstone of good governance.
media; that it should be freely available and
Participation needs to be informed and
directly accessible to those who will be affected
organized, including freedom of expression and
by governance policies and practices, as well as
assiduous concern for the best interests of the
the outcomes resulting therefrom; and that any
organization and society in general.
decisions taken and their enforcement are in
compliance with established rules and
regulations. VOLUNTEER
comes from the Latin word “valo” or “velle”
meaning “hope, determination, willingness”
Good governance requires that organizations
and their processes are designed to serve the
best interests of stakeholders within a
reasonable timeframe. MENTAL HEALTH

4. Consensus Oriented "The capacity to live a full, productive life as well

Good governance requires consultation to as the flexibility to deal with its ups and downs.
understand the different interests of In children and young people it is especially
stakeholders in order to reach a broad consensus about the capacity to learn, enjoy friendships, to
of what is in the best interest of the entire meet challenges, to develop talents and
stakeholder group and how this can be achieved capabilities.”
in a sustainable and prudent manner.
5.Equity and Inclusiveness
The organization that provides the opportunity
for its stakeholders to maintain, enhance, or
generally improve their well-being provides the
most compelling message regarding its reason
for existence and value to society.
6. Effectiveness and Efficiency
Good governance means that the processes
implemented by the organization to produce
favorable results meet the needs of its
stakeholders, while making the best use of
resources – human, technological, financial,
natural and environmental – at its disposal.
8 WAYS OF WELLBEING getting away or breaking free may be
difficult). We really do not know how
Talking - being open with people I trust about
many phobias there are - there could be
how I’m feeling.
thousands of types.
Exercising - looking after my body, playing sport,
3. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) -
eating healthy.
the person has obsessions and
Calming - trying meditation, good sleep habits compulsions. In other words, constant
like turning my phone off early. stressful thoughts (obsessions), and a
powerful urge to perform repetitive acts,
Learning - a new skill, a great way to gain
such as hand washing (compulsion).
4. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) -
Relating - spending time with the people I care
this can occur after somebody has been
through a traumatic event - something
Contributing - helping others or contributing to horrible or frightening that they
causes I believe in. experienced or witnessed. During this
type of event, the person thinks that their
Creating - expressing myself creatively e.g.
life or other people's lives are in danger.
music, art, drama, writing.
They may feel afraid or feel that they
Congratulating - being kind to myself, or listing have no control over what is happening.
the qualities I value in myself.
 These are also known as Affective
Disorders or Depressive Disorders.
 Patients with these conditions have
 Anxiety disorders are the most common significant changes in mood, generally
types of mental illness. involving either mania (elation) or
 The individual has a severe fear or
anxiety, which is linked to certain objects Types of Mood Disorders
or situations.
1. Major depression - the individual is no
 Most people with an anxiety disorder will longer interested in and does not enjoy
try to avoid exposure to whatever activities and events that they previously
triggers their anxiety. liked. There are extreme or prolonged
periods of sadness.
Types of Anxiety Disorders
2. Bipolar disorder - previously known as
1. Panic disorder - the person experiences
manic-depressive illness, or manic
sudden paralyzing terror or a sense of
depression. The individual switches from
imminent disaster.
episodes of euphoria (mania) to
2. Phobias - these may include simple depression (despair).
phobias (a disproportionate fear of
3. Persistent depressive disorder -
objects), social phobias (fear of being
previously known as dysthymia, this is
subject to the judgment of others), and
mild chronic (long term) depression. The
agoraphobia (dread of situations where
patient has similar symptoms to major 3. Self-help
depression but to a lesser extent. including lifestyle changes such as reducing
alcohol intake, sleeping more, and eating well.
 Whether or not schizophrenia is a single
disorder or a group of related illnesses • Getting professional help if you need it
has yet to be fully determined.
• Connecting with others
 It is a highly complex condition.
Schizophrenia normally begins between • Staying positive
the ages of 15 and 25. The individual has
• Getting physically active
thoughts that appear fragmented; they
also find it hard to process information. • Helping others
 Positive symptoms include delusions,
• Getting enough sleep
thought disorders, and hallucinations.
 Negative symptoms include withdrawal, • Developing coping skills
lack of motivation, and a flat or
inappropriate mood.
 Cognitive symptoms include affected HUMAN RIGHTS
memory, learning and understanding;
subtle and difficult to notice


Philippine Mental Health Law
(Republic Act No. 11036, or RA 11036)
Signed into law on June 21, 2018
- proposes a mental health policy that aims to
enhance integrated mental health services, the
promotion of mental health services, protection
of people who use said services, and the
establishment of a Philippine mental health


1. Psychotherapy (talking therapies)
this is a psychological approach to treating
mental illness. Cognitive behavioral therapy
(CBT), exposure therapy, and dialectical behavior
therapy are examples.
2. Medication
although it can not cure mental disorders, some
medications can improve symptoms.