Unit 2 Motion and Forces Study Guide - KEY

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Name ___________________________________ Date ___________ Physical Science Period _____

Chapter 11 & 12 Study Guide: Motion & Forces

Chapter 11: Motion
1. Define (include the formula and circle diagram for calculating speed, velocity, and
a. Distance: The length between two objects or the length of the path traveled.
b. Speed: distance traveled by the time it took to travel. Speed= distance/time
c. Velocity: distance traveled by the time it took to travel and the direction that you travelled
in. velocity= distance/time
d. Acceleration: change in velocity or velocity over time.
velocityfinal−velocity inital
2. What is the speed of an object at rest? Zero m/s
3. The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity includes direction.
4. The SI unit for distance is meter (m)
5. The SI unit for speed or velocity is meter per second (m/s) .
6. The SI unit for acceleration is meter per second suared (m/s2)
7. On a distance-time graph, what does the slope tell you? Speed or velocity
8. On a speed-time graph, what does the slope tell you? acceleration

Chapter 12: Forces

9. Describe (what does it say and what is it commonly called)
a. Newton’s First law of Motion: law of inertia. Object in motion stays in motion or an
object at rest stays at rest UNLESS acted on by a FORCE.
b. Newton’s Second law of Motion: F=ma. Force equals the product of an object’s mass and
acceleration. (or Acceleration is equal to the force and inversely proportional to mass)
c. Newton’s Third law of Motion Action/Reaction law. For every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction.
10. Give an example for each of Newton’s laws
a. Newton’s First law of Motion: bolder won’t move unless something pushes on it, and the
moon won’t stop rotating unless a force acts on it.
b. Newton’s Second law of Motion it takes more force to accelerate a school bus than a toy
c. Newton’s Third law of Motion: my foot pushed on the ball (action force), the ball pushes
back (reaction force) and fly’s forward (resulting net force). OR you sitting in the desk is
pushing down on the desk and the desk is pushing up on you but they are balanced so no
CHANGE in motion.
11. Define and give an example of each of the following terms.

Definition Example
a. Friction: force that opposes motion a. Friction: heat when rubbing hands
b. Static Friction: friction that prevents together.
object from moving b. Static Friction: Pushing against
c. Sliding Friction: friction that occurs dresser that won’t move
between objects sliding past each other. c. Sliding Friction: going down a slide,
d. Rolling Friction: friction that occurs dresser sliding across the floor.
between object rolling against another object. d. Rolling Friction: roller skates on
e. Fluid Friction: friction that occurs in a pavement.
fluid (Example of Fluid: water, quick sand, air… ) e. Fluid Friction: falling leaves, fish
f. Net force: the sum of the forces on an swimming in water.
object that is NOT balanced. f. Net force: kicking a ball and it fly
across the room.

12. Can an object accelerate if there are no net forces? No, if no net force then there is no change in
13. Can an object be moving with no net force? Yes if it was already in motion (1st law)
14. If forces are unbalanced, is there acceleration? Yes, a force is acting on the object so it’s motion
will change and accelerate (+ acceleration = speeding up, - acceleration = slowing down)
15. The combination of all of the forces acting on an object is called the Net Force
16. If the net force acting on a stationary object is zero, then the object will remain stationary (1st
17. A car on cruise control is an example of (balanced/unbalanced) forces.
18. When the mass of one of two objects increases, the force of gravity between the two objects also
increases (gravity go up when mass goes up, and goes down when distance goes up).
19. The law that states that every object maintains constant velocity unless acted on by an
unbalanced force is Newton’s 1st law
20. The law that states that for every action force there is an equal and opposite reaction force is
Newton’s 3rd law
21. The law that states that the unbalanced force acting on an object equals the object’s mass times
its acceleration is Newton’s second law
22. What is the SI unit for force? Newton (N)
23. When the force of air resistance balances the force of gravity of an object that is falling, velocity
(increases, stays the same, decreases)? Why? When forces are balanced there is NO change in
motion. (if it’s moving it will continue to move b/c newton’s 1st law)

Mixed Review Calculations [show your GIVEN, EQUATION, and SOLVE]

24. What is the velocity of a missile that travels north 8000 meters in 10.12 seconds?
Given Equation Solve
8000m = d 8000 m m
v= =790.5
10.12 s = t 10.12 s s
?? = v

25. What distance does a rocket flying for 5 seconds at 100 m/s travel?
Given Equation Solve
??? = d m
d=5 s ×100 =500 m
5s = t s
100 m/s = s

26. In 5 seconds, a car goes from 0 m/s to 60 m/s. What is the acceleration of the car?
Given Equation Solve
5s=t m m
60 −0
0 m/s = vi s s m
a= =12 2
60 m/s = vf 5s s
???? =a
27. A car's engine produces a force of 1500 N and it accelerates at 2.5 m/s2. What is its mass?
Given Equation Solve
1500 N = F 1500 N
m= =600 kg
2.5 m/s2 =a m
2.5 2
??? = m s

28. You throw a 0.5 kg ball with a force of 15 N. What is the ball’s acceleration?
Given Equation Solve
0.5 kg = m 15 N m
a= =30 2
15 N = F 0.5 kg s
?? = a

29. A 15 kg ball accelerates at 20 m/s2 what force was exerted on the ball?
Given Equation Solve
15 kg = m m
F=15 kg ×20 2
=300 N
20 m/s2 = a s
?? =F

30. How much force is required to accelerate a 2 kg rock at 3 m/s2?

Given Equation Solve
?? = F
2 kg = m m
F=2 kg ×3 2
=6 N
3 m/s2 = a s

31. A horse ran 500 meters down the hill in 50 seconds. What is the velocity of the horse?
Given Equation Solve
500m = d 500 m m
v= =10
50 s= t 50 s s
?? = v

32. Sally drove at a speed of 50 km/hr. south for 2 hours. How far did she travel?
Given Equation Solve
s = 50 km/hr km
d=50 ×2 hr =100 km
t= 2 hours hr

33. A hiker walked a 5 kilometer trail in 65 minutes. What was his speed?
Given Equation Solve
5km = d 5 km km
s= =0.0769
65 min = time 65 min min
?? = speed

Graphing Motion
34. A horizontal line on a distance-time graph means the object is standing still
35. An upward slope on a distance-time graph means the object is moving forwards
36. A downward slope on a distance-time graph means the object is moving backwards
37. A horizontal line on a speed-time graph shows that an object is not accelerating (no change in motion)
38. On a speed-time graph, a line with a negative slope indicates that the object is slowing down
39. On a speed-time graph, a line with a positive slope indicates that the object is speeding up.

40. On Graph 1 calculate the following ( SHOW YOUR WORK with UNITS)
m m
20 −0
a. Acceleration from 0 to10 seconds. s s
a= =2m/ s2
10 s
m m
20 −20
b. Acceleration from 10 to 30 seconds s s
a= =0 m/s2
20 s
m m
0 −20
c. Acceleration from 30 to 70 seconds s s
a= =−0.5 m/ s2
40 s
41. On Graph 2 calculate the following (SHOW YOUR WORK with UNITS)
8 m−0 m m
a. Find the average speed. s= =0.178
45 s−0 s s
6 m−0 m m
b. Find the speed from 0 to 15 seconds s= =0.4
15 s−0 s s
6 m−6 m m
c. Find the speed from 15 to 35 seconds. s= =0
35 s−15 s s

Net Forces Find the net force acting on the following items. Be sure to include direction.
44. 7N-3N= 4N Up

42. [4N-3N] = 1 N Right

3N +3N= 6N Right
4N+3N-8N= 43.
-1N Left
Or 1N Left

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