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“Mimi naenda kuwa raia mwema.

Lakini wale wanaozingatia kuongoza
msiweke Kenya chini. Msiweke msingi
wa siasa zenu kwa chuki. Kama yuko
mtu ametukana mimi namsamehe. Na
kama yuko mtu ambaye nimesema kitu
chochote ambayo imeumiza roho yake

“I will be leaving to be an ordinary

citizen. But those who will assume the
leadership of this country I appeal to you
not to bring Kenya to shame. Don’t anchor
your politics on hate. If there is anyone
who insulted me, I forgive him. If I said
something that hurt you, forgive me.”

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my
Father‘s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go
to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come
again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14-3
The spirit of Nyayo is leading us to peace, love and unity; they are not slogans
or vague philosophies but practical foundations of countrywide development.

H.E. Hon. Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi, C.G.H.

Second President of the Republic of Kenya



and National 08.02.2020 – 10.02.2020


8:05 a.m. Solemn State Procession from

Funeral Home to Parliament Road

8:10 a.m. Forming up of troops in line at

Parliament Buildings

9:00 a.m. Reception of the State Funeral

Procession at Parliament

9:45 a.m. Tribute to the Second President

of the Republic by His Excellency
President Uhuru Kenyatta

10:15 a.m. Arrival of His Excellency the

President, accompanied by the
First Lady, Margaret Kenyatta, at
Parliament Buildings
National & E.A.C Anthem

10:30 a.m. His Excellency the President,

accompanied by the First Lady
lead the nation in paying last
respects to the nation’s second

11:30 a.m. Presidential retreats

National & E.A.C Anthem

12:00 noon Public paying of respects up

to 5:00 p.m. - Monday 10th
February, 2020
The spirit of Nyayo is leading us to peace, love and unity; they are not slogans
or vague philosophies but practical foundations of countrywide development.




8:00 a.m. Public are seated 08:00 - 10.00 a.m. Funeral procession

8:00 - 10:15 a.m. Presentations by choirs Cortege lies in repose

10:00 - 11:00 a.m. FIRST READING

8:30 a.m. President Daniel Moi’s cortege
leaves parliament for Nyayo
Kimoi Moi
National Stadium
Talissa Moi
10:00 - 10:20 a.m. Arrival and sitting of State
officials and guests SECOND READING
10:30 a.m. Arrival of His Excellency the Hosea Moi
President and the First Lady
Paula Jepkemboi
10:35 a.m. State reception of the cortege
of President Daniel Moi EULOGY

10:45 - 12:00 State memorial service Captain Rtd. Phillip Moi and
noon Doris Moi

12:00 - 2:00 p.m. TRIBUTES Laila Cherobon– Poem

2:15 p.m. Casket of the late President 11:00 a.m.-12.15 p.m. TRIBUTES
Daniel Moi leaves Nyayo
Stadium for Lee Funeral Home



When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,

When sorrows like sea billows roll;
For ever with the Lord! For ever with the Lord! Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
Amen! so let it be! Father, if ‚tis thy will, It is well, it is well with my soul.
Life from the dead is in that word, The promise of thou gracious word
Tis immortality! Even here to me fulfil. Refrain:
It is well with my soul,
Here in the body pent, Be thou at my right hand, It is well, it is well with my soul.
Absent from him I roam, So shall I never fail;
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Yet nightly pitch my moving tent Uphold thou me, and I shall stand,
Let this blest assurance control,
A day‘s march nearer home. Help, and I shall prevail. That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
My Father‘s house on high, So when my latest breath
Home of my soul! how near, Shall rend the veil in twain, My sin—oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!—
At times, to faith‘s aspiring eye, By death I shall escape from death, My sin, not in part but the whole,
Thy golden gates appear! And life eternal gain. Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
Ah! then my spirit faints Knowing as I am known,
To reach the land I love, How shall I love that word, For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
The bright inheritance of saints, And oft repeat before the throne, If Jordan above me shall roll,
Jerusalem above! For ever with the Lord! No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.

But, Lord, ’tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,

The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul!
And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
BECAUSE HE LIVES The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.

God sent His son, they called Him Jesus And life is worth the living, just because
He came to love, heal and forgive He lives
He lived and died to buy my pardon
An empty grave is there to prove my And then one day, I’ll cross the river
saviour lives I’ll fight life’s final war with pain
And then, as death gives way to victory
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know
Because He lives, all fear is gone He reigns
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living, just because Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
He lives Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
How sweet to hold a new born baby And life is worth the living, just because
And feel the pride and joy He gives He lives
But greater still the calm assurance
This child can face uncertain day, I can face tomorrow
because He lives Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow And life is worth the living, just because
Because He lives, all fear is gone He lives
Because I know He holds the future
The spirit of Nyayo is leading us to peace, love and unity; they are not slogans
or vague philosophies but practical foundations of countrywide development.


Cha kutumaini sina, Damu yake na sadaka,
Ila damu yake Bwana, Nategemea daima,
Sina wema wa kutosha, Yote chini yakiisha,
Bwana Mungu nashangaa kabisa, Katika safari yangu, Dhambi zangu kuziosha. Mwokozi atanitosha. 
Nikifikiri jinsi ulivyo, Tatembea na wewe.
Nyota, ngurumo, vitu vyote pia, Kwake Yesu nasimama, Kwake Yesu nasimama,
Viumbavyo kwa uwezo wako. Pamoja na wewe, Ndiye mwamba ni salama, Ndiye mwamba ni salama,
Pamoja na wewe, Ndiye mwamba ni salama, Ndiye mwamba ni salama,
Refrain: Katika safari yangu, Ndiye mwamba ni salama. Ndiye mwamba ni salama.
Roho yangu na ikuimbie, Tatembea na wewe.
Jinsi wewe ulivyo mkuu, Njia yangu iwe ndefu, Nikiitwa hukumuni,
Roho yangu na ikuimbie, Mali hapa sikutaka, Yeye hunipa wokovu, Rohoni nina amani,
Jinsi wewe ulivyo mkuu. Ili niheshimiwe, Mawimbi yakinipiga, Nikivikwa haki yake,
Na yanikute mashaka, Nguvu ndizo nanga. Sina hofu mbele zake.
Nikitembea pote duniani, Sawasawa na wewe.
Ndege huimba nawasikia, Kwake Yesu nasimama, Kwake Yesu nasimama,
Milima hupendeza macho sana, Pamoja na wewe, Ndiye mwamba ni salama, Ndiye mwamba ni salama,
Upepo nao nafurahia. Pamoja na wewe, Ndiye mwamba ni salama, Ndiye mwamba ni salama,
Heri nikute mashaka, Ndiye mwamba ni salama. Ndiye mwamba ni salama.
Nikikumbuka vile wewe Mungu, Sawasawa na wewe.
Ulivyompeleka mwanao,
Afe azichukue dhambi zetu, Niongoze safarini,
Kuyatambua ni vigumu mno. Mbele unichukue,
Mlangoni mwa mbinguni,
Yesu Mwokozi atakaporudi, Niingie na wewe. HOW GREAT THOU ART
Kunichukua kwenda mbinguni,
Nitaimba sifa zako milele, Pamoja na wewe,
Wote wajue jinsi ulivyo. Pamoja na wewe,
Mlangoni mwa mbinguni,
O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Bwana u sehemu yangu, Niingie na wewe.
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made
Rafiki yangu, wewe,
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed

Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

When through the woods, and forest glades I wander

And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze

And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing

Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away my sin

When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation

And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration
And then proclaim: “My God, how great Thou art!”




he life of President his last born child, Hon. Senator
Daniel Toroitich Gideon Moi (Baringo County)
arap Moi mirrors the who was at his hospital bedside at
story of the birth the height of his frailty and pain,
and growth of our that “To accept life is to accept
Nation. His life’s journey, from death. You can’t have one and
an orphan boy tending goats not the other.” It was yet another
in Kabartonjo to State House, signal to his beloved family that
is a testament of what can be although his time was running
achieved through determination, out, he was at peace with himself
hard work and the guiding hand and God.
of the Almighty. Kenyans would recall how,
Mzee Moi’s life story is the though with a heart shattered by
encapsulation of the Kenyan the loss of his wife, Mama Lena,
Dream; overcoming seemingly on Tuesday July 27, 2004, Mzee
insurmountable challenges, forg- faced the cameras and declared
ing a remarkable life and creating his deepest secret to Kenyans,
an ensuring golden legacy, and by saying when his time comes
making immeasurable positive he would be buried in Kabar-
contributions to the nation, con- ak. Today we lay him to rest on
tinent and the globe. his chosen spot, and though we
Daniel Toroitich arap Moi was miss him, we are buoyed by his
a man, an icon, a legend and a powerful guidance to his family,
philosopher; all in equal measure. friends and Kenyan leadership:
He managed to be a towering “Everything will be done at
public figure and a symbol of Kabarak. The service and bur-
both our national unity, as well as ial. It will not be at Sacho (his
Pan-Africanism; yet at the same birthplace). Kabarak is the place I
time remaining a loving family will be laid to rest when my time
man who jealously protected the comes.”
privacy and individuality of the That was 16 years ago. Today,
members of his household. here we are fulfilling his wish,
At the Kabarak Church Chapel albeit with modification given his
on May 8, 2005, Mzee Moi took status as a Kenyan statesman and
his green-inked fountain pen and President for 24 years. Mzee’s
in his majestic and outstanding family are in full agreement with
handwriting, the legacy of his the additional service and State’s
he condensed his thoughts and would remain by his side until he
learning at the feet of exceptional own final rites reserved for a man
personal resolution by adding was called to the Lord. This bears
pre-colonial teachers, he wrote a who led, transformed and served
the words ‘The Joy of Knowing testimony to the endurance,
four-line personal decree on the Kenya as Commander-in-Chief
Christ’ from 2 Timothy 3:10. resilience and stubbornness of
back of the stenciled programme. for 24 years.
He then slipped the paper his soul, ordered and guided by
The words were from Genesis Before independence, Moi went
inside the middle of his Bible like conviction to his religious beliefs.
28:17 and he titled his writing, into public service as a member
a bookmarker. The bluish piece It explains why religion was at
‘Gate of Heaven’. It ran thus: of the LegCo, and afterwards
of paper would be transferred to the centre of his daily activities
Step by step, step by step served in President Jomo Ken-
his new Bible when the previous and conversations, even with the
I will follow Jesus, yatta’s Cabinet, later becoming
one got old and marred by his youngest of his great-grandchil-
Everyday all the way, Kenya’s third Vice-President
handwritten notes. For 15 years, dren.
I will follow Jesus after Jaramogi Oginga Odinga
the paper, a sign of how dearly Never one to fear the inevi-
Perhaps, as an afterthought, and Joseph Murumbi.
he held the contents to his heart, tability of death, Mzee Moi told
The spirit of Nyayo is leading us to peace, love and unity; they are not slogans
or vague philosophies but practical foundations of countrywide development.

Moi with his P.E class at Tenges Primary School, where he was a teacher

His personal philosophy and belief in God missionaries in Kapsabet High School he
defined his view and purpose in life, and that would walk all the way to Kapsowar, some
is why in his endeavour to lead and reflect a 100 kilometres away, a treacherous and dreary
Christ-like character, something he never journey, and use the Sh. 2 he was paid to buy
stopped beseeching Kenyans to follow, he his first Bible rather than clothes, shoes or
strove to uplift the poor, the old and children beddings.
from the grip of poverty, ignorance and dis- Outside the realm of politics, Mzee Moi ra-
ease. He was generous to a fault and the foot- diated another personality by sharpening his
prints of his generous heart are to be found all conscience and preparing himself for the life
over the country: from Namanga to Kibbish, hereafter through prayer and supplication. It
Dukana to Busia and Isebania to Habaswein. is in this space that he exhibited the fiery and
The free school milk programme; school religious resilience of Daniel, the Biblical man
classes and dorm expansion projects; the after whom he was baptized and named.
litany of Nyayo Wards; women and youths From his immersion in water, and through-
financing projects; daily rallying to Kenyans out his life, the promissory line in the Book
to embrace his Nyayo philosophy of peace, of Daniel abided by him in the words: “But as
love and unity; and the use of his own per- for you, go your way to the end; then you will
sonal resources to empower the poor and the enter into rest and rise again for your allotted
They were not by accident or mistake, but
bereft were all founded on his heart and belief portion at the end of the age” (Daniel 12:13). It
sprung from what defined him, for that was
system. And so were his environment con- is no wonder that as his Presidency came to an
Moi’s belief system and testimony to his
servation efforts and water supply goals. All end, he not only maintained - to the disbe-
upbringing at the Lord’s feet so early in life,
were about improving the world and the state lief of his diehards who had known no other
unlike many of his contemporaries who were
of humanity in God’s universe. It is the reason leader other than Mzee - that he had no wish
consumed by ordinary village life and ambi-
he stood for long hours in the searing sun of to cling on to power, and would abide by the
tions of the time.
Baringo and Ukambani lifting huge stones as Constitution of Kenya when the curtain fell on
he led the construction of gabions. It is the reason why, after being hired by
his rule. And his word was always his bond.



aniel Moi married Moi, born in 1960, followed, after
Lena, the daugh- which came twins, Philip and
ter of prominent Doris, born in 1962. Philip is a
Eldama Ravine retired army Major. Doris, on the
farmer Paul other hand, has kept away from
Bomet, in 1950. The two were the glare of public light except
blessed with eight children - five when she was recently hosted
sons and three daughters. Lena, by Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga. She
a trained teacher herself, later is an alumna of Nairobi Primary
took up the role of a full-time School, Limuru Girls School and
housewife to raise the children as the British-curriculum Imani
Moi’s political career flourished School in Thika. She studied in
and had to spend more time away Australia.
from home. Doris was married to Ibrahim
But perhaps the best known of Choge, a Safari Rally navigator of
Moi’s children is the last born and Jonathan Moi and son of veteran
current Baringo Senator Gideon, Nandi politician Simon Choge.
born in 1964. Ibrahim died in a road crash in
Moi‘s firstborn, Jennifer June 1998.
Chemutai Kositany, a Kenya High June, the youngest, is Moi’s
School alumna, who later pur- adopted daughter. She attended
sued university education in the Nairobi Primary School, Kenya
United States, was born in 1953. High School and university in
Her husband Stephen Kositany, Canada. She is a successful busi-
brother to the current Soy MP nesswoman.
Caleb Kositany, died in a road The former President never
accident. remarried. Mama Lena retreated
After Jennifer came rally ace, to a quiet life at her Kabimoi Farm
the late Jonathan Toroitich. where she passed on in July 2004.
Jonathan and his revered Toyota She was buried in Moi’s expan-
Celica amassed numerous awards sive farm in Kabarak. Moi visited
and participated in various com- her several times while ailing,
petitions including Caltex Equator and was with her hours before
Rally, which was held in Nairobi. she passed on. Moi’s father,
He passed on in April 2019 after Kimoi arap Chebii, died in 1928
a long battle with cancer. A third when the former President was
child, John Mark, was born in only four years-old and little is
1958 and lived briefly in the Unit- known about his mother, Kabon,
ed States before returning home. except that she died shortly after
Moi, Mama Lena, Nairobi Councillor Isaack Lugonzo and Defence
The current Rongai MP, Raymond Moi was born. Minister Dr. Njoroge Mungai during a Madaraka Day fete.
The spirit of Nyayo is leading us to peace, love and unity; they are not slogans
or vague philosophies but practical foundations of countrywide development.

Moi and Mama Lena during a visit to Washington, US.

Moi with wife Lena and their two children. In the future President’s
arms is his firstborn Jennifer Chemutai while Lena carries future rally Ms. Lena Moi gives her husband and then Vice-President an affectionate
ace Jonathan Toroitich. welcome when he arrived from an overseas trip.

Moi with Mama Lena admire models of the Empire State President Daniel arap Moi and three of his sons (from left) Gideon, Raymond and
Building in New York during a US visit. Jonathan in 1986.



President Daniel arap Moi at the wedding of his firstborn

daughter Jennifer Chemutai and Ibrahim Kositany.

Jonathan Toroitich son Wayne with Mzee in 2012.

Gideon Moi’s daughter, Lulu Jemmatia, feeds Mzee Moi a cake during family
Christmas Day gathering in 2010.

Moi is welcomed at his Kabarak home by his grandchildren and close

Welcoming President Daniel arap Moi for Christmas in 2009 at Jonathan family members after he officially retired as President in December
Toroitich home. 2002.
The spirit of Nyayo is leading us to peace, love and unity; they are not slogans
or vague philosophies but practical foundations of countrywide development.

President Daniel arap Moi and


Lena Moi with her grandchild

Clint at her home in Kambi Moi,

President Daniel arap Moi with firstborn daughter Jennifer Lena Moi with Silvia JT in 1989 at Raymond Moi’s wedding in
Kositany. Kabarak.





President Jomo Kenyatta, religious leaders and legal diginaries witness the swearing in of Moi as Vice-President and Minister for Home Affairs in 1967.

Moi may not - even Moi’s critics - all agree capitalistic West or Communist
that the former President worked East.
have trained as a extremely hard to fashion himself Consequently, Moi gained
as a statesman and regional acceptance among his peers in
politician but he peacemaker. the continent and was elected to
played it so well His endeavours bore fruit, for
he not only arbitrated conti-
chair the Organisation of African
Unity (OAU) in 1981 where he
he earned the nental conflicts, but was also
called upon to patch up relations
achieved the rare feat of serving
two terms.
name, Professor between Britain and the Middle It was no mean task to bring
East when things went haywire. General Hassan el Bashir and Dr.
of Politics. Prof. Macharia Munene, an John Garang to the negotiating

International Relations lecturer table during the Sudan conflict
hen the history of at the United States Interna- that dated back to 1953. Through
Africa’s quest for tional University, summed it up the use of emissaries and per-
peace and unity thus: “He struggled very hard to sonal telephone conversations,
during the turbu- convince everyone that he was an Moi managed to secure the trust
African statesman. His was quite President Daniel arap Moi is and confidence of the warring
lent 1980s and 1990s is penned, delighted with a colobus monkey
former President Daniel arap a challenge, as he had to craft his skin cape by Maasai elders at factions, which ultimately led to
Moi’s name will demand more foreign policy in such a way that Ngong, Nairobi in 1967. a peace deal.
than just a mention in the foot- he did not antagonise the West or Moi also managed to transform
notes. betray the African cause.” the Cold War era, where every Kenya into a regional home for
Pan-Africanists, scholars, Moi had to walk the tight rope international action was inter- people fleeing from civil turmoil
international relations experts because he was ruling during preted through the prisms of the in countries like Sudan, Somalia,
The spirit of Nyayo is leading us to peace, love and unity; they are not slogans
or vague philosophies but practical foundations of countrywide development.

Vice-President Daniel arap Moi flags off a womens charity walk at Uhuru President Daniel arap Moi addresses wananchi who met him at JKIA
Park in 1973. when he arrived from a foreign trip in Botswana in 1997.

Vice-President Moi tries his hand with a firearm at the at the KANU Fun Fair President Daniel arap Moi shares a light moment with (from left) Fred
shooting range in 1967. Gumo, Mark Too, Joseph Kamotho and Bonaya Godana.

Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, Eritrea keeping force to Chad, where the Nigerian Government and involved.”
and Burundi, even as he tried to there was intense fighting. Moi sentenced to death for cam- It is from Moi’s foreign policy
settle the conflicts behind their also intervened in Uganda and paigning against the exploitation and his pursuit of good neigh-
displacement. Mozambique in an attempt to of his people by oil multination- bourliness that Kenya derives its
When things went haywire in solve civil wars in both countries. als. goodwill among nations.
Somalia in 1990 and President When Oliver Tambo, the ANC In Mozambique, Moi suc- Genesis of Moi’s long road to
Siad Barre was ousted, he fled to leader was released from prison cessfully brokered a ceasefire power
Nairobi, and was to be followed by the South African govern- between the warring factions Man of courage and valour
by thousands of his countrymen. ment, Moi paid for his treatment (Frelimo and Renamo) even
On the night of the attempted
Former Foreign Minister and in Sweden, according to Andrew though he had to bear with some
coup, and symbolic of the man of
career diplomat Burudi Nabw- Morton in the biography, Moi: mudslinging from some forces
courage and valour Mzee was, he
era described Moi’s tenure as The Making of an African States- who were benefiting from the
shot down a suggestion by Gen.
chairman former Organisation of man. fighting.
Lazarus Sumbeiywo that he be
African Unity (OAU) thus: “He Moi also tried, albeit unsuc- Bethwell Kiplagat, who was at
taken out of his Kabarak home
kept the ball rolling and did not cessfully, to secure the release the time the Permanent Secre-
because the place could be a soft
antagonise Member States.” of Terry Waite, who was the tary in the Ministry of Foreign
target for Kenya Air Force bomb-
Moi intervened and helped representative of the Bishop of Affairs, once remarked:
ers believed to be airborne then.
broker a deal between Morocco Canterbury in Lebanon, who had “We had no interest in Mo-
He said he would not leave his
and Polisario, who were fighting run afoul of Islamic extremists zambique. Our trade was zero,
home, which is his final resting
over Western Sahara. allied to Iran. we did not speak the language
place today, even at the risk of
He also mediated between He also unsuccessfully tried to and it wasn’t in our sphere of
his life.
Libya and Sudan and helped save Nigerian novelist, Ken Saro interests. We had nothing to gain
organise and dispatch a peace- Wiwa, who had been arrested by and everything to lose by getting


President Daniel arap Moi in Islamic kanzu together with Vice-President President Jomo Kenyatta, First Lady Mama Ngina and Vice-
Mwai Kibaki in 1979. President Moi share the ceremonial presidential Land Rover in

President Daniel arap Moi on his way to Parliament. Defence Minister Dr. Njoroge Mungai, leads his Home Affairs
counterpart Moi, as they met a group of Rendille elders in Marsabit.

New President Daniel arap Moi mourns the death of Mzee An army officer presents the presidential standard and the national flag to Mama Ngina Kenyatta
Kenyatta at State House Nairobi in 1978. while President Daniel arap Moi looks on during Kenyatta’s funeral mass on August 31, 1978.
The spirit of Nyayo is leading us to peace, love and unity; they are not slogans
or vague philosophies but practical foundations of countrywide development.

FROM RIGHT: Moi, Charles Njonjo, PS in the President’s Office, Mr.

President Daniel arap Moi addresses Kanu delegates attending the party Kariithi and Minister of State Mbiyu Koinange, watch as President
review conference at kasarani December 4, 1990. Kenyatta announces his Cabinet on November 1, 1974.

President Daniel arap Moi receives a gift of cuff-links from His

Eminence Maurice Cardinal Otunga at State House, Nairobi on
September 14, 1985.

President Daniel arap

Moi ready to board a
plane to his home in
Kabarak after handing
over power to President-
elect, Mwai Kibaki
December 30, 2002.


President Daniel arap Moi with Queen Elizabeth II in an open carriage for a drive through London at the start of his State Visit on June 10, 1988.

Daniel arap
Moi with his
US counterpart
Ronald Reagan
during a State
Visit in 1988.

President Daniel arap Moi is received by Prime

Minister Robert Mugabe during a foreign trip to
Zimbabwe on July 2, 1984.
The spirit of Nyayo is leading us to peace, love and unity; they are not slogans
or vague philosophies but practical foundations of countrywide development.

President Daniel arap Moi with his Abu Dhabi counterpart Sheikh President Daniel arap Moi with regional leaders during an IGAD Summit of 1996.
Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan on June 5, 1980.

President Daniel arap Moi joins the Mombasa Choir which

entertained him at Mombasa State House in 1989. To his left is
Assistant Minister for Political Affairs and National Guidance
Shariff Nassir. President Daniel arap Moi meets Pope John Paul II.


President Daniel arap Moi’s love for eduction and children.

The spirit of Nyayo is leading us to peace, love and unity; they are not slogans
or vague philosophies but practical foundations of countrywide development.

The spirit of Nyayo is leading us to peace, love and unity; they are not slogans
or vague philosophies but practical foundations of countrywide development.

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