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La Consolacion College Manila

8 Mendiola St., San Miguel, Manila

Serbisyo Para sa Barangay 596

A NSTP Project Proposal Paper presented to the Faculty of the NSTP, La Consolacion
College Manila.

In partial fulfillments of the course requirements in NSTP 1.

Abordo, Janea Marielle B.

Daday, Ma. Erika Sharliss J.

Del Mundo, Danica Nicole D.P.

Diala, Lharz Jericho P.

Gilledo, Elyza Ann

Jorsa, Jude Michael E.

Lipura, Lindsay G.

Mercado, Jasmine Bernadette

Noveno, Erika Nicole

Santos, Caminah Joy

13 December 2019
I. Introduction

This project proposal basically focuses on the activities that are related
on the Civic Welfare Training Service of the National Service Training
Program or the NSTP. To serve the community will be the objective for this.
This program is designed to enhance the civic consciousness of students by
developing the value of service and commitment for the welfare and
betterment of life of all members of the community. We have chosen
Barangay 596, Zone 59, District 6 of Manila under Chairman Jose Palajorin.
We will be serving them based on the Community Needs Assessment that
has been answered by the selected people from the community. As we
conduct the service to them, the Barangay chairman and council will be
helping and guiding us.
This project is an opportunity for us to extend our help and service outside the
school’s community. It is a pleasure for us to do be an instrument to serve
them in our little ways.

II. Objectives

 To provide the needs of Barangay 596 based on the Community Needs

Assessment, during our visits.
 To give smiles especially to the children through the activities that we are
going to conduct.
 To give hope and inspiration to them especially to the young ones by
encouraging them to be good and to study well.

GOAL: To finish the objectives in the span of 2 months wherein the visitation
will happen every 2 weeks.

III. SWOT Analysis

After assessing the community, we have identified our strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the entire span of 2 months with our
chosen community.

 One of our group member lives in  Lack of Budget for Health Mission
Barangay 596, therefore, it will be and other needs of the
easy for us to conduct and plan community.
the activities.
 Our chosen community is
 The ability to expand help/service  The area is slightly crowded and
outside school community. narrow.
 There are some obstructions like
not proper parking of vehicle.

IV. Description

The barangay that we have chosen is the Barangay 596, Zone 59, District 6
of Manila under Chairman Jose Palajorin and Council.


Barangay 596 V. Mapa, The span of the said The community of
Sta Mesa, Manila project will last for 2 Barangay 596 specifically
months. Every visit will the children and adults will
happen every 2 weeks for be the beneficiaries of the
a total of 4 visits. said project.

V. Community Needs Assessment

Based from the survey that we have conducted, it shows that the main
problem that they have in their community is unpleasant surroundings, lack of
food, and recreational activities. Aside from that, these are the community needs
that they have ranked from 1-12: Feeding Program, Recreational Activities,
Health Mission, Literacy, Disaster Preparedness, Social Activities, Clean-Up
Drive, Spiritual Activities, Skills Training, Industrial Arts, Livelihood Activities, and
Job Fair.

The place we have chosen according to the ocular inspection checklist is

generally accessible and can carry out the plan the group has laid out feasibly.
The place is easy to find and go to, it is also spacious enough to accommodate
the group and the people that we are going to serve. It also has an available
restroom, lights and electricity. The facilities that we will need such as electricity,
tables and chairs are also available in the community. There is no electric fan/s,
but we observed that the place has enough shade against the sun. There is no
whiteboard or projector to provide the people a visual presentation, but we will
look into it and we will see what we can do to give them the information or
lessons that we want to share with them. To sum up our inspection the place is a
good choice for the group because they can serve the people without having too
much hassle.

VI. Methodology and Strategies to be Use

 Planning of the Project

In planning of the project that we are going to conduct, we based it to the

community assessment that we have done when we visit Barangay 596. We
asked the children, adults and the elderly about their common needs, after
that the group have decided to assess their capabilities in preparing the
programs for the people of Barangay 596. After the assessment, the group
chose Feeding Program, Recreational Activities, Literacy and Clean-Up Drive
to be the programs that the group will provide for the community.

 Planning of the Budget Allocation

In planning the budget allocation for various services that we are going
to do in Barangay 596, we evaluated the costs of the materials needed for
the activities that will be done in our chosen community. We also allocate
some of the budget for our transportation costs.

 Acquisition of budget through donation

According to the financial needs that we have estimated it was almost

Php 6,000, we cannot provide it alone, so we will be asking for donations.
We will make a letter regarding our project, signed by our representative
and our NSTP facilitator, Mr. Jonathan Montes. Our group have decided
that each member will be given 2 letters that will help them get a donation
from their local government. The group will also be accepting donations
from people who are willing to help. Rest assured that the donations
gathered will be used for the betterment of the people of Barangay 596.

 Buying of resources/materials

After allocating the budget, and collecting donations, we are going to

buy the materials needed to make our project possible. The materials or
resources needed are toys, gifts, foods and other cleaning agents.
VII. Budget Allocation

TARGET FUND = Php 6,000

Transportation = 15 per head (from Legarda Station to V. Mapa Station)

15 x 10 members = Php 150 will be used for transportation per visit.
150 x 4 visits = Php 600 will be the transportation expense for the span of 2

6,000 – 600 = Php 5,400 will be used for the activities and programs that the
group prepared for the community.


Feeding Program Shanghai, Spaghetti, and Php 1900
Recreational Activities Props for the Games and Php 1000
(Palarong Lahi Games) Prizes
Literacy (Storytelling Coloring Books, Colors, Php 2000
and Coloring) Gifts and School Supplies
Clean-Up Drive Cleaning Materials Php 500
(Dustpan, Broom, and
other cleaning agents)

VIII. Implementation Plan

 For our first visit we will be having a feeding program since it’s the number
1, from the result of the CNA.
 For our second visit we will do recreational activities through games. We
will buy prizes for the winners.
 For the third visit, we will conduct literacy program through coloring and
other literary activities for the children.
 For the last visit, we will conduct a clean-up drive with the help of the
barangay council and the community as well.


January 18, Feeding Barangay 596 Elyza Shanghai,
2020; 1:00 – Program V. Mapa, Sta Guilledo, Spaghetti, and
3:00 Mesa, Manila Jasmine Utensils
Mercado and
Erika Noveno
February 8, Recreational Barangay 596 Caminah Props for the
2020; 1:00 – Activities V. Mapa, Sta Santos, Games and
3:00 Mesa, Manila Danica Del Prizes
Mundo, and
February 22, Literacy Barangay 596 Lindsay Lipura Coloring
2020; 1:00 – V. Mapa, Sta and Janea Books, Colors,
3:00 Mesa, Manila Abordo Gifts and
March 7, Clean-up Barangay 596 Lharz Diala, Cleaning
2020; 7:00 – Drive V. Mapa, Sta Jude Jorsa Materials
9:00 Mesa, Manila (Dustpan,
Broom, and
other cleaning

IX. Summary and Closing Strategy

The group will exert extra effort to make a connection with the people of
Barangay 596 and bond personally with the children that we are going to serve.
We want this program to be memorable and special for them and for us also.

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