Uv Vis
Uv Vis
Uv Vis
RedHexagonal 11.08%, and Blue 10.15% of weight in the range from room
temperature to about 100°C which agreed with the results of DSC showing
endothermic peak about 100°C assigned to the loss of water molecules in the structure.
In this work, the products were further studied with the other method for
examples, UV-Vis in solid state (powder and crystalline),13C-NMR, EPMA, and
density of complexes. Moreover, other products that prepared by the same method but
with the varied amount of K3[Cr(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O were also characterized for the
elemental composition by ICP-AES and WDXRF.
The preparation scheme in this work can be summarized as shown in Figure 31.
Add excess NaCl
Daniele (1983) studied the formation and stability of Li+, Na+, and K+ complexes
with oxalate by the potentiometric method at various ionic strengths. The results
showed that the trend K+ > Na+ > Li+ , suggesting that weak complexes, according to
an Li+ > Na+ > K+ order, were formed.
Cr3+ Gemstones
Ruby is one examples of gemstone that contains Cr impurity and its color is due
to excitation of an electron from one d-orbital to another d-orbital on the same atom
often times gives rise to absorption in the visible region of the spectrum. The Cr3+ ion
in octahedral coordination is a very interesting example of this. Slight changes in its
environment lead to changes in the splitting of the t 2g and eg orbitals, which changes
the color of the material. Hence, Cr3+ impurities are important in a number of
gemstones. Samples of them are shown in Table 7.
Table 7 Properties of Cr3+ gemstones (www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu)
trans cis
Figure 33 trans- and cis-Al(C2O4)2-(Boder et al., 2003)
Table 8 13C Chemical shifts (ppm from TMS) of detected binary species(Boder et al., 2003).
Species Chemical shif (ppm)
Al(C2O4)+ 168.04
trans-Al(C2O4)2- 168.10
cis-Al(C2O4)2- 168.16
Al(C2O4)33- 168.26
Taura (1988) showed that the 13C-NMR signals of the coordinated carboxylates
were markedly shifted downfield in protic solvents in comparision with aprotic
solvents because the [Co(edta)]- anion interacts with solvent molecules through the
hydrogen bonding between solvent hydrogens and carboxyl oxygens of the complex
anion.The protic sovents that have large the acceptor number (AN) values strongly
interact in the outer sphere with the carboxylates of the [Co(edta)]- anion, and this
interaction causes the downfield shifts in protic solvents. The result are summarized in
Table 9.
4.1.2 EPMA/EDX
Generally, EPMA/EDX was used to study the elemental composition of
products which peak of each element show at different position as in the XRF method.
In this work crystal of products were used in the analyses and the height of peaks
reflect the ratio of element in products.
From the experiment, the composition of K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O, Blue, RedCubic,
and AlCubic were determined. As an example, K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O consists of K, Al, C,
and O and the height of peaks were related with general formula in Table 6. Similarly,
the ratio of elemental composition (from the height of peaks) in Blue and
K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O are similar but Blue has the Cr impurity. RedCubic and AlCubic
can also be concluded to have the same composition, by the same approach, but
RedCubic has the Cr impurity in agreement with the general formula in Table 6.
Figure 34 Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of (A) sample MgAlCrR and precursor
MgAlC, and(B) sample MgAlCrI and sample MgAlN(Del Arco et al., 2003)
The simplified Orgel diagram (Figure 38) is useful for showing the
energy levels of both high spin octahedral and tetrahedral transition metal ions.
They only show the spin-allowed transitions. three absorptions of Cr oxalato
complexes are expected. In practice, the spectrum is found to contain 3 bands
which occur at 17,500 cm-1, 24,000 cm-1 and 38,100 cm-1( 571 nm, 416 nm, and
262 nm ). Interpreting these as the transitions 4A2g → 4T2g, 4A2g → 4T1g (F),
and 4A2g → 4T1g(P). In general, only two are observed, the third band usually
is not experimentally observed because it is masked by the charge transfer
spectrum.(Huheey et al., 1993)
ν2 T1 (F)
ν1 T2
The absorption patterns observed in this work agree with the work of Tamaki et al.
(1992) when they observed the powder reflectance spectra of
{NBu4[MCr(C2O4)3]}x(M= Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+). Their spectra showed
three d-d band characteristic of [Cr(C2O4)3]3-(420, 580, and 698 nm) which they
explained that the inert chromium (III) ion retained the original six-coordinate
environment with three oxalate group.
B b
A a
493 580
482 573
482 571
494 581
In the spectra of crystalline (Figure 24), RedCubic and Blue showed absorption
bands 4A2g → 4T1g (F), 4A2g → 4T2g and 4A2g → 2E2g, 2T1g of [Cr(C2O4)3]3- ion which
are obviously different as shown in Table 5. The results are similar to those from
powder form. However, in aqueous solution both compounds showed similar
absorption bands.
Similary, Decurtins et al., 1994 reported that the polarized single crystal
absorption spectra of [Cr(C2O4)3]3- doped into NaMg[Al(C2O4)3] corresponding to the
A2g→ 4T2g and the 4A2g→4T1g transition were centered at 568 and 424 nm,
One more evidence can confirm different colour of products in this work when
we viewed UV-Vis in powder and crystalline. In RedCubic, the transmission of the red
color is much more than that in the blue (Figure 44). This results agree with the
difference of color between RedCubic and Blue in powder and crystalline.
In this work, not only the main peaks are found in UV-Vis spectrum but also
there is a very small peak due to spin-forbidden that show clearly at 699 and 655 nm
for powder and crystalline, respectively. It can be assigned to the transition 4A2g →
E2g, 2T1g
About spin-forbidden transitions, it is well known that the spectra of bulk ruby
(chromium-doped α-Al2O3) single crystals contain two sharp lines at 694.3 and 692.9
nm (R1 and R2-lines at room temperature), which are due to emission from isolated
Cr3+ ions substituted at Al sites. The ground state of Cr3+ is then 4A2, while the first
excited state is 2E. The transition involved is the spin forbidden 2E → 4A2 transition
within the d3 configuration of the Cr3+ ions subject to the crystal field of the
surrounding oxygen ligands. According to the diagram of Tanabe and Sugano, the 2E
excited state is weakly affected by the crystal field, and the 2E → 4A2 transition is a
sharp zero phonon doublets split by the combined action of the spin–orbit coupling and
the small trigonal component of the full crystal field. Like most complexes of Cr (III),
the oxalato complexes, with a variety of counterions, display a distinctive emission at
low temperatures, such as liquid nitrogen (77K). In the oxalate complexes, this
emission is dominated by two sharp lines and is assigned as arising from the transition
E → 4A2. In the complex K3Al(C2O4)3 the two sharp line mentioned above are
separated by 82 cm-1 and occur at 688.94 and 692.38 nm. The splitting is due to a
splitting of the 2E state caused by a spin-orbit interaction. (Coleman, 1982)
The color in RedCubic and RedHexagonal are similar to ruby. The deep red
color of ruby results from the substitution of a small number of chromium
atom“impurities” into an aluminum oxide (corundum) crystal. Because Cr+3 has the
valence–electron configuration 3d3, its ground state in the octahedral site in the crystal
has all three electrons with spins parallel in the lower–energy t2g levels. When light of
the proper wavelength shines on such an ion, either one or two of these electrons can be
excited into the higher–energy eg level, giving rise to two strong absorption bands in the
visible region of the spectrum. The lower–energy band causes the absorption of green
and yellow light and the other the absorption of violet light. The two bands overlap, so
that most of the blue light is also absorbed, but some passes through and combines with
the strongly transmitted red light to give the characteristic slightly purplish red of the
ruby. Orgel (1957) studied on “Ion compression and the color of ruby” and found that
the red color that should have been green, of ruby was due to an absorption band the
maximum of which was 19,000cm-1 (526nm). Thus, according to his interpretation, the
crystal field parameter ∆ in ruby has increased by 20 percent relative to that in other
oxide materials. In the electrostatic theory, ∆ is proportional to R-5 where R is the metal-
anion distance, so that a reduction of 20 percent in ∆ corresponds to a reduction of
metal-oxygen distance by 4 percent. Taking the radius of the chromium ion as 0.65 A
and that of the oxygen ion as 1.40A, he found a normal Cr-O distance distance of 2.05 A,
so that a shortening of the the Cr-O distance by 0.08 A would be sufficient to account
for the observed difference in color (Orgel, 1957).
Ballhausen (1962) reported that the absorption spectrum of ruby (Cr3+, Al2O3)
showed two broad band at 400, and 556 nm corresponding the4A2g→ 4T2g and the
A2g→4T1g transition.
In the case of alexandrite, there are two approximately equal sized tranmission
windows - the first at blue and second at red wavelengths. When viewed in light made
up of all wavelenghts, the stone tramsmits blue and red and often looks purple or
purple-grey. The results were shown in Figure 46. (www.socrates.berkeley.edu)