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Chapter 4


In the previous work by Laongjit (M.S.Thesis, 2004), the oxalato complexes

were prepared by mixing aqueous solutions of K3[Cr(C2O4)3].3H2O,
K3[Al(C2O4)3].3H2O, and NaCl at room temperature. Three types of crystals were
obtained, two were dark red almost black and the other was blue. They were designated
as RedCubic, RedHexagonal, and Blue and characterized by scanning electron
microanalysis/ energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (SEM/EDX), inductively-coupled
plasma/atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), single crystal X-ray diffraction, UV-
Visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis), fourier-transformed infrared spectrometry
(FT-IR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetry analyzer (TGA), and
differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). Crystal structure of RedHexagonal were
studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystal structure of RedHexagonal
could be solved but not for the RedCubic and Blue. The substitution of Cr3+ in
[Al(C2O4)3]3- yielded the complex K18{K[Al0.97Cr0.03(C2O4)3]6}Cl.18H2O (RedHexagonal)
which contained 3% of chromium. UV-Visible in aqueous solution was used to
confirm d-d transition of Cr3+ (d3) as three bands (298, 420, and 572 nm) were
observed. The oxalate ligand exhibits one intense band at 298 nm which can be
assigned to the π→π* electronic transitions. Infrared spectroscopy was used to
confirm the mode of vibrations of the oxalate ligands in the free state compared with
that in the complexes. The C=O stretching of RedCubic, RedHexagonal, and Blue
showed intense bands in the range 1723-1675 cm-1 whereas the C−O stretching modes
showed intense bands in the range 1408-1271 cm-1. The frequencies of the M−O
frstretching modes appeared in the region 586-473 cm-1. The results of TGA analysis of
RedCubic, RedHexagonal, and Blue indicated that RedCubic lost 16.10%,


RedHexagonal 11.08%, and Blue 10.15% of weight in the range from room
temperature to about 100°C which agreed with the results of DSC showing
endothermic peak about 100°C assigned to the loss of water molecules in the structure.
In this work, the products were further studied with the other method for
examples, UV-Vis in solid state (powder and crystalline),13C-NMR, EPMA, and
density of complexes. Moreover, other products that prepared by the same method but
with the varied amount of K3[Cr(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O were also characterized for the
elemental composition by ICP-AES and WDXRF.
The preparation scheme in this work can be summarized as shown in Figure 31.
Add excess NaCl

K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O K3Cr(C2O4)3⋅3H2O AlCubic

Add 0.02 mol NaCl

Blue RedHexagonal RedCubic

Figure 31 Preparation scheme for the doped Al-oxalato complexes

( Products in this work)

Products from the mixing of K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O, K3Cr(C2O4)3⋅3H2O and NaCl

consisted of RedCubic, RedHexagonal, and Blue while AlCubic was from
K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O and NaCl. AlCubic was compared with RedCubic coresponding to
elemental compositions are similar but only the color was different. The products
(RedCubic, AlCubic, and Blue ) were further studied with several methods such as by
tritration technique for the amount of oxalate, by ICP-AES and EDXRF for other
elemental compositions and by TGA for the water content in the complex. These data
led to the general formula of the products as shown in Table 6 .
Table 6 Chemical formula of products and
Sample Crystal Colour General formula
K3Al(ox)3⋅3H2O Monoclinic colourless K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O (Taylor, 1978)
K3Cr(ox)3⋅3H2O Monoclinic dark green K3Cr(C2O4)3⋅3H2O (Taylor, 1978)
Blue 5% Monoclinic blue K3[Al0.95Cr0.05(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O
RedHexagonal 5% Hexagonal reddish K18{K[Al0.97Cr0.03(C2O4)3]6}Cl.18H2O
purple (Chaiyapoom, 2004)
RedCubic 5% Cubic reddish K Na2[Al0.95Cr0.05(C2O4)3]⋅4H2O
AlCubic Cubic colourless K Na2[Al(C2O4)3]⋅4H2O

Daniele (1983) studied the formation and stability of Li+, Na+, and K+ complexes
with oxalate by the potentiometric method at various ionic strengths. The results
showed that the trend K+ > Na+ > Li+ , suggesting that weak complexes, according to
an Li+ > Na+ > K+ order, were formed.

Syntheses of the complexes of the R2[Mo2O5(C2O4)2(H2O)2] type (R = K, Rb, Cs,

NH4, N(CH3)4), were reported in 1977 by Becher and coworker and their structures
were speculated only on the basis of spectral data. According to these results, salts with
the Rb+ and NH4+ cations should contain anions with a linear symmetric Mo–O–Mo
bridge, while for the Cs+ and [(CH3)4N]+ salts, they claimed that the bridge must be of a
different kind. Such findings stimulated the structure determination of
[(CH3)4N]2[Mo2O5(C2O4)2(H2O)2] by Cindric´and coworker.They found that the bridge
between two Mo atoms was of the Mo–O–Mo type with an angle of 177.6(2)° at the
oxygen atom.(Cindric´ et al., 1999)
About the effect of size of cations, Na and K are 0.97 and 1.33 Å, respectively.
Na is smaller than K so that it can displace in K position. And in general, as the cation
decrease in size the lattice is stabilized (lattice energy becomes more negative) until
anion-anion contact occurs(Huheey et al., 1993). Smaller cation can form complex
more stable than larger cation, so RedCubic formed when mixed NaCl and size of
cation may affect the structure.

Color formed in products when mixing K3Cr(ox)3⋅3H2O with K3Al(ox)3⋅3H2O

may result from Cr ions inserting in complexes in resemblance to that occurs in ruby,
(Cr impurity in α-Al2O3).
Generally, the formation of α-Al2O3 from the metastable aluminas, α- and δ-
Al2O3, involves the conversion of cubic close packing of O2- ions into stable hexagonal
close packing, where the O atoms form hexagonally close-packed lattice; the Al atoms
occupy octahedral sites between the O planes. (Patra et al., 2005) In ruby, Cr were
inserted in Al position.

Cr3+ Gemstones
Ruby is one examples of gemstone that contains Cr impurity and its color is due
to excitation of an electron from one d-orbital to another d-orbital on the same atom
often times gives rise to absorption in the visible region of the spectrum. The Cr3+ ion
in octahedral coordination is a very interesting example of this. Slight changes in its
environment lead to changes in the splitting of the t 2g and eg orbitals, which changes
the color of the material. Hence, Cr3+ impurities are important in a number of
gemstones. Samples of them are shown in Table 7.
Table 7 Properties of Cr3+ gemstones (www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu)

Ruby Alexandrite Emerald

Host Corundum Chrysoberyl Beryl
Al2O3 BeAl2O4 Be3Al2Si6O18
2.23 eV 2.17 eV 2.05 eV
t2g- eg Splitting 556 nm 563 nm 596 nm
17985 cm-1 17762 cm-1 16778 cm-1
Color Red Blue-Green (Day light) Green
Red (Candle light)

In each of the gemstones Cr3+ impurities substitute for Al3+ on an octahedral

site as shown in Figure 32
a b

Figure 32 (a) Corundum, Al2O3, and (b) Beryl, Be3 Al2Si6O18


The color in RedCubic, RedHexagonal, and Blue which change from

colourless in K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O to one of each corresponding color is attributable to
Cr ion inserted in the precursor structure similar to this gemstone.

4.1 Characterization of products

4.1.1 13C-NMR
In general 13C-NMR is a valuable tool for observing rapid intramolecular
rearrangement processes. The isotropic 13C chemical shifts of the products have been
measured at room temperature. A single signal that appear at the low magnetic field
(∼160-220 nm) are assigned to the carbons of the coordinated carboxylates. Suppose
that the downfield shift corresponds to the decrease of the shielding effect in a
diamagnetic contribution due to the decrease of the electron density on the carboxyl
carbons.(Miessler and Tarr, 1998)
In this work, the 13C-NMR spectra of RedCubic, RedHexagonal, and Blue
display one single signal at the value of 167.023, 167.103, and 167.003 ppm,
respectively, (Figures 10-12 ), intermediate between the single carbon signal occurring
in free oxalic acid (163.16 ppm) and potassium oxalate (175.18 ppm). This spectral
shape proves that the oxalato group acts as a bidentate ligand resulting in one single
carbon enviroment. They indicate the equivalence of the two carbon atoms in oxalate
implying the bidentate mode of binding to one metal ion. They show slightly different
position due to the electron density on the carboxyl carbons.
In K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O complex, the δ values for carboxyl carbons from oxalate
ligand bonding with Al (167.14 ppm) become greater (downfield shift) than the δ
values for carboxyl carbons in free oxalic acid (163.16 ppm) because of the decrease of
the electron density on the carboxyl carbons similar to that found in RedCubic,
RedHexagonal, and Blue.

Boder et al. (2003) studies the Al(C2O4)1-3 species by 13C-NMR spestroscopy.

The values of 13C NMR shift of the detected binary species Al(C2O4)i+3-2i are shown in
Table 8. Three binary species are Al(C2O4)+, Al(C2O4)2-, and Al(C2O4)33-.The
assignment of 13C-NMR signals in the Al (III)- (C2O4)2--H+ system can be done by
varying the metal/ligand ratio and pH.
Al O O O
O O O O Al

trans cis
Figure 33 trans- and cis-Al(C2O4)2-(Boder et al., 2003)
Table 8 13C Chemical shifts (ppm from TMS) of detected binary species(Boder et al., 2003).
Species Chemical shif (ppm)
Al(C2O4)+ 168.04
trans-Al(C2O4)2- 168.10
cis-Al(C2O4)2- 168.16
Al(C2O4)33- 168.26

Taura (1988) showed that the 13C-NMR signals of the coordinated carboxylates
were markedly shifted downfield in protic solvents in comparision with aprotic
solvents because the [Co(edta)]- anion interacts with solvent molecules through the
hydrogen bonding between solvent hydrogens and carboxyl oxygens of the complex
anion.The protic sovents that have large the acceptor number (AN) values strongly
interact in the outer sphere with the carboxylates of the [Co(edta)]- anion, and this
interaction causes the downfield shifts in protic solvents. The result are summarized in
Table 9.

Table 9 Effect of solvent to AN parameter and chemical shift (Taura, 1988)

solvent ANa δ COO-(ppm)
H2O 54.8 183.3
CHCl3 23.1 180.6
DMF 16.0 179.5
DMA 13.6 179.5
The acceptor number (AN) of the solvent as measure of estimating the
electrophilic ability of solvents. (Protic solvent that have large AN values
strongly interact in outer sphere.)

4.1.2 EPMA/EDX
Generally, EPMA/EDX was used to study the elemental composition of
products which peak of each element show at different position as in the XRF method.
In this work crystal of products were used in the analyses and the height of peaks
reflect the ratio of element in products.
From the experiment, the composition of K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O, Blue, RedCubic,
and AlCubic were determined. As an example, K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O consists of K, Al, C,
and O and the height of peaks were related with general formula in Table 6. Similarly,
the ratio of elemental composition (from the height of peaks) in Blue and
K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O are similar but Blue has the Cr impurity. RedCubic and AlCubic
can also be concluded to have the same composition, by the same approach, but
RedCubic has the Cr impurity in agreement with the general formula in Table 6.

4.1.3 XRD Pattern

The XRD patterns of the Blue and K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O are shown for comparison
in Figure17. Both patterns are similar implying they are isomorphous but it should be
borne in mind that Blue has a small amount of Cr in the crystal structure. Same as the
XRD patterns of RedCubic and AlCubic that are shown in Figure 18, the same can be
said that both patterns are similar implying isomorphology and that the RedCubic has a
small amount of Cr.
The above conclusion can be supported by the work of Del Arco et al.(2003),
where the similarity of the XRD patterns of precursor and product were reported. The
powder XRD patterns for samples MgAlCrR and MgAlCrI, together with those of the
corresponding precursors (MgAlC and MgAlN), are shown in Figure 34. The PXRD
pattern for sample MgAlCrRH (not shown) is similar to that from sample MgAlCrR,
although the diffraction maxima are stronger.(Del Arco et al., 2003)

Figure 34 Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of (A) sample MgAlCrR and precursor
MgAlC, and(B) sample MgAlCrI and sample MgAlN(Del Arco et al., 2003)

4.1.4 Density of crystal

Density of RedCubic was determined in this work to be 1.92 Mg/m3. However, the
densities of RedHexagonal and Blue could not be determined since their densities
appeared to be higher than the solution available for this measurment. Therefore, we
concluded that their densities must be higher than that of RedCubic.
Since the structure of RedHexagonal could be solved (in Laongjit’s work) so we
tried to calculate its density from single crystal X-ray data which came out to be 2.074
Mg/m3. This figure confirmed our conclusion above that the density of the
RedHexagonal should be higher than that of the RedCubic.

4.1.5 Single crystal X-ray diffraction

Cell parameters of the Blue are similar to K3[Al(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O,
K3[Cr(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O and K3[Fe(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O which are isomorphous (Fenn et al., 1967)
and cell parameters of RedCubic are similar to AlCubic (Table 10). Consequently, Blue,
K3[Al(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O, K3[Cr(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O, K3[V(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O, and
K3[Fe(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O are isomorphous and so are the RedCubic and AlCubic. This agree
with general formula in Table 6.
Table 10 Cell parameter of products and other oxalato complexes
Unit cell dimensions
Sample a(Å) b(Å) c(Å) α(°) β(°) γ(°)

K3[Al(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O (Taylor, 1978) 7.712 19.518 10.286 90 108.21 90

K3[Cr(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O (Taylor, 1978) 7.714 19.687 10.361 90 108.06 90
K3[Fe(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O (Delgado, 2002) 7.762 19.937 10.353 90 107.75 90
K3[V(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O (Fenn et al., 1967) 7.81 20.01 10.35 90 108.33 90
Blue5% 7.682 19.431 10.215 90 108.11 90
RedCubic5% 20.999 20.999 20.999 90 90 90
AlCubic 20.96 20.964 20.966 90 90 90

4.1.6 UV-Vis spectroscopy

In this work, spectra of products were studied and compared with precursors.
The spectra were acquired in solution and solid state: aqueouse solution, solid state
(powder and crystalline). UV-Vis spectra of K3[Al(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O, K2C2O4, and H2C2O4
in this work show absorption band of oxalate anion with the same position at 293 nm in
aqueous solution and a marked shoulder on band of high intensity, which extends into
the far ultra-violet at 253 nm in powder form
The absorption spectra of aqueous solutions of oxalic acid and potassium
oxalate and of methyl oxalate in hexane were determined, a band of low intensity at a
wavelength of about 250 nm appeared as a marked shoulder on band of high intensity,
which extends into the far ultra-violet. This low intensity band did not appear in the
absorption of potassium oxalate, but were observed as an inflexion in the absorption
curve of oxalic acid (Figure 35) (Graddon, 1956).

Figure 35 Absorption spectra of oxalic acid(----), potassium oxalate(-⋅-⋅-⋅-⋅),

methyl oxalate( ____ ) (Graddon, 1956)

The appearance of a band in the region 210-260 nm is characteristic of the

covalently bound carboxylic group and probably represents transition of the π-
electrons of the carbonyl group, transition which do not occur in the carboxylate ion
owing to the equivalence of the oxygen atoms. (Graddon, 1956)
[ However, the different nature of carboxyl groups is also shown in the infra-
red region,particularly in the C=O stretching fundamentals in the region 1600-1750
cm-1 which normally occur with a frequency in the region 1700-1750 cm-1 for esters of
carboxylic acid and in the region 1600-1650 cm-1 for their salt, a clear distinction being
observed between carboxyl groups linked to neighbouring atom by covalent and ionic
bonds.(Graddon, 1956)]
In general, there are three types of absorption curve characteristic of oxalic acid
or its simple derivatives: (Graddon, 1956)
1. A band of low intensity about 250 nm appearing as a shoulder on a band of
high intensity extending into the far ultra-violet,observed in methyl oxalate
and molecular oxalic acid, that is in molecules in which the carboxyl group
is covalently bound.
2. A high-intensity absorption in the far ultra-violet without accompanying
low intensity band, characteristic of the oxalate ion, (C2O4)2-.
3. An absorption curve with an inflexion about 250 nm, probably due to
masking of the low-intensity band by a shift or broadening of the high-
intensity band: characteristic of the (HC2O4)- ion in which one carboxyl
group only is covalently bound to hydrogen.

In this work, Redcubic, RedHexagonal, Blue, and K3[Cr(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O show

the strong absorption band of oxalate anion with the same position at 293 nm in
aqueous solution assigned to the π→π* electronic transition. This is similar to that
observed when K3[Al(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O, K2C2O4, and H2C2O4 dissolved in water where
they appeared to appreciably dissociated into ions and showed absorption at
wavelengths longer than 250 nm. In powder form, these complexes showed a marked
shoulder on band of high intensity, which extends into the far ultra-violet in region
256-273 nm similar to that observed in other oxalato complexes studied by Graddon as
shown in Figure 36.

Figure 36 Spectra of oxalate in other oxalato complexes(---)Be, (-.-.)Mg, (-x-x)Al,

(.......)Zr, (-o-o)Th, and ( _____)Cu (Graddon, 1956)

Absorption spectra of oxalato complexes of beryllium, aluminium, zirconium,

magnesium, copper, and thorium (Figure 36 ) by Graddon (1956) showed a low
intensity band appearing in the region 250-270 nm. This low intensity band appeared to
be displaced to longer wavelengths by co-cordination of the oxalate group to a metal
cation; the extent of displacement depending upon the size and valency of cation.
Absorption band of Redcubic, RedHexagonal, Blue, and K3[Cr(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O
are in agreement with K3[Al(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O, K2C2O4, and H2C2O4 where the absorption
band at 250-270 nm in solid state and at 293 nm in aqueous solution can be assigned to
an internal transition (π→π*) within the oxalate group. This also agrees with the
work of Cindric´ (2000) who studied the UV spectra of [Mo2O5(C2O4)2(H2O)2] and
M2[MoO3(C2O4)]·H2O (M=Na, K, Rb, Cs) complexes in aqueous solutions showing an
internal transition within the oxalate group at ca.285 nm (35000 cm-1), but rather weak.

For chromium (III) complexes, assuming a cubic octahedral field to be present,

the electronic ground state will be a 4A2g state arising from the strong-field
configuration (t2g)3. Other states springing from this configuration are 2Eg, 2T1g, and
T2g. The next strong-field configuration is (t2g)2(eg), producing the quartet state 4T2g
and 4T1g (Ballhausen, 1962). Those states are shown in Tanabe Sugano diagram (Figure
37) which is able to predict the transition energies for both spin-allowed and spin-
forbidden transitions, as well as for both strong field (low spin), and weak field (high
spin) complexes. The spin-allowed transition are 4A2g → 4T2g, 4A2g → 4T1g (F), and
A2g → 4T1g(P), while the spin-forbidden transitions are 4A2g → 2E2g, 2T1g and 4A2g
→ 2T2g.

Figure 37 Tanabe-sugano diagram for d3 octahedral complexes

(Cotton and Wilkinson, 1972)

The simplified Orgel diagram (Figure 38) is useful for showing the
energy levels of both high spin octahedral and tetrahedral transition metal ions.
They only show the spin-allowed transitions. three absorptions of Cr oxalato
complexes are expected. In practice, the spectrum is found to contain 3 bands
which occur at 17,500 cm-1, 24,000 cm-1 and 38,100 cm-1( 571 nm, 416 nm, and
262 nm ). Interpreting these as the transitions 4A2g → 4T2g, 4A2g → 4T1g (F),
and 4A2g → 4T1g(P). In general, only two are observed, the third band usually
is not experimentally observed because it is masked by the charge transfer
spectrum.(Huheey et al., 1993)

ν2 T1 (F)
ν1 T2


Figure 38 Orgel diagram of Cr(III) (Huheey et al., 1993)


In aqueous solution, RedCubic, RedHexagonal, Blue, and K3[Cr(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O

show the same greenish purple color. The absorption spectra of all products (in this
work) in aqueous solution were very similar to that of [Cr(C2O4)3]3- ion which showed
three bands at about 420( 4A2g → 4T1g (F)), 570(4A2g → 4T2g), and 698 nm (4A2g →
E2g, 2T1g) (Yager T.D., 1979). All of these spectra showed the first two spin-allowed
bands appearing at about 422 and 574 nm virtually the same pattern as found in other
chromiun oxalato complexes compiled in Table 11.
Table 11 Visible absorption maxima for Cr (III) complexes in aqueous solution
Compound A2g → 4T1g(F) (nm)
A2g → 4T2g
K3[Cr(C2O4)3]⋅3H2Oa 420 570
K[Cr(ox)2phen]⋅4H2Oa 397 543
K[Cr(ox)2bipy]⋅3H2Oa 392 535
trans-K [Cr(H2O)2(C2O4)2]⋅3H2Ob 416 555
cis-K [Cr(H2O)2(C2O4)2]⋅3H2Ob 416 562
Broomhead et al., 1968, bCunningham et al., 1952

In powder form (Figure 23), RedCubic, RedHexagonal, Blue, and

K3[Cr(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O have different colors and show slightly different absorption peaks.
Their spectra show similar pattern to that in aqueous solution. However, on a closer
inspection, there are two interesting points, showing slight differrences as shown in
Figure 39. The first one, point (A), the trough in the spectra of Blue and
K3[Cr(C2O4)3]⋅3H2O occur at 493 nm but in RedCubic and RedHexagonal occur at 482
nm. The other, point(B), the transition 4A2g → 4T2g of RedCubic in powder forms are
observed at 571 nm while that of Blue appear at 580 nm. These differences will help to
explain the different colors of these products. The relations between the wavelength
ranges and colors in the visible spectrum are shown in Figure 40.

The absorption patterns observed in this work agree with the work of Tamaki et al.
(1992) when they observed the powder reflectance spectra of
{NBu4[MCr(C2O4)3]}x(M= Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+). Their spectra showed
three d-d band characteristic of [Cr(C2O4)3]3-(420, 580, and 698 nm) which they
explained that the inert chromium (III) ion retained the original six-coordinate
environment with three oxalate group.

B b
A a

493 580
482 573

482 571
494 581

450 525 525 625

Figure 39 UV-Visible absorption spectra of RedCubic, Blue, RedHexagonal, and

K3Cr(C2O4)3⋅3H2O in powder form by diffused reflectance method

Figure 40 The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, including wavelength ranges for

the various colors in the visible spectrum. (www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu)

In the spectra of crystalline (Figure 24), RedCubic and Blue showed absorption
bands 4A2g → 4T1g (F), 4A2g → 4T2g and 4A2g → 2E2g, 2T1g of [Cr(C2O4)3]3- ion which
are obviously different as shown in Table 5. The results are similar to those from
powder form. However, in aqueous solution both compounds showed similar
absorption bands.
Similary, Decurtins et al., 1994 reported that the polarized single crystal
absorption spectra of [Cr(C2O4)3]3- doped into NaMg[Al(C2O4)3] corresponding to the
A2g→ 4T2g and the 4A2g→4T1g transition were centered at 568 and 424 nm,

Schönherr et al. (1989) reported the absorption band of 1%Cr3+ doped in

NaMg[Al(C2O4)3]⋅8H2O at T= 90 K which is shown in Figure 41.

Figure 41 Absorption spectrum of 1% Cr3+ doped in NaMg[Al(C2O4)3]⋅8H2O at

T=90K ( Schönherr et al., 1989)
Figure 42 shows the two spin allowed transitions for Cr3+ in ruby give rise to
absorption in the violet and the green. Since the transmission in the red is much more
than the transmission in the blue so rubies are red. The 2E→4A2 fluorescence adds to
the deep red color of a ruby. On the other hand, Figure 43 shows the transitions for Cr3+
in beryl. The crystal field splitting is a little bit smaller than ruby, so that the lower
energy absorption is shifted to lower energy taking out much of the reflectance of red
light and changing the color to green.

Figure 42 Absorption spectrum of ruby (www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu)


Figure 43 Absorption spectrum of beryl (www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu)

One more evidence can confirm different colour of products in this work when
we viewed UV-Vis in powder and crystalline. In RedCubic, the transmission of the red
color is much more than that in the blue (Figure 44). This results agree with the
difference of color between RedCubic and Blue in powder and crystalline.



300 400 500 nm 600 700 800

Figure 44 UV-Visible absorption spectra of RedCubic, and Blue crystalline


In this work, not only the main peaks are found in UV-Vis spectrum but also
there is a very small peak due to spin-forbidden that show clearly at 699 and 655 nm
for powder and crystalline, respectively. It can be assigned to the transition 4A2g →
E2g, 2T1g
About spin-forbidden transitions, it is well known that the spectra of bulk ruby
(chromium-doped α-Al2O3) single crystals contain two sharp lines at 694.3 and 692.9
nm (R1 and R2-lines at room temperature), which are due to emission from isolated
Cr3+ ions substituted at Al sites. The ground state of Cr3+ is then 4A2, while the first
excited state is 2E. The transition involved is the spin forbidden 2E → 4A2 transition
within the d3 configuration of the Cr3+ ions subject to the crystal field of the
surrounding oxygen ligands. According to the diagram of Tanabe and Sugano, the 2E
excited state is weakly affected by the crystal field, and the 2E → 4A2 transition is a
sharp zero phonon doublets split by the combined action of the spin–orbit coupling and
the small trigonal component of the full crystal field. Like most complexes of Cr (III),
the oxalato complexes, with a variety of counterions, display a distinctive emission at
low temperatures, such as liquid nitrogen (77K). In the oxalate complexes, this
emission is dominated by two sharp lines and is assigned as arising from the transition
E → 4A2. In the complex K3Al(C2O4)3 the two sharp line mentioned above are
separated by 82 cm-1 and occur at 688.94 and 692.38 nm. The splitting is due to a
splitting of the 2E state caused by a spin-orbit interaction. (Coleman, 1982)
The color in RedCubic and RedHexagonal are similar to ruby. The deep red
color of ruby results from the substitution of a small number of chromium
atom“impurities” into an aluminum oxide (corundum) crystal. Because Cr+3 has the
valence–electron configuration 3d3, its ground state in the octahedral site in the crystal
has all three electrons with spins parallel in the lower–energy t2g levels. When light of
the proper wavelength shines on such an ion, either one or two of these electrons can be
excited into the higher–energy eg level, giving rise to two strong absorption bands in the

visible region of the spectrum. The lower–energy band causes the absorption of green
and yellow light and the other the absorption of violet light. The two bands overlap, so
that most of the blue light is also absorbed, but some passes through and combines with
the strongly transmitted red light to give the characteristic slightly purplish red of the
ruby. Orgel (1957) studied on “Ion compression and the color of ruby” and found that
the red color that should have been green, of ruby was due to an absorption band the
maximum of which was 19,000cm-1 (526nm). Thus, according to his interpretation, the
crystal field parameter ∆ in ruby has increased by 20 percent relative to that in other
oxide materials. In the electrostatic theory, ∆ is proportional to R-5 where R is the metal-
anion distance, so that a reduction of 20 percent in ∆ corresponds to a reduction of
metal-oxygen distance by 4 percent. Taking the radius of the chromium ion as 0.65 A
and that of the oxygen ion as 1.40A, he found a normal Cr-O distance distance of 2.05 A,
so that a shortening of the the Cr-O distance by 0.08 A would be sufficient to account
for the observed difference in color (Orgel, 1957).
Ballhausen (1962) reported that the absorption spectrum of ruby (Cr3+, Al2O3)
showed two broad band at 400, and 556 nm corresponding the4A2g→ 4T2g and the
A2g→4T1g transition.

Figure 45 Absorption spectrum of ruby (Maiman, 1961)


In addition, RedCubic and RedHexagonal show alexandrite effect which was

the color-change property under different light sources (fluorescence and
incandescence lights). In this case, the largest valley (transmission window = low in
the absorption graph) occurs at the red end of the spectrum, thus the product essentially
looks red. (However, a smaller transmission window may occur at blue wavelengths.
This gives a purplish cast to the red color of them).

The "Alexandrite" color change effect:

Color change due to change in the color of incident light (recall that fluorescent
light is bluish (rich in blue wavelengths) and candle light is rich in red and orange
wavelenghts). Alexandrite is the best known example of a gemstone that changes color
depending upon the light it is viewed under.

In the case of alexandrite, there are two approximately equal sized tranmission
windows - the first at blue and second at red wavelengths. When viewed in light made
up of all wavelenghts, the stone tramsmits blue and red and often looks purple or
purple-grey. The results were shown in Figure 46. (www.socrates.berkeley.edu)

Figure 46 Pictures of alexandrite effect.(www.socrates.berkeley.edu)


Suchocki et al., 1987 studied “Spectroscopic properties of alexandrite crystals”.

Alexandrite (BeAl2O4:Cr3+) has Cr3+ ions occupying the Al3+lattice sites. The two broad
band are associated with transition to the 4T1g and 4T2glevels, while the shoulder on the
band edge near 245 nm may either be due to a charge tranfer transition or to a
transition terminating on one of the higher levels of the 3d3configuration such as the
T1g(P) levels. At low temperatures,the sharp line appearing on the low-energy side of
the 4T2g band between about 580 and 670 nm include zero-phonon transitions to
components of the 2T1g and 4T2g level, and phonon peaks in the vibronic side bands of
both the R1m line and the4T2g zero-phonon lines (Figure 47).

Figure 47 Electronic absorption spectrum of alexandrite(BeAl2O4:Cr3+)

(Suchocki, 1987)

According to data from elemental analysis, RedCubic and Blue contain

different cations and appear as different color (reddish purple, and Blue, respectively).
Therefore, different cation may associate with compression in structure (metal-ligand
distance) and is the cause for the color difference in these products.

Another evidence that support the effect of surrounding arrangement on the

electronic absorption spectrum came from the work of Ameis et al., 1985 where they
studied Jahn-Teller effect of Ti3+ in octahedral coordination of of A2A’TiCl6 for A,
A’= Cs, K, and Rb, Na, respectively. They found that a small static tetragonal
compression of the TiCl62- octahedral due to geometric packing forces is present below
the phase transition ( Figure 48 ).

Figure 48 Electronic absorption spectrum of Rb2NaTiCl6(I),

Cs2KTiCl6(II), and Rb3TiCl6(III) ( Ameis et al., 1985)

Whereas Coleman et al., 1975 studied about environmental effects on the

E→4A2 luminescence of a series of Cr (III)-oxalate complexes. The phosphorescence
of the Cr(C2O4)33-ion had been studied in 13 crystal lattices. The results obtained were
quite distinctively different in each environment.

4.2 Characterization of products obtained by varying % Cr

From the original Laongjit’s method, products were prepared by mixing
K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O, K3Cr(C2O4)3⋅3H2O, and NaCl in a given ratio resulting in mixture
of three types of products which was difficult to isolate from each other. New method
was needed to yield only one type of product such as Blue and RedCubic as shown in
Figures 27-30. When added excess NaCl (1.688g) to the mixed solution of
K3Al(C2O4)3⋅3H2O and, K3Cr(C2O4)3⋅3H2O, only RedCubic crystal was obtained.
Furthermore, if small amount of Pr6O11was added only Blue crystal was obtained.
Products obtained from these new methods were essentially identical to those obtained
by Laongjit’s method .
Products with varying %Cr were then prepared and their elemental compositions
were determined by ICP-AES and WDXRF. The results showed that %K and %Na
were rather constant but %Al decreased as %Cr was increased (Figures 27-30). In
addition, when %Cr increased the color became darker (Figure 25). This could be
viewed as the displacement of chromium atoms at aluminium sites in the molecule of
products and the color intensity varied with the chromiun concentration.

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