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Lecturer in Psyclwlogy, Brunei University
© John T. E. Richardson 1g8o
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1980

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transmitted, in any form or by any means, without permission

First published 1g8o by

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

ISBN 978-1-349-16356-4 ISBN 978-1-349-16354-0 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-16354-0

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Dedicated to Sonia

Priface lX

1 Introduction

2 Psychological Attitudes to Meatal haagery 4

2. I The Rise of Behaviourist Psychology 4
2.2 Contemporary Psychological Accounts 6
2 ·3 Mental Imagery in Contemporary Psychology 8
2 ·4 Dual Coding Theory I3
2 ·5 Common Coding Theory 15
2.6 Conceptual Criticisms of Mental Imagery 16
2. 7 Conclusions 22

3 A Conceptual Analysis of Meatal Imagery 25

3.1 The Behaviourist Critique of Introspectionism 25
3.2 The Notion of a Criterion 29
3·3 The Criteria for Psychological States 31
3 ·4 Imagery and Memory 33
3 ·5 The Intentionality of Mental Imagery 39
3.6 Conclusions 41

4 Meatal haagery in Immediate Memory 43

4· I The Representation of Spatial Information 44
4.2 The Manipulation of Spatial Information 45
4·3 Mental Comparisons 46
4-4 Selective Interference 54
4·5 Conclusions 59

5 Pictorial Memory
5.1 Memory for Pictures
5.2 Faces: A Special Case?
5·3 Pictures and Words
54 Pictures and Mental Imagery
5·5 Conclusions
Vlll Contents

6 hnagery MneJDonic Instructions 71

6.I The Effects of Imagery Instructions 7I
6.2 Interactive and Separative Imagery 73
6.3 Imagery and Verbal Instructions 76
6-4 Imagery Instructions and Selective Interference 78
6.5 The Usefulness of Imagery Mnemonics 8o
6.6 Conclusions 82

7 ReJDeJDbering Individual Words 8.f

7. I Stimulus Imageability 84
7.2 Stimulus Concreteness go
7 ·3 Lexical Complexity 93
7 ·4 lmageability and Mnemonic Instructions 94
7 ·5 lmageability and Selective Interference 97
7.6 Conclusions 99

8 ReJDeJDbering Connected Narrative 101

8.I Memory for Phrases IOI

8.2 Memory for Sentences 103
8.3 Imagery, Meaning and Understanding 109
8.4 Schemata and Thematic Structure I I I

8.5 Conclusions II6

9 Individual Differences 117

g. I Introspective Questionnaires I I8
g.2 Imagery Control I26
9·3 Reported Mediators I27
9-4 Spatial Ability I30
9·5 Coding Preference I33
g.6 Neuropsychological Evidence I34
9·7 Conclusions I4I

10 Conclusions 1 43


Autlwr Index I7I

Subject Index

Over the last eight years, I have carried out a variety of experimental
investigations of the role of mental imagery in human memory. In common with
many other research workers, I have found mental imagery to be a fascinating,
yet extremely elusive phenomenon to study in the psychological laboratory.
Under many circumstances, it is possible to demonstrate substantial empirical
effects which may be attributed to the operation of mental imagery, as I shall
explain in the central chapters of this book.
Be that as it may, our understanding of the significance of mental imagery for
remembering in everyday life is still very limited. The obvious experiments, the
easy, well-controlled studies of remembering under artificial conditions have
now been done; the much more difficult problem of saying anything meaningful
about the cognitive tasks which confront ordinary people in their everyday
activities has yet to be faced. Nevertheless, the considerable amount of
laboratory research which has been carried out to date may be seen as an
important preliminary to the latter activity. In this book, I have tried to give a
perspicuous summary of this research within a reasonable and reasoned
theoretical context.
The experimentation on mental imagery has been heavily influenced by the
behaviourist tradition in experimental psychology. To understand the research
which has been carried out, it is necessary to understand that tradition, and to
assess its conceptual adequacy as a scientific methodology for the investigation of
personal experience. I hope that I have given a fair and balanced account of the
behaviourist tradition, even though I believe its effects upon the development of
cognitive psychology to have been largely detrimental. More generally, I hope
that it will become clear to the reader that advances in human experimental
psychology are likely to result from the combined use of empirical investigation
and of conceptual analysis.
To the extent that this book is able to make any contribution to the
development of our knowledge and understanding of the role of mental imagery
in human memory, it is because I have been able to focus my training and
research experience both in human experimental psychology and in philosophy.
Accordingly, I am pleased to be able to acknowledge my gratitude to those who
have been instrumental in determining such skills as I have in these areas. In
particular, I would like to thank Alan Baddeley for his guidance and example
X Preface

when I began my research on mental imagery as a graduate student at the

University of Sussex; Allan Paivio, for the inspiration ofhis writings, and for his
continued encouragement of my own efforts; and Peter Hacker, for his patient
instruction and specifically for his helpful advice on the conceptual problems
discussed in this book. I am also grateful to my colleagues and students at Brunei
University for their various reactions to my ideas over the last four years. Finally,
I would like to thank my wife, Sonia, for her patience and tolerance during the
months in which this book has been written, and for her careful reading of the
final draft.

John T. E. Richardson
Department of Psyclwlogy
Brunei University
Uxbridge, Middlesex
April 1979


Until a few years ago, research on the nature and function of mental imagery was
one of the success stories of modern experimental psychology. A considerable
amount of experimental work was carried out during the rg6os, and this
appeared to implicate mental imagery not only as an empirical phenomenon of
considerable predictive importance, but also at the theoretical level as a major
representational system underlying human cognitive behaviour. Especially in
North America, this research was widely hailed as reflecting a major change in
the direction of experimental psychology, and a reaction against the excesses of
the behaviourist tradition. Indeed, it was said that this change represented a shift
in the scientific paradigm employed by experimental psychologists which made
it possible for them to carry out a rigorous empirical investigation of an aspect of
human experience which they had long neglected (see, for example, the papers
by Holt, 1964; Kessel, 1972; and Neisser, 1972a, 1972b).
However, for the last six or seven years, the literature has manifested a
perceptible disillusionment, and this has been engendered by several different
factors. First, some of the experimental research has not demonstrated clear and
unambiguous effects in accordance with the predictions of the prevalent
theoretical approach. Moreover, some of the effects which were clear and
unambiguous appeared to be open to alternative interpretations. Second, a
variety of methodological procedures have been devised for investigating mental
imagery in a laboratory setting, but they are so many and so diverse that it has
become difficult to integrate the findings within a single framework. Third, the
original success of the theories which identified mental imagery as a distinct
cognitive mode was partly due to the patent inadequacy of the alternatives,
which were based upon purely verbal representations in human memory.
Nevertheless, several researchers began to develop more sophisticated, pro-
positional theories of memory which were not subject to these limitations, and
which seemed to encompass most of the empirical phenomena which had been
explained by the imagery approach. Finally, these theoretical alternatives tend
to be supported not so much by further empirical evidence, as by conceptual
objections to mental imagery as a coherent format for mnemonic representation.
In the late 1970s, then, the interested though sceptical inquirer could perhaps
be forgiven for thinking that research on mental imagery was empirically
unsound, methodologically fragmented, theoretically outdated, and conceptu-
2 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

ally confused. It is certainly true that sections of the literature leave one 'half
distressed and half confused', as Newell (1973) described his own reaction.
Despite this, however, the field has continued to develop and expand at a
remarkable pace. The percentage of publications in psychology which is devoted
to mental imagery has increased in an exponential fashion (Paivio, 1975d), and
in 1977 a Journal of Mental Imagery was established. There is clearly an urgent
need to integrate and organise the research findings which are being produced.
Indeed, this need was identified by Newell in 1973 and has recently been
emphasised by Sheehan (1978). In this book, I hope to go some way towards
satisfying this need. Specifically, my intentions are as follows: to spell out the
major theoretical alternatives in understanding and explaining empirical
findings on mental imagery; to consider the conceptual problems inherent in
previous psychological research; to assess the methodological adequacy of the
experimental procedures which have been employed; and to review the
available empirical evidence in a manner which enables it to be integrated
within a single theoretical framework.
Some remarks are in order concerning the areas of research which are not
covered in this book. First, it will be concerned with mental imagery insofar as it
contributes to human memory. It will not therefore be concerned with forms of
mental imagery other than those which are involved in remembering. An
obvious reason for this is that by far the greatest proportion of experimental
research has been carried out in connection with human memory, and that,
however fragmented this research might be, its links with studies ofother forms of
mental imagery are much more tenuous. An interesting account of after-
imagery, dreaming imagery, hallucinatory imagery, and other forms has been
given by Richardson (1969, chaps 2, 5). Second, this book will be concerned with
human memory insofar as it is illuminated by the study of mental imagery. It will
not therefore be concerned with other approaches to understanding human
memory. Concepts such as primary and secondary memory, and the role of
organisation in memory will be mentioned from time to time, but excellent
discussions of these alternative approaches are readily available, and it would be
redundant for me to discuss them in any detail.
I shall begin by giving a brief review of the attitudes which have been
expressed by experimental psychologists since the beginning of this century
towards the possibility of carrying out a scientific study of mental imagery. This
will mainly involve a discussion of American behaviourism, and of the
procedures adopted by the behaviourists for investigating apparently 'men-
talistic' concepts. Chapter 2 will continue by contrasting the dual coding theory
ofimagery and verbal processes with the common coding theory of propositional
representations. The experimental methods which have been employed in
laboratory research were devised in order to handle the behaviourists' misgivings
concerning the ordinary-language concept of mental imagery. Chapter 3 will
consider the philosophical presuppositions of the classical behaviourist attitude;
it will be argued that these were confused and ill-founded, and that they imposed
Introduction 3

unnecessary and perverse restrictions upon the nature of subsequent research. It

will also be necessary to give a positive account of the ordinary-language concept
of mental imagery, and to indicate the implications of this conceptual analysis for
future research.
My account of the empirical evidence on mental imagery will begin in chapter
4· This will consider certain experimental situations which have only recently
been investigated, yet which have been considered necessarily to implicate
mental imagery. These are tests of immediate memory in which the subjects are
required to represent, to maintain and to manipulate information concerning
the spatial orientation and physical properties of perceptual objects. Similarly,
chapter 5 will discuss the retention of pictorial information in long-term
The remaining chapters of this book will consider the more traditional
empirical approaches to understanding the role of mental imagery in human
memory, and especially in long-term verbal memory. Chapter 6 will review the
experimental evidence on the effects of instructions to subjects to use mental
imagery in their learning. This sort of strategy for remembering is the basis of
many of the ancient techniques for improving and helping memory, but it is
important to consider the mnemonic efficacy of different sorts of instructions,
and to relate them to theoretical accounts of the processes assumed to be involved
in remembering. In chapters 7 and 8, I shall consider the properties of the
material to be remembered which influence the use of mental imagery in
learning. The role of stimulus imageability and concreteness will first be
considered in conventional laboratory situations in which the subjects are merely
required to learn individual, unrelated words. This evidence will then be used to
consider the processes involved in remembering linguistically structured
material, such as phrases, sentences and connected discourse.
Finally, chapter 9 will discuss the various methods and procedures which have
been devised for discriminating between individual subjects in terms of their use
of mental imagery. The laboratory methods of questionnaires and objective tests
vary widely in their value for predicting performance in learning tasks. A
different and more radical source of variation in human abilities is pathological,
surgical or traumatic damage to the mechanisms of the brain which subserve
those abilities. Therefore, I shall conclude my review of the empirical evidence
by considering the use of neurological patients in order to test theories of
cognitive function based upon the normal, intact subject.
I shall, of course, arrive at various theoretical conclusions in discussing specific
topics in the experimental literature, and these conclusions will recur at different
points in the book, supported by diverse sources of evidence. However, in
chapter IO, I shall attempt to integrate these ideas into a single theoretical
framework for studying mental imagery, for identifying the role of mental
imagery in human memory, and for specifying the approximate cerebral
localisation of the postulated psychological mechanisms.

Psychological Attitudes to Mental Imagery

It is not always easy to understand or to appreciate the various ways in which

psychologists choose to investigate mental imagery. Their methods are often
abstruse and are occasionally bizarre. In common with much of the research
which is carried out in experimental psychology, it is typically difficult to relate
their investigations of psychological processes to the familiar, everyday situations
in which ordinary folk believe those processes to be operating. In order to achieve
some kind of appreciation of the activities of contemporary psychologists, it is
vitally important to understand the historical development of the discipline. In
particular, it is essential to realise the conceptual and methodological origins of
current psychological research into mental imagery, if, on the one hand, one
wishes to gain a proper evaluation of that research, and if, on the other hand, one
wishes to put forward apposite criticisms of its foundations.
Therefore, this chapter will attempt to introduce the reader to the psycholo-
gical investigation of mental imagery by tracing the changing attitudes towards
the concept since the beginning of this century. It will become evident that most
of the important research to be considered in the later chapters of this book has
been carried out within (and, indeed, has been dominated by) the conceptual
framework of behaviourism. This has specified the nature of the research to be
carried out, and it has prescribed the sorts of theoretical concept which might be
legitimately employed in offering an explanation of the findings of that research.
It will be indicated that behaviourism imposed rigorous limitations upon the
extent to which psychologists might concern themselves with cognitive processes.
(The coherence and force of these restrictions will be evaluated in chapter 3.)
The influence of behaviourism in contemporary psychology will be considered,
in order to determine whether any fundamental changes have occurred in the
study of such processes. Finally, I shall describe the way in which psychologists
have studied mental imagery within this sort of framework, and the attitudes
which are prevalent today in psychological research which takes mental imagery
as the object of investigation.


The early years of this century witnessed the heyday of introspectionist

Psychological Attitudes to Mental Imagery 5

psychology. This was the outcome of a considerable amount of activity which

had the explicit aim of establishing psychology as an objective, scientific
discipline. Psychology was defined as the study of the mind and its contents;
introspection, the careful observation of one's own mental processes, was regarded
as the primary source of information. It is not surprising that mental imagery
came to have a central significance in this approach to psychology. Of all the
various thoughts, ideas, feelings and sensations which might be enumerated in a
classification of the mind's contents, mental images are certainly among the most
intriguing and most striking. More than this, mental images were identified as
the most obvious elements or constituents into which the process of thought
might be introspectively analysed (Holt, 1964). During this period, therefore,
psychology was most emphatically the 'science of mental life', rather than the
'science of behaviour'.
For a variety of reasons, however, introspectionist psychology went into a
severe decline. First, the methodology of introspection seemed to be inadequate
to handle a variety of intrinsically interesting situations. It was reasonably
satisfactory in studying images, sensations and other simple cognitive events.
However, it was difficult to extract meaningful introspective reports, even from
carefully trained subjects, in the case of emotions or motives, and quite
impossible to do so in the case of complex problem-solving situations. Second, the
data of introspection seemed to have the disadvantage of being 'private' to the
subject himself, in the sense that only he was in a position to observe, to describe
or to quantify his cognitions. Thus, the introspective method appeared to be
inherently incapable of providing common, objective evidence for investigating
mental processes. This led to the idea that psychology should consist, not in the
careful introspective reporting of mental experience, but in the objective study
and measurement of behaviour.
In North America, this reaction against introspectionism took an extreme
form in the behaviourist movement. The behaviourists argued that mental
phenomena, by their very nature, could not be the object of scientific
investigation, and so the study ofbeha vi our should be the sole aim of psychology.
They argued, further, that since the very words which were used to describe
mental experience could not be rigorously defined in terms of behaviour, then
they should be excluded from all scientific discussion. Watson ( 1914, pp. 9, 27),
the founder of the behaviourist school, expressed his position in the following

Psychology, as the behaviorist views it, is a purely objective, experimental

branch of natural science, which needs introspection as little as do the sciences
of chemistry and physics. It is granted that the behavior of animals can be
investigated without appeal to consciousness. The position is taken here that
the behavior of man and the behavior of animals must be considered on the
same plane ....
It is possible to define [psychology] as 'the science ofbehavior' and never to
6 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

go back upon the definition: never to use the terms consciousness, mental
states, mind, content, will, imagery, and the like ....

Hebb (I 960) described the rise of behaviourism as the American revolution of

psychology. As Holt (I964) pointed out, like a political revolution it necessarily
went to extremes. For a period of thirty or forty years (extending from the I 920s
to the I950s), concepts such as 'attention' and 'sensation' were systematically
excluded both from psychological investigation and from psychological theoris-
ing. Whereas cognitive states and processes had previously been the focus of
consideration for introspectionist psychologists, during this period they were
virtually ignored. In particular, while mental imagery had been one of the
central concept& of the previous era, it came to be regarded with intense
suspicion. Watson (I 9I 3) proposed that mental images were nothing more than
mere ghosts of sensations and of no functional significance whatsoever.
(As this last sentence implies, the early behaviourists presented both
conceptual and empirical arguments against the psychological investigation of
mental imagery. Strictly speaking, of course, the empirical arguments should
have been redundant-indeed, meaningless-if the conceptual arguments had
been adequate. If mental imagery cannot in principle exist, the question whether
images are functionally important should be as senseless as the question whether
the King of the U.S.A. is bald. Only if mental imagery is a possible object of
investigation is the question of its functional significance relevant.)


The attitudes which I have just described dominated research in human

experimental psychology for a considerable portion of the century. As N eisser
( 1972a) remarked: 'Introspective psychology disappeared, and the study of
mental imagery vanished with it. For about 30 arid years respectable
psychologists considered it almost indecent to speak of mental processes.' The
behaviourist 'revolution' had its major impact in the U.S.A., but its influence
extended to most other English-speaking countries. In particular, British
psychologists had no coherent agreed conceptual framework with which to
confront the behaviourist movement, and much experimental research (espe-
cially research conducted during the I950s) shows the clear hallmarks of the
behaviourist methodology.
Roughly twenty years ago, however, there were signs of a change, and
behaviourists began to allow so-called mentalistic concepts back into their
discussions. Hebb recognised the change as early as 1960, when he referred to it
as a second phase in the behaviourist revolution. He wrote:

In the psychological revolution, the second phase is just now getting under
way. The first banished thought, imagery, volition, attention, and other such
Psychological Attitudes to Mental Imagery 7

seditious notions. The sedition of one period, however, may be the good sense
of another. These notions relate to a vital problem in the understanding of
man, and it is the task of the second phase to bring them back ....

These developments superficially involved a resurgence of interest in all kinds of

mental experience, and especially a reconsideration of the role of mental imagery
in psychological processing. The resulting methodology has been variously
called 'behavioural mentalism', 'objective mentalism' and 'neomentalism'
(Paivio, 1975d), and a similar approach has been recommended by Fodor,
Bever, and Garrett (1974, p. xi) under the heading of'experimental mentalism'.
Paivio (1971c, p. iii; 1975c) claimed that neomentalism 'represents an integ-
ration of prebehavioristic and behavioristic views concerning the nature of
Nevertheless, as Neisser (1972a) pointed out, the approach to mental
phenomena which is characteristic of the second phase of the behaviourist
revolution is quite different from that of the prebehaviourist era: 'What
contemporary ... psychologists mean by "the mind", however, is very different
from what their predecessors meant. The definition is no longer in terms of
conscious, introspectively given phenomena. Instead, it is in terms of a flow of
information in the organism.' Indeed, the crucial point about contemporary
information-processing or cognitive approaches in psychology is that they do not
identify mental concepts as empirical phenomena to be investigated in their own
right; rather, they are introduced as explanatory constructs incorporated into
theories of the processes which are hypothesised to be responsible for other,
purely behavioural phenomena. Holt ( 1964) expressed this by saying that, in
general, the methodological approach of behaviourist psychology changed so
that it became possible to conceptualise subjective phenomena as part of the
inner workings of a theoretical model. However, while this change involved some
development in the range of concepts which might legitimately be incorporated
into an adequate psychological theory, it involved essentially no modification at
all in the range of phenomena which might legitimately be investigated in
psychological research.
Neisser (1972a, 1972h; see also 1976, p. 5) suggested that contemporary
cognitive psychology involves quite radical changes in psychological methodol-
ogy, compared to that of earlier forms of behaviourism. He described these
changes as a 'paradigm shift':

The behaviorist taboos have been broken, and the mind suddenly seems worth
studying after all. Ideas and images are once again discussed in respectable
journals .... Because of this paradigm shift, contemporary psychologists feel
able to attack crucial and long-neglected problems and have a new array of
concepts with which to do so.

However, Neisser seems to have heavily overstated this point, smce recent
8 Mental Imagery and Human Merrwry

research in cognitive psychology has in fact involved relatively little conceptual

and methodological innovation. The concept of a paradigm is of course taken
from the analysis of scientific development given by Kuhn (1970, p. 10): it refers
to a situation whereby 'some accepted examples of actual scientific practice-
examples which include law, theory, application, and instrumentation
together-provide models from which spring particular coherent traditions of
scientific research'. Although research in cognitive psychology has involved the
use of terms which in everyday usage refer to mental states and processes, these
terms are given systematically different meanings when they are incorporated
into psychological theories, and they are defined in a manner which is entirely
consistent with the canons of behaviourist psychology.
In particular, research on mental imagery does not seem to have given rise to
any radically new sorts oflaw, theory, application or instrumentation. This is not
to say that this research is not of great interest to anyone concerned with the
nature of mind; only that the manner in which it has been conducted does not
involve any radical break with tradition, nor any drastic change of attitude
concerning the correct procedures to be followed in scientific research. To
substantiate this charge, however, the development of research into mental
imagery must be considered in more detail.


The revival of interest in the concept of mental imagery among cognitive

psychologists was dominated by the work of Allan Paivio. His early experiments
set the pattern of most of the subsequent research on mental imagery, and his
more recent publications defined the methodological foundations of that
research more clearly (for example, Paivio, 1971c, I975b, I975d). It will
therefore be appropriate to characterise contemporary approaches to the study
of mental imagery with particular reference to Paivio's writings.
The basic problem with which all of Paivio's research has been concerned is
that of discovering a way to study mental imagery which is consistent with the
methodology of behaviourist psychology. His fundamental aim has been to
demonstrate to behaviourist psychologists that the concept of mental imagery,
while admittedly 'mentalistic', can nevertheless be of real scientific value
(Paivio, I97IC, p. iii). His method has been to work within a systematic
associationistic framework of the classical behaviourist variety (N eisser, I 972a),
and to adopt a rigorous methodology which would satisfy even the strictest
behaviourists (Sheikh, I977). Yuille and Catchpole (I977) have recently
suggested that Paivio was forced to 'adopt a defensive stance concerning the
appropriateness of imagery as a psychological concept' to compensate for his
'radical departure from the theoretical tenets of his peers'. However, I do not
believe that Paivio has ever questioned or deviated from a strict behaviourist
methodology. It is clear that he has always accepted the behaviourists' scruples
Psychological Attitudes to Mental Imagery 9

concerning the everyday concept of mental imagery (namely, that it is a

mentalistic concept referring to a private experience, and that it requires a
radically different sort of treatment if it is to become part of a scientific cognitive
psychology). The theoretica:l framework described in Paivio's (197Ic) Imagery
and Verbal Processes assigned to mental imagery a status which was entirely
equivalent to that granted to verbal mediation in standard classical association-
ism (Neisser, 1972a). As Richardson (1974b) remarked in reviewing that book,
although Paivio's aim was to show that mental imagery could be fitted into
something which behaviourist psychologists would accept as a psychological
theory, his own predilection for such an approach is quite obvious. It is this
primarily which supports the judgement that contemporary psychological
research into mental imagery, heavily influenced as it is by Paivio, his
collaborators and his students, involves no 'paradigm shift', and indeed involves
no major methodologiciil deviation from traditional American behaviourism.
But how is the 'mentalistic' concept of imagery located within this sort of
framework? Paivio's solution to this problem is to interpret mental imagery as a
theoretical concept with behavioural, operational indicators (Paivio, 1975d). He
thus adopts the approach characteristic of the second phase of the behaviourist
revolution, that of identifying mental concepts as hypothetical constructs which
are used to explain patterns of behaviour. Such a construct is to be defined by
operational procedures which serve to specify an observable, measurable
concept (Paivio, 1975b), and thus appear to solve the general problem of how to
carry out an objective, scientific investigation of a subjective, private experience.
Paivio himself certainly does not regard this approach as involving a 'paradigm
shift' from the principles ofbehaviourist methodology, as the following remark
makes clear: 'Operational procedures are devised to establish a link between
hypothetical inner events and observable events, permitting inferences to be
made about the former. There is nothing new about this principle, since it has
been standard procedure for studying intervening variables and symbolic
processes for at least 6o years .. .' (Paivio, 1975d).
Three sorts of operational procedure have constituted the basis of most of the
experimental research into the psychological importance of mental imagery
(Paivio, 1972, 1975d):
r. The use of instructions to experimental subjects to employ mental imagery
in carrying out psychological tasks. By far the greatest interest has been in the
effects of such instructions upon human learning and memory; this research will
be discussed in chapter 6.
2. The measurement of the extent to which the stimulus material is reported
to produce mental imagery by the experimental subjects, and the extent to which
these reports predict variations in performance in psychological tasks with
different samples of material. Again, a primary area of research has been the
study of the relationship between such reports of the image-evoking potential of
experimental material and the memorability of that material. This research will
be discussed in chapters 7 and 8.
IO Mental Imagery and Human Memory

3. The comparison of different experimental subjects in terms of their reports

of the subjective vividness of experienced mental imagery and in terms of their
performance in tests of spatial manipulation ability. These procedures, and the
extent to which they predict differences among experimental subjects in terms of
their performance in tests ofleaming and memory, will be discussed in chapter g.
When a psychologist attempts to specify various hypothetical constructs in
developing a theory of cognitive processing, the usefulness of those constructs
'depends on the adequacy of the defining operations and the research procedures
used to test the properties that have been theoretically attributed to them'
(Paivio, I97Ic, p. 6). The adequacy of the operational procedures defining a
given theoretical construct is to be demonstrated in the course of empirical
investigations. A minimal requirement is that each procedure should show
meaningful correlations with performance in various psychological tasks. To
anticipate the more detailed discussion in the later chapters of this book, it may
be mentioned that the first two sorts of operational procedure (the use ofimagery
instructions and the study of stimulus attributes) have been generally successful
in producing the desired relationships, whereas the third sort of procedure (the
study of individual differences) has been much less successful.
However, satisfying this requirement of the adequacy of an operational
definition will not guarantee that the various procedures are defining a single
theoretical construct. Psychologists who work within this sort of operationalist
framework usually require that the various logically independent operational
procedures be demonstrated to 'converge' on the theoretical construct (Kosslyn
and Pomerantz, I977). This concept of convergence is typically never explained
in any serious way, but for the present it is sufficient to say that it includes the idea
that the various operational procedures show meaningful interactions in terms of
their effects upon performance in psychological tasks (cf. Paivio, I97IC, p. 9;
I972). This can be illustrated by observing that concepts may be defined by
means of several procedures in other sciences besides psychology. For example, a
chemical substance may be defined in terms of its perceptual qualities (its colour
or texture, for example), in terms of its melting point or its boiling point, and in
terms of its atomic weight. But the adequacy of this definition depends upon the
fact that the substance with the specified perceptual qualities is regularly found,
on investigation, to have the appropriate melting point or boiling point, and the
appropriate atomic weight. Thus, the various definitional properties are held
together by purely empirical regularities (cf. Richardson, I976c, pp. I23-4;
Wittgenstein, I 953, §79; I 967, §§438-9). Similarly, the adequacy of a theoretical
construct in cognitive psychology is supported by the demonstration of reliable
and meaningful interactive relationships among the operational procedures
defining the construct in terms of their effects upon performance in various
experimental situations. Thus, the use of several procedures to define a
theoretical construct need not indicate any inherent ambiguity or other
unscientific quality in the concept. Indeed, Gamer, Hake, and Eriksen (I956)
argued that the use of a single operational procedure might mean that the
Psychological Attitudes to Mental Imagery I I

theoretical construct would simply come to be identified with the instrument

being used to measure the construct (cf. 'Intelligence tests merely measure the
ability to do intelligence tests').
In contemporary psychological research, therefore, mental imagery is
characterised as a theoretical, covert reaction which is to be defined by
behavioural operations. I wish to emphasise that mental imagery is usually not
characterised as a conscious experience, nor is it defined by reference to
conscious introspection (Paivio, I975d, I978b). Whether mental imagery is a
conscious psychological process or not is taken to be irrelevant to its importance
and adequacy as a theoretical construct (Bugelski, I977; Paivio, I97Ih; I97Ic,
pp. I35-6). As Marks (I977) has mentioned, 'The mental image has been
allowed to re-enter the arena of scientific psychology on condition that it be
stripped of its mental and phenomenological aspects.' Some researchers do
consider that the subjects' introspective reports may provide useful data to be
encompassed by a satisfactory theory of mental imagery (for example, Kosslyn
and Pomerantz, I977; Lindauer, I977; Paivio, I975d). Doob (I972) suggested
that psychologists might carry out experimental investigations of either reported
images which are 'mentioned or described verbally by the subjects experiencing
them', or itiferred images which the investigator ascribes to the subjects on the
basis of variations in the experimental procedure or in their objective
performance. Nevertheless, most cognitive psychologists remain suspicious of
introspective reports and sceptical of their value as empirical data. For example,
Bower (I97oa) claimed that 'people utter an awful lot of nonsense about their
mental imagery .... TJJ,e normal person's introspections are frequently neither
very discriminating nor particularly valid .... 'Again, Neisser (I972b) sug-
gested that asking subjects for introspections was 'a little like asking them to
describe the shifting cloud formations of a stormy sky'. There is also the problem
of how the two sorts of investigation mentioned by Doob are to be related, and
which should take precedence should they lead to contrary conclusions.
The position that mental imagery is a theoretical construct has implications
for its epistemological and ontological status. When an ordinary empirical entity
functions as a datum in a scientific investigation, its existence is not open to
question; rather, it is part of the evidence on the basis of which the investigator
arrives at various theoretical conclusions. However, a theoretical construct is a
hypothetical entity whose existence cannot be assumed; it must be demonstrated
by the procedures specified within a theoretical framework. Thus, we find that
contemporary psychologists do not regard mental imagery as an interesting
empirical phenomenon, but as a hypothetical entity whose existence must be
proved in the course of experimental investigation (Hayes, I 973; Janssen, I 976,
p. I 6). Of course, this latter claim sounds distinctly odd, and some psychologists
have tried to claim at the same time that the existence of mental imagery, at least
as a phenomenal experience, is undeniable (Anderson, I978; Kosslyn and
Pomerantz, I977; Paivio, I975d; Pylyshyn, I973). How the same term can be
used to refer to an empirical phenomenon and a theoretical construct is never
I2 Mental Imagery and Human Merrwry

clearly explained (cf. Holt, I972). More seriously, if a psychologist wishes to

claim that the experience of imagery is undeniable, he must show how he knows
of this experience, in the case of both himself and others, and why his claim is not
subject to the standard behaviourist objections to the introspective reporting of
mental experience.
Generally speaking, then, contemporary psychology has attempted to solve
the problem of how to investigate mental imagery by identifying it as a
theoretical construct with an operational definition. As was remarked pre-
viously, this is a standard and uncontroversial procedure within behaviourist
methodology. Bugelski (I97I) described the procedure as follows:

The problem of defining images is not essentially different from the problems
commonly faced by psychologists in defining many of their working concepts
like intelligenee, habit, drive, personality, or cognitive dissonance. The general
approach to definition of such hypothetical constructs or concepts is that of
operationism which, in the words of Hull, tries to 'anchor' such assumed
mechanisms, devices, states, or processes at both ends of an S-R sequence--by
spelling out the procedures and measurements applied to the independent and
dependent variables under study. In practice, the operational procedure
specifies certain conditions under which some alleged phenomenon, process,
or state can be postulated to exist.

However, many psychologists feel that they have to go beyond the specification
ofoperational procedures, because these identify the function of mental imagery,
rather than its nature (cf. Neisser, I 972a). Many suggested definitions emphasise
the relationship between mental imagery and perception. Thus, Neisser (I972b)
claimed that 'a subject is imaging whenever he employs some of the same
cognitive processes that he would use in perceiving, but when the stimulus input
that would normally give rise to such perception is absent'. Unfortunately, this
suggestion is not really helpful, since it does not distinguish between voluntary
imagery and hallucinations. (It also seems to imply that after-images are not
examples of mental imagery, since they are normally produced by a specifiable
'stimulus input'.) Moreover, what is meant by the phrase 'employs some of the
same cognitive processes' is not explained, and so it is difficult to know how in
principle one would verify, from this definition, that someone were imaging.
(The question of the precise relationship between mental imagery and
perception is a difficult one, but not one which need cause undue concern here.
At least three different sorts of suggestion have been made. First, that mental
images are like perceptions. This stems from the classical position that both
imaging and perceiving involve the apprehension of ideas, and that there are no
intrinsic properties which distinguish the two sorts of idea. Second, that mental
images are based upon perceptions. This occurs in the traditional empiricist
theory that mental images are representations produced by perceptual ex-
perience: see Yuille and Catchpole, I 977. Clearly, it cannot explain the creative
Psychological Attitudes to Mental Imagery

capacity of mental imagery. Third, that mental imagery and perception are
functionally overlapping. This idea is contained in Neisser's 'definition' of
mental imagery, and has produced much interesting research on the possibility
of using one sort of process to interfere with the other: see chapters 4, 6, 7 and 8.
Neisser's more recent writings have involved the more complex idea that mental
images are anticipatory phases of perceptual activity: Neisser, I976, pp. I30,
I 7<r- 1. It does seem to be the case that the domain of possible objects of
perception is coextensive with the domain of possible objects of mental imagery.
Nevertheless, Neisser's 'definition' appears to be based upon the unwarranted
conclusion that the processes of apprehending the two sorts of object are
overlapping. The issue of the functional relationship between perception and
mental imagery is to be resolved as much through conceptual analysis as through
empirical investigation.)
It is important to ask whether it is legitimate to try to fill out a hypothetical
construct by suggesting theoretical properties which are not clearly tied to
operational procedures. Paivio (I 975d) has claimed that it is legitimate, and that
no one has really believed that the meaning of any theoretical concept is
exhausted by defining operations: 'The investigator must have some kind of
theoretical definition of a concept in mind or he would have no basis for selecting
'l particular indicator and no motivation to look for one. Pure operationism is
accordingly impossible.' However, it is obvious that operational procedures
constitute the only basis for carrying out an empirical investigation of a
theoretical construct. Thus, any hypothesis which relates to properties of the
theoretical construct which have not been 'unpacked' or translated into
operational procedures will be untestable. It is therefore the duty of the theorist
to ensure that his theoretical constructs are unpacked thoroughly, and are
exhaustively specified by defining operations. This involves making unambigu-
ous predictions concerning the empirical effects (both simple and interactive) of
the various operational procedures upon performance. Paivio's own account of
mental imagery appears to be inadequate in just this respect, since he conceded
that he was unable to make specific predictions concerning possible interactions
among the operational procedures in terms of their effects upon performance (for
example, Paivio, 1971c, p. 502).


The theoretical framework proposed by Paivio (I 97rc) identified two sorts of

coding or representation which might be used by subjects in a variety of
psychological tasks. The theory was originally suggested on the basis of
experimental research carried out during the I96os, but Paivio's position on the
role of mental imagery in human memory has remained essentially unchanged
up to the present time (see, for example, Paivio, I978b, 1979).
The basic theoretical approach is that 'images and verbal processes are viewed
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

as alternative coding systems, or modes of symbolic representation' (Paivio,

I97Ic, p. 8). They are postulated as two basic 'cognitive modes' (Paivio, I97Ib),
as 'separate representational systems for nonverbal and verbal information'
(Paivio, I97sb). A more detailed specification is the following (Paivio, I979):

The theory assumes that cognitive behavior is mediated by two independent

but richly interconnected symbolic systems, which are specialized for
encoding, organizing, transforming, storing, and retrieving information. One
(the image system) is specialized for dealing with perceptual information
concerning nonverbal objects and events. The other (the verbal system) is
specialized for dealing with linguistic information. The systems differ in the
nature of the representational units, the way the units are organized into
higher order structures, and the way the structures can be reorganized or

Elsewhere, Paivio ( I97SC) suggested that we 'distinguish the verbal system as an

abstract, logical mode of thinking as compared to the concrete, analogical mode
that apparently characterizes imagery'.
As these quotations suggest, there are several important respens in which the
two hypothesised systems are assumed to differ. Paivio (I 978b) has recently
discussed these in some detail. The most important assumption is that of the
'independence-interconnectedness' of the two systems. They are intended to be
functionally independent, so that either system may operate or be experiment-
ally manipulated in isolation of the other system. However, they are also
assumed to be richly interconnected, and it is more typical that the two systems
interact continuously in a particular situation. Indeed, they are so closely related
that 'whether these are regarded as distinct symbolic systems or as two kinds of
sub-processes within a single system is probably irrelevant in a formal sense'
(Paivio, I 97 sb).
Given a dichotomous system of this nature, it is possible logically to identify
three levels at which information may be processed. The first is the representational
level, where the sensory trace produced by a stimulus when it is perceived arouses
the appropriate symbolic representation in long-term memory; thus, words
activate verbal representations, and perceptual experiences activate imaginal
representations. The second is the referential level, where symbolic represen-
tations in one system arouse corresponding representations in the other system;
these interconnections are involved in naming objects or describing images, and
in generating the image of an object when given its name. Finally, the associative
level involves associative connections among imaginal or verbal representations,
or both. Whether the processes at any of these three 'levels of processing' or 'levels
of meaning' are involved in a given psychological task is assumed to depend upon
particular characteristics of the task; this assumption gives rise to various
empirical hypotheses concerning the effects of imaginal and linguistic variables
in different experimental situations (Paivio, I 97 I c, I 972).
Psychological Attitudes to Mental Imagery I5

Another major assumption is that the two systems are taken to be different in
the way in which their units are organised into higher-order structures. The
imaginal system is assumed to represent information in a synchronous or
spatially parallel manner, so that different components of a complex thing or
scene are simultaneously available. On the other hand, the verbal system is taken
to employ the sequential organisation which is characteristic of linguistic
utterances. Similarly, the imaginal system is assumed to be capable of
transformations along spatial dimensions, such as size, shape and orientation,
whereas the verbal system is taken to allow transformations on a sequential
frame, such as additions, deletions and changes in sequential ordering.
One of the major purposes ofPaivio's research was to argue for the inherent
inadequacy of theories of memory based upon the assumption of a single, verbal
code. Such theories were popular up to the I96os, but research on the role of
mental imagery was generally taken to present grave difficulties for such
accounts. Accordingly, dual coding theory was very successful, and was at first
accepted by most psychologists investigating mental imagery as providing
essentially the correct framework for subsequent research (for example, Bower,
1970a, 1972). However, in the last decade various theories have been put
forward to try to handle the results of this research within a single hypothetical
system, in a manner which was not subject to the limitations of the traditional
verbal coding model.


This approach appears to stem from some ideas expressed by Bower (1972) at a
conference in 1969. Although at that time he generally seems to have accepted
the assumptions of dual coding theory, Bower specifically disagreed with Paivio
over the organisational properties of the two hypothesised systems. On the basis
of his own experiments on the effects of imagery instructions upon memory
performance (see chapter 6), Bower argued that roughly the same general
principles of relational organisation applied to imaginal and verbal represen-
tations. Indeed, he speculated that 'we may have a common generative
grammar that underlies our verbal production of sentences and our imaginal
production of visualized scenes or of hand-drawn pictures'. In a subsequent
paper, Bower (I 970b) made a more radical proposal. He suggested that this
relational generating system 'may be a "conceptual deep structure" ... into
which sentences and perceptual experiences are translated for storage and out of
which either surface sentences, imagery, or drawings may be generated,
depending on the material and the task demands'.
This idea has become an important part of several theories of long-term
memory which assume that information is represented in memory at an abstract
level by networks of propositions (for example, Anderson and Bower, 1973;
Pylyshyn, 1973; Rumelhart, Lindsay, and Norman, 1972; Yuille and Catchpole,
Mental Imagery and Human Merrwry

I 977). These theories were originally devised to handle the results of experiments
on the comprehension and retention of narrative by postulating abstract
semantic representations (propositions) which were related in complex struc-
tures or networks (see chapter g). However, it soon became obvious that it would
be parsimonious to represent perceptual and linguistic information in a common
propositional base which would be neutral with respect to the source of that
information. That is, all cognitive and mnemonic processes should be explained
by a single system of abstract propositional representations. Mental imagery
should not therefore be regarded as implicating a qualitatively distinct form of
mental representation. (Not all propositional theorists have made this step. In
particular, Kintsch has assumed that mental images and propositions have
underlying representations which are structurally distinct and functionally
independent: see Jorgensen and Kintsch, I973; Kintsch, I974·)
Superficially, at least, dual coding theory and common coding theory appear
to be quite different explanatory frameworks, and one might expect that it would
be entirely possible to decide between them on purely empirical grounds. In fact,
the situation is much more complicated, and a considerable amount of discussion
has taken place concerning the appropriate experimental tests of the two
positions. However, propositional theorists have also attempted to attack dual
coding theory on conceptual grounds, by arguing that mental imagery is not a
theoretically adequate form of mental representation. Before discussing the
evidence for each of these theoretical positions, therefore, it is important to
consider these arguments in some detail.


The most extensive critique of mental imagery as an explanatory construct has

been given by Pylyshyn (I 973). His ideas have been discussed in great detail by
Kosslyn and Pomerantz ( I977) and by Anderson ( I978). Pylyshyn stated his
position in the following way:

It should be stressed that the existence of the experience of imagery cannot be

questioned. Imagery is a pervasive form of experience and is clearly of utmost
importance to humans. We cannot speak of consciousness without, at the same
time, implicating the existence of images. Such experiences are not in question
here. Nor, in fact, is the study of imagery either as object of study (i.e., as
dependent variable) or as scientific evidence being challenged.

It is clear that Pylyshyn's approach is much less restricted than the standard
behaviourist position: he accepts the existence and importance of mental
imagery, and regards mental imagery both as a possible source of scientific
evidence and as a possible object of scientific investigation. The main question
which he wishes to consider is 'whether the concept of image can be used as a
Psychological Attitudes to Mental Imagery

primitive explanatory construct (i.e., one not requiring further reduction) m

psychological theories of cognition'.
Referring to the writings of Chomsky (1964), Pylyshyn claimed that an
adequate theoretical description must possess 'explanatory adequacy'.
However, Chomsky employed this expression in a very specific sense: a
theoretical framework has explanatory adequacy when it specifies a general
procedure for constructing a particular model (for instance, a grammar) for
describing empirical data from a particular situation (for instance, a corpus of
utterances from a natural language). This idea does not seem to be at all relevant
to Pylyshyn's concern, and so one must conclude that his appeal to Chomsky's
work was otiose. Nevertheless, it appears that an explanation is inadequate for
Pylyshyn in the event that it fails 'to be mechanistic insofar as it may use terms
such as "want", "guess", "notice", or "mind's eye", which, while they may
faithfully reflect one's experience of doing the task, are inadequate as primitive
constructs since they themselves cry out for a reduction to mechanistic terms'. This
quotation indicates that Pylyshyn demands a reductionist definition of one's
primitive constructs in terms of purely physical, mechanistic concepts, and a
reductionist explanation of the phenomena which those constructs were
intended to explain. It is by no means clear that reductionist explanations can
always be produced. Putnam ( 1973) has given the example of explaining why a
certain square peg will not fit into a certain round hole: an account of the peg's
atomic structure would not make use of essential emergent properties such as
rigidity and shape, and would thus be inadequate. Even if a reductionist
explanation can be given, it may not be the sort of explanation required on a
particular occasion. Finally, a reductionist explanation of concepts such as
'want', 'guess' and 'image' would imply a radical materialist theory of mind
which many psychologists would find unacceptable.
Pylyshyn suggested further than an explanatory theory 'must be shown to be
capable of providing a mechanistic explanation for the widest possible domain of
empirical evidence in a manner which reveals the most general principles
involved. An explanatory account must ultimately appeal to universal mechan-
istic principles'. Nevertheless, there seems to be no good reason to require that an
adequate psychological explanation be based upon universal principles.
However common such principles might be in other domains of scientific
investigation, they seem to be exceedingly rare in psychology. Psychological facts
are much more typically expressed in the form of qualified particular sentences.
It might perhaps be of interest (even desirable) if one could specify general laws
of human behaviour, but in the current state of the discipline it would be
arbitrary to criticise theories of mental imagery as opposed to those in any other
area of psychology for not having achieved a sufficient degree of generality.
One of the principal targets of Pylyshyn's article is the use of the picture
metaphor in explaining and defining mental imagery (see also Anderson and
Bower, 1973, pp. 453-4). Pylyshyn suggested that 'the whole vocabulary of
imagery uses a language appropriate for describing pictures and the process of
I8 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

perceiving pictures. We speak of clarity and vividness of images, of scanning

images, of seeing new patterns in images, and of naming objects or properties
depicted in images.' He agreed that metaphors are important in developing
scientific ideas, but he suggested that some metaphors might be inappropriate or
positively misleading. In particular, the picture metaphor implies that what one
receives from memory when one has a mental image has to be scanned and
interpreted perceptually in order to obtain meaningful information about the
presence of objects, properties, relations, and so on. On the contrary, Pylyshyn
argued, mental images come already interpreted and organised; and when one
forgets part of an image, what is missing is some integral object or attribute, not
some arbitrary segment like a torn corner from a photograph.
There is no doubt that the picture metaphor is present in contemporary
discussions of mental imagery. Thus, Segal (I 97 I a) referred to 'one of the oldest
of mental phenomena: the internal picture or mental image'. Neisser ( I972b)
suggested that the metaphor merely harked back to classical theories of
perception and memory in which perceiving was like looking at pictures, and
remembering was like looking at them a second time. Nevertheless, Paivio
(I976c), Bugelski (I977) and Kosslyn and Pomerantz (I977) have all argued
that the picture metaphor is not held by any serious study of mental imagery as a
working hypothesis, and that the proponent of the picture theory attacked by
Pylyshyn is merely a straw man. Janssen (I976, p. I9) has suggested that, if the
picture metaphor is misleading, then one should look for better ways in which to
conceptualise mental imagery, rather than abandon the concept altogether.
Indeed, Anderson (I978) refused to accept Pylyshyn's arguments, and he
concluded that it is still an open question whether the picture metaphor ill

It has not been shown that there is anything incoherent, contradictory, or

impractical in using pictures as a representational format. Whether pictures
are suitable depends on the processes that one assumes operate on them. To be
sure, one can assume inadequate processes for a picture representation (e.g., a
forgetting process that consisted of fading rather than loss of meaningful
subparts) as did Anderson and Bower, Pylyshyn, and even some of the imagery
theorists. But, then again, one need not.

Anderson's point concerning the distinction between process and representation

will be discussed in more detail in a moment.
Pylyshyn went on to argue that the interpretation of mental images as
representations of uninterpreted sensory information entailed 'an incredible
burden on the storage capacity of the brain. In fact, since there is no limit to the
variety of sensory patterns which are possible (since no two sensory events are
objectively identical), it would require an unlimited storage capacity'. Kosslyn
and Pomerantz (I 977) gave three different objections to the force of this proposal
as an argument against dual coding theory. First, most researchers in mental
Psychological Attitudes to Mental Imagery 19

imagery agree with Pylyshyn that mental images come already interpreted and
organised, and should not be assimilated to 'raw', uninterpreted patterns of
sensory activity. If mental images are taken to be composed of relatively large,
interpreted, perceptual 'chunks', then the amount of storage capacity required
may be much reduced. Second, in any case we simply do not have any accurate
idea of either the storage capacity of the brain or the amount of information
contained in a mental image. There is thus no sound basis for claiming that the
representation of mental images would make unreasonable demands upon the
storage facilities of the human brain (see also Bugelski, 1977). Finally, the
objection appears to apply with equal force to the major alternative theories of
cognitive representation. It is difficult to make any clear comparison between
dual coding theory and propositional theories, since there is no criterion for
deciding which of an indefinite number of sets of propositions best represents the
scene or event depicted by a given mental image. Nevertheless, as far as specific
proposals by the proponents of common coding theory are concerned, vast
numbers of propositions seem to be necessary to represent even relatively simple
configurations of objects. As Anderson ( 1978) concluded: 'The simple fact may
be that there is a great deal of information in an image and any representation of
an image will have to acknowledge this fact.'
One of Pylyshyn's most important arguments is that dual coding theory is
incoherent without the assumption of a third code or representation which is
amodal and propositional in nature:

But the need to postulate a more abstract representation--one which

resembles neither pictures nor words and is not accessible to subjective
experience-is unavoidable. As long as we recognize that people can go from
mental pictures to mental.words or vice versa, we are forced to conclude that
there must be a representation (which is more abstract and not available to
conscious experience) which encompasses both. There must, in other words,
be some common format or interlingua.

Similar suggestions have been made by Anderson and Bower (1973, p. 453),
Clark and Chase (1972) and Moscovitch (1973). However, Anderson (1978)
pointed out that Pylyshyn's argument leads to an infinite regress, since it may be
applied with equal force to the problem of translation between either of the two
original representations and the postulated third code. Kosslyn and Pomerantz
(1977) suggested that, however complex the transformation rules might be for
carrying out translations between imaginal and verbal representations, it would
be a mistake to suppose that such processes or routines constituted an additional,
intermediate form of representation. Finally,Janssen (1976, p. 18) argued that,
even if a propositional representation were necessary on a priori grounds, and
even if it could be shown to be structurally isomorphic to any imaginal
representation, this would not prove that the latter was redundant, since the two
representations might have quite different functional properties.
20 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

Having considered Pylyshyn's arguments against the idea of mental imagery

as a mnemonic representation, Kosslyn and Pomerantz (1977) reviewed
empirical evidence which might be interpreted as supporting the functional
utility of such a code. They considered two possible theoretical positions: one was
the standard dual coding theory, which assumes that imaginal and verbal codes
are adequate for the representation of information in memory; the other was a
weaker position which accepts the necessity of propositions as a representational
system, but which holds that mental imagery may also make a contribution,
since mental images have emergent properties which propositions lack. Kosslyn
and Pomerantz discussed the findings of a variety of experiments, and came to
the following conclusion: 'We have found no reason to discard imagery as an
explanatory construct in psychology, either on structural or functional grounds.
There are no convincing arguments that images are not represented in a distinct
format, nor can imagery phenomena be easily accounted for by appealing to
propositional representations.' Nevertheless, they confessed themselves to be
unable to discriminate between the 'weak' and 'strong' positions on the role of
mental imagery, and they suggested that 'this question may be basically
The most recent detailed discussion of these problems is that of Anderson
( 1978). He considered 'a· representative subset' of the experimental evidence
discussed by Kosslyn and Pomerantz, and concluded that in each case what had
been taken as evidence for a particular representation was actually evidence for a
possible process operating upon the representation, where there was no good
reason to associate the process with that particular representation. The crux of
Anderson's paper is that this is a general problem to be faced in deciding among
different theoretical positions in any area of cognitive psychology:

It is not possible for behavioral data to decide uniquely issues of internal

representation. The reason is that one cannot just test questions about a
representation in the abstract. One must perform tests of the representation in
combination with certain assumptions about the processes that use the
representation. That is, one must test a representation-process pair. One can
show that, given a set of assumptions about an image representation and a set
of processes that operate upon it, one can construct an equivalent set of
assumptions about a propositional representation and its processes. Or one
can be given a propositional theory and construct an equivalent imagery
theory. In fact, it is possible to establish a more general claim: Given any
representation-process pair it is possible to construct other pairs with different
representations whose behavior is equivalent to it. These pairs make up for
differences in representation by assuming compensating differences in the

Anderson's paper contains a formal proof of this latter assertion, and a concrete
Psychological Attitudes to Mental Imagery 21

example of how one may generate a propositional model to mimic a plausible

imaginal model of mental rotation (see chapter 4).
Thus, one has a rigorous and apparently general demonstration of the
proposition that it is not possible to decide between imaginal and propositional
representations strictly on the basis of behavioural data. Anderson considered
various alternative, non-behavioural criteria for deciding among hypothesised
representations. Most of these are formal criteria, concerning the logical
structure of the proposed representations; these include parsimony, plausibility,
efficiency and optimality. Such criteria have to do with the manner in which
rival theories describe the findings which have actually been obtained. Only one
set of criteria is substantive, in the sense that it is relevant to determining whether
a theory correctly describes the operation of the causal mechanism underlying
the behaviour to be explained. These criteria involve the use of physiological
data and of neuropsychological experimentation to establish the cerebral
localisation of the hypothesised functions.
Anderson considered that none of these alternative criteria was of much
assistance in discriminating among different types of cognitive representation.
He concluded that psychological theories of cognitive representation were in
principle non-identifiable, such that no theory could give rise to a unique set of
empirical predictions. Although this should dissuade researchers from attempt-
ing to discover the 'true' theory, Anderson suggested that one might proceed in a
less ambitious direction:

This is to formulate a more-or-less complete model without a commitment to

discriminate it from all other possible models. Nonidentifiability results imply
that there are other models which will generate the same predictions.
However, the important fact is that many models will not generate the same
predictions. One's nonunique model is perfectly capable of being tested and
proven wrong. In proving it wrong one would also be proving wrong all of its
equivalent models. It is no mean feat to come up with a model capable of
accounting for the existing range of empirical facts. I think it is a fair statement
that no current model handles the existing range of results on imagery.
Producing such a model seems a more worthwhile endeavour than deciding
among the grand contrasts such as imagery versus propositional.

Anderson seems to adopt a .fictionalist or possibly a sceptical position on the

epistemological status of theories of cognitive representation. A fictionalist
believes that hypothetical entities have a status analogous to fictional characters:
their names (the theoretical terms in a scientific explanation) may be used in the
sorts of sentence-frame which are used to talk about real objects, but it does not
make sense to ask whether they exist. A sceptic believes that they may exist, but
that there is in principle no way of establishing whether they do or not (see
Harre, 1972, chap. 3).
However, I believe that most psychologists would find this stance unpalatable,
22 Mental Imagery and Human Me1TWry

and that instead they would adopt a form of epistemological realism, according to
which many hypothetical entities are believed to exist, and some may be shown
to exist. The purpose of psychology is to investigate human faculties, and the role
of psychological theories is to specify putative mechanisms which underlie those
faculties. This will involve ascribing properties to those structures which are
causally responsible for the behaviour being studied, in particular the structures
of the human brain. Any adequate theory must therefore postulate hypothetical
entities which must be considered at least as candidates for objective existence
among the physiological structures of the central nervous system. This entails
that physiological data and neuropsychological research will be of immense
value in discriminating among alternative theories. Moreover, since these
theories are offering putative descriptions of the real mechanisms responsible for
behaviour, the truth or falsehood of those descriptions must in principle be
demonstrable. (Further discussion of these points is contained in chapter 3·)
This approach is actually supported by Anderson's account of an experiment
by Patterson and Bradshaw ( 1975) which he himself described as 'particularly
interesting'. This st·_:dy employed a face-recognition task to test the conventional
idea that different representations are used in the two cerebral hemispheres (see
chapter g). Anderson interpreted the results to mean that the two hemispheres
differ in their ability to perform certain types of operation upon a common
representation of visual information. This is exactly the sort of conclusion which
is necessary to specify the functions of the two cerebral hemispheres and the
nature of cognitive representation, but it is the sort of conclusion which can only
be made if neuropsychological evidence is relevant to deciding among different
theories of cognitive representation.


Doubtless a great deal more could be said concerning the attempts of

psychologists since the beginning of this century to carry through a systematic
investigation of mental imagery. It will be sufficient, however, ifl have managed
to give some idea of the historical background to contemporary research, and tv
explain at least in rough terms the methodological framework in which that
research is carried out. That framework is a thorough-going behaviourism of the
traditional American variety, softened slightly by the addition of operationism.
In contemporary cognitive psychology, then, concepts relating to mental states,
events and processes may only be introduced as hypothetical constructs within
an articulated theory, which specifies operational, behavioural procedures for
investigating and defining those constructs. In particular, mental imagery is a
theoretical construct whose existence is inferred from patterns of behaviour and
performance in experimental tasks.
To some extent this account has oversimplified the true situation.
Contemporary research encompasses a range of methodological positions, which
Psychological Attztudes to Mental Imagery 23

vary in how closely they are tied to an operationist approach. At one end of the
spectrum, there is the neobehaviourist position of Bugelski (I 97 I, I 977) who
adopts a rigorous operationism, and who defines mental imagery as a covert
reaction which is 'at no time ... equated with phenomenal or "mental"
experience'. At the other end, there is the position of Alan Richardson (I96g),
who emphasises the phenomenal aspects of mental imagery, but who fails to
specifY an explicit, coherent methodology for experimental research (Bugelski,
I97I). However, Neisser (I972a) has pointed out that Richardson's book is
written in the classical, introspectionist mould, and does not reflect the current
state of research into mental imagery. In between these two extremes, there is the
neomentalism of Paivio (I97Ic, I975d), which is claimed to combine the
introspectionist and behaviourist traditions 'in that it embraces mental pheno-
mena as its subject matter and behavioural approaches as the method of study'.
(It should also be pointed out that this book is concerned almost entirely with
research carried out in English-speaking countries. In European countries,
psychologists have never departed to the same extent from the introspective
method. However, although American and British psychologists are beginning
to consider the implications ofEuropean phenomenological research, it has so far
had little impact on the specific field of mental imagery.)
There are two further, related problems which should be mentioned briefly.
In contemporary research, the theoretical construct of mental imagery is defined
by reference to various operational procedures, of which the three most
important were described earlier in this chapter. However, each of these
procedures involves the use of the term 'imagery' in the instructions given to the
experimental subjects. Investigations of mental imagery as a mnemonic aid
include instructions to the subjects to use mental imagery in their learning; and
research on both stimulus attributes and individual differences includes
questionnaires in which the subjects judge the extent to which various stimuli
evoke mental imagery. It is surely circular to offer an operational definition of a
theoretical term if the specified operations involve the use of that term (cf.
Bugelski, I 97 I). Even if the manoeuvre is not actually circular, it still begs the
question of how the subjects know what the term means, and the question of
whether their interpretation of this term corresponds to the psychologist's.
Presumably, the subjects in an experiment have learned the meaning of the
expression 'mental imagery' in everyday discourse with all its 'mental and
phenomenological aspects'. But in that case the behaviourist's operational
definition of mental imagery is still contaminated by a surreptitious reference to
'private' experience. This semantic point has certain psychological implications.
Earlier in this chapter, it was mentioned that whether mental imagery is a
conscious experience or not is usually taken to be irrelevant to its adequacy as a
theoretical construct. In fact, as Marks (I977) has pointed out, the operational
procedures which are taken to define that construct actually assume a conscious
awareness on the part of the subjects of the mental imagery evoked by the
stimulus material, and of the strategies employed in remembering that material.
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

The second problem concerns the psychologist's motivation for using the tertn
'mental imagery' in the first place. If a term is rigorously defined by certain
operations, and if it is introduced to refer to a hypothetical construct within a
scientific theory, it is not dear why one should employ a term which is already in
common currency with an informal, unscientific meaning. On the contrary, one
might expect this to be a rich source of confusion. Since the operations already
refer to mental imagery, it might have been thought reasonable to use the term in
theorising ('Mental imagery is what people use when told to use mental
imagery'). However, it is more likely that an individual psychologist considered
'mental imagery' to be an appropriate label for his theoretical construct before
he had determined particular operational indicators for that construct (cf.
Paivio, 1975d). Presumably, the label was appropriate because the theoretical
construct bore certain similarities to the everyday concept of mental imagery. In
this case, it is important to ask how the two concepts differ, and whether an
ordinary-language concept can function as a hypothetical construct within a
psychological theory. In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to attain
a clear idea of the concept of mental imagery in ordinary language.
A Conceptual Analysis of Mental Imagery

The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (1953, p. 232) once made the following
remarks concerning the state of psychology in the 194os:

The confusion and barrenness of psychology is not to be explained by calling it

a 'young science'; its state is not comparable with that of physics, for instance,
in its beginnings .... For in psychology there are experimental methods and
conceptual confusion ... .
The existence of the experimental method makes us think we have the
means of solving the problems which trouble us; though problem and method
pass one another by.

These remarks were addressed to the experimental methodology being pro-

pounded by behaviourist psychologists. In the previous chapter, I suggested that
their attitudes have continued to be responsible for the nature of much research,
especially in the area of cognitive psychology. The reservations which the
behaviourists expressed concerning the concepts of mind and of mental states
have had a very real effect in restricting the sorts of explanations which
psychologists have considered themselves able to put forward. Nevertheless, like
Wittgenstein, I consider that these attitudes do not stand up to any serious
conceptual analysis. It follows that the restrictions which psychologists have
placed upon their own theorising have been needless and counterproductive.
In order to substantiate this conclusion, it will be necessary to consider the
behaviourists' methodology in more detail, and to demonstrate conceptual
confusion in their own criticisms of the earlier introspectionist approach. Insofar
as contemporary experimental research on mental imagery is heavily influenced
by the behaviourist tradition, it will then be necessary to give an alternative
conceptual analysis of mental imagery, and to determine the extent to which the
experimental methods employed in current psychological research are adequate
for investigating that concept.


One of the most common epithets used by behaviourist psychologists m

Mental Imagery and Human Memory

disparaging the efforts of their introspectionist predecessors was 'mentalistic'.

But what does it mean to decry concepts such as imagery and attention as
mentalistic (Holt, I972)? Presumably, it means, among other things, 'appertain-
ing to the mind', but this is tautological and in no way legitimates a critical
rejection of such concepts. Can the epithet be related to a coherent philosophical
position of mentalism, which might have been the target of the behaviourist
movement? Holt (I972) attempted to argue that the behaviourist critique was
directed against a metaphysical dualism, a philosophical analysis which assigned
a separate metaphysical reality to mental events. It is clear that the intro-
spectionist approach typically assumed that mind and body were ontologically
separate and independent, and thus it involved an implicit form of metaphysical
dualism. It is also clear that this sort of philosophical theory is inconsistent with
metaphysical materialism, a position which reduces mind to body or to some
property of body (Armstrong, I 968, p. 5), and which is implicit in a behaviourist
approach to the study of mind. However, to regard the behaviourist critique of
introspectionism as a philosophical attack upon metaphysical dualism is
probably to assume a degree of philosophical sophistication among behaviourist
psychologists which has typically been lacking. In any case, dualism is also
inconsistent with metaphysical mentalism, at least in the way in which this latter
position is usually understood, as a theory which reduces body to mind or some
property of mind. This approach has not been seriously proposed by any
philosopher ofstatus in modern times, as Armstrong (I 968, p. 6) has pointed out,
and it certainly was not implicit in the ideas of the introspectionist movement.
One can only conclude that the use of the term 'mentalistic' by behaviourist
psychologists merely constituted a pejorative expression for deriding the earlier
methodology in the absence of any serious analysis of the underlying conceptual
Another term which is commonly used in describing personal experience in
general and mental imagery in particular is the adjective 'private'. The concept
of the privacy of introspection has been expressed in the following manner: 'We
cannot observe any sensations or images but our own' (Knight and Knight,
I959, p. 3). This notion of privacy crops up frequently in all kinds of discussions,
scientific or informal, philosophical or empirical, and the idea that mental events
are inherently private is generally accepted as a truism. However, this
acceptance is usually uncritical, and if one attempts to clarify what is meant by
the word 'private', it too begins to lose its pejorative capacity. Wittgenstein
(I 953, §§246-53) pointed out that there are at least two different senses in which
the word 'private' is used to talk about personal experience.
1. One sense has to do with the question of ownership: in this sense, it might be
suggested that personal experiences.are inalienable or unsharable, that only I
can have my mental images, whereas another person cannot have them (Kenny,
I97I). This might be accepted as a truism, even as tautological (although
Wittgenstein commented that one still has to specify a criterion of identity, to
explain what is meant by 17!)' mental images: §253). However, Kenny (I 97 I)
A Conceptual Ana!Jsis if' Mental Imagery

pointed out that, if the inalienability of personal experience is a matter of

definition, it is also comparatively uninformative about the nature of that
experience. The definition serves to distinguish mental states and events from
sharable entities like offices and bank accounts, but not from certain inalienable,
yet purely behavioural entities, like coughs, blushes and sneezes, about which
there is nothing especially mysterious, occult or unscientific. As Kenny
concluded, one may allow that sensations, thoughts and images are inalienable,
but this will not make them any more private than behaviour.
2. The second concept of privacy which was identified by Wittgenstein ( 1953,
§246) and explained by Kenny (1971) has to do with the question of knowledge:
in this sense, it might be suggested that personal experiences are incom-
municable or undisclosable, that only I can know whether I have a mental
image, whereas another person cannot know this. Of course, one need not
seriously consider this idea: if the word 'know' is taken to have its normal
meaning, it i.s clearly false, since other people sometimes do know whether a
person has a mental image or not. Nevertheless, it is a position which constituted
an important plank of the behaviourist attack upon introspectionism, and which
is often taken for granted today. Thus, Doob ( 1972) asserted that mental events
'quite obviously are private and solipsistic and hence cannot be utilized
scientifically ... '. (The use of 'solipsistic' in this connection is rather puzzling.
Solipsism is a particular form of mentalism which attempts to reduce body to my
mind or some property of my mind. It is hard to see what point there would have
been to the introspective method if its practitioners had held this philosophical
position.) The undisclosable nature of personal experience is often characterised
by the metaphor of the 'inner world', but this is typically even more obscure than
the concept of privacy.
(Kenny identified a slightly different epistemological sense of privacy which
has to do with the idea of secrecy, the idea that mental images can be kept secret
without being publicly manifested in any way. One might wish to call
undisclosed experiences private, but again this would be comparatively
uninformative about the nature of those experiences. Moreover, a person might
not wish to disclose the existence of an unslightly mole located somewhere on his
body, or the size of his personal fortune, but undisclosed moles and fortunes are
not in any way subjective or occult.)
If the claim that personal experience is incommunicable is so obviously false,
why should anyone put it forward? As Kenny pointed out, one reason is a failure
to distinguish between having and knowing, between inalienability and
incommunicability. It is assumed that to know a sensation is to have a sensation,
and because it is believed that one person cannot have another's sensations, it is
concluded that one person cannot know another's sensations. The error is evident
in Bower's ( 1972) assertion that 'by definition, I am not aware of my son's private
mental event'; in this example, 'I am not aware of' is ambiguous between 'I
cannot experience' and 'I cannot know' .It should be obvious that the concepts
of inalienability and incommunicability are quite different, and should be
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

rigorously separated in discussing the nature of personal experience.

Another reason for claiming that personal experience is incommunicable is
that one's beliefs about another person's experience seem to be much less well
founded than those about one's own experience. It might be argued that I can
know whether I have a mental image, whereas another person can only surmise
this (cf. Wittgenstein, 1953, §246); that the experiences ofothers are only inferred
or conjectured, whereas one's own experiences are known with certainty. On this
account, introspection provides the only conclusive evidence for statements
describing personal experience, and this evidence is only available to the person
who has that experience. It follows that introspective evidence cannot form the
empirical basis of an objective, interpersonal, scientific discipline. It is not
surprising therefore that, even though introspective evidence has always been
available to behaviourist psychologists for consideration in their research, it has
been continually ignored and regarded as quite inadequate. But in what sense
might introspection provide evidence for the person who has a particular
personal experience? A person who has a mental image and who introspects
(whatever that might mean) does not acquire a particular set of evidence, on the
basis of which he infers that he has a mental image; he merely apprehends that
he has a mental image. It simply is not coherent to think of a person looking for
evidence to find out whether he is having a mental image, unless the expression
'having a mental image' is being used in a manner (yet to be explained) which is
systematically different from its ordinary, everyday usage. Thus, it is difficult to
see how statements ascribing personal experiences to oneself can be based upon
any sort of evidence, introspective or otherwise. (The question of the epi-
stemological status of self-ascriptions of psychological states is actually a serious
and difficult problem in the philosophy of mind.)
Nevertheless, a corollary of the position described in the previous paragraph is
that any scientific investigation of a person's mental imagery must be restricted
to the sort of fallible, inferential evidence which is available to others. The early
behaviourists took this to mean that no conclusive evidence was available
concerning another person's mental states, and that therefore there was no
legitimate basis for even assuming the existence of those states. Watson ( 1928, p.
75) expressed this scepticism in the following way:

The behaviorist, having made a clean sweep of all the rubbish called
consciousness, comes back to you: 'Prove to me,' he says, 'that you have
auditory images, visual images, or any other kinds of disembodied processes.
So far I have only your unverified and unsupported word that you have them.'
Science must have objective evidence to base its theories upon.

But is it really the case that the sort of evidence available to other people
concerning a person's mental states is not conclusive? Baker (1974) has pointed
out that the notion of conclusive evidence is typically ambiguous:
1. In one sense, one might say that evidence is conclusive if it is not logically
A Conceptual Ana!Jsis if Mental Imagery

possible that it can be overturned. Clearly, the evidence available concerning

another person's personal experience is not conclusive in this sense: he might be
pretending to have an experience which he does not in fact have, or he might be
withholding an experience which he does in fact have. But is this true of all
sentient creatures? Is the supposition of either pretence or concealment sensible
in the case of infants or animals, for instance (Kenny, I97I; Wittgenstein, I953,
§§249-50)? If not, then the behaviourist appears to be in the odd situation of
having a legitimate basis for studying the mental states of infants and animals,
but not for studying those of adult human beings. In any case, it should be
pointed out that conclusive evidence (in this sense) is extremely rare in the
knowledge-systems which we employ. It is characteristic of virtually any
interesting knowledge-claim that it may in principle be overturned by
subsequent counterevidence; for example, claims about ordinary physical
objects may subsequently be found to be based upon hallucinations.
2. In another sense, one might say that evidence is conclusive if it is not
logically possible that it could be improved. It is true that what one knows of
another person's mental states is based upon what he says and does, and any
knowledge-claim which one makes on this basis may in principle be overturned.
But there is no other sort of evidence which could provide a sounder basis for such
a claim. Our knowledge of other people's personal experience is not indirect or
inferential: the evidence for knowledge-claims relating to that experience could
in principle be overturned, but it could not in principle be bettered.
To sum up, therefore: on the first interpretation of the notion of conclusive
evidence, there is no conclusive evidence for claims about another person's
mental states, but there is no conclusive evidence for any other interesting class of
knowledge-claim, either; on the second interpretation of the notion of conclusive
evidence, what a person says and does provides just this sort of evidence and
could constitute the basis of a scientific investigation of mental imagery.


I shall now try to spell out a more positive argument for this latter conclusion by
giving a conceptual analysis of mental imagery which is based upon the theory of
criteria to be found in Wittgenstein's ( I953, I958, I967) later philosophical
writings. The idea of a criterion is an important device in his philosophy of
language (Baker, I974; Richardson, I976c), and is central to his philosophy of
mind (Hacker, I972). It is a difficult concept, over which there has been much
philosophical controversy, but it is important to get to grips with the concept of a
criterion if one is to achieve a proper appreciation of the status of mental
Wittgenstein ( I958, p. 24) suggested that, to obtain a systematic explanation
of a concept, one must be able to specify what must be the case if that concept is
correctly applied. The basis on which such an ascription is made he called a
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

criterion. The criteria for the use of a word or phrase determine its meaning or
sense. (They also specify what are to count as legitimate knowledge-claims: one
can claim to know that a concept applies to a given object only if the criteria of
that concept are satisfied.) Wittgenstein explained what kind of thing he had in
mind in the following way:

When we learnt the use of the phrase 'so-and-so has toothache' we were
pointed out certain kinds of behaviour of those who were said to have
toothache. As an instance of these kinds of behaviour let us take holding your
cheek. Suppose that by observation I found that in certain instances whenever
these first criteria told me a person had toothache, a red patch appeared on the
person's cheek. Supposing I now said to someone 'I see A has toothache, he's
got a red patch on his cheek'. He may ask me 'How do you know A has
toothache when you see a red patch?' I shall then point out that certain
phenomena had always coincided with the appearance of the red patch.
Now one may go on and ask: 'How do you know that he has got toothache
when he holds his cheek?' The answer to this might be, 'I say, he has toothache
when he holds his cheek because I hold my cheek when I have toothache'. But
what if we went on asking:-'And why do you suppose that toothache
corresponds to his holding his cheek just because your toothache corresponds
to your holding your cheek?' You will be at a loss to answer this question, and
find that here we strike rock bottom, that is we have come down to

Thus, there are two kinds of evidence which might be used to justify the
ascription of toothache to another person. The evidential value of criteria is
guaranteed by linguistic convention: they are specified as the defining properties
of a concept when it is taught. However, the evidential value of the other kinds of
evidence which might support the application of a concept is guaranteed merely
by their empirical correlation with its criteria. (Wittgenstein referred to this
latter sort of evidence as the symptoms of the concept.)
It is characteristic of many concepts, according to Wittgenstein (I 958, pp. 5 I,
I 43-4), that there are many different criteria for their application which might
be employed under different circumstances. It follows that there is not
necessarily one thing in common to all the objects to which the concept may be
ascribed; rather, they may be related to one another in many different ways, just
like the members of a family (Wittgenstein, I 953, §§66-7, I 64). Thus, he rejected
the philosophical position known as essentialism (Richardson, I976c, pp. 85-7),
which holds that the meaning of an expression is given by what is common to all
of the things to which it applies, their essence. He also rejected the idea that a
criterion for ascribing a concept to an object must constitute a logically necessary
condition for the truth of the proposition that the object falls under Lhe concept.
It is perhaps more important that the notion of a criterion is also used to show
that an item of evidence need not constitute a logically sufficient condition for the
A Conceptual Anarysis if Mental Imagery

truth of this proposition. Knowledge-claims which are based upon criteria!

evidence may nevertheless be overturned and contradicted by further evidence
(Wittgenstein, 1958, pp. I45-6). Philosophers express this point in various ways,
by saying that criteria are not logicalry decisive (see above), that their employment
is difeasible or corrigible. To clarify these notions, Pollock ( I970) gave an excellent
account of the various types of reasons or grounds for beliefs or knowledge-
claims. In his terminology, a good reason is one which is adequate or sufficient to
justify the belief for which it is a reason, a logical reason is a statement that
constitutes a reason simply by virtue of its meaning or logical nature, and a non-
conclusive reason is a logical reason which does not deductively guarantee the
truth of what is believed. Wittgenstein's notion of a criterion is very similar to
what Pollock called a prima facie reason; this is a non-conclusive logical reason
which by itself would be a good reason for believing something, but which might
cease to be a good reason when taken together with some other beliefs. These
various properties of the concept of a criterion must be remembered in
considering how one can carry out a scientific investigation of other people's
personal experience.


If one wishes to give a philosophical analysis of some interesting class of concept,

then, one should attempt to determine the sorts of ground on the basis of which
the relevant concepts are ascribed. It is fairly uncontroversial that concepts
relating to psychological states are ascribed on the basis of behavioural criteria.
(For example, one supports one's claim that another person has toothache by
pointing out that he is holding his cheek.) Indeed, the epistemological 'Problem
of Other Minds' and the methodological problem for behaviourist psychologists
is that of explaining how legitimate knowledge-claims about another person's
psychological states may be made on the basis of (purely) behavioural evidence.
Nevertheless, it may be argued that psychological concepts could onry be
ascribed on the basis ofbehavioural criteria. Wittgenstein (I 953, §202) suggested
that the possibility of the correct ascription of a psychological concept depends
upon its application being open to evaluation and correction by other speakers of
the language. Thus, the grounds on the basis of which that ascription is made
must be open to public inspection. On the other hand, he produced a famous,
extended argument to show the impossibility of a 'private' language, in which
psychological concepts are ascribed purely on the basis of descriptions of
subjective experience (Wittgenstein, I953, §§243-7I; for discussion see Kenny,
I97I, I973, chap. 10). It may therefore be concluded that psychological
concepts are to be ascribed on the basis of a characteristic behavioural
manifestation, or, as Wittgenstein ( I953, §58o) expressed this point: 'An "inner
process" stands in need of outward criteria.' Since psychological concepts may
onry be ascribed on the basis of behavioural criteria, there can be no better source
32 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

of evidence about another person's personal experience, as was mentioned

The behavioural criteria which are employed to ascribe psychological
concepts include both non-verbal behaviour and verbal utterances. A person's
psychological state may be evidenced as much by what he says as by what he
does. Wittgenstein (I 958, p. 68) suggested that ascribing a psychological state to
oneself (tor instance, saying, 'I am in pain') might replace the natural
behavioural expression of that state. So, the expression 'characteristic be-
havioural manifestation' is not intended to oppose the natural behavioural
expression of a psychological state to what a person says. Rather, the
characteristic behavioural manifestation is taken to include characteristic verbal
utterances. (Wittgenstein went further to argue that the self-ascription of a
psychological state had the same logical status as the natural behavioural
expression of that state. This is part ofhis theory of avowals, which is a difficult
and highly problematic topic in his later philosophy; see, for example, Hacker,
1972, chapter g.)
The criteria for the application of a psychological concept are prima facie
reasons for justifying its ascription. Such a concept is defeasible in the usual sense,
in that it allows a variety of criteria and sometimes these criteria may conflict. On
the other hand, as was mentioned earlier in this chapter, psychological concepts
admit an additional dimension of defeasibility because of the possibility of
pretence. A knowledge-claim which ascribes a psychological state to a person
may be im:orrect because he is pretending to be in that state. There is a converse
situation whereby the characteristic behaviour may not be necessary for
ascribing the psychological state. In this case, the person may be concealing his
psychological state. Wittgenstein (1g68) argued that there are behavioural
criteria both for saying that someone is in a psychological state and expressing it,
and for saying that he is in a psychological state and concealing it. These are
possibilities which are encompassed in ordinary language and which have to be
encompassed by any adequate conceptual analysis of psychological concepts.
However, some psychological concepts have the vitally important property
that a particular sort of use does not seem to be defeasible, at least in the following
respect. While I can say truthfully that I am in pain, or I can lie about my pains,
I cannot be mistaken about whether I am in pain, in the same sort of way that I can
be mistaken about whether someone else is in pain (Wittgenstein, 1953, §246).
Thus, there is an epistemological asymmetry between the first-person present-
tense use and the third-person present-tense use of an important class of
psychological concepts. These are often referred to as 'mental states' or
'psychological states' (cf. Malcolm, 1977, p. 256), and the epistemological
property which has just been described is that of the incorrigibility of the self-
ascription of psychological states. However, relating to the discussion earlier in
this chapter, these concepts are also identified in terms of the grounds on the basis
of which they are ascribed. When I say of myself that I am in pain, I do not do so
on the basis of any observation of my behaviour; whereas to ascribe pains to other
A Conceptual Ana(ysis if Mental Imagery 33

people, I must be prepared to justify my ascriptions on the basis of behavioural

criteria. This characterises the phenomenon as the criterionless self-ascription of
psychological states (Wittgenstein, I953, §377; I967, §472). It is sometimes
referred to as the phenomenon of 'privileged access', according to which the
person who has a particular psychological state knows of its occurrence without
having to make the defeasible observations or inferences which others must make
to know of its occurrence.
Not all psychological concepts manifest this asymmetry between their first-
person present-tense use and their third-person present-tense use. One may make
a rough distinction between 'psychological states', which do possess this
property, and 'dispositions', which do not. By 'disposition' is meant the tendency
of a person to behave in a particular sort of way. An important class of
dispositions is that of human capacities, that is, the tendency of a person to
behave according to a certain standard or rule. These include knowing how to do
certain things, being able to do certain things, and understanding certain things.
The self-ascription of a disposition (such as being intelligent) or a capacity (such
as knowing how to ride a bicycle) is corrigible, and is made on the basis of public,
behavioural evidence. This evidence is the same as that which another person
would use in order to aseribe the same disposition or capacity. For example, I
could be mistaken in thinking that I still know how to ride a bicycle, and I would
support my belief in the same way that any other person would: by testing that
ability out (Wittgenstein, I958, pp. IOCJ-4).
Moreover, the sorts of criteria relevant to the two cases are different. A
psychological state possesses a genuine duration, during which it is evidenced by
a characteristic form of behaviour. However, one can distinguish between a
disposition or capacity and its exercise (Kenny, I972i I975, pp. g-10). One
ascribes a human disposition on the basis of appropriate or adequate behaviour
in relevant circumstances, but the person one is talking about continues to have
that disposition in the periods when the circumstances are no longer appropriate.
Similarly, one may verify that a person continues to have a particular capacity
by carrying out spot checks to see if he can produce an adequate level of


After the more general philosophical preliminaries of the two previous sections, I
shall now apply the framework of criteria! semantics to the concepts of mental
imagery and of memory. In each case the appropriate strategy will be to locate
the concept within a class of similar concepts, and then to consider in a very
schematic way the criteria which operate in the ascription of the particular
concept of interest. It should perhaps be mentioned that an extended discussion
ofboth mental imagery and memory is to be found in Wittgenstein's (I 967) ,Zettel
(the former in sections 62 I-49, and the latter in sections 65c:r-6g). Unfortunately,
34 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

his discussion consists of a great many disjointed remarks, with no obvious

coherent or systematic analysis of those concepts.
Nevertheless, it is possible to locate the concept of mental imagery within the
category of psychological states which I defined in the previous section. Like
both sensations and emotions, mental images are conscious mental episodes of a
definite temporal duration. Unlike emotions, mental images do not seem to have
a characteristic, natural (that is, non-verbal), behavioural manifestation. (I shall
expand on this comment below.) Unlike sensations, mental images do not yield
information about the world, and the formation of images may be a voluntary
activity (though one also talks of mental images being evoked involuntarily).
Like sensations, emotions, and thoughts, mental imagery manifests an epi-
stemological asymmetry between its ascription to oneself and its ascription to
others: the ascription of mental imagery to oneself is incorrigible, in that one
cannot be mistaken about whether one has a mental image, and it is criterionless,
in that it is not based upon any process of observation. (Cf. Wittgenstein, 1967,
§§472, 478,488,627, 632.) Moreover, it seems central to all psychological states
that, if a person is i.n a particular state, then he knows that he is in that state; so
the notions of consciousness and self-consciousness are crucial in discussing
mental imagery (cf. Marks, 1977).
But what are the criteria of mental imagery? A psychological state is ascribed
on the basis of a characteristic behavioural manifestation, and the non-verbal
criteria typically refer to the natural, primitive, prelinguistic expression of that
state. However, in the case of some psychological concepts, a person's verbal
utterances may be the sole criteria for describing his state. For example, there
seems to be no obvious primitive behavioural manifestation of a person's
thoughts, hopes or wishes. Quinton ( 1973, p. 328) has argued specifically that
there is no natural primitive behaviour characteristic of having a particular
mental image. He observed: 'There is no natural expression of having an image
of Salisbury cathedral for "I am having an image of Salisbury cathedral" to be a
conventionalized extension of.' Quinton's point concerns the criteria for a
person's having a particular mental image, but the same conclusion seems to
apply to the more general notion of a person's having any mental image. There
are certain behavioural signs which might be observed, such as the subject's
having a pensive expression and gazing towards an indeterminate and
intrinsically unimportant area of space, but these signs would not distinguish
between thinking and imaging, nor are they intimately involved in teaching or
justifying the employment of the concept of mental imagery. In personal
discussion, Peter Hacker has observed that one could devise a situation in which
a subject indicated whether he had a mental image or even which mental image
he had by making arbitrary pointing responses (towards different pictures, for
example); but this would merely constitute a conventional extension of the
normal method of describing one's mental images, and could only be taught and
explained by reference to the usual verbal criteria.
This conclusion has important implications for the suggestion ofDoob (I 972)
A Conceptual Ana(ysis if Mental Imagery 35

that a scientific investigation of mental imagery might be based upon both

reported images and inferred images. If there are no non-verbal criteria for the
ascription of mental imagery, then the subjects' verbal reports constitute the only
logically adequate source of information concerning their mental imagery.
Thus, any scientific investigation of mental imagery which pays any regard at all
to the considerations of ordinary usage will place primary emphasis upon these
reports, and will attempt to formalise them in a system of protocol question-
naires. On the other hand, any other behavioural manifestations of mental
imagery which might be correlated with these reports are at best symptoms of
mental imagery: their evidential value is based not upon the conventions of
ordinary language, but upon their empirical correlation with the criteria of
mental imagery. These 'indicants', as Bower (1972) called them, will not
constitute logically adequate evidence for the ascription of mental imagery. The
general form of a problem to be investigated following this psychological
methodology will be: How does the performance of subjects in cognitive tasks
vary with their use of mental imagery (where the latter is indexed by the subjects'
This methodological approach is of course exactly the reverse of that which is
generally employed in psychological research on mental imagery, as described in
the previous chapter. In this research, variations in performance in response to
specific operational procedures are taken to be the best source of information on
the subjects' use of mental imagery. The subjects' own 'introspective' reports are
regarded with considerable suspicion, and are taken at best to be a secondary
source of information. The general form of a problem to be investigated
following this prevailing methodology is: How does the performance of subjects
in cognitive tasks vary with the operational procedures defining mental imagery,
and how might the use of mental imagery thus be inferred? A conceptual analysis
of mental imagery therefore leads to the conclusion that cognitive psychology has
turned the everyday concept of imagery inside out, and taken as the defining
criteria of that concept properties which in the ordinary use are merely
symptoms of the concept. This substitution of criteria and symptoms was
motivated by superficial and erroneous arguments concerning the supposed
'privacy' of personal experience. If one rejects those arguments, there is no
motivation for adopting the somewhat bizarre concept of mental imagery to be
found in contemporary psychology, and every reason for reinstating personal
reports of mental imagery in their appropriate place as defining criteria. The
primary task for the scientist and theoretician who adopts this latter course is to
rework and to rewrite research on the function of mental imagery in this light. I
shall attempt to make some progress in this direction in the remaining chapters of
this book.
The correct philosophical account of the faculty of memory is extremely
complex, but a central part of this concept is the ability to recollect or to
recognise information on the basis of prior experience. Like all capacities, the
ability to remember is only manifest when it is being exercised, but a person may
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

(and typically does) continue to have that ability even when it is not being
exercised. At any time, under suitable circumstances, one may verify that the
person continues to have that ability by a spot check. Moreover, like all
capacities and dispositions, the ability to remember does not exhibit an
epistemological asymmetry between its first-person present-tense use and its
third-person present-tense use, and the self-ascription of this ability is corrigible.
Consciousness and self-consciousness are not defining characteristics of the
ability to remember: a person may manifest that ability without realising or
otherwise being aware of doing so, and, on the other hand, he may falsely believe
that he can remember something.
The faculty of memory is a capacity of a certain kind of object: namely, a
conscious, living body, or what one would ordinarily refer to as a person. That
body exhibits or embodies the capacity by virtue of certain properties of its
physical structure. This distinction between a capacity and its vehicle is a perfectly
general one, applying equally to human beings and to inanimate objects or
systems. (It can be argued that there are no major logical differences between the
two sorts of capacity; cf. Wittgenstein, 1953, §182.) For example, Kenny ( 1972)
gave the example of the ability of a thermostat to regulate a room's temperature
and the structure by virtue of which the thermostat has that ability. Elsewhere,
he gave the example of the capacity of whisky to intoxicate and the ingredient of
alcohol which is responsible for that capacity (Kenny, 1975, p. 10). These
examples indicate that one explains the possession of a capacity by specifYing the
physical properties of its vehicle which are causally responsible for that capacity.
Naturally, limitations in one's knowledge may mean that one can give only a
putative, sketchy and functional account of the physical structure of interest, in
other words a theoretical account rather than a definitive description. For
example, one might explain apparent constraints upon the forms of human
natural languages by the theoretical assertion that the brain is 'pre-
programmed' in some way (cf. Kenny, 1972). However, it is important to realise
that the hypothetical states and processes which are ascribed to the vehicle which
underlies a human capacity are the putative physical states and processes of a
physical structure (the central nervous system), and not the mental states and
processes of the person who possesses that capacity.
More generally, one must bear in mind two important distinctions. The first is
that between psychological states and human dispositions, which was mentioned
earlier. The second is that between a capacity and its vehicle, which has just been
explained. Both distinctions reflect differences of conceptual category; to violate
or to ignore these categorial differences will lead to profound conceptual
confusion (Kenny, 1972; 1975, pp. 1o-1; Wittgenstein, 1953, p. 181).
Nevertheless, contemporary research in cognitive psychology commits exactly
this error. The source of the error lies in taking expressions which have an
established employment as the names of mental states, and using them in
theoretical descriptions of the vehicles underlying human dispositions. This
move is especially obvious in research on mental imagery, which employs a term
A Conceptual Anarysis if Mental Imagery 37

referring to a conscious mental episode to refer to a hypothetical form of coding

or representation within an articulated theory of human memory (Kosslyn and
Pomerantz, 1977; Marks, 1977; Paivio, 1975b). (In this case, there is some
superficial justification, insofar as the voluntary arousal of the mental state is
regarded as a strategy which has causal implications for the mnemonic
representation employed.)
The confusion is encouraged by and is reflected in an uncritical use of the term
'representation'. This expression is widely used in contemporary discussions of
human memory to refer to theoretical conceptualisations of the knowledge
which is ascribed to human subjects (Anderson and Bower, 1973, p. 151).
However, neither the meaning of this term nor its epistemological status is ever
clearly explained. Malcolm ( 1977) has recently given an extensive analysis and
criticism of the concept of a memory representation, both in traditional
philosophy and in contemporary psychological theories concerning the neural
basis of memory, but his remarks apply equally to theoretical discussions in
human experimental psychology. A representation is a spatial or temporal
configuration of symbols which is conventionally regarded as standing in a
certain relationship to something else. Representations are created, used, and
interpreted by human beings in order to think or to communicate more easily
about concepts and ideas which would otherwise be less tractable.
Representations are only rarely used in recollecting past experiences (Malcolm,
1977, pp. 128----9). Mental images are representations in just this sense.
However, theories of memory (both philosophical and psychological) typi-
cally postulate the existence of a representation as a hypothetical cause in all
cases of remembering. Representations are created, stored and retrieved by the
mechanism which is responsible for the faculty of memory (namely, the brain). If
the expression is being used in its ordinary sense, this would be incoherent: 'It is a
conceptual absurdity to attribute to the brain the employment of symbols, rules,
descriptions, codes' (Malcolm, 1977, p. 221). Clearly, 'representation' is being
used in a different (and unspecified) sense in these cases (Malcolm, 1977, p. 132).
In cognitive psychology, and especially in the theories discussed in the previous
chapter, it is intended to pick out certain structural properties of the mechanism
which is postulated to explain the faculty of memory. In this sense it has no
conceptual connection with the conscious manipulation of symbols (nor, a
fortiori, with the use of mental imagery). Indeed, it may be questioned whether
'representation' is an appropriate term to use in this case. Nevertheless, this
usage is so entrenched in psychological discussions that it is extremely difficult to
avoid. Accordingly, both senses of'representation' will be used in this book, but
the context should permit the reader to distinguish between the concept of an
intentional object of thought and that of a structural property of the brain.
At least three sorts of confusion or uncertainty can be identified as being
clearly engendered by the conceptual error of using the same term to refer to a
conscious mental episode and the vehicle of a human faculty. First, is the
existence of mental imagery obvious or to be proved? Second, are mental images
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

conscious episodes? Third, does mental imagery have an explanatory function?

The existence of a hypothetical construct would need to be proved by
experimental research, but the ordinary use of the term 'mental imagery' makes
this idea seem distinctly odd. The latter suggests an empirical phenomenon
which might be correlated with the exercise of the faculty of memory, but which
would not be regarded as providing a scientific explanation of the ability to
remember. Thus, Anderson and Bower's (1973, p. 450) conclusion that
subjective reports of mental imagery do not explain variations in objective
performance 'in any acceptable sense' is probably correct. Conversely, how can a
hypothetical construct be amenable to conscious introspection? The typical
answer is to suggest that such a construct is a mental content which is not
necessarily available to consciousness (Fodor, Bever and Garrett, 1974, pp. xii,
3-4; Paivio, 1975d; Pylyshyn, 1973; cf. Wittgenstein, 1958, pp. 1-10), which
leads down a slippery path to the idea of 'unconscious mental images'.
This sort of confusion can be avoided by disinguishing in a rigorous fashion
between the empirical phenomenon of mental imagery and a hypothetical
construct postulated to explain the faculty of memory. The postulated
'unconscious mental states' are physiological states of the brain which are
intended to explain the faculty and its exercise, not states of consciousness of the
person who has that faculty. They are 'mental' only in the tenuous sense that
they are intended to explain a capacity of a conscious being (cf. Kenny, 1972).
They are 'unconscious' only in the sense that the person who has that capacity
may be totally unaware of their existence; but this is merely to point out that one
finds out about such a mechanism in a different way from how one 'finds out'
about one's mental states, and there is no more justification for calling states of
that mechanism 'unconscious', than there is for. calling the states of the digestive
or vascular systems unconscious.
These remarks have been primarily intended to apply to the faculty of
memory, but they may be taken to apply equally to the faculty of mental
imagery. In this case, one must distinguish between the experience of a specific
mental image and the physiological states of the mechanism which is causally
responsible for that experience. Once again, our knowledge of neurophysiology
is so limited that it is not possible to specify the properties of this mechanism in
any detail (Bugelski, 1971). In such a case, as Kenny (1972) pointed out, the
theorist will

only be able to define the parts of the structure in terms of their function,
without having any understanding of the nature of the material embodiment
of the structure; just as one might well know that the body, since it regulates its
own temperature, must contain a thermostat, and yet have no idea of the
material structure of the thermostat.

Nevertheless, it is clear that experimental psychology is ultimately concerned

with understanding the properties of the neurophysiological systems which are
A Conceptual Ana(ysis rif Mental Imagery 39

causally responsible for human faculties, and the research by Whitaker (I 97 I) on

the neurological basis oflanguage skills has indicated the general strategy which
might be followed in future research. First, one ~ust establish the most
important empirical relationships between mental imagery and human memory
(for example, constructing mental images of the material to be remembered
leads to improved recall). Second, one must offer an articulated psychological
analysis of the faculties under investigation, which will postulate functional
components of the vehicles of those faculties. Dual coding theory and common
coding theory are obviously rival accounts in this phase of the inquiry. Third, the
neuropsychological evidence relevant to these components must be critically
evaluated, so that empirical hypotheses may be set up concerning the cerebral
locus of each component. Some discussion along these lines will be given in
chapter 9· This permits one to derive theoretical predictions concerning the
functional connections between these anatomically localised components.
Finally, these predictions should be supported by demonstrating maJor
neuroanatomical connections among the relevant cerebral loci.


In the previous section, it was mentioned that mental images are representations
(in the usual sense of that word). An important logical feature of all
representations is their intentionality: the object of a representation (what it is a
representation of) is determined by how it is intended, not by what it resembles.
This point, and its implications for understanding mental imagery have been
discussed by Fodor ( I975, chap. 4). On the one hand, an image does not have to
resemble what it represents. Malcolm ( I977, p. 2 I6) has given the examples of a
cartoon caricature and a piece of modern sculpture. Of course, if an image did
have to resemble what it represented, one would have to inspect one's images to
find out what they represented (cf. Wittgenstein, I 967, §62 I). On the other
hand, even if an image does resemble what it represents, any pictorial
representation can be interpreted in various ways. Fodor ( I975, pp. I82-3) gave
the example of a hexagon with its major diagonals, which can be seen as either a
plane figure or a three-dimensional cube viewed from one of its corners (see also
Malcolm, I977, pp. I47-53; Wittgenstein, I953, p. I39)· In general, two
pictures can represent the same thing (for example, an isosceles triangle and a
scalene triangle can both represent the notion of triangularity), while one picture
can represent two things (for example, an ambiguous figure can be interpreted as
a duck or as a rabbit) (Fodor, I975, p. I92).
Thus, the object of a mental image is not defined by any of the pictorial
properties of the image itself, but is carried by the description under which the
image is intended. This is similar to the idea expressed by Pylyshyn (I973) that
mental images come to mind already interpreted. It has already been mentioned
that whether another person has a mental image and which image he has is
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

determined by his verbal utterances. This last point means that, for the imager
himself, the identity of, his image is determined by the description which he
attaches to it. Fodor (1975, p. 191) explained this as follows:

Suppose that what one visualizes in imaging a tiger might be anything from a
full-scale tiger portrait (in the case of the ideticist) to a sort of transient stick
figure (in the case of poor imagers like me). What makes my stick figure an
image of a tiger is not that it looks much like one (my drawings of tigers don't
look much like tigers either) but rather that it's my image, so I'm the one who
gets to say what it's an image of. My images (and my drawings) connect with
my intentions in a certain way; I take them as tiger-pictures for purposes of
whatever task I happen to have in hand.

This suggests that the functional origin of mental imagery lies in the
descriptions in accordance with which images are constructed. Of course, there
may be an indefinite number of equivalent descriptions of one and the same state
of affairs, and any one of these possible descriptions would be accepted by the
imager as a true account of his intended representation. Thus, one must regard
the identity of a mental image as consisting not in any particular verbal
statement, but in the abstract proposition which underlies the set of equivalent
de!!criptions. In other words, the functional origin of mental imagery lies in a
system of knowledge which is 'essentially conceptual and propositional, rather than
sensory or pictorial, in nature' (Pylyshyn, 1973; see also Yuille and Catchpole,
1977). It should be added that exactly the same argument can be carried
through even when it is difficult or impossible for the imager to give a verbal
account ofhis mental image (for example, in contemplating the look or smell of a
thing). In such cases the image will allow the same ambiguity or indeterminacy
without the interpretation or intention of the imager (cf. Fodor, 1975, pp. 193-
This is not to say that mental imagery is without functional utility. This must
be established on the basis of experimental investigation, but a priori one can
point out two respects in which the construction of mental images might be
helpful (Fodor, 1975, p. 191). First, if mental images represent spatial properties
and relationships in a quasi-pictorial form, then they may be more efficient for
carrying out certain tasks than discursive, verbal representations. An example of
such a task would be successive crossmodal similarity judgements (Posner, Boies,
Eichelman and Taylor, 196g). Second, a mental image may be determinate
under several different descriptions other than that on the basis of which it was
constructed. The image might therefore manifest emergent properties which
could not be readily computed from the original description (Kosslyn and
Pomerantz, 1977). An example of this would be counting the number ofwindows
in one's house by 'reading off' the information from a mental image (Shepard,
This last point would seem to block a fundamental and otherwise devastating
A Conceptual Ana!Jsis if Mental Imagery

criticism of dual coding theory which might be taken to follow from the previous
discussion. The intentionality of mental imagery appears to imply that an image
cannot contain any new information which was not already available when the
image was constructed; for, otherwise, the imager would have to inspect the
image to determine whether it was in accordance with his intentions (cf.
Wittgenstein, 1953, §38g, p. 177). Consequently, mental imagery would be
merely an epiphenomenon, and could not be used as a means to recalling
information. (In personal discussion, Peter Hacker has suggested that mental
imagery might be seen rather as a manifestation of the ability to recall that
information, of the same logical status as producing a spoken or written response.
Cf. Wittgenstein (1967, §6so): 'My memory-image is not evidence for that past
situation, like a photograph which was taken then and convinces me now that
this was how things were then. The memory-image and the memory-words stand
on the same level.') Nevertheless, the intentional description according to which
an image is produced does not exhaustively specify all of the properties of the
image; on the contrary, any mental image will have emergent properties which
are not included in that description (though they might be deductively entailed
by the properties which are contained in the description). In those situations
which make use of the emergent properties of images, therefore, mental imagery
will deserve a role in psychological investigation as a distinctive mode of thinking
(cf. Kosslyn and Pomerantz, 1977). In the following chapters, special attention
will be paid to whether the functional elements in cognition and memory are the
emergent properties of a mental image, or properties contained within the
propositional description under which the mental image is interpreted.


The principal task of modern cogmt1ve psychology is to offer a scientific

explanation of cognitive capacities, including human memory. This goal is to be
attained by devising satisfactory theories of the vehicles of those capacities.
Previous research in human experimental psychology has attempted to label the
hypothetical states and processes of these vehicles with the terms which are
employed in ordinary language to refer to mental states and processes. In
particular, mental imagery has been introduced as a theoretical construct to
explain the capacity of memory, and the personal reports of experimental
subjects concerning their use of mental imagery are regarded as incidental to this
exercise. Adopting the arguments given by traditional behaviourists against the
ordinary-language use of such concepts, cognitive psychologists define their
theoretical constructs in terms of non-verbal behaviour, and especially in terms
of observed variations in performance in psychological taks. In so doing, they
take as the defining criteria of such concepts phenomena which in the ordinary
use are mere symptoms. This step, in particular, is guaranteed to ensure that
'problem and method pass one another by'.
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

The arguments of the behaviourists against so-called 'mentalistic' concepts

may be dismissed as erroneous. There is no reason why a scientific investigation
of cognitive capacities cannot be carried out with the appropriate ordinary-
language concepts. This will remove the conceptual confusion created by
interchanging the criteria and the symptoms of such concepts. A second source of
confusion will be removed by appreciating that psychological theories of
cognitive capacities offer putative descriptions of the physical structures
underlying those capacities, and not of the mental states which might
accompany a person's exercise of those capacities. The feature of the intention-
ality of mental imagery implies that the functional origin of imagery lies not in
any pictorial properties of mental images themselves, but in the abstract
propositional descriptions under which they are intended and in accordance
with which they are constructed. On the other hand, mental images possess
emergent properties which are not contained within those descriptions, and
constitute cognitive representations which may play a significant role in
psychological tasks.
The conceptual analysis which I have given in this chapter identifies mental
imagery as an empirical phenomenon which is open to scientific investigation,
and which is manifested primarily in personal reports. There are various
questions which may be asked of this phenomenon and which may be
approached experimentally, such as 'How long does it take to produce a mental
image?' (Beech, in press; Beech and Allport, 1978), and 'What is the visual angle
of a mental image?' (Kosslyn, 1978). However, I do not consider that these
investigations have any general theoretical significance, and I shall not discuss
them in this book. The more interesting questions for cognitive psychology
concern the possibility of correlations between the phenomenal experience of
mental imagery and performance in cognitive tasks, and the identification of the
physiological structures which are responsible for the two sorts of empirical
phenomena. As Marks (1977) has pointed out:

Self-reports of imagery obtained from conscious inspection of ongoing

processing provides systematic data, lawfully and reliably linked to perform-
ance data of an entirely objective nature. While correlation is not causation, it
is a useful technique in the development of new theories.
Mental Imagery in Immediate Memory

In the previous chapter, I gave a conceptual analysis which implied that one
should distinguish carefully between the phenomenal experience of mental
imagery and a form of mnemonic representation which might be produced by
the use of mental imagery in learning. I would now like to extend this idea by
proposing a theoretical distinction between what may be called the constructive
and the elaborative uses of mental imagery. First, mental images are symbolic
representations which may be maintained over a definite period of time and
which may be manipulated in various ways. It is therefore reasonable to suggest
that mental imagery constitutes a non-verbal, short-term, working memory in
which information may be pictorially represented and spatially transformed.
Second, mental images are symbolic representations which may be evoked by
the presentation of verbal information to be remembered over an indefinite
period of time. In this case, the use of mental imagery may be regarded as a way
of elaborating or qualitatively transforming the material to be learned, and it is
therefore reasonable to suggest that mental imagery constitutes an elaborative
form of coding in long-term memory. Most of the original research on the nature
and function of mental imagery was concerned with its elaborative role in long-
term memory, but more recently a 'second generation' of experimental research
has been concerned with operations on mental images in immediate memory
(Anderson, 1978).
Other researchers have made similar distinctions. For example, Marks ( 1972)
observed that experiments on mental imagery could be divided into two groups.
One group, concerned with the literal function of mental imagery, considers the
performance of subjects who are asked to form an exact mental image of a
stimulus pattern. The other group, concerned with the associative function of
mental imagery, considers the performance of subjects who are asked to form an
association between two different stimuli by the use of mental imagery.
Similarly, Janssen (1976) argued for the existence of two components in visual
imagery: a spatial component, relating to the location and orientation of a
mental image; and a non-spatial component, relating to the identity and internal
properties of the mental image (cf. Baddeley, 1976, p. 229). Other writers have
suggested a functional distinction between 'dynamic' or 'kinetic' imagery and
'static' imagery (Janssen, 1976, chap. 6; White and Ashton, 1977). Paivio
(1971c, p. 509) made a rather different distinction between the use of mental

44 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

imagery as a form of short-term memory for concrete events, and the use of
mental imagery as a non-verbal representation in long-term memory. Finally, a
distinction between 'maintaining' and 'elaborative' activities has been made in
considering the nature of the verbal rehearsal of stimulus material (Craik and
Watkins, 1973).
In this chapter, I shall discuss the constructive or manipulative use of mental
imagery in immediate memory. In subsequent chapters, I shall discuss the
elaborative use of mental imagery in long-term memory.


One might suppose that mental imagery offers an efficient means of representing,
maintaining and manipulating information under many different circum-
stances. Paivio ( 1975h) suggested that it should be especially helpful in tasks that
involve the spatial organisation of informational units or the retrieval of spatial
information from long-term memory. Pinker and Kosslyn (1978) have made
more detailed proposals:

One desirable property of imagery would be that one could 'move' one part or
portion [of a pattern] and all of the spatial relations between that part and the
others would 'emerge', that is, would become evident to the mind's eye
without specifically being calculated .... Such a property of images would be
especially useful if images occurred in a three-dimensional structure, a kind of
'work-space'. The space which we perceive and in which we move about is
three-dimensional, and it surely would be useful to have an internal three-
dimensional 'model' of space that we can manipulate mentally and in which
the consequences of various contemplated actions can be visualized ....

Does a mental image constitute a relatively faithful model of an objective

situation? In particular, is it the case that the information in a mental image
concerning external objects and events 'bears a rather direct, isomorphic
relation to the perceptual information given by those objects and events' (Paivio,
1975h)? Preliminary research on these questions was carried out by Kosslyn
(197$ Kosslyn, Ball and Reiser, 1978), but a more systematic investigation was
carried out by Pinker and Kosslyn (1978). They, asked their subjects to form a
mental image of a specific three-dimensional scene, and to 'move' objects
mentally within the scene. It was found that the time taken to scan between two
objects in the scene increased in a linear fashion with the distance in three
dimensions between those objects; and that, after an imagined displacement of
an object, the time to scan to and from that object reflected the new distances in
the mental image between that object and others (but cf. Lea, 1975). An
informal situation which bears certain similarities to this task is where a person is
asked how many windows there are in his house (Shepard, 1966). Most people
Mental Imagery in Immediate Memory 45

who are asked this question report that they have to imagine moving around the
house, visualising and counting the windows (Janssen, I976, p. 59). Meudell
( I97 I) found that the time taken to answer the question varied in a linear fashion
with the number ofwindows counted. Another task which has been studied is one
where the subjects are asked to name the states, counties, or cities of a particular
country. This is a form of category generation, which typically shows a negatively
accelerated function between the cumulative number of items named and the
time spent in naming them (Bousfield and Sedgewick, I944). However, if the
subjects are asked to name the items by working in a given direction (from north
to south, say), they produce a linear function comparable to that obtained by
reading the items from an actual map (Indow and Togano, I97o; cf. Berlyne,
Ig6s, P· 142).
Naturally, mental imagery should be especially useful in tasks which require
the short-term retention of spatial-order information. Milner ( I97 I) described a
task devised by P. Corsi, in which the subject has to recall a sequence of spatial
locations on a display. The 'spatial memory span' measured by this test is quite
independent of a subject's verbal digit span (J. T. E. Richardson, I977a).
Another task is one devised by Bower (I972), in which the subject memorises a
sequence of compass directions by imagining a sequence of steps taken in the
appropriate directions. Healy (I 97 5, I 978) carried out an extensive investig-
ation of the memory codes used in the short-term recall of sequences of letters.
When the spatial order in which items occur is completely correlated with their
temporal order, it appears that spatial-order information is not retained (Hitch
and Morton, I975)· However, when the two orders are varied independently,
Healy found that the recall of the spatial ordering was based upon a complex
encoding of the temporal-spatial pattern which had been presented. Similarly,
Anderson (I 976) found evidence for the independent coding of spatial and
temporal information in short-term memory. She found that pictorial displays
tended to be recalled better in terms of their spatial structure, whereas verbal
presentation emphasised their temporal structure (cf. Fodor, I975, pp. I86-7).
Finally, a rather different situation in which mental imagery seems to be
important is the short-term recognition offaces (Nielsen and Smith, I973) and of
random visual patterns (Phillips and Christie, I977a).


The experiments which have been described thus far have provided some
support for the idea that mental imagery is a literal representation of spatial
information. That is, the spatial relationships between the objects in an imaged
array appear to correspond to the relationships which would hold between the
same objects in an actual array. A further question is whether the way in which
imaged objects are manipulated corresponds to the way in which actual objects
might be manipulated (Shepard and Podgorny, I979).
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

Most of the experimental research in this area has been carried out by Shepard
and his collaborators. The original study by Shepard and Metzler (I 97 I) showed
that the time taken to match two different views of the same three-dimensional
object was linearly related to the angle between the two views. This indicated
that the subjects were mentally rotating one or both of the objects at a constant
rate until they had the same orientation. All of their subjects reported using
mental imagery in order to carry out this process of mental rotation. The
question arises whether similar patterns of performance will be obtained when
subjects have to carry out a whole sequence of distinct manipulations. Shepard
and Feng (I972) investigated this possibility by presenting patterns of six
connected squares which result when the faces of a cube are unfolded onto a flat
surface. The subjects were asked to decide whether two arrows marked on edges
of different squares would meet if the squares were folded back up into the cube.
The results indicated that reaction time varied in a linear fashion with the sum of
the number of squares that would be involved in each fold, if the folds were
actually performed physically. Once again, all of the subjects reported using
mental imagery to carry out the task: 'Some Ss described this imagery process as
being primarily visual; others spoke, as well, of a strong kinesthetic component in
which they imagined folding up the cube with their own hands .... '
A more complex task was devised by Cooper and Shepard (I 973), in which the
subjects were required to judge whether common alphanumeric characters were
presented in their normal form or as mirror-image reversals. On each trial, the
subject was instructed to construct a mental image of the appropriate character
in one of six different orientations; the stimulus was then presented in that
orientation or in one of the other five. The results showed that reaction time
increased in a linear fashion with the angular discrepancy between the
anticipated orientation and the actual orientation of the stimulus. On the basis of
this relationship, it was suggested that the subjects rotated their visual images at
a constant rate until they were at the same orientation as the test stimulus. This
interpretation of the results was borne out by the subjects' own reports
concerning their use of mental imagery; however, as Sheehan ( I978) has pointed
out, some subjects indicated that what they were mentally rotating was very
schematic and that their phenomenal experience was as much kinaesthetic as
visual. Essentially the same findings were obtained by Cooper ( I975) using
nonsense patterns as stimuli, and further discussion of these experiments is
contained in papers by Metzler and Shepard ( I974) and by Cooper and
Shepard ( I979).


An experimental paradigm which has been extensively used in recent years

involves the comparison of pairs of objects along some dimension when the
objects are presented in a symbolic form (for example, as their names or as
Mental Imagery in Immediate Memory 47

pictures). A considerable amount of research has consistently demonstrated a

number of basic findings, and these results have been taken to have implications
for the nature of the cognitive representation whi-ch is employed in such
When subjects compare two actual objects on some physical dimension, such
as size or area, their reaction times obey a reliable psychophysical function, such
that responses are given more quickly, the greater the absolute difference
between the two objects along the relevant dimension (Curtis, Paulos and Rule,
I973; Johnson, I939; Moyer and Bayer, I976). Moyer (I973) considered
whether a similar function would be found when subjects were comparing visual
symbols which represent physical objects. Specifically, he presented his subjects
with the names of two animals, such as frog-wolf, and asked them to indicate
which was the name of the larger animal. He found that their reaction times
decreased as the difference between the actual sizes of the animals increased.
Moyer suggested that subjects compare named animals by making an 'internal
psychophysical judgement' after converting the names to some analogue
representation which preserves actual physical size.
To the extent that similar results are obtained from perceptual comparisons
and from symbolic, mental comparisons, it might be suggested that the cognitive
representation employed in mental comparisons is structurally isomorphic to
perceptual experience (Shepard and Podgorny, I979). Paivio ( I975e) made a
more specific proposal that mental comparisons were carried out on the basis of
mental images of exemplars of the two concepts to be compared. His preliminary
investigations included the use of questionnaires in which subjects reported the
sorts of strategies employed in considering the physical sizes of named objects,
and the results 'indicated an overwhelming reliance on visual imagery'.
However, as was mentioned in earlier chapters, 'introspective' reports are
generally regarded as being of only minor importance in devising and testing
theories of psychological function. As Paivio ( I975e) himself remarked with
specific reference to the study of mental comparisons: 'The important point here
is that consciousness is not viewed as a necessary defining attribute of the
imagistic representations presumably involved in size comparisons and other
tasks, although it often provides supplementary evidence that such a process is
functionally activated.' Accordingly, most of the research in this area has
neglected to obtain subjects' reports, and has concentrated instead upon
exploring the generality of the original experimental findings.
The regular empirical function which was obtained by Moyer (I 973) between
reaction time and the magnitude of the difference between two named objects
has been called the symbolic distance iffect (Banks, I977; Moyer and Bayer, I976;
Moyer and Dumais, I978). Moyer's original results obtained with judgements of
physical size were replicated by Paivio ( I975t) and by Kerst and Howard
(I 977). Similar functions were obtained by Paivio (I 976b) when subjects were
asked to judge which of two named objects was more round or more angular, or
which of two named objects was brighter or darker in colour. A further
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

experiment by te Linde (Paivio, I97&) produced comparable results when

subjects were asked to judge which of two colour chips was closer in hue to a
named colour. Finally, an interesting variant of the mental comparison task was
devised by Paivio ( I978a), who asked his subjects to compare clock times in terms
of the angles between the hour and the minute hands. For example, at which of
the following times do the hour and minute hands form the smaller angle: 3·25
and 7.55? Most subjects reported the use of mental imagery (that is, they
compared the angles formed by the hands on visualised clock faces), and once
again there was reliable symbolic distance effect, so that the reaction times were
longer with smaller angular differences.
Not surprisingly, mental comparisons on abstract dimensions appear to take
longer than those on concrete dimensions (Kerst and Howard, I 977). What is
perhaps more surprising is that mental comparisons on abstract, semantic
dimensions reliably produce symbolic distance effects. Indeed, the earliest
studies of mental comparisons involved judgements of numerical magnitude
when subjects were presented with pairs of single digits (Buckley and Gillman,
I974; Moyer and Landauer, I967; Parkman, I97I; Restle, I97o; Sekuler, Rubin
and Armstrong, I 97 I). Similar effects of symbolic distance have been found in
judgements of the alphabetic ordering of pairs ofletters (Lovelace and Snodgrass,
I97I; Parkman, I97I). However, several recent experiments have produced
similar findings with a wide variety of semantic dimensions. For example,
Holyoak and Walker (I976) demonstrated a symbolic distance effect with the
dimensions of time (longer versus shorter), quality (better versus worse), and
temperature (warmer versus colder). Banks and Flora ( I977) found symbolic
distance effects of similar magnitude when subjects compared pairs of named
animals either on their physical size or on their intelligence ('smarter' versus
'dumber'). Kerst and Howard ( I977) also found comparable effects with
judgements of the ferocity of animals, the military power of countries, the
monetary cost of cars, and the physical size of all three categories ofitem. Paivio
(I 978d) demonstrated symbolic distance effects with judgements of both
pleasantness and monetary value. Finally, Friedman (I 978) produced a clear
symbolic distance effect when non-imageable materials were compared along a
non-perceptible dimension. She presented pairs of abstract words, and asked her
subjects to judge which word in a pair made them feel better or worse, in the
sense defined by the Evaluative Dimension of the Semantic Differential (Osgood,
Suci and Tannenbaum, I958).
However, the theoretical relevance of the symbolic distance effect is even more
questionable when it is appreciated that it may be demonstrated with non-
semantic properties of words. Paivio (I 978b) obtained such an effect both with
judgements of the relative frequency with which words occur in everyday
language, and with judgements of the relative ease with which words may be
pronounced. The symbolic distance effect has also been found when subjects
make mental comparisons among items which they have learned in an arbitrary
linear ordering along some dimension (Moyer and Bayer, I976; Potts, I972,
Menta/Imagery in Immediate Memory 49

1974). Since the effect appears to result from mental comparisons made along
any ordered dimension whatsoever, it will not be informative as to the specific
strategy or process used by subjects in order to carry out certain particular sorts of
mental comparison.
Perhaps I should spell out this latter point more clearly. Most researchers are
agreed that the finding of a symbolic distance effect in mental comparisons
entails that the relevant information is represented in a continuous, analogue
form (Kerst and Howard, 1977; Moyer, 1973; Paivio, 1975b, 1975e, 1976b,
1978d). Paivio (1975b, 1975e) went further to argue that the symbolic distance
effect was consistent with his account in terms of mental imagery, but inconsist-
ent with 'any model which assumes that the size attribute of animal names is
represented in the form ofdiscrete semantic features of propositions'. The finding
of a symbolic distance effect with abstract properties of concrete things (Banks
and Flora, 1977; Kerst and Howard, 1977) creates some difficulty for this view,
but Paivio (1978b) argued that, insofar as these properties were attributes of
things, it was reasonable to suppose that mental images of those things might be
involved. Nevertheless, this does not resolve the problem caused by Friedman's
( 1978) finding of a symbolic distance effect with abstract properties of abstract
Paivio's arguments were well-motivated and accurate so far as specific
proposals by propositional theorists went at the time (see, for example, Anderson
and Bower, 1973, p. 461). However, Friedman ( 1978) has recently pointed out
that the assumption that propositional structures can only represent discrete
information rests on a confusion between structure and content. Thus, the
symbolic distance effect does not even count as evidence against propositional
theories (see also Anderson, 1978). Indeed, in his most recent papers, Paivio
( 1978b, 1978d) has accepted that other analogical representations might be
conceptualised beyond mental imagery. As Kerst and Howard ( 1977) concluded
in their investigation:

The symbolic distance effect ... cannot be taken as a unique property of the
imagery system which sets it apart from the verbal system. Rather the case for
- the role of visual imagery in the comparison process must rest on evidence
other than the symbolic distance effect.

(A finding which does seem to create difficulty for propositional theories is that
reaction times are similar when comparisons are made between conceptual
categories to when comparisons are made within a conceptual category: see
Paivio, 1975e.)
A major alternative source of evidence concerning the nature of the
representation used in mental comparisons has been the investigation of
performance with pictures and words as stimuli. A basic assumption ofPaivio's
(1971c) theoretical position is that mental imagery should be evoked more
readily by pictures of objects than by the names of those objects. If mental
so Mental Imagery and Human Memory

comparisons are based upon the use of mental imagery, it follows that such
comparisons should be faster with pictures than with words as stimuli (even if the
pictures do not faithfully represent size information). The first investigation of
this idea was carried out by Paivio (I975e), with concrete objects being
compared in terms of their physical size. Both pictures and words produced a
symbolic distance effect, and, as predicted, reaction times were substantially
faster with pictures than with words. Similar results were obtained by Paivio
(I978a) with comparisons of mental clocks, but in this case the pictorial stimuli
directly represented the relevant information (the angular separation of the
hands), and so the pictorial comparison was reduced to a perceptual comparison.
Paivio ( I975t) also investigated performance with pictorial presentation when
the pictured sizes of the two objects were incongruent with their actual size.
Thus, the subjects had to respond 'larger' to the physically smaller picture.
Under these circumstances, reaction times were slower than with congruent
pictorial representations. Moreover, pairs which are incongruent with respect to
size are congruent with respect to apparent distance. In accordance with this
idea, such pairs produced faster reaction times when the subjects made
judgements of apparent distance. However, although these experiments show
that mental comparisons may be speeded or slowed by congruent or incongruent
perceptual information, they do not show that such comparisons are made on the
basis of representations which preserve such information in an analogical
The superiority of pictorial presentation over verbal presentation is consistent
with the idea that mental imagery is involved in mental comparisons between
concrete objects on the basis of physical attributes. However, Banks and Flora
(I 977) considered performance on words and pictures in their study of
comparisons between animals in terms oftheir intelligence. They also found that
the comparison time was faster with pictures than with words; since the relevant
dimension was abstract rather than concrete, they took the result to be evidence
against Paivio's ( I975e) position. Paivio ( I978d) himself compared pictorial and
verbal presentation in judgements of pleasantness and monetary value. In both
cases, mental comparisons were faster with pictures than with words, and for
judgements of pleasantness mental comparisons were faster with concrete nouns
than with abstract nouns. Paivio suggested that properties such as intelligence,
pleasantness and value should be regarded as attributes of things rather than
words, and that it is necessary to produce mental images ofsuch things in order to
make comparisons with respect to these properties (see also Paivio, I978b).
Support for this idea has been provided by comparing performance on
pictures and words in judgements of non-semantic properties of words. For
example, Paivio (I 975e) showed that mental comparisons of the pronounce-
ability of object names were slower when the objects were pictured than when
their names were visually presented. Similar results were obtained by Paivio
( I978b) when subjects compared the relative frequency with which object names
Mental Imagery in Immediate Memory

occur in everyday language. Paivio concluded that these sorts of mental

comparison are not made with the help of mental imagery. However, two other
dimensions have failed to produce the expected pattern of results. These are the
properties of brightness and hue, which were investigated in experiments by
Paivio (I978b) mentioned above. In neither case was the difference between
pictorial and verbal presentation significant, and the brightness judgements
actually tended to be faster with words when the differences in brightness were
small. Nevertheless, with these two exceptions, the evidence on mental
comparisons with pictures and words is reasonably in accordance with Paivio's
( I975e) proposal that such comparisons are carried out on the basis of mental
images. It is certainly true that significant picture-word differences can only be
accommodated by alternative accounts with the help of post hoc modifications
(Paivio, I978d). However, if one wishes to claim that mental comparisons
employ images as symbolic representations even in the case of abstract
properties, some additional source of evidence is needed.
The third category of evidence concerning the nature of the representation
used in mental comparisons is the investigation of individual differences in the
use of mental imagery. This general topic is the subject of chapter g, and will be
discussed in much more detail then. However, it will be sufficient for the present
to note that this line of investigation in the study of mental comparisons has
employed tests of spatial thinking similar to the manipulative tasks investigated
by Shepard and his colleagues which were discussed earlier in this chapter. (I
have elsewhere characterised these tests as measures of objective imagery ability:
Richardson, I 978c.) It is reasonable to regard these tests as indices of a subject's
ability to employ mental imagery as a form of short-term, non-verbal, working
memory. To the extent that mental comparisons employ mental imagery in a
similar manner, one would expect performance in the two sorts of task to be
correlated. Conversely, a positive correlation between spatial thinking ability
and speed in a mental comparison task would be evidence that mental imagery is
employed in that task (Paivio, I 978d).
Published results are not available concerning the effects of imagery ability
upon mental comparisons of physical size or angularity. However, Paivio
(I 976b, I 976d) reported that unpublished investigations had obtained the
anticipated correlations. That is, subjects of high spatial ability carried out
mental comparisons of physical objects in terms of their size or shape faster than
subjects of low spatial ability. Verbal ability, as measured by a test of verbal
associative fluency, was unrelated to performance in these tasks. The published
investigation concerning mental clocks (Paivio, 1978a) produced similar
findings; in particular, subjects of high spatial ability produced faster responses
than subjects of low spatial ability in comparing the angular separation of the
hands of imagined clocks at times expressed in a digital form, whereas verbal
ability did not predict performance. Throughout these experiments, subjects of
high and low spatial ability produced similar symbolic distance effects, but they
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

differed In terms of their overall reaction times. The results suggested that the
mental comparisons were based on mental images, and that these were more
readily produced by subjects of high spatial ability (Paivio, 1978h).
Evidence on individual differences for mental comparisons involving abstract
attributes was provided by Paivio ( 1978d). For comparisons of both pleasantness
and monetary value, the reaction times of subjects of high spatial ability were
significantly faster than those of subjects of low spatial ability. In neither case
was the effect of verbal ability significant. These results support Paivio's idea that
properties such as intelligence, pleasantness and value are attributes of things
rather than words, and that even mental comparisons on abstract dimensions
such as these are made on the basis of mental images of the named objects.
Finally, Paivio (1976h, 1978d) referred to an unpublished study which found no
sign of an effect of spatial ability upon mental comparisons with respect to word
familiarity. This supports the converse suggestion that mental comparisons on
non-semantic dimensions of words are not made with the help of mental
In order to check on the compatibility of these conclusions with the subjects'
phenomenal experience, unpublished experiments on mental comparisons
carried out at Brune! University have included questionnaires on the strategies
employed to carry out these tasks. One study employed pairs of animal names, as
in the original experiment by Moyer ( 1 973); the subjects reported using mental
imagery 73% of the time in makingjudgements along concrete dimensions (size
and angularity), 79% of the time in making judgements along abstract
dimensions (ferocity and intelligence), and 13% of the time in making
judgements along non-semantic dimensions (frequency and pronounceability).
A further study employed homogeneous pairs of concrete and abstract nouns
with judgements along the Evaluative and Potency Dimensions of the Semantic
Differential (Osgood et al., 1958); the subjects reported using mental imagery
68% of the time with concrete pairs, but only 24% of the time with abstract
These results are quite consistent with Paivio's account of mental com-
parisons, according to which concrete objects are judged along both concrete
and abstract dimensions by a comparison of mental images. However, there is a
crucial conceptual difficulty with this account which has been pointed out by
Banks (1977):

If images are to be compared to compute the correct response in, say, a size
judgement, it is necessary to make the images the right size to begin with.
Kosslyn's (1975) research shows that mental images are flexible as to relative
size, and it would seem necessary to retrieve size information along with shape
information in constructing the images. (Our long-term memory for im-
ageable things cannot be little snapshots that are all just the right size.) Thus,
size information must be available, and used, before the image is constructed,
and the imagery process itself hardly seems to be necessary.
Mental Imagery in Immediate Memory 53

This point is connected with the property of intentionality which was discussed
in the previous chapter. Not only is the identity of a mental image determined by
the description under which the image is intended; the apparent or relative size
of the imaged object is also carried by the intentional description. To the extent
that the words to be compared evoke a mental image in which the appropriate
objects are represented with the correct relative sizes, that image only serves to
manifest knowledge which must have been independently available.
Banks' conceptual argument was supported empirically by the results of a
study by Holyoak ( 1977). The subjects in these experiments made judgements of
relative magnitude of pairs of objects whose names were presented successively.
The subjects were instructed to prepare themselves with an image of the first
object in each pair at its normal size, with an image that was abnormally big or
small, or with no image at all. Independent of this, the subjects either were
specifically instructed to use mental imagery to make the comparison of the two
objects, or were not so instructed. The different preparatory instructions only
influenced the reaction times when the subjects were specifically instructed to
use mental imagery in the comparison itself. In addition, when the subjects were
asked to maintain irrelevant images of digits at the same time as making the
mental comparison, this had a greater effect upon performance when the
subjects were told to use mental imagery in the comparison itself. These results
suggested that subjects normally compare the sizes of named objects not using
mental imagery, but using more abstract information. Moreover, they do not
even show that subjects can use mental imagery to make such comparisons when
specifically instructed to do so. Holyoak's results indicate merely that mental
comparisons are slowed by maintaining two mental images (either a congruent
image and an incongruent image, or a relevant image and an irrelevant image)
instead of one.
Banks (1977) interpreted his conceptual criticism and Holyoak's results to
mean that 'imagery is not frequently or importantly involved in symbolic
comparative judgements'. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that his point applies to all
or even to most of the dimensions that have been used in mental comparison is apposite precisely because the apparent size ofan imaged object is an
intentional property which is incorporated into the description under which the
image is constructed. However, most of the other attributes of concrete objects
which have been employed (angularity, intelligence, ferocity, angular separ-
ation of the hands of a clock, pleasantness, monetary value, and so on) are not
intentional properties, and could only be computed from the intentional
properties with the utmost difficulty, if at all. Rather, they are emergent
properties which are only manifest in mental images of the relevant objects. So,
although there are good conceptual reasons for rejecting Paivio's account in the
case ofjudgements of relative size, and although the various sorts of evidence on
mental comparisons might individually be open to alternative interpretations,
the explanation which is most in accord with the findings to date is that which
identifies mental imagery as the cognitive representation employed in making
54 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

judgements among pictured and named concrete objects along physical and
semantic dimensions. As Paivio (I 978d) remarked: 'The combined influence of
symbolic distance, picture superiority, and imagery ability in the present tasks
strongly suggest that the comparison is based on information that is analog and
continuous, as well as specifically nonverbal and imagistic in nature.'
Other researchers have used somewhat different psychophysical techniques to
argue for an isomorphism between perceptual and cognitive representations.
Shepard and Chipman (I 970) used multidimensional scaling to analyse
judgements of shape similarity between pairs of states of the U.S.A., presented
either as cut-out maps or as their names. Fillenbaum and Rapoport (I 97 I) used
similar methods to compare the memory structures underlying colour names and
the perceptual structures of the colours themselves. Kerst and Howard (I 978)
demonstrated that similar psychophysical functions were produced from
estimates of geographical areas or distances whether these were made from
studying a map or from memory of a map. The latter experiment produced
intriguing evidence on the question of the functional similarity between
judgements based upon perception and 'internal psychophysical judgements'
based upon memory representations. The psychophysical function obtained in
perceptual estimation is typically a power function whose exponent may deviate
from unity in either direction. Kerst and Howard found that estimates made
from memory were also well fitted by power functions, and that the exponent of
such a fimction was close to the square of that produced in perceptual estimation.
They argued that this is exactly the. relationship which would be expected if
memory judgements of perceptual continua result from a 're-perceptual' process
that operates upon stored perceptual representations (see also Moyer and
Dumais, I 978).


A rather different sequence of experimental research has been concerned with the
possibility of finding specific sorts of experimental task which might selectively
interfere with a subject's ability to create and use mental images. This research is
based upon the general idea that the psychological mechanisms underlying
perception and mental imagery are functionally overlapping. In chapter 2, it
was suggested that there were no adequate grounds for this proposal.
Nevertheless, one has the intuitive idea that 'looking at one thing and visualizing
another at the same time is as difficult as trying to look at two things at once'
(Marks, I977; see also Neisser, I976, p. I46), and this indicates the possibility of
using perceptual tasks to disrupt the use of mental imagery. Indeed, Neisser
(I 972b) argued that this sort of experimental paradigm could provide an
'operational interpretation' of his 'perceptual definition' of mental imagery as
the use of the cognitive processes involved in perception in the absence of
adequate stimulus input. Stronger forms of the assumption that perception and
Mental Imagery in Immediate Memory 55

mental imagery are functionally overlapping appear to lead to the prediction

that the two sorts of activity will disrupt each other to a greater extent when they
are in the same sensory or quasi-sensory modality than when they are in different
modalities (for example, Janssen, I976, p. 29). That is, the effect of perceptual
tasks upon mental imagery should not only be selective, in the sense that such tasks
disrupt mental imagery disproportionately more than other faculties, but it
should also be modality-specific, in the sense that visual tasks disrupt visual imagery
more than auditory imagery.
The original experiments along these lines were carried out by Brooks (I g67).
His initial research was concerned with investigating the extent of competition or
functional overlap between reading, listening and imaging. In a typical
experiment, Brooks asked his subjects to listen to messages describing the spatial
relationships among digits in an imaginary matrix array. An example would be:
'In the starting square put a I. In the next square to the right put a 2. In the next
square up put a 3,' and so on. Some of the messages were also presented visually as
a typewritten display. For comparison, control messages of the same form and
length were presented in which the words quick, slow, good and bad were
substituted for the words right, left, up and down. In each condition, the subjects
were asked to recall the message verbatim immediately after it had been read
out. For the control messages, simultaneous auditory and visual presentation
produced better performance than auditory presentation alone. However, the
reverse was true for the spatial messages, with visual presentation producing
more errors in recall. Brooks concluded that reading interfered with the
visualisation of spatial relationships.
In arriving at this conclusion that reading disrupted the creation of mental
images, Brooks was inferring the use of mental imagery from the comparison of
spatial and non-spatial messages, and he was inferring the effectiveness of mental
imagery from performance in the recall of such messages. However, in chapter 3
it was suggested that such 'operational procedures' were only indirect indicators
of the use of mental imagery, and that primary emphasis should be given to
subjects' reports of the use of imagery. A relevant and more recent investigation
in this respect was that of Beech (I 977). If subjects are presented with a
description of an array and are asked to indicate when they have visualised the
array, their response latencies increase with the number of objects described.
Beech found that these latencies were much longer when the subjects read a
visually presented description than when they listened to a spoken description,
and the rate of increase of the function relating the latencies to the number of
objects in the reading condition was ten times that obtained in the listening
condition. Thus, both introspective and behavioural investigations seem to agree
that reading interferes in a selective manner with the representation of spatial
information in the form of mental images.
Earlier in this chapter, it was suggested that mental imagery could operate as a
way of maintaining or preserving spatial information in short-term memory. The
question arises whether one can find tasks which selectively disrupt the
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

maintenance of mental images. Healy ( 1 975) reported two experiments in which

she required the subjects to remember the spatial order in which a sequence of
letters was presented, and she manipulated the nature of the irrelevant task
interposed between the presentation of the sequence and the signal to recall the
sequence. A verbal task, such as naming a sequence of digits, had little effect
upon the recall of spatial order, but a spatial task, such as naming the spatial
locations of a sequence of digits, severely disrupted the recall of spatial order.
Thus, the processing of spatial information seems to interfere in a selective
manner with the preservation of mental images. Comparable findings were
presented by Den Heyer and Barrett (1971) and by Meudell (1972).
Again, one might ask whether perceptual tasks interfere with the retrieval of
information from mental images. One of the experiments reported by Brooks
(1967) seemed to indicate this sort of disruption, when it was found that the
written recall of a spatial message took much longer than the spoken recall of the
same message, but that there was no such difference in the case of non-spatial
control messages. Brooks ( 1968) followed up this idea by requiring his subjects to
retain either a visual or a verbal stimulus in memory, and to categorise the
elements of the stimulus by either a directional or an oral response. An example
of a visual stimulus was an outline diagram of the block letter F, in which case the
subject had to identify from memory each vertex of the diagram, either as a
corner in the top or bottom of the diagram, or as a corner in between. An
example of a verbal stimulus was a sentence, such as A bird in the hand is not in the
bush, in which case the subject had to identify each word in the sentence either as
a noun or as another part of speech. The subjects responded either by saying 'yes'
or 'no', or by pointing to a series of symbols 'Y' and 'N' printed on a sheet of
paper. The oral response produced faster performance in the case of the visual
stimulus, but the pointing response produced faster performance in the case of
the verbal stimulus. The subjects themselves reported that it was easier to
visualise the outline diagrams while responding orally, and to rehearse the
sentences in a verbal manner while pointing.
The most usual interpretation of these results has been elegantly summarised
by Bower (1970a):

If remembering in visual imagery utilizes somewhat the same central

mechanisms as are used in visual perception, competition for this limited
capacity will result when the person must both visually guide his hand (to
indicate answers to various questions about the memorized diagram) and
simultaneously remember the spatial diagram in visual imagery.. The general
idea, therefore, is that two activities in the same modality will compete for a
limited analyzer or processing capacity, whereas two activities in different
modalities will tend to be less competitive, less disruptive, and less interfering.

Thus, Brooks' ( 1968) results appear to show that the processing of spatial
Mental Imagery in Immediate Memory 57

information interferes in a selective manner with the retrieval of information

from mental images (cf. Byrne, 1974).
The control tasks used in these experiments are typically verbal in some sense.
Many psychologists would assume that they involve some sort of auditory
representation in memory and the same functional systems which might operate
in auditory imagery (for example, Bower, 197oa, 1972; Neisser, 1972b). Since
these tasks were assumed not to interfere with the use of visual imagery as a
representation of spatial information, the results appeared to suggest that the
effects of concurrent perceptual tasks upon mental imagery are modality-
specific. The basic assumption of this sort of argument is actually incorrect, as
will be pointed out in a moment. However, there exists good empirical evidence
against the idea of modality-specific interference. Brooks ( 1968) himself had
considered this problem, and demonstrated that a pointing response was equally
disruptive of the recall of spatial information whether it was monitored visually
or tactually. He concluded that such concurrent activities had their effect by
disrupting a general spatial system (see Paivio, 1971c, pp. 147-50, for a
discussion of Brooks' argument). A series of unpublished experiments by
Baddeley and Lieberman (Baddeley, 1976, pp. 23o-1) investigated the problem
more systematically. It had previously been demonstrated that performance in
Brooks' visual imagery tasks could be disrupted by concurrent pursuit tracking,
in which the subject attempts to follow a spot of light moving along a circular
path with a stylus (Baddeley, Grant, Wight and Thomson, 1974). Baddeley and
Lieberman attempted to separate the visual and the spatial components of this
disruption. A visual, non-spatial task was devised in which the subject made
successive brightness judgements; similarly, a non-visual, spatial task was
devised in which a blindfolded subject followed a pendulum with a flashlight, on
the basis of auditory feedback provided through a photocell and tone-generator
attached to the pendulum. As Baddeley {1976, p. 231) concluded:

The results were fortunately very clear. The auditory tracking caused far
greater impairment on the Brooks spatial task than on the equivalent verbal
task, while for the brightness judgement no such difference occurred. In short,
it appears that, for the Brooks tasks at least, disruption is spatial rather than

It is interesting that rather different results are obtained if the situation is

reversed, and one considers the extent to which mental imagery may disrupt
performance in perceptual tasks (Janssen, 1976, pp. 2g-3o). This question was
extensively investigated in a series of experimental projects by Segal and her
collaborators (see Segal, 1971b, for a review), and the major conclusions of this
research are quite reliable. First, a subject's sensory sensitivity in a detection
experiment is reduced when he is maintaining a mental image (Segal and
Fusella, 196g; Segal and Gordon, 1969). Second, the reduction in detection
58 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

sensitivity is roughly twice as great when the signal and the mental image are in
the same sensory modality. Thus, auditory imagery interferes more with the
detection of auditory signals, but visual imagery interferes more with the
detection of visual signals (Segal and Fusella, 1970, 1971). So, although there is a
generalised effect of mental imagery upon perceptual sensitivity, there is also a
clear modality-specific effect as well. This latter effect might be taken to support
the idea of a functional overlap between mental imagery and perception, but
Bower ( 1972) suggested that it might merely reflect peripheral effects of mental
imagery upon modality-specific attentional mechanisms; for example, visual
imagery might reduce visual sensitivity by producing pupil dilation and
Unfortunately, recent research by Phillips and Christie ( 1977b) has tended to
undermine the conventional interpretation of Brooks' (1967, 1968) original
experiments in a radical manner. They observed that Brooks had failed to
include adequate control conditions, and so could not legitimately claim to have
demonstrated interference specificity. Experiments which incorporated such
controls have clearly shown that verbalisation can affect visualisation (Kelly and
Martin, 1974; Yuille and Ternes, 1975). They proposed that one should analyse
various complex intervening tasks to determine precisely which aspects or
components are responsible for the resulting interference.
In previous research, Phillips and Christie ( 1977a) had identified a recency
effect in the short-term recognition of novel abstract patterns. This effect was
confined to the last item in a sequence and was attributed to a visual short-term
memory, which they called visualisation. Accordingly, they carried out a series
of experiments to determine which interpolated tasks would remove or interfere
with this component. It was found that visualisation was disrupted by mental
addition, but not by reading; that the disruption caused by mental addition was
independent of the presentation modality of the digits to be added; and that
interference from similar stimulus patterns depended upon whether the subjects
had to maintain visual representations that outlived iconic storage. Contrary to
the usual interpretation of Brooks' findings, that visualisation and perception
compete for special purpose visual processing resources, Phillips and Christie
took their results to indicate that visualisation requires general purpose
resources, and that interference between visualisation and perception might be
due to competition for these resources. However, their experiments suggested
that visualisation might be disrupted by any concurrent activity which is not pre-
programmed and over-learned, but which might compete for the resources of a
central executive system or working memory. Previous results may be readily
interpreted in these terms. For instance, the experiments by Healy (1975),
mentioned earlier, showed that the recall of spatial order would be disrupted by
a relatively novel, unpractised task, such as naming the spatial locations of a
sequence of digits, but not by a relatively over-learned task, such as naming a
sequence of digits. One may conclude, however, that research which attempts to
disrupt mental imagery by the specific use of perceptual concurrent tasks is
Menta/Imagery in Immediate Memory 59

unlikely to be informative concerning the nature and function of mental



This chapter has been concerned with a very limited number of rather
specialised areas of experimental research. However, generally speaking, the
results of that research indicate that mental imagery may be employed in the
representation, preservation and manipulation of spatial and pictorial inform-
ation. In particular, it may operate as a form of short-term working memory in a
variety of experimental tasks to enable the subject to grasp emergent properties
of a stimulus array which could not be readily computed or deduced purely on
the basis of a propositional description of that array. This use of mental imagery
may be disrupted by a concurrent cognitive task involving the processing of
spatial information, and possibly by any concurrent task which is not pre-
programmed but makes demands upon a central executive system.
Pictorial Memory

Having considered the use of mental imagery itself as a form of cognitive

representation in immediate memory, I shall now consider the effects ofimaging
upon the retention of information in long-term memory. Various empirical
effects of mental imagery upon memory performance may be demonstrated, but
the critical point of the dual coding theory developed by Paivio (1971e, 1975b,
1978b, 1979) is that the use of mental imagery in learning gives rise to a
qualitatively different vehicle or 'substrate' of long-term memory. Kosslyn and
Pomerantz (1977) have pointed out that this position may be argued from two
different points of view. First, it may be proposed that mental imagery produces
a form of mnemonic representation which is structurally distinct, in the sense that
it has different organisational properties (Paivio, 1975c). It is actually very
difficult to test hypotheses about mnemonic organisation, since the structure or
format employed may be largely independent of what is represented, as Kosslyn
and Pomerantz observed. Second, it may be proposed that mental imagery
produces a form of mnemonic representation which is functionally distinct, in the
sense that it is subject to different psychological laws (cf. Anderson, 1978). For
example, it might be argued that this representation was less subject to decay
(Bower, 1972). However, common coding theorists argue that mental imagery
does not give rise to a mnemonic representation which functions differently or
which employs a different format, and that all phenomena of human memory
can be explained in terms of a single system of underlying propositions.
In the previous chapter, a variety of empirical evidence could be interpreted
as indicating an equivalence or isomorphism between mental imagery and
perceptual experience (see also Paivio, 1975b).lt follows that the use of mental
imagery in remembering verbal information might lead to the sort of mnemoitit
representation which is produced by specific physical objects, events or scenes
that are witnessed or experienced. Nevertheless, it is notoriously difficult to
control the aspects of such objects, events or scenes to which the observer is
attending. One way of introducing such control is to present the subject with a
stationary and possibly stylistic representation: in short, a picture. Thus, it might
reasonably be assumed that the form of mnemonic representation which is
produced by the use of mental imagery is directly aroused by the presentation of
pictures (Paivio, 1972) .It is therefore important to establish whether pictures are
remembered using a distinctive form of mnemonic representation.
Pictorial Memory


It has been well established that the normal adult's ability to recognise pictures is
remarkably good. The first systematic investigation of this ability was carried out
by Shepard (I967). He compared his subjects' recognition memory for words,
sentences and pictures. In each case, the subjects attempted to memorise a series
of approximately 6oo stimuli, and were then tested on their ability to
discriminate these from other, 'new' stimuli using a forced-choice procedure. On
immediate testing, the median percentage of correct responses for each of the
three kinds of material was go.o, 88.2 and g8.5. As Shepard concluded:

Evidently, after 20 or more years of absorbing visual information, Ss are still

able to take in as many as 6I2 further pictures and, then, discriminate these
from pictures not previously seen with (median) accuracy of over g8%.

Comparable performance on pictures with an absolute judgement (yes/no)

recognition task was found by Nickerson (I 965). Using sequences of 2560
photographs presented over a period of two or four days, Standing, Conezio and
Haber (I 970) demonstrated performance of approximately go% correct, even
when the presentation interval was only one second per picture. Finally, further
evidence for a superiority of pictorial material over verbal material was found by
Standing (I 973), with a sequence of I o ooo pictures. These and other studies
have been discussed by Goldstein and Chance ( I974).
These results are consistent with the idea that pictorial presentation gives rise
to a distinctive and highly efficient means of storing information. However, it is
possible to give an explanation of the superiority of pictures in recognition
memory without postulating a separate form of mnemonic representation. It
could be argued, for instance, that pictures are usually unique, and are thus less
susceptible .to forgetting through interference than other sorts of stimuli, such as
sentences and words (Ellis, I975) .It is certainly the case that, whatever might be
the differences between the mnemonic representations evoked by pictorial and
verbal material, there are important similarities between them. For example, it
is well known that increased organisation of a list of words will improve their
recall (for example, Mandler, I967), and similar effects may be found with
pictorial presentation, so that stimuli presented as interacting pictures are
remembered better than stimuli presented as separate pictures (Epstein, Rock
and Zuckerman, Ig6o; Kerst, I976; Wollen and Lowry, I974; cf. Webber and
Marshall, I 978). The role of such organisational factors in mental imagery will
be discussed in the following chapter.
The problem of demonstrating the existence and efficacy of a distinctive
pictorial representation in human memory is extremely complicated. Moreover,
within the general framework of dual coding theory, it is possible to give two
different accounts of the superiority of pictorial material over verbal material
(Paivio, I 971 c, pp. 207-8). The explanation which is immediately suggested by
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

the early studies on recognition memory is the image supmorzty hypothesis,

according to which pictures immediately evoke imaginal representations in
memory, and these are inherently more memorable than verbal representations.
Although intuitively plausible, this idea has been criticised on conceptual
grounds by Reese ( 1977a, 1977b). An alternative explanation is the coding
redundancy hypothesis, which is based upon the idea that memory performance
increases directly with the number of alternative memory codes available for an
item (Paivio, 197Ic, p. 181). Specifically, many pictures may be implicitly
named or described at the time of presentation, and thus will receive both
imaginal and verbal representations in memory. This would enhance the
subsequent performance in tests of retention 'because one code could be
forgotten during the retention interval without complete loss of the nominal
item' (Paivio, 1972; see also Goldstein and Chance, 1971).
The available evidence tends to favour the latter interpretation. First, if
pictures and words are presented at a rate which is sufficiently fast to preclude
the implicit naming of the pictures, there is no difference in either free recall or
recognition memory for the two sorts of stimulus material (Paivio and Csapo,
196g). Presumably the image superiority hypothesis must predict a pictorial
superiority even at fast rates of presentation (Paivio, 1972). Second, the pictorial
superiority in recognition memory only appears to operate when the pictorial
material can be meaningfully interpreted (Bower and Karlin, 1974; Goldstein
and Chance, 1971). Indeed, Wiseman and Neisser (described by Anderson and
Bower, 1973, p. 454) found that complex visual patterns could be recognised
only if they yielded a familiar interpretation at the time of the original
presentation, and if they evoked the same interpretation at the time of the
recognition test. However, they employed Mooney pictures, which are highly
confusable, relatively unstructured arrays derived by deleting the contours of a
naturalistic scene, and thus presumably minimised the contribution of pictorial
memory to the recognition task. It is known that the organisational effects
mentioned above are not merely caused by the use of a more coherent verbal
representation: Horowitz, Lampe! and Takanishi (r96g) found that children
would describe both integrated and separated pictorial scenes by giving simple
lists of the objects presented, but they showed considerably better performance in
recalling the integrated scenes.
One important sort of evidence relevant to this problem is that concerning the
effects of instructions to subjects to name the objects depicted. It is well
established that such labelling increases the (verbal) recall of pictures (Bahrick
and Boucher, 1968; Bower, 197oa; Kurtz and Hovland, 1953). Conversely,
supplementing verbal material with appropriate pictures leads to improved
recall performance (Madigan, McCabe and Itatani, 1972). Although some
researchers have suggested that the effects of labelling should be more
pronounced in tests of recall (for instance, Sheehan, 1972), it is clear that
labelling pictures may also increase subsequent recognition performance
(Bacharach, Carr and Mehner, 1976; Calfee, 1970; Davies, 1969; London and
Pictorial Memory

Robinson, 1968; Nelson and Kosslyn, 1976; Reese, 1975; Robinson, 1970; Ward
and Legant, 1971). Thus, although it might eventually turn out to be necessary
to allow that image superiority contributes to the fact that memory performance
is better with pictorial material than with verbal material, it seems essential to
incorporate the possibility of redundant and simultaneous codes into an
adequate account of the effect, and the coding redundancy hypothesis tends to be
accepted by most psychologists who accept the existence of a qualitatively
distinct imaginal representation (for example, Bower, 197oa; Paivio, 1971c,
1972). Perhaps more important, it is difficult to see how the evidence on the
effects of labelling can be handled by the opposing, common coding theory of
imagery and language, which assumes that pictorial and verbal material are
encoded into a common mnemonic representation.
In connection with the effects oflabelling upon memory performance, it has
long been known that, if subjects are asked to recall ambiguous geometrical
figures by drawing them, supplying verbal labels may lead to distortion of the
figures in the direction of a prototypical instance of the relevant concept (Bruner,
Busiek and Mintura, 1952; Carmichael, Hogan and Walter, 1932; Hall, 1936;
Herman, Lawless and Marshall, 1957). However, such distortion also occurs if
the labels are provided only at the time of recall (Hanawalt and Demarest,
1939), and it does not occur in tests of recognition memory (Prentice, 1954). This
suggests that labelling has an effect upon the processes of reconstruction, but not
upon the actual storage of the labelled pictures (Reese, 1977b).
Quite a different experiment creates further problems for the common coding
hypothesis. Jenkins (described by Bower, 1972) required his subjects to learn
paired associates consisting of pictures and words. He found that their learning
performance was actually increased if the perspective of the object depicted in
the picture was varied from one trial to the next, compared to a control condition
in which the same picture was used on each trial. This indicated that the subjects
were integrating the successive perspective views into a single three-dimensional
representation which was a superior mnemonic cue to the constant two-
dimensional representation presumably evoked in the control condition. As
Paivio ( 1975b) remarked, the mnemonic representation produced by mental
imagery is a mental construction rather than a product ofany specific perceptual
Whether the subject's retention is tested by recall or recognition, it is usually
suggested that the contribution of the hypothesised pictorial representation
should be more important if a verbal description of what is represented is too
complex or is simply not available (Sheehan, 1972). Thus, complex, abstract
geometrical patterns for which there exists no obvious label can plausibly only be
remembered by means of some pictorial, non-verbal representation (Owens and
Richardson, in press). A more interesting class of stimulus is the human face, and
a considerable amount of research has been carried out on the specific problem of
how one recognises faces.
64 Mental Imagery and Human Memory


Under normal circumstances, performance in tests of recognition memory with

human faces is very good, and typically better than performance with other
classes of familiar objects (Scapinello and Yarmey, I97o; Yin, I96g). This is not
surprising, since a person's face is the primary source of information for
recognising and thus for re-identifying him as a particular individual. Moreover,
a person's face is also a primary source of information for the purpose of ascribing
feelings, moods and emotional states (Ekman, Friesen and Ellsworth, I 972). On
the other hand, faces are rather difficult to describe, and the connection between
a person's name and his face is invariably quite arbitrary. Indeed, learning
people's names may be difficult task which requires the use of complex strategies
(Morris, Jones and Hampson, I978). Even when a person's name has been
learned, its role in the total memory system may be mediated almost exclusively
by the pictorial representation of the person's face. In comparing photographs of
the faces of known and unknown people as stimuli in a picture-word learning
task, Bower (1972) found only a slight difference between known faces (which
could all be immediately named) and unknown faces (which presumably could
not be named). These results suggest most strongly that recognising another
person's face is not mediated by verbal descriptions.
Experimental evidence for this suggestion was obtained by Goldstein and
Chance (I 97 I). They found no correlation between the number of verbal
associations given to human faces and the ease with which they could be
recognised. Moreover, they suggested that subjects tend to give similar verbal
descriptions to different faces, so that such descriptions could only be of very
limited assistance in face recognition. A further study by Malpass, Lavigueur
and Weldon (I 973) showed that training in visual identification produced a
marked improvement in the recognition of faces, but that training in verbal
description did not. As Ellis ( 1975) concluded, the evidence indicates that the
recognition of human faces appears to be almost entirely a visual process.
A more specific idea that is sometimes put forward is the hypothesis that the
recognition of human faces is mediated by a specific memory system or by a
specific set of perceptual analysers which are not employed in the recognition of
other classes of visual stimulus. In recent years this hypothesis is associated
especially with the work ofYin (I96g, 1970), but it has been suggested by other
researchers and is often implicit in the neurological use of the term prosopagnosia
to refer to a relatively specific impairment in the recognition offamiliar faces. A
recent critical assessment of the hypothesis of a specific face-recognition system
has been given by Ellis (I975), who considered evidence from the ontogeny of
facial recognition, from experiments involving the recognition of inverted and
upright faces, and from clinical studies of prosopagnosia. In each case, Ellis
concluded that there was no unambiguous evidence that faces are analysed by a
special and specific recognition system. Nevertheless, faces constitute an
especially interesting class of stimulus material for which it is highly plausible on
Pictorial Memory

a priori grounds that the memory system mediating recognition performance

employs a pictorial, non-verbal representation.


One of the critical assumptions of the dual coding hypothesis is that the verbal
and non-verbal representations taken to operate in human memory are
functionally independent (Paivio, 1975b, 1978b). To test this assumption, it is
necessary to show that the two sorts of mnemonic code have additive effects upon
performance in particular experimental situations. Of course, since both codes
may in principle be used to remember a given class of stimulus material, the
demonstration of additive effects is no easy matter. However, there is some
evidence for such effects in the recall of pictures and words.
Paivio and Csapo ( 1973) reported a series of experiments which used
incidental recall and different orienting tasks to induce one code or the other
individually, or both simultaneously. They based their research on the fact that
repeated presentations of a stimulus in the same modality are typically not
additive in their effects upon recall performance. This is consistent with the idea
that repeated presentations serve to strengthen a single mnemonic represen-
tation, and inconsistent with the idea that each presentation creates a new,
separate representation in memory. Conversely, they argued, additive, statisti-
cally independent effects of repeated presentations upon memory performance
are evidence for separate, functionally independent representations in memory.
Not surprisingly, the experiments demonstrated that repeated presentations of
a stimulus produced increased recall performance, and pictorial presentations
produced better performance than verbal presentations (that is, names of objects
were recalled less well than pictures of the same objects). Picture-picture and
word-word repetitions produced poorer performance than would be expected
on the basis of stochastically independent effects upon recall performance, but
repetitions which pictured previously named objects or which named previously
pictured objects were additive in their effects. This supported the hypothesis that
pictorial and verbal mnemonic codes are functionally independent.
As Paivio (1975a) observed, the empirical observation of stochastic indepen-
dence cannot be handled by common coding theory without the addition ofsome
purely post hoc device. For example, it might be assumed that knowledge of the
original presentation modality is preserved by attaching differentiating and
independent 'tags' to a 'core' representation in memory. However,

differential tagging could not explain the superior recall for

pictures ... without also assuming that the tags differ in their retrieval
effectiveness. Unless they are deducible from other principles within the
theories, such additional assumptions would render the common-coding
models formally equivalent to dual coding, which simply assumes that the
66 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

memory representations corresponding to the different events are in-

dependent and qualitatively different despite their conceptual relatedness.

A different way of testing the dual coding hypothesis is to compare the

presentation modality used at the time of learning and at the time of recall. If
pictorial and verbal information is represented in a common memory system,
then the method of testing memory performance should be independent of the
original presentation modality. This was tested by Weingartner, Walker, Eich
and Murphy (1976) using a modified paired-associate procedure in which the
stimulus terms were common, concrete nouns, and the response terms were other
similar nouns or simple line drawings of objects. The initial learning task required
the subjects to select a response term for each stimulus, and the retention test
required them to reconstruct these pairings. It was found that a disparity
between the learning and recall conditions (presenting a word as a picture, or
vice versa) impaired the recall performance, especially for incidentally learned
pairs of items. These results support the idea of distinct mnemonic represen-
tations in the learning of pictures and words. It should be mentioned, however,
that experiments on recognition memory have failed to show any effect of
disparity between learning and test modality, either with incidental learning or
with intentional learning (Paivio, 1976a; Richardson, 1978c). These results can
be handled by dual coding theory on the assumption that subjects can easily
translate a test item into either modality, but they no longer serve to discriminate
between this theory and the common coding approach.
A few investigations have attempted to compare the recall of pictures and
words when the structural complexity, of the relevant stimuli is carefully
controlled. Wells (I 972) compared the retention of visual and verbal stimuli
varying in size, colour and form; thus, subjects remembered either a large, red,
dotted pattern, or the words 'large red dotted'. In an immediate test of recog-
nition memory, performance was similar under the two conditions, suggesting
that the same mnemonic representation was used in both cases. Jones (1978)
carried out a similar investigation using stimuli varying in colour, type and
physical location in a display; thus, the subjects remembered either a yellow cup
in the top left-hand corner of the display or the words 'yellow/cup/top left'. In
this case, verbal presentation produced poorer performance, especially in the
recall of location information. A similar impairment had been obtained by
Pellegrino, Siegel and Dhawan (1975) in studying the short-term retention of
drawings and their labels. Jones concluded that pictorial and verbal presen-
tation give rise to functionally separate, though structurally similar mnemonic
Further information on the coding of pictures and words has come from the
use of selective interference paradigms. The basic methodology was discussed in
chapter 4· Cohen and Granstrom (1968, 1970) studied short-term memory for
irregular geometric figures, and manipulated the type of retention test and the
type of material interpolated during a retention interval. They found that a
Pictorial Memory

verbal distractor task interfered more with the subsequent recall of the figures
than with their subsequent recognition, but that a visual distractor task had the
opposite effect. Moreover, the subjects' ability to describe the original stimuli
was correlated with their recall performance, but not with their recognition
performance. Baddeley ( I976, pp. 2 I6-I 7) summarised the implications of these
results as follows:

It appears then that the recall of visual material is relatively poor, shows rapid
forgetting ... , and tends to rely on verbal coding, whereas visual recognition
shows relatively little forgetting after the first few seconds and is not
apparently affected by verbal factors.

However, more recent experiments have produced rather different conclu-

sions. The experiments by Pellegrino et al. (I975) interposed either an auditory
distractor task (counting backwards aloud) or a visual distractor task (a Hidden
Figures Test) between the presentation and recall of picture and word triads.
The performance with word triads was affected only by the auditory task,
indicating that words were primarily encoded in an acoustic manner in this
experiment (see also Wells, I972). The performance with picture triads was high
with either distractor task individually, but was reduced when the two tasks had to
be carried out simultaneously. This indicated that pictures were encoded into
separate visual and acoustic processing systems, thus supporting the dual coding
hypothesis. Warren (I977) investigated the effect of a concurrent pursuit-rotor
task upon the recall of pictures and words (cf. Baddeley, I 976, pp. 23o---I). In two
experiments, he showed that, when subjects attempted to recall and to track
concurrently, their recall of pictures was impaired, but their recall of words was
not. Thus, however important the verbal component hypothesised by Baddeley
might be in the recall of pictures, performance in such a task is nevertheless
crucially dependent upon a non-verbal mnemonic code, and the use ofthis code
may be disrupted by a concurrent visuo-spatial task.


While there seems to be good evidence that the pictorial presentation of material
directly arouses a distinctive, nonverbal representation in human memory, the
critical proposition for present purposes is that the same representation is evoked
when subjects construct mental images in learning material which is presented in
a verbal form. What experimental evidence is there for this idea?
First, if pictorial presentation directly arouses such a mnemonic represen-
tation, then presumably the construction of mental images should have little or
no effect upon performance. Since the idea of instructing subjects to make up
mental images of what is clearly before them is rather bizarre, there is little
evidence on this matter. Nevertheless, Robinson ( I970) showed that instructions
68 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

to use mental imagery had little effect upon recognition memory for line
drawings, whereas instructions to label the drawings had the usual beneficial
effect upon performance. An important exception to the idea that mental
imagery should have little effect upon pictorial memory is that it should be
helpful if it serves to integrate stimuli which are presented as separate pictures.
Kerst ( 1976) used an incidental paired-associate learning experiment, and found
that instructions to generate such interactive images produced a substantial
increase in performance, equivalent in magnitude to that produced by actually
presenting the pictured objects interacting in some way (see also Wollen and
Lowry, 1974). As Paivio ( 1975d) pointed out, the parallel results obtained from
the use of interactive pictures and from the use of instructions to make up
interactive mental images 'make it reasonable to infer that the instructional sets
and the pictures arouse similar representations'. However, the more detailed
discussion of the effects in instructions to use mental imagery in learning verbal
material contained in chapter 6 will throw considerable doubt upon the idea that
such instructions implicate a qualitatively different sort of mnemonic
Second, a verbal stimulus which is reliably associated with some (possibly
arbitrary) pictorial stimulus should come to evoke the representation of that
stimulus in non-verbal long-term memory. Bower (I 972) used this idea to
explain why subjects performed better in a paired-associate learning experiment
when the stimuli were the names of their personal friends than when they were
the names of historical characters whose exact facial appearance was unknown,
or when the stimuli were the names of totally unknown people randomly selected
from a telephone directory. Indeed, the association with pictorial or actual
experience is usually taken to be the basis of the effect of stimulus imageability or
concreteness upon memory performance (see chapter 7). But can the operation
of such associations be demonstrated more clearly? An experiment by
Philipchalk (described by Paivio, 1971b; 197Ic, p. 72) used nonsense syllables as
the stimulus terms in a paired-associate learning task, where the response terms
were pictures, concrete words or abstract words. In the second phase of the
experiment, the same nonsense syllables were paired with randomly chosen,
meaningful words. The syllables which had previously been paired with pictures
produced better performance than those which had been paired with concrete
words, and these in turn produced better performance than those which had
been paired with abstract words. However, this variation in performance
occurred only when the subjects were instructed to use their previous associations
in the subsequent learning task. Philipchalk's results suggested that pictorial
associations might subsequently be employed as mental images to mediate new
learning, although this mediation might need to be primed or prompted by
appropriate instructions. This was confirmed by the use of post-learning
questionnaires, in which the subjects reported the greatest use of mental imagery
in learning syllables which had previously been paired with pictures, and the
least use of mental imagery in learning syllables which had previously been
Pictorial Memory 69

paired with abstract words. However, such images must have been constructed
under determinate intentional descriptions, and Philipchalk's results may be
taken to show merely that these propositional mediators enhance memory
Finally, can one point to similarities between pictorial presentation and the
use of mental imagery in learning in terms of the situations in which they are
most effective? The results of Bower (I 972) and Kerst (I 976) show that both
procedures are more effective when they encourage the integration or organis-
ation of the material in a single, interactive representation, than when they
promote the use of a separate, unrelated representations. However, in the
following chapter, it will be noted that the superiority of interactive encoding over
separative encoding applies equally to verbal representations in memory.
Reference has already been made to the work ofJones (I 978), who showed that
pictorial presentation was especially helpful in retaining location information.
Jones demonstrated a similar conclusion in analysing the results of experiments
by Anderson and Bower ( I973, pp. 305-I9), on the effects of instructions to use
mental imagery. These ·studies investigated memory for sentences of the form,
'The Subject Transitive- Verb-ed the Object who Intransitive- Verb-ed in the Location'
(for example, 'The hippie touched the debutante who sang in the park'). In one
experiment the subjects received standard learning instructions, and in the other
the subjects received additional instructions 'strongly urging them to form vivid
visual images of the sentences to be memorized'. In both cases, the subjects were
cued with one, two or three of the five content words and had to produce the
entire sentence. Anderson and Bower had concluded that the effect of
instructions to use mental imagery upon sentence recall was simply to raise the
overall level of performance, but Jones demonstrated that the improvement was
relatively specific to the grouping, 'the Object who Intransitive- Verb-ed in the
Location' (for example, ' ... the debutante who sang in the park'). As Jones
concluded: 'This may be because the coding of information set in a locational
context is particularly improved by the imaging operation; this explanation is
consistent with the finding reported earlier that recall involving location is
particularly improved by pictorial rather than verbal presentation.' Once again,
however, since the mental images employed by Anderson and Bower's subjects
must have been constructed according to intentional descriptions, the results
might be taken to indicate that both pictorial presentation and imagery
mnemonic instructions encourage propositional representations which emphas-
ise location information.


Although it is extremely difficult to specify experimental situations which would

offer a critical decision between dual coding theory and common coding theory,
the available evidence on pictorial memory tends to favour the former position,
70 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

at least with respect to the specific proposals which have been made by the
proponents of the respective theories.
The well-established superiority of pictorial presentation in recognition and
recall does not discriminate between the alternative positions, but the effects of
labelling upon the recall of pictures and the effects of supplementing verbal
material with relevant pictures are difficult to handle in terms of a theory based
upon a common propositional representation in long-term memory. The same
conclusion applies to Paivio and Csapo's (I 973) demonstration of the stochastic
independence of pictorial and verbal presentations in incidental recall. On a
priori grounds, moreover, it is difficult not to assume a basically pictorial
representation in memory underlying in the retention of complex visual displays
which cannot be readily described or labelled, such as abstract geometrical
patterns, or the faces of unknown people.
Thus, the empirical evidence favours the theory of dual coding, and within
this framework gives specific support to the coding redundancy hypothesis,
according to which pictures to be remembered may receive both pictorial and
verbal representations in long-term memory. This account is supported further
by the effects of selective interference from irrelevant spatial tasks interpolated
between presentation and recall. Although, as Anderson (I 978) has proved, it is
possible in principle to specify versions of common coding theory which are
equivalent to dual coding (at least with respect to its predictions for pictorial
memory), the various adjustments needed to ensure this equivalence are unlikely
to constitute well motivated extensions of the current versions of common coding
theory. The dual coding model may therefore be regarded as the most promising
and most coherent theoretical approach for investigating pictorial memory.
For the purpose of this book, however, the principal interest in pictorial
memory lies in its value as a means of investigating mental imagery. There is
nevertheless little direct evidence to permit an identification of the non-verbal
representation aroused by the presentation of pictures and the mnemonic code
produced by the use of mental imagery. Where experimental investigations have
suggested that the two representations have structural or functional properties in
common, the question of the intentionality of mental imagery suggests that the
relevant information might be adequately represented at a propositional level.
Moreover, in subsequent chapters, empirical findings will indicate that any
similarities between the two representations are also shared with verbal coding in
long-term memory. The crucial assumption of dual coding theory that pictorial
presentation gives rise to an imagistic representation in memory may turn out to
be empirically testable only by a consideration of the relevant neuropsycholo-
gical evidence, and this must wait until chapter 9·
Imagery Mnemonic Instructions

One of the reasons for the revival of interest in mental imagery was the
experimental demonstration of the effectiveness of instructions to subjects to use
mental imagery in their learning. The efficacy of such instructions had in fact
been known more generally for a very long time. Various techniques prescribed
for orators in Greek and Roman times included the use of mental imagery
explicitly (see Paivio, 1971 c, chap. 6; Yates, 1966), and these techniques survive
essentially unchanged in the present day in courses of memory improvement. In
this chapter, I shall discuss experimental evidence on the effects of imagery
mnemonic instructions and its implications for theories of human memory.


Experimental research on the value of instructions to subjects to use mental

imagery in learning verbal material has generally demonstrated consistent,
reliable and substantial improvements in performance. These effects have been
demonstrated when comparisons are made between groups of subjects who are
given different learning instructions (Bower, 197ob, 1972), when comparisons
are made within a single group of subjects before and after they are given
instructions to use mental imagery (Richardson, 1976b ), and even when
comparisons are made between different stimulus items being learned concur-
rently by the same subject (Schnorr and Atkinson, 196g). The effects have been
demonstrated with free recall (Kirkpatrick, 1894; Richardson, 1976b, 1978d),
with serial recall (Delin, 196g), with paired-associate learning (Bower, 1970b,
1972; Schnorr and Atkinson, 1969), and with recognition memory using both
absolute judgement (yes/no) procedures (Morris and Reid, 1974) and com-
parative judgement (forced choice) procedures (Bower, 1972).
The elaboration of verbal material by the construction of mental images is
known to affect long-term or secondary memory. This has been shown by
considering the shape of the serial-position curve in free recall, by quantifying
components of the total performance attributable to primary and secondary
memory, and by comparing performance on immediate testing and after a delay
(Paivio, 1975b; Richardson, 1976b, 1978d; Smith, Barresi and Gross, 1971).
Indeed, some results show a somewhat more pronounced effect after a delay
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

(Bower, I972; Groninger, I97I; but cf. Hasher, Riebman and Wren, I976),
indicating that mental imagery not only improves memory performance, but
also makes the stored material less vulnerable to forgetting. Moreover, Beech (in
press) has suggested that the adequate use of mental imagery depends upon an
adequate delay between presentation and recall, so that subjects have time to
visualise the material to be remembered. It is interesting that he found that
immediate recall produced a specific reduction in the accurate recall oflocation
Whether these effects are specifically due to the use of mental imagery and not
to other factors must be determined by examination of the experimental
evidence. The most plausible alternative explanation is that instructions to use
mental imagery simply enhance the subjects' motivation to learn. This was
discussed at length by Bower ( I972) and by Paivio ( I96g), and rejected fairly
conclusively. The most crucial difficulty for a motivational account is that the
effects of imagery instructions are undiminished under incidental as compared to
intentional learning conditions (Paivio, I 972). Indeed, incidental and inten-
tional learners operating under imagery instructions may produce comparable
levels of performance (Bower, I972). Further evidence comes from the use of
post-learning questionnaires in which the subjects indicate the learning
strategies they have employed. These indicate quite clearly that subjects are able
to increase their use of mental imagery in response to specific instructions to do so
(Paivio and Yuille, I 967, I 969; cf. Bugelski, I 97 I). However, they also show that
subjects frequently use mental imagery spontaneously, especially in learning
relatively concrete material, and this tendency increases over trials even when
the subjects have been given specific instructions to use alternative mnemonic
strategies (see Paivio, I97Ic, pp. 36I-6, for discussion of this point). The
implication is that the substantial observed effects of imagery mnemonic
instructions are nevertheless likely to be underestimates of the effectiveness of
mental imagery as a mnemonic strategy (Anderson and Kulhavy, I972; Bower,
One of the traditional elements of techniques for the improvement of memory
is the prescription that the learner should try to produce mental images that are
in some way bizarre or peculiar. Instructions to produce bizarre mental images
have been found to produce improved recall performance when compared with
standard learning instructions (Perensky and Senter, I 970). However, studies
which have attempted to separate the effects of bizarreness and of imaging have
failed to find any additional effect of constructing bizarre images over and above
the benefit of using mental imagery (Hauck, Walsh and Kroll, I976; Senter and
Hoffman, I976; Wollen, Weber and Lowry, I972; Wood, I967). Indeed, bizarre
mental images take longer to construct and may result in poorer performance
(Nappe and Wollen, I973); similarly, sentences describing conventional or
plausible situations may be more effective mediators in paired-associate learning
than sentences describing bizarre or implausible situations (Collyer,Jonides and
Bevan, I972; Kulhavy and Heinen, I974)· Neisser (I976, p. I40) has expressed
Imagery Mnemonic Instructions 73

certain reservations about accepting these negative findings, and there are
suggestions that bizarreness may be of benefit after a delay of 24 hours or more
(Andreoffand Yarmey, 1976; Delin, 1968; cf. Webber and Marshall, 1978), or if
the subjects rate the bizarreness of their mental images at the time of presentation
(Merry and Graham, 1978). However, the safest conclusion at present is that
bizarreness is not a factor determining the value of mental imagery in improving
The most common explanation of the effectiveness of imagery mnemonic
instructions is the coding redundanry hypothesis mentioned in the previous chapter,
according to which memory performance varies with the number of alternative
memory codes available for an item. This is naturally the explanation favoured
by adherents of the dual coding theory (for example, Bower, 197oa, 1972; Paivio,
197Ic, chap. 11). The specific account runs as follows (Paivio, 197Ic, p. 389):

Any superiority observed under imagery mnemonic conditions may result

from the addition of imagery to a verbal baseline laid down during the
subject's initial representational or associative reactions to the to-be-learned
items, i.e., two mediational systems are potentially available rather than one.

However, this account must be evaluated against the findings of an important

area of experimental research which has attempted to identifY the effective
component when subjects are instructed to use mental imagery in their learning.


While it has generally been established that instructions to use mental imagery in
learning may lead to substantial improvements in recall and recognition
performance, there is one important exception to this generalisation which was
mentioned briefly in the previous chapter. It is crucial that the mental imagery
used by the subjects in such experiments serves to increase the organisation and
cohesion of the material to be remembered. Accordingly, instructions to produce
separate mental images corresponding to the individual stimulus items may have
no effect upon performance at all, and may even lead to a reduction in recall.
This point was first identified by Bower ( 1972), who compared the incidental
learning performance of a group of subjects receiving interaction instructions (to
construct a mental image depicting two objects interacting in some way) with
that of another group of subjects receiving separation instructions (to construct a
mental image depicting two objects 'separated in their imaginal space, like two
pictures on opposite walls of a room'). The first group demonstrated the usual
marked superiority in recall when cued with one of the words in each pair,
whereas the second group performed at the level expected when subjects were
merely instructed to use rote repetition. As Bower concluded: 'Instructions to
image the terms per se have relatively little effect on associative learning. The
74 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

important component is the interactive relation between the imaged objects.'

Elsewhere, Bower (I 970b) replicated this basic effect using intentional learning
conditions and a control group who used overt rote repetition. Bower's
theoretical discussion will be considered in a moment.
Similar findings were obtained by Begg (I 973), by Dempster and Rohwer
(I974), and by Rowe and Paivio (Paivio, 1972), although most of this
subsequent research employed slightly different separation instructions, in which
the subjects were merely told to construct a separate mental image for each
individual stimulus item. (The modification does not materially affect the
experimental outcome, and makes the task somewhat more intelligible for the
subjects.) Morris and Stevens ( I974) compared the usefulness of interactive and
separative imagery in the free recall of noun triplets, and found that only
interaction instructions facilitated memory performance. This variation in recall
was associated with a concomitant variation in the subjects' mnemonic
organisation of the material, as measured by the extent to which the members of
a triplet tended to be recalled together. Similar results were found by Richardson
(I976b, 197&1), who investigated the free recall of lists of unrelated words, and
measured subjective organisation by the extent to which consecutively presented
pairs of words tended to be recalled together. Whereas interaction instructions
are known to have a selective, beneficial effect upon secondary memory (see
above), Richardson's experiments showed that separation instructions reduced
the contribution of secondary memory but increased that of primary memory; it
was concluded that instructions to make up separate mental images of the items
to be remembered disrupted the subjects' organisation of a list, and required a
greater use of primary memory as a short-term buffer store.
An experiment by Neisser and Kerr (1973) compared the effectiveness of
interactive and separative mental imagery, and also attempted to determine
whether effective mental images have to describe picturable interactive
relationships. They used an incidental learning task in which the subjects were
asked to rate the vividness of the mental imagery evoked by three types of
sentence. Some sentences described a pair of objects in a manner designed to
encourage separative imagery: for example, 'Looking from one window, you see
the Statue of Liberty; from a window in another wall, you see a daffodil.' Some
sentences described a pair of objects in an interacting, picturable relationship:
for example, 'A daffodil is sitting on top of the torch held up by the Statue of
Liberty.' Finally, some sentences described a pair of objects in an interacting
relationship, but not one which could be represented by any ordinary two-
dimensional picture: for example, 'A daffodil is hidden inside the torch held up
by the Statue ofLiberty.' The latter, 'concealed' condition produced perform-
ance which was superior to the 'separative' condition, and not significantly
different from the 'pictorial' condition. Neisser and Kerr concluded that the
mnemonic efficacy of an image depended only on the spatial relationships which
were represented, and not on the pictorial quality of those relationships. Their
Imagery Mnemonic Instructions 75

results seem to imply that mental imagery is spatial in nature, and not tied to any
specific sensory modality (Baddeley, 1976, p. 231). However, their subjects'
reports indicated that they had to make the 'concealed' relationships picturable
in order to carry out the task. In the majority of cases, the subjects reported
making the concealed object visible directly, imagining being able to 'see
through' the concealing surface, or imagining some movement or change of
position which brought the object into view (Neisser, 1972b). Thus, Neisser and
Kerr's experiment cannot be accepted as a valid comparison of 'pictorial' and
'concealed' imagery, although their results supported the general idea of the
mnemonic effectiveness of interactive imagery.
Bower (I 970b) argued that the effects of interactive and separative imagery
permitted one to discriminate between two general classes of explanation for the
efficacy of mental imagery in human memory: 'One class of explanations
supposes that the imagery effect is due to some benefit regarding the
differentiation of the individual elements in the pairs; the other class of
explanations attributes the effect to the element-to-element association process
itself.' He suggested that the poor performance of subjects who used separative
imagery showed that the benefit of mental imagery was in the formation of
relational associations rather than in the encoding of individual items. Bower
also found that interactive imagery instructions enhanced paired-associate
learning without increasing the subjects' performance on a test of stimulus
recognition, which supported his conclusion. (Of course, other experiments have
found effects of imagery mnemonic instructions in tests of recognition memory,
as was mentioned above. These findings indicate either that interactive imagery
instructions also affect the encoding of individual stimulus items, or that
associative retrieval processes operate in tests ofrecognition memory.)
It is of course well known that subjective organisation is important in verbal
learning, and that procedures to increase that organisation which are merely
based upon verbal categorisation may also lead to substantial improvements in
recall performance (for example, Mandler, 1967). Consequently, Bower's
argument tends to undermine the idea, central to dual coding theory, that the
use of mental imagery leads to a qualitatively different mnemonic represen-
tation. Bower ( 197ob, 1972) continued this line by pointing to parallels between
the findings obtained in comparing interactive and separative imagery, and
those obtained in the recall of pictures and in the recall of pairs of words. In the
previous chapter, I mentioned experiments which demonstrated that two
pictured objects are more easily remembered if they are shown in some sort of
interaction. It is also known that the recall of noun pairs is facilitated if they are
embedded in a meaningful sentence and connected by a verb or preposition; this
facilitation does not occur if the sentence is anomalous (in which case
performance may actually be reduced) or if the two nouns are merely connected
by a conjunction (Bobrow and Bower, 196g; Epstein, Rock and Zuckerman,
1960; Rohwer, 1966). On the basis of the similarity among these experimental
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

results, Bower concluded that 'this recall pattern with pictures, images, and
words is probably being produced by the same relational generating system' (see
also Anderson and Bower, I973, p. 457).
More recently, this approach has been developed by Begg (I 978), who studied
cued recall, free recall and recognition memory for pairs or triads of nouns
learned under interaction or separation instructions. Although cued recall
performance was substantially better with interactive imagery than with
separative imagery, this was not so in the case of recognition memory, and was
not so in the case of free recall unless the mnemonic instructions encouraged
interunit organisation as well as intraunit organisation. Begg concluded that the
results merely reflect general principles of mnemonic organisation, rather than
any specific properties of mental imagery. Begg andYoung (I 977) compared the
effects of interactive imagery and type of connective in the retention of pairs of
nouns. As mentioned above, verbs enhance organisation and recall more than
conjunctions. (Begg and Young demonstrated further that prepositions which
imply spatial contiguity, such as in or on, produce this facilitation, whereas
prepositions which merely suggest spatial proximity, such as near or by, do not.)
Interactive imagery instructions were found to remove thisform class effect by
selectively increasing performance on pairs connected by conjunctions; on the
other hand, separative imagery instructions were found to remove the effect by
selectively reducing performance on pairs connected by verbs. Once again, Begg
and Young took the attitude that imagery mnemonic instructions were merely
one way of manipulating the likelihood that pairs of items will be jointly encoded
in memory.


The results which have just been described are not formally inconsistent with
dual coding theory. As Paivio (I 972) pointed out, this position entails that
mnemonic instructions may lead to increased performance either by providing an
alternative memory code (the coding redundancy hypothesis) or by increasing
the organisation of the material to be remembered within one or both
representations. Nevertheless, if the effects of imagery instructions could be
explained by a theory which posits only a single form of coding in memory, then
on the grounds of parsimony this latter position should be adopted in preference
to one which posits two or more representations. Conversely, more evidence on
the effects of imagery mnemonic instructions is required if dual coding theory is
to be given a sound empirical basis.
One source of evidence involves the comparison of imagery instructions and
other mnemonic devices which do not explicitly mention the use of mental
imagery. Just as the presentation of a pair of nouns in a meaningful phrase or
sentence may lead to improved recall, substantial improvements in performance
are also obtained when the subjects themselves are asked to make up a sentence
Imagery Mnemonic Instructions 77

linking two nouns (Bower, I972). Instructions to generate such verbal mediators
may be just as effective in increasing recall as instructions to use interactive
mental imagery (Janssen, I976, p. 42). These findings might be interpreted as
further evidence for the idea that constructing mental images and generating
sentences are two forms of cognitive processing operating on a common
representational system in memory. The stronger idea that this system might be
verbal or propositional in nature was considered by Bower (I97oa):

According to this extreme view, therefore, discovering and tagging (or

storing) linguistic relationships between items would be assumed to be the
basic operational processes in memory, and the 'mental imagery' instructions
would act only parasitically, deceptively, indirectly, but nonetheless in-
evitably through this verbal medium.

However, Bower himself rejected this 'strict verbal hypothesis'. On the one hand,
his own experiments had shown that the effects of instructions to use interactive
mental imagery are sometimes greater than those of instructions to generate
linking sentences; however, he agreed that the differences are typically not very
large, and so there may still be considerable overlap between the cognitive
processes aroused by the two procedures. On the other hand, it could be argued
that the overlap arises not because imagery instructions enhance the organis-
ation of material within a common, propositional representation, but because
sentence generation itself depends upon the use of mental imagery (cf. Paivio,
I97Ib). In support of this idea, Bower (I972) mentioned that his subjects
spontaneously reported the experience of imaging the scene described by a
generated sentence (but cf. Bugelski, I 97 I).
Another source of evidence is an extension of the original approach used by
Paivioand Csapo ( I973) which was mentioned in the previous chapter. It will be
recalled that these experimenters attempted to determine whether repeated
presentations of pictures and words created new, independent representations in
memory, or whether they merely served to strengthen a single, original
pr.esentation. Paivio and Csapo carried out further experiments using homogen-
eous lists of either pictures or words, where the subjects were either to construct a
mental image of the object pictured or named, or to pronounce its name to
themselves. Particular items could be presented once or twice, and they could be
imaged or pronounced at each presentation. An unanticipated recall test
produced an analogous pattern of results to that obtained in the original
experiment. Not surprisingly, repeated presentations produced an increase in
recall performance, and imaging produced better performance than pronounc-
ing. Repeated imaging and repeated pronouncing produced poorer perform-
ance than would be expected on the basis of stochastically independent effects,
but imaging and pronouncing the same item conformed with the assumption of
additive effects. These findings were replicated and extended by Paivio (I975a),
and were taken to support the hypothesis of functionally independent imaginal
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

and verbal representations in long-term memory. However, the experiments

actually show at most that the phonemic representation produced by pronounc-
ing a word is functionally independent of the semantic representation produced
by constructing a mental image of its referent; the results do not determine
whether the latter representation is pictorial or propositional in nature, and so
they do not distinguish between dual coding theory and common coding theory.


In recent years, many psychologists have attempted to establish the form of

coding or. representation used in memory by investigating which sorts of
concurrent task will interfere with recall performance. This idea was discussed in
chapters 4 and 5· The analysis rests upon the assumption that a concurrent task
will disrupt the ability to remember only if it makes demands on human
information processing which are similar to those of the original memory task
(Healy, 1975). Paivio (1975d) has pointed out that, in a sense, increasing
presentation rate may be seen as a way of selectively interfering with cognitive
processing. The fact that imagery mnemonic instructions are more effective at
slower rates of presentation (Paivio, 1971c, pp. 343-4) may therefore be taken as
evidence that such instructions give rise to additional forms of representation in
memory. However, such findings are clearly only weak evidence for the dual
coding position.
The particular problem of interest is the investigation of the effects of
concurrent spatial tasks upon the retention of verbal information and the
beneficial effect of imagery mnemonic instructions. The first study to investigate
this problem was carried out by Atwood (1971), who presented concrete and
abstract noun pairs in the context of phrases. Two groups of subjects carried out
a concurrent task, in which the digits 1 and 2 were presented during the
interstimulus intervals, and where the subjects had to respond orally in each case
with the other digit ('1' for 2, '2' for 1); one group responded to visually presented
digits, and the other group responded to auditorily presented digits. The paired
associates were presented auditorily, and a control group received no signals
during the interstimulus intervals. Half of the subjects in each group learned the
concrete phrases, and were instructed to visualise the scene described by each.
The remaining subjects learned the abstract phrases, and were instructed to
'contemplate the meaning of each phrase as a whole'. The results showed that the
auditory task interfered more with the retention of the abstract material,
whereas the visual task interfered more with the retention of the concrete
material. Atwood concluded that a concurrent visual task interfered selectively
with the use of mental imagery.
However, there are several problems with this study (Janssen, 1976, pp. 31-
2). First, Atwood completely confounded the effect of varying the mnemonic
instructions with the effect of varying the concreteness of the stimulus material.
Imagery Mnemonic Instructions 79

These are two different ways of investigating mental imagery, and there is no
guarantee that they will be affected by a concurrent interfering task in the same
manner. Atwood's experiment provides no way of testing the specific hypothesis
that a concurrent task will reduce the beneficial effect of imagery mnemonic
instructions. (The relationship between such tasks and the effect of stimulus
concreteness will be considered in the following chapter.) Second, the experi-
mental material in Atwood's study was somewhat bizarre {for example, 'nudist
devouring a bird'). Third, and most crucial, attempts to replicate Atwood's
experiment have continually proved unsuccessful (Baddeley, Grant, Wight and
Thomson, 1974; Bower, Munoz and Arnold, cited by Anderson and Bower,
1973, p. 459; Brooks, cited by Paivio, 1971c, p. 374; Quinn, cited by Baddeley,
1976, p. 229).
A series of experiments was reported by Janssen ( 1976) in an attempt to clarify
the situation. (In this chapter, only the results bearing upon the effects of
imagery mnemonic instructions will be discussed.) The first experiment
concerned the intentional learning of paired associates under imagery medi-
ation, verbal mediation and rote rehearsal instructions with Atwood's auditory
and visual tasks and a control condition. The second experiment compared the
incidental and intentional learning of paired associates under imagery and
verbal mediation instructions with the auditory and visual concurrent tasks. The
third experiment concerned the free recall of lists of nouns under separative
imagery, interactive imagery, separative verbal and standard free-recall
instructions with the auditory and verbal tasks and a control condition with no
concurrent activity. A further experiment used paired-associate learning under
imagery and verbal mediation instructions with Atwood's auditory and visual
tasks and a spatial tracking task. In three of these experiments there was a
significant main effect of interference type, but in none of the experiments did the
interaction between type of instructions and type of concurrent interference even
approach statistical significance. Janssen reported one experiment which
investigated the effect of a concurrent task upon the retrieval of paired associates.
This did demonstrate a significant interaction in the expected direction, such
that subjects using imaginal mediators were more disrupted by a visual
concurrent task, whereas subjects using verbal mediators were more disrupted
by an auditory concurrent task. This result is quite different from those of the
other experiments, and clearly stands in need of replication. Given the excellent
agreement amongJanssen's other four studies and previous attempts to replicate
Atwood's (1971) findings, the safest conclusion at the present time seems to be
that concurrent visual or spatial tasks do not normally have any selective effect
upon the use of mental imagery in human learning.
In chapter 4, I mentioned some unpublished experiments by Baddeley and
Lieberman on the disruptive effects of concurrent tasks in immediate memory.
The same series of experiments included studies of the effects of concurrent
pursuit tracking upon performance in long-term memory (Baddeley, 1976,
pp. 230-2). In the first experiment, subjects who were iilstructed to use rote
So Mental Imagery and Human Memory

rehearsal were compared with those who were taught the 'one-bun' mnemonic.
This technique consists of a nonsense rhyme, 'one is a bun, two is a shoe', and so
on, and is used to learn a sequence of items by constructing a compound image
relating the first object and a bun, another image relating the second object and a
shoe, and so on. Baddeley and Lieberman found that the advantage of using the
mnemonic was slightly reduced when the subjects carried out the concurrent
pursuit tracking task. However, a further experiment compared subjects using
rote rehearsal with those who were taught a location mnemonic. In this
technique, the subject learns a sequence of items by constructing an image
locating each object at a particular location on a well known route (for example,
a walk around the university campus). Baddeley and Lieberman found that the
usefulness of this mnemonic was drastically reduced when the subjects carried
out the concurrent pursuit tracking task.
On the basis of these results, Baddeley ( 1976, p. 232) concluded that 'it is
possible to interfere with the control process involved in forming, manipulating,
and utilizing images'. However, this does not explain why concurrent tracking
did not greatly disrupt the use of the 'one-bun' mnemonic, and it ignores
Janssen's ( 1976) continual failure to show any selective interference with the use
of mental imagery in learning, either when compared with the use of verbal
mediators, or when compared with the use of rote repetition. These latter results
indicate that concurrent spatial tasks do not interfere with the primary function
of mental imagery which has been identified in this chapter, the elaboration and
strengthening of associative connections in long-term memory. On the other
hand, it is reasonable to suppose that such concurrent tasks will interfere with
other constructive, manipulative or spatial tasks in short-term, non-verbal,
working memory. The location mnemonic includes a component which seems to
fall within this latter category, namely the manipulation of a pictured
geographical representation, and it is therefore not surprising that it is disrupted
by concurrent tracking. However, the 'one-bun' system merely involves the use
of a well learned set of phonemic associations, and certainly does not place any
demands upon the form of working memory defined above. It is thus equally
unsurprising that concurrent spatial tasks do not interfere drastically with the use
of this mnemonic, nor with the purely associative strategies which were used by
Janssen's ( 1976) subjects. It is of course an implication of this analysis that the
constructive and elaborative uses of mental imagery which were described in
chapter 4 are functionally independent of one another.


It is quite clear that, under the circumstances investigated by cogmt1ve

psychologists in their formal laboratory experiments, the elaboration and
construction of integrative, interactive, mental images may lead to substantial
and reliable improvements in the ability to remember. But what is the value and
Imagery Mnemonic Instructions

generality of these techniques, and what is their role in the development of

human understanding? Human learning is of course most crucial in schools, yet
nothing is really known concerning the potential value in formal education of the
technique of using mental imagery. As Hunter (1977) concluded: 'There is, as
yet, almost no systematic data on the uses and usages of the technique, nor on
whether children can be taught to appreciate its range of utility and to diagnose
contexts of appropriate use.'
In order to understand the role of mnemonics in cognitive development,
Hunter suggested the concept of'adaptive cognitive regression': material which
cannot be adequately grasped at the intended level of comprehension is
provisionally retained at a more primitive cognitive level. Similarly, Bower
(1972) made the following suggestion: 'Our prescription to the adult in
approaching a new learning task is for him to become as a child again, to tap the
wellsprings of his suppressed imaginative talents that have lain buried under
years of linguistic development.' Hunter argued that this heuristic approach
'occupies a significant, albeit minor, place in the repertoire of techniques by
which people learn and remember information, and a more explicit recognition
of that place could be of practical value'. Thus, the formal discussion of the value
of a mnemonic in the classroom could help both the teacher and his students to
decide whether it should be retained, improved or rejected. A recent example of
this is the research by Atkinson (1975; Atkinson and Raugh, 1975) which
transformed the informal mnemonic used by individual language learners into a
formal, explicit teaching programme for learning the vocabulary of a foreign
language (see also Paivio, 1976d).
Nevertheless, most mnemonic techniques are very limited in their range of
possible applications. Hunter assessed the location mnemonic in the following

The Method has such a circumscribed range of utility that it is useless for all
practical purposes oflearning and remembering. Appropriate task conditions
are essential. The presented items must be translatable into imaged objects;
the rate of presentation must be slow, not faster than about one item every
three seconds; and the Method breaks down if we try to comprehend
relationships between items that are not strictly contiguous. These task
conditions rarely arise in real life ....

Hunter went on to quote with approval Francis Bacon's remark that the
mnemonic is 'not dextrous to be applied to the serious use of business and
occasions'. Similarly, Morris ( 1977) suggested that imagery mnemonics are
really only of value in learning lists of unrelated, concrete words. Of course, even
if mnemonic techniques based upon mental imagery are entirely lacking in
general practical utility, this cannot be blamed upon the efforts of psychologists.
Such techniques have been devised by ordinary human beings for use in specific
mundane activities. Their limitations merely reflect the superficial understand-
Mental imagery and Human Memory

ing which ordinary folk have of their own cognitive faculties. Nevertheless,
psychologists can be blamed for having only recently paid attention to the
possible implications of mnemonic techniques for psychological theories of those
faculties, and for having so far failed to offer more effective devices for improving
memory in real-life situations.


While it may be true that mnemonic techniques based upon mental imagery are
of only limited value in assisting learning in everyday life, it does not follow that
the study of mental imagery will only be of limited value in understanding
memory function. This latter point has to be decided by an informed and critical
appreciation of the available experimental research.
The evidence which I have reviewed in this chapter indicates that under
laboratory conditions instructions to use mental imagery may lead to substantial
improvements in memory performance. The comparison of interaction and
separation instructions shows that these effects come about by means ofincreased
organisation of the material to be remembered. More generally, the effects of
imagery mnemonic instructions are entirely analogous to those of verbal
mediation instructions, and the resulting increases in recall performance are
typically comparable in the two cases. The study of repetition effects in
incidental recall does not permit one to specify the nature of the mnemonic
representation produced by mental imagery, and the effects of concurrent spatial
tasks upon memory performance are largely independent of the effects of
imagery mnemonic instructions, unless the mnemonic technique itself contains a
spatial, manipulative component.
The empirical findings on the effects of imagery mnemonic instructions do not
permit one to distinguish between dual coding theory and common coding
theory. Indeed, both approaches tend to interpret the effects in terms of
enhanced relational organisation. However, precisely because both accounts can
readily handle the available evidence, considerations of parsimony must favour
common coding theory: it is simply unnecessary to postulate an additional,
imaginal system of mnemonic representations. A propositional system of
representations is necessary to handle the independent corpus of evidence on
sentential mediators and the form class effect, and this approach can readily
encompass the effects of instructions to use mental imagery without serious
Nevertheless, once again, the property of intentionality compels one to
reconsider the implications of the empirical evidence. A subject who constructs a
mental image in response to the appropriate mnemonic instructions does so
under an intentional description which must be conceived as an abstract
propositional representation of the content or object of the image. Such
propositions also underlie other mediating devices which might be employed,
Imagery Mnemonic Instructions

such as generated sentences. It is therefore totally unsurpnsmg that the

propositional structures reported by subjects in using interactive and separative
imagery are similar to those produced by subjects who are instructed to generate
sentences. Anderson and Bower (I973, p. 457; see also Bower, I970b) describe
these in some detail:

If one examines the verbalizations or descriptions of the images generated by

these subjects, the interaction-imagery subjects invariably use verbs or
locatives, as in agent-action-object constructions (e.g., 'cow kicked lawyer')
or agent-preposition-object constructions ('lawyer on top of cow'). On the
other hand, separation-imagery subjects invariably use simple conjunctions to
describe the two objects: 'A picture of a cow over here and a picture of a lawyer
over there.' There might be many adjectival embellishments of each object
singly, but the primary connective between the two objects was the simple
conjunction and.

Of course, it is possible that the construction of a mental image according to an

intentional description when material is presented for learning gives rise both to a
propositional representation and to a pictorial representation in long-term
memory. However, the identity of any mental image generated at the time of the
retention test will depend upon the intentional description on the basis of which
it is constructed, and so whether it is the right image will depend upon whether it
is constructed on the basis of the right propositional description (cf. Wittgenstein,
I 953· §389, P· In; I 967' §650) 0 This means that only the propositional
description will be functional in remembering, and that any pictorial represen-
tation produced by the original imaging experience will be purely epipheno-
menal. This conclusion applies whether the subject was deliberately construct-
ing mental images in response to specific mnemonic instructions to do so, or
whether he happened to experience mental imagery in carrying out other
instructions, such as generating sentences, or in learning without specific
mnemonic instructions.
Remembering Individual Words

The experimental evidence discussed in the previous chapter showed that

subjects can use mental imagery to remember verbal material when specifically
instructed to do so. The results indicated that this strategy can produce reliable
improvements in recall and recognition performance. However, experiments
which have collected 'introspective' reports on the techniques employed in
remembering have found that subjects spontaneously use mental imagery in
learning verbal material; that is, mental imagery is regularly employed even
without specific mnemonic instructions (Paivio, Smythe and Yuille, rg68;
Richardson, rg78e). Of course, one would expect that some verbal material
would evoke mental imagery more readily than other material. It would not
really be surprising that imagery is used to remember material which reliably,
immediately and easily evokes such experiences. The principal methodological
problem is that of identifYing such material, and, more generally, of measuring
and quantifying the ease with which words, phrases and sentences evoke mental
imagery. In this chapter, I shall consider the idea of mental imagery as a
cognitive experience which is differentially evoked by different stimulus


An experimenter is at perfect liberty to define the ease with which different words
evoke mental imagery on a purely personal, intuitive basis, but if he wishes to
ensure that his deijnition has any generality, and that his intuitions are similar to
those of his experimental subjects, he must consult them in order to validate his
selection of experimental material. In contemporary research, this is usually
carried out with the assistance of questionnaires administered to large groups of
subjects, in which evoked mental imagery is scored on a seven-point rating scale.
The first large-scale study of this nature was reported by Paivio, Yuille and
Madigan (rg68), who collected ratings on 925 English nouns. The instructions
given to their subjects were as follows:

Nouns differ in their capacity to arouse mental images of things or events.

Some words arouse a sensory experience, such as a mental picture or sound,
Remembering Individual Words Bs
very quickly and easily, whereas others may do so only with difficulty (i.e.,
after a long delay) or not at all. The purpose of this experiment is to rate a list
of words as to the ease or difficulty with which they arouse mental images. Any
word which, in your estimation, arouses a mental image (i.e., a mental
picture, or sound, or other sensory experience) very quickly and easily should
be given a high imagery rating; any word that arouses a mental image with
difficulty or not at all should be given a low imagery rating. Think of the words
'apple' or 'fact'. Apple would probably arouse an image relatively easily and
would be rated as high imagery; fact would probably do so with difficulty and
would be rated as low imagery. Since words tend to make you think of other
words as associates, e.g., knife-fork, it is important that you note only the ease
of getting a mental image of an object or an event to the word.

A measure of the imagery value or imageabiliry of each stimulus item is computed

by taking the mean score across the subjects participating in such an experiment.
It is now well established that stimulus imageability is positively correlated
with performance in a wide variety oflearning tasks (Janssen, I976, pp. s-I2;
Paivio, 197Ic, chap. 7). This effect has been demonstrated with free recall
(Janssen, 1976, pp. 49-51; Paivio, I968; Paivio, Yuille and Rogers, I969;
Richardson, I974a, I978d), with serial recall (Paivio et al., I969), with paired-
associate learning (Paivio, Smythe and Yuille, I968; Richardson, I978e, in
press), and with recognition memory (Olver, described by Paivio, I97IC,
p. I84). Stimulus imageability has been found to affect both the accuracy with
which material is retrieved from memory, and the speed with which it is
retrieved (Macht and Scheirer, I97S). It has also been shown to have a selective
effect upon long-term or secondary memory, using a variety of procedures for
quantifying the relative contributions of primary and secondary memory to total
performance (Paivio, 1975b; Richardson, 1974a, 1978d).
It will be noted that the instructions described above tend to emphasise the ease
with which mental imagery is evoked by a stimulus. However, some researchers
have considered that the vividness of the evoked imagery is also important. Bower
( I972) asked his subjects to rate the vividness of the imagined scenes suggested by
pairs of nouns, and found that their ratings predicted their subsequent recall of
each pair, even when the recall test was unanticipated. Similarly, Anderson and
Hidde (I 97 I) found that ratings of the vividness of the images suggested by
individual sentences would predict their subsequent recall. However, in both
cases the effect was relatively weak and apparently confounded with that of ease
of image arousal. Indeed, Neisser and Kerr (I973) failed to find any difference
between recalled and non-recalled items in terms of rated vividness of evoked
mental imagery. However, they did find a clear negative correlation between
rated vividness and the latency of image arousal, and Paivio (I968) showed that
both measures were correlated with the rated ease of image arousal. It is clearly
advisable to separate these different attributes if at all possible (Paivio, I972,
86 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

One set of evidence on this question comes from the experiment by N eisser and
Kerr (I973), which was described in detail in the previous chapter. It will be
remembered that this study compared the relative effectiveness of separative
imagery, 'pictorial' interactive imagery and 'concealed' interactive imagery
(where the relevant interactive relationship could not have been represented in
any ordinary two-dimensional picture). The experiment was an incidental
learning task in which the orienting task required the subjects to rate the
vividness of the mental imagery evoked by each sentence on a seven-point scale.
The vividness ratings indicated that the 'pictorial' images were better than the
other two types, which were essentially alike: Nevertheless, as was mentioned in
chapter 6, the 'concealed' images produced better recall performance than the
separative images, and were not significantly different from the 'pictorial'
images. Thus, the usefulness of mental imagery appears to be determined by its
relational organisation, and not by its vividness.
Further evidence comes from two experiments which Richardson (in
press) carried out as extensions of a study mentioned above by Bower
(I 972). In each case the subjects rated the imageability of the stimulus material
in response to instructions similar to those ofPaivio, Yuille and Madigan (I 968),
and then received an unanticipated retention test. When the subjects rated
individual nouns, and the test was one of free recall, the average imageability
rating given to each item did not show a significant correlation with the number
of subjects who recalled that item (r = +o.28). However, when the subjects
rated pairs of nouns on the ease with which they evoked an interactive mental
image, and one member of each pair was given as the cue to the recall of the other
member of that pair, there was substantial correlation between the average
imageability rating given to each pair and the number of subjects who recalled
that pair (r = +o.67). These experiments suggest that it is the ease with which a
stimulus item evokes an integrative mental image which is the critical property
determining how easily it will be remembered.
The question arises as to whether it is really the case that material which is of
high imageability is easily remembered because it evokes mental imagery when
presented for learning. This is by no means a trivial question: the fact that verbal
material may display considerable variation both in ratings of evoked mental
imagery and in the ease with which it can be recalled in no way guarantees that
evoked mental imagery is causally responsible for improved retention.
Additional evidence is necessary to substantiate this latter conclusion (cf.
Anderson, I978; Neisser, I972b)
The most important source of evidence is the reports given by the subjects
themselves as to the sorts of devices or mediators used in learning experiments.
First, the frequency of reported use of mental imagery is substantially greater in
the case of material which is of high umageability (Paivio, Smythe and Yuille,
I968; Richardson, I978e; cf. Neisser, 1972b). Second, the vividness of reported
imagery both at presentation and recall is greater in the case of material of high
imageability, and the effect at the time of recall is greater if the retention test is
Remembering Individual Words

unexpected (Sheehan, 1972). It thus appears that material which is of high

imageability is more likely to evoke mental imagery in the context of an
experiment on verbal learning, and this produces consequent improvements in
memory performance.
Is one to conclude from this that mental imagery is not employed in
remembering stimulus material which is rated low in imageability? First, one
must recall that the critical dimension measured by this scale appears to be the
ease with which a stimulus item evokes an integrative mental image. Moreover,
ratings of the ease with which a stimulus evokes a mental image are highly
correlated with the speed with which that stimulus evokes a mental image. It is
reasonable to expect, therefore, that items which receive low imageability
ratings will evoke mental images eventually if the subjects are allowed an
adequate period of time for study. It is interesting in this context to note that
there is a curvilinear relationship between rated imageability and the latency of
evoked imagery, so that items of moderate rated imageability evoke mental
images as quickly as those of high rated imageability (Janssen, 1976, p. 84).
Moreover, as one would expect, there is a similar curvilinear relationship
between rated imageability and recall performance, so that items of moderate
imageability are also recalled as well as those of high imageability (ibid., pp. so-
l). However, the important evidence seems to be that obtained from the use of
post-learning questionnaires to identify the relative employment ofdifferent sorts
of mediator. These show that, under the experimental conditions conventionally
employed to investigate human memory, the use of mental imagery with
material rated low in stimulus imageability is relatively infrequent (Paivio,
Smythe and Yuille, 1968; Richardson, 1978e).
Once again, the explanation of the effect of stimulus imageability upon
retention which is preferred by dual coding theorists is the coding redundancy
hypothesis. Recall increases with stimulus imageability 'because the items are
increasingly likely to be stored in both the verbal and the nonverbal code ....
The increased availability of both codes increases the probability of item recall
because the response can be retrieved from either code--one code could be
forgotten during the retention interval, but verbal recall would still be possible
provided that the other is retained' (Paivio, 1971C, pp. 207-8; see also Paivio,
1972). Propositional theories of memory are not sufficiently articulated to
encompass the findings which I have been discussing, but it would not be
unreasonable to suppose that they would attribute the effect of stimulus
imageability upon performance, like the effect of imagery mnemonic instruc-
tions, to enhanced associative organisation; alternatively, it could be argued that
propositions which contain spatial predicates are more likely to be retained.
The use of an additional level of representation has been taken to imply the
possibility of decoding errors at the time of recall. Specifically, the use of an
additional, pictorial code should increase the likelihood of semantic confusions.
This proposal was put forward in the following manner by Paivio ( 1975b; see also
197Ic, PP· 385-6; 1972):
88 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

Since image-mediated verbal recall requires that the image or some

component of it be transformed or decoded back into the appropriate verbal
response, decoding errors should be a strong possibility .... This can be
appreciated most readily in the case of paired-associate recall of concrete noun
responses that have synonyms which could be mediated by the same response-
term image. The image of an adult female, for example, could generate 'lady'
or 'woman' as a response. The same process might operate in a more subtle
way in other instances.

This idea is not really a new one. As Marks (I972) mentioned, Bartlett (I932)
attributed most of the inventions and importations found in repeated reproduc-
tions of prose passages to visual imagery. However, it is only recently that there
has been any sound evidence for the proposal. Bower (I 972) compared subjects
using interactive imagery instructions and subjects using rote repetition in
learning a paired-associate list containing unique concrete nouns and another
paired-associate list containing synonym pairs. The subjects using mental
imagery produced poorer performance on the synonym list than on the unique
list, but the subjects using rote rehearsal showed no appreciate drop in
performance. Moreover, 3I% of the errors made by the subjects using mental
imagery were synonym intrusions, whereas the corresponding figure for the
subjects using rote rehearsal was only 2%.
Similar results have been found in studies of the effects of stimulus
imageability. Thus, material of high imageability produces more intrusion errors
and fewer omission errors than material oflow imageability (Davies and Proctor,
I 976; Postman and Burns, I 973). Yuille (I 973) showed that the increase in
synonym intrusions in recall with material of high imageability or following
instructions to use mental imagery was not due to a more rapid degradation of
the relevant mediator, and therefore must be attributed to decoding errors
(Paivio, I975b). On the other hand, Bower (I970a) used a similar basis for
arguing that subjects may spontaneously use mental imagery even to remember
items oflow imageability. His evidence for this was that his subjects sometimes
made semantic intrusion errors with such material which took the form of
associated concrete words (for example, church instead of religion). He argued:
'Such errors are entirely understandable in terms of the person's forgetting the
linguistic tag on his concrete image, which tag was supposed to remind him to
name the abstract concept, not the concrete exemplar.' However, the mere
existence of such intrusion errors is at best suggestive of this sort of process.
One would prefer to have quantitative data showing that the proportion of
concrete intrusion errors given for abstract items was greater than the proportion
of abstract intrusion errors given for concrete items. Even this would be far from
conclusive, since such results are also consistent with the idea that the use of
mental imagery involves a 'deeper' level of coding or processing in long-term
memory, and leads to a higher incidence of synonym intrusions merely because it
makes more likely the registration of information in a semantic or propositional
Remembering Individual Words 89

form. Indeed, the demonstration of an increased number of synonym intrusions

shows at most that the subjects are more likely to employ a semantic
representation; it does not determine whether this representation is pictorial or
propositional in nature, and so it does not distinguish between dual coding
theory and common coding theory.
However, Anderson and Bower (I973, pp. 23o-2) pointed out that some
conceptual relationships may be carried by the propositional description under
which an image is constructed, but may not be unambiguously depicted in the
image itself. Thus, the pair of sentences 'The lieutenant signed his signature on
the cheque' and 'The lieutenant forged a signature on the cheque' are
conceptually distinct but would evoke pictorically similar mental images.
Another example is the pair of sentences 'George picked up the pen to write on
the paper' and 'George picked up the pen to doodle on the paper'. Experiments
by Anderson and by Kosslyn showed that such pairs of sentences were confused
in tests of recognition memory no more often than pictorially different (though
syntactically similar) pairs. Thus, recognition performance is determined by the
intentional description under which a sentence might be imaged, and not by
pictorial properties of the image. This result is clearly contrary to the
expectations of dual coding theory and the interpretation of semantic confusions
offered by Paivio (I 97 sb).
Other investigations of the effects of stimulus imageability have been
concerned with the specific study of paired-associate learning. At a fairly early
stage in the development of experimental investigations of mental imagery, it
was proposed that the ease with which the stimulus term in a paired associate
redintegrates the mediator employed at the time of the original presentation will
determine how easily the response term can be retrieved at the time of recall.
This was the so-called conceptual-peg hypothesis (Paivio, I963), which at the time
constituted a radical departure from conventional theories of associative
learning. It led to the specific prediction that the imageability of the stimulus
term should be of greater importance than that of the response term in predicting
the retention of a paired associate. This was clearly established (Paivio, I965),
and is supported by the fact that the frequency of reported use of mental imagery
is also more influenced by the imageability of the stimulus term than by that of
the response term (Paivio and Yuille, I 969). Further evidence comes from tests of
backward association, where the subjects are unexpectedly cued with the
nominal response term, and are required to produce the nominal stimulus term.
Under these circumstances, the conceptual-peg hypothesis predicts that the
imageability of the response term will be of greater importance in determining
the retention of a paired associate, and the results clearly support the hypothesis
(Bower, I972; Lockhart, I969; Yarmey and O'Neill, I969).
Whereas the conceptual-peg hypothesis stresses the facilitatory effect of
mental imagery upon the retrieval of information from memory, the research of
Bower (I97ob) described in the previous chapter tends to emphasise the role of
mental imagery as a relational organiser, and these two approaches are
go Mental Imagery and Human Memory

sometimes set up in opposition to one another. However, it should be

remembered that both the richness of a subject's mnemonic organisation and his
capacity to utilise certain retrieval schemes at the time of recall are determined
by the nature of his encoding activities at the time when the material was
originally presented for learning. Indeed, the prevailing opinion among
proponents of dual coding theory tends towards the compromise view that
mental imagery affects both organisation and retrieval (Karchmer, I 974; Macht
and Scheirer, I975; Paivio, I972).
However, the evidence for the conceptual-peg hypothesis is also entirely
consistent with common coding theory, if it is assumed that propositional
memory is more effective, in terms of both storage and retrieval, when encoded
descriptions incorporate perceptual or spatial predicates. This assumption is
entirely plausible, and might be taken to follow from Anderson and Bower's
(I 970, pp. I 54-5, 46o) suggestion that 'a propositional system initially evolved to
deal effectively with perceptual material, and that language attached itself
parasitically onto this propositional base'. Indeed, the conceptual-peg metaphor
was originally introduced without reference to mental imagery (Lambert and
Paivio, I956), and other researchers have proposed redintegrative theories of
human memory which postulate a single form of representation (e.g. Horowitz
and Manelis, I972; Horowitz and Prytulak, Ig6g).


Much of the experimental research on the use of mental imagery in remembering

which has concentrated upon the properties of the stimulus material has
employed the dimension ofimageability. However, many researchers have also
investigated the dimension of stimulus concreteness, which they have felt to be
closely related to the former attribute. Like imageability, concreteness has been
measured by experimental psychologists using questionnaires in which large
numbers of subjects rate various stimulus items along seven-point scales in terms
of the extent to which they refer to objects which can be experienced by the
senses. Although some earlier researchers had attempted to investigate concrete-
ness by these means, notably Spreen and Schulz (I g66), the first large-scale study
was again that carried out by Paivio, Yuille and Madigan (I g68) on 925 English
nouns. Their instructions included the following explanation: 'Any word that
refers to objects, materials, or persons should receive a high concreteness rating; any
word that refers to an abstract concept that cannot be experienced by the senses
should receive a high abstractness rating .... '
It is well known (and not at all surprising) that ratings of the imageability of
stimulus material are highly correlated with ratings of its concreteness; Paivio,
Yuille and Madigan (Ig68) gave a correlation of +o.83 for their 925 English
nouns. Indeed, contemporary research in experimental psychology tends to
regard concreteness as merely an alternative index of the image-arousing
Remembering Individual Words

potential of verbal material. However, this way of conceptualising concreteness

is rather different from that which one finds in other disciplines (Richardson,
1978a). For example, in developmental psychology (Brown, 1958), in linguistics
(Chomsky, 1965, pp. 23o-1; Katz and Fodor, 1963) or in philosophy (Strawson,
1959, chap. 1), the fact that a word or phrase refers to a concrete particular is
taken to have implications for_ its role in a person's conceptual structure. In
particular, the dimension of stimulus concreteness is taken as a primary factor
determining the structure of semantic memory.
Nevertheless, this sort of account has been overshadowed in recent psycholo-
gical research by the revival of interest in mental imagery. In particular, Paivio
was influential in arguing that imageability and concreteness were alternative
measures of the likelihood that verbal material would be processed by the use of
mental imagery. Besides pointing to the high correlation between the two
variables, he dismissed items which differentiated between the two scales as
peculiar (Paivio, 196g; 1971c, p. 79; see also Yuille, 1968). On the other hand, he
demonstrated that imageability was better than concreteness in predicting
performance in free recall, and concluded that the former scale was the superior
index of the image-evoking capacity of verbal material (Paivio, 1968; 1971C
p. 201). Thus, the dominant conception of concreteness in contemporary experi-
mental psychology is that of a measure of the image-arousing potential of
material, but a measure which is secondary in theoretical importance and in
predictive power to imageability.
In a recent series of papers, Richardson ( 1975a, 1975c, 1976a) criticised the
reasoning behind Paivio's position, and attempted to distinguish between the
two interpretations of concreteness on an experimental basis. A minimal
requirement of the position that imageability and concreteness are not merely
alternative measures of image-evoking potential is that stimulus items be found
which reliably discriminate between the two scales. One experiment
(Richardson, 1976a) required different groups of subjects to rate 244 phrases on
their concreteness and imageability, and the analysis of their ratings produced a
highly significant interaction between the two scales and the various stimulus
items. This implied that imageability and concreteness do deviate from one
another, and that it is legitimate to study material which distinguishes between
the two scales.
The more specific proposal that concreteness is a feature of semantic
organisation would be supported by demonstrating effects of concreteness in
experimental tasks which are designed to investigate that organisation. Two
further experiments were of this nature (Richardson, 1975a). In the first, the
subjects were asked to categorise individual nouns on the basis of their meaning,
and a majority sorted the words in a manner related to their concreteness. In the
second, the subjects were asked to produce a discrete free associate to each of
these words, and the concreteness of a word correlated with the average speed
with which the associate was given. In neither experiment was stimulus
imageability related to the subjects' performance, which implied that neither
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

task was contaminated by imaginal processing. On the other hand, the

significant effects of concreteness in these tasks implied that this variable was not
merely an index of the image-arousing potential of verbal material (cf. Postman,
Nevertheless, the question arises as to the relative importance ofimageability
and concreteness in verbal learning. The first experiment to manipulate the two
scales orthogonally considered the free recall of individual nouns (Richardson,
I97SC), and produced an interactive relationship, such that imageability had a
positive effect upon the recall of items oflow concreteness, but no effect upon the
recall of items of high concreteness. This pattern was replicated using noun
phrases. A subsequent experiment (Richardson, 1975a) showed that image-
ability would affect the recall of items of high concreteness if the subjects were
instructed to use mental imagery in learning. Under these circumstances, the
memorability of the stimulus items varied with their imageability, but not with
their concreteness. These results confirmed, once again, that concreteness should
not be regarded as an index of the image-arousing capacity of verbal material,
but also that the manipulation of stimulus imageability and the use of imagery
mnemonic instructions are alternative ways of affecting the same cognitive
processes (see below) .
However, an important criticism of these experiments is that they did not
employ any material of very high imageability. In order to manipulate
concreteness and imageability in an orthogonal fashion, stimulus material was
selected from the middle regions of the two scales. It could be argued that mental
imagery is a useful mnemonic strategy only if the material readily evokes mental
images, and hence that these experiments do not give a valid indication of the
circumstances under which mental imagery is employed (Richardson, 1978a).
An even more serious problem concerns the replicability of the original findings.
Although the same pattern of results was obtained in three different experiments,
using both individual nouns and phrases, a recent study by Christian, Bickley,
Tarka and Clayton (1978) failed to demonstrate an interaction between
concreteness and imageability, even though the stimulus material had been
selected according to the criteria used in the original experiments. These
researchers found that imageability was correlated with memory performance
for words of high frequency, but not for words of low frequency, while
concreteness was not correlated with recall.
Richardson ( 1975a) had concluded that, in the absence of explicit instructions
to use mental imagery as a mnemonic aid, subjects would employ imagery to
remember only the small number of items which were imageable but of low
concreteness. Despite the difficulties which have just been mentioned, this
theoretical proposal is open to direct empirical evaluation, insofar as stimulus
material which produces high ratings on both scales should show no correlation
between imageability and recall performance. On the other hand, the
conventional position, that concreteness is merely a secondary index of the
image-arousing potential of stimulus material, would predict that imageability
Remembering Individual Words 93

would be the effective stimulus attribute even with material of high imageability.
An experiment was carried out to test these predictions, using a test offree recall
with individual nouns with imageability and concreteness ratings greater than
6 .o (Richardson, I978a). The partial correlation between imageability and
performance (even with this restricted range) was +o.4I, but the partial
correlation between concreteness and performance was -o.I3.
These results clearly demonstrated that the imageability of stimulus material,
rather than its concreteness, is the effective attribute determining how easily it
can be remembered. They are thus quite consistent with the conventional
position on the relationship between concreteness and imageability, but are
clearly inconsistent with the proposals of Richardson's ( I975a) earlier paper.
Accordingly, while it may be of interest to distinguish between concreteness and
imageability, both conceptually and theoretically, this recent experiment
suggests that conventional accounts, which identify stimulus imageability as the
primary determiner of recall performance, are likely to be essentially correct.


A rather different problem arises over the possibility that certain words have a
complex internal structure, and that this dimension of linguistic complexity is
correlated and thus confounded with the image-evoking potential of individual
words. This problem was first raised by Kintsch ( I972a, I972b), who pointed out
that many words commonly referred to as 'abstract' may also be regarded as
syntactically complex, whereas 'concrete' items may be regarded as relatively
simple. The complexity with which Kintsch was concerned is that which has
been ascribed to derived nouns, such as refusal, destruction and eagerness. At one
time, many linguists regarded these nouns as resulting from the application of
nominalising transformations to their stems or base forms, refuse, destroy and eager
(Chomsky, I965, pp. I84--92; Fowler, I97I, pp. I29-3I; Katz and Postal, I964,
pp. I23-4; Lees, I96o, pp. 64--9). (More accurately, sentences containing such
nouns were considered to result from deep structures containing the correspond-
ing base forms, together with some nominalising morpheme.) The idea that
derived nouns are more complex than their stems is intuitively plausible, and
suggests that they should be more difficult to deal with in a wide variety of
psychological tasks than simple nouns which are not produced in this manner.
Kintsch (1972a) carried out three experiments to examine the relative
importance ofimageability and lexical complexity in paired-associate learning.
The results indicated that the two variables had roughly equal effects, although
one experiment produced a complex interaction with word frequency. However,
Richardson ( 1975a, 1975') suggested that there were various respects in which
Kintsch's experiments were unsatisfactory, and he carried out further studies in
which the variables of imageability, concreteness and lexical complexity were
manipulated in an orthogonal fashion in free recall. These showed that lexical
94 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

complexity had no effect upon recall performance when the imageability and the
concreteness of the stimulus material were both controlled. That is, derived
nouns are not more difficult to remember than simple nouns, when one allows for
the fact that they may be more abstract and less imageable.
These results are consistent with the more recent linguistic account of lexical
derivation, according to which derived nouns and their stems are merely
alternative surface forms of the same, neutral lexical entry (Chomsky, 1970); this
would not predict that derived nouns were more difficult to remember.
However, the results are also consistent with the view that derived nouns and
their stems are merely distinct lexical items, andj. T. E. Richardson ( 1977h) has
argued for this conclusion on the basis of an extensive series of experimental
studies. On this account the intuition of a relationship between a derived noun
and its base form should be ascribed to diachronic considerations (pertaining to
the historical development of the language), rather than to synchronic
considerations (pertaining to a correct account of linguistic competence).
Accordingly, the distinction between simple and derived nouns is not relevant to
an understanding of the processes operating in learning tasks.


According to the operationist presuppositions of contemporary research on

mental imagery, it is important to demonstrate that different experimental
procedures are investigating the same set of cognitive processes by showing that
the effects of those procedures interact in a meaningful and theoretically
significant manner when. they are incorporated into the same experimental
situation. What might one expect if concrete and abstract items are learned by
subjects who are given standard instructions, interactive imagery instructions or
verbal mediation instructions? For Paivio (197Ic, p. 359), the predictions were
quite unambiguous:

In general, the expectations were that imagery instructions would interact

with item concreteness in such a manner as to enhance imaginal associations
to concrete ~timuli more than to abstract, with a consequent facilitating effect
on learning when the list items (or at least the stimulus members) are concrete
but not when they are abstract. Indeed, an imagery set might be expected to
interfere with performance in a learning situation involving abstract items
because of the difficulty of discovering images for such pairs. No such
interaction would be expected with verbal instructional sets, inasmuch as the
availability of verbal mediators is theoretically independent of concreteness.

However, the situation is actually more complex. First, as Janssen ( 1976, p.

15) noted, Paivio predicted an interactive effect at the level of performance on
the basis of an interactive effect at the level of the availability of mediators;
Remembering Individual Words 95

however, this required additional assumptions about the relative e.ffectiveness of

imaginal and verbal mediators. Second, Paivio's argument made certain
implicit assumptions about the use of such mediators in the absence of specific
mnemonic instructions. As he himself realised in a different though quite
analogous context (Paivio, 1971c, p. 502), dual coding theory leads to two
alternative predictions concerning the effect of interactive imagery instructions
upon the recall of concrete and abstract material. On the one hand, as he
suggested in the passage quoted above, the effect might be most pronounced in
the case of material which can be readily imaged. On the other hand, such
material might be learned through the use of mental imagery even under
standard learning conditions; it follows that, if explicit instructions have any
effect at all, it should be most pronounced in the case of abstract material.
Indeed, subjects' reports indicate that mental imagery is spontaneously used to a
considerable extent, especially in the learning of concrete material, and this is
actually assumed by the explanation of the effect of stimulus imageability upon
recall which is proffered by dual coding theory in the form of the coding
redundancy hypothesis. Finally, assumptions about the interaction between the
effect of stimulus imageability and that of imagery mnemonic instructions must
also specify the role of the presentation rate (cf. Paivio, 1972). Too fast a rate of
presentation might inhibit the use of mental imagery even with concrete
material (see below). Too slow a rate of presentation might allow adequate time
for effective imaginal mediators to be discovered even for abstract material.
Thus, the exact manner in which imagery mnemonic instructions affect learning
performance is likely to depend not only upon the imageability of the stimulus
material, but also upon the efficacy of mental imagery in learning the
experimental material, the degree of spontaneous use of mental imagery in the
absence of specific mnemonic instructions, and the presentation rate employed.
If one considers published research in which interactive imagery instructions
are compared with standard learning or rote repetition instructions, the results
are quite clear. Instructions to use mental imagery lead to improved perform-
ance in the case of concrete material, but not in the case of abstract material.
(Equivalently, such instructions tend to enhance the effect of stimulus image-
ability upon recall performance.) This has been found in free recall (Gupton and
Frincke, 1970), in paired-associate learning (Janssen, 1976, pp. 42-3; Paivio
and Yuille, 1967; Yuille and Paivio, 1968), and in recognition memory (Morris
and Reid, 1974). This is exactly what one would expect in the light of the
comments above: these studies were all conventional experiments of the sort in
which mental imagery might be expected to be an effective mnemonic device,
where the spontaneous use of mental imagery with concrete material was high
but not at a ceiling, and where the presentation rates were such as to inhibit the
use of mental imagery with abstract material but not with concrete material. It is
interesting to note that the relative effects of intentional and incidental recall are
quite different from those of imagery mnemonic instructions: intentional
learning instructions lead to improved performance in the case of abstract
96 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

material, but not in the case of concrete material, and instructions to motivate
the subjects to learn accentuate this effect (Sheehan, I 972). The clear
discrepancy between these results and the effects of imagery mnemonic
instructions constitutes further, excellent evidence that such instructions do not
merely affect performance by increasing the subjects' motivation (see chapter 6).
However, if one considers experiments in which interactive imagery instruc-
tions are compared with verbal mediation instructions, the findings are rather
different. The two types of instructions lead to similar improvements in
performance in the case of concrete items, and have no effect upon the recall of
abstract items. (Equivalently, the effect of stimulus imageability upon recall
performance is roughly the same under both imagery and verbal mediation
instructions.) This has been found principally in paired-associate learning
(Janssen, I976, pp. 42-3, 48, 53; Paivio and Yuille, I967; Wood, I967; Yuille
and Paivio, I968), but also in free recall (Janssen, I976, pp. S<r-I). However, the
different mnemonic instructions seem to be only partially effective in influencing
the subjects' learning strategies. Both subjects receiving imagery instructions and
those receiving verbal instructions report a greater use of mental imagery with
concrete material than with abstract material, and a greater use of mental
imagery with repeated presentations of the same paired-associate list (Paivio and
Yuille, I96g). These results led Paivio (I97IC, p. 362) to conclude 'that
associative strategies are only partly controlled by experimental sets and that,
over trials, subjects increasingly revert to associative habits aroused by the
semantic characteristics of the to-be-learned items'.
In order to resolve these difficulties, Paivio and F oth (I 970) compared the
effects of imagery and verbal mnemonic instructions with concrete and abstract
material when the subjects were forced to specifY the mediator employed in
learning each paired associate. Different groups of subjects learned concrete or
abstract paired associates, but each subject used both types of mediators with
different items. Under instructions to use mental imagery, the subjects were
required to construct an interactive mental image and to give a sketch drawing of
the scene or event depicted. Under instructions to use verbal mediators, they
were required to generate a linking phrase or sentence and to write it down. The
results showed a significant interaction such that imagery instructions produced
better performance than verbal instructions in the case of concrete pairs, but
worse performance in the case of abstract pairs. (Equivalently, the effect of
stimulus imageability upon recall performance was greater with interactive
imagery instructions than with verbal mediation instructions.) These results are
of course entirely consistent with dual coding theory, and with the theoretical
analysis of the effect of imagery mnemonic instructions which was given by
Paivio ( I97 I c) in the passage quoted above. Nevertheless, the procedure used by
Paivio and Foth confounded the mnemonic efficacy of constructing an
interactive mental image with that of drawing an interactive picture (Janssen,
I976, p. 42); since the subjects instructed to use mental imagery were also
required to generate their own pictorial presentation of the material to be
Remembering Individual Words 97

remembered, it is not possible to determine which is the effective mnemonic

device. Moreover, subsequent research by Janssen (loc. cit.) and by Yuille
(1973) has failed to replicate Paivio and Foth's 'elusive interaction'. The safest
conclusion in the light ofthe available results in that it is not merely elusive but
actually non-existent.
Finally, these conclusions on the basis of research to date must be carefully
considered and possibly qualified in terms of the analysis which was given earlier
of the factors likely to influence the interrelationship between the effects of
stimulus imageability and those of imagery mnemonic instructions. Although
such instructions do not typically lead to improved performance in the learning
of abstract material, and although the spontaneous use of mental imagery with
such material is relatively infrequent (see above), the possibility remains that
subjects instructed to use mental imagery might be able to do so even with
abstract material provided that the circumstances of the experiment permit it
(cf. Bower, 197oa). Paivio (197Ic, p. 365) described a study by MacDonald in
which the subjects did sometimes report the use of concrete images as mediators
for abstract paired associates (for example, 'boy scout' for the pair chance-deed),
and in which the recall of the paired associate was shown to be conditional upon
the correct recall of the mediating image. There is also evidence that pictorial
mediators supplied by the experimenter may increase performance in learning
paired associates of low imageability (Paivio, 197Ic, pp. 365-6; 1972). These
experiments show that improvements in performance will result from the
availability of integrative mental imagery; that this may be made avilable either
by providing the subject with pictorial mediators or by permitting him an
adequate amount of time to discover and generate appropriate mental images;
and that, as proposed earlier in this chapter, the critical property underlying the
dimension of stimulus imageability is the latency with which integrative mental
imagery is aroused.


Once again, one may examine the forms of coding or representation used in
remembering concrete and abstract words by considering which sorts of
concurrent tasks will interfere with recall performance. In this case, the
particular problem of interest is that of discovering concurrent tasks which
interfere in a selective manner with the beneficial effect of stimulus imageability.
Such a discovery would count as evidence for the functional independence of the
two mnemonic representations postulated by dual coding theory (Paivio,
As was mentioned in chapter 6, Paivio ( 1975d) has pointed out that, in a sense,
increasing the presentation rate may be regarded as a way of selectively
interfering with cognitive processing. The fact that the effect of stimulus
imageability upon performance is greatly attentuated with very fast rates of
98 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

presentation (Paivio and Csapo, I96g; see also Paivio, I975b) may therefore be
taken as evidence that the presentation of concrete material at slower rates of
presentation gives rise to additional forms of representation in memory (see
Paivio, I972, for discussion). So, the interaction of the effect of presentation rate
and the effect of stimulus imageability upon recall performance provides (very
limited) evidence for dual coding theory.
The first empirical study to investigate this problem by requiring the subjects to
carry out a clearly defined concurrent task was that ofAtwood (I 97 I), which was
described in detail in the previous chapter. This study found that a concurrent
visual task interfered more with the retention ofconcrete material under imagery
mnemonic instructions than with the retention of abstract material under verbal
instructions, but that a concurrent auditory task had the opposite effect. On the
other hand, there were various problems with this study, the most important of
which was the complete confounding of the manipulation of mnemonic
instructions and the manipulation of stimulus imageability (Janssen, I976,
pp. 3I-2). Attempts to replicate Atwood's experiment have been unsuccessful
(Bower, Munoz and Arnold, cited by Anderson and Bower, I973, p. 459; Brooks,
cited by Paivio, I97IC, p. 374; Quinn, cited by Baddeley, I976, p. 229), and
several studies which have looked more carefully at the effect of stimulus
imageability have failed to find any interaction with the effect of a spatial
concurrent task (Baddeley, Grant, Wight and Thomson, I974; Byrne, I974;
Elliott, I973; Warren, I977)· Although Janssen (I976, PP· 4I-3, 47, 5I-7) did
find evidence for the predicted interaction, most authorities consider that
concurrent visuo-spatial tasks do not have a selective effect upon the recall of
concrete material as opposed to that of abstract material (Anderson and Bower,
I973, p. 459; Baddeley, I976, pp. 229-32).
This conclusion entails that the cognitive processes which are responsible for
the effect of stimulus imageability upon recall performance are functionally
independent of those which are disrupted by a concurrent visuo-spatial task.
Janssen ( I976, pp. 33-4) and Baddeley ( I976, pp. 230, 232; Baddeleyet al., I974)
have attempted to articulate this point in a more specific manner. Janssen
argued that whether two tasks interfere with one another depended upon
whether they both employ mental imagery in a spatial or a non-spatial manner.
He suggested that the concurrent tasks which are typically employed have a
strong spatial component, whereas the use of mental imagery in long-term
memory does not. However, the experiment by Neisser and Kerr ( I973) shows
that effective relational associations in long-term memory may indeed be based
upon spatial organisation.
Baddeley's argument was that 'it is possible to interfere with the control
process involved in forming, manipulating, and utilizing images, though not
with the more basic semantic characteristics which cause subjects to rate a word
as being concrete or imageable'. He distinguished between the optional strategy
or control process of mental imagery, which 'represents an activity of the subject
and may thus be disrupted by a concurrent visuo-spatial task', and the
Remembering Individual Words 99

concreteness of the stimulus material, which 'depends on the way in which the
material has already been registered and thus is not dependent on the current
activities of the subject'. Baddeley's discussion implies that these two cognitive
modes are functionally independent. However, it does not explain why the effect
of a concurrent visuo-spatial task typically does not interact with that of imagery
mnemonic instructions (which presumably implicate the 'control process' of
mental imagery); nor does it explain why the effect of stimulus imageability
typically does interact with that of imagery mnemonic instructions.
The interpretation of stimulus imageability which is suggested by the research
to date is that of a measure of the ease with which experimental material evokes
integrated, relationally organised images. The research on selective interference
suggests that concurrent spatial tasks do not interfere with the elaboration and
strengthening of such associative connections in long-term memory. The
theoretical dichotomy which Janssen and Baddeley were (unsuccessfully)
attempting to delimit appears to be that which was defined in chapter 4 between
the constructive and elaborative uses of mental imagery. Once again, the
implication of the empirical evidence on selective interference and stimulus
imageability is that these two sorts of use are functionally independent of one


The available evidence indicates that stimulus imageability is an excellent

predictor of memory performance. The usefulness of the mental imagery evoked
by the material to be learned seems to depend upon its relational organisation,
rather than upon its subjective vividness. In learning tasks, imageability is the
effective attribute of the experimental material, rather than its concreteness or its
lexical complexity. The effects of concurrent visuo-spatial tasks upon memory
performance are largely independent of the effects of stimulus imageability.
These results are entirely analogous to those obtained in the study of imagery
mnemonic instructions. Both areas of research emphasise the role of organ-
isational factors in determining memory performance. The two 'operational
procedures' interact in the anticipated manner, so that the beneficial effect of
imagery mnemonic instructions is largely on material of high imageability, and
the effect of stimulus imageability is increased with imagery mnemonic
instructions. Imagery and verbal mediation instructions yield similar improve-
ments in performance.
However, the empirical findings on the effects of stimulus imageability do not
permit one to distinguish between dual coding theory and common coding
theory, and considerations of parsimony must once again favour the latter
approach. As was pointed out in the previous chapter, the property of
intentionality implies that the propositional description under which a mental
image is constructed will be the functional representation determining memory
roo Mental Imagery and Human Memory

performance. This idea was supported empirically by the experiments of

Anderson and Kosslyn (Anderson and Bower, 1973, pp. 23o-2), who showed
that synonym confusions in recognition memory were determined by conceptual
similarities, rather than pictorial similarities, among the recognition test items.
Remembering Connected Narrative

The research which I described in the previous chapter indicated that stimulus
imageability was an important factor determining a person's ability to
remember individual, unrelated words. However, it is important to remember
that·human beings rarely encounter lists of unrelated words outside the confines
of the psychological laboratory. If this research is to have any relevance to
remembering in everyday life, similar findings must be demonstrated in more
realistic situations. More generally, the role of mental imagery in retaining
connected material must be carefully determined. Although this is the most
important task in any area of experimental research, the specific question of the
relevance of mental imagery to everyday remembering has really received no
clearly articulated answer. Nevertheless, in this chapter, I shall try at least to
sketch out an answer by considering evidence on the function of mental imagery
in the retention of narrative. To do this, I shall consider findings obtained with
simple noun phrases, with individual sentences, and finally with connected


One of the simplest ways of constructing linguistically structured phrases is by

adding relevant modifying adjectives to individual nouns. Of course, once again
it is true that isolated noun phrases are rarely experienced in everyday life.
However, it is interesting to consider experiments using such material, since their
results were directly responsible for much of the research on mental imagery.
The original finding was obtained by Lambert and Paivio (1956), and
concerned the sequential learning of groups of words, each consisting of a noun
and three modifying adjectives. Performance was found to be better when each
noun was presented before the relevant adjectives than when it was presented
afterwards. This result was explained in terms of a conceptual-peg hypothesis,
according to which nouns were superior to adjectives in redintegrating a whole
phrase. The basic pattern of results has also been obtained with adjective-noun
paired associates (Paivio, 1963), and has been obtained both with English
subjects and material (for which the superior mode of presentation violates the
conventional order) and with French subjects and material (for which the
I02 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

superior mode of presentation follows the conventional order) (Yuille, Paivio

and Lambert, I969). However, these results are not found with the free recall of
adjective-noun phrases, where the performance is determined by the gram-
matical order of the component words (Richardson, I 978]).
Paivio (I 963) proposed that the conceptual-peg hypothesis should be
reinterpreted specifically in terms of the use of mental imagery as a mnemonic
representation. As was mentioned in the previous chapter, this suggestion has
received confirmation from experiments using unrelated words. Research using
adjective-noun phrases has similarly shown that concrete phrases are better
remembered than abstract phrases, regardless of presentation order (Kusyszyn
and Paivio, I966; Paivio, I963), and that the stimulus imageability of the cue is
more important than that of the item cued in determining recall performance
(Yuille et al., I969). Paivio ( I963) also suggested that the effects of presentation
order could be attributed to the fact that nouns are typically more concrete or
imageable than adjectives. Consistent with this idea, Horowitz and Prytulak
(I 969) found that the recall of nouns was better than the recall of adjectives in the
free recall of adjective-noun phrases; and Lockhart ( I969) found that nouns
were more effective cues than adjectives in prompting the recall of complete
phrases, independent of the order of presentation. Moreover, Yuille et al. (I969)
showed that the adjective-noun presentation order would promote better
performance in paired-associate learning if the noun were of low imageability
but if the adjective were of high imageability.
Evidence on the role of mental imagery in redintegrative memory was
obtained by Begg ( I972), who compared performance in the free recall and cued
recall of concrete and abstract adjective-noun phrases. First, Begg found that
both the recall of adjectives and of nouns and the efficacy of adjectives and nouns
as cues were comparable when they were matched in terms of their imageability
(see also Peterson, I97I). This confirmed a suggestion made by Paivio (I97Ic,
p. 276) that recall performance is largely dependent upon stimulus imageability,
and not upon grammatical category. Second, Begg's subjects could recall the
same proportion of words from a list of adjective-noun phrases as from a list of
unrelated words when the material was of high imageability, but only half as
many words when the material was of low inageability. This suggested that
concrete phrases were stored as functional units in memory, whereas abstract
phrases were stored as separate words. Finally, Begg found that providing one
word in a phrase as a cue to the recall of the other word increased performance
relative to free recall, but only for material of high imageability. This confirmed
that redintegration was only possible in the case of concrete phrases. However, in
chapter 6, it was mentioned that Begg's position is that such findings 'reflect
general organization rather than some peculiarity of imagery' (Begg, I 978).
A more complex way of constructing a noun phrase is by combining a parti-
ciple of a verb and a relevant noun. Such expressions are usually referred to as
nominalisations, and two main classes of these are of particular interest. Subject
nominalisations (for example, growling lions) are nominal expressions which are
Remembering Connected Narrative 103

intuitively related to complete sentences in which the relevant noun is the

grammatical subject of the verb (lions growl). Object nominalisations, on the other
hand (for example, digging holes), are nominal expressions which are intuitively
related to complete sentences in which the relevant noun is the grammatical
object ofthe verb, and in which the grammatical subject is indefinite (someone digs
holes). Linguists are generally agreed that these intuitive relationships reflect a
process of derivation by means of grammatical transformation (Chomsky, 1970;
J. T. E. Richardson, 1977b). (More accurately, sentences containing nominalis-
ations result from deep structures in which nominal expressions are replaced by
embedded clauses which are the deep structures underlying the associated
complete sentences.) Rohrman ( 1 968) found that subject nominalisations were
easier to remember than object nominalisations; since the deep structures
underlying the former class contain only two elements, whereas those underlying
the latter class contain three elements (lions+ growl vs. someone+ digs+ holes), he
concluded that such phrases were stored in terms of their deep-structure
However, Paivio (1971a) showed that the subject nominalisations used by
Rohrman were also more imageable on average than his object nominalisations.
He carried out a series of experiments in which stimulus imageability and
nominalisations type were varied independently; in each case, there was a clear
effect of imageability, but no difference between subject and object nominalis-
ations in terms of recall performance. More recently, Richardson (1975b)
pointed out certain faults in Paivio's study, and carried out further experiments
along those lines. The results were even more unambiguous, with no sign of any
effect of nominalisation type upon recall performance. The effect of stimulus
imageability was present in tests of free recall, but was much more pronounced
when the subjects were cued with either the participle or the noun and had to
produce the entire phrase. As in the experiment by Begg ( 1972) mentioned
above, the two elements in each phrase were equally effective as cues to the recall
of the whole phrase; and cued recall was substantially better than free recall, but
only in the case of material of high imageability.
In short, research on connected phrases is quite consistent with the theory of
dual coding in memory. However, the evidence is also entirely consistent with
common coding theory, if it is assumed that propositional memory is more
effective when encoded descriptions incorporate perceptual or spatial pre-
dicates. The experimental findings support the notion of redintegration in
human memory, without determining whether or not a single form of
representation is employed.


In recent years there has been a considerable amount of research on how people
remember individual sentences, and the results can be summarised fairly easily
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

(see, for example, Johnson-Laird, I970, I974). First, under most circumstances,
subjects demonstrate a retention of the precise wording of a passage only for the last
sentence presented, and possibly only for the last clause presented Uarvella, I970;
Jarvella and Herman, I972; Sachs, I967; but cf. Kintsch and Bates, I977). Even
this ability may be limited in tests of incidental learning Uohnson-Laird
and Stevenson, I970). Second, subjects' retention of the meaning of a passage is
typically good, and may be maintained despite considerable interpolated
information (Begg, I97I; Sachs, I967). A corollary of this is that the incidence of
semantic confusions is relatively high in both recognition and recall (Bransford,
Barclay and Franks, I972; Fillenbaum, I973; Johnson-Laird and Stevenson,
I 970; Sachs, I 967). These findings imply that the verbatim expression of a
sentence is lost once a semantic interpretation has been achieved, and must be
reconstructed on the basis of that interpretation at the time of recall (Bregman
and Strasberg, I968; Sachs, I967).
The most important immediate question is whether mental imagery is
involved in the storage and retrieval of such semantic interpretations. One sort of
evidence comes from studies of cued recall analogous to those mentioned in the
previous section. Several studies have found that the efficacy of a word in a
sentence as a prompt for the recall of the entire sentence appears to depend upon
the syntactic function of the word within that sentence. For example, the final
noun in a passive sentence was found to be a more effective cue when it
functioned as the logical subject of the sentence (as in Gloves were made by tailors),
than when it was merely contained in an adverbial phrase (as in Gloves were made
by hand) (Blumenthal, I967); an adjective which modified a whole sentence or
proposition embedded within the sentence to be remembered (as in John is easy to
please) was found to be a more effective cue than an adjective which merely
modified a noun within that sentence (as in John is eager to please) (Blumental and
Boakes, I 967); and a noun which functioned as the grammatical subject of a
sentence was found to be a more effective cue than a noun which functioned as
the grammatical object of the sentence (Horowitz and Prytulak, I969).
However, it now appears likely that these effects were produced by a
confounding of stimulus imageability: as in the case of connected phrases, when
the imagcability of a word in a sentence is controlled, its grammatical status
seems to be unimportant in determining performance (James, I972).
The critical pr_edictions to be made on the basis of dual coding theory depend
upon the mnemonic representations which are assumed to be available for
encoding concrete and abstract sentences. Paivio ( 197 I b; see also 197 Ic, pp. 45o-
I) stated his position in the following way:

Extended to connected discourse, the dual process model implies that concrete
phrases or sentences, like concrete words, can be coded and stored in memory,
not only verbally, but also in the form of nonverbal imagery .... Although
high imagery words or paired associates are generally easier to learn and
remember than low imagery ones, the model does not imply that high imagery
Remembering Connected Narrative

sentences will necessarily be remembered better than low imagery sentences. If

concrete material indeed tends to be coded in a nonverbal form, then it must
be decoded back in order to generate the correct verbal output. Decoding
errors are therefore possible, especially in regard to such features oflanguage
as its grammatical form and precise wording.

Paivio's position thus attempted to ascribe the general phenomenon of semantic

confusions in the long-term retention of sentences to the particular problem of
retrieving a verbal expression on the basis of a non-verbal memory code. The
crucial assumption in his analysis was that abstract sentences cannot be encoded
in the form of mental images, and are thus more likely to be remembered in terms
of their specific verbal expression. This assumption is actually highly ques-
tionable, as will be argued in the following section, but it appeared to lead to a
quite clear-cut prediction. Just as subjects are more sensitive to changes in the
meaning of concrete sentences than to changes in their wording (Sachs, I 967),
they should be more sensitive to changes in the wording of abstract sentences
than to changes in their meaning. This was confirmed by Begg and Paivio
(I96g), who employed a recognition test in which the subjects had to detect
changes in sentences that had previously been presented in the context of
passages of connected discourse. The results showed exactly the predicted
interaction between the imageability of the stimulus material and the nature of
the change to be detected.
The validity of this conclusion clearly depends upon the two sets of stimulus
material being comparable in respects other than their image-evoking potential
(most especially, in their intelligibility), and also upon the changes introduced in
the sentences presented being roughly equivalent. Subsequent research has
tended to focus upon these issues. Paivio and Begg (I 97 I) showed that the two
sets of sentences employed in their earlier study were approximately equal in
terms of the times taken by subjects before they indicated that they had
understood each sentence. However, Johnson, Bransford, Nyberg and Cleary
( I972) found that subjects tended to rate Begg and Paivio's abstract sentences as
more difficult to comprehend than their concrete sentences. Their subjects also
tended to consider equivalent changes in the meaning of sentences to be more
significant in the case of the concrete sentences. Thus, it could be concluded that
the original study had not effectively controlled either the comprehensibility of
the material presented for learning, or the amount of change in meaning
employed in the recognition test. As Johnson-Laird ( I974) suggested, 'the most
that can be safely concluded from the original experiment is that individuals
retain the sense of sentences, as opposed to verbiage, in proportion to their grasp
of it.'
Klee and Eysenck ( I973) used a more sensitive latency measure, by timing
how quickly subjects could say whether a sentence made sense. They found that
concrete sentences produced shorter latencies than abstract sentences, and
agreed with Johnson et al. that Begg and Paivio had probably confounded
I06 Mental Imagery and Human ,o/lemory

comprehensibility with imageability (see also Holmes and Langford, I976).

They argued that concrete sentences were more likely to have a single dominant
meaning which could be readily grasped, whereas abstract sentences tended to
have several potential interpretations. This explains why the presentation of a
relevant context for a sentence brings about a selective improvement in detecting
changes in meaning with abstract material (Pezdek and Royer, I 974).
Moeser (I974) carried out a systematic series of experiments in which the
material had previously been matched in terms of rated comprehensibility. In
three experiments, the subjects were faster and more accurate in detecting both
meaning and wording changes in concrete sentences than in abstract sentences.
(See also Anderson and Bower, I973, pp. 232-3; Sacks and Eysenck, I977·) An
interaction of the sort found by Begg and Paivio was only obtained under certain
critical circumstances in a fourth experiment, and was attributed to the
operation of response biases towards the detection of changes in wording in the
case of abstract sentences. The subjects took longer to encode and decode the
abstract sentences, even though they were no more difficult to comprehend.
From these results, Moeser arrived at three conclusions. First, she pointed out
that the imageability of a sentence had a pronounced effect upon how easily her
subjects could store and retrieve that sentence. This applied whether the subjects
were instructed to encode the meaning of a sentence or its wording, and it
applied whether they were tested on changes in meaning or changes in wording.
She argued that these facts could best be handled by a single semantic system.
Second, she suggested that the interaction between sentence concreteness and
the type of change to be detected which was reported by Begg and Paivio was due
not to any confounding of concreteness and comprehensibility, but rather to the
specific experimental design which they had used (see also Anderson and Bower,
I973, p. 233). Their results could be better explained in terms of subjects'
response biases than in terms of their memory coding processes. Her own findings
did not support the dual coding model, at least as interpreted by Paivio (I 97 I b,
I97Ic; Begg and Piavio, I969). Third, Moeser argued that the specific
propositional models that had been put forward up to that point could not
explain differences in the storage and retrieval of sentences which differed only in
terms of their imageability:

A better explanation, I believe, can be offered by an analog semantic coding

model which proposes that memory representation is organized in terms of
iconic groupings, functionally unitary, integrated memory structures. They
are described as iconic in the sense that they utilize principles similar to,
although not necessarily analogous with, the imaginal representation of the
sentence; it is assumed that sentences that are easier to represent in imagery
are also easier to translate into this memory code.

The first two points made by Moeser seem to be largely correct, and constitute
a firm rebuttal ofBegg and Paivio's position. Nevertheless, her third suggestion is
Remembering Connected Narrative I07

not sound. Her 'analog semantic coding model' is sketched out only in a very
vague manner, and it is not possible to see clearly how it differs from standard
propositional models. Moreover, even when her paper was written, some
propositional theorists had already incorporated into their models the explicit
assumption of a more favourable mnemonic representation for imageable
material (Anderson and Bower, I973, p. 452). This idea is typically handled
either by assuming that concrete sentences lead to more distinctive represen-
tations or that they are encoded in more closely interconnected sets of
propositions. Thus, it must be concluded that Moeser's results are entirely
consistent even with the specific proposals which had been made by pro-
positional theorists. Conversely, however, her results provide no clear support for
the dual coding position, and are actually inconsistent with the interpretation of
that position offered by Begg and Paivio.
Further evidence on the memory representations available for concrete and
abstract sentences comes from the use of interference tasks designed to interfere
with a particular form of coding in a relatively specific manner. In previous
chapters, it has been observed that Atwood's (I97I) original findings obtained
with concrete and abstract phrases have not proved to be replicable, and that
visuo-spatial tasks usually have equal effects upon the recall of both sorts of
material. A series of experiments carried out by Sasson ( I97 I; Sasson and Fraisse,
I 972) investigated the effect of interpolated learning upon the recall of concrete
and abstract sentences. The first two experiments required subjects to recall
concrete sentences under conditions of negative transfer or retroactive inter-
ference (from the learning of unrelated pictures or concrete sentences inter-
polated between the presentation and recall of the critical material) and under
conditions of positive transfer (from the learning of interpolated pictures and
sentences . which respectively depicted and were identical to the critical
material). Interpolated pictures and concrete sentences were found to produce
similar amounts of positive and negative transfer, and Sasson concluded that
sentences were stored and retrieved primarily in the form of visual images. In a
third experiment, the subjects were required to recall abstract sentences under
conditions of retroactive interference from unrelated pictures, unrelated con-
crete sentences or unrelated abstract sentences. The interpolated abstract
sentences produced substantial negative transfer, but the interpolated pictures
and concrete sentences did not. Sasson and Fraisse concluded that abstract
sentences were stored and retrieved primarily in a verbal form.
However, there are two major difficulties which prevent one from accepting
Sasson's conclusions. First, all of the pictures employed in his experiments
depicted events or scenes which could be readily described even under the rapid
presentation conditions used. In fact, the pictures were outline drawings
produced 'such that each drawing would exactly depict the event described' by
one of the concrete sentences. That is, each picture was a symbolic representation
constructed by an artist under an intentional description which was exactly
contained within one of the simple affirmative concrete sentences. The finding
ro8 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

that pictures and concrete sentences have equal effects upon the recall of
concrete and abstract sentences shows at most that pictures and concrete
sentences have similar mnemonic representations; it does not specify whether
those representations are pictorial or propositional in nature, and so does not
distinguish between dual coding theory and common coding theory.
The second problem is that the abstract sentences employed in the third
experiment were rather obscure or bizarre, and had to be interpreted
metaphorically (for example, 'Religion teaches charity'). Under the presen-
tation conditions which Sasson and Fraisse employed, it is possible that most of
the time subjects simply did not grasp the meanings of the sentences to be
learned. The finding that interpolated abstract sentences impair the recall of the
original abstract sentences, whereas interpolated pictures or concrete sentences
do not, shows at most that pictures and concrete sentences have a different
mnemonic representation from abstract sentences; it does not specify whether
those representations are pictorial and propositional, pictorial and verbatim, or
propositional and verbatim. Two features of their results give strong support to
the idea tha the abstract sentences were only remembered in terms of their
verbatim expression. On the one hand, interpolated concrete sentences had no
effect upon the recall of abstract sentences, and yet they had presumably been
encoded in terms of meanings, and this should have interfered with any retention
of the semantic content of the abstract sentences. On the other hand, the
retention of the abstract sentences was essentially non-existent after a delay of
two days. (The performance in delayed recall was less than s% even in a control
condition with no interpolated learning.)
Further experiments on selective interference were reported by Davies and
Proctor ( 1 976), who used a dis tractor task which involved verbal coding
(counting backwards) and one which involved perceptual coding (visual
tracking). The recall of abstract sentences was more impaired by the verbal task,
whereas the recall of concrete sentences was more impaired by the perpetual
task. Errors with the abstract sentences tended to be omissions, whereas errors
with the concrete sentences tended to be intrusions. Moreover, a greater
proportion of the intrusion errors obtained with concrete sentences involved a
change of meaning from the original following the perceptual task. These results
indicated that qualitatively different encoding processes operate in the retention
of concrete and abstract sentences. However, the fact that a visual tracking task
was found to have a selective effect upon the recall of concrete material is
inconsistent with most of the other research which has been carried out on
selective interference effects using phrases and unrelated words (chapter 7).
Inspection of their abstract material suggests that these sentences were rather
obscure or opaque, and so a failure to control the intelligibility of the stimulus
material might have been a factor influencing the results.
Remembering Connected Narrative 109


One of the problems in interpreting the results obtained in the experiment by

Begg and Paivio (I969) mentioned above was that material which they had
selected in order to manipulate stimulus imageability might not have been
comparable in terms of its intelligibility. The usual reaction to this suggestion is
to regard the experiment as inconclusive on the ground that two possible
determiners of memory performance were confounded. This is entirely re-
asonable, and gave rise to a series of interesting papers by Johnson et al. (I 972),
Moeser (I974) and others. However, there is a different sort of reaction which
might be considered. As a radical alternative, it could be argued that stimulus
imageability is a factor determining both how easily a sentence may be
remembered, and how easily it may be understood. The idea that the
comprehension of sentences might be mediated by mental imagery was
considered briefly by Paivio (I 97 I b), but it is important because it is related to
the conception of meaning which is to be found throughout his writings.
Within traditional behaviourist associationism, the concept of meaning is
extremely problematic. There have been many different approaches (see Paivio,
I97IC, pp. 4o-5o), but none of them is at all satisfactory. One major source of
difficulty is that behaviourist psychology tends to regard speech as a complex
system of conditioned responses, and the meaning of a linguistic utterance as the
fractional anticipatory goal response which mediates the actual production of
the utterances. This sort of account typically postulates a representation of
verbal information in terms of its acoustic or articulatory properties, and thus has
great difficulty in giving any elucidation of what one might ordinarily mean by
the 'meaning' of an utterance. Nevertheless, this model of symbolic represen-
tation is incorporated within Paivio's version of dual coding theory with very
little modification: the presentation of words, phrases or sentences is assumed to
produce a direct activation of 'implicit auditory-motor representations' within
the subject (Paivio, I97Ib; 197Ic, p. 53).
As it stands, this account of linguistic meaning seems to be clearly naive and
oversimplistic. The addition of mental imagery as a second major cognitive
representation within Paivio's model serves to relieve this impression and to
make the total system both more flexible and more plausible. It immediately
makes possible the specification of the three levels of meaning or levels of
processing which were discussed in chapter 2, and gives rise to many testable
predictions which have continued to motivate the work of Paivio and his
colleagues. On the other hand, one might suggest, somewhat cynically, that
mental imagery was postulated to fill some of the more glaring holes in the
standard associationist account of language. Nevertheless, it must be admitted
that Paivio regards the concept as being of the utmost importance in under-
standing the nature of language, and seriously postulates mental imagery as a
substrate for both semantics and syntax (Paivio, I97Ih).
But is this account of sentential meaning really adequate? First, one must
I IO Mental Imagery and Human Memory

surely agree that many abstract sentences can be understood and remembered
without recourse to mental imagery (Johnson-Laird, I974), and yet one would
be extremely unhappy about describing that understanding merely as the
arousal of an 'implicit auditory-motor representation' of such a sentence. Davies
and Proctor ( I976) suggested that even concrete sentences may not arouse
mental imagery if they are tautologies or merely make a statement about the
general nature of the world (for instance, The shoes are a product of the skin of the
cow). Although subjects do report using mental imagery when carrying out
sentence comprehension tasks, Garrod and Trabasso ( I973) found that this was
considerably attenuated when the sentences were presented visually, pre-
sumably a selective interference effect of the sort discussed in chapter 4 (see also
Klee and Eysenck, I973). Moreover, Holmes and Langford ( I976) argued that
response latencies in such tasks are too short to permit mental imagery to have
any effective role. Bugelski (I 977) has claimed that 'to argue that all of meaning
cannot be accounted for by imagery is to attack a straw man', since no one has
ever denied this. But the point is that no dual coding theorist has ever given a
clear account of the meaning of abstract sentences which is at all plausible to
someone who does not subscribe to a rigorous form ofbehaviourism. My personal
inclination is to regard the account given by propositional theorists as essentially
correct as a solution to this latter problem, without prejudice to the question of
the status or the functional utility of mental imagery. But, even in their most
recent publications, dual coding theorists continue to regard propositional
theory as inherently contradictory to their own position, and not as a possible
extension of that position (Bugelski, I 977; Paivio, I 978b).
Nevertheless, if one wishes to relate these positions to the nature of sentential
meaning, ohe must ask: What is it to understand a sentence? There are several
different answers which have been given to this question, and they are associated
with different methods for measuring whether the process of understanding a
sentence is affected by its imageability (cf. Moeser, I 974). These were mentioned
in discussing the experiment by Begg and Paivio (I969) earlier in this chapter,
but it will be useful to consider them once more.
I. One might say that a person had understood a sentence when he had
imposed some interpretation on it. This is the sort of idea which seems to have
been behind Paivio and Begg's (I 97 I) use of a simple latency measure to
investigate comprehensibility. It will be recalled that they found no difference
between concrete and abstract sentences (cf. Ernest and Paivio, I97Ih; Yuille
and Paivio, I 967), though Holmes and Langford (I 976) criticised their measure
as crude and insensitive, and their conclusion as erroneous.
2. One might say that a person had understood a sentence when he had made
the absolute judgement that it was meaningful, and had discriminated it from
other sentences in terms of their meaningfulness. This seems to have been
involved in the study by Johnson et al. (I972), in which the suQjects rated the
sentences on a comprehension scale; and also in the experiments by Klee and
Eysenck (I973) and by Holmes and Langford (I976), which measured the
Remembering Connected Narrative Ill

reaction times to classifY sentences as meaningful or as anomalous. In both cases,

concrete sentences were found to be more comprehensible than abstract
3· One might say that a person had understood a sentence when it had been
fully encoded into long-term memory and integrated with all relevant previous
knowledge. This is the notion which was adopted by Moeser (1974). She
demonstrated significant differences between concrete and abstract sentences in
terms of encoding latencies and in terms of retention even when they were
matched in terms of rated comprehensibility (see also Holmes and Langford,
Moeser suggested that, in research on human memory, it would be most
helpful to employ this last criterion of understanding. That is, comprehension
should be defined as the integration of the ideas contained within a sentence into
a holistic semantic representation in long-term memory. She argued that
concrete sentences were more likely to be encoded in an integrated form,
whereas abstract sentences 'were more likely to be represented in a-partial form
because their complete representation involved more complex integrative
operations'. To examine whether this explanation holds good as a general
account of the comprehension and retention of connected discourse, one must
now consider the abstraction and integration of information across sentences.


The most co~mon situation in which a person attempts to retain and to integrate
the information contained in a series of sentences is where he tries to learn a story.
The first systematic investigation of story recall was carried out in the 192os by
Bartlett (1932). He was concerned with understanding the extent to which the
interpretation placed upon a story reflected the reader's social and cultural
background. His best known study employed a North American folk-tale called
The War of the Ghosts. Bartlett expected that the unusual social conventions
embodied in the story and the apparently disconnected narrative would create
considerable difficulties for his British subjects; their attempts at recalling the
story would therefore shed light upon the processes of interpretation which had
been used. Each subject was asked to recall the story as accurately as possible on
several occasions over many months. The version recalled by any given subject
showed considerable omissions and distortions, but it remained relatively fixed
from one test to the next. It remained a single passage, and was more coherent
than the original in terms of the subject's own culturally induced expectations.
Bartlett suggested the term, schema, to refer to the abstract mnemonic
representation of a narrative, distorted so as to be consistent with already existing
schemata, acquired on the basis of past cultural experience.
Although Bartlett's ideas are generally recognised as being very important, his
empirical investigations were not followed up for a considerable time. In the
II2 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

I96os, some psychologists turned their attention to the role of thematic structure
in remembering narrative. One of the original findings in this area was that both
the total verbal recall and the incidence ofsemantic confusions in the retention of
connected discourse are greater when its thematic structure is obvious than when
it is obscure (Pompi and Lachman, I 967). This suggested that such material is
encoded in the form of surrogate processes, general ideas or themes from which the
narrative itself is reconstructed at the time of recall. It was subsequently shown
that the comprehension and recall of an obscure or vague passage would be
increased by supplying an appropriate and relevant picture or title (Bransford
and Johnson, I972; Dooling and Lachman, I97I). Yuille and Paivio (I969)
showed that thematic organisation had a greater effect upon the recall of
concrete passages than upon the recall of abstract passages. On the other hand,
Pezdek and Royer ( I974) showed that the provision of relevant context
paragraphs enhanced the ability to detect changes of meaning in abstract
sentences more than in concrete sentences. These two results are entirely
consistent with one another, if one assumes (I) that the thematic structure of
concrete material is typically obvious, promotes semantic encoding, and does not
stand in need of support from the context; but (2) that the thematic structure of
abstract material is typically obscure, promotes literal encoding, and benefits
from the provision of a context. These results might be taken to be consistent with
the idea that thematic structure in the case of concrete passages permits the
construction of interactive, integrative mental imagery, from which the verbal
content may be reconstructed or redintegrated at the time of recall (Paivio,
I97Ib). However, they are in no way inconsistent with the view that concrete
and abstract passages receive exactly the same sort of semantic representation.
Indeed, these findings are entirely analogous to those obtained with individual
sentences, which were described earlier in this chapter.
These experiments had the disadvantage that the notion of thematic structure
was poorly defined, and there was little experimental control over how it was
introduced. This problem was handled by Bransford and Franks (I97I), who
introduced a novel experimental technique to demonstrate the operation of
Bartlett's schemata. The subjects were asked to listen to component sentences
which together defined a complex idea. For example, the sentences, The ants were
in the kitchen, The jelly was on the table, The jelly was sweet' and The ants ate the jelly,
each connote a single proposition, and jointly define the complex idea, The ants in
the kitchen ate the sweet jelly which was on the table. The acquisition sentences in the
original experiment contained one, two or three of the components in a given
idea. The subjects then received a recognition test with sentences containing one,
two, three or four components. The subjects' confidence that a particular
sentence had been presented for learning varied directly with the number of
components which it contained; in particular, the sentences containing four
components were judged as 'old' with the highest confidence, even though they
had never been presented. A subsequent experiment showed that the subjects'
confidence ratings in such a test were predicted by the number of components
Remembering Connected Narrative I I 3

which a sentence contained, but not at all by whether the sentence had actually
been presented. Bransford and Franks concluded that their subjects had
integrated the information communicated by sets of individual sentences to
construct holistic semantic ideas. These ideas 'need not be communicated by single
sentences. They may result from the integration of information expressed by
many different sentences experienced successively and often nonconsecutively in
time.' Bransford and Franks explicitly related their ideas to the research carried
out by Bartlett, and suggested that their methodology might lend some precision
to the concept of a schema as what is learned when subjects are exposed to
connected discourse.
These original findings were replicated both by Bransford and Franks (I972)
and by other researchers (Cofer, I973; Singer, I973)· Bransford, Barclay and
Franks (I972) demonstrated similar integrative processes operating among the
clauses within a single sentence, and Bransford and Franks (I972) produced
similar findings on the integration of information expressed by sentences within
connected paragraphs. It has been shown that the basic pattern of results may
break down under certain circumstances (Flagg, I976; Pezdek, I978), and they
may also be open to alternative interpretations, at least when material other than
sentences is used (Reitman and Bower, I973). Nevertheless, it is obvious that the
experimental tasks employed by Bartlett and by Bransford and Franks are
considerably more typical of remembering in everyday life than experiments on
the learning of individual sentences, phrases or words; and some process of
abstraction and integration such as is postulated by these writers must be
assumed to operate in the comprehension and retention of connected narrative.
The material which was employed in the original experiments was typically
concrete and easily evoked mental imagery (Franks and Bransford, I972).
Indeed, the experimental subjects spontaneously commented that they had
constructed mental images of the situations described by the sentences to be
remembered (Bransford et al., I972; cf. Anderson and Bower, I973, p. 3I4). It is
therefore interesting to consider whether a holistic semantic idea might consist,
in whole or in part, in a composite, interactive mental image (Neisser, I972b).
Bartlett (I932, pp. 64-5, 22o--4, 303-4) himself considered and rejected the
suggestion that mental imagery might be of importance in the retention of
narrative. Similarly, Bransford et al., (I 972) commented that their 'constructive'
approach to sentence memory was based upon the construction of semantic
descriptions, and not upon the concretisation of information in the form of
mental images.
However, Franks and Bransford (I972) noted a clear implication of the
research ofBegg and Paivio (I96g) on the retention of individual sentences. If
concrete sentences are stored as mental images, while abstract sentences are
stored in a superficial verbal form, the integration of information in the form of
holistic semantic ideas should be much more difficult in the case of abstract
sentences, and so the subjects should be better able to remember the particular
sentences which were presented for learning. Franks and Bransford repeated
I 14 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

their earlier experiments using abstract ideas, and obtained essentially the same
results. The confidence ratings given to a sentence in a test of recognition
memory were directly related to the number of components which it contained,
and not at all to whether it had· actually been presented. This indicated that, for
both concrete and abstract ideas, the subjects were integrating the information
contained in the individual sentences presented for learning, and storing holistic
representations of the complete ideas in memory. Franks and Bransford did not
consider that their results constituted a strict refutation of Begg and Paivio's
position, but they did demonstrate an important functional similarity between
the mnemonic representations of concrete and abstract ideas.
The studies of Bransford and Franks demonstrated virtually complete
integration of both concrete and abstract material. They could therefore be
regarded as suffering from a ceiling effect if one wished to consider the specific
hypothesis that concrete material is more easily integrated than abstract
material. Unpublished experiments carried out at Brunei University have tried
to remedy this by severely attenuating the acquisition conditions so that only
partial integration was achieved. That is, when the number of acquisition
sentences was reduced to a minimum, the subjects were able to discriminate
between these sentences and 'new' sentences which related to the same complex
ideas. The recognition test also included sentences relating to entirely different
ideas, so that the subjects were actually being tested both on their ability to
remember the particular sentences used in the acquisition phase, and on their
ability to remember the general ideas described by those sentences. Not
surprisingly, concrete ideas were remembered better than abstract ideas.
However, the results also showed quite clearly that the subjects could
discriminate between 'old' and 'new' sentences relating to concrete ideas just as
well as they could discriminate between 'old' and 'new' sentences relating to
abstract ideas; that is, concrete material showed no more integration than
abstract material. Another way of describing these results is to say that the
subjects were more accurate in detecting changes in meaning but no less accurate
in detecting changed in wording in concrete sentences than in abstract sentences.
It will be recalled that similar findings were obtained by Moeser (1974) in
studying the retention of individual, unrelated sentences.
This research also included conditions where the subjects were instructed to
use mental imagery to help them to remember the sentences. These instructions
did not affect the subjects' ability to remember the general ideas, nor did they
affect their discrimination of 'old' and 'new' sentences in the case of concrete
ideas. However, they produced poorer discrimination of 'old' and 'new'
sentences in the case of abstract ideas. This suggests that the use of mental
imagery may produce better integration of the material to be remembered, at
least in the case of abstract material, provided that the subjects receive explicit
instructions to this effect. However, when the subjects do receive such
instructions, their discrimination of'old' and 'new' sentences relating to concrete
ideas is actually better than of those relating to abstract ideas; that is, they
Remembering Connected Narrative 115

showed less integration and a superior ability to detect changes in wording in the
case of concrete material than in the case of abstract material. This seems quite
inconsistent with the proposals of Begg and Paivio. Moreover, since in the
absence of imagery mnemonic instructions concrete material produced no more
integration than abstract material, it is unlikely that mental imagery normally
plays any important role in the construction of holistic semantic ideas.
It would be of considerable interest to know whether this system of mnemonic
representations were distinct from whatever form of storage is employed in re-
membering pictures, or totally encompassed that form of storage. An important
study along these lines was carried out by Baggett (1975), who presented simple
stories consisting of four pictures, and tested her subjects either immediately or
after a delay. In her first experiment, the subjects were presented with individual
pictures and had to indicate whether each was consistent with the original story.
On immediate testing, the responses to 'old' pictures were faster than those to
'new' pictures which were consistent with the story; this suggested that the
responses were made partly on the basis of an immediate memory for the specific
pictures presented. After a delay of72 hours, 'old' pictures no longer showed this
superiority, indicating that the responses were made on the basis of a conceptual
representation of the story which was neutral with respect to the original pictures
presented. In the second experiment, the subjects had to indicate whether each
specific picture had been one of those originally presented. They were able to
reject 'new' pictures with perfect accuracy, even when they were consistent with
the original story, and even when the test followed a delay of 72 hours. This
implied that a mnemonic representation of the original pictures was available
even after 72 hours, and could be accessed by the subjects if the task demanded it
(but cf. Pezdek, 1978). Finally, the third experiment required the subjects to
respond to written yes/no questions on the basis of whether they were consistent
with the original story. The response latencies were independent of whether the
answer had to be inferred from the events actually depicted in the original
pictures. This suggested, once again, that the responses were made on the basis of
a conceptual representation of the story.
Thus, Baggett's results appear to support the idea of a long-term memory for
specific pictorial presentations, and a separate conceptual, propositional,
nonpictorial representation. She concluded her paper in the following manner:

Our study has focused on the memory representations arising when a viewer
bridges the gaps in the continuity of action in a picture story in order to
integrate the surface structure into a meaningful succession of incidents
related over time. We believe that the viewer, at least with our simple stories,
makes inferences at the time of viewing to aid his comprehension; that these
inferences, when stored in memory, are essentially nonpictorial in nature; and
that 3 days later the subject can still separate the inferences from the pictures
he saw, if the task requires it.
116 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

These conclusions have two important corollaries. First, any theory of human
memory which attempts to model all cognitive processes in terms of a single
system of propositional representations, and which includes no provision for a
specific pictorial memory (for example, Anderson and Bower, 1973; Pylyshyn,
1973) is inherently inadequate. Although the propositional system may be able
to represent most of the important knowledge which is employed in cognitive
tasks, it cannot handle the excellent retention of pictures demonstrated in
Baggett's study (cf. the discussion in chapter 5). Second, the comprehension and
retention of picture stories does not give rise to any additional pictorial
representations in the form of mental imagery. Otherwise, the subjects would be
unable to distinguish efficiently between the original pictures and 'new' but
appropriate pictures which happened to have been imaged. This in turn suggests
one of two possibilities. Either mental imagery does not give rise to a pictorial
representation in memory; or mental imagery does give rise to such a
representation, but is not employed in the retention of picture stories.


Research with phrases, sentences and connected narrative has consistently

demonstrated that concrete material is remembered better than abstract
material. To this extent, investigations of memory for connected linguistic
material are consistent with studies of the retention of individual words.
However, any further evidence that has been obtained in the case of memory for
phrases may be readily interpreted in accordance with standard redintegrative
accounts of human memory, and does not imply any new principles of mnemonic
organisation or function as a result of the use of mental imagery in remembering.
In the case of memory for individual sentences, the general methodological
problem has been that of measuring and controlling the intelligibility of the
material to be remembered. When careful procedures are employed to match
the comprehensibility of concrete and abstract sentences, subjects are faster and
more accurate in detecting both changes in meaning and changes in wording in
concrete sentences than in abstract sentences. This is inconsistent with the
specific interpretation of dual coding theory given by Paivio (1971b; Begg and
Paivio, 1969), but is entirely consistent with standard propositional accounts of
the representation of sentences in human memory. In the case of connected
discourse and in the case of picture stories, there is good evidence that the
information expressed by various sentences or pictures is integrated in memory
into holistic semantic ideas; however, there is no evidence at all that mental
imagery is involved in this process.
Individual Differences

We come now to one of the most complex and least conclusive of the areas of
experimental investigation concerning mental imagery: the study of differences
between individual subjects in their ability to use mental imagery and in their
preference for using mental imagery in various cognitive tasks. Of course, the
study of how individuals differ in their cognitive strategies and abilities has
always formed a significant part of psychological research. It is therefore not
surprising that the investigation of individual differences is one of the oldest
approaches to the understanding of mental imagery.
In chapter 3 it was argued that mental imagery was a typical example of the
class of ordinary-language concepts relating to psychological states and
processes, in that 'having a mental image' exhibits an asymmetry between its
first-person present-tense use and its third-person present-tense use. The exact
nature of the asymmetry is a matter of some philosophical controversy, but one
can certainly agree that each person has a peculiar authority for asserting that he
himself has a mental image, an authority which others lack. Whether he is
having a mental image is not something about which he can be mistaken. It
would therefore be reasonable to start an investigation of individual differences
in the use of mental imagery by comparing people on the basis of what they are
inclined to say about their own images. (In contemporary psychology, this is seen
as a 'subjective' approach to the study of individual differences; however, for
reasons explained previously, I regard this as a misnomer.)
Accordingly, this chapter will consider first the comparison of individual
subjects in terms of their reports concerning the vividness or manipulability of
their experienced mental imagery. This is the oldest method used by psychol-
ogists for studying individual differences in mental imagery, but it will be argued
on both conceptual and empirical grounds that it does not constitute a useful
approach for psychological research. Nevertheless, certain recent experiments
have been concerned with subjects' reports on the strategies or mediators used in
verbal learning tasks. This approach has produced quite clear and reliable
findings, and it seems to constitute a potentially important way of studying
individual differences in the use of mental imagery.
Many psychologists have been dissatisfied with these 'introspective' tech-
niques for comparing individual subjects, and have sought instead for objective
measures of performance which can be taken as indices of the ability to employ
118 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

mental imagery in cognitive tasks. Some researchers have interpreted tests of

spatial thinking (similar to certain of the procedures discussed in chapter 4) in
this manner, and they have tried to use such tests as predictors of the ability to
retain information in long-term memory. Unfortunately, the available evidence
will indicate that this approach does not help an understanding of the
contribution of mental imagery to long-term retention. However, there is some
evidence that one can derive an objective measure of the preferred form of
coding in long-term memory.
An important respect in which individuals may vary in their cognitive
capacities and strategies is as the result of neurological disorders. Various well-
replicated findings show that neurological damage at different locations within
the brain affects imagery and language skills in different ways.
Neuropsychological research of this nature also suggests that mental imagery
consists of several components, each of which again may be differentially affected
by neurological damage at different cerebral locations. Finally, I shall examine
the suggestion that an analysis of learning tasks as involving the use of mental
imagery can provide a better understanding of the impaired mnemonic
performance which arises in various sorts of neurological conditions.


If a person's account of his own mental imagery enjoys the sort of epistemological
priority which was discussed in chapter 3, then it seems that he should be in the
best position to specify not only when he is experiencing mental imagery, and what
is depicted in his mental imagery, but also how vivid, distinct and efficacious are
his mental images. Psychologists usually interpret these judgements as intro-
spective evaluations of the subject's ability to produce concrete mental images
(for instance, Marks, I972), and formal questionnaires on the vividness of
experienced mental imagery have elsewhere been referred to as 'tests of
subjective imagery ability' (Richardson, I 978c). The use of such questionnaires
has a long history in psychology, going back to the work of Galton (I 883). Recent
reviews of this research have been given by A. Richardson ( I977) and by White,
Sheehan and Ashton (I 977). Research using these questionnaires has typically
demonstrated a considerable variation among individual subjects in terms of
reports concerning the vividness of their experienced imagery. Since other
experimental approaches have indicated that the use of mental imagery is a
highly effective strategy for acquiring new information (chapters 6 and 7), it
would be reasonable to expect that the vividness of a person's mental imagery
should predict how easily such information can be retained.
The most detailed technique for evaluating the subjective vividness of a
person's experienced mental imagery is possibly the Questionnaire upon Mental
Imagery (QMI), which was developed by Betts (I909) from Galton's original
procedure. This included I 50 items, and studied seven major modalities: visual,
Individual Dif}erences

auditory, cutaneous, kinesthetic, gustatory, olfactory and organic. For

example, subjects were asked to think of the sun sinking below the horizon, the
mewing of a cat, the prick of a pin, running upstairs, the taste of salt, the smell of
fresh paint and the sensation offatigue. They judged the vividness of the evoked
images on a seven-point scale, from 'Perfectly clear and vivid as the actual
experience' to 'No image present at all, you only knowing that you are thinking of
the object'. Sheehan ( 1967a) developed a shortened form ofBetts' original QMI,
containing five questions from each of the seven modalities, and it is this version
which has been used in recent research. Sheehan's test is reprinted in full in
Appendix A of Richardson ( 1969).
As in the case of any technique for evaluating individual differences, it is
important to determine the reliability and validity of the QMI. Measures of the
internal consistency of the scale are very good (Juhasz, 1972), while the test-
retest reliability varies from moderate to high, depending upon the test-retest
interval (Evans and Kamemoto, 1973; Sheehan, 1967b; White, Ashton and
Brown, 1977). The question of the test's validity is more difficult to answer. On
conceptual grounds, it is difficult to know what other sort of evidence could have
the epistemological status of introspective reports; as was mentioned in chapter
3, there appear to be no non-verbal criteria for mental imagery. As Durndell and
Wetherick ( 1975) put this point: 'It is difficult to obtain an external criterion for
this subjective phenomenon.' In general, most discussions of the validity of the
QMI have fallen back on the use offactor analysis, in order to demonstrate that it
has a coherent internal structure, or to show that it correlates with other, similar
tests (White, Sheehan and Ashton, 1977). Normative data have been presented
by White, Ashton and Brown ( 1977).
The predictive validity of introspective questionnaires has been investigated
in a wide variety of cognitive tasks. However, this chapter will only be concerned
with the available evidence concerning human learning and memory; in any
case, a useful review of the remaining literature is available elsewhere (Ernest,
1977). In his initial investigations of the predictive capacity of the shortened
form of the QMI, Sheehan ( 1966b, 1967c) had some success in relating the
reported vividness of experienced mental imagery to the accuracy of visual
memory. However, these results failed to stand up in a more careful replication
(Neisser, 1972b; Sheehan and Neisser, 1969). Since then, investigations of the
usefulness of introspective judgements in predicting performance in learning and
memory tasks have consistently produced negative findings (Calvano, 1974;
Danaher and Thoresen, 1972;janssen, 1976, pp. 44, 51; Morelli and Lang, 1971;
Neisser and Kerr, 1973; Rehm, 1973; Richardson, 1978c). Moreover, the rated
vividness of experienced imagery does not affect the benefit gained from imagery
mnemonic instructions (Baddeley, 1976, p. 222; Danaher and Thoresen, 1972;
Janssen 1976, pp. 44, 48, 51), the benefit gained from the concurrent
presentation of relevant pictures (Morelli and Lang, 1971), nor the effect of
stimulus imageability upon recall (Janssen, 1976, pp. 44, 48, 51; cf. Sheehan,
1972). Sheehan and 1\ieisser ( 1969) did find that scores on the QMI were related
I20 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

to the incidental recall of block designs, such that vivid imagers were superior to
non-vivid imagers. This was not replicated in a further study using concrete and
abstract nouns as stimulus material (Sheehan, I972), but a similar relationship
between reported vividness and incidental recall has been found in at least two
other investigations (Janssen, I976, p. 48; Morris and Gale, I974). Nevertheless,
the most appropriate conclusion at present seems to be that the QMI has little
predictive validity in the study of human memory.
The negative findings obtained by Sheehan and Neisser ( I969) led Neisser
(I 970) to conclude that the vividness of experienced mental imagery was quite
unrelated to its usefulness or accuracy as a memory code. However, this
conclusion was challenged by Marks (I972, I973), who ascribed the negative
results to two basic shortcomings ofSheehan's research. First, he suggested that it
would not be helpful to evaluate the vividness of each sul;>ject's evoked mental
imagery by averaging across all seven sensory modalities (see also Durndell and
Wetherick, I976h). Rather, 'it would seem more appropriate to select subjects
according to their scores in the imagery modality most likely to function in the
experimental task to be performed.' In experiments on the recognition and
reconstruction of visual patterns and designs, the relevant modality would be
vision;-indeed, whatever the material, it could be argued that visual imagery
is the most easily aroused and of most importance in determining memory
performance (Putnoky, I975; White, Ashton and Brown, I977)· Therefore,
Marks devised a Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire (VVIQ), contain-
ing sixteen items to be rated in terms of evoked visual imagery along five-point
rating scales. The internal consistency of this test is good, the test-retest reliability
is high, and factor analysis yields a single underlying dimension (Dowling,
described by White, Sheehan and Ashton, I977; Marks, I972, I973; McKelvie
and Gingras, I974)·
Marks' second objection was that Sheehan's experiments had employed
abstract geometrical patterns of little inherent interest or meaning of the
subjects. He suggested that 'it is not unreasonable to assume that vividness will be
related to the interest, affect, meaning, and overall level of arousal evoked by a
stimulus.' Accordingly, he carried out three experiments in which the stimuli were
coloured photographs of objects or scent:s, and in which a forced-choice
recognition test subsequently required the subjects to recall details of the pictures
presented. In each case, the 'good visualisers' produced better performance than
the 'poor visualisers'. Subsequent applications of the VVIQ have, however,
produced less convincing results. Marks ( I977) found a weak positive correlation
with recognition memory for pictures, but a weak negative correlation with
recognition memory for words (though presumably vivid visual imagery should
be useful in both cases). McKellar, Marks and Barron (reported by Marks, I972)
found no relationship between VVIQ scores and performance in the serial
learning oflists of words, nor between VVI Qscores and the benefit gained from
the location mnemonic (see chapter 6). Nevertheless, some interesting findings
were obtained in an experiment by Gur and Hilgard (I 975) in which the subjects
Individual Dij]erences I2I

had to detect differences between pairs of pictures. The subjects were classified as
'good' or 'poor' imagers according to their scores on the VVIQ, and the two
stimuli in each pair were presented either simultaneously or separated by an
interval of 20 seconds. The response latenCies showed a highly significant
interaction, such that the poor imagers were worse with successive presentation,
but the good imagers were not. Conversely, the good imagers responded faster
than the poor imagers, but only under conditions of successive presentation. This
is of course exactly the pattern to be expected on the assumption that
introspective judgements of the vividness of evoked visual imagery are a measure
of the efficiency of pictorial memory.
However, there is a serious problem to be faced by any method for
investigating mental imagery which is based upon introspective reports, and this
is the extent to which the results might be influenced by the subjects'
expectations. The idea that subjects might vary their responses according to their
task expectations was first suggested by Angell ( I910). More recently, Holt
(I964) pointed out that the experimental results in any experiment on mental
imagery will be influenced by expectations set up in the subjects 'by the specific
experimental conditions, by their general reading, rumor, and other sources of
notions about what to anticipate, and by the attitude towards imagery that
prevails in their particular subculture'. The first experimental investigation of
this problem was carried out by Di Vesta, Ingersoll and Sunshine (I 97 I), who
found a significant positive correlation between scores on the QMI and scores on
the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale (Crowne and Marlowe, I964),
measuririgthe extent to which an individual is dependent upon the recognition
and approval of others (see Durndell and Wetherick, I975)· Di Vesta et al.
carried out factor analyses on performance in a large number of tests of
individual ability, and found that introspective questionnaires on mental
imagery contributed only to a factor defined by the Social Desirability Scale.
This correlation between reported vividness of experienced imagery and social
desirability has not always been replicated (Durndell and Wetherick, I975;
White, Sheehan and Ashton, I 977); for example, A. Richardson (I 977) found a
clear relationship in the case of male subjects, but not in the case of female
subjects. Nevertheless, it remains possible that under certain circumstances
introspective reports may be contaminated by a disposition to respond in a
socially desirable manner. For instance, this might explain the finding of a study
by Huckabee (I974) that introverts produce higher ratings of evoked mental
imagery than extraverts.
These sorts of expectations are probably not fixed, but may well be influenced
by the subjects' perceptions of the psychology experiment as a social situation.
For example, as Bower (I 97oa) suggested: 'The normal person's introspections
are frequently neither very discriminating nor particularly valid, and they are
easily influenced by loaded or leading questions.' More generally, one may
consider whether introspective reports might be influenced by the manner in
which the experimental instructions are presented. Durndell and Wetherick
122 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

(1975) administered 'positive' instructions (emphasising the role of mental

imagery in creative thought) or 'negative' instructions (characterising mental
imagery as a primitive, childish mode of thought). They also compared a 'high-
status' experimenter (a senior lecturer soberly dressed in suit and tie) with a 'low-
status' experimenter (a postgraduate student dressed in old jeans and a creased,
open-necked shirt). Neither manipulation affected reported mental imagery.
However, Ashton and White ( 1975) compared neutral instructions, 'low
motivating' instructions (associating vivid mental imagery with 'dull, uncreative
people'), and 'high motivating' instructions (associating vivid mental imagery
with 'intelligent, creative people'), and found significant differences in scores on
the Q.\11. High motivating instructions had no effect, but low motivating
instructions produced scores indicating less vivid imagery in all seven sensory
modalities. Similar results were found in a replication by Ashton, White and
Brown (mentioned by White, Sheehan and Ashton, I977).
If the performance of experimental subjects may be manipulated by changes
in the manner in which the experiment is presented, then it follows that the
results of such an experiment may be contaminated by cues from the
experimenter concerning the desired outcome. Several researchers have sug-
gested that experiments using introspective questionnaires involve rather
ambiguous, ill-defined tasks, in which the subjects are likely to respond in such a
manner as to produce the results which they believe the experimenter to want
(Berger and Gaunitz, 1977; Marks, 1972; Neisser, I972b; 1976, p. ro4; Pinker
and Kosslyn, I978); in short, these are situations in which demand charac-
teristics (Orne, 1962) and experimenter effects (Rosenthal, 1966) might well
operate. This contamination is especially likely when the investigator identifies
his experimental groups before administering the criterion task; unfortunately,
this procedure has been followed in almost all of the research on individual
differences in mental imagery (see, for example, Ernest and Paivio, I97 I a, r 97 Ib;
Marks, I 972; Sheehan, I966a, I977b, rg67c, I972). The possibility of such effects
can of course be minimised either by using a 'double--blind' procedure in which
different experimehters are responsible for identifying the experimental groups
and for administering the criterion task; or by identifying the experimental
groups after the criterion task has been administered. Sheehan and Neisser
( I969) employed a double-blind procedure in relating scores on the QMI to the
recall of geometric patterns; they found no correlation between the two
variables, but a clear difference between the two experimenters in terms of the
imagery ratings produced, and an increase in the rated vividness of experienced
mental imagery after an initial introspective inquiry. Neisser ( I972b) concluded:

These findings confirm in a modern context what was perhaps already

obvious: that introspective reports of imagery can be affected by experimenter
effects and perceived demand characteristics. This is not because such biasing
factors are all-powerful (they had no effect on accuracy of reconstruction in our
experiment) but because introspection is particularly vulnerable to them.
Individual Dijferences 123

Berger and Gaunitz (1977) repeated Gur and Hilgard's (1975) investigation of
the relationship between scores on the VVIQ and visual memory, but they
identified their experimental groups after the memory task had been carried out.
They found no sign of any difference in performance between 'good' imagers and
'poor' imagers. Similarly, Richardson ( 1978c) found no correlation between
scores on the QMI and performance in the free recall of lists of common nouns
when the experimental groups were identified after the criterion task.
Because of the abundance of negative findings on the relationship between
rated vividness of experienced mental imagery and memory performance, and
because of the serious possibility of contamination by experimenter effects, some
psychologists have que~tioned whether introspective reports are a valid measure
of individual differences in cognitive ability at all. For example, in the light of
their finding that introspective reports (as measured by several tests, including
the QMI) loaded only on a factor of social desirability, Di Vesta et al. (1971)
concluded that such reports did not possess construct validity as measures of the
use of mental imagery. However, there are good reasons for not accepting this
sort of conclusion. The first is the conceptual point made earlier in discussing the
problem of validation. Statements about a person's mental imagery are
ultimately to be justified and verified on the basis of his verbal utterances.
Introspective questionnaires such as the QMI consist of central examples of such
utterances, albeit distorted slightly so as to produce a numerical measure of the
vividness of experienced imagery. Any alternative notion of mental imagery, any
alternative measure that might be proposed, would only be contingently related
to what is indicated by the ordinary-language concept. It would therefore have
to be validated (in the sense used by Di Vesta et al.) by demonstrating that it was
empirically correlated with the subjects' introspective reports.
A second reason for rejecting the idea that introspective reports do not possess
construct validity is that relatively similar reports have proved very successful in
predicting performance in a wide variety of learning tasks when interpreted as
measures of the imageability of the stimulus material. In particular, the
procedure ofPaivio, Yuille and Madigan ( rg68) computes the average rating of
evoked mental imagery across groups of subjects, and the resulting measure
shows a high corr-elation with memory performance on individual items or
samples of items in a wide variety of tasks (chapter 7). However, if introspective
reports are to be rejected for the purpose of comparing individual subjects because
they lack construct validity as measures of the vividness of experienced imagery,
then to be consistent they should also be rejected for the purpose of comparing
individual stimulus items. This would clearly remove an important source of
experimental evidence. Conversely, if introspective reports are methodologically
acceptable for studying differences among stimulus items in the vividness of
evoked mental imagery, then additional justification must be given for refusing
to accept them for the purpose of studying individual differences among the
experimental subjects.
Nevertheless, the problem remains: even if introspective ratings are metho-
124 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

dologically sound, why do they lack predictive power as measures of the

vividness of experienced imagery when averaged across stimulus items, but not
when averaged across experimental subjects? One possible explanation is that
the apparent similarity between the two sorts of task hides crucial procedural
differences which prevent variation among subjects from having predictive
capacity in investigations of human memory. This can be easily tested by
obtaining measures of stimulus imageability and subjects' introspective reports
within the same experimental situation. Investigations which have used this
approach have consistently demonstrated that introspective reports predict
memory performance within subjects and between stimulus items, but not
between subjects and within stimulus items (Marks, 1972; Richardson, in
press; Sheehan, 1966a, 1966b; Sheehan and Neisser, 1969).
The solution seems to lie in the nature of the judgements which are required in
the two sorts of task. In research on the effect of stimulus imageability, the
instructions attached to the rating scales determine the possible range of
judgements by fixing the end-points of the scale in terms of the individual
subject's own vividness of experienced imagery. His subsequent responses are
comparative judgements made in the context of this scale. At no point is the
subject required to determine in absolute terms how vivid is his mental imagery.
Moreover, this sort of experimental research usually compares different samples
of stimulus items which have been rated by the same group or groups of subjects.
Thus, the absolute rating assigned to a given item by a particular subject is
largely immaterial.
However, in research on individual differences in the use of mental imagery,
each subject is required to make an absolute judgement of the vividness of his
experienced imagery, and the absolute rating which he assigns to himself is
critical. However, since each person can only experience his own mental images
(see chapter 3), and since mental imagery is qualitatively different from any
other sort of experience, the subject has no absolute or intersubjective criteria for
evaluating the vividness of his experienced imagery. As Marks (1972) com-
mented: 'The validity of verbal reports concerning image vividness constitutes a
difficult problem since no individual can directly compare his imagery with that
of another.' Richardson (in press) has explained the implications of this point in
the following manner:

In particular, it is likely that subjects lack a definite origin and a definite unit
of measurement for making these subjective judgements, and that in
consequence their appreciation of the vividness of mental imagery can be
taken to define at best an ordinal is probable that such judgements are
adequate to ensure that relatively gross comparisons among different stimulus
items predict variations in the memorability of those items. Nevertheless, since
there is no unique mapping of this ordinal subjective scale of vividness onto the
seven-point rating scale (which may be variously interpreted as representing
either an interval scale or a ratio scale), the absolute value assigned by a
Individual Differences 125

subject to a given stimulus will have no meaning, and comparisons among

different subjects in terms of their average ratings will not predict variations in
memory performance.

An analogy from the area of perception may help to clarify this point. Under
normal conditions, when an observer views a distant object, he can easily give an
accurate estimate of the object's size. However, one may eliminate any
information about the distance of the object in the following manner. The object
is rendered luminous and is presented in a totally dark room. The observer views
the object with one eye through a pinhole in a screen, with his head held
stationary. Under these conditions, the only information available to the subject
is the visual angle which the object subtends, and he is unable to ascribe a unique
objective size to the object. However, if the observer then looks through another
pinhole at a different object, he is able to judge, quite accurately, which looks
larger, that is, which object subtends the larger visual angle (Epstein and
Landauer, 1969; Hastorff and Way, 1952; Rock, 1975, p. 37; Rock and
McDermott, 1964).
The subject who is presented with a questionnaire on the vividness of his
experienced mental imagery seems to be in an analogous situation. He can judge
whether he has a mental image or not, just as the observer in the above
experiment can report the presence or absence of a perceptual object. He can
judge whether one item evokes a more vivid mental image than another,just as
the observer is able to say whether one perceptual object looks larger than
another. However, he is unable to make an absolute judgement of the vividness
of a single image,just as the perceiver is unable to say in absolute terms how large
an object looks. If the argument given above is sound, it follows that comparisons
among experimental subjects in terms of their ratings of evoked mental imagery
are neither valid nor meaningful, and it is quite unsurprising that they should fail
to predict performance in learning tasks.
(An interesting question is whether a subject can make comparative
judgements across modalities, for example, comparing the vividness of a visual
image with that of an auditory image. It could be argued that mental imagery in
one modality is qualitatively different from that in another. So, just as it makes
no sense for a subject to ascribe a unique vividness rating to a mental image,
neither does it make any sense for him to judge whether a given visual image is
more or less vivid than a given auditory image. On this view, the high
correlations which have been found among introspective ratings in different
modalities of mental imagery do not reflect a genuine, general imagery trait, but
are to be ascribed to general suggestibility or to social desirability; cf.
Richardson, 1969, p. 46; Sheehan, 1967a; Wagman and Stewart, 1974; White,
Ashton and Law, 1974; White, Sheehan and Ashton, 1977.)
I 26 Mental Imagery and Human Memory


Given this conclusion, it might be reasonable to devote more attention to

alternative ways of eliciting introspective reports on mental imagery. An idea
which was discussed long ago by such psychologists as Fechner (I86o) and
Galton (I883) is that mental imagery will be helpful in carrying out cognitive
tasks to the extent that it can be controlled and manipulated by the individual.
The first formaL test of imagery control was devised by Gordon ( I949). This
contained eleven questions to be answered in a yes/no manner, although
Richardson ( I972) recommended that it should be supplemented by a formal
interview. Richardson (I969) revised the scale by adding a twelfth item, by
including an 'unsure' response category, and by suggesting a standardised set of
printed instructions. The twelve questions are as follows:

I. Can you see a car standing in the road in front of a house?

2. Can you see it in colour?
3· Can you now see it in a different colour?
4· Can you now see the same car lying upside down?
5· Can you now see the same car back on its four wheels again?
6. Can you see the car running along the road?
7. Can you see it climb a very steep hill?
8. Can you see it climb over the top?
9· Can you see it get out of control and crash through a house?
10. Can you now see the same car running along the road with a handsome
couple inside?
I I . Can you see the car cross a bridge and fall over the side into the stream
I2. Can you see the car all old and dismantled in a car-cemetery?

The internal consistency of this test is good, and the test-retest reliability is
adequate (Juhasz, I972; McKelvie and Gingras, I974; White, Sheehan and
Ashton, I977)· However, given that the questions are limited to the visual
modality, it is perhaps surprising that the test appears to have a complex internal
structure. Factor analyses by Ashton and White ( I974) and by White and
Ashton (I 977) identified four separate factors, which they called 'movement'
(Questions 6, 7 and 8), 'misfortune' (Questions 4, 9, I I and I2), 'colour'
(Questions 2, 3 and 10), and. 'stationary' (Questions I, 5 and possibly 4).
However, it should be mentioned that unpublished studies at Brunei University
have failed to replicate this factorial solution.
Gordon's test of visual imagery control has shown a significant correlation
with the QMI in some studies, but not in others (Ernest, I977; Morelli and Lang,
I97I; Morris and Gale, I974; A. Richardson, I977; Spanos, Valois, Ham and
Ham, I973; Starker, I974; White, Sheehan and Ashton, I977). However, they
are loaded on the same factor in factor analytic studies (Di Vesta et al., I97I;
Individual Dij]erences

Forisha, 1975; A. Richardson, 1977). A strong positive correlation has also been
reported between Gordon's test and Marks' VVIQ (McKelvie and Gingras,
1974). Nevertheless, each of these is a pencil and paper test of mental imagery,
and so it is entirely possible that an instrument factor might have been operating
(White and Ashton, 1977; White, Sheehan and Ashton, 1977). Finally, the
available research on effects of social desirability suggests that Gordon's test is
rather less vulnerable to variations in demand characteristics than the QMI (Di
Vesta et al., 1971; Durndell and Wetherick, 1975; A. Richardson, 1977; White,
Sheehan and Ashton, 1977).
Once again, the predictive validity of Gordon's test has been investigated in a
variety of cognitive tasks (Ernest, 1977; Richardson, 1972), but only the very few
studies of memory performance need to be mentioned here. Morelli and Lang
(1971) compared scores in Gordon's test with paired-associate learning, and
found a significant correlation only when the stimulus pairs were supplemented
by relevant pictures; they concluded that the ability to control one's mental
imagery was only employed in learning when imagery was directly aroused by
pictorial presentation. Morris and Gale (1974) reported a positive correlation
between imagery control and the incidental recall of individual words. However,
experiments at Brunei University have failed to find any sign of a relationship
either between imagery control and the recall of paired associates, or between
imagery control and the effect of stimulus imageability. Even when the total
scores in Gordon's test were broken down into the four factors suggested by
White and Ashton ( 1977), the only correlation to reach statistical significance
was that between the 'movement' score and the recall of concrete pairs. It is
really too soon to decide whether Gordon's test will prove useful in predicting
memory performance. Nevertheless, it should be explored, since the questions
contained in the test do not seem to be subject to the conceptual and
methodological criticisms which may be directed at the QMI.


There are certain other procedures which have been suggested for eliciting
introspective reports on the use of mental imagery, such as the Imaginal
Processes Inventory (Singer and Antrobus, 1972), for the analysis of daydream-
ing, the Imagery Survey Schedule (Tondo and Cautela, 1974), for use in
behaviour therapy, and the Individual Differences Questionnaire, which was
devised by Paivio (1971C, p. 495) to investigate cognitive style.. However, these
techniques have not been adequately tested in the context of experiments on
human learning and memory. There is nevertheless one further method which
has been found to have excellent predit:tive capacity, and which is totally
consistent with the methodological attitudes of this book.
In chapters 6 and 7, experiments were described in which the subjects received
post-learning questionnaires which asked them to describe the sorts of strategies
128 Mental Imagery and Human Memory

which they had used to remember different stimulus items. These reports were
analysed in terms of the different sorts of item used and in terms of the subjects'
performance. The main findings were as follows. First, the number of subjects
who report the use of images as mediators is greater with concrete, imageable
material. Second, the number of subjects who report the use of imagery for a
given item correlates with the memory performance on that item. Third, items
for which subjects report images as mediators are recalled better than items for
which subjects report verbal mediators. Finally, subjects will tend to report the
use of images as mediators in the case of concrete, imageable items, even when
instructed to use other learning strategies.
These empirical results seem to have an immediate corollary, that the number
of items for which a subject reports the use of images as mediators should correlate
with that subjeds memory performance. Although open to immediate empirical
verification and although clearly relevant to the study of individual differences in
the use of mental imagery, this idea has hardly ever been seriously considered, let
alone experimentally tested. One reason for this, of course, has been the idea that
such reports are subjective, mentalistic and invalid as a source of scientific data.
Another reason, and one that is rather better founded, is the feeling that the
causal determiners of psychological performance may not be open to conscious
inspection (cf. Pylyshyn, 1973). Nevertheless, while other areas of psychological
research have systematised the collection of introspective reports in the method
of protocol analysis (Newell and Simon, 1972), such reports have not been
collected in research on human memory.
One of the first psychologists to relate memory performance to the subjects'
learning strategies was Bartlett (1932, pp. 59--61, 109-12). He found that his
subjects could be classified roughly as either visualizers, who claimed to rely
mainly upon visual imagery in remembering, or vocalisers, who claimed to rely
mainly upon words rather than mental images. Although the vocalisers tended
to be less confident in their recall, the two groups produced comparable recall
performance. However, Bartlett's experimental procedure was rather peculiar,
involving the learning of arbitrary associations between words and simple
figures, and rather different results might be obtained with more conventional
learning tasks.
One experiment in recent years which compared subjects in terms of the sorts
of mediators which they employed was carried out by Hulicka and Grossman
(1967). They compared a group of old subjects (whose median age was 74.1
years) with a group of young subjects (whose median age was 16.1 years) in a
paired-associate learning task with pairs of common nouns. In a post-learning
questionnaire, it was found that the older group reported more verbal mediators
and fewer imaginal mediators than the younger group. However, it is obvious
that the difference in age between the two groups was entirely adequate to
explain any difference in memory performance, without any appeal to
differences in preferred encoding strategy.
Another experiment which briefly considered the subjects' reported use of
Individual Differences 129

mental imagery was carried out by Wells (1972). She showed that the recall of
verbal stimuli was more disrupted by an interpolated backwards-counting task
than the recall of pictorial stimuli, and suggested that this was because the
pictorial stimuli had been retained as mental images. However, she mentioned
that many subjects also seemed to retain the verbal stimuli in the form of images,
and found that the greater their reported use of mental imagery, the better their
recall (but cf. Hasher, Riebman and Wren, 1976).
Marks (1972) pointed out a possible problem with the use of post-
experimental reports, which is that a subject's responses may be influenced by
whether his recall was actually successful. Demand characteristics might operate
either if the subject cannot remember the mediators he employed, or if he fails to
understand the experimenter's instructions. In either event, 'his perception of
the purpose of the experiment would presumably be based on the naive
(although probably correct) assumption that vivid imagery is expected to
accompany high accuracy', and any correlation between recall performance and
the use of mental imagery would be artefactual. To illustrate this, Marks
repeated the experiment of Sheehan and Neisser ( 1969), and found that, within
subjects, variations in the reported vividness of mental imagery only correlated
with variations in recall when reports were obtained after the recall test.
Nevertheless, in the same paper, Marks reported an experiment by McKellar,
Marks and Barron which showed that the improvement in recall resulting from
the use of the location mnemonic was not related to the subjects' scores on the
VVIQ, but that it was highly correlated (r = +o.67) with the number of
reported visual images. In this instance, Marks accepted the evidential value of
post-learning reports, and concluded: 'This result strongly supports the notion
that visual imagery is the effective mediator of the improved recall.'
Richardson (1978e) carried out an experiment to test the hypothesis
mentioned above in a direct fashion. The subjects learned a list of paired
associates, attempted to recall the response terms when cued with the stimulus
terms, and then completed a post-learning questionnaire of the sort devised by
Paivio, Smythe and Yuille (1968). Various measures of the use of mental
imagery were considered, but the best predictor of a subject's recall performance
(r = +o.8o) was the absolute number of pairs for which he reported the use of
imaginal mediators. A subsequent experiment showed that this correlation
applied in the case of concrete material, but not in the case of abstract material.
This goes some way to rebutting an objection of the sort made by Marks (1972),
that the mediator reports might have been based upon the accuracy of recall; on
this interpretation, it is difficult to see why the frequency of reported imaginal
mediators did not correlate with the recall of abstract material, or why the
frequency of verbal mediators did not show a similar relationship with recall
when the subjects had as much opportunity to report such mediators as they did
the use of mental imagery (Paivio, 197 1c, p. 359; personal communication). In
general, as Paivio (1972) has pointed out, the usefulness of mental imagery as a
mnemonic device will be demonstrated by interactive relationships between
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

mediator reports, mediation instructions, stimulus imageability and recall

performance. The use of subjects' protocols has been neglected in the past, but it
may well turn out to be the most effective way of investigating individual
differences in the use of mental imagery, and of integrating research on
individual differences with investigations based upon the other sorts of
experimental procedures.


One way of trying to study mental imagery in a more 'objective' manner would
be to investigate how subjects carry out tasks which plausibly can only be carried
out by manipulating some pictorial representation (that is, tasks for which more
abstract verbal encoding would be relatively unhelpful). This sort of task was
discussed at length in chapter 4· Although the processes operating can only be
inferred from the subjects' behaviour, success in these tasks can be defined
according to an absolute, public criterion, namely the correctness of the subjects'
responses. Moreover, one can also measure the latency of these responses, and
thus evaluate the speed with which the tasks are carried out. It is therefore not
surprising that psychologists have used such measures as indices of imagery
ability. (In contradistinction to introspective methods, these sorts of task have
elsewhere been referred to as 'tests of objective imagery ability': Richardson,
In his analysis of factors underlying human intelligence, Thurstone ( Igg8)
defined the space factor as the ease with which a subject employs spatial and
visual imagery. This factor is measured by tests of spatial thinking, an example of
which is the Flags test (Thurstone and jeffrey, I 956). This contains 21 questions,
each of which comprises one test figure and six examples, where each figure is the
schematic representation of a flag (perhaps a rectangle with a symbol in one
corner). The subject has to say whether each example depicts the same side of the
flag as the test stimulus (usually rotated) or the opposite side (the mirror-image of
the test stimulus, again usually rotated). The subject's performance is derived
from the number of correct responses given during a five-minute period. This test
is obviously quite similar to the mental rotation task devised by Shepard and
Metzler (I 97 I). Other tests that have been employed in experimental research to
define imagery ability include the Minnesota Paper Form Board (Likert and
Quasha, I94I) and the Space Relations test (Bennett, Seashore and Wesman,
I947). Such tests correlate moderately well with one another (Durndell and
Wetherick, I976a; Ernest, 1977), they load on the same factor or factors in
investigations which have employed factor analysis (Di Vesta et al., I 971;
Forisha, 1975; Paivio, 1971c, p. 496), and scores are often combined from two or
more of a battery of tests. On the other hand, tests of spatial thinking have failed
to show any consistent relationship with ratings produced in introspective
questionnaires on mental imagery (Danaher and Thoresen, 1972; Durndell and
Individual Dijfirences

Wetherick, 1976a; Ernest, 1977; Rehm, 1973; Richardson, 1978c; Starker,

1974), and the two sorts of test typically load on different factors in the solutions
obtained by factor analysis (Di Vesta et al., 1971; F qrisha, 197 5; A. Richardson,
1972, 1977; cf. Paivio, 1971c, p. 496).
In the 196os, two studies appeared which suggested that tests of spatial
thinking might offer a way of investigating the role of mental imagery in long-
term memory. A doctoral dissertation by Kuhlman (196o; subsequently
published in part as Hollenberg, 1970) compared the spatial ability of children
with their performance on a (relatively concrete) memory test using geometric
shapes and on a (relatively abstract) conception-formation task. The children
were divided into groups of high and low imagery ability by their combined
performance on four tests of spatial thinking, including Flags. It was found that
the children of high spatial ability were more accurate in recalling geometric
shapes, but that the children of low spatial ability were superior in concept
Kuhlman considered that the effect of spatial ability would become less
important with age, as adult linguistic categories acquired more importance in
thinking and remembering. However, another doctoral dissertation by Stewart
( 1965) argued that imagery ability would continue to be influential in adults,
especially in handling concrete material, and reported three experiments to
examine this idea. In the first study, female university students learned paired
associates in which the stimulus terms were pictures or worps and the responses
were digits. The subjects were judged as high or low imagers according to their
combined scores on two tests of spatial thinking. The high imagers produced
better performance than the low imagers when the stimulus terms were pictures,
but the reverse was true when the stimulus terms were words. Stewart replicated
this interaction between imagery ability and task concreteness in a second
experiment which examined recognition memory for pictures and words. This
study provided interesting additional information concerning the sort of coding
used by high and low imagers, which will be discussed presently. In a third
experiment, Stewart compared high and low imagers in their free recall of word
lists which varied in imageability. However, this failed to show a significant
interaction between spatial ability and stimulus imageability, so her general
theoretical approach was not supported.
Unfortunately, despite the promise of these initial investigati:lms, more recent
research has failed to show any consistent relationship between spatial ability
and memory performance. Although one or two studies have found a positive
correlation between the two measures (for instance, Christiansen and Stone,
1968), most investigations have not (Calvano, 1974; Ernest and Paivio, 1969,
1971a; Paivio, Rogers and Smythe, 1968; Richardson, 1976b, 1978c). Similarly,
the relationship between spatial ability and stimulus imageability is quite
unclear. Whereas Stewart (1965) found no interaction between these variables
in the free recall of unrelated words, Richardson (1976b) found a small but
statistically significant correlation between the effect of stimulus imageability
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

and the spatial ability of the subjects (and cf. Christiansen and Stone, I968).
However, in the paired-associate learning of noun-adjective pairs, Di Vesta and
Ross (I 97 I) found a clear negative correlation, such that subjects of high spatial
ability were superior to subjects oflow spatial ability only in learning pairs oflow
rated imageability. Again, Stewart's original study had compared the recall and
recognition of pictures and words; Paivio, Rogers and Smythe (I 968) found no
effect of spatial ability upon the free recall of either sort of material, and
Richardson (I978c) found no effects in a test of recognition memory. One
interesting, though as yet unreplicated result was obtained by Di Vesta and
Sunshine (I 974), who investigated serial learning assisted by mnemonic devices
of the 'one-bun' variety (see chapter 6), and who defined imagery ability
according to three spatial tests. This study found that subjects of high imagery
ability produced better performance than subjects of low imagery ability when
operating under imagery mnemonic instructions, but not when operating under
instructions to use verbal mediators. Imagery instructions produced poorer
performance than verbal instructions in the case of subjects of low imagery
ability, but not in the case of subjects of high imagery ability.
This last result is consistent with the idea that tests of spatial thinking predict
the extent to which the subject is able to employ mental imagery as an effective
elaborative code in long-term memory. Nevertheless, it clearly stands in need of
further investigation, and contrasts markedly with the negative findings
obtained by other researchers on the value of spatial tests in memory research. It
should also be pointed out that research on the effects of spatial ability may be
just as vulnerable to experimenter effects as the investigations reviewed earlier on
introspective reports. Unfortunately, as Ernest (I977) has pointed out, there is
simply no experimental evidence on this point. In the circumstances, one must
remain sceptical of the vast majority of the experiments on the effects of spatial
ability on the grounds that the experimental groups were identified before the
administration of the criterion task. When the experimental groups are
identified after they have completed the recall task, variations in spatial ability
seem to have no effect upon performance in long-term memory (Richardson,
This conclusion is entirely consistent with the general theoretical suggestions
made in chapters 6 and 7, that the constructive and elaborative uses of mental
imagery are functionally independent of one another. On this analysis, one
would expect a person's performance in long-term memory to vary with his use of
mental imagery as a form of elaborative encoding, and this receives excellent
confirmation from the use of post-learning questionnaires (see above).
Nevertheless, it is by no means clear how the ability to employ mental imagery as
a form of elaborative encoding might be measured objectively, except (trivially)
by performance in another long-term memory task. The next section describes
an alternative approach.
Individual Dij]erences I33


In discussing the negative findings of research on introspective reports and

spatial ability, Richardson (I978c) made the following suggestions:

A possible conclusion is that neither subjective nor objective tests of imagery

ability are appropriate measures of the critical dimensions on which subjects
vary in their use of different modes of symbolic representation. In studying
individual differences in memory coding, I would suggest that the crucial
question is not how well a subject employs a given mode of symbolic
representation, but which is his preferred mode of representation. We should
therefore not be interested in the ability to construct and manipulate mental
iamges, but in the preference for mental imagery as a mnemonic code.

If one distinguishes between these two concepts of coding ability and coding
preference, it is clear that almost all of the research on individual differences in the
use of mental imagery has been concerned with the has been assumed
that the preference for using mental imagery is correlated with the ability to use
mental imagery (Ernest and Paivio, I97Ih), but there has been little serious
attempt to measure imagery coding preference directly.
An exception is the second experiment reported by Stewart (I 965), which
investigated recognition memory for pictures and words. The test required her
subjects to judge not only whether an item had been presented for learning, but
also whether it had been originally presented as a picture or as a word. If subjects
vary in their preference for mental imagery as a way of encoding information,
this should affect the extent to which they can make the latter sort ofjudgement
with accuracy. Specifically, the judgement which a subject makes should reflect
the sort of coding employed. The results indicated that the subjects of high
spatial ability were more likely to encode a word as a pictorial image than were
those of low spatial ability, whereas subjects of low spatial ability were more
likely to encode a picture verbally than were those of high spatial ability.
However, Di Vesta et al. (I 97 I) mentioned that they had been 'only partially
successful' in replicating Stewart's findings. Richardson ( I978c) also asked his
subjects to identify whether an item had originally been presented as a picture or
as a word. Although the judged presentation modality accurately reflected the
original presentation modality, the degree of accuracy was not influenced in any
way either by introspective reports (as measured by the QMI) or by spatial
ability (as measured by the Flags test). Richardson concluded that coding ability
and coding preference are relatively independent dimensions along which
individuals may vary, at least with regard to the use of mental imagery. If coding
preference is the crucial determiner of performance in memory tasks, than this
would explain why research employing measures of imagery ability has produced
confusing, contradictory and unreplicable findings.
Richardson went on to argue that, in order to understand how a subject
134 j\1entallmagery and Human Memory

carried out a verbal-learning task, one must measure the extent to which he tends
to encode word stimuli as mental images. Stewart's recognition task enables one
to derive just such a measure of coding preference. To be more specific, a
subject's preference for imaginal encoding can be estimated from his accuracy in
judging the original presentation modality of verbally presented items. To the
extent to which he tends to encode such items as pictorial images, his capacity for
making such judgements will be reduced. Richardson measured his subjects'
preference for imaginal coding in just this fashion, and found that subjects who
preferred to encode verbally produced better recall performance than subjects
who preferred to encode pictorially. He suggested that the latter subjects were
employing mental imagery in a separative manner, and, to support this
conclusion, he pointed out certain fine-grain similarities between the results of
his experiment and the effects of separative imagery instructions. It was
concluded that coding preference is an important determiner of performance in
memory tasks, but that a preference for imaginal encoding, as measured
according to the above procedure, leads to discrete representations in human
memory, which actually impairs the subject's ability subsequently to recall the
information thus encoded.
Although this approach appears to be promising, three points should be made
concerning Richardson's procedure. First, it is basically a measure of response
bias, and there is no guarantee that such bias reflects only variations in
mnemonic coding. Second, the superiority of pictorial material (see chapter 5) in
both the retention test and the test of presentation modality meant that
performance was at a ceiling for all subjects. Only the items presented verbally
provided a basis for discriminating among the subjects on the basis of their
coding preference. Third, the subjects were therefore discriminated on the basis
of whether they could remember that particular items had been presented
verbally. However, the fact that a subject could not remember that an item had
been presented verbally does not entail that it was remembered in a pictorial
form, as a mental image, nor in any other specific representation. The results
thus show at most that subjects who could not remember the modality in which
an item was presented in one test remember fewer items in another test; they do
not show that these subjects employ mental imagery, and they certainly do not
show that mental imagery employs a quasi-pictorial representation in human


An important respect in which individuals can vary in their capacities for

different modes of thinking and remembering is when these capacities are
affected by damage to the physiological mechanisms of the brain.
Neuropsychological evidence of this sort has been considered important in
research on mental imagery because it has been taken to support the dual coding
Individual Differences I35

theory offunctionally separate verbal and imaginal cognitive systems. However,

accounts of mental imagery which appeal to such evidence usually fail to assess it
in a critical manner or to relate it explicitly to the theoretical positions under
discussion. If one wishes to identify mental imagery as an important form of
coding in memory tasks, one must go beyond a mere functional dissociation of
verbal and non-verbal cognitive systems, to show how the two sorts of system
might contribute jointly to performance.
As a very gross approximation, one can say that, on the available evidence, the
vehicles of linguistic faculties seem to be localised within the left cerebral
hemisphere in most subjects. Damage to the right cerebral hemisphere may lead
to an impairment of non-verbal functioning, but typically leaves speech
unimpaired". Independent of this distinction between verbal and non-verbal
function, one may identify a different sort of organisation within each of the
cerebral hemispheres. Again as a rough approximation, one can say that the
posterior regions of the hemispheres are responsible for the reception, elabor-
ation and storage of received information; whereas the anterior regions of the
hemispheres are responsible for programming, regulating and controlling
human actions (see Luria, I974, chap. 2; Milner, I97I; Walsh, I978, chap. 8).
(It should be obvious that this account ignores individual differences in the
cerebral representation of psychological function.) Within this very ap-
proximate and imprecise framework, one may attempt to determine the cerebral
structures whose integrity is of most importance in the three sorts of mnemonic
faculty which have been discussed in the earlier chapters of this book: immediate
memory (chapter 4); pictorial memory (chapter 5); and verbal memory
(chapters 6-8).
The experimental research reviewed in chapter 4 suggested that mental
imagery might operate as a short-term working memory in the representation,
preservation and manipulation of spatial and pictorial information. Damage to
the posterior regions of the brain, and expecially to the parietal lobes of the
cerebral cortex, tends to produce impaired performance in these tasks (Miller,
I972, chap. 4; Teuber, I963). Although deficits in spatial thinking may result
from damage to either side of the brain, they are more likely following damage to
the right cerebral hemisphere (Arrigoni and De Renzi, I964; Piercy, Hecaen
and Ajuriaguerra, I 96o; Piercy and Smyth, I 962). However, the relative
frequency of deficit in patients with damage to the right hemisphere varies from
task to task (Benton, I 969). Thus, physiological mechanisms in both hemis-
pheres may contribute to the use of mental imagery as a short-term, non-verbal,
working memory, but different tasks may make different requirements of the
components in the two parietal lobes.
The role of the right cerebral hemisphere is more obvious in considering
pictorial memory. The need to postulate a non-verbal representation in long-
term memory is perhaps most readily accepted in the case of the retention of
complex visual displays which cannot be readily described or labelled. While
damage to the left cerebral hemisphere typically leaves performance on such
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

tasks unimpaired, the retention of non-verbal patterned stimuli is especially

affected by damage to the right temporal lobe. While it is true that a person's
ability to recognise such material may be affected in more generalised right
posterior lesions, the stm'ly of patients who have undergone unilateral temporal
lobectomy has clearly implicated the structures of the right temporal lobe in non-
verbal long-term memory, and specifically the hippocampus (Milner, 1965,
1966, 1971).
Thus, the available evidence suggests that the parietal lobes constitute the
neuroanatomical basis of non-verbal short-term memory, whereas the right
temporal lobe contains the neuroanatomical basis of non-verbal long-term
memory. This is an interesting conclusion, since an analogous distinction for
verbal memory has been made with respect to the left parietal and left temporal
lobes (Shallice and Warrington, I970). Since there exists a 'double dissociation'
(Teuber, 1955) between the effects of damage to the parietal lobes and the effects
of damage to the right temporal lobe (that is, the two components of non-verbal
memory appear to be vulnerable to lesions at distinct and non-overlapping
anatomical sites), it may be concluded that the short-term and long-term non-
verbal stores are functionally independent.
These ideas are confirmed by results obtained with a task devised by Corsi as a
non-verbal analogue of the conventional test of digit span (Milner, I 97 I). In this
task, which was mentioned in chapter 4, the subject is presented with nine blocks
in an irregular array. The experimenter taps some of the blocks in a particular
sequence, and the subject is required to tap out exactly the same pattern
immediately afterwards. The maximum number ofblocks which he is able to tap
in the correct order is his spatial span. In its basic form, this is clearly a test of
immediate, non-verbal memory. De Renzi and Nichelli ( I975) found that a
subject's spatial span might be reduced by posterior lesions in either hemisphere,
but Corsi found no impairment following either right or left temporal lobectomy
(Milner, I97 I). This supports the hypothesis of a parietal basis for non-verbal
short-term memory. However, Corsi also employed this task according to the
supraspan method devised by Hebb ( I96I). Each subject was tested on
sequences of the same length, one block longer than his spatial span. Unknown to
the subject, every third sequence was exactly the same, but other sequences
occurred only once. With normal subjects, recall of the recurring sequence
increased with repeated presentation, but the non-recurring sequences remained
at the same initial level. The improvement on the recurring sequence thus
reflects the contribution of non-verbal long-term memory, cumulating with
repeated presentation (cf. Baddeley and Warrington, I970). However, this
improvement was reduced following right temporal lobectomy; indeed, if there
was radical damage to the hippocampus, the patients showed no benefit from
repeated presentation (Milner, I97I). These results support the hypothesis that
the vehicle of non-verbal long-term memory is localised within the right
temporal lobe.
The distinct neuroanatomical correlates of short-term and long-term non-
Individual Differences I37

verbal memory are also illustrated by findings obtained with two maze tasks (cf.
Ratcliff and Newcombe, I973). In a locomotor maze, the subject walks among
points arrayed on the ground along a specific path shown on a map. The map is
held in a constant orientation relative to the subject, but its orientation relative
to the ground changes as he walks. The subject does not have to 'learn' the maze
in any sense, but he has to carry out mental rotations in immediate memory in
order to relate his perception of the map with his perception of the maze.
Performance on this task is affected by parietal lesions of either hemisphere, but
not by temporal lesions (Semmes, Weinstein, Ghent and Teuber, I955, I963;
Teuber, I963). On the other hand, in a visually-guided stylus maze, the subject
has to learn a specific path among a set of points in a rectangular array, tracing a
path with a stylus over a series of trials. This requires the subject to encode a
complex visual pattern in long-term memory, but he does not have to transform
the visual array in any way. Patients with lesions of the right temporal lobe are
impaired in this task, but those with lesions confined to the parietal lobes or to the
left temporal lobe obtain normal scores (Milner, I 965).
As was mentioned earlier, the neuroanatomical basis oflinguistic functioning
tends to be localised within the left cerebral hemisphere in most subjects. It is
certainly true that verbal learning and memory tend to be disrupted by damage
to the left hemisphere (Newcombe, I969, chap. 6); and, as in the case of non-
verbal retention, the structures of the temporal lobe appear to be of particular
importance (Miller, I972, PP· 56--g; Milner, I97I). As Milner (Ig66) com-
mented: 'It is now well established that a left temporal lobe lesion in the
dominant hemisphere for speech impairs the learning and retention of verbal
material, whether aurally or visually presented, and regardless of whether
retention is measured by recognition, free recall, or rate of associative
This functional dissociation of the two cerebral hemispheres with respect to
the processing of verbal and non-verbal information has been taken to support
the dual coding theory of symbolic functioning in a fairly direct manner (Paivio,
I97IC, pp. 522-3; I978b; Sheikh, I977l· However, the assumption of
independence-interconnectedness of the two systems does not appear to be
strictly in accord with the neuropsychological evidence. Specifically, the notion
of interconnectedness, as encapsulated in the coding redundancy hypothesis,
implies that there should not be a radical hemispheric dissociation. This
argument may be spelled out in the form of two premises, each of which is a
central plank of dual coding theory (though neither of which is clearly supported
by empirical findings), together with a conclusion which is completely
contradicted by the available evidence.
I. Dual coding theory interprets many findings in verbal learning and
memory as showing that mental imagery is involved in such tasks. This is a
consequence of the coding redundancy hypothesis, which states that both
imaginal and verbal processing are involved in verbal remembering. Although
many of the findings discussed in chapters 6-8 are consistent with this
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

framework, very little of the evidence serves to distinguish dual coding theory
from common coding theory.
2. Dual coding theory also assumes that mental imagery is the form of
mnemonic representation which is involved in pictorial memory. Although it
might be parsimonious to explain the effects attributable to the operation of
mental imagery in terms of the mnemonic coding aroused by pictorial
presentation, the research discussed in chapter 5 failed to provide any convincing
evidence for this. Insofar as pictorial memory in particular, and non-verbal
cognitive processing in general are vulnerable to lesions of the right cerebral
hemisphere, it would be reasonable to conclude that the neuroanatomical
vehicle of mental imagery is contained in that hemisphere. The only evidence for
this is an experiment on short-term recognition memory reported by Seamon
and Gazzaniga ( 1973). They required their subjects to use either interactive
imagery or subvocal rehearsal, and presented recognition probes to either the left
or the right cerebral hemispheres by means of a tachistoscope. The subjects
produced faster responses for probes to the left hemisphere when they were using
subvocal rehearsal, but they produced faster responses for probes to the right
hemisphere when they were using interactive imagery. This is the only clear
evidence directly associating mental imagery with the functions of the right
cerebral hemisphere, but it is actually contradicted by evidence from studies of
temporal lobectomy which will be discussed presently.
3· Nevertheless, the two premises which have just been outlined imply that
verbal learning and memory should be affected not only by damage to the left
cerebral hemisphere (because of the obvious verbal component), but also by
damage to the right cerebral hemisphere (because of the involvement of mental
imagery). However, the neuropsychological evidence on this matter is quite
unequivocal: damage to the right or non-dominant hemisphere virtually never
gives rise to an impairment in verbal learning tasks (Miller, 1972, p. 57; Milner,
1966; Newcombe, 1969, chap. 6; Walsh, 1978, p. 174). Thus, the two
hemispheres do not seem to contribute jointly to verbal learning and memory.
Conversely, their complete functional dissociation seems to be quite inconsistent
with usual accounts of dual coding theory.
The two cerebral hemispheres do seem to contribute jointly to the recognition
of nameable pictures. Milner (1966) devised a test in which the subjects were
asked to name the objects depicted in each of four pictures, and subsequently
(after an interval occupied by a digit repetition task) to select the original four
pictures from a series of nine pictures. The task was administered to 123 patients
who were undergoing carotid amytal tests prior to neurosurgery. (In this
procedure, the functioning of one of the cerebral hemispheres is selectively
interrupted by the injection of a solution of sodium amytal into the common
carotid artery.) Failures of recognition tended to occur only when the patient
had a pre-existing unilateral temporal lesion, and when the injections were made
into the contralateral hemisphere. This suggests that the relevant information is
normally stored in both cerebral hemispheres and can be utilised provided at
Individual Dif.ferences I39

least one of the temporal lobes is functioning. Thus, there is some neuropsycholo-
gical evidence for a coding redundancy account of the retention of nameable
Unfortunately, it is unlikely that such evidence can be more than suggestive
by itself. As Anderson (I978) has pointed out, the demonstration of a functional
dissociation of the two cerebral hemispheres is entirely consistent with the idea
that all information has a propositional form, but that propositions encoding
visual information are stored in the right hemisphere and propositions encoding
verbal information are stored in the left hemisphere; or with the idea that all
information is stored in a propositional form in both hemispheres, but that
procedures for performing verbal tasks are located in the left hemisphere and
procedures for performing spatial tasks are located in the right hemisphere.
Either version of common coding theory would be consistent with the available
evidence. Unless one is to accept Anderson's conclusion that it is in principle
impossible to decide between the two frameworks, future research must devise
more intricate experimental techniques for investigating the neuroanatomical
basis of psychological function.
Although research on the role of mental imagery in verbal memory has
received little support from clinical studies of memory impairment, several
recent studies have approached the problem by applying experimental pro-
cedures to specific clinical populations. Four of these inyestigations will be briefly
1. Baddeley and Warrington (I970, I973) studied patients with a severe
global deficit in learning tasks, the amnesic syndrome (Warrington, I 97 I). Their
first series of experiments used tests of verbal learning, and identified this
condition as a selective impairment of long-term memory. The second series
demonstrated that amnesic patients were able to improve their recall perform-
ance when the material was organised on either a phonemic or a semantic basis;
however, they did not benefit at all when unrelated words were linked by
sentences which they were instructed to visualise. This suggested that amnesic
patients were specifically impaired in the use of mental imagery as a form of
coding in long-term memory.
2. Jones (I974) examined the usefulness of an imagery mnemonic in patients
following unilateral and bilateral temporal lobectomy, who were required to
learn heterogeneous lists of concrete and abstract paired associates. As one would
have expected, the patients with bilateral lesions showed no retention through-
out the experiment. The patients with lesions of the left temporal lobe showed a
significant impairment, but were able to improve their performance when
instructed to use mental imagery. Indeed, they showed a normal superiority on
concrete material, and a normal benefit from imagery mnemonic instructions.
This implies that their deficit cannot be attributed to a failure to use mental
imagery, and, conversely, that the neuroanatomical basis of mental imagery is
not contained within the structures of the left temporal lobe. The patients with
lesions ofthe right temporal lobe showed no impairment, a normal superiority on
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

concrete material, and a normal benefit from imagery mnemonic instructions.

This confirms the point made above, that damage to the right cerebral
hemisphere does not give rise to an impairment in verbal learning and memory,
and implies that the neuroanatomical basis of mental imagery is not contained
within the structures of the right temporal lobe. Further, since damage to the
right temporal lobe typically leads to an impairment in learning pictorial
material, Jones' results suggest that the effects of stimulus imageability and of
imagery mnemonic instructions do not reflect the use of a pictorial represen-
tation in long-term memory.
3· Richardson (1978b) investigated verbal learning and intelligence in two
cases of spontaneously arrested congenital hydrocephalus. They were found to
be impaired in free recall when compared with control subjects matched for age
and educational attainment. They were also selectively impaired on the
performance subtests of an intelligence scale. Richardson concluded that their
memory impairment resulted from a reduced ability to use mental imagery as an
elaborative code. However, the discussion earlier in this chapter shows that there
is no independent support for the idea that performance tests of spatial ability
measure the ability to use mental imagery as an elaborative code in long-term
memory. Indeed, Richardson's subjects were equally impaired on concrete and
abstract material. This suggests that the memory impairment and the deficit in
performance IQ were unrelated aspects of a more general reduction in
intellectual ability. In fact, congenital hydrocephalus is a disorder which is likely
to produce damage in a wide variety of cerebral regions.
4· Richardson ( 1979) examined 40 adult male patients admitted to hospital
following head injuries, and compared them with a control group of orthopaedic
patients. The patients with head injuries were impaired in the recall of concrete
material, but not in the recall of abstract material. While the control subjects
showed the normal pattern of superior recall of concrete material, the patients
with head injuries showed no significant difference between the recall of concrete
and abstract material. Richardson concluded that head injury leads to an
impairment of imaginal encoding, but does not affect verbal encoding. However,
in personal discussion, Alan Baddeley has suggested that the performance of the
head-injured patients might merely reflect a floor effect in the contribution of
secondary memory to the total recall performance. That is, a normal primary-
memory component was manifested by both groups of subjects on both sorts of
stimulus material, but the secondary-memory component was attenuated either
with abstract material or following closed head injury. On this account, the idea
of an impairment in secondary memory would be adequate to explain the results
without appeal to mental imagery.
Clearly this is an inadequate amount of empirical evidence on which to
establish a neuropsychological theory concerning the role of mental imagery in
memory tasks. However, future research might seriously consider the suggestion
that an analysis of such tasks as involving the use of mental imagery will be of
help in understanding the impaired memory performance which results from
Individual Differences

neurological damage. On the other hand, the work ofjones ( 1974) and the more
general background of neuropsychological literature seem to have important
consequences for the status of current theories of imagery and memory.


Contemporary research on individual differences in mental imagery employs

two approaches. The 'subjective' approach relies on the subjects' introspective
reports concerning their mental images and the use which they make of them.
Introspective questionnaires on the vividness of experienced imagery have been
frequently used, but they have produced no reliable conclusions. On the other
hand, the types of mediator reported in post-learning questionnaires do seem to
be important in understanding the role of mental imagery in learning tasks. The
'objective' approach relies on measures of the subjects' performance in tasks
requiring the use of mental imagery. Tests of spatial thinking have failed to
produce replicable correlations between imagery ability and memory
The reported vividness of experienced mental imagery is independent both of
the subject's ability to use mental imagery as a non-verbal working memory, and
ofhis ability to use mental imagery as an elaborative code in long-term memory.
There are serious conceptual reasons for questioning whether such reports
constitute legitimate or meaningful judgements. The subject's ability to use
mental imagery as a non-verbal working memory appears to be dependent upon
the operation of physiological mechanisms within the parietal lobes. It is
independent of the subject's ability to use mental imagery as an elaborative code
in long-term memory. Long-term memory of a nonverbal, pictorial nature
appears to be dependent upon the operation of physiological mechanisms within
the right temporal lobe; whereas long-term memory of a verbal nature seems to
be dependent upon the integrity of the left temporal lobe. The use of mental
imagery as an elaborative code in long-term verbal memory does not seem to be
dependent upon the mechanisms of either temporal lobe, and should not be
considered to give rise to pictorial representations in long-term memory.
Finally, I should mention three further areas in which individual differences in
mental imagery have been considered. The first is the study of individuals who
experience particularly vivid, detailed and persistent visual imagery. This is
often referred to as eidetic imagery, and has received some attention from
cognitive psychologists in recent years (for example, Gray and Gummerman,
1975; Haber, 1969; Stromeyer and Psotka, 1970). However, Haber (1969)
argued that eidetic imagery was quite different from the type of imagery
normally employed in memory tasks, and Baddeley (1976, p. 222) has recently
concluded that the study of eidetic imagery 'seems to represent an intriguing but
relatively unimportant byway on the road to understanding normal human
memory'. The second approach is the study of individuals who might be
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

expected to be lacking in certain sorts of mental imagery. Some evidence has

been obtained in the case of blind subjects, who are presumably lacking in visual
imagery (Paivio and Okovita, 197 I), and in the case of deaf subjects, who are
presumably lacking in auditory imagery (Conlin and Paivio, 1975). However,
these are really only preliminary investigations which have yet to make a positive
contribution to the understanding of the role of mental imagery in remembering.
Finally, one may investigate the performance of individuals who appear to have
radically superior mnemonic abilities. Baddeley ( 1976, pp. 35 7-68) has given an
interesting summary of several such cases, and the role of mental imagery is
frequently implicated. Nevertheless, it is also obvious that there are many
differences among the mnemonists who have been studied in detail, and it is
difficult to come to any general conclusions concerning the origins of super-
normal memory.


The preceding chapters have attempted to summarise a great deal of experi-

mental research. Indeed, a substantial amount of research resources has been
devoted to the investigation of mental imagery during the last twenty years. This
book has been concerned only with that portion of this research which bears
upon the nature and function of human memory; this has certainly been a major
focus of experimentation and theorising, but other important areas have had to
be excluded. It is clear that research on mental imagery has given rise to a great
many facts and ideas which have proved most interesting and useful to cognitive
psychologists, and the heuristic value of investigating mental imagery and its role
in human memory cannot be seriously questioned. However, what assessment
can one now make of the theoretical proposals which have been made during the
course of that research?
Throughout this book, I have tried to emphasise the intentional property of
mental imagery, according to which the identity and the functional origin of
mental images lie in the abstract propositional descriptions under which they are
constructed. The notion of intentionality is a difficult philosophical concept, and
a great deal offurther analysis needs to be carried out to understand this property
and its implications for the epistemological status of mental imagery.
Nevertheless, it is also clear that mental images are representations which possess
emergent properties (that is, properties which could not be readily computed or
deduced on the basis of the relevant propositional descriptions), and these
emergent properties can be utilised in many cognitive tasks. Chapter 4
characterised this constructive use of mental imagery as a form of non-verbal,
short-term, working memory, which may be widely employed in the represen-
tation, preservation and manipulation of spatial and pictorial information. This
function of mental imagery may be disrupted by a concurrent cognitive task
which involves the processing of spatial or pictorial information, and possibly by
any concurrent task which is not pre-programmed but which makes demands
upon a central executive system. The operation of this form of working memory
appears to be dependent upon the physiological integrity of the parietal lobes of
the cerebral cortex.
Much of the research on the function of mental imagery in long-term memory
has been concerned with the retention of visual displays such as pictures and
faces. On a priori grounds, it seems to be necessary to postulate a form of non-

Mental Imagery and Human Memory

verbal storage to explain the capacity for recognising pictorial stimuli which
cannot be readily described, named or labelled. Excellent evidence for such a
representation comes from the investigation of face recognition, which seems to
be almost entirely a visual process. On the other hand, there is fairly good
experimental evidence for a coding redundancy hypothesis, according to which
nameable pictures and picture stories receive both non-verbal, pictorial
representations arid verbal, conceptual representations in long-term memory.
This idea of functionally independent mnemonic representations is supported by
neuropsychological evidence of a 'double dissociation' between pictorial long-
term memory, whose neuroanatomical basis appears to lie in the right temporal
lobe, and verbal long-term memory, whose neuroanatomical basis appears to lie
in the left temporal lobe. However, there is little direct experimental evidence to
suggest that this pictorial representation is the form of mnemonic coding aroused
by the use of mental imagery, and there is neuropsychological evidence which
strongly implies that this identification should not be made. Although it is
possible in principle to specify a version of propositional or common coding
theory which could handle the experimental and neuropsychological findings on
pictoriaLmemory, the various adjustments needed to ensure this consistency with
the empirical data are unlikely to constitute well motivated revisions of current
examples of common coding theory. A dual coding model may therefore be
regarded as the most appropriate theoretical approach for the future investig-
ation of pictorial memory.
In the area of verbal learning, three sorts of experimental procedure have been
employed for investigating the role of mental imagery: the administration of
instructions to the experimental subjects to use mental imagery in their learning;
the comparison of samples of stimulus material in terms of their concreteness or
imageability; and the comparison of individual subjects in terms of their ability
or preference to use mental imagery in learning. Under the appropriate
circumstances, each of these experimental procedures has been found to produce
substantial and reliable effects upon memory performance; moreover, they also
have been found to yield meaningful interactions in terms of their effects upon
recall. Nevertheless, several important considerations need to be appreciated in
evaluating this research. First, the relational organisation of mental imagery
appears to be important in determining its mnemonic efficacy, rather than its
subjective vividness. Second, the empirical evidence does not necessitate any
additional principles oflearning which are specific to the use of mental imagery
as a mnemonic strategy. Rather, all of the findings may be discussed in terms of
such general notions as organisation, integration and semantic representation.
Third, this elaborative use of mental imagery appears to be functionally distinct
(on both experimental and neuropsychological evidence) from the constructive
use of mental imagery in immediate memory, and from the representation of
pictorial information in long-term memory. Indeed, a clear neuropsychological
basis for this function of mental imagery has yet to be identified. Since both
common coding and dual coding positions appear to be consistent with the
Conclusions 145

available evidence under this heading, considerations of parsimony seem to

require that common coding theory be retomtnended as the appropriate
theoretical framework for the future investigation of verbal learning and
This conclusion is exactly that which was suggested initially on the basis of a
discussion of the implications of intentionality for the epistemological status of
mental imagery. On these purely conceptual grounds, it was suggested that the
functional origin of mental imagery lies m a system of knowledge which is
'essentially conceptual and propositional, rather than sensory or pictorial, in nature'
(Pylyshyn, 1973). Nevertheless, there are a few items of evidence which actually
speak in favour of an adoption of common coding theory. These include: the
finding that verbal mediation instructions and imagery mnemonic instructions
produce comparable effects upon performance; the finding that semantic
confusions in recognition memory for sentences are determined by conceptual
relationships expressed in the sentence itself, rather than by any pictorial
properties of an evoked mental image; and the functional independence of
mental imagery as an elaborative code and the retention of pictorial inform-
ation. Certainly, there exists experimental evidence on the retention of sentences
and connected discourse, as well as neuropsychological evidence, which creates
fundamental problems for the interpretation of dual coding theory which was
offered by Paivio ( 1971c). Within common coding theory, the empirical effects
attributed to the use of mental imagery can be explained by assuming the greater
efficacy of propositional structures which incorporate perceptual or spatial
predicates. This assumption has always been incorporated into propOsitional
theories of human memory, and can be supported by conceptual arguments
similar to those given by Strawson ( 1959, chap. I). If such structures are better
remembered, whatever the absolute level of recall performance, then this would
go some way to explaining why lesions of the left temporal lobe lead to an
impairment of memory without reducing either the effect of stimulus image-
ability or the benefit of imagery mnemonic instructions.
Finally, some remarks are in order concerning the methodology of research on
mental imagery. This book has attempted to argue for the evidential priority of
the reports given by experimental subjects concerning both the strategies which
they employ in carrying out cognitive tasks, and the psychological states which
they experience in doing so. However, it is also clear from the discussion of the
previous chapter that not all questions which are superficially meaningful to the
subject or of interest to the experimenter are legitimate ones to ask. The
psychologist who wishes to carry out a serious investigation of personal
experience must devote time and effort to ensure that the tasks with which he
confronts his subjects are conceptually and methodologically sound.
A second problem concerns the reliability and replicability of the experi-
mental findings. In some cases the empirical effects of interest are substantial and
appear regularly in different experiments. However, in other cases, the
conclusions of one experiment simply fail to appear in another, quite similar
Mental Imagery and Human Memory

study. Of course, in any experiment there are uncontrolled sources of variation,

and these may lead to inconsistencies between different studies. However, an
important, and potentially controllable source of variation in virtually all of the
experiments reviewed in this book is the idiosyncratic properties of the
experimental material employed. Inconsistencies between different papers may
often be attributed to the experimenters' failure to take this source of variation
into account in analysing their results. Of course, statistical methods have been
available for some time for incorporating an estimate of the variation among the
experimental stimuli into an analysis of quantitative data (Clark, 1973;
Richardson, 1975d). However, such methods are unfortunately not widely used.
In this book, therefore, it will have been noted that the replicability of
experimental findings between different investigations has been regarded as an
important criterion determining whether such findings should be used to
evaluate the principal theoretical positions being discussed.
A third problem concerns the possibility of experimenter effects in research on
mental imagery. This was discussed in some detail in the previous chapter, but is
mentioned again here to excuse the omission of an otherwise interesting topic in
the study of individual differences in cognitive abilities. This is the study of sex
differences, which are implicated because of a well established tendency of
female subjects to report more vivid imagery than male subjects (White,
Sheehan and Ashton, 1977), and because of speculations in recent years
concerning sex differences in hemispheric specialisation. There are also
suggestions in the literature that effects of imagery ability are more pronounced
in female subjects than in males. However, on inspection, it appears that these
suggestions tend to be propagated by female experimenters (for instance, Ernest,
1977; Stewart, 1965; Wells, 1972). This is not an idle observation, since Gralton,
Hayes and Richardson (in press) have found that the pattern of results obtained
in an experiment may depend upon both the sex of the subject and the sex of the
experimenter; they suggested specifically that being tested by an experimenter of
the opposite sex may inhibit the use of mnemonic strategies which might
otherwise enhance recall performance. Given the likelihood of experimenter
effects in such experiments, one may echo their conclusion that 'no comparison of
male and female subjects should be accepted until it has been replicated with
both male and female experimenters'.
Despite these methodological problems, I must repeat the point that research
on mental imagery has given rise to a vast body of empirical findings, and these
observations are among the most interesting facts about human memory and
human cognitive functioning in general that are available. A considerable
amount of the credit for this must go to the work ofPaivio and his collaborators,
and to the theory of dual coding which he proposed as the first major theoretical
interpretation of the growing body of empirical evidence. This evidence must be
encompassed by any satisfactory theory cf mental imagery and human memory.
Nevertheless, after considering the evidence, I must conclude that there is
inadequate empirical support for dual coding theory, and that there are certain

findings which present grave difficulties for that position. Propositional theories
appear to be a more promising means of developing future investigations of the
faculty of memory.

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Author Index

Ajuriaguerra,J. de 135 Bever, T. G. 7, 38

Allport, D. A. 42 Bickley, W. 92
Anderson,J.R. 11, 15-22,37,38,43, Blumenthal, A. 104
49,60,62,69, 70, 76, 79,83,86,89, Boakes, R. A. I04
90, 98, 100, 106, 107, 113, 116, 139 Bobrow, S. A. 75
Anderson, R. C. 72, 85 Boies, S.J. 40
Anderson, R. E. 45 Boucher, B. 62
Andreoff, G. R. 73 Bousfield, W. A. 45
Angeli,J. R. 121 Bower, G.H. 11, 15, 17-9,27,35, 37, 38,
Antrobus,]. S. 127 45,49,56-8,60,62-4,68,69, 71-7,
Armstrong, D. M. 26 79,81,83,85,86,88-90,97,98, 100,
Armstrong, R. 48 106,107,113,116,121,
Arnold, P. G. 79, 98 Bradshaw,]. L. 22
Arrigoni, G. 135 Bransford,]. D. 104, 105, 112-4
Ashton, R. 43, 118-22, 125-7, 146 Bregman, A. S. 104
Atkinson, R. C. 71,81 Brooks, L. R. 55-8, 79, 98
Atwood, G. 78-9, 98, 107 Brown, R. 91
Brown, R. M.D. 119-21
Bacharach, V. R. 62 Bruner,]. S. 63
Bacon, F. 81 Buckley, P. B. 48
Baddeley, A. D. ix, 43, 57, 67, 75, Bugelski, B. R. 11, 12, 18, 19, 23, 38, 72,
79-80,98-9,119,136,139-42, 77,110
Baggett, P. 115-6 Bums, S. 88
Bahrick, H. P. 62 Busiek, R. D. 63
Baker, G. P. 28-9 Byrne, B. 57,98
Ball, T. M. 44
Banks, W. P. 47-50, 52-3 Calfee, R. C. 62
Barclay,J. R. 104, 113 Calvano, M.A. 119, 131
Barresi, J. 71 Carmichael, L. 63
Barrett, B. 56 Carr, T. H. 62
Barron,B.F. 120,129 Catchpole, M.J. 8, 12, 15,40
Bartlett, F. C. 88, 111-3, 128 Cautela,J. R. 127
Bates, E. 104 Chance,J. 61, 62,64
Bayer, R. H. 47,48 Chase, W. G. 19
Beech,J. R. 42,55 Chipman, ·s. 54
Begg,I. 74, 76,102-7,109,110,113-6 Chomsky, N. 17, 91, 93, 94, 103
Bennett, G. K. 130 Christian,]. 92
Benton, A. L. 135 Christiansen, T. 131, 132
Berger,G.H. 122,123 Christie, D. F. M. 45, 58
Berlyne, D. E. 45 Clark, H. H. 19, 146
Betts, G. H. 118-9 Clayton, K. 92
Bevan, W. 72 Cleary,J.J. 105
172 Author Index

Cofer, C. N. 113 Friesen, W. V. 64

Cohen, R. L. 66 Frincke, G. 95
Collyer, S.C. 72 Fusella, V. 57-8
Conezio,.J. 61
Conlin, D. 142 Gale, A. 120, 126, 127
Cooper, L.A. 46 Galton, F. 118, 126
Corsi, P. 45, 136 Garner, W. R. 10
Craik, F. I. M. 44 Garrett, M. F. 7, 38
Crowne, D.P. 121 Garrod, S. 110
Csapo, K. 62, 65, 70, 77, 98 Gaunitz, S.C. B. 122, 123
Curtis, D. W. 47 Gazzaniga, M. S. 138
Ghent, L. 137
Danaher, B. G. 119, 130 Gillman, C. B. 48
Davies, G. 88, 108, 110 Gingras, P. P. 120, 126, 127
Davies, G. M. 62 Goldstein, A. G. 61, 62,64
Delin, P. S. 71,73 Gordon, P. 57
Demarest, I. H. 63 Gordon, R. 126-7
Dempster, R.N. 74 Graham, N.C. 73
Den Heyer, K. 56 Gralton, M. A. 146
De Renzi, E. 135, 136 Granstrom, K. 66
Dhawan, M. 66 Grant,S. 57,79,98
Di Vesta, F.J. 121, 123, 126-7, 130-3 Gray, D. R. 141
Doob,L. W. 11,27,34-5 Groninger, L. D. 72
Dooling, D.J. 112 Gross, A. E. 71
Dowling, P. 120 Grossman,]. L. 128
Dumais, S. T. 47, 54 Gummerman, K. 141
Durndell, A.J. 119-22, 127, 130-1 Gupton, T. 95
Gur, R. C. 120-1, 123
Eich,J. E. 66
Eichelman, W. H. 40 Haber, R.N. 61, 141
Ekman, P. 64 Hacker,P.M.S. x,29,32,34,41
Elliott, L. 98 Hake, H. W. 10
Ellis, H. D. 61,64 Hall, V. 63
Ellsworth, P. 64 Ham, M. L. 126
Epstein, W. 61, 75, 125 Ham,M.W. 126
Eriksen, C. W. 10 Hampson, P. 64
Ernest, C. H. 110, 119, 122, 126, 127, Hanawalt, N. G. 63
130-3, 146 Harre, R. 21
Evans, I. M. 119 Hasher, L. 72, 129
Eysenck, M. W. 105-6, 110-1 Hastorff, A. R. 125
Hauck, P. D. 72
Fechner, G. T. 126 Hayes,J. R. II
Feng.C. 46 Hayes, Y.A. 146
Fillenbaum, S. 54, 104 Healy, A. F. 45, 56, 58, 78
Flagg, P. W. 113 Hebb, D. 0. 6-7, 136
Flora, J. 48-50 Hecaen, H. 135
Fodor,J. A. 7, 38-40,45,91 Heinen,J. R. K. 72
Forisha, B. D. 126-7, 130, 131 Herman, D. T. 63
Foth, D. 96-7 Herman, S.J. 104
Fowler, R. 93 Hidde,J. L. 85
Fraisse, P. 107-8 Hilgard, E. R. 120-1, 123
Franks,J.J. 104, 112-4 Hitch, G. 45
Friedman, A. 48, 49 Hoffinan, R. R. 72
Author Index 173

Hogan, H.P. 63 Lachman, R. I I~

Hollenberg,C.K. 131 Lambert, W. E. 90, 101-~
Holmes, V. M. 106, 110-1 Lampel, A. K. 62
Holt, R. R. I, 5-7, 12, 26, 121 Landauer, A. 125
Holyoak, K.J. 48,53 Landauer, T. K. 48
Horowitz, L. M. 62, 90, 102, 104 Lang, D. 119, 126, 127
Hovland, C. I. 62 Langford,]. 106, 110-1
Howard,J. H.,Jr 47-9,54 Lavigueur, H. 64
Huckabee,M. VV. 121 Law, H. 125
Hu1icka, I. M. 128 Lawless, R. H. 63
Hunter, ·I.M.L. 81 Lea,G. 44
Lees, R. B. 93
lndow, T. 45 Legant, P. 63
Ingersoll, G. 121 Lieberman, K. 57,79-80
Itatani, E. 62 Likert, R. 130
Lindauer, M.S. II
James, C. T. 104 Lindsay, P. H. 15
Janssen, VV. 11, 18, 19,43,45,55,57, Lockhart, R. S. 89, 102
77-80,85,87,94-9,119,120 London,P. 62
Jarvella, R.J. 104 Lovelace, E. A. 48
Jeffrey, T. E. 130 Lowry, D. H. 61, 68, 72
Jenkins,J. R. 63 Luria, A. R. 135
Johnson, D. M. 47
Johnson, M. K. 105, 109, 110, 112
Johnson-Laird, P. N 104, 105, 110 McCabe, L. 62
Jones, G. V. 66,69 McDermott, VV. 125
Jones, M. K. 139-41
MacDonald, V. N. 97
Jones, S. 64
Jonides,J. 72 Macht,M. 85,90
Jorgensen, C. C. 16 McKellar, P. 120, 129
Juhasz,J. B. 119, 126 McKelvie, S.J. 120, 126, 127
Madigan,S. 62,84-6,90,123
Kamemoto, VV. S. 119 Malcolm, N. 32, 37,39
Karchmer, M. A. 90 Malpass, R. S. 64
Karlin, M. B. 62 Mandler, G. 61,75
Katz,J.J. 91,93 Manelis, L. 90
Kelly, R. T. 58 Marks, D. F. II, 23, 34, 37, 42, 43, 54,
Kenny, A.J. P. 26-7,29,31, 33, 36,38 88, 118, 120, 122, 124, 127, 129
Kerr, N. 74-5,85,86, 98, 119 Marlowe, D. 121
Kerst, S.M. 47-9, 54,61, 68, 69 Marshall, P. H. 61, 73
Kessel, F. S. I Marshall, R. VV. 63
Kintsch, VV. 16, 93, 104 Martin, D. VV. 58
Kirkpatrick, E. A. 71 Mehner, D. S. 62
K1ee, H. 105-6, 110-1 Merry, R. 73
Knight, M. 26 Metzler,]. 46, 130
Knight, R. 26 Meudell, P.R. 45, 56
Kosslyn, S.M. 10, II, 16, 18-20,37, Miller, E. 135, 137, 138
40-2,44,52,60,63,89, 100,122 Milner, B. 45, 135-8
Kroll, N. E. A. 72 Mintura, A. L. 63
Kuhlman, C. K. 131 Moeser, S.D. 106-7,109-11,114
Kuhn, T. S. 8 Morelli, G. 119,126,127
Kulhavy, R. VV. 72 Morris, P. E. 64, 71, 74, 81, 95, 120,
Kurtz, K. H. 62 126, 127
Kusyszyn, I. 102 Morton,J. 45
174 Author Index

Moscovitch, M. 19 Psotka,J. 141

Moyer, R. S. 47-9, 52, 54 Putnam, H. I 7
Munoz, R. 79; 98 Putnoky,J. 120
Murphy, D. L. 66 Pylyshyn,Z. W. II, 15-20,38-40,116,
128, 145
Nappe, G. W. 72
Neisser, U. I, 6-9, 11-13, 18, 23, 54, 57, Quasha, W. H. 130
62, 72-5,85,86,98, 113,119-20, Quinn,J. G. 79, 98
122, 124, 129 Quinton, A. M. 34
Nelson, K. E. 63
Newcombe, F. 137, 138 Rapoport, A. 54
Newell, A. 2, 128 Ratcliff, G. 137
N ichelli, P. 136 Raugh, M. R. 81
Nickerson, R. S. 61 Reese, H. W. 62, 63
Nielsen, G. D. 45 Rehm, L. P. 119, 130-1
Norman, D. A. 15 Reid, R. L. 71,95
Nyberg, S. E. 105 Reiser, B.J. 44
Reitman, J. S. 113
Okovita, H. W. 142 Restle, F. 48
Olver, M.A. 85 Richardson, A. 2, 23, 118, 119, 121,
O'Neill, B.J. 89 125-7, 131
Orne, M. T. 122 Richardson,]. T. E. 9, 10, 29, 30, 45, 51,
Osgood, C. E. 48, 52 63,66, 71,74,84-7,91-4,102,103,
Owens, A. C. 63 118, 119, 123-5, 129-34, 140, 146
Riebman, B. 72, 129
Paivio, A. x, 2, 7-11, 13-5, 18, 23, 24, Robinson,]. P. 63, 67-8
37,38,43-4,47-54,57,60-3,65-6, Rock, I. 61, 75, 125
68,70-3,76-81,84-91,94-8,101-7, Rogers, T. B. 85, 131, 132
109-16, 122, 123, 127, 129, 130-3, Rohrman, N. L. I 03
137, 142, 145, 146 Rohwer, W. D.,Jr. 74, 75
Parkman,]. M. 48 Rosenthal, R. 122
Patterson, K. 22 Ross, S.M. 132
Paulos, M.A. 47 Rowe, E.J. 74
Pellegrino,]. W. 66,67 Royer,]. M. 106, 112
Perensky,J.J. 72 Rubin, E. 48
Peterson, M.J. 102 Rule, S.J. 47
Pezdek,K. 106,112,113,115 Rumelhart, D. E. 15
Philipchalk, R. 68-9
Phillips, W. A. 45, 58 Sachs,J. S. 104, 105
Piercy, M. 135 Sacks, H. V. 106
Pinker,S. 44,122 Sasson, R. Y. 107-8
Podgorny,P. 45,47 Scapinello, K. F. 64
Pollock, J. 31 Scheirer, C.J. 85,90
Pomerantz,]. R. 10, II, 16, 18-9, 20, Schnorr,]. A. 71
37,40,41,60 Schulz, R. W. 90
Pompi, K. F. 112 Seamon,]. G. 138
Posner, M. I. 40 Seashore, M.G. 130
Postal, P.M. 93 Sedgewick, C. H. 45
Postman, L. 88, 92 Segal,S.J. 18,57-8
Potts, G. R. 48-9 Sekuler, R. 48
Prentice, W. C. H. 63 Semmes,]. 137
Proctor,]. 88, 108, 110 Senter, R.J. 72
Prytulak, L. S. 90, 102, 104 Shallice, T. 136
Author Index 175

Sheehan, P. W. 2, 46, 62, 63, 87, 96, Valois, R. 126

Sheikh, A. A. 8, 137 Wagman, R. 125
Shepard, R.N. 40,44-7,51,54,61,130 Walker,J. H. 48
Siegel, A. W. 66 Walker, T. 66
Simon, H. A. 128 Walsh,C.C. 72
Singer,J. L. 127 Walsh, K. W. 135, 138
Singer, M. 113 Walter, A. A. 63
Smith, E. E. 45, 71 Ward, W. C. 63
Smyth, V. 135 Warren, M. W. 67, 98
Smythe,P.C. 84-7,129,131,132 Warrington, E. K. 136, 139
Snodgrass, R. D. 48 Watkins,M.J. 44
Spanos, N. P. 126 Watson,J. B. 5-6,28
Spreen, 0. 90 Way, K. S. 125
Standing, L. 61 Webber, S.M. 61,73
Starker,S. 126,130-1 Weber,A. 72
Stevens, R. 74 Weingartner, H. 66
Stevenson, R. 104 Weinstein, S. 137
Stewart, C. G. 125 Weldon, D. 64
Stewart,]. C. 131-4, 146 Wells,J. E. 66, 67, 129, 146
Stone, D. R. 131,132 Wesman, A. G. 130
Strasberg, R. I 04 Wetherick, N. E. 119-22, 127, 130-1
Strawson, P. F. 91, 145 Whitaker, H. A. 39
Stromeyer, C. F. 141 White, K. D. 43, 118-22, 125-7, 146
Suci, C.J. 48 Wight, E. 57, 79,98
Sunshine, P.M. 121, 132 Wiseman, G. 62
Wittgenstein, L. 10, 25-34, 36, 38, 39,
Takanishi, R.N. 62 41,83
Tannenbaum, P. H. 48 Wolien, K. A. 61, 68,72
Tarka, M. 92 Wood, G. 72, 96
Taylor, R. L. 40 Wren, F. 72, 129
te Linde, D.J. 48
Ternes, W. 58 Yarmey, A. D. 64, 73, 89
Teuber, H.-L. 135-7 Yates,F.A. 71
Thomson, N. 57, 79,98 Yin, R. K. 64
Thoresen, C. E. 119, 130 Young, B.J. 76
Thurstone, L. L. 130 Yuille,]. C. 8, 12, 15,40,58, 72,84-91,
Togano, K. 45 95-7, 102, I 10, 112, 123, 129
Tondo, T. R. 127
Trabasso, T. I 10 Zuckerman, C. B. 61,75
Subject Index

Adjective-noun phrases 101-2 Constructs 7, 9-13, 17, 38

Amnesic syndrome 139 Convergence (of operations) 10
Associationism 8, 9, 109 Corrigibility 31
Associative function of imagery 43, 75, Criteria 29-35
Associative meaning 14 Deafness 142
Asymmetry (epistemological) 32-3, Defeasibility 31
II 7 Demand characteristics 122, 127
Asymmetry (hemispheric) 135, 137-9, Detection sensitivity 57-8
146 Dispositions 33
Avowals 32 Double dissociation 136, 144
Dualcodingtheory 2,13-5,18-20,
Behavioural mentalism 7 60-2,65-6,70,75,76, 78,82,
Behaviourism ix, I, 2, 4-9, 22-3, 25-9, 87-90,97,99-100,103-6,109,116,
109 134-5, 137-8, 144-7
Bizarreness of imagery 72-3 Dualism 26
Blindness 142 Dynamic imagery 43

Capacities 33, 35-9 Eidetic imagery 141

Carotid amytal test 138 Elaborative use of imagery 43, 44, 80,
Category generation 45 99, 132, 141, 144, 145
Cerebral representation of Emergent properties 40-1, 53-4, 59,
function 135-9 143
Coding ability 133 Essentialism 30
Coding preference 133-4 Exercise (of a disposition) 33
Coding redundancy hypothesis 62-3, Expectations 121
70, 73, 76,87,137-9,144 Experimental mentalism 7
Cognitive psychology 7, 20, 22, 35-7, 41 Experimenter effects 122, 146
Cognitive regression 81 Explanatory adequacy I 7
Common coding theory 2, 15-6, 19-21,
65-6,70,82,90,99-100,103,139, Faces 64-5,68,144
144-5 Fictionalism 21
Comprehensibility 105-6, 110 Flags test 130, 131, 133
Concealed imagery 74-5 Form class effect 75-6
Conceptual-peg hypothesis 89-90,
101-2 Geometrical patterns 63, 120, 135-6
Conclusive evidence 28-9
Concreteness 3, 90-3, 144 Head injury 140
Congenital hydrocephalus 140 Holistic semantic ideas Ill, 113-4
Consciousness I I, 36
Constructive use of imagery 42, 80, 132, Imageability 3, 84-100, I 02-8, 114,
143, 144 123-5, 131-2, 139-40, 144, 145
Subject Index 177

Imagery, ability 118, 130, 133 Minnesota Paper Form Board 130
control 126-7 Mnemonics 71, 80-2
mnemomc mstructions 3, 9, 67-8, Modality of presentation 66
71-83,94-7,114-5,139-40,144, Modality-specific interference 55, 57
145 Motivation 72, 122
preference 133
Survey Schedule 127 Narrative 111-6
varieties of 2
Neobehaviourism 23
Image superiority hypothesis 62-3
Neomentalism 7, 23
Imaginal Processes Inventory 127
Neuropsychology 39, 118, 134-41
Immediate Memory 3, 43-59, 135-7,
Nominalisations I 02-3
Non-identifiability 20-1
Inalienability 26-8
Noun phrases 101-3
lncidentalleaming 72
Incommunicability 27-8
Objective imagery ability 130
Incorrigibility 32
Objective mentalism 7
Independence-interconnectedness 14,
'One-bun' mnemonic 80
Operationism 22-4
Indicants 35
Operations 9-13
Individual differences 3, 51-2, 117-42
Ordinary language 24,35
Organisation 2, 61,75-7,90-2,99, 144
Individual Differences
Questionnaire 127
Paradigm I, 7-9
Inferred images II, 35 Perception 12-3, 54-5, 57-8,60
Intelligibility I 05-6 Phenomenal experience II, 16, 23,
Intentionally 39-41, 53, 82-3, 89,
99-100, 143, 145
Pictorial memory 3, 60-70, 115-6,
Interaction 61, 68, 69, 73-6, 86 135-9, 141, 143-5
Introspection 5, II, 38 Picture metaphor I 7-8
Introspectionism 4-5, 23, 25-7 Picture-word comparisons 49-51,61
Introspectivequestionnaires 118-27, Post-learning questionnaires 127-30
130, 141 Presentation rate 78, 97-8
Prima facie reasons 31
Kinetic imagery 43 Primary memory 2, 71, 74, 85, 140
Privacy 26-8, 31
Labelling 62-3 Propositionaltheory 15-6, 40, 77, 82-3,
Latency of image arousal 85, 87 87, 107, 115-6, 139, 144, 145, 147
Lexical complexity 93-4 Prosopagnosia 64
Literal function of imagery 43 Protocols 35
Location 66, 69 Psychological states 32-4, 36-7
mnemonic 80, 81 Psychophysicaljudgements 47, 54

Maintaining activities 44 Questionnaire Upon Mental Imagery

Manipulative use of imagery 43, 45-6, (QMI) 118-23, 126, 127, 133
80, 143
Materialism I 7, 26 Realism 22
Maze tasks 13 7 Redintegration 89-90, 102, 103
Meaning I 09-111 Reductionism 17
memory for I 05-6, 114 Referential meaning 14
Mental comparisons 46-54 Relational organisation 74, 76, 77, 82,
Mental rotation 46 87,89-90,99,144
Mentalism 26, 27 Repetition effects 65-6, 77-8
Mentalistic concepts 8, 26 Replicability 145-6
178 Subject Index

Reported images I I , 35 Subjects' reports 35. 46, 47 ,52, 55, 72,

Reported mediators 127-30, 141 86-7,117,123-5,127-30,145
Representation 37, 143 Supernormal memory 142
Representational meaning 14 Surrogate processes 112
Symbolic comparisons 46-54
Scepticism 21 Symbolic distance effects 47-52
Schema(ta) 111-3
Secondary memory 2, 71, 74, 85, 140 Temporal lobectomy 136, 139-40, 145
Secrecy 27 Thematic structure 112
Selective interference 54-9,66-7,
Semantic confusions 87-9, 104-6, 145 Understanding 109-11
Sentences I 03-8
Separation 61, 68, 69, 73-6 Vehicle (of a capacity) 36, 39,60
Sex differences 146 Verbal mnemonic instructions 76-8,
Social desirability 121, 123, 125, 127 145
Solipsism 27 Verbal learning and memory 71-116,
Space Relations test· 130 137-41, 144-5
Spatial component of imagery 43 Visualisation 58
Spatial order, retention of 45, 56, 58, Vividness 85-6,117-25,141,144
136 Vividness of Visual Imagery
Spatial thinking ability 118, 130-2, 141 Questionnaire (VVIQ) 120-1,
Static imagery 43 127, 1:29
Stimulus differentiation 75
Story recall 111-2 Wording, memory for 105-6, 114
Subjective imagery ability J 18 Workingmemory 43,51,58,80, 141,

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