3RD QTR Exam Grade 7 2019 2020

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Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office – Manila

3RD Periodic Examination in Grade 7 Science

SY 2019 – 2020

DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which is a scalar quantity?

A. acceleration B. displacement C. distance D. force
2. A student walks 3 blocks South, 4 blocks West and 3 blocks North. What is the displacement of
the student?
A. 10 blocks East B. 10 blocks West C. 4 blocks East D. 4 blocks West
3. Dimensionally, which of the following could be a velocity?
A. 5 meters C. 5 meters, west
B. 5 meters per second D. 5 meters per second, west
4. A runner completed a 100-meter dash in 10.0 seconds. The runner’s average speed was:
A. 0.100 m/s B. 10.0 m/s C. 100 m/s D. 1000 m/s
5. When an object is moving with uniform velocity, what is its acceleration?
A. zero B. uniform C. non-uniform D. negative
6. The velocity vs time graph shows a straight diagonal line. Which quantity related to the motion
of the body is constant?
A. acceleration B. displacement C. speed D. velocity
7. If an object’s velocity changes from 15 m/s to 25 m/s in 2 s, the magnitude of the object’s
acceleration is:
A. 5 m/s2 B. 7.5 m/s2 C. 13 m/s2 D. 20 m/s2
8. Which of the following is not accelerating?
A. a stone whirled along a circular path
B. typhoon Domeng moving from 60 km/hr to 100 km/hr
C. a car moving at a constant speed along a straight highway
D. Lydia de Vega running the 100-meter dash from rest to the finish line
9. A single pulse in a uniform medium transfers:
A. energy B. mass C. matter D. wavelength
10. The number of wave’s passing a given point each second is the wave’s:
A. amplitude B. frequency C. velocity D. wavelength
11. Which characteristic of a wave changes as the wave travels across a boundary between two
different media?
A. frequency B. period C. phase D. speed
12. All of the following are transverse waves except:
A. light waves B. radio waves C. sound waves D. water waves
13. What do you call the motion of object along a straight line?
A. accelerated motion C. uniform motion
B. curvilinear motion D. rectilinear motion
14. Why do you see lightning from a distant storm before you hear thunder?
A. The thunder is produced after the lightning.
B. Your eyes react faster than your ears.
C. Sound travels faster than light
D. Light travels faster than sound.
15. The pitch of a musical sound depends on the sound wave’s:
A. amplitude B. frequency C. speed D. wavelength
16. Which of the following voices is likely to have a minimum frequency?
A. Baby Boy B. A Man C. Baby Girl D. A Woman

17. What do you call the slope of a distance versus time graph?
A. acceleration B. distance C. speed D. velocity

18. If the wave had a high frequency, what would the pitch and wavelength be?
A. high frequency = high pitch, short wavelength
B. high frequency = low pitch, short wavelength
C. high frequency = high pitch, long wavelength
D. high frequency = low pitch, long wavelength
19. Bats detect the obstacles in their path by receiving the reflected:
A. electromagnetic waves C. radio waves
B. infrasonic waves D. ultrasonic waves
20. The part of the ear that responds to sound waves like a microphone’s diaphragm is the:
A. cochlea B. ear drum C. lobe D. pinna
21. Which of the following components of visible light has the lowest frequency?
A. violet light B. green light C. yellow light D. red light
22. Which of the following sets of colors are listed from low to high frequency?
A. blue, green, red C. red, blue, green
B. green, blue, red D. red, green, blue
23. A blue sky is caused by the __________ of high frequency light.
A. absorption B. diffraction C. refraction D. scattering
24. Sunsets are the result of an absence of high frequency light. Therefore, most sunsets appear
reddish-orange because:
A. the sun only emits reddish-orange light
B. only the low frequency light is scattered
C. only the low frequency light is not scattered
D. the sky no longer accepts high frequency light
25. Which of the following is not true about light?
A. Light travels in straight line.
B. It can pass through opaque objects.
C. It refracts when it passes through lenses.
D. It bounces back when it hits a reflecting surface.
26. Which statement shows object in constant acceleration?
A. a car curving on an intersection C. falling stone from a high tower
B. a girl running across a pedestrian D. a kite riding the wind in the sky
27. It is a disturbance in a medium that carries energy?
A. amplitude B. light C. heat D. wave
28. It is a laboratory device that can be used to determine the distance covered by a moving
cart through a registered pulse represented by dots. What do you call it?
A. accelerometer B. odometer C. speedometer D. ticker timer
29. Heat of Sun reach the earth by:
A. absorption B. conduction C. convection D. radiation
30. A wooden spoon is dipped in a cup of ice cream. Its other end…
A. becomes cold by radiation. C. does not become cold
B. becomes cold by conduction . D. becomes cold by convection.
31. Which characteristics of the wave determines the amount of energy carried by the wave?
A. amplitude B. frequency C. period D. wavelength
32. Which of the following is a conductor of heat?
A. plastic B. iron C. Styrofoam D. wood
33. Which statement is the best example of heat energy transfer by conduction?
A. Heat energy is transferred from the earth’s surface to the upper atmosphere.
B. Heat energy is transferred from the surface soil to the rocks below.
C. Heat energy is transferred from the Sun to the Earth.
D. heat energy is transferred from the bottom to the top of a lake.

34. When air over the land is heated, it becomes lighter and it rises while the cooler air from the
sea blows towards land to take its place. This is known as:
A. sea breeze B. land breeze C. air breeze D. none of the above
35. Conduction is the transfer of heat energy by:
A. electromagnetic waves C. movement through a vacuum
B. density differences D. molecular contact
36. Which action would help an air-conditioner use less energy on a hot, sunny summer day?
A. turning on lights and heat-producing appliances
B. opening draperies and blinds
C. adding insulation in the walls and ceiling
D. replacing light-colored roofing materials with dark-colored ones
37. At night, a current of air blows from the colder land to the warmer sea is called as:
A. air breeze C. land breeze
B. sea breeze D. none of the above
38. What type of wave is described when the particle of the medium moves perpendicular to the
direction of the motion of the wave?
A. compressional wave C. longitudinal wave
B. infrared waves D. transverse wave
39. When hair is combed with a hard rubber comb, the hair becomes positively charged
because the comb:
A. transfers protons to the hair C. removes protons from the hair
B. transfers electrons to the hair D. removes electrons from the hair
40. A negatively charged object is brought near the knob of a negatively charged electroscope.
The leaves of the electroscope will:
A. move closer together C. move farther apart
B. become neutral D. become positively charged
41. An object covers the same distance for an equal interval of time. Which best describes the
motion of the object?
A. The object is moving with constant speed.
B. The object is moving with constant velocity.
C. The object is moving with constant acceleration.
D. The object is moving with constant displacement.
42. From their doorstep, Annie walked 30 meters to the east then walked 40 meters northward to
reach her school. How far is the school from her doorstep?
A. 30 m, north of east B. 40 m, north of east
C. 50 m, north of east D. 70 m, north of east
43. The wind is blowing at the rate of 155 km/hr north, north east as reported by PAG-ASA. Which
describes a complete magnitude and direction of the wind?
A. 155 km/hr B. 155 km/hr north
C. 155 km/hr, north east D. 155 km/hr north, north east

44. A runner’s motion is recorded in the table on the right. If Distance (m) Time (s)
you will plot the motion of the runner in a distance vs time 0 0
graph, how would it appear in the graph? 10 2
A. straight, vertical line
20 4
B. curve, horizontal line
C. curve, rising upward 30 6
D. straight, diagonal line 40 8
45. If frequency is the number of waves passing a point per unit 50 10
of time, what is the time for every wave passing a point?
A. amplitude B. speed C. period D. wavelength
46. An electromagnetic wave has a wavelength of 10-7 m and a frequency of 1015 Hz. What is
the speed of this wave?
A. 107 m/s B. 108 m/s C. 109 m/s D. 10-8 m/s
47. Which property of light separates white light into its component colors?
A. Diffraction B. Dispersion C. Interference D. Refraction

Refer to the table below for the next 3 questions: Speed of Sound in Various Materials
48. Which pair satisfies where does sound travel at 20◦C and 1 atm
fastest and slowest? Material Speed of Sound (m/s)
Air 343
A. Gas ---- Solid C. Solid --- Gas
Helium 1005
B. Liquid ---- Gas D. Gas --- Liquid
49. Sound waves travel faster in water than in air because Hydrogen 1300
water has a greater _______ . Water 1440
A. Density B. Force Sea water 1560
C. Pressure D. Volume Glass 4500
50. In which material will sound travel fastest? Steel 5000
A. air B. steel Wood 4000
C. water D. wood
Use the figure below to answer the following questions.

51. Which letter from the figure above denotes the crest of the wave?
A. A B. B C. C D. D
52. If one (1) complete wave passed through the point every 2 seconds, what is the speed of the
wave in the figure above?
A. 1 m/s B. 2 m/s C. 3m/s D. 4 m/s
53. Which of the following range of frequency can be sensed by human ear?
A. 0 – 2,000 Hz B. 20 Hz – 20,000 Hz
C. 2,000 Hz – 20,000 Hz D. 20,000 Hz – 200,00 Hz
54. Which principle is used in explaining phenomenon like eclipse?
A. Light travels at a speed of 3 x 108 m/s
B. Light travels in a straight line.
C. Light is both a particle and a wave.
D. Light is an electromagnetic wave.
55. When two objects of different temperatures come in contact, energy is being transferred.
What do you call this energy in transit?
A. heat energy B. light energy C. sound energy D. thermal energy
56. Which of the following is not true about light?
A. Light travels in straight line.
B. It can pass through opaque objects.
C. It refracts when it passes through lens.
D. It bounces back when it hits a reflecting surface.
57. It is the measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of an object which is also
referred to as the hotness or coldness of an object. What is this quantity expressed in degree
Celcius or degree Fahrenheit?
A. heat B. calories C. temperature D. internal energy
58. During thunderstorms, it is not advisable to walk on wide open fields due to:
A. Lightning always hits the highest available negative charge to neutralize charge.
B. Lightning always hits the ground first to neutralize charge.
C. Lightning always heard loudest in open fields.
D. Lightning always occurs first before thunders.
59. Sound waves are classified as
A. transverse wave C. infrared waves
B. electromagnetic D. longitudinal
60. Which of the following statement shows importance of the ground wiring in home appliances?
A. Protection against electrical overload. C. Stabilizes voltage levels.
B. Prevent damage, injury and death. D. All of these

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office – Manila

3rd Periodic Examination in Grade 7 Science

SY 2019 –2020


I. Motion in One 1. The learners should be able to
Dimension 2
describe the motion of an object in
S7FE – IIIa – 1
1. Descriptors of terms of distance or displacement,
speed or velocity, and acceleration. 2 1 2
2. Motion Detectors 2. The learners should be able to
differentiate quantities in terms of S7FE – IIIa – 2 2 2 1
magnitude and direction.
3. Graphing motion 3. The learners should be able to
create and interpret visual
representation of the motion of S7FE – IIIb – 3 1 2 1
objects such as tape charts and
motion graphs.
II. Waves 4. The learners should be able to infer
S7FE-IIIc-4 2 1 1
that waves carry energy.
1. Types of Waves 5. The learners should be able to
differentiate transverse from
S7FE-IIIc-5 3 1 1
longitudinal waves, and mechanical
from electromagnetic waves.
2. Characteristics of 6. The learners should be able to
Waves describe and relate the S7FE-IIId-6 1 1
2.1 Amplitude characteristics of waves;
III. Sound 7. The learners should be able to
describe the characteristics of sound
S7FE-IIId-7 3 3 1
using the concepts of wavelength,
frequency, velocity, and amplitude;
1. Sensory 8. The learners should be able to
Characteristics of explain sound production in the
sound waves human voice box, and how pitch, S7FE-IIIe-8 1 1
loudness, and quality of sound vary
from one person to another;
9. describe how organisms produce,
transmit, and receive sound of various
S7FE-IIIe-9 2
frequencies (infrasonic, audible, and
ultrasonic sound);
IV. Light
1. Characteristics of
10. relate characteristics of light such
as color and intensity to frequency S7FE-IIIf-10 3 2 1
1.1 Intensity or
and wavelength
1.2 Color

11. infer that light travels in a straight

S7FE-IIIg-11 1 1
V. Heat
12. infer the conditions necessary for
S7FE-IIIh-i12 5 2 3
heat transfer to occur;
VI. Electricity 13. The learners should be able to
describe the different types of S7FE-IIIj-13 2
charging processes
14. The learners should be able to
explain the importance of earthing or S7FE-IIIj-14 2 1




(50%) (30%) (20%)
I. Motion in One Dimension 13, 26

1. Descriptors of Motion 5 8, 41 42 4, 7

2. Motion Detectors 4 1,3 2,43 28

3. Graphing motion 3 17 5,6 44

II. Waves 3 9, 27 45 46

1. Types of Waves 3 11,12,51 59 38

2. Characteristics of Waves 1 10 31

III. Sound 7 19,50,53 14,49,52 48

1. Sensory Characteristics of sound 5 15,16,20 18

IV. Light 13 21,25,47,56 22,23, 54 24
V. Heat 12 29,32,35,55 30, 36 33,34,37
VI. Electricity 5 40,60,58 39

Prepared by:


Head Teacher VI,
Subject Coordinator (Physics)


Education Program Supervisor

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office – Manila

3rd Periodic Examination in Grade 7 Science

SY 2019 – 2020


1. C 21. D 41. A
2. D 22. D 42. C
3. D 23. D 43. D
4. B 24. B 44. D
5. A 25. B 45. C
6. A 26. C 46. B
7. A 27. D 47. B
8. C 28. D 48. C
9. A 29. D 49. A
10. B 30. B 50. B
11. D 31. A 51. B
12. C 32. B 52. B
13. D 33. B 53. C
14. D 34. A 54. B
15. B 35. D 55. A
16. B 36. C 56. B
17. C 37. C 57. C
18. A 38. D 58. A
19. D 39. D 59. D
20. B 40. C 60. D

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