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Metal Forming Analysis

This document discusses defects that can occur during metal forging processes and methods to analyze and reduce them. It summarizes a research paper on metal forming analysis. The paper describes common defects like cracking, laps, and warping that negatively impact the strength of forged parts. Finite element analysis is used to simulate closed die forging and optimize billet shape to minimize forging load and prevent defects. The goal is to develop a method to analyze metal forging and reduce defects for improved part quality and strength.

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Metal Forming Analysis

This document discusses defects that can occur during metal forging processes and methods to analyze and reduce them. It summarizes a research paper on metal forming analysis. The paper describes common defects like cracking, laps, and warping that negatively impact the strength of forged parts. Finite element analysis is used to simulate closed die forging and optimize billet shape to minimize forging load and prevent defects. The goal is to develop a method to analyze metal forging and reduce defects for improved part quality and strength.

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Metal Forming Analysis

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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)

Metal Forming Analysis

Prof. N. C. Mehta1, Viral V. Shiyani2, Jemish R. Nasit3
Head of Department, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Noble Engineering College, Junagadh, Gujarat,
Mechanical Engineering Student, Noble Engineering College, Junagadh , Gujarat,
Abstract— There are a wide range of physical defects which I. INTRODUCTION
occur during metal forming processes. These defects, which
may occur on the surface or be internal, are undesirable not 1.1 Forging process [1-3]:
only because of the surface appearance, but because they may Forging is a manufacturing process that involves
adversely affect the strength, formability and other applying compressive forces to a work piece to deform it,
manufacturing characteristics of the material. Some physical and create a desired geometric change to the material.
defects in metal forming processes such as rolling and forging,
Forging, similar to other forming processes, affects the
Defects in forging reduce its strength. Appreciable residual
stresses and warping can occur on the quenching of steel properties of the material of the forged product.
forgings in heat treatment. They occur for a number of Specifically, forging can strengthen the material by
reasons including faults in original metal, incorrect die design, eliminating cracks and empty spaces within the metal.
improper heating and lubrication. Defects of forged product Forging a metal will also alter the metal's grain structure
include exterior cracking, interior cracking, laps, cold shuts, with respect to the flow of the material during its
warping of the part, improperly formed sections and dead deformation. The forging process can be used to create
zones. In this project we will analysis the metal of forging and favorable grain structure in a material greatly increasing the
try to reduce metal defects in forging processes. Finite element strength of forged parts. For these reasons, forging
analysis is used to predict residual stresses in forgings .The
manufacture gives distinct advantages in the mechanical
objective of this project is to obtain an optimal billet shape in
the consideration of the metal flow deformation in closed die properties of work produced, over that of parts
forging process. Finite element method in conjunction with manufactured by other processes such as casting or
optimization algorithm was used to analyze the effect of billet machining.
shape on forging load in axisymmetric closed for die forging Forging processes can be classified by the degree to
process. which the flow of the material is constrained during the
ANSYS was used to simulate closed die forging process and process. There are three major classifications in forging
then performing a series of optimization iteration in order to manufacture. Open die forging, in which the work is
obtain the optimal shape of the billet based on forging load compressed between two die that do not constrain the work
minimization. The material used is aluminum metal matrix
during the process. Impression die forging, cavities within
composite (ALMgSi matrix with 10% SiC particles). The goal
of the simulation and optimization process is to minimize the the die restrict metal flow during compression of the part,
forging load and produce crack-free forgings. The optimal causing the material to deform into a desired geometric
shape of the billet that gives minimum forging load was shape.
obtained after several optimization iterations. The approach
1.2 Description of Problem:
used in this study could be extended to the optimization of
more complicated forging product. Due to the advances in There are a wide range of physical defects which occur
computer technology based finite element software, the during metal forming processes. These defects, which may
forging load can be easily estimated which is iterative process occur on the surface or be internal, are undesirable not only
in the old technique of prototype built up and destructive because of the surface appearance, but because they may
testing. In the present work consideration 3 critical design adversely affect the strength, formability and other
parameters with critical plastic strain limit as the state
manufacturing characteristics of the material.
variable and keeping the forging load as the objective function
and the billet shape is optimized for different diameter to Defects in forging reduce its strength. They occur for a
height. number of reasons including. Defects of forged product
include exterior cracking, interior cracking, laps, cold
Keywords-- Die Forging, Finite Element Method, Metal shuts, warping of the part, improperly formed sections and
Matrix Composites, Optimization , induction forging, finite dead zones.
element analysis, residual stresses in forging.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
Cracking both interior and exterior is caused by At the tool/die design stage, numerical simulations prior
excessive stress, or improper stress distribution as the part to experimentation minimize the traditional ‘trial and error’
is being formed. Cracking can be a result of poorly iterations, and enable the engineers to avoid costly
designed forging die or excess material in the work piece. prototypes. The usefulness of computer simulation
Cracks can also be caused by disproportionate temperature techniques in the design and manufacturing processes of
distributions during the operation. High thermal gradients metal forming are becoming widely recognized. The
can cause cracks in a forged part. simulation of metal forming problems involves geometric,
Laps or folds in the forging are caused by a buckling of material, and contact non-linear, and thus requires
the part; laps can be a result of too little material in the advanced numerical techniques.
work piece. Cold shuts occur when metal flows of different The quality of metal formed parts is affected by factors
temperatures meet; they do not combine smoothly, a such as the forming machinery, the tooling, the friction, the
boundary layer, (cold shut), forms at their intersection. temperature and the material properties, a detailed under-
Cold shuts indicate that there is a problem with metal flow standing of these parameters being essential to
in the mold as the part is being formed. Warping of a manufacture- in analysis using currently available FEM
forged part can happen when thinner sections cool faster software.
than the rest of the forging. Improperly formed sections and The accuracy of an analysis depends on the constitutive
dead zones can be a result of too little metal in the work model adopted. Currently available FEM software provides
piece or flawed forging die design resulting in incorrect general constitutive models that do not replicate the cost -
material distribution during the process tutivebehaviour of work-material subjected to complicated
deformation histories. In metal forming, the work-material
II. LITERATURE REVIEW experiences finite elastoplastic deformation, complex hard-
S.L.WANG, K.P.RAO, X.Y. CUI ,G.Y. LI, X. PANG and ending, plastic strain induced anisotropy, plastic
BALENDRA have done research work on metal forging deformation induced heat, variation in temperature and
analysis. In the metal analysis of forming processes, consequent thermal influences on material properties, and
knowledge of friction is important, especially when the possibly phase-transformation, strain-rate effects or
microstructure evolution and criteria for limiting viscoelastic de-formation, variation in microstructure,
phenomena are predicted by numerical simulation. The damage and fracture. Several models have been proposed
friction wave model has been studied by several to define the con- stitutivebehaviour of materials subjected
researchers. Their analyses are mainly based on the to multi-axially non-proportional loading, but few of them
assumption that there is no plastic deformation of the bulk were ex-tended to them. Case of finite elastoplastic
material. However, it is necessary to clarify the influence of deformation for ape-plication to metal forming analysis.
bulk material deformation on the surface asperity
deformation. This paper deals with the development of a III. PREPROCESSING OF FEA USING ANSYS
friction wave model by considering the influence of bulk The accurate simulation of cylindrical billet die is done
material on the surface asperity deformation. The situation for finding out load distribution and stress distribution by
of rough tool smooth work piece contact during forming using proper solving conditions. These solving conditions
process has been investigated. Based on this condition, an include initial and boundary conditions, material properties
admissible velocity field is constructed for the upper bound and assumptions etc. Finite Element Analysis using
analysis. The relationship between the normal pressure and ANSYS was performed and The billet is represented with
the sliding resistance is established over a large range of initial radius and the height to calculate load field and
pressure. The role of surface roughness, bulk displacement stress field caused by application of the volume of the die
and bulk strain on metal forming friction is analyzed. cavity.
Forming processes play an important role in metal part
manufacturing. Numerical simulation is a cost-effective 3.1 Analysis Model
technique which can be used to examine new metal Based on drawing and dimensions available from
forming process and to predict possible manufacturing kadvani Forge Limited, a model is developed using Pro E
difficulties and forming defects including localized software and radius is given to minimize effects of forging
bifurcation, micro cracks, wrinkles, surface damage and defects.
geometrical inaccuracies.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
We had converted this model in iges format which is  The initial temperature of the cylindrical billet die is
universal format for all modeling software then it is set 25° C and it is agreement with the ambient
imported into ANSYS. temperature during solving the problem.
 billet material is considered uniform for our analysis.
3.2 Mesh size selection
We have done coupled field dynamic analysis using Calculation of Force Reduction:
different mesh size and found that with the increase in 1) % of volume reduction :
mesh density stress is decreasing up to an optimum value
but then if we go for more mesh density then stress will =(Vexperimentally – Vanalysis) / V experimentally
increase. Contact elements are defined between die and = (38910.528 – 34587.89) / 38910.528
billet interface, billet and container interface. Targe169 and = 0.1110
Conta172 elements are used for representation. Contact 2) Force Reduction :
manager is used to build the contact pairs between the = F experimentally – F analysis
members. Target elements are the rigid elements and = 115.758 – 106.250
contact elements are the flexible members. Separate contact = 9.580 KN
pairs are created with reduced penetration tolerance. A
friction model of 0.1 is used for simulating the problem. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Maximum vonmises stress of 330Mpa can be observed in
Two dimensional geometry is represented for die,
the problem. Contact elements are the surface elements
container and billet are shown with dimensions in figure 1.
which have the algorithm to represent possible sliding and
All major initial dimensions are represented in the problem.
penetration which movement of the members relative to
Ansys mixed approach is used to built the geometries. For
each other. The die nodes are used to apply the
die shape, bottom approach and other geometry top down
displacement loads. Contact elements uses Lagrange
approach is used in the problem. The geometry is built as
approach for better results. The status of contact, contact
per the dimensions and connectivity is not maintained to
penetration, sliding etc. can be observed in the contact
carry nonlinear large deformation contact analysis to
simulation. So we understand that we are going away from
simulate closed die forging process.
the answer so that we had selected normal mesh density. If
Analysis results for vonmises stresses are presented
we go for very fine meshing or very course meshing we
above. Maximum vonmises stress of 330Mpa can be
will go away from the accuracy. So that we had selected
observed in the problem. Left picture is represented in
mesh density which will give be more nearer to the actual
2dimensional domain and right side picture is represented
value. Thus we had found out mesh density.
in three dimensional domains.
3.3 Initial and Boundary conditions, material properties The results are shown in figure for radial, hoop and
and basic assumptions: vonmises stresses. Similar stress pattern can be observed
To solve this forging defects problem of cylindrical for radial and hoop stresses. But vonmises stress is high in
billet die, the following initial and boundary conditions, the beginning and later reducing along the path of the top
material properties and basic assumptions are made: nodes. Maximum stresses can be observed in the higher
deformation regions where the members reaches to plastic
 Refractory Materials for cylindrical billet die meets state and lesser stresses in the lower deformation regions.
the basic assumptions in the science of mechanics. Material used in forging process :
 Environmental Temperature is homogeneous at 25° C.
 Ignore the influence of heat convection. Al Mg Si SiC Density(gr/cm3)
 Ignore the effect of gravity field.
 The surface of cylindrical billet die is clean. 86% 1% 3% 10% 2.72%

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
4.1 Overall geometry of closed die process : 4.2 Vonmises stresses results for initial structure :

Fig. 4.4 Vonmises stresses results for initial structure

Fig. 4.1 Overall geometry of closed die process

Fig. 4.5 Vonmises stresses results for initial structure

Fig. 4.2 Design Variables

Fig. 4.6 Displacement plant along the length of the sheet

Fig. 4.3 Contact pair creation

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
Analysis Table :

Fig. 4.7 Stresses plot


5.1 Fatigue Life Methods [19]
The three major fatigue life methods used in design and
analysis are the stress-life method, the strain-life method,
and the linear-elastic fracture mechanics method. These
Fig. 4.8 Stresses plot
methods attempt to predict the life in number of cycles to
failure, N, for a specific level of loading. Life of 1 ≤ N ≤
103 cycles is generally classified as low-cycle fatigue,
whereas high-cycle fatigue is considered to be N > 103
cycles. The stress-life method, based on stress levels only,
is the least accurate approach, especially for low-cycle
applications. However, it is the most traditional method,
since it is the easiest to implement for a wide range of
design applications, has ample supporting data, and
represents high cycle applications adequately.
The strain-life method involves more detailed analysis of
the plastic deformation at localized regions where the
stresses and strains are considered for life estimates. This
method is especially good for low-cycle fatigue
applications. In applying this method, several idealizations
must be compounded, and so some uncertainties will exist
Fig. 4.9 Contact Pressure in the problem in the results. For this reason, it will be discussed only
because of its value in adding to the understanding of the
nature of fatigue.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
The fracture mechanics method assumes a crack is A Marin equation is therefore written as
already present and detected. It is then employed to predict
Se = ka*kb*kc*kd*ke*kf* Se’
crack growth with respect to stress intensity. It is most
practical when applied to large structures in conjunction Where, ka = surface condition modification factor
with computer codes and a periodic inspection program. kb = size modification factor
kc = load modification factor
5.2 The Stress-Life Method
kd = temperature modification factor
To determine life of any component by Stress-Life ke = reliability factor
Method, we need to find out ultimate strength and kf = miscellaneous-effects modification factor
endurance limit of the component for the required material. Se’= specimen endurance limit
We know the values of ultimate stress for these all Se = endurance limit at the critical location of a machine
materials. Al mass is having ultimate strength of 330 Mpa. part in the geometry and condition of use
We can find out Se’ from the equation given below or we
can say dividing value of ultimate strength. We can find out different as per the guideline given in
We know value of ultimate stress of the material. the Machine Engineering Design by Shigley.[19]

Sut (MPa) Surface Finish Factor ka 0.86

Size Factor kb 1
Al mass 330 Loading Factor kc 1
Temperature Factor kd 0.25
We know the relation between Sut and Se’ so that we
can find out Se’. Reliability Factor ke 0.9

Se’ = 0.5 * Sut Miscellaneous Effects Factor kf 1

Endurance Limit Modifying Factors: Now, we can find out endurance limit for all different
We have seen that the rotating-beam specimen used in materials.
the laboratory to determine endurance limits is prepared Se = ka*kb*kc*kd*ke*kf*Se'
very carefully and tested under closely controlled
conditions. VI. CONCLUSION
It is unrealistic to expect the endurance limit of a
Introduction of metal forming are highly used now- a-
mechanical or structural member to match the values
days for generate a die and billet shape by forging process
obtained in the laboratory.
of different kinds of materials.
Some differences include
There are a wide range of physical defects which occur
 Material: composition, basis of failure, variability during metal forming processes. These defects, which may
 Manufacturing: method, heat treatment, fretting occur on the surface or be internal, are undesirable not only
corrosion, surface condition, stress concentration because of the surface appearance, but because they may
 Environment: corrosion, temperature, stress state, adversely affect the strength, formability and other
relaxation times manufacturing characteristics of the material. Some
 Design: size, shape, life, stress state, stress physical defects in metal forming processes such as rolling
concentration, speed, fretting, galling and forging, Defects in forging reduce its strength.
Marin identified factors that quantified the effects of Defects in forging reduce its strength. They occur for a
surface condition, size, loading, temperature, and number of reasons including. Defects of forged product
miscellaneous items. The question of whether to adjust the include exterior cracking, interior cracking, laps, cold
endurance limit by subtractive corrections or multiplicative shuts, warping of the part, improperly formed sections and
corrections was resolved by an extensive statistical analysis dead zones. Cracking both interior and exterior is caused
of a 4340 steel, in which a correlation coefficient of 0.85 by excessive stress, or improper stress distribution as the
was found for the multiplicative form and 0.40 for the part is being formed.
additive form.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
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