2739 2009
2739 2009
2739 2009
AS/NZS 2739:2009
Natural gas (NG) fuel systems for
vehicle engines
AS/NZS 2739:2009
This Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard was prepared by Joint Technical
Committee ME-046, Gas Fuel Systems for Vehicle Engines. It was approved on
behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 4 November 2008 and on behalf of
the Council of Standards New Zealand on 25 February 2009.
This Standard was published on 16 March 2009.
© Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written
permission of the publisher.
Jointly published by Standards Australia, GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001 and Standards
New Zealand, Private Bag 2439, Wellington 6020
This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Committee ME-046, Gas Fuel Systems for Vehicle Engines, to supersede
AS/NZS 2739:2003, Natural Gas (CNG) fuel systems for vehicle engines.
This edition introduces requirements for the installation of equipment used in fuelling
engines with Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). The term Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) has
been removed from the title of this Standard so as to allow the introduction of LNG
alongside CNG.
The document has been restructured to facilitate the introduction of LNG requirements
alongside the requirements of CNG and a new section dealing exclusively with LNG.
The requirement for the maximum working operating pressure of 20 MPa for CNG
containers has been removed to allow for the latest designs in container specifications. The
Installation Compliance Plate requirement has been modified for consistency with
AS/NZS 1425, LP Gas fuel systems for vehicle engines.
The 2003 edition had been expanded to include engine exhaust emission testing and
acceptance of components complying with ISO 15500, Parts 1 to 20 and ECE R110. This
Standard further incorporates changes to the requirements of exhaust emissions, which are
simplified and include requirements for both CNG and LNG fuelled engines.
The terms ‘normative’ and ‘informative’ have been used in this Standard to define the
application of appendix to which they apply. A normative appendix is an integral part of a
Standard, whereas an informative appendix is for information and guidance.
3 AS/NZS 2739:2009
2.1 GENERAL SUITABILITY ....................................................................................... 11
2.2 COMPONENT PARTS ............................................................................................. 11
2.3 MODIFICATION ...................................................................................................... 11
A LIST OF REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ................................................................. 44
B REGULATING AGENCY INFORMATION ............................................................ 48
D LEAK DETECTION METHODS.............................................................................. 51
EMISSION STANDARDS (Australia only) .............................................................. 53
5 AS/NZS 2739:2009
This Standard specifies requirements for natural gas (NG) fuel systems for engines mounted
on motor vehicles, either for the propulsion of the vehicles or for driving some auxiliary
function, e.g. a mixer or a pump. It provides requirements for the design and construction of
component parts, and for their installation in vehicles, and for tests, commissioning, and
periodic inspection. It applies to all vehicle types, e.g. rigid chassis, articulated chassis and
This Standard does not cover the areas where major structural modifications are to be
carried out to the vehicle. Prior to commencement of such work guidance should be sought
from the vehicle manufacturer or a professional engineer who is experienced in the
automotive disciplines.
This Standard does not apply to NG usage such as the gas supply system for appliances in
caravans, mobile homes, forklifts, floor sweepers, polishers, tow tractors, elevating work
platforms and industrial engines (refer to AS 4983) or for the propulsion of marine craft
(refer to AS 4732).
The objective of this Standard is to provide designers, manufacturers, installers and
regulatory authorities with technical requirements for natural gas fuel systems for vehicle
engines so as to provide functional, safe installations.
For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions below apply.
1.4.1 Approved, approval
Approved by or approval of the regulatory authority.
1.4.2 Authority
The authority having statutory powers to control any aspect of the design, manufacture,
installation and use of equipment described in this Standard in the country, state or territory
in which the vehicle is registered.
1.4.3 Authorized person
In Australia—a person who has completed an authorized training course and is
licensed/registered by the relevant statutory authority to install or service natural gas
equipment in automotive vehicles.
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7 AS/NZS 2739:2009
1.4.15 Fuel Bi-fuel vehicle
A vehicle that can operate on either natural gas or an optional fuel (e.g. petrol). Dual fuel vehicle
A vehicle that can operate on part natural gas and part optional fuel (e.g. diesel) or the
alternative fuel (diesel) only. Mono fuel vehicle
A vehicle that can operate on NG only.
1.4.16 Fuel flow regulation device
A liquid flow excess control valve that will actuate at a predetermined drop in downstream
pressure allowing upstream pressure to seat the valve and stop flow.
1.4.17 Fuel metering system
A component or series of components which control the flow of gas into the engine.
NOTE: A fuel metering component could be a gas air mixer, fuel injection device, etc.
1.4.18 Fuel service line
The fuel line supplying the engine and running from the container(s) to the engine.
1.4.19 Gas air mixer
A device for introducing gaseous fuel to the induction air of the engine.
1.4.20 Ignition source
A source of energy sufficient to ignite a flammable atmosphere and includes naked flames,
exposed incandescent material, electric welding arcs, and electrical or mechanical
equipment or components not approved for use in hazardous areas.
NOTE: A vehicle will not be regarded as being an ignition source while it is entering or leaving
the hazardous zone surrounding a fuel dispenser, for refuelling.
1.4.21 LNG (liquefied natural gas)
A cryogenic liquid, produced by reducing the temperature of natural gas to a nominal
−162°C at atmospheric pressure.
1.4.22 May
Indicates the existence of an option.
1.4.23 NGV
Natural gas fuelled vehicle.
1.4.24 Non-return valve
A valve that permits fuel flow in only one direction.
1.4.25 Pressure
Gauge pressure (as opposed to absolute pressure).
1.4.26 Pressure relief device (PRD)
A device that prevents a predetermined upstream pressure being exceeded.
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9 AS/NZS 2739:2009
(a) Suspension
Including mounting locations, geometry, ground clearance adjustment, axles and stub
axles, or steering mechanism.
(b) Original fuel storage
Including the fuel tank assembly, fuel tank mounting, venting or filler assemblies.
(c) Vehicle structure
Including any additional holes, welded joints, direct load bearing points and structural
alteration near seat belt anchorages.
Holes greater than 13 mm shall not be located within 40 mm of the edge of a panel,
welded joint or direct load bearing point or any structural alterations within 200 mm
of any seat belt anchorage. The only holes permitted, which are greater than 13 mm
diameter, are for the installation of the filling valve or for venting purposes.
(d) Braking system
Including the hand brake and components.
(e) Spare wheel location
Including the spare wheel mounting and its anchorage.
The spare wheel mounting and its anchorage shall be designed using the design
factors given in Table 3.2.
(f) Anchorages
Including seat anchorages, seat belt anchorages and child restraint anchorages.
Modifications carried out to areas listed in Items (a) to (f) shall comply with—
(i) in Australia—Australian Design Rules (ADRs), or relevant Codes and Standards
accepted by Ministerial Councils comprising Federal, State and Territory Ministers,
or relevant Acts and Regulations; or
(ii) in New Zealand—relevant Codes and Standards accepted by the New Zealand
Transport Agency.
AS/NZS 2739:2009 10
Where NG equipment is fitted to a vehicle which was originally certified to ADR79/00, the
installer shall use a certified kit tested and installed in accordance with one of the
requirements of Paragraph E2 of Appendix E.
Where NG equipment is fitted to a vehicle which was originally certified to ADR79/01, the
installer shall use a certified kit tested and installed in accordance with the requirements of
Paragraph E3 of Appendix E.
Where NG equipment is fitted to a vehicle which was originally certified to ADR70/00, the
installer shall undertake the conversion in accordance with one of the methods specified in
Paragraph E4 of Appendix E.
Where NG equipment is fitted to a vehicle which was originally certified to ADR80/00 or
ADR80/01, the installer shall use a certified kit tested and installed in accordance with the
requirements of Paragraph E5 of Appendix E.
Where NG equipment is fitted to a vehicle which was originally certified to ADR 79/02, the
installer shall use a certified kit tested and installed in accordance with the requirements of
Paragraph E6 of Appendix E.
11 AS/NZS 2739:2009
Modifications to an approved component shall not be made without specific approval.
AS/NZS 2739:2009 12
3.1.1 General
This Section addresses the components, location, mounting, protection, venting and
installation requirements for the equipment utilizing CNG operating under container
3.1.2 Fuel supply system components
The fuel supply system shall be provided with the following components:
(a) One or more fuel containers.
(b) Container valve or valves.
(c) A refuelling connection.
(d) A refuelling non-return valve.
(e) Service isolation valve.
(f) Fuel filter.
(g) Fuel shut-off device (lock-off).
(h) Fuel flow regulation devices.
(i) Refuelling interlock device (New Zealand only).
3.1.3 Use of multiple components
The components specified in Clause 3.1.2 may be combined into multifunction units (see
Clause 2.1.1).
3.2.1 General
The container shall be a gas cylinder approved for automotive CNG use, for a rated working
pressure of at least 20 MPa.
The container shall comply with the requirements of—
(a) ISO 11439; or
(b) ANSI NGV 2; or
(c) CSA B51 Part 2; or
(d) ECE R110; or
(e) an approved equivalent Standard.
3.2.2 Container identity and type
The installer shall confirm that—
(a) the serial numbers stamped or labelled on the containers are identical with those on
their associated manufacturing certificates; and
(b) the container construction type is as specified by the design information/drawing
given in the container manufacturing certificate.
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15 AS/NZS 2739:2009
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(h) the regulator shall, where necessary, be provided with the heat shielding requirements
of Clause 3.18.
NOTE: The regulator should, where possible, be no higher than the level of the top of the
radiator tank as incomplete water-flooding may cause freezing immediately after starting.
(d) The arrangement shall not create a thermal shield around the container’s pressure
relief device.
(e) Where the pressure relief device of the cylinder valve is piped directly away, the
container is deemed to not have a sub-compartment and the requirements of
Clause 3.14.5 shall be met.
3.14.4 Ventilation
The interior of a compartment or sub-compartment shall be vented to open air by one or
more vents that comply with the following requirements:
(a) The aggregate area, taking into account any piping passing through the vent, shall be
not less than 500 mm2 .
(b) The vent exit shall be at least 75 mm from an exhaust pipe or similar heat source.
(c) The location and arrangement of the vent and any associated conduit shall be such
that the accumulation of gas is minimized.
The ventilation area shall be the net area. Vent hole data is provided in Table 3.1.
Dia. Area Dia. Area
mm mm mm mm 2
6 30 30 700
8 50 35 960
10 80 40 1250
12 115 45 1590
15 180 50 1960
20 315 55 2370
25 490 60 2830
3.14.5 Conduits
Any conduit required by Clause 3.14.4 shall be installed and comply with the following
(a) The thickness of the material at its thinnest point shall be not less than the following:
(i) For a material that is a composite of a fabric with an elastomer
or plastics ......................................................................................... 0.7 mm.
(ii) For a material that is of plastics or an elastomer without
reinforcement as described in Item (i) .................................................. 1.5 mm.
(iii) For material that is a composite of a helical reinforcement and
an elastomer plastic ............................................................................. 1.0 mm.
(b) A sample of the conduit, when placed on a flat surface and loaded with 20 kg on an
applicator plate 100 mm × 100 mm, placed flat across the conduit, in an ambient
temperature between 15°C and 30°C, shall not crush to less than 80 percent of its
diameter, and shall return to at least 90 percent of its original diameter when the load
is released.
(c) A sample of the conduit, arranged with both ends connected in a representative
manner and plugged, and pressurized to 30 kPa, shall not lose more than 2 kPa in
30 min.
AS/NZS 2739:2009 18
NOTE: Certain conduit materials that feature pronounced internal spiral grooves can prove
difficult to seal to spigots and should be avoided where possible, as even with considerable
care in applying sealant difficulties in passing the pressure test may be experienced.
(d) End attachments shall resist a pull-off force of 100 N.
(e) The material shall conform to SAE J369 class SE/NBR
(f) The material shall have a resistance to ultraviolet degradation.
(g) The conduit shall be sealed gastight from the enclosed area, and shall be ventilated to
outside atmosphere.
NOTE: Certain conduit materials that feature pronounced internal spirals require considerable
care in the application of sealants to ensure that they are gastight.
(h) The conduit shall be as short as practicable, commensurate with safety.
(i) The end connections shall be mechanically clamped and shall not depend on
adhesives or sealing compounds to retain them in place.
(j) The holes for the conduit shall be positioned not less than 40 mm from the edge of a
panel or a welded joint or direct load bearing point (see Clause 1.6(c)).
19 AS/NZS 2739:2009
(c) The mounting method shall not significantly weaken the vehicle structure.
(d) The area of the vehicle to which the container is attached shall be reinforced if
necessary to ensure compliance with Item (e).
(e) The force necessary to separate the container(s) from the vehicle in any direction
shall be not less than the mass of the full container(s) times the design factor shown
in Table 3.2.
Where the vehicle is of the original manufactured construction, the design factor shall
be as determined by the vehicle manufacturer and the above prescribed design factors
may not be applicable.
In all cases, fatigue factors shall be taken into account in the design of the container
mounting system.
Where practicable, the strength of the anchorages may be established by—
(i) dynamic test (where deceleration is at least the applicable value given in
Table 3.2 for a duration of 20 ms;
(ii) static test (forces directed through the centre of mass of the cylinder); or
(iii) by calculation.
If this is impracticable refer to Clause 3.15.3.
Acceleration Gross vehicle mass ≤3.5 t Gross vehicle mass >3.5 t
Longitudinal 20.0g 10.0g
Lateral 8.0g 5.0g
Vertical 4.5g 4.5g
NOTE: g is the gravitational acceleration.
(f) Screwed fasteners or clamping devices shall either be inherently resistant to loosening
or be locked or pinned after tightening.
(g) Where the container(s) are mounted on the vehicle roof, the container(s) and valves
shall be mounted within the perimeter of the vehicle body as determined by the
vehicle manufacturer.
3.15.3 Alternate anchoring
If dynamic testing or calculations referred to in Clause 3.15.2(e) are impracticable, the
following requirements shall apply:
(a) For each container, there shall be at least four points of attachment to the vehicle
structure, the distance between which shall be sufficient to ensure the stability of the
(b) Where the container is anchored to sheet metal, the sheet metal shall be reinforced at
each attachment point with metal plates of areas not less than 3600 mm2 and thickness
not less than 2.5 mm. Any such reinforcement plates shall be contoured to the shape
of the sheet metal or chassis rail. It is preferred that a round washer be used but where
a square plate is fitted the corners shall be radiused to 5 mm and the bolt hole shall be
positioned in the centre of the plate/washer. Where the bolt hole is not central in the
plate, the nearest edge shall be bent to form an L-section for stiffening.
NOTE: Flat areas, even if ribbed, can be unsuitable for mountings without substantial
reinforcement, because of flexing and fatigue. Anchoring should be to structural members
wherever possible.
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(c) Where anchorage bolts pass through a hollow section, a spacer tube shall be provided
to prevent collapse of that section under load.
(d) Anchorage bolts, screws or studs for band or flange mountings shall have a diameter
of not less than that shown in Table 3.3 and the mechanical properties shall be as
(i) Fasteners with ISO metric threads . . . . Property class 4.6 in accordance with
AS 4291.1.
(ii) Fasteners other than ISO metric shall be of a commercial grade.
(e) Where clamping bands are used, at least two steel bands shall be provided, the
dimensions of which shall be not less than those shown in Table 3.3.
NOTE: Where multiple containers are mounted together on a common bracket or structure.
Table 3.3 does not apply. Refer to Clause 3.15.4.
To prevent the possibility of external corrosion or surface damage, where clamping
bands are used, they shall be free of sharp edges and fitted with a non-moisture
retaining hard rubber or equivalent material on the inner side of the bands.
(f) Where parts are joined, e.g. by welding a stud to a band, the strength of the joint shall
be not less than the strength of either component.
(g) Where the attachment is by means of clamping bands there shall be a positive means
of resisting longitudinal end loads on the container due to vehicle impact. The friction
grip of the clamping bands is not normally an acceptable means of endwise retention
unless the clamping bands can be demonstrated to meet the requirement (refer
Clause 3.15.2(e)). An acceptable form of retention is to secure a 200 mm length of
50 mm × 50 mm structural steel angle to the vehicle each end of the container. Each
length of steel angle shall be at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the container
with one leg vertical and fitted so as to provide a gap of 7 ±3 mm to the end of the
container. The other leg of each angle shall be secured to the vehicle by at least two
10 mm diameter bolts.
The 7 ±3 mm gap shall be maintained where suitable body or structural members of
the vehicle construction are available and these components are capable of
withstanding the required loadings.
NOTE: The attachment of a container to the roof of the vehicle, and particularly to the
gutters, is generally considered to be of inadequate strength, and unsatisfactory for a number
of other reasons, and is specifically banned in some jurisdictions. Such installations require
specific approval, which is usually given only for special vehicles, and takes into account
such aspects as vehicle speed, container protection and strength of mountings.
3.15.4 Multiple containers
For installations with more than one container mounted together to a common bracket or
structure, with a combined water capacity exceeding 150 L a specific design shall be
required for the mounting attachments. The design shall have certification by a professional
21 AS/NZS 2739:2009
Cylinder capacity Band dimensions Bolt, screw or stud diameter
L (minimum nominal size) for band or flange mountings
(minimum nominal size)
Over Up to and
including mm mm
0 100 30 × 3 10
100 150 50 × 6 12
150 — Certification by professional engineer
AS/NZS 2739:2009 22
(c) For a vehicle of 3.5 t or more mass, or having a chassis ground clearance exceeding
610 mm at the rear, the zone boundaries shall be those shown in Figure 3.3 and as
(i) 200 mm above the ground, or where mounted between the front and rear axles,
in accordance with Figure 3.2.
(ii) ahead of the front of the rearmost chassis cross member if provided, otherwise
the centre-line of the rearmost wheels.
(iii) 200 mm inboard of the centre of the original-equipment bumper bar at the front
or, if a bumper bar is not fitted, the extremity of the bodywork on the vehicle’s
(iv) Along an angular plane at the front or rear as defined in Item (c)(iii) above.
(v) In New Zealand, containers are not allowed forward of the driver.
Where a container is mounted between the front and rear axles, the container ground
clearance for a vehicle of 3.5 t mass or more, or having a chassis ground clearance
exceeding 610 mm at the rear, shall be 200 mm above ground as shown in Figure 3.3.
(d) A container shall not protrude outside the side extremities of the vehicle. Vehicle
panels shall not be reshaped in order to comply with this requirement.
(e) A container shall not be mounted above the body contour without specific approval
from the appropriate statutory authority (see Appendix B).
(f) A container shall be located so that its fittings are at least 100 mm inside the outer
body skin or tray of the vehicle.
23 AS/NZS 2739:2009
A fuel container together with its associated attachments, shall be located and protected so
that the possibility of damage from impact, accident, or loose objects is minimized. The
following specific requirements shall apply:
(a) Each container shall be located in a position, or provided with protection, such that
damage in the course of normal vehicle usage is minimized. In particular—
(i) locations vulnerable to impact by objects thrown by tyres shall be avoided; and
(ii) damage due to impact by objects being handled by or carried by the vehicle
shall be prevented.
(b) The container shall not be in contact with any part of the vehicle, any piping, or any
objects which could cause rubbing or the entrapment of moisture.
(c) Provision shall be made to protect a container from damage in the event of failure of
the vehicle’s tailshaft if the container is less than 200 mm from the tailshaft.
(d) The container manufacturer’s instructions regarding exposure to sun, water or
chemicals (e.g. battery acid) shall be considered.
(e) A fuel container which is below the floor of a vehicle shall be provided with a guard
to protect against ground impact when either of the following conditions exist:
(i) The clearance between the container and the ground is less than 300 mm.
(ii) The container is behind the back wheels.
The guard shall be at least equivalent to a 1.5 mm steel plate guard, arranged to shield
the silhouette of the cylindrical portion of the container. Drainage shall be provided if
the design could accumulate water.
The guard shall not be positioned between the container and the clamping bands or
mounting frame.
(f) Engine exhaust outlets shall be directed away from the container.
AS/NZS 2739:2009 24
4.1.1 General
This Section addresses the components, location, mounting, protection, venting and
installation requirements for the equipment operating under cryogenically conditioned
container pressure.
4.1.2 LNG fuel supply system components
The fuel supply system shall be provided with the following components:
(a) One or more containers.
(b) Fuel quantity level gauging system.
(c) Container valve or valves.
(d) A refuelling receptacle.
(e) A refuelling non-return valve.
(f) Service isolation valve.
(g) Fuel filter.
(h) Fuel shut-off device (solenoid lock off).
(i) Fuel flow regulation devices.
(j) Pressure relief devices.
(k) Pressure regulator.
(l) Vaporizer (heat exchanger).
4.1.3 Use of multiple components
The components specified in Clause 4.1.2 may be combined into multifunction units (see
Clause 2.1.1).
4.2.1 General
Containers shall be in accordance with the following:
(a) Designed and fabricated in accordance with AS 1210.
(b) Inspected, tested and certified in accordance with Clause 7.7.2.
(c) Have a plate or markings displaying the approval/registration/certification number
from a statutory authority or recognized testing authority indicating that the container
complies with one or more of the following; NFPA 52, NFPA 57, ASME Section VIII
Division 1, ASME Section II Part A/C/D, ASME Section V, ASME Section IX,
SAE J2343 or an approved equivalent standard.
Those parts of LNG containers that are normally in contact with LNG or cold LNG vapour
shall be physically and chemically compatible with LNG and suitable for service at −162°C.
Container fittings shall have a rated working pressure not less than the maximum allowable
working pressure of the container.
25 AS/NZS 2739:2009
For vacuum insulation, the inner tank, outer tank, and internal lines shall be tested for
vacuum leaks.
4.2.2 Structural integrity
The pressurized container, when filled to its maximum filling volume with LNG, together
with valves, enclosures, and all other items that normally are mounted and attached thereto,
and mounted by its normal means of attachment, shall be capable of withstanding without
loss of contents a static force, in the six principal directions, equal to eight times the weight
of the container plus its contents. The container, the plumbing, and the mounting
attachments shall withstand the effects of shock, vibration, and acceleration encountered in
normal service.
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27 AS/NZS 2739:2009
(a) The method of attachment shall not cause undue stresses in the container shell. Any
attaching lugs, brackets or bolts shall be designed so that they will not rupture the
container in the event of an accident.
(b) Supports shall not be welded to containers.
(c) The mounting method shall not significantly weaken the vehicle structure.
(d) The area of the vehicle to which the container(s) is attached shall be reinforced if
necessary to ensure compliance with Item (e).
(e) The force necessary to separate the container(s) from the vehicle in any direction
shall be not less than the mass of the full container(s) times the design factor shown
in Table 4.1.
Where the vehicle is of the original manufactured construction, the design factor shall
be as determined by the vehicle manufacturer and the above prescribed design factors
may not be applicable. In all cases, fatigue factors shall be taken into account in the
design of the container mounting system.
The strength of the anchorages may be established by dynamic test (deceleration over
20 ms) or static test (forces directed through the centre of mass of the cylinder) or by
To prevent the possibility of external corrosion, a non-moisture retaining hard rubber
or equivalent material shall be provided on the inner side of the container support
structure and upper securing bands. Similar protection shall be provided if the
container(s) rests against other metal objects.
(f) Screwed fasteners or clamping devices shall either be inherently resistant to loosening
or be locked or pinned after tightening.
4.6.3 Multiple containers
For installations with more than one container mounted together to a common bracket or
structure with a combined water capacity exceeding 150 L, a specific design shall be
required for the mounting attachments. The design shall have certification by a professional
A common container mounting bracket or structure must provide adequate rollover
protection. The structure shall be not less than the upper most height of the container.
NOTE: The engineering certification of the container mounting structure (gantry) should include
a consideration for all roll over protection as shown in Figure 4.1.
Acceleration Gross vehicle mass ≤3.5 t Gross vehicle mass >3.5 t
Longitudinal 20.0g 10.0g
Lateral 8.0g 5.0g
Vertical 4.5g 4.5g
NOTE: g is the gravitational acceleration.
(b) A container shall not protrude outside the extremity of the body work line to the front
or sides of the vehicle. Vehicle panels shall not be reshaped in order to comply with
this requirement.
(c) A container shall not be mounted outside the body contour behind the vehicle without
specific approval of the mounting, the location and the protection.
(d) A container shall be located so that its fittings are at least 100 mm inside the outer
body skin or tray of the vehicle.
(e) No part of the container shall protrude beyond the sides of any vehicle. Containers
shall not be mounted ahead of the front axle or beyond the rear bumper.
(f) The container mounting structure shall be not lower than the highest point of the
container (see Figure 4.1).
(g) Containers shall be installed minimum 200 mm above ground level and where
practical, provide as much road clearance as possible.
29 AS/NZS 2739:2009
(d) If the container is mounted to the chassis rails, then the valves shall be mounted
towards the rear.
Vaporizers shall have the capacity to vaporize completely the LNG and heat the vapour to
the safe design temperature of the downstream components prior to entry of the vapour into
the pressure regulator when the vaporizer is subjected to the maximum vehicular fuel flow
Vaporizers shall be marked permanently at a readily visible point to indicate the maximum
allowable working pressure of the fuel-containing portion of the vaporizer.
Vaporizers shall be designed for a working pressure at least equal to the maximum
discharge pressure of the pressurized system that supplies them.
The discharge valve of each vaporizer, if provided, its piping components, the relief valves
installed upstream of the discharge valve, the vaporizing piping, and related components
shall be suitable for operation at an LNG temperature of −162°C.
Engine exhaust gases shall not be used as a direct source of heat to vaporize fuel. If the
engine exhaust is used, it shall be used via an indirect heating system.
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This Section addresses the requirements for fuel service lines and associated fittings.
The requirements for fuel lines are as follows
(a) for pressure exceeding 450 kPa, Clauses 5.3 to 5.8
(b) for pressure less than 100 kPa, Clause 5.9
(c) for pressures between 100 kPa, and 450 kPa Clause 5.10.
All metallic materials shall have a minimum melting point of 800°C.
The use of dissimilar metal junctions shall be minimized. If such a junction cannot be
avoided, good corrosion protection practice shall be employed to reduce the effect of such a
materials combination on the long term corrosion behaviour of the junction.
All materials shall be selected or installed to minimize corrosion or to protect the material
from corrosion. Stainless steels that do not resist chloride-induced pitting/corrosion
cracking and sensitisation-induced corrosion resistance reduction shall not be used. The use
of all copper-zinc and copper-tin alloy families shall be restricted to those alloys that are
metallurgically inhibited to prevent accelerated metallurgical deterioration from external
environmental sources.
Brazing filler material shall be a melting point exceeding 538°C.
Oxy-fuel gas welding shall not be permitted.
Furnace butt-welded steel products shall not be used.
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33 AS/NZS 2739:2009
Joint and connections for NG fuel hose for vapour pressure not exceeding 450 kPa shall be
suitable for use with NG and capable of sustaining five times the maximum pressure likely
to be encountered in service and shall comply with Clause 5.5. All NG fuel hose for vapour
pressures between 100 kPa and 450 kPa shall meet requirements of ECE R67, Class 2 Hose.
Low pressure hose shall be of sufficient length and flexibility to accommodate engine
AS/NZS 2739:2009 34
This Section addresses the requirements for the fuel control equipment and engine
management systems.
The NG fuel control equipment includes all the equipment necessary to convert NG at high
pressure at the service line or the conversion of LNG to natural gas vapour for supply to the
engine, and comprises the following components:
(a) Gas pressure regulator.
(b) Fuel selector, if a dual fuel or bi-fuel system is employed.
(c) Fuel metering system.
(d) Heat exchanger (vaporizer unit (LNG only)).
(e) Inline fuel filter (LNG only).
The material, strength, durability and suitability requirements for components are provided
in Section 2 of this Standard.
The components specified in this Clause may be combined into multifunction units (see
Clause 2.1).
35 AS/NZS 2739:2009
Where flexible hose is used for petrol lines as part of the installation, the hose shall be a
purpose-made reinforced hose (SAE J30 specification R6, R7 or R8 or equivalent) and shall
be rated for external temperatures of up to 100°C. Metal pipework shall be prepared to
accept the flexible hose by belling or flaring of the pipe end and the hose shall be positively
retained on the pipe by suitable hose clamps. Care shall be taken to ensure that the pipe end
does not have sharp edges, which may cut the hose. The hose shall be routed well away
from sources of heat (such as the exhaust system or engine block) or protected by suitable
shielding. Fuel selection control
For vehicles other than those fitted with electronic fuel injection, a fuel selection control
shall be provided which shall have at least three positions, clearly marked for the selection
of each of the two fuels. The selection control shall be placed within easy reach of the
driver or operator. For vehicles fitted with electronic fuel injection a two-position switch is
AS/NZS 2739:2009 36
An NG fuel installation in a vehicle shall comply with the associated requirements specified
in this Section. The order in which this Section is arranged should not be taken to imply
that any particular sequence is mandatory. However, any leakage test shall be invalidated if
the joint tested is subsequently dismantled, and another leak test is necessary.
The principal tests undertaken comprise—
(a) installation test; and
(b) periodic inspection and test comprising—
(i) routine system check; and
(ii) container inspection by authorized test station or pressure vessel inspector.
NOTE: This Section deals only with the testing of the complete installation and certain sub-
assemblies. It is taken that any testing of individual components which may be necessary to
establish suitability and individual quality has already been conducted as a component approval
and control matter. The aim is to test the integrity of the various assembly joints and connections,
and to test the functioning of certain control components.
Where testing procedures require the handling of NG or equipment containing NG and may
result in the release of NG the following requirements shall apply:
(a) The earth lead of the vehicle battery shall be disconnected and stowed safely or an
electrical isolator switch closed.
NOTE: The lead will need to be reconnected for certain tests involving electrically operated
(b) The working areas and procedures shall comply with AS 2746 or New Zealand
Transport Agency, Vehicle Inspection Requirements Manual Alternative Fuel System
Certification, Section 5, Inspection premises and equipment.
NOTE: In addition, in New Zealand reference should be made to the appropriate sections of
the Health and Safety in Employment Act, the Resource Management Act and the Building
(c) When the container is being filled, the normal precautions applicable to refuelling
areas shall apply, e.g. no smoking and no ignition sources within the defined
hazardous area, ignition off, brake or parking provisions engaged.
37 AS/NZS 2739:2009
Prior to testing and commissioning an initial inspection of the NG system and components
shall be carried out by, or if permitted under the supervision of, an authorized person, who
shall also carry out a complete examination to ensure that the installation complies with all
relevant Sections of this Standard.
7.7.1 CNG
A certificated gas cylinder test station shall conduct an external examination and certify
containers prior to first use.
NOTE: MP 48 gives a list of certificated gas cylinder test stations in Australia.
7.7.2 LNG General
Containers shall be inspected, tested and certified in accordance with AS 2337.1. This shall
only be carried out following preparation of the container by authorised LNG service
personnel. The inspection shall at least be a visual external inspection and shall be at a
period not exceeding 5 years. The pressure relief devices shall be replaced at a period not
exceeding 10 years. Unless qualified, test station personnel shall only undertake inspection
and certification. All maintenance functions shall only be carried out by authorized LNG
service personnel. Inspection
The inspection shall be as follows:
(a) The external surface of the container shall be visually inspected for defects (see
Table 7.1). Particular attention shall be paid to the areas at which supports or
restraining straps contact the container.
(b) Container stampings shall be examined to confirm that it has not been stamped as
having failed a previous inspection.
(c) Verify that the pressure relief device date does not exceed 10 years.
NOTE: To ensure the internal atmosphere of the container is not contaminated and to avoid the
ingress of moisture, it is recommended that the container retains positive pressure. Test report
The test station shall issue a test report in accordance with AS 2337.1 to the container
owner for each container tested.
AS/NZS 2739:2009 38
Defect Definition/Illustration Limitations
Dent Condemn where—
Average dia. B the depth of the dent exceeds 20%
of the average dent diameter
(if applicable)
Area of dent
100 mm max.
39 AS/NZS 2739:2009
AS/NZS 2739:2009 40
41 AS/NZS 2739:2009
(ii) For composite cylinders: cylinders that have been re-certified shall have a disc
containing the next date of re-certification in accordance with AS 2337.3.
(e) Container corrosion and damage
Check to ensure that the container and its mountings, pipework, compartments or sub-
compartments and any fitted protection, such as heat shields, have not suffered impact
damage, corrosion or heating by fire or loss of integrity due to fatigue.
(f) Container attachment
Check for the following:
(i) Rust, corrosion, abrasion, or impact damage.
(ii) Tightness and locking of nuts, evidence of necking of bolts, loose bands, wear
under bands, and incompatible band materials.
(iii) Cracks or metal fatigue.
(g) Test of automatic fuel shut-off device
Check that the automatic fuel shut-off device is functioning correctly in accordance
with Clause 7.8.5.
(h) Manual valves
Open and close all manual valves and test around glands and connections for leaks in
both positions.
(i) Compartment or sub-compartment
Check for structural damage. Check around all joints, conduit connections and pipe
bulkhead seals for leakage. Check conduits for deterioration, damage, or kinking.
(j) Refuelling connection
Check for damage to the refuelling connection and for the presence of foreign matter,
and check that the dust plug/cap is present and attached correctly.
(k) Refuelling interlock device
Where fitted, check for correct operation.
(l) Flexible piping, hose
Inspect any flexible piping or hose for kinks, damage or abrasion to the cover.
Condemn if any defect is found or whenever a vehicle cylinder is due for re-
(m) Ground clearances
Check to ensure that the ground clearance still complies with this Standard.
(n) Vehicles identification
Check that the ‘CNG’ or ‘LNG’ identification labels (see Clause 8.4.1) are present
and in accordance with Clause 8.4.1.
NOTE: It is recommended that these checks be carried out at least annually as good
maintenance practices.
AS/NZS 2739:2009 42
The requirements of this Section shall be complied with prior to the vehicle being released
to the customer.
On completion of an aftermarket installation, the installer shall supply the owner with a
certificate of compliance with this Standard, which will also give an installation date,
installer’s name and licence number and the container(s) serial number(s). The certificate
may be incorporated in a receipt, or may be a specific document and will include a
certificate of compliance number.
NOTE: Any statutory regulations on certification procedures that differ from this requirement
will take precedence.
NOTE: Any statutory regulations regarding compliance procedures that differ from this requirement will take
43 AS/NZS 2739:2009
Where a vehicle is fitted with more than one container, the vehicle shall carry an additional
plate and label on each registration plate. CNG
For vehicles fuelled with CNG:
(a) The plate and label size shall be a circle not less than 35 mm diameter.
(b) The label colour shall be retroreflective red, complying with AS/NZS 1906.1, Class 2.
(c) The label shall have only the letters ‘CNG’ in white at least 10 mm in height. LNG
For vehicles fuelled with LNG:
(a) The plate and label size shall be a circle not less than 35 mm diameter.
(b) The label colour shall be retroreflective Standard green, complying with
AS/NZS 1906.1, Class 2.
(c) The label shall have only letters 'LNG' in white at least 10 mm in height.
8.4.2 Vehicle identification—New Zealand only
In New Zealand—to indicate that a vehicle is equipped to use CNG as a fuel, it shall have
affixed as close as possible to the registration/number a plate and label complying at least
with the following requirements:
(a) The plate and label size shall be 35 mm diameter circle.
(b) The label colour shall be retroreflective red, complying with AS/NZS 1906.1, Class 2.
(c) The label shall have only the letters ‘CNG’ in white at least 10 mm in height.
8.4.3 Refuelling information plate
A refuelling information plate in accordance with Clause 3.8 shall be fitted.
8.4.4 Selector
The fuel selector shall be marked to indicate which fuel has been selected. Any written
marking shall be in the English language.
AS/NZS 2739:2009 44
1210 Pressure vessels
2337 Gas cylinder test stations
2337.1 Part 1: General requirements, inspections and tests—Gas cylinders
2337.3 Part 3: Transportable gas cylinders—Periodic inspection and testing of
composite gas cylinders (ISO 11623:2002, MOD)
2473 Valves for compressed gas cylinders (series)
2613 Safety devices for gas cylinders
2746 Working areas for gas-fuelled vehicles
4291 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel
4291.1 Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs
4564 Specification for general purpose natural gas
4732 LP Gas fuel systems for marine engines
4838 Gas cylinders—High pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural
gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles
4983 Gas fuel systems for forklifts and industrial engines
D26 Tube fittings with Dryseal American standard taper pipe and unified thread
for automotive and industrial use
MP 48 Certificated gas cylinder test stations
1869 Hose and hose assemblies for liquefied petroleum gases (LG Gas), natural
gas and town gas
1906 Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes
1906.1 Part 1: Retroreflective sheeting
527 Plastics—Determination of tensile properties
527-3 Part 3: Test conditions for films and sheets
11439 Gas cylinders—High pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural
gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles
14469 Road vehicles—Compressed natural gas (CNG) refuelling connector (series)
15500 Road vehicles—Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components
15500-1 Part 1: General requirements and definitions
15500-2 Part 2: Performance and general test methods
15500-3 Part 3: Check valve
15500-4 Part 4: Manual valve
15500-5 Part 5: Manual cylindrical valve
15500-6 Part 6: Automatic valve
15500-7 Part 7: Gas injector
15500-8 Part 8: Pressure indicator
15500-9 Part 9: Pressure regulator
45 AS/NZS 2739:2009
* Copies of all Australian Design Rules (ADRs) can be obtained from ADR subscriptions at
[email protected].
AS/NZS 2739:2009 46
A269 Specification for seamless and welded austenitic stainless steel tubing for
general service
2782:Part 3 Methods of testing plastics, Method 360B: Mechanical properties—
Determination of tear resistance of plastics film and sheeting by the trouser
tear method
B51 Boiler, Pressure Vessel, and Pressure Piping Code
Part 2: High pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a
fuel for automotive vehicles
SAE Society of Automobile Engineers
J30 Fuel and oil hoses
J369 Flammability of polymeric interior materials—Horizontal test method
J533 Flares for tubing
J1453 Fitting—O-ring face seal
J2343 Recommended practice for LNG medium and heavy-duty powered vehicles
ECE R24/03 Uniform provisions concerning:
I The approval of compression ignition (CI) engines with regard to
the emission of visible pollutants
II The approval of motor vehicles with regard to the installation of
CI engines of an approved type
III The approval of motor vehicles equipped with CI engines with
regard to the emission of visible pollutants by the engine
IV The measurement of power of CI engine.
ECE R67 Uniform provisions concerning:
I Approval of specific equipment of motor vehicles using
liquefied petroleum gases in their propulsion system
II Approval of a vehicle fitted with specific equipment for the use
of liquefied petroleum gases in its propulsion system with regard
to the installation of such equipment
ECE R83/04 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the
emission of pollutants according to engine fuel requirements.
Incorporating all amendments up to and including the 04 series of
ECE R83/05 Uniform provision concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the
emission of pollutants according to engine fuel requirements.
Incorporating all amendments up to and including the 05 series of
ECE R110 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of:
I Specific components of motor vehicles using compressed natural
gas (CNG) in their propulsion system
II Vehicles with regard to the installation of specific components
of an approved type for the use of compressed natural gas (CNG)
in their propulsion system
47 AS/NZS 2739:2009
AS/NZS 2739:2009
The following information is for guidance only and may be subject to change:
Country, state or territory Vehicle installation regulator Vehicle registration Installer licensing Work-area licensing
ACT Manager, Vehicle Inspection & Manager, Vehicle Inspection & Plumbers Drainers and Gas- —
Technical Units Technical Units Fitters Board of the ACT
Road User Services Road User Services Dept of Urban Services
Department of Urban Services Department of Urban Services 16 Challis Street
13-15 Challis Street 13-15 Challis Street DICKSON ACT 2602
FEDERAL Administrator of Motor Vehicle — — —
(new vehicles) Standards
Department of Transport and
Regional Services
GPO Box 594
NSW — Manager, Automotive Engineering Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Authority
Operations 239 Great North Road
Vehicle Standards Section FIVE DOCK NSW 2046
Roads & Traffic Authority
260 Elizabeth St
NT Chief Inspector of Dangerous Manager Chief Inspector of Dangerous —
Goods Motor Vehicle Registry Goods
Dept of Industries & Business Department of Transport Dept of Industries & Business
Work Health Authority DARWIN NT 0800 Work Health Authority
Country, state or territory Vehicle installation regulator Vehicle registration Installer licensing Work-area licensing
QLD Chief Inspector Petroleum & Gas Manager, Motor Vehicle Chief Inspector Petroleum & Gas —
Operations Registration Branch Operations
Department of Mines and Energy Queensland Department of Department of Mines and Energy
41 George Street Transport 41 George Street
PO Box 2454 PO Box 2454
SA Manager, Dangerous Substances Manager, Driver and Vehicle Manager, Dangerous Substances —
Unit Licensing Unit
Safework SA Department for Transport Energy Safework SA
Department of the Premier and and Infrastructure Department of the Premier and
Cabinet 33 Warwick Street Cabinet
GPO Box 465 WALKERVILLE SA 5081 GPO Box 465
TAS Manager Registrar of Motor Vehicles Manager
Chemical Safety Section Industry Department of Transport Chemical Safety Section
Safety & Mines GPO Box 936J Industry Safety & Mines
AS/NZS 2739:2009
AS/NZS 2739:2009 50
51 AS/NZS 2739:2009
This Appendix describes a variety of leak detection methods for natural gas and indicates
advantages or disadvantages that may be significant.
Foaming agents are more effective for detection of small leaks; large leaks tend to blow the
solution away from the leak without forming a bubble. Care in applying the solution slowly
with a brush will provide easier detection of large leaks.
The foaming agent should be a proprietary leak test solution, formulated specifically for the
purpose. Fresh solution should be used and the whole of the surface to be tested is coated
and time allowed for bubbles to form. All areas under test should be able to be observed
during the test.
AS/NZS 2739:2009 52
Total immersion may not always indicate very small leaks, or leaks that may be inhibited by
the head of water. Good illumination and an ability to manipulate the item while submerged
are important. A wetting agent is desirable, provided that foaming does not result.
53 AS/NZS 2739:2009
ADR categories Applicability dates for ADRs (See Note 7)
Description GVM Category Applicable 2002/3 2003/4 2005/6 2006/7
ADR (See (Diesel (Petrol (Petrol (Diesel
Notes 1 to 5) vehicles) vehicles) vehicles) vehicles)
t (See Note 6)
Passenger vehicles
Light ≤3.5 MA, MB, MC ADR79/.. ADR79/00 ADR79/00 ADR79/01 ADR79/01
Heavy >3.5 MA, MB, MC ADR80/.. ADR80/00 ADR80/00 ADR80/01 ADR80/01
Light ≤3.5 MD ADR79/.. ADR79/00 ADR79/00 ADR79/01
>3.5, ≤5 MD ADR80/.. ADR80/00 ADR80/00 ADR80/01
Heavy >5 ME ADR80/.. ADR80/00 ADR80/00 ADR/80/01
Goods vehicles (trucks)
Light ≤3.5 NA ADR79/.. ADR79/00 ADR79/00 ADR79/01 ADR79/01
Medium >3.5, ≤12 NB ADR80/.. ADR80/00 ADR80/00 ADR80/01 ADR80/01
Heavy >12 NC ADR80/00.. ADR80/00 ADR80/00 ADR80/01 ADR80/01
1 ADR79/00, Emission Control for Light Vehicles, adopts the technical requirements of ECE R83/04 which
embodies the Euro 2 Standards for light duty petrol and light duty diesel vehicles.
2 ADR79/01, Emission Control for Light Vehicles, adopts the technical requirements of ECE Regulation
83/05, which embodies the Euro 3 and Euro 4 Standards for light duty petrol and light duty diesel
vehicles. However, the ADR only mandates the Euro 3 (pre 2005) provisions of R83/05 for petrol
vehicles, but allows petrol vehicles optional compliance with Euro 4 Standards.
AS/NZS 2739:2009 54
3 ADR80/00, Emission Control for Heavy Vehicles, and ADR80/01, Emission Control for Heavy Vehicles,
adopt the technical requirements of the European Council Directive 99/96/EC amending European Council
Directive 88/77/EEC, which embodies the Euro 3 and Euro 4 Standards for medium-heavy duty diesel
vehicles (all buses and trucks above 3.5 tonnes GVM). ADR80/00 reflects the Euro 3 requirements and
ADR80/01 reflects the Euro 4 requirements. The US EPA requirements for heavy duty diesel engines
applicable to Model Year 2000 or later engines are also accepted as an alternative under ADR80/00, with
US 2004 requirements accepted under ADR/80/01.
4 These ADRs (ADRs 79/00, 79/01, 80/00, 80/01) replace ADR37/01 and ADR70/00.
5 The ADRs also apply to vehicles fuelled with NG.
6 A smoke emission ADR (ADR30/01) also applies to all categories of diesel vehicles. The smoke standard
applied from 2002/3 and adopts ECE R24/03 and allows the US EPA 1994 smoke standards as an
alternative. This ADR replaces ADR30/00.
7 The 2-year date combinations refer to the dates applicable to new model vehicles and all model vehicles,
respectively. For example in the case of 2002/03, this means that from 1 January 2002, any new model
first produced with a date of manufacture after 1 January 2002, must comply with the ADR, and from 1
January 2003, all vehicles (regardless of the first production date for the particular model) must comply.
55 AS/NZS 2739:2009
E2.1 General requirements
ADR79/00 Emission Control for Light Vehicles applies to light passenger and goods
vehicles with a gross vehicle mass not greater than 3.5 tonnes.
Vehicles certified to ADR79/00 shall only be converted to operate on NG by the use of a
certified kit which has been designed for that engine family (refer to Paragraph E1.2.1), and
prior to use, has satisfied the testing requirements of Paragraph E2.2.
E2.2 Testing requirements
E2.2.1 General
The kit shall be fitted to at least one representative vehicle and tested in accordance with
either the ADR79/00 Type I test or the IM240 exhaust emissions test*.
For petrol engine vehicles when the ADR79/00 Type I test is chosen the emissions results
from the converted vehicle shall be less than the relevant ADR emissions limits specified in
Table E2.
E2.2.2 IM240 test procedure for bi-fuel vehicles (part time petrol or NG)
The test shall be conducted as follows:
(a) The converted vehicle shall undergo three hot IM240 tests on NG.
(b) The emissions results in grams per kilometre for CO, HC and NOx for the three (3)
hot IM240 tests on NG shall be averaged.
(c) A hot IM240 test shall be conducted on the original fuel after the tests specified
above in Item (a).
NOTE: A pre-conditioning cycle consisting of one or more IM240 tests on the original fuel
may be conducted after the tests specified in Item (a) and before the test specified in Item (c).
In the case of the IM240 test procedures outlined in Items (a) to (c) above, the emissions
results determined at Item (b) shall be less than the relevant hot IM240 limits in Table E2.
The emission results determined at Item (c) shall be less than the relevant ADR limits in
Table E2.
E2.2.3 IM240 test procedure for mono-fuel vehicles (permanent NG)
For mono-fuel vehicles, the IM240 test procedure above applies apart from the requirement
specified at Item (c) for a test on the original fuel.
E2.2.4 Dual fuel diesel vehicles (part diesel and part NG)
The kit shall be fitted to at least one representative vehicle and tested in accordance with
the Type I test requirements specified in ADR79/00. When tested the converted vehicle
shall meet the relevant Type I test emission limits specified in ADR79/00.
All tests specified in Paragraph E2 shall be conducted in a facility which is either NATA
accredited for vehicle emissions testing, or registered with DOTARS under the Road
Vehicle Certification Scheme for vehicle emissions testing, or is otherwise accepted by the
AS/NZS 2739:2009 56
Emissions limits (see Note 3)
Reference mass g/km
ADR vehicle category
(see Note 2) ADR IM240
(see Note 1)
CO HC + NO x CO HC + NO x
MA, MB, MC and MD N/A 2.2 0.5 1.1 0.25
(≤6 seats or GVM ≤2500 kg)
N/A; and ≤1250 2.2 0.5 1.1 0.25
MA, MB, MC and MD >1250, ≤1700 4.0 0.6 2.0 0.3
(>6 seats or GVM >2500 kg) >1700 5.0 0.7 2.5 0.35
1 MA = passenger car, MB = forward control passenger vehicle, MC = off road passenger vehicle,
MD = light bus, GMV = gross vehicle mass.
2 Reference mass is a defined term in ADR79/00 meaning the unladen mass + 100 kg.
3 CO = Carbon monoxide, HC = total hydrocarbons, NO x = oxides of nitrogen.
E3.1 General requirements
ADR79/01 Emission Control for Light Vehicles applies to light passenger and goods
vehicles with a gross vehicle mass not greater than 3.5 tonnes. It replaces ADR79/00 from
2005 (refer to Table E1 for applicability dates).
Vehicles certified to ADR79/01 shall only be converted to operate on NG by the use of a
certified kit which has been designed for that engine family (refer to Paragraph E1.2.1), and
prior to use, has satisfied the testing requirements of Paragraph E3.2.
E3.2 Testing requirements
E3.2.1 General
The kit shall be fitted to at least one representative vehicle and tested in accordance with
either the ADR79/01 Type I test or the IM240 exhaust emissions test*.
For petrol engine vehicles when the ADR 79/01 Type I test is chosen the emissions results
from the converted vehicle shall be less than the relevant ADR emissions limits specified in
Table E3.
57 AS/NZS 2739:2009
E3.2.2 IM240 test for Bi-fuel vehicles (part time petrol or NG)
The test shall be conducted as follows:
(a) The converted vehicle shall undergo three hot IM240 tests on NG.
(b) The emissions results in grams per kilometre for CO, HC and NOx for the three (3)
hot IM240 tests on NG shall be averaged.
(c) A hot IM240 test shall be conducted on the original fuel after the tests specified
above in Item (a).
NOTE: A pre-conditioning cycle consisting of one or more IM240 tests on the original fuel may
be conducted after the tests specified in Item (a) and before the test specified in Item (c).
In the case of the hot IM240 test procedures outlined in Items (a) to (c) above, the
emissions results determined at Item (b) shall be less than the relevant hot IM240 limits in
Table E3. The emission results determined at Item (c) shall be less than the relevant ADR
limits in Table E3.
E3.2.3 IM240 test procedure for Mono-fuel vehicles (permanent NG)
For Mono-fuel vehicles, the IM240 test procedure above applies apart from the requirement
specified at Item (c) for a test on the original fuel.
E3.2.4 Dual fuel diesel vehicles (part diesel and part NG)
The kit shall be fitted to at least one representative vehicle and tested in accordance with
the Type I test requirements specified in ADR 79/01. When tested the converted vehicle
shall meet the relevant Type I test emission limits specified in ADR 79/01.
All tests specified in Paragraph E3 shall be conducted in a facility which is either NATA
accredited for vehicle emissions testing, or registered with DOTARS under the Road
Vehicle Certification Scheme for vehicle emissions testing, or is otherwise accepted by the
AS/NZS 2739:2009 58
E4.1 General requirements
ADR70/00 Exhaust Emission Control for Diesel Engined Vehicles has applied to all new
diesel vehicles since 1995-6. From 2002, it was replaced by ADR79/00 for light duty
vehicles and ADR80/00 for heavy duty vehicles (refer to Table E1 for applicability dates).
Conversions of vehicles certified to ADR70/00 to operate on NG shall be undertaken using
one of the following methods:
(a) Subject every converted vehicle to a DT80* test before and after conversion (DT80
(b) Subject the first converted vehicle to the appropriate Composite Urban Emissions
Drive Cycle (CUEDC) test* before and after conversion (CUEDC Method).
(c) Use a certified kit which has been tested in accordance with one of the allowable
emission standards specified in ADR70/00 (ADR70 Method).
E4.2 Testing requirements
E4.2.1 DT80 Method
The test procedure shall be as follows:
(a) Service and tune each vehicle to be converted in accordance with manufacturer’s
specifications on its original fuel type.
(b) Test the vehicle in accordance with the DT80 test, the emissions of CO, HC, NOx and
total mass of particulate matter (PM) are measured, and repeat the test twice.
(c) Convert the vehicle to operate on NG, and retest on NG in accordance with Step (b).
(d) If the vehicle is also capable of functioning on its original fuel type following
conversion, retest on its original fuel type in accordance with Step (b).
The emission results from the tests under Steps (b), (c) and (d) shall be compared, and the
average of the 3 sets of results from Steps (c) and (d) shall be no greater than the average of
the 3 sets of results from Step (b). The results may be compared on either—
(i) an individual basis for each of CO, HC, NOx and PM; or
(ii) the results for HC (HC), NOx and PM may be combined using weighting factors and
the combined weighted results compared (CO emissions may be ignored).
The weighting factors shall be applied as follows:
Weighted emissions (g/km) = (HC × 4.5 + NOx × 4.5 + PM × 20)
In either Item (i) or (ii), the methane component of HC, if measured, may be ignored.
The testing shall be conducted in a facility that is either NATA registered for vehicle
emissions testing, or is otherwise accepted by the Authority.
* Details of the CUEDC tests can be found on the National Environment Protection Council website at
www.nepc.gov.au under diesel vehicle emissions.
59 AS/NZS 2739:2009
AS/NZS 2739:2009 60
61 AS/NZS 2739:2009
All tests specified in Paragraph E5 shall be conducted in a facility which is either NATA
accredited for vehicle emissions testing, or registered with DOTARS under the Road
Vehicle Certification Scheme for vehicle emissions testing, or is otherwise accepted by the
E5.3 Documentation and installation requirements
Prior to undertaking a conversion, the installer shall obtain documentation from the kit
supplier to demonstrate that the kit has been tested on an engine equivalent to that being
converted, and has met the relevant emission limits in ADR80/00, ADR80/01 or IM240
test* as applicable. The documentation shall also include a comprehensive list of the kit
components and detailed installation instructions.
NOTE: ADR 79/02 applies to new model vehicles produced from 1 July 2008 and all vehicles
from 1 July 2010. Pending further review the following are interim arrangements to allow for the
installation of NG kits to vehicles, which comply with ADR 79/02 prior to its mandatory
implementation dates. Further review will be conducted and revised procedures may be published
in a future revision of this Standard.
E6.1 General requirements
ADR79/02 Emission Control for Light Vehicles applies to light passenger and goods
vehicles with a gross vehicle mass not greater than 3.5 tonnes. It replaces ADR 79/01 from
1 July 2008.
Vehicles certified to ADR79/02 shall only be converted to operate on NG by the use of a
certified kit, which has been designed for that engine family (refer to Paragraph E1.2.1),
and prior to use, has satisfied the testing requirements of Paragraph E6.2.
E6.2 Testing requirements
The kit shall be fitted to at least one representative vehicle and tested in accordance with
either the ADR79/02 Type I test or the IM240 exhaust emissions test*.
For petrol engine vehicles when the ADR79/02 Type I test is chosen the emissions results
from the converted vehicle shall be less than the relevant ADR emissions limits specified in
Table E4.
Where the IM240 test option is chosen, the vehicle shall be tested in accordance with the
relevant test requirements outlined in Paragraph E3, and the emissions results determined at
Item (b) shall be less than the relevant hot IM240 limits in Table E3. For bi-fuel vehicles
the emission results obtained from the hot IM240 test conducted on the original fuel shall
be less than the relevant ADR limit specified in Table E4.
All tests specified in Paragraph E6 shall be conducted in a facility which is either NATA
accredited for vehicle emissions testing, or registered with DOTARS under the Road
Vehicle Certification Scheme for vehicle emissions testing, or is otherwise accepted by the
AS/NZS 2739:2009 62
Reference Emissions limits (see Note 3)
ADR vehicle category mass g/km
(see Note 1) (see Note 2)
kg CO HC NO x
MA, MB, MC and MD N/A 1.0 0.10 0.08
(GVM ≤ 2500 kg)
N/A; and ≤1305 1.0 0.10 0.08
MA, MB, MC and MD >1305, ≤1760 1.81 0.13 0.10
(GVM > 2500 kg) >1760 2.27 0.16 0.11
1 MA = passenger car, MB = forward control passenger vehicle, MC = off road passenger vehicle,
MD = light bus, GVM = gross vehicle mass.
2 Reference mass is a defined term in ADR79/00 meaning the unladen mass + 100 kg.
3 CO = Carbon monoxide, HC = total hydrocarbons, NO x = oxides of nitrogen.
63 AS/NZS 2739:2009
AS/NZS 2739:2009 64
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