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Small Volume Fabrication Cost Estimation

Modelslfor Embodiment Design

K. Schrevex and A.H. Bassonf

Manufactaring cost estimation is un integral part Researchers gathered cost data in five different companies, as
of design for manafucturing. Cost estimation mod- documented by Mareet, Schuster2, Schreve3 and De Swardta,
from which the models were developed. The cost estimation
els are presented for fabricated mild steel welded
models are aimed specifically for use in the early phases of
assemblies, between a few hundred grams and Iive embodiment design, with the corresponding limits to informa-
ton, mude in small production volumes. Duta col- tion available and accuracy achievable. The design scenarios
lected in time studies at five South African compa- encountered in a small production volume environment often
nies was cast into a times and rates approach, us- includes that the potential manufacturers of a partor assembly
are only known after completing the detailed designs and
ing robast statistical techniques. The models nre
submitting them for quotations to manufacturers. Information
aimed at the eurly embodiment design phase, to help relying on the knowledge of a specific manufacturer could
the designer to optimise the design fo, fabrication therefore not be used in the cost models.
and to compore fabrication with alternative pFoc- The role of cost estimation and design for manufacturing in
esses. The application of the models to evaluate the the design process is considered in the following section. The
approach used in developing the cost models presented here,
redesign of a fabricated assembly is demonstrated.
and the resulting models are then described. The use ofthe cost
NOMENCLATURE models in comparing alternative designs is finally demon-
Amaterial S heet materi al ar ea[mm2]
Aoor, [-*']
Proj e cte d p art ar ea Manufacturing Cost Estimation in the
A*"u Cross section al areaof weld seam [--t] Design Process
B rheet Is the part a sheet fboolean]
Design for manufacturing starts with the selection of the
ca Critical alignment with external feature [bool
manufacturing processes most suitable for a part and then
adapting the part's design to those processes. Selection and
F Flexibility [boolean]
adaptation recurs in the design process, at increasing levels of
Lb Bendlength [mm]
refinement and detail. Cost estimation is an integral partofthis
L"r, Length of cut [mm]
process, even if only implicitly. In addition to the cost, other
Lj Length ofweldingj oint [mm]
factors not addressed in this paper also play significant roles,
ffihand I formanual handlirg, 0 formechanical handling
e.g. material constraints imposed by functional requirements,
ffip*t Part mass [kg]
time considerations, companypolicy (such as preference for in-
nangles Number of different angles per part
house manufacture or outsourcing), etc. Process selection
nb Batch size
therefore often involves finding a suitable compromise, in
fthol", Number of holes per part
which cost plays an important role.
frnozrles Number of nozzles on a flame cuffing machine
Pahl and Beitzs divide the design process into four basic
nnstd-angles Number of non-standard angles per part
stages as shown in Figure I . The overall manufacturing process
ns Number of parts per sheet
selection usually has to be done just before or during the
nstd-angles Number of standard angles per part
embodiment design stage, preferably in a concurrent engineer-
nw Number of welding j oints
ing context. Manufacturing process choices mad e atthis stage
,S Size[mm]
t Time per part [s]
t, Critical sheet thickness parameter: I if sheet
is thickerthan 30mm, 0 othenvise.
tld Alignment feature's principal dimension [mm]
t* Material thickness [mm]
e Symmetryangle ["]
eb Bend angle [radians]

The CAD Laboratory at Stellenbosch University developed
manufacturing cost estimation models for mild steel welded
assemblies in small production volumes in South Africa.

* Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Stellenbosch University.

t Member SAlMechE; Dept Mechanical Eng., Stellenbosch Univ
Private Bag X1 , Matieland, 7602. Figure 1: The Design Process. Adapted from Pahl and Beitzs

R & D Journal, 2004, 20 (I) incorporated into The SA Mechanical Engineer 9

Small Volume Fabrication Gosf Estimation Models for Embodiment Design

are expensive to change later, often requiring subs tantialeffort to Eskilandert. The data was gathered by Mareet, Schustel,
in redoing detail designs ofparts and assemblies, and may even Schreve3 and De Sw ardta, through time studies using a video
extend to reworking process and production planning. It is camera or stopwatch. It was explained to the artisans that the
therefore extremely importantthat sound process choices be datawould be used for academic pu{poses. Still, the taking of
made as early as possible. times certainly affected the productivity of the artisans, espe-
Cost estimation during the early design stages is compli- cially when doing video recordings. For one batch of welded
cated by the lack of product information available. Typically, assemblies, the last assembly was recorded with video camera
afterthe concept development stage and during the preliminary and the welders worked notably faster- maybe to show offtheir
embodiment design (or layout design) only rough sketches skill! Unfortunately this can distort the cost models. However,
with the principal dimensions are available. In spite of these the data was gathered over long periods and at four different
challengos, the role ofmanufacturing cost estimation within the facilities. It is the authors' opinion that the sheer amount and
design for manufacturing (DFM) paradigm is well recognised. diversity of the data countered the effect that the measuring of
Leibl et al.6 showed that designers not using a cost estimation times had on the productivity. Therefore, the authors conclude
tool during the early design phases, created products that are that any effect that the recording of times had on the produc-
up to 80% more expensive than the design oftheir counterpart tivity of the artisans does not significantly decrease the accu-
who used a cost estimation tool. They also observed that the racy of the cost models, particularly when the wide variability
designer not using a cost estimation tool took 40-50o/o longer in measured costs is taken into account.
than their counterparts using the cost estimation tool. This Due to the nature of a small production environment, with
clearly indicates that cost estimation during the early phases of much manual labour, the recorded times are very variable. There
design can help to eliminate infeasible concepts quickly, so that often were a few parts in a batch that took significantly longer
designers can focus on the more cost effective concepts. to manufacture than the rest of the parts. During the assembly
A very important aspect ofcost estimation is that it must give of the parts this was often caused by parts that did not fit
the designer feedback to optimise a part' s design for particular properly in the assembly. These times tend to pull the average
processes (Feng et al.1 and Eskilander8). The designer must time ofthe batch unreasonably high. This presented difficulties
know what the cost drivers are, which features of the design in the analysis of the dataand development of the cost models.
carries the most cost and what, if anything, can be done to After consultation with an expert statistician, it was decided to
reduce the manufacturing cost. This information, combined use median values rather than average values and a robust
with the appropriate design rules, must guide the designer to regression statistical method (Hoaglin'') rather than least
minimise the manufacturing cost and meet the cost target. squares regression. In this way the cost model does not
Despite the convincing arguments for advantages of cost penalise the design for bad production practice.
estimation in the design phase, there is a remarkable lack of In the cost models presented here, reasonably efficient
published data and models. Some of the studies relevant to production is assumed. It is the authors' opinion that a design
fabrication processes that were published are the following: must not be penalised for inefficient production settings. A
Boothroyd, et al.e published cost estimation models for various design should however be penalised if some features cause
high-volume processes, but with little attention to fabrication inefficient production. One ofthe reasons for doing a thorough
processes. Esawi and Ashby'o developed a system that helps cost estimation is to identify such aspects of a design. The
designers to eliminate infeasible manufacturing processes and researchers therefore used their judgement to discern situations
it also prevents them from overlooking potential processes, but where cost increases could be attributed to poor production
works at a high level ofabstraction. Farkas and Jilrmairr describe practices and to lessen these effects on the cost models.
a cost model for welding that they use for product optimisation, Preliminary cost models were published by Maree and
but they ignore the other fabrication processes such as bend- Basson'*, schreve et al.'s, and Basson and De Swardtru. The
ing, cutting, etc. Maropoulos et al.12 describe a system for dataand models from this research were combined into one set
fabrication process planning in the early stages of design, but of models and presented here. The most challenging part of
they do not describe the model used. developing these new models is the integration ofDe Swardt'sa
Publications often do not state what production environment models with the rest of the data. He did his time studies on the
their models are aimed tt, even though cost estimation is manufacture ofheavy earth moving equipment, typically dragline
strongly production context sensitive. For example, a cost buckets with acapacity ofup to 168 m'. The rest ofthe datawas
model developed for a mass production environment cannot be collected for assemblies weighing less than 200 kg.
used for products manufactured in job shop or small lot size
envlronment. Cost Models
The value ofcost estimation models during early embodiment Models for flame cutting, bending, tack welding and welding
design is therefore clearly established, but no models applicable assembly are presented here. As indicated above, a time and
to the small production volume fabrication environment were rates approach was used. The cost models therefore relate the
found in the literature. This lead to the development of the manufacturing time to cost drivers, or manufacturing features,
models presented here. on the parts. The estimated times have to be multiplied by
suitable respective rates to give cost estimates. Since the cost
Gost Model Development Approach models are aimed at small production volumes, set-up times (i.e.
The models presented here follow a times and rates approach costs incurred once per batch) play a significant role and are
to cost estimation. This method is intuitive to develop and given separately.
interpret and it is a very popular approach in industry according

10 R & D Journal, 2004, 20 (I) incorporated into The SA Mechanical Engineer

Small Volume Fabrication Cosf Estimation Models for Embodiment Design

Flame Cutting
Flame cutting is the operation where parts are cut from sheet
metal using a blowtorch. The material is mounted on the
machine bed and not moved until all the parts are cut. All the data
gathered for flame cutting operations integrated very well. The unloading time is the time it takes to remove all the parts
In the model presented here, dvariabl e ffihn,dis used. This is and scrap from the machine bed. For the large parts, consider-
simply a boolean variable indicating whether the part is handled able time is spent to remove scrap material from the bed, since
manually or with a lifting aid such as an overhead crane. this is also done with a mechanical aid. The unloading time is:
According to Corlett and ClarckrT parts weighing less than 2lkg
can readily be handled manually. Note also that all the models t : 13 .9m,,o,,t+ 165+ 98( | * nro,",)]( I -ffi no,) (s)
for flame cutting operations are valid for mild steel sheets up to
200mmthick. A grinding operation normally follows flame cutting. De
The set up time includes the time to prepare the machine for Swardta provides a separate model for this.
operation and clean it afterwards. The set up time per part is:
The principal difference between the models ofDe Swardta and
t = L[os8(l - ffihnn,t)+ aaomnonal (1)
Schreve', is that the former models were developed for a 1250
nb ton press, bending material between 6 and 50 mm thick, while the
latter models are for a4tonpress bending material no more than
The time to load the material is a function of the number of 6 mm thick. By integrating the models, handling operations with
parts that fit in one sheet and the area of the raw material. The mechanical aid is now included. The cycle time forthe two press
raw material area is normallynot determinedbythe designer, but brakes differ significantly. The gap is bridged by incorporating
by the production planner. However, sheet metal normally data published by press brake manufacturers. They provide
comes in standard sizes and it should therefore not be difficult approach speed, bending speed, return speed, stroke length,
to make a reasonable estimate ofthe material area. Note that the motor power and bending force for each machine. The bending
time must be reduced not by selecting smaller sheets, which will force required to make a specific bend can be calculated in terms
result in more handling time, but by designing parts for the of the length of the bend, the material thickness and the bend
optimum nesting, since the time is divided by the number of angle. Although bending angle is included in this equation, it
parts per sheet. The loading time is: must be remembered that bending is done in standard dies, so
the designer can minimise the angle, but should keep to the
standard angles. Schreve3 did observe the bending of non-
t = - m hanct)* (r 5.27 A,,,o,o,io, *3 standard angles. In these instances, the stroke length of the
-59)m ha,ct] cl press was changed so that it did not press to the bottom of the
die. In these cases the set up time is longer, since the adjustment
For each cut made with the flame cutter, the flame must first of the stroke length is a trial and effor process.
pierce the material before it can start cutting. This is called The equation for the set up time includes the time to do a die
piercing time. Obviously the designer must try to keep the change (1467 seconds). If all the bends on a partis for the same
number of cuts a small as possible. One piercing operation is angle, the die is not changed. This quantifies the design rule that
done for the outside profile of a partand one per hole. This time the number of different bend angles must be minimised. The
and the cutting time both increase with the material thickness. additional terms in the set up time equation are for operations
Some flame cutters used in the factories where the case studies such as setting the stops and preparing the machine. This is
were done, have four nozzles, therefore the piercing and cutting added per bend. The set up time rs:
time per part decreases if two or more parts can be cut
simultaneously. However, this is a production parameter over
which the designer may not have control or knowledge of. It is ,:L( .1467 1565 n _angl", +g3
- rft,,,d
nsla _u,",""
therefore recommended that, unless other information is n, n ouglu,
-urtgtes -ungt"t ] (6)
I )
available, the designer must assume that the parts are cut one
at a time, thus assuming that h,o,"r",:l . The piercing time is:
The loading and unloading time must be added per bend that
is made. Schreve' found that for parts handled manually, the
r%(t .v ot *+1 4)+1 tt
"(t+n or^) (3)
time depends mostly on the part's projected area. The loading
fl nuul", and unloading time is:

The equation for cutting time is a least squares regression t - l(25 .8Apo,t+ 5. S)mnona+ 98 .5(* oon - I )] (ftrta_onsus* frnstd_and"r)

through tab le datagiven by the nozzle supp liers . Time s me asure d

by De Swardta were slower, but this may have been due to a
inefficient production practices. The cutting time is directly The cycle time per part, as discussed above, is:
proportional to the aggregate length of all the cuts.
l-( 0 .0 5 L ut * 0 o +0 . 67 t, + 2 .8)(n,,, _,, gr", + n n, rd_on gt",) (8)

R & D Journal, 2004, 20 (I) incorporated into The SA Mechanical Engineer 11

Small Volume Fabrication Cosf Estimation Models for Embodiment Design

Note that the bending operation times are only valid for Parameter Value
sheets up to 50mm thick.
a1 0.0003
Tack Weld Assembly
a2 -0.1716
A new model for tack weld assembly had to be derived from the
datacollected by De Swardta and Schreve's3. Note that Schreve's as 0.0043
model already incorporated the data of Mareer and Schustef.
a4 0.1358
Simple integration of their models is not possible, since the
models use different design parameters for cost estimation. The cr-c -6.3877
parameters are summarised in Table l.
The integration led to the regression formula given in equa- a6 0.0006
tion (9). a7 223.8

t : a,* S0+ a tS F+ a tt rf F t* a 4m p o, /x ** a tt74c "t a ut r,,L ** a R2 0.778

s h e e ih z

Table 2: Coefficients of Equation (9)


be driven through a hole in a part to ensure that the hole is

correctly positioned for a shaft passing through it. Critical
De Swardt'sa Model Schreve's3 Model
alignment is determined by location tolerances in the design.
Mass Mass Here, critical alignment is a boole an parameter. If any special
tolerances exist, this parameter must be l. Since the part will
Total length of Joints Total length of Joints already be roughly positioned in the jig, the part size or mass
Material Thickness Size "* cannot be used to scale the fastening time. Rather, the principle
dimension ofthe feature that must be aligned is used. In the case
Number of Welded Joints Syrnmetry ofthe pin and hole example mentioned here, the diameter ofthe
Existence of ln-plane Existence of Critical Alignment hole is used.
Curvature with other parts Finally, the actual tack welding time depends on the length
of the joint, the number of contact surfaces and the material
Flexibility of Part
thickness. Since the parts are positioned in a jig, it is not
*"The definition given by Boothroyd et al.s for manual assembly is necessary to scale this parameter group any funher.
used here The F-statistic for this correlation is well above the critical
Table 1: Comparison of Assembly Model Parameters value (50.4 vs F-critical 2.22) showing that there is a good
statistical relationship between the chosen parameter groups
and the observed times. Also, the t-statistic for each term is
Equation (9) was derived by testing the significance of above the critical value indicating that each term is statistically
various parameter groups using the F- and t-statistics (Walpole significant.
and Myerstt;. The parameter groups given in this equation are However, while this equation gives some valuable insight
the ones remaining after various other groups were shown to into the importance of some of the design parameters, and
be insignificant. despite the good statistical relationship, it is unfortunately not
The equation shows that the assembly time depends on the a very good model. The constant of this equation implies that
size and symmetry of the parts (Boothroyd et al.'sn definitions the assembly time ofmost parts will be at least 223 seconds. This
for size and symmetry are used). The symmetry affects the over estimates most of the parts studied by Schreve'. Further-
orientation time of each part. The size is used to scale the effect more, the model in this form predicted negative times for some
of this symmetry for parts of different size since parts of larger parts. Forcing the constant to be zero did not improve the
size will clearly take longer to orientate. situation.
The orientation time also depends on the flexibility of the The hypothesis that the assembly time is linearly related to
part.Here, flexibility is only aboolean variably, i.e. itwill be 1 if the design parameters was discarded and apower law regression
the designer considers that the part is flexible. Again, size is model was derived. Again, insignificantparameters were elimi-
used to scale the contribution of flexibility. nated using statisti cal analysis. Interestingly it was found that
The third group of parameters reflects the time to join sheet the best correlation, in terms of the observed statistical param-
metal parts, normally in a butt weld configuration. It was found eters (Rt ,F- and t-statistics) was obtained by using only the part
that the length ofthejoint and the material thickness determines mass and length ofthejoints. The F-statistic forthis correlation
the time to assemble parts in this configuration. is 229.4 vs. the 50.4 observed for the linear correlation given
It will take longer ifthere are more contact surfaces that must above. The assembly time is:
be aligned before welding can commence. This is reflected in the
fourth parameter group. In this case it was found that it is best
t:17 *ii!,e fl24e mpart< I 3 I 90 kg,Lf 5253mm (I 0)
to scale the effect ofthe number ofcontact surfaces with the part
Critical alignment with other parts outside the welded assem- Note that the time in equation ( 10) is the time per part in the
bly requires special attention during assembly, e.g. a pin might assembly. Thus, the number ofparts per assembly is implicitly

12 R & D Journal, 2004, 20 (I) incorporated into The SA Mechanical Engineer

Small Volume Fabrication Cosf Estimation Models for Embodiment Design

also a cost driver. Final Welding Time

The R2 statistic of the regression is 0.836, somewhat better A final welding step follows the tack weld assembly. Often the
than the regression result for equation (9). While this equation assembly is taken out ofthe j ig and welded elsewhere. Here, De
is simple to use and gives a good result, it does not provide much
Swardt'sa model for welding is simplified so that it is suitable for
design insight. The attempt at integrating the models for assem-
use during the early stages of embodiment design. His original
bly basically showed that cost estimation is very domain model requires that the designer must have knowledge of the
dependent. This is illustrated by the fact that the average mass welding electrode that will be used. By using average values of
of the parts studied by Schreve'is 3.96 kg and those of De the electrode parameters, the welding time is
Swardta is 554 kg. Furthermore, in the factories where Schreve3
did his time studies, jigs are used extensively and parts are
assembled in batches of 20 or more. In De Swardt'sa case jigs *fin",,0(+)*ruo"u"nro(k')*.ott B An"td L i (1 1)
are used much less due to the sheer size ofthe parts and the very
small production volumes. It is therefore the authors' opinion
that a model such as equation ( l0) be used for preliminary cost The equation is derived with the ave ragewelding parameters
estimation only, typically during process selection as sug- for I .6mm flux core wire. It includes the arc time as well as fettling
gested by Esawi and Ashbyto. The model is ideally suited for time, repositioning time and electrode change time. Equations
this pu{pose since it requires only a rough idea ofwhat the part for other welding processes such as MIG or TIG welding will
will look like in order to estimate the mass and length of the have the same form; the constants will simply be different.
joints. Together with knowledge of the number of parts in the These constants can be derived by using De Swardt'sa model
assembly, u reasonable estimate of the cost can be obtained. and substituting the relevant average process parameters. So,
Equation ( l0) was derived from time measurements for 93 if the designer knows beforehand which welding process will
different parts. In the instances where time studies were done be used, he/she can change the welding parameters as required.
for batches ofmore than one parts, the median time for the batch However, the equation in its current form for flux cored welding
was used to derive the regression formula. Then, statistical already gives good time estimates even if other welding pro-
tolerance limits were derived. The result ofthe statistical analy- cesses are used. This will be demonstrated in the case study.
sis is given in Table 3 and the measured and estimated times are In the case study, SMAW and MIG welding were used, but the
compared in Figure 2.Theeffor is the ratio ofdifference between time estimates were done with equation (11). Schreve3 gives
the estimated time and the measured time to the measured time, correlations for SMAW and MIG welding.
expressed as a percentage.
Accuracy lssues
Many cost models reported in the literature claim that it can
predict the cost to within l0% or even better. However, the
Minimum Value -77.40%
experience ofthe authors is that in the small production volume
Maximum Value 301.35% environment, such high accuracy cannot be expected. For
example, in one batch ofseven welded assemblies, the tackweld
Sample Size 93
assembly time varied by more than 30% from the averugetime.
Mean 19.44% The reason is that in a small production volume environment,
most of the work is done manually. The artisan is also often
Standard Deviation 75.600/0
required to plan the job and interpret the drawings. Often parts
Lower Limit -123.360/0 that do not fit in the assembly are reworked immediately instead
of rejecting them, as might be the case in a mass production
Upper Limit 162.25%
environment. Furtheffnore, in very large batches irregularities
Table 3. Summary of Assembly Error Distribution in the production time are averaged out so that the aggregate
time for the batch will be very close to the estimated time.
Thus, it is the authors' opinion that cost estimation in a small
production volume environment cannot be as accurute as cost
1 0000 estimation in a mass production environment. Uncertainty in
o the estimated costs of about 30% is probably typical.
.E 000
F 1
Case Study
E The cost models presented here, together with cost models for
o 100
o other processes reported by Mareer, Schustef, Schreve3 and
t, De Swardta, were incorporated in a computer program. With this
G 10 program the user builds an assembly tree ofthe project arrd adds
o the relevant fabrication processes (this can be considered to be

a concept process plan, suitable for manufacturability assess-
1 10 100 1000 10000 ment during early phases of embodiment design). The input
Measured Assembly Time [s] parameters for the cost estimation models are calculated and
entered by hand. This program was used to do the case study
Figure 2: Comparison of Assembly Time Estimate and Measured Times reported here. The program uses the simplified assembly model
(Note that logarithmic scales are used on both axes) presented in equation (10).

R & D Journal, 2004, 20 (I) incorporated into The SA Mechanical Engineer 13

Small Volume Fabrication Cost Estimation Models for Embodiment Design




o 40000


1 0000

Original Redesign

Figure 4: Comparison of Fabricatlon Times

and J6rrnai' ', shows that the optirnal dimensions of a welded

Figure 3: Side Loader Assemblies
assembly do depend on the applied welding method.

In order to validate the cost estimation models presented In this paper cost estimation rnodels, using a times and rates
here, the fabrication time oftwo side loader assemblies (Figure approach, are presented for fabricated assernblies made in small
3) are compared with the tirne estimated using the new cost production volumes. The models are intended for use in the
rnodels. The first side loader consists of 99 parts and weights early embodiment design phase and therefore only parameters
l30kg. Mareer redesigned the side loader and applied the readily available to a designer at this stage are used in the
Design for Assernbly rules. The redesigned side loader has 4l rnodels. The rnodels can help the designer to optimise the
parts and weights 121kg. He also ffleasured the fabrication times design for fabrication cost since it links the cost to the design
for both assemblies. parameters. It can be used to help the designer in selecting an
The total predicted fabrication times are colnpared with the appropriate manufacturing process if the cost estimated with
ffreasured times in Figure 4. The times are over estimated by 28% these models can be compared to the manufacturing cost of
and 7o/o respectively. It is also very interesting to note that the alternative processes. The fabrication time of two assemblies
reduction in fabrication time observed for the redesigned side were estimated with accuracy colnmensurate with a small pro-
loader is proportional to the reduction in the number ofparts of duction volume environment. This result was achieved with a
the assembly. very simplified assernbly model, which can be applied to parts
It took 4h27min to do the cost estimate ofthe original design weighing between a few hundred grams and five ton.
and t h 4Ornin for the redesign. It took less time to estimate the
cost of the redesigned side loader because it consists of fewer Acknowledgements
parts and because solne of the parts are common to both The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of the
assemblies and thus it was not necessary to repeat their Foundation for Research Development and the Stellenbosch
estimates. Most of the time goes into calculating the input University Research Committee, as well as the invaluable con-
parameters, such as the mass of the part, section areas, etc. tribution of the various industries that gave access to their
Many of these parameters will be readily available if CAD manufacturing facilities and support during the data gathering.
drawings ofthe parts were available - which may not necessar-
ily be the case during embodiment design. This was not the case References
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R & D Journal, 2004, 20 (I) incorporated into The SA Mechanical Engineer 15

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