Elearning Orientation Worksheet

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eLearning Orientation Worksheet


1. Read each section of the Orientation carefully so you can better find your way around the
2. Complete the table below as you complete the various sections of your orientation (save as you
go). If a section is greyed out, there is nothing you need to add to that box.
3. Once you have completed all sections, submit the file to the Dropbox entitled ‘Orientation’.
Unit 1 content will only be unlocked after you have submitted this assignment.

First and last name:

Orientation Section Question/Task Your response

Take a Quiz What ‘rating’ were you given at the end The rating I was given at the end
of the quiz? the quiz was beginner.
(e.g. Beginner)
Online Tools Take the quiz ‘How well do you know your The score I was given was a 67%
way around the virtual learning but on my second attempt I
environment?’ and record your score. finished with a 100%.
Discussion Identify 3 ways you can ‘add bling’ to your Three possible ways one could
discussion posts. 'add bling' to their discussion
post is by inserting a video,
image or a audio recording.
Messages View videos—no task.
Assignments Identify a specific example of each of the Written products:
*a.k.a Dropbox 4 main ways you can demonstrate your An example of a written product
learning. I would be interested in using to
demonstrate my learning is a
pamphlet/brochure. My
understanding for my work
would best be represented by
this product because it holds a
creative element of design to it
while also give large amounts of
detail in short concise sentences
or paragraphs.
Interactive products:
An example of a interactive
product I would like to use when
showing my understanding for
learning is creating a radio talk
show/ podcast. I think it would a
fun and captivating way to
displace my understanding as
well as being used for a tool to
keep me focused and enjoying
the products of my learning.
Visual products:

Multimedia products:

Question 1: How do I Review the information in the ‘Managing At what time of day are you
learn online? your time’ section. Answer the questions mostly likely going to be doing
in the next box over  your summer school work?

Identify something else that will

take up your time while you are
completing this course (e.g. part-
time job, travel, etc.):

Review the ‘Setting Goals’ section then Identify your top Motivator for
answer the questions in the next box  taking this course:

Click on the ‘Next’ button at the

bottom of the Motivator list.
Identify your top goal for this

Review the ‘Learning Skills and Work Complete the Learning Skills
Habits’ section. Complete the drag and Reflection then indicate your
drop activity then answer the questions in results below:
the next box 


Independent Work:



Question 2: How do I OPTIONAL: Review material in this
know that I am doing section. No task to complete.
Question 3: How do I OPTIONAL: Review material in this
connect with others? section. No task to complete.
Question 4: How do I OPTIONAL: Review material in this Note: You may want to carefully
manage my digital section. No task to complete. read the section on Academic
footprint? Honesty!
More Tools Add some information to your profile. A
photo of yourself really helps me to
associate your work with a real person 
Profile and Progress Skip this section.

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